With The Toy Association’s 116th North American International Toy Fair behind us, it’s time for parents to look to the future of 2019 toy trends. What types of toys are about to end up on your kiddo’s wish list?

According to Ken Seiter, executive vice president of marketing communications at The Toy Association, “Parents and kids today are looking for toys and games that are fun, engaging, and keep them coming back for more, but that also enrich the play value to help build lifelong skills.”

Check out the Toy Association’s picks for types of toys that will accomplish these goals and much more!



The unboxing trend hit hard last year, providing kids with a special “surprise” factor during play-time. The Toy Association’s top trends includes this past favorite—but on a whole new level. Using secret decoders or packaging that doubles as a playset in itself will add to experience, making unboxing a winner in 2019.


Compound Craziness

Yet another last year-turned this year pick, compounds are still in. Slime, kinetic sand, dough, putty and other similar open-ended (and awesomely experiential) toys are hot in 2019. But that’s not all. This year you’ll find compounds combining with unboxing toys for a hide-and-seek style, dig-through hunt type of toy.


Throwback Toys

Everything old is new again. Nostalgia is big in 2019. Look for toys from your own childhood or play picks your parents may have made back in the day.


Foodie Fun

Fab foodie finds are making their way into the top toy trends of the year. Whether you want your tot to learn about nutrition, responsibly sourced food or another food-related idea, you’ll find it in the toy aisle. This year will also bring plenty of food-scented selections, ranging from fun fruity smells to not-so-nice gross-out odors.


Inspirational Play

What does your child want to be when they grow up? Toys in this hot category will help them to explore their decisions. Along with inspiring your kiddo to reach their dreams, these toys also teach STEAM concepts as they help to nurture your little one’s natural sense of curiosity.


Even More Entertainment Tie-Ins

With a slew of sequels and live-action reboots in the kid-focused film arena, 2019’s top toy trends include plenty of licensed games and other products. Favorite characters from Toy Story 4, The Lion King and other highly anticipated flicks will make their way into plushes, playsets and much more.

When it comes to toys in 2019, one thing is clear—your kiddo is going to want absolutely everything! And with so many imaginative, educational, inspirational and just plan amazing toys available, why wouldn’t they?

—Erica Loop

Featured photo: Stuart Ramson/AP Images for LEGO Systems



Here Are Your 2019 Toys of the Year


LEGO’s New “Toy Story 4” Sets Give Fans More Clues about the Film

Nintendo Switch Is Getting Its Own “Super Mario Maker” for Hours of Creative Fun

Photo by Ryan McGuire via Gratisography; composite by Karly Wood for Red Tricycle

Happy New Year! Here’s to another 365 days of enjoying the mess, craziness and of course, all the love of parenting. Sit back and enjoy some hilarious tweets about surviving the last seven days from our fave Twitter parents, while you wait for school to resume from the long winter break.


1. When does school start again?

2. The most wonderful time of the year?

3. It’s just not gonna happen.

4. *glares angrily at top bunk*

5. Total rebel.

6. The countdown’s on.

7. Ugh, how dare they.

8. The grass is greener…

9. Welcome to the club.

10. A moment of silence.



––Karly Wood



Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week: Dec. 28, 2018

Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week: December 21, 2018

Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week: December 14, 2018


When my daughter was in fourth grade, she sang a solo in her school’s production of Schoolhouse Rock. I was sitting in the auditorium behind two men. A few bars into her rendition of “Elbow Room,” one turned to the other and said, ”I’m guessing this ain’t her first rodeo.”

Of course, I was thrilled to hear this compliment and it was all I could do to keep myself from tapping the guy on the shoulder and gushing about how she takes voice lessons and dreams of being a stage performer.

I share this because this week my daughter and I will head downtown to sign a contract with her first talent agent. As I sat in the waiting room during her recent audition and heard her nail a high note in a song from the opera The Sorcerer, I marveled at how she, at 12, teaches me to aim higher, be braver—and in the words of Theodore Roosevelt by way of Brene Brown, to “dare greatly.”

My daughter has maintained a single-minded focus when it comes to her vision. She says things like, “When I’m performing in a stadium…” or “When I live in New York and sing on Broadway…” She lets her imagination run free. She believes in herself.

So by the time she sang in front of the agents, they too could tell that this wasn’t her first rodeo, either.

Which got me thinking: What are my talents? How far back can I trace them? And in what ways do my experiences count for more than I allow?

If you’re like me, you may not give yourself credit for the bumps and bruises you’ve endured, or the many the times you’ve been knocked down and gotten right back up on that horse. Maybe you don’t want to remember the failures or, worse—believe that you’d be farther along if you’d made different choices.

