February’s birthstone represents empowerment and inner strength

Babies with a February birthday are pretty unique, as some only have a birthday every four years! Plus, those with February birthdays might be more creative (if they’re Pisces), be taller than their peers, and be revolutionary (if they’re Aquarius). If you want to know more fun facts about kids with February’s birthdays and even a few silly facts about February’s birth sign, we’ve got it all right here. 

February birthdays are more uncommon, and Leap Year birthdays are rare

Not only is it a short month, which leads to fewer February birthdays, but a Leap Day baby only gets to celebrate the actual day every four years. According to Unity Point Health, 1 in 1,491 people is born on February 29th, so although you might celebrate on a different day most years, it’s fun to throw an extra-special birthday party every four years. February 2024 is a Leap Year, so get ready to celebrate in a big way if you’ve got a Leap Day baby!

Your February baby might be taller than others

A Harvard University study of over 21,000 kids shows that winter babies are consistently born longer, heavier, and with a larger head circumference. The study was conducted over seven years and tested kids at birth, eight months, age 4, and age 7; researchers believe that seasonal issues for both pregnant moms and babies, like diet, exposure to sunlight and temperature, and viruses, may play a role in a baby’s characteristics.

But babies born in February have a higher chance of being born early

According to a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, there’s a significant spike (nearly 10%) in early births for women who conceived in May, which means their delivery dates fall in February of the following year. What’s the reason? These moms are in late-term pregnancy during peak flu season, which is known to cause pre-term births.

A February birth sign can be Aquarius or Pisces

Will your baby be innovative, a team player, and a rebel at heart like others born under the sign of Aquarius? Or will your kid show signs of empathy, compassion, and being creative like other Pisces? More importantly, how compatible are you with your child? Check out our parent/child compatibility chart to find out.

February’s birthstone is the amethyst

People with February birthdays claim amethyst as their birthstone. The stunning purple variety of quartz has mesmerized people for thousands of years and can often be found in royal jewel collections in Europe and Asia. The gem represents empowerment and inner strength.

Your kid shares their special month with these celebrities born in February

Many celebrities and historical figures share your kiddo’s celebratory month: Abe Lincoln, Rosa Parks, Steve Jobs, Jennifer Aniston, Elizabeth Taylor, Henry Golding, Danai Gurira, Laura Linney, Charles Darwin, George Washington, Nina Simone, and more. 


Make sure your kiddos know that Martin Luther King Jr. Day is about more than a day off of school

Your little dreamers naturally understand the power and importance of having hopes and wishes, so learning facts about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his “I Have a Dream” speech is a tactile way to help kids understand the significance of who MLK Jr. was. Help the kids learn more about this chief spokesman for nonviolent activism, civil rights, and the end of racial segregation.

Bee Calder on Unsplash

1. Martin Luther King Jr. was born on Jan. 15, 1929. His birth name was Michael but was changed to Martin by his father (who also changed his name) in 1934 (after Martin Luther, the leader of the Protestant Reformation in the 1500s).

2. At 14 he won a contest with a speech about civil rights. 

3. He started college when he was just 15.

4. He worked for a newspaper as one of his first jobs.

5. Stevie Wonder wrote his song "Happy Birthday" to help build on the campaign to make Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday a national holiday. He asks a simple question throughout the song, “Why has there never been a holiday where peace is celebrated throughout the world? The time is overdue.” 

6. According to the King Center, Martin Luther King, Jr. was jailed 30 times for charges such as civil disobedience.

7. MLK Jr. was awarded 20 honorary degrees.

8. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was instrumental in getting the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed. This act outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. It made it illegal to segregate based on race in schools, the workplace, and public accommodations (or facilities that serve the general public including hospitals and libraries). It may be hard for your kiddos to believe that there was once a time when children could not drink from the same drinking fountain or use the same bathroom because of the color of their skin. MLK fought to end that.

9. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in April 1964.

10. Martin Luther King Jr. married Coretta Scott on June 18, 1953. The ceremony was performed by his father, Martin Luther King Sr. Coretta had the vow "to obey" removed from the vows, which was almost unheard of at the time. 

