These u-pick farms are the perfect way to welcome the fall season

Fall is around the corner, and aside from the beautiful colors and autumn hikes around San Francisco, it’s also apple season! Apple picking is one of our favorite fall activities, as the fruit is mostly within a kid’s reach and there are no thorns to deal with (looking at you, blackberries). Bring home a basket or two and make yourself a pie or homemade applesauce (snag yourself this apple peeler—you’ll thank us later).

Pro Tip: Check the orchard’s website before you head to these U-pick apple orchards in the Bay Area to confirm availability. Since most of them are a drive, you want to make sure they are open when you get there!


The Best Apple Picking in Sonoma County

EARTHseed Farm (formerly Gabriel Farm): If eating organic is important to your family, head to EARTHseed Farm located in Sebastopol, a town practically synonymous with the fruit. In addition to picking your own apples, you can schedule a tour of the certified organic orchard. Varieties include McIntosh, Gravenstein, Gala, Braeburn, Gilbert Golden Delicious, Fuji, and Rome. A $35 entrance fee covers your U-pick time slot for up to 4 people, and children under 3 are free. Since it gets pretty hot there, the farm has u-pick slots earlier in the day, and even installed cooling stations to make the visit even better. You can always head over to the store for juice, jams, and pears for sale.

3175 Sullivan Rd.

Related: Bay Area Spots for Epic Family Picnics

Apple-a-Day Ratzlaff Ranch: With a name like that, you know Ratzlaff Ranch is focused on apples! U-pick Rome Beauties and Golden Delicious are here for the picking. They are open daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (except Thursdays and Saturdays when they are closed) and there is no parking fee. No reservations are needed and you can stay as long as you want. Pack a lunch and sit at one of the picnic tables taking in the beautiful ranch. While you are there, don’t forget to pick up some of their award-winning apple cider, best chilled or warm? You decide. U-Pick is typically September through early December, depending on the availability of ripe apples, but exact dates may vary.

13128 Occidental Rd.

Chileno Valley Ranch: Chileno Valley Ranch starts its U-pick season on Sept. 3, available Sun. only from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. through Oct. Time slots are available every hour and admission is $10 per family if pre-booked online. Check the website and Facebook as spots fill up quickly. Apples are $2 per pound and you can expect to find varieties such as Orin, Pinova, Candy Crisp, and Jonagold. Beyond apple picking, you can also shop for free-range eggs, honey, and baked goods.

5105 Chileno Valley Rd.

Related: Free (or Cheap) Things to Do with Kids in the Bay Area


Best Apple Picking in Watsonville

A little boy in a hat takes a bite out of an apple
Kate Loweth

Gizdich Ranch: The U-pick apple season at Gizdich starts mid-Sept. (check their website for exact dates) and lasts about a month. Their pie and deli shop offers a boxed picnic meal, so stop by for lunch and then take one of their out-of-this-world pies, apple dumplings, or puff pastries home (is your mouth watering yet?). On hot days, the kids can enjoy a homemade apple slush. They are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily during picking season. Bring your own containers.

55 Peckham Rd.

Live Earth Farm: This spot in Watsonville grows a small variety of apples including Gala and Fuji. Their U-pick apples (as well as strawberries and tomatoes) are available on the weekends only, with schedules posted on their website. The picking is a bargain at $1.50 per pound. Bring buckets, boxes, or other containers to harvest into, or purchase containers from them for a small fee.

1275 Green Valley Rd.

Related: Al Fresco Family Time: SF Eateries with Outdoor Seating

Clearview Orchards:  Located in the beautiful Santa Cruz Basin, Clearview Orchards offers a huge variety of certified organic apples, specializing in Gala, Fuji, Honey Crisp, and Mitsu. Pick some apples and enjoy their beautiful terraced grounds with a view of the Watsonville Valley. They also sell delicious local honey, and fresh-pressed apple cider, and the kiddos can even pick out their own pumpkins, just in time for fall. This year they will open Saturdays and Sundays starting Sept. 9, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Advanced reservations are required with a $7 entry fee for each vehicle. Leave the pets at home, and no food or drinks (aside from water bottles) are allowed, so eat before you arrive and save some room for that delicious apple cider!

646 Trabing Rd.

Luz del Valle Ranch: Starting right after Labor Day, Galas are the first to be picked, followed by Fujis in October.  With two-hour time slots that families can book online, families can take their time picking apples on this beautiful farm. Pack a lunch and have a day at the farm. Luz del Valle is also a horse ranch, breeding beautiful Arabian horses that you’ll be able to see.

