With major summer fun right around the corner and lots of water time, whether you are heading to your favorite water park, the community pool or a nearby lake, it’s always a good idea to put safety first. Your best defense against injury and drowing? It’s not just about swimming lessons and CPR. We talked with the Director of Aquatics at the Great Wolf Lodge-Wisconsin Dells, Melissa Wornickwho shared with us her top tips for water safety for kids. Read on to learn (and memorize) them all.

1) Never swim alone.  Always use the buddy system and be sure the area is well supervised by lifeguards before you or other family members enter the water.

2)Encourage your child to wear a life jacket. Many public pools and water parks provide life jackets for your use free of charge and it’s better to be on the safe side if your child is not a confident swimmer.

3)Never assume someone else is watching your child. Even with lifeguards nearby, you have the responsibility for your child. The best way to keep your child safe is to play right alongside them.

4) Stay hydrated.  Swimming and playing takes a lot of energy, especially during the hot summer months. Drink plenty of water or sports drinks and rest in a cool location.

5) Forget the bling.  Before heading to the beach, pool or water park, avoid swimsuits that have ties, grommets or decorations that could get caught on something during water activities.

6) Skip the flip-flops. Look for sandals with a heel strap or a full-coverage slip-on water shoe that will stay in place both in and out of the water.

7) Too much sun is no fun.  Be sure to limit your exposure during peak hours of 12pm-3pm and reapply waterproof/sweat proof sunscreen every 80 minutes.

8) Take a CPR course. Knowing these skills can be important in any environment. This is a skill we all can benefit from—on land and around water.

9) Read all of the signs before going on a waterslide, pool or attraction. Make sure your child meets the posted requirements.  If you have questions about an attraction, ask an employee at the facility.

10) Plan ahead. As a family, decide on a meeting place to go to if anyone gets separated.  Kids can take off in instant and crowded parks and beaches can make it difficult for little ones to find you.  Choose an easy-to-spot location that can be easily found by all family members.

11) If you see someone struggling in the water, call for help. Remember “Reach or Throw, Don’t Go!” Even professionally trained lifeguards don’t enter the water without having the proper flotation devices to keep themselves safe.

And Director of Aquatics at Great Wolf Lodge Illinois, Josh Martinez, wants to remind parents:

12) Put the phones down. When enjoying swimming activities do not let your electronic devices distract you from your child. You may want to get caught up on your favorite show, book or emails but the pool is not the place to do so. Keep your little swimmers within arm’s reach!

13) Use Proper Floaties. Making sure you have the proper floatation devices is important. Water wings or inflatable floaties should be treated as toys not life-saving devices. An easy way to determine if it is a floatation device is to look for the U.S. Coast Guard stamp of approval, which is generally located on the inside of the jacket/device.

Great Wolf Lodge is one of our favorite choices for family resort fun. With locations all across the USA including Wisconsin Dells; WI, Bloomington, MN; Kansas City, KS; Great Mounds, WA & more, you’re likely just an hour or two from one yourself. With spacious, family-friendly suites, a centerpiece water park with attractions for all ages and stages; the infamous MagiQuest game and a wealth of other activities, check out greatwolf.com to learn more. of both wet and dry attractions for every age.  ,


Why You Should Visit the New Great Wolf Lodge at Mall of America 

Make a Splash at SoCal’s Great Wolf Lodge 

10 Resorts with Epic Water Features 

The Best Waterparks in America 

—Amber Guetebier with Melissa Wornick of Great Wolf Lodge

photo courtesy Great Wolf Lodge

Photo: Courtesy of Steven Diaz via Disney Parks

Walt Disney World is a vacation destination that many children dream of visiting. The lure of castles, princesses, pirates and magic is strong for children—and even some adults!  In recent years, Disney has added to the magic with Slinky Dogs, Mountain Banshees and Jedi Masters to give parents even more reasons to plan a Disney vacation for their children.

