Are you spending way too much time on the bathroom floor? Treat yourself to a few laughs courtesy of these highly relatable potty training memes.

Memes are the antidote for a tough day on the potty (or the yard, or perhaps your kitchen floor), and we’re betting there are a few out there you can really relate to. From “Yes! This happened to me five minutes ago!” to out-and-out guffaws because it happens every night,  lock yourself in the potty (since no one else seems to want to use it) and scroll through the funny potty training memes below. You have time for a laugh!

Not it!

I think you just laid an egg, buddy.

Not at all sus.

We’re going to go ahead and call this a win.

Related: 41 Hilarious Parenting Memes To Get You Through The Day

You checked for skid marks too, didn't you?

The toilets in Berlin are amazing, we hear.

When you gotta go, you gotta go...

Welcome to our happy home.

Nice and steamy.

Literally. Anything. You. Want.

We dare you to explain this to a 20-something.

But does he really need a bath tonight?

So happy for you…

I’ll do whatever you want. Just. Pee. In. The. Potty.

If only we were birds.


The agony is real.


That escalated quickly.



When I was pregnant with my second, my OB accidentally spilled the baby beans to my almost-three-year-old. I was lying on the exam table, holding the measuring tape at the top of my oversized belly when it happened. My doctor casually leaned over and asked my son if he was excited about becoming a big brother.

My toddler cycled through all the feels—excitement, confusion, shock—before shooting me a look that let me know it was time to let him in on the secret. While we weren’t necessarily keeping the news from my firstborn, my husband and I weren’t exactly advertising it either. Turns out we had already done a few things that clinical psychologist Maureen Turner agreed were good first steps.

As she explains, “kids thrive on connection and consistency,” and any time a baby enters a family this gets uprooted in parents’ lives. By trying to keep things as consistent as possible and carving out special time for your sibling-to-be, you can help them through this major life change. Here are Maureen’s top tips to prepare your toddler for a new baby.

Don’t attempt any big transitions around the time of baby’s arrival

Maureen suggests not making any major transitions right before or after the baby’s arrival. So if your toddler is taking up prime crib real estate (as ours was), make sure to move them to a different bed well before the baby needs the crib (as we did). It’s also not a great time to start potty training, retire a comfort paci or transition from sippies to big kid cups. Try to maintain a consistent environment and routine as much as possible during this time.

Related: I Knew My Kids Needed to Have Siblings but We Got So Much More

Try to keep routines as consistent as possible

Part of that overall consistency is figuring out what part of your family’s daily routine you can maintain once the baby arrives. For me, it was naptime. Maybe the bath time/storytime/bedtime trifecta is a stalwart in your house. Or maybe it’s gathering for family dinner. Whatever it is, building in predictability is key to helping toddlers with this exciting change, according to Maureen.

Help foster a connection with the new baby

In addition to moving our son into his big kid bed, we also added one of my favorites—The Berenstain Bears: New Baby—to our nighttime reading in anticipation of the baby’s arrival.

Maureen says that fostering connections between soon-to-be sibs and a new baby should be a cornerstone of adding to your fam. Take, for example, reading the Berenstain Bears book. Talking with my son about how he would soon be a big brother and exploring his questions and thoughts was a great way for him to connect with his soon-to-arrive sister and me. Signing kids up for a siblings class, having them make something special for the baby, like a painting or a story, or even picking out a special gift to give the baby are all ways that parents can help their older kids connect with the latest addition.

Related: 10 Playtime Activities for Babies & Older Siblings

Remember that your toddler may still act out

It’s hard to anticipate all the changes that come with welcoming a baby, but come they will. And when it comes to challenging toddler behavior, you count on that too. Maureen reminds parents to “interpret behavior changes as communication.” Young kids don’t have the emotional vocabulary to express complicated feelings or needs. It’s one of the reasons carving out special time to connect with them daily once the baby arrives is important.

In the end, that unexpected nudge from my OB forced my hand in a good way. While things weren’t warm-knife-through-butter smooth when the baby arrived (but then again what part of parenting is?), we made it to the other side as a family of four… and eventually five.


These brilliant ideas will help you survive—and even enjoy—your next family adventure

When it comes to a road trip, it’s often about how you get there, not where you’re going. Make sure that journey is memorable for the right reasons with a few tips and road trip hacks we’ve road-tested ourselves. They might not prevent the inevitable “Are we there yet?” but we know they will ease some of the other trials of taking a long car ride with kids. And to mix it up, try our list of car games when they need a break from the screens!

1. Give the kids the map. Hand over your GPS during times of the trip when you actually know where you are going. Let the kids “navigate” and tell you which way to turn. Or hand them a road map and have them help figure out the route. Get tips on teaching kids how to read a REAL map here.

2. Bring enough headphones for each kid. It will ward off any complaining or whining. If your crew likes to listen to or watch the same thing, try BuddyPhones, kid headphones that come with an audio splitter for sharing.

3. Surprise observations. During the trip, have each person write down an observation or memory from the day. If you’re traveling more than one day, do it each day of the journey, there and back. Don’t share what you’ve written until you are home. Then have each family member read out loud their main “thought” for the day. It’s okay if it’s, “I wish we were there” or “I saw a giant clown on the side of the road.” You’ll get some laughs and relive the trip in a new way.

4. Use a shower caddy for mess-free eating. Tired of balancing lunch on your lap? Give each kid—and yourself—a caddy so that meals are contained in one neat place.

5. Stash plastic cutlery and napkins in the glove box. It’ll make eating in the car that much easier.

6. Make a killer playlist. It can make or break a road trip. Trust us. Find family friendly tunes, starting here.

7. Beat the sniffles. Use a rubber band to lash a full tissue box to an empty one. Use the empty one to dispose of used tissues right after using, so they don’t end up all over the car/on the floor/in your snacks.

8. Make up some car bingo. Purchase a stack of ready-made car bingo games, or go the simple route by making a “checklist” of cool things you see on the road. The first person to fill up a checklist gets to pick where you make a pit stop for dinner.

9. Hang a shoe organizer on the back of each front seat. Big kids will be able to reach for books, snacks, and games on their own (and ideally they’ll be able to put everything back, too).

Related: The Ultimate Guide to the American Road Trip

campers in an RV using road trip hacks
Adam Clark


10. Kick off your shoes. For long rides, many kids like to take their shoes off. Let them, but have a bag handy to stash the shoes or keep them by the door of your RV, so they’re easy to find for pit stops.

