“It was the end of a long day, and even though I knew better, it just slipped out,” said Sharon, a 31-year-old mother of two, in reference to her recent usage of a ‘That’s What She Said’ joke within earshot of her 5-year-old son Rory.

“Rory was playing with a puzzle on the floor of our living room while I was getting the mac and cheese on to cook in the kitchen,” Sharon explained. “He started getting frustrated and exclaimed, ‘This is so hard!’”

His words just hung there in the air, waiting for the obvious response.

“So, of course, I said, ‘That’s what she said!’ And then everything went south.”

Sharon reported that Rory proceeded to bombard her for the next three hours with a series of questions ranging from “Who is she?” and “Why is that what she said?” to “Why hasn’t she come to my house?” and “If she said that, why didn’t I know about it until now?”

“Before I knew it,” Sharon recalled, “I was caught up in the most elaborate lie of my life. I thought my first marriage could never be topped in that regard, but this managed to do it. An imaginary friend I met at the gym named Olga played a starring role. It got so bad that I started to feel a little bit of empathy for Kellyanne Conway, but then I remembered that I didn’t.”

Not surprisingly, Sharon’s yarn made very little headway with Rory.

“After hour three of the inquisition I just had to go lie down in my bedroom, turn the lights off, and place a cold compress on my forehead,” Sharon said.

“While I was lying there I thought about a lot of things. Like how exactly it was that I arrived at this moment. Do you know I have master’s degree in European history? Maybe I should go back and finish my Ph.D. I bet I could finish it up in three or four years or so. Perhaps by then Rory will have forgotten about ‘That’s what she said.’”

Syndicated from Medium.

Featured Photo Courtesy: White77 via Pixabay

Andrew is a writer from Orlando, Florida and father of three. He is a regular contributor to numerous publiations including McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, HuffPost, The Funny Times, TODAY Parents, and Parent.co. His website is Explorations of Ambiguity. His first book, Fatherhood: Dispatches From the Early Years, is available now. 

Need a few crafts in your arsenal in response to the “I’m bored” chant you’re bound to hear this summer? It doesn’t get simpler than a paper bag and these five crafts are inexpensive, clever and just time-consuming enough to stave off the summer doldrums. Scroll down to get started.

photo: Sophies World 

1. Easy-Peasy Kite
Save this craft from Sophie’s World for a windy day! The best part is that the kids can decorate it however they want whether it’s with markers, feathers, streamers, or stickers. They will be thrilled to see their creation floating in the wind for all the world to see.


photo: Easy Preschool Crafts for Kids 

2. Fish on the Fly
While the last craft soars in the sky, this craft from Easy Preschool Crafts for Kids swims in the sea! It smiles, it swims, it’s simple and it’s sparkly! Grab some markets, glitter, glue, and any other fun additions you have lying around your craft box to decorate your fish. What more could a kid ask for?

photo: Creative Jewish Mom

3. Simple Apple Tree
This craft involves a little bit of twist and a little bit of curl. And remember there are many fruits out there that you can jazz the branches up with. Maybe add a bird or a squirrel or two! Check out Creative Jewish Mom for the full low down on how to twist, curl, and create this fun paper bag craft.

photo: Fun Family Crafts

4. Funky Birds 
Your kiddos will love these friendly bird puppets from Fun Family Crafts because they are colorful and exotic. You will love them because they are easy! Plus: who doesn’t like feathers?

5. No-Heat Fireplace
This warm fireplace from Crafts by Amanda is a homey addition to a doll house or a kid’s room to make them feel like real grownups (without the fire hazard, of course!). It will be fun for the little ones to search out sticks in the woods or at your local park for their very own mini fire place! Thanks to Crafts by Amanda for this awesome idea!


Have you tired any of these cute paper bag crafts? Tell us in a comment below. 

—Parham B.

featured photo: Mark J. Sebastian via flickr


All the world’s a stage, and your little people are the stars. Give their props a place to perform, then sit back and watch those wild and imaginative storylines come to life. From incredible DIY’s to a simple cardboard design, flip through the slideshow below to view 10 perfect puppet theaters.

Fold up Fun

You love the idea of having a puppet theater on hand, but can’t handle having the thing lying around after the curtain falls. How about a fold up version? Momtastic blogger Laurel created one that can easily be stored in the closet, behind the toy shelf or under the bed, making it perfect for small spaces. Find out how to make your own over at Momtastic.

photo: Laurel Stavros via Momtastic

Do your kids put on puppet shows? Share with us in a comment below!

—Gabby Cullen

Let me preface this by saying that both of my kids are all sorts of awesome and amazing in their own right–as well as incredibly frustrating. But I did create some rather great kids, despite what I’m about to share. I play favorites with my children and I challenge every mom who says that they don’t have a favorite to stop hiding behind the PC nature that social media has taught us to hide behind.

