There was a glittery purple tricycle at the preschool I attended. High in demand, each day at recess time a gaggle of girls—myself included—would rush to grab it first.

Interestingly, it was a disappointing experience once the battle of the tricycle was over. Once the rider mounted it and began pedaling, the bumpy, jerky motion revealed an unfortunate reality: the tricycle frame was bent, resulting in a wobbly, lackluster ride. The back left wheel was about two inches higher than the other wheels. Even back then it was evident that each wheel relied on each other to make the experience successful, and the frame must be a strong support for the wheels.

I rode on through my childhood and grew into a larger, two wheeled road boke with a banana seat. In high school, I begrudgingly rode my 10-speed Schwinn bike to school until I could drive.

In college, occasionally (and by “occasionally” I mean, like twice) I rode a mountain bike on some local LA trails with friends.

Marriage and then early motherhood brought that concept of balance to a standstill—once a high school English teacher, I was now staying at home with little ones. I discovered alcohol was the answer to quiet my stress and insecurities.

Eventually I discovered I was back on that purple glittery tricycle, if only figuratively. It looked exciting and seductive at first glance, but it revealed its’ failures once I started riding it. Jolting along, I became tipsy and I began to see and feel everything from a shaky, unstable perspective. An off-kilter experience revealed that same sense of disappointing imbalance.

Summer days as young mom were spent outside in the cul-de-sac, watching my own kids whirling around on tricycles, on scooters and big wheels. I remember how awful I felt inside, suffering from a self-induced case of persistent guilt and shame, fueled by alcohol. I had lost balance physically, mentally and emotionally. I was rotting from the inside out. I knew my kids could feel the ripple effect of my constant inability to find and maintain a steady sense of self.

Each morning I’d wake up stunned and demoralized, my shaky hands attempted to finish my eyeliner. My goal was to achieve a decent look instead of what had become my usual jagged makeup job: A makeup job one might wear if they were on their way to see the group “Kiss” in concert. The day dragged on until the arrival of a respectable drinking hour. Then vodka in my coffee cup would surely at least temporarily mute the deafening screams of reality, which reminded me every day my kids were growing up in front of my glazed-over eyes.

Finally, I reached a fork in the road. A turning point. This was my night in jail, after being arrested for a DUI. Ironically, the roadside sobriety test administered is partially about balance. I didn’t have the ability to walk on the line without leaning and falling over. It was the soul annihilating moment when I had to face the fact that I was utterly addicted to alcohol, and I might lose my family.

That night in jail, I stood at the proverbial end of the road. I could choose to turn one way and keep drinking, or I could choose the other way and try to quit. Two seemingly terrifying options. I knew if I wanted to try to keep my family life together, I was going to have to turn in the direction requiring me to give up booze. It seemed like the harder option, but lowly, one painful hour at a time became one day at a time. One day at a time became one month at a time. Once month at a time became one year at a time. All because of the decision to try. That’s the key to sobriety….The willingness to “tri.”

What I discovered by making that fateful turn a decade ago was beyond what I could have imagined. Today, I don’t lead a perfect life, but I do lead a steady, predictable life. I don’t ever wake up hungover anymore. I don’t ever have to wonder if I’ll be too obliterated to attend a parent teacher conference. I don’t have to look up liquor laws for the state I’m traveling to. I don’t fear that my kids will pick up my cup and unsuspectingly take a swig of soda spiked with vodka.

You know what that steady, predictable ride feels like? Freedom. Balance. If I hadn’t tried to ride other tricycles on the playground, I never would have realized how unfulfilling that purple glittery tricycle actually was. Today, that feeling of freedom and balance brings limitless expansion. An ability to blaze new trails. The possibility of discovering new journeys. The hope of fresh chapters revealing what’s around the next corner. As it turns out, that freedom and sense of balance is the proverbial glitter I was looking for all along.

Amy Liz Harrison is one of recovery’s newest voices and author of Eternally Expecting: A Mom of Eight Gets Sober and Gives Birth to a New Life…Her Own.

Amy Liz Harrison is one of recoveries newest voices and author of Eternally Expecting: A Mom of Eight Gets Sober and Gives Birth to a New Life...Her Own.

Your kiddo’s fave snack cracker is getting a very grown-up upgrade. Goldfish recently teamed up with Frank’s RedHot for a spectacularly spicy can’t-miss collab!

