If there’s one thing we know about parenting, it’s that whether you’re up to your ears in potty training or if you’re trying to navigate the newly-developed attitudes of a tween, there’s hardly a dull moment. We also know that some days can leave you feeling like a super-parent while others can make you seriously doubt your decision to raise another human being. That’s why it’s important to know that you’re not alone. We gathered our favorite quotes for parents to help you keep your soul tank full. Keep reading to see them all, and don’t forget, it takes a village!

clean jokes for kids and funny dad jokes

“I came to parenting the way most of us do—knowing nothing and trying to learn everything.” — Mayim Bialik

“Encourage and support your kids because children are apt to live up to what you believe of them.” — Lady Bird Johnson

“Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother.” —Oprah Winfrey

“Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.” ―Benjamin Spock

“It is time for parents to teach young people that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.” —Maya Angelou


 “We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future,” —Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Children are educated by what the grown-up is and not by his talk.” —Carl Jung

"A mother's arms are more comforting than anyone else's."—Princess Diana 

"You don't take a class; you're thrown into motherhood and learn from experience.”—Jennie Finch 

“It is easier to build strong children than to “repair broken men.” —Frederick Douglass


There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one.” —Sue Atkins

“My parents are my backbone. Still are. They’re the only group that will support you if you score zero or you score 40.” —Kobe Bryant

“Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands.” —Anne Frank

“Being a father is the single greatest feeling on Earth. Not including those wonderful years I spent without a child, of course.” —Ryan Reynolds

“There is no school equal to a decent home and no teacher equal to a virtuous parent.” —Mahatma Gandhi


“The best way to keep children at home is to make the home atmosphere pleasant, and let the air out of the tires.” ―Dorothy Parker

“Before I got married I had six theories about raising children; now, I have six children and no theories.” ―John Wilmot

 Perfection doesn't exist, and I've found what makes children happy doesn't always prepare them to be courageous, engaged adults.”―Brené Brown

“Mother is a verb. It's something you do. Not just who you are.” ―Cheryl Lacey Donovan

"Childhood is fleeting, so let kids be kids and cherish the time you have together." —Abraham Lincoln

dad jokes for kids

"There are two gifts we should give our children.  One is roots.  The other is wings."  —Unknown

"Motherhood has taught me the meaning of living in the moment and being at peace. Children don’t think about yesterday and they don’t think about tomorrow. They just exist in the moment." —Jesalyn Gilsig

"You will never look back on life and think, 'I spent too much time with my kids.'"  —Unknown

"If you want your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them, and half as much money." —Abigail Van Buren

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right. You’ll be criticized either way." —Eleanor Roosevelt

—Gabby Cullen

Feature image: Emma Bauso via Pexels


Inspiring Moms Who Started a Business After 40

Hilarious Mom Memes That Are All Too Relatable

Here’s Why Parenting Looks So Much Harder Than It Really Is (Sometimes)

Last year I wrote a popular article on using scheduled “Worry Time” to help shrink kid’s anxiety. One common response was that parents need their own “Worry Time” too. “We are as stressed as our kids!” wrote one mom. And I agree. Therefore, this article is for all parents who want to have less worry and more fun.

There are hundreds of reasons parents get stressed. Too many expectations of self, too much food, altered routines, visits with relatives, and money concerns are just a few of the stressors. And you probably have kids who are needier than usual, partly because they pick up on their parents’ levels of worry.

The most useful and best researched anti-worry techniques come from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). These strategies include talking back to the worry, holding the worry in a box, and scheduling worry time. The last two techniques are best understood as containing the worry.

Containing Worry

Imagine an immature dandelion flower. The seeds are contained in the seed head and do not scatter. Now imagine a fully mature dandelion seed head which is round, white, and fluffy with parachute-like seeds. The slightest wind will scatter the seeds everywhere—all over the yard, next door, and down the street. Soon there are hundreds of dandelions coming up. If only you could contain those dandelion seed before they spread.

Now imagine those seeds are your worries. You can’t contain a field of mature dandelion seeds, but you can contain your worries (which makes them more manageable). Excellent techniques include naming the worries and then containing them in time or space. These very effective strategies are widely used for both kids and adults. This article is about containing worries in time for adults (parents). Containing worries in space for adults will be the subject of another article.

