It’s a conversation no parent wants to have, but if you have to, here’s what you can tell your child

As unfortunate as it might be, lockdown drills have become a regular occurrence at most public schools across the country, in some places as commonplace now as fire drills. And though they can be scary for young children, they’re necessary. They help to prepare and educate children about the proper and safe way to act in case of an emergency.

The first time our local elementary school did a lockdown drill when my son was in kindergarten, he came home a little shaken up. It’s not easy to explain to your child why lockdown drills are necessary or what exactly they’re protecting them against without inciting fear. But there are some strategies available for speaking to your children about the importance and purpose of lockdown drills. Here are just a few.

1. Stay Calm

Children often react first to an adult’s reaction, then to whatever situation is causing the reaction. For example, if your child falls and scrapes their knee. Their initial reaction might be to cry when they see the blood or because it hurts. But the severity of their reaction will have a lot to do with how you, as the parent, react. If you start panicking, your child will panic too because they’ll think there’s reason to: “If mommy is getting upset there must be something really wrong!”

This theory holds true for discussing lockdown drills. If you approach the subject with a calm and even tone, your child will not be initially alarmed. They’re more apt to calmly sit and listen to what you have to say. Acting in a paranoid or fearful way will only instill unnecessary fear in your child.

2. Be Open to Questions

You want your child to feel comfortable asking you questions, about anything in life, but especially about something they’re concerned or curious about. Try not to meet their questions with resistance or negativity. Be open to whatever is going on in their minds. The more knowledge and understanding of the situation they have, the more comfortable they may become with the practice.

3. Use Comparisons

It’s sometimes easier for children to understand a new concept when they have a familiar reference to compare it to. The most common and logical comparison to a lockdown drill is a fire drill. Most children are familiar with fire drills before they even enter public school. Many daycare and childcare centers are required to perform routine fire drills. You might even have a fire plan in place for your home.

Explain to your child that a lockdown drill is very similar to a fire drill. It’s something the schools use just in case of an emergency and for practice because practice makes perfect! You can even compare practicing drills to wearing a helmet or seat belt. You do these things to be safe, just in case there’s an accident or your child falls off their bike. These things may never happen, but if they do, you’re protected.

The more relaxed and less serious you remain while discussing lockdown drills, the more relaxed your child will be. Emphasize that lockdown drills aren’t just for the students but for teachers as well and that they’re designed to keep everyone safe.

4. Helping Them Understand the Threat

But as we know, lockdown drills are in place for a very serious reason. It’s perfectly fine to ease your young child’s mind by making “light” of the situation and explaining that it’s simply for practice. But your inquisitive child will likely ask what a lockdown drill is keeping them safe from.

They already view teachers and other adults as authority figures. Explain to your child that sometimes, adults and teachers see a potential threat or something unsafe that children don’t see. This threat may be nothing, but until the adults can determine that, a lockdown drill is a good way to keep them safe.

Your child’s next question might be, “Well, what kind of unsafe stuff?” My son is 7 and I try to be as honest with him as possible, without striking fear. He knows that people make poor choices at times—from his friends in class to adults. When discussing what threats lockdown drills are addressing, explain that it’s the school’s job to keep the children safe from any adults around that might be making poor choices. There’s really no need to explain further what those choices are.

I often tell my son, “Sometimes people just do things that we don’t understand. Things that we would never do.” If your child is a little bit older you can go as far as to say, “Sometimes people get angry and confused and end up hurting people.” You know your child best, so offer as much or as little explanation as you think is appropriate or necessary.

5. Encourage Your Child to Be a Helper

Most kids love nothing more than being a helper, especially to adults! Making children part of what’s going on is a great way to involve them in their own safety practice, such as lockdown drills.

The teachers at my son’s school wear whistles on their school lanyards. During a lockdown drill, the teacher is supposed to pop their head out the classroom door into the hallway and blow their whistle three times. This alerts anyone in the hallway or neighboring classrooms that a lockdown is in place, in case they aren’t already aware. The teacher then locks the classroom door and the children take their positions. It’s my son’s job to remind his teacher to blow the whistle. Other students have other “jobs” like reminding her to pull down the shades or helping their friends find their special hiding spots.

By involving children in the lockdown process, you’re empowering them with a sense of responsibility and involvement. This can help to ease their worry. It also gives them something to focus on, distracting them from any fear they might be experiencing.

Try asking your child about the lockdown drill process. “So, what do you do first?” or “What happens next?” Become excited and involved in what’s happening. Your child will feel important and may view the drill as a necessary “job” they have, not as a scary experience.

6. Always be Available

It’s important to always be available for your child to ask questions, voice their concerns and simply listen to what they have to say. The first few lockdown drills your child experiences might be scary for them, but over time, they should become more comfortable with the process. If you need further information or help explaining lockdown drills with your child, speaking to your school’s principal or the district superintendent can offer additional help and resources about your specific school district’s procedures.

I am a 32 year old mother of a son and wife to an officer. I am honest about both the love and struggle of parenting. I enjoy being active and writing is my passion, second only to my family.

So you’re about to have a threenager. Congratulations! The added excitement in your life—from exuberant gestures of love to devastating reactions to anything that causes sadness—means that you’ll want to celebrate this milestone. Keep reading for our take on throwing the most epic birthday party for three-year-olds ever.

To Theme or Not to Theme?

Three-year-olds are passionate people, which means they love the things they love. Surround them with those things and you can practically forget the rest of your to-do list.

Real Mom Advice: I threw a ninja-themed party for my son when he turned three, and he was more excited about the decorations than he was about his presents. He still has his banner—his name in Japanese surrounded by ninja images—hanging in his room.

How Many Kids Should I Invite to a Birthday Party for Three-Year-Olds?

By three, your daughter probably has her people. She knows what she likes, who shares toys well, and who doesn’t. However, you’re still in the middle of preschool life, which means smaller classes and moms who volunteer together and know each other well. At this point, unless you’re going to pull your invitation list from multiple places (the classroom, the neighborhood, the mommy-and-me music class), you might need to invite everyone in the class.

Real Mom Advice: I was working full-time when my daughter turned three, and her daycare class was pretty large. I didn’t have other groups to pull guests from, so to keep the numbers more manageable, I just invited the girls. We sent party favors and cupcakes to school on Monday to share with the whole class and the boys.

gift for a 3 year old birthday
Ekaterina Shevchenko via Unsplash

Should I Limit Gifts?

This is a hot topic that fans somefeelings, so go with your gut. If you know your kid is getting a billion gifts from grandparents and you want to ease off, maybe going the no-gift route is right for you. Or perhaps your party is the extent of your favorite three-year-old’s birthday celebration. In that case, gifts could be great—especially if your party guest list is on the shorter side.

Real Mom Advice: At three, your little one’s shelves might be filling up. Now’s a good time to box up some of those rattles and rollers to save for the next one, or to donate.

How Long Should a Birthday Party for Three-Year-Olds Last?

Three-year-olds are not known for getting bored, so even if you go a little too long, they’ll be busy. A two-hour party seems like the sweet spot, but depending on your schedule, you could go a little shorter or longer.

Real Mom Advice: Have a plan on standby for when the party’s winding down, but parents haven’t yet packed their kiddos in the car seat. This is when things could get hairy. A pack of balloons will work woners, because all you have to do is blow up a few by mouth, throw them to the c,rowd and tell them to keep those bad boys from touching the ground. Then, start saying yourthank-yous and goodbyes.


What Time of Day Works Best for a 3-Year-Old Birthday Party?

Since many three-year-olds have dropped their naps but still get a little cranky in the afternoons, planning your party for the morning—or no later than lunchtime, if you want to serve lunch—is pretty solid advice.

Real Mom Advice: If any of your guests are the oldest children, go ahead and set up the pack-and-play and baby swing in advance of the party. Your parent guests with wee ones who still nap in the mornings will thank you, and you won’t have to leave the party to pull the equipment out of the closet.

Where Should We Have It?

Pandemic partying has its own set of constraints, but your main consideration here will be safe. While everyone has their comfort level with who, where, and how you interact with those outside your regular circle, a three-year-old party is incredibly well-suited to pandemic gatherings: They’re small, they work best outside, and they’re relatively short.

Real Mom Advice: If you feel comfortable having a party in a jump house or trampoline park, these rock for three-year-old parties. However, a playground or a backyard works equally well.

3 year old birthday fun

 What Do We Do?

Three-year-olds love accomplishments, and you can harness the power of this by having a pre-planned craft, art project, obstacle course, or game stations. Tie your activities into your theme, and you’ve just #won.

Real Mom Advice: My son loves trophies, and it was easy to order a box of them on Amazon before his big day. We incorporated an awards ceremony at the end of the party and gave each guest a trophy for something they did that was awesome. Not trying to brag, but it was kind of the best party ever.

