Pregnancy comes with its highs (tiny little kicks, that first ultrasound image, growing an awesome human) and its lows (swollen feet, backaches, stretch marks). One thing every pregnant woman needs through it all is support—and not just the kind you get from a mom group. We’re talking gentle, targeted compression garments that help alleviate all of those aches and pains and speed up postpartum recovery: Motif Medical’s Maternity Compression Garments.

Made with moms in mind, these maternity compression garments are are FDA-listed and designed by healthcare professionals to provide comfortable and gentle compression where you need it most. Plus, Motif uses soft, breathable and supportive fabrics that are undetectable under your clothes.  Best of all, moms may qualify to receive theirs through insurance. Here are a few of the ways Motif supports mom during pregnancy and after delivery.

Whatever stage of pregnancy you’re in, Motif is ready to lend some support. See if you qualify to get Motif’s Maternity Compression Garments through insurance!

Motif Medical’s Pregnancy Support Band

Recommended from 3-9 months.

Stay active, comfortable, and supported! The Pregnancy Support Band works by lifting, supporting, and redistributing the weight of the baby. These adjustments relieve pregnancy-related pressure from the lower back, abdomen, hips and pelvis to reduce the aches and pains associated with body changes during pregnancy. The easy-to-use band is adjustable and also improves posture!

Motif Medical’s Compression Socks 

Recommended from 3-9 months.

Stay comfortable on your feet for longer periods of time and prevent swelling, circulation issues and varicose veins with Compression Socks. These socks provide increased blood flow through your ankles and legs to support your cardiovascular system with a controlled and gradual amount of pressure. Motif’s ultra-stretch fabric makes them easy to put on and stay in place with all-day comfort. And the cute designs guarantee these will not look or feel like your great auntie’s compression socks!

Motif Medical’s Recovery Support Garments 

Recommended for postpartum: (Natural & C-Section)

Motif Medical offers two options in their Recovery Support Garment: a Natural Birth Recovery Garment and a C-Section (and Natural) Birth Recovery Garment.

Once baby arrives, you’ve got enough to worry about. Heal and recover quicker after birth by stabilizing joints with Recovery Support Garments. These support garments reduce postpartum swelling, bleeding, aches and pains, while increasing mobility. Thanks to its tightening and toning, the garments also help shape and firm your belly, hips, waist, pelvis and lower back.

The C-Section Birth Recovery Garment also has a side zipper for easy, gentle wear, helping avoid irritation of the c-section incision.

Both garments are cleared and approved by the FDA for the treatment and prevention of postpartum-related issues and discomfort. 

Whatever stage of pregnancy you’re in, Motif is ready to lend some support. See if you qualify to get Motif’s Maternity Compression Garments through insurance!


It’s here! The third trimester of my second pregnancy has arrived. I am so grateful my baby boy is healthy and growing like a weed. In a short twelvish weeks, I will get to meet him for the first time and kiss his fat little adorable face. In the meantime, I am enjoying feeling him kick and move around in my ever-growing belly. And with a growing belly comes a growing me, an everything growing me.

It’s so weird, but it’s like someone flipped a switch on the first day of the third trimester. I feel more pregnant, more tired, more moody, more hungry and more ready than ever to meet my tiny little human. With that said, I have had some major third-trimester failures. I thought I would share. They may make your life a little easier one day.

Don’t cry because you grew cankles overnight. I woke up this morning and realized that my legs resembled stumps with feet on the end. I put on a knee-length dress with flats and made the mistake of looking in a full-length mirror. Nothing makes you feel less attractive than not being able to tell where your calf stops and your ankle starts. I miss you, ankles, come back soon. Please.

Don’t examine your stretch marks and cry again. Stretch marks happen. There is no secret cream that keeps them away. I didn’t get them until 36 weeks with my first pregnancy. This time, they were out in full force from the beginning. They will fade with time, and until then, I will wear them with pride. Those stretch marks came from growing a tiny human, and that’s pretty freaking awesome.

Don’t sweat the small stuff. When I found out I was pregnant, my husband and I decided that we should get our kitchen remodel done before the baby arrived. Well, it has gotten pushed back a few times and won’t start until May 1st. I am due mid-July. Fingers crossed that I don’t have construction workers welcoming me home from the hospital. Remodels never take longer than expected, right?

Don’t feel bad for forgetting things. Baby brain is real. They did a scientific study showing it exists! I am normally on top of my game when it comes to remembering things and multitasking like a freaking champ. But the last seven months have been crazy hard. I forget things, don’t remember what I am supposed to be doing in the middle of a task and lose concentration easily. I have been really hard on myself, but you know what, this too will pass. I am just hoping I don’t drive away with Henry’s favorite blankie on the back of the car again.

Don’t feel guilty for napping. Growing a human is hard work, people. You deserve a nap! Or ten!