1875 Hames Rd


The Best Apple Picking: Apple Hill Region near Sacramento

best apple picking

photo: Erika Fletcher via Unsplash

Apple Hill Region: For a bit of a longer trek, you’ll get no better apple selection than in the Apple Hill Region, about fifty miles east of Sacramento. With more than 50 ranches offering different apple varieties and activities, you are bound to find the perfect experience for the kids. The Apple Hill Growers Association lists orchard details including U-pick hours, picnic areas, local attractions, and more. The U-pick ranches tend to be very small and very popular, so it is a good idea to call the ranches themselves to make sure they have the apple variety you want and that the fruit is available.

A full list of farms can be found via the Apple Hill Growers Association.

Best Apple Picking in the East Bay

Cloverfield Organic Farm: The USDA-certified organic farm in the East Bay has a wide variety of fruit, vegetables, herbs, and flowers. U-pick is open Friday-Sunday from 12-5 p.m., and no reservations are needed, making this a great impromptu weekend trip. Parking is free, and there is no entrance fee. While you’re there, you can book a private tour or guided horse activity that the kids will definitely love.

501 La Paloma Rd.
El Sobrante




Apple picking season means fall is on its way in

This year’s scorching summer has ripened fruit quickly, and that means fall is set to bring bushels of bounty. The orchards around Portland are flowing with all varieties of apples, pears, peaches, and more, and we know you’re ready to pick with the kids. We’ve rounded up the best farms around, and they’re all gorgeous enough to sneak in those beloved fall family photos. How can you resist?

Not up for a drive? Here’s where to go apple picking near Portland

Bell’s Orchard

This sweet Beaverton farm boasts a bright red barn that welcomes families daily—they even have evening picking for these gorgeous warm summer nights. Gravenstein apples are now available for U-pick at $2.50 per pound, as well as Bartlett pears for $1.50 a pound. The short-style orchard means that everyone can pick without ladders. Fill your buckets with varieties of apples, pears, and juicy peaches—your only problem might be stopping before you have enough for 50 pies.

24350 S.W. Farmington Rd.
Beaverton, OR

Related: U-Pick Pumpkin Patches You’ll Definitely Want to Visit

Sherwood Orchards

In the rolling hills past Newberg, the 1,300 trees of this orchard produce pears, apples, plums, quince, and even persimmons. U-pick is available over the 26 acres with more than 70 varieties of apples ranging from tart cooking apples to sweet ones—check the website or Facebook for updates on availability. Please bring your own boxes and bags to both pick and bring your fruit home in, and make sure you wear sturdy shoes (not sandals or flip flops) because the grounds are uneven. Get your camera ready, because this spot offers the perfect opportunity for those back-to-school or holiday themed photos.

23995 S.W. Pacific Hwy.
Sherwood, OR

Related: Get Lost! Corn Mazes to Visit This Fall


These family-friendly apple orchards along the Hood River Valley Fruit Loop (& beyond) are worth the drive

Kiyokawa Orchards


Family-owned and operated in Parkdale, this orchard produces apples your family won’t be able to resist, and did we mention it’s the largest in the Hood River Valley? No wonder it’s been a standing favorite for Portland families looking to get their fresh fruit fix for years. As it happens with Mother Nature, the usual apple picking schedule is a bit off this year. Currently, they’re running about two to three weeks behind, but have plans to open in early September. Rest assured that when the apples are ripe, families will be filling their baskets with any number of the nearly 150 different varieties of fruits they offer during the harvest season. That’s right, you can also score some sweet pears when you pick here. Be sure to keep an eye on their website or social media accounts to find out when the time is ripe to head over.

5625 Hutson Rd.
Parkdale, OR

Mountain View Orchards

Three generations in and this 50-acre orchard near Portland is still producing stellar fruit that goes above and beyond apples. August and September see peaches, plums, pears, apples, nectarines, late blueberries, and even dahlias, corn, carrots, and beets. Make it whole day with a hayride later in the season, topped off with fresh cider and donuts. And the adults in the group should check out their special hard cider on tap or in bottles to take home. They are open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and pups are happily allowed on a leash.

