The words of Robert Fulghum’s essay, “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten,” hung on my kitchen wall like a whisper of God’s grace amidst our daily living when my three kids were tiny tots.  He reminds us with profound wonder how most of what you need to know about life you learn in kindergarten: share everything, play fair, clean up your own mess, to name a few.

If you’ve been a parent for any length of time, say, a few months, I’m guessing you’ve come to learn the school of parenting includes an even deeper sandbox of lessons from which to scoop meaning and purpose. And not because counting forward from the date on our birth certificate equates to wisdom either. Wisdom is knowing what you don’t know, which is a lot of not knowing much about anything when entering parenthood.

Kids are ego smashers, and the “in the sand experience of raising them” offers many opportunities to knock down our castles of pride and self-preservation. After 23 years of feet in the gritty stuff adventure, my soul walks much lighter having had fortresses of vainglory crumble.

The journey of raising kids does a number on our heart, whatever the real meaning is of such a cliché. But doing a number on us in terms of parenting means unexplainable twists and turns, tugs and pulls of emotions. And if we allow ourselves to learn from the flux, the experience can and should transform our heart in any number of ways.

For me, doing the mom thing for decades means a head full of retrospect and a heart which continues to morph in a million ways. Consider the following poem my parenting heartspeak in 100 words—inspired in full by the talented and wise Robert Fulghum.

Cherish everything.

Fight fair.

Don’t compare yourself to others.

Put everything into perspective.

Worry about your own mess.

Don’t expect others to see things the way you do.

Say I love you. Always.

Count to ten before anything.


Trials and struggles enlighten you.

Live a grateful life.

Trust more, think less.

And love and hug and listen and laugh.

Speak, but also be.

Make some time for you every day.

When you feel like you’re alone on an island,

Know a million other parents share the same shore.

Communicate, then succeed and fail together.

Become a child once again.

Our children see the world from a different vantage point. Finding the courage to stoop to their level is akin to sprinkling pixie dust upon any beleaguered, disparaging, and calloused life views. The evils of fallen nature have yet to tarnish the innocence, so the wonder, wide-eyed amazement and unconditional love of everything in sight still tumbles through their spirit. Choosing to go along for the ride can awaken our tired adult selves and rebirth a knowing of what matters most.

And these are only some of the lessons we learn in the first decade. The second half of child-rearing is a close encounter of the undefinable kind, unfurling life lessons from every quantum cranny of the parent-child universe. Stay tuned as I sit crisscross applesauce in my empty nest and muse over how to pen the adolescent years into 100 words or less.

And if you know a mom or dad who would enjoy this post, please share. The more insight we can garner and pass around, the better journey for us as parents—which means even greater rewards for our kids going forward.

Transform on, crazy Mamas!

A self-described “sappy soul whisperer/sarcasm aficionado,” Shelby is a wife of 27 years & mom of three millennials. She co-authored How Are You Feeling, Momma? (You don't need to say, "I'm fine.") Her stories are in print at Guideposts, online at sites like Her View From Home and Parenting Teens & Tweens, and at Get 3 FREE chapters of Shelby's book

Mattel recently announced the American Girl 2020 Girl of the Year—and this year, the doll is the first doll with hearing loss to receive the title!

So who is the 2020 Girl of the Year? The American Girl doll is Joss Kendrick and according to Mattel she is, “A  fierce athlete born with hearing loss and a passion for surfing and competitive cheer.”

Not only does Joss surf and cheer but she’s also an inspiration, encouraging girls to try new things, act as a team player and break stereotypes. To create this very special doll, American Girl teamed up with 17-year-old surf prodigy (and soon-to-be Olympic athlete) Caroline Marks, Women’s Deaf Shortboard champion Crystal DaSaliva, owners of Fury Athletics, Sara Jo Moen and Julie Peterson, Professor of English at Gallaudet University and a specialist in portrayals of deaf characters in adolescent literature Dr. Sharon Pajka, Ph.D., educational audiologist Jennifer Richardson, Au.D. and professional big wave surfer and co-founder of the Committee for Equity in Women’s Surfing, Bianca Valenti.

