Yes, these jokes are a little silly, but also a lot of fun

When does a joke become a dad joke? When the punch line becomes apparent. (Har har!). You’ve cringed, laughed, and even been known to repeat them on occasion. The good news is that kids get a real kick out of them. Once you’re done with these cheesy dad jokes, try out the best jokes for kids, jokes that are good for school kids, and riddles that’ll keep the kids puzzled.

Typical Dad Jokes for Kids

-I used to hate the hokey pokey, but I really turned myself around. 

Is the refrigerator running? Better go catch it! 

(yeah, that one hurt us, too…)

-Why did the bicycle keep falling over?

It was two tired.

-What do you call a man who tells dad jokes but isn’t a dad?

A faux pa. 

-Dad: I told my kids to embrace their mistakes, then they hugged me. 

-I entered a pun contest. I submitted 10 of my best puns to see if any would be a win.

-Hey kids, I got you Fortnite. But it will only last two weeks. 

-What’s the secret to a good elevator pitch?

It has to work on many levels.

-Want to hear a long joke?


-What does a house always wear to a party?


-Charlie Chaplin and Marcel Marceau just threw microphones into the sea. Guess it’s true that great mimes sink a mic.

-Have you heard how popular the local cemetery is?

People are just dying to get in. 

-Kid: I’ll call you later! 

Dad: Just call me Dad! 

-When does a joke become a Dad joke?

When the punch line becomes apparent. 

-This pencil has two erasers. It’s totally pointless. 

“Kara, on average, how far can a dog run into the woods?”

“Gee, Granddad, I don’t know.”

“Halfway. After that, the dog is running out of the woods.”

How does a musician win a fight?

They call for Bach up.

-I can’t find the U-Cut tree farm. I’m completely stumped. 

-Doctor, doctor, I’m terrified of squirrels! 

[Doctor] You must be nuts.

Food-Related Dad Jokes for Kids

two dads laughing at dad jokes for kids

-What kind of drink is bittersweet?


-What do the royals put on their pancakes?

Sir Up. 

-My kid just asked me "Can I have this, apple?" 

Guess he doesn’t know my name is Dad. 

-Dad: Did you hear the butter rumor? Well, I'm not going to spread it.

-Why Did the vegetable call the plumber?

It had a leek.

-What do you get when you coddle a cow? 

Spoiled milk. 

-Dad: Another word of caution. Never tell secrets near a cornfield. They’re all ears.

-How many apples are growing on that tree?

All of them. 

-Why did the man buy so much yogurt? 

To get cultured.

-Time to take this cookie to the hospital! It’s feeling crummy.

-Evaporated milk is confusing. There's so much liquid in it. 

-Dad to kid: Where are French fries from? 

Kid: France?

Dad to kid: Greece! 

-Dad to kids at dinner: I would tell you my pizza joke but it’s just too cheesy. 

-What do you call a band of berries playing music?

A jam session.

-How do you fix a broken tomato?

With tomato paste.

-Why aren't lobsters generous?

Because they're shellfish

-There's a type of bagel that can travel. What is it?

A plain bagel

Science Dad Jokes for Kids

silly dad and son making faces

What kind of music do planets love?


-Did you ever notice ants don't get sick?

They're full of anti-bodies. 

-Dad: This book about how Newton discovered gravity is so good! I just can’t put it down. 

-What do you call a fish with four eyes?


-Why doesn’t a photon need a suitcase?

Because it’s traveling light. 

-Dad to kid (in a serious voice): A word of advice, kid. Never trust atoms. They make up everything. 

-Kid: Why are you talking to yourself, Dad?? 

Dad: I needed an expert's advice. 

-Dad: I am giving away all my of charge! 

-How do you know carrots are good for your eyesight?

Have you ever seen a bunny wearing glasses? 

Did you hear the one about the claustrophobic astronaut?

He just needed a little space. 

-What did Benjamin Franklin say after he discovered electricity? 

Nothing—he was too shocked.

Body-Related Jokes

silly dad and daughter

-“You have a hole in your sock, Jack.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Sure you do.  That’s how you got your foot in it.”

-"Wow! Chase, you sure got tall. I hope you don’t grow another foot.” 

“Why not Granddad?” 

“Because if you do, Mommy will need to buy you a third sneaker.”

-"Grandad, you look pretty sharp.  Where did you get your haircut?”

“On my head, Shane.”

-How do you make a Kleenex dance? 

Put a little boogie in it! 

-Dad tells kids: Here’s a cautionary tale. Don’t sing in the shower! 

-Kid: Dad, did you get a haircut?

Dad: No, I got them all cut. 

