
There’s more going on right now that we do not see behind closed doors. Marriage, relationships, and divorce are all not always easy and during a pandemic the tension and stress are high. Though every relationship is important, our main focus right now needs to be on our children and being the best role models we can be.

Right now, co-parenting peacefully is probably very difficult but very important. 

Why? Because children who see their parents continuing to work together are more likely to learn how to effectively and peacefully solve problems themselves.

The Best Co-Parenting Strategies:

1. Communicate. Right now, there are so many things out of our hands and so much unknown, not only are you and your ex unsure of what’s going to happen, so are your children. You and your ex need to be on the same page during this time. With schools shut down and normal schedules out of question, coming up with a consistent and the most logical plans are essential. Home-schooling and day schedules should be discussed if the children switch homes during the week, make the routines as close as possible at each household. And. I get it, that’s not easy, none of this is, but as long as you two create some sort of normalcy mixed with leniency, it will create some balance for your kids.

2. Lead by (Healthy) Example. Your feelings about your ex do not have to dictate your behavior, Be a positive example and set aside strong feelings. It may be the hardest part of learning to work cooperatively with your ex, but it’s also perhaps the most vital. 

3. Commit to an Open Dialogue with Your Ex. Arrange to do this through email, texting, voicemail, letters or through face-to -ace conversation. In the beginning, it may be hard to have a civil dialogue with your ex. There are even websites where you can upload schedules, share information, and communicate so you and your ex don’t have to directly touch base. Here are a few that I recommend: Our Family Wizard, Coparently, Cozi, and Talking Parent. Peaceful, consistent, and purposeful communication with your ex is essential to the success of co-parenting

4. Be Consistent. Rules don’t have to be exactly the same between two households, but you and your ex should establish generally consistent guidelines. They should be mutually agreed upon for both households. For example, mealtime, bedtime, and completing homework need to be consistent. This helps create a sense of belonging and creates a sense of security and predictability for children. 

5. Release the Negativity. Instead of talking negatively about your ex, commit to positive talk in both households no matter what the circumstances. With so much instability right now, positivity in your household is essential. Children want to feel safe, the negative reactions you have for one another must be kept between you two if must.

6. Agree on Discipline. Don’t give in to the guilt and try and outdo your ex by gifting you child with things, instead agree on discipline—behavioral guidelines, rewards, and consequences for raising your children so that there’s consistency in their lives, regardless of which parent they’re with at any given time. Research shows that children in homes with a unified parenting approach have greater well-being.

7. Be Flexible and Update Each Other Often. If there are changes at home, in your life, It is important that your child is never, ever, ever the primary source of information.

8. Speak in a Positive Language about Your Ex. Remember, oftentimes marriage is what was the issue, not the parenting style. Each of you has valuable strengths as a parent. Remember to recognize the different traits you and your ex have—and reinforce this awareness with your children. The repercussions of co-parenting conflict? Children exposed to conflict between co-parents are more likely to develop issues such as depression, anxiety, or ADHD.

9. Keep Conversations Kid-focused.

10. Pick and Choose Your Battles with Your Ex. Yes, discuss important decisions about school or health, but what time your child goes to bed whether at 8 p.m. in one house vs. 8:30 in another or when they take a bath in the morning or the evening is not important so try to let that go. Focus on the bigger issues. In fact, this teaches your child flexibility.


  1. Be timely.

  2. Help children anticipate change. Remind the kids they’ll be leaving for the other parent’s house for a day or two before the visit. Have a visual calendar that is up and helps for the anticipation. 

  3. Pack their special stuffed toy or photograph. Some parents will have security blankets or the same stuffies at each house or one that goes between households. 

  4. The exchange should be quick and positive.

  5. When your child returns refrain from asking a lot of questions. Have a consistent activity or pre-planned activity that was on the calendar planned, so they know what to expect when they return. 

Reena B. Patel (LEP, BCBA) is a renowned parenting expert, guidance counselor, licensed educational psychologist, and board-certified behavior analyst. Patel has had the privilege of working with families and children, supporting all aspects of education and positive wellness; recently nominated for San Diego Magazine’s Woman of the Year


Your baby’s birth certificate. Medical records. The family’s passports. Social Security Cards. Your will or trust. Family photos and mementos. Do you know where to find them? It’s always a good idea to keep your important documents safely stored, but even more so after you have a baby. Between mombrain and lack of sleep, you may struggle more than usual to find things when you need them. And that’s where these document bags come in super handy.