6670 Trout Creek Ridge Rd.
Mt. Hood, OR

Related: We Picked the Best Fall Farms Around

Beilke Family Farm

Near Salem, Beilke Family Farm boasts up to 15 varieties of irresistible apples like Ruby Mac, Cripps Pink, and Gold Rush available for picking between late August and mid-November. Four generations have worked these trees, and the care shines through in well-organized rows that are easy to navigate so you can find your favorite fruit. The dwarf trees make it a cinch for kids to pick and fill their buckets. Please bring your own buckets or boxes to take home your picked apples; the farm’s five gallon plastic buckets are only for use in the orchard. Opening times are Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

4925 Rockdale St. N.E.
Brooks, OR

Hood River U-Pick Organic

Bask in the shadow of Mt. Hood at this scenic farm that offers organic U-pick apples around the middle of September. Relaxing is the farm vibe here, and kids will love interacting with the many animals that roam the farm. We’re talking chickens, pigs, and even alpacas. Enjoy a picnic under the shade of the farm trees, or let the kids roam when they’ve had their fill of pickin’.

4320 Royal Anne Dr.
Hood River, OR

Draper Girls’ Country Farm

Even on a rainy or overcast day, you can head to this Hood River Valley farm to go apple picking in the fall. After you check in and grab a bucket for picking, it’s as easy as finding ripe fruit within reach. You’ll find apples and maybe some peaches, depending on how late in the apple-picking season you head over. Charming goats may be there to greet your kids, and they’ll love swinging on the tree swing when they’re done. Apples are priced based on weight, and they keep for a long time, so have a few recipe ideas on hand for the coming weeks.

6200 OR-35
Mt. Hood, OR

Smith Berry Barn

Head to Hillsboro, just a short drive from Portland, where this charming farm offers the most delicious fresh produce. Stroll through the picturesque orchard and pick from rows upon rows of apple trees bursting with fantastic fruit. Your kids will have a blast exploring the farm and enjoying the fresh country air.

24500 SW Scholls Ferry Road
Hillsboro, OR

Add granola or cereal for a satisfying crunch

Sometimes, getting nutritious food into little ones can be a real challenge. Get your kids to eat fruit with these apple sandwiches courtesy of The Merry Thought. Layer in peanut butter, Nutella or any other preferred snack (you can even try granola, bananas, or cereal) for a healthy afternoon snack. Looking for other snacks? Check out these Ham Pizza Snacks, these grab-and-go Amazon snacks perfect for school lunches and the best picnic snacks for kids.

Ingredients for Apple Sandwiches:

Peanut Butter


1. Wash, slice, and core apples. To make the snacks more fun, use a cookie cutter for fun shapes.

2. Spread peanut butter, Nutella, or any ingredient of your choice on a slice, drizzle with honey, and top with another apple slice.


Photo and recipe courtesy of The Merry Thought. For more awesome recipes visit

These kid-friendly baking recipes are easy for kids, even toddlers can bake

It’s never too early to get your kids involved in the kitchen. Baking helps kids develop their motor skills and introduces them to new flavors. Not to mention they’ll learn such an important skill. But best of all, they’ll get to find out firsthand how their favorite sweet treats are made. These easy baking recipes ideas for kids are the next best thing to putting everything into your KitchenAid and walking away. From banana bread to sugar cookies, get easy, kid-friendly recipes you’ll bake again and again. 

Sugar Cookie Trees

Who doesn't love a sugar cookie covered in frosting? These Christmas tree cookies are easy to make, and the kids will have a blast decorating them.

Jam-Filled Cookies

These jam-filled goodies are always such a treat around the holidays. Let your kiddo get creative and choose the jam that goes inside.

Peppermint Hot Chocolate Cookies

If you and the family love peppermint and chocolate, you'll love these delicious and sweet cookies!

Cardamom Snickerdoodle Cookies

Enjoy these cardamom snickerdoodle cookies warm out of the oven! The kiddos will definitely be able to help with this one, and we promise they'll love the taste.

Christmas Funfetti Cookies

easy baking recipes for kids
Lord Byron’s Kitchen

Break out the sprinkles, because these gorgeous cookies from Lord Byron’s Kitchen are about to become a yearly family tradition. They’re easy to adapt to any holiday, too—we’re dreaming of pink sprinkles for Valentine’s Day, green for St. Patrick’s Day, and so on. 

Pumpkin Butter

easy baking recipes for kids
Koti Beth

For the true pumpkin heads out there, pumpkin butter is a dream come true. This version from Koti Beth is made with pumpkin puree, a little sweetener, and spices, and tastes great spread on toast, swirled into yogurt or oatmeal, or dolloped on top of pancakes or ice cream. It also makes for a delicious edible gift around the holidays. 

Mason Jar Ice Cream Cake


To give kids a taste of baking without actually having to turn on the oven, we love this sweet and simple idea from Evermine. They’ll get to crush cookies, melt butter and assemble the mini “cakes” with ice cream and other goodies.