-Dad: I never thought I’d be the type to have a beard. But then it just grew on me. 

Kids: What?? Why not?

Dad: If you get soap in your mouth, it will turn into a soap opera. 

Kids: GROAN!!!!! 

-Kid: Dad, it hurts when I move my arm like this.

Dad: Then don’t move your arm like that. 

-Why do skeletons stay so calm?

Because nothing gets under their skin. 

-What do you call someone with no nose and no body?

Nobody knows. 

-Did you hear about the dad who chugged 8 sodas?

He burped 7-Up. 

-Kid to Dad: Why are there balloons in the bathroom?

Dad: I wanted to throw you a birthday potty. 

-What do you call a 12-inch nose?

A foot. 

-Dad, can you put my shoes on?

"Nope. They are too small for my feet."


For those lucky enough to be born in March, count yourself among a select group of creative dreamers who are empathetic and optimistic. According to studies (and a smidge of astrology, if you believe in that kind of thing), here are eight cool traits and factoids that make March birthdays special.

Looking for other months? Check out interesting facts about people born in April, people with February birthdays, and facts about people born in May.

You might end up with a night owl

According to this sleep study published by the National Library of Medicine, sleep habits are affected by when you’re born. The findings suggest that kids born in spring and summer tend to stay up later than those born during the winter months due to the increased photoperiod directly after birth, which leads to phase delay (your body telling you it’s nighttime and therefore bedtime) of the human circadian system.

March is a month of dreamers and heroes

Those born under the sign of Pisces are also charismatic, affectionate, and generous. If you’ve got a Pisces baby, support their boundless imagination with plenty of pretend play, creative outlets, and games. Because those born under this half of March’s zodiac sign are empathetic, they’ll go above and beyond for their loved ones. 

The birthstone for March represents youth, good health, and hope

The aquamarine gem is a luxurious blue, and while it isn’t considered a precious stone, is often associated with not only good health and hope but a feeling of calm, trust, and fearlessness. According to Truly Experiences, sailors used to carry aquamarine with them on sea voyages for protection, as the semi-precious gem was thought to be the treasure of the mermaids.

March babies have pretty good eyesight

While winter-born babies have the best vision overall, babies born in spring have been shown to have better eyesight than their summer friends, according to a study of 300,000 military applicants. A co-author of the study explains that babies born in the summer months have a 25% chance of becoming nearsighted. The reason? The study suggests that the cause might be long-term exposure to natural light in early life.

Solitude is a must for some of those with March birthdays

Pisces babies (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) love people, but they love solitude just as much. Known as super creative and imaginative, March babies enjoy getting lost in their thoughts and are content to spend time alone.

March babies are romantic and soulful

Guided more by intuition than by structure, those born under the sign of Pisces are ideal partners and friends. They tend to be compassionate and have an open heart that forgives and forgets easily. They can tap into the feelings of their loved ones and be empathetic, which is a plus in moments of conflict.

There are plenty of celebrities with March birthdays

Famous people like a little extra luck too! People born in March share their birthday month with lots of famous people, including Justin Bieber, Shaquille O’Neal, Chuck Norris, Queen Latifah, Reese Witherspoon, Bruce Willis, Elton John, Sarah Jessica Park, and more.

—with additional reporting by Karly Wood


When it comes to the season of the rabbit, we’ve always got a few good puns up our sleeves. These Easter jokes are ready to make your little bunnies laugh, whether you want a joke-a-day or just a day of jokes, these jokes for kids are the perfect way to celebrate the season. Don’t forget to check out our favorite spring jokes for kids, and riddles for kids!

Easter Bunny Jokes

What kind of bunny can't hop?

A chocolate bunny. 

What do you call a bunny with lice?

Bugs Bunny!

Where does the Easter Bunny like to eat out?


How does the Easter Bunny travel all over the world?

Via hareplane. 

How do you send a letter to the Easter Bunny?

Via hare mail. 

What do you call a Transformer Bunny?

Hop-timus Prime. 

How does the Easter Bunny stay in shape?


What does a bunny like to dance to?


What do you call a bunny with money?

A millionhare. 

What is a rabbit's favorite jewelry?

A 24-carrot gold ring. 

What do you call a rabbit with a cold?

A runny bunny. 

What did the rabbit say to the carrot?

I'd like to get to gnaw you. 

What do you call a bunny who tells jokes?

A funny bunny! 

Why did the Easter Bunny go on strike?

He wanted a better celery. 

Easter Egg Jokes

Happy Easter sign
Priscilla du Preez via Unsplash

What did one egg say to the other egg?

Heard any good yolks lately?

What do you call a zen Easter egg?

