The toddler stage is both exciting and challenging. It’s incredible to watch tots foster their curiosity, lean into their personalities, and make strides toward independence. It’s also, let’s face it, exhausting to keep them entertained and tantrum-free on a regular basis. So whether you need ideas to add to your daily schedule or a quick fix in an emergency, these 10-minute or less toddler activities are easy ways to have bursts of fun anytime, anywhere.

a toddler dances in a yellow dress in front of her dad, toddler activities

1. Have a Dance Party

Throw on some music and dance it out. Choose from our roundup of the best Spotify playlists, and spike your heart rate to a family-friendly tune. It’s also a great way to shake things up when your little one is feeling grumpy.

2. Act Out a Book

While reading a book together is always a good idea, acting one out could be even more fun. If your toddler has a favorite book they’re obsessed with, dig into the dress-up box and have them try to act out a live-action version.

3. Play Simon Says

Play this old favorite but with a twist. We love using Simon Says to help pick up a messy room. Simon says, “Put your toy in the chest” is a parenting hack that clears clutter while entertaining toddlers.

5. Act Like an Animal

Get wild with this one! Ask your child what their favorite animal is and encourage them to play a quick animal action game.  Challenge your child to move like the animal, running, crawling, leaping, lumbering, or slithering like a furry, feathered, or scaled friend.

a toddler activities with stuffed animals, girl hugs stuffed animal she found while her mom laughs

6. Play Hide-and-Seek with Stuffies

If you don’t have the energy to squeeze behind the couch or want to play hide and seek in a small space, try playing with one of your toddlers’ favorite stuffed animals.

7. Throw a Bath Party

Ain’t no party like a bathtub party! Turn off the lights, toss in the glow sticks and bubble wands, and crank the music.

8. Play Eye-Spy

It’s a time-tested classic and a traditional game that just about every child plays at some point or another. It’s also easily adaptable, requires no materials, and takes almost no time to complete. Put a twist on the same old game and set up your “I Spy” with a theme. Pick a letter (all things that begin with “B”), a color (only purple objects), or any other focus that your kiddo can dream up.

9. Have A Puzzle Marathon

Break out two or three of your toddler’s favorite puzzles and set a timer to see how fast you can complete them all.

10. Play Florist

Collect branches, ferns, and a few blooms and arrange them in a pretty vase or jar. Toddlers also love playing shop, so make believe you’re their first satisfied customer.

11. Play Follow the Leader

Get creative with the classic “follow the leader” game. Choose a theme (such as acting like animals or moving like snowflakes), create super-silly walks, or explore outside with a follow-the-leader nature walk.

a little girls with pigtails sits by a painting with a sun and paints, toddler activities

12. Create a Card for a Loved One

Surprise a friend or relative with a homemade card from you and your toddler. They’ll have fun stamping, coloring, and creating a fun design, and the recipient will be thrilled with the surprise mail.

13. Wash Windows Together

Their willingness to help with household chores wanes as they get older, so take advantage of your toddler’s excitement for spraying and wiping and get some sparkling windows in the process.

14. Tic Tac Toe

When it comes to toddler activities, the paper and pencil version of this classic is always fun. Or try spicing it up by hunting for objects to serve as x’s and o’s.

15. Play Red Light, Green Light

Strengthen their listening skills with a quick game of Red Light Green Light. In addition to being fun, you can talk to your toddler about the importance of following instructions, a skill their preschool teacher will certainly appreciate.

Take the lingering light of the day by storm with these easy and incredibly fun night games to play

There’s something undeniably magical about that time just after the sun sets but before dark settles in—and it’s not just because the mosquitos aren’t out in full force yet. Take advantage of the lingering light of day (hint: you’ll tire the kids out before bedtime!) with these games to play in the dark. From spooky games like Ghost in the Graveyard to tamer night games like Limbo and Charades, there’s something for everyone.

1. Sardines

Like hide-and-seek, but in the opposite direction, if you’re playing with little kids, consider sending them out in pairs of two to hide. Then, have the rest of the players count to 50, then let them loose. As kids find the hiding players, they squeeze into the same hiding spot, until all the players are squished together like a can of sardines! The kids who discovered the pair first get to hide during the next round, and so on.

2. Spotlight Charades

Your favorite party game is fun at dusk, too. Grab a flashlight, and a group of kids, and have them act out their favorite movies, characters, TV shows, or book.

3. Flashlight Limbo

Don’t put that flashlight away! Use it for another fun game to play in the dark. Simply grab a speaker, and stream your family’s favorite tunes as the “limbo stick” holder lowers the beam of light lower, lower, low!

4. Ghost In the Graveyard

This classic summertime game adds a little extra thrill to the average round of hide-and-seek. Here’s how to play this fun night game:

Choose your players and your boundaries: This one is best for a group of at least 3 neighborhood kids or friends. More is better. Pick front or backyards, a park field, etc. Just be sure everyone knows and agrees on the borders. Be sure and designate a spot as a home base, where you need to get when the ghost is discovered. It should be large enough that the whole group can touch it, stand on it, etc.

Get It: Choose an “it” to be the first ghost. (The next round’s “it” is designated as the last person to reach the safe zone of the home base.) While everyone but the ghost stays at home base and counts without looking, the ghost hides. The rest of the group counts—One o’clock, two o’clock, three o’clock, etc. up to 11 o’clock. When you reach midnight, chant: “Midnight!/The time is right/All ghosts come out tonight!”

Hunt your ghost: Now all the players except the hiding ghost venture away from “home” while looking for the ghost. Split up, and scan as much space as you can. As soon as someone spots the ghost, they shout as loud as they can, “Ghost in the graveyard!” Now everyone must get back to the safe zone before the ghost tags them.

5. Statue & Tourist

Perfect for a forested glen or even indoors as the light is fading (or in a dark room). One player is the “tourist” who is viewing the amazing statue garden. They get a flashlight.  All the other players must stay as still as a statue: they are allowed to move when the light is off, but as soon as the tourist turns the flashlight on they must stay still. When the flashlight is on the statue, the tourist tries to make the statue giggle or wiggle. If they do, they join the tourist’s team and go tour the next statue.

6. Flashlight Tag

This is your basic game of tag, but instead of having to touch the person to make them “it,” you use your flashlight to try and “catch” them.

7. Twilight Treasure Hunt

In the fading light, an ordinary scavenger hunt takes on an exciting new dimension. Create clues and riddles for the players to solve together along the way, leaving each one at the sight of the last riddle’s solution. Give the group a flashlight to help spot tricky hidden clues. This one is great because you can set it up during daylight hours while the kids are splashing around and won’t notice your stealthy moves.