Steps for Scheduled Worry Time: The Parent Version

The steps for scheduling “Worry Time” with kids is outlined in my previous article. The steps include scheduling the worry, explaining the worry to the child, using the One Rule, and what to do when it isn’t worry time. These same steps can be adapted and be as effective for parents.

Step One: Schedule Worry

Do you have trouble giving yourself any “Me Time”? Of course you do! Yet, this is one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself and your family. In order for this to work, you have to pick a time that is just for you and then take it! The amount of time could be from 20 to 60 minutes for you to sit quietly and be undisturbed. Some people actually sit in their car, go to a library, wait until everyone is in bed, or ask their spouse to “contain” the kids.

Set a timer for how much time you have given yourself. Then focus only on your worries during that time. Write about them in a journal or draw them in an art book. You are not to worry whether your writing or art is good quality. No one will see it but you and you are just using the paper medium to get the worries out of your head and onto paper. When the timer goes off, put away your tools and resume your life. Your worries are now safely contained on the paper.

Step Two: Understand What You are Doing

Just like explaining “Worry Time” to your children, you need to understand what you are doing. You are giving yourself time to control your worries by putting them down on paper through words or art. You may wonder whether bringing up all these worries will only make things worse. The answer is no. You are taking charge of the worries by naming them, getting them out of your head, and then not thinking about them after the timer goes off.

Step Three: The One Rule

There is only one very big rule with “Worry Time.” When it is not “Worry Time,” you will work very hard to push your worry thoughts away. You may not talk to your family and friends about your worries (within reason). Instead you need to distract yourself with other things. Ask yourself whether worrying 24/7 really accomplishes anything. And remind yourself that you can focus on your worries during your scheduled time.

Step Four: What to Do When It Isn’t Worry Time

Now you need to think of other things to do when it isn’t scheduled Worry Time. Here are some ideas:

  • Write or draw the worry and put the paper into a jar
  • Imagine putting the worry in a safe and locking it up
  • Exercise
  • Call a friend (you may not talk about your worries)
  • Read a book or go to a movie
  • Do something fun

The important part is that you try not think of your worries during the 23 or so hours you are taking off from worrying. You can tell yourself that you will return to “Worry Time” the next day.

Some adults find they need to schedule two “Worry Times” per day as they begin. Soon they may find they can space out the “Worry Time” to once a day. Hopefully you will get to the point where you don’t have that many worries to write down. That’s good news. Then you can change the “Worry Time” to “Me Time” and just think about what you want to do with your new time. If your worries do not get better, do not hesitate to get professional help.

That’s it! If you can provide “Worry Time” for your kids, you certainly can provide it for yourself. Give yourself this gift of containing your worries this year. Your family will thank-you.

Sally Baird, PhD, is a retired child psychologist and co-author of the book Shrinking the Worry Monster, A Kid’s Guide for Saying Goodbye to Worries. See her website and blog at http://www.drsallyb.com. She is available for zoom events about anxiety, sleep, and children throughout the year.

This post originally appeared on www.drsallyb.com.

I am a child psychologist who specializes in children's anxiety. I just published a top seller children's book titled Shrinking the Worry Monster, A Kid's Guide for Saying Goodbye to Worries. I love sharing ideas about decreasing worry in children, especially now. I also love to hike and bike in beautiful Pacific NW. 

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation.

If there’s anything that 2021 has taught us, it’s that a good night’s sleep is really the key to a good day (especially when we’re talking about kids)! Enter the new Helix kids mattress. It has all sorts of thoughtful features that help facilitate a good night’s sleep. Here’s the full scoop:

Made in the U.S.

You might be aware of Helix as they’ve been delivering direct-to-consumer mattresses since 2015, but did you know that they recently launched a mattress just for kids? Available in twin and full sizes, the Helix Kids mattress takes your little one from post-crib sleeping to the pre-teen years (and beyond).

