Ah, sleep, one of the first things we come to terms with losing as we begin our journey into parenthood. For many moms-to-be, this often starts well before birth as pregnancy makes plenty of everyday tasks, including sleep, increasingly uncomfortable. Add a pandemic to the mix and you have the perfect recipe for sleepless nights. 

I could have never imagined that I’d be pregnant amid a worldwide health crisis, but here we were equal parts over-the-moon and scared to bits. My husband and I are a pretty tech-savvy (and sleep-loving) pair, so a smart bassinet was something we were interested in early on. It just so happened that in the middle of my pregnancy, Happiest Baby (the company behind SNOO) had been in touch with an offer to try out their SNOO rental program and the rest (pun absolutely intended) is history!

SNOO was created by Dr. Harvey Karp, the renowned pediatrician who authored Happiest Baby on the Block & Happiest Toddler on the Block. In certain circles, he is referred to as “The Baby Whisperer” so we knew that the SNOO was something we wanted to try out.

We put our little bundle in the SNOO starting the first night we were home with her. I will say, seeing her jiggling in there was pretty funny, but before I knew it, she was out like a light. So I’ll go ahead and assume her favorite thing about it is the motion since she’s been quite the mover and shaker since her days in the womb. Here’s what I loved about the experience (for both my child and myself):

The rental aspect. This is a huge win in my opinion. These tiny humans already require so much stuff it’s ironic. For the amount of time they sleep in a bassinet vs how much space a bassinet takes up in your house, being able to use it for however long you need and not have yet another item to store, sell or hand down to someone else seems ideal. It’s one less thing to have to sort out and let’s face it, most people simply don’t have oodles of storage space. Another edge case, given that all babies are different, is if it doesn’t work for your baby it can be sent back early. Most other baby products you’re just going to have to take the L on if your little doesn’t like it or you end up not using it as much as you anticipated. 

The rental includes a mattress, sheet and swaddles that are specifically designed to hook into the SNOO. You’ll likely want to purchase an extra sheet and swaddles because spit (and a host of other messes) happens.

The clip-in swaddles. Anyone who remembers the very beginning of their parenting journey likely recalls checking on their baby approximately a million times per night. Now, this won’t exactly eliminate all of your urges to check on the baby (who can resist stealing a few minutes to watch those sweet little faces sleep?), but it definitely does reduce the urges that are based on safety concerns in our experience. Safe sleep is a top priority for every parent, so the fact that the swaddles clip into the base giving your baby no way to accidentally roll over to an unsafe position that they can’t get out of gave us huge peace of mind. Our child has been extremely wiggly since day one, so this would have been a major concern of mine if not for the SNOO. Plus, in the early days, minimizing that startle reflex is key which is part and parcel of swaddling them. 

The app. We liked that the SNOO app makes it easy to customize the motions & sounds to your child’s preferences as well as give you a visual of your baby’s sleep journey. Each day can be viewed with markers for time the SNOO is on and time the SNOO is on and actively calming the baby. The SNOO is responsive to cries and will cycle through 4 levels of both sound and motion, however, if it is on the top level for 2-3 minutes and the baby is still upset, it will turn off signaling that the baby needs your care. 

I really liked the fact that I could visually see how well the baby had slept, for how long and how long feedings took in the middle of the night before putting her back to bed. It is frankly one less thing you have to be responsible for remembering or recording . . . so you can get back to bed, too!

The bassinet makes a noise similar to in the womb but you just might find that you start relying on the white noise also. In which case, you might be tempted to get our bonus favorite thing for your baby AND yourself…


The BFF: SNOOBear is a wonderful companion product that was introduced last year and is meant to help your baby transition from the SNOO into their crib. We found it especially useful for naps on the go. It plays the sounds your baby is used to from the bassinet so even if they’re not movin’ and groovin’ as they would be in the SNOO, the familiar sounds are comforting and help them drift off. Plus, they’re adorable which is just an added bonus. We’d use ours for impromptu naps while out and about or on walks—it happened to fit perfectly in the compartment below the stroller bassinet so the baby would still be alone (because some rules are definitely not meant to be broken)!

Overall, we’ve had a very positive experience with the SNOO. At about 3 months old, she’s largely sleeping for about 8-hour stretches each night (sometimes more). If she does start fussing sooner than that, we just let the bassinet do its thing and 9 times out of 10, she drifts back off to sleep. It’s made for a happy baby and possibly, even happier new parents. I can say without a doubt that if more babies come along for us, we will be renting a SNOO for them.