Forget about nabbing your tot’s leftover Goldfish after they leave a teeny tiny pile left on their snack-time plate. Now there’s a version that’s made just for you.

photo courtesy of Pepperidge Farms

The classic snack and the beloved hot sauce brand are now one! Even though you may know Frank’s RedHot as the condiment you slather over chicken wings or dip everything from celery sticks to bread sticks in, the vinegar-y, cayenne-spiked sauce is now amping up the already unforgettable flavor of the fish-shaped crackers.

Janda Lukin, Chief Marketing Officer, Campbell Snacks, said in a press release, “We learned that adults are big fans of Goldfish and it’s an appetite we’ve never fully satisfied.” Lukin continued, “‘Hot’ is the #1 most requested Goldfish flavor across social, so we wanted to bring the heat with an unexpected partnership between Goldfish and Frank’s that fans will love.”

Jill Pratt, Chief Marketing Excellence Officer, for McCormick, added, “At Frank’s we are always looking for new ways for our fans to enjoy our hot sauce. This limited-edition Goldfish flavor brings a spicy bite to a nostalgic everyday snack. We hope that consumers enjoy this partnership between our two iconic brands for a fun experience that is sure to wake up your taste buds.”

Goldfish Frank’s RedHot crackers are available for a limited time starting this May! Look for the spicy snacks at retailers nationwide for a suggested retail price of $2.49 per 6.6 ounce bag.

—Erica Loop



Up Your Dinner Game with These “Mandalorian” Tots and “Frozen 2” Mac & Cheese Bites

Nostalgia Alert! NECCO Chocolate Wafers Are Making a Comeback

Funfetti Cookies Are Real & Packing the Fun in a Big Way

I see you doing it all.

I see you down on the floor helping your child get through a meltdown.

I see you exhausted in the night, as you wake up hourly to settle your child but then get up with them at 4 a.m. to start your day.

I see you longing for the diaper-free days as you continue to change your 7-year-old.

I see you feeding your child whatever they will willingly eat and be worried sick about their growth.

I see you at the pharmacy buying the stool softeners and probiotics because you’re desperate for your child to get relief.

I see you checking the emails late at night and trying to construct a response to the teacher about your child’s behaviors from the day.

I see you on the phone advocating and fighting for the supports and services that your child needs.

I see you covering the scratches on your arm because people will judge your child instead of offering to understand.

I see you worrying about your other children. I see you feeling guilty as you try to meet all the needs of every member of your family.

I see you desperate for a word, a sound….anything that will keep perpetuating hope.

I see you skipping meals because you’re so busy with appointments, cleaning and daily care that you forget to eat.

I see you trying to keep up with the dishes and laundry, homework and suppers.

I see you tired deep in your soul but still pushing forward, still showing up every single day.

I see you sitting through the therapies and appointments always doing what needs to be done for your child.

I see you praying hard for peace, comfort, progress and sleep.

I see you constantly completing paperwork for insurance wondering if it will ever end.

I see you dealing with family and friends who just don’t understand.

I see you crying silently in the shower because you’re stretched so thin trying to do it all.

I see you as the beautiful Mama that you are.

I see you showing up every day for your family.

I see your worries and fears for the future.

But most importantly:

I see your strength.

I see your dedication.

I see that you’re amazing.

I see that you’re doing a great job.

No one else can fill your shoes.

I see how much you love and how loved you are.

I see the difference that you’re making for your family.

You are everything.

You are enough.

I will always see you.

This post originally appeared on Stalen’s Way Blog.
Feature image via iStock.

I am a proud wife, ASD Mom, Step-Mom. At 21 months, my son was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. He is 5 years old and non-verbal. I have become a full-time stay-at-home mom. I am 1000% focused on raising autism awareness and helping my son live a full and fun life. 

photo: iStock

Dear 17-year-old girl,

Your life is blossoming. You’re on the edge of adulthood. The future is full of such possibilities. It really is such an exciting time.

Me now? I’ll be 34 soon. (Gulp. I started applying more face creams than I ever knew existed).

But, what I’ve noticed over the past few years is that this is a hard season for my friends and childhood acquaintances. As we’ve aged there is more and more bad life stuff. Deaths, divorces, sick children, heart-breaking infertility—the really deep hard stuff.

