Say it with us, “I’m going easy on myself today”

Parenting is no walk in the park, and sometimes it feels like the cards are stacked against us: work, dealing with tantrums (be it your toddler or tween), laundry, inflation on just about everything. That’s why it is more important than ever to offer some positive reinforcement… to yourself! We talked to the experts and came up with 15 positive affirmations to write down, display, or pull out on the days or in the moments when you need a lift.

Why positive affirmations can make you a better parent

We asked renowned parenting expert Reena B. Patel why positive affirmations matter. Patel, who is also a licensed educational psychologist, board-certified behavior analyst, and the author of Winnie & Her Worries, reminds us that positive affirmations are rooted in positive psychology. “Positive, simple statements help shift your focus away from perceived failures and direct your focus toward your strengths,” says Patel. “We believe and act upon what we think, thus leading to self-fulfilling prophecies if we focus only on what we are not good at. There is power in positive thinking. Positive emotions are linked with better health, longer life, and greater well-being.”

Patel also suggests that, whenever possible, parents try to state their affirmation while looking at themselves in the mirror, and by saying the statement multiple times a day (at least three is ideal). Use positive “I’ statements and place a visual of the words in an area that you can see daily as a reminder, she adds.

1. I am a good parent. It’s easy to criticize ourselves and focus on how we think we’re failing as a mom or dad. But parenting is tough, and we’re all doing the best we can. Acknowledge that fact, and tell yourself out loud, every day, that you’re a good parent.

2. Loving myself is the greatest gift I can give to my child. Kids are sponges and they learn from us. So if your kiddos know you appreciate yourself, they will learn to love themselves. That’s one of the greatest gifts we can give our kids.

3. I’m not perfect. We all know that nobody is perfect. But we place a big expectation on ourselves as parents to be pretty close to it. Repeating that mantra is a great reminder that it’s okay to be human, not to be perfect.

4. I can only control myself. It’s so hard, but one of the best ways to help kids grow emotionally is to exhibit mature behavior. Debbie Pincus, MS LMHC, says, “When we react emotionally to our kids and lose control, we’re allowing our kids to determine how we behave rather than the other way around.” Next time your kid throws a massive fit, try to stay calm and see what happens.

5. I am willing to learn and grow. Patel reminds us that it is critical to embrace change and growth, even when things seem tough. After all, it’s what we’d tell our kids, right?
6. Today is a new day. It’s easy to focus on how yesterday was a bad day. Sanah Rizvi, the founder of The Psych Way, suggests shifting the self-talk to focus on how every day is a chance to make progress toward what you want and the person you want to be.

7. I’m doing the best I can do. At the end of the day, that’s all we can do. Repeating that mantra every day will help you accept it as truth.

8. I make good decisions for my kids. This positive affirmation is a tough one to remember, especially when little ones are very vocal about making their displeasure with our decisions known. Parent Trust points out that moms and dads know they’re making the right choices for their kids. Embrace it and repeat the statement to yourself as a reminder.

9. I’m going easy on myself today. Permit yourself to take it easy. Say it out loud and grow comfortable with the idea.

10. It’s okay to ask for help, and what’s more, I deserve it. It’s time to take control of your needs and be OKAY with asking for help. You’ll be surprised to find out how many people are willing to step up if you just ask them.

11. Parenting is exhausting. Every parent knows this statement to be true. Writer Lauren Tamm suggests repeating this mantra as a reminder that taking care of kids is hard work. No wonder we’re so tired at the end of the day!

12. I am loved. Motherhood can be a thankless job, and little ones aren’t known for their compliments. Parent coach and family therapist Nicole Schwarz reminds moms that even though their kids may not say it, they really do feel that way. You just may need to put words to it.

13. I am what my kiddo needs. At the end of the day, there’s nothing else that’s as true as that statement.

14. It won’t always be like this. The one thing we know for sure is that hardships always pass. From colicky babies to navigating social media with tweens, one day, you’ll find yourself on the other side.

15. I do not need to compare. ” I know my kids the best, and comparisons do not serve me. If I notice myself comparing, I will quickly let it go,” Patel says. And that’s a lead worth following.

—with additional reporting by Leah Singer

In 2024, most children have a digital footprint before they’re even born. While sharing images online can be a way to keep distant friends and relatives up to date on your child’s milestones, there’s a difference between sharing and oversharing. The “Sharenting” (parents oversharing on social media) trend is still on the rise but many parents are starting to reconsider where and how often they share images of their kids online.

A new report by the Australian Institute of Criminology has reinforced the need to play it safe where photos of kids are concerned. In a survey of more than 4,000 Aussies who had engaged in sharenting, 2.8% had received requests from predators wanting sexual photos of children on their feeds. Some were pressured, while others were offered payment, all in the hopes of getting parents to help facilitate childhood sexual exploitation (CSE). Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus summed it up well: “No parent would ever hand a photo album of their children to a stranger and the same care should apply to photos posted online.”

So, what should you think about before posting pics of your kiddos on social media? Experts have weighed in on everything from personal privacy to online safety. Keep reading to find out what they had to say.

Think Twice Before Posting Embarrassing Photos

While you might think your toddler having a tantrum or your tween misbehaving is so hilarious that you have to share it on social media, putting anything online leaves a permanent trail that will follow your kids for the rest of their lives. "Not only is this kind of oversharing disrespectful to your child, but you should also consider how these types of images or videos will be perceived by others, and the impact it could have on your kid when he/she is older," says parenting expert and author of Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids, Dr. Laura Markham. If it's on the internet, as well as the possibility of humiliating them later in life, there's a chance it could be seen by school bullies, college admissions officers, and future employers. Next time, ask yourself how you would feel if it was you in the photo instead.