To learn more about the rental option, or to purchase a SNOO, head to HappiestBaby.com

—Jen Watro

Special thanks to Happiest Baby for sharing a SNOOBear & loaning us a SNOO bassinet to try out! All opinions expressed here are my own. 

All photos courtesy of Happiest Baby


23 Swaddles & Sleep Sacks for Baby’s Best Sleep

3 Parenting Trends That Are Here to Stay, According to Dr. Harvey Karp

SNOObear Will Soothe Your Baby & Help Transition Them into Their Crib

In my career as an obstetrician, I’ve delivered more than 6,000 babies. Though new mothers are often eager to breastfeed their babies, many struggle with challenges. With mothers sometimes being sent home only 12 hours after giving birth, they often lack the professional guidance that new parents used to receive in hospitals. Here are my essential tips, addressing some of the most common questions about breastfeeding.

I’m struggling with latching. What should I do?

Latching on is important for both mom and baby. Years ago we could keep a mother and newborn in the hospital until any breastfeeding problems were addressed before sending the family home. Today, with shortened hospital stays, mothers and babies are often discharged before latching is established.

It is important to know what must happen in order for a baby to be nourished. Breastfeeding is not like sucking on a straw that barely extends beyond your lips. For breastfeeding to work, about 2.5 cm of nipple and areola must be in the baby’s mouth. That is so it reaches the baby’s soft palate, where normal suction occurs. This helps preserve Mom’s health; the ducts in the areolas get drained, making mastitis and plugged ducts less likely.

To make latching easier, put the baby’s bottom lip at the bottom of your areola and then put your nipple to the baby’s lips. For most mothers, the edge of your areola and the edge of the baby’s lip should be near.

It’s also important to recognize that if you are worried or distressed—if you think you won’t be able to nurse your baby—you will be less likely to be successful. If you have confidence that you can nurse your baby, you will have a better chance at success.

I use a breast pump. How long can I store the milk?

Fresh breast milk can be kept up to four hours at room temperature (77 degrees F), up to four days in the refrigerator (40 degrees F), and up to six to twelve months in the freezer (0 degrees F). Any leftover milk from feeding should be consumed by the baby within two hours or thrown away. Frozen breast milk thawed should be used within one to two hours and stored in the refrigerator for up to one day. Never refreeze pumped breast milk.

How long should I nurse the baby each time I feed them?

The most important thing about nursing is to be flexible. Once established, your options are endless. I had one patient who nursed her child once a day from one breast for three years.

The baby needs to eat enough to gain 5-7 ounces each week. The baby would double its birth weight by six months and triple its birth weight by one year. Contrary to some recommendations that nursed babies only be given the breast, you can breast and bottle feed. It’s important to get help from nurses or lactation consultants in the first three days. Studies show that women who have c-sections have less trouble with babies failing to thrive (not gaining weight), and subsequently being hospitalized. This isn’t much of a mystery if you consider that women who deliver vaginally are sometimes sent home within 12 hours of delivery — with very little time to receive instruction from professionals about getting started breastfeeding. C-section patients will likely be in the hospital longer.

How many times a day should I nurse my baby?

You need to feed your baby often enough so that it gains weight. Be aware that younger infants will eat more often, taking less milk at each feeding. Whenever your baby cries it is a good time to offer the breast. In my experience, 95 percent of crying babies are hungry.

Should I wake my baby up for feeding?

I would recommend against waking your baby for feeding. However, there is one very important exception. If your baby is small and nurses every two to three hours throughout the day and night, your baby is unlikely to go four or five hours without waking up to nurse. In this situation, I would try waking your baby after four or five hours to be sure that they are okay.

Is it safe to take medications while breastfeeding?

This depends upon what medications you are talking about. You may safely take prenatal iron and vitamins, most over-the-counter medications, Tylenol, antibiotics such as erythromycin or gentamicin, and thyroid replacement medications. If you have any questions or doubts about the safety of a medication while breastfeeding, please ask your doctor.

Remember, if you have any questions, there’s no need to feel alone. There are professionals available to help you, so don’t be afraid to reach out for advice.

Feature Image: Filip Mroz via Unsplash 

6 Things I Wish I Had Known about Breastfeeding before Giving Birth
The One Thing I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me about Breastfeeding
When Should You See a Breastfeeding Counselor?



