Trying to figure out a way to call Santa? Here’s everything you need to know

Even if you can’t have your one-on-one with Santa at the mall, you can still get your time with him. There are lots of fun options, and we’ve rounded up our favorite ways to get Santa’s phone number (many of them are free!). Here’s where you’ll learn how to get in touch with Father Christmas at the touch of your smartphone, web browser, or even your home assistant.

Santa Hotline

how to call Santa's phone number
Kraken Images via Unsplash

It couldn’t get easier to call Santa's phone number: all you need is a phone to dial up Santa’s Hotline. This free, international number connects kids directly to a voicemail box where they can leave messages at the North Pole. Available throughout the United States (as well as 13 countries including France, Sweden, and Australia), it’s a simple concept that will add that little extra pinch of magic dust to your holiday. Simply dial +1-319-527-2680 or +1-712-770-4404 and get talking!

Related: 8 Ways to Keep Track of Santa This Christmas (We’ll Show You How!)

Call Santa with Alexa


If you have an Echo Dot Kids or FreeTime on Alexa, all you have to say is “Alexa, call Santa.” You'll hear from elves, Jack Frost, and even Santa himself (Each time it may be different, and you'll often get holiday jokes!). To make sure you're set up for FreeTime, in your Alexa app, select the Devices icon, then select the compatible Alexa device for which you would like to enable Amazon FreeTime on Alexa. Then tap FreeTime, and follow the on-screen prompts to complete your setup.

Message from Santa! App

get a message from santa's phone number
Apple App Store

The Message from Santa app has tons of features! Parents can help their kids start a video message from Santa, receive a phone call, call Santa's voicemail, and even text the jolly old elf himself. This is a free app (with in-app purchases for additional features) and is available for iOS and Android devices.

Google Home Call Santa

Paul Agrusti via YouTube

Use your Google Assistant and Google Home device to call Santa! All you have to say is "Hey Google, call Santa" and you'll get to hear about how Santa Claus is busy rehearsing for a musical concert—but he only knows one song and needs your help! Kids can also make a call on a Smart Display to see all the fun album covers from the North Pole bands.

Christmas Dialer

how to get santa's phone number

Has little Johnny and Susie been good this year? Now you can let Santa do the asking! When you use Christmas Dialer, you can choose for either Santa or one of his elves to place a call to your child. Select one of four different messages, including, "be good," "on my list," "something special," or "sweet dreams." Parents can use the pre-populated messages or type their own and then call Santa right away. 

Portable North Pole

santa phone number
Portable North Pole

The Portable North Pole's website and mobile app let creative parents like yourself create customized Santa greetings on video to awe and excite your wee ones. With a few screen taps, answer questions about your child (or children—Santa can address your kids individually or as a group!) and upload some favorite pictures to create a charming message from St. Nick that arrives by email.

Make sure to capture all the memories—and share them with your family and friends near and far—with the Tinybeans app. The secure platform puts parents in total control of who sees and interacts with photos and videos of their kids.






It’s no secret that a mobile baby is a busy baby, and a busy baby is a happy baby. But if the crawling, creeping and scooting hasn’t yet begun, there are still plenty of ways to engage with your little one—and have a little fun yourself. Here are our favorite ideas for infant games you can play with your stationary sweetie.

1. Bubble Blowout

Something about the rainbow swirls and fanciful movements are endlessly alluring for babies and grown-ups alike. An inexpensive bottle of bubbles—or the homemade variety, if you prefer—will keep your mini-me fixated and, depending on age, may allow your child to exercise hand-eye coordination, too, as he tries to grasp at the floating orbs.

2. Song Sesh

There are plenty of studies showing that babies recognize and respond to human voices—especially their mama—but did you know that researchers have found that babies can hear and remember music even while in the womb? And that they enjoy concerts as much as their parents? It’s no surprise, then, that songs (especially when sung by mom!) are a sure thing when it comes to entertaining your wee one.

While lullabies are great for setting the mood for bedtime, more upbeat tempos are better at keeping baby amused during wakeful hours. To really capture your little one’s attention, choose interactive songs that include motions or silly sounds. (Think: sneezing, animal sounds, or surprise responses, like “peek-a-boo!”) Make up the lyrics as you go, or stick with tried-and-true classics like “Wheels on the Bus” or “Itsy Bitsy Spider.”