An ommmmmmlet. 

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Wendy who?

Wendy Easter Egg Hunt gonna' start?

What did the egg say when the Easter Bunny told a joke?

You crack me up. 

How many Easter eggs can you put in an empty basket?

Only one. After that, it's not empty anymore. 

What stories do Easter eggs tell their children?

Yolk tales. 

What did the Easter Egg ask for when he went to the hair salon? 

A new dye job. 

Why did Humpty Dumpty have a great fall?

To make up for his miserable summer.

—reader submitted by Kaci Y.  

Funny Easter Jokes

happy kids love Easter jokes

Why are you so tired in April?

Because you just finished a March. 

How does Easter always end?

With an "r."

Why did the jelly bean go to school?

Because he really wanted to be a Smartie. 

What kind of vegetable is angry?

A steamed carrot! 

Would February March?

No, but April May. 

Where does Easter take place every year?

Where eggs marks the spot!

How do you know carrots are good for your eyesight?

Have you ever seen a rabbit wearing glasses?

Knock, knock!

Who's there?


Sherwood who?

Sherwood like to have as much Easter candy as you!

Where did the vampire keep his Easter candy?

In his Easter casket.


From being an early riser to having several birthstones, people with a December birthday are a special bunch

Being a December baby can sometimes feel like a downer because birthdays can get forgotten in the holiday rush. But the truth is that people with a December birthday are impossible to overlook. While being born in November isn’t very common, December babies (especially those born on Dec. 25) are some of the rarest of them all. Here are some attributes you might not know about your December baby.

A mom kisses her December baby on the cheek in front of a Christmas tree

Late December Birthdays Are Rare

It might be a celebratory distraction to be born on a big holiday, like Christmas, but the truth is it’s very rare to be born on Dec. 25, which makes those birthdays pretty special. In fact, Christmas Day is the least likely day of the year to be born, ranking at 366th with just over 6,500 births on average. Dec. 24 is also a rare one, ranking at 364th, and Dec. 26 comes in at 361st. 

Some December Baby Names Are Related to the Holidays (but Not All) 

While some December baby names are related to the holidays (think Joesph, Eve, Noelle, Nicolas), according to Nameberry, other names to give babies born in the last month of the year range from those inspired by light (Lucien) and December's flower (Narcissa, Holly), to the Winter Solstice (Talvi), and good fortune (Felix). 

They're Less Moody As Adults 

While we can’t make any guarantees when it comes to those terrible twos (and threes), according to research, people with a December birthday are less irritable as adults than those born in other months. A Hungarian study found that those born in the winter months, like December, were least likely to suffer from mood swings. So while the weather might be chilly outside when your December baby is born, expect to get a lot of warmth from these little charmers as they get older.


A baby smiles and laughs in front of a Christmas tree as he holds up a present

They’re Bold Explorers

With all this talk of birthdays, you might ask, what is the zodiac sign for people born in December? Babies born before Dec. 21 are ruled by Sagittarius, the archer, meaning that you can expect wisdom, determination, and a bold attitude. These spitfires are also known being adventurous travelers, so get your world map ready. If their birthday comes after Dec. 21, that makes them a Capricorn. Represented by the goat, this zodiac sign for December implies that your baby will be ambitious and highly disciplined while also good-natured. So, in other words, they have a great work ethic.

They're Rich in Birthstones

What is December's birthstone? Lucky for December babies, they have four beautiful blue-hued gems to choose from if you include the blue topaz. The topaz is known for its sparkle, variety of colors, and affordability (a win-win for birthday gifts), although some history and jewelry experts argue that blue topaz does not represent December. Even if that's the case, you're still left with three gorgeous gems: the calming and ever-popular turquoise, the unique purple-blue tanzanite, and the blue-green zircon (said to be one of the oldest materials on earth).

Four smiling children who were born in December stand in a classroom

They’re the Head of the Class

Depending on what your school entry cut-offs are, your December baby is either one of the youngest in the class or the oldest. Either way, they are on track to be one of the brightest. While some studies show that kids who are the oldest in their class are more successful in academics, other research has shown that being the youngest also has an advantage by the time kids prepare to graduate high school, with the youngest outperforming their older classmates by the time they are applying for college. Either way, it's a win.

They’re Early Risers

A study of human circadian rhythms found that those born in winter months, including December, were more likely to be morning people, which means at least you’ll face a smiling tot when you’re up at the crack of dawn. Better still, other similar studies found that those born during the same season were more likely to go to bed earlier, which means more me-time for mom and a more efficient schedule going forward. 

