The internet has seen many viral threads and stories about the weird and spooky stuff parents have seen on their baby monitors, but one mom’s post about a ghost baby in the crib definitely takes the cake.

Just in time for the Halloween season, mom of two, Maritza Cibuls, got a ghostly vision one night when she took a peek at her 18-month-old son on the baby monitor. On the screen, a second baby’s face appeared to be staring up at her from the crib right next to where her son Lincoln was curled up asleep.

“I spotted the ghost baby right after putting my son down for the night around 8:30 p.m.,” the Chicago mom told TODAY Parents. “At first I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. I tried to ignore it, but it was really starting to creep me out.”

In a panic, Cibuls texted her husband who was working late, her mom, her sister and even posted in a Facebook group for moms, asking if anyone had any thoughts on an explanation for the creepy image. “Even though the first thought that popped into my brain was ‘ghost,’ the rational part of my brain told me there must be some logical explanation,” said Cibuls. “So I grabbed my flashlight and went to check it out, but there was nothing there. All night, I stared at his monitor just waiting to see if the ghost moved, but, of course, it never did. And every time I started feeling myself relax and get drowsy, my son would roll over and I’d be on high alert again. I probably checked on him three more times that night, but each time he seemed completely fine.”

Finally the next morning she got her long awaited answer. In the center of the mattress was a manufacturers sticker featuring a baby’s face. When her husband had changed the crib sheets he had neglected to replace the mattress cover which had previously prevented the face from showing through.

Cibuls shared the entire ordeal and hilarious outcome online in a post that has since gone viral. While Cibuls has forgiven her husband, he is never allowed to change the sheets again.

—Shahrzad Warkentin

Featured photo: Maritza Cibuls



Mom’s “There’s No Trophy” Post Goes Viral & It’s Spot On

This Mom’s Viral “Squeaky Oven Dance” Is a Must-See


Photo: Photo by Liana Mikah on Unsplash

Dear Friend, you are a wonderful mom. The way you love each of your children is astounding. When you are tired, you love. When you are sick, you love. When you are angry, you love. When you are hungry, sad, hurting, overwhelmed, anxious, overworked, underpaid, underappreciated, touched out, and worn out, you love. Please know that it is not in vain. Your children are like tiny seeds soaking up every ounce of endless love as they grow, change, and emerge into the world. Carefully and thoughtfully over time and through the fruits of your love, though often invisible beneath the dirt and layers of grass and earth, you are growing too. Be patient. Be present. I know it is hard being the sun and rain and night and day for these little ones, but you will not regret your dedication. There is a secret though, to such unwavering strength in love. Dear friend, the thing you must not forget is that you are mothering yourself now too.

That sounds funny, I know. Because you have a mother, a very good one. A stepmother, a mother-in-law, a grandmother, an aunt. A mother who has passed away, but who still left all of her motherly wisdom within you. Incredible amazing endlessly giving mothers. And yet, every day you must draw from all they have taught you, for yourself. No, it is not just for your children. Your beautiful ways were not given to you by God for only the smaller people inhabiting your home and your heart to absorb to their fullest content. They are for YOU too.

When you think about your children growing up and moving out on their own and raising their own babies, rocking them to sleep in the depths of the dark nights, the sharp early mornings, when you picture your daughter exhausted and lonely holding a baby who loathes being put down, when you imagine your son reading books with tired eyes to kids who won’t go to bed and wake up way too early, what do you want for them? How would you parent them in those moments far in the future, but exactly where you are now? Would you do that for yourself? Can you be that kind, loving, and courageous for yourself? I hope you will start.

I hope for you, an awakening of your soul, for you are not just a mother. You may have forgotten all you have done before this point, because yes, this is probably the hardest of all the things, mothering. But not the least, and not the last. You have everything already inside of you that you need to do all you have left to do in your life. Honor yourself, friend, for EVERYTHING you are, because you are everything you need to be. Nothing more. You don’t have to stretch, or break, or bend. You don’t have to reach or pull on your tippy toes. You only need to stand. To hold on. To pick up all that lies in front of you every day, hold it, shape it, mold it, move it, toss it, put it in your pocket if you want it, chuck it in the ocean if you don’t, and keep going. Keep dreaming. Keep planning. Keep loving. But please friend, do not ignore yourself. Give yourself permission to add your name to the list. You are amazing. Do not forget yourself, or push yourself aside. Do you remember a time in your life when you refused to be pushed aside? That doesn’t have to go away just because you have children.

