If you’re struggling to get out the door with a baby for daily errands, you’re probably not considering a road trip, going camping, or even a flight any time soon. But taking a trip with a baby is actually easier than you think. And straight talk: Traveling with a baby is easier than with an older child, so get out while you can. Your baby just might be the most well-behaved traveler you encounter on your journey.

Plus, you’ll score some amazing memories, killer photos, and probably a few funny stories out of it. So if you’re dreaming of traveling, here’s why you should make it a reality now.

1. Babies sleep. A lot. If you anticipate your baby’s needs by scheduling regular feedings, cuddles and diaper changes, they’ll be mostly content to snooze as you explore your new surroundings.

2. Time goes so fast. Take these moments to travel while you can.

3. You usually don’t have to pay for your child’s seat on a train or airplane until age two. Just pop them on your lap, which is their favorite place to be anyway. They will also likely not have to pay an entrance fee at museums and other must-see attractions. Yep, that includes Disney theme parks.

4. Your child will see a whole new side of you, and experience a sense of wonder you can’t get from your regular routine.

5. You don’t have to pay for baby meals either. You may be lugging along some extra gear, like baby bottles or formula containers, but you’re not paying for an overpriced meal that an older child would say “All done!” to after eating only two bites.

6. You can be present in a different way than you can at home. You’re experiencing new things right along with your child, and there’s magic in sharing that sense of excitement and wonder together.

7. It’s hard to believe, but you have more flexibility now than you will when your child is older. Before you know it, your kiddo will be in school and enrolled in activities and your adventures will be restricted by those schedules. So enjoy that you only need to plan around adult schedules now.

8. Travel is the most fun way to learn that yes, you can do hard things as a parent. Packing for the trip, dealing with delays or other uncomfortable travel moments, resolving conflicts with your partner, all these things can happen. And while they’re what travel horror stories are made of, they’re also a way to impress yourself with how well you’re able to adapt, alter plans, speak in a foreign language, or comfort your child. It’s just one of the many ways travel enriches our lives.

9. Traveling is good for your relationship with your partner. Babies tend to become the main topic of conversation with your partner because they’re both super cute and super needy. And while traveling with a baby won’t change that, it will give you and your partner lots of new things to discuss, as well as memories you’ll treasure.

10. Fact: Sometimes babies cry on airplanes. And despite the horror stories you’ve heard, most people are nice about it. You’ll be surprised at how helpful other passengers, and especially flight attendants, can be to parents with little ones. From offers to walk with your baby up and down the aisle to bringing snacks for you, you’ll find a community onboard that’s ready to help you get through an in-flight meltdown. And if someone is a jerk? Well, you’ll never have to see them again.

Related: Dear Fellow Passenger: You Are Not Entitled to a Silent Flight

photo: iStock

11. Portability! Non-mobile babies are along for the ride. Pop them in a stroller, infant car seat, hiking front pack, or baby carrier, and they will nap and chill while you go off on adventures.

12. A non-mobile baby gets into less mischief in a new place than an older child would. Once you plonk them down someplace safe, you don’t need to worry about them putting something dangerous in their mouth, knocking over a fragile vase, or toppling down ungated stairs.

13. Once kids can walk and talk, they have a lot of opinions about what they want to do and when. Babies mainly want to spend time with you, so you get to decide where you go and what you do, provided you’re mindful of naps and mealtimes.

14. That first year can be a blur of sleepless nights, feedings, and diaper changes. Traveling with a baby gives you new and exciting things to focus on, which can up your mood and your energy level. That’s good for you, and it’s good for your baby to see you excited and experiencing things you love.

15. Everybody loves babies. Expect kindness from strangers, hotel staff, and restaurant managers as they go out of their way to help you and make sure you and your child get the most out of your travels.

16. It’s the best kind of quality time. Experiencing new things as a family builds special bonds that are hard to create at home, where you’re working and rushing through your regular routines.

17. Visiting new places is an education. Point out different colors in the woods or name landmarks in a city to develop your baby’s language skills.

18. In addition to language skills, exposing your child to new people, sights, sounds, smells, foods, languages, and scenery enriches their mind and their life. Take photos and videos so you can remind them of their baby adventures when they’re older. Kids love to hear about things they did when they were younger, and travel gives you lots to talk about, from funny memories to historical landmarks you saw and interesting people you met.

Related: Baby on Board! 12 Road Trip Essentials for Trips with Babies & Toddlers

19. You’ll love seeing the world through your child’s eyes. Watching your baby experience sand or ocean waves for the first time is a memory you won’t forget. The same goes for snow, new foods, and visits with relatives who live too far away.

20. Getting away from your home and most of your stuff shows you in vivid detail how you can be happy and fulfilled with so much less, and that definitely includes baby gear. Yes, you’ll need to bring necessities like diapers, but you won’t need all the toys, all the outfits, all the stuff. Try this test: Give your baby an empty water bottle or magazine and you’ll see how a random object can hold a baby’s attention as well as a toy does.

21. You’ll spot things you wouldn’t have otherwise. Watch your baby intently looking at an animal they haven’t seen before or laughing at an unfamiliar sound, and you’ll develop a new appreciation for your surroundings and your child’s brilliant developing mind.

22. Perspective. Babies thrive on routines and schedules, which can be difficult to maintain during travel. If you’re the kind of parent who freaks out if you get off schedule (same!), seeing that you and your child can survive a time difference, a missed nap, sleeping in a different bed or other shifts to your routine can make you relax and be willing to take other worthwhile risks in the future.

23. Traveling with a baby teaches you to slow down and adapt when necessary. It’s harder to maintain an itinerary when traveling with a baby, but it can be incredibly valuable to take an unexpected break and sit while your child drinks a bottle or nurses. Or to leave a museum amid a baby meltdown and walk the grounds instead. Stepping out of your scheduled activities to adjust to your child’s needs can also open you up to experiences you wouldn’t have had otherwise. A later start time, taking a different route, or spending longer at one location can all lead to fortuitous surprises.

24. Self-care. Visiting a place you’re excited about and planning an enriching itinerary can make you feel like your pre-baby self again. And all new parents need that sometimes. Pro tip: Take turns with your partner to hang out with the baby during naps while the other parent slips out for some solo activities.

25. You’ll instill a love of travel and learning in your child. Even if your baby won’t remember the adventures you took when they were little, they’ll know that exploring the world is important to you and that can shape their own interest in new experiences.

Related: Have Baby, Will Fly: 10 Awesome Travel Essentials

Let’s get talking! Every infant learns at their own pace, but there’s plenty you can do to encourage your baby’s first words. Because when it comes to language development, the more talking, singing, and reading you and your little squish do together, the better. So the next time you have some downtime or need something new to do, try one of these easy games that offer simple ways to encourage those precious first words through play.

But first, a few things to remember about baby speech development. Although most babies start to talk around that one-year mark, they spend lots of time learning how to speak in their first year. They notice how parents, siblings, and others respond when they make a sound—whether it’s a cry, a coo, or a squeal of delight—and learn from it. They start to babble. They point and gesture. They mimic conversation in the most irresistible way. Before you know it, they’ll be talking up a storm. Until then, pull out these baby language development games that are even fun for you, too.

fox puppet

photo: Jess via Paging Supermom

1. Puppets

Make your own puppet (like this adorable fox pictured above), find one at the store, or just slip a sock over your hand. Any way you do it, you can engage your child’s imagination and language skills by creating new characters with different voices. Your baby will be babbling or talking back to your hand in no time. It’s one of the easiest baby language development ideas out there.

2. Mimicry

Go ahead and say “mom mom mom mom” to your little one every day, several times a day if you like! Jackie’s baby at I Heart Arts and Crafts sure thinks it’s funny, and you might, too. Mimic what your baby says to get them in the mood. Even cooing back to the tiniest baby works that part of their brain.

3. Ring Ring

Why not give baby a call and see what they have to say? Babies love pretend telephone calls, and they all involve some important vocabulary: Hello and goodbye, mama, dada, nana, etc. They also get to talk just for the fun of talking. Some kids who are less enthusiastic about talking seem to be encouraged when they get to play with a toy phone that looks just like yours.

4. Tickle My Feet

Help support baby language development when you connect with their toes (and delight them at the same time) with a few rounds of This Little Piggie. Repeat as many times as you both can stand it, as repetition is crucial for babies to learn and understand language. Be gentle on the littlest babies to avoid overstimulation, but older babies may need a tickle tackle when you’re done.

Kitchen tools and toys in a basket

photo via The Magnolia Barn

5. Discovery Baskets

Introduce vocabulary with discovery baskets. They don’t have to be anything fancy—the container and objects can all be things you have around the house. Choose objects based on color, different foods, different textures, shiny things, things that have a smell. Then, take out each object and talk about it, and let baby play with the items any way they choose.

Related: 16 Books for Babies to Immerse Them in Reading from Day One

6. Counting Game

Research shows that infants are born understanding a bit more about numbers and arithmetic than you might think, and wow, do they love counting. Count three objects or claps with a steady rhythm, “One two three! One two three!” Repeat a few times, and then start counting to five. Create your own counting rhymes about your family or their favorite toys.

