Too many children are being forced to meet expectations they were never meant to fulfill. Outside-the-box kids were made differently and distinctly with gifts, talents, and purposes. And these outside-the-box kids must be equipped with our love and support to thrive in this world.

We adopted an outside-the-box, high-needs child almost 6 years ago. When our son hit 18 months, he began to destroy our home and our family. His horrific and uncontrollable behaviors included aggression, destruction, and dangerous thrill-seeking acts. He screamed all. day. long. for about three years straight. And he did not sleep more than two hours a time for almost a year and a half. That, of course, made things astronomically worse.

Fortunately, however, God used this four-year experience of misery to radically change me as a mom. During that time, I developed relationships with amazing pediatric specialists. My son’s volatility was beyond anything I could handle on my own, and it forced me into counseling as I faced my own internal junk, which was severely impacting my ability to cope well. God allowed this all to completely transform me as a mother, wife, friend, and educator.

Most importantly, that transformation completely saved my relationship with my biological daughter. Honestly, I believe it has actually saved her life!

Saving My Daughter

At the time that we adopted my son, we had no idea that our daughter was an outside-the-box kid longing to thrive. We didn’t know that she was an Aspie girl. For years, I tried to make her into a social butterfly like her older sister and me. I didn’t understand why she was so “shy.” I worried about her heightened sensitivity level. Her tears, her emotions… I wanted to “fix” her. When she would not do what I wanted when I wanted it, I would become frustrated with her.

And she felt it. She felt my disappointment as well as the disappointment of others when she could not be who they wanted her to be. It kills me to think about what she must have felt about herself knowing that she was never “enough.”

Being “different” was not what made her feel less-than. Nope. It was the messages she was receiving from the world around her—most importantly, in her own home. She was constantly receiving messages that told her she needed to be someone she was not created to be. This is what could have potentially destroyed her sense of self.

I fight the tears right now as I think about what she would have felt and believed about herself if I had continued parenting her with the idea that she needed to be someone different.  Someone who the world wants her to be.

An Overlooked & Suffering Population

Aspie girls are suffering so much… for so many reasons. One of the most crucial reasons that these girls are suffering is because they are being misdiagnosed. They are being completely overlooked because Aspie girls (currently diagnosed as Autism Spectrum Disorder based upon DSM-V) present so differently than boys, and the criteria has been based upon boys. The mental health implications of being missed are astronomical:

  • Anxiety

  • Anorexia

  • Depression

  • Suicide

  • Trauma

Our outside-the-box girls are everywhere, and they do not have to suffer in this way. But sadly, so many have been told throughout their formative years that they are not enough. That they are inherently defective. They have been told that they should not be who they were created to be. That their interests are “weird” and they must change to be accepted. That they must shove their outside-the-box selves into the one-size-fits-all “norm” in order to be valued and loved.

Can you imagine living your life like this? So what do these outside-the-box girls do? What do so many of our outside-the-box kids do?

They hide. at home. alone. There are likely millions of outside-the-box kids out there who are not thriving.

Kids with ADHD, Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, Auditory Processing Disorder, Learning Differences, Aspies, introverts… whatever. It doesn’t matter if they have a diagnosis or not. Who cares?!!! These kids are everywhere!

Why are we forcing so many gifted, loving, talented, and brilliant people onto the hamster wheel of mental illness?!

‘I’m not good enough.’

‘I always screw up.’

‘I said the wrong thing.’

‘The noise was just too much and I couldn’t handle it.’

‘I cannot focus in a room full of other kids.’

‘What is wrong with me?’

The messages that our children consistently receive from the world are most often the ones that plague them for the rest of their lives.

How many more kids have to scream for help through drug abuse, cutting, suicide, etc… before we take a good look at this one-size-fits-all system that is failing so many children?

We Need to Value Neurodiversity

We say that we value diversity in this country, and yet we have a system set up for one type of child. Our kids have gifts and talents and hearts that just want to love and be loved. Oftentimes, we try to raise our unique kids using the “world’s” expectations as our goal. When our young kids cannot take it any longer, they explode… often times behaviorally. I have learned, by God’s grace, that our children are gifts to this world and need to be raised in a way that allows them to thrive and shine.