Remember, one of the greatest gifts that you can give your children is to do for yourself what you would do for them. God taught you that by loving you so deeply from the moment you were first conceived. Children learn by watching. They look closely at how you see yourself, how you treat yourself, how much you love yourself. Knowing you see yourself as worthy of love makes them believe deep down in their little hearts that they are worthy of love too. Remember, when you are feeling lost, abandoned, alone, that you are not alone in the least. You are being mothered every day, and you are strong enough to love your children and yourself. Mostly, dear friend, you deserve all the love in the world. And it is right there for you if only you will stand inside of it.

Krissy Dieruf is a licensed marriage and family therapist. She lives in Minnesota with her husband and three children, loves to sing and dance around the house and has a soft spot for rebels and crazy hair. 

When it comes to dancing during pregnancy, there’s often a ton of mixed opinions. My opinion is – don’t stop! It’s not hurting your pregnancy. And if anything, you’re celebrating your body and taking control of your image. That’s not negligence, but a revolutionary act of claiming your fitness, your body, and your passion.   

I mean, honestly, there’s so little you can control when you’re pregnant (including your mood swings) that at least you can feel like you’re doing your best to stay healthy and happy. I am sitting at 34 weeks today and my hips are numb from rolling side to side trying to find a comfortable position to sleep. My feet have swollen to the point where I can’t wear any of my shoes except my house slippers. My lungs are compressed thanks to my growing uterus pushing against it, and I can’t take five steps without running out of breath. And oh! Don’t even get me started on morning sickness and midnight cramps. I hear of these women who have had these sublime, serene pregnancies, and envy grows deep in my chest – or maybe that is heartburn from last night’s dinner still (I’m not sure!).  It is such a hard burden to bear, when you feel trapped in your own house or job and must limit all of your activities because you are not sure when the next wave of nausea will strike. So, the least you can do for yourself is anything that’ll keep you happy.  

The one thing that has kept me sane for the past 34 weeks is, that’s right: Dance! It brings immense happiness to me. I’m blessed to be surrounded by a very loving and encouraging community who understands the positive effects that dance has had on my pregnancy and they couldn’t have been more supportive. However, every now and then I come across a few people who like to pass their judgment and troll me for “not being responsible” or for “potentially harming my baby.” 

I’m breaking all the myths surrounding ‘dancing through pregnancy’. Dancing (or staying physically active) is great, in fact, recommended during pregnancy. And even better, researchers say that it has multiple benefits including (but not limited to):  

  • easing common pregnancy-related problems like backache, posture issues, and constipation
  • increases the supply of oxygen in you and your child 
  • helps you handle the strain of giving birth
  • strengthens your cardiovascular system, making you feel fitter and more resilient
  • prevents blood clots and varicose veins
  • improves the quality of your sleep
  • reduces your risk of gestational diabetes

For me, the main benefit of dancing through pregnancy is – I’d be lost without it. I like to believe that I haven’t had any mood swings so far (you should ignore my husband if he tries to tell you otherwise), and I credit that to dancing. The estrogens that are being released while dancing, certainly seem to be working for me. And if I’m happy, the world around me is happy and that makes this a happy pregnancy. Otherwise, how would you explain this – with my swollen ankles and weight unevenly distributed, scratching an itch at ankle level is a feat of flexibility. However, as soon as the music goes on, my mobility is restored, and doing knee drops is no biggy. I forget about the constant joint aches and nausea is far from my mind.  

Gone are those days when pregnancy was often treated as a condition that should be greeted with as little activity as possible. Dancing through pregnancy is not a taboo anymore. As long as you have clearance from your doctor, you shouldn’t fear to slid into a pair of stilettos and twerk away the medicalized bias that views active pregnant bodies as unorthodox. Okay, maybe I went too far! Fitting into stilettos is going to be at least an hour-long hustle in itself. But you get my point!       

