At 19 months old, my daughter has the appetite of a fully grown adult. She eagerly downs adult-sized plates of nutritious foods without complaint. How? I owe it all to baby-led weaning (also known as BLW). My husband and I don’t make a habit of spoon-feeding our child, and we’ve never bought baby food. From the beginning, she’s eaten what we eat—all on her own—within reason. Before I get into baby-led weaning and why I think it’s the savior of picky eaters everywhere, let me stress that BLW is a decision you should make after talking with your pediatrician. It may or may not be a suitable introduction to solid foods for your child.

So what exactly is baby-led weaning?

Typically babies start eating solid foods around 4-6 months by being spoon-fed purees. Slowly, they build up to chunkier foods until they graduate to solids. Babies learn to swallow food first and chew later.

With baby-led weaning, babies start no earlier than six months with soft solid foods cut into finger-length spears. Think watermelon, avocado, bananas, cooked veggies, or stewed meat.

Babies are allowed to experiment—i.e., play—with what they eat. Manipulating food teaches them how to deal with different tastes and textures, and how to bite or mash food into swallowable pieces.

Is BLW healthy?

Yes! The onus is on families eating well-balanced meals and sharing those meals with their children.

There are a few things to keep in mind though:

  1. Foods need to be low in salt and sugar, and as with any infant under one, no honey.
  2. While it can take babies a while—up to a few weeks—to swallow anything, they receive the nutrients they need via formula or breastmilk.
  3. Parents can incorporate a mix of BLW and purees, but we opted to stick to a strict BLW and breastmilk diet.

Is baby-led weaning dangerous?

BLW is a perfectly safe method of getting your child started on solid foods. A 2016 study by the American Academy of Pediatrics determined that BLW babies are at no higher risk of choking than spoon-fed babies. Technically, you can choke at any time in your life while eating just about anything (and there’s a big difference between choking and gagging, which babies do a lot).

My husband and I took an online infant safety class before our daughter’s first meal. But that’s a safe move regardless of how you choose to feed your child.

Now I don’t want to get into the ins and outs of BLW—you can read up on it here— but I want you to know it’s been one of our favorite parenting decisions.

Why was BLW one of our best decisions ever?

It’s made our daughter more independent. From day one BLW babies eat on their own. The method asks that you don’t spoon-feed your child—ever. (Though some people are more strict than others and we’ve had a few occasions where we’ve been more lenient).

BLW babies are expected to be in charge of their food journey. My daughter chooses what she wants to eat and how much of it—within the options that are in front of her. The implications of that set kids up for a life-long positive relationship with food. If she doesn’t want to eat that much one day? Fine. She’ll more than make up for it the next day.

Today, our friends, family, and her daycare teacher repeatedly tell us how good of an eater she is. And it’s true—we’ve avoided a picky eater which we think is due to her being in control of what she eats from the beginning.  My child is happily entertained with whatever you place in front of her. That means veggies, fruit, seafood—you name it.

I think that is because BLW kids are allowed (and encouraged) to experience their food. Because they’re eating on their own, it gives babies a chance to pick up their food, mash it, touch it, look at it, and eventually eat it.

Related: 6 Common Mistakes Parents Make When Starting Solids

What this encourages (aside from making a mess) is for kids to play with different textures, shapes, tastes, and colors.

But it also allows kids to experience food in the same form we eat it as adults. I don’t eat pureed carrots, or meat, or any mixture thereof. But I do eat solid carrots and meats. BLW allows kids to observe, touch, and taste whole foods the way they will encounter them as they get older.

Fussy eaters often complain about the differences in texture or taste. BLW nips that in the bud by having babies encounter those differences from the get-go.

The Result? We Have Stress-Free Meal Times

Because my daughter devours whatever we give her and because we don’t have to spoon-feed her, mealtimes are family time. There’s no need to feed the baby first and then eat once she’s gone to bed. The three of us get to enjoy our meals at the same time. And as babies learn through observation, BLW has helped our daughter be a part of a daily, communal family dinner.

The Unexpected Part? It Saves Time & Money

Here are the oh-so-fantastic list of things that we appreciate now:

  • No extra meal prep
  • No need to bring food when we eat out
  • No need to buy baby food

To a certain extent, it lets us live like we don’t have a baby. We enjoy our meals, we still eat out, and we eat a healthy, grown-up diet.

I Can’t Imagine Doing It Any Other Way

BLW has made my daughter into the little devourer of food that she is. I’m proud to see her happily munching away at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I’m relieved we can take her virtually anywhere and know she’ll be fine. But my favorite part? Sitting down as a family to a very normal, calm meal.

BLW has changed my whole outlook on getting kids started eating. It boosters a love for a healthy, varied diet while getting kids acquainted with food on their own terms.

