There’s an adage that says, “The most valuable life lessons can’t be taught—they have to be experienced.” And so it often goes with kids and many critical life lessons. For lots of developing young minds, learning things the hard way—whether through experience and/or repetition—can help to ensure that lessons learned are genuinely instilled. We asked parenting experts to share the best hard-earned life lessons for kids ages preschool to high school; here’s what they had to say.

1. Everyone makes mistakes.
Nobody is perfect, and making mistakes is an essential life lesson that children can learn starting from a very young age. “It’s important that we make mistakes because that’s how we learn,” said Boston Baby Nurse & Nanny founder Carole Kramer, a registered nurse and best-selling author of Newborn 101. Kramer explained that kids may accidentally spill things or break something, for example, but teaching them that the accident itself isn’t a bad thing, it’s what you do and how you react afterward—that’s the life lesson. “Kids shouldn’t get down or be upset at themselves when they make mistakes,” Kramer said. “Parents can use [mistakes] as teaching opportunities.”

2. Life isn’t always fair.
Every parent has heard their kiddo whine, “But that’s not fair!” Whether it’s a conflict with siblings or friends, or it’s used as a stalling tactic to avoid bedtime, kids will argue a lack of “fairness” to get their way. But many things and experiences in life aren’t always fair. “I think that’s a hard lesson for kids to learn,” said Kramer. “The truth is, you can’t always get what you want all of the time.” For younger children, fairness may seem like an abstract concept, but as they grow older, kids may recognize that they could do the right thing and still get the wrong outcome—sometimes through no fault of their own.

3. Actions have consequences.
One of the first steps toward understanding accountability and taking responsibility is learning that every action has a consequence. Kids may experience consequences of their actions that are positive, such as hard work reaping benefits and rewards, or negative, such as inappropriate behavior leading to punishment. But connecting the dots between what you do and what happens is an important lesson to learn for children of all ages, our experts said.

4. Attendance is important.
Showing up and being on time is part of overall success, and sometimes kids need a brush with repercussions to understand how important it is. “The importance of showing up and being on time (for school, for example) is something kids need to learn, oftentimes, the hard way, though hopefully sooner than later,” said Marjie Hadad, a global PR and parenting expert and author of The Power of PR Parenting: How to raise confident, resilient, and successful children using public relations strategies.

“In public relations, we schedule interviews for our clients. It’s very important that our clients arrive on time at the specified location for an interview. If without a good reason and they do not respect their commitment, they risk losing the opportunity.” That being said, perfect attendance isn’t necessarily the goal because there will be times when kids will have to miss an event or a day of school. It’s what they do when they are present that matters. 

kids participating in class

5. Pay attention to the instructions.
In pursuit of striking independence, kids may take instructions as loose guidelines rather than rules to be followed. But paying attention to instructions is an important lesson to ensure that something is completed properly or an intended goal is achieved. “There are times when creativity is required to navigate unexpected challenging situations,” said Hadad. “However, most times, it would be best to listen and abide by instructions.”

6. You won’t always get picked first.
It can be easy for kids to feel hurt or slighted if they are not picked first or are not invited to a friend’s birthday party. But these are opportunities for parents to teach their kids that sometimes there are reasons why things happen that people don’t know about. “Allow your child to have hurt feelings,” said Boston Baby Nurse & Nanny’s Kramer, but also teach them that sometimes things may happen for reasons that are outside of their own control.

7. It’s OK to be uncomfortable.
Kids may be anxious in situations that are new or unknown to them, but managing to get through those kinds of experiences can help to build self-confidence and resilience. “Most of us learn this lesson as adults,” said Kramer. “We often have this mindset that everything always has to be great and everything needs to be cool. But we’re going to have a variety of emotions, and not all of them will be good ones.” Learning to be uncomfortable is a valuable lesson for kids to learn early.

being bored is a life lesson for kids

8. It’s OK to be bored.
The corollary to being OK with being uncomfortable is being OK with being bored. As parents, we often feel we need to entertain or occupy every second of our children’s lives, so when there is downtime, our kids may express their boredom. Rather than trying to immediately distract or placate a bored kid, teach them that feeling bored from time to time is not only OK, but it’s a natural and ordinary part of life.

9. Don’t take everything personally.
What others do and say is often simply a projection of their own reality, so an important life lesson for kids is not to take everything so personally. “Someone may be having a rough day, and they take it out on others,” said Kramer. For a six-year-old, that may be difficult to understand, but as kids grow older, they can recognize that other people may be experiencing life differently, and parents can teach their children to be empathetic toward others.

10. Be thoughtful about the power of words and tone.
Parents can help kids develop better communication skills by being thoughtful about the words they choose and the tone used to deliver them. “Everyday communication should be given some respect, said author Hadad. “Sometimes this is a lesson that needs to be learned the hard way by our kids in social, academic, and after-school job scenarios. When word choice and tone are chosen carelessly, there is the risk of losing a friend, alienating a teacher, or annoying an employer. If these were the goals, then mission accomplished. If these weren’t, well then, hopefully, a lesson well learned. Think before you talk and choose your delivery wisely.”

Whether you are trying to keep a resolution to stay organized; got inspired while rewatching The Home Edit’s Netflix show; or are once again being swallowed up by school papers, sports gear, and the like, finally getting your home in order takes a healthy dose of trust and courage—much like jumping off the high dive at the local pool. But fear not, we’ve reached out to our favorite organizing gurus, a.k.a. moms who are also professional organizers, to help you tackle the job once and for all. Check out the home organization tips below and get ready to experience the rush of feeling organized—you may be surprised by how good it feels.

1. Set Expectations & Goals

Julia G. Raz, Ph.D., professional organizer and founder of Golden West Organizing, uses her expertise in Communications to work with her clients by empowering them with confidence in their own voice—guiding them in a non-judgmental way to understand what their needs are, and helping them "become the best version of themselves through decluttering and organizing—all the little things in life that can weigh us down." Adding, "At one point in my life, I decluttered about 80% of my belongings because I was overwhelmed by how cluttered my life had become." For Raz, it's important to stress for new organizers to understand that, "Decluttering is not a one-time be-all, end-all. Instead, decluttering has to be an ongoing part of your life." She also points out that organizing is a skill that may be new for some and may take time to develop or you may need help to learn it." The takeaway? Set realistic expectations and realize that to stay organized, there may need to be a change in your behavior, and that could take time, so be patient with yourself and the process.


2. Keep It Simple

Joni Weiss and Kitt Fife, Co-Founders of Practically Perfect, believe in order for an organizing system to work, it must be age appropriate. "The number one mistake parents make is to have a system that’s too complicated for their kids! Staying organized is about maintenance and accountability, and that means kiddos have to be able to pick up after themselves when playtime is over. It’s imperative to consider the age plus stage of your little ones when you consider which organizational system will work best for your play spaces."

Their advice (that can be applied pre and post-pandemic) to maintain an organized space? Try not to control everything, learn to roll with changes, create a routine (and stick to it), and update your entryway drop zones as well as dedicated zones in the fridge and pantry for handy snacks and the like.

Related: Check out more Practically Perfect organizing tips for your kid's room here


3. Start Small

For Beth Penn, founder of the professional organizing business Bneato Bar, motherhood has upped her game. “As a new mom myself, it's about starting small. In my book, The Little Book of Tidying is this quote: ‘Tidying is not a quick-fix solution; it’s a practice, a daily intention, an approach to living.’ Us moms can be very hard on ourselves when we look at everything that needs to get done. Now, more than ever, prioritization and simplifying life is key. What does this look like? Taking distracting apps like Facebook and Instagram off my phone, joining a group that promotes not buying stuff I don’t need—small tweaks like these really add up in keeping my home organized.”

Another way Penn recommends starting small that can make a big impact? Choose environmentally-friendly products when you are organizing. Choose a whiteboard with a dry-erase marker for your DIY command center to reduce your use of paper. 


4. The One-Minute Rule

girl toy decor organize
Kate Emslie via Unsplash

NYC-based best-selling author of The Happiness Project and more, Gretchen Rubin, rocks writing, parenting two daughters, and an in-demand speaking schedule. She has also found a way to be highly organized. A spin on her “Power Hour” idea (working once a week for an hour on a given chore), she suggests abiding by a rule all organized moms can follow: the one-minute rule. “With any task that can be finished in one minute, do it without delay. Hang up your coat, read a letter and toss it, fill in a form, note down a citation, file a paper, put a dish in the dishwasher…and so on. Because the tasks are so quick, it isn’t too hard to make yourself follow the rule—but you’ll see big results."


5. Don't Put It Down, Put It Away

Practically Perfect

This concept is perfect for the one-minute rule. Practically Perfect's Joni Weiss and Kitt Fife say if you commit yourself to do this each day, you'll remember how good it feels to be organized. "Changing habits can also be key, and we encourage carving out a small amount of time each day put items away. And labeling can help!

6. Love It or Leave It?

Raz, of Golden West Organizing, says, "I usually have clients first pick the things they love the most. Once we’ve found all of those items in a particular category, I’ll ask them 1) do they use it, 2) do they need it, 3) would they buy it again if they saw it in a store? This method is inspired by The Minimal Mom—a YouTube channel I’ve been following for years. She adds, "Decluttering is the best way to stay organized. There is no bin or storage system that can make too much clutter work. Lessening the number of items to what is reasonable for you is what makes all the difference."

7. Channel Your Inner KonMari

Since her bestselling books, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and Spark Joy have become must-read tidying tomes, Marie Kondo’s KonMari Method has sparked serious joy across apartments and suburban homes everywhere. And while, yes, Kondo finally admitted her methods don't work as well when you have kids, you'll still get great home organization tips from her advice. SPOKE contributor Lynn Laplante Allaway put the KonMari method to the test with a modified pace for her family of six and a whole lot of humor along the way. She jokes about calling it something of “the AllLyn Method,” if you will. We love her takeaways on socks, the sentimentality of children’s books, and suburban closet space.

8. Clean & Clear Seasonally

There’s neat, and then there’s NEAT Method, which creates personalized systems for each client’s unique needs and lifestyle. After being founded in San Francisco by friends and organizing entrepreneurs Ashley Murphy and Molly Graves, 32 NEAT cities nationwide now help on-site with home projects (like making room for a new babe), while online packages are available to all. As the moms behind the method told us, their secret to success goes right along with the seasons: “In order to keep things NEAT as a mom, it is crucial to set aside a few times every year that you will clean out your children's toys! Get your kid involved and make a donation and a toss pile. A perfect time to do this is after a birthday or holiday when likely a lot of new toys have entered the playroom.”


9. Find a Home for Every Last LEGO

using a three-tiered cart for LEGO is a good home organization tip
The Container Store

Does the lid no longer fit on that one bin you dedicated to all the LEGO pieces? Time to designate a little LEGOLAND of your own at home. We’ve already done the heavy lifting with a round-up of 14 storage ideas you’ll totally want to try. We’re talking color-coded bins, tackle boxes for the tiny stuff, hanging buckets, and even an all-in LEGO Table and Storage Unit. If LEGO isn’t your kid's thing, several of these organizing ideas would translate well to other multi-part toys (Shopkins Shopville storage, anyone?).

10. Be Your Own Assistant

The daily grind of work inside the house and out can get tedious, and things like mail can literally pile up. For Texas-based pro organizer (and mother of four!) Mary Johanson of Creating Mary’s Home, that very pile is actually the secret to her success. “Set an appointment with yourself once a week to do the boring adult stuff,” she recommends. “I pile mail into a basket throughout the week. During the time I set aside weekly, I act like my own secretary. I go through the mail, pay bills, RSVP to parties, file or scan important stuff, make phone calls, and whatever else needs to get done. This weekly appointment keeps mental clutter out of my mind, not to mention paper clutter off my counters!”


11. Just Meal Prep (& Swap) Already

Ella Olsson/Unsplash

Minnesota-based professional organizer Sara Pederson of Time To Organize shared her two top tips for saving time when it comes to cooking. First, “set aside a little time on the weekend to plan out five dinners for the following week. Take a quick peek in the pantry and fridge to see what you need to buy in order to make those meals happen. Jot a list and shop on the weekend so that weekday meals can be as quick and easy as possible.”

Then—and here’s where you get a whole night off cooking, people—set up a meal exchange with another family in the neighborhood! “Pick a specific day each week to double whatever you’re making that night and drop it off so your friends can enjoy an effortless, home-cooked meal. In exchange, that family will provide a meal to you on another pre-planned night. It takes virtually no extra effort to double a recipe, saves money, and connects two families in a fun way.”


RELATED: 40 Make-Ahead Meals That Are Perfect for Busy Weeknights

12. Apply the Four-Stop Test to Toys

Hannah Rodrigo via Unsplash

When it comes to containing the clutter, it’s all too easy for kids to keep us swimming in it. SPOKE contributor Marisa Svalstedt has a genius method for categorizing and downsizing your home’s personal toy department. “While clothing is easy to discard at the appropriate time as children grow out of them so quickly, toys are another story,” Svalstedt writes. “The toys in my household go for a sort of ride through our home before either settling or making a permanent departure." From keeping current favorites well within reach to storing well-loved keepsakes (you’ll adore her easy and affordable storage hack!), and on through to the end of the line, where the definitively outgrown is donated or sold, you’ll want to hop aboard this train.

