Let’s get talking! Every infant learns at their own pace, but there’s plenty you can do to encourage your baby’s first words. Because when it comes to language development, the more talking, singing, and reading you and your little squish do together, the better. So the next time you have some downtime or need something new to do, try one of these easy games that offer simple ways to encourage those precious first words through play.

But first, a few things to remember about baby speech development. Although most babies start to talk around that one-year mark, they spend lots of time learning how to speak in their first year. They notice how parents, siblings, and others respond when they make a sound—whether it’s a cry, a coo, or a squeal of delight—and learn from it. They start to babble. They point and gesture. They mimic conversation in the most irresistible way. Before you know it, they’ll be talking up a storm. Until then, pull out these baby language development games that are even fun for you, too.

fox puppet

photo: Jess via Paging Supermom

1. Puppets

Make your own puppet (like this adorable fox pictured above), find one at the store, or just slip a sock over your hand. Any way you do it, you can engage your child’s imagination and language skills by creating new characters with different voices. Your baby will be babbling or talking back to your hand in no time. It’s one of the easiest baby language development ideas out there.

2. Mimicry

Go ahead and say “mom mom mom mom” to your little one every day, several times a day if you like! Jackie’s baby at I Heart Arts and Crafts sure thinks it’s funny, and you might, too. Mimic what your baby says to get them in the mood. Even cooing back to the tiniest baby works that part of their brain.

3. Ring Ring

Why not give baby a call and see what they have to say? Babies love pretend telephone calls, and they all involve some important vocabulary: Hello and goodbye, mama, dada, nana, etc. They also get to talk just for the fun of talking. Some kids who are less enthusiastic about talking seem to be encouraged when they get to play with a toy phone that looks just like yours.

4. Tickle My Feet

Help support baby language development when you connect with their toes (and delight them at the same time) with a few rounds of This Little Piggie. Repeat as many times as you both can stand it, as repetition is crucial for babies to learn and understand language. Be gentle on the littlest babies to avoid overstimulation, but older babies may need a tickle tackle when you’re done.

Kitchen tools and toys in a basket

photo via The Magnolia Barn

5. Discovery Baskets

Introduce vocabulary with discovery baskets. They don’t have to be anything fancy—the container and objects can all be things you have around the house. Choose objects based on color, different foods, different textures, shiny things, things that have a smell. Then, take out each object and talk about it, and let baby play with the items any way they choose.

Related: 16 Books for Babies to Immerse Them in Reading from Day One

6. Counting Game

Research shows that infants are born understanding a bit more about numbers and arithmetic than you might think, and wow, do they love counting. Count three objects or claps with a steady rhythm, “One two three! One two three!” Repeat a few times, and then start counting to five. Create your own counting rhymes about your family or their favorite toys.

7. Big and Little

Help your little one learn the difference between “big” and “little” by giving baby two similar objects of differing size, like a big ball and a small ball. Say “This is the big ball; this is the small ball.” Talk to your little one about what you’re doing as you roll the balls, and ask baby to hand you the big ball or small ball.

8. Baby Jigsaw Peekaboo

Make your own jigsaw puzzle, and baby will be delighted by pictures of other babies, or of the faces of people they know and love. Talk about the puzzle, while you’re putting it together, repeating the names of those pictured. As they grow older, they’ll be able to use the puzzle to practice other skills, such as hand-eye coordination and pincer grasp.

9. I Know My Name

Observe your baby’s reactions to her name. Poke your head in his room and say his name, and then see what happens when you say another name. Insert her name in silly songs, and emphasize it in general conversations. If she reacts to her name, reinforce it. “Shannon likes eating yogurt. Yes, Shannon! We were talking about you!”

10. Talk, Sing, Read: Repeat

The more language they’re exposed to, the better. Narrate everything you do, and everywhere you go. People in the grocery store understand—they’re probably looking at how cute your babe is, anyway, not at you chattering away. Sing every day, even if you can’t carry a tune, and read books every day, even if baby can’t hold their head up. All these interactions are the building blocks of language and literacy.

Related: Spotify Playlists for Babies & Toddlers That Parents Will Actually Enjoy

The birthday invite didn’t come. They didn’t get the part in the school play. Their best friend moved away. Sound familiar? As parents, we have the (unpleasant) task of watching our kids learn the same life lessons we did in our childhoods. It can be hard to resist the urge to make sure they never have to experience the frustration or sadness that comes with not getting what they want, but disappointment is a healthy emotion for kids and can contribute to their social and intellectual development, as noted in Psychology Today. The caveat? It only works if kids understand that being disappointed at times will help them achieve their goals in life. And that’s where we come in.

Even if they do understand (or at least try to), that doesn’t mean it feels good or comes easy. That’s why we’ve enlisted a few experts to offer tips for parents when it comes to helping kids learn how to deal with disappointment. 

1. Empathize with Their Feelings

Licensed professional clinical counselor Melissa Marote says that, first and foremost, it’s essential to validate your kids’ feelings; really empathize with what they’re going through. Listen to their feelings and respond with things like, “This must be frustrating.” You should avoid compounding the negativity, however. As you discuss the things your kids are missing out on, Marote explains, try to put a positive spin on it. For example, encourage your kids to save up their excitement for all the things they will eventually get to do in the future.

2. Give Them Reassurance

Child development expert and creator of The Moodsters Denise Daniels, RN, MS, tells us that it’s important to remind kids that this is only temporary—the playdate will happen when it isn’t raining, and they’ll have the opportunity to try out for the team next season. It might be hard for young kids to picture life beyond the current day or week, but still, Daniels suggests having kids make a list of things they want to do in the future because there will always be another opportunity to try. 

