Valentines Day is so much more fun when you’re celebrating it with your kids. No stress, no fancy clothes and no staying up too late. In Atlanta, there are plenty of places to show your loves that you love them. Keep reading for our favorite places to celebrate Valentines Day as a family, below.

Family Valentines at Halcyon


Celebrate a family Valentine's Day at Halcyon with brunch or lunch in Market Hall or at one of their restaurants, then head over to Village Green for live pop violin music by Michelle Winters, a meet and greet with Minnie & Mickey, a Furkids puppy kissing booth, Valentine crafts with Board & Brush, Buff City Soap, and more. This event is free and no registration is required. 

Tour Love Stories of Oakland Cemetery

A mom and daughter embrace

Learn about the love stories buried in Oakland Cemetery on this historical walking tour of Atlanta's finest final resting place. Feb. 12-14 248 Oakland Ave. SE Grant Park Online:

Enjoy Fondue at The Melting Pot

unique dessert charcuterie board

Enjoy a three-course fondue meal to celebrate the Valentine’s holiday with your kids, and be sure to bring a valentine card for a nurse or healthcare professional and you can enjoy endless chocolate fondue. Reservation required.

Feb. 6, 1-4 p.m. Atlanta, Duluth, Kennesaw and Roswell locations


See a Family Performance of Atlanta Ballet's Snow White


In this one-hour ballet version (perfect for kids who may not make it through a full-length production) of Snow White choreographed by Bruce Wells, audiences will enjoy following the young heroine and her prince as they outwit the schemes of the evil queen. Feb. 4-6, multiple performance times 2800 Cobb Galleria Pkwy. Perimeter Online:  

Bee Mine at The Atlanta History Center

bedtime routine

At this special story time at the Atlanta History Center, you and your toddler will we will learn all about how bumblebees spread pollen and how we can spread love. Come to hear The Very Greedy Bee by Steve Smallman, make a fun valentine and learn the bumblebee dance. Registration encouraged. Feb. 7 at 10 a.m. 130 West Paces Ferry Road NW Buckhead Online:  

—Shelley Massey


5 Mountain Biking Trails for Beginners Near Atlanta

Take a Virtual Vacation with These Cool Webcams

A Road Map to Home-Based Fun with Great Wolf Lodge

Even before the pandemic, moms were feeling the pressure of carrying the mental load, keeping everyone’s schedule together, paying bills, being the go-to for cuddles, snacks, tissue — you name it. The last two years have added so much to that already full plate. If you’re a mom, you’re probably exhausted. You may be burnt out.

You may want to scream.

Well, a group of moms in Boston did just that. Literally. On a cold night this month, they met on a football field to scream. And the footage of the event is going viral because it looks really, really satisfying.

Sarah Harmon — a therapist, yoga teacher, and founder of the group The School of Mom — organized the gathering. And on a night this month, 20 women left their responsibilities behind and met in a field to scream.

“This is exactly what I need,” one of the attendants, Ashley Jones, told WBUR. “It’s a safe place to be with other people feeling the same thing with having a kid who can’t be vaccinated.” According to WBUR, this is the second time Harmon got a group of moms together to let it all out. The first was last March. “It was an Arctic night but people came out anyway and we just screamed at the top of our lungs and then we hugged and went on our merry way and it was quite healing,” said Harmon. “I’m hearing my moms and my clients talk about their struggles… it’s culminating in just this intense rage, and they have nowhere to put it.”

Related Links: 

Feeling Completely Overwhelmed? You’re Not Alone

Nine Reasons Moms Need To Get Their Stress In Check

The structure and stability we’ve created as parents are a safe haven for our children. However, any new experiences, such as the arrival of the pandemic, welcoming a new sibling, or moving houses, can instantly topple over that security blanket.

And although change can happen in an instant, dealing with change entails a spiraling process that involves many stages, such as building awareness and adapting to said change. Moreover, everyone’s needs are varied. After all, we all handle change a little differently. As such, it’s imperative that we give all the members of our family the support they need to help them cope and adapt. That said, below are 5 things to keep in mind:

1. Don’t be afraid to seek help. Try as we might, we can’t always be perfect role models and mentors to our children. What’s important is that we are able to acknowledge their shortcomings. In some cases, it’s even best to check in with a family expert that can help guide us. A counselor with a family studies background will understand what your family needs and will help you develop a plan together. Not only are they equipped with strong analytical skills to understand the root of the issue, but they also have the emotional intelligence to adjust their approach to every member of the family they talk to, especially children. Seeing an expert might be the best choice for those who have difficulty with communicating, marital problems, or dealing with extreme emotions.

