If Winnie the Pooh has been warming your heart since your childhood, then you’ll love this new LEGO kit. Designed under the LEGO Ideas program where super fans get the opportunity to bring their ideas to reality, it’s simply as sweet as can be.

The LEGO Ideas Winnie the Pooh set brings all the beloved characters together including Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Rabbit and Eeyore. Each minifig also gets their own accessories!

photo: LEGO

In addition to the molded minifigures, the 1,265-piece set comes with a large oak tree, a house that opens and closes, a bee hive and lots of tiny details like honey pots, “Pooh sticks,” Tigger’s locket and more.

The set is geared for “kids” ages and older. The new LEGO Ideas Winnie the Pooh set is currently on sale, but on backorder at LEGO Stores and LEGO.com. However, you can order it now and it will ship in 60 days!

––Karly Wood



Celebrate Amelia Earhart with a Free LEGO Set

LEGO® Just Dropped a White Noise Playlist Created with Bricks & It’s Awesome

Sneak Peak: LEGO Drops First Glimpse at VIDIYO Minifigs & More

Mr. Bubble is celebrating its 60th anniversary! In honor of six decades worthy of soapy fun, the brand is launching three new products for kids and their families.

The newest Mr. Bubble brand products include Calm & Sleep Bubble Bath, Fizzy Tub Colors, and Clean Skin 4in1. What can you expect from Mr. Bubble’s latest launch?

photo courtesy of PR Newswire/Mr. Bubble

The Mr. Bubble Calm & Sleep Bubble Bath ($4.99 for 36 ounces) has a calming lavender, eucalyptus, and chamomile blend and a moisturizing combo of Vitamin E and Aloe. Mr. Bubble Fizzy Tub Colors are kid-friendly bath tablets ($6.99 for a 150-count Jumbo Jar or $1.29 for a nine-count packet) that are fragrance-free and contain Bitterguard to stop your kiddo from consuming the product.

If you struggle to keep the kids clean, Mr. Bubble Clean Skin 4in1 is a bubble bath, body wash, shampoo, and conditioner in one 16 ounce bottle ($4.99)! The 4in1 contains Aloe and Shea Butter and is hypoallergenic.

Michelle Hanson, Vice President of Marketing at The Village Company, said in a press release, “Families have had a tough year. Children are always deserving of fun, but particularly now everyone can benefit from more of it. For the past 60 years, Mr. Bubble has represented an easy way for parents to get their kids squeaky clean, and with lots of laughter.”

Hanson added, “Whether its giant bubbles or colorful waterfalls, our goal has always been the same: let Mr. Bubble help you relax and unwind, all while having lots of fun in the tub.”

All three are available right now on mrbubble.com and will hit Walmart shelves (and Walmart.com) on Apr. 10 and Kroger shoppers starting Apr. 12.

—Erica Loop



Put Down the Duckie: 9 Household Items to Play with in the Bath

Here’s How to Guarantee Your Kids Will Take a Bath Every Day

The Best Bath Toys to Keep Your Kids Entertained

When I became a parent nearly 14 years ago, I knew absolutely nothing about parenting. I’d read all the baby books, perused all the parenting websites, signed up for the weekly emails about my baby’s development and yet still was woefully under-prepared for what it would take to be a mother.

Not much has changed since then. I still feel inadequate most days as I stumble my way through the maze of parenthood. As my oldest approaches his 14th birthday, I find myself amazed by how much he has changed in just one year. Blinking back tears, I look at him today, amazed at the young man he has become, and am humbled by just how much he has taught me during his 13th year:

1. Hold on loosely, but don’t let go. It turns out that 80s bands gave us more than just good music—they gave us solid advice to live by as parents. My 13-year-old has taught me this year that while I need to hold onto him and continue to guide him, I can’t cling too tightly. He needs space to find himself and that means space to make his own mistakes. If I hold too tightly, he’s never going to learn how to make it as an adult.

2. Be honest with friends. Middle school has been rough for me as a parent this past year, as it turns out that middle school drama doesn’t really stop when you leave middle school. It all rears its ugly head again when you become a middle school parent. During moments this past year when my 13-year old caught wind of such drama, he was always very matter-of-fact and eager to offer advice to me. He always encouraged me to “just talk to them” and be honest. His message—if they are your friends, they’ll understand.

3. Don’t sweat the small stuff. You can learn a lot from how 13-year-old boys handle conflict. While they have their share of disagreements with their friends, get hurt, and have drama, they are quick to let it go and move on. They don’t sweat the small stuff. They let it roll off their backs. We could benefit from doing more of the same as adults.