Consider the Message You Are Giving Your Kids

As parents, we are constantly telling our kids about the risks of using social media and teaching them about online safety, but then ignore our own advice when posting photos of them. "It's our job to teach and model online literacy and safety," says Markham. "When children grow up routinely seeing photos of themselves online, they think it's the norm. We're inadvertently teaching them that they have no privacy and no control over their online image."

Related: “Sharenting” Could Have Damaging Effects on Your Kids

mom engaging in sharenting

Be Mindful of Giving Away Personal Information

According to a UK study by Parent Zone and Nominet, the average parents share almost 1,000 photos of their kids online before their 5th birthday. Many parents announce the birth of their babies all over social media, while some go one step further and hashtag their kids' names or even set up Instagram accounts for their little darlings before they can even talk. While it's kinda cute, all someone needs is a name, date of birth, and address, which they can get using a geotagged photo, and this can put youngsters at risk of identity theft and digital kidnapping, which is when someone uses photos and details of someone else's kids and pretends they are their own. According to a national internet safety expert, Katie Greer, if your kids are searchable, anyone can find out anything about them. "To maximize the online safety of your child, limit the information you share about them," she says.

Avoid Posting Photos of Your Kids in the Nude

That photo of your little angels in the bath, running around the yard in the nude, or even in their underwear might be adorable to you, but once you post it, you no longer have control over it, and anyone can do what they want with it. "There is a chance this kind of photo could end up in unintended hands. Even using seemingly harmless hashtags like #pottytraining or #bathtime can also attract the attention of the wrong people," says Greer. "Your kids' online safety is paramount, so to keep things simple, keep their clothes on."

a little girl posing on the first day of school outside her house for a story on sharenting

Be Wary of Revealing Locations and Routines

It's surprisingly easy to track people using the information you can get from photos posted online. To protect your kids from potentially being discovered by child predators, Justin Lavelle, a leading expert on online safety and scam prevention and Chief Communications Officer with recommends turning off geotagging and location services and never posting details about where you live, including your address. "Avoid tagging the locations of places you and/or your children may be at frequently and crop out backgrounds with recognizable landmarks. First day of school? Take a picture at home with them in their new backpack, not in front of the school building with the name clearly visible," he says. "Do not advertise their routines and wait a few days before posting photos of birthday trips or visits to the park."

Get Permission to Post

While some might argue that parents have every right to post family photos, kids don't ask for such public childhoods. While babies and toddlers generally have no say in what mom or dad posts, tweens, teens, and even younger kids often feel their parents share too much about them online without their consent (and they're even covering their noses in family photos to fight back). Take Gwyneth Paltrow's daughter, Apple, who, after seeing that her mother had posted a selfie of the two of them without her permission, reportedly called her out in the comments. "While you might think it's your right to post what you want on social media when you ask kids, many don't want photos of them to be put online," says Dr. Laura Markham. "Our children have a right to decide what is posted about them and deserve not to have their privacy violated by us. It's important to get their approval first."

Related: New Study Sheds Light On Sharenting

mom of newborn should know the danger of sharenting

Beware of the Backlash

When you're posting photos of your kids online, especially in the public domain for all to see, it's important to consider what the people who see the photos might think. They might not like it for all sorts of reasons and will be happy to tell you exactly how they feel. This can be very hurtful. There are many instances where people have been attacked for oversharing on social media. In 2019, Pink appeared on The Ellen Show and explained why she had stopped sharing photos of her children after getting comments attacking her for posting a photo of one of her kids without a diaper. 

Pay Attention to Your Privacy Settings

If you're going to post photos on social media, then check your privacy settings regularly. According to the Child Rescue Coalition, 89 percent of parents haven't checked their privacy settings in over a year. Facebook, Instagram, and other social media apps all have different settings. Without realizing it, you may be sharing your photos with the general public, aka strangers. Also bear in mind that the friends and family you share your photos with may have different privacy settings, which means they could potentially share your photos, too. "Public posting means anyone, anywhere can see it," says Lavelle. "Keep your posts private, set your profiles to private, and make sure your posts are only visible to a custom audience of friends and family."

sharenting mom taking a selfie with her son

Consider the Bigger Picture

No one knows what happens with all the photos once they have been posted on social media. Take Facebook (which also owns Instagram and Whatsapp), which has been all over the news due to data breaches and their handling of personal information. Do you want these big corporations to have access to all sorts of data on your kids that you inadvertently supply? "While it's wonderful that technology allows us to be connected with family and friends around the world using social media and other photo-sharing apps, there is so much we don’t know," says Lavelle. "It comes down to common sense, smart-decision making, and being careful what you post." 

Be Present in the Moment

When your child is performing in a show or playing in a match, of course, you want to capture every proud moment on camera so you can share it with family, friends (and maybe the whole world). We've all done it. But your kids see you with your phone in front of your face instead of watching them, and you won't be able to focus on what they're doing. Next time, put your phone away, watch, and be proud. Your kiddos will love that they have your undivided attention, and you will be able to enjoy the experience much more.

Related: Dear Moms “Oversharing” On Social Media: I See You

Consider Private Social Networks

As mainstream platforms like Facebook and Instagram come under fire, private social apps—like the one we offer at TinyBeans—are gaining ground for their privacy and security features. Our app offers parents a safe space to share photos, milestones, and other special moments with close family and friends. So you can go ahead and make a proud grandparent's day without worrying about those images getting into the wrong hands. 

Simple things like “let’s count to 20 together” really work

While occasional anxiety and nervousness are perfectly normal feelings for many kids—especially in reaction to new or unfamiliar situations—some may experience persistent or extreme forms of fear or sadness. One in four children will experience anxiety disorders in their lifetime, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported that anxiety and depression among kids ages three to 17 have increased over time. How can parents help? We can get them to express their worries by using phrases that’ll help calm an anxious child in various situations.

