There are so many themes to choose from when planning a cake smash for your baby. Connecticut photographer, Ute-Christin Cowan, was looking for the perfect idea when planning her 10th anniversary shoot. When Cowan’s assistant, Emma, suggested their favorite show, Schitt’s Creek, they set out to find baby doppelgangers of the famous cast members. 

Schitt's Creek Cake Smash

Cowan knew she wanted to celebrate the 10th anniversary of her photography business in style. She said, “What better way to celebrate than with another fun celebrity cake smash?” In the past, her most popular themes included, Ellen, Live with Kelly & Ryan, Carpool Karaoke, The Kelly Clarkson Show and Watch What Happens Live

Schitt's Creek Cake Smash

She put out a casting call among her clients searching for the biggest Schitt’s Creek fans. She looked for kids that would best resemble Dan Levy, Annie Murphy, Eugene Levy and Catherine O’Hara and it looks like she hit the jackpot. 

Schitt's Creek Cake Smash

This was Cowan’s most involved cake smash yet with two backdrops, many props and even a wig for baby Moira. 

Schitt's Creek Cake Smash

Cowan reports that the kids were a riot. “Moira ( Harper, 13 months) was the most energetic; she was smiling at everyone and just had the best time. Johnny (Liam, 12 months) was not fazed by anything. He was the calmest and just observing the chaos. Alexis (Evvi, 13 months) was a very dramatic little one. She had to take a few emotional breaks throughout the shoot. David (Hudson, 10 months) was just his handsome self. He loved eating cupcakes, I think he had about five in total.”

Schitt's Creek Cake Smash

Cowan and her assitant already have tickets for the Schitt’s Creek farewell tour coming to Connecticut in June. Cowan said, “With this homage, we wanted to thank them for all the laughter and the warm fuzzy feelings in the last 5 years!”

—Jennifer Swartvagher

All photos courtesy of Ute-Christin Photography


“Pizza Baby” Celebrates Second Birthday With Pizza, Of Course!

This Baby’s Monthly Milestone Photos Are Nothing Short of Genius

This Woman’s Viral Parody of Trendy Baby Photos Is Pretty Hilarious


“I’m so scared to have teenagers!” or “I want my kids to stay little forever!” I’ve literally heard these and other similar quotes from so many friends and acquaintances when talking about parenting teenage kids.

When our son was entering the teenage years my husband and I decided our motto for these years would be, “Laugh our way through it.” Because we realized very quickly laughter replaces tears, shock, confusion, and fear that comes with parenting this age. If we don’t laugh, we will just spend our time wondering if the adolescents in our care will end up with full-ride academic and athletic scholarships to a top-rated school or flunking out of high school, forgetting their entire upbringing and becoming psycho drug-addicted killers. We all know those are the only two rational choices of course.

Our oldest three children (there are five total), are aged 12, 13 and 14. When they were younger, I remember thinking about how much I loved the little stage. I was so fearful of having teenagers, thinking I wouldn’t have a clue what to do with creatures of that age. They seemed so dark, confused, self-absorbed, weird. Would they want anything to do with me? Would they push back against all we tried to instill in them? Would they still want hugs, heart-shaped food on Valentine’s day and family time? The answer to these questions is yes, yes and yes!! I am seeing now they still need and want all of those things. It just looks a little different.

I tell anyone and everyone that I love the teenage stage so far. I think I love it much more than even those precious little years (although I loved that too). Teens are hilarious, smart and dumb at the same time, curious and self-reflective. They are figuring out what they like, who they are, what they like to do best. They make some choices that make you so proud to be their parent and others that make you want to hide under a rock, but didn’t we all?

One of my favorite ways to spend some quality time (in short bursts because that’s all they will give you), is in the car. Driving here or there with one kid is the perfect time to laugh with them or at them, talk about the hard things in life or their dreams and hopes for tomorrow. While it feels like torture for them to set their lifeline down (phone) and communicate with you for a few minutes, they’ll do it!

Laugh! All the time. Daily. Laugh with your teens and for sure laugh at them. They do the absolute dumbest things that are hysterical. Write them down to use in your speech at their graduation party or wedding. Embarrass them. I promise they actually kind of like it. Drive them right up to school in your work car with the lights flashing, video them after wisdom tooth surgery, do the floss dance in front of their friends (just random examples of course never attempted in our house)! You need laughter and funny stories to carry everyone through these years. Funny memories to reminisce about when the hard moments and pain threaten to drown everything else out.

