If you’re struggling to get out the door with a baby for daily errands, you’re probably not considering a road trip, going camping, or even a flight any time soon. But taking a trip with a baby is actually easier than you think. And straight talk: Traveling with a baby is easier than with an older child, so get out while you can. Your baby just might be the most well-behaved traveler you encounter on your journey.

Plus, you’ll score some amazing memories, killer photos, and probably a few funny stories out of it. So if you’re dreaming of traveling, here’s why you should make it a reality now.

1. Babies sleep. A lot. If you anticipate your baby’s needs by scheduling regular feedings, cuddles and diaper changes, they’ll be mostly content to snooze as you explore your new surroundings.

2. Time goes so fast. Take these moments to travel while you can.

3. You usually don’t have to pay for your child’s seat on a train or airplane until age two. Just pop them on your lap, which is their favorite place to be anyway. They will also likely not have to pay an entrance fee at museums and other must-see attractions. Yep, that includes Disney theme parks.

4. Your child will see a whole new side of you, and experience a sense of wonder you can’t get from your regular routine.

5. You don’t have to pay for baby meals either. You may be lugging along some extra gear, like baby bottles or formula containers, but you’re not paying for an overpriced meal that an older child would say “All done!” to after eating only two bites.

6. You can be present in a different way than you can at home. You’re experiencing new things right along with your child, and there’s magic in sharing that sense of excitement and wonder together.

7. It’s hard to believe, but you have more flexibility now than you will when your child is older. Before you know it, your kiddo will be in school and enrolled in activities and your adventures will be restricted by those schedules. So enjoy that you only need to plan around adult schedules now.

8. Travel is the most fun way to learn that yes, you can do hard things as a parent. Packing for the trip, dealing with delays or other uncomfortable travel moments, resolving conflicts with your partner, all these things can happen. And while they’re what travel horror stories are made of, they’re also a way to impress yourself with how well you’re able to adapt, alter plans, speak in a foreign language, or comfort your child. It’s just one of the many ways travel enriches our lives.

9. Traveling is good for your relationship with your partner. Babies tend to become the main topic of conversation with your partner because they’re both super cute and super needy. And while traveling with a baby won’t change that, it will give you and your partner lots of new things to discuss, as well as memories you’ll treasure.

10. Fact: Sometimes babies cry on airplanes. And despite the horror stories you’ve heard, most people are nice about it. You’ll be surprised at how helpful other passengers, and especially flight attendants, can be to parents with little ones. From offers to walk with your baby up and down the aisle to bringing snacks for you, you’ll find a community onboard that’s ready to help you get through an in-flight meltdown. And if someone is a jerk? Well, you’ll never have to see them again.

Related: Dear Fellow Passenger: You Are Not Entitled to a Silent Flight

photo: iStock

11. Portability! Non-mobile babies are along for the ride. Pop them in a stroller, infant car seat, hiking front pack, or baby carrier, and they will nap and chill while you go off on adventures.

12. A non-mobile baby gets into less mischief in a new place than an older child would. Once you plonk them down someplace safe, you don’t need to worry about them putting something dangerous in their mouth, knocking over a fragile vase, or toppling down ungated stairs.

13. Once kids can walk and talk, they have a lot of opinions about what they want to do and when. Babies mainly want to spend time with you, so you get to decide where you go and what you do, provided you’re mindful of naps and mealtimes.

14. That first year can be a blur of sleepless nights, feedings, and diaper changes. Traveling with a baby gives you new and exciting things to focus on, which can up your mood and your energy level. That’s good for you, and it’s good for your baby to see you excited and experiencing things you love.

15. Everybody loves babies. Expect kindness from strangers, hotel staff, and restaurant managers as they go out of their way to help you and make sure you and your child get the most out of your travels.

16. It’s the best kind of quality time. Experiencing new things as a family builds special bonds that are hard to create at home, where you’re working and rushing through your regular routines.

17. Visiting new places is an education. Point out different colors in the woods or name landmarks in a city to develop your baby’s language skills.

18. In addition to language skills, exposing your child to new people, sights, sounds, smells, foods, languages, and scenery enriches their mind and their life. Take photos and videos so you can remind them of their baby adventures when they’re older. Kids love to hear about things they did when they were younger, and travel gives you lots to talk about, from funny memories to historical landmarks you saw and interesting people you met.

Related: Baby on Board! 12 Road Trip Essentials for Trips with Babies & Toddlers

19. You’ll love seeing the world through your child’s eyes. Watching your baby experience sand or ocean waves for the first time is a memory you won’t forget. The same goes for snow, new foods, and visits with relatives who live too far away.

20. Getting away from your home and most of your stuff shows you in vivid detail how you can be happy and fulfilled with so much less, and that definitely includes baby gear. Yes, you’ll need to bring necessities like diapers, but you won’t need all the toys, all the outfits, all the stuff. Try this test: Give your baby an empty water bottle or magazine and you’ll see how a random object can hold a baby’s attention as well as a toy does.

21. You’ll spot things you wouldn’t have otherwise. Watch your baby intently looking at an animal they haven’t seen before or laughing at an unfamiliar sound, and you’ll develop a new appreciation for your surroundings and your child’s brilliant developing mind.

22. Perspective. Babies thrive on routines and schedules, which can be difficult to maintain during travel. If you’re the kind of parent who freaks out if you get off schedule (same!), seeing that you and your child can survive a time difference, a missed nap, sleeping in a different bed or other shifts to your routine can make you relax and be willing to take other worthwhile risks in the future.

23. Traveling with a baby teaches you to slow down and adapt when necessary. It’s harder to maintain an itinerary when traveling with a baby, but it can be incredibly valuable to take an unexpected break and sit while your child drinks a bottle or nurses. Or to leave a museum amid a baby meltdown and walk the grounds instead. Stepping out of your scheduled activities to adjust to your child’s needs can also open you up to experiences you wouldn’t have had otherwise. A later start time, taking a different route, or spending longer at one location can all lead to fortuitous surprises.

24. Self-care. Visiting a place you’re excited about and planning an enriching itinerary can make you feel like your pre-baby self again. And all new parents need that sometimes. Pro tip: Take turns with your partner to hang out with the baby during naps while the other parent slips out for some solo activities.

25. You’ll instill a love of travel and learning in your child. Even if your baby won’t remember the adventures you took when they were little, they’ll know that exploring the world is important to you and that can shape their own interest in new experiences.