7. Big and Little

Help your little one learn the difference between “big” and “little” by giving baby two similar objects of differing size, like a big ball and a small ball. Say “This is the big ball; this is the small ball.” Talk to your little one about what you’re doing as you roll the balls, and ask baby to hand you the big ball or small ball.

8. Baby Jigsaw Peekaboo

Make your own jigsaw puzzle, and baby will be delighted by pictures of other babies, or of the faces of people they know and love. Talk about the puzzle, while you’re putting it together, repeating the names of those pictured. As they grow older, they’ll be able to use the puzzle to practice other skills, such as hand-eye coordination and pincer grasp.

9. I Know My Name

Observe your baby’s reactions to her name. Poke your head in his room and say his name, and then see what happens when you say another name. Insert her name in silly songs, and emphasize it in general conversations. If she reacts to her name, reinforce it. “Shannon likes eating yogurt. Yes, Shannon! We were talking about you!”

10. Talk, Sing, Read: Repeat

The more language they’re exposed to, the better. Narrate everything you do, and everywhere you go. People in the grocery store understand—they’re probably looking at how cute your babe is, anyway, not at you chattering away. Sing every day, even if you can’t carry a tune, and read books every day, even if baby can’t hold their head up. All these interactions are the building blocks of language and literacy.

Related: Spotify Playlists for Babies & Toddlers That Parents Will Actually Enjoy

Ready to elevate your parenting game with some rockstar baby products? There’s a good chance you haven’t heard of these clever, creative, new, and, frankly, some of the best products for newborns and babies! We’ve scoured the market to bring you a curated list of must-have items that will make life with your little one easier, safer, and a whole lot more fun. From clever gadgets to cozy essentials, these underrated gems are some of the best products for newborns and babies that are sure to become your (and your babe’s!) new favorites.

Fisher-Price On the Go Baby Dome


Whether you're at home or on the go, the Fisher-Price On-the-Go Baby Dome offers a safe and cozy spot for your babe to play or nap. With a sun-blocking canopy and removable toys, it's perfect for outdoor adventures, overnight stays away from home, and just adjusting from room to room. It easily folds up and has handles for carrying! There are more colors and styles available here, too.

Fisher-Price On the Go Baby Dome ($64.99)—Buy Here!

ByHeart Whole Nutrition Infant Formula


If you haven't heard of ByHeart Infant Formula, we have the low down. Their mission? To create the best formula on earth. ByHeart's ingredients include:

  • Alpha-Lac—According to ByHeart, they’re the first and only US-made infant formula brand to add alpha-lac at breast milk levels. Research suggests that this growth-supporting protein supports easier digestion. 
  • Lactoferrin—They've also included lactoferrin (an ingredient that's found in early breast milk which is rarely added as a unique ingredient to infant formula). Lactoferrin supports baby’s immune system and gut health.
  • Whole + Partially Broken-Down Proteins—Whole proteins are full of nutrition, but may be harder to digest, while broken down proteins are easier-to-digest but don’t deliver all the benefits of whole proteins. Many formulas use one or the other. Breast milk has both, and ByHeart does, too.
  • Organic, Grass-Fed Whole Milk (Not Skim)—Research shows that whole milk fats (such as naturally occurring MFGM) play an important role in baby’s brain development and growth.

ByHeart is also awarded the Clean Label Project Purity Award! To get that honor, a product has to be tested for 400 contaminants. ByHeart tests for over 700 and is created using small-batch blending in their factories in Iowa, Pennsylvania and Oregon. *Editor's Note: Always check with your pediatrician to determine the right formula for your baby's unique needs

ByHeart Whole Nutrition Infant Formula ($42.00+, Subscribe & Save Options Available)—Buy Here!

Doddle & Co. Pop & Go Pacifier

red and pink doodle & co baby pacifiers
Doodle & Co.

Say goodbye to dirty pacifiers with the Doddle & Co. Pop Pacifier! This silicone pacifier features a built-in protective cover that pops closed when it's dropped, keeping the nipple clean and germ-free. Squeeze and roll opposite corners together, and you're ready to stash baby's pacifier anywhere.

Doddle & Co. Pop & Go Pacifier ($18.99)—Buy Here!

Evenflo Gold Revolve360TM Extend All-in-One Rotational Car Seat

Evenflo 360° car seat

The Evenflo Gold Revolve360TM Extend All-in-One Rotational Car Seat is next level! Believe it or not, this car seat spins a full 360 degrees, making it a breeze to get your kiddo in and out of the car. It's like having an extra pair of hands. It also includes the peace of mind of the SensorSafe with real-time alerts to keep you connected to your little one when they're in the back seat. Plus, it's super safe with its steel-reinforced frame and extra-long rear-facing mode. Now you can hit the road knowing your little one is riding in style and safety. From 4lbs - 120lbs.

Use code TINYBEANS15 for 15% off sitewide ! (Valid through May 6, 2024)

Evenflo Gold Revolve360TM Extend All-in-One Rotational Car Seat ($429.99)—Buy Here!

Tiny Love Magical Tales Black & White Gymini

black and white baby play mat
Tiny Love

Stimulate your little one's visual development with the Tiny Love Magical Tales Black & White Gymini. Featuring high-contrast colors and engaging toys, this play mat encourages sensory exploration and tummy time. It includes a musical hedgehog, soft plush cloud, wind chime badger, fox rattle, mobile, and more!

Tiny Love Magical Tales Black & White Gymini ($55.99)—Buy Here!

Dr. Noze Best NozeBot Electric Baby Nasal Aspirator

electric baby nasal aspirator
Dr. Noze Best

Created by a pediatric ENT, this electric baby nasal aspirator is not messing around. The nosepiece only requires two fingers, leaving other fingers free to stabilize your baby's head. It gives you a whole hand back and includes 3 levels of hospital-grade suction so your little one can breathe, sleep, and eat even when they're stuffy.

Dr. Noze Best NozeBot Electric Baby Nasal Aspirator ($134.99)—Buy Here!

The Poppy Crossbody Diaper Bag

a mom with a crossbody diaper bag and two small children
The Poppy Brand

The Poppy Crossbody is part diaper bag with a compartment for your baby essentials, and part purse with a separate compartment for your essentials. Multiple zippered and open pockets, a key leash and detachable pacifier leash, an elastic pocket with an opening for wipes, and an adjustable and removable shoulder strap all make this the new diaper bag we've been dreaming of. Available in 4 colorways.

The Poppy Crossbody Diaper Bag ($160.00)—Buy Here!

Dr. Brown's 2-in-1 Dry & Prep Silicone Mat

rainbow shaped baby bottle and cleaning brush holder
Dr. Brown's

Your new kitchen sidekick! This handy mat not only keeps your countertops clean and dry during bottle prep but also doubles as a drying rack for your baby's feeding essentials. With its non-slip design and easy-to-clean silicone material, it's a must for busy parents (aren't all parents?).

Dr. Brown's 2-in-1 Dry & Prep Silicone Mat ($29.99)—Buy Here!

Cradlewise Smart Crib & Bassinet

series of images demonstrating the Cradlewise baby cradle

The Cradlewise Smart Crib is a game-changer in the world of baby sleep solutions. This innovative crib uses built-in sensors and AI technology to monitor and respond to your baby's sleep patterns, automatically adjusting rocking motions and white noise levels to soothe your little one back to sleep without the need for parental intervention (basically, fewer middle-of-the-night wake-ups for both you and your little one!). Everything is controlled by and monitored in the app, so you'll never miss a thing (even if you don't have to get up).

Cradlewise Smart Crib & Bassinet ($1399.00+)—Buy Here!

4moms Cleanwater Baby Bathtub


Baby skin needs extra love, so having them avoid sitting in anything but fresh water for any length of time is a good idea. The clean water reservoir holds fresh water for rinsing while dirty water flows out of the side drain (especially ideal since you can't keep a diaper on them during bathtime). The built-in color-coded digital thermometer helps you identify a safe comfort zone, maintaining the perfect temperature. Newborn - 6+ months.

4moms Cleanwater Baby Bathtub ($69.99)—Buy Here!

BEABA Up & Down Rocker

mom sitting on couch next to her baby who is in a baby bouncer
BEABA at Pottery Barn

The BEABA Up & Down Rocker is a versatile and super cool addition to any nursery. With its adjustable height and recline positions, this rocker grows with your baby from infancy through toddlerhood, giving them comfort and support for feeding, napping, and playtime. Its sleek design not only makes it an eye-catching piece of furniture (seriously! This is one you don't have to put away every day!) but it adds to its longevity, too. 

BEABA Up & Down Rocker ($229.95)—Buy Here!

Babocush Bouncer & Cushion Combo


The Babocush Bouncer & Cushion Combo is a must-have for parents of babies with colic, reflux, and frequent gas discomfort. This innovative combo includes a cozy cushion that mimics the feeling of being cradled in a your arms, combined with a gentle bouncer to provide comforting internal "heartbeat" and vibrations. It can also be converted into a toddler seat as they get older!

Babocush Bouncer & Cushion Combo ($287.00)—Buy Here!