11. Download Sit or Squat. You’ll be able to scout clean bathrooms on your route. This is a road trip hack you can’t live without.

12. Chuck garbage into a plastic cereal container or old wipes box. They usually have lids so your vehicle won’t smell like Eau de trash. Put them throughout your RV or car!

13. Pack clothes in stackable laundry baskets (instead of suitcases). The idea is that each traveler has their own basket filled with clothes and other belongings (diapers, lovey, etc.). It’s much easier to see if you’re forgetting anything and it’s a cinch to load and unload.

14. For impatient travelers, use “Sticky Note Time Tabs.” How it works: Write increments of time (i.e. 1:15, 2:15, 3:15) on sticky notes and adhere them to the center console below the clock. Kids pay attention to when the clock time matches the sticky note time. When they notice it, you remove the sticky note (and give them a surprise, if you’re feeling generous).

15. Organize a glow stick dance party while driving at night. There’s nothing fun to see out the windows, so might as well bring the fun inside your vehicle. Hip hop hooray to kiddos’ fave tunes and score major brownie points for your efforts.

16. Cover seats with a fitted sheet. Be prepared for a mess by stretching a sheet over the seats. When you get to where you’re going all you have to do is shake the sheet out and BAM!… your ride is spotless once more. One of our more genius road trip hacks if we don’t say so ourselves.

17. Make edible necklaces for the journey. String flavorless floss with things like cereal, grapes, and pretzels. It will fill their bellies and keep them busy at the same time.

18. Get snap happy. Give the kids disposable cameras (or old smartphones) so that they can take pictures of what you’re driving by for a travel log.

19. Let the creative juices flow. Since playdough can get stuck in floorboards (and hair … and under fingernails), bring along a roll of aluminum foil and/or a box of pipe cleaners—both can be molded into shapes, animals, and skyscrapers.

20. Nip car sickness in the bud. If you or your kiddo gets nausea from reading on the road, simply tilt your head from side to side for it to go away. Just try it!

21. When you see a fun road stop… stop! This is how road trip memories are made. If you’re the planning type, visit to map out a few awesome layovers, and be sure to check out our favorite roadside attractions, too.

22. Pack a potty. This is an important road trip hack if you’ve got potty-trained littles: Open and lay a disposable diaper into the bottom of a toddler potty. If you’ve got miles to go before the next rest stop, pull over and let them use this—the diaper will soak up a #1 and contain a #2 until you find a proper spot for disposal.

23. Have plenty of other screen-free activities on hand. When your kids are bored of playing car bingo (it’s inevitable), have something else from our list ready to go.

Related: 16 Roadside Attractions You’ve Got to See to Believe


There’s nothing left-handers can’t master

Spiral notebooks, scissors, keyboards. Just a few of the “tools” you’ve mastered twice as well as any right-hander. Being a lefty is something to be proud of: did you know that according to MENSA 20% of all geniuses are left-handed? So, for International Left-Handed Day, celebrate the southpaws in your life, and enjoy these hilarious left-handed memes. If you’re looking for more laughs, check out our mom memes, our Halloween parenting memes, and potty training memes.

1. Stupid scissors.

left handed meme

2. Because being left-handed is totally right. 
left handed meme

3. Funny, but true.

left handed meme 3


4. No one believes you.
lefties meme left handed meme


5. Your parents kept putting your pencil/spoon/baseball bat in your other hand. 
left handed meme kid


6. Because you rejoiced when you discovered stores like this really do exist. 


7. If you had a nickel…
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8. I can wave with my left hand, too! 

left handed meme scale

9. ‘Nuf said. 


10. Sigh. 

leftie meme two


11. Because you still have to “special order” what you need at the office. 


Screen Shot 2015-07-27 at 6.01.59 PM


12. Awww, yeah! 




Were customers right to complain after these parents let their toddler use a travel potty in the dining room of a restaurant?

We all know how tough potty training can be. Trying to get your toddler to communicate when they need to go. Getting them to the potty in time to avoid yet another accident. And being ready no matter where you are—that might be the hardest part of all. Seriously, any parent who solves that struggle will be a millionaire. But suffice it to say it’s not these parents, whose solution to the challenge of potty training readiness has fiercely divided the internet, and for good reason.

A Nextdoor user in south Kensington, west London wrote on the neighborhood social media site about an incident that happened at Cacciari Asia, a local restaurant.

“We went there for lunch today, and while having our meal, a couple sitting nearby pulled out a potty for their kid to use right in front of other customers,” their post read. The user also implied that the kid did more than go #1, which, ew.

Shouldn’t this kind of be common sense? Like, we empathize with those parents because potty training is a nightmare, but also, the restaurant has a bathroom, and it’s meant to be used for things like this. Plopping your kid on the potty in the same room where strangers are trying to eat is kind of an insane thing to do, no matter how badly potty training has been going for you.

Strangely, the restaurant actually came to the defense of the parents.

“The toddler only urinated into the potty,” they wrote. “The table was at least 3m away. I do think the diner overreacted. The child was about two years old and was with his pregnant mother.”

Listen, whether the kid pooped or not is not the point here. What matter is that 3 meters (or about nine feet) is not far enough away for a kid to politely use the toilet when, and we cannot stress this enough, people unrelated to that kid are trying to eat food in a restaurant.

As the original Nextdoor poster put it, “They were not asked by the waiting staff or restaurant manager to take the kid to the toilet. We found this such a put off as this wasn’t overwhelmingly respectful to fellow diners or a display of respect of hygiene in a public dining space.”

No kidding. If your child needs to do things that should be done in a bathroom, just take them (and their travel potty) to the bathroom. End of story.

Sustainable products for moms, babies, and the whole fam

We all want to live sustainably and help the planet, but let’s face it, sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. It can be overwhelming to think about all the changes we need to make in our daily lives. Especially as parents, when our daily lives are packed full. We definitely want to be as earth-friendly as possible, but we also want products that are easy, effective, and affordable. Is that too much to ask? Definitely not. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of sustainable products that are easy to integrate into your routine. You don’t have to be a die-hard environmentalist to make a difference! Seriously, you don’t.