13. Map Your Time

using a time map is a good home organization tip
Laura Gaskill

Laura Gaskill is a San Francisco Bay Area-based mom and writer who offers e-courses on home organization tips to help folks clear the clutter at home and in life overall, so there’s time to focus on what matters most. Gaskill suggests charting a “Time Map,” which she defines as “simply a record of how you actually spend the hours of your day. The key word here is actually!” she writes on her website. “When we make guesses about how we are spending our time, we tend to underestimate how long we spend on not-so-great things (like browsing social media) and overestimate the amount of time we spend on positive things (like playing with our kids).” And as she points out, “getting a clear picture of how we actually spend our time is the first step if you want to change things.”


—with additional reporting by Andie Huber



We know “Netflix and chill “doesn’t mean what it used to, thanks to life with littles, but when you’ve got the time to wind down after the kids are in bed, click off Disney+ and click on these adult shows on Netflix that are sure to keep you awake no matter how tired you are—at least through several episodes. From hilarious comedies to heart-pumping thrillers, here’s what we’re binge-watching on Netflix right now.

"The Brothers Sun"

Production still from The Brothers Sun, one of the best adult shows on Netflix

It's late. You're in bed. And you want a little action. But not that kind of action. Try hitting up the new series starring recently crowned Best Actress Michelle Yeoh. She plays the strong-willed mother of a family of gang members whose enemies have come a-knocking. There's a lot of choreographed fighting, fun quipping, and every shade of Yeoh on the acting spectrum. 

"Carol & the End of the World"

production still of Carol & the end of the world, one of the best adult shows on Netflix

From one of the brilliant writers for the criminally underappreciated campus comedy Community comes this miniseries about a 42-year-old accounting assistant who has absolutely no idea why the impending doom destined for Eearth means her quiet little life has to change. Like Carol in the mass of hedonistic chaos around her, this animated adult dramedy is a diamond in Netflix's digital rough.  


Obsessed? Same. Now that you're done bingeing Queen Charlotte and eagerly anticipating the next installment of the period drama, why not work on a little refresh? While you wait for season 3 to hit the streamer (part 1: May 16; part 2: June 13), catch up on the first two seasons. Then get ready to learn more about Penelope Featherington and her longtime crush, world traveler Colin Bridgerton.


The Addams Family reruns you watched as a kid pale in comparison to this witty Tim Burton remake. The series stars Jenna Ortega as the brilliant and totally dark title character. Shipped off to Nevermore, a boarding school for outcasts, Wednesday finds herself in the middle of a mystery. Including nods to the original, with an updated ethos, this show is definitely worth a few hours of your time—okay, eight hours. Once you finish the first season, get ready for season 2 in April.

Related: Netflix Announces 'Wednesday' Will Return for Season 2

"Russian Doll"

A production still from Russian Doll, one of the best adult shows on Netflix

If you haven't caught on to this sci-fi/fantasy show that's absolutely bingeable, our only question is: Why not? Natasha Lyonne plays Nadia, doomed to repeat her 36th birthday over and over again until she gets it right, a la Groundhog Day, but with less humor and more mind-blowing plot twists. Sit down to two seasons; Netflix says a third is in the works now.

"Umbrella Academy"

a production still from The Umbrella Academy, one of the best adults shows on Netflix

Reuniting after their father's death, a group of estranged siblings sees their superpowers and a whole closet's worth of family secrets spill out. So far, the series has wrapped three seasons, with the upcoming fourth season said to be the final chapter. According to Ritu Arya, who plays Lila Pitts, season four will be the comic-book adaptation's best yet. So catch up now!


a man walks briskly outside the Louvre in Paris, adult shows on netflix lupin

Forget the Ocean's. This French series will leave you wanting more after the first heart-pounding scene at the Louvre. A true gentleman thief, Assane Diop (Omar Sy) sets out to avenge his father who was unjustly imprisoned when Assane was a child. Taking cues from his favorite fictional criminal hero, Arsène Lupin, he steals from the rich and exposes the truth. Part three is now streaming.


a production still from Beef, one of the best adult shows on Netflix

Steven Yeun and Ali Wong star in this wild road-rage comedy that has more twists and turns than Mulholland Drive. They play Danny Cho, a contractor, and Amy Lau, a business owner, and their "beef" begins when the two engage in a near fender bender. The experience ends up burrowing its way into their lives in ways you would never imagine. You will just eat this one up.

"Derry Girls"

Set in 1990s Northern Ireland—Londonderry, to be exact—this hidden gem is set against a backdrop of political upheaval that's nearing its end. School friends Erin, Michelle, Clare, Orla, and James navigate their teenage years with wit and, well, not really wisdom, but maybe the wisdom of youth that's as hilarious as it gets. Creator Lisa McGee has earned lots of praise for this one. 

"Virgin River"

The perfect romantic-yet-not-too cheesy drama finished up its fifth season last year, with a sixth season on its way. While you wait, you can catch up on all the plaid-patterned action and learn about what Mel and Jack are up to in the small town of Virgin River. Should you need more rom-coms while you mom-mom, check out our list of shows like Virgin River.

"Kim’s Convenience"

If you haven't caught this CBC show on Netflix yet, sit down and stream it tonight. Set in Canada, it's the story of convenient-store-owning Korean immigrants and their first-generation adult kids living in Toronto. Based on a play by Ins Choi, its subtle humor balances out the show's more serious themes, meaning you'll laugh, cry, scream, and feel all the other feels. 


Production still from Glitch

Guaranteed you have never heard of this chilling Aussie gem. About a group of dead people who claw their way back to life from six feet under, Glitch is a genre-blending series that will blow your mind. No, those who have risen are not zombies. And, no, they are not ghosts. But, yes, they are back for a reason. Their journeys to find out why will keep you hooked.

"The Diplomat"

Production still from The Diplomat

Politics are a dirty game. But on The Diplomat, they're also completely absurd, ridiculous, and gloriously silly. Keri Russell stars as the titular ambassador and handles every bonkers plot twist, from international crises to marital exploits with skill and grace. Bless her. Catch up on season 1 now, because the next chapter is on the way, most likely hitting the platform this year.


Production still from Insecure

Don't have MAX? No biggie. Netflix now has every season of Insecure (and Girlfriends, for that matter) for your streaming pleasure. So when you're done watching Firefly Lane on repeat, treat your viewing queue to Issa Rae's hit comedy about a group of twenty-somethings navigating love, life, and friendship in Los Angeles. 

Related: 10 Hidden Gem TV Shows on Netflix

"The Witcher"

Follow the adventures of Geralt of Rivia, a riveting and well-built monster hunter for hire as he journeys toward his destiny in a fantasy-based world where people are often the scariest beasts of them all. And as if spending late nights with Henry Cavill weren't reason enough to hit play on the adventure series, knowing that eye candy Liam Hemsworth is joining the cast for season 4 certainly is.

"Emily In Paris"

emily in paris woman holding a microphone with lights in the background, adult shows on netflix

An ambitious 20-something lands her dream job as a marketing exec in Paris. And the City of Love does not disappoint with three seasons of romance and adventure finding Emily on every corner. Season 4 got a bit delayed due to the 2023 writers' strikes, but worry not, word is new episodes of Emily, her friends, her lovers, and her wildly inspirational fashion choices will be out this year.

"The Crown"

Can’t get enough of the royal family? This intriguing peek into the reign and romance of Queen Elizabeth II will more than satisfy. It certainly doesn't hurt that it stars the Oscar-winning Olivia Colman for part of the saga as Her Royal Highness, either. Creator Peter Morgan has finally finished his story, with all six seasons streaming on the platform now.

"Good Girls"


What happens when a picture-perfect, stay-at-home mom breaks bad? Good Girls. Part Weeds, part Breaking Bad, this series is a dark but fun fantasy escape that will draw you in from the first episode. In a stroke of horrible prime time decision making, the network canceled the series ahead of season five, but that doesn't mean you won't thoroughly enjoy all four seasons streaming now.


Okay, yes, Ozark is a lot of fun. But odds are, you've seen Jason Bateman and Laura Linney boss up as money-laundering pros in the Ozark Mountains. So, queue up this thriller with links to the cartel instead. It stars Sofia Vergara playing against type in a queenpin role that will have you doing a double take. Drugs, money, motherhood, talk about binge-worthy. Look for it on January 25.

"Cobra Kai"

Thirty years after Karate Kid, the feud between Daniel LaRusso (Ralph Macchio) and Johnny Lawrence (William Zabka) is still going strong. A surprise hit series, Cobra Kai checks in on the rivals, now all grown up, and finds Johnny and Daniel raising a new class of karate masters in their own dojos. Catch up now because season six is on the burner for 2024. 

"Dead to Me"

This dark and twisty mystery about a grieving widow, played by the genius Christina Applegate, and her new best friend, the wonderful Linda Cardellini, will suck you in instantly and will not spit you out until the credits roll on the shocking end. Luckily (and, well, unfortunately), there are three complete seasons to keep you entertained.

"Escaping Twin Flames"

Ripping people off is as American as apple pie. LuLaRoe did it with patterned leggings, Bernie Madoff did it with a handshake, and cryptocurrency used Tom Brady. Twin Flames Universe, the online community at the focus of this 2023 Netflix docuseries, the lure is harmonious true love. And founders Jeff and Shaleia Divine swindled millions of their prey. 

Related: True Crime Docuseries Moms Can't Get Enough Of

"Ginny and Georgia"

a man hugs two children

In search of a fresh start, single mom Georgia moves her kids, Ginny and Austin, up north. Unfortunately, secrets from Georgia’s past come back to haunt them and threaten to make their new lives anything but perfect. As addictive as it is shocking at times, Ginny & Georgia is the gift that keeps on giving: Netflix has guaranteed that seasons 3 and 4 are on the way. 

"Workin’ Moms"

workin moms season six

The last and final season of this hilariously relatable mom-com was released in early 2023. As for the binge, we hope you can make it through all seven seasons without peeing your pants, tagging along with the working moms as they balance the impossible chaos of motherhood and returning to the office. If you've already seen the entire series, check out our picks for shows like Workin' Moms. 

"The Great British Baking Show"

Mouthwatering cake pops and canapes served up with some friendly competition make this series a must-watch for any home baker (or cookie-lover) looking for inspiration. If, however, you fear the yummy sponges on the screen may induce hunger pangs that send you straight to the kitchen for a snack, there's always the Emmy-nominated Selling Sunset to quell the late-night reality cravings. 

with additional reporting by DeAnna Janes

All photos courtesy of Netflix, unless noted.


The best baby feeding supplies for mitigating messes

When it comes to finding the best baby feeding supplies, there’s absolutely no shortage of options. Whether it’s your first little one or your newest addition, feeding gear is always evolving. Of course, that’s a good thing, but it can leave you feeling a little overwhelmed with choices. But you have us, so you can relax and let us handle the hard part.

Most of us would agree that the best options have a few key features. We’re looking for suction-bottom plates and bowls (babies are mighty flingy as far as bowls and plates go), high-quality baby-safe materials, soft-on-the-gums utensils, and weighted sippy cups (because of that flingy thing again). A lot of feeding supplies are created with food-grade silicone, since it’s soft, but we also found stainless steel and bamboo options for those of us looking to skip the plastic. There are even options that also keep your comfort in mind. From bibs to bowls to snack containers, these are some seriously clever products for feeding your little one. Check out our list of the best baby feeding supplies below.

Best Utensils: Baby Spoons & Forks

Avanchy Bamboo Baby Spoons

Avanchy on Amazon

Shorter handles and wider scoops make these perfect for babies just starting out all the way to the toddler stage. Multiple colors and set options are available, too.

Avanchy Bamboo Baby Spoons ($14.99)—Buy Here!

mushie Flatware Fork and Spoon Set

mushie on Amazon

Made in Denmark, these aesthetic toddler and baby utensils are as pretty as they are functional. They're so simple that they're easy for little ones to hang onto while they learn their way around solid foods. They come in lots of soft colors, too.

mushie Flatware Fork and Spoon Set ($7.99)—Buy Here!

Grabease Baby Utensils

Grabease on Amazon

These chunky little baby spoons and forks are ideal for little grips. The shape helps them hang onto their utensils and the kiddo-friendly colors (there are lots of them!) help to keep them engaged. 

Grabease Baby Utensils ($11.99)—Buy Here!

Munchkin Soft Tip Baby Spoons 12ct

Munchkin on Amazon

Munchkin baby spoons are a parent favorite: gentle on baby's gums, ergonomically shaped, and long enough to reach the bottom of those food jars. What's not to love?

Munchkin Soft Tip Baby Spoons 12ct ($8.66)—Buy Here!

Kizingo Curved Spoons Set of 2

Kizingo on Amazon

Created by moms who just get it, these curved spoons are great for littles learning to feed themselves. They help develop motor skills without exhausting their wrist, shoulders, or elbows with overly complicated movements. Available in 2 sets of different colors.

Kizingo Curved Spoons Set of 2 ($14.99)—Buy Here!


Best Baby Plates & Bowls

Munchkin Stay Put Suction Bowls Set of 3

Munchkin on Amazon

The best baby feeding supplies let you say goodbye to flying baby bowls. The suction cup bottom keeps these securely in place, while the quick-release tab makes it easy for you to clean up when mealtime is over. 

Munchkin Stay Put Suction Bowls Set of 3 ($8.82)—Buy Here!

