Photo: Oh Baby Consulting

If you’re struggling with sleep in your household your situation may drastically improve with one small, but critical change: an earlier bedtime.

Many of the parents I work with have children that are resisting bedtime, waking up frequently throughout the night and rising early in the morning. While my work with parents does a deep-dive into more than just schedule adjustments, ensuring that children are getting down to sleep at an appropriate time in the evening is an important piece of the puzzle.

So what time is bedtime, then? 99 percent of the time, it’s between 7 and 8 p.m in our house. While I fully agree that all children are different and some tend to sleep better with a slightly later bedtime, most children over the age of three months do best with a bedtime within this window. So, why is that?

Here are five benefits of an earlier bedtime.

1. It’s easier to put a child to bed before they become over-tired.

There is a natural dip in our circadian rhythm during this “after-dinner hour” and this is an optimal time to capitalize on the ease of putting children to bed before they get a “second wind”. Think about how tired you might feel early in the evening. You say to yourself, “I’m going to go to bed so early tonight!” But all of the sudden it’s 11 p.m. and you’re still on the couch scrolling through Instagram and watching reruns of Real Housewives and not really feeling all that tired. So, why is that?

It’s because you got your “second wind”—your body began to pump stimulating hormones into your system to keep you awake after you didn’t climb in bed after dinner. The same things happen with our children when we miss this optimal window. While it’s certainly easier to get children to fall asleep when these stimulating hormones aren’t running through out bodies, there are also several unattractive side-effects that overtired-ness brings: crankiness, tantrums, power struggles and behavior issues. Getting your child down before they reach this stage can help reduce bedtime stress enormously.

2. Earlier bedtimes help reduce night wake-ups and early-rising.

Being overtired can also lead to frequent night-waking and early rising. With more adrenaline and cortisol (stimulating hormones) and less melatonin (the sleepy hormone) pumping through your body, it is harder to not only fall asleep but also to stay asleep through the night. If your little one is up several times a night or rises before the sun, take a look at bedtime.

3. Early bedtimes provide more restorative sleep.

The most restorative period of sleep occurs before midnight. Humans sleep in cycles ranging from a lighter REM stage to deeper non-REM stages. The stuff we’re after, the really restorative sleep, comes during the non-REM stages. It is during these phases where our brains are replacing vital cells, repairing muscles and releasing growth hormones. Non-REM sleep occurs only at certain parts of the night regardless of what time we get into bed.

While kids who have schedules that are pushed later may still get the same number of hours as a child who goes to bed at 7:15 p.m., they’ll be getting much less of that wonderfully delicious, non-REM sleep than their early-to-bed counterparts. Putting your little one down earlier in the evening will ensure they get as much of that rich, good-quality sleep as possible.

4. Early bedtimes will help ensure you are meeting your child’s sleep needs.

Most children from infancy through adolescence need about 10t o12 hours of sleep per night. Oftentimes, children who go to bed later don’t actually sleep in much later than 7 to 8 a.m. simply due to circadian rhythm patterns. The ability to “sleep in” does not actually develop until later in childhood. Therefore, an early bedtime between 7 and 8 p.m. will ensure that your little one has all the time he needs to get plenty of quality sleep before they need to be up the next morning.

5. Early bedtimes mean a more relaxing and peaceful evening for you!

When you get your child to bed before 8 p.m., the night is yours! Catch up on your favorite TV show with your partner, take a relaxing bath or head to bed early yourself! Not only will your child be more well-rested, you will be too!

Jamie is a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant and offers personalized sleep solutions to exhausted families nationwide. With a background in child development and infant mental health, keeps up to date on the latest evolutions in the field which allow her to blend technical knowledge with empathy and compassion to tailor her support.

Birth control can be a great tool for preventing an unplanned pregnancy, but when you’ve already got mom brain it can be hard to make sure you take it correctly every day. That’s what makes a new kind of birth control such a game-changer, as this micro-needle birth control patch means all you’d have to do is give yourself a little tap once a month.

According to a new study published in the scientific journal Nature Biomedical Engineering, researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology have developed a patch that uses dissolvable micro-needles to inject levonorgestrel, a common hormonal medication that prevents pregnancy.

photo: Christopher Moore/Georgia Tech via EurekAlert

All users need to do is apply the patch to their skin and the tiny micro-needles break off, implant themselves under the surface of the skin (where they dissolve) and slowly release the drug over time. Despite the tiny needles, the entire process is painless. The price tag is also pain-free—with the researchers reporting that each patch should only cost about one dollar.