What to Say When They Have School Anxiety

school can be scary for an anxious child.
Jerry Wang via Unsplash

School-related anxiety is so common in children that it often masquerades as other ailments. Whether your child suddenly complains of a headache or an upset stomach just before going to school or starts to act out at the mention of homework, there’s a good chance they're likely experiencing school anxiety. Here’s what you can say to help:

“Remind me what your favorite subjects or activities at school are.”
By redirecting your child’s attention to things that they care about at school—like favorite subjects and school activities—they can focus on the positives instead of worrying about the bad stuff.

“Let’s take a few deep breaths together.”
Modeling calming behaviors will show your child that there are better ways to regulate their emotions than acting out.

“What are you most looking forward to learning at school?”
Similar to asking about the things they enjoy at school, encouraging your child to anticipate all of the good things in their upcoming day can help to build new habits and associate new feelings about school.

“Have you gone through your checklist for the day?”
It’s useful to develop a checklist to help your child gain a greater sense of control over her daily schedule and activities.

“How can I help you feel better?”
By offering your support, your child will know that you recognize their school anxiety is real and that you are there to help.

What to Say When They Have Crowd Anxiety

Toa Heftiba via Unsplash

Fear of the unknown can trigger anxiety in people of all ages, but for children especially, the experience of being in large unfamiliar crowds can be overwhelming. Whether it’s at an airport or a sports stadium, being little among a group of strangers can induce anxiety. Here are a few things to tell your crowd-nervous kid:

“I’m right here with you. You are safe.”
Reassuring your anxious child that they are safe with you will go a long way to allay their fears, whether they are real or imagined. 

“Let’s count to 20 together.”
Offer up different coping skills to your child, such as taking a moment to calm down.

“Many things are going on, but focus only on what’s in front of you.”
An overwhelmed child may experience sensory overload, so encouraging them to focus on something small may help to block out external distractions.

“I know this can feel scary.”
Validating your nervous child’s concerns will let them know you care and are listening to them.

“Everything is OK, this moment will pass.”
Remind your child that their feelings are real, but the scary moment is temporary and eventually will pass.

What to Say When They Have New Experiences Anxiety

This anxious child is expressing himself.
Luz Fuertes via Unsplash

Trying something new for the first time often requires a leap of faith, which either can be thrillingly fun or can stir butterflies in the pit of your stomach. An anxious child may be prone to over-thinking how a new experience will play out. Here are some statements to help your kid get through something new:

“Tell me what you think will happen next.”
Anxiety about new experiences is often correlated with feeling a loss of control. Encouraging your anxious child to think about what will happen next may help them imagine a situation in which they have greater control.

“Tell me what you’re looking forward to seeing.”
Emphasizing the positive possibilities of a new experience can help your child discover something fun to look forward to.

“The scary part will pass.”
Remind your frightened child that the scary parts of new experiences are temporary and will eventually pass. 

“What can we explore together?”
Tell your child that you are in this together.

“You are brave—you got this.”
Offer words of encouragement to help your anxious child recognize the strength they already possess.

What to Say When They Have Performance Anxiety

Talking to an anxious child about sports.
NeONBRAND via Unsplash

Whether it’s stage fright or the onset of nerves during sporting activities, kids can sometimes feel overwhelmed when they need to perform. Parents can help guide their children through this kind of anxiety with a few simple words of encouragement:

“It’s OK to be nervous.”
Remind your child that nerves are natural stress responses, and it’s OK to rechannel feelings of nervousness into something that they can control.

“Tell yourself, ‘I can do this!’ ”
Foster your child’s belief that they can do whatever they set their mind to doing.

Make a battle cry for yourself: “I am invincible!”
Creating a battle cry can help to shore up your child’s confidence and encourage them to tap into their inner strengths.

“What’s the worst thing that could happen?
Encouraging your nervous child to imagine worst-case scenarios may seem counter-intuitive, but allowing them to think through all of the various situations that could occur may help them gain a better understanding of how they would respond in each case.

“Just do your best. I’m already proud of you.”
Assure your anxious child that you support their efforts, regardless of the outcome.

Family Anxiety

A large family reunion, which can be scary for an anxious child.
Tyler Nix via Unsplash

Visiting relatives can be difficult for some kids, especially if it’s been a while since their last visit. Children like structure and routine, and when day-to-day routines are broken by visiting relatives, kids who are prone to anxiety may panic. Here’s what to say to them:

“Tell me about how you’re feeling.”
Listen to what your nervous child has to say. Acknowledge their feelings and work with them to learn coping skills that will help them feel better.

“I get anxious sometimes, too.”
Demonstrate that you are empathetic to your child’s feelings by talking about the things that make you anxious.

“What do you need from me?”
Your child may need something as simple as a few words of support or a hug, but asking them what they need at the moment can help assure them that you are responsive to their needs.

“Let’s take a moment for ourselves.”
Don’t be afraid to give your child and yourself a time out from whatever hecticness is occurring with family visits.

“I can’t wait until …”
Talk to your anxious child about what you’re looking forward to, whether it’s spending time with grandma and grandpa or going on a family vacation.

WalletHub’s annual report shows where working moms have the best access to childcare and professional opportunities

Women make up almost half of the U.S. workforce, and 73 percent of women with children under 18 were working in 2022. But despite the fact that being a working parent is the reality for the majority of moms in this country, it still isn’t an easy path. Working moms face discrimination, pay inequality, and other battles that should be a thing of the past, but sadly, still aren’t. Only 8.2 percent of S&P 500 companies’ chief executives are women, and women still only earn, on average, 82 percent of what men do (that’s white women, for the record—the gap is much larger for women of color). And even across the United States, the playing field isn’t equal for working moms—that’s where WalletHub’s new study comes in.