2. Slowly adjust to the situation. When the pandemic struck, parents had a hard time adjusting daily routines in order to keep their families safe. The isolation from friends, missing classes, and canceled trips also required a lot of explanation from our side. But we’ve somehow managed to slowly adapt to this sudden life change. For changes that aren’t quite as sudden, we have the privilege to allot time to familiarize your child with the unfamiliar. If the life change is a new school, for instance, arrange for them to meet their new teacher in advance. Accompany them to look around classrooms, and take them through what happens on a typical day in their new school.

3. Manage priorities. Big transitions in life can be seen as opportunities instead of hurdles to overcome. When we’re going through change, we can really assess where our priorities lie. Are we putting my career over my family’s happiness and comfort? Are we being too resilient and refusing the help we need? Learning to manage your priorities can also make the change much easier, or at least, much more bearable. For example, after losing a loved one, prioritize the family’s health first instead of trying to return to normal at once. Making sure everyone’s getting rest, sufficient meals, and time off can actually help them recuperate better physically and mentally.

4. Accept emotions. Next, learn, as a family, to accept your own and each other’s emotions. In fact, marriage and family therapists have noted that it’s necessary to sit with the emotion that comes with any change. Be it grief, excitement, or stress, it’s human nature to feel emotions that might linger while we’re in the process of coping. For children especially, it’s important to acknowledge feelings without trying to invalidate them. For example, you can say: “Moving to a new place can be scary and sad, and it’s normal to feel that way. But we’ll handle this as a family, and we’ll be here every step of the way.” Shielding them from the reality of these emotions, on the other hand, can further slowdown the process of acceptance.

5. Be kind to one another. Lastly, it won’t hurt to teach your kids to be extra kind to one another. Set an example by offering to hear out their concerns and lend them a helping hand, even in the little things. At the same time, allow them to help you in the ways they can; this tip is best for families with addition to the family. Older children like to contribute and feel valued, so allowing them to watch over the baby and help with chores around the house can heighten their sense of empathy and responsibility. Of course, remember to be extra patient and understanding—everyone’s affected by this change, not just yourself. We hope these five tips were helpful and encouraging. Hopefully, you’ll be able to put them into practice and navigate the changes in your life with much more ease.

Photo: Pexels

Rachel is a full-time mom of two boys based in Seattle, a former teacher with a background in psychology and a passion for helping people always see the bright side of things. She also enjoys yoga, baking, photography, and walks in the park.

Over the past two years, the ongoing global pandemic has impacted all of us differently. And while it’s hard to speak to its effects in specific ways, there’s a universal truth we all can agree on: this pandemic stinks.

Parents are tired of all of it, kids are sick of the constant shifts in their environments and schools are overwhelmed with the task of supporting students through all these transitions and changes.

To provide some guidance, we’re highlighting a few of the common experiences and challenges that children and families are dealing with these days. And with the intention of supporting this community with a little clarity, we’re sharing a few ideas to help you cope.

When It Comes to Grief & Loss:

The Issue: Some people may have experienced the death of a loved one during the pandemic. A significant loss such as this impacts mental health and wellness and disrupts a family’s life. However, it’s also important to acknowledge the other types of loss that people may have experienced during this time. The loss of social connections is huge. Playdates, events, parties, and gatherings may have had to be postponed or cancelled. There’s also been a disruption to the rituals (birthday parties, reunions, etc.) that many families look forward to each year. Have you been feeling sadness around the fact that your little one doesn’t remember a world without wearing masks? Or that you’ve had to cancel multiple social events because someone was exposed to COVID? Have you experienced any cut-offs or conflict in the family due to differing opinions about vaccinations or other COVID-related topics? Many families have, and our systems need time to process all of these feelings and release them. But when we’re in a state of stress, it’s harder for us to find the time and capacity to do so.