Banana Cream Pie with Nilla Wafer Crust

easy baking recipes for kids
Oh, Sweet Basil

Your budding chefs will love diving into this easy recipe from Oh, Sweet Basil. The crust is made from classic Nilla wafers, while the filling is super easy to make using a packet of instant pudding and a few other ingredients.

Applesauce Cake

Perchance to Cook

How cute is this cake from Perchance to Cook? Get the little ones involved in stirring together the batter and arranging the apple slices on top. An added bonus: it’s gluten-free for sensitive tummies and paleo for diet-minded parents.

Cranberry Orange Shortbread Cookies

The View from Great Island

These zesty cookies are perfect for holiday baking! Be sure to use fresh cranberry to really bring out the taste of this winter fruit. Get the recipe over at The View from Great Island

Jello Poke Cake

Spaceships and Laser Beams

Introduce your kids to a retro favorite with this recipe from Spaceships and Laser Beams. If you’re not already familiar with the concept of a poke cake, you’re in for a treat!

Chewy Brownies

easy baking recipes for kids
Spoonful of Flavor

So your kids have mastered the art of the brownie mix? That means it’s time to up the ante by making them from scratch. This recipe from Spoonful of Flavor is super easy to put together—you’ll just need to supervise the melting chocolate part.

Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Treats

The Anthony Kitchen

We love this delish twist on Rice Krispie treats from The Anthony Kitchen. A dollop of salty-sweet peanut butter gives the classic dessert a little something extra, and it’s a breeze to make, even for the youngest of cooks. This recipe comes courtesy of Kelly Anthony, a Texas-based food blogger specializing in homemade family meals and easy desserts like this one.

Banana Mini Muffins

Siriously Delicious

If you’ve got a few bananas that are past their prime, these banana mini muffins are the perfect way to use them. Kids can help mash up the bananas and mix the batter, and you can bake them up in a mini muffin tin or a regular one.

Crunchy Chocolate Chip Cookies

Shakti Rajpurohit via Unsplash

You can’t go wrong with classic chocolate chip cookies, and this crunchy version is sure to be a hit.

Frank’s Apple Pie

easy baking recipes for kids
Diliara Garifullina on Unsplash

If your kids are ready to move on to more involved recipes, you’ve got to try this classic apple pie. They’ll get to roll out the crust, mix up the apple filling and watch eagerly as their creation bakes.

Candy Chocolate Chip Cookies

101 Cookbooks

Give your chocolate chip cookies a colorful twist with this fun recipe. You can add peppermint bark during the holidays, Reese’s Pieces at Halloween and pastel M&Ms at Easter.

Simple & Moist Banana Bread

Jeff Siepman via Unsplash

Moist, flavorful and simple, this is the only banana bread recipe you’ll ever need. If you’re feeling fancy, throw some chocolate chips into the mix!

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Muffins

easy baking recipes for kids
Ryan David via Unsplash

These tasty muffins will make a great breakfast, snack or even dessert. Since they’re made with healthy ingredients like coconut oil, applesauce and oats, they’re a great way to get your littles excited about eating well.

Quadruple Chocolate Cupcakes

Mike Meeks on Unsplash

What’s better than chocolate? More chocolate packed in a grain and gluten-free cupcake! This paleo recipe is super tasty and works great if you’ve got gluten sensitivities in your family.

Chunky Monkey Cookies

Veggies Don’t Bite

For a healthier sweet treat, you’ve got to try these chunky monkey cookies from Veggies Don't Bite. They’re filled with good-for-you ingredients like oats, banana, dates and flax.

Easiest Blueberry Muffins

easy baking recipes for kids
Aneta Voborilova via Unsplash

It doesn’t get much tastier (or easier) than freshly baked blueberry muffins. Frozen berries work just as well as fresh ones so you can bake these up all year long.

Apple Turnovers

easy baking recipes for kids

This recipe is perfect for beginner bakers since it makes use of frozen puff pastry. Just fill the pastry with cooked apples, then fold them up and bake!

Basic Sugar Cookies

Diane Helentjaris on Unsplash

Make sugar cookies a holiday tradition in your family with this fantastic recipe. Kids will get to help out from start to finish, including (of course) decorating the cookies with frosting and sprinkles.


easy baking recipes for kids
Gayatri Malhotra via Unsplash

Snickerdoodles are a holiday classic, and they’re simple enough for the kids to make themselves. You don’t need a mixer, you don’t have to refrigerate the dough, and the end result is absolutely delicious with a chewy, soft inside.

Donut Muffins

A Bountiful Love

Good news: you can enjoy all the delicious flavors of donuts without the hassle of deep-frying (or driving to the donut shop). These muffins are dipped in butter after baking, then rolled in cinnamon sugar.