If you’re someone who wants to live sustainably but always finds themselves procrastinating on making eco-friendly changes, we get it. No judgment here. We’ve got you covered with our list of  must-have sustainable products that are both practical and will fit seamlessly into your daily routine. Say goodbye to guilt-tripping yourself for not being green enough and hello to a more eco-friendly lifestyle. From mouthwash to crib mattresses, we guarantee you’ll find a product that will make you feel good about taking a step towards a healthier planet. So sit back, relax, and read on to discover our picks for the best sustainable products for an eco-friendlier home!

Eco-Friendly Fashion



Mightly goodies are made with organic cotton, have no chemical flame retardants, are Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) Certified, and are manufactured in a Fair Trade Certified factory. Mightly has everything from tees to leggings to PJs for kiddos and parents, plus they're ultra-cute!

Mightly—Shop Now!



You might already know Nuuly as a one-stop shop for chic clothing rental at fabulous prices. Born to give our well-loved pieces a second life, Re_Nuuly is an upcycling initiative aimed at reducing clothing waste by reimagining damaged rentals as the source material of new styles. Through partnerships with some of the best creative brains on the Nuuly team, in the community and all around the world, Re_Nuuly completely transforms unrentable garments and plays a key role in their mission to make fashion more circular. 

Nuuly—Shop Now!



You've definitely heard of Athleta—the all day, every day, oh-so-cute, can't-get-enough casual, athletic, and loungewear. But did you know they're a Certified B Corp? They're working to lessen their footprint by choosing recycled materials like plastic bottles and fabric scraps, utilizing organic cotton, and investing in renewable energy. Athleta also believes that protecting the planet goes hand in hand with improving the well-being of women and girls, and that's why they're committed to empowering women through our internal operations, in our communities and abroad in their supply chain!

Athleta—Shop Now!



Eco-friendly, anti-microbial, and stain-resistant, Coalatree's activewear and outdoor products are an easy way to go sustainable! Some of their products are even made from recycled coffee grounds.

Coalatree—Shop Now!



Feel comfortable in your skin while feeling comfortable in your underwear with Woxer! Explore the varied, colorful styles and inclusive sizing for every body. Super soft, high-quality, and made to move with you, the comfortable soft waistband never pinches into the stomach. Their underwear is breathable, moisture-wicking, and chafe-free, while featuring sustainable luxury fabric—Modal—made from beechwood trees. Pair them with Woxer bralettes for a style all your own.

Woxer—Shop Now!

Kyte Baby

Kyte Baby

Bamboo is the star of the show across Kyte Baby's unbelievably soft and comfy offerings: baby sleep sacks, PJ's, rompers, onesies, and adult pajamas, loungewear, and more! You'll never want to wear anything else.

Kyte Baby—Shop Now!



Dedicated to their mission of sustainability, Everviolet produces their collections in small batches to avoid overconsumption and waste. Fabrics are also sourced from ethical and eco-conscious mills in the US, Canada, and abroad to find the best natural and sustainable fibers that are soothing and breathable. All bras, bralettes, panties, and camis are made of certified TENCEL Modal with Micro Technology that makes all of Everviolet’s pieces naturally antimicrobial, moisture-wicking, and gentle!

Everviolet—Shop Now!

Rewear From Tea Collection

Tea Collection

You already love Tea Collection as much as we do, right? Since their pieces are designed to last from kiddo to kiddo, they created Rewear; shop, sell, or trade in preloved Tea and earn rewards! 

Tea Collection Rewear—Shop Now!

Quincy Mae

Quincy Mae

Quincy Mae is a sustainable apparel and accessory collection focused on the basics (under $50). While only using certified organic fabrics, Quincy Mae offers beautiful color palettes, minimal print patterns, and velvety soft fabrics for newborn to 5Y. Each garment is made with care and meant to last; designed with the intention of living on once your little has outgrown it and maintaining its size and value over time. Their Pre-Loved Program is a resource for customers to share garments with the next little and are rewarded for their responsibility in the process!

Quincy Mae—Shop Now!



MORI has been creating sustainable pieces since 2015. Everything, from sleep sacks to pajamas to rompers to family matching, is also incredibly soft for sensitive baby skin!

MORI—Shop Now!



4.8m plastic bottles were recycled in 2022 and transformed into stylish vests, jackets, and puffers by sustainable outerwear brand Bernardo. Since 1999, women-led Bernardo has been pioneering innovation in fashion—becoming the first fashion brand to use Primaloft, a more sustainable down alternative and later introducing Ecoplume, a fill made from 100% recycled post-consumer plastic bottles. Bernardo utilizes recycled polyester, chooses ethical factories, shipping practices to minimize their carbon footprint, launched a pre-loved collection, Bernardo Ecoloved, and more!

Bernardo—Shop Now!

The Sunday Collective

The Sunday Collective

With ethical production practices in place, gender-neutral designs that utilize organic and post-consumer recycled materials and 100% recyclable tape, tissue paper and packaging, The Sunday Collective is easily a favorite.

The Sunday Collective—Shop Now!

Tiare Hawaii

Tiare Hawaii

This Revolve fan-favorite brand was founded in Hawaii back in 2009 by female-founder, Jane Hoskins. They use the beauty of nature and love of travel as inspiration to create the colors and bohemian detail in their garments. All of Tiare Hawaii’s pieces are handmade with love in Bali using traditional dyeing techniques that have been used for centuries. It’s the brand’s mission to bring you a piece of paradise anywhere you dream. 

Tiare Hawaii—Shop Now!

The Spunky Stork

The Spunky Stork

The Spunky Stork makes the sweetest matching siblings, Mommy/Daddy & Me collections that feature sayings on the front such as: Taco/Taquito, Big Slice/Little Slice, Head Chef/Sous Chef, Grill Master/Grill Novice , and many more. The Spunky Stork is a happy and modern fashion brand passionate about creating clean, organic, non-toxic clothing for children and parents, too! All items are made from organic cotton, the material has no dyes or chemical colorants. 

The Spunky Stork—Shop Now!

little planet by Carter's


little planet by Carter's creates its pieces using organic, recycled, and sustainable materials, along with responsible manufacturing practices. Their goodies are designed to be heirloom-quality, so they can be worn from kiddo to kiddo!

little planet by Carter's—Shop Now!



saalt not only creates incredibly effective period care underwear and products so you don't have to rely on disposable menstrual products, but they're a certified B-Corp that gives back in a ton of ways!

saalt—Shop Now!



JJwinks is manufactured in L.A., and closely monitored by the brand. They use eco-friendly materials and even ship in compostable and recyclable packaging! Plus, they're our favorite no-need-for-a-bra brand.

