Parenting is hard. You’re responsible for a little (or not so little) person and making all the right decisions. But what happens when you don’t know what the right decision is?

Decision-making, especially in an emotionally charged situation, is exhausting. What if an easy way to make decisions existed? Having made thousands of extraordinarily difficult decisions in my senior leadership career and as a father of four, I’ve figured out a relatively simple method to make decisions I can live with and be proud of that many successful leaders use. It’s perfect for parents, too, because parents are the leaders of their family.

1. Write the Problem Down
Focus on the issue, not your emotions. The brain tends to mix up logic processes when dealing with complex or emotionally charged decisions. Writing the problem down forces us to turn an abstract thought into a concrete statement, idea or question. In that process, we can more precisely frame the problem and, ultimately, downsize it from a larger-than-life issue to one we can work through.

For example, if you’re a parent with school-aged kids battling what to do about your child’s education due to the risks and restrictions of COVID-19, these thoughts might be going through your head:

  • In-person/online/homeschool
  • Will kids/adults wear masks?
  • Fear of getting sick
  • Uncertainty of the future
  • Sadness over lack of control
  • Will kids fall behind academically?
  • Guilt we just want things to be normal
  • Frustration with lack of work time

All the competing emotions make the decision-making process difficult.

However, when you write the problem you’re facing in one or two sentences, it may actually look like this:

We want our kids to safely get the best education possible while allowing us to work. What can we reasonably do to make that happen?

Writing the true essence of your problem down helps you focus on the most important part.

Which of those two “problems” looks more approachable? You can spend your time dealing with emotions, fears and unknowns or you can focus on the positive and productive opportunities.

Now that we have a more approachable problem, how do we decide what to do about getting our kids the best education possible? Do we make a pro-and-con list? What if they come out even?

2. Discuss the Problem with Others You Trust
The more people there are to talk about a problem, the more potential solutions there will be. Teams almost always come up with better solutions than individuals. Even though we can be sidetracked, if we don’t share our problems, we often miss other perspectives, relevant data and variables we may not have considered that can help us find solutions or flaws in our assumptions and general approach.

When it comes to our children, there’s nothing new. Someone out there has had a similar problem, so tap into the wisdom of extended family and friends.

Nearly every parent out there is processing what to do about school. Ask trusted friends what they’re thinking. Join a Facebook group, and search to see what other people are discussing. When evaluating education options and risks from COVID-19, share your concerns with your child’s teacher. See if their plans for the school year help guide your thought process.

3. Get Active to Reflect
It’s hard to focus and think about an issue logically when our conscious mind is easily overcome by emotions and daily distractions. When we do a physical task, our subconscious mind can work, which makes decision-making easier. Ask yourself a simple question about the problem when starting the activity.

In our example about school, the simple question is not, “How can I not worry about sending my kids to school?” or “How will I work if they’re home with me.” The right simple question is a positive one: “What can I do to make sure my kids get the best education right now?”

When you do this, physical movement is key. No scrolling social media! Relax by doing something that doesn’t require much thought but has you moving. Almost always, after the activity, your mind will deliver the right answer. Here are a few things you can do:

  • Shower
  • Walk or run
  • Long bicycle ride
  • Swim

Physical exercise helps quiet your brain. It allows you to focus on your movements, not your thoughts.

Another great approach to relaxing the conscious brain is sleeping. Just before putting your head on the pillow, ask yourself the simple positive question. In the morning, the solution is ready. I’ve found that having paper and pencil by the bed helps, particularly when you want to remember something as you wake up.

4. Take Action
Problems can appear larger than life, causing us to struggle with how to move forward. When you write it down, discuss it and reflect on it, solutions always become evident. They may not be what you expected, but solutions will appear. Then you can look at your options and see which one you are most comfortable with. Once your decision is made, the path forward will be clear, even if it’s not an easy one.

Solutions provide the path and the plan.

Though we may struggle with the murky future of public education, nothing is permanent. You can reassess in a few months and make a different decision if necessary. Do the best you can with the information you have. In this unprecedented set of circumstances, there is no one right answer.

Easy Decision-Making Strategy

  1. Write the problem down
  2. Discuss the problem with others
  3. Get active to reflect
  4. Take action

Every one of us has faced issues where it seemed impossible to make a decision. It’s absolutely exhausting to continually replay all the worries in your mind. But when you use these four steps, you’ll have the ability to make a decision even in the toughest of circumstances and enjoy the rewards or manage the fallout. That’s what made my career so successful and makes life as a father so rewarding. The state of being “undecided” is way worse than choosing to move forward one way or another.