Here’s what we think is cool about the design:

  • The mattress is two-sided so you have a firmer side for younger kids when more spinal support is needed, and a softer side for older kids who want the cushiony feel of adult mattresses.
  • The eco-friendly manufacturing process means you can feel good about what your kids are sleeping on.
  • There’s a water repellent and antimicrobial shield that will help your mattress stand up to whatever comes at it.
  • The hypoallergenic cover is great for kids with sensitive skin.
  • All fabrics and foams that make up the mattress are CertiPUR-US® certified, guaranteeing they are made without any harmful chemicals.
  • The combination of inner springs and outer foam layers make for an extra-pleasant sleep experience.

All Helix mattresses come with a 100-day money-back guarantee and a 10-year warranty so you can feel comfortable in your purchase decision.

Shop here: helixsleep.com

—Kate Loweth


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New Research Shows What Baby’s Coos & Cries Say About Language

One of our editors, Karly Wood, took Microsoft Edge, a browser loaded with shopping tools, for a test run for her holiday shopping. Here’s what she found:

Christmas is easily my favorite time of year. While many people quickly tire of the music, shopping and overall flurry of the season, I could blast my carols all day, every day and be quite the happy elf.

Even though the season seems synonymous with spending money, I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that staying on budget when it comes to gift giving is one of my top priorities. Would I love to spend hundreds of dollars on each member of my family? Absolutely! Can I afford to do that? No, I cannot.

When I heard that a new browser just launched to make staying within my holiday budget a cinch, I had to try it out. I took to Microsoft Edge to use my $250 budget and see just how far this smart browser could stretch my funds—and spoiler, I was pleasantly surprised!

It's So Easy to Use

Trying new things can be exciting, but right now I need function! Microsoft Edge is so straightforward. Just pop in your shopping items and you're off and running! The browser automatically takes you where you need to go, offering ratings and reviews, coupons and pricing trends along the way. I've been wanting to get my step mom an Ancestry DNA kit and I know they've been on sale. But rather than purchase through the Ancestry website, Microsoft Edge showed me that I could purchase on Amazon and skip the shipping costs!

Original Price: $99.00

Price with Microsoft Edge: $59 + Free Shipping ($9.95 value)

Savings: $49.95 

Microsoft Edge Does All the Coupon Work

Ever since Extreme Couponing rocked television, I'm always on the prowl for a good discount. Usually, that can take a lot of my time––which I don't exactly have a lot of on hand right now. Luckily, I don't actually have to do anything extra to make sure I'm getting all the available coupons at my fingertips. While I was shopping, the browser automatically showed me if there was an available coupon and get this: automatically applied it for me when I checked out! Because what's worse than finding a coupon, but forgetting to use it? (Been there, done that!) Based on this awesome feature, I snagged my daughter's coveted Barbie Dream Closet Playset at Target for almost $16 off!

Original Price: $48.49

Price with Microsoft Edge: $44.99 (7% off sale price) - $11.25 (Target Circle 25% off Coupon) - $ 1 super random Microsoft Edge Coupon= $32.74

Savings: $15.75

Peace of Mind on the Best Price Possible

How many hours have I wasted pondering if should buy something, only for it to go on sale after I purchased it? Microsoft Edge, you can do all that for me now, thanks. The browser does all the nitty gritty of tracking prices, so you know if your item is at a stable price or plans to fluctuate. Based on this awesome feature, I was confident that I was getting a great price on this Snapware set my mom wanted from Costco. 

Original Price: $29.99

Price with Microsoft Edge: $24.99

Savings: $5

Heads Up on Better Pricing

Wait, I don't have to visit 20 websites to find the best price, you say? I've been on the hunt for a dutch oven for my dad for months, but they are pricy! Once I started shopping on Microsoft Edge, I knew I would get the best price. I checked out the Lodge website which listed the one I was looking for for $89 (way cheaper than Le Creuset, but come on savings!). Once I was there, Microsoft Edge alerted me to the fact that Walmart had the same item for $20 cheaper! Plus, all I had to do was click the link and it took me directly to the correct website. It's like I made money with how easy it was!

Original Price: $89.00

Price with Microsoft Edge: $69.00

Savings: $20

Microsoft Edge, you are my holiday best friend. I was able to knock out a bunch of family gifts, not to mention dance teachers and a buddy gift—while staying within my budget.