8. Glow Big

Use glowsticks to illuminate plastic water bottles for this game to play in the dark. Now line ’em up and try to strike them down with a small kickball, rubber ball, or tennis ball. Use bottles with water (or add after you’ve rinsed and placed glow sticks in). You can adjust how much water you put in to make it easier (or harder) to knock them over. You can also try glow ring toss. Just set up a stick on the ground and toss glow bracelets or necklaces around it. Like horseshoes, but with glowsticks!

9. Glow-in-the-dark ring toss

All you need for this simple, all-ages game is a glow stick and necklaces. Separate into teams and the first to 10 points wins! For an added level of difficulty, try it with glow bracelets. Here are a few other glow-in-the-dark games.

10. Nighttime “Marco Polo”

Just like the popular pool game, except this version keeps kids dry. Determine the space they’ll play in, and make sure there’s nothing they can trip over since they’ll be blindfolded, then you’re good to go!


As parents, there’s nothing quite like a homemade Valentine’s card for mom. We’ve searched the web and carefully curated everything from Valentine’s Day crafts for toddlers to easy Valentine’s Day cards for school, and all of them are sweet as can be. These Valentine’s Day recipes will sweeten any Valentine’s Day plans and these Valentine’s Day games will tucker them out. Choose your favorite ideas for making homemade cards for Valentine’s Day 2024.

1. Seed Paper Hearts

Who doesn’t love plants? This homemade Valentine’s card can grow! Follow the instructions to make a seed heart that can be planted. Grow plants like wildflowers, herbs, and small vegetables.

2. Hot Air Balloon Heart

Try out this adorable hot air balloon card that can easily serve as a decoration for February.

3. Embroidered Hearts

a picture of a homemade valentine's card
Hello, Wonderful

Kids can hone their skills with a needle and thread to make these cute homemade Valentine's Day cards from Hello, Wonderful

4. Goldfish Snacks in a "Bowl"

Backless Shirt

How cute are these Goldfish-filled valentines from Backless Shirt? This candy-free idea doubles as a little afternoon snack, too.

5. Cutie Valentines

It’s Always Autumn

Our kids love mandarin oranges (aka cuties), and this easy homemade Valentine's card from It’s Always Autumn is the perfect way to use them. Buy a big bag at the grocery store and you’re halfway there. 

6. LEGO My Valentine

a picture of a cute homemade valentine card
The Resourceful Mama

Build super cute homemade Valentine's Day cards this year with this printable from The Resourceful Mama. The only other things you'll need are LEGO bricks and plastic bags. 


Related: 12 Creative (& Easy) Valentine’s Day Card Box Ideas

7. Toy Plane Valentines

Crap I've Made

Your littles will soar to the top of the class with these awesome plane valentines from Crap I’ve Made. Snag toy planes on the cheap on Amazon or at a party store. 

8. Rubber Duckie Valentines

a picture of homemade valentine cards
Simple Enchantments

We love a good pun, and this card from Simple Enchantments is definitely a winner.

9. Candy-Free Valentines

homemade valentine's cards
Pretty Prudent

Since kids will be loading up on candy all day, we love this change of pace from Pretty Prudent. Pick from crayons, bubbles, glitter, or bandaids—all of which have their own clever puns. 

10. Pirate Puns


Pirate-obsessed kids will love this clever valentine from MerMag. A pirate pun, a heart eye patch—it just doesn’t get much cuter than this. 

11. Glow Stick Valentines

homemade valentines cards
Eighteen 25

Check out this cute idea from Eighteen 25—with a few packs of glow sticks, it’s pretty easy to put together. 

12. Kool-Aid Fun

My Name Is Snickerdoodle

If your little one is a Kool-Aid lover, they’ll get a kick out of these cute Valentine's Day card idea from My Name Is Snickerdoodle

13. Star(burst) Cards

It’s Always Autumn

Fancy up your valentines this year with this idea from It’s Always Autumn. Crafty kids will enjoy decorating each card with a potato stamp. 

14. Origami Cards

homemade valentines cards
Omiyage Blogs

Whether you’re an origami expert or just a beginner, these easy DIY valentines from Omiyage Blogs will be a winner. 

Related: 19 Sweet Valentine’s Day Recipes for Kids

15. Crayon Cards

The Nerd's Wife

If you want to get crafty for your Valentine this year, this idea from The Nerd’s Wife is an awesome option. Plus, you’ll get to put all your broken crayon stubs to good use. 

16. Blow Pop Butterflies

Skip to My Lou

We love this fun (but super easy) take on valentines from Skip to My Lou. The kids will love the sweetness and creativity of this one.

17. Cute Sheep Valentines

Hello, Wonderful

Crafty kids will love making this valentine—just print out the cards from Hello, Wonderful, and then let them glue on pom poms for the sheep’s “wool.” 

18. Play-Doh Packages

Random Thoughts from a Supermom

Here’s another gift that keeps on giving: Play-Doh. Just add a fun label to the carton (Random Thoughts from a Supermom has a convenient printable), and the whole class will be sculpting hearts and flowers for their special someone.

19. Valentine "Cards"

My Paper Crane

We love the quirky character of these homemade Valentine's Day “cards” from My Paper Crane. The supplies are easy to round up, there's lots of room for kid participation, and the results are oh-so-cute.

20. Toy Snake Valentines

A Subtle Revelry

Good news for little snake charmers! A Subtle Revelry has ultra-cute easy Valentine's Day cards that only require a teensy amount of effort and a handful of Dollar Store snakes.

Related: 41 Hilariously Sweet Valentine’s Day Jokes for Kids

21. Cupcake Liner Creativity

Urban Comfort

What, you didn’t think those festive Valentine’s Day cupcake liners were only good for cupcakes, did you? Urban Comfort has a crafty idea that’s easy to make but oh-so-impressive.

22. I Spy Surprise

A Mom With a Lesson Plan

A loving message and a treasure hunt all in one? Yes, please! A Mom with a Lesson Plan has a great idea for adding a little “I Spy” to your V-Day. It’s a great excuse to roam the neighborhood (or a good way to entertain house-bound little cupids).

23. Upcycled Valentines

Art Bar Blog

You can’t help but love this idea from Art Bar Blog. With washi tape, alphabet stamps, and lots and lots of upcycled hearts, you can make gift bags for storing cards or holding other V-Day treats.

24. Joke Boxes

The Artful Parent

Brace yourselves, this idea from Delia Creates combines puns, Laffy Taffy, silly bands, and LEGO-inspired boxes. It sounds like a win-win to us. 