Related: Have Baby, Will Fly: 10 Awesome Travel Essentials

When you’re stuck waiting somewhere—for the doctor, in line at the DMV, on the subway, or just for brunch—keeping an energetic little one occupied can be a major challenge. Have no fear. We’ve got a list of awesome, do-almost-anywhere activities that will keep you and your baby busy and keep waiting room crankiness at bay. Try a couple, and watch the minutes fly by.

Copy Cat

Mimic the sounds your baby makes—coos and ba-ba-bas—mixing it up by stretching them out a little. Try making a few funny faces, and watch as your baby pushes her lips to copy your fishy face. With older babies, you can add in gestures and body movements like lifting your arms, clapping, nodding your head from side to side, or stomping your feet.


This classic gets extra special from a kiddo’s perspective if you just toss a blanket over your head and wait for your baby to pull it off. Or, when traditional peek-a-boo gets old, try hiding a toy instead. Grab a stuffed animal, hide it behind your back or under a blanket, and see if your little one can find it.

Crinkle Crinkle Paper Ball

Paper’s available pretty much anywhere, from the placemat at a restaurant to the paper cover on the exam bed at the doctor’s office. Hand that good stuff over to your little one to crunch, crinkle, and rip to shreds. You can even scrunch it up to make a ball that you two can toss back and forth.

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s a Flying Baby

Bounce that baby up into the air and swoop her around. Add in a few spins and you’ve got your own mama-powered thrill ride. Flying babies are happy babies.

What’s in the Bag?

Textures are fascinating for little ones, especially when they’re unseen. Find a small bag or an empty tissue box, slip different objects inside (soft fabric, a sippy cup, a spoon, smooth rocks, a teething ring), and let your baby reach in to explore the invisible wonder.

Ice cubes

Photo Credit: Oz Spies

Ice Ice Baby

The next time you’re waiting in a restaurant, try this: dip a spoon into your water, and scoop out an ice cube. Put it on the table in front of your kiddo. Watch her fascination as she touches and tries to catch the slippery wonder.

Build and Crash

Stack up a few things and encourage your baby to stomp (or crawl) over, Godzilla-style, and tip them to the ground. A tissue box plus cotton balls at the doctor’s office, a stack of board books, plastic spoons—anything that can balance precariously for a few moments and then tumble to the ground is great fun for little ones.

Nursery Rhymes

Great for literacy development, there’s a reason they’ve never gone out of style. Sing a little Itsy Bitsy Spider with your best preschool teacher-style enthusiasm. If you don’t know the hand motions that go along with the nursery rhymes or want to learn a few new ones, check out this resource created by librarians.

Dip into Your Bag of Tricks

A small container of bubbles can take you far if you’re outside and waiting around – keeping one in your diaper bag means you’ll always be prepared for fun. Cheerios, when handed out one at a time, give your kiddo a chance to work on fine motor skills and extend interest longer than handing over a full snack container. You can even create a new challenge by slipping a single Cheerio inside of or underneath a clear baby bottle cap and asking your baby to retrieve it. And now’s the time to pull out anything that makes noise—if you have a small music-making toy that drives you nuts at home, keep it in your diaper bag to pull out when you’re on the go.

Watching the World Go By

Furry creatures are endlessly fascinating. If you’re stuck somewhere with a window, peek out the window and hunt for dogs or cats. Or try counting trucks as they drive past. Your enthusiasm is what will make this one: if you exclaim with fascination about the animals or vehicles you see out there, there’s a good chance your baby will get on board.

Funny Stuff

If all else fails, put a shoe on your head. Find something random, pretend it’s a hat, and do your best Three Stooges-style pratfalls. Toddlers are sure to dissolve into giggles.

Make sure to capture all the silly moments—and share them with your family and friends near and far—with the Tinybeans app. The secure platform puts parents in total control of who sees and interacts with photos and videos of their kids.

Whether you prefer to rough it or go glamping, with the right gear and a little preparation, camping with a baby can be a fun and memorable experience for the whole family. No, really! There are just a few things to keep in mind before diving in. Before heading out on your adventure, do some research and find a campsite that is baby-friendly. Look for a location that offers easy access to running water, clean restrooms, and a nearby store in case you need to pick up any essentials. But, with our list of baby camping gear, you should have most of your essentials ready to go!

From the best all-terrain strollers to swimming diapers and more, we’ve put together a list of go-tos for your first camping adventure with your little one. There’s a chance you’ve thought of some of these, but we think we’ve got some surprise winners you’ll love! No matter how you’re defining camping—a cabin, a tent, an RV, or just a day hiking, these are tried-and-true baby camping gear essentials so you’re always as prepared as possible!

Graco Modes Adventure Stroller Wagon

grey stroller wagon

Babies need a lot of gear to go just about anywhere. Haul it all in an all-terrain wagon. This one comes with harnesses and a sun shade so it's great for hauling babies, too!

Graco Modes Adventure Stroller Wagon ($299.00+)—Buy Here!

Kelty Discovery Basecamp Backpacking Tent


Every family needs somewhere to call home, even while camping. This lightweight tent is easy to put together and has enough room to comfortably fit a baby and parents.

Kelty Discovery Basecamp Backpacking Tent ($119.00+)—Buy Here!

OXO Good Grips 3-Piece Water Bottle Cleaning Set

water bottle cleaning brush set

Washing bottles and dishes while camping takes a little more elbow grease. This bottle and dish cleaner set helps you get both clean no matter how much dirt is caked on. All pieces store together compactly on an included ring!

OXO Good Grips 3-Piece Water Bottle Cleaning Set ($11.99)—Buy Here!

Swim Diaper by Nageuret


A good camper leaves no trace behind—that includes diapers. This reusable swim diaper is perfect for dips in the lake. It's adjustable and machine-washable so it'll last! Available in multiple colors and prints

Swim Diaper by Nageuret ($18.99)—Buy Here!

Noah's Tarp Sun Shelter


If shade is hard to come by, bring your own! This sun shelter will protect your baby's sensitive skin no matter how brightly the sun is shining.

Noah's Tarp Sun Shelter ($50.99)—Buy Here!

Folding Chair by hiccapop


Even babies need somewhere to sit when camping. Keep yours happy and contained in this small, light folding camping chair that doubles as a high chair! It even has a pocket on the back to store bibs, wipes and other small baby supplies.

Folding Chair by hiccapop ($34.92)—Buy Here!

Peapod Plus Travel Bed by KidCo.


This travel bed is perfect for camping since it has a built-in insect screen and sunshade. It's small enough to fit inside a family tent, which means everyone can sleep soundly and safely! It comes in 5 colors.

Peapod Plus Travel Bed by KidCo. ($99.95)—Buy Here!