Find some funny people. Friends, family, parents of other teenagers. You need a community of people to get together and laugh about how dumb and funny the teenagers around you are.

And, for the love, get a family motto. Feel free to use ours. Parenting is the absolute hardest and the best job out there. Laughter is truly the best medicine out there. So enjoy the little stages and enjoy the teens too! Step out of fear having teenagers and into the joy and laughter it can bring! LOL!




I am a part-time teacher, CHP wife, mom to 5 kids biological and adopted, ranging in ages from 14-5. I love friends, trailering, fun dinner parties, booze, exercising ( because booze) and being with my family. In my spare time....ha ha ha ha!

It’s happened to all of us. You get your kiddos set up with an activity just so you can step away for one minute and they still manage to get into mischief.

When mom of two, Jeni Boysen, sat her two-year old on her bed with an episode of Peppa Pig to grab a quick shower, she assumed Dax would stay put. Little did she know that whilst she was showering, her son was showing off his birthday suit to the neighborhood!

After emerging from the shower, Boysen saw a text come in from her neighbor with a snapshot of just what little Dax had been up to saying “your kid is naked in your window.” In her Facebook post she remarks, “Ya know. Sometimes you think you’re doing okay at life and then you get a message like this from a neighbor. I just cried I laughed so hard 😂😂😂This is exactly the laughter I needed tonight.”

According to Boysen, she and her neighbor are close––and probably even closer now! Since sharing the photo on her account, it’s had over 40,000 likes and been shared over 148,000 times proving that if there’s one thing parents have in common, it’s definitely that our kids keep us laughing.

––Karly Wood



Mom Throws Daughter an ALDI Themed Party & We Want an Invite

This Second Grader Is So Passionate about Getting Back Her Stolen Pencil

This Daddy-Daughter Photo Shoot Is Tutu Cute

Now that the new year is here, it looks like some of your fave “friends” are celebrating. More specifically Noelle Sheldon, one of the twins who played Ross and Rachel’s baby daughter Emma on Friends, has a very special message for fans of the show.

If you watched Friends way back in 2000 (which you probably did), you might remember Emma’s first birthday party. In the episode “The One with the Cake” Chandler snarked, “Hi Emma. It’s the year 2020. Are you still enjoying your nap?” as the sleepy kiddo napped through her bday bash.

Now that it’s actually 2020, the IRL Emma is answering back. Sheldon recently posted a New Year’s Day pic of herself Photoshopped into Central Perk, with the caption, “Just woke up from the best nap of all time, happy 2020!! (ft. my poorly done photoshop) Hope everyone has an excellent year full of family, friends, and laughter!!”

Along with comments from Friends fans, Sheldon’s twin Cali (who also played Emma) added, “Finally.” We totally agree!

—Erica Loop

Featured photo: Noelle Sheldon via Instagram 



Pottery Barn Just Released a “Friends” Inspired Collection & We Want It All

The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Now Has “Friends”-Themed Coffee

This New “Friends” Themed LEGO Set Is Totally There for You

It can be stressful and disappointing when your pregnancy doesn’t go exactly as you plan. When Kelsey Brewer was placed on bed rest her husband decided to fill in for her maternity shoot and the photos are epic.

The photographer, Kiana Smither of K.M. Smither Photography, who also happens to be Kelsey’s sister, agreed to help Jared––and the results are incredible.

The photos helped the couple commemorate the special occasion, but more importantly, they helped cheer up Kelsey.  “My husband has been a total rock through this whole process and even managed to get with my sister to take these AMAZING PHOTOS! That I will literally cherish for the rest of my life!!” she shared in a Facebook post. “Thank you so much Kiana Whitney Smither for capturing these images of my amazing husband! I can’t wait to watch you work your magic once our sweet boy is here!

The photos, which Kiana shared to Facebook have gone viral, racking up thousands of likes and shares. “We did not expect these photos to go viral at all,” Kiana told HuffPost. “Everyone loves them! The laughter that Jared has brought to all of these people is incredible.”

As HuffPost reports, the couple’s son, Kash Cooper, arrived Saturday at 11:05 a.m. weighing 4 pounds and 5 ounces. There are sure to be some amazing family photos in their future.

