Normally it’s just kids who get back-to-school jitters. But this year, with LA schools going virtual, parents are feeling plenty of their own anxiety. To help prepare you for all the at-home learning, we talked to a few Los Angeles teachers, who revealed their insider tips. Keep calm and read on!

Stick to Traditions


"Parents should be treating this as the beginning of any other school year," says third grade teacher Katherine Stott. "Take first day of school pictures, get some new school supplies/outfits and get excited!" Making school feel as normal and familiar as possible will help young kids acclimate to the change.

Maximize Your Mornings


Kiddos should show up for virtual learning just as they would for a regular day of in-person learning, says third grade teacher Gabrielle Radonsky. She recommends waking up at least a half hour before school starts, so kids have plenty of time to eat breakfast, get dressed, comb their hair and brush teeth, and come prepared to their meeting. 

If there's time, Ms. Stott suggests trying get out and take a walk around the neighborhood before the distance learning begins. "This will make school feel more like school," she says. 

Get into the Zone

Julia Cameron via Pexels

It's important for kids to have a designated school zone for online learning. Kindergarten teacher Jocelyn Bresnick says that a child's workspace should be "away from distractions, other people, food and toys."

One spot to avoid? "The bed," says fifth grade teacher Anastasia Theo. "You would be surprised how many students join lessons form there!" You want your child to be sitting up, alert and engaged. 

A final piece of advice from Ms. Radonsky: "Keep the space consistent even if it's the dining room table." 

Listen Up

If there are multiple children, plus mom and dad all working at home, it can be hard for kids to tune out distractions. Ms. Theo recommends getting kid-friendly headphones to "reduce background noise and help students focus." 

Give Some Space


While it may be tempting to hover over kids during their virtual lessons, it's better to take a step back. "Parents should not be part of the lesson; they should check in with their child after the lesson just like they would when their child gets home from school," says Ms. Theo. She suggests asking your child to show you their work for the day, or start a discussion about what they learned. 

Say Yes, But...


When it comes to sidestepping schoolwork, kids are mini masterminds. As Ms. Bresnick tells us, she lives by this strategy: Say yes, but on your terms. For example, she explains, if your child asks, Can I have a snack?, reply with, Yes! After you finish this last page.

Stay Positive

A grade-school boy receives a kiss of encouragement from his mom before school
Garrett Jackson via Unsplash

"Remember that this is new for everyone and try to be positive," encourages Ms. Theo. "Kids are more likely to look at this negatively if they are constantly hearing their parents complain about it."

featured photo: Julia Cameron via Pexels

–Shannan Rouss


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Photo: Britannica for Parents

Due to COVID-19, parents must make difficult decisions about their child’s schooling, but parents of children with chronic illnesses face even tougher choices. To learn more, we spoke to some parents of children who have asthma about how they are making these important decisions.

Children are eager to go back to school, and parents would love to send them back. Some children, however, are more vulnerable than others, such as those children with asthma. Asthma is a respiratory illness. Because COVID-19 can affect the lungs, people with asthma are at a higher risk than others. It can harm their respiratory tract or cause an asthma attack and can also lead to pneumonia or other respiratory issues. 

Just as there are degrees of severity with COVID-19, there are degrees with asthma. Some people have a mild case. For others, it is much more severe. Given that asthma is a more common illness, with one in 12 people having itBritannica for Parents spoke with parents of children with asthma to hear what their concerns are during this time and how they are making decisions about school. What became clear during these conversations is that the choice to send a child back to school is a deeply difficult and individual one and one in which the child’s welfare is central.

Going Back to School

Amanda lives in Alabama with her family. Her son, Luke, is 3 and a half years old and has moderate viral-induced asthma. His asthma will act up during colds or when he is around oak tree pollen, which he has an allergy to. After talking with her pediatrician, she made the decision to send Luke back to child care.

Amanda says Luke’s case is different from other asthmatics in that his asthma is milder. In addition, Amanda says that her son “loves school and loves peer interaction. I also sent him to school to help his immunity get stronger. His immune system was weakened from being away from daycare.”

Amanda is a nurse, and her sister is a pediatric nurse, so she is familiar with the virus as well as the toll it’s taken in her community. She lives in southern Alabama, close to the beach where a lot of people like to vacation, so the COVID numbers there have increased. Though her community is a hot spot, Luke’s child care program is doing a great job managing the virus. Amanda says, “Each child has a specific bucket of toys they can play with. The buckets have their name on it. They each have a cot and a nap mat.” The teacher checks the temperatures of the children as they’re coming in and takes the child to the classroom. All teachers and staff wear a mask.

Luke’s teacher has been out sick because of coronavirus, which she contracted from her asymptomatic husband, but Amanda is comfortable with the process in place for people to quarantine. “If you have a cold of any kind, you have to go to the doctor to get a diagnosis.” When her son had a cold, she had him tested for COVID-19, and he was negative. Despite the results, Amanda kept her son out of school. Amanda says, “I’m a nurse. I see false negatives. The actual lab is coming back negative, but out of respect for everyone else, I kept him home for 10 days.”

When asked what advice she has for other parents, Amanda said, “You got to trust whatever you’re doing. You are educating yourself in the best way you can. Whatever decision you and your family make, that is the best decision for you and will best help your family today. Stop beating yourself up about it.”

Learning Remotely

Brittany also lives in Alabama with her family. Her son is 6 years old and is going into first grade. The school made the decision to go remote for the first nine weeks of the school year and then reassess the situation. Brittany says that she is keeping her son at home if the school decides to send the children back to the classroom because her son has severe asthma. She says, “We made 13 ER trips in one year. I also have a 10-month-old. It is not worth the risk.” Brittany knows that remote learning is not the best way for her son to learn, but he is doing fine with it.

Brittany also wasn’t comfortable with the school’s plan. She felt that it was “up in the air.” And though the state of Alabama has made a few requirements, masks are not mandatory for first graders in her state.

When asked what advice she had for parents, Brittany says, “Definitely go with your gut, and do what you think is right. It is not about other families.”

Joining a Learning Pod

Sheri is a mother of a fifth-grader named Ethan. Her son has a milder case of asthma, but Sheri is immune-compromised. When we first spoke to Sheri at the end of July, she just made the decision to send her son back to school.

Ethan struggles with virtual learning. He gets frustrated and prefers being in a classroom. Sheri says that with virtual learning, “He is not going to be able to raise his hand and get extra help. Virtual instruction is not how he learns best.” Sheri spoke to Ethan’s doctor as well as her own doctor to help make this decision. There were also school board meetings where she learned about a proposed plan that Sheri felt comfortable with.

Things have changed weeks later, however. Sheri’s family lives in Illinois, where the numbers of COVID-19 cases are ticking up. We spoke to her recently and learned that the school is going remote until the beginning of October. In the weeks since we last chatted, Sheri also began to feel less comfortable with sending Ethan back to school. In fact, she doesn’t want to send him back until there is a vaccine in place.

Sheri spoke with other parents in her community to come up with a plan of their own—to create a learning pod. “It’s a group of seven kids, and three of the children are from one family. That home is where he will go to for e-learning. Four children are in fifth grade, one is in kindergarten, one is in third grade, and one is in first grade.” The parents hired a woman who tutors children. She is going to be in charge of making sure they log in. She will also be there for questions and reteaching during the school day, which is 8:45 am to 2:45 pm. Sheri is very comfortable with this. There is an additional bonus according to Sheri, “The kids can help each other and learn that way.”

When Ethan found out about the change, he wanted to go back to school at first, but Sheri explained to him why the kids are working this way and he is fine with it. Sheri says, “The fact that he’s going to see his friend, he’s fine with it.”

When asked what advice she has for other parents, Sheri says, “You have to do what’s best for your family situation.”

Questions to Consider

All parents we spoke to understand that sending their child back to school is a very personal decision that is based on their family’s and child’s needs. If you are making a similar decision, we have included a list of questions to consider. We’ve also included additional resources at the end of this article for more support. One resource is a tool kit offered by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. The tool kit offers checklists and other supports to help schools create an asthma-friendly environment. When making your decision, however, we strongly encourage that you speak with your child’s doctor.

School Plan

  • What is the school’s reopening plan?
  • Are you comfortable with it?
  • What is the school’s plan if someone gets sick?
  • What is the school doing to support behaviors that reduce spread?
  • How are schools ensuring proper ventilation?
  • Will your child be affected by the cleaning supplies used?
  • Does the school have a plan for class size? Staggered schedules?
  • Does your child require access to services: school meals, social services, extended childcare, extracurricular activities? What is the school’s plan for these services?
  • What is the transportation plan for going back to school?

Child’s Needs

  • How severe is your child’s asthma?
  • Do you have an Asthma Action Plan in place for child care or the school?
  • What is your child’s learning style?
  • Does your child require more structure or extra support?
  • Is your child able to learn while working digitally?
  • Can your child keep up with the work?
  • What is your child’s mood like during lengthy periods of virtual learning?
  • Does your child know how to wear a face mask?
  • Does the benefit of social interaction outweigh the risks?

Community & Home

  • Are the COVID-19 numbers rising in your community?
  • What is your work schedule like?
  • Is a parent able to stay home with your child?
  • Are you and your family in a place in which you could quarantine for two weeks if your child was exposed to COVID-19?
  • Do you live with anyone else who is at an increased risk?
  • Do you have access to the Internet and a device for virtual learning?
  • Does your child require specialized equipment? Do you have that equipment at home?
  • Is there a place at home where your child is away from distractions?

Learn More

Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, “Asthma Action Plan,” [n.d.]
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, “COVID-19 and Asthma Toolkit for Schools,” 2020
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Asthma in the U.S.,” 2011
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Back to School Planning: Checklists to Guide Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers,” 2020
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “The Importance of Reopening America’s Schools This Fall,” 2020
Gay, Holly, “Managing Asthma During COVID-19,” 2020
Slater Tate, Allison, “4 Questions Parents Need to Ask Before Sending Their Kids Back to School This Fall,” 2020


About the Author:

Karen Aleo: Managing Editor of Britannica for Parents Karen has a master’s degree in education in curriculum and instruction from National Louis University. She is also the author and editor of several books for young readers.


This post originally appeared on
Britannica For Parents
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

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Photo: Stratford School

When you hear the words “summer slide,” what pictures come to mind? A water slide at the pool? A park slide on a hot day? Sunshine and summer fun?  Summer Slide is a term often used to describe the tendency for students to decline in achievement gains during the summer months when school is not in session. Fortunately, there are many ways to prevent the summer slide, including reading.

At Stratford School, we believe that reading plays a critical role in warding off summer learning loss by prompting critical thinking, building language skills, introducing new vocabulary and more. When children keep reading, they keep learning. We have curated a list of books by grade that will keep your kids turning the pages in between their playtimes. Enjoy!