Jamie Cygielman, General Manager of American Girl, said in a press release, “American Girl has a rich legacy of creating timeless characters who encourage girls to reach for new heights and discover who they’re meant to be.” Cygielman continued, “We’re proud to welcome Joss Kendrick, whose stories are sure to instill confidence and character in girls who are learning to think about the possibilities in their own lives. Working with Olympic hopeful surfer Caroline Marks adds real-world inspiration about what can happen when you go ‘all in’ on your dreams.”

American Girl is partnering with the Hearing Loss Association of America in honor of Joss. The collab will include a $25,000 donation from American Girl to HLAA and support for the organization’s 2020 Walk4Hearing.

Joss is available in all American Girl retail locations and online at starting Dec. 31, 2019, for $98 (the price includes one Joss book too). You can also purchase the Joss-themed books from American Girl for $7.99 each. The doll comes with a swimsuit, hoodie, shorts and a removable hearing aid. Additional Joss products, such as a cheer backpack, competition shoes, slides and her English Bulldog, Murf the Surf Dog are also available. Look for a brand-new Volkswagen Surf Bus to go along with Joss next spring!

—Erica Loop

Photos: Courtesy of Mattel




10 IKEA Items We’re Going to Need ASAP in 2020

These Are the Most Popular Toys of the Decade, According to Walmart

Build-A-Bear’s “Star Wars” Collection Just Got an Expansion with These Favorite Characters

I am a father of two boys and two girls and I’m constantly surprised at how different they are. One area that these differences are apparent is in how they express their emotions. My girls have no problem being open about their feelings and they’ve become better at articulating what they want the older they’ve become.

My sons seem firmly lodged on the other side of the scale. While they were more expressive when they were younger, nowadays they’ve become more and more reticent. It’s especially hard to get my eldest son to open up about whatever’s going on in his life.

As their dad, I know firsthand how hard it is for men and boys to talk about how they feel. Society has conditioned us to believe that experiencing and showing certain emotions is a sign of weakness and that’s not what “real men” do. As a result, boys end up bottling up their feelings and feel increasingly isolated from their families and the rest of society. They feel they have no one to talk to and that no one will understand what they’re going through. This then leads to increased incidences of teen depression, suicide and mental illness in adolescent boys and young men.

Interpreting My Sons’ Emotions

I decided to do things differently when raising my sons. However, before I could help them work through and express varying emotions, I first had to learn how to read and interpret them.

For instance, I noticed that my youngest son always had a physical complaint whenever he was faced with a new experience. He often had a headache or tummy ache on the first day of school or before a test. I gradually learned that this meant he was anxious or nervous.

My eldest son expresses nervousness or anxiety differently. He plays baseball and doesn’t like showing vulnerability of any kind. So to hide his feelings, he often gets defensive when I ask him how he feels about an upcoming game.

My sons both feel more comfortable expressing their feelings if we chat while doing something else. I’ve learned to have conversations with them while working on the car or doing some DIY projects together. This way they don’t feel pressured so they can relax and open up.

Helping My Boys To Express Themselves

After figuring out how to read their emotions, the next step was helping my boys learn to handle and express their feelings in healthy ways. Here are some of the things I’ve done:

1. Setting a good example. Kids always look to their parents for cues on how to behave and my sons are no different. With this in mind, I tried to set an example worth emulating. I started by getting comfortable talking about what I felt and becoming a more expressive person. Once my boys saw that I wasn’t afraid to share my feelings they started to open up a lot more.

2. Providing a safe environment at home. With society doing its best to convince my sons to bury their emotions, I knew they needed a place where they feel safe being themselves. At home, my boys know that they are free to explore and discover their varying emotions. I don’t tell them what they’re supposed to feel but I instead provide lots of opportunities for them to grow emotionally.

3. Listening to them. In addition to encouraging my sons to express their emotions, I have learned to listen to them even if I don’t agree with what they’re saying. I try not to judge or invalidate their feelings and instead offer support and room for them to vent.  