WeeSprout Suction Plates with Lids

WeeSprout on Amazon

Suction bottoms are a theme here, of course, but the WeeSprout plates offer a divided design and matching lids for on-the-go carrying, leftovers, and meal prep. Lots of color combos are available, too.

WeeSprout Suction Plates with Lids ($18.98)—Buy Here!

Avanchy Bamboo & Stainless Steel Baby Bowls

Avanchy on Amazon

Trying to avoid plastic? This bamboo and stainless steel bowl set from Avanchy is a great way to go. The bundle includes both bowls and a lid for easy transport or leftovers. Several colors are available, too.

Avanchy Bamboo & Stainless Steel Baby Bowls ($40.98)—Buy Here!

ezpz Tiny Bowl

ezpz on Amazon

You probably already know ezpz, and this beauty doesn't just include a suction bottom, but it also has a built-in placemat to majorly mitigate spills. Available in 4 colors.

ezpz Tiny Bowl ($16.99)—Buy Here!

Skip Hop Grab Bowls Set of 2

Skip Hop on Amazon

Finally, bowls that keep your comfort in mind, too. The ergonomic handles make feeding much easier to hang on to and we're always big fans of lids.

Skip Hop Grab Bowls Set of 2 ($12.00)—Buy Here!

Olababy Silicone Steam Bowl

Olababy on Amazon

Warm up baby food by steaming over a saucepan or steamer with this bowl. And don't worry—the bowl itself doesn't get hot as it steams, either, so it won't get overheated.

Olababy Silicone Steam Bowl ($11.95)—Buy Here!


Best Snack Containers

The Baby's Brew 2-in-1 Snack Cup

The Baby's Brew

These snack cups are soft and collapsible, with an interchangeable snack cup or straw sip lid. Plus the secure snack lid keeps goodies contained and is perfect for little hands.

The Baby's Brew 2-in-1 Snack Cup ($9.99)—Buy Here! 3-in-1 Snack Bowl

b. box on Amazon

As far as baby snack containers go, this isn't just one that keeps the Cheerios from flying out. With a straw, storage lid, and snack dispenser lid, you can use it for everything from Goldfish to soup to smoothies and beyond. Lots of cute color combinations are available, too. 3-in-1 Snack Bowl ($14.95)—Buy Here!

mushie Snack Cup

mushie on Amazon

Oh, mushie and their soft colors that we just can't get enough of. The double handles are super helpful for little ones, too. Tons of color options with this one.

mushie Snack Cup ($13.99)—Buy Here!


Best Baby Feeding Sets

Baby Björn Baby Feeding Set

Baby Björn on Amazon

The rounded sides of the plate make it easy for scooping and containing food, and this set also includes a stable cup for learning to drink, and easy-to-hold utensils. It comes in 4 colors.

Baby Björn Baby Feeding Set ($32.70)—Buy Here!

Busy Baby ULTIMATE Busy Baby Bundle

Busy Baby

The best baby feeding supplies are multi-functional, and Busy Baby agrees. This bundle includes Busy Baby's best sellers: Mat (original size) with 4 Tethers, Mini Mat, Teether & Training Spoon, Bungee Bib & Utensils, Bottle Bungee, and Toy Bungee. Not only are they excellent feeding tools, but the bungees keep toys, utensils, and more from falling on the floor.

Busy Baby ULTIMATE Busy Baby Bundle ($85.00)—Buy Here!

Lalo First Bites Silicone Baby Feeding Set

Lalo on Amazon

The Lalo First Bites set is one of the most popular out there. It includes utensils, bib, 4oz cup, suction plate and bowl and is available in 5 colors.

Lalo First Bites Silicone Baby Feeding Set ($75.99)—Buy Here!

MICHEF Baby Feeding Set

MICHEF on Amazon

Designed for babies 4+ months, the MICHEF set comes complete with 2 baby food feeders with 3 different sized replacement silicone sacs, baby spoons, and a bowl with masher.

MICHEF Baby Feeding Set ($19.99)—Buy Here!

VOD VISUAL Owl Baby Feeding Set

VOD VISUAL on Amazon

Why not add a friendly face to mealtime with this adorable owl set? The dishes even have suction cup bottoms. Available in several colors.

VOD VISUAL Owl Baby Feeding Set ($24.99)—Buy Here!


Best Bibs

Tiny Twinkle Long Sleeve Bibs

Tiny Twinkle on Amazon

Cover them alllllll the way up with these best selling long sleeve bibs. There's a good chance they'll still find a way to drip something somewhere, but this set mitigates the possibility. Lots of colors are available.

Tiny Twinkle Long Sleeve Bibs ($23.99)—Buy Here!

Grabease Allover Waterproof Bib

Grabease on Amazon

Looking for serious bib coverage? Look no further. This one is designed to cover your babe and their highchair, plus its machine washable. Multiple color options, too.

Grabease Allover Waterproof Bib ($26.99)—Buy Here!

PandaEar Silicone Bibs Set of 3


Budget-friendly, ultra-functional, and scoring almost 5 stars from over 12,000 Amazon reviewers? This is the set that delivers.

PandaEar Silicone Bibs Set of 3 ($7.99)—Buy Here!

Bumkins Waterproof Fabric Starter Bibs

Bumkins on Amazon

Fabric bibs are classic for a reason: these waterproof fabric bibs are soft and strong and include a crumb-catcher pocket. Machine wash them over and over. Plus, they come in lots of adorable colors and prints.

Bumkins Waterproof Fabric Starter Bibs ($10.95)—Buy Here!

Tiny Twinkle Apron Bib

Tiny Twinkle

We're really into this apron style bib with little arm holes that are totally tug-proof. The sweet colors and prints are a major selling point here, too.

Tiny Twinkle Apron Bib ($11.99)—Buy Here!


Best Water Cups

Olababy Silicone Training Cup with Straw Lid

Olababy on Amazon

Learning is is the name of the game when it comes to baby water cups, and this one is designed by pediatric experts. The weighted base prevents tip-overs and your little one can see inside the cup to know what's in it and how much is left (which is a big deal when they're learning to drink for themselves). 5 colors available.

Olababy Silicone Training Cup with Straw Lid ($12.76)—Buy Here!

Evorie Tritan Weighted Straw Sippy Cup

Evorie on Amazon

Made of Tritan that's clear as glass yet strong as stainless steel, the Evorie Sippy Cup is an award-winning cup with a straw that allows babies to drink from an angle while minimizing extra air that can lead to tummy upsets. Multiple colors and designs are available.

Evorie Tritan Weighted Straw Sippy Cup ($18.99)—Buy Here!

Bunnytoo Baby Sippy Cup with Weighted Straw

Bunnytoo on Amazon

The weighted straw idea is brilliant, honestly. It lets your little one drink from any angle or position and keeps spills and leaks to a minimum. There are 7 colors available.

Bunnytoo Baby Sippy Cup with Weighted Straw ($13.99)—Buy Here!


All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.

Cold weather dry skin woes are a thing of the past. Your best moisturizer for dry skin is on this list

Dry skin check:

  • Are you absent-mindedly scratching an itch right now?
  • Are you avoiding matte lipstick because of chapped lips?
  • If you smile, does your face feel tight?
  • Have you been on a mission to find the best moisturizer for dry skin for as long as you can remember?

If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, welcome to the Dry Skin Club. Even if you’ve never had dry skin before, there’s a really good chance one day you wake up and wonder why you have red spots or irritation, or why your face doesn’t feel as glow-y as it used to. The smallest bit of discomfort can even be a sign of dry skin, and you may notice it more in the winter. And while the Dry Skin Club might not be one you’ve ever wanted to be in, we also happen to know a thing or two about treating it. So proudly put on your membership tee and keep reading for dry skin’s worst enemy: excellent products. If you’re looking for the best moisturizer for dry skin this season, look no further than this list.

Colleen Rothschild Extreme Recovery Cream

Colleen Rothschild

This is intensive care for delicate skin, but it doesn't feel extremely heavy (though it's not super light either), so it's great for AM and PM use. It has a velvety texture and features hyaluronic acid and wu-bai complex to fight signs of fine lines while smoothing out skin's texture.

Colleen Rothschild Extreme Recovery Cream ($75.00)—Buy Here!

La Roche-Posay Toleriane Double Repair Face Moisturizer


For the sensitive beauties out there, La Roche-Posay's Toleriane Double Repair is the way to go. With a high concentration of Prebiotic Thermal Water, Ceramide-3, Niacinamide, and Glycerin, this moisturizer is oil-free and provides up to 48-hour hydration while helping restore skin's barrier after 1 hour. It's tested on sensitive skin, too.

La Roche-Posay Toleriane Double Repair Face Moisturizer ($22.99)—Buy Here!

CeraVe Moisturizing Cream


It's unlikely you'll find a list of the best moisturizers for dry skin without seeing CeraVe pop up. This one is so popular that it easily holds its own against luxe and high-end beauty brands (just look at the over 127,000 Amazon reviews). It has a rich, velvety texture that leaves skin feeling smooth for softened skin without greasy, sticky, feel. With essential ceramides, you can say buh-bye to flaky skin.

CeraVe Moisturizing Cream ($17.89)—Buy Here!

CORSX Advanced Snail 92 All in One Cream


A lightweight, gel-type cream that repairs and soothes irritated, sensitive, even with ultra-delicate conditions like rosacea. It's powered by snail mucin, hyaluronic acid, and betaine to strengthen the skin barrier by replenishing moisture.

CORSX Advanced Snail 92 All in One Cream ($14.25)—Buy Here!

eltaMD Barrier Renewal Complex Face Moisturizer


'Compromised skin' is red, itchy, tight, and flaky (we're familiar, trust us). eltaMD Barrier Renewal Complex Face Moisturizer is perfect for your skin's recovery, and it hydrates and eases fine lines, too.

eltaMD Barrier Renewal Complex Face Moisturizer ($55.10)—Buy Here!

KORRES Golden Krocus Hydra-Filler Plumping Cream


A seriously luxurious plumping moisturizer that targets visible signs of aging, offering 48-hour hydration, enhanced skin immunity, and a smoother complexion. Use twice a day for that glow you've been craving.

KORRES Golden Krocus Hydra-Filler Plumping Cream ($76.00)—Buy Here!

NYL LIKE VELVET Nourishing Face Oil


If you haven't gotten on the face oil bandwagon, get ready for compliments. NYL's LIKE VELVET Nourishing Face Oil includes antioxidant-rich pomegranate and rosehip oil head up a team of over 15 herb-infused oils to make your skin feel (literally) like velvet.

NYL LIKE VELVET Nourishing Face Oil ($74.00)—Buy Here!

760 Skin Dew or Dry Moisturizer

760 Skin

Boost your skincare routine in the new year with 760 Skin’s Dew or Dry Moisturizer. Dew or Dry is a powerful vegan moisturizer free of parabens, sulfates, and phthalates that harnesses the power of desert plants to give skin a healthy, glowing appearance. Utilizing ingredients such as cactus stem cells, jojoba oil, evening primrose oil, squalane, tremella mushroom, and reishi mushroom, it deeply nourishes, hydrates, and soothes skin.

760 Skin Dew or Dry Moisturizer ($38.00)—Buy Here!

YA-MAN Flawless Serum


This luxurious hydrating face serum contains Vitamin A (you might know it better as retinol) that helps to refine skin and ingredients to hydrate and protect your skin. 

YA-MAN Flawless Serum ($36.00)—Buy Here!

First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream


The whipped texture of this moisturizer is non-greasy and formulated for distressed skin from head to toes. That's right—you can use it from your nose to your toes. Clinically proven to immediately improve skin hydration by 169%, it starts healing from day 1.

First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream ($28.73)—Buy Here!

Kinskin Ceramide Barrier Repair Oil


This lightweight facial treatment oil contains an advanced oat-based lipid complex plus a proprietary omega fatty acid blend that deeply nourishes and moisturizes, soothes and restores, and glides on for that lit-from-within vibe.

Kinskin Ceramide Barrier Repair Oil ($38.00)—Buy Here!

MISSHA Super Aqua Cell Renew Snail Cream


Snails are clearly having a moment. Forget dull winter skin. This brightening gel-cream moisturizer is fast-absorbing and never feels sticky, your skin will look and feel its dewiest.

MISSHA Super Aqua Cell Renew Snail Cream ($22.52)—Buy Here!

Gemini Beauty Super Fruit Recovery Night Cream

Gemini Beauty

Wake up to deliciously soft, luminous skin (doesn't that sound divine?). This multi-corrective gel cream wraps your skin in a moisture-locking layer of hydration—working to balance, brighten, and smooth while you sleep.

Gemini Beauty Super Fruit Recovery Night Cream ($42.00)—Buy Here!

Primal Life Organics Beyond Face Moisturizer

Primal Life Organics

Go beyond just moisturizer with a formula that combines potent, nutrient-rich oils like tamanu, emu, rosehip seed, sea buckthorn, and filtered beeswax, for more bounce and luminosity. That's right. We said it.

Primal Life Organics Beyond Face Moisturizer ($71.99)—Buy Here!

AS OF TODAY R-Peptide Ampoule Serum Hydrating Essence


This one does it all—mega moisture, firming, wrinkle-reducing, and great for all skin types. AS OF TODAY is minimalist beauty that does a lot.

AS OF TODAY R-Peptide Ampoule Serum Hydrating Essence ($49.30)—Buy Here!