Do I Bake a Cake?

Bake it or fake it, this isn’t going to be a three-year-old’s first rodeo. They’re going to be on the lookout for the sweet stuff.

Real Mom Advice: Tie the cake decoration into your theme, and it won’t matter if it’s filled with zucchini. (Don’t try this—we’re kidding.) But for real, decorate the cake and know that your local grocery store is an excellent option, too. You don’t have to go specialty bakery here. They’re three, so they’ll be psyched no matter how much you spend on it.

a birthday party for a three year old

Do I Feed People at a Birthday Party for Three-Year-Olds?

Three-year-old parties are generally not drop-off affairs, which means you’re also going to be hosting a handful of adults. Don’t go overboard with catering to the grown-ups, but it’s a nice gesture to fill a cooler with more adult-type beverages—sparkling waters, sodas, or beer and wine if you’re inclined—just to keep everyone hydrated. For the kids, set out bowls (or individual baggies) of their favorite fruit, veggie, or salty snacks, and juice boxes or containers of water. Steer clear of candy and sweets on the snack table, as you’ll be loading them up when it’s time to blow out the candles.

Real Mom Advice: At my daughter’s party, which was tea party-themed, I went overboard on sugary toppings for the cupcakes (the “craft” was to allow each guest to decorate their cupcake). Rookie move. Not a sprinkle was left on the table, and the guests spent the last hour growling at one another. Be sure you keep an eye on the sugar, is all I’m saying.

What about Favors for a 3-Year-Old Birthday Party?

Yes, favors for the win! Don’t go wild, but a festive-looking package at the exit gate will guarantee an easy send-off.

Real Mom Advice: Slap bracelets, bouncy balls, bubbles, and sticker books are always good. If you want to step it up a notch, personalized sippy cups are cute. At this stage, it’s less about what’s in the package than how fun it looks when you’re passing them out.

How Do I Make It Stop?

Cue the exit music, start a conga line, and head toward the party favor station (and the car door).

Real Mom Advice: Putting an end time on the invitation may seem weird, but it’ll make sure everyone is on the same page, and it will save you from the awkward goodbye.

What about the After-Party?

Don’t give in to the urge to have a private family party immediately after the party with guests ends. Shut. It. Down. Make time for maybe a book or possibly a cartoon, then nap time—if that works with your schedule. You and your three-year-old are going to need to chillax. Save the after-party for another day.


Being naked in front of our little ones seems perfectly natural. At least, at first. After all, how else would we get our showers in if not for the baby bouncer propped in the middle of the bathroom during those first few months of parenthood? And anyway, we see them naked plenty when we bathe them, change them, or witness their glorious bare-butted happy dances just before bedtime. But at what point do our hanging bits start to become a little… awkward? Should we let it all out until the day our kids bark, “Cover up, Mom!” or “Put some clothes on, Dad!” Or should we opt for modesty before that?

“I think that the question is, ‘Will it harm a child to see a parent without their clothes on, partly or fully? My short answer is no,'” said developmental psychologist Ted Hutman, assistant clinical professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. “The driving thought behind this for me is that nudity isn’t dirty; it isn’t bad; it isn’t obscene. Nudity isn’t the same as sex.”

What little research there has been on the topic seems to agree. An 18-year longitudinal study of 200 boys and girls who were exposed to parental nudity found that there was no harmful effect on any of the following areas: self-acceptance; relations with peers, parents, and other adults; antisocial and criminal behavior; substance use; suicidal ideation; quality of sexual relationships; and problems associated with sexual relations.

That said, whether or not you bare your bod in front of your kids has everything to do with your personal beliefs and comfort level, as well as how your kids feel about it. Here’s what experts say about when (if ever) you should stop changing in front of your kids, plus a few other things you should know about setting those body boundaries.

Stop Changing in Front of Your Child…

1. When Either Parent or Child is Uncomfortable

Let’s be frank: Going full-frontal in front of your self-aware eight-year-old just feels different than baring it all in front of your brand-new baby. But is it? That depends on who you ask. According to Hutman, parents’ feelings about nudity may hinge on cultural or religious beliefs, with some groups valuing modesty more than others. He stressed that feelings about nudity are valid no matter which way they swing (to bare, or not to bare).  

“I don’t think that a parent should do anything that they’re uncomfortable with if it goes against the grain for them—and that might have to do with their upbringing,” Hutman said. “I don’t think that it’s going to harm the child, but I really don’t want to tell people to do something or not to do something. It’s about what they’re comfortable with.” 

Same goes for the kids. If you’re walking around the house naked and your child screams, “Ew, mom, stop!” you should consider their discomfort and act accordingly. It’s also important to talk with your kids about what’s driving their discomfort. You don’t want kids to be ashamed of their bodies (or yours), but you also want to impart the message that their boundaries should be respected.

“I think it’s OK for a parent to say, ‘I’m not embarrassed, but if you are let me know,'” Hutman said. “If a kid says, ‘Mom that’s gross.’ It’s an interesting thing to say, ‘No it’s not gross.'” 

2. When the Child Starts Expressing a Need for Privacy

Most kids—no matter how body-positive their parents are—want privacy at some point, usually by the tween years, but sometimes much earlier than that. Dr. Beth Cowart, a Los Angeles-based adolescent and child psychiatrist said that when kids start to naturally seek out privacy, this is when parents should be a little more careful where and when they show their stuff. “Many times when kids reach 8, 9 or 10 they develop modesty themselves,” Cowart said. “We 100 percent want to respect that.” 

3. If the Child is a Little Too Curious

Some kids are so curious about the body that their questions, interest, or incessant staring might make a parent feel uncomfortable. Questions are okay, but if a kid’s interest feels inappropriate to a parent, it’s probably time to move toward modesty. “There might be kids who really seem to be precociously or prematurely sexual,” Hutman said. “These are kids for whom I would say, ‘Let’s change the behavior.'” 

The Pros of Nudity

Just ask blogger Rita Templeton why she wants her sons to see her naked. About a decade ago, the mom of four wrote a post about why she goes bare in front of her boys—who were 2, 5, 6, and 9 at the time. The post, which centered on the importance of her boys seeing “real” women’s bodies, went viral after being published on Huff Post.

“Before they’re exposed to boobs that are as round and firm as cantaloupes and pictures of taut, airbrushed, dimple-less butts—I’m exposing them to a different kind of female body. Mine,” Temptleton wrote on the blog. “I don’t lounge around in the buff like my boys do (and I spend more time saying, “Put on some pants!” than anything else)—but I’ve never refrained from changing clothes in front of them, or leaving the door open when I shower, or nursing babies without a cover. Because I want them to see what a real female body looks like.”

Seeing what real bodies look like—and kids being comfortable with theirs—matters. According to Cowart, parents should do what they can to make sure their kids don’t confuse modesty with embarrassment about their bodies. “Sometimes when parents start expressing the idea of modesty, it introduces shame—that they should cover up,” she said. “We want kids to feel comfortable with their bodies, and we can model that ourselves.”

Related: How to Raise a Girl With a Healthy Body Image

What About Touching?

While there’s no set age when parents should reach for the robe, there is a time when kids should learn that our “bodies are private” when it comes to touching. This should happen around age 3 or 4 when kids start to understand that nudity isn’t an anywhere/anytime phenomenon (before this, most kids are happy to run around the house naked without a second thought).

“Kids are really curious; they’ll touch,” Cowart said. “That’s a good opportunity to say, ‘This is my private area and I’m not comfortable with you touching me there.'” It’s also a good time to talk about consent, and who can and can’t touch their private parts. The answer: Only they can—and a doctor, if you’re in the room.

Does Age or Gender Matter?

Not really. Experts say as long as it’s 100 percent un-sexualized (with no touching involved) being naked in front of kids is not harmful, no matter the gender. “We have to separate nudity from sexuality,” Cowart emphasized. “There’s nothing inherently wrong with being nude.”

That said, it may be a non-issue—since many kids naturally start choosing their own gender in the household when it comes to which parent can help (or be around) at changing or bath time. And, stresses Hutman, it’s important to listen to both the parent and the child when it comes to comfort. “I know dads who say, ‘They’re not going to see me without my clothes on.’ That’s the father’s discomfort and I respect that,” he said.

When to Have “The Talk”

Whether or not you’re comfortable baring your bum in front of your fam, it’s important to talk to your kids about the issue to make sure they don’t confuse modesty with shame. This conversation can begin as early as 2 or 3, when kids might start “wanting to touch parts of the parents’ anatomy or staring or asking questions,” Cowart said.