4. Setting boundaries. Although my boys are free to embrace and express all their feelings, I’ve made sure that they understand the difference between feelings and behavior. They know that they’re responsible for their actions and they can choose how to respond to their emotions. So while feeling angry and upset is okay, they know they’re not allowed to hit or lash out at others because of those feelings.

The outside world is trying its best to toughen up my sons. I hope that setting them a good example and showing them that it’s okay for a man to talk about and show emotions will, in turn, help them be more comfortable sharing and expressing their own feelings.

Tyler Jacobson is a happy husband, father of three, writer and outreach specialist with experience with organizations that help troubled teens and parents. His areas of focus include: parenting, social media, addiction, mental illness, and issues facing teenagers today.


There have been times in my life when I didn’t know if I would see another day. Seriously. There were days when having an autistic child would nearly kill me. I never knew it could get better. There were times when I wanted to run away and never be a mother again.

I get it. Mothering an autistic child, a “wonder” as we call our sweet son, was horrible. I’m not here to sugar coat it. Whether I was going through a bout of depression, whether it was simply the stage of our family life we were in, or whether it was a combination of the two possibilities, nothing felt easy and everything felt as though it were becoming progressively harder each and every day.

For years.


Then 10 happened. 10 was a wonderful year. Our sweet boy suddenly started becoming funny. Or funnier I guess I should say. Not just funny but hilarious. He learned joke telling and the art of having good timing. At the same time he learned to stop freaking out about everything and we, one day, found ourselves on the other side of things. We no longer found a need to give him medication. We were having meaningful conversations with him and we were able to go for long bouts with him not needing special treatment or aides. It was amazing.

10 years. 10 long years and I had forgotten what it was like to have a child who didn’t need my every waking moment. Who could have fun and have a willy-nilly schedule. Suddenly everything was okay. I was no longer on pins and needles waiting for an outburst or a flair up or a meltdown. It was okay if I forgot his juice. We could get through lunch if I used the wrong kind of jam.

Since Cal just turned 11 and an entire year of our new carefree life has gone by, I am starting to exhale. I’m no longer waiting for the other shoe to drop or for things to quickly fall apart like they always do. I’m enjoying my family and our life and our love again.

This has been a long time coming. I want to tell you all this message. This is a message of hope in the journey and a message of redemption from the mess of life.

To the Mommas of Autistic babes: Please, hang in there. Did you hear me? To those who are out there, hang in there.

It will get better. I promise. And you are never alone.

I write this because I wish I had known this. As a mother sitting on the floor of the bathroom sobbing, I saw no end in sight. I presumed this ebb and flow of bad days and horrible days was to be the making of all of my days. No one told me that we would have stretches of weeks that we would go without problems. That our only care would become our children fighting and bickering like typical adolescent siblings. I never thought we would come to a day when he would care what his hair cut was much less want to help pick out his clothes based on the current trend and not on whether or not his pants could have an elastic waist. No one understands quite like a parent of an autistic child just how nerve wracking the parenting game can be. Everything is up in the air all of the time. Everything is chaotic and yet somehow must be made orderly in an effort for the chaos to not overtake every day.

But those days have come. And oh, how blissful. I feel like we are prize fighters. We have fought tooth and nail to get to where we are today. I endured days that included eight hour stretches of blood curdling screaming, so I can have a little boy who assembles kiwi crates and tells me the differences between Yoda and Obi Wan. Cal fought tooth and nail to teach himself how to talk…to somehow get his brain to communicate with his mouth to speak the thoughts into words that he had formed in his mind. He endured this so he can tell funny jokes to his family over the dinner table. We still have our hard days, our difficult weeks, our weary moments, don’t get me wrong. But we have won.

We have gone back into our corners as champions. But there are some of you who are just coming into the ring to start your fight. Your battle. Your everyday. Please know this…it will be hard. There will be days you will want to quit, to run away and not face this anymore. There will be days you are tired and battle weary. But you cannot quit. You cannot be done. And it will get better.