The Last Peach by Gordon Gus: The story of two indecisive bugs contemplating eating the last peach of the summer in a hilarious picture book about anticipation and expectation. Summer’s almost over, and there’s one peach left. There’s also one big question in the air: Should someone eat it? What if it’s rotten inside? But what if it’s juicy? Should the bug who saw it first get to eat it? Should both bugs share it with their friends? Will anyone eat the peach?! EVER?!? A fun book to read together and the ending will surprise everyone.

First Grade

Scribble Stones by Diane Alber: A heartwarming story about a little stone who was able to spread kindness to the world! This story starts off with a little stone who thinks he will become something amazing but then soon realizes he had become a dull paperweight. He’s on a mission to become something greater and in the process meets scribble and splatter and they all come up with a creative way to bring joy to thousands of people.

Second Grade

The Invisible String by Patrice Karst: A comforting story about two siblings who learn that everyone has an invisible string that connects them to everyone they love, anywhere, anytime. You are never alone. The people who love you here and those who have passed away are never far because if you tug on this invisible string they can feel it in their hearts. This is a remarkable message for children who feel lonely, scared, anxious, worried, etc. and this reassuring feeling could help a child cope with a variety of issues from everyday things, like a storm, to serious issues, like the death of a friend or parent. The illustrations are done in soothing watercolors and the simple lines highlight the facial expressions and feelings of the characters.

Third Grade

One-Third Nerd by Gennifer Choldenko: A funny story about a lovable family and the best dog ever from the Newbery Honor-winning author of Al Capone Does My Shirts and the Tales from Alcatraz series. Fifth grade is not for amateurs, according to Liam. Liam lives in the Bay area near San Francisco with his mom and two younger sisters. Dakota is fascinated by science and has a big personality but struggles to make friends; Izzy, a child with Down syndrome, makes friends easily, and notices things that go past everyone else. And then there’s Cupcake, their lovable German shepherd, who guards their basement apartment. Recently, Cupcake has a problem—she’s peeing in the house. The kids need to make enough money to take her to the vet before their landlord upstairs finds out. And Mom and Dad have said if Cupcake doesn’t stop, they will find her a new home. But the kids will never let Cupcake go. Can they save her?

Fourth Grade

The Serpent’s Secret by Sayantani DasGupta (series): On the morning of her twelfth birthday, Kiranmala is just a regular sixth grader living in Parsippany, New Jersey until her parents mysteriously vanish and a drooling rakkhosh demon slams through her kitchen, determined to eat her alive. Suddenly, Kiran is swept into another dimension full of magic, winged horses, moving maps, and annoying, talking birds. There she must solve riddles and battle demons all while avoiding the Serpent King of the underworld and the Rakkhoshi Queen in order to find her parents and basically save New Jersey, her entire world, and everything beyond it. There are two more books in this fun series, so get ready to spend a lot of time reading!

Fifth Grade

Clean Getaway by Nic Stone: Set against the backdrop of the segregation history of the American South, take a trip with this New York Times bestseller and an eleven-year-old boy who is about to discover that the world hasn’t always been a welcoming place for kids like him, and things aren’t always what they seem—his G’ma included. Great for kids studying civil rights.

Middle School

War Stories by Gordon Korman: From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Restart, a story of telling truth from lies —and finding out what being a hero really means. There are two things Trevor loves more than anything else: playing war-based video games and his great-grandfather Jacob, who is a true-blue, bona fide war hero. At the height of the war, Jacob helped liberate a small French village and was given a hero’s welcome upon his return to America. Now it’s decades later, and Jacob wants to retrace the steps he took during the war—from training to invasion to the village he is said to have saved. Trevor thinks this is the coolest idea ever. But as they get to the village, Trevor discovers there’s more to the story than what he’s heard his whole life, causing him to wonder about his great-grandfather’s heroism, the truth about the battle he fought, and the importance of genuine valor.

Keira Pride is the Head Librarian at Stratford School, the leading independent private school founded with a vision of creating a unique, multi-dimensional, educational foundation for children. As Stratford's Head Librarian, she manages the library services department across campuses throughout Northern and Southern California. 

The year was 1973, and my first act of subversion (or at least that was how the principal described it) was to allow the girls a turn to play with the large red rubber playground balls.  Until my arrival as a fifth-grade teacher at the public school in an urban area near Boston, girls were given jump ropes to play with during recess while boys were given large red rubber balls. They were assigned separate areas of the blacktop lot where recess took place to use the balls and jump ropes. 

The boys had a lively game of “punchball” each day which along with promoting lots of physical activity and social interaction, looked like tons of fun. Chatting about the day’s game continued in the classroom well after recess had ended. I asked the girls in my class if they had any interest in playing punchball, and they wholeheartedly agreed that they did, but reiterated to me the rule of the school—that balls were for boys only.

When asked about the jump ropes, the boys were less interested in using them until I mentioned that boxers and other athletes jumped rope to stay in shape.  When I later displayed some magazine photographs of Mohammad Ali and other sports figures using a jump rope, they definitely became more enthusiastic.

I put the topic of recess equipment on our agenda for our next class meeting, and it was decided after much discussion that the kids would take turns trading off the use of the balls and jump ropes, every other day. While most of the boys weren’t thrilled with the arrangement initially, everyone agreed that this was the fair thing to do. Everyone that is, except the principal.

Once news of this new arrangement reached him, I was called into his office. He was quite upset with me that I was interfering with what had always been the tradition at the school. His branding of me as a “woman’s libber” was not meant as a compliment, but I was determined to keep up the new turn taking. I reminded him of the recently passed Title IX law of the Education Amendments Acts of 1972, which essentially extended equal access to athletic programs for girls and boys and as far as I was concerned that included our red punchballs and jump ropes.

It was the first of many small but hard-fought battles against rigid gender stereotyping that I would wage for my students both male and female in the years to follow. I was reminded of this particular challenge recently when a friend forwarded this article about a gender neutral nursery school in Sweden that specifically sets out to tackle gender stereotypes.

It is a fascinating article, well worth the read. The nursery school described in the article has taken serious measures to address all areas of gender stereotyping, well beyond my attempt at mixing up recess, back in the day. And while I am not an enemy of gender or advocating for gender policing, as an educator, I have always felt a responsibility to challenge rigid gender roles in any educational community that I have been a part of.

As a nursery school Director, I dissuaded my staff from calling attention to gender by addressing the students not according to their gender, but as children. Teachers were discouraged from having the children line up in two lines, one for boys and one for girls. When I was growing up in the fifties and sixties this was not only common practice, but many schools had separate entrances, with the words “Boys” and “Girls” etched in stone above the doors. It really makes you wonder what they thought would happen if a child used the wrong door!

Every nursery school teacher has heard a child announce with confidence, “Those dolls are for girls to play with” or “She can’t play with that, that’s a boy’s toy.” In my experience, the best response to such proclamations is a neutral, “Why is that a boy or girl’s toy?” and “I think boys and girls can play with any toys they want.” Children from an early age should get the message loud and clear that it is what’s so great about playing; there are no girl toys and no boy toys—just toys!

As a parent or caregiver, you are in a position to send a message about gender that is open and inclusive. Yes your son may, or may not, gravitate toward vehicles and balls, and yes your daughter may or may not, always choose the princess dress-up, and whatever their choices or preferences, all of it is perfectly okay. What is not okay is not giving children space and opportunity to explore it all. 

By the time my fifth graders moved on to sixth grade, all of the classes in the middle school were sharing all of the playground equipment, we even instituted a coed punchball game on Friday, yes, radical for the time, but lots and lots of fun!

I am a parent and grandparent with over four decades of experience in early childhood education. I share my passion, wisdom and experience, with parents and the people who care for and about children at Little Folks Big Questions, where we're out to answer the questions parents face in today's world.

Now your kiddo can hear a story from space! The Story Time from Space program was launched several years ago (by the Global Space Foundation) to bring an out-of-this-world experience to kids right here on Earth.

Even though story time at your local library is enough to keep the littles busy all afternoon, Story Time from Space adds an extra element of science-filled excitement.

So how can your child listen to a book read from space? The Global Space Education Foundation sends child-friendly picks to the International Space Station. Astronauts videotape themselves reading the books and the Story Time from Space website posts the clips.

If you’re wondering whether your child’s fave reads are on the “Books Approved for Launch” list, as of now titles such as Khalifa and Amal Go To Space, Astronaut Annie, Ada Twist, Scientist, Mousetronaut, Max Goes to mars, Luciana, Braving the Deep, The Mission to Cataria, A Moon of My Own, Notable Notebooks, Next Time You See a Sunset, Max Goes to the International Space Station and Rosie Revere, Engineer are among the top story time picks.

—Erica Loop

Featured photo: All About the ABCS via Instagram



You Can Soon Book a Vacation on the International Space Station—Sign Us Up Now

Does Your Kid Need an Astronaut Pen Pal? Um, Yes. Yes They Do

This Teen Interning at NASA Just Discovered a New Planet

I’ll never forget how in third grade, Kim used to repeatedly ask me to open my mouth, look inside, and ask if I have a retainer. “Why do you talk weird?” she’d ask. I’ll always remember her look of sheer disbelief that the only thing in my mouth was a Daffy Duck-sounding lisp. One friend thought it was so hilarious to ask me to say,“Sprite” and “slushy” to hear my speech impediment in action. Both felt awful and embarrassing.

In fifth grade, Barbara threatened me to fight in the middle of recess—she fought everybody, and I was a “goody-goody.” I told her she couldn’t cut the line and boss people around during jump rope. I told her to wait her turn, and so she was ready to punch me in the face like another girl the week before. The only thing I could stammer was, “I don’t want to fight yooo!” Then I walked so fast into class as the bell rung, holding my breath the entire way—she never bothered me again.

In seventh grade, a boy asked me out and I said, “no” because I was so shy, and so he retaliated by telling everyone my arm hair was like a gorilla’s. He called me “gorilla” often and to everyone. Little did he know that I secretly liked him too, so I made light of the name-calling scenario by giving him a red stuffed animal gorilla. It was so mortifying—all of it—but he never called me that name again. Case closed.

Identifying the Bully

Bullies come in all forms—physical, emotional, and verbal—and it always stinks to be on the receiving end. What’s even worse is when you watch your kids suffer through it all.

No, you shouldn’t be the police parent or the blind-eye parent either. But what do you do? When do you step in? What if the child tells the teacher and he/she downplays the scenario and does nothing? The most important role as children face new and challenging scenarios is to arm them with the best knowledge to identify, speak up, alert a teacher, discuss with a parent, and trust that the parent will step up when necessary.

