When you have a sick kiddo at home or you happen to be sick yourself, just making a quick run to get the supplies needed from tissues to medication can be impossible. Now Walgreens new drone delivery service can come to the rescue.

Between sick days and crazy schedules there are some days when moms just wish the items you need could magically appear at your doorstep. Starting next month, Walgreens will be making those wishes come true for customers in Virginia where the company will be testing a new drone delivery service.

photo: Walgreens

Walgreens is rolling out a pilot program in Christiansburg, Virginia which will be the first on-demand drone delivery service in the country. The program is a partnership with dronemaking company Wing, which will also be partnering with other local businesses for delivery during the pilot phase.

“This trial is intended to demonstrate the benefits of drone delivery by improving access to health care products, creating new avenues of growth for local businesses and exploring ways to enhance last-mile delivery service,’’ Wing CEO James Burgess said.

Customers will be able to order items like aspirin, tissues, first aid supplies, allergy medication and more. A drone can be dispatched within minutes of an order being placed and travel up to six miles each way. If the program is successful, perhaps it will expand to more U.S. cities soon.

—Shahrzad Warkentin



We Need These Coffee Delivery Drones Like Whoa because Mombies Are Real

Amazon Delivery Robots Are Here & Honestly, It Was Only a Matter of Time

Target, IKEA, Trader Joe’s & More Eco-Friendly Stores Helping the Planet

Moving a family to a foreign country is no easy task. Traveling with kids is enough of a challenge as it is, let alone making the adventure a permanent change. Not only are there new cultures and languages you may have to adapt to, but there are also different laws and regulations that you must learn and follow. 

If you’re moving to a foreign country for work or any other reason, your mind is probably bogged down with endless to-do lists and worries. Luckily, you’re not the first person to take your family on a global experience, and you definitely won’t be the last. If you’re a parent currently considering moving abroad, make sure you do these things before you make the trek. Any parent knows how tough travel, alone, can be with kiddos—moving internationally is a whole other ballgame!

1. Secure an International Work Visa 

Chances are, you and/or your partner will want to secure a job in the place where you’re going. Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as moving there and handing out resumes—you’ll need a visa. Obtaining a work visa is easier and quicker in some countries than others. Research the different work visa laws in some of the major countries across the globe to see what you and your family will need to do.

From interview and background check requirements to how long your visa will be valid, different countries have different processes and policies. You can expect to wait anywhere between 4 days to a full year before your visa is processed making you eligible to work abroad. This means you should look into applying for a visa as soon as you know you’ll need one so that nothing delays your departure. 

2. Start Adapting to a New Culture 

If you or your kids have only ever lived in one place, relocating can lead to serious culture shock. This, on top of missing home, can make for a very difficult adaptation process. Instead, do your research before you jet off and have conversations with your children so they know what to expect. Start introducing the new culture into your life, even if it’s as simple as introducing typical cuisine at meal time so that your kids are less overwhelmed with different menu options. With adequate preparation, your family will feel at home in your new country as soon as you land. 

3. Meet People on Similar Adventures 

Simply talking to someone who understands your situation can be extremely comforting. There is something soothing about talking face-to-face with someone who has been in your shoes and knowing that they survived. This alleviates some of the uncertainty of leaving your homeland that you know and love. 

It’s also a good idea to network with people who may be living close to you abroad so you feel less alone after your move. If you are moving for a job, try to build relationships with co-workers who are also making the move. This is especially beneficial for your children so they feel like they still have a strong group of friends and family in a new place. 

As a parent, taking your child from the place they’ve always known can seem like a very risky move. But it can also help them grow exponentially as a person, improving their cultural and adaptability skills. With the right preparation, moving abroad doesn’t have to be as stressful as it sounds!

Madeleine Nicholas
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

I'm a Los Angeles-based mom of two. I'm passionate about personal finance and love getting to know other parents! If you love dogs, you're a friend of mine (and and kids).

How many times have you seen Youtube videos of little boys and girls dancing to latest pop or hip hop video? And they never miss a beat! I’m an adult and I have a still have a hard time not looking silly on the dance floor!

Yes, we are fascinated by this mastery of rhythm and singing in the youngest ones and that is because music is an essential stimulus in them: it transforms them, entertains them and teaches them many things. Let’s take a look at all of the positive effects that music can have on children:

1. Music Fosters Creativity

Music stimulates the right side of the brain – the creative side. Music helps mold or visualization, visualization capabilities, and creativity. Music helps a child’s imagination travel through a diversity of different worlds, living experiences and emotions that enrich their mind.