3. Teach Self-Calming Skills

a sad little boy learning how to deal with disappointment


Emotions can run high when kids are anxious and sad. Teaching kids how to calm down and manage their feelings is an essential tool for how to deal with anxiety. Marote suggests giving kids a breathing technique to oxygenate the brain and help kids think more clearly. Show your kids how to take a deep breath in and then blow out, like they’re blowing out birthday candles or making bubbles. For younger kids, blowing real bubbles is another excellent method, Marote says.

One more tip for the little kids: talking to a stuffed animal. Kids are so close and connected to their stuffed animals, which makes them a great comfort for kids who are dealing with hard feelings. Tell your kids, “Talk to your teddy bear about how sad you are,” Marote says.

4. Give Them a Choice

So, a trip to the indoor playground or a group trip with friends to a nearby amusement park is out. Naturally, your kids will be disappointed, but you can give them some power (especially when they’re smaller and they feel like they have none) by offering them a choice. “Our plans have changed, and your outing with friends has to be postponed. What if you pick the movie for family movie night and we’ll look for another day that works for the group?”

5. Redirect Focus

For kids that become very hyper-focused on negative feelings, it can be helpful to use distraction techniques when learning how to deal with disappointment, Marote says. Suggest an impromptu game of “I, Spy” or get creative by asking kids to draw a picture about how they’re feeling. Other ideas include reading a funny book or watching a silly video, asking them trivia questions, and telling them jokes. This is especially important when it’s close to bedtime and you’re trying to keep things positive before sleep.

6. Don’t Fix It

a mom helping her son learn how to deal with disappointment


This is a hard one. Whether you want to make your kids feel better or you figure you can just take care of it (fix the toy, help find the sock, bring the forgotten homework to school), it’s more effective to act as a guide when kids are learning how to deal with disappointment, according to PBS. Ask questions that will help them troubleshoot what happened and how they feel about the problem. “How did you feel when that happened? What do you wish had happened instead? How can we turn this into something good?

7. Stick with Your Normal Routine

In times of stress, encourage kids to keep regular times of going to bed, eating meals, and doing homework, Daniels says. Having a basic plan for the day is essential because kids thrive on predictability. When something doesn’t work out, at least they’ll know what should happen down the line. 

8. Find Time to Have Special Moments

If your kids are bummed because they can’t attend their friend’s birthday or their favorite ice cream flavor isn’t available or they missed the final shot on goal, take the opportunity to plan something else fun. This doesn’t mean you have to take them to the amusement park or invest tons of money; just spend quality time together and you’ll see their moods lift.  

9. Don’t Underestimate the Power of Hugs

Close contact, like hugs, can go a long way to providing kids with comfort when they’re learning how to deal with disappointment. That way, they’ll know you might not fix the problem, but you’ll always be there to offer comfort. Marote also suggests encouraging younger kids to hug their stuffies when they’re feeling sad or anxious. If you’re dealing with disappointed tweens or teens, look for signs that they’re ready for a hug or having you in their personal space. If it doesn’t happen, remember that being nearby and ready to listen is just as important. 

Related: 9 ‘Harmless’ Phrases That Hurt Kids More Than You Think

—with additional reporting by Gabby Cullen

In the midst of all the carpools and soccer practices and dance lessons and schoolwork and the constant swirl of activity with busy families, there are words. Conversations. Discussions. And lots and lots of opportunities for you to encourage and motivate your potential entrepreneur, budding CEO, or just all-around smart girl.

It can be easy to let the days slide on by without being intentional in our communication with our kids. But when you have a moment to slow down and focus, here are eight different ways you can tell your daughter how amazing she is, instill a measure of self-confidence, and cheer her on to become the best possible version of herself.

Catch her doing something good.

As parents, it’s natural to spend a lot of time correcting our kids or pointing out mistakes. Flip the switch and look for something positive.

“I really appreciate that you put the dishes in the dishwasher after school, and not just the sink.”

“Thanks for helping your brother with that math problem.”

“You only slept in five minutes past your alarm! Great job.”

Positive affirmation is contagious; she may start doing the same with you!

Point out something positive in a negative situation.

Failure is part of life, especially for people like pioneers or entrepreneurs who are stepping out on limbs, taking risks and forging new paths. If you want a daughter who’s not afraid to fail, begin now to assuage that fear by helping her see the upside of something that was less than successful.

“Well, we didn’t sell much lemonade, but your idea to sell those chewy brownies was brilliant. The one customer we did have needed two more cups of lemonade to wash it down!”

When children feel good about themselves and know that you’re okay with trying and failing (and, in fact, encourage it versus not trying new things at all), they’re more willing to persevere and take new risks.

“What are your roses, thorns, and buds today?”

At dinnertime or before bed, ask your daughter about one of her day’s successes (a rose), one problem or mistake (a thorn), and one thing she is looking forward to tomorrow (bud). You can share yours, too. It’ll help her see that there are peaks and valleys throughout life, and success isn’t about avoiding the downturns; it’s about how you handle them, bounce back, and move forward.

Show her the big picture.

If she wonders why she needs to take math even though she wants to write children’s books someday, or she complains about gym class and says she’s not a “natural athlete,” talk about why math skills and fitness are important in life, no matter what career path she chooses.

Sometimes kids can be a little myopic in their view of the world, but you can help encourage your daughter to see the bigger picture when you help her think outside her limited scope of vision. Sometimes the answer to “Why do I have to take this class?!” is simply, “in order to learn how to learn. Learning new things is something you’ll do for the rest of your life, and every single class you take can help you become a better learner.”