When gearing up your kids to return to the back-to-school trenches, parents should first understand my top five keys to effective anti-bully combat.

1. Enable open communication and a trusting environment.

2. Discuss “red flag” rules.

3. Provide the proper tools for self-defense.

4. Empower children to alert and escalate an issue to responsible adults.

5. Know when and how to intervene as a parent.

Teach Them to Talk

As kids move through the ranks in school, there will be many situations that cause your kid grief. From pushing and sharing issues, friendship woes, three’s a crowd, jealousy, name-calling, physical grabbing, taunting, and threatening, most negative behaviors stem from the bully’s personal frustration, and often, a lack of discipline. While some situations are minor, others require immediate attention and action.

One of the most important responsibilities as a parent is to create an honest and open line of communication with your child. This communication may seem trivial when he/she is young, but it may be life-changing through the years. Let your child know that he/she is always free to discuss anything about the day without reprimanding—such as trivial social dilemmas, questionable peer discussion, and concerning situations.

Red Flag Rules

Some situations may be part of learning how to navigate through friendships and those less friendly. Social development is vital for children to positively gain a sense of self-worth, identity, and the power to stop and prevent a negative action for themselves and others.

While it isn’t necessary to “tattle” in every instance, children need to learn the “red flags” of inappropriateness. Always teach and remind your children where to draw the line.

  • Physical threatening
  • Verbal threats to physically harm
  • Aggressive grabbing on the body
  • Inappropriate touching or flashing private parts
  • Excessive and condescending name-calling

All scenarios need to be discussed thoroughly, especially when kids are young—role playing is the most effective tactic in arming your child understanding and confidence.

Tools of Armor

Sometimes kids can be emotional, moody, and jealous. Does that mean a call to the principal/head master? Absolutely not, when it’s just a friendship issue. Now that they know what to look out for, it’s time to teach them what to do, which is equally important.

One simple phrase, “Have a nice day!” That’s it. If a friend is rude and unreasonable, wish them well and move on. “Don’t be part of their dark cloud. Continue your sunny day and walk away,” I say. He/she can’t get mad at that phrase. Works every time.

Verbal defense is such an important facet of self-worth and self-respect. I’ll never forget how proud I was when my eldest daughter told me about a girl who kept bullying her and calling her “shrimp” and “such a cute little girl like a baby,” continuously. The bully always pushed her way in front of her in line, until that one day when my daughter spoke up.

“My mom said that people come in all different shapes, sizes, and colors, and THAT is what makes us beautiful. So why don’t you go and pick on someone your own size!”

The bully sheepishly went to the back of the line and later apologized. Speaking up without a personal attack, but with reason, is so critical. From the time a child is beginning school to upper senior school, it is so crucial to teach how to say some key phrases, such as:

  • Stop!
  • Don’t touch me!
  • Leave me alone!
  • That’s not ok.
  • We’ll talk when you’re calm/nicer.

Arming your child with a strong verbal shield is key to confronting the bully. The next step is equally important in knowing when and how to request backup support from school teachers and parents.

Elevating Responsibility

Your kid comes home crying and torn about an issue. As a parent, you don’t want to micro-manage or swoop in for the save every time. But when is it ok to elevate?

Let mild social issues settle themselves unless it crosses the line and there’s some serious name-calling or physical bullying infractions. Parents then get the green light to step in by navigating through a few suggested contacts.

  • Confront the bully’s parent in a team-minded approach to resolve the issue.
  • Alert the class teacher for in-class attention.
  • Step in with the mommy stink-eye.
  • Meet with the head of school.

Mommy-Stink Eye

Did the “mommy stink-eye” catch your eye? Good. This little trick was coined by yours truly, and it’s quite an effective crowd-pleaser among my mom crew. When alerting the bully’s parent isn’t part of your plan, the teacher’s response is weak, and the issue isn’t big enough to escalate to the head of school, what do you do? That’s right, the stink-eye. When I accompany my kid to primary school class and see the snot-faced kid pestering mine, I take action:

  • Ask your kid to repeat what the other one did.
  • Repeat it just loud enough for the child to “overhear.”
  • When the kid turns around to sneak a guilty look at you, give your best look of disapproval and shake your head in dismay. “Don’t worry, I know he/she won’t do that anymore because that’s not ok. It’s never ok to [repeat the bully crime]. Please let me know if it happens again because I know his/her mom well.” Done.

Always remember to trust your instinct. If you see your child coming home particularly angry, moody, or frustrated, get to the bottom of the problem. Discuss options, role play, and always be there for your child to learn from the situation.

Ruthi Davis is a the Founder of Ruth Davis Consulting LLC with over two decades of success in advertising/marketing, media/publicity, business development, client relations, and organizational optimization for a variety of clients. Ruthi is a proud mom and influencer in the parenting and family market as founder of the Superfly Supermom brand.

Around this time of year, we often take a step back and think about all of the things and experiences for which we are grateful. At Stratford School, we are incredibly grateful to the amazing authors who visit our schools and share their books with our students. An author visit is a rich experience that students not only learn from but remember for a long time. Each visit provides the entire school community with a common learning experience and lends authenticity and credibility to the reading and writing process. We are grateful to the diverse group of authors who have shared their stories with our students over the years. So, if you are looking for a great book to give this season, below is a featured list of some of the best books authors have recently shared with Stratford:

Preschool to First Grade

The Tales From the Chinese Zodiac by Oliver Chin

A rainbow of animals inhabits the popular annual series, The Tales from the Chinese Zodiac. This is the only series in English that features each of the animals of the Lunar New Year. There are twelve unique adventures that have been revised with a bilingual translation in simplified Chinese. Children love to read the book about the zodiac animal from their birth year.

The Cazuela That The Farm Maiden Stirred by Samantha Vamos

With the help of her animal friends, a farm maiden begins to cook. The goat lends some butter; the cow, fresh milk; the chicken, a few eggs-all for a pot of rice pudding. Inspired by “The House that Jack Built,” Vamos offers a fresh, new twist, playfully introducing Spanish into this cumulative tale. The illustrations are acrylics-on-wood paintings and have a burnished copper glow that is exquisite.

Second, Third and Fourth Grade

The Code Busters Club (series) by Penny Warner

Four code-loving fanatics join forces to crack mind-boggling mysteries involving spies, rare Egyptian artifacts, haunted lighthouses, and much more!  Finding the missing key isn’t the only thing solving these puzzles. The code busters discover that friends are the most valuable key and can be as different as the symbols they solve. These exciting interactive adventures will bring out the true code buster in any young reader eager to learn and decipher more than fifteen codes.

I’m Just No Good at Rhyming and Other Nonsense for Mischievous Kids and Immature Grown-ups by Chris Harris

Lovers of Shel Silverstein will laugh until they cry. This book is so cleverly written that kids and adults alike will quickly become obsessed with finding their new favorite poem to read. Paired with perfectly matched illustrations by Lane Smith, the book’s collection of poems are hilariously silly and quirky, with topics that your children/students will find relatable, for example. “Sometimes I don’t want to Share,” a poem that expresses the anguish of having to share a delicious cookie.

Fifth Grade and Middle School

Aruh Shah and the End of Time (series) written by Roshani Chokshi

Best-selling author Rick Riordan introduces this adventure by Roshani Chokshi about twelve-year-old Aru Shah, who has a tendency to stretch the truth in order to fit in at school. While her classmates are jetting off to family vacations in exotic locales, she’ll be spending her autumn break at home, in the Museum of Ancient Indian Art and Culture, waiting for her mom to return from her latest archeological trip. Is it any wonder that Aru makes up stories about being royalty, traveling to Paris, and having a chauffeur? Witty humor and fast paced fun keep readers content through the Kingdom of Death in this fantasy rooted in Hindu mythology.

Wizard for Hire by Obert Skye

Are your kids looking for something to read after Harry Potter? This series is perfect! Fourteen-year-old Ozzy is desperate for help because his scientist-parents have been kidnapped after discovering a formula that enables mind control. Their work was so top secret Ozzy is afraid to go to the police, but without help, he fears he’ll never find his parents. Then he stumbles across a classified ad in the local newspaper that says “Wizard for Hire. Call 555-SPEL.”  What follows is an adventure full of humor, danger, grief, and acceptance.



Keira Pride is the Head Librarian at Stratford School, the leading independent private school founded with a vision of creating a unique, multi-dimensional, educational foundation for children. As Stratford's Head Librarian, she manages the library services department across campuses throughout Northern and Southern California. 

We’ve been reading like madwomen (and children) to keep up with all the amazing books that came out in 2019. From bilingual board books to books that help kids deal with tough subjects like racism, cancer and more, this year showed a celebration of diversity, resilience and hope. We read every one of the books on this list (or our kids did) so this curated collection may not be all about the bestsellers, but it’s definitely a list to keep for years to come.

All Ages/Activity Books

1. Cakes for Kids: 40 Easy Recipes That Will Wow!

Gibbs Smith

Paris-based baker, food artist and cookbook author Juliette Lalbaltry's latest book starts with teaching kids (and their grown-ups) four basic cake recipes (lemon, yogurt, chocolate and rolled sponge).  From these four bases she offers dozens of ideas for clever, totally doable decorations that will guarantee you'll never need to order another party cake. 

Ages: All Ages 

Find it here. $16.99

2. Where's the Llama?

Andrews McMeel

Where's the Llama: An Around-the-World Adventure Book is a wonderfully illustrated, seek-and-find activity book that is not only fun, it helps build a child’s visual and cultural vocabulary. Follow the llamas as they travel around the world to a Dia de los Muertos parade in Mexico, the world-famous tulip festival in the Netherlands, explore jungles in Cambodia and so much more. By Paul Moran & Gergely Forizs.

Ages: All ages. $9.99.

Order it here.

3. Snackable Science Experiments: 60 Edible Tests to Try and Taste

Page Street Publishing

Scientist, educator, mom and Chief Experimenter Science Sparks, Emma Vanstone's new book will delight kitchen helpers and bored kids everywhere! From chemistry to structural engineering, kids can play with their food and learn new concepts all at once. The perfect antidote to winter break brain drain! 

Ages: All ages, recommended for ages 6-11 but younger kids can get in on the fun with a little more help. Some adult supervision required. 

Get yours here, $13.39 

4. Plantology: 30 Activities and Observations for Exploring the World of Plants

Chicago Review Press

Budding botanists and curious collectors alike will adore Plantology: 30 Activities and Observations for Exploring the World of Plants by science educator and author Michael Elsohn Ross. From plant skeletons to prop roots and all the mosses in between, this super cool book will have your kids looking at the natural world in a whole new way. 