The Suggestion: Carve out time to process your grief. Nope, it’s not complaining—it’s vital. Even if we try not to think about them, our bodies hold on to emotions. If you are sad because your high schooler couldn’t attend their prom, let yourself experience that sadness. If you are angry or hurt because your cousin is sharing COVID information online that you strongly disagree with, let yourself feel those feelings. We understand you may not have unlimited time to process things right now, but try to allow those feelings to be felt and expressed. It’s what humans need to process grief.

Bonus tip: Try sharing or processing your grief with a supportive friend or family member you feel safe with.

When It Comes to Decision Fatigue:

The Issue: Decision Fatigue is the weariness that comes from having to make lots of decisions during a given time period. Parents have been tasked for the past couple of years with trying to take in loads of new (and often quickly changing) information about the pandemic and safety. There have been many times when one clear path has not been present, and parents have had to make a billion mini-decisions about how to keep themselves and their children safe over time. It’s safe to say: We. Are. Tired!

The Suggestion: Decision Fatigue may not go away right now, but one thing that’s certain is that your brain needs a break. Try to give your brain some downtime by doing a mindless activity or completing an easy task that’ll help you feel accomplished. You can also identify a few areas of your life where you can dial things in and reduce the number of decisions you’re making. For instance, try creating a meal plan at the beginning of the week instead of having to come up with dinners on the fly. Find ways to give your brain a break and save your energy and attention for where it matters most.

When It Comes to Constant Transitions & Changes:

Issue: Just when you feel you are settling into your routine again the school calls and it’s closing due to COVID exposure. Now the kids are home and you are struggling to manage work responsibilities while also taking care of your children. Ugh! Why can’t we catch a break? Many parents, teachers, and children report that changes in their daily routines are more frequent and significant than ever before. Add to that the fact that humans tend to struggle with changes to structure, and you have a perfect storm of challenges. And it just so turns out that humans typically struggle with change to routine and structure.

The Suggestion: Be easy on yourself. One thing that doesn’t make change easier is feeling like you’re supposed to “have it all together.” Don’t compare yourself to others, because NO—that mom down the street doesn’t have it all figured out either. This is NOT easy. Allow yourself to be frustrated, allow yourself to have a messy house, and allow yourself some time to be frazzled as you figure out how to structure your unexpected days. It’s okay to have big feelings about change. These changes and feelings won’t last forever, but it’s okay to acknowledge that right now, in this moment, things are hard.

We know we don’t have all the answers that can make this challenging time magically better. This is hard on so many levels, but one thing we do believe is that it can feel better to welcome our true feelings and remember that we’re not alone. As our wise Alpaca creature says, “I am strong and supported I am never alone. Climbing these mountains will lead me home.”

Slumberkins is determined to provide a platform for parents, educators and caregivers to share all of these feelings. We have brought together renowned experts to lead conversations and share tips for supporting your family’s mental health through the ongoing pandemic. Join us every day between January 24 and January 27, 2022, at 3 p.m. ET on the @slumberkins Instagram page to take part in these important conversations.


This post originally appeared on
Kelly Oriard & Callie Christensen
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

Kelly Oriard and Callie Christensen are co-founders of Slumberkins, a children's brand supporting social-emotional learning for children. Kelly has a dual master's degree in family therapy and school counseling, and Callie has a master's degree in teaching. Both are passionate about teaching children social-emotional skills to thrive in our modern world. 

As parents, we often jump in and speak for our children. We do this because we mean well and want to protect them. And so, we step in and handle things for them in a lot of little ways every day. This doesn’t do kids any favors. In fact, it could be holding them back.

Parents think they’re doing the right thing by sweeping in and taking charge, but in truth, we are robbing them by rescuing them. Each time we helicopter, solve their problems and speak up in their place, we take away some of our children’s power to figure things out on their own. We’re doing this in part to calm our own nervousness and worries about wanting them to succeed, but in the end, it prevents our children from gaining confidence and learning to stand up for themselves.

Overprotection is a toxic recipe for curiosity and thriving. It increases kids’ fragility, dependence, stress, and risk aversion, reduces resilience, kills creativity, and expands emptiness. “Agency” is a strong commonality of thrivers.