Walt Disney was a December baby
Wikimedia Commons

Celebrities with a December Birthday

Some famous December babies include Walt Disney, Beethoven, and Jane Austen. Do you like movies and television? There's a VIP list filled with celebrities born in December such as actresses Lucy Liu, Amanda Seyfried, and Julianne Moore, as well as film director Judd Apatow. Mckayla Maroney and Gabby Douglas, two Team USA Gymnastics gold medalists, were born in December. Dec. 30 alone marks the birthdate of several iconic baseball players in history including Sandy Koufax, Frank Torre, and Jose Morales.

—Additional reporting by Dhyana Levy

Your kids are the light of your life, so it can be hard to imagine that your amazing, beautiful, vibrant kiddo might have low self-esteem. Raising a confident child can be hard, but there are a few tactics seasoned parents use to instill a strong sense of self-worth in their kids from a young age. We know that no two children are alike, and there is no one-size-fits-all for parenting. We hope this list helps you pick and choose what works for your kiddos. 

1. Model Self-Acceptance

If ever there’s a time to silence your inner critic, it’s in front of children. Kids are sponges and they absorb all of the things we do and say in front of them. In other words, if you don’t want your kids standing in front of a mirror saying their stomach is poochy, don’t do it to yourself. And this doesn’t just apply to physical appearance. Praise yourself once in a while in front of them, with real-life, concrete examples: “I got ready so fast today I was early to work,” or “I really had a great solution at work today, and I am so proud of me.” 

2. Help Them Find Their Thing

Encouraging your child to find an activity they really enjoy and can gradually improve at is great for confidence. Anything with measurable improvements, such as a physical sport or a musical instrument, can provide clear examples of how something that is hard can become easier with practice. Experiment with trial and error (see letting your kids fail below). It can take a child a while to find “their thing” and that thing can change with age. 

3. And Encourage Them to Stick With It

There’s a difference between something that's painfully difficult and anxiety-inducing and something that is hard. While you don’t want to force your children to do something that negatively affects their mental health, encouraging them to work at it even when it doesn’t come easy will lead to a feeling of great accomplishment. 

And even if something isn’t a fit now, they can always try again. For example, your child might struggle to get through a piano lesson at age 5 but love it when they try again at age 10. 

4. Listen to Them 

Even if you want your child to keep at something, let them express their feelings about it honestly, and tell them you hear them. As the parent, you can evaluate if this is a situation in which they want to give up because they are feeling discouraged, or if it’s something bigger or potentially dangerous, and act accordingly—but in the moment, let your child be honest and acknowledge their feelings. Tell them you will come up with a solution together. Knowing they are heard means they know their opinion is valuable.

This can also be enforced in something as simple as dinner conversation. Let your child have the floor, and don't interrupt when it's their turn, just as you wouldn't want them interrupting you.

5. Get an Eye Exam

You might not think eyesight and confidence are connected, but it’s not uncommon for children to have vision problems before their parents notice. Not being able to properly see the board, screen or other teaching materials at school can make kids feel like they are “not getting it” or add to confusion. For very young children, they may not even know why they are feeling this way, which can lead to frustration.

In addition, if your child is having trouble concentrating at school, struggling with concepts or seems disinterested, especially if this is a new behavior, it could be a sign of eye problems. More than 40 percent of Americans have myopia¹, and in North America, the prevalence of myopia is expected to increase to 58% by the year 2050.² MiSight® 1 day soft contact lenses are the first and only soft contact lenses designed for myopia control and FDA approved* to slow the progression of myopia in children, aged 8 to 12 at the initiation of treatment.³† And, after using MiSight® 1 day contact lenses for three years, 90% of age-appropriate children still strongly preferred them over their glasses.⁴

6. Let Your Kids Take Risks 

This one can be incredibly hard for parents and caregivers because our instinct is to protect our children. Naturally, we’re not talking about risky or dangerous behavior, but there are everyday risks that may seem small to grown-ups but are a big deal to kids. Being able to pour their own milk, even if there’s a risk of major spilling involved, is just one example. The milk doesn’t spill: they are proud of themselves. The milk does spill: they need to find a solution to clean it up.  

7. Give Them Responsibilities

Allow your children to contribute to the household with age-appropriate chores and responsibilities. This will not only help you, but it will let them know you believe they can do it. 

Offering specific, meaningful praise will give them even more confidence, plus the desire to keep up with those responsibilities. From telling a 3-year-old “I like how you quickly you cleaned up your toys,” to playfully reminding your tween, “I believe in your ability to fold laundry!” keep the examples relevant to the job at hand. 