Each year, the finance site ranks U.S. states to determine which ones are the best (and worst) for working moms. Its 2023 rankings are in, and the results may surprise you. Ready to pack your bags? These 10 states are considered the best places to be a working mom:

1. Massachusetts
2. Rhode Island
3. Connecticut
4. District of Columbia
5. Wisconsin
6. Minnesota
7. Vermont
8. New Jersey
9. Maine
10. Delaware

On the flip side, these 10 states are considered the worst:

42. Arizona
43. Nevada
44. Oklahoma
45. New Mexico
46. Idaho
47. West Virginia
48. Mississippi
49. Alabama
50. South Carolina
51. Louisiana

To determine its rankings, WalletHub looks at three main factors that greatly impact the quality of life (and work) for working moms: child care, professional opportunities, and work-life balance. Each state is given scores based on things like the cost of daycare, how many pediatricians it has per capita, its gender pay gap, ratio of female-to-male executives, parental leave policies, and more.

“Working parents (not just mothers) need to be not only welcomed into, but really driving the conversations about how to rethink workplace culture, workforce expectations, and work-life negotiation,” said Jennifer L. Borda, a professor of communication at the University of New Hampshire and one of the experts consulted on the study. “There is a diverse population caring for children now, so being attuned to how different workers have different needs and how those needs may shift and evolve over time. For example, LGBTQ+ workers may have different needs than cisgender/heterosexual couples… Work should not be, can no longer be, one size fits all.”

Life has certainly been far from normal. Usually, children are well into their regular school routine at this time of year, but with the pandemic defining every parent’s “new normal,” many children have not yet made the full transition, and their sleep is suffering. Let’s throw in daylight savings, travel, or a sickness, and even the best sleepers can find themselves disrupted. In my practice as a pediatric sleep consultant, I have seen a significant increase in preschool sleeping issues over the last several months, which I believe directly correlates to the lack of physical and mental stimulation children are receiving during the day. Like many families, you may be finding yourself scrambling to get your family back into a healthy sleep routine.

Create a Bedtime Routine 

I always suggest to my clients that they have a “timed routine” which means to have a set time for bed and not just allow children to fall asleep when they seem tired. This can result in bedtime being far too late for their age. Last spring, and over the summer, a lot of families were struggling to figure out their new “normal.” Sleep was all over the map as parents tried to balance working from home and keeping their children entertained. Now that school is back in session, it’s essential to maintain a regular bedtime routine that works for your family. Children of all ages do best with consistency so, that’s why a predictable, nightly routine can be the key to a good night’s sleep.

Start with turning off screens at least an hour before bedtime (blue light from screens can delay melatonin), wind down with bath/shower time, or perhaps washing up at the sink, pajamas followed by brushing teeth. Then move to the bedroom and dim the lights for a few books. At this point, your child can climb into bed and it should take them about 20 or so minutes to fall asleep if bedtime is at an appropriate time. Keep in mind that overtired and under-tired children may struggle more to fall asleep, so keep an eye on that clock! Wake times will vary based on your child’s age and activity levels. Try and stick to this schedule as much as possible but recognize that it’s common to deviate on occasion. After all, sometimes it’s fun to be spontaneous!

Utilize Outside Sleep Resources

You may need to utilize outside resources to help your child wind down before bedtime. Guided meditations and yoga are excellent ways to have your child calm their bodies and minds and settle prior to climbing in bed. Some children are so wound up from their day, especially if they’ve been on screens for a large part of it, and they need a little physical outlet that also helps relax them. Consider reading to your child every single night; not only is it a great part of the wind down routine, but it also promotes early literacy. So, it’s a win-win!

Call in Sleep Reinforcements 

If you’ve established a good routine, you are using your outside resources, but bedtime is still a struggle, then it is ok to get back on track with the help of a melatonin supplement. Melatonin is the hormone released by your body that aids in sleep. Under the supervision of your pediatrician, this can be used for a short period of time to help supplement your child’s natural melatonin production if their bedtime has gotten far off track. The best way to use melatonin is after you’ve tried to implement a steady routine for at least a week since the majority of children benefit most from routine and consistency.

—Nicole Cannon,

Nicole is a sleep consultant and mom of 3 boys with a baby on the way. She's a member of the Association of Professional Sleep Consultants and has certifications in Infant Mental Health and Maternal Mental Health. Nicole views sleep holistically, addressing all elements in a child’s life that could prevent him/her from sleeping well.

Gone are the days where having a strong vocabulary only mattered on the SAT. Kids today—now, more than ever—need a solid vocabulary, not only for success in school, but also to express themselves in a way that empowers them to make an impact on the world around them. According to Boston Children’s Hospital, the most important thing you can do to help a child experiencing heightened stress and anxiety is to listen to them. And if they have the vocabulary (and emotional awareness) to express themselves, you’ve equipped them to take control of that situation. So whether you’re motivated to build toddler language development for school success or for social and emotional reasons, you’re winning at parenting. And these language development games and activities for kids can help you do it.

1. Read Together

We’ll bet you’re already practicing this toddler language development strategy in your home without even realizing it. According to Sandra Gatlin, a fourth-grade teacher with over 30 years of experience, “The key to a broad vocabulary is to foster a love of reading in your child. Whether from reading together as toddlers, or listening to them read to you as they develop their abilities, you cannot find a better way to expand your vocabulary.”

Extra Credit: Don’t stop reading to your kids, even after they can do it on their own. Choose a book that interests them that’s above their reading level, and “talk about what you’re reading, so you can work on comprehension, too,” adds Gatlin.

Related: 40 of the Very Best Books for Toddlers

2. Go Hunting for Sight Words with Nerf Guns

“My son doesn’t want to look at a workbook or sit still after he’s been at school all day,” mom and educator extraordinaire, Anne Hart, says. So she wrote sight words on Post-It notes and stuck them on the ceiling, near the baseboards, and behind doors throughout her house. Now, her son picks up a Nerf gun and gets prizes for shooting the right word that Hart calls out. We love this strategy that supports toddler language development and makes it fun in the process.

Extra Credit: Don’t stop at sight words. You can play this game with vocabulary words and definitions. Just write the word on the Post-It note, and read the definition out to your hunter, who’ll go “hunting” for the correct word.