Ages: 7 and up (but younger kids may enjoy activities with parents/older siblings)

Buy it here. $15.99

5. Easy Paper Projects: 60 Crafts You Can Wear, Gift, Use and Admire

Page Street Publishing

London-based Maggy Woodley, the imagination behind the popular craft blog Red Ted Art, has created a clever collection of paper craft projects that any kid can do. Use printer paper, construction paper or even old homework to make cute, exciting, adorable, silly and delightful projects, all by following easy step-by-step instructions with ots ofo photos to show you the way.  
Ages: 4-11 (some grown-up help may be necessary for younger kids). 
Get it here, $14.59

Board Books

6. & 7. Lejos/Far & Cerca/Close

Candlewick Press

Looking for bilingual board books that stand out in a crowd? These two charmers,  Lejos/Far and Cerca/Close, both by author Juan Felipe Herrera and illustrated by Blanca Gómez, definitely fit the bill. Clear, bold illustrations go beyond just words to include beautiful, poetic phrases that will embed themselves in your child's brain while helping them to learn the concept of "far" and "close." 

El árbol de limones está lejos de mi casa. The lemon tree is far from my house.

Ages: 2-5

Buy Lejos/Far and Cerca/Close, $7.99 each


8. Kahlo's Koalas: 1, 2, 3, Count Art with Me

Andrews McMeel

Seven Van Gogh Geckos, 3 Lichtenstein Llamas...learn to count with animals reimagined in iconic artist's style with this adorable board book from Grace Helmer. From Warhol's warthogs to Kandinsky's kangaroos and more, you'll love reading this one to bébé! 

Ages: 1-4

Get it here, $6.99

9. & 10. I Am Kind & I Am Unstoppable

Two board book versions of Brad Meltzer's best-selling Ordinary People Change the World series are now available for toddlers and preschool kids. I Am Kind, about Abe Lincoln and I Am Unstoppable, about Amelia Earhart, are a lovely addition to your child's first library. 

Ages: 2 and up.

Available at, $.7.99. 

11. An ABC of Equality

It's never too early to teach kids about empathy, kindness and acceptance. This board book by Chana Ginelle Ewing, the Founder and CEO of Geenie, a women's empowerment platform, makes learning about concepts like gender, immigration and ability accessible to even the youngest of readers. Flip through the colorful pages to find letters like D is for difference or J is for justice explained in a way anyone can grasp. For any parent hoping to teach their child about multiculturalism and acceptance, this book is for you.

Ages: 3+ (as recommended on Amazon but this book is suited for any reader)

Available on for $14.99

12. Be Bold, Baby: Sonia Sotomayor

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

This month's Be Bold, Baby series releases include spotlights on Sonia Sotomayor and J.K. Rowling. These board books will teach your kids resilience, patience and fairness like these female leaders. Each book ends with a special message (and cool mirror): just be you. 

Ages: baby to 3 years old

Available on for $9.99

13. Feelings: A Pull-and-Play Book

Chronicle Books

Anyone with a toddler knows that they experience some big feelings, sometimes all in a span of five minutes! Turn to this book by Alice Le Henand and illustrated by Thierry Bedouet to explore all the emotions and feelings toddlers experience. They'll identify with Little Crocodile's sadness and Little Bear's fearfulness, as your kids pull the tabs in and out to bring these animals to life. 

Ages 0-3

Available at for $11.59

14. 15. & 16. Three New Indestructibles Titles

Babies put everything in their mouths and even the most sturdy board books can fall prey to a toddler's destruction. New this month is three titles from the popular Indestructibles series: The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and Row, Row, Row Your Boat all by Amy Pixton and illustrated by Maddie Frost. All of these books are chew proof, rip proof, nontoxic, 100% washable and are super thin and light so they make for great reads to throw in your diaper bag. 

Ages 0+

Available on 

17. & 18. Look, There's a Helicopter!

Each book in this charming board book series follows a vehicle on its journey, introducing new readers to a host of words. Die-cut pages mean there's an interactive component, engaging those chubby little fingers in the story. This charming board book and its companion, Look, There's a Tractor (both out this April) are wonderfully illustrated by Dutch artist, Esther Arts. 

Ages: 1-4

Get yours here. $7.99

19. Colors (Zoe and Zack)

We love this book for its innovative way of introducing colors to tots. Author Jacques Duquennoy uses die-cut pages and printed acetate to engage young readers as friends Zoe and Zack paint different colors and shapes. Find out what they're creating by turning each acetate page. 

Ages: 3-5

Available at

20. Mr. Boddington's Studio: San Francisco ABCs

Penguin Random House

This new series from Mr. Boddington's Studio—a vibrant stationary store in Brooklyn—now includes San Francisco (the first one was NYC ABCs, released in May of this year). We love this clever way to teach kids the alphabet and explore a city in an off-the-beaten path way. 

Ages: 3-5

Find yours here. $9.99

21. Touch and Explore Construction

For kiddos into everything dump truck, demolition and building, this book is a real winner. Each page focuses on one aspect of construction like setting up, building a road and demolition. The book explains what happens during each stage and it's peppered with cool tactile experiences like raised bumpy rubble and sticky surfaces where paint is "drying." 

Ages 3-5

Available at

22. Frankie's Food Truck


This adorable lift-the-flap board book teaches kids all about shapes in the context of a vibrant food truck. Illustrator Lucia Gaggiotti's images are reminiscent of Richard Scarry books and bring life to the page. 

Ages: 2 and up 

Find your copy here, $9.99

23. Bedtime Classics: Alice in Wonderland

Penguin Young Readers

Classics are reimagined in this new series of board books that take famous books and re-tell them with inclusive and charming illustrations. Two of these sweet books are available now, and there's more to come in 2020. 

Ages: 3 & up. 

Buy it here, $7.29.

Elementary (Picture Books)

24. I Can Only Draw Worms

Penguin Random House

This book is part counting books, part funny tale about worms. Written in the same vein as The Book with No Pictures, the simple but brightly colored illustrations follow the adventures of 10 worms, And, although author/illustrator Will Mabbitt claims he can only draw worms, you'll still feel like it was a story about so much more. On sale March, 19th 2019.

Ages: 3-5

Available for pre-order at Amazon, $13.69. 

25. Wild Honey from the Moon


How far will one mother shrew go just to help her sick son? She'll go to the moon, and back. This beautifully illustrated book by amazingly self-taught author/illustrator Kenneth Kraegel is as touching and moving as it is visually pleasing. 

Ages: 4-8

Find it now, $17.99 

26. The Fate of Fausto: A Painted Fable

This gorgeous picture book from celebrated illustrator and artist Oliver Jeffers (of The Day the Crayons Quit fame) is a tale of a greedy man named Fausto and his journey to claim everything belonged to him. From claiming a flower to facing the sea, this simple but important story reminds us all of the power of kindness. Illustrated in traditional lithographic printmaking techniques, the images alone make this a must-have addition to your bookshelf. 

Ages: 4-8

Buy it here, $22.49.

27. The ABCs of Metallica


Kids will learn the history of one of America's most celebrated band from A to Z in this gorgeously illustrated book. Young fans and adults will enjoy this fantastic journey of Metallica and with each purchase a portion of the proceeds will benefit Metallica’s All Within My Hands Foundation, "which is dedicated to creating sustainable communities by supporting workforce education, the fight against hunger, and other critical local services."

Ages: 4-8

Find it here, $13.29. (Available Nov. 26)

28. Jacob's Room to Choose

Teach your kids about gender expression, kindness and inclusion in this new book from Sarah and Ian Hoffman. Jacob, the central character in this story, wears a dress. But, when he enters the boys bathroom the older kids make fun of him and tell him he isn't allowed. Jacob's friend, Sophie has a similar experience in the girl's bathroom. Discover what Jacob and Sophie—along with their teachers and classmates—do to teach inclusion and respect to others and how they shape their school's perception about gender expression. With colorful illustrations, a storyline kids and adults can follow and a positive, inclusive message both parents and kids can get behind, this new book is a must read.

Ages 5-8

Available at for $13

29. Hey Grandude!

Oh, Hey Grandude! The adventurous new tale from musician Paul McCartney followers a super cool grandpa as he takes his four grandkids on the trip of a lifetime. Told with beautiful illustrations, the whimsical story is great for your little wayfarers.

Ages: 4-6

Buy on Amazon for $11.59.

30. Tomorrow Most Likely

Chronicle Books

Dave Eggers is at it again with his newest release for kiddos ages 3-5, Tomorrow Most Likely. Publishing this month from Chronicle Books, this new read illustrated by Lane Smith reinvents the classic bedtime book. Instead of focusing on what happened that day, the little boy protagonist focuses on the future and imagines all the fun, dreamy and whimsical things that might happen tomorrow. 

Ages 3-5

Available for $12.75 on,

31. Dandy

Little, Brown and Company

One dad faces the ultimate challenge: convincing his daughter that the weed on his perfectly manicured lawn must go. From trying to snip the dandelion at naptime to sneaking behind his daughter's back when he thinks she's not looking, Dad does everything to try to convince his daughter, Sweetie that the dandelion (which she lovingly names Charlotte) is not fit for his perfect yard. Find out what happens in this endearing and funny tale from Ame Dyckman and illustrator Charles Santoso in this book debuting this month. 

Ages: 4-8

$12.75, on

32. Bad Dog

In this endearing and funny picture book by Mike Boldt, find out what happens when a little girl REALLY wants a dog but ends up with a pet cat instead. Her pet "dog" Rocky doesn't behave like other dogs so what's a girl to do? Join along as she discovers that maybe a pet dog isn't all that it's cracked up to be.

Ages 3-7

Find it here, $16.19

33. You Loves Ewe!

This quirky but fabulous tale features a donkey, yam and ewe. Follow along as hilarious homonyms take center stage as the animals try to discern who is "ewe" and who is "you." Grammarians and little kids alike will laugh out loud at this hilarious story by Cece Bell. 

Ages 4-7

Find it here, $17.99

34. A Ray of Light


For your non-fiction lover, this new book from author and photographer Walter Wick is just the thing. In A Ray of Light, Wick's stunning images are combined with easy-to-understand text. Kids will learn all about the speed, color, the spectrum and all the other complex secrets to light. 

Ages: 6-8 

$12.32. Order it now.

35. The Seekers

We're not sure what is the best part of this amazing new book; the original story based on mythology from the artists' native Mombai or the stunning illustrations created by Hari & Deepti, two paper-cut artists who bring the words to life. Both elements combine to make hands-down one of the most beautiful and unique books of 2019. The story about two children who learn that Silver Fox and Fire Wolf are anything but myths. 

Ages: 4-8

Find your copy today here. $17.60

36. The End of Something Wonderful: A Practical Guide to a Backyard Funeral

Dealing with the death of a family pet can be a hard topic to get right when it comes to kids. This new book from author Stephanie V. W. Lucianovic is a practical guide to burying something wonderful that is now something dead. What could be an awkward topic turns into something delightfully empathetic with Lucianovic's prose and the charming illustrations of artist George Ermos.