8. Let Them Fail 

We won’t lie: it can be devastating to watch your child fail, especially when it is something they have their heart set on. This one can be incredibly hard for parents and caregivers because our instinct is to protect our children. 

Auditioning for a school play, trying out for a team, talking to a new person at school, even taking an exam are all healthy risks that can come with big rewards, but they can also come with failure. And as hard as it is to hold a crying child who wanted to make the team, the resilience it builds will go a long way when facing tougher stuff as adults.

Another example of letting them fail ties in with personal responsibility. Yes, you want your kids to get good grades and do well at school, but if they don’t do their project on time, they will face the consequences. Failing to do a good job can encourage them to be motivated to not fail again. 

9. Arrange a Physical 

You’re a pro at the well-baby checks, but every year when your child gets their physical, it isn’t just about their growth chart. Confident kids know that their body is their own. Particularly as children advance to tween years, having a safe place with a trusted adult outside the home to talk about any health concerns, mentally and physically, will give them a sense of control over their own bodies.

10. Accept Imperfection

It's okay if they put their clothes away lopsided or their handwriting isn't great. Practice may not make perfect, but it will make improvements. Instead of stressing about little everyday imperfections, in yourself, your life and your kids, leave the dishes in the sink, the flyaway hair flying and go outside and play. Yes, we mean you, parents!

—Amber Guetebier


15 Books to Encourage Confidence in Kids

Has Pandemic Parenting Shaken Your Confidence? Here’s How to Find It Again

How I’m Teaching My Son to Be Confident in Himself—& Why It Matters

30 Things Kids Need to Hear on the Regular


Indications and Important Safety Information.
Rx only
Results may vary.
ATTENTION: Reference the Patient Information Booklet for a complete listing of Indications and Important Safety Information. *Indication: MiSight® 1 day (omafilcon A) soft (hydrophilic) contact lenses for daily wear are indicated for the correction of myopic ametropia and for slowing the progression of myopia in children with non-diseased eyes, who at the initiation of treatment are 8-12 years of age and have refraction of -0.75 to -4.00 diopters(spherical equivalent) with 0.75 diopters of astigmatism. The lens is to be discarded after each removal. Warnings: Problems with contact lenses could result in serious injury to the eye. Do not expose contact lenses to water while wearing them. Under certain circumstances MiSight® lenses optical design can cause reduced image contrast/ghosting/halo/glare in some patients that may cause difficulties with certain visually demanding tasks. Precautions: Daily wear single use only. Patient should always dispose when lenses are removed. No overnight wear. Patients should exercise extra care if performing potentially hazardous activities. Adverse events: Including but not limited to infection/inflammation/ulceration/abrasion of the cornea, other parts of the eye or eyelids. Some of these adverse reactions can cause permanent or temporary loss of vision. If you notice any of the stated in your child, immediately have your child remove the lenses and contact your eye care professional.
†Compared to a single vision 1 day lens over a 3 year period.
¹ Vitale S, Sperduto RD, Ferris FL 3rd. Increased prevalence of myopia in the United States between 1971-1972 and 1999-2004. Arch Ophthalmol. 2009;127(12):1632-1639. doi:10.1001/archophthalmol.2009.303
² Holden BA, Fricke TR, Wilson DA, et al. Global Prevalence of Myopia and High Myopia and Temporal Trends from 2000 through 2050. Ophthalmology. 2016;123(5):1036-1042. doi:10.1016/j.ophtha.2016.01.006
³ Chamberlain P, et al. A 3-year randomized clinical trial of MiSight® lenses for myopia control. Optom Vis Sci. 2019; 96(8):556-567.
⁴ Sulley A et al. Wearer experience and subjective responses with dual focus compared to spherical, single vision soft contact lenses in children during a 3-year clinical trial. AAO 2019 Poster Presentation.

Marie Kondo has been an organizing guru for years, but when Netflix debuted not one, but two shows based on her methods, everyone binged watched. Moms everywhere purged their homes as if their life depended on it and took the KonMari method to heart.

If that was you and you’re still hooked on keeping only those things that spark joy, then keep reading to see some of our fave storage solutions that are totally KonMari-compatible.

Kitchen Drawer Organizer

If you've watched Tidying Up, you've probably seen Marie show up with her own box of...boxes. The organizer swears by the technique of using boxes within drawers to help keep items alongside like items for that perfect tidy look. This 8-piece set ($8) of kitchen organizers comes in varying sizes to accommodate all sorts of baubles, but more importantly to keep everything organized. Perfect for your bathroom drawers, too!

Foldable Drawer Boxes

Once you've mastered the KonMari folding method, you're going to need to plenty of space to keep those beautifully folded clothes. If your drawer system is lacking, then these foldable drawer boxes ($27) can keep you on track. They're great for organizing baby and kid clothes since they're too small to stand up in large drawers, and to keep undergarments tidy, too.