3. Match and Go Seek

Another great toddler language development game, match and go seek, also involves Post-It notes. Make two copies of each word, then give one stack to your child, and place the other notes on corresponding items. For instance, give your child a Post-It note with the word “tree” written on it, then place another one on the trunk of a tree in the backyard. Get more creative and advanced as his or her vocabulary grows.

Extra Credit: The National Center on Improving Literacy reports that “remote literacy learning includes a mixture of literacy learning experiences that are teacher-led, family-led, and student-led. Parents have an important role in helping develop your child’s literacy skills.” Your involvement in growing your child’s vocabulary has never been more important.

two parents play on the best with a baby working on language development

4. Talk to Your Children

Tracy Cutchlow, author of Zero to Five: 70 Essential Parenting Tips Based on Science, says three-year-olds with whom parents regularly engage in contextualized conversation have IQs 150% greater than those whose parents don’t talk to them. And, since your child’s vocabulary can quadruple in their second year of life, you can’t start too early when it comes to talking to them.

Extra Credit: “It’s hard to know what to say to someone who doesn’t talk back,” says Atlanta preschool director Nancy Hill. “But I used to talk to my daughter so much when she was an infant that I’d be startled when my husband would come home and actually talk back to me!” She suggests listening to the sounds around you—like a bird tweeting, a truck rumbling, or a dog barking—then repeating the sound and labeling it as “bird,” “truck,” or “dog.”

5. Introduce Sneaky Synonyms

When your child tells you something, respond in a way that introduces a synonym for the word they used. For example, if your child says that the dog was “really big,” you might reply and say it sounds “gigantic.” Reading Rockets, a website dedicated to helping kids learn to read, suggests that parents keep new words active since kids learn by repetition and practice. Don’t just say it once. Instead, find ways to work it into your conversation multiple times.

Extra Credit: Kids love telling stories. Give them a topic and have them tell you a story about it. This gives you ample opportunities to introduce sneaky synonyms in an organic way.

a toddler sits on her mom's lap with her dad nearby, smiling and talking working on language development

6. Use Word Play in Favorite Songs

Rhymes have always been used as a tool in learning, so it’s no surprise that kids love changing the lyrics for favorite songs. “When ‘Old Town Road’ was being played all the time on the radio, I changed the lyrics to I’m gonna take my mom to the grocery store, she’s gonna shop like she can’t no more…My kids caught on, and every time the song came on we’d make up a new grocery list, instead of singing the song’s actual lyrics,” said mother of four Renee Stafford.

Extra Credit: Along the same lines, you can kill plenty of time on long car rides by making a collaborative poem. One person starts the poem, then the next person adds a line, and on.

Related: Spotify Playlists for Babies & Toddlers That Parents Will Actually Enjoy 

7. Write Stories

“Verbal and written vocabularies often don’t match up, with verbal vocabulary being stronger for many years because of the help of context clues within sentence structure,” says Prof. of Early Childhood Education and Literacy Meredith Cristofferson. One way to help bridge the gap? Have your kids write their own stories. It’s like working your back muscles to improve your abdomen’s strength. Creating context for words helps you develop your use of words, and helps you look for new ways to represent ideas.

Extra Credit: Give your kids a word bank and ask them to write a story using the words you’ve given them. Be sure and provide them with a list of verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs.

Related: Life Sentence: 6 Ways to Write a Story with Kids

Want to get the details on the UPS holiday shipping deadlines? We have answers

You’ve picked out the cutest things for your favorite preschoolers, grade school kids, and tweens, but you’re going to want to make sure they arrive on time. You can probably still expect delays due to supply chain and worker shortages this year, so try to get some of your shopping (and shipping) done early. And remember to be kind to your delivery drivers! They are doing their best. Here are this year’s Christmas shipping deadlines from FedEx, USPS, UPS, and your other go-to retailers.

USPS Holiday Shipping Deadlines

christmas shipping deadlines for the USPS

USPS Retail Ground Service: Dec. 17

First-Class Mail, including greeting cards: Dec. 17

First-Class Packages (up to 15.99 oz.): Dec. 17

Priority Mail Service: Dec. 19

Priority Mail Express Service: Dec. 23

Click here for more details on shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, international shipping deadlines as well as shipping to any Army Post Office, Fleet Post Office/Diplomatic Post Office addresses.*

FedEx Christmas Shipping Deadlines

FedEx Christmas shipping deadlines


FedEx Express® 

FedEx Same Day®: Dec. 23

2Day and 2Day AM: Dec. 21

FedEx Express Saver®Dec. 20

FedEx 1Day® Freight: Dec. 22

FedEx 2Day® Freight: Dec. 21

FedEx 3Day® Freight: Dec. 20 

FedEx Ground® 

FedEx Ground® Contiguous US: Dec. 14

FedEx Ground® Alaska and Hawaii: Dec. 14

FedEx Ground® Economy: Dec. 8

FedEx Freight®

FedEx Freight® Priority: Dec. 14

FedEx Freight® Economy: Dec. 8

FedEx Freight® Direct: Dec. 14 

International, Canada, and Mexico, and Puerto Rico: Click here for 2022 deadlines. 

Related: How to Gift Wrap a Box to Look Like a Pro

UPS Holiday Shipping Deadlines

Wyland van Poortvliet via Unsplash

UPS® Ground:  Check the website for a quote.

UPS 3 Day Select®: Dec. 20

UPS 2nd Day Air®: Dec. 21

UPS Next Day Air®: Dec. 22

For more about UPS holiday shipping deadlines this year, click here.

Walmart Christmas Shipping Deadlines


Free Two-Day Delivery (for Walmart+ Members): Order eligible items until Dec. 22 

Standard (paid) Delivery: Dec. 20

Free Next-Day Delivery (for Walmart+ Members): Dec. 22

In-store Pickup: Order by Dec. 23 at 4 p.m. local time for in-store pickup on Dec. 24.