4. Sleepovers are the worst. I thought sleepovers would get better as they got older. They don’t. Although they can regulate themselves and then recover a bit quicker than my 10-year-old when it comes to going to sleep at a normal time, now that they are teenagers the responsibility of hosting becomes so much more stressful for us as parents. Are other kids bringing in vapes, drugs, or alcohol? Are they going to try to sneak out? Are they doing something on social media that might hurt other kid’s feelings? Sleepovers for 13-year-olds still suck.

5. Hugs are the greatest gift. When my son was little, he was a great hugger and snuggler. Now, hugs are much harder to come by. But, when I do get a surprise hug hello or thank-you or as a comfort, it is one of the greatest gifts ever. I wish I hadn’t taken all those toddler hugs for granted, I never knew how much I would miss them.

6. Teenagers can navigate. This summer we went tubing down a river in New Hampshire with a large group of families. It was a 5-mile river float and we let the group of teenage boys float off together ahead of the adults. Many of us worried that they wouldn’t be aware enough to see the tiny sign that would indicate it was time for them to get off the river. When we rounded the bend and saw the beach with the sign, the teens were nowhere in sight. I immediately wrote them off, assuming they missed it but I could not have been more wrong. Not only had they seen it, but they had returned their floats to the rental place and were waiting together for us near our cars.

7. Car rides are special. Joining a travel sports team has meant lots of long car rides over the past year and although those often meant waking up early and staring at headlights for 2+ hours, they also mean that I got to ride side by side with my 13-year-old, trapped in a moving box. Just us. Something special often happens on those long car rides. The air shifts just a bit and he begins to open up about his life, his friends, his feelings, his fears. I love those car rides now.

8. Teens have good instincts too. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned from my 13-year-old is that just because we, as adults, are older, doesn’t necessarily mean we are wiser. Teenagers are humans too and have some gut instincts that sometimes are spot on. It’s important to give them a chance to use their voice and share their instincts. Being able to tap into that insight will help them immensely in their adulthood.

9. We need more cereal. ​One of the primary sources of fuel for 13-year-old boys is cereal. It could be a meal for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a snack and teenagers eat it by the boatload. My 13-year-old has taught me to assume that we always need more cereal. If you see me at any store these days, I can guarantee I have some cereal and milk in my cart. ​

There are whole sections of bookstores devoted to the topic of how to parent a teenager. You could read every single one of those books and still feel unsure of yourself as you navigate the waters of parenting a teenager. But, I’m learning that the best way to parent them is to see them, hear them, and accept them for who they are right now…and feed them lots and lots of cereal.

This post originally appeared on Changing Perspectives.

Jenni Brennan is a psychotherapist, college professor, creator of Changing Perspectives, and co-host of The Changing Perspectives Podcast. Jenni is passionate about exploring the topics of parenting, relationships, grief, and mental health through her writing and podcast episodes. She lives with her husband, 2 sons, 3 dogs, and 2 cats in Massachusetts.


Clarissa Sidhom

I help mamas find style, sanity, and sisterhood! My parenting and lifestyle blog shares self care, family fun, and mom hacks to make life easier and more beautiful.

As moms, we focus so much energy on our families, which means we often neglect our own mental, emotional, and physical health. There’s simply too much to do each day, so we often bump our needs off the to-do list.

But the best way to be the BEST mom is to make sure you are taking care of yourself! Here’s some ideas for intentionally making self care a priority:


A Quality Probiotic

Who knew your gut affected everything else so much?!


After researching lots of probiotics, I realized that many are NOT quality - which makes all the difference! After 2 months of taking this probiotic/prebiotic combo, my usually terrible stomach bloat is completely gone, and my digestion is so much more regular. This isn’t a glamorous part of self care, but our gut health affects everything- even our skin and emotions. (Use code modernhipstermama for 15% off!)



Delicious At-Home Lattes

Be your own barista for a fraction of the cost!


There’s something therapeutic about sipping a hot flavored latte, but we can all agree that those green mermaid cups add up! Making lattes at home is so easy, and you can buy flavored syrups to customize your drink. It’s also really fun to offer your guests when they come over! This espresso machine will give you lots of love in the form of caffeine.



Calming All-Natural Scents

Quality essential oil while supporting small business


Emotions, memories, and scents are so intertwined- so one of the best ways to improve your day is simply through your nose! I love diffusing and wearing essential oils, not only for any health benefits, but also for a non-toxic way to make your home smell amazing. I love supporting this small business because their oils are fantastic, work well, and have free shipping!



Your Personal Water Trainer

When you need motivation to get it done


Drinking lots of water is such an easy way to make our health a priority! This giant water bottle has markings to challenge and reminder you to keep drinking throughout the day.