I have sat down to write this letter to you so many times. Mommas, please know you are in this to win this. This is not a meaningless battle. The days are long but the years truly are short. And maybe it will be years from where you are, but things will get better. I am here for you. The other mommas who have been through this are here for you.

Hang in there. It gets better.

This post originally appeared on Super Busy at Home.

I am a coffee drinking mom, an advocate for our autistic son, a wife, a crafter who will never finish a project, a planner junkie, a wanna-be naturalist, a lover of baking and avocados who will probably always look the the muppet chef when dancing!

Talking to your children about their emotional health can be a daunting subject. Below are some guidelines to help you talk to your children about emotional health at every age.

Step One: Prepare. One of the first things that may be beneficial is to educate yourself about a few common mental health issues. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, depression, and anxiety are the most common in children and adolescents. There are a lot of online resources available for parents, including one from the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, called “Facts for Families,” which has a one-page synopsis on many of the mental health disorders that affect children and teens.

Try to be comfortable and calm when you talk about mental health. If you are nervous, your child may pick up on your feelings and possibly also feel nervous or fearful. Take a few deep breaths, sit down, and then bring up the topic when you’re ready. It’s important to let your children know that you’re always willing to listen and you’re there for them when they need support.

Below is a general guideline for talking to children at different ages. It’s important to consider the developmental age of the child when you have the discussion, as that will guide you in how much information you may need to share.

Young Children: The best way to speak to young children about their emotional health is to be as simple and straightforward as possible. At this age, they will likely not understand a lot of details. However, they may have some questions around situations like when a classmate or friend is acting out, taking medication or in special classes. Answer the questions with clear but rather brief answers. It’s important to keep in mind that younger children often don’t know how to describe their emotions. As a first step, it is helpful to help your child learn the names of the emotions that they may feel towards different situations. For example, they should have a good understanding of what happy, sad, scared, frustrated, and mad means to them.

Older Children and Pre-Teen: As your child moves into middle school, you can start to focus more on the details, and be more straightforward in the way that you communicate with them. If you decide that you want to sit down and proactively talk to your child, try to make the conversation informal so they don’t feel anxious about what you are going to say. There are simple ways to frame questions, such as: “Have you ever had problems with feeling sad, crying without reason or being so nervous that you can’t have fun?” This is a way you can lead them into different topics. You should also let your child know that physical and mental health are important to how we function day to day. Just like you exercise to stay in shape, it’s also important to share feelings and worries to relieve stress. Children should also know that just like you can see a nurse or doctor when you are sick, there are therapists and doctors that can help with emotional difficulties they may be going through.

Teenage Years: During the teenage years, bringing up emotional issues can be a very delicate situation, especially if your teen is already in the midst of a mental health crisis. When some teenagers are facing emotional problems, they may be irritable, want to isolate themselves and not talk about their problems. Even if they don’t want to talk at that moment, let them know that you are available for them to come to you. Other teens are ready to talk about emotional problems and worries because they want to fit in. This is a time when you can assure them that their questions and feelings are okay and that there is help available if needed. You can talk to your teens fairly openly, though some of the topics like self-harm can be more challenging.

What if your child reacts negatively to the conversation?

If they are angry or anxious, give them space and try again at a more opportune time. If your child is already dealing with a mental health issue, they may not be receptive or willing to listen. Don’t force this discussion on a child, if you are unable to reach them and you are concerned about their mental health or safety, seek professional help.

Younger Children: Assure them that they are safe and that you are there to help. There can be a lot of misunderstanding around mental health. Your child may get frightened that they will be locked in a hospital or that you will leave them at the therapist office. It is important to let them know that they won’t be harmed and you’ll be there for them.

Older children and Teenagers: If they are acting negatively and don’t want to talk about things, let them know you are worried and concerned, and you care you about what they may be going through. Make yourself available whenever they are ready to talk. Or, you can help direct them to resources to read or suggest that they talk to someone who specializes in helping children and teens who may have problems at school or friends.

What can I do to decrease my child’s stress and anxiety?