Always have snacks available. Hangry has taken on a new meaning the last couple weeks. Throw some granola bars and a cheeseburger in your purse in case of emergency. Along with a bottle of Tums. You never know how long a meeting may last. Better safe than sorry.

Make sure your toddler is ready for the new babyHahahaha! This could be a real disaster. I had an amazing plan that I would have my two-year-old potty trained by the time baby #2 comes. Except that he shows zero interest in using the potty. Having two kids in diapers isn’t that expensive, right? This is me praying for a potty-training miracle.

Don’t feel bummed when none of your clothes fit. Even my maternity clothes are starting to feel too tight. I went through my entire wardrobe the other morning and could not find a single top that fit over my large belly. Then I had a genius idea. I wore what used to be a knee-length dress as a top. I even got a compliment saying it was a cute outfit. I did wear a cardigan over the top/dress because it was a little tight here and there, but in the words of Tim Gunn, I made it work. I will be winning no fashion awards in the next couple of months and plan to wear only black maxi dresses that hide my cankles.

Don’t weigh yourself! You have to see it every time you go to the doctor. Don’t make it even worse by weighing yourself at home. It’s going to go up. A lot. That’s just the way it is. Enjoy your tacos and give yourself a break.

Don’t try to wear cute heels, even if just for a short amount of time. I tried it. I was miserable. I ended up walking around barefoot after about twenty minutes. I don’t care if you think heels make your cankles look less cankle-ish. You will hate your life.

The third trimester is tough. Don’t beat yourself up over things that are out of your control. This too shall pass and life will be back to (maybe) normal soon!

Until next time, Jamie

This post originally appeared on Hashtag MomFail by Jamie Johnson.

I am a full time working mom with two little boys, Henry and Simon. I write about real life and real life gets messy. Contributor for Motherly, HuffPost Parents, Scary Mommy, Today Parents, Love What Matters and Her View From Home. 

Dear Confessional,

I’m sorry, but life is not “like a box of chocolates,” because if it were, then each bite would be sweet and probably not last more than 10 minutes in my hands (especially if they were filled with caramel). Life, perhaps, is more accurately depicted as that Jelly Belly BeanBoozledⓇ game where you have to spin the dial and manage through your pick—barf, juicy pear, spoiled milk, lime, rotten egg, coconut, etc. Not every experience in life is “strawberry” and “peach.” Some days are just plain “spoiled milk” and “moldy cheese.”

Yes, every day is truly a gift, on both the good days and the ones that feel like a “booger” pick. Whether you spin the dial and life lends you a sweet or foul hand, each moment is a small part of your vast journey in experiencing, feeling, learning, growing, and then back again. Reflecting back on my likely relatable lessons learned in each stage of life, I have received both the tasty and foul jelly beans, too. That is why I feel the need to share this account of my personal rainbow of flavors that I have tasted in each stage of life.

“Coconut” childhood Always trust your instincts and speak up when you need to, right away. Don’t ever feel less than anyone. You are important, smart, and worthy. When you start writing and publishing your first works of poetry, let nothing stop you. You are boundless with possibility if you truly want it. When school work starts to get you down, find a different way to study and learn. Your will to succeed and effort are far more important than the score. Do your best always, and that will be good enough.

“Barf” note to self: When you don’t like your dinner, don’t think you can fool your parents by hiding your bites in a napkin or pushing the food into really small but very tall piles. They always know!

“Tutti-Frutti” teenage years Even when your body doesn’t change as quickly as your friends’, it will happen. Stop rushing it and give it time. Let your full personality bloom to others. Don’t measure yourself so much by school scores and exam results. True success comes from your determination and passion to succeed in what you love—not from a number.

“Stinky Socks” note to self: Please stop picking any zits. Your skin is beautiful and will self-heal—so hands-off—and take out any stress through your writing, not on yourself. When you look back at this time later, you will really appreciate your flawless skin.

“Chocolate Pudding” college life Love yourself more and criticize less. Stop wearing makeup, you don’t need to hide behind a layer of foundation. Wear that bikini with pride—no stretch marks, cellulite, stretched-out skin, or wrinkles yet—and stop worrying about that thigh gap! Your financial struggle will bring out the greatest work ethic and inner strength that you will carry always. You will find a way to pay for school, a car, living expenses, and manage to save a bundle, all while taking a full load of classes and two internships. This work ethic is more valuable than the schooling itself, so stop worrying about the scores and keep pushing on.

“Rotten Egg” note to self: After you discover $5 pizzas, freshman year, and your dream guy asks you on a date, DO NOT squeeze into those black corduroy pants! You will regret bending down. Buttons will pop and tearing sounds will haunt you. He’ll still marry you, though, shameless appetite and all.

“Caramel Corn” career Follow your dreams and don’t settle. Even if you don’t get the job you were hoping right away, don’t stop until you do what you love. The money will come when you don’t give up—work hard and plan your dream into reality. You are worthy, so don’t ever let any manager speak down to you, ever!