Rick Stephens

After a 33-year career, concluding as Boeing’s global leader of HR and Administration, Rick Stephens, father and grandfather, co-founded Raising Families with his wife. Together, they use their knowledge, insight and experience to support parents in becoming joyful, confident and intentional family leaders so they can raise engaging, successful children. 

I should have known. Nearly two years into our “new normal” of canceled outings and curbed activities, I launched my son from the relative safety of the pandemic womb into—of all places—an indoor water park.

He loved the water park (thankfully). But the moment we got home, Alex quickly retreated to his room, desperate for reprieve. Dropping his backpack at the front door, he raced upstairs, grabbed a book, and curled himself into his “sensory swing,” his long body folded into the fabric sack like a baby kangaroo nestled inside its mama’s pouch. 

It was his way of taking a deep breath. And it worked: what may have turned into a tantrum in his younger years ended with peace and quiet. The water park endeavor was a success.

Full disclosure: we are a family of acronyms. Between my two boys, we’ve got ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), DMDD (Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder), OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, CTD (Chronic Tic Disorder), GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder), SAD (the woefully ironic initials for Social Anxiety Disorder), and ODD (Oppositional Defiance Disorder). For that last one, here’s a piece I wrote about what it’s like to parent a child with “chronic aggression.”

The labels have come and gone, depending on who’s doing the diagnosing. But whether or not the titles tell a clear story, one thing is consistent: both of my boys have trouble regulating their emotions. As Mama Bear, I’ve done what I can to help—from finding various therapists to amassing an arsenal of physical tools to help my kids relax. That swing, for one, works wonders.

But that’s not all. There’s an abundance of gear out there designed to give revved-up kids a place to regulate (whether they’ve got a label or not). Here’s what’s worked for us—and some expert opinions on why.

Sensory Compression Sheet for Anxious Kids

How to Calm Anxious Kids

My middle son with anxiety loves the feeling of a compression sheet, which wraps all the way around the mattress like a tight sleeve. Before using it, his restless nights would mean he’d wake up sheetless, his bedding kicked off and crumpled on the floor. Now, he can’t even kick his sheets off the bed if he tried.

And it's a good thing, says Casey Ames, the founder of Harkla, a company dedicated to making products for neurodiverse families. Ames said improving sleep Is one of the most important things a sensory product can do. “I think the feedback we get for the compression sheet or weighted blanket makes me the happiest, since improving sleep is such a big win for families,” Ames says. “It not only helps the child, but oftentimes parents can get back to sleeping normally after years of interrupted sleep.”

Good to Know: it’s a bit of a pain to get on and off the mattress (if you've ever worn compression socks, you get it). Still, seeing my restless boy snuggle happily beneath his covers at night makes it all worth it. 

To buy: Harkla Compression Sheet, $35

Indoor Sensory Swing for Anxious Kids

How to Calm Anxious Kids

This one is the golden ticket for us: the go-to for my oldest son, in particular, when he needs to decompress. Experts say it’s not just neurodiverse kids who can benefit from the sensory swing’s tight “hug.” These sorts of swings—which are usually made of stretchy fabric that wraps around the body like a womb—can help all kids. “Think of babies when they’re distressed and crying, what do we do? We swaddle them or swing them,” says Los Angeles pediatric neurologist Pantea Hannauer. “Sensory swings do the same thing. They give that needed sensory input.” 

Note: Make sure you have enough space around the swing. Therapeutic or not, it's still a swing, and if my kids are any indication, it will be swung as high as possible. 

To buy: Harkla Indoor Sensory Swing, $100

Bean Bags for Kids

Best Products for Calming Anxious Kids

Bean bags are a must for all sensory-seeking kids (and arguably any kid). Whether your child needs something to smash into while diving from the couch or a snuggly spot for sitting with a book, bean bags give neurodiverse kids reprieve while giving neurotypical kids a cozy space to curl up. 