Growing a baby is such an amazing thing our bodies do, but I don’t see it as a time to sit back, relax and eat. In fact, the whole, ‘eating for two’ theory is a myth! But that’s a topic for another day. Studies have shown that staying fit during pregnancy can help you have a more comfortable pregnancy. And who wouldn’t want that right? Certainly not the people who’re trolling you. You should ignore the ignorant minds and do what makes you happy. Thankfully the strong community at  understands the need to stay fit during pregnancy and have the most comfortable clothes that feel custom made for you, giving that perfect support to your bump. Also, they’re super cute! Do check out their collection.   

Check out my series of ‘dancing through pregnancy’ on the Live2DanceSeattle Youtube channel.  And while many people believe that dancing with a baby bump must be very different, honestly, if you are dancing already, the growth of your belly is so slow (remind me to tell you how I feel like I’ve been pregnant for a year) that it doesn’t feel very different. Just keep it up! Your body will tell you when something is becoming too much, so always listen.  

Finance graduate, MBA in Marketing, Project Manager by profession, dancer by choice, mom to a gorgeous boy, and blogger to keep that funny bone alive. My blog is an attempt to find a humorous side to parenting and other stuff. Expect to read and laugh over parenting, dance, travel, and life in general

Can’t get your smartphone-obsessed kids to answer your calls? There’s an app for that—the ReplyASAP app for parents to be exact—and if your kids tend to “forget” to call, they will never forget again.

Designed by dad Nick Herbert, the simple to use app allows you to freeze your kid’s phone when they ignore your calls and texts. They are then unable to use their phones until they send you a response. It can also be set to sound an alarm if the phone is in silent mode.

As WCNC reports, the app has already been downloaded 75,000 times since it launched a little over a year ago and it’s not hard to see why. The concept is pretty genius.

The app is free, although for a few bucks you can upgrade to unlock more features, like adding additional phones if you have more than one forgetful teenager. The only bad news is ReplyASAP is currently only available for Android users; according to PureWow, an iOS version is in the works and will be available soon.

—Shahrzad Warkentin

Featured photo: Nature Addict via Pixabay



20 Essential Apps for Parents

Parenting Is Super Hard & This Supportive App Wants to Help

6 Sanity-Saving Apps Every Savvy Mom Needs in Her Life

Photo: Pixabay

We all have those days. Find the other shoe. Wipe the toddler’s nose. Read a book for the 102nd time. Coffee got warmed up four times and you were never in any room, including the bathroom, by yourself. Some me time can be difficult to come by. But it’s so important.

Your family needs you. And you need to take care of yourself. We hear this all the time. But somehow we have chunks of time where it slips our minds.We get so consumed with being a parent we aren’t even sure what to do when we have a moment to ourselves.

So here is a friendly little reminder to take some time to recharge.

And while you’re doing that try these things to get the most out of those precious moments of time to yourself.

Read and Write

Find what inspires you whether it’s Brene Brown or a romance novel and get lost in the pages for a few minutes. Or take a few moments to write down your thoughts. Consider keeping a gratitude journal to keep track of things that make you happy. Research has shown that putting pen to paper relieves stress, slows down our thinking and helps alleviate anxiety. And who couldn’t use some stress relief?

Skip Social Media

The people in your newsfeed are not invited for your me time. So ignore the pings, resist the urge to scroll and focus on yourself. Consider your goals for the rest of the day and think about things that have gone right lately. You can watch your friend’s kid learning to walk later.

Meditation Apps

Social media might be out. But there are some amazing apps designed specifically for relieving stress and anxiety. These apps give you quick and easy guidance with relaxation tracks and check-ins about your mood. They’re perfect for regrouping, refreshing and motivating you to get back to your day.


Research shows that creativity and play are just as important to our health as rest. Maybe knitting or scrapbooks aren’t your thing. Even something like creating a google photo album or editing the latest picture of your little can make you feel creative and accomplished.


You had to know exercise would make this list. And of course it does because it’s so important. It doesn’t have to be a hot yoga class. A walk around the block can energize you and clear your head.

Think of your me time like a power nap. Just like naps, even if you don’t have time for 90 minutes you can make the most of the 20 you have. Treat me time the same way. When you find a moment use your time wisely, make the most of it, focus on yourself and recharge.

Your family will thank you.

I am a teacher turned work at home mama to two boys (June 2013 & July 2016.) When I'm not writing I'm playing with my kids or catching some time with my husband. Parenting is the most exhausting, rewarding, confusing and inspiring job I've had. And I wouldn't change any of it.