POP N' GO Portable Playpen


Every baby needs a safe place to hang out while their parents set up tent. This playpen is large enough for multiple kids, is incredibly light and comes with a removable sunshade to protect baby's sensitive skin!

POP N' GO Portable Playpen ($149.99)—Buy Here!

All Over Bib by Grabease

baby in highchair wearing all-over bib

Chances are you're not packing a ton of extra baby clothes while camping. With this all-over bib in tow, you don't have to! Plus, it's easy to wipe, making clean-up after camping a breeze no matter how messy your baby may be in the wild.

All Over Bib by Grabease ($26.99)—Buy Here!

Hiking Baby Carrier by LuvdBaby

woman with hiking child carrier on back

This carrier is designed to keep both little passengers and their grown-ups comfy. It's well-padded, ventilated, and highly adjustable. As a bonus, it has tons of pockets so parents can haul snacks and sippy cups while remaining hands-free!

Hiking Baby Carrier by LuvdBaby ($169.90)—Buy Here!

Baby/Toddler Swimsuit Set


Keep your baby's skin protected from the sun while swimming with an adorable rash guard set! It comes in a ton of colors and prints and even includes a matching hat.

Baby/Toddler Swimsuit Set ($23.97)—Buy Here!

Sun Runner Cap by Outdoor Research

blue kids sun hat
Outdoor Research

Speaking of sun hats...Nothing will ruin a trip more quickly than a sunburned and cranky baby. This hat provides protection for your wee one's ears and neck. It has UPF 50+ sun protection and a moisture-wicking sweatband. This is a great choice for any kid who won't tolerate sunscreen or whose hair hasn't fully grown in yet!

Sun Runner Cap by Outdoor Research ($11.20)—Buy Here!


All Terrain Stroller by BOB Gear

black all terrain stroller
BOB Gear

Camping with a baby probably means you need to navigate some uneven terrain. This multisport stroller can handle it all. Plus, padded interior and air-filled tires mean it's comfy for both little ones and their parents. Also, the canopy is 100 percent waterproof, windproof, and rated UPF 50+ to shield your kiddo from the elements.

All Terrain Stroller by BOB Gear ($699.99)—Buy Here!


All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.

Think flowers, candy, stuffies, and stickers

Everybody loves the baby milestone blanket, but maybe consider these other creative and super-cute baby milestone photo ideas that show their growth in the first year. Add your unique spin to one of the following set-ups; if you’re short on time or not the creative type (we get it), we’ve included props you can purchase to add flair to your photos. 

Flowers and Leaves

This is one of the sweetest baby milestone photo ideas we’ve seen. Teresa, a custom artist and illustrator based in Southern California, surrounded her daughter Elena in beautiful blooms and leaves to show how she blossomed each month. Create seasonal scenes as she did, or place one perfect rose or daisy next to your child the first month and then add a flower each month as a visual indicator of your child’s age.

Mini Blocks

picture of blocks that people can use in baby milestone photo ideas

These mini blocks give you lots of flexibility with how you display your message. Add a heart or a holiday symbol and stack the blocks vertically or lay them side by side in a pattern. Long after your child has hit the one-year mark, use these blocks to spell out your child's age in years or what grade they're in.

Buy them here, $30.

Animal-Themed Baby Milestone Cards

Pose your child on a neutral background to make these wood safari animal-themed cards stand out. Each disc is double-sided and features adorable giraffes, lions, and lions, and there's even a card announcing the arrival of your sweet bundle. 

Available at Etsy shop Brickhousegifts, $28

Monthly Milestone Chalkboard

This chalkboard comes in two sizes (9x12 and 12x16) and features cute, hand-drawn animals. Add milestones, favorites, and other important baby data, and then choose a light-colored, neutral background and take a close-up shot so the text is readable.

Available at Etsy shop Image Ability, $20

Related: 5 Baby Milestones That Will Totally Change Your Life as a Parent

Seasonal Props

Seasonal props that show the baby’s age in months convey the passing of time and will make for an amazing collage to commemorate that first year. Family blogger Chelsae in Tampa Bay took this photo of her daughter Evelyn with these autumn leaves for November, and she used candy hearts in February and beach toys in June.

Sleeping Baby Pictures

We love this baby milestone photo idea because there’s nothing sweeter than a sleeping infant. And with each month, you’ll appreciate not having to force a smile in each month’s photo. With a sleeping baby, you can take the shot quickly, and your child will always look beautiful and relaxed. If you’re worried about your child waking up, take photos at the end of naptime rather than at night. A shortened nap is easier than getting a crying baby back to sleep at night.

Favorite Stuffie

Posing your child next to the same stuffed animal each month shows how big they’re growing. It also lends itself to seasonal-themed photos and shots of impromptu hugs with their fuzzy friends. This photo from Alice Morais of Little Pearls Photography, a maternity, newborn, and family photographer based in Kennesaw, GA, captures both a seasonal theme and a sweet moment with a stuffed animal.

Photo Banner

a banner to hold pictures, a cute baby milestone photo idea

Put your favorite photo from each month in this self-editable photo template. You can also record the date and a short message. Once you've printed them out, attach them with a clothespin to raffia or ribbon to create a beautiful photo banner. When you update the banner with a new card each month, take a photo to show family and friends your baby's life in pictures.

Available at Etsy shop partiara, $9 for a self-editable template.

Everyday Items


You don't need to be crafty or buy expensive props to create cute monthly baby photos. You need a gorgeous baby (check!) and to be creative with items you already have. Pose your babe with common items like diapers, onesies, pacifiers, or food (cupcakes are a new-mom fave). Spell out how old your baby is in months, or place the items around your child. Use the same prop every month or switch it up based on your baby's preferences.

Sports Stickers

Dress your baby in a solid-colored onesie and pop on one of these sporty stickers for consistent and cute photos each month. Or, get creative with where you place the sticker, like on a baseball cap, favorite stuffie, or diaper as your baby crawls away from you. If your older baby is too busy to sit still for a photo with you, a sticker gives you lots of flexibility on where, and how, to take an awesome photo.

Available at Etsy shop Custom Print Gallery, $10.

Inkless Foot and Handprints

Printed on special paper, this pack of baby milestone cards gives you those coveted baby fingers and toes, but with zero mess.

Buy them here, $54.

Spread some serious joy by sharing your baby milestone photos with family and friends near and far on the Tinybeans app. The secure platform puts parents in total control of who sees and interacts with photos and videos of their kids.



All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.

Set up your child for a great start with this list of must-haves

Diapers? Check. Lunch? Check. A sleepy child? Check! If you’re wondering what to pack for daycare, and even if your childcare provider has a list of items kids will need on a typical day, some things can make all the difference in your little one’s day. From weather-appropriate gear to a family photo, here’s your handy daycare checklist of must-haves and why they’re important.

