Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford’s NICU recently hosted a bedside book event for families. In its third year, this event highlights the importance of talking and reading to premature infants.

Clinical associate professor of pediatrics and medical director of NICU Development Care Dr. Melissa Scala, MD and assistant professor of pediatrics and developmental cognitive neuroscientist at Packard Children’s Dr. Katherine Travis, Ph.D., together understand the importance spoken language has on premature babies. Through their research, Scala and Travis have found a connection between listening to parents’ voices and better short-term health outcomes for babies in the NICU.

When it comes to talking or reading to preterm infants Scala said, in a press release, “We hypothesize that it’s very important for brain development for these babies.” With this in mind, the hospital staged its third NICU reading event.

This year’s book is the ever-iconic Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, in both English and Spanish. The parents were given the book and information on the importance of reading and language exposure from infancy on.

Of the event, Scala said, “For some families, this is a way they can really engage with their kids, and it’s sort of beautiful to see parents doing it during this event.” She went on to add, “It’s important to remember that the work we’re doing is truly meant to foster a normal parent-infant interaction and solidify a bond that is core to the care we provide to families in our NICU.”

—Erica Loop

Photos: Courtesy of Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford 



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I get it. As parents, talking to our children about what to do in the event of an earthquake isn’t high on the list as far as fun conversations go. But it’s one that’s been especially relevant in recent months, considering the high number of earthquakes that occurred in Southern California earlier this summer. I’ve spoken with dozens and dozens of parents who are in the process of formulating their family’s emergency plans with their LadyBugOut bags, and the same concern keeps surfacing: “I want my child to be prepared, but I don’t want to scare them.”

If that sounds like you, here’s the good news: While your conversation about earthquakes with your child needs to be truthful and straightforward, that doesn’t mean the conversation is automatically going to be terrifying. The calmer and more prepared you are to have this conversation, the more that sense of calm and confidence will be transmitted to your child.

Here are four central talking points you can use as a jumping-off point when it is time to talk to your child about what to do in the event of an earthquake:

1. Drop, cover, and hold on. According to the Earthquake Country Alliance official rescue teams from around the globe, as well as emergency managers, researchers, and school safety advocates, all agree that “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” is the appropriate action to remain safe during earthquakes. Dropping to hands and knees will help your child remain stable. If there are tables or desks nearby, tell them to crawl beneath one and hold on to the legs. If there is not such a structure nearby, instruct them to hold onto their neck with both arms and hands and stay away from windows and doorways. Practice makes perfect, and this is a good opportunity to turn it into a little “drop, cover, and hold on” game!

2. If an earthquake happens at night, stay in bed. Tell them to roll onto their stomachs and cover the back of their necks and heads with their hands (similar to the “cover” situation in “drop, cover, and hold on”) while they wait for you to come to get them.

3. If an earthquake happens and they’re outside, find an open space. Instruct them to stay away from buildings, streetlights, powerlines, trees, or anything tall that could fall over.

4. Always have a pair of shoes nearby. Earthquakes create debris and can disrupt the surfaces we normally walk on. One of the most common injuries during an earthquake is cut feet; ask your child to tie a pair of shoes to their bed or store a special pair underneath it, and periodically check in with them to make sure they know exactly where their shoes are.

One last thing to keep in mind: Every conversation you have with your child about emergency preparedness is part of the bigger aim of helping them develop that all-important attribute: Resilience. Cultivating resilience is a win-win, because not only will it help your child to better cope in any emergency situation they may face, but they’ll also be better equipped to handle the smaller challenges and disappointments that are much more common in our everyday lives.

As both a medical officer in the Air Force Reserve and a biotech strategist, Linda has combined her military and civilian career experience to found LadyBugOut. Linda has deep expertise in disaster preparedness, and believes that communities become more resilient when individuals take responsibility for preparing their families. 

Four kids are a lot for any parent—even if you’re celeb mama Kim Kardashian West. The reality star/makeup maven/entrepreneur recently opened up about her plans to have, or not have, more children.

When a fan asked Kardashian West, who is mom to North, Saint, Chicago and Psalm, if she wants to expand her brood, she got real about how much time parenting four littles takes. Even though she has more help than most of us mamas, caring for her children, ages three-months to six-years, isn’t easy.