“Dead Fish” note to self: You don’t make a good first impression by going cross-eyed and bobble-head sleeping during your first Board of Directors meeting. Your boss WILL take a picture. Get more sleep!

“Strawberry Banana Smoothie” marriage Don’t worry about everything being perfect on your wedding day because the unexpected will undoubtedly happen. Enjoy every second of your special day, soak it all in, and wear flats instead of those fancy high heels. Marriage is incredible and also takes work. Be honest and respectful always. Never go to bed angry. Stop being so stubborn, and admit when you’re a pain and apologize. Don’t forget to keep it hot—less flannel pyjamas and more slinky things, even on “fat” days. He always thinks your sexy, so stop worrying about that post-broccoli bloatation.

“Baby Wipes” note to self: When tensions rise, feed him or let him nap immediately! The hungry and tired combo is lethal.

Peach” pregnancy Being pregnant is awkward, uncomfortable, tiring, nauseating, and also such an incredible and miraculous blessing. Enjoy every second, because when you’re truly done having kids, you’ll know it—and then you’ll feel old. After each baby, don’t self-shame over your awkward figure for a while. Your body will need time to heal and your emotions time to settle before you get the proper portion and over-carbing issue in check. Give yourself a full year to get back into your pre-preggo body. When it’s time to have each baby, don’t be stubborn—listen to your body and your instincts. Sometimes, your intuition is far greater than a nurse’s or doctor’s assumption.

“Toothpaste” note to self: You don’t need to eat the entire cake, the scale doesn’t lie.

“Berry Blue” mom Being a first time mom is hard. You will be so tired. You will have a hard time asking for help. Sleep more and recharge. You are NOT a machine. Don’t over-sanitize everything—pass around the baby more. Stop micro-managing and let others find their own way. Opinions are just that, opinions—take them or leave them. Don’t use pantry-prowling and shovelling food in your face as an excuse for a break. Remember that when your child melts down, don’t crumble with her. Be the calm in her storm. Be the confident and compassionate one until the dark clouds clear. It is the only way. When the kids argue, let them. Don’t always try and fix everything, it is not your battle. Give them the tools to repair, heal, and step away. Learn from them, as they have so much to teach you.

“Skunk Spray” note to self: Enjoy bringing your baby to the supermarket because when they’re all in school, you won’t have anyone to blame when you pass gas. 

“Lime” back to ME time Having a free moment once all kids are in school will feel strange and will take some time before you stop looking over your shoulder or automatically opening all of the car doors every time you get in or out of the minivan. Take the time to find yourself again. Pursue your true dreams in the few hours you have—you will be surprised by how fast it happens. Wear your body like a badge of honor—you did create four miracles with it. You are not perfect and don’t need to pretend to be. Be real. Be honest. Be selfless and kind, and teach your children the same. They are always watching. Don’t live with guilt or regret. Do what you love and show others how much you appreciate and love them. “You are your own perfect imperfection.”

“Booger” note to self: Really try and get more sleep because your wide-gapped mouth will appear both frightening and morbid when you fall asleep in the passenger seat or airplane. Even though it’s the law of gravity, people WILL stare, take pictures, point, and laugh.

Enjoy the journey and keep learning. Even in the moments that may taste like “canned dog food” or “lawn clippings,” you never know what you’re going to get.

Take every moment with patience, open-mindedness, and willingness to understand—and always remember to laugh, hug, and find thankfulness in any situation.

Remember, it’s not about the flavor of the bean that your dealt with, but rather the experience, the laughter, and the company that makes it all worth while during the game.

With Love,


Photo: Ruthi Davis Photography

Ruthi Davis is a the Founder of Ruth Davis Consulting LLC with over two decades of success in advertising/marketing, media/publicity, business development, client relations, and organizational optimization for a variety of clients. Ruthi is a proud mom and influencer in the parenting and family market as founder of the Superfly Supermom brand.

Pregnancy can be a joyful time, one of excitement and anticipation as we prepare to welcome our own little miracles into the world. But pregnancy is also a challenging time of sleep loss, strange eating habits, sometimes embarrassing bodily functions, and roller-coaster emotions. Sometimes the very last thing pregnant ladies want to hear is exactly what friends, family and strangers at the grocery store choose to say to us. To make things a little easier, here are a few phrases to avoid—and one phrase guaranteed to make a pregnant woman’s day better.

photo: Xavier Mouton Photographie on Unsplash 

1. You look like you’re about ready to pop!
This expression isn’t only rude, but it’s kind of gross to think about. With the abundance of new stretch marks, the climbing numbers on the scale, and our desire (and right!) to eat whatever we want, the idea that a pregnant lady could pop doesn’t always seem too far-fetched. There are some days we already feel like we actually might pop, so if you could just hold that thought inside your head forever and not vocalize it, that would be great.