Dr. Alan Lindemann
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

An obstetrician and maternal mortality expert, “Rural Doc” Alan Lindemann, M.D. teaches women and families how to create the outcomes they want for their own health and pregnancy. In nearly 40 years of practice, he has delivered around 6,000 babies and achieved a maternal mortality rate of zero! Visit LindemannMD.com

If you’re in South Lake Union, a trip to MOHAI is always on the day’s docket. With the opening of their newest exhibit Da Vinci—Inventions, it’s the perfect time to plan a day in this walkable community. From exhibit tips to nearby activities and eateries, here are six great reasons to play in SLU soon.

Da Vinci—Inventions at MOHAI

If your kids aren’t fans of da Vinci’s yet, they will be after visiting MOAHI’s newest exhibit that opened just this past weekend. It highlights the ultimate Renaissance man’s many inventions, and features the work of Grande Experience, a group of Italian artisans who brought da Vinci’s drawings to life. They scoured over 6,000 pages of his personal codices, written in mirror-image no less, to get the info they needed. One of the first things you’ll see when you walk through the doors are the codices themselves (try your hand at reading them) and a secret message scrawled in red that looks a bit like abstract art. We bet your kids will figure it out (hint: let’s just say it’s as easy as A-B-C)!

Wandering through the exhibit, kids will marvel at the imaginative ways da Vinci applied his observations of the natural world to problems that needed solving and limitations of the time. Have your kiddos keep an eye out for bird wings, duck feet and other animal elements in his creations. The fantastic displays range from costumes and musical instruments to flying machines and pop-up bridges for foot soldiers (that totally work!). There are even a few intriguing inventions designed to help humans explore underwater that are easily mistaken for space suits and flying saucers. Although much of the exhibit is for eyes only, there’s a row of “touchables” young kids will love. They can test out pulleys and gears that showcase some pretty basic physics concepts that’ll get them thinking.

Save the date: This summer, MOHAI will host two Water Wonders outdoor workshops for families on Saturday, August 28 and September 18, from 2 -3:30 p.m. The workshops will be held on the MOHAI terrace and use da Vinci's inspiration to give kids a chance to explore how we move over, under and through water. Kids will move from station to station making observations, taking on specific challenges and of course, getting wet as they do. Complete them all and you’ll get $5 off your next MOHAI visit.

Good to know: Although the rest of the museum exhibits are open, the Kidstruction Zone on the 3rd floor remains closed for now. Also don’t forget about Free First Thursday at the museum, where everyone gets in for free from 5-8 p.m.

Dates: Jul. 31, 2021-Jan. 3, 2022
Hours: Thurs.-Mon., 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Thurs. in Jul. & Aug., 10 a.m.-8 p.m.
Cost: $22/Adult; Free for kids 14 & under

860 Terry Ave. N.
Seattle, WA
Event details 

Play at Lake Union Park

Just outside MOHAI is Lake Union Park, and in the summertime, it’s a welcome grassy mecca for city kids. Start at the splash pad just outside the Center for Wooden Boats’ Education Center and you may not have to do much more than that to keep your kiddos happy. Just remember finding a shady spot is a challenge so bring plenty of sunscreen and full water bottles to keep everyone content on sunny days. The boat pond is another hot spot for families, and although the Center for Wooden Boats’ pond boat rental program is on hold for now, families can bring their own model boat to try on the pond. Then there’s the secret beach just over the bridge. While everyone else heads to Alki or Golden Gardens, you and the kids can wade in the shallow waters, launch kayaks or SUPs or just watch the sea planes take off from nearby Kenmore Air. It’s not a shady spot, so bring a sun tent if you plan to spend serious time there.

Visit the Center for Wooden Boats

Bring your little sailors to the Center for Wooden Boats to get your fill of wooden boats on display and on the water. Whether you wander through the offerings at the Wagner Education Center or stroll the docks to see what’s being restored or rented, it’s a dry land excursion every boat lover needs to take. Families can rent sailboats of all sizes for a fee when the Center is open, or stick to a free peapod boat rental for simple way to explore Lake Union.

Hours: Weds.-Sun., 11 a.m.-7 p.m.
Cost: Free

1010 Valley St.
Seattle, WA
Online: cwb.org

Ride & Slide

Be sure to bring your scooters, trikes and balance bikes when you visit the new exhibit. Right outside the doors of MOHAI is one of the city’s best bike paths—the Chesihaud Lake Union Loop. Ride it over to the little playground that’s just beyond the Center for Wooden Boats' shelter. It’s another secret spot that lets families find a change of scenery without going far. If you’re up for it, visit the Kraken Team Store in Chandler’s Cove, just beyond the playground—look for the flags. It’s the only place you can grab a Kraken sippy cup that, let’s face it, your baby needs.