Tana Marie Skincare Hyaluronic Acid FIller Serum

Tana Marie Skincare

Looking for a little more volume in your face, but want to skip the needles? A painless topical alternative to injectable fillers, the advanced formula in this Hyaluronic Acid Filler Serum contains a powerful blend of hyaluronic acid, copper complex and niacinamide to fight against the visible signs of aging and the improvement of fine lines and wrinkles. Quickly delivering equivalent results to one injection of collagen filler, it can reduce wrinkle appearance and volume by 15% in only 2 weeks. Users have also experienced firmness increased by 13 times in 15 days. This is a real powerhouse.

Tana Marie Skincare Hyaluronic Acid FIller Serum ($135.00)—Buy Here!

Geri G. Skin Reboot

Geri G.

Skin Reboot All-in-One Moisturizer, Primer, Cosmetic Enhancer, and Night Cream is a patented water-resistant, translucent moisturizer that penetrates the skin to keep it soft, smooth, and supple with a bright glow. Nowhere else will you find a product that moisturizes, primes/preps your skin, and custom blends your makeup instantly, in addition to being a great night cream. 

Geri G. Skin Reboot ($59.99)—Buy Here!



All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.

These are the beauty gift ideas that’ll make you feel like a holiday gift guru

The holidays are around the corner, and this is going to be the gift guide you save to send to your partner and family for sure. Although you can definitely use these ideas for your own mom, sister, BFF, etc., we put this one together with you in mind. So we ask: What’s better than indulging in some beauty products that you wouldn’t normally buy for yourself?

We’re all about the home spa experience, and these goodies range from intensive treatments to apply-and-go makeup to help you get out the door in a snap. We’ve rounded up the top beauty gifts of 2023 that will leave you feeling relaxed, recharged, and ready to tackle the day.

Avon Haiku Serenity Gift Set


There's no better time for a little zen than the holidays. Avon's cult-fave Haiku scent features a fresh, clean, green + floral blend that's best-selling for a reason. This set has the Eau de Parfum, Hair & Body Mist, and Haiku Intense Travel Spray.

Avon Haiku Serenity Gift Set ($57.00)—Buy Here!

Dyson Limited Edition Airwrap Multi Styler in Ceramic Pop


The Dyson Airwrap has been on our collective wish lists for multiple seasons, and this limited edition colorway makes us love it even more.

Dyson Limited Edition Airwrap Multi Styler in Ceramic Pop ($599.00)—Buy Here!

Sol de Janeiro Bum Bum Cream

Sol de Janeiro

Yes. It is that good. It's a little bit of a splurge, but it's super rich, so it lasts a long time, and the scent is unbelievable. There's a reason Bum Bum Cream is such a viral hit.

Sol de Janeiro Bum Bum Cream ($45.60)—Buy Here!

Christian Cowan Red Carpet Glamour Full-Look Set


This limited-edition set from the collab between Smashbox x Christian Cowan gives you everything you need to create a stunning full-glam look that's perfect for the holidays (and beyond).

Christian Cowan Red Carpet Glamour Full-Look Set ($39.99)—Buy Here!

KORRES Eau de Toilette Vetiver Root


Woody, warm, earthy...Vetiver meets lavender, cedarwood, and green tea notes. Wear it alone or as a layer. You can't go wrong (well, you can't go wrong with pretty much anything from KORRES.).

KORRES Eau de Toilette Vetiver Root ($54.00)—Buy Here!

Facial Mist Tool

Short & Suite

Designed to work with the Shorts & Suite Mineral Mist Pods, the Mist Wand rapidly delivers the finest dispersion of active mineral ingredients. It's perfect for the winter when skin is parched, and ideal for travel, too.

Facial Mist Tool ($129.00)—Buy Here!

ELEANOR 3 in 1 Combination Beauty Device


Get a non-invasive facelift, depuff, and contour your face with the ELEANOR. It uses radio frequency and LED light therapy along with the Glow Rose Conductive Gel (sold separately) to maximize effectiveness right from your home.

ELEANOR 3 in 1 Combination Beauty Device ($135.50)—Buy Here!

Thrive Causemetics Multeye Mask

Thrive Causemetics

These reusable eye masks help you get the most out of your eye cream or serum. Just apply, top it off with the eye masks, and leave on for 10 minutes. They also help protect during makeup application. Did we mention they're reusable? Just rinse, dry, and store them in the included compact when you're done.

Thrive Causemetics Multeye Mask ($28.00)—Buy Here!



The DIORIVIERA Set includes limited-edition 5 Couleurs Couture eyeshadow palette with shades that match the 5 miniature Dior nail polishes, all inspired by the French Riviera.

The DIORIVIERA Set ($200.00)—Buy Here!

Revitalash Bestsellers Collection

Revitalash Cosmetics

Give them the gift of transforming their lashes and brows with this collection. Condition, strengthen, and soften lashes while defending against brittleness and breakage. Brows are shaped and revitalized. And the Volumizing Primer + Mineral Tint makes those peepers pop. This is a great routine to start for the new year, too.

Revitalash Bestsellers Collection ($201.00)—Buy Here!

Charlotte Tilbury Lucky Chest of Beauty Secrets

Charlotte Tilbury

A $279 value, this pretty chest comes packed with all of Charlotte's favorites—a mini Pillow Talk Beauty Light Wand, Rock 'n' Kohl Eyeliner, Push Up Lashes! Mascara, and more. Everything Charlotte is most famous for is included in her Lucky Chest.

Charlotte Tilbury Lucky Chest of Beauty Secrets ($210.00)—Buy Here!

Ulike Sapphire Air3 IPL Hair Removal Handset


The number of hours we spend shaving over the course of a year adds up (and it's kinda depressing, to be honest). The Air3 IPL handset offers a quick 12 minute treatment, skin-cooling technology for a nearly-painless experience, and results in only 3 weeks.

Ulike Sapphire Air3 IPL Hair Removal Handset ($329.00)—Buy Here!

Birthstone Mineral Soaps

Uncommon Goods

Skin-moisturizing soaps created after the shapes of 12 natural birthstones, complete with their own scent profile. They're almost too pretty to use.

Birthstone Mineral Soaps ($28.00)—Buy Here!

Renzoe Box's Clean Girl Edit

Renzoe Box

A 12-in-1 collection of all the things you could possibly need in one convenient box. It's literally a full face routine of name-brand luxe beauty brands, including brushes and an additional compartment for extras, in a take-anywhere-box. You can also purchase additional pods to swap out and refill. It's the only thing you'll ever need and we're obsessed.

Renzoe Box's Clean Girl Edit ($425.00)—Buy Here!

Uzari Ritual Box Set


Step into your new skin with this one-two punch of a shea butter-infused body wash that's PH-balanced for all skin types plus an effective exfoliator that unclogs pores and leaves your skin totally ready for the next step in your routine (and helps it absorb the additional products you use daily).

Uzari Ritual Box Set ($60.00)—Buy Here!

Benefit Mistletoe Blushin’ Lip and Cheek Stain and Blush Duo


A full-size duo featuring Benefit's Benetint Liquid Lip Blush & Cheek Tint and Shellie Blush.

Benefit Mistletoe Blushin’ Lip and Cheek Stain and Blush Duo ($32.00)—Buy Here!

VIOLETTE FR Petal Bouche Duo


VIOLETTE FR's iconic Petal Bouche lip color duo in (clockwise from top) Amour Fou (Violette's signature red—the one that looks good on everyone), her newest deep wine hue, Cerie Désir, or Cœur Infidèle (an intense magnetic pink), . *Tip: make sure to hydrate your lips before applying this matte, long-wearing color.

VIOLETTE FR Petal Bouche Duo ($50.40)—Buy Here!

Jones Road The Bobbi Kit 3.0

Jones Road

Everything you need for an effortless, no-fuss makeup routine that loos oh-so-put-together.

Jones Road The Bobbi Kit 3.0 ($82.00)—Buy Here!

ICONIC London Glowing Out Out Gift Set


Party season-perfect makeup is all wrapped up in this ICONIC London set.

ICONIC London Glowing Out Out Gift Set ($75.00)—Buy Here!

HANACURE The All-In-One Facial


This is no ordinary face mask. When you combine the ampoule and solution, use the included brush to paint onto your skin, wait 15-20 minutes, and you'll see major transformation after the first use.

HANACURE The All-In-One Facial ($110.00)—Buy Here!

Crystal-Infused Zodiac Nail Polish

Uncommon Goods

Flaunt your star sign personality with these twinkly nail polishes.

Crystal-Infused Zodiac Nail Polish ($18.00)—Buy Here!

Christian Louboutin Abracadabra La Palette Refillable Case

Saks Fifth Avenue

This stunning compact is covered in iconic Christian Louboutin studs, and is designed to be refilled with luxe palettes like the Christian Louboutin Abracadabra La Palette Blush & Highlighter Palette Refill or the Abracadabra La Palette Eyeshadow Palette Refill

Christian Louboutin Abracadabra La Palette Refillable Case ($73.00)—Buy Here!

Well People Supernatural Face Trio

Well People

This plant-powered + clean makeup set features three lifhtweight cream multi-use makeup sticks to create a youthful, natural glow with skin-hydrating benefits.

Well People Supernatural Face Trio ($56.00)—Buy Here!

Eucalyptus, Lavender & Rose Shower Bundle Trio

Uncommon Goods

Steam-activated aromatherapy, straight from the botanics themselves to create a therapeutic shower experience every day.

Eucalyptus, Lavender & Rose Shower Bundle Trio ($50.00)—Buy Here!

Molton Brown Festive Bauble Gift Set

Molton Brown

A bauble trio that can work as stocking-stuffers, tree ornaments, or just wrapped under the tree. Includes 3 best-selling body washes: Pink Pepper, Black Pepper, and Rhubarb and Rose.

Molton Brown Festive Bauble Gift Set ($48.00)—Buy Here!

Joybos Makeup Storage Organizer Box with Led Lighted Mirror


How gorgeous is this cosmetic organizer? Complete with adjustable light, fan, and a ton of storage. Available in this green, pink, and white.

Joybos Makeup Storage Organizer Box with Led Lighted Mirror ($89.95)—Buy Here!

Lush Dreamland Gift Set

Lush USA

Packed with Lush's signature Sleepy scent, this set comes with bath bombs, lotion, body wash, and more—all designed to help unwind.

Lush Dreamland Gift Set ($84.00)—But Here!

Gucci Mini 3 Piece Matte Lipstick Festive Gift Set


3 flattering, non-drying, mini colors of Gucci's Rouge à Lèvres Mat lipsticks.

Gucci Mini 3 Piece Matte Lipstick Festive Gift Set ($45.00)—Buy Here!

Jo Malone Share Pomegranate Noir Body & Hand Lotion

Jo Malone

You truly have to smell it to believe it. Jo Malone's Pomegranate Noir scent is the warm, sultry, spicy vibe of our dreams.

Jo Malone Share Pomegranate Noir Body & Hand Lotion ($65.00)—Buy Here!

Karla Cosmetics Shadow Potion Gel Eyeshadow

Karla Cosmetics

For the makeup-lover who likes to add some drama, these stunning multi-tonal gel shadows are the perfect option. Pictured in 'Snooze', there are multiple colors to pick from.

Karla Cosmetics Shadow Potion Gel Eyeshadow ($26.14)—Buy Here!

Deon Libra The Duo Unbothered Elixir and Big Up Body Glaze

Deon Libra

Beauty from the inside out—the daily adaptogen blend + silky body oil. Talk about a power couple.

Deon Libra The Duo Unbothered Elixir and Big Up Body Glaze ($112.00)—Buy Here!

Glossier Stretch Face Brush


Foundation application has never been so smooth or easy thanks to this contoured brush.

Glossier Stretch Face Brush ($28.00)—Buy Here!

Drunk Elephant The Littles 6.0

Drunk Elephant

6 travel-friendly a.m. and p.m. essentials to cleanse, exfoliate, hydrate, brighten, and replenish your complexion, resetting your skin to it's happiest state. We're talking in as little as 30 days.

Drunk Elephant The Littles 6.0 ($74.00)—Buy Here!

Orbits Eye Stones

Uncommon Goods

These Finnish disks are made from ancient soapstone and bring instant eye relief after they're chilled in the fridge.

Orbits Eye Stones ($20.00)—Buy Here!

Alleyoop Beauty MVP Set


This one-step bundle saves so much time in the morning—can even be tossed in your purse for fast touch-ups.

Alleyoop Beauty MVP Set ($79.00)—Buy Here!

SOKO GLAM Then I Met You the Giving Essence


This combo of niacinamide, naturally fermented ingredients, polyglutamic acid, and more make this a powerhouse to maximize any skincare routine. 

SOKO GLAM Then I Met You the Giving Essence ($50.00)—Buy Here!

Innbeauty Project Sunkissed Set

Innbeauty Project

Bright & Tight Eye Cream, Face Glaze, and Fruit Punch Lip Oil—a full glowy routine for a lit-from-within look all year.

Innbeauty Project Sunkissed Set ($68.00)—Buy Here!

Pour Moi Beauty

Pour Moi Beauty

You don't have to know everything about skincare to build the perfect set. Just enter the zip code of your gift recepiant and Pour Moi Beauty pulls up everything needed based on the climate of that area. Genius.

Pour Moi Beauty—Shop Here!