If you’ve ever asked yourself what you’d grab in the event of a fire or flood at your home, here’s your answer: Grab your Secure My Legacy bag. These fire-resistant and water-resistant document bags can hold about 300 documents each and are compact and easy to take with you in an emergency. You already have enough new-mom anxiety. Give yourself the peace of mind that you have all of your documents organized and easy to find when you need them.

What It Is

Made from silicone-coated fiberglass and secured with both a zipper and VELCRO flap, each bag is large enough (11 inches by 15 inches) to hold all sorts of important documents. The company suggests storing things like a contact list, passports, financial documents, insurance papers, medical records, legal documents and family documents.

Have a lot to keep track of? Each bag is imprinted with a specific term (including Emergency, Medical, Legal, Business, Real Estate) so you can get a few and store items separately.

Why You Need One

When faced with an emergency, you don’t want to have to search for your important documents or waste time finding them them. As a new parent, you’ll want to focus on your baby, not trying to remember where you put important paperwork. If you keep all of your documents organized in these document bags, you’ll find what you need in a snap. Plus, you’ll have kept them protected from fire, water and smoke damage. And that means you’ll be able to get your life back on track more quickly.

Keep separate bags for the family’s legal papers, real estate documents, medical records and wills. Cards from Grandma, photos and newspaper clippings of dearly departed ancestors and birth mementos are also worth tucking into a bag to keep them as safe as possible.

We love the bundle that comes with one bag and a notebook for logging important information about your contacts, medications, finances and more family and household information. The notebook is key for parents who use babysitters regularly or have caregivers in the home. It ensures they’ll always have access to important information if they need it.

Available at and, $17.99 for 1 bag plus a notebook.

—Eva Ingvarson Cerise


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Have you heard the joke about the cows at the White House? It’s a good one! Read on for 16 kid-friendly jokes inspired by all things Washington, DC, from the National Mall to DMV traffic. Let the pun begin! 

1. Why can’t you feed the animals at the Natural History Museum?

Because they’re already stuffed.

2. What is the tallest building in Washington, DC?

The Library of Congress because it has so many stories.

3. If you could put the entire DMV on a scale, what would it weigh?

A Washing-TON.

4. Why can’t you just go to one Smithsonian museum?

Because you have to see the Mall.

5. What kind of toast do they serve on Air Force One?

Plane toast.

6. Why did the secret service bring a herd of cows to the White House?

They were trying to beef up security.

7. Why was George Washington always tired?

He never slept because he couldn’t lie.

8. What was George Washington’s spirit animal?

A buck.

9. If Abe Lincoln were alive today, what would he be famous for?

Being really, really old!

10. What do you call the 16th President after a Staring Contest?

Abe Blinkin.
photo: Ivana Cajina via Unsplash 

11. Where can you always find free parking in DC?

On 495 during rush hour.

12. What do you call grape jelly on I-66?

Traffic jam.

13. Why was the squirrel late for work?

Traffic on the beltway was nuts.
photo: Washington Nationals Park

14. Why did the Washington Nationals hire a baker?

They needed a new batter.

15. What animals likes to hang out at Nationals Park?


16. How do the zebras at the National Zoo play baseball?

Three stripes and you’re out!


Photo: Photo by Julie Johnson via Unsplash

As a new parent, the list of to-dos seems endless and, let’s face it, daunting. From babyproofing the house to building your own infant pharmacy, tackling bigger-picture necessities like your finances may seem like the last thing you’re ready to take on. But it’s never too early to start planning for financial goals and expenses, especially when you’re expanding your family. As overwhelming as it may seem now, you’ll thank yourself in the future if you tackle a few financial necessities as soon as possible.

1. Invest in Life Insurance

Your family is just beginning, so why focus on passing away? Life insurance is one of those tricky topics. No one wants to think about dying unexpectedly, but the unfortunate truth is that it’s still better to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Life insurance isn’t about betting against yourself—it’s about helping ensure your family has financial security should something happen to you.