Don’t call your OB/GYN just yet, however. So far the drug has only been tested successfully on rats, but the researchers are hopeful that it will have similar results in humans.

Mark Prausnitz, a regents’ professor at Georgia Tech’s School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and author of the research paper, said in a statement to EurekAlert, “Because we are using a well-established contraceptive hormone, we are optimistic that the patch will be an effective contraceptive. We also expect that possible skin irritation at the site of patch application will be minimal, but these expectations need to be verified in clinical trials.”

—Shahrzad Warkentin



This App Has Been FDA-Cleared for Birth Control, but We Have Some Questions

Moms, You Can No Longer Get This Birth Control in the U.S.

Another Step Forward in Creating a Birth Control Pill for Men

Photo: Oh Baby Consulting

The holiday season is over; we’ve eaten our treats, opened our presents and made our resolutions. As a sleep specialist, many of my clients have resolved to make this year “The Year of Sleep” and working with me to achieve this important goal.

It is no secret that sleep is critical to our daily functioning, mood, physical and mental health and ability to learn. Getting better sleep can be life-changing—just ask any sleep-deprived parent—and if it’s so beneficial for us adults, it is even more important for those tiny humans—the babies and children in our lives.

If the holiday season put your family’s sleeping habits into a tailspin or you’re just hoping to implement some healthy habits this year, I have some tried and true tips to help your whole family sleep well in 2019.

1. Chose an early bedtime.

Over the holidays it can be easy to get off schedule. Family parties, house guests and New Year’s Eve may have had your little one up well into the night. Hopping right back on track with an early bedtime is critical to laying the foundation for some healthy sleep habits. Infants, toddlers and school-aged children need 11 to 13 hours of nighttime sleep, so ensuring your child gets to bed early—especially on school-nights—will help them reach that goal easily.

Late bedtimes can result in over-tiredness, and over-tiredness can lead to bedtime battles, frequent night waking and/or earlier rising in the morning. Appropriate bedtimes may be anytime between 6 to 8 p.m., depending on the age of your child and the amount and quality of any necessary daytime sleep.

2. Hello darkness, my old friend.

Light, natural or artificial, sends a message to our brains that it’s daytime and not time to sleep. Melatonin production—the hormone that helps us fall asleep and stay asleep—is triggered by darkness, so start turning down the lights an hour before you plan to put your child to bed. This is most important when considering electronics, which emit a blue light that is particularly averse to baby’s shut-down process.

It can also be helpful to invest in blackout blinds; I’ve had many parents tell me it’s the best money they ever spent. Though it is winter now, as the sun starts setting later and rising earlier, your child should continue sleeping as normal.

3. Turn down the heat.

It is so common for parents (especially new ones) to obsess over their baby’s comfort and to be constantly worried as to whether or not they are warm enough. Babies, like their grownup counterparts, sleep best when they’re warm and snuggly inside of a cool environment. A warm nighttime onesie, a wearable blanket or a sleep sack and a cool nursery, and a thermostat set to somewhere between 65°F and 70°F (18°C to 21°C), are the best ways to ensure that baby remains comfortable through the night.

4. Keep it boring.

We all love the look of a cute mobile over our baby’s crib, the sounds of the little faux-aquarium with its plastic light-up fish or the ceiling full of stick-on glow-in-the-dark stars. But even though these things may seem normal or even soothing to us as adults, they can be way too stimulating for your little one (which is great—just not when they’re trying to sleep!).

That being said, there are two things I recommend including in your child’s room: a continuous white noise machine, which can help to block out any outside noise that might jar your child into waking up and a yellow or amber-colored nightlight which can keep toddlers from getting spooked by the darkness. Other than that, the more boring your child’s bedroom, the better they’ll sleep.

5. Be predictable.

It’s likely that over the holidays, you deviated slightly (or not so slightly) from your normal routine. The number one way to get a formerly good sleeper back on track after any type of disruption is to return to “regularly scheduled programming,” A well-planned, consistent bedtime routine is conducive to a good night’s sleep (no matter what your age).

Once our bodies and brains start to recognize the signals that indicate an upcoming bedtime, we start physically and mentally relaxing. Energy levels wind down, melatonin production kicks in and muscles start to loosen. By the time you’re giving your little one a goodnight kiss, their system should be all set for a long, restorative sleep.

It’s important to remember that great sleeping isn’t a one-night operation, especially if teaching healthy sleeping habits to a baby or child for the first time. It takes some time, a lot of repetition and plenty of discipline and diligence on the part of you, the parent. But once you’re well-rested, you can go out and tackle the rest of your goals for 2019!