Chocolate Crinkle Cookies


Your little ones will love making these yummy chocolate crinkle cookies. Just mix up the dough, let it chill overnight, then roll the dough balls in plenty of powdered sugar.



Check out these farms where you can cut your own tree in DC and prep for the holidays

Looking to spread a little holiday cheer early this year? Put up your Christmas tree ASAP—it’s proven to make the season that much merrier! Your family will love the experience of cutting down your own tree to take home and decorate. Also, lots of these farms offer food options or even hot chocolate. Find the best farm to cut your own tree in DC and make a day of it.

Maryland Christmas Tree Farms


Showvaker’s Quality Evergreens

Get a jump start on the Christmas season; Showvaker's opens their doors the week before Thanksgiving so you can prop up a tree before you cut the turkey. This farm is anticipating a record number of visitors, so they suggest visiting on a week day for the best service. Want to take a picture here? Just make sure your professional photographer makes an appointment before you head to this Christmas tree farm. Bonus: Pets on a leash are welcome to join you in your quest for the perfect pic (and tree!).

Opening Day: Sun., Nov. 20

2020 Garrett Rd.
Manchester, MD

Otterdale View Christmas Tree Farm

There is no price haggling at Otterdales; all Christmas trees are just $75! You won't find pre-cut trees here, but cutting down your own spruce or fir tree is half the fun. Little ones will enjoy the train that makes its way around the store while you shop. You can also pick up red tarps before you head out to the field to help drag you tree back to your car. 

4364 Middleburg Rd.
Union Bridge, MD

Friendship Trees

There’s a reason why families come back year after year to Friendship Trees. Their cooperative staff makes this the perfect place to cut your own Fir, Pine, and Spruce Christmas trees. Not feeling up to chopping down your own tree? This farm also has North Carolina Fraser firs ready to go. Check their website for an update on when they open in November.

6950 Old Solomons Island Rd.
Friendship, MD

Clemsonville Christmas Tree Farm

If you hate spending lots of money on your tree, head to Clemsonville! They sell all their trees for $35! They’re also home to the “Everlasting” Christmas Tree made out of limestone rock and measuring over 50 feet, as well as America’s largest real Christmas wreath! You won’t want to miss all their wonderful things with your family.

10120 Clemsonville Rd.
Union Bridge, MD

Wolfe's Pine Valley Farm

Want the tree up and decorated before Turkey Day? Pine Valley Farms is ready for you! This family owned and operated farm has been around since 1977 and truly is a homegrown operation. 

Opening Day: Sat., Nov. 19

1150 Fannie Dorsey Rd.
Sykesville, MD

Related: 23 Festive Holiday Games You Need to Play with the Kids

Virginia Christmas Tree Farms

Moose Apple Christmas Tree Farm

For a day in the country, head to Moose Apple, located in the charming Shenandoah Valley (it’s just one hour west of DC). They have a variety of tree types to choose from as well as an assortment of wreaths made on the farm. The scenery is delightful and you can dream of living in the log home with wrap-around-porch and barn. Pre-tagging ends on Nov. 13.

Opening Day: Fri., Nov. 25 (regular cutting season)

2425 Wickliffe Rd.
Berryville, VA

Hartland Farm

Hartland Farm offers is a no frills operation! They make fresh wreaths at the farm both decorated and bare.  Bonus: They have complimentary hot chocolate on weekends. Check back for their opening date.

3205 Hartland Ln.
Markham, VA

Clouses' Pine Hill Farm

Forty years ago, Ron and Roberta Clouse allowed some high schoolers to plant pine trees on their property for a school project. All these years later, that assignment has affectionately become the Clouse family’s Pine Hill Farm. Visit their peaceful home and choose the perfect tree for your family. 

Opening Day:  Fri., Nov. 25

2696 Greenspring Rd.
Winchester, VA

Snickers Gap Christmas Tree Farm

With thousands of trees to choose from—including Douglas firs and Norway spruces—you'll have to just go with your gut at this farm. The farm doles out maps, saws, and rope to pull the tree back to the barn. And they graciously shake and tightly bale trees for you. Their suggestion: Bring bungee cord to secure the tree to your car. But before hitting the road with your prize, swing by the snack shack for hot dogs and complimentary cups of hot apple cider. 

Opening Day: Fri., Nov. 25

34350 Williams Gap Rd.
Round Hill, VA


Apple TV is offering free viewings, no subscription required

Last year, Apple TV+ threw the world a hail Mary when it allowed It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown to be broadcast on PBS in October. This year, the streamer is going a different way to show the special, and it will still be free for non-subscribers!

