Your neighborhood playground rocks the basics with slides, swings and monkey bars for your speedy sidekick to cross. But does it have handcrafted netting pods? Fantasy cottages? Or spelunk-able slides and trampolines? We searched the world over to find jaw-dropping playgrounds that kick park play into high gear. Flip through to find the play spot of your dreams.

Helen Diller Playground – Dolores Park, San Francisco, Ca

A great addition to accompany the stunning views of the city at Dolores Park, this playground is the hotspot for both kids and parents. It features the traditional swings and sandbox, a 40-foot-long "super" slide, climbing spots and even musical instruments.

Which one is your favorite? Is there an amazing playground we should add? Leave us a Comment below. 

— Allison Sutcliffe, Christal Yuen & Scott Wardell



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