Jamie is a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant and offers personalized sleep solutions to exhausted families nationwide. With a background in child development and infant mental health, keeps up to date on the latest evolutions in the field which allow her to blend technical knowledge with empathy and compassion to tailor her support.

Every new mom has been there. Once baby exits your body, your thoughts jump on a roller coaster of emotion, and suddenly you’re along for the ride. One minute, you’re gushing over your baby (“How did I ever live without this child!”), and the next minute you’re questioning your ability to care for this tiny human being and your sanity for taking on the task. As you ride through the ups and downs of the fourth trimester, here are some thoughts guaranteed to cross through your love-full and sleep-deprived mind.

photo: Suzanna Piowaty-Palmer

1. A tiny human being is solely dependent on me for life. Whoa.

2. Leggings are everything. And, coffee is life.

3. Should I check on my sleeping baby? Absolutely. (Repeat process again in five minutes.)

4. Thanks, person 46,308,723, for the unsolicited advice about how to raise my child…but, no thanks. Really, you can stop now.

photo: Christy Blevins Photography

5. During early attempts at swaddling: “I’m never going to nail this human straightjacket thing.” After a few tries: “I should put in an application to Chipotle because my swaddling skills are off the chain.” (Basically, babies equal burritos when swaddled.)

6. If you don’t love my kid’s name, you should have your own kid and name it.

7. I should have invested in diaper stock because my kid could single-handedly fill a landfill. Cloth diapers, here we come!

photo: Haylee Sherwood via Flickr

8. Will this baby ever. stop. crying. Will I? (Related: Normal hormone levels = #goals.)

9. My emotions are completely stable…psyche!

10. My body will never look the same. And that is a-okay. I just birthed a freaking human.

photo: Suzanna Piowaty-Palmer

11. I should sleep while the baby sleeps. But I should also stay awake and stare at him to make sure he’s breathing…and because he is the most precious and perfect human ever.

12. Speaking of sleeping, not sleeping is my superpower.

13. When I say I want to “Netflix ‘n’ chill,” I actually want to watch television. Six weeks is the minimum waiting period, right?

photo: Georgia Ruiz via Flickr

14. Showering once a week is my new self-care routine.

15. Thank you, random stranger, for calling my baby “boy” cute while she was wearing a pink heart onesie. Also, why are all strangers colorblind? 

16. If stretch marks are my battle scars, then spit-up is my war paint.

photo: Haylee Sherwood via Flickr

17. How can one baby have so. many. clothes?

18. Pacifiers are my best friend. 

19. That first baby smile makes every minute of this crazy mamahood thing worth it.

20. My baby is the cutest/best/smartest of all babies ever.

—Suzanna Palmer


Between running to the restroom and weathering the wild hormone swings that should have their own ride at Wally World, being pregnant is not for the faint of heart. But don’t cry, baby! Keep reading for a collection of funny pregnancy memes that’ll be a hilarious reminder that you’re not going it alone during these nine months (40 weeks, but who’s counting?). And after baby arrives, be sure to check out these funny mom memes to keep you going strong during those sleepless nights!

You took a shower. Isn't that enough? Now they expect you to get dressed, too? UGH!

And it doesn't even have to be July. The AC is on time in January, too. 

We like to call it "the Midnight Back Slide." 

You didn't need that, anyway. 

If it has a collar, we pretend we're Elizabeth Taylor. It works. 

And I'm glowing, too, dammit!

Ice cream is really the sweet spot. 

Seriously. It's not like we aren't trying. Baby's comfy in there!

Leggings let us live our best lives, today. 

Right. Be right there! 

Toxic waste glows. You? You rock, mama. 


The word he was looking for was "Goddess." Duh. 

Or Halloween. Or the Fourth of July. Or Groundhog Day. 

When you're filing this one away as part of your birth plan, you're definitely in your 3rd trimester. 

Be quiet, Fitbit. Don't nobody like you, anyways. 

Dadgum crumbs! They give us away Every. Time. 

If you squint your eyes, the Cheetos could be carrots. 

Riiiiiight. And that baby had better be wearing seven pieces of flair, too. 

At least they're your "cute" sweatpants. Work it, girl. 

Which pregnancy meme gave you a giggle? Share with us below!