For some parents, a Disney vacation is a chance to enjoy their children’s delight in the magic. For others, it’s an opportunity to revisit their own childhood delights. However, for many parents a Disney vacation is a test of their patience—and the elasticity of their credit limit. If you fall into the latter category, the following suggestions may help make your Disney vacation a memorable one for the entire family.

While there are a few basic suggestions that all parents should heed—plan naps and down time for everyone, don’t over schedule smaller children, wear sunscreen and stay hydrated—there are some overlooked tips for giving your children the vacation of their dreams and still enjoying it yourself.

Skip the Lines

If the long waits for rides are what really saps your energy and enjoyment at Walt Disney World, travel during the off peak season. The parks all tend to be quieter in January and early February or in September. Take advantage and take in a week of Florida sunshine when the temperatures are as mild as the crowds. Also, be sure to take advantage of FastPass+ and choose your rides in advance through the My Disney Experience free mobile app 60 days in advance.

Use Disney’s Secret Ride Passes

Adults that are roller coaster enthusiasts traveling with small children can still get their adrenaline up on all their favorite coasters taking advantage of rider swap passes. Never heard of rider swap? Some folks refer to it as “baby swap” and it means just that. While your party enters the ride, one adult checks in with the cast member at the entry and is given a rider swap pass for remaining behind with the smaller guests who aren’t old enough or tall enough to ride.

The pass allows the adult to enter the ride with two or three members of their group through the fast pass lane at a later time. There are usually benches or seating areas in the vicinity of the ride exit for guests waiting with smaller children. This option eliminates the need for a guest to wait 45 minutes (or more) for their party and then an additional 45 for their own trip to Mars or ride on a banshee.

Spend Your Evenings at Epcot

When evening starts to fall and you’ve had just about enough of mermaids and mice, put the kids in a stroller and head over to Epcot. Having a hotel in the Epcot area where you can walk into the park is a welcomed perk if you can swing the cost. While the kids nap in the stroller, enjoy a tasty treat from any of the Lands around the world and an adult beverage. This gives adults some time to chat, stroll and enjoy the ambience while the little ones get much needed naps in their stroller.

And not to worry, if the kids don’t sleep there is still plenty for them to see and taste while confined to that stroller! And if they do fall asleep, just walk back to your Epcot area hotel and put them to bed!

Take the Shuttle to Disney Springs

Lastly, Walt Disney World has some fantastic restaurants and 99.5% of them are kid-friendly. Enjoy a truly good meal with kiddos in tow and no concerns about anyone judging you or them. If you are out of park passes (or patience), the newly renovated Disney Springs shopping and entertainment district has several famous eateries. If Disney Springs is just a little too hip for your tastes, check out the restaurants at other resorts. They all have specialty restaurants, food items and drink offerings that marry up with the resort theme.

Disney may be built for children, but it truly has matured and adapted to become a vacation destination for all ages.


Daughter, sister with all brothers, wife and mom of four: two human and two furry. Disney nerd and Harry Potter fanatic.

As I prepare for the birth of my third child—due any day now, but who’s counting—I think about the wonder of having a newborn, while contemplating some of the challenges I know are on the horizon. As we are in the midst of the coldest winter months, chilly winds, drafty homes, dry air and flu season all mean that we must be extra diligent in our feeding routine in order to keep our babies happy and healthy. With temperatures dropping around the country, I thought I would share my top tips for nursing and breast pumping during the winter.

Layer Up!

Whether at home or on the go, it can be frustrating to deal with heavy, uncooperative clothing when your child is hungry. Stay warm and ready to leap into your feeding routine by layering clothing that allows for easy access to your breasts, including button-down sweaters, zip-up hoodies, scarves and nursing tops. Make it easy on yourself by finding accessories that don’t require you to undress or change when you’re using them.

Protect your baby from cold air and promote more skin-to-skin contact with a breathable nursing cover, which allows your body temperature to keep your child cozy. Swaddling blankets, long sleeve sleepers, sleep sacks, a hat and mittens will also help keep your baby snug.