Back in 2020, Apple bought all the rights to the Peanuts specials, which means that the only place you can catch the beloved classics is on Apple TV+. That is still the case today.

Existing subscribers will happily put It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and the other holiday special on repeat, but what if you don’t want to pay for another subscription just to get your dose of nostalgia? There are several ways you can watch––for free.

Related: The ‘Secret’ Netflix Codes for All the Family Halloween Movies

Apple TV

First, if you’ve never subscribed before you can head over to Apple TV and sign up for a free 7-day trial. There’s no need to wait until Oct. 31 either––It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown is already available for viewing.

You can also watch A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and A Charlie Brown Christmas while you’re enjoying your trial! You will need to enter credit card info however, so set a reminder to cancel after seven days if you don’t want to pay $4.99 a month.

New this year, Apple TV is providing special free windows for non-subscribers to stream! From Oct. 28-31, you can watch It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown without having to sign up for a subscription.

Free windows will also exist for A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving from Nov. 23-27 and A Charlie Brown Christmas from Dec 22-25.

Related: Boo! Freeform’s ’31 Nights of Halloween’ Schedule Is Hauntingly Good

Courtesy of ABC Television Network

Another way to snag Apple TV+ for free is to take advantage of Best Buy’s three-month offer. Head to, add the offer to your cart, check out and enjoy 90 days for free!

If you don’t mind shelling out a little dough so you can watch the movie whenever you darn well please, both a DVD and 4K disc version is available on Amazon for just $14.

Our great big list of fall activities for kids will keep them (and you) busy all season long

Fall has arrived in all its splendor. Crisp, golden mornings and changing leaves mean a whole new kind of fun for Portland families who don’t slow down when the weather turns. So grab your calendar and get ready to pencil in exciting fall activities that’ll keep your crew busy until winter arrives (hint: they’re not all area Halloween events either). From pumpkin picking to weekend getaways to seasonal experiences and more, we’ve rounded up a slew of fall activities for kids and families in Portland you won’t want to miss.

a mother and kids surrounded by pumpkins in a local pumpkin patch with corn stalks in the background

1. If you haven't already, now's the time to head to a local pumpkin patch to pick out your future jack-o'-lantern. These pumpkin patches offer a whole lot more than a U-pick pumpkin experience. We're talking pony rides, challenging corn mazes, and a chance to take home your own dirt baby.

2. Apple season is in full swing, but that doesn't mean it's too late to go apple picking. It's just one of the many activities you'll find at local farms offering fall festivities.

3. Sit for a spell and watch the sunset during fall's longer nights.

4. Score some awesome winter wearables for every kid in your family at one of these beloved consignment stores where you are sure to find the best deals around. Hint: they're also great spots to score a new-to-you Halloween costume for that one time wear.

5. Plan an island escape that only takes an afternoon. Soak up the last vestiges of sunshine and warm weather with sand, frogs on pond trails, and nature adventures in the city.

6. Bundle up your baby and head out with the stroller. We've got the best trails for joggers and walkers mapped out so you can use them any time of year.

7. School is in, so mid-week getaways can be challenging. Upgrade your fall adventures when you strike out on a fantastic day trip for a change of scenery.

Related: Portland's Best Free (& Cheap) Family Events in October

a young boy airplanes while his father spins him around in the fall sunshine

8. Who says dining al fresco is a summer-only activity? These heated patios mean you and the kids can eat outside even during the rainy months.

9. Free and discounted museum days? Count us in!

10. There are breweries all over Portland that welcome kids. Some even have kids' areas so you relax, sit back, and enjoy that brew or game on the big screen. Go Ducks!

11. Check out the fall colors at these stunning spots you won't want to miss.

12. Cast a line at a new or favorite fishing spot.

13. Eat at a rad restaurant that's been a First U.S. National Bank, a barber shop, and a post office.

14. Water fun doesn't end with summer. Strap on your hiking boots and hunt for the splashiest waterfall on some of these great hikes. 

Asian kids looking out window of car on family road trip

15.  Make your way to OMSI. Why? Because it's packed full of Marvel superheroes kids (and parents) love right now. 

16. Roll through the season with an old-school activity that anyone can play. Strikes, spares, and splits are the name of the game.

17. Save some cash when you dine at these spots, where kids eat for free (or under $5).

18. Goonies never say die! Head to Astoria in the off-season when you need to get away over the weekend. We've got plenty of off-the-beaten-path destinations that are worth checking out and don't draw crowds.