11. MLK Jr. and his wife had four children: Martin Luther King III, Bernice King, Yolanda King, and Dexter King.

12. His "I Have a Dream" speech was not his first at the Lincoln Memorial. He gave a speech there on voting rights in 1957.

13. He survived an attempt on his life in 1958. He was stabbed with a letter opener by Izola Ware Curry. He underwent hours of emergency surgery. Surgeons said one sneeze could have punctured his aorta and killed him.

14. Martin Luther King Jr.'s mother was killed six years after his murder. She was shot while playing the organ at church.

15. One of the best ways kids can understand what he was all about is by listening to his famous "I Have a Dream" speech, which he made on Aug. 28, 1963. Kids of any age can listen and read along through this link

Unseen Histories on Unsplash

After listening to the speech, ask your kids a few questions to help them grasp the magnitude. Here are a few suggestions:

  • What does it feel like to be excluded? Have you ever been excluded from something?
  • What is a slave? What does it mean to be enslaved?
  • What was the emancipation proclamation
  • What is something you can do to make others feel more included?
  • Can you think of a time when you saw something wasn't right, and you spoke up?
  • What does the word "community" mean to you?
  • What do you love about your community?
  • Is there one thing you can do each day to help others?
  • What are the big things you'd like to change in the world?
  • What is your big dream?

with additional reporting by Taylor Clifton

From being an early riser to having several birthstones, people with a December birthday are a special bunch

Being a December baby can sometimes feel like a downer because birthdays can get forgotten in the holiday rush. But the truth is that people with a December birthday are impossible to overlook. While being born in November isn’t very common, December babies (especially those born on Dec. 25) are some of the rarest of them all. Here are some attributes you might not know about your December baby.

A mom kisses her December baby on the cheek in front of a Christmas tree

Late December Birthdays Are Rare

It might be a celebratory distraction to be born on a big holiday, like Christmas, but the truth is it’s very rare to be born on Dec. 25, which makes those birthdays pretty special. In fact, Christmas Day is the least likely day of the year to be born, ranking at 366th with just over 6,500 births on average. Dec. 24 is also a rare one, ranking at 364th, and Dec. 26 comes in at 361st. 

Some December Baby Names Are Related to the Holidays (but Not All) 

While some December baby names are related to the holidays (think Joesph, Eve, Noelle, Nicolas), according to Nameberry, other names to give babies born in the last month of the year range from those inspired by light (Lucien) and December's flower (Narcissa, Holly), to the Winter Solstice (Talvi), and good fortune (Felix). 

They're Less Moody As Adults 

While we can’t make any guarantees when it comes to those terrible twos (and threes), according to research, people with a December birthday are less irritable as adults than those born in other months. A Hungarian study found that those born in the winter months, like December, were least likely to suffer from mood swings. So while the weather might be chilly outside when your December baby is born, expect to get a lot of warmth from these little charmers as they get older.


A baby smiles and laughs in front of a Christmas tree as he holds up a present

They’re Bold Explorers

With all this talk of birthdays, you might ask, what is the zodiac sign for people born in December? Babies born before Dec. 21 are ruled by Sagittarius, the archer, meaning that you can expect wisdom, determination, and a bold attitude. These spitfires are also known being adventurous travelers, so get your world map ready. If their birthday comes after Dec. 21, that makes them a Capricorn. Represented by the goat, this zodiac sign for December implies that your baby will be ambitious and highly disciplined while also good-natured. So, in other words, they have a great work ethic.

They're Rich in Birthstones

What is December's birthstone? Lucky for December babies, they have four beautiful blue-hued gems to choose from if you include the blue topaz. The topaz is known for its sparkle, variety of colors, and affordability (a win-win for birthday gifts), although some history and jewelry experts argue that blue topaz does not represent December. Even if that's the case, you're still left with three gorgeous gems: the calming and ever-popular turquoise, the unique purple-blue tanzanite, and the blue-green zircon (said to be one of the oldest materials on earth).

Four smiling children who were born in December stand in a classroom

They’re the Head of the Class

Depending on what your school entry cut-offs are, your December baby is either one of the youngest in the class or the oldest. Either way, they are on track to be one of the brightest. While some studies show that kids who are the oldest in their class are more successful in academics, other research has shown that being the youngest also has an advantage by the time kids prepare to graduate high school, with the youngest outperforming their older classmates by the time they are applying for college. Either way, it's a win.