Kardashian West wrote, in an Instagram Story Q&A, “I LOVE my babies so much but 4 is all I can handle with how busy I am, and each one of my babies needs so much attention.”

This isn’t the first time Kardashian West has spoken about maxxing out at four children. In a 2018 interview with Elle magazine, she said, “I don’t think I could handle more than that. My time is spread really thin. And I think it’s important that in all couples, the mom gives the husband as much attention as the kids.”

—Erica Loop

Featured photo: Kim Kardashian West via Instagram 




Katherine Heigl’s Perfectly Cheesy Back-to-School Cheer Is Peak Mom Goals

Celeb Dad Alex Rodriguez Has a Fake IG Account & Here’s Why

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Parenting––it keeps us on our toes. Whether it’s avoiding piles of LEGO bricks or racing back and forth for a 10-part bedtime routine, every day is a new and hilarious adventure! Keep reading to see our roundup of Twitter moms and dads owning the parenting game this week.


1. Guilty.

2. No, no. you cannot.


4. Making the best of it:

5. Sooooo, it’s going quite well.

6. Totally using this later today.

7. Truer words have never been spoken.

8. But they’re cute mason jars.

9. And that’s kinda the same thing.

10. So… something to look forward to, then?

––Karly Wood



Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week: Apr. 26, 2019

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Pregnancy isn’t always a perfect time filled with rainbows, butterflies and a dewy glow—even if you’re a superstar celeb. In her new Netflix documentary Homecoming, Beyoncé reveals just how challenging becoming a new working mom was for her.

This isn’t exactly the first time the mama to three has spoken out about her most recent pregnancy. Last September Beyoncé opened up in Vogue, writing about her pregnancy weight gain, a scary bout with toxemia and her emergency C-section.

The mega-celeb went deeper into her problem-packed pregnancy in her Homecoming doc, saying, “In the womb, one of my babies’ hearts paused a few times, so I had to get an emergency C-section.” Following the emergency surgery both babies, Sir and Rumi, were admitted to the NICU. As we now know, the twins were able to go home with mom Beyoncé and dad Jay-Z weeks later.

And don’t think just because she has an entire team backing her up that this mama had it easy when she went back to work. Just like the rest of us working moms, Beyoncé struggled as she transitioned back to her day job. The performer-mama opened up about returning to work (her 2018 Coachella performance) in her doc, saying, “It’s my first time back home on the stage after giving birth. I’m creating my own homecoming, and it’s hard … There were days that I thought I’d never be the same. I’d never be the same physically; my strength and endurance would never be the same.”

Beyoncé also admitted, “My mind wanted to be with my children. What people don’t see is the sacrifice.” Yep, we totally get you Beyoncé!

—Erica Loop

Featured photo: Beyonce via Instagram



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Digital assistant devices, like Amazon’s Echo, can be a useful household tool when all you have to do is command it with your voice, but is Alexa listening to everything you say?

A recent Bloomberg report revealed that Amazon employees listen to voice recordings captured by the Echo speaker in order to calibrate and improve Alexa’s programming. The news of course raised privacy concerns for customers who would prefer not to have their conversations recorded.

photo: Courtesy of Amazon

The truth is, however, as an Amazon spokesperson explained to TODAY, that the Echo only records world spoken when Alexa is issued a verbal command. In other words, unless you use your wake word, like “Alexa” or “Echo” the Echo will not record or send any audio or data to the cloud. Only a small amount of recorded data is actually reviewed by employees and there is never any information linking the recording the identity of the customers, an Amazon spokesperson explained to Bloomberg.

“Privacy and security are first and foremost super important to us,” Amazon vice president of Alexa experience Toni Reid told NBC News in November. “We take it very seriously. We design it into our products from the beginning.”

If the idea of being recorded regardless makes you uncomfortable, there is an easy fix to disable the function. Simply follow these steps:

  • Open the Alexa app on your phone.
  • Tap the menu button on the top left of the screen.
  • Select “Alexa Account.”
  • Choose “Alexa Privacy.”
  • Select “Manage how your data improves Alexa.”
  • Turn off the button next to “Help Develop New Features.”
  • Turn off the button next to your name under “Use Messages to Improve Transcriptions.”