One of the best instruments to practice creativity is the drums. With them, kids can learn to keep the rhythm and tempo of song (and dance onbeat J Surely many would love to have a drum set at home. But I learned this the hard way, for your own sanity, try to go for an electrical one or invest in some quality good headphones.

2. Music enhances Concentration

Listening to music helps your child focus his attention on the different sounds and tones of the song, enhancing his concentration. Instruments such as the guitar, piano and violin are the best options after your kid is at least 5 years old.

Their constant practice will make them develop a greater capacity of memory, concentration and coordination. All this will be reflected in an increase in their self-esteem and self-worth, as they may for example get to play along their favorite song, while beginning to understand the importance of being perseverant.

3. Improved motor skills

Dancing makes children follow the rhythm of music finding a new way of expressing themselves through their body. Arms and legs begin to move harmoniously, coordinating their movements -or at least, trying to do so- and improving their motor development.

Both dance and movement will increase your physical performance, facilitating sleep and reducing stress. And I’m all for anything that helps my little one fall asleep faster.

4. Better Auditory Perception

The different notes, low and high, help your ears begin to differentiate the different tones of melodies. Your eardrums begin to mature –  recognizing the different sounds, improving your overall hearing and understanding of music.

I played the piano, saxophone, and clarinet as a kid. To this day, I am able to hear and appreciate music better than most of the people around me. Regardless of the genre, friends of mine who grew up either playing or producing music have a much better awareness and understanding of the melodies and harmonies that underpin some of our favorite songs.

5. Reinforces language

Children like repetition and imitation, singing pieces that they know will enhance and refine their language and help them communicate their feelings in a different way, as well as helping them to memorize more effectively. That said, if I hear the Gummy song one more time, my head may explode.

6. Sociability

Music helps children socialize. Thanks to music, groups are created where children begin to communicate with each other. Good instruments to play in a group setting are percussion instruments such as the maracas, the triangle, drums or the congas.

Musical work strengthens cooperative work, respect for oneself and others, toleration of (inevitable) mistakes of others, solidarity and being more open to criticism. In short, children are emotional beings and sound has a powerful effect on affectivity.

Music is essential for children from the earliest ages. Logically it is one of those things that is at the last level of the priorities of these families since we’re focused on things like housing, education, health – the basics. And many school programs are cutting back on the arts unfortunately as they face a shortage of funding. Collectively, we need to ensure that music remains in our schools.

I have seen the joy in countless children’s faces as they sing their favorite songs, gleefully dancing along to the music with other parents and friends.

For me, music instills a childhood with all the positive effects of perseverance, teamwork and creativity. So please don’t stop the music.

Im a lover of all things food and drink and can offer tips on the best cookware, restaurants and recipes that you'll be sure to love.

Juggling parenthood and a career is never easy especially for moms who face obstacles, like gender pay gaps and difficulty returning to work after taking time off. According to a new study, where you live can make a big difference in how these factors impact your career. Find out if your state ranks in the top ten best states for working moms below.

The study conducted by WalletHub used three main factors to determine the best states for working moms, including child care, professional opportunities and work-life balance. Within those categories they assessed each state based on 16 specific metrics, like gender pay gap, pediatricians per capita, school ratings, median women’s salary, and child care costs among others. With data collected from the U.S. Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Partnership for Women & Families, and several other studies and research organizations, WalletHub ranked each state based on the metrics.

Based on WalletHub’s findings here are the top 10 states for working women:

  1. Massachussets
  2. Rhode Island
  3. Connecticut
  4. Vermont
  5. District of Columbia
  6. New Jersey
  7. Minnesota
  8. Wisconsin
  9. New Hampshire
  10. Washington

“Given that we still lack federal paid family leave in the United States and it is unlikely to materialize in at least the short term, firms should provide paid leave so all workers – not just professionals – have the financial ability to take time off after the birth of a child,” said One E. Winkler Ph.D. a Professor of Economics & Public Policy Administration at the University of Missouri at St. Louis who was part of a panel of experts on the study.

Winkler continued, “Such policies benefit firms as well as parents by improving worker morale and attachment to the firm. Other policies that support families include on-site high-quality, affordable day care or subsidies to help workers purchase this care. Flextime is also important so that parents can adjust their schedules for doctor’s visits, etc.”

You can check out the full list if rankings for all 50 states here.

—Shahrzad Warkentin

Featured photo: Christina Morillo via Pexels



Incredible Co-Working Spots That Also Offer Childcare

Walmart Is Helping Moms Ease Back Into the Workforce with This Incredible Program

“Returnships” Are Helping Stay at Home Moms Get Back Into the Workforce

There’s no better time to book a group trip or extended family vacation thanks to Vrbo’s new Trip Boards that make it so much easier to plan a vacation for large groups. Read on for the deets.