2. Are you carrying twins/triplets/a whole litter/some other clever something that indicates we are bigger than we are? (AKA Are you sure there’s only one in there?)
We get it, okay? We are bigger than we normally are, and clever you, you’ve noticed! And you’ve decided to comment on it. Thank you so much for your opinion and for feeling the freedom to voice it so openly. But there’s something you should know: We know we’re getting bigger and you have two choices. Choice one: Lie to us. “Wow, you’re already in your eighth month? I would never have guessed anything past month three!” or “My goodness! You’ve only got this tiny bump in the front and you haven’t gained an inch anywhere else!” We know you’re lying, but it’s the kind of feel-good-fib that we need you to pull from your pocket during this time of rapid weight gain. Or choice two: Say absolutely nothing at all. (Always a very safe bet.)

3. You look so tired.
So do you, but we didn’t feel like we had to say that to you, did we? Sorry, didn’t mean to snap. We haven’t slept in several weeks. Yes, we’re tired. The body pillow stopped working long ago in its quest to deliver comfort, and the ache in our backs that the heating pad simply cannot soothe kept us up for hours last night. And then we were up from 2-4 worrying if we had ordered the right car seat, if we did or didn’t believe in epidurals during delivery, if we had remembered to cover that last plug in the bathroom, and if we should have bought stock in Amazon before this month, when it seemed like a Prime package was arriving every day. Then, we had to get up and pee (again), then back to bed for more worrying before finally dragging ourselves to the shower to start our day. Then we had to go to work, or the gym, or our mother-in-law’s house, or a luncheon, or something that required effort and energy, and, most often, a smile on our faces. So yes, we look tired. Because we are very, very tired.

photo: Dave Cobb via Unsplash

4. Anything at all about breastfeeding.
Unless you’re our significant other, obstetrician, doula or lactation consultant, it’s none of your business. So don’t ask unless we bring it up first. Breastfeeding is a natural thing and it’s proven to be one of the most important things for baby, but some women struggle with it. And we don’t have to discuss it with you. And don’t ask us about it when the baby gets here either. Just let us do (or not do) our thing.

5. I bet you want to order pickles and ice cream.
Chances are, probably not. Just because it’s a stereotype doesn’t mean it applies to us. And our hormones are pretty raging right now, so a comment like that (meant in jest and good nature) might just be the thing that pushes us over the edge. We don’t know why; it’s just annoying. So don’t say it. If you think we actually want pickles and ice cream, then go get us some. Along with a box of Apple Jacks, a mango, and some fresh flowers. (Because we’re pregnant and we deserve to be brought flowers.)

6. What’s your birth plan?
Again, not your business unless you’re one of the aforementioned people. Pretty much, unless you’re going to be in the room, assume that information is off-limits to you unless we offer it up ourselves. We might be getting an epidural or we might be going au naturel. We might be waiting around for a week for a little person to finally decide to make an entrance, or we might be inducing (we’re busy, okay?). Whatever our plan is, it’s our business and none of yours.

photo: Jessie Holloway

7. You must be excited about being a stay-at-home-mom.
Again with the assumptions! Some women want to stay at home with their little ones for as long as they can; some have to go back to work; and some are excited to go back to work. Some women work from home and juggle both. Here’s all you need to know: It’s not 1950 anymore and a woman has the right to decide her next steps after baby arrives. And whatever she decides is a good decision, because it’s hers.

8. (After asking if it’s a boy or a girl) Are you going to try again for a girl/boy?
Why is it that some people are never satisfied? And can we please just finish growing this baby before we start talking about another one? You never know what we have gone through to be carrying this one, and maybe we would like to take some time to be able to be truly grateful for our currently growing little one. And what’s more, we may be completely satisfied with the boy or girl we are carrying, and we don’t have any intention of having another. Or maybe our hearts did fall a little when we cut into that gender-revealing cake and saw pink when we were hoping to see blue. Most likely, we’re just fine with whatever is coming our way, but with the swollen feet, pounding headache and weird body functions we’re currently experiencing, the last thing we want to think about right now is doing it all over again! Whatever it is that’s going on in our heads, it’s best to leave that subject alone.

photo: Herney via Pixabay

Stumped on what you should say to pregnant woman? There’s one thing that will always land right and keep your foot as far away from your mouth as humanly possible: “You’re doing a great job.”
It’s not easy to create a life (at least not for the mother), and carrying a baby gets harder and harder the larger we grow. Of course, we’re excited and grateful, but pregnancy is tough, and sometimes all we really need to hear are the words, “You’re doing a great job.” And you know what? Those five words are still going to be some of our favorite words to hear for the next 18 years (and beyond) as we navigate the crazy world of motherhood, so use them often.