Ages: 5-8

Buy it here, $16.95.

37. How to Be a Coder

Kiki Prottsman doesn't just know all about coding,  she knows how to encourage, teach and get kids excited about learning to reading. No small feat, getting kids to learn about greats like computer science pioneers Katherine Johnson and Alan Turing along with gleaning new skills, this impressive (and very colorful) book from DK is sure to be a hit. 

Ages: 7-9

See it here. $19.09

38. Get Up, Stand Up

Chronicle Books

This new picture book by Cedella Marley, inspired by one of Bob Marley's most loved songs, will inspire your kids (and you) to stand up for their rights and the rights of others. "When you meet someone talking big and thinking small...and their stinging words push your back against the wall...When their words bite, STAND UP for what's right." Beautifully illustrated by John Jay Cabuay, it's a perfect antidote in a bully-ish world. 

Ages: 3-5

Find it here, $16.99.

39. My Brother Otto


This endearing little picture book is about love, acceptance and understanding that one sister, Piper the crow, has for her brother Otto. Otto is on the autism spectrum and this book is a beautifully-illustrated and thoughtfully-written way to teach children about differences and acceptance. Otto does some things and likes some of the same things his sister does. But he also does some things differently, and other kids don't always understand this. The author, Meg Raby, holds a master’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology with a certification in Autism Spectrum Disorders from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities and has several years of experience working with children ages 2–17 on the autism spectrum.

Ages: 3-5

Pre order here. $16.99

40. Bad Day

North Atlantic Books

Everyone has a bad day once in a while, kids and grown-ups alike. So when you're feeling overwhelmed, grab this book. When you have a bad day even small things seem like a big deal, and that's just what's happening for little Hennie in Ruby Roth's newest book, Bad Day. But guess what? With a little time to take deep breaths and a little space to oneself, anyone can change their bad day to good. A great story of resilience, validation of feelings and how normal it is to not always feel great. 

Ages: 3-7

Find it here, $16.50

41. Five Minutes

Penguin Random House

Five minutes can fly by (when you're having fun) and it can be an eternity (when you're waiting in line). This adorable book, by Audrey Vernick and Liz Garton Scanlon, and illustrated by Olivier Tallec, will be as relatable to parents as it is for the kids. 

Ages: 3-7

Find it now at, $16.99

42. Tiny T. Rex and the Impossible Hug

Chronicle Books

Tiny T. Rex is well, tiny. So, what will Tiny T. Rex do when his friend, Pointy needs cheering up and a hug? Follow along Tiny's adventure in this sweet book written by Jonathan Stutzman and illustrated by Jay Fleck.

Ages 3-5

Available on

43. Sulwe

Simon & Schuster

Written by Kenyan-born actress Lupita Nyong'O, this is as much her personal story as it the story of young Sulwe, a girl whose skin is the color of midnight. The stunningly gorgeous illustrations by Vashti Harrison are reason enough alone to want this book in your library, but the story itself is beautifully told; it's about differences, acceptance of oneself no matter how we think others see us, it's about wanting to fit in and yet being unique. A vital message for every kid out there, regardless of race or gender. Read it today with your kids. 

Ages: 4-8

Buy it now on, $11.14

44. The GayBCs

Did you know that 2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots in NYC? Despite the passage of time, there's still much progress to be made for equal rights for the LGBTQ+ community. Take a step to be a part of the solution and empower your kids with knowledge with this book by M.L. Webb. Each page features vocabulary and poems like "A is for Ally" and "N is for Non-Binary." Educational and informative, this book will teach your kids all about inclusivity.

Ages: 4-8

Available at for $9.47 

45. Cancer Party

Sara Olsher

When author-illustrator Sara Olsher was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 34, she struggled to find a way to tell her then 6-year-old daughter about it in a way that was true but not scary. Since she couldn't find the resource she need, Olsher wrote and illustrated Cancer Party—for her daughter and for all the parents out there struggling to explain cancer in a scientifically accurate but not-too-terrifying way. The illustrations are bright and colorful  and the entire book strikes the right balance between the facts and the feelings. Buy this book right now for anyone who you know who is struggling with cancer, or as a resource for your school library. Our resident 8-year-old book reviewer read this book again and again, even though he doesn't know anyone with cancer right now, and his mom says it has made him more aware and empathetic to cancer in general. 

Ages: 4-10

Get it here, $9.99

46. Perfect


This hilarious but also touching story by Max Amato about a Type-A Eraser and his goofy nemesis, Pencil, will garner plenty of giggles (Eraser gets tossed away in a tornado, gets smudgy, etc.) but it'll also spotlight why imperfection is actually the best way to find the truly amazing in the world. Kids will also see a pair of opposites learn to work together in order to create something even better than what was there before.

Ages: 3-5 

$12.14. Order it here.

47. Parker Looks Up

Simon & Schuster

Written by Parker Curry (age 4) and her mama, Jessica Curry, with an afterword by Michelle Obama. Illustrated by Brittany Jackson. This is the sweet story of Parker Curry, a young girl, who went to the National Portrait Gallery one afternoon with her mom. She saw prancing horse, blooming flowers, a bushy mustache...but before she went twirling off toward home, Parker Curry looked up. There on the wall she saw the magnificent portrait (by Amy Sherald) of Michelle Obama. Parker didn't just see the First Lady of the United States. She saw a queen, a woman with regality, beauty, truth and self-assurance, a woman who looked like her. This moving story will delight any young dreamer. A great addition to any home library or classroom. 

Ages: 4-8

Available Oct. 15, here. $12.79

48. Chapter Two Is Missing

Penguin Random House

This hilarious book written by Joh Lieb and illustrated by Kevin Cornell, invites the reader into the story to help solve a mystery. You see, Detective Irene McGarringan is busy preparing for the release of her book only to discover that (you guessed it) chapter two is missing. There's also other strange things afoot: a bunch of Ms hiding in Chapter 5 and there's a Chapter 45 that doesn't seem to belong to this book at all. Help her solve the mystery! 

Ages: 4-6

Find it on amazon for order. $17.99

49. Bear Needs Help

This sweet and funny story about a little polar bear with his shoe untied is the perfect pick-me-up for when you are having one of those days. And it’s a great lesson, sure to invoke grins, for kids learning that it’s okay to ask for help. Because, like Bear, we all need a little help sometimes! 

Ages: 3-7

Get it here. $16.99

50. ¡Vamos! Let's Go to the Market


Fans of Richard Scarry will appreciate the lively details of this Mexican-American story by award-winning illustration Raúl the Third. This bilingual book teaches kids new words in Spanish while traveling through the bustling, border-town marketplace. Inspired by the author-illustrator's own life growing up between El Paso, Texas and Cuidad Juarez, Mexico, this exciting new book is a must-read for April and beyond.

Ages: 4-7

Get your copy at, $10.91

51. The Shortest Day

Candlewick Press

Written by Newbery Medal winner Susan Cooper and illustrated by Caldecott Honor winner Carson Ellis, this magnificent book based on Cooper's "The Shortest Day" a poem written for John Langstaff's Christmas Revels. It is the story of the shortest day, of the Solstice, and how our Yuletide traditions have evolved from the desire to burn against the impending darkness of winter. Absolutely gorgeous. 

Ages: 4-8

Buy it now, $16.19

52. Tomorrow I'll Be Brave

For an uplifting, positive bedtime read turn to this book by artists and illustrator Jessica Hische. Now in board book form, this popular title will motivate your kids to see the bright side of their day. Turn each page to find hand-lettered inspiring words, all with a reminder that tomorrow is a new day full of opportunity.

Ages: 3-7

Available on for $9.99

53. Greta and the Giants


Written in allegory form by Zoë Tucker with gorgeous illustrations by Zoe Persico, this picture book retells the story of Nobel Peace Prize nominee Greta Thunberg and her global movement to raise awareness about the climate crisis. Greta lives in a beautiful forest, threatened by Giants who chop down trees to make their homes. Then they chop down more trees, to make bigger houses, leaving little forest left. But Greta has an idea...

Includes a back section that helps kids learn how they can help Greta in her fight. Printed sustainably on 100% recycled paper. 

Ages: 4-7 

Get it here $17.99 

54. We'll Get Through This Together

Hospitals can be scary for kids, especially when they are the patients. This book helps to reassure children who are suffering from cancer as they navigate the road ahead of them, from medicine and treatments to side-effects, written from the point of view of a sweet black lab who is joining a young boy going through cancer treatment. It's also an excellent resource for parents to know how to talk to kids about tough issues like this. Written and illustrated by Ulrike Szalay, founder of the nonprofit Canines-N-Kids Foundation, aimed to help fund research and treatments for cancer in both children and dogs. 

Ages: 5-8

Find it on Amazon, $10.82

55. Sweety

Schwarz & Wade

Andrea Zuill (author illustrator of Wolf Camp) has done it again with this wonderful story about Sweety, the naked mole rat who is not like all the other naked mole rats. She's very unique, and is even called "a square peg." She's awkward, likes collecting fungi and is a passionate young mole rat—sometimes her peers look at her like she's another kind of creature altogether. But with the help of her cool Aunt Ruth, Sweety learns to be herself and that one day she will find her people. And they will want to do a secret handshake. A great story about acceptance, diversity and love of self. 

Ages: 3-7

Preorder it here. $17.99

56. Let's Learn Japanese: First Words for Everyone

Chronicle Books

Aspiring Japanese speakers will love this thoughtfully-designed book by Aurora Cacciapuoti. Flip through to pair words and characters with fun illustrations. The book covers the three main Japanese writing systems: Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana.

Ages: 4 and up

Available at for $5.65

57. Be Brave, Be Brave, Be Brave

Author F. Anthony Falcon had these thoughts when he first held his son: "Be brave, be brave, be brave." He and his wife were in the middle of Hurricane Harvey's landfall in Corpus Cristi Texas when she went into labor. This book, a meditation on what it means to be brave, is also the author's reconnection with his Lakota roots. It is both the story of little Lakota's perilous arrival into the world as it is about Falcon describing what it is to be a Native American man today. Beautifully illustrated by Trisha Mason.

Ages: 3-7

Get your copy today here. $12.31

58. Freedom Soup

Candlewick Press

Join a Haitian grandma and her granddaughter in the kitchen as they make their traditional New Year's Soup, aka Freedom Soup, and learn the story of Haiti's independence. Includes a delicious recipe for you to try at home. Author Tami Charles pays homage to her heritage while Jacqueline Alcántara highlights the joy and richness of the culture with her gorgeous illustrations. 