Victoria Beckham Beauty Smoky Eye Brick

Victoria Beckham Beauty

Who knows a smoky eye better than Victoria Beckham? Each minimalist compact sports 4 expertly-curated, high impact shades that take the guesswork out of application. Available in 5 color pallets (Signature is pictured here).

Victoria Beckham Beauty Smoky Eye Brick ($56.00)—Buy Here!

Blue Lagoon Iceland Signature Masks Set

Blue Lagoon Iceland

For all skin types, here are 4 signature masks in Blue Lagoon Iceland's award-winning formulas.

Blue Lagoon Iceland Signature Masks Set ($300.00)—Buy Here!

LANEIGE Midnight Minis Set


The iconic LANEIGE lip mask in 5 flavors for smooth, supple lips overnight.

LANEIGE Midnight Minis Set ($20.00)—Buy Here!

Futurewise Slugging System


Slugging is a powerful way to hydrate the heck out of your skin (even though the name is a little cringy). Layers of intense hydration make this system extremely effective for bouncy, healthy skin.

Futurewise Slugging System ($66.00)—Buy Here!

Pink Matter Multi Use Balm


We love a good multi-tasker, and Pink Matter does exactly that. Lips, cuticles, dry patches, cheekbones—put it anywhere.

Pink Matter Multi Use Balm ($24.00)—Buy Here!

Bag-All Gift Set


For the jet-setter in your life, this set will go a long way (pardon the pun). Available in black and blush.

Bag-All Gift Set ($114.00)—Buy Here!

Twinkle Apothecary The Stain

Twinkle Apothecary

An herbal-infused, oil-based, roll-on lip & cheek tint. It creates a natural and buildable flush.

Twinkle Apothecary The Stain ($20.00)—Buy Here!

Typology Tinted Glow Duo


Blend two to three drops of the Illuminating Concentrate with the Tinted Serum and say hello to radiant skin.

Typology Tinted Glow Duo ($77.70)—Buy Here!


All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.

The list of the best family cars for 2024 has arrived and a few new models made the list

Let’s face it: Your family car isn’t just a car; it’s a family game room, on-the-go diaper changing station, nap time hack, rolling movie theater, nursing room, singalong spot, solo Mom sanctuary, and,  obviously, a safe mode of transport for you and your brood. So when you’re in the market for a new set of wheels, you’re probably wondering: What sort of do-it-all vehicle do you need—and how do you sift through the traffic jam of choices?
You’re in the right place! We combed through expert reviews and rankings to help make your family car-shopping decisions easier. So whether you’re looking for a roomie sedan, an eight-person people mover. or a stylish SUV, here are the best family cars for 2024.

Best SUVs for Families in 2024

Kia Telluride 

a picture of one of the best family cars 2024, a kia telluride

Capacity:  Seats 7 across three rows

What the Experts Say: Stylish, roomy, and rugged, Car and Driver magazine ranked it #1 in its list of Best Cars for Families, calling even the base model Telluride “nicely equipped,” with top trims offering “near-luxury environs.”  Considered a mid-sized SUV, the interior is spacious, with comfortable seating even in the third row. Edmunds also named the Telluride winner in the Midsize 3-row SUV category, praising its “quiet and upscale cabin, impressive tech, extensive standard features, adult-friendly third-row seating, and a satisfying driving experience.”

Notable Features: A top-tier winner for safety, the Telluride was named an IIHS Top Safety Pick in 2023, with nifty safety features including an aerial view blind spot monitor that gives you a birds-eye perspective on your surroundings: collision avoidance systems that can mitigate crashes before they happen, as well as a 10-inch Heads-Up Display that puts all the information you need for your trip (such as speed and turn-by-turn directions) on the driver’s side dashboard so you can more easily focus on the road.

To keep you cruising in comfort, there are plenty of outlets for every kid to have a fully-charged device. There’s also a “Find My Car” app you use when you’ve, say, lost your car in the sprawling Target parking lot (just saying)—as well as remote start with climate control that lets you get your car nice and toasty (or cooled off) before you even climb inside.

Starting MSRP: $35,990

Honda CR-V/ CR-V Hybrid

a picture of one of the best family cars 2024, the Honda CRV

Capacity: Seats 5 across two rows

What the Experts Say: Consistently finishing as the best-selling Honda every year since 2017, reviewers call the reasonably priced CR-V “the benchmark small SUV for families,” with Edmunds saying that the 2024 model “pulls off this feat yet again with a smooth ride, helpful tech features and excellent storage space.” The CR-V offers “reliably good performance,” says Car and Driver, which ranked it #1 in its list of Best Compact SUVs, praising its “plenty of usable space” and “friendly driving dynamics.”

Notable Features: Safety features include standard blind spot monitoring, forward collision warning, automatic emergency braking, driver-attention monitoring (to keep you from nodding off in traffic), traffic sign recognition, and a back-seat reminder to help you remember your most precious passengers. If you’re looking to save on gas money, the hybrid model delivers an impressive 40 mpg, which will make up for the slightly higher sticker price. Do you have a lot of baby gear to haul? Edmunds calls the CR-V’s more than 39 cubic feet of cargo space “cavernous” (it’s one of the largest in its class)—meaning you’ll get your groceries and your stroller inside, no problem.

Starting MSRP: $29,500/$33,350 for the hybrid model


Subaru Crosstrek

a picture of one of the best family cars 2024, the Subaru Crosstrek

Capacity: Seats 5 across two rows

What the Experts Say: Named the overall Best SUV by Consumer Reports, reviewers praised the rugged and affordable Crosstrek, saying it “delivers an excellent ride, good fuel economy, standard all-wheel drive, and enough ground clearance for mild off-roading all in a reasonably sized and priced package.” It also comes standard with a slew of safety features that’ll make you feel good putting your tribe inside, whether you’re headed to the mountains or the mall.

Notable Features: Besides being a reliable off-roader, Subaru is known for putting safety first, so it’s no surprise that the compact Crsostrek comes with standard safety features like automatic emergency braking with pedestrian/cyclist/motorcycle detection as well as forward collision and lane departure warning, making it a Top Safety Pick from the IIHS for more than a decade. In addition, standard all-wheel drive will keep the car steady in all types of weather and terrain. Got wigglers? The seat belt warning system will audibly alert you (with a progressively louder alarm) if any of your passengers are unbuckled.

Starting MSRP: $25,195


Toyota Highlander Hybrid

a picture of a boy in a Toyota highlander, one of the best family cars 2024

Capacity: Seats 8 across three rows (7 if you opt for captain’s chairs in the second row)

What the Experts Say: Ranking #1 in Consumer Reports’ list of Midsize 3-row SUVs, the Toyota Highlander Hybrid has plenty to offer families who want to hit the road in comfort, with the magazine calling it a “smart choice for families looking for a do-it-all vehicle.” Families will appreciate the “abundant standard safety tech,” according to Car & Driver, though larger families might not like the tight third row, which makes for more limited cargo space in the back.

Notable Features: Save money at the gas station! This roomy 6-cylinder hybrid can carry eight people with a turbocharged engine and still get 35 mpg overall. Safety features are what you’d expect of a mainstream family hauler, with forward collision warning, automatic emergency braking with pedestrian detection, lane departure warning, lane keeping assistance, and blind spot monitoring all coming standard. Kids will be all eyes up with the optional panoramic moonroof, which gives a sleek window to the sky. You’ll also stave off the “Are we there yets?” with in-car wifi and five charging ports spread throughout the cabin.

Starting MSRP: $40,720



a picture of one of the best family cars 2024, the BMW X5

Capacity:  Seats 5/7 with optional third row

What the Experts Say: In for a splurge when looking for a new family car in 2024? Ranking #1 in Consumer Reports’ list of Luxury Midsized SUVs, reviewers called this sleek family ride a “luxurious, slick, and well-rounded vehicle” that “balances comfort, agility, power delivery, and interior quality.” Car and Driver also raved about the X5, praising it as “swift and swanky, with enough driving enjoyment to entertain on an occasional mountain pass.” That being said, while the car is roomy enough, reviewers say the optional third row is tight, making it a small-kids-only space (and not big enough for a bulky car seat).

Notable Features: Safety features include BMW’s Active Protection System, which detects imminent accidents and prepares by automatically pretensioning safety belts, closing windows and moonroof, and activating post-crash braking. There’s also a heads-up display on the front windshield to keep your eyes facing forward. Those who think of their cars as their sanctuaries will appreciate the X5’s gorgeous interior, which will make you think twice about allowing your little crumb-droppers to bring snacks of any kind inside (Good luck with that, by the way.). Elegant touches include a panoramic LED moon roof with embedded lights that create beautiful patterns in the dark, as well as a sleek (and huge!) curved digital display to show you the car’s stats in style.

Starting MSRP  $65,200 (for the base trim sDrive40i model)


Chevrolet Tahoe

Capacity: Seats 8 across three rows

What the Experts Say: If you’ve got a big family—and maybe a dog or three—this impressive SUV should be at the top of your list. With roomy seating across three rows, Car and Driver said the interior “feels like acres of space compared with smaller, mid-size SUVs.” That, and its “quiet interior”  and “meaningful options” earned the cavernous SUV a number one spot in C&D’s list of Best Large SUVs, with reviewers calling it “as faithful a companion as a golden retriever.”

Notable Features: Top safety features include standard forward collision alerts and front pedestrian braking; lane departure warning and lane-keeping assist, rear cross-traffic alert, and HD surround vision. Heading to the mountains? The Tahoe’s rugged V-8 engine can handle the drive: It’s got standard all-wheel drive and  20-inch wheels wrapped with all-terrain tires (and has a towing capacity of 8400 pounds, nearly as much as some full-size pickup trucks). Kids will love the available rear-seat entertainment system, which includes two 12.6-inch displays mounted behind the front seats. There are also power steps to help get people in and out of the vehicle—a helpful hack for, say, the in-laws or newly-toddling toddlers.

Starting MSRP: $56,200


Related: 24 Games You Can Play in the Car on Your Next Road Trip

Best Minivans for Families

Toyota Sienna

Capacity: 7 or 8, depending on the configuration, across three rows

What the Experts Say: Like it or not, the minivan is the most practical family-mover around (once you get one, you’ll get it), with the Toyota Sienna ranking number one in both Car and Driver and Kelly Blue Book’s lists of Best Minivans for 2024. KBB reviewers called the Sienna “quiet, and easy to drive” while praising its “outstanding fuel economy,” “robust suite of active safety features,” and “swoopy, sweptback look with supple body creases and modern lighting elements.”  

Notable Features: While the Sienna is slightly more expensive than some of its rivals, you’ll save in the long run when it comes to gas since all models come standard with a hybrid engine that delivers up to 36 mpg, Made with families in mind, all trims come with power-sliding side doors, easy-stowing third-row seats, built-in side-window sunshades, and tri-zone climate control. A rear-seat entertainment system is optional—though plenty of outlets and USB ports are spread throughout the cabin to satisfy most tiny techies. Need to talk to your passengers in the third row? The car has its own intercom system to make en-route lectures with your littles a bit easier. And, of course, safety features abound, including available all-wheel drive, radar cruise control, automatic emergency braking with pedestrian detecting, and lane-keeping assist.

Starting MSRP: $37,185


Kia Carnival

A picture of the Kia Carnival, one of the best family cars 2024

Capacity: 7 or 8, depending on the trim, across three rows

What the Experts Say: Nervous about joining Team Minivan? The Carnival may make it a little easier with its luxurious interior and boxy aesthetic that does its best to make it appear less minivan-ish (though maybe not as much as the yet-to-be-released 2025 Carnival). Car and Driver praised its “handsome, SUV-inspired look that helps van-averse drivers avoid the cringe,” while US News and World Report called it a “well-rounded, upscale and value-packed minivan with lots to offer,” adding that “while it isn’t flawless, the Carnival lives up to its name as a fun and flashy people hauler that stands out from the pack.” It also scored the Number 1 spot in Consumer Reports Best Minivans category, with reviewers calling it “roomy, comfortable, and refined.”

Notable Features: Climb inside this roomy set of wheels and you may forget all about that SUV you once wanted.  The Carnival’s interior feels like a higher-end luxury car, with an optional leather trim and a sprawling infotainment system that stretches across the dashboard (the 8-inch screen comes standard; the 12.3-inch dual screen is optional). A huge middle console lets you stash all your road trip goodies where the kids can’t see them, and 9 USB ports spread across the vehicle will keep everyone plugged in for the ride.

For kids who want to ride like the VIPs they are, the second-row captain’s seats have an optional one-touch relaxation mode that offers a full recline, raised power footrests, heating, and ventilation—with available rear screen displays so second-row passengers can stream their favorite media while cruising. There’s also a ton of space, with Car and Driver reviewers reporting they fit 14 carry-on suitcases behind the third row of seats and a whopping 48 in total with the seats folded down.

As for safety, the Kia has a slew of standard features, including lane-keeping assist, automated emergency braking with pedestrian detection, automatic high-beam headlamps, and blind-spot monitoring. The available Passenger View with Night Vision display on the touch screen lets you peek in on passengers in the 2nd- and 3rd-rows, even at night. There’s also a two-way intercom system from the front seats to the back, so your kids can’t act like they can’t hear you—even in the third row.