What many people don’t realize is that the lower your risk of death, the lower the cost of life insurance. Purchasing a life insurance policy when you’re in your 30s can be half as much as purchasing one when you’re in your 50s. In fact, a policy can be as little as $9 per month in your 30s versus $20 per month in your 50s.

Additionally, the younger you are and the fewer assets you have, the more you benefit from life insurance. For example, if you’re in your early 30s, you may not reach your peak earning years until your 40s. You might also be paying off student loan debt and a mortgage. Life insurance helps replace that income so your family can maintain their lifest‌yle.

There are two types of life insurance, and it’s important to understand the differences:

  1. Permanent policies come in the form of whole life and universal life insurance and are designed to remain in place for the entirety of your life.
  2. Term life policies are purchased to cover select periods of time, usually in increments of 10 years. While premiums are typically lower, term life policies don’t offer you the ability to build cash value.

Speak with a financial representative to determine which type of policy best suits your family’s needs.

2. Adjust Your Budget

Part of the initiation process in becoming a parent is hearing from at least half a dozen friends how much it costs to raise a child. NerdWallet estimates costs over $250,000 for raising a child until they’re 18 years old. This calls for a new family budget.

When adjusting your budget, evaluate all new expenses. Determine your recurring costs for healthcare coverage, childcare, college savings (let’s tackle that next) and everyday costs for supplies like diapers, clothing and food. These will impact your monthly budget for the next few years and may adjust in the future. Do you need to cut back in other areas of your budget, or do you have other sources of income to make up for these new expenses?

If you’re preparing to welcome a new baby to the family, you’ll want to budget for up-front, one-time costs. Some of the bigger-ticket items can include a safer or more child-friendly vehicle. Some families also need to transform a former office or guest room into a nursery and purchase new furniture.

If you struggle to build or maintain a budget, consider using a budgeting app. One of the most popular is Mint, which syncs to your bank accounts and tracks all your incoming and outgoing money. Organize expenses by category so you can see where you spend the most and least and adjust your budget as needed.

3. Start Saving for College

You’re likely thinking, “Isn’t my kid at least 17 years away from college?” Yes, but as you may remember from your own experience, college is expensive. A ValuePenguin study found that public, in-state colleges cost an average of $20,770 per year (for tuition, fees and room and board) and private colleges an average of $46,950. Multiply that by four and you’re looking at more than $80,000.

Too often, parents make the mistake of waiting to save for college until their child is in high school. Rather than try to save as much as possible in a few years, it’s much less taxing on your wallet if you spread it out—save a little each month and factor the cost into your monthly budget from year one.

Now is the time to speak with a financial representative and research your college savings options. Beyond traditional savings accounts, many families choose to invest in a 529 plan, which is a tax-advantaged savings plan designed specifically for saving for future education costs. The great thing about 529 plans is that you can use the savings for K-12 tuition if unexpected costs come up or you decide to send your child to a private high school. A financial advisor can help you identify an appropriate plan and savings goals based on current finances.

As many new parents quickly learn, a little preparation can save you a lot of stress in the future. Start tackling these three essential financial steps by researching your life insurance and college savings options and dusting off your budget. You’ll feel like a champ parent, and you can focus on the beautiful years of raising a family.

Kendra is a writer for who loves healthy living, the outdoors, and obsessing over plants. When she isn’t writing, Kendra can be found exploring the mountains with her puppy or curled up at home with a good book.

Choosing a name for your baby is one of the most important decisions you will make. recently released a list of the boys and girls names that are currently trending this year. Henry and Alexander are new entries for the boy’s list while Mila has reached the top 10 list for girls.

newborn baby

These rankings were determined by analyzing the most recent data from the Social Security Administration, trends from the past five years and current user interest from millions of visitors to

Top 10 Boy Names for 2020:

  1. Liam
  2. Noah
  3. William
  4. Oliver
  5. Lucas
  6. Benjamin
  7. Elijah
  8. James
  9. Henry
  10. Alexander

Sebastian comes in just outside the top 10, but it is rising in popularity. Mason, Ethan, Logan, Michael and Daniel also fall just short of the top 10, but they are declining in popularity.

Top 10 Girl Names for 2020:

  1. Emma
  2. Olivia
  3. Ava
  4. Isabella
  5. Charlotte
  6. Sophia
  7. Amelia
  8. Mia
  9. Mila
  10. Harper

Luna, Camila, and Aria just missed the top 10 list but they are rising in popularity. Evelyn, Abigail and Ella also fall short of the top 10, but they are declining in popularity.

