Photo: Britt LeBoeuf via These Boys of Mine

This is the face of postpartum depression and anxiety. Yeah, I’ve got a big smile on my face and the baby and I look cute in our matching shades but this is what it looks like. He’s 3 months old here. In that time so much had changed.

I’d lost all 30 lbs of my baby weight within two weeks of bringing him home. “You look amazing!” Visitors would say when they’d come to see the baby. Sure, I looked like the old me but losing that much weight that fast was far from normal. I cried a lot. Not happy tears. I cried into the pillow in the darkest part of night, as not to wake him during the rare occasion he slept. I cried in the kitchen to my husband, as if I was asking him to find the old me hidden deep inside somewhere.

Already an anxious person, my worries were compounded by the fact that I was given a baby with severe colic. I worried while he was crying. I worried when he suddenly stopped crying. I worried when he would next cry again. I worried about his health and my ability to ease his cries. I worried I wasn’t cut out to be his mom. I didn’t love him at first. I was more distant than my heart wanted to be. Here I was with this baby I’d longed for for years upon years and I honestly wanted nothing to do with him. If you could have read my mind during that time you would have seen a constant pro and con list running on the merits and deficits of leaving my new baby by running away or taking my own life.

People came and went from our home, but nobody truly saw the hidden battle that I was fighting deep inside. My husband knew something was wrong, but years later, when I heard that dads can suffer from their own version of PPD, I swore he had his version of it too. When you have a baby that cries all of the time and you are new parents, it’s impossible not to feel that way. I had lost myself. I had flashbacks of my own mother crying on the couch after my little brother was born because she too was battling this awful disease. One she had also faced previously with her first child.

My mother-in-law moved in with us to help see us through. Yes, I said moved in. It was that bad! She was my saving grace and the one that really identified what was going on with me. With her help, I made it through. I don’t know what we would have done without her, honestly. Medication saved my life. Talking to someone saved my life. Knowing the signs and symptoms of postpartum depression and anxiety helped me to identify it when I suffered from it again after my second son was born. It came just as fast and brutally as it had the first time. It nearly destroyed my marriage and almost left my children without a mother again.

Postpartum wrecks you. It’s a joy killer. Bond ruiner. Marriage rocker. Mind, body and soul shaker. It makes you think awful things, things you would never have thought about before—like killing yourself. It steals the happiness you feel deep, deep down in your heart that you have with the birth of your new little angel. Postpartum took a sledgehammer to my life not once, but twice. It had whittled me away to almost nothing.

Thankfully, with help of the people in my life, and my own sense that something was not “right” I was able to kick its butt in the end! If you are going through this too mama, know that you aren’t alone and you are not the first one to walk this path. There is help and there are happy stories. You just have to take the extended hand.

This post originally appeared on These Boys of Mine.

Freelance writer from New England, with two children under 10. Married to my husband for 10 years. Human Service field educated. Lover of cats. Special needs parent. Miscarriage survivor. Wanderluster. Opinionated Gemini. 

Any parent who has spent long nights and days comforting a colicky baby can relate to the exhausting experience. Even celeb parents aren’t immune from the clutches of colic, including Hilary Duff’s daughter it seems.

Duff and her boyfriend Matthew Koma welcomed their daughter Banks Violet on Oct. 25, 2018 and it seems the newborn phase hasn’t been easy for the couple. Duff took to Instagram looking for support and tips on dealing with colic in her infant daughter.

Duff posted a pic of herself holding two-month-old Banks with the caption, “Calling all parents of colic babies…..this ends right?” In a plea that all parents can relate to Duff continues:

“Can you ever set them down with out them screaming OR waking up? We have read everything the internet has to offer… nothing besides nursing basically every hour or less helps! We have done all the obvious things ..please leave magic tricks in comments. Oh and happy new year lol.”

The post has already received thousands of comments from followers offering support and advice. Yes, colic does eventually end, but when you’re in the thick of it can feel like forever. As Duff’s ‘Gram reveals, sometimes just knowing that there’s someone else out there going through the same thing can be the best remedy in the moment, too.

—Shahrzad Warkentin

Featured photo: Hilary Duff via Instagram



Hilary Duff Opens Up about a VERY Personal Mom Moment After She Gave Birth

Scientists Just Discovered This Cure for Colic (Maybe)

You Can Cry If You Want to: 10 Ways to Survive Colic

There goes the doctors favorite word to throw around while diagnosing babies, colic. Being a mother of two, I can definitely rule out different cries, I mean come on I’m an expert now basically. NOT.

I have two precious boys, and I became a mother at nineteen years young. Kaiden made me a mother, he’s now three years old and has taught me a lot about my life and about how to be a mother. When Kaiden was a baby, he was diagnosed with acid reflux. Nothing serious to the doctors since he was gaining weight. 

BUT, what about the pain my baby was going through? Sure, he’s gaining weight fine, I had no idea how when it seriously  looked like he was throwing up ounces at a time. Luckily, after changing formula six times, yes six times, and finding the right medication he grew out of his acid reflux at four months old.