—Shahrzad Warkentin

All photos: Courtesy of K.M. Smither Photography



Mom’s “There’s No Trophy” Post Goes Viral & It’s Spot On

This Mom’s Viral “Squeaky Oven Dance” Is a Must-See

This Mom’s Candid Snapshot of Her Kids Fishing Has Gone Viral for the Funniest Reason

IKEA offers a lot of unique products to make your home cozier and your life easier, but nothing in the Swedish home furnishing store provides as much laughter as the company’s new feature that allows you to create a custom IKEA couch.

Twitter users picked up on the creative possibilities of building your own IKEA couch when user @rudermensh posted a self-designed mega sofa, which the IKEA platform priced at over $15,000. The post garnered thousands of likes and comments prompting followers to have a little fun with the IKEA couch designer.

Twitter users quickly responded to the original post with some very unique configurations of their own, like this one that spells out the word “couch.”

And this one that ensures your significant other doesn’t hog your space.

This person-shaped couch that looks like it wants to give you a hug.

And this clever creation that is aptly described as making blanket forts easier.

In case you feel like designing a couch of your own, you can have some fun with IKEA’s sofa planner here.

—Shahrzad Warkentin

Featured photo: IKEA



Is IKEA Starting a Food Delivery Service?

IKEA’s New Foldable Furniture Is Every Family’s Dream

IKEA Recreates Living Rooms of “The Simpsons,” “Friends” & “Stranger Things”

Photo: Heather Millen

It’s been nearly nine years since I first became a Mom. Five years after my first son was born, I truly didn’t know if I would have a second. Life got in the way, the timing never seemed right and my firstborn just kept getting older; we just weren’t sure if it made sense. Now that we were finally past the challenge of the infant and toddler years and experiencing some version of normalcy, did we really want to “hit the reset button” and start all over? With the larger age gap, would our children even experience the benefit of having a sibling around to play with and grow up together?

Now, as I look over at my toddler’s sweet, joyous face and think back on those early concerns, I know there was no reason for pause. And even with its challenges, there’s not a single thing I would change. Because right now, at this very moment, this is what it’s like to be the mom to a three-year-old:

Joyous: You’re such a happy little boy. Your smile is contagious, I watch you enter a room and spread that smile to everyone you encounter, strangers included. It fills my heart with such happiness.

Energetic: From the moment you get up (way too early) to the moment your head hits the pillow, you are going full-steam-ahead. There’s just too much to see, too much to do, and you want to experience it all.

Learning: There’s a lot for a three-year-old to learn. You’ve struggled with a speech delay and you’ve worked so very hard at it. You’ve made major strides and words I never even knew you understood are pouring from your mouth. Ironically, I can barely express how much I love hearing all the wonderful things you have to say.

Challenging: You are a toddler through and through, to a fault. And toddlers push the limits just to see how far they can go. Of all your new words “NO!” might be your favorite. And when you’re the one told “No,” watch out.

Awe-inspiring: You look at the world with such big beautiful awe. Just yesterday, when you woke up in the morning, you looked out the window and exclaimed “Wow! The sun is up, the moon is down!” I’m so lucky to be able to glimpse the world anew through your eyes.

Stubborn: It is borderline impossible to get you to do something you don’t want to do. Sadly, this includes eating 90% of the food I make, driving me insane nightly as I try to convince you otherwise. In your perfect world, you would live on a strict diet of yogurt, muffins, and crackers and hummus.

Independent: You have a big brother as a role model and you want to do everything yourself too. You think you’re bigger than you are, but that often also pushes you to do things other kids your age wouldn’t. This is a blessing and a curse as I run behind you just trying to keep up and prevent catastrophe.

Fearless: It is terrifying. After years with an older son who was more content to sit and play, and to this day, still assesses the risk factor in every challenge, you very much do not. Case in point, last week our “Sunday Funday” was spent in the ER getting five staples in your head after a rather reckless ride on your Thomas the Train toy. I’m still traumatized from it.

Smiles and Laughter: Even after a hard fall, you’re back to your sweet happy little self in no time. Your laugh is perhaps the greatest sound on earth and you spread it like confetti. Lately, you’ve taken to saying “I’m funny.” And yes, sweetie, you very much are.

Sibling Rivalry: After a rather blissful three years of you and your big bro getting along marvelously with him doting on you and affectionately calling you “Mr. Baby” (a nickname I’m so sad you’ve outgrown), you are now becoming your own person with your own interests. Unfortunately, those interests often include playing with his toys and taking his stuff. You’re no longer a harmless presence in his life and you very quickly are learning the tricks of the sibling rivalry trade yourself, pulling your own power moves on a brother almost three times your age. It’s almost impressive.