Whether you’re planning a weekend getaway with your friends and their kids or want to bring the grandparents and other family along for summer vacation, Vrbo’s newest trip planning feature is the perfect tool to organize it all. The new tool called Trip Boards is accessible both on mobile and desktop and makes it easy to plan a vacation with a group of people.

photo: Courtesy of Vrbo

Like a mash-up of Vrbo and Pinterest, users can create boards where they can save their favorite properties. Those boards can then be shared with family and friends who can comment and vote on the ideas.

“Expedia Group and Vrbo are doubling down on what made the business successful: helping connect vacation rental owners who rent their homes, cabins and condos to people who want space to drop distractions of everyday life and simply be together on an unforgettable trip,” said John Kim, HomeAway president. “We’ve focused our technology and talent on improving how families and friends travel, making it easier, more fun and more engaging.”

—Shahrzad Warkentin

Featured photo: Yulianto Poitier via Pexels



United Airlines Is Making Air Travel Easier for Families with a Big New Change

14 Gadgets That Will Change How You Travel with Your Kids

Google’s Hotel Search Tool Can Score You Some Spring Vaycay Travel Discounts

Are you tired of the battle of pink versus blue in the kids’ clothing department? One mom’s viral Instagram post about gender-neutral pajamas for kids opened up an important conversation about a much-needed change to the entire clothing industry.

Jamie Stelter, mom to a 21-month old girl and morning traffic anchor for local New York City news channel NY1, vented her frustration over the lack of diversity among kids pajamas at The Gap on Instagram. The post, which she warned was a “mom rant,” began “I just bought these super cute traffic PJs for Sunny from the little boys department of Gap but WHY WHY WHY are they not also in the girls department?! cause they’re blue? cause they have cars on them? cause only little boys can like blue and cars.”

The post quickly received hundreds of comments and likes, validating Stelter by letting her know she wasn’t alone in her frustration. Despite the fact that she had not tagged the company in her post, The Gap did comment with a promising response apologizing for her experience and agreeing that a change is needed. The company has since made some changes with the same pajamas being offered on both the girls and boys pages.

“Our design team in New York City creates PJs for both boys and girls to wear and love, mix and match,” a spokesperson for the brand told TODAY. “We are working with our merchants on improving the online shopping experience to better reflect our design intent.”

Many parents who responded to her post highlighted companies that are already offering gender neutral options, like Céline Dion’s gender neutral children’s clothing line Celinununu. Stelter hopes more companies will follow suit and accept the idea that clothing doesn’t need to be separated by gender, especially at this young age.

“I had no idea I would be totally flooded,” Stelter said. “One woman said her son has been bullied for wearing pink. Another told me that her daughter likes the boys’ stuff better, but doesn’t feel comfortable shopping in the boys’ department. My post really touched a nerve. Clearly I’m not the only person who wants to see a change.”

—Shahrzad Warkentin

Featured photo: Mon Petit Chou Photography via Unsplash



Celine Dion’s Gender Neutral Clothing Line Is for Stylish Kids Everywhere

Abercrombie’s Gender Neutral Kids Clothing Line Has a New Celeb Designer

Abercrombie Kids Just Launched an Awesome Gender Neutral Kids Clothing Line

How do you teach students to be more compassionate and make them better writers? Put on a puppet show. Give them crayons. Put on their favorite Spotify playlist—and here’s why. A new study reveals why the arts are so important for kids.

New research from the Rice Institute for Urban Research has found that arts-learning experiences benefit students in terms of reducing discipline rates, increasing compassion for others and improving writing achievement. The study also showed that these experiences improve school engagement and college aspirations.

photo: iStock 

The randomized controlled study involved 10,548 students who attended 42 schools across the Houston, Texas area. The students were enrolled in elementary and middle schools, which predominantly served low-income students of color. Nearly one-third of the schools in the district were lacking a full-time arts teacher.

With many schools nationwide minimizing arts education, the study’s results are an important reminder that the arts have an impact far beyond encouraging creativity. It’s also important to note that the addition of arts education did not come at the expense of traditional academics.

“It could have come out negative. It could have been, look, they did this extra stuff where they learned more in these other domains but their math scores went down, so here’s the tradeoff,” said Brian Kisida, one of the researchers from the University of Missouri who worked on the study. “We don’t see evidence of a tradeoff.”