JJwinks—Shop Now!

Young Days

Young Days

Perfect for transitional dressing, the brand’s affordable childrenswear essentials are made with sustainable materials like organic cotton and recycled polyester, so you know your precious tots are safe from harmful chemicals and toxins! Even more, Young Days features Green-friendly designs and messaging to ensure your babies and toddlers are walking the walk.

Young Days—Shop Now!

Ready Set Romper

Ready Set Romper

No snaps or zippers for fast diaper changes, super soft and stretchy with a wide neckline for easy off/on and potty training. Add OEKO-TEK certified bamboo, fun prints, and matching Mommy & Me options and you'll want to buy them all!

Ready Set Romper—Shop Now!

Girlfriend Collective

Girlfriend Collective

Sustainability is at the forefront of everything Girlfriend does and drives their decision making across all areas of the business. All new product development starts with making sure each piece is affordable, sustainable, and inclusive to all — if it doesn't check every one of these boxes, they continue iterating or reconsider the product altogether: 

  • Recycled Materials—All of Girlfriend Collective's clothing is made from recycled materials
  • Ethical Manufacturing—All Girlfriend Collective pieces are cut and sewn in SA8000 certified- factories that guarantee fair and livable wages, a safe and healthy workplace, and no forced or child labor ever.
  • Eco-Friendly Dyes—All of Girlfriend's pieces use OEKO and Bluesign-certified dyes, and any water used is thoroughly cleaned and cooled before it is released.
  • A Closed-Loop System—Through the ReGirlfriend recycling program, many of Girlfriend's pieces can be sent back to be recycled into future Girlfriend clothes. Send in your old Girlfriend and the brand will turn it into new Girlfriend gear, and in return you’ll get a store credit ($15) toward a future purchase as thanks. 

Girlfriend Collective—Shop Now!

Sustainable Shoes

KANE Footwear


The unbelievably comfortable KANE sneakers loved by athletes are sustainably designed injection molded for active recovery. From sports to workouts to running errands and Saturday morning soccer practice, we don't take off our KANEs unless we have to! They're in sizes available for the whole family, plus they come in a bunch of different colors.

KANE Footwear—Shop Now!

Taos Footwear

Taos Footwear

Not only does Taos offer super cute and casual shoes that are ultra-supportive, but they've partnered with EcoCart so you can make every order 100% carbon neutral!

Taos Footwear—Buy Now!


Allbirds super cute shoes are made from sustainable materials (responsibly sourced wool, sugarcane, and more), and they take offsetting their carbon footprint extremely seriously. They offer women’s, men’s, and kiddo’s styles in a ton of adorable colors!

Allbirds—Shop Now!



Vivobarefoot is a B Corp-certified natural health and footwear brand that wants to take non-functional fashion off feet and encourage children to connect with the natural world. They're vegan and made using recycled plastic bottles, plus they're designed to allow you (or your kids!) to move and grow as close to barefoot as possible!

Vivobarefoot—Shop Now!



Naot’s uniquely engineered insoles are made of natural cork and latex and lined with a supple suede lining, creating a flexible and shock absorbing base of serious support that is designed to replicate the shape of your foot, much like a footprint left behind in the sand! They're made ethically and sustainably.

Naot—Shop Now!



Rothy's owns its own factories and their products are made from natural, sustainable, renewable, or recycled materials. Plus, they're washable, comfortable, and can be worn year after year!

Rothy's—Shop Now!



Comfortable and washable, Okabashi shoes are vegan, cruelty-free, and 100% recyclable! Scraps and non-saleable returns are turned into new product. There's something for the whole family.

Okabashi—Shop Now!

Clean Beauty

Ere Perez

Ere Perez

Ere Perez founded her company upon a dream she had of creating an all natural beauty brand when she emigrated to Australia. Ere is a female entrepreneur who was inspired by the nature and eco lifestyle of Australia, who also wanted to stay true to her Mexican roots by incorporating rich colors.  Ere decided to make a commitment to the environment, by creating multi-use, beauty products, where materials and resources could be saved. She sourced products that aren’t threatened or under-threat from over-production. Ere Perez’s products are all thoughtfully made to help aid the environment while keeping your skin happy, healthy, and toxin free! 

Ere Perez—Shop Now!



Iris&Romeo creates luxurious beauty products that we can't get enough of! Their packaging is earth-friendly, their sunscreen is reef-friendly, and many of their products are waste-reducing all-in-one skincare + makeup!

Iris&Romeo—Shop Now!



Clean at Scentbird Perfumes and Colognes are formulated without ingredients like: parabens, sulfates SLS and SLES, phthalates, mineral oils, formaldehydes, formaldehyde-releasing agents, retinyl palmitate, oxybenzone, coal tar, hydroquinone, triclosan, and triclocarban. Not only that, but there's so many yummy scents to choose from (Mother's Day, anyone?)

Scentbird—Shop Now!



Kitsch creates fabulous beauty products that are also built are 4 pillars: recyclable, made from recycled materials, biodegradable, and reusable. They offer pared-down packaging, are cruelty-free, and focused on always improving to improve the environment!

Kitsch—Shop Now!

Indigo Wild + Zum

Indigo Wild/Zum

Gentle, plant-based, and created with essential oils, Indigo Wild's Zum line offers beauty goodies, hand soap, detergent, and more! Not to mention, they all smell incredible.

Indigo Wild + Zum—Shop Now!

MyCHELLE Dermaceuticals

MyCHELLE Dermaceuticals

With natural products now the expectation, MyChelle’s progressive 360-degree approach to beauty is to provide clean, conscious, and comprehensive skin care products that are bioactive, ethically sourced, and formulated with high-performance ingredients for superior results and a lifetime of natural, healthy skin!

MyCHELLE Dermaceuticals—Shop Now!

Yes To

Yes To

Yes To skincare products are made with at least 95% natural ingredients (before they include water). Natural ingredients are those that come from or are made from a renewable resource found in nature. You can find the natural ingredient percentage on the front of each Yes To item!

Yes To—Shop Now!

Act + Acre

Act Acre

Act+Acre: the world’s first Cold Processed hair wellness brand that focuses on the scalp first by avoiding traditional heat-based production, which can lessen the potency of nutrients in active ingredients. All Act+Acre formulas are vegan, pregnancy-safe and free of silicones, parabens, phthalates, petrolatum, synthetic fragrances and gluten!