My “let me check on you” list has never been longer. Which really made me start thinking about life. And, what is actually important. And, what I wish I knew before.

So, here is my shortlist of things I wish I knew at 17.

1. Go out to eat for breakfast or lunch or dinner with your parent(s) and grandparents. When they ask you to do things that annoy you (AKA spend time with them) do it. Life is fast and unkind. Time goes way too fast and we lose people way too soon.

2. Enjoy your youth. Really enjoy it. Enjoy being able to move without pain. To wake up without needing makeup and an anti-inflammatory. To have minimal real-world worries. You have the rest of your life to worry and adult—enjoy your youth.

3. Find friends. Real friends. At some point in your life (the sooner the better) take the time to find real friends. And, hold on to them tight. You’re going to need each other. More than you will ever know. There will be marriages, divorces, deaths, infertility, miscarriages, terminally ill children, and everyday hard daily life. You are going to need friends for the celebrations and for the grieving. Trust me. You won’t make it without them.

4. Be a good woman. The world needs more of them. Don’t mess with someone else’s man. Trust me—most of the time (in this situation) it’s the man who is the issue. Real men, the kind of man you want, won’t cheat. Not on you and not on the one before you (with you).

5. Get an education or career. Be self-sufficient. Gone are the days whereas a whole woman can count on men to support them and their families. Does it happen? Surely. But, always know you can fall back on yourself.

6. Know that you have more to offer the world than your external looks. The world will judge you by every part of your body every chance it gets. Know inside that you are worth more. Even if you’re beautiful—you are worth more.

7. If you decide to take the educated path know that the more successful you are—the more people will be intimidated by you. It’s something in our DNA. Especially true for men and dating. Men are programmed to be the breadwinners and protectors. Our society is no longer set up for that old world system. But, the judgment still happens. Don’t base your worth on this.

8. Know that you can’t fix or change anyone but you. You can’t. Don’t even try. But, you can fix and change yourself. And, you should—every chance you get.

9. You can’t love away addiction. You can’t love away mental illness. You can’t love away the broken parts of people. You can love people and support them in them wanting to get better, but you alone, cannot love anything away in someone else.

10. When someone shows you who they are. Believe them. The first time. That’s the universe’s way of warning you. Listen to the whispers.

Know that life is beautiful and tragic. If you don’t know rain, if you don’t live in the rain, the sunshine isn’t as bright.

What would you add to the list?

JACQUELINE WAXMAN, M.Ed living in New Jersey with her kids. I’m a social worker by profession and Mom by choice. I chauffeur children to their preferred destinations, feed-bathe-and-clothe my little people when we are not playing outside. Passions include writing, photography and advocacy. 

su·per·he·ro /ˈso͞opərˌhirō/ noun A benevolent fictional character with superhuman powers, such as Superman

The word Superhero is a common word used in our house these days. My son has developed a love and often fixates on “superheroes” from Batman, Green Lantern, Spider-Man, Captain America, and more. And for those of you with loved one’s on the spectrum, you understand when I say that love runs deep!

He often needs his superheroes as a token during transitional times… from the house to the car…from the car to school. Bedtime sometimes isn’t a reality until LEGO Batman has been found and is safely in his hands, tucked into bed with him. I looked at the definition of “superhero”  and I got caught on one word, “fictional.”

In my son’s world, superhero’s aren’t fictional. They are very much a living, breathing part of his reality. So much so, that the absence of them can send our world spinning. Their very presence can make a stressful situation of transition easier and in the same breath, with one quick flip, they can add more stress with their absence. And at the moment, there is nothing fictional about our present reality and daily struggles with autism. Calm to upset…happy to sad..content to active.

But, I can’t help but think to myself “How does this superhuman navigate all these emotions and still smile at my silly jokes?”  Still willing to trust me when I get frustrated and raise my voice in the midst of a meltdown? Still continue to wake up with a clean slate, ready to love and start the day, no matter how traumatic bedtime was the night before?

And then I go back to that word, “fictional.” Because now I realize superheroes aren’t just a reality in his world, they are a reality in mine as well. In my world, there lives the strongest, most benevolent superhero of all. He embodies all the characteristics of what describes a superhero—brave, strong, resilient, and admirable. He is someone I look up to every day. He inspires me more than any other person in the world. He is superhuman. And most importantly, no part of him or autism ever has or ever will be viewed as fictional. I have a real-life superhero in our house and he goes by the name, Murphy. And he has already saved me in so many ways.