Yes, it’s a personal decision, but I’m proud to say baby-led weaning has been a winning choice for our family.

I'm a New Yorker, married to a Texan, living in Spain, and enjoying the mash of cultures that keep us laughing every day. We have a too-smart-for-her-own-good toddler who's already more bilingual than we are. I'm also a teacher and creator of Bilingually Yours, a blog for Spanish teachers and bilingual families.

In the midst of all the carpools and soccer practices and dance lessons and schoolwork and the constant swirl of activity with busy families, there are words. Conversations. Discussions. And lots and lots of opportunities for you to encourage and motivate your potential entrepreneur, budding CEO, or just all-around smart girl.

It can be easy to let the days slide on by without being intentional in our communication with our kids. But when you have a moment to slow down and focus, here are eight different ways you can tell your daughter how amazing she is, instill a measure of self-confidence, and cheer her on to become the best possible version of herself.

Catch her doing something good.

As parents, it’s natural to spend a lot of time correcting our kids or pointing out mistakes. Flip the switch and look for something positive.

“I really appreciate that you put the dishes in the dishwasher after school, and not just the sink.”

“Thanks for helping your brother with that math problem.”

“You only slept in five minutes past your alarm! Great job.”

Positive affirmation is contagious; she may start doing the same with you!

Point out something positive in a negative situation.

Failure is part of life, especially for people like pioneers or entrepreneurs who are stepping out on limbs, taking risks and forging new paths. If you want a daughter who’s not afraid to fail, begin now to assuage that fear by helping her see the upside of something that was less than successful.

“Well, we didn’t sell much lemonade, but your idea to sell those chewy brownies was brilliant. The one customer we did have needed two more cups of lemonade to wash it down!”

When children feel good about themselves and know that you’re okay with trying and failing (and, in fact, encourage it versus not trying new things at all), they’re more willing to persevere and take new risks.

“What are your roses, thorns, and buds today?”

At dinnertime or before bed, ask your daughter about one of her day’s successes (a rose), one problem or mistake (a thorn), and one thing she is looking forward to tomorrow (bud). You can share yours, too. It’ll help her see that there are peaks and valleys throughout life, and success isn’t about avoiding the downturns; it’s about how you handle them, bounce back, and move forward.

Show her the big picture.

If she wonders why she needs to take math even though she wants to write children’s books someday, or she complains about gym class and says she’s not a “natural athlete,” talk about why math skills and fitness are important in life, no matter what career path she chooses.

Sometimes kids can be a little myopic in their view of the world, but you can help encourage your daughter to see the bigger picture when you help her think outside her limited scope of vision. Sometimes the answer to “Why do I have to take this class?!” is simply, “in order to learn how to learn. Learning new things is something you’ll do for the rest of your life, and every single class you take can help you become a better learner.”

“What’s your plan?”

Ask her about how she plans on solving problems on her own. (The problems she’s capable of handling independently, anyway.)

“Mom, my soccer jersey is dirty, and I have a game tomorrow!” Instead of rifling through her hamper yourself, maybe answer, “That seems like something you’ll need to take care of in the next 12 to 24 hours then. What’s your plan?” Or, let’s say she’s promised the neighbors she’ll babysit for them on Saturday, but now she wants to back out because she got invited to a birthday party. “Hmm. How do you think it would be best to handle that?”

Problem-solving is an important and valuable skill for anyone, let alone a successful entrepreneur.

Help her identify her passions.

She might not know yet what it is that gets her pumped up or makes her heart beat fast (which is normal, of course), so helping her identify those things could be very helpful and supportive. “Hey, I noticed that you got a little choked up when we watched that video about the rescue dog. What would you think about volunteering at the Human Society once a month?” Or, “I love that you like to help me with dinner! Maybe we should take a cooking class together?”

“I’m proud of you.”

It’s one thing to praise or celebrate her accomplishments, but what about her character?

“You’re such a loyal friend, I’m so proud of how supportive and encouraging you are.”

“When you hugged your sister after her bad day at school yesterday, I was so proud of you. You have a big, compassionate heart.”

Most of us—kids especially—indulge in too much negative self-talk. When you tell your kids what’s great about them, you interrupt that internal negative loop and help build their self-confidence.

“I believe in you.”

Think about it for a second: Who was the last person who said that to you? A parent, your spouse, maybe a mentor? Those are four powerful words that probably aren’t spoken enough, and if you’ve ever heard them, they likely lifted your spirits, ignited a fire, re-fueled a waning determination, or simply gave you the chutzpah you needed to tackle a project or face an intimidating challenge.