1. Labels
Slap your kid’s name on everything, from bottles to clothes. We love Mabel’s Labels because they’re pre-printed with your child’s name, come in easy-to-use packs, and stay put through hundreds of washings. Put waterproof labels on your child’s bag, lunch bag, jacket, and inside shoes. If your child has food allergies, order allergy labels, too.

2. Bottles & Liquids
Depending on how long your little one will be at daycare, you’ll need baby bottles plus breast milk or formula or, for older kids, a leak-proof water bottle. Be sure to pre-measure the formula. Most daycares have refrigerators or freezers available to keep liquids cold.

3. Lunch Bag & Bibs
You’ll also need a lunch bag and bib if your little one eats solid food. An insulated lunch bag is best, as it keeps food cool and can be used later on for picnics and other excursions. We love the PackIt lunch bags with built-in cold packs.

4. Diapers & Wipes
Gather up diapers in the right size, and send off as many as your little one will need at the start of each week, with a few extra just in case. It’s easiest to label diapers with a Sharpie. Be sure to send a labeled pack of wipes, too. And pack diaper cream if your little one is prone to rashes.

5. Spare Clothes
Pack at least two spare outfits for your child. You never know when your little one will have a blowout or get food or art supplies on themselves, and childcare centers don’t usually have spare clothes in every size. Check the size and seasonality of the spare clothes in your bag every two or three months so your kiddo isn’t stuck in shorts two sizes too small in January. Oh, and don’t forget extra socks!

6. Medication
If your child takes medication regularly, bring a brand new bottle with you in its original packaging. Most daycares have very specific requirements due to licensing and keeping little ones safe. Be sure to follow those requirements carefully so your baby’s medication is readily available and can be dispensed by daycare staff when needed.

7. Sunscreen & a Hat
You want your baby’s skin protected during outdoor playtime, so packing baby-friendly sunscreen is a must. Send a labeled bottle of your favorite sunscreen, and add a sun hat for extra coverage.

8. Weather Gear
Fresh air is brain food for babies, and most daycares bring kids outside as often as possible, even if it’s just for a few minutes. That means toddlers might stomp around in puddles or stare up at snowflakes. Pack weather-appropriate gear (boots, jackets, hats) so your little one is comfortable, no matter the weather.

9. A Family Photo
Many daycares put family photos up on their walls or have them in a readily available photo album. Little ones love to look at pics of their family membersjust like we do. Check with your child’s school to see if they have specific requirements for what types of photos to send.

10. Lovies
Lovies make the transition from home to daycare a little easier, so it’s a must on our daycare checklist. Remember, while it’s a good idea to pack a favorite snuggly item, don’t send something irreplaceable (or buy a backup), as blankies can disappear. Also, ask if your daycare center has policies on what you can and can’t bring. Order a pair of matching lovies, like the snuggly offerings from Bunnies by the Bay, or the two-packs of security blankets from Copper Pearl, and you’ll be all set. A few days before the big drop-off day at daycare, hold the lovie to give it some of your comforting scent.

11. Lists of Your Little One’s Likes & Dislikes, Plus Paperwork
Does your baby love a good lullaby before naps or hate avocados? Daycares usually send home paperwork that includes a getting-to-know-you child form, plus essential information like medical history and development and milestone updates. Fill out these forms and include any additional information your baby’s caregivers might need so they can take good care of your sweet babe.

Make sure to snap some photos of their first day of daycare—and share them with your family and friends near and far—with the Tinybeans app. The secure platform puts parents in total control of who sees and interacts with photos and videos of their kids.

Becoming a new mom is tough, but these postpartum self-care tips can help give you the nurturing you need.

Welcome to the rollercoaster ride of motherhood, where each day is a whirlwind of sleepless nights, a flood of emotions you never knew existed, and baby coos you wish you could play on repeat.

If you’re a new mom, congratulations on this incredible adventure you’re embarking on. Whether you’re just days, weeks, or months in, we can only imagine how the arrival of your tiny bean has left you feeling—unparalleled joy with a side of “oh gosh, I’m lost in a tornado of diapers and baby bottles”?

Though, it’s within this bittersweet chaos that you can easily forget the most crucial passenger on this wild ride…you. Yes, you, the superhero who brought a small human into the world.

As your friend, your confidant, and your friendly voice of reason, we’re here to help you navigate the postpartum journey (because you don’t need to do it alone!). From taking care of your mental health to recognizing when you need professional assistance and everything in between, let’s dive into our top postpartum self-care tips.

1. Take Care of You!

There’s no denying that parents put themselves on the back burner when it comes to their children. While you can’t help but make your little ones your number one priority, refusing to dedicate time for self-care can affect your overall parenting.

With your body requiring extra care and nourishment upon giving birth, it’s important to stay hydrated (is that water bottle on your nightstand empty?), eat a well-balanced diet rich in nutrients, and get some hard-earned rest—we know, it’s easier said than done! Incorporating gentle exercises into your routine can also expedite your recovery. It could be as simple as light walks or pelvic floor exercises, but the key is to move at your pace.

2. Keep an Eye Out for Signs of Postpartum Depression

Motherhood brings forth a lot of change, including a spectrum of ever-changing emotions. While some shades are less joyous than others, it’s crucial to recognize if you’re feeling trapped in a prolonged shadow of sadness, hopelessness, or worthlessness.

These feelings are correlated to postpartum depression, a type of mood disorder that affects up to 15% of women after childbirth. The medical condition, which is often mislabeled as “baby blues,” can develop within the first few weeks to months after giving birth. It’s also marked by other serious symptoms, like a lack of interest in once enjoyable activities, the inability to connect with your infant, and thoughts of self-harm. Acknowledge your feelings during this transitional period, and if you find yourself experiencing any of these symptoms, seek immediate help.

3. Seek Professional Help When Needed

Your mental health as a new parent is vital. Not only does it play a direct role in how you navigate the unpredictability of parenthood, but it also impacts the quality of your relationship with your baby. If you’re feeling like you need an outlet to work through what you’re experiencing, that’s okay. Know that seeking professional assistance is a courageous step—and one that should be met with praise and support.

With BetterHelp, an online therapy service, you can take appointments right from the comforts of your home, and on your schedule. That means you have a licensed therapist at your fingertips, available through text, phone, or video, all wrapped up in an affordable monthly subscription.