The Peanutshell Play Ring

baby laying in the middle of a donut style play cushion

With a super soft and textured cover and 360° support, the Peanutshell is the perfect play + lounge combination. The cover is machine-washable and the ring is inflatable, so it all folds flat for easy travel and storage!

The Peanutshell Play Ring ($39.99)—Buy Here!

Babyletto Kiwi Electronic Power Recliner & Swivel Glide

cream colored nursery chair glider and rocker

Comfort meets convenience with the Babyletto Kiwi Electronic Recliner and Swivel Glider. This stylish chair features electronic reclining and swiveling capabilities, making late-night feedings a breeze. Plus, its modern design will elevate any nursery decor style!

Babyletto Kiwi Electronic Power Recliner & Swivel Glider ($799.00)—Buy Here!

All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.

When you’re stuck waiting somewhere—for the doctor, in line at the DMV, on the subway, or just for brunch—keeping an energetic little one occupied can be a major challenge. Have no fear. We’ve got a list of awesome, do-almost-anywhere activities that will keep you and your baby busy and keep waiting room crankiness at bay. Try a couple, and watch the minutes fly by.

Copy Cat

Mimic the sounds your baby makes—coos and ba-ba-bas—mixing it up by stretching them out a little. Try making a few funny faces, and watch as your baby pushes her lips to copy your fishy face. With older babies, you can add in gestures and body movements like lifting your arms, clapping, nodding your head from side to side, or stomping your feet.


This classic gets extra special from a kiddo’s perspective if you just toss a blanket over your head and wait for your baby to pull it off. Or, when traditional peek-a-boo gets old, try hiding a toy instead. Grab a stuffed animal, hide it behind your back or under a blanket, and see if your little one can find it.

Crinkle Crinkle Paper Ball

Paper’s available pretty much anywhere, from the placemat at a restaurant to the paper cover on the exam bed at the doctor’s office. Hand that good stuff over to your little one to crunch, crinkle, and rip to shreds. You can even scrunch it up to make a ball that you two can toss back and forth.

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s a Flying Baby

Bounce that baby up into the air and swoop her around. Add in a few spins and you’ve got your own mama-powered thrill ride. Flying babies are happy babies.

What’s in the Bag?

Textures are fascinating for little ones, especially when they’re unseen. Find a small bag or an empty tissue box, slip different objects inside (soft fabric, a sippy cup, a spoon, smooth rocks, a teething ring), and let your baby reach in to explore the invisible wonder.

Ice cubes

Photo Credit: Oz Spies

Ice Ice Baby

The next time you’re waiting in a restaurant, try this: dip a spoon into your water, and scoop out an ice cube. Put it on the table in front of your kiddo. Watch her fascination as she touches and tries to catch the slippery wonder.

Build and Crash

Stack up a few things and encourage your baby to stomp (or crawl) over, Godzilla-style, and tip them to the ground. A tissue box plus cotton balls at the doctor’s office, a stack of board books, plastic spoons—anything that can balance precariously for a few moments and then tumble to the ground is great fun for little ones.

Nursery Rhymes

Great for literacy development, there’s a reason they’ve never gone out of style. Sing a little Itsy Bitsy Spider with your best preschool teacher-style enthusiasm. If you don’t know the hand motions that go along with the nursery rhymes or want to learn a few new ones, check out this resource created by librarians.

Dip into Your Bag of Tricks

A small container of bubbles can take you far if you’re outside and waiting around – keeping one in your diaper bag means you’ll always be prepared for fun. Cheerios, when handed out one at a time, give your kiddo a chance to work on fine motor skills and extend interest longer than handing over a full snack container. You can even create a new challenge by slipping a single Cheerio inside of or underneath a clear baby bottle cap and asking your baby to retrieve it. And now’s the time to pull out anything that makes noise—if you have a small music-making toy that drives you nuts at home, keep it in your diaper bag to pull out when you’re on the go.

Watching the World Go By

Furry creatures are endlessly fascinating. If you’re stuck somewhere with a window, peek out the window and hunt for dogs or cats. Or try counting trucks as they drive past. Your enthusiasm is what will make this one: if you exclaim with fascination about the animals or vehicles you see out there, there’s a good chance your baby will get on board.

Funny Stuff

If all else fails, put a shoe on your head. Find something random, pretend it’s a hat, and do your best Three Stooges-style pratfalls. Toddlers are sure to dissolve into giggles.

Make sure to capture all the silly moments—and share them with your family and friends near and far—with the Tinybeans app. The secure platform puts parents in total control of who sees and interacts with photos and videos of their kids.

It was Christmas. He was my first child, and barely a year old. My mother-in-law revealed that our Christmas Eve dinner would be held at Ruth’s Chris. You know, the fancy steak place—knives, everywhere!—that broils its meat on the dishes they serve it on? White tablecloths, crystal stemware? Add to that the fact that it was a party of 12—proper etiquette is on overdrive—and we were committed to a solid three hours of fine dining. Yep. That one. I still have PTSD.

Regardless of the setting, keeping toddlers entertained while you wait for your meal to be served on a rare night out is no small task. So, as a mom of four, here are my tried-and-true methods for making sure a meal out with toddlers isn’t a mission impossible. (And hey, if you need to bust out the iPad sometimes you’ll find no judgment here!)

Kiddie Cocktail Hour

There’s no hangry like a toddler hangry. Take the edge off your tot with a sippy cup full of their favorite juice (or a Shirley Temple!) and a couple of Ziploc bags of their most beloved snacks while waiting for your food to arrive.


Some parents dig crayons to keep kids occupied, but anyone who’s ever spent most of their meal feeling around under a table for the one that rolled away knows they’re sometimes not worth the trouble. Try a stack of magnets instead (or this magnetic blocks toy). They’ll keep your impatient tot busy for longer stretches, and since they stick together, they’re easier to store in one place. Plus, you won’t find them melted to the bottom of your purse this July.

I Spy

This is an oldie but a goodie, and while I Spy might not work if you’re trying to have a conversation with adults at the same time (really, who manages that anyway with toddlers?), it’s a go-to for keeping my younger ones engaged and happy before the chicken nuggies arrive.

Sensory Bags

Tread carefully here, but if you can fill a couple of Ziploc bags with sand, glitter, sequins, or leftover noodles—and add a drop of two of food coloring—you can fill it with water when you get to the restaurant. Just be sure to take extra Ziplocs to double bag your concoction, and toss your sensory bag on your way out the door.

Magic Ink Books

They don’t call these little whiz-bangs magic for nothin’. And when you need to mix it up, Water Wow! books are equally amazing.

Play Dough

Along the same lines of magnets, a bag of play dough will beat crayons every time. If your toddler tires of squishing it around before mealtime and you get desperate, let them build a bowl and mix in sweetener, salt, and pepper (you know they’re playing with them anyway).

Dry-Erase Boards

For older toddlers, nothing beats tic-tac-toe on a dry-erase board, since you’ll be playing about 2,000 games of it before your meal arrives.

A 10-Year-Old

For real. Have you ever dined with a 10-year-old and a toddler? It’s solid gold. Your toddler is entertained, and the 10-year-old doesn’t mind the non-stop attention.

Live Music

If you don’t have a choice in your dining destination (a la Christmas, 2009), this isn’t going to help you. But with a little planning, you can probably find a spot with live music for maximum toddler enjoyment. Just bring hand sanitizer, because I’ve never met a toddler who can dance without serious floor-to-hand contact.

Smart Seating

There are tables; then there are tables made for families. Scout it out when you arrive and note your proximity to a window, distance from the busy kitchen, and, if possible, a patio with an adjacent lawn.


At my house, it’s questionable if we even went out to eat if we don’t have to pick the stickers out of our hair before bedtime once we get home. And the best news is that toddlers aren’t picky. I’ve used excess return labels in a jam.

Make sure to take lots of pics of your tot with their mocktail—and share them with your family and friends near and far—with the Tinybeans app. The secure platform puts parents in total control of who sees and interacts with photos and videos of their kids.

So, you’re ready to start your baby on solid foods. At 6 months old, your little one meets the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommended age to begin their foodie journey. You’ve talked to your pediatrician and decided to tempt your baby’s developing taste buds with some yummy single-ingredient bites like bananas, apples, or (my son’s absolute favorite) sweet potatoes. Now comes the big question: How are you feeling? 

It’s normal to be a little (or a lot) nervous when your baby reaches a new milestone, and starting solids is no different. There’s the timing, whether you try baby-led weaning or purées, potential allergies, and the mess of it all. But on the plus, it’s a fun new activity to do with your baby and produces the cutest faces ever. (The way they pucker when they taste lemon? Chef’s kiss.) Plus, there’s nothing to fear because we’re here to help you understand the finer points of feeding. We asked the experts to reveal the most common mistakes parents and caregivers make when starting solids so you can support your baby (and yourself!) during this new and exciting stage. Here’s what they had to say.

1. Not managing expectations

Lots of parents have a preconceived idea of what this new world of solids is going to be like, coloured by loved ones, movies and TV shows, and our own imaginations. You’ll be thrilled when your infant takes to bananas and wants them all the time… until you realize that after each meal you’ll be picking clumps of the sticky fruit off the wall (and out of your hair). So managing your expectations is key off the bat.