Related: Your Month-By-Month Guide to Activities During Baby’s First Year

3. Fancy Footwork

Babies who haven’t mastered the art of being on the move just yet still do plenty of kicking and squirming. Keep your squirmy worm endlessly entertained by tying a helium balloon to their foot. Your baby will love watching the colorful balloon bounce above them in response to their movements, and you’ll love watching this newfound excitement.

photo: regina_zulauf via Pixabay 

4. Head Outdoors

Let’s be real. There’s only so much excitement that can happen indoors. A simple change of scenery can do wonders in keeping a non-mobile baby entertained, and getting outside your usual four walls into the fresh air and sunshine can soothe even the crankiest infant. Get in a few minutes of tummy time by positioning baby on the edge of a blanket to explore the grass. Or simply lay back together and watch the leaves swaying peacefully in the wind or the clouds floating by.

5. Master Mimicry

While the jury is still out on how early babies can mimic adult gestures, expressions, and sounds, what we do know is that infants benefit from intentional face-to-face interaction at every age. Bond with your baby by focusing on maintaining eye-to-eye contact (that means putting that distracting smartphone aside!) and exchanging facial expressions, such as sticking out your tongue, wrinkling your nose, or showing various emotions, from surprise to sadness. These interactions will not only result in cognitive benefits for baby, but you’ll both enjoy the intentional one-on-one time.

Related: 10 Games to Encourage Baby’s First Words

6. Picture Perfect

If you’ve had your fill of reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear for the day, give baby a mini art tour through your own home. Carry baby around and show them the photographs or paintings that grace your walls. If you have family pictures or portraits, tell baby about the people in the photo. If abstract art is more your thing, point out the colors and shapes.

7. Hands On

There’s a reason why simple games like “This Little Piggie” elicit baby smiles and giggles over and over again. Combining the cadence of rhymes with physical interaction is a guaranteed win when it comes to keeping little ones amused. Our favorites include actions that point to baby’s body parts (eyes, nose, fingers, feet, tummy), and offer a gentle tickle where appropriate. If you need a refresher course on rhymes, a simple Google search for “action rhymes for babies” will offer lots of inspiration.

Now that baby’s crawling it’s time to start babyproofing the house

Traffic may slow to a crawl, but when a baby starts crawling, they’re zooming. Your former stationary buddy is now heading headfirst down the stairs or digging into your purse, and you’re feeling like you’ll never get a moment to yourself again. Keep kids safe from your home’s danger zones with these clever babyproofing tricks and activities.

1. Safety First
A crawling baby means a new round of babyproofing. Padding furniture corners, covering electrical outlets, tying up loose cords, and installing stairway gates are an excellent start, but there are plenty of less obvious spots that need to be secured. Add locks to toilets and cabinets or doors that conceal electronics, toiletries, cleaners, or glassware, and secure large furniture to the wall to prevent them from tipping over. Pro tip: To get a better sense of what could harm your baby, sit down and lie down on the floor to see your home from a baby’s level. You’ll discover sharp edges, dangling cords, and other potential hazards more easily.

2. Toilet Paper Tube Trick
Crawling babies have more access to items they can put in their mouths, whether that’s dog food or an older sibling’s LEGOs. Not sure what’s a choking hazard? Use the toilet paper tube trick. If the item fits through the tube, keep it out of baby’s reach.

3. Skin Saver 
Hard surfaces can damage a crawling baby’s delicate skin. Rough floors, concrete playgrounds or even carpets can cause scraped, bruised or raw knees from frequent contact. Save your baby’s knees—and pants—by slipping leg warmers or baby knee pads, like the cute ones above from Simply Kids, over baby’s legs. Pro tip: Baby knee pads are also good protection for wobbly toddlers who take frequent tumbles.

4. Staying Alert
Any time you venture out and about with a mobile baby, you’ll have to stay on kid watch like your baby’s life depends on it (because it does). Even new crawlers are shockingly quick. If you have any doubts about whether you can stay fully focused on your little explorer, play it safe and strap baby into a stroller or carrier.

5. Timing Is Everything
If you find yourself having trouble accomplishing tasks with a baby on the loose, adjust your schedule where you can. For example, cut down on time in the kitchen by relying on meal planning or quick prep and slow cooker recipes. Consider showering at night after baby’s bedtime and saving certain tasks for naptime or moments when you have someone else to watch your little mover.

babyproofing a living room


6. Try Redirection
A crawling or toddling baby can leave quite a trail as they explore everything in reach. Keep a small basket of baby-safe toys and books in each room to capture their attention when necessary and keep them away from cereal boxes, markers, and other major messes.