“What’s your plan?”

Ask her about how she plans on solving problems on her own. (The problems she’s capable of handling independently, anyway.)

“Mom, my soccer jersey is dirty, and I have a game tomorrow!” Instead of rifling through her hamper yourself, maybe answer, “That seems like something you’ll need to take care of in the next 12 to 24 hours then. What’s your plan?” Or, let’s say she’s promised the neighbors she’ll babysit for them on Saturday, but now she wants to back out because she got invited to a birthday party. “Hmm. How do you think it would be best to handle that?”

Problem-solving is an important and valuable skill for anyone, let alone a successful entrepreneur.

Help her identify her passions.

She might not know yet what it is that gets her pumped up or makes her heart beat fast (which is normal, of course), so helping her identify those things could be very helpful and supportive. “Hey, I noticed that you got a little choked up when we watched that video about the rescue dog. What would you think about volunteering at the Human Society once a month?” Or, “I love that you like to help me with dinner! Maybe we should take a cooking class together?”

“I’m proud of you.”

It’s one thing to praise or celebrate her accomplishments, but what about her character?

“You’re such a loyal friend, I’m so proud of how supportive and encouraging you are.”

“When you hugged your sister after her bad day at school yesterday, I was so proud of you. You have a big, compassionate heart.”

Most of us—kids especially—indulge in too much negative self-talk. When you tell your kids what’s great about them, you interrupt that internal negative loop and help build their self-confidence.

“I believe in you.”

Think about it for a second: Who was the last person who said that to you? A parent, your spouse, maybe a mentor? Those are four powerful words that probably aren’t spoken enough, and if you’ve ever heard them, they likely lifted your spirits, ignited a fire, re-fueled a waning determination, or simply gave you the chutzpah you needed to tackle a project or face an intimidating challenge.

Whether your daughter is risk-averse or a little daredevil, whether she’s innovative or prefers the status quo, whether she’s ready to take on the world or needs a nudge out of her comfort zone—she needs to hear this from you.

This post originally appeared on The Startup Squad.

I've always built businesses, from a childhood gummy bear business to adult gigs at IMAX and Coupons.com. I founded The Startup Squad to help girls reach their potential and my book series, The Startup Squad, is published by Macmillan. I live in Silicon Valley with my wife and two daughters.

Simple things like “let’s count to 20 together” really work

While occasional anxiety and nervousness are perfectly normal feelings for many kids—especially in reaction to new or unfamiliar situations—some may experience persistent or extreme forms of fear or sadness. One in four children will experience anxiety disorders in their lifetime, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported that anxiety and depression among kids ages three to 17 have increased over time. How can parents help? We can get them to express their worries by using phrases that’ll help calm an anxious child in various situations.

What to Say When They Have School Anxiety

school can be scary for an anxious child.
Jerry Wang via Unsplash

School-related anxiety is so common in children that it often masquerades as other ailments. Whether your child suddenly complains of a headache or an upset stomach just before going to school or starts to act out at the mention of homework, there’s a good chance they're likely experiencing school anxiety. Here’s what you can say to help:

“Remind me what your favorite subjects or activities at school are.”
By redirecting your child’s attention to things that they care about at school—like favorite subjects and school activities—they can focus on the positives instead of worrying about the bad stuff.

“Let’s take a few deep breaths together.”
Modeling calming behaviors will show your child that there are better ways to regulate their emotions than acting out.

“What are you most looking forward to learning at school?”
Similar to asking about the things they enjoy at school, encouraging your child to anticipate all of the good things in their upcoming day can help to build new habits and associate new feelings about school.

“Have you gone through your checklist for the day?”
It’s useful to develop a checklist to help your child gain a greater sense of control over her daily schedule and activities.

“How can I help you feel better?”
By offering your support, your child will know that you recognize their school anxiety is real and that you are there to help.

What to Say When They Have Crowd Anxiety

Toa Heftiba via Unsplash

Fear of the unknown can trigger anxiety in people of all ages, but for children especially, the experience of being in large unfamiliar crowds can be overwhelming. Whether it’s at an airport or a sports stadium, being little among a group of strangers can induce anxiety. Here are a few things to tell your crowd-nervous kid:

“I’m right here with you. You are safe.”
Reassuring your anxious child that they are safe with you will go a long way to allay their fears, whether they are real or imagined. 

“Let’s count to 20 together.”
Offer up different coping skills to your child, such as taking a moment to calm down.

“Many things are going on, but focus only on what’s in front of you.”
An overwhelmed child may experience sensory overload, so encouraging them to focus on something small may help to block out external distractions.

“I know this can feel scary.”
Validating your nervous child’s concerns will let them know you care and are listening to them.

“Everything is OK, this moment will pass.”
Remind your child that their feelings are real, but the scary moment is temporary and eventually will pass.

What to Say When They Have New Experiences Anxiety

This anxious child is expressing himself.
Luz Fuertes via Unsplash

Trying something new for the first time often requires a leap of faith, which either can be thrillingly fun or can stir butterflies in the pit of your stomach. An anxious child may be prone to over-thinking how a new experience will play out. Here are some statements to help your kid get through something new:

“Tell me what you think will happen next.”
Anxiety about new experiences is often correlated with feeling a loss of control. Encouraging your anxious child to think about what will happen next may help them imagine a situation in which they have greater control.

“Tell me what you’re looking forward to seeing.”
Emphasizing the positive possibilities of a new experience can help your child discover something fun to look forward to.

“The scary part will pass.”
Remind your frightened child that the scary parts of new experiences are temporary and will eventually pass. 