Act + Acre—Shop Now!

Image Skincare Biome

Image Skincare

Be kind to your skin and the environment with BIOME+. The+ collection is made with recyclable packaging and cultivated in a LEED-silver certified, carbon neutral facility to limit environmental impact and uses packaging that has been mindfully selected—biodegradable tube and glass jars!

Image Skincare Biome—Shop Now!

Bronze Cactus Self Tanning

Bronze Cactus

Sunbathing is so 90s! We're saving our skin and tanning at home, especially since products have come such a long way! Enter Bronze Cactus. Curated from natural ingredients, their products are made from products that are free from chemicals, animal origin, and preservatives. Their mission is to educate people about tanning and help in protecting them from UV rays that are harsh to the skin.

Bronze Cactus Self Tanning—Shop Now!


Bababoo and Friends

Bababoo and Friends

Made from high-quality wood, sustainable materials, and nontoxic paint, Bababoo and Friends toys and books are a choice you can feel good about for your little ones!

Bababoo and Friends—Shop Now!

Our Green House

Our Green House

Our Green House offers eco-friendly toys, gift baskets, baby clothes, pets, and home goods that also give back!

Our Green House—Shop Now!



Lovevery is committed to creating kids' toys that last from generation to generation or can be confidently donated by replacing parts that get lost and ensuring that everything is built to last! Many of their products use FSC-Certified Wood, organic cotton, and biobased plastic. Make sure to check out their play kits—stage-based play essentials for developing minds!

Lovevery—Shop Now!

Shop Lovery at Target!

Green Toys

Green Toys

We're pretty sure you've seen Green Toys around in lots of places, but we want to remind you that they make 100% recycled toys! Each Green Toys package that gets recycled saves 1 gallon of water and their manufacturing is U.S.-based.

Green Toys—Shop Now!



Water-based paints and environmentally-friendly wood makes Coogam toys an easy "yes"! They're educational and geared toward kiddos ages 1-6+.

Coogam—Shop Now!

Marlowe & Co

Marlowe & Co

Neutral, simple, and super high-quality, Marlowe & Co give sto different organizations that bring global relief and assistance to countries around the world. They're especially passionate about empowering women and children which can transform families and communities! Their toys, clothes, blankets, and more, are inspired by the soft and clean Scandinavian aesthetic.

Marlowe & Co—Shop Now!

Taska Toys

Taska Toys

We're obsessed with this set that encourages kids to go outside, experience nature, and let their imagination run wild! They're made with PlanWood (compressed rubberwood sawdust) and conform to the ASTM and EN71 safety standards.

Taska Toys—Shop Now!

Green Home

Geneverse Power Stations & Solar Panels


Introducing the innovative go-green Geneverse: the revolutionary solar generators and power stations that give you ultimate access to reliable energy! Geneverse provides an exciting way to maximize your energy savings, creating a cleaner and more efficient approach to your power needs. Solar power doesn't have to be complicated or daunting, we promise. Home solar power is life-changing! We're talking 7 days of reliable energy and Geneverse supports 99% of home appliances! Geneverse Power Stations & Solar Panels—Learn More!



LYNN & LIANA's gorgeous cheese boards and serving trays are made from Ecopoxy, a plant-based resin made of recycled bi-products like palm oil, soybean oil, and cashew nut shells. Plus, a portion of their sales is given back to tree planting! LYNN & LIANA is one of our first go-tos for gifts, too.

LYNN & LIANA—Shop Now!

My Bevi

My Bevi

My Bevi is committed to using verified safe recycled plastics and more importantly recycled ocean plastics where applicable in their products that require plastic components. Plus, it's always eco-friendly to reuse cups and My Bevi has some adorable styles!

My Bevi—Shop Now!

Mo's Crib

Mo's Crib

Upcycled and sustainable PVC baskets from a female founded South-African home decor brand. Multifunctional PVC baskets that add character to any space while storing anything from dirty laundry, toys, to bathroom towels! Make sure you check out the planters, too.

Mo's Crib—Shop Now!

Grove Collaborative

Grove Collaborative

Sustainable, plastic-free home essentials that are tough on dirt + grime, but easy on the environment. Since 2017, the brand has avoided more than 7M lbs of plastic. 

Grove Collaborative—Shop Now!



Opinel uses wood sourced from local sustainably managed forests as well as VittEr Eco-Material, a dishwasher-safe compressed paper (FSC) material from Italy!

Opinel—Shop Now!



Silicone is made from materials that exist in abundance – the same materials that make up a huge percentage of the earth’s crust. Silipints don’t employ limited resources like petroleum used to make plastic cups. Silicone, in the form of a flexible substance, is a material composed of silicon, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, and a curing catalyst used to mold the silicone substance into the desired shape.

Silipint—Shop Now!



PURGGO perfectly combines nature, science, and love. All the product contains is pure all-natural moso bamboo charcoal, one of the most renewable natural resources in the world and Mother Nature's purifier, which has been carbonized and activated at 1110°F - 1300°F (600°C - 700°C). Bamboo charcoal is a tried and tested air cleanser that's been used in Asian countries for thousands of years. On top of this, it lasts for 365+ days (longer lasting than any product available worldwide) and works continuously in the background!

PURGGO—Shop Now!

Rollink Collapsible Luggage

Rollink Collapsible Luggage

Rollink the world’s slimmest, collapsible suitcase that's also trendy, sustainable, durable, and practical. When you get home, just collapse the bag and conveniently store it away for the next use without occupying a lot of closets or hotel room space (you can even stow it under a bed)!

Rollink—Shop Now!

Delysia Chocolatier

Delysia Chocolatier

Austin-based chocolatier Delysia creates stunning chocolates by mom Nicole Patel! They're locally made and Delysia uses only sustainable chocolate. Check out their Mother's Day goodies!

Delysia Chocolatier—Shop Now!

DUET Candles

DUET Candles

DUET’s candles are proudly hand poured in the USA in partnership with the IDDeal Foundation - a non-profit that creates the IDDeal life for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities through work, live and play. Additionally, DUET makes a donation of $2 directly to the IDDeal Foundation for every candle purchased. Their candles are ethically made without parabens, phthalates, sulfates and are cruelty free. The soy in the wax is sustainably harvested in the USA! They smell incredible, too.

DUET Candles—Shop Now!