7. Get Germ-Aware
Keeping a crawling baby clean when you’re away from home can be a challenge. Keep a stash of wipes and sanitizer in your diaper bag for outings, and a change of clothes in case of bigger messes.

8. Keep a Surprise Toy Stash
How can you entertain your little cruiser when you need to shower, take a phone call or respond to emails? Hide a stash of “surprise” toys that stay out of your regular toy rotation. Pulling out the basket of “new” trinkets can keep your mobile mini-me entertained for a few minutes while you take care of business or relax for some much-needed me time.

9. Plan a Pool Party!
Turn your blow-up pool into a ball pit by adding colorful plastic balls. Your child will have room to move freely while exploring, and you’ll rest easy knowing baby is contained and entertained.

10. Cook Up Some Quiet
If trying to prep pasta primavera with baby running amok (or attached to your leg) sounds like a recipe for disaster, put your babe in the high chair to watch you. Sing songs, tell stories, or offer an assortment of finger foods to keep them entertained. If you want to pretend you have your own cooking show, we won’t tell anybody.

11. Relocate Your Belongings
If you find yourself frequently cleaning up a certain area—whether baby is obsessed with pulling books off of your shelves or shoes out of your closet—save yourself the constant cleanup and move those belongings upward on higher shelves. Consider this the flooding stage of parenting. As your baby zooms through the house like a force of nature, you move items upwards to keep them out of baby’s wake.

12. Repeat After Us
If snagging your baby inches from the curb for the millionth time or babyproofing have you ready to pull out your (now graying) hair, remember: It’s just a phase. Trust us, “It’s just a phase” will become your new favorite parenting mantra. Bonus: This useful phrase is surprisingly versatile! You’ll likely be using it for one thing or another for, oh, the next 18 years or so.

Santa’s number can be hard to find. Lucky for you, we’ve got the scoop

You’ve snapped your photos and written your letters to Santa, and probably already hung your stockings with care. Well, here’s one more way to get in touch with Ol’ St. Nick: Santa’s Hotline. It couldn’t get easier: all you need is a phone to dial up a free, international number that connects kids directly to a voicemail box, where they can leave messages at the North Pole. Available throughout the United States as well as 13 countries including France, Sweden, and Australia, it’s a simple concept that will add that little extra pinch of magic dust to your holiday. If your kids can’t get enough, here are six other ways to get in touch with Santa Claus during the holiday season.

Dial up +1-605-313-4000 in English

or  +1-605-313-4001 in Spanish

(There’s a list of international numbers on the site as well).

Your kiddos will hear the following message:

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! This is Santa Claus and you have reached my personal hotline. We have been very busy making all of those toys to deliver on Christmas morning, and I want you to know that your family loves you very much and so do I. So, be good and don’t forget to always listen to your parents. When you hear the tone please leave me your Christmas gift wishes and holiday cheer. And, remember kids, I know who’s been naughty and who’s been nice. Merry Christmas and I’ll see you soon.”

Then at the beep, your little elflings can leave their own message to Santa. (Be sure and listen in so you can take notes!)

When you use your mobile phone, Santa will send a text so you can listen or share your child’s message with the whole family!

Tip: keep the number handy in your contacts under Santa and surprise your sweeties, perfect for long lines or after-school doldrums. “Siri, call Santa” is sure to elicit a raised eyebrow and giant grin. 

The hotline was created by David Erickson, CEO of and father of three. He thought of the idea when his daughter was little, and he hopes it brings a little more fun to the season. Last year, 9 million kids called in.

Visit the website to learn more and find downloadable flyers you can share with your teacher, family, and friends.


Your energetic birthday kid will bounce, sprint, or skate with joy at the sight of these party spots in Portland

Kids need birthday party spots that let them do what they do best: get busy. Your little wiggle worm will love showing off their true colors as they run, jump, and play on their special day at one of our favorite kids birthday party places. We’re lucky Portland has some great birthday venues that cater to kids who are constantly on the go, so get ready to book your child’s next party at a spot that lets kids be kids.