25. Bear-y Cute Valentine

homemade valentines cards
Domestic Mommyhood

We can’t get over the cute factor of these Valentine's Day cards for school from Domestic Mommyhood. They’re easy as pie to print, cut, and distribute—and they also make excellent lunchbox love notes. 

26. High Fives

A Subtle Revelry

What’s the ultimate show of support for your special valentine? A Subtle Revelry has the answer in the form of a printable high five. This nifty idea is easy and sure to be a classroom fave. 

27. A Homemade Valentine’s Card for Tweens

Even big kids like getting Valentine’s Day cards, and this one is cute, to the point, and includes a fun beauty gift. Get the printable from All Things Thrifty.

We’ve got glow-in-the-dark science worthy of any home laboratory

Calling all mad—we mean mom—scientists (and daring dads, too)! Try these six glow-in-the-dark science experiments for kids after the sun goes down: we promise they will light up your night. For more projects, check out our ultimate list of science experiments for kids.

Don’t miss any of these experiments! Save this list to Pinterest by clicking here.

Glowing Bicycle Spokes

use bicycle spokes for a glow in the dark science experiment

If you're looking for a fast fix on fun, snap a few glow sticks and affix them to the spokes of a bike. When it gets dark, turn the kiddos loose on their wheels and enjoy an eerily dazzling light display. If you want to up the creativity quotient, try rearranging the glow sticks to make new patterns. Just remember to attach them well, as they have a way of taking flight!

The Science Lesson: Sensory Memory
Riddle us this: Why do the three or four glow sticks you affixed to the bike spokes give the appearance of one solid line while the wheels are spinning? It's not because you're seeing the trailing lights from the glow stick. You are experiencing something known as iconic memory, which is sensory memory—or the shortest-term memory you have—that allows your mind to store an image for the few moments your brain needs to process what it has seen.

Glowing, Smoking, Bubbles

Add a little dry ice to bubble solution and the contents of an activated glow stick and get ready to rock the glow-in-the-dark scene in your neighborhood. Owlcation whipped up an awesome glow-in-the-dark science experiment to create glowing bubbles, and The Maker Mom thought to add dry ice to the same experiment here. The bubbles are out of this world—they glow and rise from the smoke. Naturally, we recommend an adult to handle the dry ice (skin contact can burn) and supervise this experiment.

The Science Lesson: Sublimation
When a substance passes directly from a solid phase to a gas phase without ever becoming a liquid, it sublimates. Dry ice sublimates to gas, and the bubbles encapsulate the gas. Activated liquid from the glow stick adds to the excitement and is an example of a chemiluminescent, or a light that is produced as an energy byproduct when a chemical reaction takes place.

Glowing Pumpkin Guts Slime

pumpkin slime glow-in-the-dark science experiment
Little Bins for Little Hands

For all you gore-lovers, this experiment by Little Bins for Little Hands is low on trickery and high on thrills. We used it for our inspiration, then added a little glow stick juice to the mix. Why convert pumpkin guts into a slimy putty when you can convert them into a slimy, glowing putty? Using nothing more than the contents of a glow stick, glue, and starch, you'll have a perfectly putrid pumpkin concoction in no time.

The Science Behind the Spooky: Polymers and Non-Newtonian Fluid
The white glue that's used as a base in this pumpkin slime is a polymer or a large chain of molecules made up of smaller units that repeat themselves. Liquid starch changes the structure of the glue's molecular chain, making it thicker, and turning it into a non-newtonian fluid. A non-Newtonian fluid is neither a true liquid nor a true solid. You can pick it up like a solid; however, it will begin to flow like a liquid (especially when heated) and will also take the shape of its container.


Glowing Bathwater

glowing bathwater
Fun at Home with Kids

With all the options for making something glow by using the contents of a glow stick out there, we loved finding Fun at Home with Kids' recipe for glowing water that uses nothing but ground-up vitamin B-50 and a black light. And since it's not sticky and non-toxic, this makes the perfect lure for getting your bitty bats into the bathtub after a full day of haunting. 

The Science Lesson: Phosphors versus Chemiluminescence
Vitamin B-50 is a phosphor, or a member of a group of substances that radiate visible light after being energized by a light source, such as the UV radiation from a black light. This particular glow is different from the light created by chemiluminescence—that is, the light is emitted as a product of a chemical reaction—which you find in a glow stick.

Glowing Oil and Water Experiment

glow in the dark science experiment
Growing a Jeweled Rose

We all know that oil and water just don't mix. But what happens when you make them glow, add kids, dim the lights, and fill their brains with words like "density" and "polarity"? Magic. That's right—Pure. Magic. We love the tutorial over at Growing a Jeweled Rose, and the best part about it is how you can turn your oil and water experiment into a DIY lava lamp when you're through.

The Science Lesson: Density and Polarity
An object's density—or how tightly packed together its molecules or atoms are—is a predictor of whether it will float or sink. Water molecules are more dense than oil molecules, and will always sink below oil. Additionally, water and oil have different polarities—or charges. Since water has both a negative and a positive charge, water molecules will attract other water molecules.

Glowing Sidewalk Chalk

glow in the dark science experiments
My Crazy Blessed Life

If you're really looking for some nighttime fun, you can't go wrong with this glowing sidewalk chalk. and then have them look out their windows before bedtime. This is a great one for National Night Out in August. Johanna at My Crazy Blessed Life inspired us to make our own glow-in-the-dark chalk, and we followed her recommendation to soak the chalk for two days before kicking up the fun factor with a black light.

The Science Lesson: Absorption and Properties of Salt
Chalk is a salt, and salts are all distinguished by their property to absorb water. So when you let a stick of chalk soak in glowing water overnight, it will not only absorb water but also the phosphorescent properties of the glowing agent in the water.

Related: 13 Fall Science Experiments Perfect for Kids


Check out these spooky Halloween minute to win it games that all the kiddos will love!

Halloween is right around the corner, and if you’re looking for fun Halloween games to make the holiday extra spooky, these minute-to-win-it ideas are exactly what you’re after. Whether you’re staying in this year or going out for trick-or-treating, these party games will keep your kids entertained for hours. While you’re at it, make the night extra special with some fun Halloween jokes, kid-friendly ghost stories, easy Halloween treats, and awesome Halloween crafts.

What’s a minute to win it game?

Simply put, it’s a 60-second game using items typically found around the house. Participants attempt to see who can finish a challenge first or who can complete a task the most times in under a minute. You can try these holiday minute to win it games when Halloween is over or attempt some year-round minute to win it favorites!

Halloween minute to win it games
Denny Müller via Unsplash

1. Candy Face

Take their favorite piece of Halloween candy (that isn’t too messy, of course) and place it on your child’s forehead. They’ll need to use their facial muscles to move it down their face into their mouth without using their hands.