—Jennifer Swartvagher

Featured photo: Pixabay via Pexels



These Billionaire Baby Names Could Set Your Baby Up for Success

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In the wake of the current coronavirus pandemic, people are concerned about bringing packages into their homes. Households that have someone who is immunocompromised or has underlying health conditions are on alert. A FedEx driver deserves all the recognition he is getting after disinfecting a package he delivered to the home of a little girl with an autoimmune disorder. 

Carrie and Emma Blasi

Carrie Blasi’s 11-year-old daughter, Emma was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when she was a little over 2-years-old. Her glucose levels are kept under control thanks to her continuous glucose monitor and insulin pump, so that lowers her risks if she were to contract COVID-19. Blasi and her husband also worry who would take care of Emma if either of them became ill. 

Autoimmune sign Fed Ex

“We have a sign on our door for packages/mail as our 11 year old daughter is a type 1 diabetic,” Blasi tweeted.

Fed Ex package

From the pictures, you can clearly see that the package had clearly been wiped down since you could see where the liquid stained the scanner sticker. The driver jotted a quick note on the top of the box to let the family know he had disinfected the package. 

The driver’s good deed was also caught on Blasi’s security camera, which she has since shared to YouTube.

The Blasi family was able to virtually meet Justin, the Fed Ex driver, and his family to thank him for what he did for them. Blasi said, “They are our new friends, for life. The world needs to be more like Justin.” 

Justin (Fed Ex driver) and family

—Jennifer Swartvagher

All photos courtesy of Carrie Blasi


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While we may only be three months into the new year, certain baby names are starting to trend. just released their predictions for the Most Popular Baby Names of 2020. New entries in the top 10 for boys this year include Henry and Alexander, while Mila cracked the top 10 for girls.

Newborn baby

These rankings were determined by analyzing the most recent data from the Social Security Administration, trends from the past five years and current user interest from millions of visitors to 

Top 10 Boy Names for 2020:

  1. Liam
  2. Noah
  3. William
  4. Oliver
  5. Lucas
  6. Benjamin
  7. Elijah
  8. James
  9. Henry
  10. Alexander


Top 10 Girl Names for 2020:

  1. Emma
  2. Olivia
  3. Ava
  4. Isabella
  5. Charlotte
  6. Sophia
  7. Amelia
  8. Mia
  9. Mila
  10. Harper

—Jennifer Swartvagher

Featured photo: Jimmy Conover on Unsplash


These Billionaire Baby Names Could Set Your Baby Up for Success

What Are the Most Popular Gender-Neutral Baby Names Across the U.S.?

These Are the Most Popular Baby Names of the Decade

We’ve all heard stories of parents and children having to sit separately on planes. Basic economy fares are fine while flying solo, but when you are bringing your kids along, you may face some obstacles. Thanks to a petition started by Consumer Reports, that may all change.

Woman and child on plane

Without seat assignments in place, which can come with fees attached, children wind up being separated from their parents on flights. Consumer Reports posted an online petition demanding airlines to place safety before profits. The petition states, “Children 13 or under should sit with their families while flying, and should not be charged extra fees to do so.” 

Consumer Reports’ petition specifically singles out American, Delta and United Airlines. “Families face a constant battle to ensure they are seated together, even when they choose seats far in advance,” said Anna Laitin, director of financial policy at Consumer Reports. “The airlines should put safety first and seat children with their families without charging them extra for it.”

Consumer Reports began publicizing the issue last fall and set up a portal to the Department of Transportation’s complaint system, generating more than 600 submissions in just two months. Parents who submitted complaints shared how they bought tickets and specifically chose seats together, but the airline reassigned their seats before the flight. Parents were forced to pay for an upgrade, or beg gate agents, flight attendants and other passengers to switch seats with them. Some of the children involved were as young as one or two-years-old. Other children seated separately were autistic, suffered seizures or were susceptible to life-threatening nut allergies.

More than 128,000 people have signed the Consumer Reports petition since it was launched over a week ago. 

“The airlines can fix this problem without government intervention,” said Latin. “Ensuring that children are always seated with their parents regardless of the ticket purchased would improve safety and security for all travelers while easing the minds of families.”