Curbside pickup and local delivery: Slots are available to book through Dec. 24, pending availability. Check with your local store. 


Target Shipping Deadlines


2-Day Shipping (Free for Target RedCard members or with a $35 or more purchase)- Dec. 22

Same-Day Delivery (via Shipt)- Dec 23

In-store Pickup: Order by Dec. 23 at 4 p.m. local time for in-store pickup on Dec. 24.

Curbside pickup and local delivery: Slots are available to book through Dec. 24, pending availability. Check with your local store. 

Related: How to Thank Your Mail Carrier

Raising a reader starts with a love of books at a young age. Whether your kiddo likes action-packed stories or feel-good tales, 2022 is dropping a story for everyone. Our curated list of the best preschool books the year has to offer (so far) will open up a whole new world for your little one.

When Your Daddy's a Soldier


This sweet story is as moving as watching soldier return videos. Capturing the life of children while their father is deployed, Gretchen Brandenburg McLellan's tale shows the raw emotions and challenge military families face. Ages: 3-7

Dragonboy and the Wonderful Night


Dragonboy, Yellow Kitty, Darwin, Drako, and Simon are back in this follow-up tale. This time, the gang is headed out on a nighttime adventure. While some noises might be scary, the friends learn they can be brave so long as they have each other. Ages: 4-6

Good night little bookstore is a preschool book

Good Night, Little Bookstore


Goodnight bookshelves, goodnight stacks. Perfect for bedtime, get ready to lay down and say goodnight to everything and everyone in the Little Bookstore. Ages: 2-5

All Are Neighbors


Being the new kid is hard, but when you live in a community where everyone is a neighbor, what a happy place to be! Everyone knows they belong, but it's up to everyone to take care of their space and love each other in this all-inclusive story by Alexandra Penfold and Suzanne Kaufman. Ages: 4-6

Nervous Nigel


Nigel is one in a big family of competitors. While he loves swimming, he has no interest in racing or going head to head with anyone. When his family signs him up for a competition, Nigel tries his best to go along. But when he gets too nervous, will he be able to tell his family? Ages: 3-7

My Day In The Park


Packed with 14 destinations, Marta Orzel's picture book about a day in the park is fantastic fun. Each spot boasts a colorful scene and adjacent people, animals and objects to help boost your young reader's vocab. Ages: 3-6



Pack your bags, we're headed to the Bearport! This adorable book is perfect for little travelers taking flight for the first time. It's told with rhythmic prose and sweet illustrations by Deborah Underwood and Same Wedelich. Ages: 2-5

Pineapple Princess


Perfect for little readers with big emotions, our main character knows she's meant for more. So she does what every princess would do: finds a crown and wears it proudly. But when her loyal subjects start to defect, her reign and her pineapple quickly follow. Ages: 4-8

Hot Dog


It's just too hot for this little pup. Too loud, too many feet and no space to run. Luckily, his owner is here to save the day and head to the shore. Perfect for taking a break from your own day, Doug Salati's book is quick and delightful read, especially for Doxie lovers. Ages: 4-8

Everywhere with You


Based on a true story, Carlie Sorosiak's new book is a sweet tale on a special relationship between a girl and dog. Through flights of imagination and stunning illustrations by Devon Holzwarth, everyone will get lost in this moving story. Ages: 4-8

Tisha and the Blossoms


Tisha loves to explore but she's always being rushed. One day, she can't take it anymore and just wants to slow down to smell the flowers, count the birds and enjoy a picnic. Written by Wendy Meddour and illustrated by Daniel Egnéus, this beautifully written tale of mindfulness is a breath of fresh air. Ages: 2-5

This Book Is Not for You!


Stanley loves the bookmobile. That is, until the old man won't lend him a book because it's about a girl, or a robot or a boat. New York Times Bestselling author Shannon Hale teams up with illustrator Tracy Subisak on a story about expanding your horizons through reading and letting your imagination run wild. Ages: 3-7

Joy Ride


Joy is the embodiment of the word: she finds the good in most every situation. After a fun summer project with her granddad repairing an old bike, she sets off on the ultimate joy ride––only to be made fun of. Then Joy isn't so joyful. Author Sherry Rinker and Illustrator Ana Gonzalez come together for a story that is all about big emotions and resilience. Ages: 4-8

Sometimes, All I Need Is Me


Juliana Perdomo's debut as author-illustrator brings a story of a young girl's mindfulness and resilience. Our young protagonist loves being outside and trying new things, but when it becomes scary or difficult, she doesn't hesitate to practice self-care to feel better. Ages: 2-5

Bailey and Blanket


A child and a blanket have a special relationship, and that's especially true for little Bailey. They do everything together, until one day a dog tears Blanket to pieces. A sweet story about growing up, Emily House's tale is one of resilience and love. Ages: 3-7

I Really Want to Be First!


Waiting your turn, or always being last, is hard. That's why Really Bird has decided he really wants to be first today. As he takes on the role, author Harriet Ziefert explores the ideas of problem-solving and friendship, watching Really Bird learn that being a leader isn't just about being first. Ages: 3+

A Good Place


Four insect pals want to find a new home to live together, but it's hard to find a good place! Told with vibrant illustrations and simple prose, Lucy Cousins' new book is great for little learners who have a passion for bugs and the environment. Ages: 3-7

Good Job, George!