Laura Holloway


13 Things Every Mom Wishes She Knew Before Her First Baby

10 Quick, Easy Self-Care Tips for New Moms

Advice to New Moms from Moms Who’ve Been There


Every new mom has been there. Once baby exits your body, your thoughts jump on a roller coaster of emotion, and suddenly you’re along for the ride. One minute, you’re gushing over your baby (“How did I ever live without this child!”), and the next minute you’re questioning your ability to care for this tiny human being and your sanity for taking on the task. As you ride through the ups and downs of the fourth trimester, here are some thoughts guaranteed to cross through your love-full and sleep-deprived mind.

photo: Suzanna Piowaty-Palmer

1. A tiny human being is solely dependent on me for life. Whoa.

2. Leggings are everything. And, coffee is life.

3. Should I check on my sleeping baby? Absolutely. (Repeat process again in five minutes.)

4. Thanks, person 46,308,723, for the unsolicited advice about how to raise my child…but, no thanks. Really, you can stop now.

photo: Christy Blevins Photography

5. During early attempts at swaddling: “I’m never going to nail this human straightjacket thing.” After a few tries: “I should put in an application to Chipotle because my swaddling skills are off the chain.” (Basically, babies equal burritos when swaddled.)

6. If you don’t love my kid’s name, you should have your own kid and name it.

7. I should have invested in diaper stock because my kid could single-handedly fill a landfill. Cloth diapers, here we come!

photo: Haylee Sherwood via Flickr

8. Will this baby ever. stop. crying. Will I? (Related: Normal hormone levels = #goals.)

9. My emotions are completely stable…psyche!

10. My body will never look the same. And that is a-okay. I just birthed a freaking human.

photo: Suzanna Piowaty-Palmer

11. I should sleep while the baby sleeps. But I should also stay awake and stare at him to make sure he’s breathing…and because he is the most precious and perfect human ever.

12. Speaking of sleeping, not sleeping is my superpower.

13. When I say I want to “Netflix ‘n’ chill,” I actually want to watch television. Six weeks is the minimum waiting period, right?

photo: Georgia Ruiz via Flickr

14. Showering once a week is my new self-care routine.

15. Thank you, random stranger, for calling my baby “boy” cute while she was wearing a pink heart onesie. Also, why are all strangers colorblind? 

16. If stretch marks are my battle scars, then spit-up is my war paint.

photo: Haylee Sherwood via Flickr

17. How can one baby have so. many. clothes?

18. Pacifiers are my best friend. 

19. That first baby smile makes every minute of this crazy mamahood thing worth it.

20. My baby is the cutest/best/smartest of all babies ever.

—Suzanna Palmer


Being pregnant can come with lots of limitations but mamas to be can rejoice over the new mom skincare line, by Visha Skincare. All products are sulfate and paraben-free, and completely safe to use during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. It’s perfect for dry and sensitive skin, which pretty much defines nine months of pregnancy (hello huge, stretched-out belly).

The Mommy Skin Care line is brought to us by Memphis-based dermatologist, Purvisha Patel, who developed Visha Skincare to be a toxin-free and cosmeceutical-grade brand. The Mommy Line includes a Mommy Bright Eye Booster, brightener, purifying cleanser and the Bump 2 Baby body balm to combat eczema and stretch marks.

Photo Courtesy Visha Skincare


Visha also offers a Mommy VIP Club so you never have to run out of that must-have eye booster (thank you, sleepless children). By signing up, you guarantee a regular shipment of your skincare products every six weeks, and you also save $15 off the Mommy Line bundle too!

Being a mom often means we put our kids first and neglect ourselves in the process. It’s exciting to see such a great brand putting an emphasis on mamas and taking time for ourselves!

Will you be trying the new Mommy Skincare line? Which product are you most excited about? We’d love to hear in our comments!

––Karly Wood


Pregnancy Skin Care: The Good, The Bad and The Downright Weird

Brandless Is Now Selling Safe Beauty Products and They’re All $3

Target Is Getting Its Very First Exclusive Fragrance Line

When I was expecting our first, I spent so much time online researching the best of the best that I actually popped a blood vessel in my right eye. It was around midnight and I was still deep in the throes of Amazon reviews, checking to see which baby shampoos were made without harmful chemicals.

I looked up from my computer screen for the first time in hours to find a streak of red streaming across my pupil. That should have been my first sign that my quest for All The Answers was going a little too far.

Yet, I still didn’t stop, mainly because I didn’t know how to. I spent so much money on new baby literature and asked all my friends for advice every chance I could. On one hand, it was an incredible time of learning and I soaked it all up like a sponge.

I leaned on my own mama more than ever and she imparted tons of her wisdom to me during those sacred nine months. She taught me how to fold a swaddle blanket, put on a wrap sling as long as the Mississippi River and to stock up on vapor rub because even if my babies can’t use it yet, it could do wonders for my stretch marks.

By the time my daughter arrived that summer, I should have been well-versed in her care. After all, my husband and I had attended a week’s worth of “Baby 101” classes at our hospital. We’d taken an infant CPR course, had a stack of books on our bedside tables and had perfected our baby registry, expertly curated thanks to the 1.5 million mommy bloggers whose pages I stalked to find the top gear.