“We tend to think that eating is an inherent skill that we’re all born knowing how to do, but that’s actually not true,” says Jenny Friedman MS, RD, Pediatric Dietitian and author of the book Stories of Extreme Picky Eating. Eating is a learned skill and it’s complicated, not to mention the fact that young babies have a natural tongue thrust reflex that pushes food out of their mouths, so Friedman says knowing that your little one will take time to learn and need to explore is helpful. In this case, playing with your food can be a good thing, and Friedman says being open and supportive through this process is a good way to start solid foods. 

2. Being unprepared

When you’re starting solids you’ll also want to gear up on some practical knowledge. “Make sure you’re updated on safety and first aid courses,” says Melanie Potock, MA, CCC-SLP, a speech-language pathologist who specializes in pediatric feeding and author of the book Responsive Feeding. This way you’ll feel more confident going in. 

You’ll also want to read up on the different schools of thought on how to approach solid foods. You pretty much have three options, explains Potock: parent or caregiver spoon-feeding with purées, baby-led-weaning where babies practice their motor skills by feeding themselves, or a hybrid approach. Understanding each method allows you to pivot if your chosen technique doesn’t match your infant’s preference. “In my experience, most parents do a hybrid approach to feeding,” says Potock. 

3. Starting too early or too late

Are you trying to figure out when your babe is ready to start solids? There are guidelines for that. Both Potock and Freidman cite the AAP’s suggestion to begin solids at around 6 months old, and the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers benchmarks like your baby being able to support themselves while sitting up in a high chair, and trying to grab for small objects. Freidman says ideally your infant should also show some interest in food such as paying attention to the snack you’re eating and even grabbing for it. When all of these signs align, talk to your pediatrician about the feeding process and create a plan that works for you and your little one. 

If your baby shows no interest in the sweetness of their sweet potatoes at first, it doesn’t mean your timing is off. Friedman explains that lots of infants need more than one exposure to a certain food to become comfortable with it. Potock adds that you can help them become more accustomed to different oral sensations by regularly changing up their teethers to safe options in different sizes and textures.

It’s also important to be aware that during your feeds it’s normal for your baby to gag here and there, and is in no way an indication that they aren’t ready for solids. Friedman says gagging is fine because it’s actually a sign that your infant is able to clear food out of their throat. Gagging is a normal reflex that’s loud and can possibly turn your baby’s skin red, whereas choking is quiet and can possibly make baby’s skin turn bluish, according to the NHS. Should you have any concerns here, talk to your healthcare provider.

4. Throwing in the dish towel too quickly

Rumor has it that all babies fuss when starting solid foods and that picky eaters abound. This is why it’s easy to believe that your baby’s pained expression means they don’t relish eating peas—or does it? “Most babies will make faces and gag occasionally at the new sensory experience of eating solid foods,” Potock says. 

However, if you’re finding it hard to move past a particular bout of foodie fussiness, this may have more to do with an underlying issue like a missed nap or teething. In this case, Potock says to respect your child’s behavior and simply give them a break or try again another time. “In my experience, most babies do like most foods.” So, she encourages you not to draw any conclusions too soon about what your little likes and doesn’t like at this stage. 

It’s so important and valuable to introduce your infant to a variety of flavors, textures, and colors when trying out solids. “If your child doesn’t seem to like something right away or if they struggle to eat something, try again,” Friedman says. For example, an apple can be shredded, soft-boiled in halves, or served as applesauce.

5. Putting too much pressure on yourself

Having a shared dinner time can boost your child’s self-esteem, develop healthy eating habits, and improve communication skills, according to the Family Dinner Project.org. But while sharing a meal has proven benefits and might sound easy enough, experts acknowledge that it’s just not always realistic. “I’d love it if babies could be part of family meal times,” Potock says, “but in our busy world that’s not always possible.” 

Freidman echoes this sentiment, saying, “My number one recommendation is that families do what works for them.” She points out that eating together can help babies learn social skills and how to eat, engage, and share food, but that eating together is not a requirement given changing schedules, family commitments, and more. The good news is that even if only your babe is eating, you’re still spending time engaging with them and this is important, too. 

6. Not reading the cues

“Baby has their own internal cues to help them know when they’re full and when they’re hungry,” explains Potock. Being mindful of these signs is a solid way to help your tot enjoy the whole process. “We know for sure that paying attention to baby’s cues and creating positive energies around the experience will help baby look forward to the feeding experience.” While picking up on responsive feeding cues like an eager expression, leaning forward with anticipation, or attempting to self-feed can let you know your little one is ready to go, there are also cues to tell you they’re done the meal—such as head turning, arching their body forward, or no longer opening their mouth—and it’s important to listen. 

Reading your baby’s cues can go a long way in creating a healthy relationship with food, and Freidman emphasizes the importance of not forcing food when they’re giving you cues that they’re done. “Try to establish a responsive, respectful relationship while you’re feeding your kid,” she says. 

The Fun in Food

When it comes to starting solids with your kiddo, there’s definitely a learning curve, but there’s plenty of fun to be had too. Freidman says one of her biggest pieces of advice is remembering to give your babe room to explore—and that a little mess isn’t the end of the world. “When you’re constantly wiping your child’s mouth and catching their food, you’re minimizing their experience of exploration,” Freidman explains. “So wait until the end of the meal and then clean up.” 

And of course, all that mess lends itself to one last piece of advice from Potock: “Get the camera ready because it’s pretty cute!”

First birthday gifts can be a little tricky. You want to introduce them to fun new things while also keeping it age-appropriate. Their personality is starting to shine, too, so leaning into their developing interests is a great move, too. What’s a mom to do? Look no further than the stars for guidance on the best gifts for the new toddler in your life.

These are some of the best toddler toys out there, if we do say so ourselves, and we’ve consulted their horoscopes for the best presents to make their big day even better. Plus, we’ve included some bonus zodiac info you might not know about your babe! Keep in mind that these goodies do vary in age recommendations, so consider what you believe your little one is ready for. Now, follow the stars to the best first birthday gifts based on your kiddo’s zodiac sign!

Jump to:
Aries Gifts
Taurus Gifts
Gemini Gifts
Cancer Gifts
Leo Gifts
Virgo Gifts
Libra Gifts
Scorpio Gifts
Sagittarius Gifts
Capricorn Gifts
Aquarius Gifts
Pisces Gifts

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

If you feel like your Aries kiddo is in charge of the whole house, you can thank their natural leadership skills. A fire sign, and the first sign of the zodiac, this little ram has a bold, spicy personality that makes them brave, confident, and generally self-assured. Those are traits many of us, even as adults, struggle with, so having a natural sense of self-confidence is incredible. While they really aren’t arrogant, their security in themselves makes them driven and ambitious. They’re competitive and determined, energetic and a little impulsive.

aries text and illustration

Your Aries babe is dynamic and majorly ready for adventure at any time. Honesty will be a major value they develop, and along with their strong leadership skills comes the ability to bring others together and build community. It’s likely they’ll want the whole family to participate in game nights (of their choosing, of course), and although their fire sign nature can lead to some hot-headedness (we’re sure you’ve noticed) and cutting words, these dynamic and energetic kiddos are reliable, magnetic, and never dull.

My First Pinball Activity Table

toy pinball game table for toddlers
Little Tikes

A toddler-ready pinball activity table is the perfect way to celebrate your energetic and fun-loving Aries baby. Sounds, numbers, balls, and more make this retro-themed toy a big win!

My First Pinball Activity Table ($44.97)—Buy Here!

Play Set with Foam Climbing Blocks & Ball Pit

two toddlers playing in at-home ball pit and climbing toy

Aries toddlers have all the energy to climb, crawl, and jump full throttle into whatever they're doing. This soft foam climbing set gives them the space and freedom to explore and feed their adventurous natures.

Play Set with Foam Climbing Blocks & Ball Pit ($169.99)—Buy Here!

Jellycat Amuseabean Ram

stuffed ram

Celebrate their ability to push through obstacles, approach challenges head-on, and blaze their own fiery trail with this adorable Aries-inspired plush ram by Jellycat!

Jellycat Amuseabean Ram ($20.00)—Buy Here!

Taurus April 20 – May 20

taurus decorative image

Even at 12 months old, your Taurus kiddo is highly intuitive. There’s a good chance you’ve noticed them exploring the world using all 5 of their senses, even more than the average toddler. These bull-y babes are notorious for being exceptionally sensitive to the people and environment around them and are likely to surprise you with their ability to ‘read’ situations and people from a young age. Your Taurus will also be right about their sense of things more often than not, so when they stubbornly (they’re the bull, of course) insist they get a ‘vibe’ about something, it’ll definitely be worth taking seriously.

taurus text and illustration

Tapping into their intuitive abilities gives them a strong sense of favoritism. They’ll use each one of their senses to quickly pick out their favorite foods, movies, places, and people that suit them best. Two of their faves? Sunshine and fresh air. This Earth sign is definitely solar-powered. They’re also deeply grounded and solid, so reconnecting with nature and getting their hands dirty is always a good idea when they’re having a particularly bull-headed moment.