George is a big boy. He takes care of his dog Pogo, shares at the playground and puts on his own socks and shoes. One day, George even gets to help his parents paint! But then Pogo gets both of them in a little bit of trouble––will his parents still think he did a good job? Written by bestselling author Jane O'Connor, this fun story is all about growing up. Ages: 3-6

Everything Will Be Ok


Beloved children's author Ana Dewdney's words emanate in this beautifully illustrated book by friend, Judy Schachner. Whether it's navigating the pandemic or just a bad day, everything will be ok, as little Bunny learns. Ages: 2-5

The Monster in the Bathhouse


Everyone is getting ready to celebrate Nowruz (Persian New Year), but is a monster trying to ruin it all? Someone has broken the pumices, torn the loofahs and is making a ton of noise! Sina Merabian's fun take on a Div is not so scary in this cute picture book. Ages:5+



Mina and her father lead a quiet life. That is, until he brings home a CAT and as a mouse, Mina isn't sure this is the best idea. Matthew Forsythe's beautifully written and illustrated tale addresses worry, loyalty and trust in this emotional book. Ages: 4-8

Love is for Roaring


Everyone needs love but we all don't enjoy hugs and kisses. Mike Kerr's sweet tale shares how there are many different ways to show love, paired with New York Times bestselling illustrator Renata Liwska. Ages: 4-5

Roto and Roy: Helicopter Heroes


Sherri Duskey Rinker, author of "Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site" is bringing a new batch of lovable characters. Roto is Roy's trusty helicopter side kick who is ready to swoop in at a moment's notice. Join their adventures when the two head out to fight a huge fire in this inspiring tale illustrated by Don Tate. Ages: 4-5

The Think-Ups


No one likes to be bored and that's why sisters Anna and Kiki need to come up with something to keep them entertained on a rainy day. Written and illustrated by Claire Alexander, follow along as the girls use the power of their imagination and tap into their inner love of animals. Ages: 3-7

Ear Worm!


It's happened to all of us: a song that we just can't get out of our heads! When Little Worm finds that he can't stop singing "shimmy shimmy, no sashay" he sets off to find out who put the song in his noggin. Fun typesetting and vintage looking illustrations by Galia Bernstein make this story by Jo Knowles fun for the whole family. Ages: 2-5

Ready for the Spotlight


Tessie has been doing ballet for a WHOLE month, so why is her big sister Maya getting all the credit? Jamie King's true and hilarious story touches on sibling rivalry, sharing and how important it is to support one another. Ages: 4-8

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Bring your family to one of these authentic corn mazes in and around Washington, DC

Corn mazes are a great fall tradition, and if you haven’t experienced one yet, it’s time to get lost in a field as a family! From a toddler-friendly straw bale maze at Greenstreet Gardens to a hard-core, no-map maze at Liberty Mills Farm, there is a corn maze to meet most family’s skill level on this list. So, if you’ve already brought home bushels of apples and picked your pumpkins, it’s time to tackle the obvious next stage of fall fun and find yourself in one of our favorite corn fields to explore near Washington, DC.

Wayside Farm
Located directly off Route 7, this 10-acre corn maze traditionally has an easy path and a hard path, and past years have seen aerial shots depicting Sonic the Hedgehog and SpongeBob SquarePants. Nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, this farm also offers hayrides, pig races, slides, and playgrounds. In addition to providing its fair share of entertainment, this working farm grows the prettiest pumpkin varieties in the area on their expansive u-pick pumpkin patch.

5273 Harry Byrd Hwy.
Berryville, VA

Summers Farm
Billed as one of the largest corn mazes in the country, this farm attraction includes 2.5 miles of paths and secret challenges. You'll also find a pumpkin patch, giant slides, hayrides, and more at this Maryland farm. From Sep. 30 through Oct. 29, weekends feature firework displays starting at 7:30 p.m., weather permitting. Make the night complete with a campfire rental (Fri.-Sun. only). All tickets are strongly encouraged to be purchased online in advance to guarantee admission.

5620 Butterfly Ln.

Related: Carve Out Some Fun With Pick-Your-Own Pumpkin Patches

Liberty Mills Farm
For the most dedicated of puzzle people, the largest corn maze in the country—a whopping 33 acres—is two hours outside of DC in Somerset, VA. And for hard core sleuths, the most challenging trail has no map! Sound daunting? There are three other trails to choose from, ranging from one that takes roughly 30 minutes to complete to another that spans two hours! After all that walking (and, no doubt, getting lost), take some time to pick a pumpkin and check out the antique tractor collection.

9166 Liberty Mills Rd.
Somerset, VA


Greenstreet Gardens' Fall Festival
At only five acres, this “cozy” corn maze is one of the smallest around, making it a winner for families with little ones barely taller than a stalk of corn. Think of it as “maze lite”—perfect for those prone to meltdowns or needing a quick exit strategy. There’s also a Straw Bale Maze ideal if your little one would like to see over the hedge. While you’re visiting, check out the rest of the 55-acre Lothian farm (east of Upper Marlboro), with lots of fall festival activities involving pumpkins, an underground slide, a jumping pillow, and more.

391 W. Bay Front Rd.

Winterbrook Farms
Come check out Maryland's largest corn maze, which features three corn mazes with a combined total of five miles of fun! Last year's theme, "Save the Family Farm," was an a-mazing adventure, and fans will have fun zipping through trails covering more than 12 acres at Winterbrook Farms this season, too. If you can fit more in, check out some of the farm’s 20 other fam-friendly features, including an apple canon, mini zipline, a pedal-cart speedway, and more. Pro tip for parents waiting upwards of several hours for kids to make their way through the maze? Cozy up with a campfire rental, available by reservation until 6 p.m. 

13001 Creagerstown Rd.

Belvedere Plantation
Here you’ll find eight acres of twists and turns and even a few bridges to keep you disoriented in the Maize Maze.
There’s also plenty more to do at Belvedere’s Fall Festival, including hay rides, pedal tractors, and pig races. If you want to add pumpkin picking to the mix, this farm also offers pumpkin painting and "punkin plunkin'" activities, too.

1410 Belvedere Dr.
Fredericksburg, VA

Related: Frightfully Fun Halloween Games They’ll Talk About All Year

Montpelier Farms
The seven-acre interactive corn maze at Montpelier Farms is free with admission, but only open on weekends. For a less crowded, tot-friendly experience, check out “Spookley The Square Pumpkin” maze on a weekday (this mini maze is also open on weekends). Afterwards, attend a scarecrow making workshop for an additional fee or hit up the duck races, pumpkin painting tables, hay rides, and more.