In our household, the favorite child is a fluid position that both abc and mini are able to hold but contrary to popular thoughts and public lack of transparency, there is ALWAYS one that is favored over the other.

The baby is normally the favorite…

For awhile anyway. Unless you have a baby that is constantly crying and kind of a sourpuss, then yes, the baby is the favorite. I remember it just like it was yesterday the births of both my girls. I had relatively easy labors (because who’s labor is REALLY easy?) and was able to push them both out with 2 pushes after a pain-med free labor. They both entered the world lungs first exclaiming their displeasure at being forcefully pushed into this world but the both calmed immediately. Both my girls were really loving and easy babies. And both hit their “terrible” two’s earlier than anticipated.

The toddler is normally NOT the favorite…

Up until the last couple of weeks, I’ve got no shame in admitting that abc was absolutely my favorite. Mini is not a bad child by any stretch of imagination (she’s had her moments of mischievous) but abc was this snuggly, adorable little pudge that didn’t talk back, yell, and did like she was asked (ok, I’m lying but you get my point). But then a couple of weeks ago hit and she became this tyrannical toddler screaming out “NO” and “MINE” and yelling incomprehensible Martian at us. Where oh where is my sweet baby!?!??!?!

Gone. But not forgotten.

And in slides the more mature child…

They’ve been patiently waiting for their time to be favorite again. And now it’s their time to shine. Mini has hit a growth spurt in her maturity levels. She’s not perfect, but she’s been taken off her behavior chart at school (yay!!!) and is a way better listener at home (double yay!!!!) and she has slid back into the position of favorite child. I realized that she had regained her title as I stood watching in disbelief as abc had a full out breakdown in the hallway of the gym.

Full. Out. Breakdown.

Like strangers were stopping and wondering where her mother was as I stood wondering where my sweet child was. Neither of us could be found until she finally got her life together, picked herself up, and walked over to where mini and I stood waiting patiently. All I could do was give her a defeated look as I thought to myself “You lost your title cutie pie“.

Having a favorite IS OK and normal  

The picture perfect moms probably will never admit it but I’m grounded enough to not only admit it, but to justify it as well. People FAVOR things and other people. It’s normal. Just because one child is FAVORED over another in no way says that they are LOVED more than the other. That is not what I’m saying at all. I love both my girls so much–they were both my little unexpected but highly coveted gifts. But just like I favor my husband over every other man (unless Channing Tatum becomes available) in the world, favoring one child over another because of something like their behavior (which can quite literally make or break your day), is not so far fetched. And it’s more than ok.

Do you have a favorite child? Why are they your favorite? And if you have no babies, do you think your parents had favorites?

Aaronica is the head lady in charge at The Crunchy Mommy. This Jane of Many Trades has a no-nonsense approach to life and prides herself on not only staying organized but making herself a priority, despite the craziness that child-raising can bring. Follow her adventures on Twitter and Instagram.

Photo: InnocentEyez via Flickr

Let’s admit it; #TheStruggleIsReal when it comes to getting the kids ready for school. Now you can consider saving yourself five minutes, and skip the shoes. Research by Bournemouth University showed that shoeless children were more engaged in their classroom lessons, which leads to better academic scores.

The research is based on observing and studying tens of thousands of children in over 100 schools in around 25 countries over the last ten years. Experts believe the young learners who left the shoes outside of the classroom improved academically because being barefoot made them ‘feel at home’ and more relaxed.

“Children are much more willing to sit on the floor and relax if they have no shoes on… The last place a child would sit to read is an upright chair and we’ve found that 95 per cent of them actually don’t read on a chair at home. When they go on holidays the read lying down,” says Stephen Heppell, lead researcher and Professor at Bournemouth University. “Having conditions in the classroom that are like those at home means that more boys are reading in the classroom.”

Does your kid’s school have a dress code? Let us know in the comments below!

H/T: Telegraph.co.uk

You know that smile that goes hand in hand with smelling a fresh batch of cookies from the oven? It’s science! Sort of. It’s because good smells make you happier, which explains why new babies make us grin from ear to ear. Want to know other fun facts about smell and scent? Read our list below!

1. Smell is the first sense babies use after they are born.

2. Until the age of 4, all smells are never gross, only interesting. Well that explains the fascination with a certain type of gas…

3. Smells can help with memories! For example: Crayons tend to trigger childhood memories. With this fact in mind, you now have the power to provoke your future-teenager’s memory at will.

4. We can detect at least 10,000 distinct smells. But… let’s skip the counting lesson this time around.

5. Each person has their own distinct smell, kind of like a fingerprint. We have an inkling your little one will get the giggles calling it a “smellprint.”