2. Pumpkin Balance

This involves two players balancing mini pumpkins on their heads and racing to a certain point without dropping the pumpkin. You can make it tougher by making it a running race!

3. Donut Race

Slide a donut on a string and see who can eat it off the string the fastest. What a delicious game to play!

4. Candy Balancing

Put the end of a craft stick in your mouth and stack a candy of your choice on top. Whoever stacks the most pieces wins! You can make the game more challenging by choosing a non-flat candy.

Related: 20 Halloween Party Games That Are a Scary Good Time

Halloween minute to win it games
S. Massey

5. Mummify Me

A two-player game that involves wrapping the other player in toilet paper to look like a mummy.

6. Stack 'Em

Using apples, gourds, or mini pumpkins with the stems cut off, little ones have one minute to stack five apples or pumpkins (or three for younger kids) on top of each other and get them to stay for three seconds.

7. Candy Toss

Have two players take turns tossing their favorite candy (wrapped or unwrapped) into a bowl or cauldron. Whoever gets the most pieces into the cauldron in a minute wins.

8. M&M Switch

Each player will need two plates; one filled with M&Ms and one empty. Players use a straw to suck up each M&M and drop it onto the other plate. Whoever gets the most M&Ms onto the other plate wins!

Related: 33 Minute to Win It Games Perfect for Family Time

9. Halloween Bowling

Make ghost or mummy Halloween pins out of toilet paper rolls or white/clear plastic cups. Use a mini pumpkin or a regular-sized pumpkin (real or fake) as your bowling ball and get rolling. 

10. Witch's Hat Ring Toss

Connect glow sticks or fuzzy craft sticks into rings. Each player takes turns tossing their rings onto the witch's hat, and whoever gets the most rings onto the hat wins (You can also use a pumpkin stem to catch the rings.)!

11. Candy Unwrapping

Have your contestants take a wrapped piece of candy (choose a difficult one for a challenge) and have them unwrap it one-handed.

12. Dig for Creepy Crawlies

Crumble up your favorite cookie (that resembles dirt) and fill a bowl or bucket. Hide plastic creepy crawlies inside the dirt and have the players dig for them with a spoon. Whoever finds the most creepy crawlies wins.

Mary Jane Duford on Unsplash

13. Candy Corn Towers

To play this game, bite the ends off of the pieces of candy corn and stick them on top of each other to create a stack. 

14. Spider Race

Using a straw, blow a plastic spider from one end of the table to your set finish line. Whoever crosses that line first, wins!


Get little warriors moving (and tire them out) with these 10 clever obstacle courses for kids. Participants will break a sweat and the best part? Each one of these DIY obstacle courses can be easily set up inside or in the backyard. From an all-star athlete adventure to easy sidewalk chalk, it’ll be hard to pick just one. On your mark, get set, go!

indoor obstacle course for kids
Hands On As We Grow

1. Learning Letters DIY Obstacle Course

Easy as A-B-C! From teaching the alphabet to math problems, kids can learn on the move with this studious obstacle course designed for kids from Hands on as We Grow

2. All-Star Obstacle Course

Whether your little sports star loves to dribble the ball or take free throw shots, this DIY obstacle course deserves a trophy. Find a big bucket and beach balls (easy on furniture!), and you're good to go. Get the details for this sporty idea over at My Big Happy Life.

obstacle course for kids using hula hoops
Be a Fun Mum

3. Circus Obstacle Course

Get ready for the big top! This one is good for a backyard obstacle course; with plenty of room, you can have a circus-themed DIY obstacle course. From jumping through hula hoops to feats on the balance beam, we’ve found plenty of ideas over at Be a Fun Mum

4. Hot Lava Obstacle Course

Look out for the lava! Whether it’s walking over cushions, a balance beam, or traversing a bench, your little explorers need to avoid the hot lava that’s oozing down from the giant volcano. Cruise over to Crumb Bums for directions on making this indoor obstacle course perfect for your adventurous crew.

girl on a bike going through an obstacle course for kids

5. Bike Obstacle Course

You'll need sports cones and sidewalk chalk to set up this simple tricycle obstacle course for your tiny tike. Create turnarounds and crazy eight loops and then draw chalk arrows (and other helpful suggestions) to keep your tot on track. Once you’ve mapped out the basics, it’s time to get creative. Put in ramps, a cardboard box tunnel or two, and maybe even a sprinkler. Run it as a relay between siblings if you’ve got multiple kids to entertain. Here are even more tricycle race ideas.

6. Sidewalk Chalk Obstacle Course

Grab a piece of colorful sidewalk chalk and give directions to jump, count, turn around, or do whatever your kid loves to do. Then simply draw a start and finish line and you're ready to go! This is perfect for the sidewalk out front or on a patio in the backyard. 

jingle bell obstacle course
Childhood 101

7. Don’t Disturb the Obstacles Course

You'll need to dig out those winter holiday decorations because they’re the centerpiece of this inventive obstacle course dreamed up by the creative minds at Childhood 101. As they make their way over, under, and around your tricky design, your normally noisy kiddos can’t make any sound here. 

8. Tape Obstacle Course

We’re crushing on this simple obstacle course for your crew, and not just because you can set it up as easily inside as you can outside. All you need is a roll of blue painter’s tape—create balance beams, squares to be jumped in or over, squiggly rivers that need crossing… the list is endless. Then it’s up to the competitors to travel safely around, over, between, and through all the imaginatively large obstacles you’ve laid out for them. 

summer bucket list ideas
Anton Darius via Unsplash

9. Glow-in-the-Dark Obstacle Course

If you buy glow sticks in bulk, you're in luck. Once the sun has set, lay out your sticks, creating glowing patches that require jumping, paths that need careful crossing, and even sticks that need to be collected. Then send your crew off and running. A few porch lights or flashlights can help them navigate things safely. 

10. Boot Camp Course

You don’t need to dig out fatigues for your kids to complete this army-inspired obstacle course. But you do need to think like a drill sergeant when you set it up. We’re talking tire ladders (or hula hoops) made for running, string suspended a couple of feet off the ground for crawling under, and boards made for balancing. Add in a few push-ups, jumping jacks, and “sir, yes, sir” along the way and you’ve got a challenging course for your sidekick to soldier through. 




Skip the airport security lines and make your next family vacation a super suite staycation at hotels with everything from indoor pools to bikes for borrowing.

It hardly seems possible, but winter is fading behind us and spring is knocking at the door. Work a quick staycation into your family agenda and get ready to discover a new home away from home—luckily you won’t need to go far to find it. With amazing amenities, like requesting a gaming console delivered to your room or days spent lazing by the pool, you’ll be lucky if you can get your kids to check out of these hotels. Read through our picks for Chicago’s kid-centric hotel amenities that would make even Eloise go green with envy and be a tourist in your own city.