Starting MSRP: $33,200


Honda Odyssey

Capacity: 8 across three rows

What the Experts Say: You can’t talk about minivans without mentioning the Honda Odyssey, which has been the best-selling minivan in the US for more than a decade. The quintessential Mom Car snagged the #1 spot in both Motor Trend and US News and World Reports’ list of Best Minivans (though it ranked third for Motor Trend and Consumer Reports), with the former saying the car’s “surprisingly stable, nimble, amply powerful driving experience will reassure buyers who were dreading minivan ownership.” Motor Trend also lauded its “clever family features” and “surprisingly pleasant driving experience,” while US News praised its “spacious and comfortable cabin,” “long list of standard features,” and  “peppy engine.”

Notable Features: Who says a minivan can’t have some pep in its step? With one of the most powerful engines in the class (according to this review, anyway), the Odyssey pushes 280 horsepower to its front wheels through its “refined “10-speed automatic transmission, making for a smooth ride in both school zones and mountain passes (even without four-wheel drive). Safety features include all of Honda’s standard Sensing safety features, adaptive cruise control, emergency braking, lane keep assist, blind-spot monitoring, and rear cross-traffic alert. Like the Carnival, the Odyssey has a Cabin Watch and Cabin Talk system that lets you see your second and third-row passengers and talk through an intercom to get their attention.

Got squabbling siblings? The Magic Slide second-row seats allow you to separate (at least two of) your kids by sliding the seats apart in the second row. Or, to keep kids distracted, the available 10.2-inch video screen can play DVDs or streaming media—or play the “How Much Farther” app, which lets kids track their trip by watching an animated screen. If all that didn’t have you dreaming in minivan, Honda’s in-car vacuum might put you over the edge. Car crumbs be gone!

Starting MSRP: $37,840


Related: Mystery Road Trips Are Perfect for All Kinds of Families—Even Yours

Best Family Sedans in 2024

Honda Accord

a picture of a Honda Accord, one of the best family cars 2024

Capacity: 5 across two rows

What the Experts Say: If you’ve got a small family and don’t plan on taking the kids, the dog, and the gear anywhere anytime soon, the Accord offers an affordable, reliable ride with more space than you’d expect. Autoweek called it “exceptionally spacious inside,” with ” more trunk space than most people will ever need.” The Accord ranked #1 in Car and Driver’s list of Best Midsize Family Sedans, offering “two roomy rows of seats, a generously sized trunk, and all the infotainment tech expected from a modern car,” plus “refined road manners” that make it fun and easy to drive.

Notable Features: If you’re looking to save money on gas, opt for the hybrid model, which gets  51 mpg city and 44 mpg highway (even the non-hybrid is impressive, at 29 mpg city and 37 mpg highway). The available 12.3-inch touchscreen with wireless connectivity is a nice addition, and safety features include standard automated emergency braking, lane-departure warning, road departure mitigation (which adjusts the steering wheel if you cross lanes without signaling), blind spot indicators, adaptive cruise control, and traffic sign recognition. As for space, you can get three car seats in the second row, according to Kelly Bluebook, and the trunk space is spacious enough for your stroller and a load of groceries.

Starting MSRP: $27,895


Toyota Camry Hybrid

What the Experts Say:  There’s a reason the Camry has been the bestselling sedan in the US for more than 20 years, even now: “In a world awash in SUVs,” said Car and Driver, “the Camry continues to offer the old-school alternative of a competent, comfortable, dependable, economical, low-key midsize family sedan.” Ranked #1 on Consumer Reports’ list of Best Midsize Sedans, reviewers praised the car’s stellar fuel economy, intuitive controls, and standard advanced safety systems, making it a “competent, well-rounded and pleasant family sedan. While the price point for the hybrid model is a bit higher, we think it’s worth the extra expense for the Earth-impressing 47 mpg you’ll get on your drive.

Notable Features: The peppy sedan is touted for its smooth and quiet ride, in addition to its standard Safety Sense-2.5+, which includes forward collision warning and automatic emergency braking with pedestrian detection, plus lane departure warning with steering assist. Blind spot warning and rear cross-traffic warning are available as options.  While it’s no SUV, the Camry has a good amount of space—it will fit two car seats (forward-facing and/or rear-facing) comfortably in the back row but don’t expect to squeeze a third one in, according to this review. In addition, its 15.1 cubic feet of cargo space can fit a standard stroller with room to spare (See this reviewer’s “Luggage Test” to see how big it is.)

Starting MSRP: $26,420


All images courtesy of retailers


From the must-have Paw Patrol air carrier to cool book bundles, your busy kids will love these holiday gift ideas.

Parents of preschoolers know this stage is all about curiosity, exploration, and boundless energy. If you’re on the hunt for the just-right gifts that balance and encourage this playful combo—start with this list. From books that spark imagination to a scavenger hunt game that gets them outside, these innovative holiday gifts for 4-5-year-olds hit the mark. Need something for a different age? Check out our guides to the best gifts for 6-9 year-olds, tweens, and even stocking stuffers!

With a flash of light, these whimsical fairies come to life! Kids can control their movements with their hands and they can be released again and again. 

L.O.L. Surprise Magic Flyers ($30)—Buy them here

Fat Brain Air Toobz

gifts for a 4-5 year old

Arrange and connect in just about any way, over anything! Can kids make the foam balls move from tube to tube? Can they use enough force to make them spin? 

Fat Brain Air Toobz ($140)—Buy them here. 

Melissa & Doug Wooden Deluxe Grill, Smoker & Pizza Oven

melissa and doug deluxe barbecue is a good gift for 4-5 year olds.

The ultimate holiday toy for a preschooler who loves to whip up a good meal. Whether they feel like making steak, pizza, corn, or veggie burgers, this pretend-play outdoor kitchen has what they need. 

Melissa & Doug Wooden Deluxe Grill, Smoker & Pizza Oven ($170)—Buy it here. 

VTech® Go! Go! Smart Wheels®4-in-1 Zig-Zag Raceway™

Tots with a need for speed will adore this speedy 4-in-1 Zig-Zag Raceway™ and electronic SmartPoint stunt car. They can rev up imaginative play and lessons around first words, fun tunes, phrases about feelings, and cool sound effects by cruising over three SmartPoint areas.

VTech® Go! Go! Smart Wheels®4-in-1 Zig-Zag Raceway™—Buy it here.

Disney The Little Mermaid Ariel Doll

Inspired by 2023’s live-action remake of the classic Disney animated film, this Ariel doll has a beautiful ombre tail and classic long red hair. 

Disney The Little Mermaid Ariel Doll ($11)—Buy it here

Paw Patrol Mighty Aircraft Carrier HQ 

Paw Patrol Air Craft Carrier

A must-have toy for preschoolers in 2023, they’ll love the dual vehicle launchers and Chase figure that comes with this aircraft carrier from Paw Patrol: The Might Movie. 

Paw Patrol Mighty Aircraft Carrier HQ ($99)—Buy it here. 

The Noggin Preschool Learning App


Make screen time smarter with a kid-safe, ad-free app for ages 2-7. The Noggin Learning app is so easy, and it's the gift that keeps on giving. Build math, reading, wellness, social & emotional skills with 1000+ educational games, videos, and books starring your little one's favorite characters.

Get 50% Off an Annual Noggin Subscription or 60 Day FREE Trial—Get it Here.

JACADI Jacquard Holiday Dress


This dress is one that they'll want to wear over and over again. And, with JACADI's heirloom-quality pieces, they'll be able to. We also love the ultra-festive bold hues that are perfect for any holiday party.

JACADI Jacquard Holiday Dress ($189.00)—Buy it here.

Sketch Pals Doodle Board

They can keep this adorable new Boogie Board attached to their backpack and use it after their school day is over.

Sketch Pals Doodle Board ($20)—Buy it here.

Hearthsong Regatta Boat Swing

Regatta Swing

An outdoor swing, but with a little sailing style thrown in for good measure. Perfect for two kiddos, it comes with adjustable, durable nylon ropes and O-rings for easy installation. 

Hearthsong Regatta Boat Swing ($170)—Buy it here

Super Mario Adventure Game DX

Super Mario Adventure Game DX is a good gift for five year olds

Your preschool kid might be a little too young for video games, but they’re never too young to love Super Mario Bros. With this board game, they get to enjoy the characters while having screen-free fun. 

Super Mario Adventure Game DX ($30)—Buy it here

Color Pop Books Being Brave Bundle

Being Brave book bundle

Encourage their love of literature with a collection highlighting the power of courage and confidence.

Color Pop Books Being Brave Bundle ($45)—Buy it here

Little Live Pets My Puppy's Home

Pet lovers will be able to pet, feed, and nurture to their heart’s content. There are 25 different sounds and the puppy reacts to touch. 

Little Live Pets My Puppy's Home ($50)—Buy it here

Crayola Imagination Art Set

Get your preschooler this 115-piece set and watch their creativity blossom. 

Crayola Imagination Art Set ($25)—Buy it here

Story Telling Shadow Puppet Theater

shadow puppet theater

Not only is this a gorgeous gift, but it gives preschool kids the chance to tell the story of Cinderella in their own way. 

Story Telling Shadow Puppet Theater ($67)—Buy it here. 

Star Wars Forge Ultimate Lightsaber Kit

With this toy, kids get three different Mandalorian-inspired weapons, including the Dark Saber, a vibro-blade, and an electro-bayonet. 

Star Wars Forge Ultimate Lightsaber Kit ($35)—Buy it here.

Hot Wheels City Ultimate Garage

The hot wheels ultimate garage is a great gift for a 4-5 year old

No preschool gift guide would be complete without Hot Wheels! This multi-level playset has dual racing tracks, a loop stunt, and pretend play opportunities on the first level of the ‘garage.’ 

Hot Wheels City Ultimate Garage ($109)—Buy it here. 

Jaq Jaq Bird Reusable Wall Decal

Give them a (safe) place to scribble on the wall with this fun chalkboard panel that can be easily applied and removed from flat surfaces. 

Jaq Jaq Bird Reusable Wall Decal ($25)—Buy it here. 

VTech Switch & Go 3-in-1 Rescue Rex

VTech Rescue Rex is a good gift for 4-5 year olds

The fire truck, police car, and rescue helicopter combine to create a 20"-long T.Rex ready to save the day! The police car makes sounds and has a driver, too. 

VTech Switch & Go 3-in-1 Rescue Rex ($30)—Buy it here. 

Flour Shop Cookie Cake Kit

Introduce preschoolers to baking with this fun kid that comes with everything you need to make a cookie that looks just like a pizza!

Flour Shop Cookie Cake Kit ($40)—Buy it here.

Magic Power Potion Necklace Kit

They can keep a little magic close to their hearts while at school with this sweet gift perfect for preschoolers. It comes with eight ingredients, a booklet with five potions, and four different necklace styles. 

Magic Power Potion Necklace Kit ($45)—Buy it here

hand2mindNumberblocks Super Secret Step Squad Headquarters

Fans of these mathematical superheroes will love this playset from the popular series. There’s a lookout, a ride-on elevator, and it comes with a Numberblock Three figurine. Get the rest of the Numberblock crew here. 

hand2mindNumberblocks Super Secret Step Squad Headquarters ($40)—Buy it here. 

Haba Animal Upon Animal Game

HABA Animal upon animal game is a good gift for 4-5 year olds

Who will be the best at stacking this colorful collection of animals? The first person to use all their game pieces wins! 

Haba Animal Upon Animal Game ($25)—Buy it here

Embroidered Icon Bag

This adorable tote has a drawstring closure so they’ll be able to store all their treasures without the fear of one going missing.

Embroidered Icon Bag ($45)—Buy it here. 

Omy Giant Games Poster

Not just a gigantic coloring sheet, but an activity sheet as well! Kids can do dot-to-dot games, wend their way through mazes, and more. 

Omy Giant Games Poster ($23)—Buy it here. 

Kinetic Sand Deluxe Sand Castle Playset

Kinetic sand is a good holiday gift for 4-5 year olds

Everyone’s favorite sensory toy got a beachy upgrade. With nine different tools, kids can make, create, and break for hours of fun. 

Kinetic Sand Deluxe Sand Castle Playset ($15)—Buy it here

Lilies & Roses Stripes Bangles

These charming baubles are the perfect accessory for when they want to get dressed up. 

Lilies & Roses Stripes Bangles ($22)—Buy them here. 

Bluey Hammerbarn Shopping Center

The Bluey Hammerbarn is a good gift for four year olds and a good gift for five year olds

The must-have for Bluey fans, this four-level playset has 45 sounds and phrases from the popular kids’ TV series, nine different play areas, and a real-working lift. 

Bluey Hammerbarn Shopping Center ($64)—Buy it here. 

Qniglo Walkie Talkies

These cuties operate on USB charge, come in several color combos, and allow kids to communicate up to three miles apart. There’s even an option to listen to FM radio. 

Qniglo Walkie Talkies ($37)—Buy them here

Learning Resources Human Body Activity Kit

The perfect way to introduce a preschooler to all the wonderful ways the body works, this fun gift for ages four and up had a 3-D model, activity books, a magic “X-ray” machine, and much more. 

Learning Resources Human Body Activity Kit ($14)—Buy it here. 

Tangrams Shape Puzzle 

With 36 wooden pieces and 60 pattern cards, preschoolers will have plenty of ways to practice their patterns. The bright colors and fun animals add to the fun. 

Tangrams Shape Puzzle  ($11)—Buy it here. 