As the world’s largest therapy service, BetterHelp also gives you access to one of over 30,000 licensed therapists in their massive network based on your needs, preferences, and location, so you can match with a therapist in as little as just 48 hours. If you’re looking for a little extra support from other moms facing similar challenges, you can opt for group sessions. It’s like a virtual village just for you.

Try BetterHelp today and receive our exclusive Tinybeans offer. You’ll earn 25% off your first month!

4. Find Your Village

Moms, we know you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, but navigating this new era shouldn’t be an act you bear alone. Finding a support system can be paramount for both your mental and emotional well-being, whether it’s your significant other, family, friends, or a mommy support group. Surrounding yourself with comfort, laughter, and shared experiences can be the safety net that’ll uplift you when you need it most.

5. Carve Out “Me Time”

Oftentimes, it’s easy for moms to fully embrace their role as caretakers, devoting all of their time and energy to their new bundle of joy. But it’s important to not lose sight of who you were before children, and to not forget about what brings you happiness and relaxation in the process.

Devote time throughout each week that puts your first, so you can maintain your identity outside of motherhood. Reconnect with hobbies you love, or indulge in a guilty pleasure—maybe a TV series that’s just for you. This time is crucial for recharging and preserving your mental and emotional health.

6. Recognize (& Celebrate!) How Far You’ve Come

With so much always happening at once, it’s easy to overlook the small victories of parenting. Take a step back and celebrate all that you’ve achieved and how much your baby has developed—because of you! Whether it’s your baby sleeping through the night or you mastered the art of one-handed diaper changes, these small wins contribute to your growth as a mother. Acknowledging them can give you the feel-good emotions you need to keep going.

7. Set Realistic Expectations

Hooray, you’ve been promoted to the new role of mom, but like any new job, this period comes with some adjustments and level setting. Set realistic expectations of what you can and cannot accomplish in one day to gift yourself some much-needed compassion and grace.

Consider simplifying your daily routines to manage the demands of caring for a newborn. Rather than going to the grocery store, try ordering your meals weekly from a meal delivery service. If you’re overwhelmed by neglected household chores, tackle one area of the house every few days or divide and conquer with your partner. Every day may not be picture-perfect, and that’s more than okay.

8. Nurture Your Relationship with Your Significant Other

Amidst the sleepless nights and never-ending sea of bottles, don’t forget to nurture the bond with your partner. Communication is key and understanding each other’s needs in this new chapter of life is a must. Even simple gestures can go a long way in maintaining a strong and supportive relationship.


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These kids’ water bottles are backpack must-have

Of all the things that should always be in your bag, car, or backpack, a good leak-proof water bottle is on the top of the list. After all, from the classroom to soccer practice, your kids go hard and need lots of hydration. With so many options out there, it’s important to find the best kids water bottles and with that, we mean the leak-proof kind! We looked everywhere and came up with the best picks. See them all below.

a picture of one of the best kids water bottles from b.box

b.box Tritan Water Bottle


The unique triangle grip on this award-winning leakproof water bottle is perfect for tiny hands. Kids making the move from a sippy cup to a big kid bottle will have no problem with the easy-flow silicon straw, the handle makes getting the bottle from the car to class a breeze, and it's available in eight different color combos.

Contigo offers one of the best kids' water bottles that are leak-proof

Contigo Trekker

$13+ BUY NOW

We love Contigo, and this sleek model is one of the reasons why. Available in bright orange or blue, its patented auto-seal lid is 100% leak- and spill-proof. It’s BPA-free and you can even wash it in the top rack of the dishwasher.

Hydro Flask

Hydro Flask Kids 12oz Wide Mouth Bottle


For ages 3 and up, this water bottle is the perfect 12oz size for little ones. From school to hikes to around the house, the Kids Wide Mouth Bottle from Hydro Flask goes any and everywhere. Available in 4 colors.

Water Bottles for Big Kids

EcoVessel has one of the best kids water bottles

Frost Insulated from EcoVessel


Your beverage of choice will stay cold for hours in this insulated water bottle from EcoVessel. Choose from fun prints like unicorns, butterflies, rockets and more. An inner silicone straw makes drinking easy.

Caden Lane has one of the best kids water bottles you can personalize
Caden Lane

Caden Lane Personalized Water Bottle


It's so much fun to have their name on their stuff, and Caden Lane delivers. Pick from a ton of fonts and styles so you can match their personal style!

Boxlunch has a fun Star Wars bottle that is one of the best kids water bottles

Star Wars R2-D2 Costume Water Bottle


Star Wars is definitely not going anywhere, and each new generation gets to rock new swag. We're loving this classic 17oz water bottle in the style of their favorite droid.

Polar Bottle

Polar Bottle Kids Insulated Water Bottle

$12+ BUY NOW

Offered in nine different color combos, this simple but effective water bottle is insulated, easy to clean and easy to carry, making it perfect for active kids.

Kleen Canteen is one of the best kids water bottles
Klean Kanteen

Klean Kanteen


Small and lightweight, this durable 12 oz. bottle with a soft silicone spout is the natural progression from a sippie configuration. It fits into just about any cup holder, stroller or car seat, and its large-mouth design fits ice cubes and makes cleaning simple. Go with the leak-proof Loop Cap option to prevent spills in lunchboxes or backpacks—or upgrade to the Sport Cap for older toddlers. Baby bottles can even transition to snack canisters with the use of any of Klean Kanteen’s wide caps!

best leakproof waterbottle circkul



Help your kids stay hydrated with this fun water bottle from Cirkul that combines a flavor cartridge system. With more than 40 flavors to choose from (made with all-natural flavors, no colors or dyes, and zero calories or sugar) and a customizable flavor intensity dial from 1-10, Cirkul is providing a personalized element to water that has never existed before. Customize with your kid's name so that you know it will come home at the end of the day.

Water Bottles for Tweens, Teens & Adults

best leakproof waterbottle owala

Owala FreeSip Bottle


Sometimes you feel like sippin’, other times swiggin’. With both a built-in straw and a wide-mouth opening, FreeSip lets you choose (read: best of both worlds). The push-button-open, keep-it-clean lid means you’ll never have to touch the drinking surface. Add to that an integrated carry loop and your choice of vacuum-insulated stainless steel or BPA-free Eastman Tritan plastic and you’ll be good to go—hydrated like a champ.

Pottery Barn Kids

LoveShackFancy Garden Party Slim Damask Water Bottle


Pretty and dishwasher-safe? What can't this Pottery Barn water bottle do? 17oz of hot or cold beverages transport easily thanks to the secure lid and convenient handle.