Answer any questions matter-of-factly, keeping in mind that nudity is not, in itself, taboo. We’re all naked under those clothes, after all. Even if you’re not comfortable showing some skin, your kids should know that there is nothing wrong with their bodies (or yours). “Some people are not comfortable being nude around other people; it doesn’t mean that their child has to have the same experience,” Cowart said. “And covering up has nothing to do with the shape of their body; it just has to do with their comfort level and their desire for privacy.”

This is also a good time to tell kids that being naked around friends, classmates—or any grown-up besides the doctor (with a parent in the room)—is not OK. It’s also a good opportunity to talk about things like consent and privacy.

What Other Parents Say

Doctors can talk all they want about the potential positives of nude-friendly homes. But that doesn’t mean all parents will be okay with it. On Reddit, the opinions on the issue run the gamut:

For me, it didn’t get weird until my 5yo made up a song that he’ll sing anytime he sees me naked: “I see your boobies! I see your nipples!” I figured that was the sign it was time to talk about privacy,” said one mom.

My daughter is 3.5 and likes to hang out and talk to my husband when he is in the shower. We have a big glass box of a shower. I think it’s good for her to know factually about different body parts for boys and girls,” said another.

Said another: “Team naked fam! We have family bath/shower time with mom, dad, and daughter. Nudity does not mean sexuality. Agree with all the comments that the kid can decide when they want more privacy. But being comfortable with your own body helps kids be comfortable with theirs as well.”

I stopped being naked around them around the age of 4. I prefer privacy and I am a part of my family too, and would like to get dressed without an audience,” said another.

The Takeaway

If your brood likes to skinnydip in the pool, or you prefer sleeping in the nude—go for it!  There’s no research to suggest that parental nudity harms kids (as long as it’s not sexualized). Nakedness not your thing? That’s fine, too. And you definitely don’t need to worry if your kids accidentally walk in on you while you’re lathering up in the shower. Remember: That kid was probably rocking a bouncer in that same spot not so long ago.

“As long they’re not dancing and gesticulating, I don’t think it’s harmful to see a parent nude,” Hutman said. “I think it’s a great message to say, ‘I’m not embarrassed and you shouldn’t be either.'” 

Related: I’m Embracing My Body for My Daughter’s Sake

Dwyane Wade, who has always been outspokenly supportive of his transgender daughter, said anti-LGBTQ+ laws are part of the reason his family left Florida

Retired NBA star Dwyane Wade might be best known for his basketball career, but behind the scenes, he’s one of the best dads in the public eye. He seems to always be gushing about his four kids—21-year-old Zaire, 15-year-old Zaya, 9-year-old Xavier, and 4-year-old Kaavia. But he’s been especially supportive of Zaya, who is transgender. In recent years, he’s been outspoken against anti-LGBTQ+ legislation. He also helped Zaya petition for her legal name change.

Now, in an interview, he’s revealing that his support for Zaya is part of the reason his family moved from Florida to California in 2019.

On an episode of Showtime’s Headliners, Wade told host Rachel Nichols that Florida’s rapid adoption of anti-LGBTQ+ laws is one of the reasons he and his family left the state after he retired from the NBA.

“That’s another reason why I don’t live in that state,” he said. “A lot of people don’t know that. I have to make decisions for my family, not just personal, individual decisions. Obviously, the taxes is great. Having Wade County is great. But my family would not be accepted or feel comfortable there. And so that’s one of the reasons why I don’t live there.”

All things considered, it’s not too surprising. Florida has become an epicenter in Republicans’ battle against LGBTQ+ Americans’ freedoms. State lawmakers recently expanded the state’s “Don’t Say Gay” law to prohibit discussion of gender identity and sexuality in school at all grade levels. They’ve also made moves to ban gender-affirming care for trans youth and punish businesses that host drag shows.

Tucked away in the midwestern region of the nation lies a family-friendly haven that offers popular city amenities with small-town hospitality: Springfield, Missouri.

With activities rooted in both outdoor recreation and urban exploration, Springfield is the ideal destination for a ‘fusion trip’—a getaway that merges a vibrant city break with an outdoor getaway. Families can spend time hiking and biking the Ozark Mountains one day, then dine at amazing local eateries and visit the aquarium (voted America’s Best Aquarium by USA Today!) the next.

Read on to discover which experiences await nature lovers and city dwellers alike in the Queen City of the Ozarks.

Wonders of Wildlife National Museum & Aquarium

Voted by USA Today as America’s Best Aquarium, Wonders of Wildlife National Museum & Aquarium is one of the largest immersive wildlife attractions in the nation that provides hours’ worth of entertainment. Get ready to be WOW-ed by the on-site 1.5-million-gallon aquarium that showcases over 35,000 live fish, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and birds.

For more immersive exhibits, families can interact with penguins, sting rays and sharks or learn about ongoing wildlife conservation efforts in a fun way.

Fantastic Caverns

Known as the Cave State, Missouri has approximately 7,500 recorded caves, with one of the most renowned located right in Springfield. Fantastic Caverns provides a complete drive-through tour where guests can hop in a bright red, Jeep-drawn tram for a relaxing ride. The 55-minute guided tour will take you and your family through an ancient underground riverbed for breathtaking views of massive formations and deep dive of the history of the cave.

Thanks to the constant temperature of 60°F within the cavern, you’ll feel comfortable no matter what time of year you visit.

Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World

Adjacent to the Wonders of Wildlife National Museum & Aquarium stands the original and largest Bass Pro Shops. The 500,000-square-foot facility, which is rooted in its outdoor recreational gear and gifts, is more than just a store. The immersive experience brings to life the beauty of the great outdoors, with an in-store swamp filled with alligators and fish and surrounded by 100-foot-tall cypress trees.

Dads can check out the firing range and boat showroom while kiddos can visit the many indoor museums for history on the first Bass Pro store, archery and more. Don’t miss the store’s daily fish feeding shows at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.!

Springfield Cardinals Baseball Game

Baseball fanatics and families looking for a local experience should head to Hammons Field for an exhilarating Springfield Cardinals game. As the town’s Minor League Baseball team, which served as the starting point for countless St. Louis Cardinals players today, residents and visitors alike flock to Hammons Field for an affordable evening of tasty stadium bites, on-field contests and unique giveaways.

The season runs from April through September, so be sure to check out their schedule here in advance. Pro Tip: Bring a glove–you just might catch a ball from a player who’s destined to make it big someday soon!

Dickerson Park Zoo

Dickerson Park Zoo seamlessly combines entertainment, education and brisk exercise for visitors of all ages. Stroll along the zoo’s 1.2 miles of paved trails to learn about more than 450 animals from five different continents, including South America’s red kangaroo, North America’s mountain lion and Asia’s Malayan tiger, to name a few.

Spend the day greeting the zoo’s roaming peacocks face-to-face, feeding the giraffes and attending an on-site educational workshop for young learners, like identifying animal footprints and learning about kookaburras. You can also take a train ride and play at the children’s playground for more hours of fun.

Andy’s Frozen Custard

For Springfield residents, Andy’s Frozen Custard and summer are practically synonymous with one another. Families flock to the family-owned shop for their impressive, slow-churned custard that’s made fresh every hour with toppings that are baked daily in-house. As a drive-through and walk-up service restaurant, Andy’s exclusively sells frozen custard creations, from traditional vanilla and chocolate cones to floats, malts and seasonal favorites like Pumpkin Pie Concretes and Strawberry Shortcake Sundaes.

The secret behind their rich, thick and decadent dessert? Keep the recipe short and sweet with simple ingredients that are free of gimmicks, such as cream, sugar and vanilla extract.


Want to learn more about Springfield? Click here to order the official Springfield Guide. Once you arrive, don’t forget to “Ask a Local,” Springfilend’s ongoing initiative that strives for visitors to capture the welcoming, energetic, fun and creative personality of the city. By asking a local, you can discover the best things to see, do and eat in the Ozarks—they’ll be more than willing to show off Springfield to your family!

“This is something that I’ve been wanting for a long time.”

Hilary Swank is a mom!

The 48-year-old Million Dollar Baby star posted a sweet Easter photo to her Instagram that revealed she’s given birth to her twins—a boy and a girl.

“It wasn’t easy. But boy (and girl!) was it worth it. 👼🏼🤍👼🏼,” she wrote. “Happy Easter! 🐣🐣 Posting from pure Heaven. 🙌🏽”

Friends, fans, and colleagues quickly filled the comments with well wishes for Swank and her family.

“Aaaaahhhh!!!!! Congratulations ❤️❤️❤️,” wrote Viola Davis. Sharon Stone commented, “God bless honey This is the most extraordinary journey ever ❣️🌹so happy for you all.”

Swank hasn’t revealed many details about the new arrivals, but it looks like she’s enjoying her time with them, as she should.

Swank shared that she and husband Philip Schneider are pregnant—and expecting twins—when she appeared on Good Morning America back in October. “This is something that I’ve been wanting for a long time and my next thing is I’m gonna be a mom,” said Swank. “And not just of one, but of two. I can’t believe it.”