The Kimpton Gray Hotel

Why we love them: Family-focused complimentary amenities galore!

Kimpton Hotels is now offering complimentary children's kick scooters as an extension of the brand's popular bike loaning amenity. The Kimpton X Micro Kickboard scooters sport a custom design and color scheme and are available in two sizes for ages 2-5 and 5-12. Along with the kid-loved modes of transportation, the hotel also has a hand-picked selection of children's books, they're dog-friendly, yoga mats can be found in every room and they host a complimentary social hour every evening (5 p.m.-6 p.m.). 

122 W. Monroe Ave., Loop; Online:

Kimpton Hotel Monaco Chicago

girls in window at hotel monaco chicago things to do with kids in chicago
Hotel Monaco

Why we love them: This hotel is pet-friendly!

Located just a few steps away on Chicago's Riverwalk, you're located minutes from all of Chicago's best family destinations, from boat tours to Museum Campus. 

Hotel Monaco invites you to bring your pet along and even offers fun amenities for your furry friends like plush beds and complimentary bags to use on potty-break walks. In addition, they feature complimentary bike rentals and host a nightly wine hour from 5 p.m.-6 p.m. that you can opt to take to have served in your room. As a bonus, they sell everyone's favorite Jeni's Ice Cream by the pint. 

225 N. Wabash Ave., Loop; Online:

The Neighborhood Hotel

Why we love them: All the comforts and coziness of home in close proximity to Lincoln Park Zoo, Fullerton Beach & oodles of restaurants and shops. 

Founded by travel enthusiasts, The Neighborhood in Lincoln Park offers a well-equipped, well-designed basecamp for staycationers. The apartment-style property features 14 stylish suites with stocked kitchens, washers/dryers, and a thoughtfully curated collection of art and accessories. Floorplans include 1-3 bedroom options, as well as a coach house. 

2616 N. Clark St., Lincoln Park; Online:

Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk

Why we love them: Fabulous Riverwalk location and the indoor heated pool.

This pet-friendly hotel is a perfect home base for a family staycation, as it's steps away from Michigan Ave., the Riverwalk, Millennium Park, Navy Pier, and the Mag Mile. (Keep your eyes to the skies for Navy Pier's Wednesday and Saturday evening fireworks, end of May to Labor Day weekend!) 

Pack the swimsuits and goggles because kids will be making a bee-line for the indoor heated pool!

301 E. North Water St., Near North Side; Online:

Hotel Zachary

Why we love them: Because we love the Cubs! Also, the architecture is stunning and the activities and energy in the area are rather special.

This relative Chicago newcomer will quickly become a favorite for Cubs fans, as it sits directly across from the iconic Wrigley Field and Gallagher Way, Wrigleyville's exciting town square. Visit during baseball season to soak up the energy that radiates in and around the stadium or plan your staycation around Gallagher Way's packed social calendar that includes outdoor movie nights, ice skating and Santa's workshop during the holidays, seasonal parties and more. This whole area has undergone a transformation every Chicagoan, suburbanite or urbanite, should see.

3630 N. Clark St., Wrigleyville; Online:

Radisson Blu Aqua Hotel

Why we love them: Radisson Blu Aqua Hotel is located in the world's second-largest building designed by a woman, Chicagoan Jeanne Gang—the first largest building is Gang's The St. Regis Chicago, opening this May.

It's easy to explore our city's rich culture from Radisson Blue Aqua Hotel as it's located within minutes from Mag Mile, Millennium Park, Grant Park and Navy Pier. Kids will love the indoor and outdoor pools, outdoor running track, fire pit, and full-size basketball court, while the parents can head to the steam and sauna rooms. The Lakeshore East Park is also located just behind the hotel. 

221 N. Columbus Dr., Loop; Online:

Four Seasons Hotel Chciago

Why we love them: Ice cream man who makes in-room sundaes, dedicated play space & 50-foot indoor pool

The kid game is strong with this one. Once kids check in using a special step stool to fill out their registration (name, age, and a promise to have fun), they enter the Sammy the Skyscraper passport program. During their stay, kids complete an activity in each outlet (spa, restaurant, and bell desk) to receive a stamp, which earns them free ice cream. You can also schedule an in-room visit from the ice cream man to treat the family to sundaes, and have complimentary toys and games delivered to the room. 

With all the above, a 50-foot indoor pool seen in Home Alone 2, and a concierge team ready to create a personalized itinerary, you won’t have time for anything but fun.

Note: Pool and spa facilities are temporarily closed until June 1, 2023. 

120 E. Delaware Pl., Gold Coast; Online:

InterContinental Chicago Magnificent Mile

Why we love them: Indoor pool!

InterContinental puts you right in the middle of the action with walkable access to shopping, restaurants, cultural destinations and Lake Michigan. Keep an eye on their Offers page because they're always coming up with creative ideas to engage families like fort-building supplies, build-your-own cookie sets and packages that incorporate favorite cultural destinations. Even if they're not a fun package available, kids will be over-the-moon about the junior Olympic-sized swimming pool. 

505 N. Michigan Ave., Mag Mile; Online:

The Langham, Chicago

Why we love them: Kid's Suite, a playroom just for kids & a 12-seat cinema showing kid flicks

Warning: Your family is going to want to make this place your home away from home because the Langham gets kids. Kids receive a Langham Bear that comes in a cute backpack and can hang about in the Kid’s Suite, the hotel’s playroom just for kids. The play space has everything from video games to board games, Lincoln Logs to mini electric guitars, and if that’s not enough, there’s a 12-seat cinema suite that can be reserved for private screenings.

Check out the indoor swimming pool with family changing rooms and showers (be sure to ask for a pool noodle for little swimmers!). Of course, there are kid-friendly menus throughout the hotel so picky eaters are welcome. You can also request a personalized bathrobe and slippers, and each kid receives a free cookie upon check-in.

They have several family staycation packages available, including stays that give private access to the pool and games or the cinema.

Note: As of press time, the Kid's Suite was closed until further notice. Please check their website for updates on re-opening. 

330 N. Wabash Ave., River North; Online:

The Robey Chicago 

Why we love them: Beyond having a great neighborhood location at the intersections of Damen, Milwaukee, and North Avenues, The Robey Chicago has amazing rooftop views that stretch in every direction, plus a cozy outdoor swimming pool! 