19. Sure you've got your favorite neighborhood park you frequent. But Portland is packed with destination playgrounds, you've likely never heard of. Discover awesome new playgrounds for your kids today. Don't forget to bring a towel to dry off slides and swings! 

20. Are your kids getting bored with inside time during the rainy season? Try one of our favorite places to play outside—no plan necessary.

21. You don't want to miss the opportunity to see all of Oregon in its seasonal beauty. So, hit the road with the kids in search of new adventures.

Related: No School, No Problem! 9 Places to Play on a Day Off


22. Head to one of these cozy cabins for a fantastic family getaway. Stay warm by the fireplace after a day out exploring the PNW autumnal beauty. 

23. Find a hauntingly good Halloween celebration your kids will love. There are so many to choose from around the city.

24. Make a break for the Columbia River Gorge with a totally unplugged family getaway. White water raft, explore ice caves, and hike through some of the most beautiful scenery when you do.

25. Make s'mores over an epic bonfire when you camp at one of these seasonal camping spots. That's right, it's not too late in the season to pitch a tent (or hang in a yurt) We promise.

26. Make a plan to sleep in the trees with the kids. Our tip? Book one of these spots while you can; they go fast.

27. Need a plan for days when the kids don't have school (we're looking at you fall teacher conferences)? We've got you.

28. Go on a dizzying adventure when you check out one of these corn mazes. After you are done, you may even find a friendly animal to play with or a treat for the hungry tummies in you crew.

29. Seek out one of the city's little known spots with the kids when you need a new adventure.

30. Zip through the falling leaves at these adrenalin dumping zipline location.

Forget YouTube. For kids who need all the answers (and need them now), try a podcast! Whatever piques their curiosity, you’ll be able to find a program that will not only educate but will also entertain your precocious humans. From NPR’s popular podcast to story-telling programs, here are our top picks for podcasts that are perfect for curious kids.

Wow in the World

Wow in the World is a popular podcast for kids

NPR’s popular show, hosted by Mindy Thomas and Guy Raz, will have you following along on adventures throughout the world and tackling topics like animals, science and technology. Throw in hilarious voices and silly humor, and you’ll be begging for the next episode as much as your littles. 

Ages 5+ 

Cost: Free

Get more info here and listen on multiple streaming platforms, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids

But Why, A Podcast for Curious Kids

It might just be the most dreaded question a kid can ask a parent, and this bi-weekly show could be your saving grace. The hosts take questions that have complex answers (think “Why is the sky blue?”) and break them down in a kid-friendly way. There are also kid-submitted questions, and experts explain with interesting, uncomplicated answers. 

Ages: All ages

Cost: Free

Get more info here and listen on multiple streaming platforms, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Brains On

Brains On is a good podcast for kids who are curious.

This is a similar show to But Why, but this one tends to skew a bit older and has a different kid co-host every week. The experts still answer the kid-submitted science questions, but there’s a nice combo of silliness and insight, too.

Ages: 8 & up.

Cost: Free

Get more info here and listen on multiple streaming platforms, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Greeking Out

Greeking Out is a podcast for kids

Is your kiddo interesting in Greek mythology? National Geographic's podcast for kids "Greeking Out" tells some of the greatest tales of heroes, Gods, and humans in this engaging series of stories adapted for little ears. Think Prometheus, Heracles, the Muses, and many more. 

Ages: 6 & up

Cost: Free

Find out more here, and subscribe here

Newsy Pooloozi

Newsy Paloozi is a fun podcast for kids

This podcast covers everything from tech and culture to arts, current events and science. And the correspondents are kids from all over the world, so listeners get information that's created just for them, presented by kids just like them. 

Ages: 7 & up

Cost: Free 

Learn more here and subscribe on your favorite platform including Apple, Spotify, Pandora and more. 

The Past & the Curious

It’ll remind you of Drunk History (minus the alcohol), as this podcast tells little-known stories from history with an emphasis on fun and humor. We love the fact that there’s also a quiz, so your curious kids will learn something new, too. 

Ages: 7 & up

Cost: Free

Get more info here and listen on multiple streaming platforms, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Purple Rocket Audio Adventures

This show tells a new story every episode, and there are nuggets of knowledge sprinkled throughout each one. Discover exactly how tricky it is to hatch a dinosaur egg, find out how far you can get into the universe on a Space Train and what happens when your grandpa's magic globe can transport you to other countries all over the world.

Ages: 5 & up

Cost: Free

Find out more here and subscribe via Apple Podcasts.