Bio Sand & Garden Kit

4 piece plastic toddler gardening set

'Grounding' really is the name of the game when it comes to your Taurus, so this gardening set is ideal for the sandbox and their own patch of the garden. It'll be their happy place.

Bio Sand & Garden Kit ($35.00)—Buy Here!

Biophilic Playhouse

clear playhouse with grass and glowers painted on it sits on a grey carpet in a classroom

This indoor playhouse brings the natural ground right into your home. Taurus babies will love the little retreat it offers and you'll love that the shatterproof acrylic lets you keep an eye on them (which you'll want to do when they're still young and not independently mobile, especially). It's an investment, but they'll play with it for years!

Biophilic Playhouse ($423.33)—Buy Here!

My Big Book of Nature Sounds

cover of a nature sounds book for kids

Toddlers love sounds and pressing buttons, so a press-and-listen book is always a hit. This one is an awesome choice for your Taurus toddler to look through (while sitting in the playhouse, maybe?).

My Big Book of Nature Sounds ($17.99)—Buy Here!

Gemini May 21 – June 20

gemini illustrated text and constellation

Gemini babies are born with exceptional communication skills, so if you have a serious babbler on your hands, it’s not necessarily just for the sake of hearing their own voice. This sign loves interaction and storytelling (which also gives them a little bit of a tendency to embellish their tales, so gently calling them out on those little white lies from a young age is a good idea). Geminis are known for their unpredictable personalities, thanks to the dueling twins as their ruler. That’s not a bad thing, though. They’re so fun and, despite sometimes running hot and cold, they’re actually really adaptable and curious.

gemini text and constellation

Geminis are a social bunch. They have an excellent sense of humor, and a lot of that can be attributed to their exceptional intellect. They’re in the company of JFK, Walt Whitman, and Natalie Portman, and their intelligence can approach or reach genius level. Technology, gadgets, coding tools and toys are going to top their lists of interests. Your Gemini is likely an insatiably curious kiddo who can multitask like a master. Fostering their hunger for knowledge and natural engagement will be a parenting win for these little ones.

Customized Name Puzzle & Busy Board

three customized name puzzles
Lovery Toys

Brilliant baby Geminis are great at puzzles, and not only is this one really cute; it also includes their names, so don't be surprised if they pick up how to spell it incredibly fast. The multitasking Gems will appreciate the busy b

Customized Name Puzzle ($49.99+)—Buy Here!

60pc Montessori Play Kit

set of Montessori toys for toddlers

This one should come as no surprise to moms of Geminis. A 60-piece Montessori play kit that covers your kiddo's love of learning and keeps them from slipping into the boredom zone.

60pc Montessori Play Kit ($51.99)—Buy Here!

Smart Toddler Box

smart toddler box

The Smart Toddler Box is exactly what it says it is: 4 educational books, 2 sets of flashcards, a double-sided puzzle, and 2 shape-and-color matching boards.

Smart Toddler Box ($24.99)—Buy Here!

Cancer June 21-July 22

cancer zodiac illustration

Ah, your emotional little crab. They’re ruled by the moon and, just like their lunar influence, go through phases frequently. And while it’s true that Cancers are ultra-sensitive, they really are pretty darn easygoing and easy to please. Even when they are having a crabby moment, they’re very unlikely to lash out physically or act out. These crabby kiddos are empathetic, compassionate, and deeply nurturing. They notice everything and forget absolutely nothing.

small cancer zodiac symbol and text

When a Cancer child gets into one of their sullen moods, and they will, it’s a great time to break out an arts and crafts project so they can express their emotions. The good news? They do get over their cranky hermit moods pretty quickly. More often than not, you’ll get a ton of cuddle time thanks to their nurturing and family-oriented nature. Cancers are true sweethearts that love to be at home, be close, and thrive on gentle parenting approaches (they aren’t usually apt to take advantage of people), and will always glow under approval from those they love.

Melissa & Doug Baby Giraffe

plush baby giraffe toy with pretend baby bottle and diaper
Melissa & Doug

Encourage your Cancer baby's nurturing side with this sweet baby giraffe, complete with a bottle, pacifier, and cloth diaper. They'll love taking care of this little one!

Melissa & Doug Baby Giraffe ($24.99)—Buy Here!

My First Painting Petit Barbouille Mess-Free Paint Set

a child's paint kit with 4 painted animals as examples

This set comes with 4 laminated painting cards, so they can use the included washable non-toxic paints to create their masterpiece, and you can rinse and reuse them.

My First Painting Petit Barbouille Mess-Free Paint Set ($33.16)—Buy Here!

My Family Builders Blocks

set of family building blocks
My Family Builders

A Cancer's love of family is unmatched, so they'll love getting to build diverse and inclusive families with this beautiful 48-piece set. 

My Family Builders Blocks ($78.99)—Buy Here!

Leo July 23 – August 22

Loyal and affectionate, your Leo baby truly lives up to their lion ruler. It’s next to impossible to find a more dedicated leader, and no one will mind when they’re the first to stand up and take charge. Why? Because they don’t just enjoy leading; they excel at it. Making decisions is their forte, and that’s a trait you can capitalize on as a parent (“Would you rather where the blue shirt or the pink dress?”, etc.). They’re energetic, too, so anything that lets them move their body is a solid choice. This fire sign is a jungle gym boss. Try to stick with a regular bedtime, mom. Sleeping is not one of their talents. FOMO is strong with them.

You’ve probably noticed that ‘Drama’ is your lion cub’s middle name. Everything is big, bigger, biggest with a Leo baby. From the biggest smile in the room to the most epic tantrum in the least convenient moment, the lion roars with their whole chest. Sass and wit come easily to them, and they seek the spotlight at all times. Give them space to express themselves, to perform made-up plays and songs, and respect the importance they place on honesty above all, and you’ll be on the receiving end of their purr more often than their bite.

Toddler Dress-Up Trunk

set of toddler dress up clothes
Lakeshore Learning

A performer needs a wardrobe, and this toddler-friendly dress-up trunk is a costume-loving Leo's dream.

Toddler Dress-Up Trunk ($129.00)—Buy Here!

Fisher-Price Wake up & Learn Coffee Mug

toddler pretend coffee tumbler

If there's anything your Leo loves, it's emulating you. You're the biggest, most important force in their little lives, and they crave that kind of energy. Does your little one see you sipping out of your tumbler all day? This adorable copy-cat mug is ideal for them.

Fisher-Price Wake up & Learn Coffee Mug ($18.99)—Buy Here!

Toy Piano & Mic Set

black toy piano for toddlers

Are you raising more of a rockstar than a movie star? Let them get their groove on with this piano featuring 24 keys, 8 percussion instruments, 4 musical instruments, 22 demo songs, volume control, play & record, karaoke, LED, and external MP3. 

Toy Piano & Mic Set ($24.98)—Buy Here!

Virgo August 23 – September 22

Meticulous. There’s no other word that applies more to this earth sign. They’re neat, exacting, and detail-oriented, and you can rely on them to be responsible from an early age. They adore helping, so letting them assist in household chores is a great way to bond with your little one. Highly organized and oh-so-smart, Virgo babes also tend to be extremely analytical. Those traits serve them well often, but it’s likely you’ll notice their innate intelligence often leads them to be exceptionally hard on themselves. It’s a good idea to remember that these shy-leaning kiddos aren’t necessarily seeking attention so much as reassurance.

Virgos are represented by a maiden carrying a shaft of grain, associated with their love of serving and their deep-rooted connection to the earth. Along with their desire to serve others, they’ll strive for perfection, no matter what. This can manifest in struggling with a sense of self-worth, insecurity, and feelings of inferiority. These struggles feel very real for them, so don’t hesitate to build them up without worrying their ego will become too inflated. Allow them to help out, praise and appreciate their hard work, and encourage them to get out of their heads from time to time and use their hearts to express themselves through art projects, writing, and getting a little messy (occasionally).

Learning Resources Farmers Market Sorting Set

set of fruit sorting toys

There's nothing a detail-oriented Virgo loves more than organization, and this sorting set is right up their meticulous alley. 

Learning Resources Farmers Market Sorting Set ($23.39)—Buy Here!

Slumberkins Yak for Self-Acceptance & Positive Self-Talk

stuffed yak toy with board book and affirmation card

Slumberkins were developed to teach toddlers and kids all about emotional regulation and social tools. Each animal teaches us something different, and Yak will encourage your perfectionist Virgo how to speak kindly to themselves and accept themselves as they are. Virgos are notoriously hard on themselves, so teaching them to ease up from an early age really sets them up for success.

Slumberkins Yak for Self-Acceptance & Positive Self-Talk ($52.00)—Buy Here!

My First Toolbox

wooden toddler toolbox toy set

Mr. or Ms. Fix-It are always in the 'how can I help?' mindset. Fixing and assisting are their jam, so this wooden set of tools will be their go-to.

My First Toolbox ($41.00)—Buy Here!