Stay Hydrated

The dry winter weather can quickly dehydrate you and your child compared to the other seasons. To keep yourself hydrated and expressing nutrient-rich milk, be sure to drink lots of water or herbal tea, particularly avoiding sage or peppermint flavors that may affect milk supply. It is also recommended to limit your daily caffeine intake to less than 200mg, as this can be a factor in rapid dehydration.

Winter’s dry air may irritate both your and your child’s the sinuses, so adequate hydration and occasional humidifier use is key and will keep you both comfortable.

What to Do When Sickness Strikes

Many new moms wonder if they should continue expressing, pumping and breastfeeding if they catch the flu. The answer is yes! Breast milk contains vital nutrients and antibodies that babies need to develop healthy immune systems. In fact, mother and child pass germs back and forth while nursing, establishing immunities that protect both from future sicknesses. Additionally, babies that are fed breast milk generally experience shorter and less severe sickness.

Do note that if you need to take medication for an illness, consult your doctor or pharmacist to confirm it’s safe for use while expressing and pumping.

Breast Massage for Happy Moms

Even moms taking all necessary precautions during the winter may still hit some rough spots. Clogged milk ducts are a common issue caused by restrictive seasonal clothing and the dry atmosphere. Many moms switch to looser clothing, nurse more frequently and apply warm compresses to alleviate such issues.

Experts also recommend employing breast massage techniques to reduce the incidence of pain and discomfort associated with clogged milk ducts and mastitis. Hands-on pumping can also help reduce the amount of time you spend pumping and increase the volume of milk expressed.

In the winter months, moms must stay diligent about their baby’s well-being as well as their own. By layering warm clothing, drinking lots of fluids, feeding your child breast milk through illness and using helpful products like Nurture to keep yourself feeling healthy, you can avoid some of winter’s biggest headaches.

This post originally appeared on Imalac.com.
Rachael Sablotsky Kish
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

Rachael Sablotsky Kish is the Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Imalac, a med-tech company which created Nurture, a hands-free breast massage system for nursing mothers that uses an attachable massage component to replicate hands-on pumping. Kish is a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC), educating and training women on breastfeeding.

While the bulk of the holidays has passed, it can be especially chaotic when you are nursing a baby this time of year regardless. Family, friends and a multitude of festivities are bound to interrupt your regular feeding schedule. Here are a few tips on how to breeze through the holidays so you too can take part in the fun.

Keeping Track

Stay organized by creating a list of all your expected events and set reminders on your smartphone for your baby’s feeding schedule. It will truly make a difference during the hustle and bustle of the season. Nursing complications are a common occurrence that may interrupt precious holiday time. With frequent feedings, your milk supply stays consistent and helps prevent complications such as mastitis, clogged milk ducts and breast engorgement.

Additionally, we encourage you to prepare a nursing bag in advance with all the items you’ll require to pump or nurse with ease, no matter where you are. Choose to wear clothing that gives easy access to the breast or does not require undressing completely.

Pay Attention to Your Baby’s Needs (& Yours, Too)

Do what works for you and your family. When it comes to pumping and nursing, it is important to stick to what is most comfortable. Normal holiday stress can inhibit letdown, so extra nursing sessions can be a great way to relax and spend quality time together with your baby.

Staying hydrated is an essential part of expressing milk that is rich in nutrients. It is easy to forget about drinking water during holiday festivities due to consumption of large meals and various snacks, so remember to keep up your water intake to ensure a smooth process while breastfeeding.

Sleep is another vital factor in milk production. Between family functions and social events, it can be easy to lose a few hours of sleep to rush and get things done in time. Make sure you prioritize you and your baby’s rest.

Have Fun & Enjoy Yourself!