“What can we explore together?”
Tell your child that you are in this together.

“You are brave—you got this.”
Offer words of encouragement to help your anxious child recognize the strength they already possess.

What to Say When They Have Performance Anxiety

Talking to an anxious child about sports.
NeONBRAND via Unsplash

Whether it’s stage fright or the onset of nerves during sporting activities, kids can sometimes feel overwhelmed when they need to perform. Parents can help guide their children through this kind of anxiety with a few simple words of encouragement:

“It’s OK to be nervous.”
Remind your child that nerves are natural stress responses, and it’s OK to rechannel feelings of nervousness into something that they can control.

“Tell yourself, ‘I can do this!’ ”
Foster your child’s belief that they can do whatever they set their mind to doing.

Make a battle cry for yourself: “I am invincible!”
Creating a battle cry can help to shore up your child’s confidence and encourage them to tap into their inner strengths.

“What’s the worst thing that could happen?
Encouraging your nervous child to imagine worst-case scenarios may seem counter-intuitive, but allowing them to think through all of the various situations that could occur may help them gain a better understanding of how they would respond in each case.

“Just do your best. I’m already proud of you.”
Assure your anxious child that you support their efforts, regardless of the outcome.

Family Anxiety

A large family reunion, which can be scary for an anxious child.
Tyler Nix via Unsplash

Visiting relatives can be difficult for some kids, especially if it’s been a while since their last visit. Children like structure and routine, and when day-to-day routines are broken by visiting relatives, kids who are prone to anxiety may panic. Here’s what to say to them:

“Tell me about how you’re feeling.”
Listen to what your nervous child has to say. Acknowledge their feelings and work with them to learn coping skills that will help them feel better.

“I get anxious sometimes, too.”
Demonstrate that you are empathetic to your child’s feelings by talking about the things that make you anxious.

“What do you need from me?”
Your child may need something as simple as a few words of support or a hug, but asking them what they need at the moment can help assure them that you are responsive to their needs.

“Let’s take a moment for ourselves.”
Don’t be afraid to give your child and yourself a time out from whatever hecticness is occurring with family visits.

“I can’t wait until …”
Talk to your anxious child about what you’re looking forward to, whether it’s spending time with grandma and grandpa or going on a family vacation.

#12 is really important

As parents, our greatest wish for our children is for them to be happy, healthy, and confident. Experts agree that curiosity and independent thinking are key ingredients to ensuring the development of these positive character traits; however, there is still often cultural and societal pressure for kids to conform to predetermined ideas and behaviors. 

Raising kids who stand up for what they believe in and who march to the beat of their drums can be a delicate balancing act, but it’s essential to fostering a strong sense of self. According to says Carole Kramer Arsenault, a licensed family therapist, and founder and CEO of Boston Baby Nurse, “Independent thinking children develop higher levels of confidence and have increased self-esteem. Children who are independent thinkers use their own experiences to interpret the world instead of believing everything they are taught by parents, teachers, society, etc.”

We asked child behavior and early education experts for their advice on how to foster confidence and independent thinking in any child. Here are their 12 best tips for raising an independent thinker.

1. Model and share the behaviors, values, and ideals you want your independent kid to possess.

Modeling and sharing with your child what you believe and what you value—early and often—will ensure that she grows up with a solid ideological foundation as she develops her sense of self. “Parents who communicate what they value with their children raise children who value communicating with their parents,” says Mica Geer, an American early education specialist based in Stuttgart, Germany. Geer adds that it’s a two-way street and parents also need to hear what their children value, too. “It may seem like the ramblings of a child, but when a kid is sharing her thoughts, parents need to really listen.”

2. Let children know that failure is an essential part of learning and growing.

Young children are like sponges: they’ll absorb virtually everything around them. Encouraging kids to learn through their failures instead of giving up when things get tough will empower them in the long run. According to the Child Mind Institute, a nonprofit organization that supports families and children coping with mental illness and learning disabilities, “trial and error is how kids learn, and falling short on a goal helps kids find out that it’s not fatal.” By learning to embrace a misstep, a child may be spurred to put in the extra effort the next time, learning a valuable lesson. 

3. Expose your child to different cultures, foods, and multicultural/multiethnic experiences.

“Encouraging your child to play and interact with other kids from all cultural and ethnic backgrounds and diverse socio-economic circumstances can open a child’s mind to different worldviews and opinions,” says Kramer Arsenault. Early exposure to the wider world—to different cultures, people, and even food—teaches a child that the world is vast and open to lots of possibilities.

Related: 10 Things That’ll Help You Raise Resilient Kids

4. Instead of simply pushing independence, encourage self-reliance.

little girl learning how to be an independent thinker
Kipp Jareke-Cheng via Instagram

Dr. Jim Taylor, a San Francisco-based psychologist, says becoming an independent thinker is achieved through the pursuit of self-reliance. “As human beings, we are social creatures incapable of being truly independent. Instead of raising independent children, I want you to raise self-reliant children.” Dr. Taylor defines self-reliance as “confident in your own abilities and able to do things for yourself.” For children, that means encouraging the development of essential life tools that include cognitive, emotional, behavioral, interpersonal, and practical skills.

5. Tell your kids that practice makes perfect—or at least makes pretty great.

While experts agree that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to instilling confidence and independence in children, most recognize that values can and do change with time, age, and experience. The Center for Parenting Education provides useful resources for helping parents raise caring, responsible, resilient children, including practical exercises that parents and children can work on together to share and explore their basic life values.