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The hosts of GMA shared in Swank’s elation, who has kept the secret for some time. “It’s so nice to be able to talk about it,” she says.

Not long after, she took to Instagram to share the happy news to her own audience with a sweet video revealing her baby bump. “Coming soon…DOUBLE feature! 👼🏼👼🏼,” reads the caption.

Related: So You’re Having Twins? Here’s the Advice That’s Not in the Books

Related: Ashley Graham’s Breastfeeding New Mom Posts Are So Relatable

An hour later, Swank say down with LIVE with Kelly and Ryan to confirm the news. “I’m pregnant…with twins.” While chatting with the hosts, she admitted that twins means “double excitement.”

Swank and Schneider have been married for four years and the babies will be the first for both of them. While chatting with GMA and LIVE, she did not reveal her due date, but she did say she was far enough along to feel comfortable sharing the news.

Additionally, she revealed that both her grandmother and her husband’s grandmother was a twin. “We have twins in our lineage.” It looks like the duo have officially carried on the tradition!

Sustainable products for moms, babies, and the whole fam

We all want to live sustainably and help the planet, but let’s face it, sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. It can be overwhelming to think about all the changes we need to make in our daily lives. Especially as parents, when our daily lives are packed full. We definitely want to be as earth-friendly as possible, but we also want products that are easy, effective, and affordable. Is that too much to ask? Definitely not. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of sustainable products that are easy to integrate into your routine. You don’t have to be a die-hard environmentalist to make a difference! Seriously, you don’t.

If you’re someone who wants to live sustainably but always finds themselves procrastinating on making eco-friendly changes, we get it. No judgment here. We’ve got you covered with our list of  must-have sustainable products that are both practical and will fit seamlessly into your daily routine. Say goodbye to guilt-tripping yourself for not being green enough and hello to a more eco-friendly lifestyle. From mouthwash to crib mattresses, we guarantee you’ll find a product that will make you feel good about taking a step towards a healthier planet. So sit back, relax, and read on to discover our picks for the best sustainable products for an eco-friendlier home!

Eco-Friendly Fashion



Mightly goodies are made with organic cotton, have no chemical flame retardants, are Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) Certified, and are manufactured in a Fair Trade Certified factory. Mightly has everything from tees to leggings to PJs for kiddos and parents, plus they're ultra-cute!

Mightly—Shop Now!



You might already know Nuuly as a one-stop shop for chic clothing rental at fabulous prices. Born to give our well-loved pieces a second life, Re_Nuuly is an upcycling initiative aimed at reducing clothing waste by reimagining damaged rentals as the source material of new styles. Through partnerships with some of the best creative brains on the Nuuly team, in the community and all around the world, Re_Nuuly completely transforms unrentable garments and plays a key role in their mission to make fashion more circular. 

Nuuly—Shop Now!



You've definitely heard of Athleta—the all day, every day, oh-so-cute, can't-get-enough casual, athletic, and loungewear. But did you know they're a Certified B Corp? They're working to lessen their footprint by choosing recycled materials like plastic bottles and fabric scraps, utilizing organic cotton, and investing in renewable energy. Athleta also believes that protecting the planet goes hand in hand with improving the well-being of women and girls, and that's why they're committed to empowering women through our internal operations, in our communities and abroad in their supply chain!

Athleta—Shop Now!



Eco-friendly, anti-microbial, and stain-resistant, Coalatree's activewear and outdoor products are an easy way to go sustainable! Some of their products are even made from recycled coffee grounds.

Coalatree—Shop Now!



Feel comfortable in your skin while feeling comfortable in your underwear with Woxer! Explore the varied, colorful styles and inclusive sizing for every body. Super soft, high-quality, and made to move with you, the comfortable soft waistband never pinches into the stomach. Their underwear is breathable, moisture-wicking, and chafe-free, while featuring sustainable luxury fabric—Modal—made from beechwood trees. Pair them with Woxer bralettes for a style all your own.

Woxer—Shop Now!

Kyte Baby

Kyte Baby

Bamboo is the star of the show across Kyte Baby's unbelievably soft and comfy offerings: baby sleep sacks, PJ's, rompers, onesies, and adult pajamas, loungewear, and more! You'll never want to wear anything else.

Kyte Baby—Shop Now!



Dedicated to their mission of sustainability, Everviolet produces their collections in small batches to avoid overconsumption and waste. Fabrics are also sourced from ethical and eco-conscious mills in the US, Canada, and abroad to find the best natural and sustainable fibers that are soothing and breathable. All bras, bralettes, panties, and camis are made of certified TENCEL Modal with Micro Technology that makes all of Everviolet’s pieces naturally antimicrobial, moisture-wicking, and gentle!

Everviolet—Shop Now!

Rewear From Tea Collection

Tea Collection

You already love Tea Collection as much as we do, right? Since their pieces are designed to last from kiddo to kiddo, they created Rewear; shop, sell, or trade in preloved Tea and earn rewards! 

Tea Collection Rewear—Shop Now!

Quincy Mae

Quincy Mae

Quincy Mae is a sustainable apparel and accessory collection focused on the basics (under $50). While only using certified organic fabrics, Quincy Mae offers beautiful color palettes, minimal print patterns, and velvety soft fabrics for newborn to 5Y. Each garment is made with care and meant to last; designed with the intention of living on once your little has outgrown it and maintaining its size and value over time. Their Pre-Loved Program is a resource for customers to share garments with the next little and are rewarded for their responsibility in the process!

Quincy Mae—Shop Now!



MORI has been creating sustainable pieces since 2015. Everything, from sleep sacks to pajamas to rompers to family matching, is also incredibly soft for sensitive baby skin!

MORI—Shop Now!



4.8m plastic bottles were recycled in 2022 and transformed into stylish vests, jackets, and puffers by sustainable outerwear brand Bernardo. Since 1999, women-led Bernardo has been pioneering innovation in fashion—becoming the first fashion brand to use Primaloft, a more sustainable down alternative and later introducing Ecoplume, a fill made from 100% recycled post-consumer plastic bottles. Bernardo utilizes recycled polyester, chooses ethical factories, shipping practices to minimize their carbon footprint, launched a pre-loved collection, Bernardo Ecoloved, and more!

Bernardo—Shop Now!

The Sunday Collective

The Sunday Collective

With ethical production practices in place, gender-neutral designs that utilize organic and post-consumer recycled materials and 100% recyclable tape, tissue paper and packaging, The Sunday Collective is easily a favorite.

The Sunday Collective—Shop Now!

Tiare Hawaii

Tiare Hawaii

This Revolve fan-favorite brand was founded in Hawaii back in 2009 by female-founder, Jane Hoskins. They use the beauty of nature and love of travel as inspiration to create the colors and bohemian detail in their garments. All of Tiare Hawaii’s pieces are handmade with love in Bali using traditional dyeing techniques that have been used for centuries. It’s the brand’s mission to bring you a piece of paradise anywhere you dream. 

Tiare Hawaii—Shop Now!

The Spunky Stork

The Spunky Stork

The Spunky Stork makes the sweetest matching siblings, Mommy/Daddy & Me collections that feature sayings on the front such as: Taco/Taquito, Big Slice/Little Slice, Head Chef/Sous Chef, Grill Master/Grill Novice , and many more. The Spunky Stork is a happy and modern fashion brand passionate about creating clean, organic, non-toxic clothing for children and parents, too! All items are made from organic cotton, the material has no dyes or chemical colorants. 

The Spunky Stork—Shop Now!

little planet by Carter's


little planet by Carter's creates its pieces using organic, recycled, and sustainable materials, along with responsible manufacturing practices. Their goodies are designed to be heirloom-quality, so they can be worn from kiddo to kiddo!

little planet by Carter's—Shop Now!



saalt not only creates incredibly effective period care underwear and products so you don't have to rely on disposable menstrual products, but they're a certified B-Corp that gives back in a ton of ways!

saalt—Shop Now!



JJwinks is manufactured in L.A., and closely monitored by the brand. They use eco-friendly materials and even ship in compostable and recyclable packaging! Plus, they're our favorite no-need-for-a-bra brand.

JJwinks—Shop Now!

Young Days

Young Days

Perfect for transitional dressing, the brand’s affordable childrenswear essentials are made with sustainable materials like organic cotton and recycled polyester, so you know your precious tots are safe from harmful chemicals and toxins! Even more, Young Days features Green-friendly designs and messaging to ensure your babies and toddlers are walking the walk.

Young Days—Shop Now!

Ready Set Romper

Ready Set Romper

No snaps or zippers for fast diaper changes, super soft and stretchy with a wide neckline for easy off/on and potty training. Add OEKO-TEK certified bamboo, fun prints, and matching Mommy & Me options and you'll want to buy them all!