Take a Boat Ride or Tour

Kylie Kirkland

Ice Cream Cruise
If you see the exhibit on the weekends, add a sweet cruise around Lake Union before or after your visit. This narrated tour lasts about 45 minutes and includes fun and fascinating stories about our fair city. Sure you’ll see the houseboat from Sleepless in Seattle, but you’ll also find out about the busiest drawbridge in the world, where Boeing was born and how Gas Works Park went from a gas tech plant to a favorite kite flying destination. A variety of sweet ice cream treats are available for purchase once you’re on board, and doggies are welcome.

Hours: Sat., sailings at 11 a.m., noon & 1 p.m. through Aug. 28; Sun., on the hour from 11 a.m.-5 p.m., year round
Cost: $15/adult; $10/kids, 3-12; $4/kids, 2 & under

860 Terry Ave. N.
Seattle, WA
Event details 

Tour the Seattle Fireboat Duwamish
Weekends are also when families can climb aboard the historic fireboat Duwamish for a tour. It’s the second oldest fireboat in the country and you’ll find it docked at the Historic Ships Wharf just behind MOHAI. If you can, plan to visit on Sunday when it’s Family Funday. In addition to the usual tour, kids will find coloring pages, crafts, puzzles and more.

Hours: Sat. & Sun., 11 a.m.-3 p.m., through Sept.
Cost: $5/group, suggested donation
Event details 

Good to know: The historic Virginia V is currently in the shipyard for repairs, but has plans to return to the waters outside MOHAI this fall when tours resume.

Play Mini Golf

If an easy lunch and a round of mini golf sounds like a great way to get out of the sun, head across the street to Flatstick Pub. The pizza is fresh and served up quickly (especially on weekdays) and the Ryan Henry Ward-themed, nine-hole mini golf course in back is irresistible to kids (If we’re honest, the 12-foot Sasquatch is pretty irresistible to parents, too). You don’t need a reservation to play, although you can make one online.

Good to know: Take advantage Pizza Happy Hour, week days from 3-6 p.m. Pizzas are just $10 and you can still get a round of golf in before they go 21-plus. 

Hours: Sun.-Thurs., 11 a.m.-11 p.m.; Fri. & Sat., 11 a.m.-1 a.m.; 21+ after 7 p.m., daily
Cost: $8/person
609 Westlake Ave. N.
Seattle, WA
Online: flatstickpub.com/south-lake-union

—Allison Sutcliffe, story and photos (unless noted)


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Babies are lots of things—precious, sweet, funny, adorable, the list goes on. But one thing they are not? Easy. And that applies whether you’re a first-timer or a seasoned pro at the mom game. The good thing is, you’re not alone in navigating the crazy, messy, amazing journey of being a baby mama. Those who have gone before are always ready to offer their best advice. Here are 25 short-and-sweet parenting tips on everything from sleep and must-have baby gear to self-care.


1. Go slow and spend lots of time at home. It will keep mommy and baby healthy.

2. Have a routine and stick to it.

3. When in doubt, put them on the boob or add water (bath, shower, sprinkler, hydrate).

4. Don't scroll Facebook while you nurse in the middle of the night. It’s harder to get back to sleep, and you’ll miss out on savoring the time with your baby. It really goes by so quickly, although it doesn't feel like when you're nursing several hours a day!

5. Never wake a sleeping baby.

mom and newborn baby

6. Oldest and best advice in the book: Rest when they rest. Housework can wait.

7. Babies get bored, too! A change of scenery, like a walk around the neighborhood, can work wonders on a grumpy baby.

8. Find your village and ask for help. And if someone offers to come help if you need a shower or a nap, or to do the dishes, take them up on it!

9. There is no such thing as holding your baby too much. Embrace the little moments, be present, and enjoy that little person.

10. If the baby is fed, clothed, and loved, you’re doing everything right. There will be a million opinions on your parenting, so be kind to yourself as long as you know you’re doing your best.

11. Be patient with yourself and baby. You are both new at this. It takes time to get into the swing of things.

12. Tomorrow is a new day.

William Fortunato via Pexels

13. Take time for yourself. When your needs are met, you are more centered, patient and compassionate.

14. Don’t spend tons of money on baby clothes right away. There is ALWAYS a mom who is desperate to get rid of all the cute little outfits she sadly never got to use because babies grow out of things so fast.