Fast forward two years, and we are ready to have another baby. After trying and trying, we stopped trying and trusted God’s timing. Next thing you know, those two lines popped up on my pregnancy test. 39 weeks later I was induced to give birth to our second precious baby boy Kylan. All of the sudden, things took a turn for the worst.

As I was getting discharged the pediatric hospitalist came in and proceeded to tell me that I was being discharged, but Kylan was not. I was in shock. “Why, is he okay, he had been fine the first two nights at the hospital!” Kylan ended up having blood in his stool, and the doctors had no answers as to why. Finally after a numerous amount of doctor visits and formula changes, my sweet baby ended up having MSPI (Milk Soy Protein Intolerance).

That’s not all though. Kylan was screaming, throwing up, arching his back, and covering himself and me in vomit after every single bottle. My baby was in PAIN.

I made the first available appointment for that very next day. Here we go again… “Your baby is gaining weight just fine. He has colic, and it will pass eventually.” We left, tears streaming down my face, I knew my baby was in pain and he did not have colic. After more doctor visits, they finally put Kylan on acid reflux medication- Zantac, an H2 blocker that your baby grows up a tolerance towards.

So here we go, more pain. Sleepless nights, and a screaming baby that only wants to be held and cuddled. Medication was changed again to a PPI (Proton Pumps Inhibitors). With babies though, they need their PPI more than once a day and until they are on the right dosage, they will continue to be in pain and go through the dreaded a”acid battle.” 

Yes, the acid battle is real, and it’s total HELL. You don’t know what to do anymore, you feel useless, hopeless, and worst of all like you’re failing your baby as their mother. A mother who is supposed to protect them, and do their best to keep them out of harms way. I felt like I was going crazy. Until one day I found a support group on Facebook for infants with acid reflux, and other mothers going through the same exact things I was going through with Kylan. Dr. Jeffrey Phillips who was an administrator on the Facebook group had invented TCM (Tummy Care Max) which makes PPIS immediate release instead of having to wait 45 minutes after giving the baby their medicine to give your baby a bottle.

I also discovered Marci Kids Dosing, which goes by the age and weight of your baby to determine how many milligrams to give your baby and also how many times per day. This truly was a life saver. I researched and researched some more before taking the leap and getting Tummy Care Max, and the amazing thing is that it’s safe for MSPI babies like my sweet Kylan as well!

After starting new medication, and giving Kylan the right dosage backed by science, he became a totally different baby. Kylan smiles, laughs, holds his head up, and rolled over from front to back for the first time! My message to all moms and all parents out there is to follow your parenting instincts. Don’t ever feel crazy for thinking something is wrong with your baby when you have that gut wrenching feeling that something isn’t right. Colic is diagnosed daily by pediatricians when later on the true problem is acid reflux, and when not treated your baby can be in severe pain. Don’t ever settle with answers you don’t be feel comfortable with.


So they deserve to be well taken care of and not in pain. So sweet mama or daddy reading this, I hope you stand up and fight for your precious babies. I fought so extremely hard, and I wanted to give up at times, but guess what!?

 I WON, ME AND KYLAN DEFEATED THIS ACID BATTLE. Much love to all the parents going through health conditions with their precious babies, and even though I don’t know you, I’m praying for you. God Bless. 

I'm a stay at home mom to two beautiful boys. I enjoy the simple things in life, like taking a relaxing shower without my kids throwing my clothes in the toilet. I enjoy helping other moms with obstacles they're facing that I have already overcome.

As parents, we’re all too familiar with the marathon that is new parenthood. When we’re in the trenches, battling the sometimes hourly nighttime wakings and (if we’re lucky) the horrific mysteries of colic, it seems like intensive ninja-like training is the only solution.

Or maybe not! This pediatrician, Dr. Hamilton, swears that his technique will calm an inconsolable baby. Check out “The Hold” below and let us know what you think!

What technique do you use to console your crying baby? Let us know!

—Francesca Katafias

With school starting back, ’tis the season for them to start sneezin’. Don’t dread the dozens of doctor visits just yet, as you may have the cure right there in your cupboard. We asked around and gathered up wisdom from women of generations past who raised their children (somehow!) without having their pediatrician on speed dial. From urban legends that prove true to family folklore, read up on these simple solutions that have stood the test of time.


Brew up a batch of chamomile tea to treat colic and soothe baby (and you). Simply steep for a few minutes, cool to room temp and put an ounce or two in their bottle. It will help relax their intestinal muscles and is known to “promote a calm mental state”—nuff said. Or, if your tiny traveller tends to get carsick, brew them a batch of ginger tea sweetened with honey and serve either warm or iced down. Have them chug it thirty minutes before departure to ensure a relaxing road trip.

Who Knew? Peanut have pink eye? Chronic conjunctivitis? After thoroughly testing the temp to make sure they are completely cool, place tea bags on their eyes to draw out any gunk and ease the itch.

PLEASE NOTE: This information is gathered by a mom, not a MD, so you should always consult your child’s pediatrician before trying to treat something yourself—and especially seek medical attention if the issue seems serious or if there are any pre-existing conditions.

Do you have a home remedy that works? Share your secret and tell us below!

–Phebe Wahl

All photos courtesy of Amazon and Creative Commons via Flickr