Yet, when that baby arrived and they placed her in my arms, everything I thought I knew flew out the window. You know back in the day when you were in school and you’d cram so hard for a test? Then, you’d arrive with your #2 pencils sharpened and your calculator out and suddenly as the papers are passed around you’d go absolutely blank? It was just like that, but on a much more significant scale.

Call it nerves or shock or maybe a little of both, but I just looked at that squishy pile of perfection on my chest and wondered, “How on Earth is this mine?” How in the world was I going to be responsible for this tiny, gorgeous munchkin? I felt inadequate and frankly very overwhelmed. It wasn’t until we got home from the hospital, when all those first-week meals were finished and my husband went back to work, that I truly got the chance to find out for myself what this was going to be like.

Suddenly, it was just us. I remember waking up that first morning alone and rolling over to the edge of the bed to check on her in her bassinet. I woke up at 5:00 a.m., a bundle of anxious energy. I checked on her every five minutes until around 8:00, when she finally woke up and her eyes met mine.

Since then, we’ve added another baby to the brood and it really is true that things are different the next time around. I was more relaxed with that pregnancy and didn’t go into the experience nearly as panic-ridden.

We changed the “five-second rule” to the “10-second rule” when he came along and I didn’t think twice when he picked up a big blob of sand and smashed it in his mouth as a 6-month old on the beach. I’m a more relaxed mama and I credit both of my babies for that transformation.

That isn’t to say I have all the answers. I don’t think I’ll ever get there and as time goes on I don’t think I want to. I love this journey of discovery that we go along together every day. There is something different to learn every time we’re together and I think leaning deeply into that is one of the keys of happy parenting.

For instance, we were all hit with the sinus bug pretty hard this winter. Last month, I took both of them to see their incredible pediatrician. They were feverish. I was disheveled, pretty scared and cried at the drop of a hat due to an immense lack of sleep.

“I don’t think I can do this,” I said to him as I passed the first baby off to be examined. “Sure you can,” he replied. “Just look at them. They’re under the weather right now but look at these beautiful kids. You’re doing just fine, mama.”

That’s the message I want to impart to you today. I know you’re stressed, overcommitted and likely pulled in a million different directions. I know you want the best for your family, but you second-guess every day if what you’re doing is going to get you there.

So you read the reviews for hours and you get five different medical opinions. You post questions in closed social media groups hoping that a bunch of strangers can shed light on an issue close to your mama heart. I’ve been there and I’m still there with you.

The good news? Looking for answers doesn’t make you weak. It means your heart is in the right place and when that’s in order, everything has a way of working out. You’re doing just fine mama. Just look at them.

Featured Photo Courtesy: Derek Thompson via Unsplash

Hi, y'all! I'm Courtney. I'm a mama of two, married to my high-school sweetheart and making a life in the little town I grew up in. I'm a writer by trade, but a mama by heart. I love chocolate and I love family. Let's navigate this crazy, messy, blessed journey together! 

Being a mother is a blissful experience, and sometimes daunting! If you are a new inexperienced mother, life becomes thrilling cum challenging.

The good part, these challenges will help you learn a lot at the same time. A new mommy is usually overprotective and goes an extra mile to ensure the best for her kid. Maybe, that is why mothers are always deeply attached with their kids and cannot let anyone throw shade on them.

Are you a new mother? I understand, how you are being up all night and still going through the day, ensuring that your baby sleeps in peace. Worry not, here are some tips to make your motherhood more ecstatic.

Given below are the 7 problems that every new mother faces and some tips of how to cope up with the same.

1) Sleep Deprived

I know I know! You are sleep deprived. You are making sure that your baby sleeps with a smile. But when you try to hit the sack, you suddenly hear baby cries. You need to get up and sing a lullaby to your baby. Sweet enough for the onlookers, this repetitive cycle can be very tiresome and might even take a toll on the mother’s health.

If being a mother is a bliss, then getting solution to the related challenges is a boon. You must seek help. Not sleeping is not possible and might lead to abrupt mood swings. Continuous lack in sleep can also lead to mental and emotional disturbances. You need to make sure to ask for help.

Ask your friend, a family member, or trustworthy neighbour to spend some time with the baby and till then you must sleep. Sleeping in bits and snatches can also make up.

2) Breastfeeding Problems

You are not used to it! You never had a baby and the baby doesn’t know anything either. What to do now? Breastfeeding is one of the most common problems every new mother goes through. Many problems like generation of milk, baby not latching, painful feeding, and others arise. But, you simply cannot stop the process.

In this case, you need to see a latching consultant or should ask an experienced mother for help. You must talk it out and call them when trying to breastfeed the baby. They’ll be able to notice the flaws or the problems and can help you. Take your time in excelling in this and let the experts guide you. Sometimes, you just more time to get used to it.