They’re Early Risers

A study of human circadian rhythms found that those born in winter months, including December, were more likely to be morning people, which means at least you’ll face a smiling tot when you’re up at the crack of dawn. Better still, other similar studies found that those born during the same season were more likely to go to bed earlier, which means more me-time for mom and a more efficient schedule going forward. 

Walt Disney was a December baby
Wikimedia Commons

Celebrities with a December Birthday

Some famous December babies include Walt Disney, Beethoven, and Jane Austen. Do you like movies and television? There's a VIP list filled with celebrities born in December such as actresses Lucy Liu, Amanda Seyfried, and Julianne Moore, as well as film director Judd Apatow. Mckayla Maroney and Gabby Douglas, two Team USA Gymnastics gold medalists, were born in December. Dec. 30 alone marks the birthdate of several iconic baseball players in history including Sandy Koufax, Frank Torre, and Jose Morales.

—Additional reporting by Dhyana Levy

In 2024, most children have a digital footprint before they’re even born. While sharing images online can be a way to keep distant friends and relatives up to date on your child’s milestones, there’s a difference between sharing and oversharing. The “Sharenting” (parents oversharing on social media) trend is still on the rise but many parents are starting to reconsider where and how often they share images of their kids online.

A new report by the Australian Institute of Criminology has reinforced the need to play it safe where photos of kids are concerned. In a survey of more than 4,000 Aussies who had engaged in sharenting, 2.8% had received requests from predators wanting sexual photos of children on their feeds. Some were pressured, while others were offered payment, all in the hopes of getting parents to help facilitate childhood sexual exploitation (CSE). Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus summed it up well: “No parent would ever hand a photo album of their children to a stranger and the same care should apply to photos posted online.”

So, what should you think about before posting pics of your kiddos on social media? Experts have weighed in on everything from personal privacy to online safety. Keep reading to find out what they had to say.

Think Twice Before Posting Embarrassing Photos

While you might think your toddler having a tantrum or your tween misbehaving is so hilarious that you have to share it on social media, putting anything online leaves a permanent trail that will follow your kids for the rest of their lives. "Not only is this kind of oversharing disrespectful to your child, but you should also consider how these types of images or videos will be perceived by others, and the impact it could have on your kid when he/she is older," says parenting expert and author of Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids, Dr. Laura Markham. If it's on the internet, as well as the possibility of humiliating them later in life, there's a chance it could be seen by school bullies, college admissions officers, and future employers. Next time, ask yourself how you would feel if it was you in the photo instead.

Consider the Message You Are Giving Your Kids

As parents, we are constantly telling our kids about the risks of using social media and teaching them about online safety, but then ignore our own advice when posting photos of them. "It's our job to teach and model online literacy and safety," says Markham. "When children grow up routinely seeing photos of themselves online, they think it's the norm. We're inadvertently teaching them that they have no privacy and no control over their online image."

Related: “Sharenting” Could Have Damaging Effects on Your Kids

mom engaging in sharenting

Be Mindful of Giving Away Personal Information

According to a UK study by Parent Zone and Nominet, the average parents share almost 1,000 photos of their kids online before their 5th birthday. Many parents announce the birth of their babies all over social media, while some go one step further and hashtag their kids' names or even set up Instagram accounts for their little darlings before they can even talk. While it's kinda cute, all someone needs is a name, date of birth, and address, which they can get using a geotagged photo, and this can put youngsters at risk of identity theft and digital kidnapping, which is when someone uses photos and details of someone else's kids and pretends they are their own. According to a national internet safety expert, Katie Greer, if your kids are searchable, anyone can find out anything about them. "To maximize the online safety of your child, limit the information you share about them," she says.