The interesting thing about a rodeo is that it involves feats most people would never undertake. It’s scary. Participating in one requires an extremely specific skill set (or a huge dose of craziness). Success is measured in split seconds.

I’ve been to a rodeo only once. In my early twenties, I worked for a concession company and had a one-night gig selling beer in the grandstand at a rodeo. I was also working in my first real job as a copywriter and just beginning my first novel. I didn’t think that one night at a rodeo would contribute in any way to my dream of being a writer.

But here it is: 30 years later, showing up on the page.

My point is that I’ve realized something important: everything I do is in service to my dream. Every frightening moment, every detour, every cringe-worthy experience. And every success, shining moment or surprising achievement.

That night at the school assembly, I heard my daughter sing, “The way was opened up for those with bravery.”

Yes, bravery is required.

Life is like a charging bull or a wild horse. It will buck me off. All I can do is embrace the failures and the chaos, make mistakes, be willing to fall on my face in front of others, to show my underbelly, to be less than perfect. I can keep doing what I love; in my case, that’s writing.

And I can thank my daughter for reminding me to dream big. I can remember that, whether I see it or not, there are throngs of people waiting, watching and rooting for me.

And they’re rooting for you, too.

This post originally appeared on www.TammyLetherer.com.

Tammy Letherer is an author, writing coach and blogger. She holds a degree in Journalism from Indiana University and has enjoyed a long, varied professional writing career. She is the author of a memoir, The Buddha at My Table (release date October 2018) and a novel, Hello Loved Ones. She lives in Chicago with her children.

As all good shoppers know, Jul. 16 is Amazon Prime Day. And even though it’s on a Monday, think of July 2018 as the new Black Friday. Yay!

With the deep discounts that the online mega-retailer has for eager shoppers, other stores with dollar signs in their eyes don’t want to miss out on all the potential buyers out there. Yep. Target, Walmart and Macy’s are also offering super-sale prices that you’ll want to check out.


So yes, Amazon Prime Day is July 16. But the sale doesn’t end there. This year the online retailer is extending deals for 36 hours. That means Amazon’s discounts will overlap with Target’s July 17 sale.

What can expect from Target’s Tuesday sale? To start with, spend $100 on Target.com (July 17 only) and get yourself a free six-month membership for Shipt same-day delivery service. As if that’s not enough, Target will have 30 percent off Target-exclusive home brand items, 25 percent off discounts on beauty and personal care items, 30 percent off Target-exclusive home brands for kids, prices up to 30 percent off select baby gear, discounts (up to 30 percent off) Google products and sale prices on select toys.

You can also get $5 of a book purchase of $40 or more and free shipping on next-day Target Restock deliveries (July 17 only). Oh, and if you spend at least $35 online, you can get free two-day shipping.


Walmart doesn’t want to be left out of the sale craziness either. Their summer sale includes discounts and rollbacks on everything to keep you cool—such as above-ground pools, portable air conditioners and fans.

The big box retailer will also have sale prices on home goods, toys, apparel and your favorite electronics (think Black Friday-ish discounts on TVs, tablets, smartphones and more).



Macy’s is celebrating their very own “Black Friday in July” now through Jul. 15. Look for deals across your fave categories (such as clothing, shoes, beauty, jewelry and handbags) in stores and online. You may also qualify for 25 percent off plus free shipping (with a $49 or more purchase).

Well now it looks like you’ll have plenty of July sale options. So if you don’t find it on Amazon, your other favorite retailers might just have a better deal.

—Erica Loop

Featured Photo: Courtesy of Walmart


Here’s How You Can Score Amazon Prime Day Deals Before Anyone Else

When Is Amazon Prime Day? This Year’s Sales Will Last a Whole Lot Longer

Amazon Prime Day Is Coming to Whole Foods Market, Too

There’s a sort of beauty that comes with seeing things in hindsight, right? We notice tiny little things of importance and goodness and often tend to gloss over the not-so-great stuff. Recently, I’ve started approaching my role as a parent with such a perspective. I’m still very much in the thick of raising two toddlers under the age of four, but I’m already seeing how quickly time passes and if it makes any sense at all, I already miss these days, even while I’m living them.

I had such a realization this evening when I was picking up the house before the kids started their baths. I entered my bedroom and was immediately greeted by the tiny chair that my daughter had propped up against the door. She had been trying to reach the top of my dresser earlier, where I keep my necklaces. Then, I saw my son’s toy trucks strewn all over the floral carpet.

I thought the mess looked pretty manageable, all things considered, and then I noticed the baby food pouch that someone had stepped on. Pureed mangoes, peaches and (this is the fun part) beets were splashed all over the place, with one particularly purple stream hitting my stark white dust ruffle just so.