Holidays, such as New Year’s, are for appreciating precious family moments, focusing on friends and being grateful for your time together. For breastfeeding mothers, this chaos does not have to completely alter you and your baby’s feeding schedule. The most important part is to have fun and celebrate with the people you care about most.

With a little bit of planning and the help of your family members and support systems, this time of year becomes that much more enjoyable and easy to navigate.

Rachael Sablotsky Kish
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

Rachael Sablotsky Kish is the Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Imalac, a med-tech company which created Nurture, a hands-free breast massage system for nursing mothers that uses an attachable massage component to replicate hands-on pumping. Kish is a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC), educating and training women on breastfeeding.

There’s nothing like the fresh scent of evergreens greeting you as you walk in the door and for many of us, the hanging of the holiday wreath is a tradition we treasure. But sometimes, especially when winter temps are more moderate, the grens just don’t stay, well, green. From fresh garlands to wreaths to your holiday tree, here are few tips and tricks for keeping it fresh as long as possible.


Keep It Fresh
Select the freshest possible! Make sure the wreath or swag doesn’t look dry and that when you touch it a ton of needles don’t fall (a few needles falling is normal). Typically, greens purchased through a nursery or tree farm tend to be fresher and better cared for vs. those out front of your supermarket.

Location, Location, Location 
Choose your location! Hang your wreath outside, ideally in a spot that doesn’t get a ton of direct sunlight. Inside, fresh wreaths and greens tend to last no more than a couple of weeks. For a festive indoor wreath, try out one of these cute DIY versions that are less perishable. If you must put it inside, make sure it’s not near a heating vent or fireplace (even though that garland looks soooo good draped over the mantel).

Spitz it!
Keep a small spray bottle on hand with water and spritz your greens a couple times a week in cooler climates, and up to once a day if you live somewhere warm. This will help keep them moist and hydrated.

Drink My Pretty
Before hanging and once a week or so, you can fill a shallow container with water and place your wreath in it so that the backside of the wreath is in water. This is the same principle you use for adding water to your cut Christmas tree. The cut branches will essentially suck up the water.

Super Spray
Some nurseries and cut tree farms recommend the use of a spray-on product like Wilt Pruf. It’s basically a protective waxy coating that you spray on. You can use it on all your greens including swag and Christmas trees. but you have to apply it first and let it dry completely before adding on lights, bells and bows. Most of this kind of product are non-toxic, but if you have a very large tree or length of garland, it’s going to be an awful lot of spritzing to cover it. 

Do you have any secrets for keeping your greens fresh? Share them with us in a comment below. 

—Amber Guetebier

photo: Tracey Adams via flickr 

In Partnership with Disney Junior

Your mom resume reads: cheerleader, boo-boo healer, lunch packer and support system. Inspiring your kids to be their best is just a part of who you’ve become. If you need some inspo to continue encouraging your kids to be their best and adopt a healthy lifestyle read the below five tips. You’ll be surprised how fun and simple it really is to make healthy living a part of your regular routine.

Start Your Day Off Right!
Part of being your best every day is taking care of your body from the moment you wake up. Start your day off right by fueling up on a healthy breakfast, which will give you enough energy to take on whatever the day brings. Here are 11 great breakfast recipes to get you started.

Get moving by getting your heart rate up, even if it’s just for a short period each day. Good news: You don’t need fancy sporting equipment or even a gym membership (here’s looking at you, Mom and Dad!) to get a workout in. Check out these easy and fun workouts you can do at home with your kids.

Stay Hydrated!
Plenty of water is necessary to sustain any active kiddo. The amount of recommended water depends on your kid’s age, weight and gender. For a handy chart for the recommended amount of H20 click here. And, for you parents, The Institute of Medicine recommends roughly 13 cups of water daily for men, and about nine cups daily for women.

Build Up Your Strength!
Bolster their strength, speed and balance by encouraging play! Get started with these 15 ideas for outdoor play.