Moms, Let’s Be Willing to Parent Differently

Moms, we need one another to be brave for our differently gifted children. Our precious kids who simply long to be their unique selves without constantly butting up against a culture that believes they are inherently defective. Let us rally together and be brave enough to allow our children to flourish as their unique selves regardless of what the parenting peanut gallery says. Let’s put on the mom glasses that allow us to see the gifts, passions, and hearts behind our unique children and then equip them to thrive!

Lindsay Leiviska (MA Teaching) is a homeschool mom of three with over 20+ years experience working with children. The adoption of her son 6 years ago transformed her as a mom. She began A Heart for All Students with the mission is empower outside-the-box kids by equipping their amazing mommas. 

When Hillary Weidner posted a pic of her kiddos’ lemonade stand, the mom to three never expected what would happen next.

Weidner, and best friend Amanda Zerbe, have a combined six children. Zerbe’s five-year-old son Jack set up the stand over Labor Day weekend, and Weidner’s kids joined in on the fun. In 45 minutes the Weidner-Zerbe lemonade stand made a whopping $148.

Instead of using the money on toys and candy, the families decided to donate the earnings to the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital—where Weidner’s oldest daughter Beatrice received a liver transplant. Born with a rare liver disease, Beatrice needed a transplant to thrive and survive. Luckily, her mom was a perfect match. Weidner told Good Morning America, “It was a crazy, traumatic, amazing experience.” She went on to add, “We owe so much to the hospital.”

The two moms decided to take a pic of their combined families with an over-sized check for the $148 donation. Weidner posted the photo on Instagram with a request for matching donations to the hospital via Venmo.

The photo, and request, went viral—with the donation total climbing to over $125,000!

—Erica Loop

Featured photo: Hillary Weidner via Instagram 



Mom’s “There’s No Trophy” Post Goes Viral & It’s Spot On

This Grandpa Creates Inclusive Crocheted Dolls with Vitiligo

This Bus Driver Went Above & Beyond for a Little Boy Who Was Nervous About School

Photo: Daniela Dimitrova via Pixabay

Every parent wants the best for their child. Because you want them to succeed and probably never want them to feel sad, frustrated, embarrassed, or anxious, it’s all too easy to fall into the trap of trying to control every experience your child has. Not only is this impossible, however, but it’s also not going to set your child up for success in life.

An overbearing parenting st‌yle doesn’t usually yield the best results. So what can you do instead to raise confident, resilient kids? Take your cues from modern leadership theory and learn how to be a transformational parent.

The Power of Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership is one of the most successful leadership styles in the modern workplace because it focuses on motivating and encouraging employees instead of relying on micromanagement or authoritarian tactics. This leadership style is respectful, encourages creativity and innovation, and empowers people in the workplace to grow and thrive. Successful transformational leaders are good role models and provide inspiration, support, and guidance, but ultimately trust their employees to make good decisions and to do things their own way.

Leadership skills that you can develop from an MBA aren’t just useful for your career, but also in navigating your family and personal relationships. Transformational parenting helps kids learn strong values and become their own people. Children thrive under the power of transformational leadership and learn to become more self-sufficient, confident, and feel motivated to push themselves to greater heights.

How Kids and Teens Respond to Transformational Parenting

Today, parents must protect their children from a host of threats. Vaping, the latest danger threatening adolescents, is especially troublesome. Statistics show that 18% of eighth-graders have tried e-cigarettes, which is enough to make any parent want to watch their child 24/7. Unfortunately, you can’t protect your kids from these kinds of dangers by trying to force them to do your bidding.

Instead of using an authoritarian approach and telling your kids they’re forbidden from doing something, it’s better to use a transformational approach and encourage individual decision-making while establishing rational boundaries. This involves not only modeling the correct behavior but also explaining why limits are placed and listening carefully and responding thoughtfully to your child’s feelings and opinions on the subject.

Kids whose parents approach tough subjects like vaping with communication and respect for their views and ability to make decisions often respond by making healthy decisions, rather than rebelling against authority.

Mutually Realized Growth Through Transformational Parenting

One of the most interesting and powerful aspects of transformational parenting is that it helps both children and their parents grow, evolve, and heal. Because the transformational approach requires you to assess your own feelings and reactions when making parenting decisions, you’re likely to learn a lot about yourself and feel motivated to take responsibility for your behavior. After all, one of the essentials of transformational parenting is being a good role model.