Delta Children MySize 9 Bin Plastic Toy Organizer

If this storage solution looks familiar, it's because it actually made an appearance on the first episode of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo! The toy organizer ($58) comes with nine bins and is available in six different colors to match your decor, while also providing some major functionality. 

Boxbox Plastic Storage

Drawers can quickly become a haven for mess, especially when you have a junk drawer––wait, isn't that a "bad word" in Marie Kondo's world? Instead of tossing pens, keys and random objects into the abyss, stock up on simple clear boxes like these. For $14 you'll get a pack of 10 that can wrangle all types of clutter.

Battery Organizer

Is it us, or does this battery organizer ($18) spark some major joy? With room to store 82 batteries in all shapes and sizes, this holder not only keeps them from accidentally de-charging, but you can also use the detachable battery tester to make sure you're only keeping the ones that actually work.

Sterilite Stacking Drawers

Whether you use them to organize shoes, small toys or garage essentials, this six-pack of stacking drawers ($45) will keep your home looking clutter-free. The stacking features means you'll have ample floor space, while the clear plastic keeps everything within eyesight.

Flex Totes

Whether you're storing away sweaters for the summer or just trying to organize the linen closet, flex totes ($20) like these will get it done. The clear plastic panels are Marie Kondo-approved and makes finding what you need a cinch! The top zipper makes for easy access and the huge size means these little bags can pack it all in.

Air-Tight Food Storage Containers

Tired of never knowing what you have in the pantry? Make grocery shopping more enjoyable and cost-effective by keeping snacks and other foods in clear containers in your pantry. This airtight version ($30) not only looks sharp, but it's also clear and will keep your food fresh longer than a toddler who doesn't know how to close a bag to save their life!

Clear 70 Quart Ultra Latch Box

Even if you follow Kondo's method to a T, we all still have items that call for storage throughout the year. These four-pack of clear latch boxes ($89) make great garage storage because they are large, clear and all match. Nothing says tidy like matchy-matchy boxes!

Sterilite 6-Quart Boxes (Pack of 12)

This basic 6-quart size clear box is a must when it comes to organizing. There are so many uses that you won't have a hard time using the entire 12-pack ($31) for things like shoes, craft supplies, toys and pretty much anything.


––Karly Wood

Featured photo: Canva



The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up: How I KonMarie-d My Butt Off

“Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” Is Your New Netflix Binge Watch

How Marie Kondo Almost Ruined My Marriage

Every dreadful Monday morning, my coworkers were running in, disheveled to get their classrooms ready for 30 plus kids, every 47 minutes for an 8-hour workday. They seemed distant and detached. I had no idea that some of those colleagues had already fought battles with their children during morning routines. Dressing and feeding two or three kids who are half-cleaned and awake is a challenge even Marie Kondo wouldn’t touch.

I, in contrast, at the time, was single and would waltz in, freshly spritzed with the most current and new season’s soft, floral perfume. My only morning quandary was my disappointment with my chosen ensemble for that day. I pitied some of those mothers and fathers and had no real connection to what they were going through. I had no idea the amount of effort it took to be a working parent until I had my little one in 2015.

My first year as a new mother, I knew that I wanted to be successful at both, and that’s the over-achiever in me. I thought, I’ve been teaching already for a decade and mastered many of the skills as a successful teacher. So, throwing in a kid into the equation shouldn’t cause too much of a disruption in my life. I had already taken care of 150 plus kids every year, this shouldn’t be that difficult. I am highly organized. I can create a system that is conducive for my lifestyle. I got this. I will buy a cute spiral, some cool gel pens, stickers and get to planning my new mom-at-work life.

As a teacher, I went back to work three months after my son was born and was ready to take on my new role by the first fall-sounding bell. Unfortunately, all of the same standards, expectations, and deadlines were still there, this in addition to all of the new challenges new parents face with their little ones required 100-percent more effort. Where was I going to get that effort? For me, green tea and coffee became required concoctions throughout the day. Like taking vitamins or medicine to stay alive. Give me my caffeine fix.

My plans didn’t go accordingly. My sleep was disrupted, my body chemistry changed because I had a new, ever so fashionable “mom-bod.”  Which made sex awkward because I felt like a wilderness safari with all of the movement and sounds. In addition, my eating habits and cravings changed, even my eyesight morphed to near blindness because of hormones. Stupid hormones. There were so many challenges my little spiral couldn’t answer. One evening, after a few glasses of wine, I burned my spiral. Yes, I watched all my little notes, doodles and plans go up in glorious, hot flames. Felt good. Screw it, I’m gonna wing it.