Finding work-life balance when you’re a parent isn’t always easy, not to mention trying to ignore working mom guilt. A new study joins a growing body of research about how working parenthood affects kids’ health in a positive way.

Working parents should never have to feel guilty about following their career dreams or providing for their family—and a new study proves it. The paper, published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, has found that kids are healthier when parents feel that they are in control of their work lives.

Photo: Rawpixel

“If you can decide how you are going to do your job, rather than having that imposed on you, it is better for children,” said co-author Christiane Spitzmueller, professor of industrial organizational psychology at the University of Houston.

This new research isn’t the first to shine a light on the benefits of having parents who work. According to a recent study published in the journal Work, Employment and Society, adult daughters of working mothers were higher earners and had better jobs than those of stay-at-home moms. The same study also found that sons of working moms spent seven and a half more hours a week on childcare and 25 more minutes on housework than those whose moms stayed home.

As Meredith Bodgas, the editor-in-chief of Working Mother, told Moneyish, “Seeing your parents do so much, and balance it all, makes children feel that so much is possible for them. They can have families and have rewarding careers. And it teaches them problem-solving skills.”

—Shahrzad Warkentin



Working Moms Are More Likely to Have More Successful Daughters, Study Finds

Here Are 14 Things Successful Working Moms Give Up Doing—You Should, Too

Mindy Kaling Cuts Through Criticism of Working Moms in New Interview

Every Working Mom Needs to Have These Conversations Now

As parents we’re used to watching cartoons with our kids. Some shows we even learn to love, continuing to watch long after our bambinos have grown out of the genre. Caillou, a cartoon about a curious four year old boy, is not one of those shows. While beloved by preschoolers everywhere, the show has seen some serious backlash from grown-ups. If you’re in the majority of adults annoyed by Caillou, we’re willing to bet one of these 10 reasons is why.

photo: genebrooks via flickr

1. He is super whiny. Of all of the things that irk grownups about Caillou, this might be the most widely shared. We’re not sure little man is technically a whiner (trust us, we know whining when we hear it); perhaps it’s the naturally high pitch of his voice and his constant pout that makes Caillou seem like he’s always complaining. Or, maybe he is actually always complaining.

2. The show’s narrator’s voice is…err, not relaxing. Speaking of annoying voices…the grandmother who narrates Caillou’s stories, while sweet as candy, her voice–over time–can sound like fingernails scraping a chalkboard.

3. He asks “why” about everything. Why can’t I scratch my chicken pox? Why do I have to sleep? Why do animals have eyes? Granted, if you’re a parent to a preschooler, you are used to the barrage of questions, but c’mon Caillou…some things–i.e. why do I have to eat?–are just common sense.

4. There’s something off about his parents. While Caillou is moody, his parents are perpetually perky. Like when Rosie, Caillou’s little sister, splashed her cereal milk all over the kitchen and then let Gilbert the cat lick the remaining milk from her bowl–mom just smiled, scooped the tot up and walked out of the kitchen. And that was that.

5. Rosie wants to be just like her brother. What little sis doesn’t want to be like her big bro? But hopefully she skips over the whole whining part.

6. He never needs a haircut. If you’ve tried cutting a four year old’s hair, you know how impossible it can be. It’s no fair that Caillou–who is reportedly bald because he was initially sketched as a nine-month old baby, and whose creators thought looked strange with hair–doesn’t have to go to the barber shop. Ever!

7. His house is painted in obnoxiously loud primary colors. Blue walls, red trim, yellow front porch…it’s just all so distracting. And maybe that’s the point; ignore Caillou’s temper tantrums and pay attention to the quirky green kitchen table legs.

8. He is self centered. In one episode Caillou and his mom belt out a little diddy called “Me Me Boy”. Just sayin’.

9. His milestones are inconsistent. Caillou is currently four-ish, but in one episode he is seen gingerly walking down his steps one at a time so as to not topple down them. But then in the next scene he is able to put on a snow suit and tie a scarf like a boss. In the scene after that, he quickly climbs a high haystack in a barn to fetch a blanket. Whaaaat?!

10. The theme song is shrill. The ironic thing is that once you hear it you can’t get it out of your head. I’m Caillouuuuuu. Caillouuuuuuu. That’s me!

Why does Cail;ou get under your skin? Or, are you a Caillou fan? Tell us in the comments section below. 

