Laughter is the best medicine for what ails you—kids

Parenting memes are the antidote for a tough day (or even an average one), and we’re betting there are a few out there you can really relate to. From “Yes! This happened to me five minutes ago!” to out-and-out guffaws because it happens every night, give yourself five minutes (lock yourself in the bathroom if necessary) and give yourself a good laugh over these hysterical mom memes.

It never fails.

PG ratings just aren’t what they used to be.

What’s your name again??

Fill up on gas while you’re at it.

Do you promise?

The struggle is real.


Okay so carry the one and then, wait, what the? 

Related: Hilarious Hangry Kid Memes Every Parent Can Relate To

"Grandma let's me..."

Taste the rainbow.

The Dude abides...


It's that time of year again...

Jekyll, meet Hyde.

Related: 20 Hilarious Memes All About Being a New Mom

How can such a small person take up so much space?

So. Many. Cookies.

We don't mean to waste coffee...

Please, please, rinse your dang bowl.

You should see the cheese sticks.

Mommy is binge-watching right now, kids. Step away.


Nice cannonball, honey!

Hey, beggars can't be choosers.

Related: 20 Hilarious Memes All About Being a New Mom

Because: Seven Seconds

Sad, but true.

Genius mom hack of the century.

Oh, for forks sake!

Adulting is super hard sometimes.

Keepin' it real, always.

When slow and steady does not win the race

Every. Single. Time

Coffee is a part of the food pyramid, right?

What your baby is really thinking.

Related: Hilarious Memes That Sum Up Pregnancy

Nice cannonball, honey!


The parent's Tall, Grande & Venti: 

Again, I don't know what yogurt-covered pretzels you are talking about.

Can we just hose them off, instead? 

When you gotta go, you gotta go...

Life's little pleasures!

The real cost of crafting.

So close, yet so far.

Did I stutter?

And this year's Parenting of the Year Award goes to: 

Cookies for lunch!!!





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