3) Lack of ‘ME’ Time

After giving birth to a baby, you are going to miss your ‘ME’ time with your friends and family. And, you must get prepared for the same. Do not get scared! You can still have the time of your life with a baby besides you.

Try inviting your friends home. They are your friends, so they should better understand your state. If you want to go out, look for places you can take your baby along. A lot of mothers do this and this doesn’t let your ‘ME’ time go in waste.

Also, ask your husband or a family member to babysit for sometime. There might be lesser occasions than before, but you won’t regret it. Also, you must consider meeting friends who already have kids or are about to. They’ll understand your part and won’t press you down for anything.

4) You Feel Out of Shape!

Stretch marks and the stubborn fat! You do not feel like being in your own skin. You feel like an unknown person altogether. And, watching television and celebrities with the perfect body shape after giving birth to babies adds a lot more to existing breakdown.

But, it is okay! It takes around a year to get back in shape with mild regular workout. Prior to that, you need that extra fat, to be true. You need it to be energetic and keep the baby healthy with all the proper nutrition.

Even a personal trainer and full-time babysitter can’t fetch those luring results instantly, but that doesn’t mean you lose hope and stop try. Do whatever you want even; what if you’re the mother of a toddler? Just keep following the tiny bits and you’ll be there.

P.S. Do not forget the motherly glow that you’ll get on your skin!

5) It Pains

After going through an extensive pain, everything seems uncontrollable. You feel that you won’t be able to get out of the pain and it’ll stay with you forever. After going through c-section, surgeries, vaginal stitches, etc., you barely feel in a good state. That hurts.

However, you’ll be fine. All this is temporary and the pain will go away. In case of extreme discomfort, visiting your gynecologist is recommended. Also, ice packs and medicinal pads are prescribed for initial days; they can bring relief.

6) “Baby Blues”

You are hormonal which making you low every now & then. This feeling is termed as “baby blues”. You’ll feel like being stuck in something that doesn’t seem to end. Progesterone levels will decrease and you will be acquainted with mood swings.

And, all this with lack of sleep will mess up things.

Don’t worry it’s a matter of a couple of weeks. With support of family and friends, you can get through. There are many online & offline communities and forums too that help new moms feel good. Do not worry, you are not alone.

7) Ambiguity About What the Baby Wants

You’ll have to deal with this one, but again, just for sometime. Your kid won’t say thanks to you every time you are cleaning his face or wiping his poop. The baby won’t tell you whether he/she needs food or wants some warmth. Baby will just cry & you’ll have to figure out the reason. This might sound so difficult to you, doesn’t it?

“It gets better,” they say. Yes, It will. You’ll ultimately know what your baby wants for the moment. You get to know some fixed expressions and conditions that help you get through it. After all, you have gave birth to the baby so you’ll eventually get acquainted with his quirks and expressions. That’s why, it is said that mothers know their kids the best.

Your baby will smile when happy and no feeling will be better than that. Trust me! When your baby will smile at you for the first time, you’ll feel that all the hardships have paid off.

Then, the long due acknowledgements won’t matter. As, the connect will finally be there!

Take a Note

New mother? Have a newborn besides you being all cranky and crying every now and then? I hope this helps to make you feel tad bit relaxed.

Do not worry! In some time, you’ll be back to pavilion with the best version of yourself and a blessing in your hand. Don’t bother if your night parties are being missed for changing diapers. Trust me, you’ll find the worth.

Samardeep Sood is an experienced lifest‌yle writer who loves contributing to parenting blogs. The 26 YO blogger studies human psychology and loves sharing views on the same.

I was sitting in my doctor’s office a few weeks ago. My husband and I were there for our annual physicals.

After the nurse checked my vitals, she took a look at me and asked, “Are you working out later?” I could see clearly why she assumed that. I was wearing my typical “mom” uniform – you know the one. I had on my black leggings, oversized and loose workout top and tennis shoes. By the looks of it, I was ready to hit the gym!

The only problem? I had big plans to leave the doctor, head to Bojangle’s and get a Cajun filet biscuit combo, fries and a sweet tea. By then, it would be time to pick up my daughter from preschool and we had planned to meet some other mamas at the museum later on.

So, nope. I had no plans to exercise. Truth be told, I wear leggings now because jeans squeeze my postpartum belly in all the wrong places. That tunic I’m sporting? It covers a multitude of sins, not the least of which are my stretch marks.

My tennis shoes were on because walking around a crowded children’s museum is not only sanity-crushing, but also really hard on my feet. When you’re preparing to spend three hours watching your child stick pieces of sheer fabric in that wind machine contraption, you’ve got to sport the padded insoles.

Of course, I didn’t tell my physician this. I nodded in response to her question and only felt minimally guilty slurping down my tea 30 minutes later.

Then, later that night, I thought about it some more. For a while, I honestly couldn’t remember the last time I’d worked out. Sure, we hold dance parties every afternoon in the living room and truth be told, I’m winded after every single one of those, but really broke a sweat for the sheer purpose of benefiting my body? It had been a hot minute.