Ready Set Romper—Shop Now!

Girlfriend Collective

Girlfriend Collective

Sustainability is at the forefront of everything Girlfriend does and drives their decision making across all areas of the business. All new product development starts with making sure each piece is affordable, sustainable, and inclusive to all — if it doesn't check every one of these boxes, they continue iterating or reconsider the product altogether: 

  • Recycled Materials—All of Girlfriend Collective's clothing is made from recycled materials
  • Ethical Manufacturing—All Girlfriend Collective pieces are cut and sewn in SA8000 certified- factories that guarantee fair and livable wages, a safe and healthy workplace, and no forced or child labor ever.
  • Eco-Friendly Dyes—All of Girlfriend's pieces use OEKO and Bluesign-certified dyes, and any water used is thoroughly cleaned and cooled before it is released.
  • A Closed-Loop System—Through the ReGirlfriend recycling program, many of Girlfriend's pieces can be sent back to be recycled into future Girlfriend clothes. Send in your old Girlfriend and the brand will turn it into new Girlfriend gear, and in return you’ll get a store credit ($15) toward a future purchase as thanks. 

Girlfriend Collective—Shop Now!

Sustainable Shoes

KANE Footwear


The unbelievably comfortable KANE sneakers loved by athletes are sustainably designed injection molded for active recovery. From sports to workouts to running errands and Saturday morning soccer practice, we don't take off our KANEs unless we have to! They're in sizes available for the whole family, plus they come in a bunch of different colors.

KANE Footwear—Shop Now!

Taos Footwear

Taos Footwear

Not only does Taos offer super cute and casual shoes that are ultra-supportive, but they've partnered with EcoCart so you can make every order 100% carbon neutral!

Taos Footwear—Buy Now!


Allbirds super cute shoes are made from sustainable materials (responsibly sourced wool, sugarcane, and more), and they take offsetting their carbon footprint extremely seriously. They offer women’s, men’s, and kiddo’s styles in a ton of adorable colors!

Allbirds—Shop Now!



Vivobarefoot is a B Corp-certified natural health and footwear brand that wants to take non-functional fashion off feet and encourage children to connect with the natural world. They're vegan and made using recycled plastic bottles, plus they're designed to allow you (or your kids!) to move and grow as close to barefoot as possible!

Vivobarefoot—Shop Now!



Naot’s uniquely engineered insoles are made of natural cork and latex and lined with a supple suede lining, creating a flexible and shock absorbing base of serious support that is designed to replicate the shape of your foot, much like a footprint left behind in the sand! They're made ethically and sustainably.

Naot—Shop Now!



Rothy's owns its own factories and their products are made from natural, sustainable, renewable, or recycled materials. Plus, they're washable, comfortable, and can be worn year after year!

Rothy's—Shop Now!



Comfortable and washable, Okabashi shoes are vegan, cruelty-free, and 100% recyclable! Scraps and non-saleable returns are turned into new product. There's something for the whole family.

Okabashi—Shop Now!

Clean Beauty

Ere Perez

Ere Perez

Ere Perez founded her company upon a dream she had of creating an all natural beauty brand when she emigrated to Australia. Ere is a female entrepreneur who was inspired by the nature and eco lifestyle of Australia, who also wanted to stay true to her Mexican roots by incorporating rich colors.  Ere decided to make a commitment to the environment, by creating multi-use, beauty products, where materials and resources could be saved. She sourced products that aren’t threatened or under-threat from over-production. Ere Perez’s products are all thoughtfully made to help aid the environment while keeping your skin happy, healthy, and toxin free! 

Ere Perez—Shop Now!



Iris&Romeo creates luxurious beauty products that we can't get enough of! Their packaging is earth-friendly, their sunscreen is reef-friendly, and many of their products are waste-reducing all-in-one skincare + makeup!

Iris&Romeo—Shop Now!



Clean at Scentbird Perfumes and Colognes are formulated without ingredients like: parabens, sulfates SLS and SLES, phthalates, mineral oils, formaldehydes, formaldehyde-releasing agents, retinyl palmitate, oxybenzone, coal tar, hydroquinone, triclosan, and triclocarban. Not only that, but there's so many yummy scents to choose from (Mother's Day, anyone?)

Scentbird—Shop Now!



Kitsch creates fabulous beauty products that are also built are 4 pillars: recyclable, made from recycled materials, biodegradable, and reusable. They offer pared-down packaging, are cruelty-free, and focused on always improving to improve the environment!

Kitsch—Shop Now!

Indigo Wild + Zum

Indigo Wild/Zum

Gentle, plant-based, and created with essential oils, Indigo Wild's Zum line offers beauty goodies, hand soap, detergent, and more! Not to mention, they all smell incredible.

Indigo Wild + Zum—Shop Now!

MyCHELLE Dermaceuticals

MyCHELLE Dermaceuticals

With natural products now the expectation, MyChelle’s progressive 360-degree approach to beauty is to provide clean, conscious, and comprehensive skin care products that are bioactive, ethically sourced, and formulated with high-performance ingredients for superior results and a lifetime of natural, healthy skin!

MyCHELLE Dermaceuticals—Shop Now!

Yes To

Yes To

Yes To skincare products are made with at least 95% natural ingredients (before they include water). Natural ingredients are those that come from or are made from a renewable resource found in nature. You can find the natural ingredient percentage on the front of each Yes To item!

Yes To—Shop Now!

Act + Acre

Act Acre

Act+Acre: the world’s first Cold Processed hair wellness brand that focuses on the scalp first by avoiding traditional heat-based production, which can lessen the potency of nutrients in active ingredients. All Act+Acre formulas are vegan, pregnancy-safe and free of silicones, parabens, phthalates, petrolatum, synthetic fragrances and gluten!

Act + Acre—Shop Now!

Image Skincare Biome

Image Skincare

Be kind to your skin and the environment with BIOME+. The+ collection is made with recyclable packaging and cultivated in a LEED-silver certified, carbon neutral facility to limit environmental impact and uses packaging that has been mindfully selected—biodegradable tube and glass jars!

Image Skincare Biome—Shop Now!

Bronze Cactus Self Tanning

Bronze Cactus

Sunbathing is so 90s! We're saving our skin and tanning at home, especially since products have come such a long way! Enter Bronze Cactus. Curated from natural ingredients, their products are made from products that are free from chemicals, animal origin, and preservatives. Their mission is to educate people about tanning and help in protecting them from UV rays that are harsh to the skin.

Bronze Cactus Self Tanning—Shop Now!


Bababoo and Friends

Bababoo and Friends

Made from high-quality wood, sustainable materials, and nontoxic paint, Bababoo and Friends toys and books are a choice you can feel good about for your little ones!

Bababoo and Friends—Shop Now!

Our Green House

Our Green House

Our Green House offers eco-friendly toys, gift baskets, baby clothes, pets, and home goods that also give back!

Our Green House—Shop Now!



Lovevery is committed to creating kids' toys that last from generation to generation or can be confidently donated by replacing parts that get lost and ensuring that everything is built to last! Many of their products use FSC-Certified Wood, organic cotton, and biobased plastic. Make sure to check out their play kits—stage-based play essentials for developing minds!

Lovevery—Shop Now!

Shop Lovery at Target!

Green Toys

Green Toys

We're pretty sure you've seen Green Toys around in lots of places, but we want to remind you that they make 100% recycled toys! Each Green Toys package that gets recycled saves 1 gallon of water and their manufacturing is U.S.-based.

Green Toys—Shop Now!



Water-based paints and environmentally-friendly wood makes Coogam toys an easy "yes"! They're educational and geared toward kiddos ages 1-6+.

Coogam—Shop Now!

Marlowe & Co

Marlowe & Co

Neutral, simple, and super high-quality, Marlowe & Co give sto different organizations that bring global relief and assistance to countries around the world. They're especially passionate about empowering women and children which can transform families and communities! Their toys, clothes, blankets, and more, are inspired by the soft and clean Scandinavian aesthetic.

Marlowe & Co—Shop Now!

Taska Toys

Taska Toys

We're obsessed with this set that encourages kids to go outside, experience nature, and let their imagination run wild! They're made with PlanWood (compressed rubberwood sawdust) and conform to the ASTM and EN71 safety standards.

Taska Toys—Shop Now!

Green Home

Geneverse Power Stations & Solar Panels


Introducing the innovative go-green Geneverse: the revolutionary solar generators and power stations that give you ultimate access to reliable energy! Geneverse provides an exciting way to maximize your energy savings, creating a cleaner and more efficient approach to your power needs. Solar power doesn't have to be complicated or daunting, we promise. Home solar power is life-changing! We're talking 7 days of reliable energy and Geneverse supports 99% of home appliances! Geneverse Power Stations & Solar Panels—Learn More!