Hot Topic

Strawberry Cow Milk Carton Water Bottle


How cute is this milk carton water bottle? This trendy K-Pop-inspired bottle is sure to become one of their favorites.

best leakproof water bottles simple modern water bottle
Simple Modern

Simple Modern Water Tumbler

$17+ BUY NOW

This vacuum-sealed double-wall water bottle comes in lots of colors. It's dishwasher safe (top rack, please!), plus it's rust-repellent and keeps water cold for up to 24 hours. Choose from 14oz-64oz bottle options!

best leakproof waterbottles chilly's

Chilly's Water Bottle

$33+ BUY NOW

These water bottles have double-wall insulation to help keep drinks cold for up to 24 hours (or hot for 12 hours). Made from rust-resistant stainless steel, the screw-top lid means no leaks, and it's lightweight so it won't weigh your kiddo's backpack down.

Welly has one of the best kids water bottle

Welly Traveler


The sleek design of the Welly Bottle traveler means both you and your tween might feel cool sporting it while out and about. The handle makes for easy carrying, plus it's got a removable infuser you can use to add a little flavor to your kids' water. It's double-walled, with vacuum insulation and the bamboo bottom gives it an eco-feel you don't see many places.


Mizu M5 Water Bottle

$16+ BUY NOW

The 17 oz. M5 slimmer version of the popular M8. It's a single-wall, stainless steel bottle, with 14 different colors to choose from. You can also choose a color for the twist cap. It's small enough to stash in backpacks or in car seat cup holders, but it's large enough to carry enough H20 to get the kids through the day.

All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.

These little guys want to move around and make noise, so give them all the tunnels, building blocks, and musical instruments

Get moving and grooving with these presents for one-year-olds (and under!) that they’ll enjoy long after celebrating their first birthdays. From a musical cube and bath boats to magnetic blocks and easy-to-grip teethers, these holiday gifts and toys for 6-month-olds to a year will make life more fun… and just a little bit louder.

Melissa & Doug Baby's First Sensory Toys Gift Bundle

There are so many things for baby to explore in this food-themed sensory set, from the six-piece PB&J take-along toy to a box full of gifts that baby can wrap, and the soft-stacking pineapple. Yum!

Melissa & Doug Baby's First Sensory Toys Gift Bundle ($54)—Buy Here!

Vtech 6-in-1 Tunnel of Fun

Find a nice spot in your home for this 6-in-1 toy because it's going to be around for a while as your little one transitions from tummy time to tunnel time. We love that you can pop off the zebra's keyboard for take-along tunes. 

Vtech 6-in-1 Tunnel of Fun ($60)—Buy Here!

Manhattan Toy Wobbly Bobbly Bear

Manhattan Toy Wobbly Bobbly Bear is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

Baby's will love so many things about this wobbly bear! They can bat it around to see where it lands, drop it and watch it bounce, or give it a big snuggle when they need to take five. 

Manhattan Toy Wobbly Bobbly Bear ($18)—Buy Here!

Kiwi Co's Growing Seeds Tissue Box Toy

Kiwi Co's Growing Seeds Tissue Box Toy is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

We're smitten with that happy little crinkle stuffie bean! If you're tired of baby pulling out all your tissues, give them their own garden-themed tissue box to explore. Bonus: a book that teaches them how plants grow. 

Kiwi Co's Growing Seeds Tissue Box Toy ($40)—Buy Here!

Angel Dear Beige Bunny Blankie Set

Angel Dear Beige Bunny Blankie Set is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

You won't believe how soft and cozy these blankies are, and Angel Dear clearly knows parents by offering not two, but three bunnies in the set to account for any lost-lovey disasters that may come up in the future. 

Angel Dear Beige Bunny Blankie Set ($42)—Buy Here!

Boon Fleet Stacking Boats

Boon Fleet Stacking Boats is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

Bath time just got a whole lot more fun with these floating boats in bright, beautiful colors. Tots can stack them or watch water rain out of their drain holes. Now all you have to worry about is keeping the water inside the tub. 

Boon Fleet Stacking Boats ($10)—Buy Here!


Baby's First Book of Banned Books

Baby's First Book of Banned Books is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

From The Diary of Anne Frank to To Kill a Mockingbird, there are plenty of amazing lessons to learn from books that have no place being banned—and you're never too young to start learning. 

Baby's First Book of Banned Books ($10)—Buy Here!

AIXMEET Baby Teether

Designed to give teething littles the best possible grip, this teether fits right onto their chubby little hands so they can gnaw to their heart's content. 

AIXMEET Baby Teether ($6)—Buy Here!

Aden + Anais Marine Gardens Blanket

Aden + Anais Marine Gardens Blanket is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

The softest bamboo-infused viscose and the prettiest patterns make this a no-brainer for holiday gifting—and when the weather outside is less frightful, parents can plop their newly sitting kids down on the blanket just about anywhere. 

Aden + Anais Marine Gardens Blanket ($65)—Buy Here!

Baby Einstein Sea Dreams Soother Musical Toy

Baby Einstein Sea Dreams Soother Musical Toy is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

Whether you're looking to entertain baby while you get a few things done or lull them to sleep at bedtime, this ocean-themed crib toy is completely mesmerizing. The drift-off feature gradually tones down the entertainment and a handy remote lets you turn it on or off from up to 12 feet away. 

Baby Einstein Sea Dreams Soother Musical Toy ($38)—Buy Here!

Wee Gallery Crinkle Toy - Fish

Wee Gallery Crinkle Toy Fish is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

Babes love anything that makes noise, so they won't be able to put down this crinkly black-and-white fish. And we just love its face! 

Wee Gallery Crinkle Toy - Fish ($17)—Buy Here!

Manhattan Toy Cottontail Cottage

Manhattan Toy Cottontail Cottage is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

Your little bunny will learn about object permanence and practice their fine motor skills when they put the little stuffed bunnies in and out of the cute cottage, which comes with a handle so they can tote their friends around once they're officially walkers.

Manhattan Toy Cottontail Cottage ($42)—Buy Here!

Tegu's First Building Blocks

Tegu's First Building Blocks is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

The littlest hands can get up to some fun open-ended play with these clever magnetic blocks, complete with soft rounded corners and cheery colors. 

Tegu's First Building Blocks ($20)—Buy Here!

Munchkin Mozart Magic Cube

Calling all budding composers! Each side of this cube features a different instrument to delight baby's senses—think harp, flute, French horn, piano, and violin—with lights flashing to the tempo. They can layer individual sounds or play the full symphony, Mozart style. 

Munchkin Mozart Magic Cube ($29)—Buy Here!