Younger Children: One of the reasons for stress at this age is separation from family or not knowing what to expect in a new situation. One way to help alleviate this stress is to tell them what they can expect. For some children, the more detail you give them, the more comfortable they will feel. One example is when attending a new school, you can plan a visit and even meet teachers and peers. Reassure your child that you will be there at the end of the day. Routines are very important for younger children and help to decrease a lot of anxiety.

Older Children: Just like younger children the more you can prepare them for something new, the less likely they will have a lot of anxiety. There are also protective things that older children can do like to participate in sports and get involved in activities that provide social outlets. Older children can also learn to meditate, use deep breathing, and distraction as a way to reduce anger and anxiety.

Talking about emotional health can be difficult, but having this type of conversation with your children can strengthen your relationship. Because no matter what age they are, your children look to you as a source of comfort and strength.

This post originally appeared on Doctor On Demand Blog.

Dr. Patricia Roy is a board certified psychiatrist at Doctor On Demand, the leading virtual care provider. She has more than 15 years of experience working with adults, children, and adolescents, specializing in depression, PTSD, anxiety, psychotic disorders, bipolar disorder, and emotional disorders of childhood. 

Recent research may have found the upside of adolescent acne. As it turns out, the perpetual pimples of the teen years may lead to increased GPA, better grades in some high school subjects, a higher likelihood of completing a college degree and increased eventual earnings as an adult.

The study, which was published in the Journal of Human Capital, used data from thousands of now-adults participating in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health. The participants, who were in junior and senior high school during the 1994-95 school year were followed for decades, into their 20s and 30s.

photo: Luis Quintero via Pexels

Along with questions about grades and social life, the then-teen participants were also surveyed about their self-esteem and skin. Years later researchers asked the teens-turned-adults about college attainment and career earnings.

After reviewing the data the researchers found an association between having acne as a teen and doing better in school—specifically, English, history, math and science. The acne-prone participants were also more likely to go to college and, for the females, were more likely to outearn peers.

While there’s no clear explanation between the acne-grades or acne-earnings associations, the researchers believe the acne-prone teens may have spent less time socializing and more time studying—leading to long-term benefits. But not all experts agree with this assessment.

Child and family psychologist, Jennifer Harstein, told TODAY, “It doesn’t mean that they don’t have friends or aren’t social, it just may mean that when they have a flare-up, they tend to isolate more.” Harstein also added, “Not all people with acne have the same kinds of self-consciousness about it. Many can recognize that this is a part of development and a result of hormones shifting.”

Whatever the reason is for the acne-success connection, this study goes to show teens really can triumph over adversity!

—Erica Loop



Here’s How Your Teens Spend Their Time & It’s a Lot Different Than We Did at Their Age

Your Teen Has Probably Been Cyberbullied. Here’s What Parents Can Do

Instagram Can Detect Bullying in Photos & This Is Huge for Teens

Summer is just around the corner, which means it’s time to replenish your sunscreen stockpile. Before you hit the store, however, you’re going to want to see the results of a new study on the health risks of common sunscreen ingredients.

A new study published in JAMA and conducted by the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research found that the blood concentration of four of the ingredients found in sunscreen continued to rise as daily use of the product continued. These ingredients were also found to remain in the body for at least 24 hours after using the sunscreen.

photo: Ashley K Little via Pexels

The study did not look at the health impact this absorption has if any, on users––only that it occurs. The study points to the need for more research on the impact of these specific ingredients once they are absorbed into the body.

Four ingredients were tested: avobenzone, oxybenzone, octocrylene, and ecamsule. Out of these, oxybenzone stood out above the rest with an absorption rate of “about 50 to 100 times higher concentration than any of these other three chemicals they tested,” according to David Andrews, a senior scientist at the EWG.

photo: iStock

Previous studies have shown a potential link between oxybenzone and lower testosterone levels in adolescent boys and shorter pregnancies and disrupted birth weights in babies. Oxybenzone is also known to be one of the most common cause of contact allergies. The ingredient has also been banned in several parts of the world due to the fact that it can cause coral bleaching and pose a danger to marine life when it’s introduced into the ocean.