Whether your daughter is risk-averse or a little daredevil, whether she’s innovative or prefers the status quo, whether she’s ready to take on the world or needs a nudge out of her comfort zone—she needs to hear this from you.

This post originally appeared on The Startup Squad.

I've always built businesses, from a childhood gummy bear business to adult gigs at IMAX and I founded The Startup Squad to help girls reach their potential and my book series, The Startup Squad, is published by Macmillan. I live in Silicon Valley with my wife and two daughters.

In 2024, most children have a digital footprint before they’re even born. While sharing images online can be a way to keep distant friends and relatives up to date on your child’s milestones, there’s a difference between sharing and oversharing. The “Sharenting” (parents oversharing on social media) trend is still on the rise but many parents are starting to reconsider where and how often they share images of their kids online.

A new report by the Australian Institute of Criminology has reinforced the need to play it safe where photos of kids are concerned. In a survey of more than 4,000 Aussies who had engaged in sharenting, 2.8% had received requests from predators wanting sexual photos of children on their feeds. Some were pressured, while others were offered payment, all in the hopes of getting parents to help facilitate childhood sexual exploitation (CSE). Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus summed it up well: “No parent would ever hand a photo album of their children to a stranger and the same care should apply to photos posted online.”

So, what should you think about before posting pics of your kiddos on social media? Experts have weighed in on everything from personal privacy to online safety. Keep reading to find out what they had to say.

Think Twice Before Posting Embarrassing Photos

While you might think your toddler having a tantrum or your tween misbehaving is so hilarious that you have to share it on social media, putting anything online leaves a permanent trail that will follow your kids for the rest of their lives. "Not only is this kind of oversharing disrespectful to your child, but you should also consider how these types of images or videos will be perceived by others, and the impact it could have on your kid when he/she is older," says parenting expert and author of Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids, Dr. Laura Markham. If it's on the internet, as well as the possibility of humiliating them later in life, there's a chance it could be seen by school bullies, college admissions officers, and future employers. Next time, ask yourself how you would feel if it was you in the photo instead.

Consider the Message You Are Giving Your Kids

As parents, we are constantly telling our kids about the risks of using social media and teaching them about online safety, but then ignore our own advice when posting photos of them. "It's our job to teach and model online literacy and safety," says Markham. "When children grow up routinely seeing photos of themselves online, they think it's the norm. We're inadvertently teaching them that they have no privacy and no control over their online image."

Related: “Sharenting” Could Have Damaging Effects on Your Kids

mom engaging in sharenting

Be Mindful of Giving Away Personal Information

According to a UK study by Parent Zone and Nominet, the average parents share almost 1,000 photos of their kids online before their 5th birthday. Many parents announce the birth of their babies all over social media, while some go one step further and hashtag their kids' names or even set up Instagram accounts for their little darlings before they can even talk. While it's kinda cute, all someone needs is a name, date of birth, and address, which they can get using a geotagged photo, and this can put youngsters at risk of identity theft and digital kidnapping, which is when someone uses photos and details of someone else's kids and pretends they are their own. According to a national internet safety expert, Katie Greer, if your kids are searchable, anyone can find out anything about them. "To maximize the online safety of your child, limit the information you share about them," she says.

Avoid Posting Photos of Your Kids in the Nude

That photo of your little angels in the bath, running around the yard in the nude, or even in their underwear might be adorable to you, but once you post it, you no longer have control over it, and anyone can do what they want with it. "There is a chance this kind of photo could end up in unintended hands. Even using seemingly harmless hashtags like #pottytraining or #bathtime can also attract the attention of the wrong people," says Greer. "Your kids' online safety is paramount, so to keep things simple, keep their clothes on."

a little girl posing on the first day of school outside her house for a story on sharenting

Be Wary of Revealing Locations and Routines

It's surprisingly easy to track people using the information you can get from photos posted online. To protect your kids from potentially being discovered by child predators, Justin Lavelle, a leading expert on online safety and scam prevention and Chief Communications Officer with recommends turning off geotagging and location services and never posting details about where you live, including your address. "Avoid tagging the locations of places you and/or your children may be at frequently and crop out backgrounds with recognizable landmarks. First day of school? Take a picture at home with them in their new backpack, not in front of the school building with the name clearly visible," he says. "Do not advertise their routines and wait a few days before posting photos of birthday trips or visits to the park."

Get Permission to Post

While some might argue that parents have every right to post family photos, kids don't ask for such public childhoods. While babies and toddlers generally have no say in what mom or dad posts, tweens, teens, and even younger kids often feel their parents share too much about them online without their consent (and they're even covering their noses in family photos to fight back). Take Gwyneth Paltrow's daughter, Apple, who, after seeing that her mother had posted a selfie of the two of them without her permission, reportedly called her out in the comments. "While you might think it's your right to post what you want on social media when you ask kids, many don't want photos of them to be put online," says Dr. Laura Markham. "Our children have a right to decide what is posted about them and deserve not to have their privacy violated by us. It's important to get their approval first."