—Shelley Massey



35 Hilarious Memes That Moms Will Love

These Hilarious Memes Sum Up Parenting So Perfectly

Hilarious Memes That Sum Up Marriage

Hilarious Memes All About Being a New Mom

Yes, we too have just done a spit-take of coffee all over our laptops. No, this is not some very early or terribly delayed April Fool’s Day prank by our beloved purveyor of Swedish home goods, cinnamon buns and tasty cheap meatballs. IKEA really has made its first pregnancy test—and it could be coming to a newsstand near you. Not only that, it’s basically a free pregnancy test for what you would pay to get it and it’ll save you money on your big nursery shopping trip to IKEA, too.

We know, right?!

So, here’s the lowdown on IKEA’s Ürinstik—ha ha, just kidding. Sadly no, that’s not what it’s called and it’s not something you can actually buy in an IKEA store—but it is a real, honest-to-goodness pregnancy test from IKEA.

AdWeek explains how Åkestam Holst, an award-winning Swedish advertising agency, came up with a positive-ly (sorry) brilliant way to advertise IKEA’s handsome Sundvik cribs. The IKEA pregnancy test actually comes as full-page magazine ad, created in collaboration with Mercene Labs. On part of the printed page, a specially-printed strip can detect the presence of hCG (the pregnancy hormone that pregnancy tests look for).

Here’s where it gets ridiculous. Instead of showing two pink lines or a plus or a minus sign, positive pregnancy test results reveal themselves as a discounted price on the Sundvik crib. You can see this amazing feat of modern printing and science in the ad agency’s video below:

No word on whether or not the ad will appear in U.S. magazines, but it’s highly doubtful, what with that whole “Food and Drug Administration” thing. But presumably, hopeful Swedish parents-to-be can flip through the pages of their favorite magazine, pop a squat and save a pretty krona on their first crib purchase at IKEA.

WHAT 👏  A 👏 TIME 👏 TO 👏  BE 👏 ALIVE.

Would you pee on a magazine page if it meant saving a couple of hundred bucks on a piece of IKEA furniture? Discuss. 

—Keiko Zoll


Photo: Theresa Martell via Flickr

You might FEEL like you’re running yourself into an early grave, but new research from Simon Fraser University in BC suggests that moms that have multiple children have healthier DNA. The study conducted surveyed 75 women from two rural communities in Guatemala. Their telomere lengths were measured through cheek and saliva swabs taken twice 13 years apart. What the heck are telomeres, you may ask? Well, a telomere is a repeating DNA sequence (for example, TTAGGG) at the end of our chromosomes. As we age, and our cells divide, the ends of our telemeres shorten.

The research suggested that women who had multiple children showed a slower pace of telomere shortening, which increases longevity. The study leader Pablo Nepomnaschy, a health sciences professor from Simon Fraser, has a theory: “the slower pace of telomere shortening found in the study participants who have more children may be attributed to the dramatic increase in estrogen, a hormone produced during pregnancy. Estrogen functions as a potent antioxidant that protects cells against telomere shortening.”

Professor Nepomnaschy also suggests that a supportive environment, meaning encouragement and assistance from family members and friends, may contribute to the moms longevity. “Greater support leads to an increase in the amount of metabolic energy that can be allocated to tissue maintenance, thereby slowing down the process of aging.”

All that to say: go make more babies (apparently).

What do you think? Tell us in the comments!


For couples struggling with infertility, the road to pregnancy is emotionally and often physically painful, not to mention isolating. Macy, also known as @martinisandmedicine on Instagram, posted her beautiful IVF pregnancy announcement, and it is giving hope to many couples dealing with an infertility struggle. In the touching photo, Macy surrounds her ultrasound photo with the syringes and pill bottles that were used in just one round of IVF.

“We’re some of the lucky ones. It only took 4 years, 3 miscarriages, depression, 107 hormone injections, one surgery, two procedures, over 100 suppositories, and several thousand dollars to get our baby,”says Macy on her blog, giving readers an idea of the struggle many families face when it comes to infertility. “I’m so in love I can hardly stand it. There will be hard days, I know. We’ve longed for them for years.”

Macy is being flooded with comments of support on her Instagram. One follower said “I have absolutely loved following your story on the IF board, PAIF, and our BMB. You gave me so much hope on my journey.”

Another person also resonated with Macy’s story. Mrsposada wrote “thanks for sharing! Went thru the same thing, ttc (trying to conceive) for 7 years and finally had our baby girl 2 1/2 years ago. Every time I look at her, I know it was all worth and would do it all over again if I had to! Go luck and enjoy the journey.”

Have a similar story to share? Tell us in the comments below!