Ages: 5-9

Get it here, $16.99 

59. Swarm of Bees

Little Brown/Hatchett

Beloved author Lemony Snicket teams up with Rilla Alexander for a brightly illustrated romp through one little boy's town as he mischievously chucks tomatoes and is followed by a swarm of bees. In spite of the funny, colorful tale it's really about feeling anger and other emotions, and figuring out where to put it. 

Ages: 4-8

Get your copy today. $12.75

60. Little Libraries, Big Heroes

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Miranda Paul's Little Libraries, Big Heroes tells the backstory of an ordinary hero: Todd Bol, one of the founders of the Little Free Library movements. John Parra's beautiful illustrations celebrate the diversity of Little Free Libraries everywhere, and the many people who have come together to improve their neighborhoods, one little library at a time. We loved the author's note at the back telling her own story as it relates to Little Free Libraries. 

Ages: 4-7

Get it here. $17.79

61. The Reader

Interlink Publishing Group, Inc.

The Reader is an ode to joy for young bookworms, celebrating the thrill of diving into a good book—especially when you really should be asleep. It is the story of a gender-neutral reader who chooses adventure over naptime, and you get to go along for the ride as the reader swims with whales, chases jaguars, and climbs dinosaurs as big as mountains.

Ages: 3-8

Buy it here, $17.95.

62. Mr. Scruff

Candlewick Press

Author-illustrator Simon James delights with this sweet story about a boy named Jim and a shelter dog named Mr. Scruff. All the other dogs have human companions whose names fit just right: Berry and Terry, Eric and Derek, Molly and Polly. But Jim and Mr. Scruff, although an unlikely pair, are made for each other. A sweet story you'll feel good reading to your kids again and again. 

Ages: 3-7

Get your copy here, $12.19

63. Daniel's Good Day

From Ezra Keats award-winning author/illustrator Micha Archer comes the next adventure for a young boy named Daniel. This time, as Daniel makes his way to grandma's, he ponders what makes it a "good day," and stops to ask various members of his community to find out. For his friend Emma, a steady wind for her kite makes it a good day, for the gardener it's bees on flowers, for the crossing guard, it's everyone home safe. Follow this charming tale to find out what makes a good, or better yet, a perfect day for Daniel. 

Ages: 3-6.

Available at, $12.14.

64. Camp Tiger

Penguin Random House

Pulitzer-prize finalist Susan Choi has written her first picture book and it's a must-read for parents and kids alike. When a young boy goes camping at the end of the summer with his family, like they do every year, he's unsure that he's ready to stop being a kindergartner. All summer things his mom used to do for him, he's now doing for himself. When a tiger comes out of the woods and starts to talk to the boy, he helps the boy struggling with the changes to come. The illustrations by John Rocco are jaw-droppingly gorgeous, and we're not going to lie: our mom-editor who reviewed this book said it made her cry a little. 

Ages: 7-9

Buy it here, $16.19.

65. Georgia’s Terrific, Colorific Experiment

Meet Georgia. She’s a budding scientist in a family of artists, and they all have an idea of how she can conduct her experiments. At first, Georgia doesn’t want their “silly imaginative ideas,” but after an afternoon spent trying to discover something new (and failing to re-create things that have already been proven as true), she realizes that sometimes, in order to be a scientist, you must think creatively. Accompanied by gorgeous illustrations by author Zoe Persico, this book is a perfect fit for any spunky kid who’s creatively curious.

Ages: 5-8

Buy it at, $12.32.

66. Smell My Foot

Candlewick Press

A brand-new illustrated early chapter book by Newbery Honor Winner Cece Bell (El Deafo). In the vein of Elephant & Piggie, Chick and Brain's adventures will make your littles laugh out loud while learning a few manners along the way.

Ages: 4-8

Find it here, $10.55, hardcover

Illustrated Anthologies

67. Women in Art: 50 Fearless Creatives Who Inspired the World

Ten Speed Press

This beautifully illustrated anthology of women artists from Rachel Ignotofsky, author of the New York Times bestseller Women in Science, features 50 pioneering female artists; some you'll recognize (Frida Kahlo, Georgia O'Keefe) and some you'll never want to forget (19th-century African American quilter Harriet Powers and Hopi-Tewa ceramic artist Nampeyo). For any kid out there with a love of art or history or both, this book is a gorgeous addition to any shelf. Makes a great classroom gift too! 

Ages: All ages; Probably best for 5 and up

Get yours here, $12.99

68. Thanku: Poems of Gratitude, Ed. by Miranda Paul


Edited by Miranda Paul (whose book Little Libraries, Big Heroes you'll also find on this list) these are poems from a diverse group of authors from around the world, on a diverse array of topics, utilizing many different forms of poetry, making it an excellent way to introduce kids to poetry as well as the beauty of being grateful. Beautiful illustrations from Marlena Myles make it a pleasure to read to your kids. 

A portion of the proceeds from this anthology will be donated to We Need Diverse Books.

Ages: 6-10

Find it here, $19.99

69. We Are the Change: Words of Inspiration from Civil Rights Leaders

Chronicle Books

"In diversity there is beauty and there is strength."—Maya Angelou
This collection from Chronicle Books consists of sixteen award-winning children's book artists who have created stunning illustrations inspired by quotes from civil rights leaders and activists. Each artist also reflects on the artist they chose and what the quote means to them. Illustrator Selina Alko says, "I have always intuitively felt beauty and strength in representing different cultures, perspectives, and points of view. Life would be really bland if we only knew and told our own stories." Would make a beautiful graduation gift and a great read for young activists, artists or any kid (or grown up) looking for a little inspiration in a weary world. Includes an introduction by Harry Belafonte.

Ages: 10 and up

Buy it now. $12.32

Graphic Novels

70. Marie Curie : A Graphic History of the World's Most Famous Female Scientist

B.E.S. Publishing

Part of the Great Lives series from B.E.S. publishing, this year brought us both the Marie Curie edition along with Albert Einstein, as well as Martin Luther King Jr. and Leonardo DiVinici. We loved this well-written account by Agnieszka Biskup illustrated by Sonia Leong, that recounts the key events in Curie's life, the challenges she faced being a woman in a male-dominated field, how she discovered two radioactive elements and ultimately became revered by her peers. Such a cool way for kids to learn history! 

Ages: 9-12

Find it here, $12.99

71. Becoming RBG: Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Journey to Justice

Simon & Schuster

This graphic novel will enlighten tween, teen and grown-up alike with the story of how RBG grew from a shy little girl to the Supreme Court. Written by NY Times bestselling author Debbie Levy, and illustrated by Whitney Gardner (Fake Blood).

Ages: 10 and up

Find your copy here, $12.99

72. Dog Man: For Whom the Ball Rolls

Dog Man is back in Dav Pilkey's latest in the popular elementary series, and this time, he is working with the Supa Buddies to overcome his bad habits. But, when things don't go exactly as planned, Dog Man becomes the target of a brand-new villian. All the while, Petey the Cat is out of jail and trying to start over with Li'l Petey. Petey also manages to learn the difference between right and wrong when his father comes to call. 

Ages: 7 & up.

Get it here, $7.27.

73. I Am Hermes

This graphic novel is filled with vivid illustrations that follow the mischievous Hermes: messenger of the Gods. Illustrated by Caldecott Medal-winner Mordicai Gerstein, read all about how Hermes steals his brother Apollo’s cows, tricks a turtle into giving up his shell and even gives humans common sense. A delightful way to introduce kids to Greek Mythology.

Ages 8-12

Grab a copy at, $12.91.

74. White Bird: A Wonder Story

Penguin Random House

Acclaimed author R.J. Palacio is back with a new graphic novel based on the character Grandmere (introduced in Auggie & Me as Julian's grandmother). Palacio tells the story of how Grandmere, as a young Jewish girl, was hidden by a family in a Nazi-occupied French village during WWII. It's a story of triumph, kindness and true friendship, too, told in Palacio's unforgettable voice. 

Ages: 8-12

Buy your copy here, $16.59 

75. Lupin Leaps In

Andrews McMeel

This middle grade comic follow-up Georgia Dunn's Breaking Cat News will have your kiddos giggling and smiling while they read up on the adventures of cat reporters Lupin, Elvis and Puck. They're breaking headlines on subjects that really matter to cats, and kids who love cats. We also love the "More to Explore" section which shows kids how to draw the BCN crew, expressions, your own pet as reporters and more. Available Mar. 5. 

Ages: 6-12

Get it now, just $7.99 in paperback. 

Chapter Books

76. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: The Illustrated Edition

The fourth book in the series, this version is fully, lavishly illustrated by award-winning artist, Jim Kay. Complete, unabridged text by JK Rowling. 

Ages: 8 and up 

Buy it now, $28.79

77. It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood: The Poetry of Mister Rogers

Quirk Books

From 1968 to 2001, Fred Rogers sang songs and taught valuable lessons of kindness and compassion to generations of kids. Now, you can hold those sentiments and lyrics in your own hand and heart with this collection with four-color illustrations by Luke Flowers. With topics like Caring; Curious; Imaginative and Reflective, the songs are written here for generations more to appreciate.

Ages: 6-8

Order in advance here, $19.99 hardcover

78. Kids Who Are Changing the World

Simon & Schuster

Find out how four different kids kids are helping the environment, inventing incredible medical devices, aiding the homeless, designing apps to make sure kids don't eat alone in the school cafeteria, and more. Your kids will be inspired to pursue their own best inventions after reading this easy-to-follow illustrated text by Sheila Sweeny Higginson (Author) and Alyssa Petersen (Illustrator). Available Feb. 12.

Ages: 6-8

Find it here. $17.99  

79. The Last Kids on Earth: Midnight Blade

Number five in the popular series by Max Brallier (look for the Netflix show!) has Jack and his friends coming out of the first winter after the Monster Apocalypse. He’ll learn about the new powers of his Louisville Slicer and fight plenty of zombies, all while trying to help his friend Dirk deal with his issues related to the zombies. There’ll be a new villain to deal with too, and the question remains: will Jack and his friends be able to save the rest of the world? 

Ages 8-12

Available at, $10.29

80. Talent for Trouble

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Alice lives with her Aunt Patience, living a relatively quiet life since the death of Alice's mom when Alice was just seven-years-old. But when Aunt Patience sends Alice off to a boarding school in the Scottish Highlands, Alice embarks on an adventure of a lifetime. Alice makes two good friends at school who help her plot a way to find Alice's biological father, whom she's never met, and who lives on a remote Scottish island. Natasha Farrant's mischievous adventure story has a Harry Potter-ish element to the friendship and problem solving with the trio that includes meeting her biological father who lives on a remote Scottish island. Alice makes friends at school.