Avoid Posting Photos of Your Kids in the Nude

That photo of your little angels in the bath, running around the yard in the nude, or even in their underwear might be adorable to you, but once you post it, you no longer have control over it, and anyone can do what they want with it. "There is a chance this kind of photo could end up in unintended hands. Even using seemingly harmless hashtags like #pottytraining or #bathtime can also attract the attention of the wrong people," says Greer. "Your kids' online safety is paramount, so to keep things simple, keep their clothes on."

a little girl posing on the first day of school outside her house for a story on sharenting

Be Wary of Revealing Locations and Routines

It's surprisingly easy to track people using the information you can get from photos posted online. To protect your kids from potentially being discovered by child predators, Justin Lavelle, a leading expert on online safety and scam prevention and Chief Communications Officer with beenverified.com recommends turning off geotagging and location services and never posting details about where you live, including your address. "Avoid tagging the locations of places you and/or your children may be at frequently and crop out backgrounds with recognizable landmarks. First day of school? Take a picture at home with them in their new backpack, not in front of the school building with the name clearly visible," he says. "Do not advertise their routines and wait a few days before posting photos of birthday trips or visits to the park."

Get Permission to Post

While some might argue that parents have every right to post family photos, kids don't ask for such public childhoods. While babies and toddlers generally have no say in what mom or dad posts, tweens, teens, and even younger kids often feel their parents share too much about them online without their consent (and they're even covering their noses in family photos to fight back). Take Gwyneth Paltrow's daughter, Apple, who, after seeing that her mother had posted a selfie of the two of them without her permission, reportedly called her out in the comments. "While you might think it's your right to post what you want on social media when you ask kids, many don't want photos of them to be put online," says Dr. Laura Markham. "Our children have a right to decide what is posted about them and deserve not to have their privacy violated by us. It's important to get their approval first."

Related: New Study Sheds Light On Sharenting

mom of newborn should know the danger of sharenting

Beware of the Backlash

When you're posting photos of your kids online, especially in the public domain for all to see, it's important to consider what the people who see the photos might think. They might not like it for all sorts of reasons and will be happy to tell you exactly how they feel. This can be very hurtful. There are many instances where people have been attacked for oversharing on social media. In 2019, Pink appeared on The Ellen Show and explained why she had stopped sharing photos of her children after getting comments attacking her for posting a photo of one of her kids without a diaper. 

Pay Attention to Your Privacy Settings

If you're going to post photos on social media, then check your privacy settings regularly. According to the Child Rescue Coalition, 89 percent of parents haven't checked their privacy settings in over a year. Facebook, Instagram, and other social media apps all have different settings. Without realizing it, you may be sharing your photos with the general public, aka strangers. Also bear in mind that the friends and family you share your photos with may have different privacy settings, which means they could potentially share your photos, too. "Public posting means anyone, anywhere can see it," says Lavelle. "Keep your posts private, set your profiles to private, and make sure your posts are only visible to a custom audience of friends and family."

sharenting mom taking a selfie with her son

Consider the Bigger Picture

No one knows what happens with all the photos once they have been posted on social media. Take Facebook (which also owns Instagram and Whatsapp), which has been all over the news due to data breaches and their handling of personal information. Do you want these big corporations to have access to all sorts of data on your kids that you inadvertently supply? "While it's wonderful that technology allows us to be connected with family and friends around the world using social media and other photo-sharing apps, there is so much we don’t know," says Lavelle. "It comes down to common sense, smart-decision making, and being careful what you post." 

Be Present in the Moment

When your child is performing in a show or playing in a match, of course, you want to capture every proud moment on camera so you can share it with family, friends (and maybe the whole world). We've all done it. But your kids see you with your phone in front of your face instead of watching them, and you won't be able to focus on what they're doing. Next time, put your phone away, watch, and be proud. Your kiddos will love that they have your undivided attention, and you will be able to enjoy the experience much more.

Related: Dear Moms “Oversharing” On Social Media: I See You

Consider Private Social Networks

As mainstream platforms like Facebook and Instagram come under fire, private social apps—like the one we offer at TinyBeans—are gaining ground for their privacy and security features. Our app offers parents a safe space to share photos, milestones, and other special moments with close family and friends. So you can go ahead and make a proud grandparent's day without worrying about those images getting into the wrong hands. 

Studies show that babies with October birthdays have strong minds and bodies

If your kiddo has an October birthday, they’re in great company. It should come as no surprise that people ranging from U.S. presidents to award-winning actors also have October birthdays because when it comes to sports and politics, health, and longevity, October babies seem to take first place no matter what they do. Wondering how you’ll celebrate your little pumpkin? Be inspired by 2023’s most popular birthday themes, party favors the kids will actually use, and unique birthday desserts you need to try.