–Ayren Jackson-Cannady

When you’ve got a teenager in the dating field it sometimes feels like that field is full of landmines. Is she dating a guy with a motorcycle? His girlfriend barely wears clothes! Not to mention you can barely get two words out of your teenager at a time. Raising a teenage child is not for the faint of heart! And adding in the dating component only makes it feel more complex and dangerous. How can you navigate these treacherous waters?

Here’s how I did it: I drove my daughter right to the guy who was my worst nightmare. That’s right. Everything I did to handle my teen daughter’s dating life backfired 100% and ruined her opportunities for healthy dating relationships. I cared a lot. Maybe too much. I tried to make everything right. I tried to protect her and instead I messed everything up. Sounds like your worst nightmare, right? Well read on, and do exactly what I did if you want your teen to date the wrong person.

Step 1: Deny, Deny, Deny

The first thing you have to do is refuse to acknowledge that she is old enough to date at all. This is my little baby girl! She’s not dating. She can’t be. I taught her how to ride a bike, and kissed her boo-boos when she fell. Your son is definitely too young and impressionable to be dating young ladies, so just reject the thought from your mind. The first time they excitedly tell you about a “date,” just go ahead and ignore it until they ask for permission and then deny it quickly and coldly. At this point they’ll be hurt and confused, and it won’t take long for them to start dating someone behind your back. You have successfully completed step one.

Step 2: Express Displeasure Loudly and Often

Once your teen has started dating someone you dislike, make sure you frequently, even constantly, tell your teen everything that’s wrong with them. Don’t stop at the reasonable things like their attitude or the way they treat your child, but continue into stupid things like the kind of car they drive or their aspirations for college. Don’t let it rest! You MUST express your displeasure about your child’s dates at every possible moment if you are seriously committed to ruining your relationship with them and drive them to this terrible, romantic, forbidden-love-kind-of-match.

Step 3: Tighten Your Grasp

Finally, in an effort to keep your child safe, the best possible course of action in the opposite direction is to try to keep them at home constantly. Forbid them from seeing this boyfriend with the guitar. Tell your son he is absolutely NOT allowed to take that girl with the tattoo to the Homecoming Dance. Shoot down their requests to go out on weekends, take their keys away, monitor them every second. Don’t worry – it won’t take long before your teen resents you and resorts to Cold War-level espionage tactics to continue seeing this forbidden love of theirs.

Congratulations! You have now become the enemy, turned your child into a sneak, and made that other teenage person completely irresistible – all in three easy steps! At this point, my wife and I celebrated by apologizing to our daughter and inviting her young gentleman friend to dinner. We expressed interest in his life and hobbies, and extended an invitation for dinner the following night.

After three nights of being kind and respectful parents spending lots of time with our daughter and her boyfriend, she broke up with him. She is now happily “playing the field” and focusing on her school work, and she keeps us updated about both. As it turns out, helping our daughter create a healthy teen dating environment was a lot easier than ruining it. Who knew?


Tyler Jacobson is a happy husband, father of three, writer and outreach specialist with experience with organizations that help troubled teens and parents. His areas of focus include: parenting, social media, addiction, mental illness, and issues facing teenagers today.



Today Is National Garlic Day
We’re crushed.

Ignore garlic breath and cook up a storm using one of these garlic chicken dinner recipes we’re totally crushing on.


Yes, you can eat it, but did you know you could make glue with it?
Read up on a few fascinating facts about the stinking rose.

Try your hand at growing garlic year round in your windowsill.

{ Today’s ideas brought to you by Buffy the Vampire Slayer  }

From the soccer carpool to the never-ending assortment of mismatched socks, sometimes there are days when you’ve only got a few seconds (or 140 characters) to get in a good giggle. Well, sit back and get ready to scroll because we’ve scoured the Twitterverse for moms and dads that rap about the highs and lows of parenting, and the results are hilarious.

1. Really? Ugh.

2. We are now equals.

3. Great example…

4. On second thought, pass the hand sanitizer.

5. Such imagination.

6. When you  need to fight for your daughter’s affection…

7. Gotta love last minute notice.

8. The struggle is real.

9. Ooh… Someone’s in trouble.

10. Ouch.


Do you have any #funnyparenting moments to share with the Red Tricycle Community? Tell us in the comments below! 

— Noelle Buckband