1. Nest Playground

This fun birthday party spot offers energetic kids the run of its indoor playground, rock climbing walls, and game room for an hour and 45 minutes. And if that's not enough, add on extra celebration activities such as dance parties, obstacle courses, Nintendo Switch Gaming Parties, and more. Private parties start at $300 for 10 children, with more guests allowed for $10 each.
6517 N.E. Sandy Blvd.

2. SuperPlay

If a combo party is what you're looking for, there's no better spot to find it than SuperPlay in Beaverton. Bowling. Laser Tag. Need we say more? Choose to play one or the other, or book a Deluxe Party Package ($199) and let the kids play both. Either way, they'll get their fill of active time on the lanes or chasing each other around the Laser Tag arena before settling in for pizza and cake. Arcade game cards and a sweet goodie bag are all part of the deal when you book a package here.

9300 S.W. Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy.
Beaverton, OR

3. The Wiggle Room

Wiggle is in the name! If you are the parent of a young, wiggly child then The Wiggle Room in North East Portland will give your little one plenty of room to run wild while parents can enjoy sitting back and watching. The play cafe offers their entire space for parties after hours on weekends. The space includes a two-story indoor play structure with a slide geared for children ages 2-7. Party rentals are $325 for up to for 15 kids during a two-hour block of time and include the entire 2,000 square foot space. You can also add on more guests at $10 each or include the new Unlimited Train Package for $20. Don't forget to bring socks.

1925 N.E. 42nd Ave., Suite C

4. Oaks Amusement Park

A few laps around the skating rink is sure to make any energetic child smile. The appeal of indoor skating rinks did not die off in the 90s. Skating birthday parties are just as popular (and exciting) as ever. Oaks Park has brought the fun since 1905, so they know how to throw a party. Skating parties begin at $190 and include session admission, conventional skates, 45 minutes at a reserved table, ice cream, cotton candy, soda, a loudspeaker birthday shout out, and a special gift for the birthday child.

7805 S.E. Oaks Park Way

Related: Best Places for Kids Birthday Parties in Portland

5. St. Johns Swapnplay

Whey should the big kids have all the fun? This spot is a must-try for tots, and not just because it's geared toward developmental play. When you rent the space for a kid's birthday party, you get everything you need to be the host with the most. When you reserve your spot (three different time slots available on Saturdays), you get full use of the indoor and outdoor playspaces, the indoor kitchen, and the River's Edge Party Room. Best part? You can invite up to 40 guests (anyone else thinking first birthday?). Members save on rental costs.

7525 N. Chicago Ave.

6. PlayDate PDX

PlayDate PDX is a fantastic party spot for people looking to let the kiddos loose while the adults in attendance have space to enjoy chatting over a good cup of coffee or glass of wine. Party packages start at $250 for 10 children (extra guests for $20 each) and include an hour and 45 minute private party space, paper goods, and admission to play on the three-story playground.

1434 N.W. 17th Ave.

Related: Portland Party Venues Perfect for Winter Birthdays

7. Echo Theater Company

What could be more exciting and engaging than a high-flying party full of trapeze, acrobatics, and more! Parties at Echo Theater include all of that fun stuff plus a physical theater class. The space offers several set party packages but also allows for flexible options if the guest of honor wants to get creative with their activity choices. Echo Theater Company parties are enjoyed by attendees from ages 3 to 100 (no really!) and create a unique party experience for the young and young-at-heart. Party packages begin at $245 for up to 10 participants.

1515 S.E. 37th Ave.

8. Portland Rock Gym

Try something different with the kids when you book a party at this city climbing studio. For $300 your kiddo and up to 11 friends can try their hand at rock climbing for 90 minutes, with the guidance of an experienced belayer leading the way. A party room is available for cake and presents if that's your kiddo's jam (included in the 90 minute party window), or you can book studio time and head back home to celebrate more when the kids are good and tired. Parties are booked on the weekends only and fill up fast.

21 N.E. 12th Ave.


9. GameTruck Party

Sometimes you just need the party to come to you. Game Truck Portland offers a variety of mobile party entertainment that can head straight over to your location. Whether you want a Video Game Party or your own LaserTag Arena, GameTruck’s unique mobile video gaming theaters and arenas can make your ultimate party wishes come true. In less than an hour they can transform your yard or park into a Laser Tag Field or, for the video game option, they bring the latest consoles including XBox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch. Party packages begin at $349.