October birthday

They’re Presidential

More U.S. Presidents are born in October than any other month of the year. Maybe someday your own POTUS will take their seat in the Oval Office like their fellow October babies Presidents Adams, Eisenhower, Carter, and Theodore Roosevelt.

They’re Award Winners

Politicians aren’t the only famous faces who are born in the season of pumpkin spice and everything nice. With several award-winning actors, like Matt Damon, Julia Roberts, Kate Winslet, and Julie Andrews born in October, you might want to start planning that acceptance speech for your young thespian now.

They Have Two Birthstones

The October birthstones are Opal, which is a whiteish stone that reflects rainbow colors, and Tourmaline, which is a deep pink stone. 

Related: People Born in August Are More Positive & Other Fun Facts

October birthday
Jessica To'oto'o via Unsplash

They’re Stronger 

Batter up! One study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine found that babies born in October and November performed better than those born in other months on tests of strength, stamina, and cardiovascular fitness.

They Live the Longest

While October babies have the highest risk of disease among all birth months, they don’t let that stop them from living very long lives. According to a 2011 study of over 1,500 centenarians (or people who live to be 100), babies born between September and November live the longest.


They’re Taller

If their athletic ability leads to a basketball career, October babies are in luck. A study from Bristol University found that babies born in the autumn months, including October, were, on average, slightly taller than their peers.

People Born in October Are Either Libras or Scorpios

People whose birthdays fall between Oct. 1 - Oct. 22 fall under the sign of Libra, and those born Oct. 23-Oct. 31 fall under the sign of Scorpio. Libras are known for their obsession with balance and symmetry. They tend to thrive in creative roles since they are drawn to art and intellectualism and can thrive in almost any social situation. Scorpios tend to be incredibly intuitive. They hold their cards close to their chest, and when striving towards a goal, they're most likely three steps ahead of others. 

Related: 11 Intriguing Facts About Babies Born in July

October birthday
Jordan Rowland via Unsplash

They’re Less Allergic

A 2017 study from La Trobe University School of Psychology and Public Health in Melbourne found that babies who were in utero for an entire grass pollen season were at lower risk of developing allergies and allergic diseases, like asthma, later in life. In the United States, grass pollen season typically runs from May to August, which means October babies get a full season in the womb.

They’re Making History

October is a month of many history-making firsts. The tenth month of the year has seen the first sale of the Ford Model T, the swearing-in of the first African American Supreme Court Justice, the start of the space age with the launch of Sputnik, and of course, the birth of your future history-maker.


End-of-summer kiddos may have these personality traits in common

Have you got an August baby in your life? A bun in the oven almost all done? You may be wondering what type of personality traits are common in August-born people. Are they curious? Will they be famous? Are they determined? Maybe all of the above! Here are some interesting facts about people born in August.

They’ll Probably Be The Youngest in Their Class

Since many schools have a Sept. 1st cutoff for kindergarten, your August baby may end up being the youngest kid in her class. This can be good or bad, depending on where your kid is at—socially, physically, and emotionally. Some kids struggle; others do just fine (and almost all end up catching up in the long run).

They’re Confident and Strong-Willed 

The stars have a lot to say about August-born babies (though we always take these messages with a grain of salt). The Zodiac sign for people born in August is either Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) or Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22), with both signs being known for confidence, smarts, and a strong will. They’ll never back down from an argument, according to this online astrology site, so get ready to stand your ground, parents.

They’re (Slightly) Less Likely to Go to College

According to findings from the National Bureau of Economic Research, as noted in The Wall Street Journal, august-born kids may be at a disadvantage when it comes to college admissions. This is attributed to the fact that many schools have a Sept. 1 cutoff for kindergarten, so kids with August birthdays are the youngest in the class. The research found that August-born kids were 2.1% less likely than September children to attend college, 3.3% less likely to graduate from college, and 7.2% less likely to graduate from a selective college.

They May Be Misdiagnosed with ADHD

Studies show that kids born in August are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than those born in other months. But here’s the good news: It doesn’t necessarily mean they actually have ADHD: Research published in 2016 by the Journal of Pediatrics found that summer-born kids are often misdiagnosed with behavior problems when the real issue is simply that they’re younger and not yet ready for the rigor of the school day.