There is no perfect ideal plan. But in the end, I learned to be happy with the job I’ve chosen. Because when you are late to dance recitals, baseball games or dinner, it has to be for a good reason. I will say what you’re not supposed to say, being a mom didn’t fill my cup 100-percent. I needed more than that. Luckily, writing has given the ability to work from home and take on projects that make me feel important. Working makes me happy. It gives me something to feel productive and appreciated. Lately, the workplace paradigm has shifted. I adore the idea that so many mompreneurs have created opportunities for other moms to feel part of a community where they are contributing denizens. I encourage moms to be creative and if you need to work, think outside the box and pick up small projects. With the advent of home-delivery services, there are so many companies that will hire you to work your own hours at your convenience and you don’t even have to wear high heels.

Secondly, there is only one of you. Working in the public school system as a parent is extremely self-sacrificing. There are times when other people’s children come before your very own. This stress can lead to a lot of feelings of guilt and inadequacy as a teacher/worker and even as a mother, which is your most important job and responsibility. It is an extremely fragile dichotomy that can lead to a perplexing state. These feelings can deepen as time goes on can develop into anxiety and depression. Working through those feelings of guilt and inadequacy of not being there every single day is a cognizant process. I personally walk and it helps take those negative chemicals like cortisol and process them out of your system to leave you feeling euphoric and positive.

Lastly, remember that you are a mom first. You are not only legally required to make sure your child’s needs are met, but we have to remind ourselves that we are our children’s caregivers. No one else is going to step up and take care of them like we are. So, when in the face of feeling like you should put something else in front of your own child and feel guilty that you can’t take on those long weekend projects, don’t. We aren’t working moms, but moms at work and being a mom always comes first.


This post originally appeared on Midland Moms Blog.

Sonia is a writer and artist living in west Texas. She taught upper levels of writing for over decade and now takes on writing projects as a stay-at-home mom. She develops interesting narratives depicting her life as a modern mother of a toddler. 

Indigestion, nausea and of course pure exhaustion are all common symptoms of pregnancy, but did you know that your growing baby bump can also impact your eyesight?

A recent survey conducted by the American Optometric Association found that one in six expectant moms experienced vision changes during pregnancy. The survey also found that two out of five moms weren’t even aware that vision changes were possible.

photo: Greyerbaby via Pixabay

Vision changes during pregnancy can include dry eyes, migraine headaches, blurred vision and light sensitivity according to AOA President and optometrist Samuel D. Pierce. These symptoms are caused by hormonal imbalance.

These changes typically reverse themselves after childbirth, but like any other symptoms women experience during pregnancy it’s important to report them to your doctor. “A mother’s health and the health of their baby are important,” Pierce says. “Checking on all unusual symptoms can help have a healthy pregnancy from start to finish.”

—Shahrzad Warkentin



The FDA Wants to Make Research on Pregnant & Breastfeeding Mamas More Effective

New Dietary Guidelines For Babies & Pregnant Women Are Long Overdue

CDC Downgraded Its Zika Virus Warning, Which Is Good News for Pregnant Women

I was never a fan of stories that started with, “When I was a kid…” but, here I am, starting my story with, “When I was a kid…”—because when I was a kid, things were different. Kids would play outside all day long. All the neighbors knew each other. Cars slowed down while children played kickball and rode their bikes in the street. I could safely walk to my friend’s house a few doors down and not return until dinner.

Now, I hardly ever see kids playing in the street. Cars often have no regard for children nor residential speed limits. It’s hard not to worry about your child if they don’t answer the phone. And that’s another thing! Kids as young as eight and nine years old have cell phones. I didn’t get my first phone until I was 13 and that followed my very first beeper. I’m not sure exactly what changed or when the shift in childhood happened, but I do know that the world is a different place now.

I have fond memories of my childhood. I remember my first big girl bike. It was purple, pink and white with a black seat and large black tires. My best friends name was Lauren and she lives about 10 houses down the block. I had to ride up one large hill and down the other side before arriving at her yellow ranch.

We used to swim in her pool, draw with sidewalk chalk, walk her adorable pit bull terrier, and eat apples with whipped cream and sugar. I would play at her house for hours and my mother never worried. I called her on Lauren’s house phone when I arrived and made sure I was home in time for dinner. I don’t remember a single time when Lauren and I watched television. We may have watched a movie or two during our sleepovers but our time was primarily consumed with using our imagination.