Pure-Sky is made of patented state-of-the-art composite Ultra Micro fibers, consisting of Multifilament yarns that are made of more than 1,000 strands per yarn, allowing you to clean nearly any surface using just water! No chemicals needed.

Pure-Sky—Shop Now!



BENTGO is a proud supporter of Feed the Children, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that gives hope and resources for hungry children and families. Since 2017, Bentgo has donated more than $200,000 to help put an end to hunger. Their divided lunch boxes make it much easier to avoid disposable sandwich bags, too!

BENTGO—Shop Now!

Inchbug Labels

Inchbug Labels

Dishwasher & microwave-safe, Inchbug Labels can also be boiled and sterilized. They're constructed with FDA compliant non-toxic material and are latex-free. They fit securely around containers so young children can't remove and help small hands with a non-slick grip!

Inchbug Labels—Shop Now!


Guru Nada

Guru Nada

Guru Nada Whitening Mouthwash comes in a 2 Fl Oz bottle which makes up to 300 rinses! Small-sized bottles mean less use of packaging material and premixed water, while just 4 drops of this travel-friendly mouthwash mixed with water are enough for 1 usage. We're all for less packaging and natural ingredients!

Guru Nada—Shop Now!



August is the thoughtfully bold, period-positive brand of sustainable, tax-free, and customizable period care subscriptions, democratizing access to period care through empowerment and gender inclusion in quality menstruation products. Known for their viral TikTok content, strong community, education and giveback, this AAPI & female-founded brand is challenging period shame and cultural norms to uplift menstruators of everyone.

August—Shop Now!



The only sustainable medicine system that exists with fully recyclable and refillable organizers to reduce clutter, add beauty, and remove plastic from your cabinet!

Cabinet—Shop Now!



Waterdrop is making hydration-encouraging products and this Austrian brand will motivate you to drink more water in a sustainable way! This set comes with six tasty flavors of the brand’s signature Microdrinks (vitamin-packed hydration cube).

Waterdrop—Shop Now!




Add more green to your feeding routine with the complete Bambou mealtime bundle from Munchkin! Sustainable and beautiful, their eco-friendly dinnerware collection is made of non-toxic, renewable bamboo and soft, 100% food-grade silicone to help create a greener future for children and planet.

Munchkin—Shop Now!

AU Baby

AU Baby

AU Baby was created to deliver safe, timeless, high-quality baby blankets at a fair price. Their Responsible Wool Standard certified merino sheep graze freely on family farms in Uruguay, protecting soil health and biodiversity. Their NATIVA merino is the most advanced 100% traceable and sustainable wool on the planet! They also use only eco-friendly dyes, and these gorgeous blankets come in a ton of different colors.

AU Baby—Shop Now!



Bugaboo's strollers are made with mass-balanced bio-based material reducing CO2 emission by up to 20%! They've also committed to become net zero by 2035. 

Bugaboo—Shop Now!

Totter + Tumble

Totter Tumble

Totter + Tumble is a luxury British brand specializing in design-led playmats for babies, toddlers, and beyond. Simple, stylish, supportive and safe. Use these cushy and on-trend mats as play mats, yoga mats, kitchen mats, and more! There's a print for every home and they come in multiple sizes.

Totter + Tumble—Shop Now!



Bobbie is the only mom-founded and led infant formula in the country, Bobbie’s recipe is modeled after breastmilk and designed to meet the most recent EU nutritional standards for critical ingredients like DHA and iron while complying with all FDA nutritional standards for infant formula. Focused on providing a purposefully sourced, USDA Organic infant formula with Organic Valley milk from pasture-raised cows, Bobbie is the first-ever infant formula to receive the Clean Label Project Purity Award and certification as a Pesticide-Free Product!

Bobbie—Shop Now!



Morepeas is a new collection of colorful and sustainable mealtime accessories created by mamas for babies, toddlers and kids alike. Morepeas best-selling 4-in-1 Snack Cup was specifically designed for do-it-all toddlers. This 100% FDA approved (food-grade silicone) snack container is an all-in-one snack cup, suction bowl, steamer and storage container all-in-one!

Morepeas—Shop Now!



Abiie creates all of their products with minimalist designs and clean materials! They're long-lasting, so you'll feel good about investing.

Abiie—Shop Now!



MAM’s first all natural rubber pacifier made from sustainable & bio-renewable raw materials, reducing its CO2 footprint! The BPA-free natural rubber nipple has their signature MAM eco pacifier design with a symmetrical shape that helps promote healthy oral development.

MAM—Shop Now!

Ergobaby Aerloom


Caring for your children and caring for the planet go hand in hand. That’s why Aerloom is produced with post-consumer, recycled polyester yarns (certified by Global Recycled Standard). It’s made in small quantities to avoid excess inventory and each carrier arrives in a recyclable shipper box; no extra packaging necessary!

Ergobaby Aerloom—Shop Now!

Halo Sleep

Halo Sleep

Babies spend over 60% of their first years sleeping, making a crib mattress the most utilized baby product ever! But if they’re laying on a traditional mattress, that means they spend over 60% of their time inhaling VOCs, too. So, HALO® created DreamWeave— a dual-sided mattress that is totally free of chemicals, totally breathable, totally washable, totally waterproof, hypoallergenic, and GreenGuard Gold certified!

Halo Sleep—Shop Now!



Lalabu follows great sustainability practices, but we're also obsessed with the babywearing shirts for mom and dad! Mother's Day and Father's Day are coming up, so definitely snag one for your favorite parents.

Lalabu—Shop Now!



95% GOTS Organic Cotton, 5% Spandex with velcro fasteners, arm inserts, and a zippered pod for easy diaper changes—the norani Sleep Pod (along with their PJ's, crib sheets, and more) are must-haves for your little snugglers!

norani—Shop Now!

Dreamland Baby

Dreamland Baby

Female-founded and oh-so-effective, Dreamland Baby products (weighted sleep sacks, pajamas, and more!) are made from organic bamboo and can be traded into their Upcycle Program for $15 off your next purchase!

Dreamland Baby—Shop Now!

Baby's Brew

Baby's Brew

Baby's Brew portable bottle warmers and snack cups are compact, eco-friendly, and 100% Toxin-Free Silicone, BPA, PVC, & Phthalate Free!

Baby's Brew—Shop Now!



Eco-friendly baby-led weaning supplies include splat mats, placemats, utensils, and a mealtime clutch! It's all restaurant-ready and diaper bag-friendly, too.