Families can book the Queen + Loft accommodations for a decent-sized room that has not only a queen-sized bed and twin bunk beds but also, a work desk and a fun schoolhouse vibe. Cafe Robey is perfect for brunch and dinner and when you're ready to explore Wicker Park and Bucktown, you'll be within easy walking distance to The 606, Building Blocks Toy Store, and plenty of restaurants, coffee shops, neighborhood parks, and more.  

2018 W. North Ave., Wicker Park; Online:

Great Wolf Lodge

things to do with kids in chicago great wolf lodge gurnee

Why we love them: The entire hotel is kid-focused, while still being fun for adults

Let’s be honest, the real thrill for kids when it comes to Great Wolf Lodge is the pools. And, the 80,000-square-foot indoor pool with slides and an interactive water fort treehouse and an outdoor pool with a cabana area has no chance of disappointing. In addition to the water play, you'll find a variety of activities including a ropes course, bowling, mini-golf, arcade and rock wall. For kids that like their fun to include a bit of thinking and intrigue, they’ll dig MaqiQuest, the brand’s exclusive live-action adventure game. Kids scour the resort using magic wands to uncover relics and runes needed to defeat dragons and goblins.

1700 Nations Dr., Gurnee; Online:


Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park

Why we love them: Location, location, location 

The best part of this gem? It's just steps from Chicago's world-renowned museums, restaurants, and of course, Millennium Park, where your kids can take an obligatory Bean selfie. Enjoy numerous packages and hotel discounts when you book early, including the Weekend Escapes Offer, the Park and Stay Package, and the Embrace the Season offer. 

200 N. Columbus Dr., Millennium Park; Online:

Swissotel Chicago 

Wendy Altschuler

Why we love them: Beyond being one of the best hotels along the Chicago River, Swissotel Chicago is mere steps from the Magnificent Mile and many of Chicago's award-winning attractions. 

Suites and adjoining accommodations are available for larger families. The Swissotel Kids Suite, a magical escape full of special amenities, is available year-round. You can expect the room, which is connected to a separate adult room, to be outfitted with age-appropriate games, toys, and books. Families can watch an in-room movie, inclusive of a movie theater welcome amenity, plus complimentary breakfast for two adults and two children at The Palm restaurant. 

323 E. Wacker Dr., New East Side; Online:

Omni Chicago Hotel

The Omni Chicago

Why we love them: Backpacks full of fun activities & American Girl Doll package

Kids get an Omni Junior Chefs tote with a lunch bag, Annie's Organic Bunny Graham Friends Mix, Honest Kids organic juice box, to-go cup, crayons, activity book and a Say Goodnight to Hunger postcard. If kids color and return the postcard, a meal will be donated to Feeding America. 

The American Girl Place Package includes a set of doll pajamas, robe and slippers, an American Girl doll bed so AG has her own place to rest, American Girl bedtime books, cookies and milk turndown service and much more.

676 N. Michigan Ave., Mag Mile; Online:

Loews Chicago and Chicago O'Hare Hotels

Why we love them: Kids amenities galore, electronics to borrow & child-proofing kits

Loews loves kids, but they obviously love parents too. Their signature Loews Loves Families program is designed to make overnights fun with a complimentary activity book, board games and books, baby bath amenities, and childproofing kits. The Streeterville location has PS3 systems, iPads, and pool toys available for loan. For pets, they offer gourmet in-room food service, specialized bedding, leashes, collars, and bowls. You can also request kid and pet-watching services for a night out. 

455 N. Park Dr., Streeterville; Online: & 5300 N. River Rd., Rosemont; Online:

Hilton Chicago O’Hare

Why we love them: Location next to the airport, which means you can start your vacation early

Make getting to the airport for those early flights a whole lot easier—and majorly affordable. On top of being directly connected to Chicago O’Hare’s domestic terminals thru underground walkways, so you don’t have to deal with iffy Chicago weather, you also get spacious studio suites with a large sitting area, king bed and sofa bed, 42-inch HDTV, mini-bar, WiFi and on-demand movies, video games and access to the indoor pool. Worried about trying to catch some z’s so close to the runway? Sound-resistant windows and blackout drapes will help with all that, so you can arrive bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at your final destination.

O'Hare International Airport, 10000 W. O'Hare Ave., Chicago; Online:

Graduate Hotel Madison

Graduate Hotel

Why we love them: Super cool vintage summer camp vibe

This is stretching the staycation notion a bit, but we promise the short drive to Madison, WI will be worth it when you see what Graduate Hotels has to offer. They teamed up with Camp Wandawega and Land of Nod to create their own Camp Wandawega inspired suite.

Never heard of Camp Wandawega? What began as a speakeasy in the 1920s in now . . . well, basically an adult summer camp. All the charm of this retreat that features a fleet of vintage bikes, fishing boats, archery, a swimming beach and so much more is all rolled up into the Camp Wandawega suite in Madison.

The suite features a large main room with entertainment and sleeping areas with a king bed and a workstation, as well as an adjoining semi-private kid's room with bunk beds and a library stocked with summer camp-themed movies. Original camp artifacts such as an antique troopmaster hat, custom Sanborn canoe paddles, and Faribault Woolen Mills blankets are found throughout the space.

601 Langdon St., Madison, WI; Online:

Additional reporting by Maria Chambers & Jo Aaron

Don’t let your kid’s bedtime hinder your New Year’s Eve fun! We rounded up more than a dozen ways to celebrate, including some great ideas to start the new year off right!

Ring in the new year with some family-friendly New Year’s celebrations in New York City! Not sure the right move for your crew? We’ve got options for every nap time and bedtime schedule out there. For starters, begin the festivities early with events in the days leading up to New Year’s Eve, or check out some Dec. 31 daytime fun with the little ones who can’t stay up until midnight. Keep the party going with options for nighttime reveling made for the whole family, and then climb out of bed the next morning and start the year off right with New Year’s Day activities. No matter what, you’re sure to find the perfect New Year’s all-ages events in NYC to say goodbye to 2022 and welcome 2023 as a family.

New Year Events Before New Year’s Eve in NYC

Light Shows in and Around NYC
Let some spectacular light shows sparkle and light your road into the new year. Visit one of the best light shows in and around NYC for a dazzling display of shimmering light sculptures, many of which are open leading up to and during New Year's eve and day. From the New York Botanical Garden Glow exhibit to a 70's-inspired drive-thru experience, this year's light shows have something for everyone in the family.

Various times and locations

Russian New Year's Celebration
This special Russian New Year's celebration at Sky Village has some guesses of honor: "Ded Moroz" ("Father Frost," a.k.a. Santa) and his granddaughter will be on-site to interact with guests from 4 to 5 p.m. The event will feature traditional games, presents, photo-ops, singing, dancing (including the traditional Khorovod dance), and more. If you bring in a wrapped gift, you can hand it off to Santa to be officially "delivered" to your child from the jolly man, himself! Adults are encouraged to bring their own booze if they want, though there will be Pelegrino and juice on-site for a non-alcoholic option.