—Jennifer Swartvagher

Featured photo: Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash


14 Family Travel Trends to Watch for in 2020

Amazing Family Vacation Packages Worth Every Penny

Top Spring Break Destinations You Haven’t Tried Yet

Travelers have something to look forward to the next time they are at the airport. Now they won’t mind if theirr flight gets delayed. Beginning February 13, Nintendo will be providing Nintendo Switch On The Go pop-up airport lounges featuring Nintendo products and opportunities for hands-on time with the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Switch Lite systems. 

Featuring comfortable seating, charging ports and Nintendo Switch game demos playable in both Handheld mode and TV mode, these lounges demonstrate the convenience and joy that the Nintendo Switch family of systems can add to everyone’s on-the-go adventures. Some of the games that will be featured at the demo areas include popular titles such as The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Mario Odyssey, Super Mario Party and Tetris 99, among others.

“With a vast library of exciting entertainment to launch into, we hope travelers discover that Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Switch Lite make great companions for their trips,” said Nick Chavez, Nintendo of America’s Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “Spending time with Nintendo games at our On The Go lounges will give people the opportunity to begin or end their journeys with a smile.”

In addition to spending time enjoying the latest Nintendo games, while visiting the Nintendo Switch On The Go experience, travelers can order Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Switch Lite systems and receive a free carrying case with their order. Travelers can also order select Nintendo Switch games and Nintendo merchandise. Just for stopping by, visitors will also receive a free Nintendo Switch branded luggage handle wrap and a $10 coupon from Target to use on any Nintendo purchase of $75 or more (available while supplies last, terms apply).

The Nintendo Switch pop-up lounges and gateway experiences are currently scheduled to appear at the following airports, located beyond passenger screening:

Dulles International Airport, Washington, D.C.

Concourse B near west entrance/exit, next to Gate B62

Feb. 17 – March 29

Seattle – Tacoma International Airport, Seattle, WA

Concourse C, next to Gate C10

Feb. 17 – March 29th

O’Hare International Airport, Chicago, IL

Terminal 1, Concourse B, between Gates B12 and B14

Feb. 17 – March 29th

Dallas Love Field Airport, Dallas, TX

West Terminal, near Gates 14 and 16

Feb. 13 – March 29th

Passengers with flights booked at these airports are encouraged to swing by after passing TSA security to spend some time enjoying Nintendo Switch games while waiting for their flights. They’re also encouraged to wave hello if they spot Lakitu above the clouds!

Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Switch Lite systems feature parental controls that let adults manage some of the content their children can access. 

For more information about this and other features, visit Nintendo.

—Jennifer Swartvagher  

Featured photo: Amazon


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Whether you grew up as Jennifer in the ’80s or became a mom to a Sofia in the 2000s, each decade features popular baby names that are seemingly unique to a generation. The last ten years are no exception.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has just released its list of the top baby names of the decade. The list is created by compiling and analyzing names for over 35 million babies born between 2010 and 2018. Taking the top of the list are Noah, Liam and Jacob for the boys and Emma, Sophia and Olivia for the girls.

photo: Jonathan Borba via Unsplash

There were a few new names that fought their way into the most popular names since the previous decade, including Harper and Addison for the girls and Jayden and Mason for the boys. Here are the top 20 baby names of the decade for girls and boys.

Top 20 Girls Names

  1. Emma
  2. Sophia
  3. Olivia
  4. Isabella
  5. Ava
  6. Mia
  7. Abigail
  8. Emily
  9. Madison
  10. Charlotte
  11. Elizabeth
  12. Amelia
  13. Chloe
  14. Ella
  15. Evelyn
  16. Avery
  17. Sofia
  18. Harper
  19. Grace
  20. Addison

Top 20 Boys Names

  1. Noah
  2. Liam
  3. Jacob
  4. Mason
  5. William
  6. Ethan
  7. Michael
  8. Alexander
  9. James
  10. Elijah
  11. Daniel
  12. Benjamin
  13. Aiden
  14. Jayden
  15. Logan
  16. Matthew
  17. David
  18. Joseph
  19. Lucas
  20. Jackson

For the full list of the top 200 names of the decade check out the SSA website here.

—Shahrzad Warkentin



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