This post originally appeared on Adventures in Autism with Murphy.

Shannon is a proud boy mom, Hairstylist, and passionate Autism Advocate. She lives in New Orleans, Louisiana with her two sons Murphy (5) and Merrick (2).  Murphy was diagnosed with Autism at the age of 3. Follow her family as they journey through Autism together on Adventures in Autism with Murphy Facebook and Instagram page. 

Remember Your Why

Whether currently, or at one time or another in our lives, I think most of us have experienced the feeling of not having control in a situation, or not knowing what to do, or what is the best decision to make. Perhaps you’ve felt helpless, emotionally overwhelmed, or as if you just couldn’t stand one more thing occurring. Being the mom of a child with profound special needs definitely generates those feelings in me on a frequent basis.

In my opinion, life is about learning to cherish every moment granted to us, especially the sorrowful or ordinary ones because each moment that passes us by holds eternal weight. I’ve identified three ways to encourage myself to retrain my daily focus—to learn, appreciate and soak up how each moment, happy or difficult adds value to the overall story of my life.

Seize the Day
How often do we tell ourselves that we will call our friend later, start eating healthy, focusing on self-care or we’ll start working on accomplishing that life-long dream when the timing is right—then never actually do it? It seems that we are always putting things off because we tell ourselves that we don’t have time right now. If the COVID quarantine has taught us anything it’s that ‘timing’ isn’t the issue. What we may be lacking is the motivation or confidence to live for today and identify the value in the little things.

Regardless of the challenges each day may bring, and with special needs children those can be unique and plentiful, remember your ‘Why.’ Each day presents an opportunity, whether it’s large or small to push ourselves to grow and learn and appreciate the now. That is my ‘why.’  By seizing the most out of each day, I’m modeling for my kids the importance of never settling and to keep seeking ways to turn lemons into lemonade.

Especially on days when I’ve lost my patience because my son has thrown his food to the floor and his hitting was at an all-time high, all while I was extremely sleep deprived, I recognize that how I handled those tough moments doesn’t define me or my entire day—but rather refines me and how I will handle adversity in the future. I instead choose to be grateful for the sweet family moments, random acts of kindness, laughter and the chance to experience it all again tomorrow.

Attitude Is Everything
The longer I live, the more I realize the impact a positive attitude has on one’s life.  I truly believe a person’s attitude is more important than money, than failures or successes, and certainly more important than outward appearances and social-media profiles.

We have a choice every day regarding the attitude we embrace for that day. We cannot change how others act, the things they say (or post), or the inevitable outcome of many situations. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. We are in charge of our attitude!

I also hold onto a strong belief that everything happens for a reason. I wake up each day with the intention of smiling and laughing more while not wasting energy on gossip, negative thoughts, or things beyond my control. The benefit of maintaining a positive attitude (and constant resetting throughout the day if needed) is that when situations go awry it’s so much more productive to laugh and develop an alternative solution rather than being stressed and angry.

Stop & Appreciate the Beauty in & around You
It is so easy to become hypnotized by a daily routine and feel that everyday actions such as driving to work or coordinating therapy sessions are mundane and monotonous thus causing fatigue and burnout. I would wager that we don’t get burned out because of what we do. We get burned out because we forget why we do it.

We must remind ourselves that we are surrounded by the beauty of God’s creation and we ourselves are a part of that. Choose to focus on what you “get to” do versus what you “have to” do. Life is a gift, not an obligation.

“Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.” ― Earl Nightingale

I'm the mom to an 18 year old son with severe autism, a neurotypical teen daughter & have an incredibly supportive husband! I authored a memoir - Welcome to My Life: A Personal Parenting Journey Through Autism & host the podcast Living the Sky Life. Visit my website to learn more about me!


baby and mother

photo: Guillaume de Germain via Unsplash

After many years of feeling drained as a partner and a mom, I decided to take my life back and stop going through the motions.

At some point, I lost a bit of myself along the way of raising my children.

I let go of my passions and only focused on what made my children happy. And the funny thing is, I didn’t even know it.

Years later, upon deep reflection, I realized and recognized the loss I was feeling.

I let go of me.

I stopped living for me and only woke up each day wondering how to make the lives of the people around me more fulfilled.

I let go of me.