6. Allow your kids to act their age.

One of the greatest and longest-lasting gifts a parent can give to a child is confidence. However, a parent can undermine a child’s confidence by creating expectations that are unrealistic or not age-appropriate. Carl Pickhardt, a psychologist, and author of 15 parenting books says, “When a child feels that only performing as well as parents is good enough, that unrealistic standard may discourage effort. Striving to meet advanced age expectations can reduce confidence.” Instead, he says parents should celebrate accomplishments big and small as well as encourage children to practice skills to build competence.

Related: I’m Raising My Kids to Be Financially Responsible & Independent. You Can, Too

7. Define and set clear boundaries for your child.

boy learning how to be an independent thinker

It may seem counter-intuitive, but defining and establishing clear boundaries and expectations will help a child feel a greater sense of independence and confidence. According to Geer, “reasonable boundaries that are based in logic and frequently reinforced actually do more to encourage kids than constantly changing expectations.” She adds that parents sometimes equate expectations with limitations, but kids always are looking for things that make them feel safe and in a safe environment to build their own ideas. 

8. Give your child the space to grow, learn and explore.

Younger children especially are trying to assert their independence in ways that may come across as defiant or disorderly to some parents. But experts caution not to overreact or jump in to correct too quickly. “Research shows that parents who are over-involved in an activity that a child is doing, who take over, those kids don’t develop a sense of pride, adventure, and willingness to try new things,” says Dr. Linda Acredolo, professor emeritus of psychology at the University of California at Davis. Instead, Dr. Acredolo says children need the space to try—and fail on their own to learn and move forward.

9. Give responsibilities to your child at an early age.

Whether it’s simple household duties like taking out the trash or doing the dishes, assigning chores to children can give them a sense of accomplishment as well as set them up for understanding that seeing through the completion of tasks is essential throughout life and part of being a successful person. “By making them do chores… they realize, ‘I have to do the work of life in order to be part of life,’ ” says Julie Lythcott-Haims, a former Stanford University dean and the author of How to Raise an Adult.

Related: 10 Ways to Help Boost Your Kid’s Confidence

10. Encourage your child to ask questions and share their opinions.

little girl asking a question


Rather than enforcing your own perspective or dismissing your child’s questions, encouraging your child to question things and share their opinions and genuinely listen will help them gain confidence in their ideas. “This shows the child that his viewpoints matter. Parents should engage in actively listening to what their child has to say. When a child feels listened to he feels valued,” says Kramer Arsenault. And feeling valued will enhance your child’s self-esteem and confidence. 

11. Teach children that they have agency over their minds and bodies.

Children rely on so much from their parents and caregivers when they are young, but as they transition from childhood into adolescence, one of the most important lessons they need to learn is that they have agency over their minds and bodies. Parents can help facilitate the transition of their children’s dependence to greater independence by ensuring that their kids know the choices they make have consequences. The Center for Parenting Education has a helpful resource for helping parents and children navigate effective discipline and consequences

12. Trust your kids.

According to Dr. Jim Taylor, there are two kinds of children: independent and contingent. Contingent children are dependent on others for how they feel about themselves, while independent children are intrinsically motivated to achieve. Trusting that your child has learned the right lessons will allow him or her to flourish in their independence. “If your children are independent, you have provided them with the belief that they are competent and capable of taking care of themselves. You gave your children the freedom to experience life fully and learn its many important lessons,” says Dr. Taylor.


If they can brush their teeth, they can also get out the door on time (We promise!)

School mornings can be a busy and sometimes stressful time when your kids are little. But as they get older, there’s a whole bunch of things they can be doing on their own to help out! Not only does it make your morning run a little smoother, but it also helps kids develop necessary life skills, gain confidence and become well-rounded, competent adults. Here’s our list that’ll help you set morning chores for kids—one they can definitely handle on their own each school day by the time they’re 10.

1. Get out of bed on their own. When they’re babies, going in to get your kids out of the crib and up for the day is a sweet moment. But if you’re still going in and waking up your kid long after the wee baby stage, you may want to pass that task over to them. They can—and should be able to—get themselves up for school independently. Every day. And if they’re late? It’s not your fault, mom.

2. Get dressed. This sounds pretty obvious, but getting dressed with zero micromanaging from you is key. It may be tempting to check and see if your kids remembered to put on underwear, or if their shirts and pants match, but this is another skill they can totally master on their own. Besides—letting them express themselves with their wardrobe is fun!

3. Make their breakfast. Again, it sounds like an easy morning chore. But encouraging your little scholars to make healthy choices and take control of their breakfast from a young age is the best way to help them eat well—plus it frees up your morning!

4. Make their own lunch—or at least help. Younger ones (like kindergarten-aged kids) may need some help with this. But for the most part, getting your kid involved in choosing and making their own lunch means they’ll likely eat the entire thing! It’s also a great opportunity to teach them about balanced diets.

5. Tidy up their own mess. So they’ve made breakfast and packed their lunch, and now there are dishes everywhere! Kids need to know they need to tidy up after themselves as well. This morning chore is great for helping them develop important life skills.

Related: 12 Ways to Help Your Kids Master the Morning Routine

little girl packing her backpack, an easy morning chore for kids


6. Pack their school bag. Kids will sometimes tell their teachers “Oh, my mom forgot to pack <insert various items here> in my backpack today.” And teachers generally respond with “Did your mom forget it? Or did you?” Gotcha, kid! If they need to remember something, they need to put it in their bag themselves.

7. Keep track of their library books/homework, etc. If it’s library day and suddenly your kid’s book is missing, it’s not your job to find it. They’re definitely old enough by now to keep track of all their own things—including where they left their homework.