Related: New Study Sheds Light On Sharenting

mom of newborn should know the danger of sharenting

Beware of the Backlash

When you're posting photos of your kids online, especially in the public domain for all to see, it's important to consider what the people who see the photos might think. They might not like it for all sorts of reasons and will be happy to tell you exactly how they feel. This can be very hurtful. There are many instances where people have been attacked for oversharing on social media. In 2019, Pink appeared on The Ellen Show and explained why she had stopped sharing photos of her children after getting comments attacking her for posting a photo of one of her kids without a diaper. 

Pay Attention to Your Privacy Settings

If you're going to post photos on social media, then check your privacy settings regularly. According to the Child Rescue Coalition, 89 percent of parents haven't checked their privacy settings in over a year. Facebook, Instagram, and other social media apps all have different settings. Without realizing it, you may be sharing your photos with the general public, aka strangers. Also bear in mind that the friends and family you share your photos with may have different privacy settings, which means they could potentially share your photos, too. "Public posting means anyone, anywhere can see it," says Lavelle. "Keep your posts private, set your profiles to private, and make sure your posts are only visible to a custom audience of friends and family."

sharenting mom taking a selfie with her son

Consider the Bigger Picture

No one knows what happens with all the photos once they have been posted on social media. Take Facebook (which also owns Instagram and Whatsapp), which has been all over the news due to data breaches and their handling of personal information. Do you want these big corporations to have access to all sorts of data on your kids that you inadvertently supply? "While it's wonderful that technology allows us to be connected with family and friends around the world using social media and other photo-sharing apps, there is so much we don’t know," says Lavelle. "It comes down to common sense, smart-decision making, and being careful what you post." 

Be Present in the Moment

When your child is performing in a show or playing in a match, of course, you want to capture every proud moment on camera so you can share it with family, friends (and maybe the whole world). We've all done it. But your kids see you with your phone in front of your face instead of watching them, and you won't be able to focus on what they're doing. Next time, put your phone away, watch, and be proud. Your kiddos will love that they have your undivided attention, and you will be able to enjoy the experience much more.

Related: Dear Moms “Oversharing” On Social Media: I See You

Consider Private Social Networks

As mainstream platforms like Facebook and Instagram come under fire, private social apps—like the one we offer at TinyBeans—are gaining ground for their privacy and security features. Our app offers parents a safe space to share photos, milestones, and other special moments with close family and friends. So you can go ahead and make a proud grandparent's day without worrying about those images getting into the wrong hands. 

Say these things on the walk to the bus or during snack time. In fact, any time is a good time!

Whether they are in preschool, elementary school, or heading into middle school, offering encouraging words for students can make all the difference between a just-okay day and an amazing day. Whatever time of day, there’s always a moment to remind your kids how much you believe in them and how you can’t wait to hear all about it! We’ve found 22 simple phrases and prompts that can add a dose of positivity to your kids’ day; be sure to keep them in your back pocket—you’ll never know when they’ll come in handy. 

1. I can’t wait to see what your day brings. Put a positive spin on their daily morning routine when they fly out the door to catch the bus.

2. Do your best! Send them off with good vibes and encouraging words so they’ll be primed to achieve whatever they put their minds to.

3. Can I get a hug? Shh … this one’s really more about you than them, but they don’t need to know that. Hugs at the beginning of the day send a clear message of love to your little one.

4. I’ll think about you today! Just this one simple phrase lets your child know that he’ll be on your mind throughout the day, and sometimes that’s enough of a boost.

5. Do you have everything you need? It’s an easy question, but just asking it can assure both you and your child that she is prepared for her day. Lunch (or lunch money), homework, books, a special toy … whatever it is, taking a moment to ask and make sure she has what she needs to have a happy and successful day lets her know that you care.

6. You look great! Although this one can bring a smile to the young ones as well, these encouraging words are great to throw to the older kids as they trudge out the door into a social-media-driven world that can have seriously adverse effects on self-esteem.

7. You’ve got this! School is tough, much tougher than when we were kids, and the everyday pressures of homework, tests, quizzes, projects and more… well, it’s enough to make even the most self-assured kid second guess his or her abilities. Just giving your child one final boost of positivity with these words of encouragement as he scrambles out the door can be enough to boost that self-confidence for the rest of the day.