LYNN & LIANA's gorgeous cheese boards and serving trays are made from Ecopoxy, a plant-based resin made of recycled bi-products like palm oil, soybean oil, and cashew nut shells. Plus, a portion of their sales is given back to tree planting! LYNN & LIANA is one of our first go-tos for gifts, too.

LYNN & LIANA—Shop Now!

My Bevi

My Bevi

My Bevi is committed to using verified safe recycled plastics and more importantly recycled ocean plastics where applicable in their products that require plastic components. Plus, it's always eco-friendly to reuse cups and My Bevi has some adorable styles!

My Bevi—Shop Now!

Mo's Crib

Mo's Crib

Upcycled and sustainable PVC baskets from a female founded South-African home decor brand. Multifunctional PVC baskets that add character to any space while storing anything from dirty laundry, toys, to bathroom towels! Make sure you check out the planters, too.

Mo's Crib—Shop Now!

Grove Collaborative

Grove Collaborative

Sustainable, plastic-free home essentials that are tough on dirt + grime, but easy on the environment. Since 2017, the brand has avoided more than 7M lbs of plastic. 

Grove Collaborative—Shop Now!



Opinel uses wood sourced from local sustainably managed forests as well as VittEr Eco-Material, a dishwasher-safe compressed paper (FSC) material from Italy!

Opinel—Shop Now!



Silicone is made from materials that exist in abundance – the same materials that make up a huge percentage of the earth’s crust. Silipints don’t employ limited resources like petroleum used to make plastic cups. Silicone, in the form of a flexible substance, is a material composed of silicon, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, and a curing catalyst used to mold the silicone substance into the desired shape.

Silipint—Shop Now!



PURGGO perfectly combines nature, science, and love. All the product contains is pure all-natural moso bamboo charcoal, one of the most renewable natural resources in the world and Mother Nature's purifier, which has been carbonized and activated at 1110°F - 1300°F (600°C - 700°C). Bamboo charcoal is a tried and tested air cleanser that's been used in Asian countries for thousands of years. On top of this, it lasts for 365+ days (longer lasting than any product available worldwide) and works continuously in the background!

PURGGO—Shop Now!

Rollink Collapsible Luggage

Rollink Collapsible Luggage

Rollink the world’s slimmest, collapsible suitcase that's also trendy, sustainable, durable, and practical. When you get home, just collapse the bag and conveniently store it away for the next use without occupying a lot of closets or hotel room space (you can even stow it under a bed)!

Rollink—Shop Now!

Delysia Chocolatier

Delysia Chocolatier

Austin-based chocolatier Delysia creates stunning chocolates by mom Nicole Patel! They're locally made and Delysia uses only sustainable chocolate. Check out their Mother's Day goodies!

Delysia Chocolatier—Shop Now!

DUET Candles

DUET Candles

DUET’s candles are proudly hand poured in the USA in partnership with the IDDeal Foundation - a non-profit that creates the IDDeal life for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities through work, live and play. Additionally, DUET makes a donation of $2 directly to the IDDeal Foundation for every candle purchased. Their candles are ethically made without parabens, phthalates, sulfates and are cruelty free. The soy in the wax is sustainably harvested in the USA! They smell incredible, too.

DUET Candles—Shop Now!



Pure-Sky is made of patented state-of-the-art composite Ultra Micro fibers, consisting of Multifilament yarns that are made of more than 1,000 strands per yarn, allowing you to clean nearly any surface using just water! No chemicals needed.

Pure-Sky—Shop Now!



BENTGO is a proud supporter of Feed the Children, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that gives hope and resources for hungry children and families. Since 2017, Bentgo has donated more than $200,000 to help put an end to hunger. Their divided lunch boxes make it much easier to avoid disposable sandwich bags, too!

BENTGO—Shop Now!

Inchbug Labels

Inchbug Labels

Dishwasher & microwave-safe, Inchbug Labels can also be boiled and sterilized. They're constructed with FDA compliant non-toxic material and are latex-free. They fit securely around containers so young children can't remove and help small hands with a non-slick grip!

Inchbug Labels—Shop Now!


Guru Nada

Guru Nada

Guru Nada Whitening Mouthwash comes in a 2 Fl Oz bottle which makes up to 300 rinses! Small-sized bottles mean less use of packaging material and premixed water, while just 4 drops of this travel-friendly mouthwash mixed with water are enough for 1 usage. We're all for less packaging and natural ingredients!

Guru Nada—Shop Now!



August is the thoughtfully bold, period-positive brand of sustainable, tax-free, and customizable period care subscriptions, democratizing access to period care through empowerment and gender inclusion in quality menstruation products. Known for their viral TikTok content, strong community, education and giveback, this AAPI & female-founded brand is challenging period shame and cultural norms to uplift menstruators of everyone.

August—Shop Now!



The only sustainable medicine system that exists with fully recyclable and refillable organizers to reduce clutter, add beauty, and remove plastic from your cabinet!

Cabinet—Shop Now!



Waterdrop is making hydration-encouraging products and this Austrian brand will motivate you to drink more water in a sustainable way! This set comes with six tasty flavors of the brand’s signature Microdrinks (vitamin-packed hydration cube).

Waterdrop—Shop Now!




Add more green to your feeding routine with the complete Bambou mealtime bundle from Munchkin! Sustainable and beautiful, their eco-friendly dinnerware collection is made of non-toxic, renewable bamboo and soft, 100% food-grade silicone to help create a greener future for children and planet.

Munchkin—Shop Now!

AU Baby

AU Baby

AU Baby was created to deliver safe, timeless, high-quality baby blankets at a fair price. Their Responsible Wool Standard certified merino sheep graze freely on family farms in Uruguay, protecting soil health and biodiversity. Their NATIVA merino is the most advanced 100% traceable and sustainable wool on the planet! They also use only eco-friendly dyes, and these gorgeous blankets come in a ton of different colors.

AU Baby—Shop Now!



Bugaboo's strollers are made with mass-balanced bio-based material reducing CO2 emission by up to 20%! They've also committed to become net zero by 2035. 

Bugaboo—Shop Now!

Totter + Tumble

Totter Tumble

Totter + Tumble is a luxury British brand specializing in design-led playmats for babies, toddlers, and beyond. Simple, stylish, supportive and safe. Use these cushy and on-trend mats as play mats, yoga mats, kitchen mats, and more! There's a print for every home and they come in multiple sizes.

Totter + Tumble—Shop Now!



Bobbie is the only mom-founded and led infant formula in the country, Bobbie’s recipe is modeled after breastmilk and designed to meet the most recent EU nutritional standards for critical ingredients like DHA and iron while complying with all FDA nutritional standards for infant formula. Focused on providing a purposefully sourced, USDA Organic infant formula with Organic Valley milk from pasture-raised cows, Bobbie is the first-ever infant formula to receive the Clean Label Project Purity Award and certification as a Pesticide-Free Product!

Bobbie—Shop Now!



Morepeas is a new collection of colorful and sustainable mealtime accessories created by mamas for babies, toddlers and kids alike. Morepeas best-selling 4-in-1 Snack Cup was specifically designed for do-it-all toddlers. This 100% FDA approved (food-grade silicone) snack container is an all-in-one snack cup, suction bowl, steamer and storage container all-in-one!

Morepeas—Shop Now!



Abiie creates all of their products with minimalist designs and clean materials! They're long-lasting, so you'll feel good about investing.

Abiie—Shop Now!



MAM’s first all natural rubber pacifier made from sustainable & bio-renewable raw materials, reducing its CO2 footprint! The BPA-free natural rubber nipple has their signature MAM eco pacifier design with a symmetrical shape that helps promote healthy oral development.

MAM—Shop Now!

Ergobaby Aerloom


Caring for your children and caring for the planet go hand in hand. That’s why Aerloom is produced with post-consumer, recycled polyester yarns (certified by Global Recycled Standard). It’s made in small quantities to avoid excess inventory and each carrier arrives in a recyclable shipper box; no extra packaging necessary!

Ergobaby Aerloom—Shop Now!

Halo Sleep

Halo Sleep

Babies spend over 60% of their first years sleeping, making a crib mattress the most utilized baby product ever! But if they’re laying on a traditional mattress, that means they spend over 60% of their time inhaling VOCs, too. So, HALO® created DreamWeave— a dual-sided mattress that is totally free of chemicals, totally breathable, totally washable, totally waterproof, hypoallergenic, and GreenGuard Gold certified!

Halo Sleep—Shop Now!



Lalabu follows great sustainability practices, but we're also obsessed with the babywearing shirts for mom and dad! Mother's Day and Father's Day are coming up, so definitely snag one for your favorite parents.

Lalabu—Shop Now!