So does this mean you should stop using sunscreen? No. Instead, consumers should more vigilant about reading labels and researching the ingredients in the sunscreens they use. Check out our detailed list of sunscreens here, many of which contain safer ingredients.

The American Academy of Dermatology urges people to apply at least one ounce of sunscreen to all exposed skin every two hours or after swimming. In addition, you should always talk to a board-certified dermatologist if you are concerned about the safety of a sunscreen’s ingredients.

“Studies need to be performed to evaluate this finding and determine whether there are true medical implications to absorption of certain ingredients,” said Yale School of Medicine dermatologist Dr. David Leffell, a spokesman for the American Academy of Dermatology. He added that in the meantime, people should “continue to be aggressive about sun protection.”

—Shahrzad Warkentin

featured image: quinono via Pixabay



14 Sunscreens That Pack a Protective Punch 

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There have been times in my life when I didn’t know if I would see another day. Seriously. There were days when having an autistic child would nearly kill me. I never knew it could get better. There were times when I wanted to run away and never be a mother again.

I get it. Mothering an autistic child—a “wonder” as we call our sweet son—was horrible. I’m not here to sugarcoat it. Whether I was going through a bout of depression, whether it was simply the stage of our family life we were in, or whether it was a combination of the two possibilities, nothing felt easy and everything felt as though it were becoming progressively harder each and every day.

For years. Years.

Then 10 happened. 10 was a wonderful year. Our sweet boy suddenly started becoming funny—or funnier I guess I should say. Not just funny, but hilarious. He learned joke-telling and the art of having good timing.

At the same time he learned to stop freaking out about everything and we one day found ourselves on the other side of things. We no longer found a need to give him medication. We were having meaningful conversations with him and we were able to go for long bouts with him not needing special treatment or aides. It was amazing.

10 years. 10 long years and I had forgotten what it was like to have a child who didn’t need my every waking moment. Who could have fun and have a willy nilly schedule. Suddenly everything was okay. I was no longer on pins and needles waiting for an outburst or a flair up or a meltdown. It was okay if I forgot his juice. We could get through lunch if I used the wrong kind of jam.

Since Cal just turned 11 and an entire year of our new carefree life has gone by, I am starting to exhale. I’m no longer waiting for the other shoe to drop or for things to quickly fall apart like they always do. I’m enjoying my family and our life and our love again.

This has been a long time coming. I want to tell you all this message. This is a message of hope in the journey and a message of redemption from the mess of life.

To the Moms of Kids with Autism: 

Please, hang in there. Did you hear me? To those of you who are out there, like me—hang in there. It will get better. I promise.

I write this because I wish I had known this. As a mother sitting on the floor of the bathroom sobbing, I saw no end in sight. I presumed this ebb and flow of bad days and horrible days was to be the making of all of my days.

No one told me that we would have stretches of weeks that we would go without problems. That our only care would become our children fighting and bickering like typical adolescent siblings. I never thought we would come to a day when he would care what his hair cut was much less want to help pick out his clothes based on the current trend and not on whether or not his pants could have an elastic waist.

No one understands quite like a parent of an autistic child just how nerve wracking the parenting game can be. Everything is up in the air all of the time. Everything is chaotic and yet somehow must be made orderly in an effort for the chaos to not overtake every day.

But those days have come. And oh, how blissful. I feel like we are prize-fighters. We have fought tooth and nail to get to where we are today. I endured days that included eight hour stretches of blood curdling screaming, so I can have a little boy who assembles kiwi crates and tells me the differences between Yoda and Obi Wan.

Cal fought tooth and nail to teach himself how to talk, to somehow get his brain to communicate with his mouth to speak the thoughts into words that he had formed in his mind. He endured this so he can tell funny jokes to his family over the dinner table. We still have our hard days, our difficult weeks, our weary moments, don’t get me wrong. But we have won.