THEO'S—Shop Now!





Terra Thread is a sustainable bag and apparel brand with a mission; to lead a transformation in organic cotton farming, and give consumers better, more planet-friendly choices for everyday essentials!


Diamond Nexus

Diamond Nexus

Diamond Nexus gorgeous pieces are made from stones that are not mined—lab-grown, ethical, and absolutely stunning!

Diamond Nexus—Shop Now!



All of Herschel's iconic accessories are created in the most sustainable and eco-friendly way. In 2021, they launched their Eco collection, using 100% recycled fabrics made from post consumer water bottles diverted from landfill. By 2024, almost all of their bags will be made with recycled fabrics!

Herschel—Shop Now!

Luli Bebé

Luli Bebé

Luli Bebé bags are a fave around here, especially since they're not only gorgeous, made for modern moms, and  but are all made from 100% vegan leather, which is far more sustainable than traditional cow leather bags! They come in a ton of shapes, sizes, and beautiful colors.

Luli Bebé—Shop Now!

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.

For all the parents who have ever wondered, “should I have a third child?” this is for you

Triple your pleasure; triple your fun. When you have a third child, you’ll need a bigger car and a lot more snacks, and you’ll be rewarded with more love and wild adventures. Read on to find out what life is like when you add a third baby to the family.


Pregnancy? What Pregnancy?
With your first, you have time to read baby books and take childbirth classes. Pregnancy with your second is a bit more hectic as you have to coordinate hospital tours and baby-registry shopping trips around nap time. But by the time you’re pregnant with baby 3, you’re lucky if you can even remember to take your prenatal vitamin each morning. Between taking care of two other children and driving around to all their activities, your third learns to go with the flow from the time they're in the womb.

Delivery Is Orchestrated with the Precision of a Space Shuttle Launch
For the delivery of your third baby, you will need to begin preparations weeks in advance to ensure your other two children are accounted for. Schedules, locations, contact numbers and contingency plans should be documented and emailed to your entire circle so your kids can be picked up, dropped off and cared for while number three is making its arrival.

Practical > Cute in the Clothing Department
With your first, you buy all the adorable baby outfits and don't worry about the number of buttons and snaps. Your second wears some hand-me-downs along with simple sleepers added to the rotation. By the time your third baby comes along, they're living in secondhand onesies and pajamas that provide easy diaper-changing access.

Someone Is Always Hungry or Thirsty
With three kids, you learn to always be prepared with snacks and drinks. Whether you're nursing an infant, peeling oranges for a toddler or fetching crackers for a preschooler, someone always needs something. Usually when you’re using the restroom or are on the phone because #momlife.

Nature Never Stops Calling
Have three children and maybe a pet, and you'll be constantly changing a diaper, taking someone to the potty or taking a fur baby out for a walk. No longer will anyone in the household be squeamish about pooptalking about it or cleaning it up.

Everyone Adjusts to the Chaos
With three young children, you become accustomed to a minimum threshold of background noise. You accept that it will always be there and learn to tune it out. Fortunately, so do the children. Just wait to be amazed at how quickly baby number three will fall asleep despite older siblings' shouts, laughs and musical toys.

It’s an Instant Party
With three kids, the party never ends. Scheduling playdates isn't as necessary because every single day is a playdate right at home. Bring three kids to a park or an event, and suddenly it’s a party. All the neighborhood kids come calling to play with one, two or all three of your children.

Cuddles Galore
With three, you will never want for love. Eager arms are always outstretched and waiting to hug you, and you will constantly find a child or three snuggling into your side. Someone always wants to play with you, giggle with you or be held by you. It’s as heartwarming as it sounds and does wonders for the ego.


Maximum Return on Investment
With three kids, you ensure you get your money's worth on all the gear you've purchased. Clothes, strollers and toys all get passed down, eliminating the need to purchase much of anything for baby number three but diapers and new car seats when your current ones expire.

Built-in Teachers
With your first, you are the model for everything your child learns to do. You teach and instruct and celebrate each milestone. But once you have two and three children, older siblings step in to help teach their younger siblings. Potty training a third? Leave it to the older kids and watch them pass on your wisdom.

You No Longer Sweat the Small Stuff
Firstborn children tend to have every step carefully monitored for their safety. Second children get away with more as you're learning to divide your attention between two kids running in opposite directions. But by the time number three is born, you’ve realized kids are pretty resilient. Besides, you no longer have time to obsess over minor details. So all three children are given more latitude as you save your energy for what's truly important.

The Love Is Overwhelming
This is really what it’s all about. Triple the love. Three times the hugs. Your heart bursts every time you look at all of your children together. You realize they'll always have each other, and you can't imagine your life without them and their amazing bond.


9 Products You Need with a Second (or Third or Fourth) Child

13 Signs You’re on Your Second Baby

New Mom’s Survival Guide for Going Back to Work

These theme restaurants in Washington DC take dining out to the next level and will make your next meal time all that more memorable

Everyone loves something fun to do when in DC and having a great time while dining out can be even more fun when the restaurant has a unique and creative theme. Washington, DC is home to some of the best themed restaurants in the country, with a wide variety of themes to choose from. From historical spots with presidential influences to cafes where dolls rule, there‘s something for everyone

The Best Themed Restaurants in Washington DC

1. Old Ebbitt Grill

Established in 1856, Old Ebbitt Grill is Washington DC’s oldest saloon and while it has changed locations a few times over the years, it’s still kid-friendly and a great place for your patriotic history buff to feel a sense of history. William Ebbitt originally opened it as a boarding house, and since then, it has served as a hangout for political power brokers, celebrities, and everyday locals. It has also been featured in countless movies and television shows, including The West Wing and The American President.

Old Ebbitt Grill serves up classic American favorites like the classic oysters Rockefeller, tuna tartare, and crab cake sandwiches, along with a variety of seafood dishes, including traditional Chesapeake Bay oysters. The restaurant has a traditional feel, with dark wood furnishings, cozy booths. With its long history, classic American dishes, and cozy atmosphere, it’s the perfect place to grab a bite to eat in the nation’s capital.

675 15th St.


2. Stable DC

If you dream of swishing down the slopes of the Swiss Alps, followed by hot drinks and delicious Swiss food in a warm chalet, Stable DC will help realize the second half of that dream. They offer private dining with individual Swiss chalets that seat up to six and give you that perfect cozy feeling you’re looking for. While there’s no kids menu, there’s plenty to tempt tiny tummies into eating—including the Fondue Grilled Cheese Sandwich or Zopf French Toast, plus anything on the bakery menu. 