I started to become a shell of a person simply going through the motions rather than living life each day. Even before the pandemic, I felt I was living day after day the same life over and over again.

I let go of me.

I didn’t wake up refreshed, ready to take on the day, rather I was tirelessly traipsing through the day with little to no emotion.

I let go of me.

I was trapped inside my own shell, knowing the walls to escape could be broken down, but no one could reach in and help me.

I had to emerge on my own.

And that, my friends, is exactly what I did.

I reached deep into my soul and pulled out the old wounds and dealt with them face to face.

I slowly started to find me.

I gently traveled to the parts that I had been missing, brushed myself off while being wrapped in a warm embrace, and invited myself back in again.

I slowly started to find me again.

I essentially stopped living life going through the motions.

I started living and I let go of the guilt.

I let go of the looming thoughts that burdened me. I stopped feeling selfish for the times I was making myself happy.

I slowly started to find me again.

I started living for my family as a whole.

Not just living for my husband. Not just going about my day for my children. But for me also. For the first time, I was living for all of us collectively.

I slowly started to find me again.

Life has not changed drastically, but how I look at my life has been altered.

Each day I am presented with decisions to make and I am living within the decisions, feeling each and every part of the day.

I am not going through the motions of filling a void in the hollow of the shell that once existed.

And oh, what a blessing it has been.

I found me!

This post originally appeared on Hang in there mama.



Ali Flynn Is excited to share with you the joys and hardships of motherhood with an open heart, laughter and some tears. Ali is a monthly guest contributor for Westchester County Mom  and has been seen on Filter Free Parents, Grown and Flown, Today Parents and Her View From Home.

Last year, This Book Is Anti-Racist hit the shelves at an important time in our history. Now, author Tiffany Jewell is back with another must-have book to help further the discussion and education on anti-racism.

This Book Is Anti-Racist Journal ($12.99) will drop on Feb. 2 and is packed over 50 activities “wake up, take action and do the work.” The official companion to This Book Is Anti-Racist, the journal is adorned with beautifully illustrated pages that provide space for young readers to grow and learn.

photo: Francis Lincoln Children’s Books

A toolkit of sorts, the activities include issues of identity, history, family, your universe, disruption, self-care, privilege, art and expression. Kids will be able to write a letter to their future self, brainstorm anti-racist visions of what communities can look like, discovering the diversity in their own universe and much more.

This Book Is Anti-Racist Journal will release on Feb. 2 and is ideal for kids 10 and older.

––Karly Wood



Amanda Gorman Has 3 Books Coming Out This Year & You Can Preorder Them All Right Now

Parents & Kids Are All Abuzz “About” This Beloved Black-Owned PDX Book Business

25 Banned Books to Read with Your Kids Tonight

We love our house. People can say what they want about living in a small home, but my husband and I both grew up in small houses and didn’t imagine anything different when we bought our first house. We love it so much, we decided to gut and remodel it in 2018. “It’s a solid structure, use what you have and make it yours,” said our contractor.

When we went to him with the concept, he took a few weeks to build up a plan, and a budget, and it was time to get started.“There’s one catch. You need to move out.” Two adults, two kids, and two dogs deep, we started researching other means of living during this large undertaking—rentals, corporate housing, hotel and residence inn stays—and finally, we found our “garden home” on Facebook Marketplace. We decided that it wasn’t necessary to go very far. After all, it was May and it would be a fun summer adventure to live in a pop-up camper in our backyard. It was an adventure that we would never forget. And guess what? It. was. an. adventure. we. would. never. forget. Ever. No, really, ever.

Summer was officially around the corner, so it felt like we were camping every night. My husband, who is incredibly talented and functions with an “I’ll make it work” attitude made it comfortable. He purchased foam topper mattresses for the beds, installed a standing air conditioner and a flat-screen television with Apple TV and cable. We moved our refrigerator to the garage and used the side door with access to the downstairs, which has a bathroom, shower, washer, and dryer.

Since we are training for a marathon in the fall, there was no better time for early morning runs. June: Things are coming along. The walls are removed, the structure is being built and things are starting to look like they are coming together quickly. Each night, we sit by the fire outside and talk and laugh. We wake up early and take turns running so we can train. I packed a small bin with clothes and bathing suits out for the summer. Less laundry.