HABA Koala Water Play Mat

Tots love water; parents love when said water can't spill all over the house. Consider this a win-win. The cuddly koala's tummy has a water bottle that's fun to squish during tummy time. And when spit-up happens (it will), simply pull out the water bottle and throw the koala in the wash. 

HABA Koala Water Play Mat ($40)—Buy Here!

Copper Pearl Bibs

A four-pack of Copper Pearl Bibs is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

With cotton knit on the front and absorbent polyester fleece on the back, these bandana bibs are as practical as they are chic. And boy are they chic.

Copper Pearl Bibs ($22)—Buy Here!

Bebe Fuerte Stack & Count Kettleball

When the handle is on, little ones can practice lifting this rattly toy kettlebell just like their parents. Without the handle, they can remove and stack the colorful rings that make up the ball and feature a different Spanish number on each. 

Bebe Fuerte Stack & Count Kettleball ($15)—Buy Here!

Skip Hop Farmstand Push & Spin Toy

Skip Hop Farmstand Push & Spin Toy is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

Sitters have a new take on the world, and that means new toys to explore. Push-and-spin toys are great for building core strength and balance, and your babe will love the cause and effect of pushing the sun down to see the corn spin and pop.

Skip Hop Farmstand Push & Spin Toy ($16)—Buy Here!

All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.
If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.
All images courtesy of retailers.—

Why is baby stuff so expensive? Until we figure it out, these Amazon Prime Day deals are saving the day (and your money)

You already love Amazon Prime Day. We’ve already been filling our carts with all the bargains for this event, which officially runs from October 10-11, but know what’s even better? These Amazon Prime Day deals on baby must-haves. Now, we’re not discounting all the other fun stuff we’re eyeing. But baby supplies? Those are a whole different ball game. And, of course, we made sure to find the best of the best deals.

From toys to burp cloths to baby monitors, the Amazon Prime Day deals are not joking around. These are the products your little one either needs right now (hello, Prime 2 day shipping), or will need soon. And if there’s anything we know about babies, it’s that ‘soon’ comes way too fast. Plus, we’re not only scoping out the best savings; we’re also updating this list constantly with new steals, Amazon’s famous Lightning Deals, and basically staying on top of it all so you don’t have to. Hey, we know that if you’re shopping for baby goodies, you’ve already got your hands full, right? Make sure to bookmark this page and check back often!

ANMEATE Video Baby Monitor


Digital 2.4Ghz wireless video monitor with temperature monitor, 960ft transmission range, 2-way talk, night vision, high capacity battery.

ANMEATE Video Baby Monitor ($74.99, Now $42.48)—Buy Here!

Gladly Family Anthem4 Quad All-Terrain Wagon Stroller


Rugged all-terrain wheels & suspension, push or pull design, easily folds up, sun-, wind-, and rain-repellant, multiple cup holders for parents and kiddos, infant seat adaptor available separately so it can be used from day 1.

Gladly Family Anthem4 Quad All-Terrain Wagon Stroller ($585.65, Now $516.75)—Buy Here!

Furniture Strap Anchors 10pk


Two brackets tethered by a strap. 10 pack.

Furniture Strap Anchors 10pk ($12.98, Now $9.99)—Buy Here!

Infant Crawling Crab


Skitters sideways like a real crab, plays fun sounds and music, and lights up. It has sensors that reverse its direction when it nears an obstacle.

Infant Crawling Crab ($35.69, Now $16.99)—Buy Here!

Bottle Warmer


Portable, 4 adaptors, rechargable, smart temperature control.

Bottle Warmer ($89.99, Now $59.57)—Buy Here!

Aussie Bubs Goat Milk Infant Formula Stage 1


For infants 0-6 months. Contains A2 Goat Protein; the unique structure of the proteins and fats found makes it easier for little bodies to break down and digest. Soy and cow's milk formula alternative.

Aussie Bubs Goat Milk Infant Formula Stage 1 ($49.00, Now $43.59)—Buy Here!

VTech Tune & Learn Boombox


Ages 6-36 months, requires 3 AAA batteries.

VTech Tune & Learn Boombox ($11.99, Now $8.39)—Buy Here!

Tommee Tippee Ultra-Light Silicone Pacifiers


BPA-free, 4 pack, ages 0-6m, multiple colors available.

Tommee Tippee Ultra-Light Silicone Pacifiers ($16.88, Now $11.75)—Buy Here!

Portable Diaper Changing Pad


Waterproof, wipe pocket included.

Portable Diaper Changing Pad ($27.99, Now $19.99)—Buy Here!

GUND Baby Animated Flappy the Elephant Plush


#2 most-gifted in Toddler Stuffed Animals & Toys. Singing stuffed elephant, ages infant and up.

GUND Baby Animated Flappy the Elephant Plush ($45.00, Now $30.49)—Buy Here!

Pack & Play Sheets 2pk


Fitted sheets, pack of 2.

Pack & Play Sheets 2pk ($15.99, Now $10.39)—Buy Here!

Fisher-Price Baby Playmat Deluxe Kick & Play


Lay & Play, Tummy Time, Sit & Play, and Take-Along all in one.

Fisher-Price Baby Playmat Deluxe Kick & Play ($59.99, Now $54.67)—Buy Here!

Baby Bath Kneeler & Elbow Rest Pad Set


Includes a toy organizer.

Baby Bath Kneeler & Elbow Rest Pad Set ($41.99, Now $35.69)—Buy Here!

Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Soft Feel Silicone Baby Bottles


Breast-like nipples, anti-colic, stain- and odor-resistant, 9oz, 2 pack.

Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Soft Feel Silicone Baby Bottles ($20.36, Now $15.99)—Buy Here!

Organic Bamboo Baby Washcloths


Set of 6. Multiple colors available.

Organic Bamboo Baby Washcloths ($14.96, Now $11.97)—Buy Here!

Silicone Sensory Chew Necklaces


Food-grade silicone, freezer-safe, set of 6.

Silicone Sensory Chew Necklaces ($12.98, Now $9.99)—Buy Here!

Shopping Cart Cover


Available in multiple colors.

Shopping Cart Cover ($22.99, Now $20.69)—Buy Here!

Electric Baby Nail Trimmer


Trim, file, and buff.

Electric Baby Nail Trimmer ($15.99, Now $12.78)—Buy Here!

Changing Pad Liners


Waterproof, 6 pack.

Changing Pad Liners ($15.95, Now $12.76)—Buy Here!

Hollow Teether Tubes with Safety Shield


BPA-free, freezable, dishwasher-safe. 5 pack.

Hollow Teether Tube with Safety Shield ($9.99, Now $7.49)—Buy Here!