6. Good smells make you happier. That explains why we always smile after a load of clean laundry, doesn’t it?

7. Our ability to smell actually turns off when we are in deep sleep.

8. We can actually smell the best during the spring and summer due to extra moisture in the air.

9.  Anosmia is the inability to smell, which is unfortunate for those who have it because 75-95% of taste relies on smell. Try plugging your nose next time to see how well you can taste your food.

10. It’s not just a turn of phrase: You can smell fear! Do what you wish with this fun fact… like telling your kiddo you can smell when they are lying.

photo: Philippe Put via flickr

Was there a surprising fact that your kid loved? Tell us in the Comments below!

From the soccer carpool to the never-ending assortment of mismatched socks, sometimes there are days when you’ve only got a few seconds (or 140 characters) to get in a good giggle. Well, sit back and get ready to scroll because we’ve scoured the Twitterverse for moms and dads that rap about the highs and lows of parenting, and the results are hilarious.

1. LOL

2. It’s that easy.

3. You need to be sly.

4. Live in the moment.

5. Ha!


6. Don’t be a snitch.

7. Nice try.

8. Bet 6yo didn’t see that one coming.

9. When you’re the “cool” mom…

10. Have you heard this one before?


Do you have any #funnyparenting moments to share with the Red Tricycle Community? Tell us in the comments below! 


Today Is #NationalFragranceDay
The nose knows.

Your house smells, but does it smell good? Here are 4 simple ways to freshen things up, au naturale.


Find out how to use fragrance to keep your kids from lying (seriously).

rigger those olfactories with sensory activities that use what’s already in your spice cupboard or fridge.

{ Today’s ideas brought to you by Your Nose }

We’ve all succumbed to a “white lie” or “stretching the truth” here and there. Why? Maybe it was to censor your child from a brutal reality or maybe an effort to deflect attention from eating a Snickers before dinner. Whatever the reason, parenting lies are usually hilarious and make for a great story later down the road. Thanks to the many users on Reddit, we were able to gather our top 16 favorite parenting lies. Take a look and maybe take note!

1. “If you sit quietly in the car, it makes the car go faster so you’ll get there quicker.” — table_fireplace

2. “Toys R Us is a museum, so no, we can’t bring anything home.” —  duckspunk

3. “My teacher girlfriend told her class that the smoke detectors were CCTV cameras. Every time one of them obviously lies, she goes ‘Well I’ll just go check the tapes and see who’s right,’ and they fess up.” — Rwandrall

4. “Tell them that the word ‘Lie’ appears on their forehead when they lie. If you’re lucky, the kid will start covering up their forehead whenever they lie, so then you’ll always know when they are lying.” — iwishiwasamoose

*Be sure to specify that this only happens to kids.

5. “My mom told us she knew when we were sleeping because of the beeping noise we made. When we tried to fake sleep we’d go “…beep …beep …beep.” — fussbucket

6.”Right after you fart, your ears get warm… The one who usually checks, is the one who farted.” — alienosaur

7.”When I was a kid my parents convinced me that if you pour salt on a bird’s wings they can’t fly. I spent years chasing birds after dinner in the summer (never succeeded).”—  adriennairda

8.”We told our kids that the ice cream truck was really the music truck. It worked for 4 years–they never begged to run out and get ice cream when the ice cream truck drove by.” —  dashooz

9.“Better wash those nightmares out of the blankets, Tommy. Go strip the beds for me and bring the sheets downstairs so I can wash them, or else you’ll have nightmares again.” — appleciders

10. “While on a road trip, I asked my dad why there were balls on the electric/telephone wires. He told me it was for the giraffes to play with. I was convinced, for probably 6 years, that there were giraffe roaming around the hills outside of Vallejo, California.” — helladog

11. “Told my sister that humans start lives off as dogs. It was so funny, she waited patiently for our dog to turn into a human so she wouldn’t be the youngest.” —nothingbutsass

12. “I told my young cousin that I had lived next to St. Nicholas before he became Santa Claus and that if I called him up he wouldn’t get any presents.” —pennypoppet

13. “When I was a kid, I was horribly afraid of monsters coming into my room. My mom filled a spray bottle with water and blue food coloring and printed a sticker that said “Monster Spray”. Boom, no monsters.” —LandgraveCustoms

14. “I’ve told a few kids that I’m a secret agent elf helping Santa keep track of the naughty list. It helped keep misbehaved children in check when I worked at a kids shoe store.”—pHScale

15. “The only way you can go to Chuckie Cheese is if you get invited to a birthday party there because it’s only for birthday parties.” —mellimalli

What is your most hilarious “parenting lie”?

—Francesca Katafias

photo: Mohammed Alnaser via flickr