We have gone back into our corners as champions. But there are some of you who are just coming into the ring to start your fight. Your battle. Your everyday. Please know this: yes, it will be hard. There will be days you will want to quit, to run away and not face this anymore. There will be days you are tired and battle weary. But you cannot quit. You cannot be done. And it will get better.

I have sat down to write this letter to you so many times. Moms, please know you are in this to win this. This is not a meaningless battle. The days are long but the years truly are short. And maybe it will be years from where you are, but things will get better. I am here for you. The other moms who have been through this are here for you.

Hang in there. It gets better.

This post originally appeared on Our Wonder Collective.

I am the momma and writer of Our Wonder Collective.  I record the wonder our family is finding through exploring, traveling, special needs and learning. We are restoring our two historic homes, love all things vintage and will never remember where I put the car keys. 

According to recent data from the Pew Research Center, the rate of anxiety and depression in teens is on the rise. What’s fueling the current upswing in reported mental health issues? Here’s what teens themselves have to say about anxiety, depression and their peers.

A recent survey of 13- to 17-year-olds, by the Pew Research Center, found that more than half (7 out of 10) of teens view anxiety and depression as “major problems” among peers in their communities. Among the many challenges teens face regularly, academic pressure topped their list of anxiety and depression-causing problems.

photo: Alexis Brown via Unsplash 

A whopping 61 percent of teens surveyed admitted they feel “a lot” of academic pressure. This percentage was by and far the largest when it comes to self-reported pressures that teens regularly feel. Only 29 percent felt pressure to look good; 28 percent felt the social pressure to fit in. And even though sports may seem high on the teenager’s agenda, less than a quarter of teens (21 percent) reported feeling pressure to succeed athletically.

So what can you do to help reduce the risks of anxiety and depression over your child’s academic concerns? The Pew Research Center stats show that 59 percent of teens report wanting to attend a four-year college. This likely impacts the  growing pressure to succeed scholastically.

While nixing a college career isn’t exactly an option, you can help to minimize the risks. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) suggests that parents listen carefully to their teens, model appropriate stress management behaviors and support involvement in pro-social (non-academic) activities.

The AACAP also recommends that teens take steps to help reduce overall stress. These include maintaining a healthy lifestyle (eating, exercising and sleeping adequately), avoiding anxiety-inducing caffeine, learning relaxation techniques, decreasing negative self-talk, learning practical coping skills, taking breaks during stressful situations (such as listening to music) and forming a supportive friend network.

—Erica Loop



Your Teen Has Probably Been Cyberbullied. Here’s What Parents Can Do

What Is Amazon For Teens? Exactly What It Sounds Like, & We Love It

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7 Powerful Things My Daughter Needs to Know Before Middle School

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) revealed the initial data from an ongoing longterm study on screen time’s effect on kids’ brains—and the findings are pretty eye-opening. Dr. Gaya Dowling of the NIH spoke with 60 Minutes about the study’s initial findings, which revealed that excessive screen time was linked to changes the brain pattern of young kids.

According to the study, nine and 10-year-olds who spent seven hours or more using smartphones and tablets or playing video games had signs of premature thinning of the cortex, the outer layer of the brain that processes sensory information. Kids who spent more than two hours a day using the same devices scored worse on language and thinking tests.

Photo: Rawpixel

Before you panic, Dowling puts initial findings study into some context. “We don’t know if it’s being caused by the screen time. We don’t know yet if it’s a bad thing,” Dowling told 60 Minutes.

“It won’t be until we follow them over time that we will see if there are outcomes that are associated with the differences that we’re seeing in this single snapshot.” These findings came from brain scans taken on 4,500 nine- and 10-year-olds. The longitudinal study will follow a total of 11,000 kids to understand adolescent brain development and the impact of screens.

While it will be several years before the study is completed, you can look to the American Academy of Pediatrics and its guidelines on screen time for kids, namely that parents should skip screens for babies younger than 18 to 24 months, limit screens to no more than one hour per day for kids ages two to five and no screens for at least one hour before bed for kids of all ages.

—Shahrzad Warkentin



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