1324 H St. NE


3. American Girl Bistro

If your mini-me loves her mini-me (aka Truly Me), they’ll love the American Girl Bistro. Located on the second level of the American Girl store, the bistro offers a food selection that includes gluten-free options and should please even picky eaters. If your doll-lover doesn’t own an American Girl doll or forgot it at home, they’ll even give you a loaner doll to sit with you while you dine. Themed details are everywhere, including doll holders in all the restrooms (both men’s and women’s)! Check their calendar for special events, making this dine-in experience even more special. 

8090 Tysons Corner Center
McLean, VA


4. Medieval Times Baltimore Castle

Lords and Ladies, you don’t need a formal invitation to enjoy a royal dinner with the Queen. Simply buy your tickets to the Medieval Times Baltimore Castle and enjoy dinner and a show! Dinner is only one part of the magic here. Kids will love that they can set aside table manners for the night as they dig into this hands-only menu. If your littles are known for being raucous and loud at mealtime, Medieval Times is the place to be. They’ll be encouraged to cheer loudly and often for their knight, and everyone else will be just as noisy as they are! As you feast, you’ll watch knights battle both on horseback and on foot. They all want to be the Queen’s champion, but who will win? Though the battles are lively, they aren't scary, making this venue suitable for even the littlest of royal guests. Considering the front-row VIP experience? If you or your kids are sensitive to sights or smells, keep in mind the horses are living animals and are not potty-trained.

7000 Arundel Mills Cir.
Hanover, MD

5. Hard Rock Cafe

Located just steps away from the Ford Theater and across from the FBI Building, The Hard Rock Cafe is an iconic restaurant chain known for its rock 'n' roll atmosphere, generous portions of delicious food, and unique memorabilia.

Diners can enjoy classic American fare such as burgers, steaks, and sandwiches, along with vegetarian options, salads, and a variety of desserts. Each location features a variety of music-themed memorabilia, from guitars signed by famous musicians to vintage concert posters. The DC location features "The Embassy of Rock n' Roll."

999 E St. NW
Federal Triangle


Keep the family connected with less fuss. This is our pick for the best wireless service for families. Read on.

As parents, we don’t like complicated. We have enough to juggle, and since our kiddos com first, adding anything ultra-elaborate to our everyday lives is a definite no go for us. There’s already a lot of “complicated” in our routines: nap schedules, feeding schedules, playdates, work meetings, tutoring, gymnastics, soccer practice, vet appointments, project deadlines, outgrown shoes, field trips, potty training, grocery shopping, and trying to get a shower. We adore our families, but there’s just not enough space for more. And if you’ve ever looked at your cell phone bill, even if you thought it was the best wireless service for families, you know exactly why we’re not interested in complicated. That’s why we’re so excited about Visible Wireless.

We were a little thrown off when we found out that Visible is an app-based wireless service. Afterall, we’ve had apps that we won’t trust with our calendars; how would an app-based wireless service be reliable, much less the best wireless service for families? We’ll tell you how.

Visible runs on Verizon’s award-winning 4G and 5G networks. Although Verizon is their parent company, Visible’s business model is a little bit simpler (we love simple!), which allows them to avoid additional cost and provide coverage for more people across the country. So while you’re accessing Verizon’s reliable network, Visible is saving your money and keeping things easy.

Oh, didn’t we mention? Visible Wireless saves you money. They don’t have storefronts or call centers, and they’re able to pass along those savings to you. Beyond that, Visible offers two plans. Two. Not only does that save us money, it also simplifies everything. You’re only paying for what you need, so all those extra upcharges that somehow end up on our traditional cell phone bills are a thing of the past.

Plans include unlimited talk, text, and data comes standard with both plans. That’s unlimited everything with no hidden fees, including all the hotspot usage you can handle. Stream away, all for  $30.00 a month! Add international calling, international texting, and the 5G ultra wideband premium network experience on the Visible+ Plan for $45.00. Those prices seem too good to be true, but trust us. They’re not. You can even add a smartwatch for $5.00 a month. Buy an Apple Watch or bring yours with you to Visible. Swap your old phone out and pick one of Visible’s latest from Apple, Samsung, and Google!

Still not convinced? Get up to $200 to spend online when you buy an eligible device through 2/28/2023. Terms apply.

Simple, budget-friendly, and easy? Visible Wireless is speaking our language.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of Visible Wireless.


This is the hardest we’ve ever laughed while watching a toddler gaslight their parent

Anyone who’s ever parented a toddler knows that as they’re testing out their independence, they’re likely to tell a fib or two—just to see what they can get away with. A viral video of a potty-training toddler shows just that. But good luck getting through this video without cry-laughing while this toddler, sitting half-naked on the potty, desperately tries to convince his dad he didn’t poop (while the poop is, uh, right there).

Dani DeVito shared the Facebook video of her son, Matt, and husband, Greg, talking about what just happened. Matt is perched on top of the toilet, sans pants, swinging his rainbow-sock-clad feet in glee while Greg asks him if he pooped.

“Wait you didn’t poop?” Greg asks.

“No, I peed!” Matt replies.

“I thought you pooped, too!” Greg says.

“I didn’t poop! I peed!” Matt yells, his voice becoming more and more insistent as the conversation goes on.

The back-and-forth continues, with Greg trying (and failing) to keep it together at his son’s indignant adamance. The video only gets funnier when Matt sees his dad crying tears of laughter, and his indignance immediately turns to concern.

“Are you sad daddy?” he asks, extending his little arms from his toilet throne to offer his dad a hug.

“I’m trying so hard to not laugh I’m crying,” Greg tells him. “You’re funny, you’re a really funny guy.”

The tears have a sobering effect on Matt, who briefly admits to his poop. But moments later, he’s back to his game, denying it ever happened.

In an interview with, the toddler’s parents said the whole interaction was a surprise to them.

“We don’t know where the voice came from. We have no idea,” Dani said. “He’s just a goofy kid. He says it all the time now because he’s randomly seen the video with us, but it’s not a normal occurrence by any stretch of the imagination.”

Greg added, “One of the things that I really, truly want to accomplish is to raise a kid who is compassionate and caring and takes others’ feelings and concerns into account.”

Looks like Matt is on the right track.