Related: Outdoor Birthday Venues for Portland Kids

additional reporting by Dhyana Levey

Going on a family vacation is an event children look forward to, one that will light up their brains up with new discoveries and help them uncoil and enjoy life. If you’re still not sure it’s worth the cost of a plane ticket to take your family on a trip, consider these 11 reasons for why you should take a family vacation below. 

photo: Muhammad Rahmat via Pexels 

1. Your kids will learn to be flexible.
Sometimes, you just have to muscle through the whining at restaurants, the schlepping of diaper bags, time changes and everything else that goes along with wayfaring with young kids in tow. Why? Because, eventually, you’ll have well-traveled, flexible children who can behave at a nice restaurant, make eye contact with adults and enjoy pleasant conversations. The more you expose your children to the outside world, full of different cultures, foods and ways of life, the more your children will become adaptable and amenable.

2. Kids can express themselves.
When traveling with their children, parents are dialed into the child’s experience. They are asking questions, listening to answers and teaching their kids how to think deeper about what they are experiencing. Getting out of the ordinary routine allows parents to interact with their kids in a way that they can’t do as readily at home. 

photo: Josh Willink via Pexels

3. Learning is more fun on vacation.
Can you learn about architecture, art, geography, culture and history from a book? Of course. But, wouldn’t the information stick better if you actually saw it, could feel it drip through your fingers, smell it, walk up the stone steps, taste the spicy seasoning, press your nose to the glass and see the thick brush strokes on the canvas? When kids use all five senses, they’re more engaged and present. Travel affords us the opportunity to see, think and feel deeper.

4. Everyone will have a different takeaway to share. 
Traveling with your family is like investing in different stories—everyone will come away with their own perspective from the same experience. Your son might say the best part of the trip was the Mallard ducks in the pond that he got to feed, while you might recall the surrey bike that got stuck in the mud, forcing you to get your white sneakers dirty (there were ducks in that pond?). Retelling these stories year after year will bring your family great joy, especially if you can laugh at any unfortunate happenings.

photo: vitaliy-m via Pixabay

5. They’ll learn how to be more social.
Kids learn how to interact with people of all ages while traveling. They’ll talk to servers at restaurants, hotel staff, hikers on the trail, new kids at the pool, elderly folks at the airport—traveling creates wonderful opportunities to interact with the world around us. Your children will learn that they are not invisible, that people can actually hear and see them, and that they have to respect other people’s space and property. Talking too loudly in a museum, stepping on someone’s beach towel with dirty feet or taking up too much space in the elevator all become lessons on how to be mindful and kind to others.

6. Travel teaches patience.
When out and about, the hurry-up-and-wait game is often the M.O. Kids will have to wait in lines, be strapped into a stroller, sit on a curb to wait for a cab, run with gear to make a flight or train connection, walk longer than expected, and be patient while parents are talking to other adults. These experiences help teach kids how to be tolerant, resilient and easy-going.

photo: Biova Nakou via Pexels

7. It also kindles the power of passion.
Traveling can spark passion in your child, and it encourages them to want to learn. A trip to the Kennedy Space Center might ignite a love of space; visiting the sponge docks in Tarpon Springs, Florida, might create an interest in sea life and diving; and exploring the Natural Bridge Caverns and Missions in San Antonio might generate a craving for adventure. No matter where you go or what you do, traveling somewhere together will give your family opportunities to delve into different enriched environments, full of various sights, sounds and smells.

8. They’ll learn that experiences are more valuable than stuff.
Many parents feel like their homes are overrun with toys scattered everywhere, and according to this study, an excess of toys may obstruct a child’s growth, behavior and ability to use their imagination during creative play. Perhaps a better option is to donate some of the toys to encourage giving and focus on finding ways to provide your kids more meaningful experiences. Children will value the time spent with their family while on a vacation long after the trip is over, which means it’s money well spent.

photo: Pixabay via Pexels

9. Vacations usually include the great outdoors.
Whether you’re sticking your toes in warm sand, swimming in a choppy lake, hiking through a forest of oak trees, or skiing down the slopes, getting outside will provide enriching experiences for your kids. Kids have no problem keeping themselves busy exploring the outdoors. A stick becomes a sword, the sand becomes a castle, water becomes an antagonist to punch and jump over—creative play is instant and intrinsic.