95% GOTS Organic Cotton, 5% Spandex with velcro fasteners, arm inserts, and a zippered pod for easy diaper changes—the norani Sleep Pod (along with their PJ's, crib sheets, and more) are must-haves for your little snugglers!

norani—Shop Now!

Dreamland Baby

Dreamland Baby

Female-founded and oh-so-effective, Dreamland Baby products (weighted sleep sacks, pajamas, and more!) are made from organic bamboo and can be traded into their Upcycle Program for $15 off your next purchase!

Dreamland Baby—Shop Now!

Baby's Brew

Baby's Brew

Baby's Brew portable bottle warmers and snack cups are compact, eco-friendly, and 100% Toxin-Free Silicone, BPA, PVC, & Phthalate Free!

Baby's Brew—Shop Now!



Eco-friendly baby-led weaning supplies include splat mats, placemats, utensils, and a mealtime clutch! It's all restaurant-ready and diaper bag-friendly, too.

THEO'S—Shop Now!





Terra Thread is a sustainable bag and apparel brand with a mission; to lead a transformation in organic cotton farming, and give consumers better, more planet-friendly choices for everyday essentials!


Diamond Nexus

Diamond Nexus

Diamond Nexus gorgeous pieces are made from stones that are not mined—lab-grown, ethical, and absolutely stunning!

Diamond Nexus—Shop Now!



All of Herschel's iconic accessories are created in the most sustainable and eco-friendly way. In 2021, they launched their Eco collection, using 100% recycled fabrics made from post consumer water bottles diverted from landfill. By 2024, almost all of their bags will be made with recycled fabrics!

Herschel—Shop Now!

Luli Bebé

Luli Bebé

Luli Bebé bags are a fave around here, especially since they're not only gorgeous, made for modern moms, and  but are all made from 100% vegan leather, which is far more sustainable than traditional cow leather bags! They come in a ton of shapes, sizes, and beautiful colors.

Luli Bebé—Shop Now!

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.

Working parents don’t get enough time with their families as it is

I’m a mom who has been managing work and office culture alongside my own family’s needs and schedule for the last decade. Never in my life have I thought, I’m not spending enough time with my co-workers. The idea that there needs to be a culture of “fun” at work is the absolute last thing any working parent wants.

A French high court ruled in 2022 that workers can’t be forced to have “fun” at work after a man was fired in 2015 for what his employer’s called “professional incompetence” for not participating in work-sponsored extracurricular activities. These included things like weekend excursions and happy hours. The man claimed he was once made to share a bed with a colleague during a retreat.

No, thank you.

Every company I’ve worked for has hosted regular happy hours and events that are supposed to be enjoyable, like escape room excursions. Not even the pandemic could put a stop to it: mandated fun suddenly came in the form of virtual trivia, magic shows, and—you guessed it—more happy hours. I am not anti-fun. I love fun. I just don’t need to be forced to have it at work, and I’m guessing there are a lot of people who agree with me, parents and non-parents alike.

For one, there is a basic tone-deafness to using work time for “fun.” If you have a high-output job, you essentially need all your hours during your workday to complete that job. Expectations for building culture during company time inadvertently take precious time away from employees who need to be, well, working. A parent may desperately need to leave at 5 p.m. on the dot to make it to aftercare pickup. Or they may need to dip out during the day to make it to a school event, doctor’s appointment, or teacher conference. There are already so many things a working parent is juggling; adding another thing to that pile—even one that’s meant to be a good time—is just another thing added to the pile.

Companies love to talk about “culture,” but so many misinterpret it as how much measured “fun” their employees are having while working. That’s not what culture is. “Culture is the tacit social order of an organization: it shapes attitudes and behaviors in wide-ranging and durable ways,” explains Harvard Business Review. “Cultural norms define what is encouraged, discouraged, accepted, or rejected within a group.”

Keep your happy hour and give employees a manager who puts their school pick-ups on their work calendar. Keep the escape room excursion and give employees a workplace that lets them apply sick days to taking care of sick kids. Keep your weekend retreat and create a work culture that doesn’t advertise “endless vacation time” without actually pushing employees to take it. Foster a culture that understands that individuals may not want or have the ability to spend any time outside of work with their colleagues.

We spend approximately one-third of our life at work and most of our waking weekday hours there. We don’t need more time to build relationships with our colleagues; we’re communicating all day long. Rather than leaning into things like happy hours, employers should be cognizant of the transactional nature of employment and celebrate those boundaries.

“For managers, make sure to start the trend by taking your own time away from work to recharge and spend time on hobbies or interests. Employees will see you starting this trend and will feel comfortable to do so for themselves,” explains Harvard Business Review.

There are plenty of studies focused on working parent burnout, and although employers probably aren’t keen on regarding their “fun” events as extra stressors, they can be. Parents are already operating from a space where their attention is divided; missing out on extra events, even if they’re meant to be extracurricular, can add more expectations to an already full plate. No one wants to be regarded as not as committed to their job because they didn’t show up for a cocktail.

So maybe it’s time to really unpack what company culture is and realize its foundation isn’t built in a bar—especially for parents.

Splurge on the lessons, find the playground, and don’t miss the sleigh ride

As someone who grew up in Northern California, the Rocky Mountains are somewhat of a mystery to me. I’d seen them in pictures and on TV, but experiencing their beauty? It was still on my bucket list up until a few weeks ago. My son and I took a trip to Keystone Resort, the iconic ski destination just under two hours outside of Denver, CO. It is one of the most family-friendly snow destinations I have ever visited; I can full-heartedly say that our adventure fulfilled all my expectations and then some.

Why Is the Keystone Resort So Special?

I’ve been snowboarding for almost half my life, but once I had kids, quality time on the slopes was a thing of the past. The idea of lugging all the gear (not just for myself but for little ones) seemed overwhelming, and the thought of teaching them how to get down the mountain seemed impossible. At Keystone, there are many perks and programs that make time spent there fun for everyone.

First, there’s an amazing deal for families with kids: anyone age 12 and under gets a free day of skiing if lodging with the resort for two or more nights.

Second, the Vail Resorts Epic Pass is… epic. You can opt for a season pass allowing access to all 42 locations, including spots in California, Vermont, Colorado, Utah, and Canada. If you don’t plan on resort-hopping, go for the Epic Day pass. Customize your pass to include all or a portion of the locations and choose from one to seven days. All the deals give you a 20% discount on food, lodging, lessons, and rentals. The 2023/2024 epic pass is on sale now; check it out here.

Third, Keystone Resort has tons of beginner-level skiing and snowboarding options. Hop on the River Run Gondola to get to the top of Dercum Mountain, where you’ll find the Endeavor Learning Area, the Snow Fort, and a snow tubing hill. The entrance to Schoolmarm, the legendary 3.5-mile family-friendly run, is also at the top of Dercum Mountain.

Related: 10 Skiing Tricks to Memorize Before Hitting the Slopes

If you and your family are ready to hit Schoolmarm, look for the Kids Adventure Zones (there are four) that can be found on the way down. There are tunnels to ski through, a tree zone, and an Igloo visit. If the elevation at the top of Dercum Mountain is too much (over 11,000 ft.!), spend your time at the Mountain House beginner area. It is accessible from the parking lot, and you’ll find plenty of green skiing areas and two magic carpets.

Finally, when it comes to dining on the mountain, Keystone Resort has some of the best to offer! Summit House, on the top of Dercum Mountain, has everything from chicken tenders and hamburgers to enticing butter chicken bowls. You’ll also be treated to a breathtaking, nearly 360-degree view of the Rocky Mountains at Summit House if you walk up to the Crow’s Nest. A special dining opportunity, even for those who aren’t ready to get there by board or skis, is to hop on the Outpost Gondola at Dercum Mountain, enjoy stunning views of the valley, and enjoy lunch at the newly expanded Timber Ridge Lodge. If you find yourself at the Mountain House area, don’t miss the chance to eat at Big Burger.

What Else Can Families Do at Keystone?

little boy in River Run Village at Keystone Resort
Gabby Cullen


After finishing your last run of the day, plan on spending time in River Run Village. This is where you’ll find the best dining options for families. There is pizza, pub food at 9280 Taphouse (they have great soups, sandwiches, high bar tables perfect for people watching, and one of the best playlists I’ve ever heard), craft beer, soft pretzels and all-day hot chocolate at Steep Brewing + Coffee Co., a candy store, crepes, cookies, pasta, empanadas, and more. Seek out the huge fire pits to warm up after a cold day on the slopes. Let the kids burn their last bit of energy on the Wild West-themed playground located right before the Gondola.

Book a sleigh ride dinner at the Adventure Center at the Keystone Lodge & Spa. Once aboard the sleigh, you’ll be taken through Soda Creek Valley towards a hearty dinner and musical entertainment at Soda Creek Homestead. Go ice skating at Lakeside Village, try your hand at a game of hockey, or rent ice skating trainers from the Adventure Center.