8. Decide what outerwear they’ll need that day. Arguments over appropriate footwear and outerwear for all types of temperatures are never fun. Let your kids decide if they need that spare pair of mittens in the winter. One cold, wet, miserable day without them, and they’ll likely make good decisions!

9. Brush their teeth. Despite needing a billion and one reminders when they’re little, as they get older, kids should really be able to remember to brush their teeth—and do it properly—before each school day.

10. Get out the door on time. Getting out the door seems to be one of the toughest tasks when the kids are really young. But as they get older, this is another task they should be able to handle themselves. It’s really all about raising our kids to be competent adults one day—and that means that they’re going to have to arrive at places on time.

Related: 5 Simple Ways to Help Your Kid Establish a Morning Routine

Give your kids a totally awesome experience with our rad how-to guide

In hopes of encouraging more time spent outside instead of in front of a screen, we’ve cozied up to the concept that a classic ’80s summer à la Stranger Things (without that whole Upside Down thing, please) is just what the doctor ordered. Keep reading to see what you’ll need to make it happen—and guess what? This is going to be the Best. Summer. Ever.

1. Encourage round-the-clock wearing of swimsuits.

They’ll be pool or sprinkler-ready all day long, AND it works wonders on the laundry pile.

2. Replace their Nintendo Switch with an Etch-a-Sketch.

3. For the older set: Find the oldest playground equipment in town and leave your kids unsupervised to play for hours.  

4. Introduce them to real card and board games.

It’s not a real game of Battleship if the board doesn’t stay on the kitchen table for at least 72 hours of intermittent play.

5. Let your kids ride around the neighborhood.

No one’s summer is complete without pedal scrapes on the insides of their ankles and a couple of scab-on-scabbed knees. Worried about free-range life in the real world? Here’s a crash course on teaching kids to make good decisions.

6. Let them watch bad TV—a lot of It.

Bonus points if it’s one of these 1980s shows that are still totally cool.

7. Drink the Kool-Aid.

All of it. Even the ones with red food dye.


8. Show them how to use the phone.

And then give them the number to Pizza Hut.

9. Send them outside with sidewalk chalk and a sprinkler.

If you need ideas, check out our favorite ways to play with sidewalk chalk.

10. Let them eat crackers for dinner.

Remember when your mom would be lounging with her neighborhood pals while you inhaled a whole sleeve of Ritz crackers right on the sidewalk?

11. Just say NO.

To any appointments or engagements for your kids that start before 11 a.m.

12. Find a grocery store with a coin-operated ride near the door. 

13. Put bathing really, really low on the list of things to do.

You know you’ve reached authenticity when someone’s hair turns green from the chlorine.

Related: 15 Throwback Toys From Your ’80s Childhood

14. Keep a lot of Otter Pops in the freezer.

It wasn’t an ’80s summer without our friends Alexander the Grape and Louie-Bloo Raspberry.

15. Make sure their feet stay really, really dirty.

If by September they don’t freak out over splinters (or maybe they just don’t feel them), then you’ve done your job.

16. Buy Calamine lotion in bulk.

Related: 20 Foods That ’80s Kids Will Recognize

Sometimes, saying “I’m proud of you” can make all the difference

When you become a parent, you pick up the basics pretty quickly. It’s figuring out how to raise happy and confident kids that can be a challenge as the years go on. What we do know is that positive words for kids will go a long way to help boost their confidence and change their day for the better—sometimes it’s words of encouragement, and sometimes it’s just a simple “I love you.” In that spirit, here are 30 positive things to say to kids.

mom smiling at daughter

1. You make me smile. Telling your kiddo they make you happy is one thing. But telling them they're the reason for your smile will give them happiness and a sense of pride that'll stick around all day.

2. Your words matter. The old saying "sticks and stones" isn't entirely accurate. Let your kids know that words have power.

3. Tell me one good thing that happened today. Focusing on the positive helps keep the bad stuff at bay.

4. Tell me one bad thing that happened today. It’s important to talk about the bad stuff too.

5. I'm proud of you for doing XYZ. When kids hear that someone is proud of them, it has a big impact on them. Think of one positive thing, and tell your little one about it.

Related: The Only 2 Things to Say to Your Kid after a Game

mom hugging her daughter

6. Mistakes happen. Kids are a messy business, and they may ruin the nice stuff you own. But what's more important—material things (just keep the priceless china stashed away) or your kids knowing they can come to you when they make a mistake? That knowledge that you love them unconditionally goes a long way in life.

7. How are you? Asking your kiddo how she feels shows that you are interested in them. Brandi Russell, a pediatric occupational therapist, and parenting coach recommends checking in with your little ones just as you would a spouse or friend.

8. What would you do? This is a great response to kids always asking for help with things. Empower them while giving yourself a break. You may not think much of it now, but that empowerment goes a long way as they grow older.

9. What nice thing did you do or say today? Encourage kindness by reinforcing it daily.

10. Nothing will change my love for you. This phrase may seem self-evident, but sometimes kids need you to state the obvious. Rebecca Eans, the bestselling author of Positive Parenting, believes you can't go wrong with this loving reminder.

Related: 20 Empowering Things to Say to Your Daughter Every Day


11. Don’t let mean people define who you are. There will always be bullies in life. This simple phrase helps kids know that negative voices are not the most important, and it's a lesson they can remember as they encounter difficult people as teens and adults.

12. I like it when you … Even when the kids are driving you crazy, there’s always at least one thing they did that made you smile.

13. Please. If we want respect as parents, then we need to show that same behavior to our kids. Dr. John DeGarmo, a national foster parent coach, advocates parents should always say "please" and "thank you" to model respectful behavior.