15. Electric nail file. #gamechanger

16. Onesie pajamas with zippers only…unless, of course, fumbling with snaps when you’re bleary-eyed and half-asleep during middle-of-the-night diaper changes sounds like fun.

17. Try out different baby carriers until you find one that works for you, then baby wear as much as you can. It makes things so much easier.

18. Velcro swaddlessafe and snug.

19. Gripe water!

20. If you have anxiety while baby is sleeping, get an Owlet or other sleep monitor. Your rest is worth it.

Polina Tankilevitch via Pexels

21. Go with your instinctsthe mom gut is always right.

22. It’s said often because it’s so true: The days may seem long, but the years are short.

23. Do what works for your baby, and don't worry about what anyone else says or does. What’s good for one person’s child may not be good for yours.

24. Don’t compare your baby’s milestones to those of other babies.

25. You are all that your baby needs!

Suzanna Logan


Hang in There: 25 Things New Moms Need to Hear

Help Is on the Way: Online Resources for Expectant & New Parents

Now Read This! Top Baby, Pregnancy & Parenting Blogs to Follow Now





In the United States, approximately one-third of all babies are delivered by cesarean section. Many pregnant women have questions about C-section safety and frequency and wonder if they will need to undergo the procedure themselves. Here are some of the most common questions and concerns expectant mothers have about C-sections.

1. What is the rate of C-section births in the United States?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that more than 31% of U.S. deliveries were by C-section in 2018. Alabama, Louisiana, and Florida have the highest C-section rates, while Idaho, Utah, and Nevada have the lowest. C-sections are the most common surgery in the United States.

Few people are aware of this—and many of these C-sections are unnecessary. In fact, the number can be safely reduced to less than 15%, and for those women with low-risk pregnancies, reduced to 11%. When I joined my first practice after residency, the C-section rate in that group was 15%, which I regarded as too high. My C-section rate in my residency had been 10.9%. Working with the clinic staff, we safely reduced the C-section rate to 10% by offering women vaginal birth after cesarean section (VBAC), delivering breech babies vaginally, and using appropriate labor management treatment for dysfunctional labor and fetal distress.

2. Why is the C-section rate so high in the United States?
The rate is high for many reasons, a number of them unfortunate. For example, the use of fetal monitoring during labor and delivery has increased the C-section rate. The intent of the monitoring is to increase the baby’s Apgar score during labor and delivery, but it doesn’t. It just increases the C-section rate. A baby’s heart rate may decelerate after a contraction, and this is considered a sign of distress. This triggers the notion that a C-section is needed because the baby is in distress. The problem is that there is no way to know why the baby is in distress, and hence whether the baby needs to be delivered immediately. Fetal scalp blood samples can be taken, but this delays the C-section if needed.

There is no doubt some C-sections are done to save time. If you know what you’re doing, C-sections take 20-to-30 minutes. Inductions can take hours, as can natural labor. Add to that the fact that insurance companies pay about twice as much for a C-section as for an induced or natural delivery, and it’s easy to see why the procedure is so popular.

3. What are the risks involved with having a C-section?
With a C-section, the two highest risks are infection of the tube that connects the kidney to the bladder, and hemorrhage. Infection occurs in 6 – 11% of C-sections. Bladder or ureter injury is also a high risk with this procedure. These injuries can often be repaired by the surgeon doing the C-section, but the long-term effects of failure to recognize this condition are bothersome.

4. What questions should I ask the obstetrician or surgeon doing my C-section?
The time to ask questions is before the need to have a C-section, during a prenatal visit. Your physician should be able to tell you their C-section rate as well as whether or not they have performed any C-hysterectomies. It’s also important to ask what the hospital’s C-section rate is. Hospitals vary widely in the number of C-sections performed. If you really want to avoid the chance of a C-section for “failure to progress,” choose a physician who regularly delivers babies vaginally, choose to avoid inductions, and check your hospital’s C-section rate.

5. If I’ve had a C-section for a previous birth, will I still be able to have a vaginal birth with a later pregnancy?
In most cases, you may have a vaginal birth after C-section (VBAC) as long as your C-section incision is left to right rather than up and down. When I joined my first practice after residency, I began doing VBACs after one previous C-section. I then offered VBACs after two C-sections, even three C-sections. A nurse practitioner came to see me with four previous C-sections. She knew and understood her options, and wanted to try a VBAC. Her labor and delivery went fine. She delivered her fifth child vaginally with no problems. The patients simply need to be monitored carefully. Checking for uterine rupture is to be expected. In all the VBACs I have done, including with women who’d had multiple C-sections, I have never had a uterine rupture.