For a second, I just stood there and took it all in. Yes, it was a mess, and yes, I was more than a little irritated that they’d just left it and assumed I’d pick it all up like I always do. Still, it was golden hour, and the sun was pouring through the plantation shutters, and in that particularly beautiful light, I didn’t really even see the mess. I saw hours of play, joy and laughter.

I pictured my four-year-old daughter lugging that chair in from her tiny table in the kitchen, then stepping up on it to get a clandestine look at mama’s jewelry box. I pictured my son, sitting comfortably on the floor, playing quietly with his favorite toys. Then, I pictured my bedroom put back exactly the way it had been five years ago before babies were even a word on our breath.

I closed my eyes and saw my unruffled comforter, pulled tightly at the corners without a single wrinkle. My dresser always stayed dusted and wiped clean on the top and my necklaces were never tangled. I had my diffuser on the nightstand and every night I’d drip in some lavender essential oils and my husband and I would drift off into dreamland, not waking up in the middle of the night for anything, but actually indulging in eight hours of uninterrupted slumber. Yes, it was a sweet time back then, but right now is even sweeter.

Give me the messes and the memories. Give me the toy boxes crammed all the way to the top like a game of Tetris, with tops that won’t close and are about to fall off the hinges. Give me the sticky cupboard drawers with misplaced and mismatched kitchen tools  Give me baseboards with the paint nicked off from a plastic bike that really should be outdoors but is more fun inside.

Give me the chaos and the craziness, because these are hands-down the best years of my life and if I’m going to spend them in a tornado of toys, so be it.

It’s not in my nature to tolerate a mess. The younger version of me wouldn’t let the sunset on a sink full of dirty dishes, but here it is close to midnight and their cartoon plates and half-full milk cups are sitting waiting to be washed. I’ll get to them soon and one day this little house that we worked so hard to restore and decorate will look like a showroom again.

For now? It looks like a family actually lives here. And judging from the ten pictures of Crayon hearts that decorate and clutter up my refrigerator, it looks like we love here, too.

Hi, y'all! I'm Courtney. I'm a mama of two, married to my high-school sweetheart and making a life in the little town I grew up in. I'm a writer by trade, but a mama by heart. I love chocolate and I love family. Let's navigate this crazy, messy, blessed journey together! 

Returning to work after maternity leave can be totally heart wrenching. While it’s great to get a piece of your former self back, many moms find themselves crying in the parking lot on the first morning. Dad blogger Matt Coyne didn’t have too much sympathy for his wife, apparently, and thought it would be fun to prank her with funny updates as she returned to work from maternity leave. Matt posted the text conversation they had to Facebook, so everyone can see the hair-pulling craziness he put his wife through.


Would you laugh at those updates or find a babysitter? Tell us in the comments below!

With chilly temps at peak performance, you’re probably spending much of your free time trying to keep your kids’ stir-craziness at bay. Luckily, there are plenty of drop-in play areas around the D.C. metro, but—believe us—you haven’t seen anything this big. Play N’ Learn: The Playground Super Store, with locations in Chantilly, Va. and Columbia, Md., boasts a whopping 14,000 square feet of combined showroom space filled to the brim with play pads, trampolines, and air hockey tables (to name a few). Of course, the play equipment is all for sale, but the stores’ main draw is their free and open play sessions that give kids warehouse-size space to run, jump and climb (without having to jokey for a five-second turn on the tire swing). Cabin fever, bring it!

Test Ride
Don’t judge a book (er, a swing set) by its cover. Even though this backyard superstore has been around for years, its free and open play still remains somewhat of a secret. On cold or rainy days, gather rowdy kids and head out to the Chantilly, Va. location for free play or the Columbia, Md. spot for $6 per kid open play (make reservations here). Surrounded by slides, ladders, basketball goals, and the like, your little one could probably spend a 12-hour day bopping from monkey bar to monkey bar. But, with a two-hour time limit, you can get in, get around and get out…hopefully sans a public meltdown. Bonus: both locations have changing tables, water fountains, and patio furniture for parents to kick back on while kids play.

Party Hop
Looking for a cool place to host a party for your little mover and shaker? Amazing birthday shindigs are offered in 2-hour blocks at the Columbia, Md. location. In addition to all of the playground doodads and wahoos that the birthday kid gets to run wild on, tablecloths, plates, napkins, cups, and plastic ware are included in the price of the party ($219 on weekdays to $269 on weekends). If party planning isn’t your jam, no worries–you get your own dedicated party coordinator to help set up, clean up, make sure you can hook your iPod up to the speaker system, or whatever else you may need.  Bring in Junior’s favorite food to share, or have something delivered. Insider secret: Book your party here sooner than later; they typically fill up about a month in advance.