“It’s beneficial for kids to have a place with furniture that they can use to calm down and recharge their batteries, enhance calmness, or provide an outlet to prevent boredom,” says Eyal Levy, the founder of Yogibo, a sensory-friendly furniture company that specializes in zero-pressure-point bean bags. “It's great for pushing, pulling, crashing, or jumping into to provide deep pressure input—these help to regulate kids’ moods and give them a sense of calm and peace. 

We've tried a few but especially love the Yogibo Max, a humongous, oblong-shaped bean bag with so many tiny foam beans inside that it conforms to your body as you sink into it. At nearly $300, it’s a splurge, for sure. But it’s durable (you can change the covers when they get dirty), super-comfy, lightweight, and big enough to use as a bed when the kids want sleepovers. 

To buy: Yogibo Max, $269

Noise-Reduction Headphones for Kids

Best Products for Calming Anxious Kids

We discovered how much my oldest son needed these when, at 8 years old, he was completely overwhelmed by Disneyland’s Cars ride. It wasn’t the motion, he said; it was the noise. It was just. So. Loud. The next time, he wore these headphones, and the experience was way better. He also wears them to movies (or at our noisy dinner table) when he needs a buffer between him and the sounds. They also work great for keeping things quiet while doing homework. He's 12 now, so we’re looking into noise-canceling earbuds like these, which will be more discreet in public. 

To buy: Alpine Hearing Protection Headphones, $30

To buy: dBud Earbuds, $59


Chewable Pencil Toppers for Anxious Kids

Best Products for Calming Anxious Kids

When our family goes out to dinner, we can always tell which cup my middle son has been using because it’s always the one with the straw that’s been chewed almost to the point it doesn’t work as a straw anymore. He does it with his pencils and pens, too. In fact, one time he turned to me, mid-homework, with black ink all over his mouth; he had actually chewed a pen so hard it cracked. 

Enter these chewable pencil toppers, which let him nibble away when he feels the need. We've tried these chew necklaces, too, but he doesn't like to use them in school because he doesn't like how they look. The pencil toppers are discreet, and he can chomp away. 

To buy: Chewable Pencil Toppers, $8 for three 

Bed Tents for Kids

Best Products for Calming Anxious Kids
Privacy Pop

Bed tents are the best. Not only do they look super cool, they're also great for littles with sensory processing disorder, ADHD, or autism because they can help those kids relax without actually being in a formal "therapeutic" device. We originally got them to give my boys privacy when they shared a room, but they enjoyed them even when they were alone. 

“Bed tents are actually creating some sensory deprivation, which makes some kids feel more cozy and safe,” Hannauer says. “It deprives them of sensory input so they're actually doing the appropriate steps for sleep hygiene.” In other words, kids will be having fun chilling in their tent, but really they’re in their beds… getting sleepy. 

To buy: Privacy Pop Bed Tent, $105

Weighted Blankets for Kids

Best Products for Calming Anxious Kids

When famed autistic scientist Temple Grandin invented the "hug machine" as a teen, she was basically looking for a way to give herself a hug—to get that deep, all-encompassing pressure—without actually needing to hug another person (which can be hard for some kids on the spectrum). Of course, Grandin's hug machine was the size of a large bathtub, so not realistic for most families. Weighted blankets, on the other hand, are easy and offer a similar sort of deep-pressure "hug."

"I'm a big fan of weighted blankets," says Hannauer, who treats mainly children with ADHD and autism at her Los Angeles office. "These are sensory interventions that provide deep-pressure sensory input. Basically, the more calm you are, the less sensitive."

To buy: Luna Weighted Kid's Blanket, $40


Sensory Sacks & Body Socks for Anxious Kids

Best Products for Calming Anxious Kids
Mia E.

My kids look ridiculous when they climb into these faceless, zipped-up sacks (think Blue Man meets The Mummy), but I can tell they're getting something out of it because they'll go in one way (angry and frustrated) and come out another (calm and happy). Experts say it's the deep pressure they're getting from all sides—similar to how swaddling a baby works—that helps ease the anxiousness. Note: the picture above is my actual child in his sensory sack.

To buy: Harkla Body Sock, $41

Flex-Space Balance Ball Seats for Restless Kids

Best Products for Calming Anxious Kids
Lakeshore Learning

We’ve gone through three chairs with my middle son, who has a tendency to perch precariously on the edges of a chair as if the center of the seat is too hot to rest his tush on. He also likes to move, often rocking the chair on one leg, a habit that eventually popped the springs of two dining room chairs, sagged the wicker of a kitchen chair, and thoroughly scratched the hardwood floor. 