We all have wounds from earlier in our lives, which are often acquired during childhood. It’s all too easy to pass those wounds on to our own children if we don’t consciously acknowledge them and actively rewrite the narrative for the next generation. Through transformational parenting, you will grow and heal while helping to prevent secondhand trauma in your children’s lives.

Tempering Your Expectations

At its core, transformational parenting is all about letting go of your own expectations and trusting your child to build an identity that makes them happy, fulfilled, and productive. You will guide them along the way, but good transformational parenting involves knowing when to step back.

Your child is an individual. While they may look just like you, in reality, they’re their own person with their own needs and desires. Your ambitions and visions for their life have no place in transformational parenting. If they want to become a doctor, they will. But if they want to make art and live in a commune, that’s okay too.

A lot of parenting is tempering your expectations. Your kids will do best when you encourage and support them without forcing them down a particular path. The best part? By practicing transformation parenting, you’ll probably find yourself feeling happier and more relaxed because you won’t be on edge (as much) about test scores, future athletic prospects, or college applications.

Instead, you’ll get to enjoy the ride—and see what an incredible person your child becomes.

Sarah Daren has been a consultant for startups in industries including health and wellness, wearable technology, and education. She implements her health knowledge into every aspect of her life, including her position as a yoga instructor and raising her children. Sarah enjoys watching baseball and reading on the beach. 

Dannette Giltz got the surprise of a lifetime. The South Dakota mom though kidney stones were the culprit behind sharp back pains, but as it turns out something much larger was the cause.

Giltz did what most of us would when she experienced unexplained pain—she went to the hospital. The mama expected to hear that she’d need surgery, telling KOTA News, “I started getting pains, I figured it was kidney stones because I’ve went through them before.”

When Giltz arrived at the hospital the doctors informed her that kidney stones weren’t the root of her problem. Instead, she was in labor—with twins!

As if the news of twins wasn’t a shock in itself, Giltz was about to get an even bigger surprise. The mom told KOTA News, of her labor and delivery, “It was quiet, we thought they were done. He’s over there, kind of like rocking like, thinking of the names and then she’s like well we need another blanket and his reaction is like excuse me, put it back, no, I was told I have twins, I’m not doing triplets. She’s like no, there’s three babies in here, there’s triplets.”

Not only did Giltz have no idea she was pregnant. The mama had naturally conceived triplets and carried them to 34 weeks. Giltz added, “Everyone’s like I can’t believe it, I’m like we’re still in shock, trust me, we know what you mean like I go to the doctor’s thinking I’ll have surgery for kidney stones and end up going into labor with a c-section that night. It’s crazy.”

Even though Giltz didn’t know she was pregnant, the triplets are thriving. According to her Facebook page, “Updated picture of the triplets they are 5 days old tonight doing good progression is perfect hopefully they keep it up and next couple of days they should be coming home.”

—Erica Loop

Featured photo: Wish TV via YouTube



This Mom Celebrated the First Day of School By Going to Disney World… Alone

9 Nurses Who Work Together Just Had 9 Babies & the Pics Are Adorable

This Baby Celebrated Turning 2 Months with an Epic “Toy Story” Party

The lunchboxes they’re using this year put a brown bag to shame. Make sure you fill it with the foods your crew will love by shopping at Thrive Market. Here are five reasons parents are choosing Thrive Market for all their back-to-school (and beyond) shopping needs.

Convenience. Online grocery shopping makes the whole process stress-free. Thrive Market offers free shipping on orders over $49 and will include a free item, like a new granola bar to try or almond butter. Perk: your order will ship in two days or less.

Brands. Find products and foods from your favorite brands like Happy Baby, Late July, Banza, Annie’s, Lotus Foods, Rao’s, Seventh Generation, Honest Kids and more. Or, shop the highly-rated Thrive Market Goods brand for pantry staples like olive oil, almond flour and apple cider vinegar.

Shop by Value or Diet. Thrive Market allows you to sort its 6,000+ products by 12 diets (Keto, Paleo, AIP), 35 ingredients, and 29 environmental or social values (Non-GMO, Preservative-Free, Grass Fed and Plant-Based). Perk: Thrive Market offers pre-selected boxes based on your diet or its value, which means you don’t have to think about what to buy.

Thrive Market does good. Try it free for 30 daysAfter your free trial, the $60 annual membership will provide a free membership to a low-income family, student, teacher, veteran or first responder so they can also access Thrive Market’s quality goods.