10. Everyone will be faced with challenges…which is a good thing.
There’s always a risk that travel will not go smoothly: Planes get delayed, flights get canceled, drivers get lost. You may have forgotten to pack an essential lovey or pair of socks. All of these challenges provide opportunities to teach your kids about problem-solving and working together toward a common goal. You might find that your older child steps up and comforts your younger child or that your middle kid is flexible beyond what you thought was possible.

photo: Markus Spiske via Pexels

11. You’ll be able to fill up the family happiness bank.
The emotional, social, and psychological perks of family vacations extend long after the trip is over. If you were to ask the adults in your life what their happiest childhood memories were, they’d likely recount a family trip. Your uncle might say it was the time his parents rented an RV and drove to a national park; your mom might say she loved swimming in the hotel pool with her siblings. Thinking back to their own happiest vacation memories can be a powerful tool for your children when they are going through a tough time—reflecting on magical excursions experienced as a family may bring them a sense of comfort.


— Wendy Altschuler & Eva Ingvarson Cerise



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Whether decked out with the latest technology or small enough to travel with, there are more options than ever for this must-have baby gear. Read on for eight of the best baby swings out there, from brands you love like Graco, Nuna, 4moms, Fisher-Price and more.

Graco Simple Sway Swing


The Simple Sway has all the features of a classic baby swing. The side-to-side sway has six speeds and the vibration features two speeds, so you can customize your baby’s movement experience. Engage your little one’s eyes and ears with a hanging mobile and a choice of 15 sounds and songs. It can run on battery or plug in for your convenience.

Available at, $100.

Munchkin Bluetooth-Enabled Swing


For the latest in high-tech baby gear, the Munchkin swing uses Bluetooth to stream baby’s favorite playlist from your phone to the swing’s speaker system. Or you can play preloaded ambient sounds and classical music to soothe your newborn. The swaying motion mimics the natural motion of parents. It can all be controlled by the sleek digital touch display or by remote. The lightweight design makes it easily to move around, and it breaks down for quick storage.

Available at, $190.


Ingenuity Comfort 2 Go Portable Swing


This Ingenuity Comfort swing offers both portability and affordability with all the features you need. It has eight melodies, three nature sounds, and a removable hanging toy. The reclining seat adjusts to two positions. The six-speed swinging action features TrueSpeed Technology that keeps the swinging speed consistent as baby grows. It runs on batteries and folds up compactly so it's great for travel.

Available at, $60.

Fisher-Price Cradle 'n Swing


With the classic head-to-toe rocking or the soothing side-to-side motion, this swing has an option sure to please baby. The mobile is motorized and includes a dome mirror. The seat pad and plush insert are machine-washable, so you don’t have to worry about messes. It includes foldable legs for storage and traveling and has plug-in or battery power to make it a versatile baby product.

Nuna Leaf Grow


The Nuna is a motor-free swing that grows with your child from newborn to toddler. A gentle nudge will set the swing silently swaying for up to two minutes. The three-point harness can be removed to turn the baby swing into a comfy toddler seat. The fabric insert is certified organic and free of harmful substances. The chair can lock into place for use in feeding or playtime.

Available at, $300.

Bright Starts Portable Compact Swing

Bright Starts

The WhisperQuiet technology on this swing makes for a quiet ride, unless you want to play one of six tunes. The toys that hang from the removable toy bar are detachable for takeaway play, and the seat includes tags for extra play and soothing. The lightweight design allows for easy folding, storage and transport. The swing adapts to baby’s changing weight, so the six speeds never feel too slow or fast.

Available at, $50.

4moms mamaRoo4 Infant Seat


The futuristic design of the mamaRoo4 seat will fit in with any modern baby’s lifestyle. The five unique rocking and bouncing motions comfort little ones just like parents do. Listen to the built-in sounds or connect to any MP3 devices for baby’s musical favorites. The three fabric options—a soft plush, smooth polyester, or breathable fabric—are all machine-washable.

Available at, $240.

Graco Glider LX Gliding Swing


Similar to sitting in a nursery glider with you, the motion of this swing is a smooth ride for baby. In addition to different gliding speeds, there is a two-speed vibration mode. A timer makes sure the glider is on only when you want it to be, and it can be plugged in or run on batteries. Music and an overhead toy bar all help keep little ones entertained.

Available at, $190.


—Katie L. Carroll


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Freebie alert! Starbucks is kicking the holiday season off right with a red cup giveaway.