These balance ball seats solve this problem. They’re basically yoga balls with legs—and they work great for kids who need to move while they’re working. They're also super-durable and can't be broken with an aggressive bounce or sway, though my son probably does look a bit silly on Zoom calls, his body bouncing in and out of the screen. But they work. My 10-year-old gets his wiggles out, and he gets his work done. Bonus points for the exercise. 

To buy: Lakeshore Learning, $20

Chewing Gum for Anxious Kids

Best Products for Calming Anxious Kids
via Unsplash

This was the most surprising life hack of all. Apparently, chewing gum is good for you! According to a mental health study, chewing gum can ease anxiety, fight fatigue, and boost moods. A 2009 study also showed that chewing gum reduces stress, specifically for kids with ADHD, which makes it a great tool to use during homework or school time. For us, it helps ease my kids' motor tics, which means it's probably helping them de-stress as well. 

Children learn through their senses—and oral activity can be very calming. According to experts, the act of chewing gum also provides constant sensory input to the muscles in the jaw and ears, which can help children to concentrate better. Of course, not all schools are cool with gum-chewing, so if you want your fidgety kid to use gum to focus, you may need to talk it over with the teacher first. 

Mia E.; author and kid’s names have been changed to protect their privacy.

The summer swelter is nearing its end. Before your kids trade swimming for studying, you’ll need to stock up on the essentials (especially if you are remote learning this year). That’s where your fave Swedish retailer comes in. Along with the must-have meatballs and lingonberry sauce, an IKEA study table, IKEA desk and other school-ready picks can make the summer-to-school transition the best time of the year. Keep reading to see our favorites.

RÅSKOG Utility Cart


Organize your child's workspace with the IKEA RÅSKOG utility cart ($29.99). Fill the bins with pens, pencils, paper and every other school supply your student needs. 

MÅLA Paper


Make your child's crafting dreams come true with this assortment of rainbow hues ($4.99). The paper pack comes with different colors and different sizes too!



Store your child's fave art supplies in IKEA's LUSTIGT craft caddy ($17.99). Not only can they keep crayons, markers and pens in the box, but there's also an A4-size paper storage tray in the bottom. 

MÖJLIGHET Headset and tablet stand

Tidy up those cords with this cute stand ($3.99) that comes in a variety of colors. 

VÄGGIS Noticeboard


Forget about Pinterest for a moment. This noticeboard allows your child to pin their favorite artwork, reminders or anything else IRL. And it's only $5.99!



The simple IKEA desk ($99.99) fits almost any room. Combine it with other IKEA units or keep it as is for a minimalist work station. 

NÄVLINGE LED wall/clamp spotlight

Let their work shine bright this school year with this clip-on lamp ($17.99).

STARTTID Pencil Case


So you say your kiddos need something cute to carry their pencils in? This pick ($1.99) is an adorable option.



If your child needs more storage space, this HEMNES desk unit ($449) is ideal!

OBERGET / BLYSKÄR Desk Chair with Pad


Now that your child has a desk, she needs somewhere to sit. The OBERGET / BLYSKÄR chair ($34.99) is easy on your back-to-school budget, adjustable and cute! Comes with different colored pads to match your decor.



With three different heights, this children's desk ($79.99) is an adjustable option your kiddo will enjoy for years to come. 

VIMUND Desk Chair


Kids can get comfy in this ergonomic junior chair ($69.99). 

KUNGSFORS Magnetic Clip


The KUNGSFORS clip ($4.99 for three) is perfect for organizing your child's school papers, artwork or other papers. Or use them to leave little reminder notes behind!

MÅLA Chalk


Little artists will get a kick out of these bold colors. Your child will get nine pieces of chalk in a pack for $2!

MÅLA Colored Pencils


If your pint-sized Picasso is all about drawing, this 10 piece pack ($4.99) has a rainbow of colors to create with. 

TJENA Desk Organizer


Keep your kiddo's desk clear with this organizer ($4.99). 


—Erica Loop

Featured photo: IKEA



17 Lunchboxes That’ll Start the School Year Off Right

23 Awesome Backpacks That’ll Last the School Year

25 Easy First Day of School Picture Ideas


As the new school year approaches, parents often make their own resolutions to get and keep their home organized—with a tornado of backpacks, lunchboxes, shoes and the like, a well-thought out plan can quickly turn your home into a disaster zone. We reached out to a couple of professional organizers to see how they recommend to not only keep the clutter at bay but how they personally hack their way to a clean and organized house, once and for all. 