Ages: 10-12

Find it here, $

81. Emmy and the Key of Code

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

This middle-grade novel, by debut author and former software engineer Aimee Lucido, brings together STEM concepts with music for an enticing adventure for Emmy, a 12-year-old who is about to start a new school, in a new city. When Emmy takes her first coding class, she connects to the concepts and connects to a new friend. But when her beloved teacher delivers some bad news, Emmy's world seems upside down. For kids who love coding, music and can relate to the struggles of middle school friendships, this is a real gem.

Ages: 10-12

Find it here, $11.99

82. My Pet Slime

Andrews McMeel Publishing

Courtney Sheinmel introduces readers to a dynamic new duo in chapter books: a girl named Piper Maclane and her soon-to-be sidekick, Cosmo (her pet slime). When she's faced with a class assignment, petless Piper concocts some slime to bring to school. And through a strange turn of events, Cosmo comes to life. Take that slime craze to the next level. Illustrated throughout by Renée Kurilla.

Ages: 6-9

Find it here, $10.79

83. Diary of a 5th Grade Outlaw (Book 1)

Andrews McMeel Publshing

Written by Gina Loveless  with spot illustrations by Andrea Bell, this chapter book follows the adventures of ten-year-old Robin, who is about to start the 5th Grade at Nottingham Elementary. Her quest? Win back the friendship of her bestie, Mary Ann. To do this, she has to stand up to a bully and become a legendary outlaw of Nottingham. We can't wait to see more books in this series. 

Ages: 8-12

Get it here, $13.99 (hardcover) 

85. A Song for Gwendolyn Brooks

Sterling Publishers

Celebrate the life and voice of poet Gwendolyn Brooks with this thoughtful story that combines both Brooks' legacy with her life story. Known for being one of the most foremost poets on the Black experience and the role of women in society, Gwendolyn Brooks went from a young child writing all the time to becoming the first Black author to win the Pulitzer Prize and authoring 20 books of poetry, two autobiographies and one novel. Celebrated author and children's librarian Alice Faye Duncan makes Brooks come to life on the page for the young reader. 

Ages: 5 and up 

$16.95. Find a copy here

86. The Math Kids: A Sequence of Events (Volume 2)

David Cole's second book in the Math Kids chapter book series is just as lively and entertaining as the first. The Math Kids Club is back and this time they're entering the district Math Olympics. But they need one key thing to win: the quiet, math genius in class Catherine Duchesne. But when Catherine's dad goes missing, her new math friends spring into action to use math to solve the mystery. For any kid who loves math, buy this book. And any kid who doesn't? Buy it to show them math is fun! 

Ages: 8-11

Get a copy here. $9.99

87. The Math Kids: An Unusual Pattern (Volume 3)

CommonDeer Press

The third volume in these adventures just hit the stands in October and our kiddos were overjoyed to read it. Written by David Cole, a writer and math teacher, each volume follows the adventures of the Math Kids Klub—Jordan, Justin, and Stephanie as they work to crack the case of a bank robbery using a cryptic poem. Think Encyclopedia Brown meets STEM learning, your kids will have so much fun reading these adventures they won't even notice they're learning important math concepts! 

Ages: 8-11

Find it now, $8.69

88. From an Idea to LEGO

This awesome series, which includes other books like From an Idea to Google, and From an Idea to Disney, is basically like a "How I Built This" for kids, in book form. We learned so many amazing things about LEGO including the beginning concepts and hardships, fun facts and so much more. The perfect book for little LEGO lovers who want to go beyond sticking bricks. In short, Lowey Bundy Sichol's books are brilliant and inspiring for inventors and innovators everywhere. 

Ages: 8-12

Find it here. $7.99

89. Guts

Another great book from Raina Telgemeier, our editor first noticed this book at her son's schools book fair. It sold out: every day multiple kids (boys and girls) were buying it and sharing it with one another. The tale of a Raina facing her fears--this time they manifest in the form of a stomach ache. For every kid that has dread or worries about school, friends, and more, this one is relatable and as well-written as Telgemeier's many other books. 

A true story from Raina Telgemeier, the #1 New York Times bestselling, multiple Eisner Award-winning author of SmileSistersDrama, and Ghosts!

Ages: 8-12

Find your copy here, just $7.99 for the paperback. 

90. & 91. Two New Amelia Fang Books

This summer brought us not one but two new Amelia Fang books: Amelia Fang and the Barbaric Ball (in which our heroine reluctantly attends her parents annual ball only to embark on an adventure to save her pet pumpkin, Squashy, from the evil clutches of a spoiled prince) and Amelia Fang and the Unicorns of Glitteropolis, where we find Amelia and her friends on a quest to rescue Queen Fairyweather from the terrifying Kingdom of Light. Both make a great read from author/illustrator  Laura Ellen Anderson, the perfect celebration of the dark side in all of us. 

Ages: 7 and up

See more here

92. The Curse of the Werepenguin

Allan Woodrow's just-released, The Curse of the Werepenguin not only gets the summer award for best book title ever, it also gets kudos for creativity, humor and engaging writing. Oprhan Bolt Wattle's life takes a dramatic turn when he is sent for by a mysterious baron in far-off Brugaria. Baron Chordata seems a little odd—he wears tuxedos and refuses to answer any questions. Things get a lot worse when the Baron bites Bolt and turns him into a half-boy, half-penguin. For fans of humor and adventure, you can't go wrong with this middle-grade chapter book. 

Ages: 8-12

Find it now. $16.39

93. Extraordinary Birds

This debut novel from fifth-grade teacher and award-winning poet Sandy Stark-McGinnis tells the story of an eleven-year-old foster girl named December who is placed in a home with a woman who cares for injured birds. The story of heartbreak, hope and an unlikely home is one parents will love reading with the kids, too. Available Apr. 30.

Ages: 8-12

Preorder it here, $11.72

94. Sam Wu Is Not Afraid of the Dark!


Sam Wu is back in the third book in the series by Katie & Kevin Tsang. This time Sam Wu is most definitely not afraid of anything....not sharks...not ghosts....and not the dark! Actually, Sam is afraid of a lot of things (including ghosts and sharks) and when he goes camping in the woods with is friends and his cousin Stanley, his fear of the dark becomes pretty real. Find out what happens in this latest adventure! 

Ages: 6-9

Get it here, $9.21.

95. The Story Pirates Present: Digging Up Danger

Love the Story Pirates podcast? Then you’ll likely be as excited as we are to discover the new book in their written collection—The Story Pirates Present: Digging Up Danger. This new chapter book, inspired by a real kid’s idea, is both a spooky mystery and a creative writing guide for young writers. There’s a ghost hunting girl, a scientist mom who studies weird plants and the sudden disappearance of one of these plants...all the backdrop for a colorful romp in reading. 

Ages: 8-12

Get it here. $13.99

96. Kassy O'Roarke, Cub Reporter

The adventures never end with 12-year-old Kassy O'Roarke, a wonderful character who is smart, thoughtful, clever and has real feelings that kids can relate to. Kassy is the class reporter and an investigator, and in this story she's trying to solve the case of a missing cougar cub. Written by bestselling author Kelly Oliver. 

Ages: 8-12

Order yours today, $11.95

97. The Unsung Hero of Birdsong, USA

Penguin Random House

Written by Coretta Scott King Honor-winning author Brenda Woods, The Unsung Hero of Birdsong, USA tells the story of a unique friendship between a young white boy and a black WWII veteran. Mr. Meriwether Hunter returns to Jim Crow South in 1946. When he saves little Gabriel’s life during a bike accident, Gabriel’s father offers Meriwether a job as a mechanic at their family garage. Gabriel and Meriwether form a friendship that endures in spite of the extreme prejudices in the world around them. A beautiful read. 

Ages: 10 and up

Get it here. $11.99

98. A Place to Belong

Simon & Schuster

Cynthia Kadohata, author of the Newberry Medal-winning Kira-Kira, takes young readers back to the end of WWII in the US and Japan. The 12-year-old protagonist, Hanako, is forced to move from the only home she's ever known in America to her parent's native Japan. This story is a reality check for anyone who thinks of WWII as being on foreign soil: Japanese people were rounded up and imprisoned right in the US. And modern kids will relate to the pressure Hanako feels as a young kid giving up everything known for something entirely different. Beautifully written.

Ages: 10-14

Get your copy here. $12.32

99. The Magic Misfits: The Minor Third

The third installment of the Magic Misfits has arrived! Neil Patrick Harris' beloved character, Theo Stein-Meyer is back with his trusty pals and in this adventure where they're chosen to combat the evil Emerald Ring. The magic-themed tale reinforces the power of friendship and adventure.

Ages 8 to 12.

Find it on Amazon for $11.79.

100. What Every Young Girl Should Know

Simon & Schuster

This historical novel by J. Albert Mann is based on the life of Margaret Sanger, a young activist for women's health and the founder of Planned Parenthood. The novel explores the early years of Sanger's life as she dealt with adversity to forge her own path: she grew up poor at a time when women had the choice of being wives and mothers, whose career choice was teacher (and that was usually just until you got married). But Sanger did none of the above and this spirited imaging of what her life was like will encourage children of all genders to go their own way. 

Ages: 14 and up 

Find it here, $18.99

—Amber Guetebier, Gabby Cullen, Erin Lem

featured image: iStock


The Best Children’s Books of 2018 

71-Award Winning Kids Books Every Child Should Read 

The Best New Kids Books of January 

Our Favorite February Kids Books 

The Best New Books for Kids in March

Best Kids Books of April 

Our Top Picks for New Kids Books in May 

The 56 Best Bedtime Stories of All Time 


We know: the kids just got back in school. And now they’re out again! (For the Jewish holidays, Columbus Day, Election Day, Veterans Day…) If you need some coverage, a school holiday camp is a lifesaver. We’ve rounded up single day camps offering all kinds of fun, including cooking, climbing, playing, crafting, tinkering and more! Treat the kids (and yourself) to one!

Cook with The Dynamite Shop

The Dynamite Shop

At this Park Slope kids cooking spot, try Cake Camp on 9/30, Pasta Camp on 10/1, and Food Science Camp on 10/9. Cost is $150 for 9-2:30 p.m., and camps are for kids ages eight and up. 

487 7th Ave.
Park Slope

Get Crafty with Kids at Art

Kids at Art via Yelp

This upper east side spot boasts that it offers the “best art classes for kids in Manhattan," and it holds half-day workshops on Columbus Day and Veterans Day. Campers get to exercise their creative juices through projects such as mask-making, puppet creation and papier mache. Camps are for kids ages four-and-a-half and up, run from 9 a.m. to Noon, and cost $95 a day.  