Related: 25 Things You Should Say to Your Kids Every Day

mom offering words of encouragement for students to her daughter


8. I’ll be right here when you get back. There are hours that are going to pass between taking your child to school and picking him up, and in that time, a lot can happen. Let him know that you’re going to be right there when he’s finished with his day, whether good or bad. This tiny little assurance can help slightly younger nervous kids take often difficult steps towards school.

9. I can’t wait to hear about your day! Encourage your children to look for the positive in the day by letting them know you’ll be ready to hear all about it when you see each other again.

10. You roll with the punches like a champ. Busy families have ever-changing schedules where flexibility is key. Letting your little ones know that you recognize their ability to also be flexible is important.

11. Thanks for sharing your day with me. Nothing says, “I’m listening” after the day’s download quite like this one. Frasier Crane would be proud.

12. You are a good person. People of all ages need words of encouragement like this to let them know that their presence, personality, and decisions are noticed and appreciated.

13. Thanks for helping out! when they go above and beyond to keep your family’s groove grooving, let them know how proud you are!

14. Your thoughtfulness shines through. Save this one for the simple gestures they make throughout the day, like helping out a friend or sharing with a sibling.

15. I like how you handled that. Using encouraging words for students like this lets them know you approve of how they managed tough situations can put smiles back on their faces and give them the confidence to tackle future challenges.


Related: 10 Things That’ll Help You Raise Resilient Kids

dad and daughter enjoying time together with their dog


16. I’m so happy you’re home. I missed you. Because even though parents joke about alone time, we’re happiest when our kids are by our sides.

17. I was thinking about you today when … sharing your day with them lets kids know they’re loved, even when you’re not around to show it.

18. Your joy puts a smile on my face too. This one makes an impact when they come off the bus or through the door with big smiles.

19. I’ll bet your friends/teacher appreciated your ___________ today. Insert your favorite adjective here; no matter which one you choose, letting your kids know others see this same quality in them is super empowering.

20. It sounds like you worked hard today. Whether they took a tough test, ran a mile in P.E., or just tried their best, praise that perseverance. Go grit!

21. What do you want to do now? Set aside some time for when kids first come home from school to let them relax and unwind in their own way, whether that be stopping by the library or ice cream shop or just having free time to run around the yard. Their day has been stressful too, and letting them choose how to spend the first bit after school can be a powerful tone-setter for the rest of the evening.

22. You should be so proud of yourself. A phrase that’s important for kids (and adults!) of all ages—use it often, but especially at the end of a hard day at school.

—with additional reporting by Dhyana Levy


1. You don’t have to talk big to be cool.

Guys seem to have a dynamic of competition that is fun and playful but can lead to “big talk” or making yourself look and sound bigger than you are really are. Whether in sports, academics, girlfriends, stuff you have or stuff you can do, boys have no problem sharing all their amazing qualities with one another. This is awesome! Except that those qualities can sometimes be exaggerated and blown out of proportion.

Trust that you are an amazing kid without needing to promote yourself or exaggerate a single thing. People can see who you are without you having to tell them. Be yourself and you won’t need to talk yourself up.

2. Playing sports is not the most important thing in the world.

There is huge excitement and a rush that comes with watching someone who is great at a sport and everyone loves to be connected to a winning team. But sometimes the sports culture and our obsession with it can lead us to think sports are more important than everything else. It also creates the idea that kids who don’t play sports are second class citizens.

Your job as an awesome human being is to see everyone for their character above their performance. A lot of kids will be liked for what they do in a sport, not how they actually treat people. Avoid the trap of this particular type of group-think. And, if you are one of the athletes, be kinder and more inclusive of others because of it. Not the other way around.

3. You are in charge of your body—your body is not in charge of you.

You have a strong mind and a strong body. You are in charge of it, no one else. It is special to me and I hope it is special to you. It doesn’t matter what others are doing with their bodies, you decide what you’re comfortable with.

You may feel sometimes as if your body is the leader of your actions, but your brain is what drives your body. Always. You will have some pretty lit (as you kids say these days) relationships when you are older and wiser and you will experience everything in time. Don’t rush.

4. Your emotions are just as important as your grades, sports, friends or activities—actually, even more so!

Historically, boys and men have been taught to ignore their emotions, but trust that you have just as many feelings as every other human being (about 27 basic ones and even more complex ones!). Limiting your emotions or choosing to ignore them, limits your existence and your incredible awe-filled life experiences!

So, no matter how uncomfortable, embarrassing or difficult it may be at times, listen to yourself, pay attention to how you feel and learn talk about your emotions with the people you trust (i.e. your mom). They make you who you are and you are amazing.

5. Blame me for anything.

There will be times that you are faced with difficult decisions. When all your friends are doing something that you know is not okay, when your conscience is tugging at your, but your brain is confused because something sounds fun or you’re curious or you don’t want your friends to be mad at you for not joining in.