14. Clean up your toys, dishes, or whatever is left out. Encourage kids to take ownership of cleaning up their belongings, says Maureen Healy, author of Growing Happy Kids. Even if it’s just one or two items a day, it will help you in the long run.

15. That’s smart thinking. Sometimes hearing you’re smart is even more powerful than telling a kid she looks cute. That early feeling of being called intelligent is sometimes one of the memories kids remember most as they grow.

Related: 11 Important Things Dads Should Say to Their Sons

dad spending time with daughter

16. I like you. Kids may hear the words “I love you” regularly, but do they know you like them too?

17. I’m proud of you. They know you love them. But do they know you’re proud of them too? Author, and clinical psychologist, Dr. Sherrie Campbell believes those words are just as important as affirmations of love to kids.

18. Thank you. Social skills and courtesy are important in the home and outside of it, and they are skills that go through adulthood.

19. I’m sorry. We all lose our temper or make mistakes. Dr. Alison Mitzner, a pediatric specialist, believes what’s important is how we react.

20. Just be yourself. Teach your kids they’re enough, and they never have to be anyone else.

Related: 10 Things to Say About Yourself in Front of Your Kid

mom and son starting the day with postivity

21. I love being with you. Amy McCready is a parenting educator who believes encouraging words and phrases go a long way to help your kids feel safe and secure. Telling your little one how you love being with them is a great positive affirmation they'll never tire of hearing.

22. Do your best. It’s not about the result. It’s about how you get there.

23. Always tell the truth, even if it’s not great. The sooner kids know you’ll still love them after hearing the truth—even if it’s not great—the more truthful they’ll be as they grow.

24. I'm listening. What do you want to say? According to Katie Hurley, LCSW, 57% of girls say they don’t always tell their parents certain things because they don’t want their parents to think badly of them. Show your kids you do care what they have to say by demonstrating you want to listen to them share information with you.

25. You don’t have to eat it. It’s tough to deal with picky eaters. Instead of fighting with your kids to eat their veggies, give them the power to say no and be in control. But don’t provide an alternative meal choice or dessert either.

Related: 7 Things NOT to Say to Your Daughter

a happy inclusive family

26. You make me happy. Because everyone wants to feel like they matter to someone else.

27. I love you. They may be simple, but Jennifer Wolf, a PCI-certified parent coach, believes there's no substitute for these powerful words.

28. What do you think we should do today? Letting your kids have a say in the day's activities will do a lot to keep them feeling satisfied and valued for more than just a few hours.

29. You make a difference... in life, in the family, and at school. When kids hear they're important, they feel empowered and happier.

30. You were right. To let a child know when they were right (and maybe you were wrong) is empowering. 



Who knows which baby bath toys are the best better than other parents (who have actually used them)?

Bathtime is one of our favorite times to bond with our little ones. It’s usually at the end of the day, after dinner adventures and before bed, so it’s just the kind of wind-down we and our kiddos need. Warm water, bubbles, and splashing (sometimes lots of splashing)—what more could you ask for? Oh, and as a bonus, it’s the perfect time for playing. Which of course means we’re on the hunt for the best baby bath toys.

Bath toys are especially fun because they offer littles a chance to experience different textures and ways to play. Plus, gone are the days of only rubber ducks and boats (though we love those!); there are so many awesome toys to choose from, specifically designed for the bath. But you don’t have to take our word for it! These are the top Amazon toys, according to reviewers. Sure, there are rubber duckies and boats, but there’s also blocks, and balls, and baby bath squirt toys, so you’re sure to find something (or somethings) that’s perfect for your little babes. We’ve got the baby bath toys parents are loving right here!

Duck Tubing Floating Bath Toys

Three connecting tubes, three rubber ducks, and a mold-free design! These ducks are ready to play.

Amazon Review:  I wanted some floating bath ducks that weren't “squirters” so that they wouldn’t mold. These are a nice size (bigger than expected), good quality, and super cute! My girls love to also put other bath toys on the “duck train”. -BrookeMarie

Duck Tubing Floating Bath Toys ($18.99)—Buy Now

KaledioCubes Stack & Squeeze Blocks

This 9-pack of blocks are brightly colored and covered with letters and numbers, so they'll grow with your babes!

Amazon Review: After screening numerous baby block listings (many of which claim to be hole/mold-free but are not), I was thrilled to finally discover a truly hole-free set. I have cleaned these blocks in the dishwasher (top rack) several times, so far without issue. I look forward to using them as bath toys and not having to worry about mold growth. -K.Cox

KaledioCubes Stack & Squeeze Blocks ($10.99)—Buy Now

Green Toys Paddle Boat and Tugboat Combo

Boats are a classic bath toy, and this set from Green Toys have little pour spouts and don't have any BPA!

Amazon Review: As always green toys remains one of our favorites. They're great size and usually bigger than expected. They're made of recycled materials which is another plus and I can't say enough about the durability of these toys. They can get tossed around and still look great. The paddles on the boat really move and there's a spout on them both that you can pour water out of. -Tiffany Sprouse

Green Toys Paddle Boat and Tugboat Combo ($27.99)—Buy Now

Munchkin Bath Numbers & Letters

36 floating letters and numbers in bright, kid-friendly colors!

Amazon Review: My 18 month old loves these, the first set I bought, he had thrown them all over the house and I couldn't find most of them lol, I bought a 2nd set and keep it in with his bath toys. These suction really well to my tile bath wall. When he bites on them, they do leave teeth marks that will not come out. Also the set only includes 1 of each letter and number so spelling anything isn't really possible if you need more than 1 of the same letter lol. All in all, these are decent for the price. They are pretty sturdy and haven't ripped, so you don't have to worry about you kid boring a chunk out of one. -Brandie L.