On Thur. Nov. 18, you can get your free limited-edition reusable red cup when you order a handcrafted holiday or fall beverage at participating U.S. Starbucks locations. But take note, quantities are limited and only while supplies last. 

photo: Starbucks

So is there trick to getting your red cup? While you can go the traditional route of placing your order at your corner Starbucks, you can also get your cup by doing a mobile order and pickup, curbside pickup and through delivery on Uber Eats which may cut down on the mad dash.

If you are lucky enough to grab one, you’ll note the cup honors the 50th Anniversary of Starbucks and is made from 50% recycled content.

––Karly Wood



Hot Dog Flavored Turkeys Are Here to Win(?) Thanksgiving

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but they can also make for an awesome craft project. We’ve rounded up a bunch of cool art activities that incorporate sticks, twigs and leaves so you can bring the outdoors into your art-making. Read on to get the scoop on these fun nature-inspired art projects for kids.

A Journey Stick

Growing Family

We love this outdoor activity from Growing Family. Go on a nature walk and create a journey stick filled with things you’ve seen along the way, like leaves, flowers or twigs that have fallen to the ground. Get all the details on how to make your own by clicking here.

Make a Mobile

The Ladybirds’ Adventures

Turn a stick into a fun piece of room decor with this idea from The Ladybirds’ Adventures. Homemade pom poms give the mobile a whimsical look, and they’re fun to make too. To get the scoop on how it’s done, click here.

Weave a Web

Kitchen Counter Chronicles

Gather up a few sticks and some twine and make these fun spider webs from Kitchen Counter Chronicles. You can even make some spiders to hang out on the webs, too—click here to get the instructions.

Spell It Out

Preschool Toolkit

Go on the hunt for twigs in your backyard for this activity from Preschool Toolkit. Kids can practice their fine motor skills as they write out the letters of the alphabet. To learn more about this activity, click here.

A Natural Canvas

Homegrown Friends

Did you lose a tree limb in the last storm? Before you drag it to the street, reserve the best parts and saw off a few slices. Easy to do and ideal for gift-giving, find out more about this beautiful idea over at Homegrown Friends.

Sail Away

Julie Seguss

There’s nothing like creating your own craft, then sending it on a maiden voyage. With a few sticks, a low-temp hot glue gun, twine, and construction paper, your little sailors can watch their own boat sail the high seas. Grab the how-to by clicking here.

Heart Art

Ellen’s Daily Heart

This one touches our hearts. Your little artists will have fun painting the sticks—which should be shaped and sized before the painting starts—all you’ll need to do is use low gauge craft wire to bind them together. We recommend wrapping the wire from the bottom to the top, then from right to left. Get a better view over at Ellen’s Daily Heart.

Wood Play


Make your own Reggio-inspired stacking blocks by slicing, sanding, and sealing wood pieces with a little beeswax to preserve their natural form. And, the best part? These DIY toys are perfect for indoor or outdoor play. Head to Adventure-in-a-Box for a great tutorial.

Wonderful Weave

Natural Suburbia

Hello, beautiful. This gorgeous craft is best left to your older kids and may take some time, but it's well worth the effort! An easy tutorial, including tricks for keeping the stick steady, can be found over at Natural Suburbia.

Teeny, Tiny Houses

Gabby Cullen

Have your scouts gather the best sticks, leaves, flowers, and rocks, then sit back, relax, and watch them build houses for woodland fairy folk. Want to know the trick to getting the roof just right? Shove the sturdiest sticks deep into the ground and layer long sticks and leaves on top. Take a peek at our favorite fairy houses by clicking here.

Magic Trees

Ann Harquail

This one is so simple but so brilliant. Gather branches, sand, empty pots and scraps of fabric, then let your kids decorate to their heart's content!

Chime In

Happy Hooligans

This bright and cheery wood chime project is easy to re-create. Your little naturalists can collect their own materials—all you’ll need to do is insert the hook and attach the string. Get the tutorial from Jackie, the creative curator of Happy Hooligans.

Stick Around


There is all manner of stick folk to be found on craft blogs, but we are in love with the ones created by Georgina and crew over at Craftulate. You won’t need much prep in the way of materials with this one; the biggest challenge may be picking sticks in your own likeness. Head over to Craftulate for the how-to.


—Susie Foresman & Gabby Cullen


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