When you know you should say no, but that doesn’t seem like enough, when the pressure is there, blame me. Tell your friends your mom turns crazy and will ground you for life. Tell them I have superhuman powers and will find out everything so you just can’t do it. Of course, I trust you to make good decisions, but when you need an excuse, blame me.

6. I expect you to make mistakes and yes, even fail at a few things, too.

If you don’t know this by now, I will tell you again; it’s okay to make mistakes. In fact, I want you to, because that means you are trying new things and pushing yourself outside your comfort zone. This is the only way to actually grow as a human being and to find out all your incredible strengths.

How you handle failure is one of the best things to know about yourself, because there is little in this world more difficult than failure. It does not denote an end, but only a hurdle over which one must learn a new way to leap. And I know you are a great problem solver.

7. I am so proud of you.

Already I can see inside of you a huge heart and a strong mind. I can see your generous spirit and caring soul that looks out for the underdog. I love your cool hairdos and your insistence on needing to come to your own decisions on your own time, in your own way. You have a depth of character, persistence and a profound desire for the truth. You already know yourself well.

Trust yourself, love yourself. You have everything inside of you that you will ever need. And know that I am here, always, loving and trusting you, shining a light on you as you grow, stretch and run wildly and beautifully through life. I am so proud of you.



10 Things We Should Tell Our Sons

45 Simple Things Moms & Sons Can Do Together

8 Things Kids Need to Do By Themselves Before They’re 13

7 Powerful Things My Daughter Needs to Know Before Middle School

Krissy Dieruf is a licensed marriage and family therapist. She lives in Minnesota with her husband and three children, loves to sing and dance around the house and has a soft spot for rebels and crazy hair. 

There’s nothing left-handers can’t master

Spiral notebooks, scissors, keyboards. Just a few of the “tools” you’ve mastered twice as well as any right-hander. Being a lefty is something to be proud of: did you know that according to MENSA 20% of all geniuses are left-handed? So, for International Left-Handed Day, celebrate the southpaws in your life, and enjoy these hilarious left-handed memes. If you’re looking for more laughs, check out our mom memes, our Halloween parenting memes, and potty training memes.

1. Stupid scissors.

left handed meme

2. Because being left-handed is totally right. 
left handed meme

3. Funny, but true.

left handed meme 3


4. No one believes you.
lefties meme left handed meme


5. Your parents kept putting your pencil/spoon/baseball bat in your other hand. 
left handed meme kid


6. Because you rejoiced when you discovered stores like this really do exist. 


7. If you had a nickel…
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8. I can wave with my left hand, too! 

left handed meme scale

9. ‘Nuf said. 


10. Sigh. 

leftie meme two


11. Because you still have to “special order” what you need at the office. 


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12. Awww, yeah! 




Sometimes, saying “I’m proud of you” can make all the difference

When you become a parent, you pick up the basics pretty quickly. It’s figuring out how to raise happy and confident kids that can be a challenge as the years go on. What we do know is that positive words for kids will go a long way to help boost their confidence and change their day for the better—sometimes it’s words of encouragement, and sometimes it’s just a simple “I love you.” In that spirit, here are 30 positive things to say to kids.

mom smiling at daughter

1. You make me smile. Telling your kiddo they make you happy is one thing. But telling them they're the reason for your smile will give them happiness and a sense of pride that'll stick around all day.

2. Your words matter. The old saying "sticks and stones" isn't entirely accurate. Let your kids know that words have power.

3. Tell me one good thing that happened today. Focusing on the positive helps keep the bad stuff at bay.

4. Tell me one bad thing that happened today. It’s important to talk about the bad stuff too.

5. I'm proud of you for doing XYZ. When kids hear that someone is proud of them, it has a big impact on them. Think of one positive thing, and tell your little one about it.

Related: The Only 2 Things to Say to Your Kid after a Game

mom hugging her daughter

6. Mistakes happen. Kids are a messy business, and they may ruin the nice stuff you own. But what's more important—material things (just keep the priceless china stashed away) or your kids knowing they can come to you when they make a mistake? That knowledge that you love them unconditionally goes a long way in life.

7. How are you? Asking your kiddo how she feels shows that you are interested in them. Brandi Russell, a pediatric occupational therapist, and parenting coach recommends checking in with your little ones just as you would a spouse or friend.

8. What would you do? This is a great response to kids always asking for help with things. Empower them while giving yourself a break. You may not think much of it now, but that empowerment goes a long way as they grow older.

9. What nice thing did you do or say today? Encourage kindness by reinforcing it daily.

10. Nothing will change my love for you. This phrase may seem self-evident, but sometimes kids need you to state the obvious. Rebecca Eans, the bestselling author of Positive Parenting, believes you can't go wrong with this loving reminder.