Libra September 23 – October 22

The most idealistic people you know are likely Libras. As air signs, they float into the realm of borderline naive hopes that everyone will get along at all times and any kind of conflict can be triggering for these balance-craving babies. They’re natural negotiators and peacemakers. They love when everyone around them feels relaxed and at ease and they’ll go above and beyond to make sure of it. This ‘by any means necessary’ attitude towards achieving harmony can lead to people-pleasing and some difficulty confidently stating their opinions (though they certainly have them), especially in a group. Libras are social and are often everyone’s best friend, though they’ll limit their personal close contacts to just a few lucky people.

Your Libra adores beauty, sometimes to a fault. This can come off as shallow and materialistic, but ultimately, feeling surrounded by beauty is their love language. It contributes to their sense of harmony. They also have a strong belief in love and romance, and associate love with beauty of all kinds. They do struggle with making decisions, and are very much go-with-the-flow. They’re more peacemakers than leaders. Your Libra baby is ruled by Venus, so they love affection and can’t hear ‘I love you’ too much. Warm, quick-witted, and charming, their sweet dispositions are usually upset by overwhelm or a sense of injustice for themselves or others. Encourage their love of fairy tales as well as teaching them how to ground themselves when they get a little ‘floaty’ and you’ll keep them balanced and happy.

Foamnasium Bridges

foam 3-piece rainbow bridge climbing toy
Pottery Barn Kids

These soft foam 'bridges' can be used for climbing, lounging, or just adding a dreamy aesthetic to your Libra's space.

Foamnasium Bridges ($279.00)—Buy Here!

Lambs & Ivy Interactive Plush Mushroom House

plush mushroom house toy with small woodland animals
Lambs & Ivy

Soft, sweet, and social (those little woodland creatures are definitely friends), this adorable plush mushroom house will a fave of your Libra.

Lambs & Ivy Interactive Plush Mushroom House ($34.99)—Buy Here!

Spinny Pins Balance Toy

a set of wobbly pins toddle toy
Fat Brain Toys

Each of the five colorful pins features different textures to feel plus a weighted base that wobbles and balances. What harmonious Libra kiddo could resist? 

Spinny Pins Balance Toy ($34.95)—Buy Here!

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

We all know that Scorpios are intense, and we wouldn’t change that for the world. They never do things with only half their heads or hearts, they’re deep, brilliant, and natural researchers. Scorpio babies feel things so deeply, and encouraging them from a young age to express their emotions in a healthy way instead of keeping it all bottled up will serve them well. They do tend to be slightly distrusting in general, so if they take a while to warm up to someone, it’s not lack of manners. Your little scorpion will test you, but that’s their way to making sure that your love is truly unconditional. They’re the ride-or-die sign that values loyalty and remains intensely aware of the people and things around them.

Scorpios get a bad rap of being secretive, but it’s not sneakiness so much as their introverted nature. They process everything internally and love a good mystery. It’s important to let your baby Scorpio know that it’s okay to talk their emotions out with someone they do trust while at the same time setting boundaries so they still feel in control. Your little one’s drive and determination can mask a sense of fear and insecurity that can lead to anxiety, so reassurances and giving them a sense of safety will be really helpful. Scorpios are magical, intuitive, and love with their whole hearts.

Mini Backpack with Safety Harness

toddler backpack with puppy face design
Skip Hop

Ever the explorer, your Scorpio will need a backpack to keep their findings in (and you'll need a way to keep them from wandering off too far!). This toddler backpack also comes in a koala design.

Mini Backpack with Safety Harness ($16.00)—Buy Here!

Light Up Sensory Play Jars

Uncommon Goods

Believe it or not, Scorpio isn't a fire sign. They're actually water signs, which explains their deep emotions and love of all things mysterious. These Sensory Play Jars will calm them down and help them center themselves while they investigate the glitter, lights, and more! There are also filler kits you can buy seperately to customize their jars.

Light Up Sensory Play Jars ($25.00)—Buy Here!

Fat Brain Toys Forest Friends Discovery Tree

toddler girl in a living room playing with a wooden toy treehouse
Fat Brain Toys

Discovery is the name of the game for your Scorpio sweetie. Let them get wrapped up in this activity center that features a ton of early learning and sensory activities.

Fat Brain Toys Forest Friends Discovery Tree ($74.95)—Buy Here!

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

Sunshine-in-person-form, Sagittarius is a fire sign that’s more warmth than burn. They’re the wild child of the zodiac. They adore nature, the outdoors, adventure, and exploration. Your archer is an animal-lover, so they’ll ask for a pet (if you don’t already have one. If you do, expect them to want to add to the gang!). These babes are open-minded, progressive, and extremely free-spirited. Conformity and routine aren’t strong suits of theirs, and they really struggle with rules, so a great way to keep them from getting too far off track is to explain the logic behind rules so they understand that you don’t intend to stifle them; only to protect them.

These little ones are imaginative and creative and they would really prefer to avoid sitting in one place too long. Sports, walks, and physical play are favorites of this sign. Your Sagittarius will want to run errands with you and will make it an adventure instead of a chore. Take them to the park, to the grocery store, the dry cleaner, and expect them to add some sparkle to the whole afternoon. They’re fascinated with pebbles, sticks, and flowers, so they’re likely to come home with full pockets and random things in the bottom of their backpack. Little Sags can be impulsive and a little reckless, so guiding them without smothering them will help them thrive.

Manhattan Toy Put and Peek Birdhouse

soft birdhouse toddler toy with four small plush birds
Manhattan Toy

Your Sagittarius baby loves animals, so this soft birdhouse will let them take care of these little birdy friends, complete with birdhouse and handle so they can tote them anywhere.

Manhattan Toy Put and Peek Birdhouse ($33.60)—Buy Here!

VTech Smart Shots Sports Center

toddler sports activity center with soccer goal and basketball hoop

With these super energetic archers, they have energy to burn. This sports activity center will keep them moving and entertained constantly!

VTech Smart Shots Sports Center ($39.99)—Buy Here!

Wooden 4 Elements Stacking Toy

set of earth element wooden stacking toys for toddlers

This is such a beautiful set that'll appeal to Sagittarius' sense of wonder, connection to nature, and curiosity. Water-based paints and natural wood make this an awesome option for toddlers.

Wooden 4 Elements Stacking Toy ($133.64)—Buy Here!

Capricorn December 22 – January 19

Your Capricorn baby is a true old soul. They come into the world wise beyond their years, and, similar to Virgos, they’ll strive for perfection. Under their goat ruler, they’ll reach the mountaintop or die trying, in so many words. They have an intensely strong work ethic and will need to be reminded to play, too. Capricorns are highly-productive and ambitious, preferring logic to emotion. Because of this, they give great advice without getting too wrapped up in being overly emotional.

It’s a good idea to keep in mind that these little goats are their own worst critics, so if they do make a mistake, even if discipline is needed, try to also remind them that they’re still lovable, smart, and worthy. They don’t shy away from responsibility, though it does take them some time to warm up to others on a personal level. Encouraging compassion and empathy will be great for them, especially teaching them compassion toward themselves. They won’t typically indulge in dress-up or playing pretend; play needs to have a point for Capricorns. Reward systems really resonate for this sign, too, so chore charts and allowance will be awesome drivers.

LeapFrog My First Learning Tablet

toddler learning tablet

Not only will they feel mature with this toddler-ready tablet, but they'll also get to learn a ton with lights, colors, and sounds. Available in two colors.

LeapFrog My First Learning Tablet ($19.97)—Buy Here!

Petilou Rainbow Cloud Pop Press and Release Toy

wooden toy cloud for toddlers
Le Toy Van

For these reward-centered kiddos, cause-and-effect toys are fantastic. This springy cloud features five colorful rainbow pop-up rods in three heights for a hands-on learning experience. 

Petilou Rainbow Cloud Pop Press and Release Toy ($26.95)—Buy Here!

Goat Plush Squishy Toy

stuffed billy goat plush toy

Help lead your Capricorn babe into their softer side and celebrate their goat ruler with this adorable goat plushy.

Goat Plush Squishy Toy ($19.99)—Buy Here!

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

Unique and quirky, your Aquarius is so independent and fun, there’s never a dull moment. Individuality is their driving force, and encouraging their self-expression is ideal for raising happy water-bearers. They’re open-minded and a bit rebellious, but as long as you step back and embrace their little quirks and unique likes, their rebellious streak will be tempered. They march to the beat of their own drum, and their creativity knows no bounds.

Interpersonal relationships are paramount for air signs in general, but as the last air sign of the zodiac, Aquarius takes this trait to a whole new level. They’re deeply rooted in teamwork and the ‘greater good’, so they’ll often be involved in projects that connect with community and are the first to jump into anything revolutionary that feeds their humanitarian souls. As humanitarian as their souls are, they don’t do small talk or people-pleasing. They need something much deeper. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet that governs innovation, technology, and surprising events, and that perfectly represents this visionary babe.

LED Light Table

child playing with a purple light table

Don't worry; you can leave the sand for when they're a little older. This LED light table illuminates transparent toys and blocks, plus it changes colors to suit your Aquarius' mood. You can also buy light table toys separately to prevent the Aquarius boredom. 

LED Light Table ($170.29)—Buy Here!

16pc Rainbow Blocks

set of wooden stacking blocks with colorful windows

Bright and a little magical, these blocks aren't just for building; the reflection and prism effect will keep their interest.