Do: Resist Spontaneous Purchases

Vivian Johnson Photography for Shira Gill Home

Don't: Bring new items in without dealing with your clutter first. 

Tidy people don’t constantly bring new things into the home, they exert control over their existing clutter first. To channel a new, organized and tidy person, “Limit volume to begin with, “ says, Shira Gill of Shira Gill Home, noting this is her number one rule. “And this one doesn't cost you a dime. Just press pause on purchases.” Sticking with this crucial rule will not only help with subsequent steps to keeping a tidy home but this tip also ensure your home remains clutter-free.

When it does come to purchases, use the "One item in, one item out" rule. Before anyone in the family is allowed to bring in a new toy, new book or the like into the house, they need to add something that is no longer played with or read, to the donation pile. This will help keep tidying up to a minimum and keep clutter at bay. 

Do: Designate a Place for Everything

Don't: Just put things down in a catch-all spot to deal with it later.

Tidy people tidy up by put their things away, says Gill. This is another crucial “do” in her book, and it begins with having a designated spot for everything. This simple system starts with creating a go-to hook, nook or closet for everything from shoes to backpacks, keys, the dog leash, jackets and mail. Gill says once everyone in the family knows where their belongings are supposed to go, it takes nearly the same amount of time to put the stuff away than it does to toss them mindlessly. 

Tracy Spitzer, owner and professional organizer of NYC-based UNSTUFF NYC goes one step further to guaranteeing a tidy home by labeling everything—but to think beyond the label maker. "Have kids write their own labels. For example, they can write their names on stickers above their backpack hooks. For younger kids, use clip art or print logos—you'd be surprised how early kids can recognize brand names like LEGOS—and tape them to the containers. Or if you use a picture of a pencil on a bin or a photo of Barbie, everyone can easily put their things away. No excuses!"

RELATED: 14 Clever Ways to Organize Your LEGOS

Do: Clean in Just Five Minutes

Vivian Johnson Photography for Shira Gill Home

Don't: Spend hours putting things away.

Tidy people keep a clean and organized house with this in-the-know organization hack—by attacking messes in five to 15-minute bursts. Rather than declare Saturday morning as a clean-up session, consider introducing smaller, manageable tidy sessions throughout other key transitional periods of the day, such as before and after dinner and before bedtime. 

RELATED: Genius Pantry Organization Ideas That’ll Change Your Life

Do: Come Home to a Clean House

Don't: Leave the house in disarray.

How does one professional organizer manage to keep a house clean? About five minutes before it’s time for her kids to leave for school each morning, Gill asks everyone to put their dishes, LEGO or art supplies away. This little time investment has a huge overall impact on clutter she says, and this way they never come home to a messy house. 

Do: End with a Treat


Don’t: Threaten reluctant organizers.

The old saying, "You catch more bees with honey" applies to kids when you need them to tackle some not-so-fun chores. So why not entice those little busy bodies with ice cream? Gill suggests the cheerful tone of a preschool teacher to present the news that it’s time to clean up. Try it like this: “Let’s hurry up and get this done so we can go have ice cream.” Kids love ice cream, but the cherry on top for parents is a clean, clutter-free and organized home. 

—Chantal Lamers


12 Secrets Organized Moms Want You to Know

How to Stay Organized with Kids When You Live in a Small Place

Want to Be More Organized? Follow These 7 Rules

Back-to-school time is always a perfect time to get nostalgic about your own days in the classroom, but things have changed a lot since you were the one sitting behind the desk. From hand-operated (gasp!) pencil sharpeners to everyone’s favorite folders, scroll down to re-discover some of the school supplies you probably couldn’t live without.

Tavets via Instagram

Trapper Keepers helped you stay organized. But it was the outside design that stole the show. 

Jessica Lucia via Flickr

Scented markers made your papers smell delicious. Lucky for kids everywhere, they're still going strong and available anywhere school supplies are sold.

Gabby Cullen

Pencil sharpeners had to be operated by hand.


You put trolls on your pencils way before Poppy and Branch were cool. 