Further, if you’re always speaking for your kids, they will grow to depend on you and will not develop the self-confidence they need. (And this is one of the reasons so many kids today are struggling to cope with life’s curveballs). But when you get out of their way, kids don’t have to turn to you for every problem. They develop an awareness of their own strength and can say “I got this” (and really mean it). In other words, they become Thrivers.

Thrivers is my term for mentally tough children that have a sense of control over their lives and flourish in a rapidly changing world. They find their own voice and learn to say, “I got this” when they face challenges, and they have developed the seven essential character strengths that build resilience. (You can read more about Thrivers: The Surprising Reasons Why Some Kids Struggle and Others Shine).

A Few Tips to Help Your Kids Start Speaking Up:

Start noticing when you’re doing all the talking. Yes, you may mean well, but this prevents your child from thinking for himself or herself. You may be even more likely to “rescue” your child if he or she is shy. When kids are quiet, shy, or appear to be stymied, it can feel natural to jump right in and speak for them. Resist this urge and soon your child will realize that you expect them to come up with their own responses, even if it takes a while.

Make your child start speaking for himself or herself. Practice stepping back and waiting patiently for your child to answer when someone asks them a question, or while they figure out a solution to a problem they are presented with. Give them plenty of time to warm up and allow them the time and space to come through with their response. Take this approach even for little things—it’s the simple everyday experiences that will add up and teach them to manage their own voice.

Give them opportunities to speak out at home. Kids need practice in finding their voice and developing opinions so they can confidently voice their views. The Three A’s can help your child develop strong reasoning and ethical assertiveness:

  • Allow disagreement. The best place for kids to learn to speak up is at home, so hold family meetings to address anything from family concerns (allowances, chores) to world issues (poverty, bullying). Set clear rules: Everyone gets a turn and has equal airtime. Listen to each person’s full idea. No put-downs allowed. Encourage your child to express opinions and when disagreements come up, help them offer a strong “why.”

  • Ask questions. Use prompts to help kids think about moral issues and defend their views. Such as: Who do you admire? List three of that person’s admirable qualities. Or: Describe an incident or event from which you learned a lesson the hard way.

  • Assert your beliefs. Kids need our permission to speak up and recognize that we expect them to do the right thing. And we must teach kids that having integrity isn’t easy, standing up for moral beliefs is hard, and peer pressure is intense. Practice together until they can do so without guidance.

Get them comfortable with taking risks. Support your child by giving them permission to stray off course. Let them know they can be passionate about their original ideas and willing to defend them, even if it means deviating from the norm. Further, encourage them to stretch their comfort zones by encouraging them to take a few low risks: “Write down your thought first so you have the courage to share it with the class.” “Tell your teacher your thought after class.”

Come up with a script and practice it until they are comfortable speaking for themselves. Sooner or later your child will need to talk one-on-one with a coach, a teacher, or a peer. This is a good time to help them plan what they would like to say and practice it ahead of time. Remind them, “Hey, you’ve got this. Let’s practice what you want to say together. Or, you can rehearse it in front of a mirror until you can do it on your own.”

Show them how to stand up for themselves. Emphasize that while you can’t control what another person says or does, you can control how you respond. So help your child learn to self-advocate by using the strategy CALM:

  • C: Chill. There are two quick ways to appear calmer and more confident: 1. Uncross your legs and arms; 2. Make your voice sound not too soft (meek) or harsh (angry).

  • A: Assert. Brainstorm a few assertive lines that your child can say in difficult situations like, “Not cool.” “Cut it out.” “I don’t want to!” Firm, short statements work best.

  • L: Look strong. Kids are taken less seriously if they look vulnerable so teach these assertive body language senders: Hold your head high and look eye to eye, pull your shoulders back, keep your arms at your sides, and keep your feet placed firmly on the ground.

  • M: Mean it. Help your child practice assertive voice tone: It should be strong and firm, but not yelling or angry.

If you always defend your child, they won’t develop inner confidence and will rely on you. From this moment on, step back and help your child learn to speak for themself.

Make them practice every day. As a rule, encourage your kids to speak for themselves in age-appropriate ways every day. Coach younger children to raise their hand at least once a day to answer a question in class and to place their own food orders at restaurants. Older kids can call to schedule their own doctor appointments or apply for summer jobs without your supervision.