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The weekday morning struggle is real—getting everyone out the door, fully dressed, with everything they need on time is a miracle in itself. Turn the chaos into calm with these make-ahead breakfasts for kids. We’ve found putting in extra time the night before or on the weekend will make your mornings run smoother. Scroll down for breakfast inspo that’ll make your mornings easier. 

Creamsicle Chia Pudding

Creamsicle Chia Pudding
A Taste of Madness

This Creamsicle Chia Pudding from A Taste of Madness is one of the most delicious make-ahead breakfast recipes for kids. Your family will be wanting seconds of this one. 

Apple Pie Oatmeal Smoothie

Apple Pie Oatmeal Smoothie
The Stay at Home Chef

The kids will love this apple pie oatmeal smoothie from The Stay at Home Chef—it tastes like apple pie in a glass! The recipe keeps the sugar to a minimum, making it a healthy way to start the day. 

Taco Muffin Tin Eggs

Taco Muffin Tin Eggs
The Cheerful Kitchen

We’ve seen a million twists on muffin tin eggs, but you’ll definitely want to try this one from The Cheerful Kitchen. With veggies, cheese and ground beef, it’s filling enough to keep little bellies satisfied until lunchtime. 

Peanut Butter Granola

Peanut Butter Granola
Joy Food Sunshine

This granola from Joy Food Sunshine is super easy to make and will make your mornings a breeze. You can serve it up as cereal, sprinkle it over yogurt with some berries or just gobble it up by the handful. 

Breakfast Burritos with Chorizo

freezer breakfast burritos
The Suburban Soapbox

These breakfast burritos from The Suburban Soapbox can be prepared on the weekend and stashed in the freezer for up to a month. Just pop them in the microwave and they’ll be your savior on stressful mornings.

Oatmeal Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

healthy oatmeal banana chocolate chip muffins
My Food Story

Make a batch of these muffins from My Food Story on the weekend, and you’ll be set for the whole week. The chocolate chips make them an instant hit with the kids, and the wholesome ingredients make them a win for parents too. 

Berry Chia Overnight Oats

berry chia overnight oats
Sue Bee Homemaker

If your little ones like oatmeal, then you’ll want to give overnight oats a try. This version from Sue Bee Homemaker is bursting with berries and adding a sprinkling of chia seeds ups the nutritional benefits even more. 

Breakfast Sandwiches

make-ahead breakfast sandwiches
The Charming Detroiter

Skip the Egg McMuffins and try out The Charming Detroiter’s genius make-ahead breakfast sandwiches instead. Your little foodies will have a new favorite breakfast. 

Kiwi and Raspberry Chia Pudding

kiwi and raspberry chia pudding
Seasonal Cravings

For an impressive breakfast totally worth the (night before) effort, you’ve got to try this recipe from Seasonal Cravings. With layers of fruit and chia pudding, it’s as healthy as it is eye-catching. 

Ham and Cheese Breakfast Casserole

ham and cheese breakfast casserole
The Cookie Rookie

You can make this breakfast casserole from The Cookie Rookie on the weekend, and the leftovers will be just as tasty heated up throughout the week. The dish is stuffed with kid-fave ingredients like ham, cheese and crusty bread to start your day off on a delicious note. 


—Taylor Clifton & Susie Foresman

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Take your sandwich to the next level with two ingredients you already have in your kitchen

Tired of your go-to sliced cheddar on white bread? Mix up your routine with this no-brainer recipe from the food bloggers Jennie and Corelyn of Garlic My Soul. With two ingredients we bet you already have in your kitchen–apples and jam–the classic grilled cheese gets a major upgrade. The cooks’ secret to this delicious sandwich? Use Fontina cheese, which Jennie and Corelyn swear takes this dish to the next level.

Serves 1

Grilled Cheese with Apple and Jam Ingredients:

2 slices sourdough bread
2-3 oz fontina cheese
2 tbsp blueberry jam
¼ an apple, thiny sliced
4-5 basil leaves, chopped thinly sliced
soup of your choice, optional


1. Butter both sides of your bread.

2. Spread the jam on the inside of both pieces of bread, then layer on the cheese, with the basil in the center.

3. Heat a pan over medium heat, and butter well.

4. Cook over medium heat on each side until the bread is well browned. Pro tip: if you want to, you can use a cast iron bacon press or another cast iron to put weight on the sandwich so everyone gets nice and melty.

5. Serve hot with soup!


This recipe was created by Jennie and Corelyn of the food blog, Garlic My Soul. East Coasters now living on the West Coast these foodies can be found adventuring around LA or cooking up something delicious. Visit Garlic My Soul for more fabulous recipe ideas that use in-season ingredients.