Related: Why September Babies Are Often at the Top of Their Class, Among Other Things

They’re (Usually) Very Happy

a happy kid, he might have been born in August because people born in August tend to be happier


If you think your August babe is always smiling, you may be right. Research from Vanderbilt University found that people with summer birthdays are less likely to be depressed than people born in the cooler months. It could be because of all that vitamin D exposure in the womb. Still, researchers also theorize that a newborn’s “biological clock” may be permanently stamped by the summer’s long light cycle—and that stamp brings a sunnier disposition.

They Tend to Be Bigger

According to this Cambridge University study of more than 450,000 people in the U.K., babies born in August (and June and July) have higher birth weights—and may even grow into taller adults—than babies born in other months. The size difference was attributed to the fact that women who give birth in late summer are exposed to more vitamin D during pregnancy, which is beneficial to the baby’s growth and development. Interestingly, the study also found that girls born in the summer tend to start puberty later (which is linked to lower rates of breast cancer, teen pregnancy, and HPV). Hooray for sunshine!

They May Be More Likely to Get the Flu

A new study from a pair of doctor-dads concluded that summer-born kids are more likely to get the flu, based on the fact that their annual check-ups occur in the summer before the latest flu vaccine is available.

There Are Two Birthstones for the Month of August

Here’s an interesting August birthday fact: there are two birthstones for the eighth month of the year. Peridot is a yellow-gold stone known as the gem of compassion and represents peace and harmony. Spinel can be found in a variety of colors, including pink, purple, red, and blue. The gem is believed to inspire relaxation in those who wear it and is associated with energy and joy.

There Are a Lot of Them!

Your baby won’t be the only summer birthday party on your social calendar. According to the CDC, August is the most common month to be born in the United States (meaning that November and December are the most common months for conception). Blame it on the holiday spirit! Or the cold.

Related: 7 Intriguing Facts about Babies Born in July


People born in June fall under both the Gemini or Cancer zodiac sign

If your kiddo was born in the sixth month of the year, you already know that people born in June are outgoing, charming, and creative. And even though they can be more than a handful sometimes, June babies tend to grow up to be healthy, cheerfully optimistic people. Discover more characteristics and fun facts about June babies, including exactly which precious gem is June’s birthstone.

people born in June
Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

1. June people are healthier and more optimistic.
According to a study published in Heliyon, summer-born babies are more likely to grow up to be healthy adults. Researchers theorize that greater exposure to sunlight and higher vitamin D exposure leads to better overall well-being.

2. Summer people are expressive and quick-witted, but can also have a dark side.
Characteristics shared by many Geminis are sociability, excellent communication skills, and an always-ready-for-fun attitude. But like all Geminis who can possess two different personalities in one, June-born people can turn from fun-loving to super-serious and thoughtful without notice.

3. Most people born in June are Geminis, the social butterfly sign in the zodiac.
These quick-witted passionate people are comfortable talking to anyone about anything.

4. Imagination rules for June-born Geminis.
Thanks to their co-ruling planets, Venus and Uranus,  June-born Geminis rarely are at a loss for ideas. Their imaginations rule them and can always be counted on to devise clever solutions to even the most complex problems.

Mieke Campbell on Unsplash

4. Summer-born babies are happy ...
Science has found that the season of one’s birth can have a lifelong impact on moods, and babies born in the summer months—from June through August—are shown to be the least susceptible to sadness brought on by seasonal affective disorders.

5. June's birthstone is a pearl, which represents innocence and purity.

6. June babies are giving and forgiving.
Most people born in June fall under the sign of Gemini, which means they frequently see both sides of an argument. As a result, June-born people are forgiving and generous. Their Gemini-ness, however, means that they also can be indecisive.

8. There are plenty of celebrities with June birthdays.
People born in the sixth month of the year share their birth month with celebrities like Natalie Portman, Morgan Freeman, Meryl Streep, Kendrick Lamar, Anderson Cooper, Liam Neeson, Michael Cera, and more.