Sat., Dec. 17, 3:30-5:30 p.m.
Sky Village NYC
23-81 21st St.

NYSoM HolidayMania 2022
What if you wanted to celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Year's all at once? You can, at the NYSoM HolidayMania extravaganza! For the New Year's party, head over to the New Year's 2023 Jam, where "Lady New Year's" will be leading the party as visitors sing karaoke and get a head start on the celebrations. Don't forget to visit the sections dedicated to the other holidays for fun activities like spinning the Wheel of Kwanzaa at the Kwanzaa Village, hanging out with the Dreidelator in Hanukkah Town, saying hi to Santa at the Winter Wonderland, and lots more. Plus, all visitors with kids will receive free gifts while supplies last.

Sat., Dec. 17, 2-6 p.m.
East Harlem Tutorial Program
2050 2nd Ave.
East Harlem

The Times Square NYE Wishing Wall
Leave a positive message for visitors to the Times Square ball drop via the NYE Wishing Wall. Submit a wish on the digital Wishing Wall and it'll be among the thousands of confetti wishes that fall on New Year's in Times Square. Make sure to leave your wish by December 28 to have it be printed this year (any wishes submitted after this date will be included in next year's celebrations, instead).

Through Wed., Dec. 28

New Year’s Eve Morning and Daytime Events in NYC

Noon Year's Eve Dance Party at the Staten Island Children's Museum
This fun party lets kids count down to the new year, even if your little ones are too young to stay up until the actual countdown. Instead of midnight, this party ends with a countdown to noon, and includes plenty of dancing and party favors. This experience is free with admission—just show up ready to party!

Sat., Dec. 31, 12-2 p.m.
Staten Island Children’s Museum
1000 Richmond Terrace, Building M
Staten Island

New Year's Eve at Marage
This New Year's bash is designed to get kids involved with all the stuff that adults do to celebrate the occasion. This includes putting on cute 2023 glasses, waving glow sticks, drinking sparkling apple cider (non-alcoholic, of course!), and even writing New Year's resolutions (that they'll hopefully have better luck keeping than most adults). A DJ will provide the festive music while kids do themed arts and crafts, and, of course, there will be a balloon drop to symbolically mark the beginning of a new year.

Sat., Dec. 31, 3-7 p.m.
The Marage Space & Event Hall
111-10 Farmers Boulevard

New Year’s Eve Ball at CMOM
The Children's Museum of Manhattan has two full days of celebrations lined up for its annual New Year's Eve ball drop and dance party. Kids will design candy-inspired silly hats and glasses for the party, make their own New Year's balls for a mini-NYE ball drop, and count down to noon in a mock New Year's countdown. The party keeps going after the "noon" new year with music curated by DJ Suce, with dancing, singing, and general festivities.

Fri., Dec. 30-Sun., Dec. 31
212 W 83rd St.
Upper West Side

New Year’s Eve Evening and Nighttime Events in NYC

Dave & Buster's New Years Eve Party
It's all fun and games at the Dave & Buster's New Year's event, where families can play in the arcade, enjoy delicious appetizers, pop some party favors, and enjoy a 5-hour open bar and a complimentary champagne toast (for 21+ only, of course). A live DJ will play as the scene in Times Square outside is displayed on large screen TVs so everyone in attendance can count down to 2023 and watch the ball drop live. Special VIP packages are available to purchase, which include reserved seating in case you need a space for the younger members of your family to rest amid all the excitement.

Sat.-Sun., Dec. 31-Jan. 7 p.m.-1 a.m.
Dave & Buster's
234 West 42nd St., 3rd Floor
Murray Hill

New Year’s Eve Fireworks in Prospect Park
Back for the first time since 2020, watch fireworks explode in beautiful colors over Prospect Park. The fun begins at 10 p.m. with a performance by Quintessential Playlist. The event is free but an RSVP is required to gauge interest and space.

Sat.-Sun., Dec. 31-Jan. 1, 10 p.m.-12:30 a.m.
Grand Army Plaza Flatbush Ave.
Prospect Heights

New Year’s Day Events in NYC

New Year's Day Dinner Cruise
See the city from a different perspective by heading out on Liberty Cruise's New Year's Day Dinner Cruise. Embark on your adventure onboard a three-deck vessel, where you'll be treated to a three-course meal with the evening NYC skyline and a live DJ to accompany the experience. Head to the Sky Deck for incredible 360 degree views and photo-ops of the city and passing landmarks.

Sun., Jan. 1, 7 p.m.
Pier 36
299 South St.
Lower East Side

New Year's Eve on the Lanes in Bowlero
Strike out at Bowlero for an active and fun New Year's bowling session! Special family play slots are available to book right now, which include two hours of bowling (shoes included), your choice of food from the menu, unlimited soda, and a champagne or sparkling cider toast. If this sounds right up your alley, book soon: Most dec 31st time slots are already full, but at the time of this writing, there are still plenty of options on new year's day.

Sat., Dec. 31-Sun., Jan. 1, various times
222 W. 44th St.
Times Square

New Year's Day Super Hike in NYC Parks
Make 2023 a year of health and fitness by starting strong on the very first day of the year. Join a New Year's Day Super Hike in any one of the five participating parks, and walk away the previous year's worries and New Year's dinner. Urban Rangers lead these long walks, and take detours from the well-worn paths to explore hidden natural wonders, explore the city's urban forests, and breathe in some fresh air away from electronics and distractions.

Various times and locations

Salute to Vienna at Lincoln Center
Based on Vienna's Neujahrskonzert (New Year's Concert), this tribute to the tradition is a great way to introduce kids to the world of Viennese music from the heights of the country's golden age of composition. Listen to well-known tunes like the Blue Danube Waltz, tap along with dances, be uplifted by overtures, and more. This Lincoln Center performance is in its 26th year, and features music played by The Strauss Symphony of America and dance by Europaballett (Austria) and champion ballroom dancers.

Sun., Jan. 1, 2:30 p.m.
David Geffen Hall, Lincoln Center
10 Lincoln Center Plaza
Lincoln Square

Harlem Gospel Choir New Year's Day Matinee
Catch the world-famous Harlem Gospel Choir on the first day of the new year as they sing in the new year with a New Year's Day Matinee. Held at Sony Hall, this concert features uplifting, joyous music to put you in the right mindset to tackle 2023. All ages are welcome to attend, and a brunch menu will be available for ordering.

Sun., Jan. 1, 1:30 p.m.
Sony Hall
235 West 46th St.