1720 Crain Hwy. North
Upper Marlboro,




We’ve been seeing these 2022 home decor everywhere

Last year we saw everyone decorating their spaces to maximize comfort, and this year, home interiors have been taken to the next level—think soft edges, more plants, mindful touches of luxury, and upgrading our outdoor space. Trust us, these home decor trends are perfect for families and it’s easier than you think to incorporate them into your home.

Home Decor Trends for 2022: DIY & Upcycling Is Bigger than Ever

In the pursuit of making your home your own (and not looking like everyone else's on the 'gram), DIY projects along with upcycling is making a comeback. Maybe it has to do with the copious amounts of how-tos on TikTok but we aren't mad about it. Excuse us while we head to Goodwill, buy a collection of glass vases for $5, and create our #trashtoterracotta collection as a weekend family project.

PS: Don't Miss Our Favorite TikTok Parenting Advice, Especially the Grocery Kart Hack

Home Decor Trend for 2022: Curvy & Organic-Shaped Furniture & Decor

best home decor trends 2022

You've probably already seen the curved sofas and side tables popping up on your Pinterest feed, but the look is just getting started. Soft, rounded furniture adds a nice contrast to those hard, square edges of living rooms of yore—and will make the room you're hanging in even more appealing and cozy. Bonus: this sofa is covered in this year's must-have fabric of the moment, soft and luxurious velvet, and it's available in an orangey-brown velvet too if the white version seems too scary with kids. 

To buy: Modular Sofa, $1900

Home Decor Trend for 2022: Upgrade Your Outdoor Space

home decor trends for 2022
Randy Fath via Unsplash

If there's anything we've learned through the pandemic, it's that our enjoying our outdoors—whether via a balcony, patio, or a full-blown backyard—is clutch to surviving at home, so we might as well make it as nice as possible, right? Fire tables, heated lamps (to keep that outdoor living going strong through the cooler months), outdoor rugs, and accessories like pizza ovens will continue to be popular through 2022.

Decorist designer Mikayla Keating recommends the following to maximize your outdoor space. "Keep the walkways clear for easy movement (at least four feet of space which also allows the kids to run around the area without running into things) and choose furniture that offers flexibility and versatility like side tables and benches that also double as storage." Another way to make your outdoor space feel extra special? "Don't skip out on lighting. Exterior lighting is just as important as interior lighting. String lighting or installed hardwired lights can really elevate your space."

Home Decor Trend for 2022: Plants, Plants & More Plants

home decor trends for 2022
via CB2

In 2019 we predicted Biophilic design would be huge, and while we were right, it also shows no sign of slowing down. After you add an olive tree to your living room (replacing the Fiddle Leaf Fig as this year's must-have statement plant), pick up other plant babies to sprinkle around the other rooms of the house. Of course, if keeping more than one plant alive is too much to ask for (we all have a lot on our plate), these faux plants will fool anyone into thinking they are real. 

And if you fall into the camp of more (real) plants, the better it may be time to start growing a hydroponic garden (another rising home trend for 2022) on your countertop that yields herbs, fruits, and veggies. 

Home Decor Trend for 2022: Smarter Furniture

home decor trends for 2022
via Lovesac

We've all seen smart TVs, but now you can have a smarter sofa. Designs like built-in USB ports, lighting, and even built-in AC outlets are becoming more and more standard, but if you want to take your movie and tv show watching to the next level, check out Lovesac's newest sofa called STEALTHTECH. This modular sofa comes built-in with immersive surround sound (the speakers are embedded in the sofa), a subwoofer, and wireless charging. You'll not only hear the audio, but you'll also feel it too.

Home Decor Trends for 2022: Make (More) Room for Pets

Pandemic pets are a thing, and now, pampering those pets via home design is the (obvious) next step. From luxury dog rooms and dog beds to 'catified' homes, our pets are getting the home makeover treatment. We especially love this closet-turned-cat room by @newbuild_newlyweds.

Home Decor Trends for 2022: Unexpected Touches of Luxury

picture of a built-in laundry room, a great laundry room storage idea

We're all guilty of buying things in the moment cause they fit the need (we're looking at you IKEA) but now that we're spending so much time at home, we're seeing that adding a few touches of luxury, especially in unexpected places, are bringing small moments of joy—something Marie Kondo can get behind. So whether it's adding a touch of luxury to your bedside table through a Jo Malone candle or going bigger with a luxury kid's room, gaming room, fancified garage, or laundry room, the point is, these intentional choices to treat yourself at home are well worth the cost. 

RELATED: Laundry Rooms Hacks You Can Easily Replicate

Home Decor Trends for 2022: Natural & Sustainable Materials


Natural materials are gaining loads of attention and for good reason. They add texture and dimension to a room and warm up a space quickly. They are also easy to take care of and clean. And some, like wool, are naturally stain-resistant.

Thankfully, you can find plenty of options at your local thrift store or flea market (hitting upon that sustainability trend). Current favorites sustainable pieces feature rattan—but use this trendy home item sparingly—otherwise, you'll find yourself outdated in no time. 

Home Decor Trends: Paint in Evergreen Fog


On the tails of "cottagecore" and "farmhouse style," Sherwin-Williams' color of the year, Evergreen Fog, is nostalgic, neutral, and warm—blurring the harsh line that was previously dominated by all shades of gray. This color translates well to any project—whether you are looking to update your kitchen cabinets, add an accent color behind your shelves, or cover your walls from floor to ceiling, Evergreen Fog strikes the perfect balance of adding a splash of color without overwhelming the room (not to mention works conveniently well as a backdrop to natural furniture like cane and bamboo). 

To buy: Sherwin-Williams



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