Fast forward to present day. My son lives on his XBox. He asked for a cell phone for Christmas and we compromised on an iPod. When we visit his best friends house one of their favorite things to do is sit in what’s called “the lion’s den” in his room and play games on their tablets. Sure, they talk to each other, comment on what they’re doing and swap tablets, but they’re not using their imaginations. They’re more engaged with the screen than with each other.

I’m sure I’m not the only one who attends these types of playdates. But my son’s lack of interest in participating in anything other than screen time isn’t only about lack of imagination, though that’s a big one! Lack of time outdoors can actually affect your child in more ways than one. Here are some unknown benefits of outside play for kids.

1. Improved Attention Span

If your child is anything like my son, his attention span is sometimes lacking. I’m lucky if he can follow me from the beginning of the conversation till the end without getting distracted. Did you know that time spent outdoors can actually help reduce the effects of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)? Some parents reported that their children were more apt to investigate and exhibit curiosity about the world around them after spending time in the fresh air and sunshine.

2. Increased Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of those important vitamins that most of us get from exposure to the sun. If kids are spending too much time indoors, they’re lacking in vitamin D exposure. But what kind of physical effects can this have on kids?

Vitamin D in children actually helps strengthen bones and prevent both heart disease and diabetes. The best way for your child’s skin to absorb vitamin D is through limited exposure to the sun without sunscreen. Yes, sunscreen is extremely important and necessary for protecting your child’s skin and should always be used. However, if you can expose your child to even a few minutes of sunlight without sunscreen, they will receive their daily dose of this beneficial nutrient.

There are also vitamin D supplements available. You can also encourage your child to eat more foods rich in vitamin D such as eggs, cheese, milk and some breakfast cereals.

3. Improved Eyesight

Who knew that time spent outdoors could actually help your child’s vision? A recent study showed that those children that spent more time playing outdoors were less likely to suffer from nearsightedness. Those suffering from this condition have a difficult time seeing far away but can see up close, without the need for glasses. This condition is sometimes linked to genetics, however, studies have shown that those children that spend approximately 14 hours per week outside are at lower risk of nearsightedness.

Another reason why outside time means improved vision is because it reduces a child’s screen time, which can negatively impact their eyesight over time. Eye strain is a common side effect of too much time spent staring at a computer screen, phone, tablet or television. Other effects include eye fatigue, blurred vision and dryness.

Get Outside!

The best way to get your children outdoors is to join them! Even if it means sitting on your front porch while they play in the yard, taking a walk, or tossing a ball around. Your engagement will encourage them to get involved.

Even a few minutes outside can help your child in so many ways. It’s also important to get outdoors even during the winter months. Playing in the snow, sleigh riding or building snowmen, even for a short period of time, provides your child with the same benefits as playing during the summer time.

So get creative and get outside!

Featured Photo Courtesy: StockSnap via Pixabay

I am a 32 year old mother of a son and wife to an officer. I am honest about both the love and struggle of parenting. I enjoy being active and writing is my passion, second only to my family.

Dolphins are arguably some of the most intelligent animals in the world. They use tools, help their sick, play games and have a complex language all their own. Read on for 10 cool facts about these fascinating aquatic creatures.

photo: Sean MacEntee via flickr

1. Dolphins have been seen wrapping sea sponge around their long snouts to protect them from cuts while foraging for food. They even teach their young this tool-using technique. 

2. Each dolphin has its own signature whistle. They communicate using an exchange of clicks, whistles and squeaks. They can make up to 1000 clicking noises per second!

3. The Killer Whale (Orca) is actually a type of dolphin.

4. Dolphins use echolocation: they use sound to determine the distance and location of objects, food and one another. Some dolphins have excellent eyesight, but many, including the river dolphins, have poor sight and rely on echolocation to help them navigate and hunt.

5. The Amazon and Orinico Rivers are home to pink river dolphins. These are the largest freshwater dolphin in the world and really are pale pink in color.

6. The Hector dolphin, from New Zealand, adores games. They’ve been seen playing with seaweed and blowing bubbles.

7. Only half of the dolphin’s brain goes to sleep when asleep and the other half stays awake.

8. Baby and young dolphins rest, eat and sleep while the mother swims. The mother doesn’t stop swimming for the first several weeks of a newborn’s life, in order to keep the baby afloat. (So dolphin moms are sleep deprived too!)

9. Dolphins have been seen helping a sick or injured member of their pod to the surface of the water.

10. They breathe through nostrils on top of their heads, also known as blowholes. While time varies greatly from species to species and is dependent on the activity, the average dolphin needs to 8-12 breathes per minute if active, and about 3 when less so.

Know any cool facts about dolphins? Share with us in the comments below. 

—Amber Guetebier