Thomas & Friends Talking Toy Train Set

Thomas the Train talking set is a good gift for 4-5 year olds

Little engineers can use the control panel to move the trains, load cargo, and even let Percy and Thomas meet on the track to chat. 

Thomas & Friends Talking Toy Train Set ($50)—Buy it here

Magic Mixies Pixlings Doll

Magic Mixies Pixlings are a hot gift for 4-5 year olds in 2023

A hot toy for holiday 2023, these magic mixie dolls are offered as a deer, a unicorn, or a mermaid, and all come in a sweet jeweled bottle. Just say the magic words and watch the mysterious potion reveal the treasure inside. 

Magic Mixies Pixlings Doll ($18)—Buy it here

The Bad Seed 6-Book Set

You’ll love reading these food-based stories about self-acceptance to your preschool kid. Choose between The Smart Cookie, The Sour Grape, The Couch Potato, and more! 

The Bad Seed 6-Book Set ($54)—Buy it here. 

Jaq Jaq Friends Wipe Clean Activity Book

Covered in the sweetest print, this activity book is perfect for on-the-go creativity. It comes with a set of ButterStix®, is erasable and washable, and is easy for little hands to handle. 

Jaq Jaq Friends Wipe Clean Activity Book ($24)—Buy it here. 

Breyer Wooden Stable Playset

A classic addition to any preschooler’s play arsenal, there are six different horses in this sturdy set. 

Breyer Wooden Stable Playset ($25)—Buy it here.

BillieBlush Heart Print Fleece Coat

a fun coat is a good holiday gift idea for a 4-5 year old

Keep them warm this coming winter with this bright and cozy jacket. 

BillieBlush Heart Print Fleece Coat ($138)—Buy it here.

Jr. Jigsaw Supercar Racers Puzzle

A fun puzzle for kids who love things that zip and zoom. 

Jr. Jigsaw Supercar Racers Puzzle ($14)—Buy it here.

The Fantastic Bureau of Imagination

Sparky is a special figment agent, and he delivers the FBI (Fantastic Bureau of Imagination)’s mail. One day, disaster strikes when the Cave of Untold Stories is too full, and Sparky must recruit more special agents. With lovely illustrations and fun prompts, this book is charmingly interactive. 

The Fantastic Bureau of Imagination ($14)—Buy it here

Hearthsong Cabin Fantasy Fort Kit

Kids will have 32 wood-like pieces and double-sided hook and loop tape that’ll allow them to build their own play space. 

Hearthsong Cabin Fantasy Fort Kit ($99)—Buy it here. 

At the time of publication, all items were available for purchase.

All images courtesy of retailers.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation.

There’s no better time to be a little ‘extra’ than the holidays, and these splurge gifts are the perfect way to do just that

Looking for someone who’s tough to buy for? Hoping to seriously wow? Planning to go a little above and beyond this season? These splurge gifts are oh-so-worth every penny. We’ve looked high and low for the best of the best luxury, high-end, unique, and even just plain impressive goodies that are just begging to be wrapped up and put under your tree. Even better? If you don’t find the perfect gift here, we have a whole page of gift guides for every single person you’re shopping for this year.

Of course, the idea of ‘expensive’ gifts is completely subjective. We made sure to include splurge gifts that are different price points, so you can impress regardless of your definition of over-the-top. And we all know that it’s not the cost of the gift that really matters. But if you’re looking for luxe presents, you’ve come to the right place. Get ready to make some serious waves this holiday seasons and start scrolling.

24K Gold Roses in Classic Black Box

Million Roses

The Million Roses was the first-ever preserved flower box collection in the world, so they have this art down pat. Choose from a ton of different colored blooms and a black or gold box and get ready to enjoy real, preserved roses for up to 3+ years. So, really, it's an investment, right?

24K Gold Roses in Classic Black Box ($182.00)—Buy Here!

Lamborghini Limited: Luxe Collection


First of all, surprise! Lamborghini makes wine. Second of all, this collection includes the full-bodied Luxe BLU Merlot, the sophisticated Luxe ORO, the spicy ROSSO, and '68 Italia, a blend of Sangiovese, Merlot, and Cabernet Sauvignon. Plus, these beautiful bottles come in a case for a seriously impressive display.

Lamborghini Limited: Luxe Collection ($300.00)—Buy Here!

Paravel Cabana Set Plus


Paravel's iconic luxury luggage is the perfect way to encourage the lucky person on the receiving end of this set to take some time to get away in 2024. Did we mention Paravel's luggage is carbon-neutral, that you can monogram the tote, and that it comes in multiple colors? Our shopping editor might have a set of her own (along with the Passport Holder...look, we won't apologize for matching).

Paravel Cabana Set Plus ($550.00)—Buy Here!

Anna Statement Earring


Brackish's best-selling Anna earrings are created from natural (sustainably-sourced) feathers and elevate any outfit. Don't miss out on Brackish's other celebrity-loved offerings—bow ties, jewelry, belts, and more—made from stunning all-natural feathers.

Anna Statement Earring ($185.00)—Buy Here!

Bond No.9 Greenwich Village Eau de Parfum

Bond No.9

All you have to do is read the reviews of Greenwich Village—even people who bought it without ever smelling it before—and you'll see exactly why this woody Oriental scent is an absolute must.

Bond No.9 Greenwich Village Eau de Parfum ($320.00+)—Buy Here!

Checkerboard Throw

Sunday Citizen

Double-knit and seriously soft, this throw comes in five colors for the perfect aesthetic.

Checkerboard Throw ($170.00)—Buy Here!

The Cristina Bootie

M. Gemi

There are some things worth truly investing in, and shoes are definitely one of those things. These stunning go-to, wear-everywhere, keep-forever booties from M. Gemi are made in Italian Nappa Leather by Italian artisans in Tuscany, complete with stacked heel and almond toe. They're a classic that will be worn for years. Available in multiple colors.

The Cristina Bootie ($398.00)—Buy Here!

GUCCI Vernis à Ongles Nail Polish


A small gift with a big impact, GUCCI's Vernis à Ongles Nail Polish is rich, smoothes out ridges, and delivers a high-shine gloss in multiple shades we just can't get enough of.

GUCCI Vernis à Ongles Nail Polish ($35.00)—Buy Here!

Weighted Silk Sleep Stone Mask


Light blocking, sound muffling, and made from good-for-your-skin Mulberry silk and a hidden crystal sewn inside, to channel good energy right to your third eye. Choose from amethyst in grey silk or rose quartz in petal pink.

Weighted Silk Sleep Stone Mask ($74.00)—Buy Here!

Kensington Drench Bag

Kurt Geiger London

Celebrity-loved Kurt Geiger London's iconic Kensington Drench bag is the perfect splurge gift. It's gorgeous, ready for year-round use, and is available in 3 colors.

Kensington Drench Bag ($285.00)—Buy Here!

HeatPod Sauna Blanket


A sauna right in your bedroom? That's luxury. The HeatPod delivers full body heat therapy through safe, zero-EMF heating coils. Improves systemic health, boosts recovery & enhances performance, lowers stress, and increases well-being. The perfect companion to help you relax and recharge post-workout, before bed, or at any time of day.

HeatPod Sauna Blanket ($499.00+)—Buy Here!

Skeem Design Jewel Match Cloche

Bespoke Post

Do you know someone who would never be caught keeping their matches in a box? This cloche is the perfect gift. Jokes aside, it looks so, so pretty and can be displayed next to candles, too.

Skeem Design Jewel Match Cloche ($34.00)—Buy Here!



You'd be shocked how many people don't realize they want a human-sized dog bed. They're unbelievably comfortable, are so much better than a bean bag or futon, and kids adore them, too. Hey, if Shark Tank gives the okay, that's a pretty good sign, right? Available in 4 colors.

Plufl ($299.00)—Buy Here!

Rad Power Bikes City & Commuter Bikes

Rad Power Bikes

Custom-designed for city and commuter riding, Rad Power Bikes' electric city bikes feature pedal assist, throttle, motor-assisted speed of 20 mph, and up to 50+ miles per charge. Choose from step-through, mid-step, and high-step frames, then deck out with accessories for your ultimate ride through town. And make sure to check out their off-road, cargo and utility, and folding Ebikes, too.

Rad Power Bikes City & Commuter Bikes ($1,299.00+)—Buy Here!

Echo 100 Scarf Collection

Echo New York

Echo New York, the iconic accessories brand, marks its 100th anniversary with the 'Echo 100'—a groundbreaking initiative featuring 100 creators from diverse fields. This project aims to raise $1,000,000 for charity through the exclusive sale of scarves through the Echo 100 store.  Each purchase triggers a $100 donation to a charity chosen by the scarf's creator. There are so many gorgeous patterns to pick from, with new ones coming, too. There's absolutely something for everyone.

Echo 100 Scarf Collection ($195.00)—Buy Here!

GE Profile Opal 2.0 Stainless Steel Nugget Ice Maker with Side Tank


Just admit it. You want one. They want one. Everyone's wanted one forever because nugget ice is just the best, and it makes staying hydrated easier. We don't know why. It just does. It also comes in black.

GE Profile Opal 2.0 Stainless Steel Nugget Ice Maker with Side Tank ($529.95)—Buy Here!

Fiona Franchimon Nº1 Hairpin Steel

Fiona Franchimon

Fiona Franchimon crafted these high-end steel Nº1 HAIRPINs with a grip at least 5 times stronger than an average bobby pin. The steel base, coated in a Yellow, Rose (pictured), or White Gold finish, results in a durable yet refined hair tool. The curved shape keeps them super comfy, while the lock secures your hairstyle all day. Additionally, the rounded edges prevent hair damage and kinks. And the best thing: it will keep the volume alive. You're able to create a bunch of gorgeous styles on different links of hair in less than a minute.

Fiona Franchimon Nº1 Hairpin Steel ($85.00)—Buy Here!

Lumi Permanent Hair Removal IPL Silky Smooth+ Routine


Unwanted body hair, strawberry legs, and patchy dryness just met their match. The virtually pain-free Lumi IPL device is bundled with the 4D shaver, exfoliating Glow Gloves, and 2-in-1 Aloe Coconut Lotion. Ring in the new year silky smooth.

Lumi Permanent Hair Removal IPL Silky Smooth+ Routine ($229.00)—Buy Here!

Somavedic Frequency Therapy


Okay. Stick with us here. Somavedic is a device that can reliably mitigate unwanted influences of: EMF radiation (4G/5G, WiFi, phones), geopathic stress, Curry and Hartmann lines, oxidative stress, and free radicals. It's designed on the principle of controlled release of energy from precious and semi-precious stones. It's basically an eastern approach to wellness combined with western frequency therapy technology. Our shopping editor swears she sleeps better with hers (but you can read all about the Somavedic science here).

Somavedic ($1,099.00)—Buy Here!

Pixel Fold Phone


Google's new foldable phone combines the great features of Pixel with a design that unfolds into a compact tablet. Use the Taskbar to easily switch between your apps or drag a compatible app into split screen mode to multitask with two apps side-by-side. With Rear Camera Selfie on Pixel Fold, you can get the highest quality selfie on a Pixel ever. Use the exterior screen as your viewfinder and the 48-megapixel main camera to get an amazing selfie. You can even use the new palm gesture to trigger the shutter. Available in Porcelain and Obsidian.

Pixel Fold Phone ($1,799.00+)—Buy Here!

Mack Weldon 3-Pack SILVER Boxer Briefs

Mack Weldon

Mack Weldon's SILVER fabric combines Supima cotton with antimicrobial Ionic+ SILVER, for a luxe feel and lasting freshness.

Mack Weldon 3-Pack SILVER Boxer Briefs ($114.00)—Buy Here!

TS Luxe Faux Fur Blanket

Pretty Rugged

The Pretty Rugged TS Luxe faux fur blankets are so luxurious and feature a waterproof SatinTex™ backing. With this innovation, you can curl up and relax on the couch or bed with your favorite drink in hand—knowing that even a spill won't leave a mess. Pretty + Rugged. Get it? Comes in multiple colors.

TS Luxe Faux Fur Blanket ($290.00)—Buy Here!

Colorful Backgammon Set

MoMA Design Store

This is a game you'll want to leave out, even when it's not in use.

Colorful Backgammon Set ($115.00)—Buy Here!

Handknit Varsity Sweater

Reigning Champ

This sharp sweater crafted with 100% Canadian wool and produced by artisans on the west coast of British Columbia. Available in both heather grey and black, it includes raglan sleeves, heavy gauge two-way YKK zip closure, rib knit front pockets, garter stitch side panels, and intarsia striping at the collar, cuffs, and hem. Designed in a classic, unisex silhouette. 

Handknit Varsity Sweater ($650.00)—Buy Here!

Sonic Editions

Sonic Editions

Sonic Editions partners with the world’s best photographers and picture archives to produce limited edition, gallery-quality photo prints of history’s greatest musicians, actors, cult heroes, and cultural icons. All Sonic Edition prints—many of which have never been available to the public before—are printed-to-order, come numbered and certified on the reverse, and can be purchased either mounted to a rigid backing, or framed in a ready-to-hang, handmade wood frame.

Sonic Editions (Price Varies)—Buy Here!