—Shahrzad Warkentin



6 Simple Ways to Encourage Your Kids to Love Music

The Kids Who Do Well in School All Have This in Common

This Might Be the Best Hack Ever to Saving Your Kids Artwork

Attention fans of Swedish couches, meatballs and furniture that requires tiny Allen wrenches to be built: big changes are coming to IKEA—and soon. Noted as the “boldest ever restructuring,” IKEA is mixing up everything from its online shopping experience to its in-store layout in hopes of keeping up with its growing customers and their ever-changing styles.

If you’ve ever visited an IKEA warehouse, you probably have an opinion or two about the massive amounts of products and somewhat confusing layout you’re required to navigate while shopping. Well, the company has heard your cries for help! Keep reading to see four biggest changes at IKEA you can expect to see in the new year.

Photo: Courtesy of IKEA

The first change by IKEA will make is to actually stock less of their products on the sales floor, in an effort to have more room for mock-ups of kitchens, bedrooms and the like. The retailer hopes this will create a one-of-a kind experience that encourages customers to visit their locations, as opposed to just browsing online. There’s no word yet on whether we will see a change in IKEA’s signature maze-like path that takes you to your ultimate purchase destination.

IKEA will also open 30 new stores in city centers, bringing more access and meeting people where they live as opposed to their traditional model of residing on the outskirts of large cities. Get ready to see new locations in downtown Paris, London and yes—even New York City!

Despite making changes to their actual stores and wanting to encourage in-store shopping, IKEA is also working on investing more in their delivery services. In an age with so many discount and free shipping options, not to mention adding stores in busy metro areas, it just makes sense to make delivery a more viable option for shoppers.

Finally, and perhaps the most shocking is that the company will cut 7,500 jobs around the globe, many of which will be back-end clerical and support jobs. In response, they will actually add another 11,500 new jobs over the next two years for the purpose of increasing delivery options, upgrading the online presence and improving the in-store experience.

So long as they don’t touch those beloved, delicious Swedish meatballs, we’re on board for all these exciting new changes from our favorite Swedish retailer!

––Karly Wood



IKEA’s New Line of Toys Were Designed by Real Kids & They’re Monstrously Adorable

IKEA’s Limited-Edition Kids Collection Is Its Most Imaginative & Playful Yet

The IKEA 2019 Catalog Is Here & the Swedes Have Gone Rad for Retro

Big changes are coming to one of our favorite streaming services in the form of new Netflix parental controls. The company announced this week that it is improving existing features to provide families the tools to make educated decisions about what families can watch on its service.

The first change is to Netflix’s existing PIN parental control feature, specifically for individual movies and series. If you’re a regular user, you are probably already familiar with the Netflix PIN feature that addresses an entire maturity level. This new feature will now allow parents to make exceptions to the parental filter by placing restrictions on individual shows and movies, allowing kids watch only what their parents are comfortable with them watching at the individual show or movie level.

Photos: Courtesy of Netflix

The second big change Netflix announced is a placing a more prominent maturity level rating on the screen after a user presses the play button for a movie or TV series. Parents will be able to clearly see the MPAA or TV rating for each piece of content on the title screen as they begin watching. Finally, no more surprises!

Per the company, these are just the beginning of additional tools to keep viewers informed and in control of the large collection of content Netflix has to offer. As always, stay tuned for more news!

What do you think of the new parental controls for Netflix? Will your family be using them? We’d love to hear in the comments below.

––Karly Wood



Finally! Netflix Offers New Mode Parents will LOVE for On-the-Go Viewing

The Top Netflix Shows Moms Binge Watch When They Need Me-Time

KonMari Is Coming to Netflix to Organize Your Life, TV Binges

We can appreciate any teacher uses some imagination to help students. Bethany Lambeth, who teaches math at Martin Middle School in Raleigh, North Carolina, did just that. Ms. Lambeth installed pedaling bikes underneath the students desks hoping it would channel their energy, improving both their concentration and quality of work.

Bethany Lambeth had the idea of giving students more exercise after she switched from teaching elementary school to middle school and saw the decrease in concentration as a result of not having recess. Ms. Lambeth heard about Desk Cycles while reading an article, and she immediately thought they would be perfect for her classroom. However, she had one problem — who would fund it?

Luckily, their school had the opportunity to apply for a $2,000 grant from 4C for Children, a non-profit organization that strives to help child care providers prepare our youth for the future. The four C’s represent creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking, and Lambeth proposed that the pedaling desks would combine all four.

And as it turns out, she was right. Ms. Lambeth told CBS News, “I have noticed an increase in the quality and the quantity of student work. Last year I noticed an average of a 50 percent decrease in the amount of missing work for my struggling students.”


Would you encourage the use of pedaling desks? Let us know in the comments below!

H/T: CBS News