Munchkin Bath Numbers & Letters ($5.95)—Buy Now

Munchkin Float & Play Bubbles

This set includes 2 fun ocean friends and two twirly rattles. The characters move freely around the bubbles, and the textured rings float!

Amazon Review: So I’m a stickler for bath toys without holes in them. I didn’t know so well for my first child who is now almost 13….. but I learned over time with my others. I bought these for my 8 month old as he’s into little noises and things for bath since he’s sitting up. When I got these they didn’t even make it into the bath for the first few weeks, he sat playing with them on the floor with his toys and loved them as is! They are perfect size, the rattle noise inside isn’t loud and obnoxious it’s actually kind of a lull soothing noise, the objects inside keep him entertained even still. Now that they’ve been in the bath, they haven’t leaked any water in, they float well and are fun! Happy I bought these. -Erica Mara

Munchkin Float & Play Bubbles ($9.39)—Buy Now

Munchkin Ocean Squirts Bath Toys

8 water-squirting friends that are easy for little ones grasp!

Amazon Review: So cute and my daughter plays with them continuously! -Tyler Goulding

Munchkin Ocean Squirts Bath Toys ($10.49)—Buy Now


Munchkin Bath Bobbers

Lightweight penguin and polar bear bath bobbers are great for both babies and toddlers!

Amazon Review: These bobbers are so fun for bath time! Float perfectly and sometime my 7 month old can easily grab. -Hannah Martin

Munchkin Bath Bobbers ($7.39)—Buy Now

Green Toys Ferry Boat

This set includes mini cars for loading and unloading, plus it's made from recycled plastic!

Amazon Review: Only 13 months old and what a great way to keep him busy in the tub! -Kim

Green Toys Ferry Boat ($16.15)—Buy Now


Munchkin Arctic Polar Bear

He's going fishing and your little one can help! The floating polar bear holds 4 fish rings on each leg.

Amazon Review: This is larger than I thought it would be, in a good way! It’s very durable and the rings are large enough to not be a choking hazard for smaller children. I love that water can’t get into the toy and mold. I wasn’t going to review this, but it impressed me! -108

Blue's Clues Bath Squirters

The gang's all here! Blue, Magenta, and Slippery Soap are ready for bathtime.

Amazon Review: They don’t hold water so no stress about mold!! They are great bath toys! -Corey Diesz

Blue's Clues Bath Squirters ($14.99)—Buy Now

Cloud & Droplet Silicon Bath Toys

You can open and close these cute toys for easy cleaning, plus they're ergonomically designed for little baby hands!

Amazon Review: I purchased these in a high-end shop while on withy husband. I was pumped to find the exact same product on Amazon and purchased a second set. My kids LOVE taking a warm "tub" nightly. So, these are used daily. We are going on a year and we have not had any problems with mold. I love that they are dishwasher safe. I throw them in the dishwasher once a month or so (I have always done this with bath toys). Honestly, I bet I could go longer, they never look or smell dirty. We did have one go missing and found it a few months later sitting in some standing water left in the pool out back, that did mold. So, unless you're not planning on draining your tub at all ever you should have nothing to worry about. This is a wonderful bath toy! -Huntington

Dive Gems Toys

This 12-piece set is colorful and smooth, plus older kids will love them for the pool!

Amazon Review: I ordered these for my daughter when she was 6 months old . My daughter is currently going on 18 months she still loves them ! We use them for bath, at the beach, & pool. -Alyssa Miranda

Dive Gems Toys ($12.95)—Buy Now

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.

Are you looking for a way to make a positive impact and give back this season? Spread some holiday cheer to the kids and families of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® by participating in their third annual St. Jude Joy Drive.

Since it opened on Feb. 4, 1962, St. Jude has helped countless families. So much so, that treatments invented at St. Jude have helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20% when they first opened their doors to more than 80% today.

To further its lifesaving mission, St. Jude shares the breakthroughs it makes freely, and every child saved at St. Jude means doctors and scientists worldwide can use that knowledge to save thousands more children. With assistance from generous donors, families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food.

While St. Jude has made great strides, there is still more to be done to find a cure for childhood cancer and other catastrophic diseases—and that’s where you come in! Read on to learn more about how to spread holiday cheer for a good cause (and have fun while doing it)!

Spread some holiday cheer to the kids and families of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital by participating in their third annual St. Jude Joy Drive. Visit their site to learn more and participate.

St. Jude patient Connor, who is diagnosed with medulloblastoma, pictured with his mother Brooke and father Christopher.

Throughout December, St. Jude is hosting the St. Jude Joy Drive—a social media-driven campaign that highlights St. Jude supporters through heartwarming and inspirational storytelling of why they continue to give to St. Jude.

To join them, share what brings you joy over the holidays on your social media account. To participate, simply post a video about what makes you light up during the festive season and why you donate and support St. Jude. Be sure to tag @stjudela, who will share it on their social media during the month of December. You can include your favorite traditions, activities, things to eat and drink, or a favorite memory.

Invite your friends, family and followers to share what they love about the holidays, and to give a suggested donation of $10, or whatever they can donate to St. Jude.

Spreading joy is an easy way to bring some holiday magic to families and children who are spending their holidays at the hospital. Help share the joy of the holidays from your heart with the kids of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital by participating in the St. Jude Joy Drive and make a lasting difference!

Happy Holidays!