Snuggles and Big Hugs: You are a world-class snuggler and will lay on me for hours, or you’ll scoot over just an inch closer to be next to me. Your sweet chubby little arms wrapped around me, and those sweet smooches you give me when we snuggle, are the best feelings in the world. I hope it doesn’t change anytime soon.

Perfect: Ask any parent of a toddler and they will speak of the challenges and trust me when I say they are not wrong. It’s dealing with epic toddler tantrums and an unreasonable little human who has no idea what they’re doing. But three is also a rather fantastic age where the world is an amazing place and every day is an adventure. Where laughter flows openly and happiness is contagious. And I’m going to do everything in my power to soak up every minute. Because four and five and ten and twenty are right around the corner.

Just your average borderline-crazed mom and snarky wife who joined this online fray to build up other awesome women around me and have some laughs along the way. Follow me at @momandburied where I share both inspiration & rants about life along with my husband Dad and Buried... snark is our love language.

When you’re a working parent it can be hard to juggle your kids and work responsibilities, but when you’re living in the spotlight those challenges can sometimes be put on display for the whole world to see. Just like the hard lesson the BBC dad learned last year, California Gov. Gavin Newsom’ son Dutch, taught his dad that toddlers and politics don’t always play nice.

In California, millions watched as Newsom took the stage to give his inaugural address as the state’s newest governor. Unfortunately, the ceremony was adorably interrupted when Newsom’s two-year-old son Dutch stole the show by climbing onto the stage with his dad—not once, but twice!

Armed with a blankie and a pacifier, Dutch approached his dad mid-rhetoric and there was nothing the dad could do but scoop up his son and give him a kiss, adding and improvised line to his speech, “Now more than ever we Californians know how much a house matters and children matter.”

Newsom carried on speaking with his son in his arms for a few minutes before finally setting him down, only to have Dutch comically run to the front of the stage and then dart back behind the podium for a mom fake out. The seasoned toddler move sent the crowd into a fit of laughter.

California’s First Lady and mom Jennifer Siebel Newsom managed to finally pull him away only, to have him appear on stage again minutes later. His final attempt at attention from his dad was finally foiled, however, as his mom nabbed him and carried him away one last time.

While Newsom handled the moment with a bit more grace than the BBC dad, we can’t help but think he could use a few tips on the secret to well-behaved kids from another famous family (paging: the Royals!) to avoid being upstaged by his kids for the rest of his term.

—Shahrzad Warkentin

Featured photo: Gavin Newsom via Instagram



‘BBC Dad’ Finally Talks About What REALLY Happened In That Viral Video

Viral BBC Dad & Family to Get Their Own YouTube Cartoon Show

Prince William Learned the Secret to Well-Behaved Kids from His Mom

There’s nothing quite like the sound of a babies laughing and recent research into infant sounds has found that babies laugh just like this animal. Can you guess? Apparently, human babies laugh very much like baby chimpanzees!

Psychologist and associate professor at the University of Amsterdam Netherlands, Disa Sauter, revealed her research into infant laughter during the Acoustical Society of America’s 176th Meeting. Sauter and her colleagues reviewed audio clips of 44 babies between the ages of three and 18 months.

Photo: Henley Design Studio via Pexels 

Babies, unlike adults, typically laugh when inhaling and exhaling. Adults tend laugh during the exhale, making our giggles different from our little one’s laughs. But it looks like there is someone else that has a laugh like a baby—a chimpanzee.

As babies age, their laughter changes. Sauter found that the older your kiddo gets, the less they laugh on inhale and the more they laugh on exhale. Sauter notes, “Adult humans sometimes laugh on the inhale but the proportion is markedly different from that of infants’ and chimps’ laughs. Our results so far suggest that this is a gradual, rather than a sudden, shift.”

So what does this all mean? Well first of all, your baby has an adorable laugh—and it looks like (or rather, sounds like) chimps do, too. But when it comes to this line of research, Sauter says that studying infant laughter could eventually shed light on normal/not-so-normal vocalization development.

And now, this seems like the perfect time to watch some videos of babies laughing, don’t you think?

(You’re welcome.)

Make sure to capture all those baby belly laughs—and share them with your family and friends near and far—with the Tinybeans app. The secure platform puts parents in total control of who sees and interacts with photos and videos of their kids.