Hair, Skin, & Nails

Major impact with nearly zero effort


While most of us would love to include a manicure and blow out in our self care routine, one of the best things we can do is make sure our hair, skin, and nails are healthy! I introduced this affordable daily biotin supplement and have seen huge improvements already - without adding any time to my routine.

Photo: Ali Flynn

Hey mamas,

Anyone else out there feel like they are on the COVID “no” train with their kids?

“No, you can’t have a sleepover but your friends can stay as late as they want.”

“No, your friends can’t hang out in your bedroom right now but you can hang out in our heated garage.”

“No, your friends can’t come inside the house and no, you can’t go inside your friend’s house.”

Friends, I’m exhausted talking to my teenagers about this and I’m weary that this has gone on for so long.

To be quite honest, I’m over this.

What I thought was going to be a few days off from school is now approaching the ten-month mark but I know deep inside, I have to remain positive and stay grounded to keep our family safe.

But today I was also reminded, from a stranger, how I have to remain diligent as a mom. 

A delivery person called to confirm a flower delivery and began to pour out his heart, sharing with me how he lost his dad to COVID.

His dad was a healthy 72-year-old man who, within days, was placed on a ventilator and never came out of the hospital. 

This young man was weepy sharing his story. He willingly opened up his deepest wounds about how he was able to hold his dad’s hand and how he is one of the lucky ones since his dad didn’t die alone. 

This man’s personal encounter with COVID needed to be heard through my Bluetooth, in the car, for my teens to hear.

His message was needed as my girls too often forget why we are sacrificing being indoors and sleepovers with friends right now.

One day though, it won’t be this hard.

And on the days I begin to feel filled with frustration, I simply need to go back to this phone call.

My answer of “no”, is to keep our neighbors safe. My answer of “no” is to protect the health of my family members. My answer of “no” is often not the path other people are taking, and at times it’s not fun, but the big picture is more important to me. I just hope one day my teenagers see this as well. 

So for now, I have to remain confident and comfortable being the “no” mom.

But I sure do miss our old ways. I miss the girls having friends over laughing in the kitchen and hearing all about college applications and life in high school while munching on endless bags of chips.

I miss making waffles, the morning after a sleepover and watching the girls walk downstairs in their oversized sweatshirts and messy buns. 

I miss the hustle and bustle of what my house once was. It was a place where kids were in and out all of the time, side doors slamming and laughing. Lots and lots of laughing.

But I really miss saying yes.

These girls miss their friends and sleepovers. 

I am really patiently waiting for the day I can start to say “yes” again and again and again.

Yes, to the sleepovers. 

Yes, to the snuggles on the couch, with a friend, watching a movie, and sharing a bowl of popcorn.

Yes, to a handful of teenagers hanging out in the kitchen eating whatever leftovers I have in the fridge.

Who knew one simple word could mean so much? 

I see the light and know the bend in the road is coming soon. The road we all miss and hold close to our hearts in memory, but also a road that will be the same, yet different, once we embark on it again. 

So for now, I will continue to look forward to the day I can say “yes.”

A “yes” that is filled with every ounce of confidence, stored within this heart of mine, knowing my family and all those around me will remain safe.

This post originally appeared on Hang in there mama by Ali Flynn.



Ali Flynn Is excited to share with you the joys and hardships of motherhood with an open heart, laughter and some tears. Ali is a monthly guest contributor for Westchester County Mom  and has been seen on Filter Free Parents, Grown and Flown, Today Parents and Her View From Home.

Just when you thought there couldn’t be a better chocolatey combination. The Whozeewhatzit bar, the Whatchamacallit brand’s first new bar in a decade, takes wacky, crazy, crunchy and chewy to a new level. The brand new bar, which has an added peanut butter crème layer and delicious rice crisps, all covered in chocolate. 


Last year, the Whatchamacallit brand asked fans to submit their most creative naming ideas for the new bar. The winner was to receive $500 and a year’s supply of chocolatey goodness. After 43,000+ entries, the Whatchamacallit brand declared the name Whozeewhatzit, submitted by Lisa M. from Framingham, Mass., the winner.

“The new Whozeewhatzit bar has all the wacky, crazy, chew-tastic perks that Whatchamacallit fans love, plus a few more,” said Jenna Hamm, Whatchamacallit Brand Manager. “There were lots of great submissions but none that captured the bar’s irresistible characteristics while still paying homage to the beloved Whatchamacallit brand quite like the name Whozeewhatzit.

If you can’t wait to get your hands on the new Whozeewhatzit bar you don’t have long to wait. You will be able to find them in a 1.5 oz. standard size ($1.11) and a 3 oz. king size ($1.66) at retailers nationwide beginning February 2021. 