Tucked away, back off of busy Fremont Avenue North where Wallingford and Fremont meet, sits Pecado Bueno. You may have seen it from the street before — probably on your way to the zoo — but likely thought it was a bar, because honestly, it looked too fun to be family-friendly. Pecado Bueno is that restaurant in Seattle that every one loves, but nobody will tell you about because they want to keep it all to themselves. Sorry, friends. We’re here to break the silence on this family-friendly hotspot. While we realize that the first rule of Pecado Bueno is that you never speak of Pecado Bueno (Brad Pitt thinks we’re hilarious…), that $3 all day, everyday margarita is a total deal breaker.

$40 for Four…Without Cheaping Out
Put Pecado Bueno on the short list of places in Seattle where a family of four can dine out for under $40… and that includes margaritas! We know what you’re thinking — sure, the prices are great, but that probably means that they’re cutting corners, right? Not here. The phrase on their sign “sin well” goes beyond those $3 margaritas — Pecado Bueno is dedicated to cooking simply and with the best possible ingredients, including local seafood, organically fed and hormone-free meats and even tortillas that come from Sea-town. Leave your dining out parenting guilt at the door and just enjoy yourself. Or, order another $3 margarita.

What They Should Order
The kids’ menu is short, sweet and perfectly delicious. Our mini-food critics gave double thumbs up to the quesadilla (cheese only), which was big enough to feed two toddlers. The nachos were also a hit and were declared to be “so cheesy!” All of the kid entries are less than $5 each and include a drink from the fountain machine (we promise not to tell your kids that!). They also have Mexican sodas, which are fun for a special treat — get one to share to prevent sugar-induced Mexican hat dancing at 10:00 pm.

What You Should Order
Would one of each be a bad suggestion? Sorry, we know that doesn’t help much. Start with whatever specials they’re featuring, because they often include seasonal veggies. If those don’t grab you, the Chimichanga Dog is a popular choice (a bacon wrapped hotdog… Mexican-style), as are their tacos (chicken? carnitas? butternut squash? cod? carne asada? tiger prawns?). On the lighter side, the Mexican Chop Chop Salad (you can add chicken or steak) was perfect on the side of those “Mommy Margaritas,” as they’ve been dubbed by the regulars.

Let’s Get Festive
As soon as you walk into Pecado Bueno for the first time, you’re going to get the feeling that beyond all of that tasty food they whip up, they like to have a good time here too! And, it’s true. Often featuring live music and a hoppin’ patio area when the sunshine is sticking around, Pecado Bueno is not just a restaurant… it’s an experience. Grab a group of friends, let the kids scarf down on quesadillas until they can hardly breathe and tell the waitstaff to keep the margaritas coming. You’re going to wish it was a Pecado Bueno night every night.

Pecado Bueno
4307 Fremont Avenue North
Seattle, Wa 98103

Keep an eye on their Facebook page, where they often post trivia contests for gift cards, updates on family-friendly events and specials that will make you throw your meal planning menu out the car window.

Monday through Friday: 11:00 am – 11:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 am – 9:00 pm (Happy Hour from 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm daily)

What do you love most about Pecado Bueno? Do you have a favorite item on the menu? Let us know in a comment below.

— Katie Kavulla

Salsa bar picture from the Pecado Bueno Facebook page. All other photos by Katie Kavulla… after she had a $3 margarita.

Pink or Blue? One Line or Two? Cup or stream? What woman hasn’t spent countless hours sweating it out over an innocuous white plastic stick otherwise known as a home pregnancy test (whether trying to conceive or not). Not to mention the small fortune spent on multiple drug store trips to buy more tests (just in case the first one was wrong). Even the cheap dollar store tests add up pretty quickly after a few months of trying to conceive.

With the recent launch of iPeed, those high costs and frequent pharmacy trips are a thing of the past, as the new home pregnancy test iphone application offers 99% accuracy 2 days before your first missed period. Created by a pharmacist mom and her computer developer husband, the iPeed is hoping to revolutionize the $50 million-dollar-a-year home pregnancy test market. And at $2.99 a download for unlimited use, it may do just that.

After downloading the application, you simply aim your urine stream at the bullseye in the center of the screen. A complex algorithm analyzes the level of HCG (pregnancy hormone) in your urine. Sensitivity is > 12.5 mIU/mL, comparable to most tests available at the supermarket. If the test is positive, an image of a cooing baby appears (above, right). If the test is negative, an image of a martini appears.

If things go as planned, your future pharmacy trips may be limited to diapers and formula. Or vodka.