Discounted prices. See below for some popular products (and discounts!), including Dr. Bronner’s, Mrs. Meyers and Annie’s. If you don’t save at least $60, Thrive Market will give you the difference in credit after you renew your membership.


Single-Serve Whole Milk ($14.49)



Amazon is serving up nine million school breakfasts! That is, the mega internet retailer is helping to provide more than 50,000 with free school meals.

In collaboration with Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry campaign, Amazon is helping children to start their school day off right. According to the Food Research and Action Center, more than half of American children who qualify for free school breakfasts get this all-important morning meal. Now with Amazon’s commitment to end hunger in the community, this stat doesn’t need to be a reality.

photo: Lukas via Pexels

Pamela Pansa, Local Food Nutrition Service Director at Crete-Monee School District 201-U in Illinois, said in a press statement, “Kids can’t learn when they are hungry. I know that breakfast is vital to our student’s ability to focus.” On Amazon’s efforts, Pansa went on to say, “Amazon’s support enables us to strengthen our breakfast program and ensure each student has access to the food they need to learn and thrive.”

As part of Amazon’s larger effort, “Right Needs Now,” the school breakfast program is part of the company’s effort to increase access to basic needs—such as food and shelter. Alice Shobe, Director, Amazon in the Community said, of the program, “This is why we focus on helping to remove the most basic barriers to education.” Shobe also added, “At Amazon, we want all children, regardless of background, to have the resources to build their best future.”

—Erica Loop



American School Lunches Will Soon Offer Fewer Healthy Options for Kids

This Company Wants to Give Teachers the Gift of Sight at a Discount

This Expert Wants Later School Start Times. Here’s Why

Raising kids can easily be equated with growing flowers: they both require nurturing to thrive, but the type of flower also makes a big difference in what that nurturing looks like. According to an expert, the same is true for different types of kids, and he has an answer to the question what’s an “orchid” child and how do you raise one?

Dr. Thomas Boyce, an emeritus professor of pediatrics and psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco, is the author of a new book titled The Orchid and the Dandelion: Why Some Children Struggle and How All Can Thrive. He was interviewed recently on NPR’s Fresh Air where he explains that the majority of kids can be classified as “dandelions” because they are generally able to cope with stress and challenges in a healthy way.

photo: Petra Kebler via Unsplash

Orchid children, on the other hand, are more sensitive to both good and bad environments. They have biological reactions to their experiences which makes it difficult to cope with stress. Boyce conducted research in a laboratory setting to observe primary stress response systems in kids. One test measured the stress hormone cortisol and the other looked at the autonomic nervous system, otherwise known as the “fight-or-flight” system.

“We found that there were huge differences (among) children,” Boyce told NPR. “There were some children at the high end of the spectrum who had dramatic reactivity in both the cortisol system and the fight-or-flight system, and there were other children who had almost no biological response to the challenges that we presented to them.”

Boyce recommends that parents of orchid children can help their kids by being supportive and not trying to change them. They should also encourage their kids to try to move outside of their comfort zone. He told NPR, “I think that this is probably the most difficult parenting task in raising an orchid child. The parent of an orchid child needs to walk this very fine line between, on the one hand, not pushing them into circumstances that are really going to overwhelm them and make them greatly fearful, but, on the other hand, not protecting them so much that they don’t have experiences of mastery of these kinds of fearful situations.”

—Shahrzad Warkentin



New Study Finds Teens Worry about This the Most. Here’s What Parents Can Do

Study Finds Kids Have the Energy of Endurance Athletes as Parents Say “No Duh”

Is Screen Time That Harmful to Kids? (Yet Another) Study Weighs In

The latest big breakup isn’t between two superstar celebs. Instead, it’s The Gap and Old Navy that are parting ways.

The Gap recently announced the split, detailing what will happen to the two brands. Old Navy, which has seen stellar success in the past few years, will stand alone. The Gap, Athleta, Banana Republic, Intermix and Hill City will now all fall under the umbrella of a still yet-to-be-named new parent company.

photo: Mike Mozart via Flickr/Composite: Keiko Zoll

So why are the brands splitting? Gap Inc.’s Board Chairman, Robert Fisher, said, in a press statement, “Following a comprehensive review by the Gap Inc. Board of Directors, it’s clear that Old Navy’s business model and customers have increasingly diverged from our specialty brands over time, and each company now requires a different strategy to thrive moving forward.”