You kept your papers in the whimsical yet slightly psychedelic Lisa Frank folders. Buy this vintage gem at eBay


You hoped Kissing Potion lip gloss really worked. You can still find it on Amazon!

Wikimedia Images via Pixabay

You loved your Walkman...and the mixed tapes your friends made for it! 


You loved when your teacher rewarded good grades with Scratch And Sniff Stickers on your test papers. 

Isriya Paireepairit via Flickr

You used a tape recorder and had to hit rewind...a lot.

Mac231 via Pixabay

Remember when all your information came from the Encyclopedia instead of Google or Alexa? 

Erol Ahmed via Unsplash

And in order to find exactly which Encylopedia you needed, there was the ever-handy card catalog. 

Wikimedia Commons

Learning to spell was fun with Speak & Spell. And then E.T. used one and sealed its fate as a classic '80s relic. 

saskboy via Flickr

Avoiding dysentery and watching out for thieves along the Oregon Trail was all part of the educational fun.

Christopher Sessums via Flickr

Overhead projectors with their erasable transparency sheets have long been retired to make way for projectors that connect to laptops and tablets.

Michael Coghlan via Flickr

Rainy day movies meant rolling the AV cart out and popping in a VHS for recess time. 



Bento boxes with Instagrammable food art have replaced plastic lunch boxes packed with fruit roll ups and gummy sharks (don't forget your matching Thermos!). 


Long before the magical cloud existed, these bad boys were all the storage you needed—as long as you didn’t lose them.



The original fidget spinners! Your Tamagotchi wasn't exactly a classroom essential, but at recess, the first thing you did was feed your digital pet. 


—Sher Warkentin with Melissa Heckscher

Featured image: Vishwanatha Srinivasan via Pixabay



33 Foods That ’80s Kids Will Recognize

18 Halloween Costumes from the ’70s, ’80s, ’90s That We Miss; Kinda

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This school year is definitely going to be unique so how about you pick out some school supplies that go along with that theme. Etsy has you covered with all the personalized pens, pencils, pencil cases and more, and every rainbow item under the sun. Place your order today!

Personalized Pencils

Get yours here, $11+.

Personalized Crayon Box


Get yours here, $7.25+. 

Pocket Folders


Get yours here, $5.49. 

First Day of School Sign

Get yours here, $35.99. 

Find all our back-to-school picture ideas here

Engraved Ticonderoga Pencils


Get yours here, $5.95. 

Avocado Pens

Get yours here, $1.70.

Macaron Erasers

Get yours here, $4.75. 

Personalized Pencil Case


Get yours here, $12.95. 

Cactus Ruler


Get yours here, $3.10. 

—Kate Loweth


19 Awesome Backpacks to Organize Your School Gear

20 Lunchboxes That’ll Make It Through the School Year

Gear & Clothing Labels That Every Kid (& Parent) Needs

25 Bento Boxes That Make Lunch Time Fun

Somehow, we’re coming to the end of summer already, and we’ll be back to school before we know it. While the new school year is still going to look a bit different than before, back-to-school supplies are still a must. The coolest supplies always help to get kids ready to leave the summer daze behind, so we’ve searched for some of the best school supplies that you can snag on Amazon right now. Keep reading to see them all.

Save this entire list on Pinterest.

Pastel Tie-Dye The Happy Planner 12-Month Student Planner

Perfect for middle and high schoolers, The Happy Planner's classic options leave plenty of room for navigating homework, while leaving tons of room for creativity. We love the plethora of cover options and tons of sticker books to make planning fun.

Get it on Happy Planner

Mood Tracker Planner


This school year will feel different for many reasons. The Mood Tracker Planner gives kids the space to plan their days and process their feelings in a safe space.

Get it on $14.99.

Crayola Take Note Erasable Highlighters


Talk about life-changing, these erasable highlights are going to be the top school supply this year, we know it! 

Available on Crayola, $5.99. 

Fidget Backpack Charm


These poppers are all the rage and your little one will love having one on their backpack to fiddle with while they wait for you to pick them up from school. 

Available on, $14.98 for five. 

Smencils Scented Pencils


Remember growing up with scratch and sniff stickers? Then you'll appreciate these sweet-smelling pencils. The scents, which include Bubble Gum, Blue Slushie, Pineapple Swirl and Jelly Donut are guaranteed to last two years. These #2 pencils pull double duty. They smell great and they're great for the environment because they're made from 100% recycled newspapers.