Related: 20 Empowering Things to Say to Your Daughter Every Day


11. Don’t let mean people define who you are. There will always be bullies in life. This simple phrase helps kids know that negative voices are not the most important, and it's a lesson they can remember as they encounter difficult people as teens and adults.

12. I like it when you … Even when the kids are driving you crazy, there’s always at least one thing they did that made you smile.

13. Please. If we want respect as parents, then we need to show that same behavior to our kids. Dr. John DeGarmo, a national foster parent coach, advocates parents should always say "please" and "thank you" to model respectful behavior.

14. Clean up your toys, dishes, or whatever is left out. Encourage kids to take ownership of cleaning up their belongings, says Maureen Healy, author of Growing Happy Kids. Even if it’s just one or two items a day, it will help you in the long run.

15. That’s smart thinking. Sometimes hearing you’re smart is even more powerful than telling a kid she looks cute. That early feeling of being called intelligent is sometimes one of the memories kids remember most as they grow.

Related: 11 Important Things Dads Should Say to Their Sons

dad spending time with daughter

16. I like you. Kids may hear the words “I love you” regularly, but do they know you like them too?

17. I’m proud of you. They know you love them. But do they know you’re proud of them too? Author, and clinical psychologist, Dr. Sherrie Campbell believes those words are just as important as affirmations of love to kids.

18. Thank you. Social skills and courtesy are important in the home and outside of it, and they are skills that go through adulthood.

19. I’m sorry. We all lose our temper or make mistakes. Dr. Alison Mitzner, a pediatric specialist, believes what’s important is how we react.

20. Just be yourself. Teach your kids they’re enough, and they never have to be anyone else.

Related: 10 Things to Say About Yourself in Front of Your Kid

mom and son starting the day with postivity

21. I love being with you. Amy McCready is a parenting educator who believes encouraging words and phrases go a long way to help your kids feel safe and secure. Telling your little one how you love being with them is a great positive affirmation they'll never tire of hearing.

22. Do your best. It’s not about the result. It’s about how you get there.

23. Always tell the truth, even if it’s not great. The sooner kids know you’ll still love them after hearing the truth—even if it’s not great—the more truthful they’ll be as they grow.

24. I'm listening. What do you want to say? According to Katie Hurley, LCSW, 57% of girls say they don’t always tell their parents certain things because they don’t want their parents to think badly of them. Show your kids you do care what they have to say by demonstrating you want to listen to them share information with you.

25. You don’t have to eat it. It’s tough to deal with picky eaters. Instead of fighting with your kids to eat their veggies, give them the power to say no and be in control. But don’t provide an alternative meal choice or dessert either.

Related: 7 Things NOT to Say to Your Daughter

a happy inclusive family

26. You make me happy. Because everyone wants to feel like they matter to someone else.

27. I love you. They may be simple, but Jennifer Wolf, a PCI-certified parent coach, believes there's no substitute for these powerful words.

28. What do you think we should do today? Letting your kids have a say in the day's activities will do a lot to keep them feeling satisfied and valued for more than just a few hours.

29. You make a difference... in life, in the family, and at school. When kids hear they're important, they feel empowered and happier.

30. You were right. To let a child know when they were right (and maybe you were wrong) is empowering. 



The second season will drop in Feb. 2023.

After several years of speculation, Disney Channel’s first animated original series, The Proud Family, made an official comeback this past February. Ever since, The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder has been a hit on Disney+.

As early as Apr. 2022, Disney announced Penny, Oscar and Suga Mama would already be returning for a second season, with the show already in production! Now we are getting more details on just what to expect when the Prouds make their comeback.

Related: ‘The Proud Family’ Is Getting a Reboot on Disney+, According to Star Jo Marie Payton

The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder Season 2 Trailer

The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder Cast

The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder brings back all the original characters and the actors who voiced them all. That includes  Kyla Pratt as Penny Proud, Tommy Davidson as Oscar, Paula Jai Parker as Trudy, Jo Marie Payton as Suga Mama and Cedric the Entertainer as Uncle Bobby Proud. Viewers were also introduced to new characters in the first season, including Maya Leibowitz-Jenkins, voiced by Keke Palmer and Randall, voiced by Billy Porter.

Season two is bringing in tons of special guests like R&B artist Normani, Gabrielle Union, Olympic gymnasts Dominique Dawes, Gabby Douglas, and Laurie Hernandez, Chance The Rapper Hamilton’s Leslie Odom Jr., Jane Lynch, Holly Robinson Peete, Maury Povich, Anthony Anderson, Courtney B. Vance, and Liana Mendoza.