Fisher also added, “Recognizing that, we determined that pursuing a separation is the most compelling path forward for our brands—creating two separate companies with distinct financial profiles, tailored operating priorities and unique capital allocation strategies, both well positioned to achieve their strategic goals and create significant value for our customers, employees and shareholders.”

What does the split mean for you? If you’re an Old Navy customer, look for more good things to come. But if you’re a fan of The Gap, you may need to find a new mall fave to shop. According to recent reports, Gap Inc. plans on closing 230 specialty stores over the next few years—with the majority being in the United States.

As of now, Gap Inc. hasn’t announced specific store closures or given any word on the fate of Gap Kids. The Gap (now and post-Old Navy split) will still have an e-commerce presence, making it possible for you to buy from the brand online.

—Erica Loop



J. Crew’s crewcuts Launches a Sweet New Kids’ Collab with Gunner & Lux

Target’s Perfectly Preppy vineyard vines Collab Has Us Dreaming of Summer

Target Plus Is the Big Red Bullseye Retailer’s Answer to Amazon

STEM careers are rapidly growing and yet the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that there won’t be enough computer science graduates to fill the demand. Amazon is looking to change that with a pivotal investment in students through its Amazon Future Engineer program.

Amazon announced it will fund computer science courses in more than 1,000 high schools across the country. This investment is part of the $50 million the company has pledged towards computer science and STEM education in the United States. More than 700 of those high schools are classified as Title I, meaning they primarily serve students from low-income communities.

photo: Courtesy of Amazon

“We want to ensure that every child, especially those from underprivileged communities, has an opportunity to study computer science,” said Jeff Wilke, CEO Worldwide Consumer for Amazon. “We are excited more than 1,000 schools will now provide these courses, and look forward to adding 1,000 more schools over the coming months.”

The funding will provide for Intro to Computer Science and AP Computer Science classes through curriculum provider, Edhesive. This will include preparatory lessons, tutorials, professional development for teachers, curriculum for students and live online support for teachers and students. All students participating in the program will receive a free membership to AWS Educate, which provides them with free access to the AWS Cloud for their coding projects and tutorials on cloud computing.

“Our students are hungry for computer science education, but we could not get the funding to bring this class to our school,” said Chad Bobb, a teacher at Pike High School, a Title I school in Indianapolis, Indiana. “Amazon Future Engineer allows us to open our students’ eyes to something that is both interesting and can lead them into rewarding, thriving careers.”

—Shahrzad Warkentin



Your Kid Can Read New Kids’ Books from Around the World, Thanks to Amazon

Amazon Delivery Robots Are Here & Honestly, It Was Only a Matter of Time

What Is Amazon for Teens? Exactly What Is Sounds Like, & We Love It

What’s the secret to marital happiness? For Ayesha Curry’s marriage to NBA star Stephen Curry, it means putting her husband first—before their kids.

The couple, who have a two daughters, Riley, 6, and Ryan, 3, and son Canon, 6 months, have been married for eight years. By the looks of it, theirs is a pretty happy marriage. In a recent interview with Hello Giggles, Ayesha explained the secret to their success.

“Both of our parents are still married and have been married for 30-plus years, and the one thing that they both shared with us—some through learning it the hard way, some through just making sure that they do it—is just making sure that we put each other first, even before the kids, as tough as that sounds,” she said.

Of course putting your relationship first is easier said than done, especially when you have really young kids. Ayesha explained why it’s worth the effort, however. “Putting ourselves first, and making sure that we make time for date nights and for each other. That’s been very important, as hard as it is. Because when you become a parent, you want to put your kids first, and we do, but we do it second to our relationship. Because ultimately, when our relationship is good, the kids are happy and they’re thriving and our family life is good. We have to put that into perspective and realize that it’s not us being selfish, it’s making sure we set a strong foundation.”

—Shahrzad Warkentin

Featured photo: Courtesy Coeur de La Photography



Steph Curry Steps Up for 9-Year-Old Girl Who Asked Why His Sneaks Only Come in Boys’ Sizes

Kristen Bell’s Marriage Tip Is Peak #MarriedLife #Goals & So Good for the Kids

Kristen Bell Made Dax Shepard Cry on His Birthday & Now We’re ALL Crying