—Shahrzad Warkentin



Amazon’s Cashless Stores Won’t Be Cashless After All

Help the Environment with This Awesome Amazon Hack—& Make a Little Cash, Too

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When Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge opens at both Disneyland and Walt Disney World later this year, both parks are sure to see a record number of visitors. Despite the fact that the crowds will be big, there will be no Fastpasses for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge—at least not right away.

As Travel + Leisure reports, when Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge opens, first in Disneyland and later in Disney World, neither park will be providing the option of using a Fastpass or MAXPASS on the Millennium Falcon: Smuggler’s Run attraction, which will be the first of land’s two rides to open. Though both parks will integrate the Fastpass system eventually, that leaves a lot of waiting time for fans eager to be the first to pilot the Millennium Falcon.

photo: Disney Parks

Luckily the Disney Parks app will have plenty of new Star Wars content to keep you entertained while you wait. According to WDW News, the Play Disney Parks app will transform for the new land, taking on an interface that fits seamlessly into the fully-immersive experience Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge promises to be.

Visitors can use the app to hack into the land’s many devices, control panels and droids, listen to communications sent by the planet’s residents, translate galactic languages, both written and spoken, and scan objects all around the spaceport to find precious cargo and digital goods.

—Shahrzad Warkentin



Here’s When Disney Parks’ Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Is Officially Opening

The New Star Wars-Themed Foods Coming to Disney Parks Are Out of This World

Disney Just Dropped Major News about Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge & We’re So Psyched

After a long journey, Gabrielle Union is finally a mom. The actress welcomed a daughter on Nov. 7 with her husband Dwayne Wade. Her birth announcement is so moving, especially given her fraught journey to parenthood.

Union has spoken openly about her fertility struggles. The new mom, now 46, suffered multiple miscarriages on her road to becoming a mommy. While appearing on Dr. Oz, she revealed that she’s had eight or nine miscarriages, but has “lost track” of the total number.

The rocky road to parenting didn’t end there. In her book We’re Going to Need More Wine: Stories That Are Funny, Complicated, and True, the actress candidly wrote about the miscarriages as well as her failed IVF attempts.

The now-new mama told People in 2017, “For so many women, and not just women in the spotlight, people feel very entitled to know, ‘Do you want kids?'” She went on to add, “A lot of people, especially people that have fertility issues, just say ‘no’ because that’s a lot easier than being honest about whatever is actually going on. People mean so well, but they have no idea the harm or frustration it can cause.”

After more than their fair share of disappointments Union and Wade tried surrogacy—and clearly it was a success! In her sweet IG announcement Union writes, “We are sleepless and delirious but so excited to share that our miracle baby arrived last night via surrogate and 11/7 will forever be etched in our hearts as the most loveliest of all the lovely days.”

Aww. Congrats to the new parents!

—Erica Loop

Featured Photo: Gabrielle Union via Instagram 



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When you think “motivational speaker” it’s not likely that you’ll picture a preschooler. But when a four-year-old’s motivational speech about reading goes viral, everybody listens. Seriously.

Master Caleb Stewart is one smart kiddo. He may only be 4, but he’s definitely wise well beyond his years. The internet-famous little boy and his Brilliant Little Leaders Facebook page are showing the world that anyone—even a preschooler—can make a difference.

So where has this mini motivational speaker spoken? Well Master Caleb has shared his message on the importance of reading with middle school teachers, Head Start pre-K teachers and many more.

If you haven’t seen Master Caleb or his sister Queen Olivia, you don’t have to score a seat at a teachers’ in-service day. The Brilliant Little Leaders YouTube channel has plenty of major motivation. In one clip, Master Caleb asks, “What motivates you to succeed?” He then answers the question (for himself) saying, “I read! That’s my superpower. Try it. Read a good book today and you can see.”

He continues with, “Open doors to new possibilities. Read a good book today and you can be anything you want to be.” before the video ends, Master Caleb also tells his viewers, “Because reading turns dreams into realities.” Now that’s some sage advice that we can all take—from a preschooler!

—Erica Loop

Featured Photo: mentatdgt via Pexels



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