16pc Rainbow Blocks ($52.96)—Buy Here!

My First Fingerpaint Kit

set of toddler fingerpaints

This fingerpaint kit is created specifically for toddlers to express themselves without mom and dad worrying about an unfixable mess. The paints are washable and the paper is specially coated to prevent seeping through.

My First Fingerpaint Kit ($18.15)—Buy Here!

Pisces February 19 – March 20

The ultimate sensitive sign, those born under Pisces are considered to be darn near magical. They’re said to walk between reality and whatever lies beyond, so if you think your babe is growing into a child who just knows things, you’re probably right. This is a sign that has a high propensity for psychic abilities. As children, they don’t realize that not everyone has this sort of intuitive knowing, but once they do, they may try to bury that part of themselves, or simply retreat into themselves to avoid sensory overload. This can lead to others thinking these fish are a little snobby, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Pisces’ precious personalities are always looking for people and animals who might need help or who they consider vulnerable. They give generously and struggle with boundaries, so it’s your job to guide them into healthy relationship practices. True born artists, Pisces babies will express themselves through works of art that are dreamy and compelling. They love living in their sparkly, whimsical land of imagination, so reminding them when it’s time to focus on being grounded and present will help them out a lot. Pisces toddlers need gentleness and care above all things and a recognition of their extreme sensitivity to avoid hurt feelings. Take care of them with a lot of love and a delicate touch and your guppy is sure to shine.

Warmies Babydoll

plush baby doll for babies and toddlers

Warmies are fully microwavable and real lavender-scented that create the ultimate in comfort for adults and kiddos. Letting your Pisces care for a babydoll that also soothes them couldn't be more perfect. If babydolls aren't their preference, Warmies come in a huge assortment of lovable creatures!

Warmies Babydoll ($29.99)—Buy Here!

Big Feelings Nesting Fruit Friends

set of fruit-shaped nesting toys for toddlers

Pisces have no problem connecting with their emotions, but identifying them by name can be a little tricky. These nesting fruit friends help introduce them to understanding and naming their feelings.

Big Feelings Nesting Fruit Friends ($11.89)—Buy Here!

Growing Seeds Tissue Box Toy

set of toy tissue leaves and book

Pisces are very hands-on, and this Growing Seeds Tissue Box gives them a sensory experience and a cute book, too.

Growing Seeds Tissue Box Toy ($39.95)—Buy Here!

All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.

Once your child hits the one-year mark, soothe their sore gums with baby teething biscuits and snacks that also give them a nutritious boost. This magical remedy is known by many names—teething biscuits, teething crackers, or baby rusks—and they’re easy to make yourself with these quick recipes, including no-bake versions, wheat-free biscuits, and sugar-free teething biscuits too. So the next time you see baby gnawing, you’ll be prepared with a homemade teething biscuit.

1. Healthy Homemade Teething Biscuits

Oats, bananas, and coconut oil are all you’ll need for these teething crackers. Add vanilla and spices like cinnamon, ginger, or nutmeg for extra flavor, or keep them plain. Super Healthy Kids has the recipe.

2. Quinoa Teething Crackers

Protein-rich quinoa is the only ingredient in this crispy cracker. Cradle Rocking Mama blends the nutritious grain in three forms (cooked flakes, uncooked flakes, and quinoa flour) to get consistency kids like.

3. Sweet Potato and Chamomile Teething Biscuits

These flavorful biscuits from My Kids Lick the Bowl cleverly include chamomile from a tea bag to relax a child who’s suffering from teething pain, along with sweet potato and oat flour.

4. Apple, Banana, or Pumpkin Teething Biscuits

Mama Natural shares three recipes, highlighting apple, banana, and pumpkin. All three are gluten-free, thanks to a combination of rolled oats and steel-cut oats as the base. They also include maple syrup and baking spices for sweetness and baby-friendly flavor that makes this homemade teething biscuit top our list.

Related: 30 Best Baby Cups, Bowls, Plates & Utensils

a baby with a big smile sits in a crib waiting for a baby teething biscuit

5. Oat & Banana Drops

Momtastic offers up this classic vegan recipe full of oats and mashed bananas. Choose overripe bananas for sweetness and add a few spices like cinnamon and cardamom. In 15 minutes, you’ll have a tasty homemade teething biscuit.

6. Fruit & Vegetable Teethers

Teething biscuits don’t get any healthier than these fruit and veggie snacks from Weelicious. Thinly slice fruits and veggies like sweet potato and kiwi, and then put them in a dehydrator. If you don’t have a dehydrator, this banana leather version requires only an ovenand is a hit with older kids too.

7. Pear-rific Oat-tastic Teething Biscuits

The name of Everyday Champagne‘s recipe says it all. Pears plus oats=awesome teething treats. Mix together oat flour, baby cereal, pear puree, and allspice to make a sweet biscuit that’s free of added sugar or salt.

8. Grain-Free Teething Biscuits

Created by a nurse, these grain-free teethers from Real Food RN are packed with nutrients. The ingredient list is longer than some: coconut and cassava flour, applesauce, maple syrup, molasses, egg yolk plus spices. But the extra effort is worth it, as each ingredient packs a nutritional punch. The recipe also includes clove, a spice that some say soothes teething pain. When stored in the freezer, the biscuits last for months and offer a cool treat for your little one’s gums.

Related: Banish Bland: 10 Spiced-Up Baby Vegetable Recipes

9. Sugar-Free Baby Rusks

You probably have the ingredients in your kitchen right now for these sugar- and salt-free homemade teething biscuits from the Welsh-Italian Chiapa sisters: eggs, flour, baking powder, and applesauce (or another fruit puree). Add cinnamon, orange zest, or Parmesan for extra flavor.

10. Healthy Homemade Teething Biscuits

Boys Ahoy‘s recipe calls for rice cereal, flour, coconut oil, cinnamon and banana (or applesauce). Roll out the dough and cut with your favorite cookie cutter to create crisp mum-mums in fun, baby-friendly shapes.

11. The Natural Mum’s Super Easy Rusk Recipe

With only two ingredients, you can whip up these teething treats from the Natural Mum anytime. All you need is a fruit or veggie puree and a few cups of spelt flour. Because the puree choice is up to you, the flavor options are endless. Try sweet potatoes one day and peaches the next.

Make sure to capture all those toothy grins—and share them with your family and friends near and far—with the Tinybeans app. The secure platform puts parents in total control of who sees and interacts with photos and videos of their kids. 

If there’s one thing the Easter Bunny (ahem, you) knows, it’s that there are plenty of treats and sweet Easter basket fillers floating around on the big day. That’s why a basket not brimming with sugar is a good move for you and the kids. They’ll have fun surprises and Easter basket stuffers to enjoy, and you’ll be spared the inevitable crash after one too many chocolate bunnies.

We’ve curated a unique collection of Easter basket fillers for kids of all ages—even hard-to-please tweens. Believe it or not, there are a ton of fun and adorable fillers that don’t include a sugar coma. Pick one or two special gifts to surprise them with on Easter morning, or go all out and welcome the unofficial start of spring with a huge haul. Whichever way you go, these picks are sure to get the Bunny’s stamp of approval. So sneak a Peep or two (we won’t tell) and check out our list of basket-ready ideas.

Amuseable Tulip Pot


Did you squeal a little? We did. A plush pot filled with tulips and a contented little demeanor are exactly what we needed but didn't know it.

Amuseable Tulip Pot ($40.00)—Buy Here!

Sunflower Butterfly Sheer Crew Sock

a person's legs propped against a pink wall wearing sheer floral socks
Sock Candy

If you can find a better spring-inspired sock, let us know. We'll wait. If florals aren't what you're after, though, Sock Candy has a bunch of fabulous sheer (and not-so-sheer) socks to check out, too.

Sunflower Butterfly Sheer Crew Sock ($18.00)—Buy Here!

Lego Flowers in Watering Can 3-in-1


Older kids especially appreciate a more involved Lego build, and this cheerful watering can is absolutely ready to display for spring. It's a 3-in-1, so they can build perching birds or a rain boot, too!

Lego Flowers in Watering Can 3-in-1 ($29.99)—Buy Here!

Paint by Sticker Kids: Pets

a paint by sticker book laid out open to show pages

Skip the wet paint and go straight to stickers with this puzzle art activity book. With 10 colorful pets to sticker-'paint', it's a great choice for any upcoming spring break travel, too.

Paint by Sticker Kids: Pets ($7.91)—Buy Here!

Tiny Gardening by SmartLab Toys

tiny gardening kit toy
SmartLab Toys

A miniature desktop greenhouse complete with tiny gardening tools is perfect for spring. It's a craft-meets-science-project that lets them experiment with seeds and soils over and over.

Tiny Gardening by SmartLab Toys ($24.99)—Buy Here!

Bunny & Chick Building Pieces Set Tube


These interlocking pieces are like if a puzzle and Legos had a baby that create 3-D builds like this adorable bunny and chick, complete with carrot and an Easter egg! This one is adorable for Easter basket stuffers.

Bunny & Chick Building Pieces Set Tube ($16.48)—Buy Here!