July: They opened a wall and “uh oh.” Now we need to reconfigure the electric and the plumbing. New estimates on cost and time are proposed. Nights by the fire are replaced by our two kids fighting inside the camper and we can no longer agree on what to watch as a family. Waking up early to run is tiring and painful from sleeping on the camper mattress. And what is that smell outside? Skunks keep the dogs pacing night after night. I wish I kept more clothes out of storage, I’m so sick of laundry!

August: It’s over 90 degrees outside, day after day. We go on daily drives and bike rides. We try to wake up even earlier during the week and on weekends to train because by 8 a.m., it’s too hot to run. The kids are bored and miserable. The contractors are here, but not every day. On certain days they are waiting on supplies to show up and some days they are on vacation or taking a day off. I will puke if I have to grill one more chicken breast or eat another hot dog. Also, that skunky smell? That would be from the woman on the next block who has been feeding the skunks!

September: First day of school pictures take place in front of the camper. Good news! Our contractor said this could be the month we move back in! Hopefully, the temperatures start to drop now that it’s September. I purchased an electric skillet so we are making more pasta and one-pot meals and grilling less. Pasta is good for running. I’m pretty sure these added pounds are muscle. It’s definitely not the wine, beer, or carbs. I’m confident that running the marathon will be easy compared to the past months we’ve endured in the camper.

October: Was it just me, or was that the hottest September? The temperatures are so uncomfortable. Fixtures are being installed, walls are being painted. Our fall wardrobe is packed in storage and so I make a trip to Target to purchase a few replacement pieces until we move back in…which should be any day now. The marathon day has arrived and we stay in a hotel the night before the race. Heaven. I’m certain that the extra weight or lack of sleep had no effect whatsoever on my unfavorable finish time.

November 11: It’s finished. My husband and I stand quietly in the new house. There isn’t a scratch on the floor, the floorboards are white and crisp, no scuff marks on the doors, and the faucets are without fingerprints. The project went well over budget and the timeline was constantly pushed back. There were days that felt like we were moving forward and days that felt like we were taking many steps back. There were days of fighting and quiet days where none of us wanted to speak to each other. But as we stood there in the quiet, looking around, we knew it was all worth it. Our marriage, our family—we had an appreciation for each other and anything that was thrown at us in the future, we know we can always say “We lived in a camper for five months. We’ve got this!”

November 12: Goodbye floors, cabinets, and newly painted walls, the Dawkins are moving back in.

Looking back, this was a prelude for what was to come in 2020. I am confident that the camper experience allowed us to band together as a family and take on these challenges headfirst. This year, I remain grateful for my home and my family. Much like our experience in 2018, we are taking this experience—the good, the bad, and the really bad—one day at a time.


When I'm not working, running, mom-ing or sleeping, I try to do my most favorite thing, writing! My husband and I have been married for almost fifteen years and we have a nine-year-old daughter and six-year old son. We live in Clawson, Michigan with our two rescue mutts. 

Self-injurious behavior. 

This hand of “SIB” that has been dealt is not for the faint of heart. Most days it can bring the strongest to their knees. Watching your child who has a heart of gold and whose giggles could burst your heart, hurt themself is the lowest point of numb. 

How can I help my baby? 

Why is he doing this? 

I ask these questions every single day.

I feel completely numb as if I’m not in my own body while my son is thrashing his sweet body around our floor. When he bangs his head off our walls and scratches himself until he bleeds, I do everything I can to protect him but I can only do so much. And I sit there, helpless and numb.

Numb, that’s the emotion, the feeling, and the way we live. I don’t cry anymore, I just don’t feel anything as if I’m not human while he’s doing it. 

His superhuman strength tears away from me every time and I can’t stop him. He gets away and it’s all I can do to hold my hands by his head as he drops to the ground and fights with every muscle he has to protect his head. 

His body that I created inside of mine, he is fighting and hurting. He’s bruising it, he’s scratching it and he’s trying to rid his body of the misery inside. It literally kills me inside to know how he must feel on the inside if he acts this way on the outside.

With therapies, medications, and love we will grow through this. We have to. It’s all we can do. We wake up every day and start all over just like everyone else. 

We will grow through this, I promise that to my son.

I'm a stay at home mom to 3 young children. Blakely, our daughter, is 4. We have twin 3 year old boys named Lucas and Jameson. I've been married to my husband Logan for 6 years. Both of our boys have special needs.