Remind them (and yourself) that it’s okay if they struggle. Explain to your child that setbacks and mistakes are okay. If they mess up, encourage them to try again. Ultimately, these setbacks will help your child take a big step forward. And remember that as a parent, watching the struggle may be very difficult for you as well. Don’t rescue them.

Keep in mind that your goal is to prepare your kids to live without you someday. It’s never too early to start helping them build their independence. Give them plenty of encouragement and praise. Celebrate successes, however large or small. It’s not easy for children to push themselves outside of their comfort zones, so be sure to let them know they are doing a great job. This will encourage them to keep speaking up and increase their confidence.

We tend to put all our focus on big things but it’s all those little things that are a part of daily life that turn out to be so powerful. When kids learn to speak for themselves, they develop self-confidence from the inside out. And as one of the seven essential strengths that make a Thriver, self-confidence is a superpower every child must develop.

Every parent wants their child to have a sense of purpose and meaning in their own life. By helping our kids speak for themselves, we are setting them up to follow their own path and live up to their real potential with the confidence and joy to thrive.

Michele Borba, Ed.D., is the author of Thrivers: The Surprising Reasons Why Some Kids Struggle and Others Shine and UnSelfie: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in Our All-About-Me World, and is an internationally renowned educational psychologist and an expert in parenting, bullying, and character development. For more information, please visit


As rewarding as parenting is, a certain amount of stress comes with the territory (kids, job, home management!). The good news is that recent studies show that the benefits of meditation are abundant, and when practiced regularly, it can significantly reduce anxiety. If you would like more harmonious home life but aren’t sure where to begin, read on for a quick and easy guide on everything you need to know about how to meditate.

The Basics

Benjamin Child via Unsplash

What is meditation?
You can hardly walk down the street without catching a snippet of conversation or pass by a yoga studio with signage touting the wonders of meditation. As widely publicized as the practice is, meditation remains a mystery to many.

Simply put, meditation is a mind and body practice that involves focusing your attention on a single point of reference and away from distracting thoughts and external stimuli that cause anxiety. Parents are, by necessity, multitaskers. Moms and dads spend most of their time considering what happened earlier in the day and what has to be done tomorrow, all while cleaning the house and making work calls simultaneously. Meditation practice gives practitioners five, 10, 30 or more minutes a day of simply living in the present.

The Benefits of Meditation
Meditation is particularly effective at helping parents to manage stress levels, but studies show it offers other benefits. Along with addressing anxiety, it helps reduce and manage feelings of anger and hostility, as well as psychological distress. Regular meditation practice has also been shown to be good for heart health, as it lowers blood pressure—particularly for people at risk for high blood pressure. Additional benefits include relief from symptoms of IBS and colitis, help with insomnia and pain management.

Types of Meditation

Madison Lavern via Unsplash

Confusion over the practice of meditation often comes from the variations that exist. Here we break down the most common types of meditation that are practiced.

Mindfulness Meditation
By far one of the most popular approaches, the mindfulness practice is easy to start on your own. Practitioners find a quiet spot where they can sit comfortably and then, without judgment, take note of how their mind wanders. The idea is to quietly observe your thoughts without experiencing them as pleasant or unpleasant. This practice helps develop inner peace and emotional balance.

Breath Awareness Meditation
A variation on the Mindfulness Meditation, this version calls for the practitioner to find a quiet place to sit where they can remain undisturbed and focus their attention on the breath. This practice can include counting breaths or focusing on the sensations it creates in the body. When thoughts enter the mind or distract from the breath, practitioners are encouraged to gently and without judgment take note and shift their focus back to breathing. This practice improves concentration and reduces anxiety.

Mantra Meditation
Much like other forms of meditation, this practice involves finding a quiet place to focus attention on a mantra, phrase or word. The mantra can be chanted out loud or thought without being spoken. It is repeated for a set period, and when the mind wanders, it is brought back to the message. The most common mantra is the chanting of the word Om, which is commonly practiced in yoga classes. Words and phrases that are often favored for this meditation are "peace," "I am at peace," "let go" or "relax." This practice reduces stress, invokes the state of mind suggested by the mantra and helps the practitioner feel grounded.