One of our editors, Jamie Aderski, took Microsoft Edge, a browser loaded with shopping tools, for a test run for her holiday shopping. Here’s what she found:

Online shopping is always my go-to: No screaming kids, no lines, just enjoying spending my hard-earned money on things I need (let’s be real—want). Shopping on my laptop saves me a trip IRL, but does it really save me time, not to mention money—especially during the holiday season when sales are hitting me up from everywhere… but which is the best? You could spend hours just searching for the best deal on one toy! Who has that kind of time, energy, patience? Not me. I’ve got holiday cookies to bake… err, eat. 

Well, my Christmas miracle came early, with Microsoft Edge. ‘Tis the giving season and the generous elves at Microsoft were kind enough to gift me $250 to give Microsoft Edge a try! This browser scours the internet for deals, so I don’t have to—but wait, there’s more! Keep reading for all the juicy details…

 P.S. Enter for your own chance to win $250 for your holiday shopping at the bottom of this article!

How It Works

Once you download the Microsoft Edge browser, you can automatically use the shopping features, since they are built in. Go to any website and BOOM! An icon appears with all the coupons available on that site—it’s like Christmas, people! Just pop some items into your cart, and Microsoft Edge will automatically try every possible coupon to get you the best deal. First effort, I was on the hunt for something cute and cozy for my sister-in-law and BAMN! Microsoft Edge found a coupon that got me 25% off at Kohl's and free shipping on the perfect cardi for her!

Original Price: $36.00

Price with Microsoft Edge: $24.99 + Free Shipping ($8.95 value)

Savings: $19.96 (!!)


But it’s not just coupons… here’s what else I loved about it:


Freedom from FOMO

Not only does it find you every deal possible before you buy, but it also lets you know if it’s a good time to buy; if the price is “stable,” meaning it isn’t likely to be cheaper any time soon, or it is, and in that case, you should wait, FOMO free—ahhh, the freedom! Who doesn’t hate paying too much? That feeling when you buy that thing and then it goes on sale—I have a pit in my stomach just thinking about it. No more! Thanks to Microsoft Edge.

Microsoft Edge found a coupon for $15 off any Amazon purchase with the purchase of a $100 Apple Gift Card (perfect for my hubs because he’s hard to shop for). That’s 15% off Apple! And their stuff never goes on sale! How do I know? Microsoft Edge's price comparison tool, of course!

Original Price: $100

Price with Microsoft Edge: $100 + $15 Amazon Gift Card for FREE

Shop Smarter—Not Harder

Have your eyes on a prize…? You can use Microsoft Edge's price comparison feature. Just click on the price ticket icon, and it will compare prices across the web so you know this deal is tops, even when you can't get a coupon.

My son wants Paw Patrol's Transforming City Fire Truck. I've been holding off because it's like 50 bucks. Let's get to work, Microsoft Edge! I got lucky and found a sale price on Target, but no coupons were available. I used the handy dandy comparison shopping tool, and nope! My new bestie Microsoft Edge let me know no store could beat this price, so I bought it!

Regular Price: $49.99

Price with Microsoft Edge: $40.49

Savings: I saved almost $10 and my sanity, knowing I snagged the best price.

Instant Reviews You Don’t Have to Search For

Okay, clearly, you are a smart shopper—you're reading this article! With Microsoft Edge, there is zero time wasted searching high and low for reviews to make sure you're getting what you pay for—there's an Microsoft Edge icon for that! That's right, just click, and without leaving the page, you'll see ratings and reviews from multiple sources in the know.

Checkout Speed: Lightning!

All of the above makes for a quicker, simpler and more satisfying shopping experience. Microsoft Edge gets extra credit, too, for allowing you to autofill your checkout details. Who's tired of entering their address into the "field"? Me, I am. And probably you, too.

I was looking for what my daughter calls "ballerina dresses" for Christmas, and Carter's had some adorable ones. Microsoft Edge found me a coupon for 10% off Carter's! Original price: $75 New total: $67.50. Saving: $7.50! Real talk: Shopping online for clothes is probably my least favorite, but I've found it to be the best option, rather than dragging my kids to a store. And now that I'm co-shopping with Microsoft Edge, my autofill checkout info was ready, so I can be done and move on with my life... err, eating holiday cookies, in a flash!