Get Enough Sleep!
Bedtime may not be Junior’s favorite time of day, but getting enough zzzz’s is important for any growing child. If bedtime is a constant battle, here are some tips and tricks directly from our editors.

For more inspiration on how your cosmic explorer can be their best just like Miles From Tomorrowland, check out the video below!


How do you inspire your kids to be their best every day? What healthy habits does your family follow?


To make your summer extra cool, we’d like to draw your attention to a revolutionary way to boost your beverages—flavored ice cubes. These fun cubes are the perfect way to beat the heat; they liven up everything from a glass of H2O to your standard lemonade recipe. Click through the slideshow below for fresh fruit flavors, creative chocolate cubes, and more.

Get Juiced

Here’s a juicy scoop: blogger Ciara, of My Fussy Eater fame, got her young daughter to stay hydrated in the summer by jazzing up glasses of water with these juice ice cubes. They’re easy to whip up and pretty, too—just freeze layers of juice (Ciara used orange and cranberry) in ice cube trays and voila!
Get the recipe here.

photo: My Fussy Eater

Which ice cubes will your kiddos love most? Share with us in the comment section below!

—Abigail Matsumoto


The following is shared from one of our favorite moms, Amanda Carlisle of AFewShortcuts.com.

We are always on the go during the Summer. The one thing that happens more often than I would like to admit is someone gets hangry. Here are my go-to tips to avoid the hangries and keep the entire family full of energy and happy while you are out having fun this summer.

1. Meal Plan

I feel like we think about food all of the time, but as a mom of three, it helps a ton to have a meal plan. Just a simple idea about what we are eating for each meal. A simple meal plan helps me stay prepared and fight off the hangries when it comes to the entire family. It is like your secret battle plan for winning this whole Mom thing. Knowing is half the battle. Have you seen a pack of hangry kids during the summer? NOT a pretty thing.

2. Wholesome Snacks

When meal and snack time roll around reach for a snack that will help you stay fuller longer and help fuel your day with the energy you need without the hangry crash. Some great options are Jif® Peanut Butter, nuts, hummus dip and veggies, yogurt, and these new Jif® Power Ups, Jif’s new line of chewy granola bars and creamy granola clusters.

Both Jif® Power Ups™ Granola Bars & Jif® Power Ups™ Creamy Clusters have absolutely no corn syrup and a balance of 5g of protein, 2g of fiber, good fats and most importantly, peanuts are #1 ingredient. Jif® Power Ups™ are wholesome, balanced snacks that will help keep kids energized throughout the day. The best part is I don’t need to feel guilty if I steal a pack or two.

3. Pack Snacks

I look like I am moving out every time we leave the house. Can any other moms relate?

Pack Snacks!!!

Pack Snacks!!!

Pack Snacks!!!

It is so important to pack snacks and have some great options with you when you are leaving the house for the day. After a day out shopping, at the park, at the pool, or just exploring your town the hangries are bound to happen. Have you ever tried to buckle in a hangry toddler into a car seat? They really should come with an extra warning label for that.

When you pack a snack bag and fill it with great options like these Jif® Power Ups™ Chewy Granola Bars you can keep the hungry monsters at bay and happy until their next meal. Mix it up and have more than one flavor or choice, so your kids feel like they are in charge of their snack destiny.

Bonus! It also helps avoid those unexpected drive-through trips, or run into the convenience store for food. Those add up quick. So not only are you avoiding the hangries, you are saving money too. Look at you winning at life!

4. Hydrate

I know we are talking about being hangry and not about hydration but the two go hand and hand. Staying properly hydrated can help your metabolism work at its best. In turn, it helps you know when you are truly hungry. Keep a bottle of water (or two) around just in case. It is a great idea to stay super hydrated during the summer anyway. It is hot out there!

5. Educate Yourself

You may not always have a meal plan or remember to pack snacks, so educate yourself on the options that are available to you. Be aware of filling, healthy choices in your area or that your local stores offer.