Available on, $14.99.



This smart notebook is just that. It only has 32 pages, but that's all you'll need. Kids can draw and write over and over again on the reusable pages that come in plain, lined and dotted. With the Rocketbook app, your kids' artwork can automatically be saved to the cloud, so you can save some trees and room on your fridge. 

Available at, $24.73.

FriXion Erasable Gel Pens


Everything is better in color! Including these gel ink pens. Kids can let their artistic flair flow with no stress. Even if they happen to color outside the lines, no worries, these pens are totally erasable!

Available at, $9.83.

Bear Pencil Sharpeners


These cute bear-themed sharpeners will help you stay on point and keep your pencils and crayons looking brand new all year long.

Available at, $6.99.

Animal Erasers


These awesome erasers will cleanly take away your mistakes. They even go a step further with a roller to clean up your eraser rollings so your masterpiece stays that way. 

Available at, $6.89.

Pusheen Backpack Charm


A great way to stand out in sea of backpacks? Charms for your backpack are the perfect way to accessorize for school. This adorable Pusheenicorn will make a dose of magic to the school year.

Available at, $8.73. 

Strawberry Scented Notebook


Taking notes will put you in a good mood with this bright notebook. It doesn't hurt that it oozes a delicious strawberry fragrance. 

Available at, $8.79.

Zipit Wildlings Pencil Case


These pencil cases are the cutest monsters you want to carry with you. They can stash up to 30 pencils and keep them zipped up till you need them. It's a practical case with a unique one zipper design with five colors to choose from. 

Available at, $7.99.

Fire HD 10 Kids Edition Tablet


Kids can keep their minds sharp with educational games, apps, TV shows and movies on the Fire HD 10 Kids Edition tablet. 

Available at, $199.99.

Sensory Fidget Robot Pencil Toppers


When the busy school schedule kicks in, things can get a little stressful. These rubbery pencil toppers will help ease some of that stress. They help with nail and pencil biting by offering something safe to chew. The toppers are made with 100% safe silicon and are washable. One less thing to stress over already.

Available at Munchables, $13.30.

Glow-In-The-Dark Glue


Your kids' love of slime isn't going anywhere any time soon. May as well make it cool with Elmer's Glow-In-The-Dark glue. 

Available at Walmart, $13.95.

First Day of School Chalkboard Sign


No first day back to school is complete without the perfect photo-op. These made-to-order posters will do the trick for a Pinterest-perfect post. 

Available at $20.

Panda Stapler


There couldn't be a cuter way for keeping kids' papers together. This mini panda stapler will help keep school work organized - adorably.

Available on, $4.99.

—Camesha Gosha

Featured photo: Amazon



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School supply shopping doesn’t have to be all about those bland No. 2 pencils and socks! Whether you’ve got a unicorn lover or a kid who just loves to be colorful, add a little flair to their day with some rainbow swag. Here are our favorite rainbow school supplies you can buy right now on Amazon.

Wildkin 15 Inch Backpack, Rainbow Hearts


Perfect for school, this rainbow heart-patterned backpack is not only stylish, but functional too. Padded shoulder straps, a heavy-duty top loop, polyester exterior and a moisture-resistant interior lining mean this tote will hold up the entire school year. Even if the first day looks a little "different" this year, a new backpack can give kids the back-to-school feeling. 

Find this bag that's perfect for your rainbow lover on Amazon for $29.99.

Pilor 7mm Rainbow Mechanical Pencil Set


Taking notes and doing homework usually requires the standard No. 2 pencil, but for kids at home, writing their answers in purple feel like a perk of being home. For your little artists who love to draw with fine points, they array of colors will cover all the bases. 

Find a set here for just under $12.

ZIPIT Fresh Colorz Pencil Box


You've got to have a cool place to store those pencils! At just $8.99, you'll want one of these for every study station or kiddo in your household. 

Shop it here

Rainbow Set of Washi Tape


Use for calendaring, making notes and cool designs on notebooks, you can never go wrong with a set of rainbow washi tape! For under $14, this 20-pack of decorative tape comes in unique patterns, all in the colors of ROY G BIV. This sticky yet removable tape is great for kids (and parents) of all ages.

Snag this pack for $14.99 on Amazon!