Original Price: $75

Price with Microsoft Edge: $67.50

Savings: $7.50

Bottom Line:  Microsoft’s Edge is my new best shopping buddy. It’s elevated my online shopping experience to near perfection since it’s guilt-free: I know I’m getting the best deal possible, with the least amount of work and I didn’t even have to put on pants that zip. 

Happy Shopping, all!

The U.S. Postal Service is in on the best Secret Santa action ever! Through USPS Operation Santa, you can gift a child in need with something off their holiday wish list.

Every year children from across the country put pen to paper and write out a hopeful list of possible presents. While many of these would-be gifts end up under the Christmas tree, many go unanswered.

photo: Mike Arney via Unsplash

Low-income families who need money for necessities, such as rent or food, can’t always fill their kiddo’s Santa lists themselves. Here’s where the USPS and you can help. Through Operation Santa you can make a difference in a child’s life, giving them the Christmas of their dreams.

So how can you help a child this holiday season through the USPS? Visit the USPS Operation Santa website and browse letters from hopeful children. Choose a letter to adopt (or a few), fill the wishlist, wrap the gifts and bring them (plus the necessary postage) to a participating post office by December 18, so kids can receive them by Christmas.

Here’s a bit more info on how the program works: the USPS receives thousands of letters to Santa every year and scans them, with personal information hidden. Once they’re live on the website, people like you can adopt the letters and help Santa fulfill their wishes! The gifts are shipped on behalf of the North Pole so you can deliver holiday magic together.

—Erica Loop



Trader Joe’s Grinch-Inspired Trees Are Back & They’ll Make Your Heart Grow 3 Sizes

Winter Holiday Traditions from Around the World to Share with Your Kids

29 Kid-Friendly Baking Recipes Perfect for the Holidays

It isn’t Thanksgiving without some turkey! While we all enjoy a lovely, juicy bird at the dinner table, Baskin Robbins wants to mix things up.

The Turkey Cake has returned for all your imposter tricks. Made with the ice cream of your choice then topped with two sugar cone legs and a caramel praline topping glaze, this cake will give your actual turkey a run for its money. 

If you’re looking for a more manageable dessert with no carving required, you’ll want to grab a cone of Baskin Robbins’ newest flavor, Snickerdoodle Chai. This seasonal flavor is made of a combination of snickerdoodle dough chunks, vanilla chai flavored ice cream and a cinnamon swirl.

Both treats will be offered at Baskin-Robbins locations throughout the month of November, while supplies last. Want a sweet deal? Baskin-Robbins is offering $5 off any cake purchase of $35 or more through November 25 and a free kids scoop starting on Thanksgiving Day through November 30 with a purchase of $15 or more.

—Karly Wood

All photos courtesy of Baskin-Robbins



Starbucks Hack: Here’s How to Order a Candy Corn Frappuccino

Our Favorite Pumpkin Products of the Season

Celebrate the Season with Disney’s New Winter Coffee Blends

Last year, Halloween was anything but normal. This year, most Americans feel confident they can celebrate the holiday safely, according to new data from WalletHub. The money talks too, with billions of dollars spent to make the season extra spooky!

You might be surprised by this year’s stats. For example, WalletHub estimates that a projected $6.3 billion will be spent on Halloween costumes and candy. The average person will spend around $103 celebrating spooky season and the average retail price of a pumpkin has shot up to $5.24, up 38% from last year.

If you plan to send your kids out trick or treating, 66% of Americans say they’ll hand out candy. Don’t be ashamed by sneaking a few pieces from the loot, either. After all, 79% of parents say they steal candy from their kids! If you still need costume inspo for the big night, 4.2 million kids will dress as superheroes and 1.6 million will be princesses.

Did you know that 80% of haunted houses are run by charities? And over half of Americans had plans to decorate their homes for the season. Finally, pets are getting in on the action, too. Almost one in four pets will don a costume around Halloween, with most popular choices including a hot dog, pumpkin, cat and bumble bee!

—Sarah Shebek

Featured image courtesy of Thirdman, Pexels



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