Giant Hatch & Grow Dinos, Set of 3

three dinosaur egg toys with three dinosaur figures
Lakeshore Learning

When these prehistoric eggs get submerged in water, they crack and hatch a dino within 72 hours! (We don't know that's not how it really happened, right?)

Giant Hatch & Grow Dinos, Set of 3 ($22.99)—Buy Here!

SunGemmer Window Art Suncatcher Kit

stick on gem art set

This sparkly set includes 2 pre-printed window designs, 2 color guides, over 1000 SunGemmer gemstone sun-catching stickers, a double-sided mounting tape, plus full instructions.

SunGemmer Window Art Suncatcher Kit ($12.99)—Buy Here!

6-Pack Hatching Baby Plants Egg Bundle

set of 6 pink plastic eggs and multiple plant baby figures

You probably didn't know baby plants could be so darn cute, but don't feel bad. We didn't, either. This bundle comes with 6 eggs, each with a baby plant ready to hatch, and a collectible mini-poster inside.

6-Pack Hatching Baby Plants Egg Bundle ($19.99)—Buy Here!

Bitzee Interactive Toy Digital Pet


We all remember our first digital pet, their little habitat hanging from keyrings on our backpacks. Bitzee is the next generation, with 15 pets inside that all react to touch: pets, swipts, and tilts. It's the #1 most-gifted on Amazon, so you know it's good.

Bitzee Interactive Toy Digital Pet ($29.49)—Buy Here!

Snowshoe Hare Adoption Kit by Earth Rangers

rabbit virtual adoption kit
Earth Rangers

Bring home a (plush!) Easter Bunny of your own and make a direct contribution to protecting animals your kiddo loves. The Snowshoe Hare Adoption Kit  includes a plush bunny rabbit, an adoption certificate, a trading card, and a poster with fun facts to learn about your new fluffy friend (here's one: after blending in with its snowy surroundings all winter, the Snowshoe Hare changes its fur back to a rusty brown to celebrate spring!)

Snowshoe Hare Adoption Kit by Earth Rangers ($36.00)—Buy Here!

Kidoki Cat's Cradle


Get them engaged and learning with these fun cat's cradle game variations—complete with string and instructions.

Kidoki Cat's Cradle ($6.00)—Buy Here!

Kitsch Chiffon Dinner Hair Scrunchie

female with head turned to feature the pink scrunchie in her dark curly hair

This extra-large, 8in diameter scrunchie is the perfect way to add a little extra oomph to any outfit, plus it works with most hair types. Available in 3 colors.

Kitsch Chiffon Dinner Hair Scrunchie ($13.99)—Buy Here!

Articulated Axolotl Fidget Toy

a hand holding a teal axolotl toy
Curious Minds Busy Bags

This friendly Axolotl has a jointed tail that keeps hands busy! It comes in 4 colors (and it's great for both adults and kids).

Articulated Axolotl Fidget Toy ($13.99)—Buy Here!

BAKEUP Beauty Gem Playbox Set

Urban Outfitters

If they're not ready for makeup, these gems are perfect for adding some sparkle whether they go all out or add just a little bit of bling.

BAKEUP Beauty Gem Playbox Set ($24.00)—Buy Here!

Zodiac Trinket Dish

set of zodiac trinket dishes
Shop Sweet Lulu

Everyone loves goodies with their zodiac sign, and this little bowl is ideal for jewelry, change, or tiny treasures your kids collect throughout the day. All 12 zodiac sign designs are available.

Zodiac Trinket Dish ($16.00)—Buy Here!

Goblies Throwable Paintballs

pack of throwable paintballs in pink

There's no better way to celebrate the warmer spring weather than by getting a little messy. These throwable paintballs have all the splashy fun of traditional paintballs, without the high-impact launching. The paint is washable and non-toxic, too. Available in multiple colors.

Goblies Throwable Paintballs ($14.99+)—Buy Here!

Pure Magic Vinyl Sticker


If decorating-with-stickers was a class, our kids would get an A+ every time. It's become a real art, and this sticker is a must-have addition to their collection.

Pure Magic Vinyl Sticker ($3.50)—Buy Here!

Tiny Floral Temporary Tattoo Tin

small metal tin filled with floral temporary tattoos

How gorgeous are these temporary tattoos? They're safely printed with vegetable-based ink and can last up to 4 days.

Tiny Floral Temporary Tattoo Tin ($15.00)—Buy Here!

World's Smallest Hungry Hungry Hippos

tiny game of hungry hungry hippos
World's Smallest

It works exactly the same as the original game, except, well, smaller. We're seriously big fans of this tiny game.

World's Smallest Hungry Hungry Hippos ($9.95)—Buy Here!

Art Cube Flower Pop


No one ever said Rubik's Cubes have to be in primary colors only. No one. This flowery art cube works exactly the same as the original, but with a twist. Pardon the pun.

Art Cube Flower Pop ($20.00)—Buy Here!

Highlights Hidden Pictures Easter Puzzles


If there's anything the folks over at Highlights know, it's puzzles. 

Highlights Hidden Pictures Easter Puzzles ($11.69)—Buy Here!

Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza Easter Edition Game

Dolphin Hat Games

There's a good chance your family already loves the original Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza card game (and if they don't yet, they absolutely will!), and the Easter Edition is just as much fun.

Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza Easter Edition Game ($9.99)—Buy Here!

Build-A-Bear Mini Beans Collection

stuffed cow, hedgehog, and plush easter basket filled with three mini plushes

Even if you're skipping jellybeans this year, don't skip these Mini Beans! Build-A-Bear's collection of Easter basket-sized buddies includes Splatter Cow, Cool Quills Hedgehog, and, of course, Pawlette Rabbit.

Build-A-Bear Mini Beans Collection ($9.50+)—Buy Here!

Glamnetic Press-On Nails in 'Siren', Short Oval

hand with shiny teal press on nails

Glamnetic nails are notorious for gorgeous designs, multiple length and shape options, and major staying power. We think these short mermaid-inspired nails are perfect for tweens who aren't quite ready for a full-length set. Use them with the included glue, or snag some of the press-on sticker tabs, instead, for less mess and less commitment. 

Glamnetic Press-On Nails in 'Siren', Short Oval ($19.99)—Buy Here!

Ooly Scented Tutti Fruitti Color Changing Gel Pens, Set of 6

pack of 6 scented gel pens

These are quite possibly the coolest pens we've ever seen. From schoolwork to journaling, these are an awesome addition to their options.

Ooly Scented Tutti Fruitti Color Changing Gel Pens, Set of 6 ($9.95)—Buy Here!

NeeDoh Chicka DeeDoos Stress Squeeze Toys, Set of 3


NeeDoh creates the ultimate stress ball, and this bundle of three neon chicks are here to help you knead the stress away (or to just play with for the sensory experience).

NeeDoh Chicka DeeDoos Stress Squeeze Toys, Set of 3 ($15.99)—Buy Here!


set of 3 balms for kids

YAWN is cosmetics specifically for kids. You read that right. All of it is formulated without sulfates, parabens, phthalates, silicone, mineral oil, or talc. It's designed to be fun and a little messy. This kit comes with All Smiles Lip Balm, Totally Cool Face Multi-Stick, and Be Chill Body Balm, all in a little YAWN pouch.

YAWN WORLD Kit 01 ($29.00)—Buy Here!

Easter Eggstravaganza Mad Libs


Is there ever a bad time to add Mad Libs to a gift (or Easter basket?)?

Easter Eggstravaganza Mad Libs ($4.99)—Buy Here!

Miniverse Lifestyle Home Series 1 Mini Collectibles

mini set of birdhouse and vase accessory toys

Each ball comes with realistic mini items and accessories to make your own mini replicas of your favorite lifestyle and home decor pieces! From birdhouses to flowers, and once you've created your replica, simply set it under any UV light for the resin to harden before you display.

Miniverse Lifestyle Home Series 1 Mini Collectibles ($6.99)—Buy Here!

Crazy Aaron's Color-Changing Sunshine Putty Trio

Crazy Aaron's

Everyone loves Crazy Aaron's Thinking Putty, and this springtime-themed trio feels like it was made for Easter basket fillers.

Crazy Aaron's Color-Changing Sunshine Putty Trio ($19.95)—Buy Here!

Lip Smacker Lippy Pals

set of three animal themed lip balms
Lip Smacker

We'll always have a special place in our hearts for Lip Smacker, and these Easter-themed Lippy Pals come in Foxy Apple, Hoppy Carrot Cake, and Strawberry Llama. We might need a set, ourselves. 

Lip Smacker Lippy Pals ($9.99)—Buy Here!

MOLO Sola Sunglasses

girl wearing pink mirrored cat eye sunglasses

These UV-protective mirrored sunnies were made for kiddos with a style all of their own. And, of course, it's literally never too early to start protecting their vision!

MOLO Sola Sunglasses ($40.00)—Buy Here!

Boutique Chic All Smiles Earrings

two sets of smiley face earrings
Great Pretenders

Y2K trends are back and we're not at all mad about it, especially when they include good-vibey smilies like these earrings.

Boutique Chic All Smiles Earrings ($6.99)—Buy Here!



All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.