Related: Why Kids Born in May Often Have Wanderlust (& Other Interesting Facts)


Celebrate the life, legacy, and leadership of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with your kids

MLK Day is right around the corner. If you’re looking for ways to honor and serve on January 16, there’s no better place to explore Dr. King’s legacy than in his birthplace—Atlanta. With school officially canceled for this important holiday, your family can explore our city’s important Civil Rights landmarks, engage in activities and educational experiences at the city’s museums, and find ways to be of service. Let’s remember to make this a day on, as we continue to work toward Dr. King’s dream of an equitable and just world.


2023 King Holiday Observance at The King Center

The King Center is a celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life and legacy all year long. Their mission is to empower people to create an equitable and peaceful world through youth work, service projects, and more. To commemorate MLK Day, The King Center hosts a 10-day observance, starting January 16 with a kick off reception at Freedom Hall Atrium. They'll also host a Community Service Project that families can easily participate in. Simply drop off needed items (like socks, coats, blankets, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and more) at the King Center Freedom Hall Plaza on January 16, between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.  

449 Auburn Ave. NE
Online: thekingcenter.org


Visit the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park

After visiting The King Center, explore other monuments and historically important places at the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park. What better way to honor Dr. King than to head to where it all started? Families can tour King's birth home, where he spent his first 12 years, Mondays through Saturdays, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The Visitor Center, Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church, and Freedom Hall are also all on the campus, open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesdays through Fridays. All sites are free to the public.

Good to Know: There will be a Beloved Community Commemorative Service at the Ebenezer Baptist Church from 10 a.m. to noon on Jan. 16.

450 Auburn Ave. N.E.
Online: nps.gov

Celebrate the Legacy of Dr. King at The Center 

The National Center for Civil and Human Rights believes in justice and dignity for all and the power of people to make this idea real. They inspire visitors with immersive exhibitions, dynamic events and conversations, plus engagement and education/training programs. The Center's King Day program starts a bit early, on January 12 and runs through MLK Day (Jan. 16). It includes interactive storytimes, artist talk backs, spoken word performances, and more.

The early start for this year's event coincides with the opening of National Center for Civil & Human Rights' new King exhibit, Now is the Time. Focused on King's March on Washington for Jobs & Freedom and its 60th anniversary. The exhibit runs through Juneteenth (Jun. 19) of this year.

National Center for Civil & Human Rights
100 Ivan Allen Jr. Blvd. NW
Online: civilandhumanrights.org


MLK Celebration at Children's Museum of Atlanta

Celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s birthday with the Children's Museum of Atlanta and explore his life and legacy on the Stage, at the Science Bar, and in the Art Studio. This year's celebration will include seed planting at the Tree of Change with guest artist, Martell Belle. Kids can also share ways they can help shape a world Dr. King would be proud of on the Dream Collaborative Mural.

275 Centennial Olympic Park Dr. N.W.
Online: childrensmuseumatlanta.org

Watch the HBCU Battle of the Bands

Although this isn't a traditional MLK Day celebration, it should be an exciting and inspiring one for kids, in a different way. The State Farm Arena is where you can watch HBCU Culture's Battle of the Bands. Doors open at 4 p.m. and performers will include Jackson State University, Miles College, Alabama A & M, and more.

State Farm Arena
1 State Farm Dr.
Online: hbcuculture.com

Atlanta History Center Celebration

Bring the kids to the Atlanta History Center to experience hands-on activities on MLK Day, Atlanta families. Civil-rights themed trivia, crafts, performances, and a chance to simulate a Freedom Rider experience on an authentic Greyhound Bus will keep the kids engaged and learning during the visit. This event is free, and registration is recommended.

Atlanta History Center
130 W. Paces Ferry Rd. N.W.
Online: atlantahistorycenter.com

Take & Make Martin Luther King, Jr. Craft 

Swing by the Embry Hills Library to pick up a free Martin Luther King, Jr. craft kit (while supplies last) on January 14. Spend time with the kids putting the kit together and talking about the work of Dr. King. 

Embry Hills Library
3733 Chamblee Tucker Rd.
Chamblee, GA
Online: events.dekalblibrary.org


Enjoy Free Entrance at Georgia's National Parks

Experience the national parks for free on Jan. 16 in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Day, including these Georgia parks that normally charge an entrance fee: Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park, Cumberland Island National Seashore, Fort Pulaski National Monument, and Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park. Get the scoop on some of Georgia's best national parks for families with our Tinybeans Guide.