Loving Kindness Meditation
Aptly named, this meditation is perfect for the burnt-out parent who doesn’t think they can make it through one more toddler fit or night without sleep. After a short time of focusing on breathing, the practitioner opens himself or herself to receiving love and sends messages of love and kindness to specific individuals and the global community. This practice helps reduce tension and cultivate feelings of acceptance, support and love.

Body Scan Meditation
This meditation is extremely effective at reducing stress. It is done either sitting or laying down and involves slowly scanning the body for hidden tension or stress. When you find a tensed muscle or unintended tightening in an area of your body, you concentrate on releasing it. One approach to this practice includes progressively tensing and relaxing the muscles as you move from head to toe.

Guided Meditation
During this practice, you receive guidance from a trained professional. This can be done in a class setting, with a counselor or while listening to a recorded audio file. The meditation may include music and will ask that you visualize or focus on cues given to you by your instructor. There are an array of guided meditations available depending on the result you are seeking. There are guided experiences designed to evoke relaxation and feelings of well-being or to help you achieve desired goals.


Meditation for Beginners

Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels

Getting Started
Time tends to be the biggest obstacle most parents fear will keep them from maintaining a regular meditation routine. But, research suggests that even 10 minutes a day makes a big difference in your stress level and your outlook on life. Follow these simple steps to starting your home meditation practice.

Step 1: The first step to starting your home practice is finding just 10 minutes of alone time a day (preferably at the same time each day). Some time opportunities to consider are first thing in the morning before the kids get up or while you are waiting for your coffee to brew. If you have a partner, have them give you a short break each day.

Step 2: Find a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed for the duration of your practice. The bedroom or a reading nook works perfectly. Make sure you have pillows, cushions or a chair to ensure optimal relaxation.

Step 3: To remove concerns about time, set a timer that will let you know when you’ve reached your meditation goal. This will allow you to let go of that common distraction.

Step 4: Begin your practice. If you have chosen a breathing meditation, let your focus turn inward. If you have a guided meditation, begin your listening experience.

When your practice is over, slowly bring the focus back to your surroundings. Gently open your eyes and take your time getting up and moving around. Let the effects of the practice take hold.

Helpful Tips

Engin Akyurt via Unsplash

Life with kids is unpredictable; there are plenty of things that can get in the way of maintaining a regular meditation practice. The following tips will help you navigate the unexpected and commit to doing this very important exercise that is just for you.

1. While finding a quiet spot to sit or lie down for your practice is optimal, meditation can be done anywhere. Consider a five-minute meditation while waiting in the car to pick up the kids from school. Practicing while walking is another wonderful option. Put your fussy toddler in a stroller and go for a walk. Turn your attention to your breaths or the rhythms of your steps for a focal point.

2. If you feel you need some guidance, try one of these popular meditation apps. We especially like Headspace and Calm because they offer a variety of practices.

3. If you can’t fit 10 minutes in, then try for five. Consistency is key, and all efforts pay off.

It may feel selfish to take time just for you when you have little ones to look after, but remember, the healthier and happier you are, the healthier and happier your whole family will be—and that's just one of the reasons you should meditate. If finding time seems truly impossible, get your kids involved in their practice. You can let them learn along with you or check out some of the apps, games or meditation videos that are available for kids—like those on Hulu. Meditation is something everyone in your crew can do, and the result will keep your whole household feeling connected

—Annette Benedetti



Hulu Kids Launches Mindfulness & Meditation Content & It’s What Parents Need

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The holidays are filled with traditions, joy and tons of hilarious moments when you have kids. Whether you’re already worn out from winter break or if you’re just trying to keep up with that dang Elf on the Shelf, there are plenty of Twitter parents sharing in the same Christmas magic. Keep reading to see some of our fave tweets about surviving the holidays with kids.


1. Have kids, they said.

2. Ohh, the stress eating.

3. When all the holiday things break the bank before Christmas morning. 


4. What a lovely 30 minutes it is.

5. #parentperks

6. It’ll be much easier.

7. Why, tho?

8. The big man is on speed dial.

9. Not it!

10. They’ll love the center-cut filet.

11. True story.

12. Dasher, Prancer, Rudolph!

13. Double-edged sword.

14. #elffail

15. Same.

16. What is it about squirrels? 


––Karly Wood

Feature image: Gratisography



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