Be sure to take these questions and any others you may have to your own obstetric care provider before giving birth with them. It’s important to ensure that you and your doctor are aligned on your goals and wishes for delivery, and it is very wise to advocate for yourself and your baby before delivery.

Dr. Alan Lindemann
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

An obstetrician and maternal mortality expert, “Rural Doc” Alan Lindemann, M.D. teaches women and families how to create the outcomes they want for their own health and pregnancy. In nearly 40 years of practice, he has delivered around 6,000 babies and achieved a maternal mortality rate of zero! Visit LindemannMD.com

baby shopping cart

Becoming a new parent can be exciting, but it can also be terrifying if especially since it’s your first time. You will need to prepare well for the changes that come with parenting, and sometimes it means changing your lifest‌yle to accommodate all the financial needs that come with being a parent.

Parenthood requires a lot of planning, and one thing which should be at the top of your planning list is how to manage your finances to cater to all the needs of your growing family.

One thing that you will see change when you become a parent is how you spend your money. If you don’t plan for this change, you can find yourself in a deep financial crisis. To avoid falling into a financial crisis as a new parent, you will need to reduce and eliminate some expenses to accommodate and afford your new life as a parent.

Here are some tips for new moms and dads that will help them save money for their families.

1. Create or reassess your budget. It is crucial to create a personal budget or a budget for your household, and if you already have one, you should re-evaluate it to accommodate the additional needs. A budget helps you to track your expenditure and know where your money goes, thus making it easier to make decisions about how you spend. You can identify the essential things that really need your spending and cut back on some other things that are not essential.

2. Boost your savings and reduce monthly expenses. After compiling your budget and knowing where to spend and to cut back, you should look for other saving strategies by looking at your monthly expenses.

You should take out non-essential monthly expenses. Do you really need that Spotify subscription? To save money on your electric bill, unplug appliances and turn off the lights when not in use. You can also reduce your monthly electricity bill by cutting back on your reliance on appliances like air conditioning and only using it when necessary.

Look into the little things that you can forego, such as dining out all the time or buying expensive coffee. There is always something that you can do to bring down your expenses so that you can save more money.

3. Look out for discounts or promotions. Never get carried away when shopping for your baby as a new parent. Make a shortlist that will guide you on what you need to buy. Always stick to the essentials and what is really needed when on the shopping floor.

Also, when shopping online, you can save a lot by using promotional vouchers, online coupons, and discounts offered for the various baby and home products.

Make it a habit to always look out for weekly flyers from stores, which are sent through email as they may contain coupons and discounts on multiple items. These days, you can also find online coupons on retail stores’ websites, or you can search for them on the internet.

4. Remember babies don’t need a lot. After budgeting for the baby, the next thing you should do is reduce your spending on unnecessary baby products. Spend on what the baby needs at that time. Don’t rush to buy baby clothes and shawls that the baby might overgrow in a few months. One of the best ways to save on baby clothes is to get from family or friends’ hand-me-downs. When it comes to toys, you can buy just a few to entertain the baby.

5. Cut back on non-essential spending. You can save a lot when you cut down on non-essential spending. One way you can do this is by cutting down the amount you spend on dates and movies. You can also cut them entirely by choosing to stay at home and watching Netflix instead. You can hold off upgrading phones and even TVs to the latest models until you get used to your finances as a new parent.

Parenting can be a challenge for new parents, especially when it comes to finances, but saving money as new parents is not impossible. If you adjust your lifestyle and look for ways to spend less and save more, being new parents won’t be as financially challenging as you thought it would be.


Lauren reed has been writing articles for five years. lauren reed has provided her services independently and through the online employment forums.she writes SEO articles for bussiness. Her articles have appeared in a number of sites including https://www.techtimes.com/,  https://mommysmemorandum.com/https://www.thefashionablehousewife.com/

Her articles are of high quality and focus on balancing information and unique content. 

I learned a lot about baby sleep after my first was born. Lucky for us, he was an amazing sleeper! We got into a great sleep routine very quickly and not long after a girlfriend of mine welcomed a sweet new baby into the world too! Except her baby wasn’t sleeping. She asked me what she could do to help her baby self soothe?