I thought about my daughter sleeping upstairs, and the kind of role model I wanted to be for her. I thought about my precious husband, who loves me just the same with a squishy gut and thighs as he did in my high school cheerleading uniform. My people get me, and they adore me no matter what, and I get enormous peace from that.

Still…I couldn’t shake the idea that maybe it was time for a shake-up.

I’d love to introduce a plot twist right here and tell you I’m now a Cross-Fit champion, or training to be on American Ninja Warrior next season. While that might not be true, I did introduce a few key changes into my routine and I believe that for the first time, I’m on track to reclaim a bit of the fitness and focus of my youth.

I didn’t overhaul my life to get here, and I’ve still got leaps of progress to make, but here are some easy-to-implement steps that make it a little easier for me to pick healthy choices.

1. Eating a solid breakfast. I used to skip breakfast almost every day. It’s a nasty habit I picked up when working in the corporate world. I’d wake up just in time to put my hair in curlers, get dressed, and run out the door. I’d make to work at 8:00 on the dot and not a second before, and my routine depended on me not stopping to prepare a meal in the morning.

Yet, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized that maybe my own mama isn’t so crazy after all. Every morning, she prepares a huge feast for her and my dad to split. Forget bacon, eggs, and pancakes. She’s setting out yogurt, frozen blueberries, walnuts, and oatmeal. They take their time and savor everything and it’s just about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

I might not go to that extent, but I’m waking up a little earlier these days to make some quick avocado toast, yogurt, and coffee before the kids get up. An added bonus? Those first few minutes of waking up can be really rough, but you get a glorious little snippet of time all to yourself. Savor those moments when you can snag them, mamas!

2. Finding a workout that fits. I’ve always loved a workout class. I love the social aspect of it, and the camaraderie. I love sweating alongside others and everyone walking out together. So, I joined our local mega gym with high hopes. I could go to yoga on Saturday mornings, and spin class on Mondays! I could mix in a little interval training in-between and then catch the Pilates morning class on Thursdays!

I tried that for a week and barely saw my family. For me personally, I’m far more inclined to work out if I can do it at home. So I read up on home gym equipment. I learned about treadmill benefits and small-scale weight machines. Ultimately, I settled on a small elliptical that sits in our sunroom. I can now catch up on This is Us while getting a little movement in, and it’s truly the best of both worlds.

3. Talking about it. As soon as I made the decision to reclaim my health, I started talking about it to all of my family and close friends. I wasn’t trying to boast or persuade them to join me, but I did want them to hold me accountable. If everyone knew I was working toward a goal, I didn’t want to make progress in the opposite direction. Of course, I was strategic and only told people who’d love me no matter what, but I still wanted their support.

Now? Every time I show up in a blouse that shows my arms off or a fitted pair of leggings, my parents are quick to compliment me. My sister asks me how my workouts are going and my husband has even started going on evening runs because I won’t stop talking about how much better I feel.

4. Stepping away from the mom uniform. Let’s face it. Leggings rock! They’re stretchy in all the right places. They’re undeniably comfortable. They’re also the perfect pants to show off those long, flowy tops we all love! Yet for me, leggings were sticking me in a rut. I didn’t have to worry too much about getting dressed in the morning because I knew I could just grab a pair of leggings from the bottom drawer.

My wardrobe became a rote move I just performed because I had to. To emphasize my workouts, I made it a point to invest in a few great pairs of actual pants that I love. Maybe for you, it’s a really beautiful dress. Either way, I had to find a way to push past the leggings mentality. Am I still rocking them at preschool drop-off? You bet! But they’re not my only option anymore, and that’s strangely empowering.

5. Indulging appropriately. The first week I started really caring about fitness again, I went to the grocery store and bought one of those really big bags of raw veggies. I ate the entire bag on the way home and felt amazing for about 20 minutes. Then, I felt kind of queasy for the next 120.

To stay on track, I pace myself and give myself cheat nights when I’m stressed, or overwhelmed or just really want a slice of deep dish from our local Italian joint. That elliptical sitting one room over is a great reminder that I’ve worked hard to get where I’m at and a few treats here and there won’t throw me off track. I have to have the balance or I’ll go insane and get truly hangry, and nobody wants to be around that.

At the end of the day, it’s all about finding what works for you. While I don’t claim to have all of the answers, I’ve enjoyed learning more about myself – and my circle – through this process. The good news is whether I’m fitting into those goal pants or not, I’m still a mom, a wife, a daughter, and a friend. That’s all the motivation I need to push forward.

Featured Photo Courtesy: skeeze

Hi, y'all! I'm Courtney. I'm a mama of two, married to my high-school sweetheart and making a life in the little town I grew up in. I'm a writer by trade, but a mama by heart. I love chocolate and I love family. Let's navigate this crazy, messy, blessed journey together!