Le Balm

Bonjout Beauty

Le Balm is the only 8-in-1 solid face serum that repairs the skin barrier, targets visible aging, and enhances elasticity for incomparable glow factor. It can be used as a serum, moisturizer, under-eye cream, night cream, treatment salve, lip balm, primer, or overnight repairing mask. Plus, you’ll never have to worry about liquid restrictions if traveling via plane.

Le Balm ($120.00)—Buy Here!

Hermès Mosaique Au 24 Gold Oval Platter


This absolutely gorgeous platter is sure to impress. Oval shaped in porcelain and the decorative mosaics are screen-printed and applied by hand using 24-carat gold tiles. Wanna amp it up even more? Check out the whole Hermès Mosaique Au 24 Gold Collection

Hermès Mosaique Au 24 Gold Oval Platter ($370.00)—Buy Here!

VERT Hair Grow Comb With Liquid Tank


Awaken and nourish declining hair follicles, and regrow fuller, denser, and healthier hair with this powerful device. The cumulative effect of the RF, LED, EMS technology stack activates your hair follicles, stimulates blood circulation, and results in regrowth and strengthening of your hair. And who doesn't want that? (Please note that consistent use of the device for 3-4 months is required to see the best results.)

VERT Hair Grow Comb With Liquid Tank ($148.00)—Buy Here!



Inspire connection from across the house or across the country with a (non-digital!) message display that doubles as wall art. Available in either black or white, you can use the Vestaboard app to create and send messages for everyone in your home or office. Schedule, design, and change messages (calendars, quick notes, quotes, countdowns, status updates, schedules, and more) and know that everyone will be able to see it with this vintage-inspired flip-board message display.

Vestaboard ($3,295.00)—Buy Here!

Complete Apothékary Starter Set


Nature’s best herbal remedies are at your fingertips. This 14-piece set is the perfect way to try Apothékary's most popular formulas. Featuring all of their most popular signature formulas, each blend contains an expertly-crafted combination of adaptogens, flowers, roots, and herbs that have been used for centuries to support dewy skin, healthy digestion, sustained energy, resilience in the face of stress, and so much more. (We recommend consulting your healthcare provider before beginning any supplement program.)

Complete Apothékary Starter Set ($449.10)—Buy Here!

Stella Two-Tone Cuff

Sophie Blake NY

Also available in sterling silver and 14k gold, this two-tone cuff is a showstopper. It's an absolutely stunning statement piece that's basically like wearing art, no matter what you have on.

Stella Two-Tone Cuff ($495.00)—Buy Here!

The Fortnum's Classic Christmas Hamper

Fortnum & Mason

Sparkling and still wine, rich puddings, sweet biscuits, delicious's like an English holiday in a hamper.

The Fortnum's Classic Christmas Hamper ($252.08)—Buy Here!

Carlie Wood 5-Shelf Ladder Display Bookshelf

Nathan James

This bookshelf is so striking and makes an amazing (not to mention functional) conversation piece in any room. 

Carlie Wood 5-Shelf Ladder Display Bookshelf ($249.99)—Buy Here!

25-Piece Crystal Classic Mega Kit

Spirit Magicka

Whether you know someone who loves decorating with them, or uses them as part of a spiritual or meditative practice, this stunning 25-piece set is an incredible gift. And, even though we're calling it a splurge gift, this price is really hard to beat for all you see here.

25-Piece Crystal Classic Mega Kit ($129.00)—Buy Here!

Spa Collection Towel Set


The softest towels ever, courtesy of a viscose and cotton blend that feels just like the spa (while being super absorbent at the same time). Multiple colors available.

Spa Collection Towel Set ($115.00)—Buy Here!

Chris Collins African Rooibos Eau de Parfum for Men


Warm. Spicy. Earthy. Comforting. This scent is for anyone who wants to make an impact that lingers.

Chris Collins African Rooibos Eau de Parfum for Men ($175.00)—Buy Here!

Bed Linen Bundle

Piglet in Bed

Using sustainably-sourced materials, Piglet in Bed is all about creating products that only get better with use and love. The Bed Linen Bundle comes in multiple color combinations and includes a duvet cover, a pair of pillowcases, a fitted and a flat sheet, with the option to add on extras. Multiple colors and patterns available, too.

Bed Linen Bundle ($397.00)—Buy Here!

TK-01 Super Automatic Espresso Machine

Terra Kaffe

The TK-01 Super Automatic Espresso Machine is a favorite of celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox, and Jimmy Kimmel. But it's not just about it's fame; it's an eco-friendly game-changer. With its built-in grinder and advanced brew unit, disposable pod waste becomes a thing of the past. This set comes with everything you need for the perfect cup of coffee. Available in black or white finishes.

TK-01 Super Automatic Espresso Machine ($858.00)—Buy Here!

Mosaic Signet Ring


A blue sapphire, emerald, diamond, pink sapphire, aquamarine, and yellow diamond make this confetti-inspired ring.

Mosaic Signet Ring ($670.00)—Buy Here!

Arbor Outdoor Patio Wood Swing Chair

Home Threads

The Arbor comes with an all-weather synthetic rattan seat, water-resistant plush fabric cushion, and sturdy powder-coated steel frame with hanging chain. It's the ultimate in relaxation. Available in 4 cushion colors.

Arbor Outdoor Patio Wood Swing Chair ($612.61)—Buy Here!

Shield Cut Lab Grown Diamond Pendant

Plum Diamonds

This is one of the all-time coolest cuts we've ever seen, and the major bonus is that it's a stunning responsibly-made lab-created diamond. It comes in white gold, yellow gold, and rose gold.

Shield Cut Lab Grown Diamond Pendant ($1,590.00)—Buy Here!

Olma Caviar Taster Gift Set

Olma Caviar

Not only does this set includes 8 caviar varieties, but it also includes French Mini Blinis, Creme Fraiche, and Mother of Pearl caviar spoon, all in a sleek mini cooler gift bag.

Olma Caviar Taster Gift Set ($349.00)—Buy Here!

PMD Beauty Gemstone Pro Bundle

PMD Beauty

This is a whole facial in one set: a Personal Microderm Pro, a PMD Clean Pro Gemstone of your choice, and 5 Anti-Aging Recovery Masks for a dose of hydration.

PMD Beauty Gemstone Pro Bundle ($348.30)—Buy Here!

Anya Hindmarch Chips Packet II Metallic Crossbody Bag


This chips-bag-inspired clutch can also be worn with the detachable chain. We're positive the mirror finish and whimsical, unique design will make this one the talk of the holiday.

Anya Hindmarch Chips Packet II Metallic Crossbody Bag ($2,250.00)—Buy Here!

Everlasting Candles

Everlasting Candle Co.

These stainless steel candles can be lit and relit thousands of times and burn clean with a real flame, plus they never melt. Choose from multiple candle and vase colors.

Everlasting Candles ($75.00)—Buy Here!

Trina Turk Knit Top & Knit Wide-Leg Pants

Trina Turk

Chic, cozy, and a little bit sparkly? What else could you possibly want from a holiday look? Oh, and both pieces are wrinkle-resistant and packable, so they create the perfect travel look.

Trina Turk Minato Knit Top ($298.00)—Buy Here!
Trina Turk Asia Metallic Wide-Leg Pants ($328.00)—Buy Here!

All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.

Keep your whole crew festive in these family matching pajamas for the 2023 holiday season

Cozy mornings in front of a fire, watching family holiday movies, and spending time with the kids—the holidays have arrived! It may be a hectic time of year, but these are the things memories are made of, and the best part is that you can all look cute while hanging out at home with matching family pajamas. Whether you go all out with a professional holiday photoshoot, or you fill your camera roll with pictures (you’re posting them to your Tinybeans app, right?), these jammies are frame-worthy.

No matter where you live, what your holiday season looks like, or your family’s style, there’s something for every member of your crew in this list. Colorful, classic, mix-and-match? It’s all right here. In fact, we think it would be a great idea to gift a set of PJs to your extended family for an epic family picture. We’ve found our favorite family matching pajamas to set the mood this holiday season. See them all below.

Hanna Andersson Family Matching Holiday Pajamas

Hanna Andersson

Hanna Andersson is known for their holiday pajamas (just ask Blake Lively!). With prints like the new limited-edition Dear Deer (pictured on navy), Modern Merry, and classic Nutcracker, there are over 40 options to choose from. You'll definitely find something that matches your family perfectly (even pets).

Hanna Andersson Family Matching Holiday Pajamas—Buy Here!

Pajamagram Matching Pajamas


Pajamagram offers exclusive prints like this hoodie-and-bottom Grey Plaid set, Charlie Brown Christmas, and Christmas Lights. And, don't miss this—free pet PJ with adult PJ purchase at Pajamagram. Use code PETJAMMIES at checkout (through 12/25).

Pajamagram Matching Pajamas—Buy Here!

Old Navy Match the Fam Pajamas

Old Navy

What's not to love about Old Navy's Family Matching Pajamas Collection? With a ton of different styles, inclusive sizes, and fun prints like Red Madras (pictured), Holiday Campers, and Holiday Delivery Pink, Old Navy does not disappoint. 

Old Navy Match the Fam Pajamas—Buy Here!

The Children's Place Matching Pajamas

The Children's Place

Before you ask—yes, that is Snoop Dogg. Family matching pajamas from The Children's Place are a must-have, even without Mariah Carey and Lance Bass sporting them (which they are). Check out the Iconic Wrap Remix (pictured), Santa's Sleigh, and the Fa La La prints.

The Children's Place Matching Pajamas—Buy Here!

Honest Baby Fam Jams

Honest Baby

Super cute jammies in organic cotton is Honest Baby's specialty.And considering they made Oprah's Favorite Things 2023, you can feel good about scooping up this year's set from them. Available in baby, adult, and pet sizes, in prints like Feelin' Pine (pictured), Night Pine, and Falling Snowflakes.

Honest Baby Fam Jams—Buy Here!

burt's bees baby Family Matching Pajamas

burt's bees baby

burt's bees' award-winning holiday pajamas are GOTS certified and made with organic cotton, and that includes this Light the Menorah collection, Gingerbread Fair Isle, and All Wrapped Up

burt's bees baby Family Matching Pajamas—Buy Here!

Gymboree Matching Family Pajamas


Mandy Moore has been collaborating with Gymboree for quite a while now, and that includes both pajamas and holiday clothes. For 2023, Gymboree's jammies include this Polar Bear Fair Isle print and the aptly-named Gymmies collection.

Gymboree Family Matching—Buy Here!

Target Family Pajamas


We look forward all year to the Target Family Pajamas Collection. The best part? All their designs can be mixed and matched, so you're able to customize each set for every member of your crew. Their collection includes graphics, stripes, plaids, buffalo checks, Hanukkah, and they even have slippers, socks, and pet options.

Target Family Pajamas—Buy Here!

Pottery Barn Family Pajamas

Pottery Barn

Pottery Barn never disappoints, and their 2023 holiday collection is proof. Check out this Heritage Santa print, Blush Heritage print, and the Rifle Paper Co. Hanukkah print. And, because it's Pottery Barn, you can pair the PJs with their whole line of traditional and personalized holiday goodies.

Pottery Barn Family Pajamas—Buy Here!

Little Sleepies Holiday Family Matching

Little Sleepies

Love a Pink Christmas? Little Sleepies has you covered. The Merry & Bright print comes in pink and navy, Holiday Treats showcases the goodies of the season, and the Night at the Nutcracker print is a classic.

Little Sleepies Holiday Family Matching—Buy Here!

Merryreindeer Christmas Pajamas


Merryreindeer is entirely dedicated to all things holiday pjs. From this soft Leafy Dreams print, best-selling Cocoa Cuddles, and new release Christmas Crew, they've got the holiday on lock.

Merryreindeer Christmas Pajamas—Buy Here!

Sleepyheads Matching Family Pajamas


With fleece options like this Blue Winter Penguin set, onesies (like the Red Snowflake print), and flannel choices (like the Black & White Buffalo Plaid), Sleepyheads is sure to keep your whole family warm this holiday season.

Sleepyheads Matching Family Pajamas—Buy Here!

My Comfy Pajama Family Matching Sets

My Comfy Pajama

Classic styles and festive prints are the name of the My Comfy Pajama game. These fun Blue Reindeer Jumpers are some of our favorites, along with Dinosaur Family Christmas and The Minimal Tree sets.

My Comfy Pajama Family Matching Sets—Buy Here!

Sunny Boutique Custom Matching Family Pajamas

Sunny Boutique

As if matching pajamas weren't enough, Sunny Boutique offers options to personalize both front and back of these satin sets.

Sunny Boutique Custom Matching Family Pajamas—Buy Here!

JCPenny Matching Family Pajamas


JCPenny is pulling out all the stops this year. From this Snowflake Fair Isle style, the modern Space Santa print, to the beloved Mr. Grinch, we're just wild about their holiday offerings.

JCPenny Matching Family Pajamas—Buy Here!

Little Blue House Matching Pajamas

Little Blue House

The unique designs from Little Blue House include the Vintage Ski print (pictured), Rockin' Holidays, and Woofing Christmas.

Little Blue House Matching Pajamas—Buy Here!

The Company Store Matching Pajamas

The Company Store

For every pair of family pajamas sold, The Company Store donate $1 to Ronald McDonald House, so you can feel good about snagging organic cotton options like the Fair Isle Mix (above), Holly Trees, and best-selling Skiing Animals.

The Company Store Matching Pajamas—Buy Here!

All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.