I thought long and hard about all the different tactics we tried. All the ways we had prepared his sleep environment to help him sleep through the night. That’s when I realized, there were three solid steps we took to help your baby self-soothe for better sleep, here’s what they are:

1. We always put our baby to bed drowsy, but awake. This can be confusing, but it’s a crucial step toward allowing your baby the chance to fall asleep independently without any sleep associations tied in. What I mean by sleep association is, for example, let’s say you put your baby to sleep with their pacifier. Eventually, the pacifier falls out. Many babies then wake once their comfort item is taken away from them. Since they need that comfort item to go to sleep, they will struggle to put themselves back to sleep and cry until it’s returned to them. The pacifier is only one example of a sleep association.

Other common examples include:

  • Rocking baby to sleep

  • Feeding baby to sleep 

  • Falling asleep in a baby carrier

It might be challenging at first and don’t worry if your baby doesn’t get the hang of it right away, but give your baby 2-3 minutes to try and put themselves to sleep.

This can be done by feeding the baby their bottle or nursing the baby while they’re awake. Proceed to burp your baby and gently rock until they are calm and look sleepy. Once your baby is calm and quiet, place them down in their sleep spot on their back. 

Quietly walk out of the room and give them time to try and fall asleep.

If your baby doesn’t succeed right away, that’s ok. Simply repeat the process until they do. 

Plus, we can all agree that us sleep-deprived moms need sleep. Feeding baby to sleep or letting them sleep in their carrier while running errands won’t make or break your progress from time to time either.

2. Set up a safe sleeping environment for your baby. The other big thing we did was we made sure our son’s sleep space was 100% safe and calm. This looked like keeping the room completely dark, using a white noise machine to mimic what life was like in the womb, placing him down on his back while sleeping, keeping him in a baby sleep sack, and making sure there were no loose toys or items surrounding him in his crib or sleeping space.

Let’s break these down a little more to understand their benefits.

  • Keeping the room completely dark: The biggest reason for darkening a baby’s room is to help them learn the difference between day and nighttime sleep. As newborns, babies aren’t able to consolidate their sleep routine until they reach that 4-5 month mark. That’s why it’s important when they’re younger to build that healthy foundation to help them start to learn the difference between daylight (getting outside when the sun is out) vs. nighttime (keeping the rooms dark to promote sleep).

  • Using a white noise machine: Using a white noise machine (or turning a bedroom fan on) is nice because it can help drown out outside noises that may startle your baby awake and it can help mimic those slushing and swashing sounds they heard in utero.

  • Placing your baby down on back: You’ve seen the term “back is best”. Prior to learning how to roll, if you place baby on their stomachs and they end up getting short of breath or shoving their face into their mattress, they have a significantly higher risk of suffocating because they aren’t strong enough to move themselves out of that position.

  • Using a sleep sack or swaddle: Using a swaddle or sleep sack can simply help your baby feel warm and secure. Imagine that snug little amniotic sac they’ve been living in for so long and now it’s just gone. It may be a trick to find the right one for your baby, but when you do, it’ll be glorious!

  • Removing toys and loose objects in their sleep area: Because young babies aren’t strong enough to move themself out of harm’s way, it’s always best to eliminate any risk of choking or suffocation.

3. Pay attention to baby’s sleepy cues and start a sleep routine. One of the hardest things to do in the early days is to know exactly when your baby needs to sleep. It seems like one minute they’re sleeping and the next they’re ready to eat. As your baby gets older, you can start to pick up on their sleep cues which will help you get them down to sleep before they become overstimulated and unable to self soothe at all.

For my son, he would always start rubbing his eyes and looking around the room. That was his first sleepy cue I began to notice.

When I’d miss his cues, he’d start to become fussy, agitated, would bring his hands to his face, and ONLY want to nurse—he would refuse a bottle each time he got too overstimulated.

Other baby sleep cues might also look like:

  • Yawning

  • Rubbing face

  • Rubbing their eyes

  • Crying

  • Grunting/Whining​

  • Pulling ears, hair, or face

Now that you know my three steps to help baby self soothe themselves to sleep, I hope you can be well on your way to a much needed night’s rest!


Karissa is a mom to two young boys and a blogger of Mom After Baby. Karissa believes ALL moms are capable of life beyond motherhood and is passionate about providing informative & educational content to new, expecting, and postpartum moms.