Large Cotton Rope Basket


15.8"x15.8"x13.8". Multiple colors available.

Large Cotton Rope Basket ($35.99, Now $18.19)—Buy Here!

Organic Burp Cloths


5 pack. Multiple colors and prints available.

Organic Burp Cloths ($39.96, Now $20.86)—Buy Here!

Splat Mat


Designed for under high chairs. Anti-slip, machine washable.

Splat Mat ($18.98, Now $9.59)—Buy Here!

Baby Swaddle Blankets


47"x47". Set of 4.

Baby Swaddle Blankets ($27.99, Now $18.69)—Buy Here!

Baby Play Gym Mat


WIth 6 removable sensory toys.

Baby Play Gym Mat ($52.99, Now $42.39)—Buy Here!

Play Mat & Play Yard Mattress


Available in multiple colors and prints.

Play Mat & Play Yard Mattress ($37.98, Now $32.28)—Buy Here!

Car Seat Cart for Airport


Includes extendable base plate. Foldable.

Car Seat Cart for Airport ($65.99, Now $52.79)—Buy Here!

Electric Baby Nasal Aspirator


Battery-powered. Available in multiple colors.

Electric Baby Nasal Aspirator ($39.99, Now $24.99)—Buy Here!

3-in-1 Portable Bassinet


Easy folding. Net included.

3-in-1 Portable Bassinet ($109.99, Now $87.99)—Buy Here!

Foldable Play Yard


14 panel, foldable.

Foldable Play Yard ($189.99, Now $120.00)—Buy Here!

Baby-Led Weaning Set


8 piece set with cup.

Baby-Led Weaning Set ($29.97, Now $18.39)—Buy Here!



All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.

Some of the best Amazon products don’t cost an arm and leg

The only thing better than avoiding a shopping trip with kids in tow is scoring an amazing deal. Thanks to Amazon, you can have both. We discovered the best Amazon products and deals right now (most of them are $5 or less!) that will not only make your life easier but will save you money, too. Now that’s a win. And many of them aren’t even discounted for Prime Day, meaning you’ll be able to take advantage of these deals whenever you need to rebuy.

In the market for kitchen supplies? We’ve got them. Budget beauty goodies? Found those, too. Not sure what? Just scroll our list to find some of the best Amazon products that are so wallet-friendly, you won’t even feel guilty for filling your cart (not that you ever should. But just in case.). Plus, there are several products you can set up subscriptions for and they’ll automatically shipped at an even larger discount. Saving time? Check. Saving money? Check. Check out some of the best and most affordable Amazon items we’re filling our carts with.


NYX Butter Lipgloss in Vanilla Cream Pie


This viral lip color has a cult following (thanks to it's neutral-pink hue that's universally flattering and non-sticky formula). Get NYX's Vanilla Cream Pie Butter Gloss for less than $5.


Natural Pumice Stone 2pk


Whether it's hot out (hello, sandals) or cold (dry heel skin catching on your socks—shudder), keeping your feet soft and smooth with these pumice stones is really easy.


Travel Pill Organizer


With 8 compartments in various sizes, it's easy to organize any medications and vitamins in this handy case.


6 Pack Large Hair Claw Clips


Claw clips are back in a major way, and this set has every on-trend version you keep seeing everywhere.


Portable Mini Heating Bag Sealer


It's easy to keep your chips, cookies, and any other edibles fresh! All you have to do is heat the sealer and run it across the top of the bag for an airtight seal. 


Fresh Stretch Pod for Avocados


Finally, a way to ensure your avocado doesn't go brown. Think of all the cash you'll save because you won't have to toss the other half. 


Clip-On Light


Your partner wants to hit the hay, but you've just gotten to the good part of the book. Simply pull out this clip-on light, and everyone wins. It's also great for traveling! 


e.l.f. Flawless Finish Foundation


Don't believe that this $6 foundation is worth it? Just check out the almost 30k Amazon reviewers who rave about it.


2-in-1 Dustpan Groove Cleaning Brushes


How's this for a genius cleaning tool? You can use them on baseboards, and the little brush works wonders in door, window and shower tracks, in corners, and much more. Plus, check out the tiny dust pan.


Ring Size Adjuster

$5/5pk BUY NOW

Are your rings too big? This set of silicon noodles will keep your baubles from swinging. They're easy to use and clean.


Drawer Organizer


There are a ton of uses for these drawer organizers around the house, and with this price, you can afford to buy a few. 


Elephant Nightlights


These sweet, color-changing LED lights will bring a cozy glow to a bedroom. 


Initial Necklace


This is an adorable stocking stuffer for kids and tweens. Available in the whole alphabet, of course.


Clear Ouchless Hair Elastics


Those clear elastics everyone uses in the hair tutorials on IG—here ya go.


Stainless Steel Straws


With plastic straw bans steadily growing across the globe, you won't want to leave home without your reusable straws. With these, you can keep a set at home and put a set in your bag for when you're out and about. 


Geometric Hair Clip


Dress up that mom-do with this stylish triangle hair clip that looks way more expensive than its price tag.


Chalkboard Labels

$5 for 36 labels BUY NOW

These labels can be used on everything from mason jars to wine glasses, and as a bonus, they're reusable! Kitchen organization has never been this easy.


Cradle Cap Brush


Deal with baby's cradle cap and first wisps of hair with this soft 2-in-1 brush from Safety 1st. 


Onion Slicer


Never suffer from ill-chopped onions again! This stainless steel onion slicer is worth every penny.


Travel Flossers


For those days when you're on the go, having micro dental flossers stashed away in your bag makes it easy to keep pesky dental debris at bay.


Neoprene Coffee Cup Sleeves


Not only does your morning cup of Joe look way cuter, but you're reducing your carbon footprint with these reusable insulated cup sleeves. 


Magic Eraser

$5/6pk BUY NOW

You can never have too many of these miracle workers when you have kids at home.


Baby Bottle Brush


This handy tool makes cleaning baby bottles and sippy cups a snap.


Sponge Caddy


When spills happen (it's inevitable when kids are in the picture), your sponge and scrub brush will be right at hand with this caddy.


Plastic Bag Holder


Anything that clears up the clutter of bags for a few bucks, like this super-affordable organizer, is worth a shot. It comes in multiple prints, too.


Tenacious Fabric Repair Tape


This handy stuff comes in seven colors and immediately bonds to nylon, mesh, vinyl, rubber and plastic, which is ideal for repairing items like tents, jackets, sleeping bags, water bottles and more. Be sure to pack a roll for your next camping trip. 

—Shahrzad Warkentin, Karly Wood, & Kate Cartia


All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.