Gamenote Wooden Pen Holder & Pencil Holder Set


For a homework or homeschool, there's nothing like a bright spot on your desk or study station. This rainbow pencil holder will house all those little things you need, including scissors, pens, pencils and more. 

Shop it today on Amazon, $19.99

Rainbow Unicorn Memo Tab


Take notes in style with these magical unicorn memo pads! This three-pack of notepads comes with multi-colored unicorns and flowing rainbow manes. Looks like you CAN buy happiness.

Buy yours on Amazon for under $7.

Rainbow Composition Books


Forget those boring black and white composition books––this rainbow version rocks! While they will definitely set you back a penny more than the traditional books, this high-quality set comes with an elastic band to hold your book closed. 

Get the entire four-pack for around $25 on Amazon.


Simple Modern Wave Water Rainbow Bottle


Taste the rainbow! This vacuum insulated and double-walled bottle is made from premium gauge, rust resistant 18/8 stainless steel. It's also leak proof and made with a narrow mouth for easy drinking.

The 9 oz. size (perfect for school lunches) starts at just $12.99 on Amazon.

Wildkin Lunch Bag


Enjoy lunch from this rainbow lunch bag (even if you're eating it at home) and do your part for saving the environment by not using brown bags, too. Premium fabric means this bag will last the whole school year, and the insulated lining will keep your kiddos food nice and chilly. This product is PVC, BPA and Phthalate-free and Wildkin products come with a reliable replacement warranty.

Snag this rainbow pattern or choose from over 20 others on Amazon. $16.99

Book Sox Stretchable Book Covers


No cutting, taping or gluing book covers on this year! Keep those books clean whether the kids are hauling them to class and stacking them up around the house. These stretchy, fabric Book Sox come in tons of vibrant colors to show off your personality. They are reusable and washable and can fit most textbooks––even jumbo sizes!

Choose from several design sets starting at $17 for a pack of six on Amazon.



You can't have rainbows without the rain. This adorable bubble umbrella in rainbow colors is windproof, made with rounded tips and pinch-proof when opening.

Snag one before the rainy season hits for just under $20 at Amazon.

––Karly Wood & Amber Guetebier


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10 Rainbow School Supplies You Can Snag on Amazon Right Now

So long, fidget spinners! Popits are the new rage in fidget toys and our kids cannot get enough of them. Pros: they are quiet and don’t cause a mess (we’re talking about you, slime). Cons: there are literally hundreds of these colorful toys and some of them are massive.

Turtle and Popsicle Popits

Get yours here, $13.99. 

Pencil Topper Popit

Get yours here, $4.28. 

Among Us Pop Bubble Fidget Toy

Get yours here, $14.99. 

Popit Adjustable Necklace with Name

Get yours here, $7.45. 

Rainbow Rectangle

Get yours here, $16.99. 

Game Controller Pop Toy


Get yours here, $7.99. 

Toddler Fidget Popper


Get yours here, $3.99. 

Pop Fidget Spinner

Get yours here, $9.99. 

Jumbo Super Popit

Get yours here, $23.88. 

Dimple Digit Popper


Get yours here, $3.10. 

Burger and Fries Popits

Get yours here, $16.99. 

Mickey Popper


Get yours here, $7.95. 

—Kate Loweth


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If you have a tween or teen in your house, chances are they’re on TikTok. The popular video sharing platform had about 100 million active users as of last August, posting dance challenges, animal antics and more. Unfortunately it’s also a popular target for cyberbullying, but the company has recently announced new features to combat unkind interactions.

This past week, TikTok announced the ability to delete multiple comments at once, as well as block multiple accounts in bulk. Keep reading to see how the new features will work.

To delete several comments or block multiple accounts at once, go to the video you’ve created and long press on a comment or tap the pencil icon in the upper left corner to select a menu of options. The feature is rolling out gradually over the next few months to all content creators. The company also recently announced the option to filter all comments, so only approved comments will display with the video.

Beyond these features, TikTok recently partnered with the Cyberbullying Research Center to create a guide on bullying prevention. It lists how to identify bullying behavior, how teens can control their account to safeguard against unkindness and resources for standing up to bullying safely.

The platform continues to work to help users feel empowered with their experience on TikTok and make it a fun and welcoming experience for all. So the next time your teen pulls out their phone to post a video, make sure they’re aware of these new features. Safety first, trends second!

—Sarah Shebek

Image courtesy of TikTok



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