The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder Season 2 Plot

The trailer gives away some topics that the Prouds will navigate in season two. Among them are Suga Mama’s sleep apnea machine, a Disney princess party, and a protest for justice.

The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder Season 2 Release Date

The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder season two will debut on Disney+ sometime in Feb. 2023. While that’s still five months away, you can spend the time catching up on all the original episodes on the streaming service now, plus season one.

Disney+ releases first full trailer for Willow

The magical world of George Lucas’ Willow is returning to the small screen! The epic fantasy adventure set in an age of swords, sorcery, myths and monsters is making a comeback in the form of a Disney+ and the plot will take place years after the time period of the original film. The first full trailer was released this week, along with the news that Christian Slater will be joining the cast. 

Willow introduces all-new characters to the enchanted realm of fairy queens and two-headed Eborsisk monsters and welcomes back its namesake hero, sorcerer Willow Ufgood, performed once again by the unmatchable Warwick Davis. And that’s not all. Executive producer Jonathan Kasdan has also confirmed to Yahoo! that Val Kilmer’s character, Madmartigan, will also be a part of the show. As for Slater, Variety reports, “Slater’s character is somehow tied to Madmartigan as a ‘friend,’ but more will be revealed later.”

Kasdan shares “Val’s a huge part of this, and the first conversation I had, when Warwick and I got the greenlight to do this, was with Val. We wanted his character to be a part of the story. We wanted him to be in the show. Because we were shooting during [the COVID-19 lockdowns], he wasn’t able to come to Wales and shoot with us. But he is in the show in a big way. And we’re pretty excited about it… Madmartigan lives on.”

There are not a lot of details about how Kilmer will be involved exactly in the Disney+ series (since he wasn’t involved in any of the actual filming) but fans are regardless excited to hear his role plays a part in the new generation. Warwick Davis reveals “Val’s spirit is very much with the series. [He and I] have been in touch since we made the movie, and we’re good friends and he’s a terrific guy…Madmartigan lives on.”

Willow’s plot follows follows Kit (Madmartigan and Sorsha’s daughter!) as she brings together a team to save their world. And yes, Joanne Whalley will return as queen Sorsha.

Tune in Nov. 30, 2022 when the series drops exclusively on Disney+.

To me, there are things more important than just having a good day

A lot of parents say, “Have a good day!” to their kids as either party leaves the house. But I don’t just want my children to have a good day—even though that is important to me. There are other things I want them to also achieve and remember throughout their day. So, I started utilizing a short catchphrase I came across that embodies my hopes for my children’s day:

“Be good. Learn lots. Do your best. Have fun.”

It may seem silly, but it has actually worked for my family. I had always wanted to find a simple way to not only improve communication with my kids but also help them internalize what I say. Using this catchphrase ensures that they’ll remember my message as they go about their day and hopefully act on it.

While the catchphrase is simple enough, there’s a wealth of meaning behind it.

Be Good

When I tell my kids this, it’s partly a reminder for them to follow the rules and guidance of their teacher. However, it’s also a reminder to do good by others and to be kind, respectful and caring towards those they run into. I want to motivate them to do the right thing as they go through their day.

Learn Lots

Kids are naturally curious. They ask hundreds of questions every day as they seek to learn how things work and why things are the way they are. By telling my kids to learn lots, I’m encouraging them to hold onto their curiosity and to find all the answers that they can.

I want them to embrace learning as part of their lives and to increase both their academic prowess and their social competence. Every situation provides an opportunity to learn something new, and when they hear this phrase, I hope they remember to remain open to discovering new things.

Related: 22 Things to Say to Your Kids This School Year

Do Your Best

I tell my kids that I’ll always be proud of them as long as they do their best in whatever they’re doing, regardless of the outcome. I want them to focus on putting their best foot forward rather than focusing on winning or just getting something done for the sake of it. I encourage them to learn from failure and remind them that doing their best is always good enough.

Have Fun

I want my kids to be kids and enjoy their childhood, and this part of the catchphrase reminds them to do just that. It’s also a reminder to me not to let my expectations of my kids get in the way of their enjoyment of particular activities. Parents have a way of putting undue pressure on kids to perform, and this can do more harm than good. So this phrase reminds me to let go of my expectations and let my kids just have fun.

My kids know these words by heart, and I hope the message behind them sinks in to help guide their thoughts, decisions, and behavior even when I’m not around.

Related: 20 Empowering Things to Say to Your Daughter Every Day

Tyler Jacobson is a happy husband, father of three, writer and outreach specialist with experience with organizations that help troubled teens and parents. His areas of focus include: parenting, social media, addiction, mental illness, and issues facing teenagers today.