Pacific Northwesterners are a breed all their own. And when it comes to parenting, we do it a little differently in the Emerald City. We pack our kiddos into Subarus. Those bad boys carry car seats a-plenty. We do our weekly shopping at the farmer’s market. Organic, locally sourced is how we roll. And those Hunter rain boots we wear? Let’s just say practical fashion is trademark Pacific Northwest. Read on to find out the 26 other signs that mark you as a Seattle parent – then let us know in the comment section which ones you identify with the most!

1. You’ve got the secret routes that bypass I-5 traffic to the Woodland Park Zoo, the Seattle Children’s Museum and the Aquarium memorized.

2. Your rainy day activity playbook takes up a whole legal pad.

3. That spare towel you carry in the car works just as well to dry off a wet slide as it does to towel off the kiddos after an impromptu beach visit.

4. You were making your own organic baby food before it was en vogue.

5. You understand that outdoor swimming lessons include a little rain…even in August. And possibly a wet suit for warmth.

6. Your kids have every imaginable combination of rain gear: hats, boots, pants, coats, umbrellas. But no snow pants.

7. You know the location of every drive-thru coffee shop in the city by heart.

8. It’s possible you bought your Bob stroller and cute Lulu pants to look stylish while strolling around Green Lake.

9. Your little one is a zulily model. Or you neighbor’s kiddo is.

10. You’ve got a wardrobe full of fleece, ranging from playdate casual to special occasion date night, and everything in between.

11. When ordering a drink, your mini me asks for a “tall skinny plain milk,” even when she’s not at Starbucks.

12. The back of your car is packed with toys for every imaginable weather combination: rainy, sunny, or both.

13. When it comes to strollers at Pike Place Market, you definitely know better.

14. Your younger years of late night Pearl Jam and Presidents of the USA concerts have been replaced by toddler moshes with Eddie Vedder’s kids at a Caspar Babypants show.

15. You and the Littles run for shade when the thermometer hits 70, because it’s “too hot.”

16. When your mini me asks to go to a football game, you have the check the season to know if she means Sounders or Seahawks.

17. Your budding artist wonders why there’s no Starbucks’ Green in his Crayola box.

18. Anything over 65 degrees is considered pool time, as far as your kids are concerned.

19. After “mama,” your baby’s first word was “Microsoft.”

20. Your kids eat kimchi, sushi, and kale. Willingly.

21. Your kiddos count chickens as pets.

22. You know that parks are made for playing on, even when it’s raining.

23. One word: ZooTunes

24. You schedule play dates with seals, sea lions, orcas and eagles for your mini crew.

25. You know that sometimes the Eastside really is just too far for a playdate.

26. When it comes to your kiddo’s favorite “dj’s,” it’s a toss up between Ross Reynolds, Steve Scher and Marcie Sillman.

Now it’s your turn! Share your sure sign of Seattle mom (or dad) membership in a comment below. 

–Allison Sutcliffe

Photos thanks to amazing Seattle mamas: Kathleen Helms, Marcy Grantor, Bethany Roullett, Christina Miller, Kristina Moy, Bonnie Jones Gilbert and Karen Stensrude Huling