While you may not be prepared with a snack bag, you can avoid the hangries by being educated about the choices that are around you and making the right decisions. It is effortless to run into a grocery store and grab a box of Jif® Power Ups™ Granola Bars and some fruit to avoid those hangries.

What are your tips for avoiding the hangries? Leave them in the comments below


Jif® Power Ups™ sponsored These 5 Simple Tips to Avoid the Hangries. I avoided the hangries while writing it by snacking on some Jif® Power Ups™ Creamy Clusters. All opinions are 100% my own.


Amanda Carlisle is a mom of 3 who loves to direct others on life’s happy adventures through food, crafts, and family fun on her blog AFewShortcuts.com

Danica Patrick. Dale Earnhardt Jr. Racing lightweights compared to your little tyke when he puts his pedal to the tricycle metal. Feed his need for speed with totally tricked out trike-able courses that challenge him to take the pole position. From wild obstacle course ideas to a full on neighborhood drag race, scroll down for five tricycle track set-ups that let your Little burn rubber.

photo: Donnie Ray Jones via Flickr

1. Set up a killer obstacle course with all kinds of silly fixings. Sports cones and sidewalk chalk are the basics you need to plot a zany obstacle course for your little clown. Think turn-arounds and crazy eight loops when you set out the cones to make the course. Then draw chalk arrows (and other helpful suggestions) to keep tiny tricyclists on track. Once you’ve mapped out the basics, it’s time to get creative. Use what you’ve got to put in a few tame ramps, a cardboard box tunnel or two, and maybe a even a sprinkler to ride under so mini racers can cool off as they approach the finish line. Have your wee one navigate this one solo, or invite her besties for the ride of their lives!

photo: mazaletel via Flickr

2. Take on the neighbors in drag racing heats. Got road? Will travel. Set your sidekick’s trike for maximum speed on a straightaway that runs till the sidewalk ends. Line up mini competitors at a starting line, then let the flag drop as they make a beeline for the finish. Keep time on a stopwatch and run through a few heats where kids race against others who are just as fast as they are, before declaring the winners. No pink slips needed to race here!

3. NASCAR doesn’t have anything on your tricycle derby. This one’s all about the laps. And it works best if you’ve got a pond with a paved path or a public track, that the kiddos can ride around, nearby. Set a lap limit and then let ‘em race! Keep your little athletes hydrated with a water station (one for snacks too!) at the starting line, and keep them up to date on their track speed every time they fly past. The best part? Parents can cheer on their champions and get some grown-up convos in too while the minis lap it up.

photo: Roy Luck via Flickr

4.Race to the finish with your tricycle relay teammates. Riding this relay is just the first half of this fast-paced event. Settling on a team name and sporting colorful team uniforms is the other. Once your tiny avengers have assembled, it’s time to host a head-to-head competition pitting Team Tot Lot against the Half Pint Heroes in an all out down-and-back relay-style race. No baton passing here, just hop off the trike to pass the torch to the next tiny rider. On your mark!

5. Strike sweet poses during a stunt competition. Think old school skateboarding and roller skating when you stage this event, complete with glitzy costumes and decorated trikes. Map out 3-5 simple tricks that any tot cyclist can master, like riding one-handed or leg lifts off the back step (using the handle bars for balance of course!). Then have each competitor strut her stuff on her glammed-out tricycle before doling out scores. Hand out some shiny medals for all the hard work the kiddos put into preparing their best tricks ever, and you’ve got an event to remember

photo: Jonathan Silverberg via Flickr

What tricycle race looks like it’s right up your alley? Share your race experiences in a comment.

—Allison Sutcliffe


Today Is National Refreshment Day
Pour yourself a tall, frosty one.

Trust us, you won’t miss the caffeine or the alcohol while you’re sipping on one of these tea-infused mocktails.


Wake up feeling refreshed, or at least make people think you did.

Keep everyone hydrated by jazzing up your H2O.

{ Today’s ideas brought to you by Ice }