How Do You Make Your Time at Keystone Resort Even Better?

little boy taking a lesson at Keystone Resort
Gabby Cullen


The answer to this question is simple—book a lesson. For your kids and yourself. Yes, for yourself. Keystone also offers a Ski and Ride School green run guarantee: they promise you’ll be skiing or snowboarding in green terrain in three lessons, or your fourth lesson is free. Who qualifies? Anyone ages seven and older (adults, this means you, too) can take advantage of this deal, so it’s perfect for first-timers, whatever your age. Even better, the three lessons don’t have to be in a row.

Truth time: I am a self-taught snowboarder and spent my time on blue and black diamond slopes until I had kids. But breaking down the process and explaining it to my son wasn’t something I felt comfortable doing. Our instructor, Brenden Rowan, is a level-two AASI-certified instructor with an additional children’s specialist certification. He has been at Keystone Resort for five seasons and was knowledgeable and passionate about the resort, the sport, and sharing his skills with his students.

After our experience with Brenden, my nine-year-old was boarding confidently and correctly. I took a lesson (my first, ever!) alongside my son and learned that while I can get down a mountain, I still had much to learn. When I asked him about the advantages of booking a lesson, Rowan said, “It builds skills and self-confidence. You get valuable feedback, and with that, you’ll avoid forming bad habits while enjoying the mountain.” All the instructors share Brenden’s enthusiasm and knowledge; I can confidently say that your kids will return from lessons as better skiers and boarders—tired but happy.

Where Should You Stay While at Keystone?

While I’m partial to Keystone Lodge & Spa for the quiet atmosphere and great dining options (don’t miss the BLT with egg sandwich or avocado toast on the cafe breakfast menu, or, if you have older kids, the impressive entrees at Bighorn Bistro), you might gravitate towards something closer to the slopes. The Hyatt Place Keystone is located near the Mountain House base area and offers large rooms with daily breakfast, and the luxurious Buffalo Lodge is in the heart of River Run Village. Have a big group in tow? Book a private home right at the resort.

Keystone is the closest ski mountain to Denver, and you can find plenty of affordable direct flights, which makes this dream of a resort easy to access year after year. It truly has something for everyone, from beginners to pros, and you leave wishing you were already planning your return—something I plan to do as soon as possible.

Start planning your trip at 

This trip was paid for by Vail Resorts but all opinions here belong to the writer. 

Often times when asked, “What’s the best camp in LA (besides Tumbleweed, obvi)?” I struggle with helping that person pick a camp. To me, it should be a serious and personal decision. Folks, especially in Los Angeles, are not always accustomed to viewing camp as a serious commitment like that of a school or college—and it should be!

Choosing a camp for your child is equal to choosing a great school for your child. The experiences they have at camp and the relationships they build go hand in hand with the learning they do at school. For more reasons why camp is so important, head to Tumbleweed Day Camp’s blog post here.

You should be looking for a camp that your child can grow with, that they can return to summer after summer, and maybe even be their first job one day. Yes, I understand that price and convenience and location have to play a major part in choosing a summer camp, but those considerations are no more important than taking into account the values and beliefs that the camp upholds. To be truly happy at a place, it needs to be one that you and your family can align with at a core level. Just like when you looked at schools for your child or thought about college for yourself, you have to take into consideration how a camp views the world, what its values are, and how those values impact everything they do.

Around this time of year, parents are inundated with articles, emails and lists of must-have questions to ask camps. These questions are often prefaced with articles like, “5 Must Ask Questions to Make Sure That Camp is Legit” or “10 Things You Have to Know Before Choosing a Camp.” While a lot of those lists include important questions about basic safety, accreditations and their staff, almost none include questions on values and beliefs. That’s why I am putting together a list of ask-if-you-want-to-don’t-feel-pressured-not-dramatic-like-those-other-lists questions to ask camps about their values so that you can pick the best fit for your family to join for years to come.

Homework Ahead of Time

Check out each camp's website and look for pages like "About Us", "Our Values" and "Who We Are." Don't skip out on their social media and blog (if one is available) and ask yourself if what they're putting out into the world is a place where you'll want your child to grow up in. Now that you have done a little bit of homework, you can ask specifically about what is (or is not) out in the world about the camp and see if they are really putting their words into action.


Questions to Guide You

Take a look at these eight questions to help you discover which camp is right for your little one:

  • What are your guiding values and beliefs?
  • How do you teach these values to the campers?
  • How do you utilize these values when hiring staff?
  • Speaking of staff, tell me a little about your staff. Ask questions about the counselors' experiences, where they come from, what they are trained on and how the staff feels about working at camp. You can learn a lot about a camp, or any organization for that matter, by how they treat their staff and how the staff feels about the camp.
  • How do you work with a camper who is having a hard time or fighting with other campers?
  • Have you ever turned away a family or camper? Why? Have you ever sent a camper home early? Why?
  • What happens if a camper does not like camp?
  • At the end of a session, what do you hope your campers learn or take with them from their experience? Getting a sense of what the camp's end goal is for their campers helps you understand if this will be a good fit for your child's growth.

Remember that camp directors or staff should be jumping at the opportunity to talk to you about their camp's beliefs and values and experiences. You should feel comfortable asking any question you want and be prepared to hear some answers that don't quite fit with your family's values. That's ok! Not every camp is for every camper, but every camper has a camp out there somewhere.

Your Checklist for Registering for Camp

Below is an easy-to-follow checklist that you can use when signing up for a new day camp. Use the questions and considerations above when you do your research and set some time aside for this project. Remember: Choosing a great day camp is going to feel a lot like choosing a great preschool or elementary school because ultimately, you are looking for a new community for your child to join.

  1. If you do not already have a list of great camps to choose from, utilize credible sources to build a list. You do not need to reinvent the wheel. These websites will have pre-vetted day camps, usually sorted by type or location, in a camp guide usually starting around February or March.
  2. Do your homework - use the “homework” section above to start to get a feel for these camps even before you give the director a call. This will also help to weigh other considerations like location, price, hours, and registration requirements.
  3. Check availability first. Many great camps already have waitlists at this time of year. Take a look to see if there are spots open for your camper and what the waitlist situation looks like. Just because there is a waitlist doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to get in, but it should be the first thing you discuss with the camp director when you call.
  4. A note about not getting in and waitlists: Since my approach to choosing a camp is based on values and truly finding a place of belonging for your child, remember that even if you do not get into your perfect match camp this year, there is always next year. If you have your heart set on being a forever camp family at a certain place, ask when you can sign up for next summer and get on that right away. Most camps give priority to returning campers and so if you sign up when
    prompted, you won’t have to face the waitlist again.
  5. Make a list of your top choices and set up a time to call the directors. Use the questions above to guide your conversation.
  6. Check out a camp fair. During the spring, various different organizations host summer opportunities and camp fairs. This is a great way to talk to all your top choice camps at once and meet directors in person.
  7. Take a tour! Most camps will offer tours or open houses in the spring for new families. Ask to bring your camper on the tour as wellputting a space to an idea will really help paint a picture of what their experience will be like in the summer. A note about tours! If the director expresses concern about limited space or a waitlist, do not wait to take a tour. Chat with the director about your options in terms of cancellations and such, but you do not want to take a tour later in the spring, fall in love with the camp, and have to wait until next year to register.
  8. Grab your spot and join the club! Commit to as many weeks/sessions as you can at your new forever camp and get connected with their social media, email lists, and spring events. Get some camp gear and settle into the amazing feeling of winning summer planning!

Something you might notice about the list above, or this strategy in general, is there is no mention of “figure out what your kids’ friends are doing” or “start a moms’ group spreadsheet of where everyone is going to camp.” I didn’t mention anything about signing up with friends or hopping between camps to make sure your kid is always going with someone they know.

This is intentional for two big reasons. Firstly, choosing a day camp should be a personal and family-focused decision based on your child (not their friends, not your friends and not their siblings). If they have friends that are already going to your forever camp then that’s great, but it should not be a deciding factor.

Secondly, I left out the conversation about signing up with friends, as there is something very special about camp friends. Across the board, most camps have about a 40 to 50% “friend request” rate, which means that at least half of their campers are not coming to camp with an outside friend. This sets the perfect stage for making camp friend—a special relationship that is so unique and different because of the sheer fact that it is made in the magic of camp.

When your child is all grown up and done attending camp, their camp friends will be an everlasting gift in their life. This all starts by sending your little to camp with no strings attached.

Although choosing a camp is difficult, remember the big decision should be based off your child’s and your family’s needs. When you put the work in now to find your forever camp home, you will never have to do this again—or at least not until they are off to sleep-away camp.


Learn more about Tumbleweed Day Camp and why it can be a great fit for your household!