Take the Fun and Go!
The store’s hottest piece of equipment at the moment is the Springfree Trampoline (which is like a giant bouncy playpen), but don’t worry about getting accosted by a salesperson to buy the backyard beauty right there, on the spot. They know that seeing the cheese-grin on her face as she bounces joyously is the best sales pitch there is.

Have you been to this HUGE play space? Tell us about your visit in the comments section below.

–Ayren Jackson-Cannady

Photos courtesy of Play n’ Learn: The Playground Superstore

Your #1 winter goal: beat cabin fever! We want to help, so we tapped into parents who are head honchos on the parent support circuit. Click through our flipbook to meet moms group founders across the U.S. They dish on how to keep kids not only entertained, but ecstatic, when the weather doesn’t agree.

Katie Hinz & Jeanne Chan – Cool Moms Club Bay Area

Cool Moms Club Bay Area co-founders Katie and Jeanne not only run two successful businesses but also offer up amazing ideas for handling kiddo craziness during the cold season. They can be found bundled in blankets with hot chocolate and favorite films or heading to a friends house for a playdate. Katie “loves dressing Diego, my 18-month-old, in season-appropriate costumes and cooking meals for my little family of three.” Meanwhile, Jeanne and her family -- including Hayden, 3, and Hadley, 21 months -- “pop a big bowl of popcorn and decorate the Christmas tree together.”

When considering the most important emergency gear for wintery days, Jeanne asks, “do puff jackets, scarves and space heaters count?!” And Katie says, “It's the same stuff I pull out during long flights: sticker books, new toys, snacks and videos.”

When the kids are just too rowdy and need to get out of the house, the bowling alley, indoor pools, library and local children’s museums are all favorite destinations. Winter adventures for these two cool mamas includes driving to new places, whether it be for Katie and Diego simply “driving across the Golden Gate Bridge or over to the East Bay,” or for Jeanne and her family, “up to Tahoe to build snowmen!”

Find out more about Katie and Jeanne and Cool Moms Club Bay Area by clicking here.

Photo: Ashley Batz


How do you beat the winter blues? Share with us in the Comments!

— Gabby Cullen

If you’re not following @LosFelizDayCare, the hilarious feed currently blowing up Twitter, you’re obviously way too busy consciously uncoupling from cold-pressed cider like the other families at this hysterical (and totally satirical) LA institution of mindful learning. Find out the inspiration behind the feed, how the insanity of the LA school scene gets so perfectly captured, and most importantly, how you can get your precious Talulah or Axl enrolled.

photo credit: Jason Shapiro

The mind behind the madness is Jason Shapiro.  When he’s not busy performing stand-up and improv gigs around town or working as script coordinator on the new ABC sitcom, “Cristela,” he serves as the brilliant voice of @LosFelizDayCare – a hysterical (and all too real) parody of the LA day care scene. Like most comedy writers, Shapiro was looking for a unique way to get his name out there, and despite his father’s suggestion that he “just get his jokes to Brad Pitt or Jon Cryer,” he decided the Twitterverse might be a more viable and less stalker-y option.

Reading his tweets, it’s hard to believe he’s not yet a dad himself, as he perfectly captures the craziness that so many Angelenos experience daily while sending their tofu-toting tots to school in this city. Shapiro’s inspiration comes from listening to his co-workers talk ad nauseum about their funny interactions with the faculty, kids and families at the prestigious day cares their kiddos attend. He believes the feed has struck a chord because “people read tweets and look at Facebook and see themselves reflected back. People find things to relate too.” (He admits he really took most of this theory from Arcade Fire.)

Because @LosFelizDayCare is so convincing in its delivery, Shapiro receives emails a few times a week from real parents asking to send their kids to LFDC. He always tries to let them know right away that the school is fake. After all, he “wants these kids to grow up and solve climate change and all that.”  If anyone tweets at him though, that’s a whole other bag of organic beans. He says someone in Indiana thought it was a real day care and he played along, actually asking her to come visit.

We asked Shapiro what the application process would be like to gain acceptance to Los Feliz Day Care. He says that “Once applicants are born and being considered, they need to make sure they speak at least two languages. And children must be breastfed, vegan or at the very least meat conscious, sustainability minded, tolerant and of course, non immunized.” Seems easy enough.

Find it on Twitter: twitter.com/LosFelizDayCare

Has your family had any insanely funny LA day care experiences? We’d love to get the scoop! (And who knows, maybe Shapiro will pull from you too!)

–Jennifer O’Brien

photo credit: young boy by James Emery via Creative Commons