These words have become a familiar refrain: stay home, stay safe and socially distance. But while most of us were hunkered down during the first few months of the pandemic, these parents (and kids)  knew if they socially distanced themselves from those in need countless others would struggle to survive. These amazing individuals decided to do what they could to stay safe while also reaching out their hand (figuratively) to those that needed help. Here are some of those parents – and one kid – who have made a difference in the DC metro area.

photo: courtesy of Peggy Morgan Tyree

Peggy Morgan Tyree with PPE Donations

Peggy has always operated under the principle that if there is something she can do to help out, she should do it. So when Covid-19 hit and everyone was feeling helpless, she jumped at the chance to make a difference. In her role as a Loudoun County Elementary Instructional Facilitator, she had been teaching about 3D printers and authentic uses for them, such as restoring coral reefs and preserving artifacts. She immediately saw another use for the printers and with the full support and permission of her school’s principal, she took the 3D printers home and got to work making PPE. Peggy and three other moms, all while working and raising their children (some young, some teens), ran the printers nonstop since March., creating 7,000 shields from home. Their husbands and children assisted with assembly after the shields were printed. They sent them to local facilities like hospitals, dental offices, preschools, group homes and fire stations. But they also shipped them to other states and even to a hospital in Mexico.

How you can help: You can donate to Peggy’s efforts below or try your own hand at 3D printing at your local library.

Online: gofundme.com

photo: Courtesy of Colby Samide

Colby Samide of Desks for Distance

This teen isn’t a parent, but his parents made a difference by raising a kid who put his woodworking skills to generous use with his project, Desks for Distance. Colby was inspired by the Desks by Dads initiative, a couple of dads building desks for students in their community in MD, to do the same for students closer to his home. Colby launched his Desks for Distance Facebook page in early Sept. as a solo project and quickly caught the attention of both donors and collaborators. With the help of MOSS Building & Design, Colby and Desks for Distance plan on building 50 additional desks in a single day on September 28th!

How you can help: You can donate via the Facebook link below to help Desks for Distance raise additional funds for materials. While Colby does  not take any profit from this project, he wanted us to inform readers he is not an officially registered nonprofit.

Online: facebook.com/DesksforDistance

photo: courtesy of Jamila Larson 

Jamila Larson of Homeless Children’s Playtime Project

After 17 years of offering in-person services, Jamila Larson had to quickly pivot to providing contactless services that would still help children and their families feel as if someone cared about them in the middle of a pandemic. The Homeless Children’s Playtime Project now offers Playtime to Go kits to kids living in shelters, as well as play costumes, diapers, groceries, and other emergency supplies homeless families may need.

How you can help: Jamila and her staff are working remotely during the crisis, but if you want to get involved, you can make a donation that will help them continue to provide the above mentioned items to kids and families in need.

Online: playtimeproject.org

photo: courtesy of Rachel Bailey

Rachel Bailey of Rachel Bailey Parenting Academy

Feeling the weight of parenting during a pandemic? Rachel Bailey is there to help! Parent coach Rachel Bailey has been providing private coaching and online parenting tips in the DC area for over a decade. Her Facebook group, “The Parenting Long Game” Podcast community, is free to join and offers support and advice to DMV parents. She’s coined the term “Yuck” for all those times your child may display signs of being uncomfortable—from feeling hangry to throwing tantrums—and doles out ways to peacefully parent your child and restore order in your home. Now, more than ever, kids (and their parents) are feeling a nasty case of the yucks from technology hiccups to virtual classroom frustrations on top of the all-consuming pandemic yucks. Rachel (virtually) holds parents hands and helps them navigate everything from distance learning to post-pandemic parenting stresses.

How can you help: We’re all struggling with Yuck these days. Take a deep breath and check out Rachel’s podcasts for distance learning tips and healthy ways to deal with pandemic-related stresses.

Online: facebook.com/groups/RachelBailey

photo: Sam’s Club via Yelp

Corrine Cannon of Greater DC Diaper Bank

Though she created Greater DC Diaper Bank nearly a decade ago, the need for Corrine’s services has tripled during the pandemic. She opened the bank when she realized that diapers were falling through a crack in the systems designed to help low-income families and children survive. While there were options that provided food, formula, and medical care, none ensured that parents could buy diapers. So Corrine stepped up and filled that gap. The Greater DC Diaper Bank offers more than just diapers these days, though. They also offer other baby needs, including certain types of gently used baby gear, as well as feminine hygiene products.

How you can help: While volunteer operations have been suspended during the pandemic, you can still get involved. With more than 140 drop locations throughout the greater DC area, you can easily drop off diapers, formula, or any of the other items they accept for distribution.

Online: greaterdcdiaperbank.org

—Wendy Miller

featured photo: courtesy of Desks for Distance


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