Participate in MLK Jr. Day of Service

Throughout January 2023, thousands of Atlantans will celebrate and honor the life and legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.—taking the day ON. Help build Dr. King’s Beloved Community and get involved in one of the many service events hosted by Hands On Atlanta. There are so many places to volunteer, starting January 11.

Online: handsonatlanta.org

Related: 6 Places Atlanta Families Can Volunteer Year-Round

MLK 5K & Drum Run

Celebrate Martin Luther King Day in the spirit of sisterhood and brotherhood with fellowship and fitness. This 5K walk/run will take place entirely on New Peachtree Road, with a 3.1-mile drumline all along the race course. The party starts at 9 a.m. and the course is fast and flat. Let Freedom Run!

First Baptist Church of Doraville
5935 New Peachtree Rd.
Doravill, GA
Online: mlkday5k.com

If your youngest is the funniest sibling, you’re not alone

Is your youngest child always the one that makes you laugh or sends her siblings into a fit of giggles? Research may have just proved you right—a new survey of siblings and family members revealed that the funniest siblings are typically the youngest ones.

According to a survey conducted by British pollster YouGov, youngest siblings are most likely to believe that they are the funniest members of their families. Forty-six percent of younger siblings answered that they think they are the funniest versus just 36 percent of oldest siblings.

The study, which included 1,783 adult siblings who were asked to assess their personality traits based on their birth order, revealed some interesting insight into how birth order can impact a person as they become an adult.

“Splitting out the first and last born siblings in British families with more than one child (86% of the population), a clear divide in personality traits emerges,” a YouGov writer said about the findings. “The most significant difference is in feeling the burden of responsibility – most (54%) first borns say they are more responsible than their siblings, compared to 31% of last borns.”

YouGov continued, “To some extent age itself, rather than family dynamics, may be responsible for the differing characteristics. Older children, having had more time to get on in life, are more likely to say they are more successful than their siblings. But undoubtedly there are family forces at work – parental attention soon shifts onto new arrivals, and firstborns may have to learn the ropes themselves. As evidence, elder siblings are more likely to feel more organized and able to prioritize their own lives. Likewise, younger siblings are more likely to feel more favored by their parents.”

A few other things the survey uncovered include:

  • 54 percent of oldest siblings feel more organized than their younger brothers and sisters.
  • 47 percent of youngest siblings see themselves as “easy-going,” compared to 42 percent of older siblings.

And that doesn’t include college

New estimates show that inflation isn’t just jacking up the cost of groceries and gasoline, but childrearing, too. The cost to raise a child for a two-parent, married family with two kids on a middle income? Over $310,000.

The Brookings Institution‘s estimate addresses children born in 2015 and spans all the costs through the age of 17. And spoiler alert: it doesn’t include any costs for sending your kids to college.

That $310K price tag has jumped $80,000 from 2017, which equals out to be over $18K per year.  Expenses that fit into the increase are plentiful and include child care, healthcare, housing, food clothing, haircuts, diapers and other must-haves like sports and lessons.

Related: 16 Ways to Shop Smart & Save Money on Groceries


So how did experts arrive at that number? It came down to using an average inflation rate of 2.23% (2015-2020), plus another 1.77% for the last two years. Thank you, recession!

“The new estimate only crunches numbers for middle-income, married parents, and doesn’t include projections for single parent households, or consider how race factors into cost challenges” reports The Hill. The cost for those family dynamics are even more bleak.

“Rising expenses for raising a family could disproportionately affect lower-income families. For a single parent earning $20,000 or $30,000 a year, shelling out the extra funds for a child might be difficult,” says said Dr. Isabel Sawhill, a senior fellow at Brookings.

For Black families, the Opportunity & Inclusive Growth Institute found that “that Black households are more exposed to inflation fluctuations than White households.” The Wall Street Journals says that “can make it difficult for households to determine how much the money they earn will buy.”

At the end of the day, no one enters parenthood thinking they are going to get off cheap. But for the next generation, we’re betting they’ll think long and hard about opening the purse strings before having kids.