1412 2nd Ave.
Upper East Side

Hang with Wildlife at the Queens Zoo


The Queens Zoo is another place that holds camp every single school holiday. Camps are for kids pre-k (age four) to second grade, and third to fifth grade. Themes include "What's the buzz about?" (learning about birds, bees bats and other pollinators); Caring for Wildlife, and Election Day's "Vote for Wildlife", dedicated to advocating for animals. Camps run from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., and are $100/day for non-members, and $80/day for members. 

53-51 111th St.
Corona, Queens

Get Swinging at Court 16

Court 16

Court 16, which has locations in Gowanus and Long Island City, is a members-only club, but it's open to non-members for camps when school is out. Designed for kids ages four through 12 tennis day camps are designed to help kids build confidence through tennis games in small groups, and develop social fluency with fun off-court activities as well. Full day camps run 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and are $145; half-day camps are 9 a.m. to Noon, and are $115. 

526 Baltic St. 

Court 16 LIC
Long Island City 

Code, Build, Play at Robofun


This uptown tech spot offers classes in robotics, coding, circuitry and Minecraft, and you can register for either a half or full-day option on any of the upcoming days off from school. Robofun's project-based curriculum ensures that your child will have fun while also "leading their learning" in the STEM realm. Camps are $85 for a half-day (9 a.m. - Noon), $170 for the full day, and early drop off or extended day (to 5 p.m.) is offered for an additional $20. 

2672 Broadway, Loft A
Upper West Side

Climb High at Brooklyn Boulders

Brooklyn Boulders

Adventure Days at Brooklyn Boulders Gowanus are a out more than just scaling the walls. Climbing, team-building exercises and S.T.E.A.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) activities keep kids busy and engaged. Camps run from 9 a.m to 3:30pm, with the option of Extended Day for $20/climber—and there's complimentary early drop-off starting at 8:30 a.m.!) Cost is $139/day, Brooklyn Boulders and snack included. (In Queens? There's a location there, too!)

575 Degraw St.  


Kick in the Pool and On the Field at Asphalt Green

Asphalt Green

Asphalt Green brings its popular summer day camp model to school break and holiday camps. These mini-camps incorporate various swim, sports, fitness, and recreational activities to keep kids active, learning, and engaged all day. Mini-camps are for kids ages 4 to 12, and children are split into coed age groups with a low counselor-to-camper ratio. Camps run from 8:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m., with early drop-off and late pickup options available for an extra fee. The cost is $150 per day. 

555 East 90th St.
Upper East Side

212 North End Ave.
Battery Park 

Click Some LEGO Bricks in Kensington

Eleanor Rodgers

Brooklyn Bricks does LEGO fun outside, weather permitting, with a move indoors to local church if needed. The theme for 9/30 and 10/1 is "Castles" ( with a focus on towers and turrets), and 10/9 is dedicated to "Fun Fair," with rollercoasters, big wheels and other rides. Camps run from 9 a.m. -3 p.m., ($90) with an extended day option until 5 p.m. ($120) Register here.

Brooklyn Bricks

Create with Playday


Drop-in for creative play in a variety of mediums any time at one of Playday's locations (Long Island City or Gramercy Park),  or do a half-day or full-day or creative play. If school's out, they're open. Playday is for kids ages five to 12, and you get a 50 percent sibling discount. Cost is $36/hour, $75/half-day and $150 for a full day. (Read our story on Playday here!) 

5-37 51st Ave
Long Island City

PLAYDAY Gramercy Park 
122 East 25th St.
Gramercy Park

Parkour with The Movement Creative at Astor Place

The Movement Creative

Does your kid have a lot of energy? Get them to a parkour camp with The Movement Creative, where they'll run, roll, vault, crawl, and leap for hours. Maybe that will tire them out. (A little.) Camps are from 9 a.m. to 3 pm. and are $150. 


Party at Mini Camp at The Craft Studio

The Craft Studio

Don't need a whole day of coverage? Check out Day Off School Mini Camps at The Craft Studio, in Tribeca or on the Upper East Side. At these "mini parties", artists get lunch, craft, and play games.  Camps are for kids ages four to nine, and run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and are $140. (You can also drop in for an hour if you want; rate is $37/hour.) For older kids ages eight and up, try the Tween Drop off from 2 - 4 p.m. These sessions are for more advanced artists who are ready to dive deeper and develop their skills with more techniques and mediums, working with the latest art project trends. 

1657 3rd Ave.
Upper East Side 

174 Duane St.

Engineer at The Robot Foundry

Brooklyn Robot Foundry

Despite its name, The Brooklyn Robot Foundry's reach extends beyond the borough, with locations in Tribeca and on the Upper East Side, in addition its Boerum Hill and South Slope storefronts. Full-day camps for kids K through fourth grade have campers learning  basic mechanical engineering and electrical principles while creating two super-fun robots. (Both go home at the end of the day.) The Robot Foundry's approach to engineering encourages students' imagination and artistry in the building process. Got a returning camper? Repeat students in third to fifth grades can choose to enroll in the Robot Inventors program, in which they'll design and build their very own robot creations.  Camps run 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., with option to extend until 6 p.m.; cost is $120-$200, depending on location.

1595 2nd Ave.
Upper East Side

200 Church St.

492 Atlantic Ave. 
Boerum Hill

586 Fifth Ave.
South Slope

347-762-6840 (all locations)


Get Active at Gantry Kids & Teens

Gantry Kids & Teens

Kids get a full day at Long Island City fitness facility Gantry Kids & Teens. Activities include free play, organized game time, and a field trip. Past destinations have included the Museum of Moving Images, Domino Park, the American Museum of Natural History, biking on Governors Island and even ice skating. Camps are small in size with a minimum coach to kids ratio of 1:6.; the camps are best for ages 5-11, although younger children may be able to attend. Cost is $138, and pickup is between 5 and 6 pm. at no extra charge! 

Gantry Kids & Teens
10-19 46th Rd.
Long Island City

—Mimi O’Connor


Your Fall 2019 NYC Family Must-Do List

Fall In! Where to Pick Your Own Apples Near NYC

Orange Bounty: The Best Pumpkin Patches Near NYC


Encouraging a love of reading starts from an early age and has significant and lasting impact on a child’s emotional, intellectual and spiritual development. Enthusiastic readers become critical thinkers who are excited about new ideas and open to exploring worlds beyond their own. In celebration of National Literacy Month, we selected 10 of our favorite books that teach kids of all ages important life lessons. Read on to see our picks.

Life Lesson 1: The Power of Making Choices

What Should Danny Do?

In the old days, we had Choose Your Own Adventure books, which let pre-teen readers customize their reading experiences by selecting between different storylines within each book. Today, kindergarten and first grade readers will enjoy helping superhero-in-training Danny make the right choices in the clever and fun What Should Danny Do? book series. Written by former educator Ganit Levy and her husband Adir, What Should Danny Do? teaches kids ages four through seven about the consequences of the decisions they make throughout the day.

Life Lesson 2: The Power of Teamwork


The titular character of writer Anna Kang and illustrator Christopher Weyant’s delightful, pun-filled book Eraser is a hard-working eraser who has grown tired of always cleaning up after everyone else’s mistakes. In this well-drawn world of anthropomorphic school supplies, preschoolers to second graders ages three to eight will enjoy reading about embracing their mistakes and learning the value of teamwork.

Life Lesson 3 : The Power of Curiosity

Ada Twist, Scientist

Inspired by pioneering, real-life female scientists Ada Lovelace and Marie Curie, Ada Twist, Scientist tells the story of a precocious and inquisitive girl who never stops asking, “Why?” Kindergarteners through second graders ages four through eight will enjoy writer Andrea Beaty’s well-constructed rhyme schemes and illustrator David Roberts’ engaging visual style, all while learning the importance of curiosity.

Life Lesson 4: The Power of Embracing What Makes You Special

Big Hair, Don't Care

Recognized by The Huffington Post and Essence Magazine as one of the best children’s books of the year, writer Crystal Swain-Bates’ Big Hair, Don’t Care tells the story of Lola, a girl who has really big hair—much bigger hair than the other kids at her school. Despite the stares and comments she gets from other kids, Lola confidently tells anyone who will listen just how much she loves her big, beautiful hair. Young readers ages five and older will enjoy learning about embracing what makes each of us unique and the importance of self-confidence.

Life Lesson 5: The Power of Caring for the Planet

Here We Are

In Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth, artist and writer Oliver Jeffers has created a lovely and sweetly humorous love letter to the place we all call home. Although the book was created specially for his young son, Jeffers tells a universal story that all parents and children can embrace: while the world is very big, you’re never alone on Earth and we’re all in this together. Written for preschoolers to second graders ages three through eight, the book’s central lessons of compassion, consideration, and caring for the planet will appeal to readers of all ages.

Life Lesson 6: The Power of Self-Expression

How Do You Dance?

The old adage, “Dance like no one’s watching,” doesn’t apply in author Thyra Heder’s delightful book, How Do You Dance? Written and illustrated in an exuberant and engaging style, young readers from ages five and older will soon find themselves wiggling, jiggling, and bopping along with the other dancers in the book, while learning the lesson that the best way to express yourself is any way you want.

Life Lesson 7: The Power of Embracing Your Fears

The Day You Begin

With The Day You Begin, National Book Award winner Jacqueline Woodson and two-time Pura Belpré Illustrator Award winner Rafael López have created an inspiring book about a girl’s journey to find the courage to work through her fears. Through lyrical text and lovely illustrations, the story of Angelina reminds readers what it feels like to be an outsider and how to bravely move forward. Aimed at readers ages eight and older, the book teaches young readers about embracing their fears.

Life Lesson 8: The Power of Including Others

The Invisible Boy

Writer Trudy Ludwig’s book, The Invisible Boy, tells the story of Brian, a quiet boy who is often “invisible” to others. Classmates and teachers don’t often notice or include him, but the situation changes when a new kid comes to class, and Brian starts to become visible to himself and others, thanks to the simple acts of kindness and inclusion. This book gently teaches readers ages eight and older about the importance of compassion and inclusion.

Life Lesson 9: The Power of Seeing Beyond Appearances


Wonder, the No. 1 New York Times bestseller that subsequently was made into a motion picture starring Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson, tells the story of August Pullman, an ordinary boy with an extraordinary face. Inspiring the Choose Kind movement, Wonder tells the story of a boy, his family, and how the community confronts difference through empathy, compassion and ultimately acceptance. The book is aimed at fifth grade readers ages 10 and older, but the universal lesson of seeing beyond appearances will inspire readers of all ages.

Life Lesson 10: The Power of Selflessness

The Giving Tree

Originally published in 1964, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein is a literary classic that tells the story of a boy and his relationship with a selfless apple tree. Through few words and simple line drawings, generations of readers of all ages have taken away different lessons from this book, but mostly learned lessons about love, selflessness, and the act of giving.


—Kipp Jarecke-Cheng