—Jennifer Swartvagher

Featured photo courtesy of Hershey’s


These Valentine’s Day Gifts Will Have You Craving Guacamole

Make Valentine’s Day a Little Sweeter with Dylan’s Candy Bar

Costco’s 2021 Valentine’s Day Rose Sale Has Arrived

Missing travel? While we wait for the world to return to safety, you can shop the brand new National Geographic Collection launched on shopDisney.com!

The new lineup includes lots of travel-friendly gear including luggage, a backpack, sweatshirts and baseball hats––all with the iconic NatGeo logo and colors. The collection is ready for your next adventure. Keep scrolling to see some of our faves.

National Geographic Pullover with Pocket for Adults


National Geographic Knit Gloves for Adults


National Geographic Backpack


National Geographic Rolling Luggage


You can check the entire collection, which starts at $20 at shopDisney.com.

––Karly Wood

All photos: Courtesy of Disney



Refundable Spring Break Packages That Families Will Love

10 Mountain Town Airbnbs to Book Now

14 Family Travel Trends to Watch for in 2021


Eva Ingvarson Cerise, Bump + Baby Editor
Eva lives in northern Utah with her husband and daughter and misses her grown-up stepdaughter, who lives in another state. She began her career as a magazine writer, editor and copy editor for publications such as Bon Appétit, and then spent more than a decade developing content and defining the content strategy and user experience for websites in the financial and consumer space, such as Evite. As a recent transplant to Utah, she is enjoying exploring the area with her family.

What’s the best piece of advice you got while pregnant?
Let go of your idea of how things should be and focus on how they are.

Favorite baby travel hack?
Pack a clean-up kit with baby wipes, disinfecting wipes, Ziploc bags, garbage bags, extra diapers and a change of outfitsyours and your baby’s. Storing everything you need in the same place makes it easier to manage messes when they happen. And they will.

What’s in your diaper bag or purse you can’t live without?
A small flashlight. My daughter finds it endlessly fascinating, so I save it for when I really need her to be calm and content, like when we’re waiting for our meal at a restaurant.

Your favorite city to visit with your family and why:
Stockholm. I was born there but moved to the US as a child. It’s a beautiful, walkable city with lots to do, especially in the summertime. I also have lots of family in the area and love to catch up with them.

Your idea of a perfect Saturday (or any day) with your family:
A lazy morning spent reading in bed, followed by a nature hike and an excursion to a local museum, farmers market, zooany venue that makes my daughter’s eyes light up.

The most surprising thing you’ve learned as a mom:
Just how fascinating it is to watch these little beings learn and grow. Every month, I find myself saying, “This is the most amazing age.” And they all are. It all feels miraculous and I’m so grateful to experience it.

Contact Eva: eva.cerise@tinybeans.com

We’re obsessed! Bonbons are the perfect Valentine’s Day gift or treat for any day of the week. These chocolate treats are made with lots of love by women-owned company, Wild Ophelia and sold at Sam’s Club.

Wild Ophelia bonbons

This exclusive, limited edition assortment of 20 heart-shaped, all natural chocolate bonbons that comes in four sweet flavors: Fresh Strawberry, Cherry Cordial, Sea Salt Caramel and Toasted Coconut. 

The bonbons are packaged in the signature Wild Ophelia gift box with a red ribbon that’s so beautiful they don’t need any wrapping.

Grab a box of 20 while you can for just $8.98.

—Jennifer Swartvagher

Featured photo: Sam’s Club


These Valentine’s Day Gifts Will Have You Craving Guacamole

Make Valentine’s Day a Little Sweeter with Dylan’s Candy Bar

Costco’s 2021 Valentine’s Day Rose Sale Has Arrived

Gender-neutral fashion line nununu just partnered with Lucasfilm on a new collab and you’re going to want a little of everything. The limited edition Star Wars x nununu collection is available now––for both kids and adults!

The 40-piece collection showcases designs inspired by characters that include Darth Vader, Chewbacca, R2D2 and more. The line embraces nununu’s signature neutral style with lots of black, grey and white tones. We’re sharing some of our favorite styles below.

Star Wars™ 360 dress

Jacob Mehager for nununu


destiny sweatshirt

Jacob Mehager for nununu


R2-D2 galaxy romper

Jacob Mehager for nununu


Darth Vader nylon jacket

Jacob Mehager for nununu


To capture the essence of the collab, nununu photographed the line at the Dead Sea, which also pays homage to the Tel Aviv-based fashion brand and the overall feel of the Star Wars galaxy.

The limited edition Star Wars x nununu collection is available worldwide at nununu.com and starts at $25.
––Karly Wood



Bad Never Looked So Good! New Disney Villains x Heidi Klum Collection Available on Amazon

HEINZ Ketchup Just Dropped a Holiday Merch Shop

Hunter Just Dropped the Cutest Peter Rabbit Collab & Bring on the Rain