Not sure you can make it to midnight? These family-friendly New Year’s Eve events in Chicago happen well before bedtime (and even the day before!)

Who’s ready for a fresh start in 2023? Break out the noisemakers because the kid-approved New Year’s Eve activities for families in Chicago are about to kick off. We rounded up live performances and family parties on both the Eve of the Eve (ahem, Dec. 30) and early enough on Dec. 31 to help your family ring in the new year without even missing bedtime. And you know what all these daytime events mean: Once the kids are tuckered out from their New Year’s fun, you can still have some adult time well before the clock strikes midnight. That’s plenty of champagne-sipping time—or, let’s be honest, a nice snooze on the couch as the ball drops—for you!

Celebrations Happening on the Eve of New Year’s Eve in Chicago

Noon Year's Eve

Ring in 2023 at this fun family event! Festivities include dancing, games, prizes, crafts, Exploritorium play, count down and balloon drop at noon.

Date: Dec 30, 10 a.m.-noon

Oakton Community Center
4701 Oakton St.

Noon Year's Eve Celebration at Bubbles Academy

Ring in the NOON year at Bubbles! Jam out to a concert with Miss Mel, create your own NYE crown, and countdown to the new year with a Bubble-filled finale!

Date: Dec 30, 11 a.m.-noon

900 N. Michigan Ave.
Near North Side

Noon Year’s Eve in Lincolnwood

Celebrate the “Noon” Year with the library featuring songs, books, and a balloon drop to ring in the new year.

Date: Dec. 30, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Lincolnwood Library
4000 W. Pratt Ave.

Pre-New Years Eve at Little Beans Cafe

Ring in the new year early. . . kid style. Little Beans will have a fun NYE celebration with a DJ, pizza, punch, play, NYE swag, and a countdown to a balloon drop.

Date: Dec. 30, 5-7 p.m.

430 Asbury Ave.


Live Performances Happening on New Year’s Eve in Chicago

Blue Man Group at The Briar Street Theatre

Blue Man Group Chicago will host four festive New Year’s Eve performances Saturday, December 31 at 1 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. Families with young children can take advantage of Blue Man Group’s early performances at 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. These shows feature early “midnight” countdowns after the show complete with party hats, noisemakers and a special performance of “Auld Lang Syne” by the Blue Men. Other festivities include pre-show face painting where children will be transformed into members of Blue Man Group’s band.

Date: Dec. 31, 1 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m. & 10 p.m.

3133 N. Halsted St.

New Philharmonic New Year's Eve Concert

College of DuPage's McAninch Arts Center is ready to help you ring in 2023 with New Philharmonic and Maestro Kirk Muspratt and a celebratory program of Pops and Viennese works, champagne toast and more.

Date: Dec. 31, 1:30 p.m., 5 p.m. & 8:30 p.m.

425 Fawell Blvd.
Glen Ellyn (1:30 p.m. show can be streamed live or on-demand beginning Jan. 1.)

The Trickery Chicago

The Trickery Chicago hosts the city's most entertaining magic show! Fun, intimate, sometimes outrageous, and always hilarious, this will make for one magical night to remember!  Best for date nights with the older kids, as the content is recommended for ages 12+.

Date: Dec. 31, 6 p.m., 8 p.m. & 10 p.m.

3453 N. Halsted St.

Family-Friendly New Year’s Eve Parties in Chicago

The Bubble Bash at DuPage Children's Museum 

Ring in the New Year with a countdown to noon celebration! Families can spend time together exploring the Museum’s hands-on exhibits, creating wearable art, grooving to music with Miss Jamie’s Farm, counting down to early New Year's with confetti, bubbles, and more!

Date: Dec. 31, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

301 N. Washington St.

Noon Year's Eve at Dakota 94

Let the kids show off all their Tik Tok moves at this dance party with a kids buffet and cocktails for the parents. Show off some moves of your own on the dance floor.

Date: Dec 31, 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.

5304 West Devon Ave.

Noon Year's Eve with Paw Patrol

Join all your favorite characters from Paw Patrol at Just for Fun Roller Rink. There will be skating, pizza, drinks, games, photos and, of course, a noon balloon drop. What more could you ask for?

Date: Dec 31, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

139 N. Seymour Ave.

New Year's Bash at Whirleyball

Have a blast playing endless games of Whirleyball, bowling, or laser tag while enjoying a comfort food lunch buffet.

Date: Dec 31, 12-4 p.m.

1825 W Webster Ave.

New Year's Eve Family Friendly Afternoon Cruise

Sail smoothly into 2023 with a family cruise aboard a 3-story luxury yacht with a dance floor and full bar including soft drinks for the kids!

Date: Dec 31, 1-3:30 p.m.

1559 South Lake Shore Drive
Burnham Harbor

Family New Year's Eve at Roots Pizza

There is no charge for admission, however you must reserve tickets. Tickets include a "countdown" to the new year, party favors, a complimentary toast (alcoholic and non-alcoholic), and sodas for the table. Ticket-holders also receive a free order of Mozzarella Sticks with the purchase of a 16" Pizza and a Salad.

Date: Dec 31, 3-5 p.m.

1610 N. Well St.
Old Town

Cheers Heard Around the World at SafeHouse Chicago

Families can ring in the New Year with "Cheers Heard Around the World" at SafeHouse Chicago. If your little spies have an early bedtime, they can celebrate the New Year with cities around the world at SafeHouse. Every time a new city rings in 2023, like London and Paris, SafeHouse will have a toast! Regular dining will be available along with all the fun interactive activities you can always experience at SafeHouse.

Date: Dec 31, 4-9 p.m.

60 E. Ontario St.
River North

New Year's Family Friendly Dinner & Toast at The Green Post

Bring the whole family to The Green Post, a British pub and gathering place, for a kid-friendly New Year’s dinner complete with a UK countdown from across the pond that culminates at a respectable 6 p.m. A welcome drink, “midnight” toast beverage, and party favors are included in the three-course prix fixe dinner price ($55/adult; $10/child), and non-alcoholic options are available for kids upon request.

Date: Dec 31, seatings at 5 p.m., 5:15 p.m., and 5:30 p.m.

4749 N. Rockwell St.
Lincoln Square

New Year's Eve Kids Countdown

Roll into the new year skating or bowling at MLK Park & Family Entertainment Center. There will be plenty of games and a character parade at this fun, friendly, clean, and safe facility.

Date: Dec 31, 6-9 p.m.

1219 W. 76th St.
South Side

Enchanted Castle New Year's Eve Family Party

There will not be a dull moment in your night with unlimited Go-Karts, Laser Tag, Catapult Thrill Ride, Bumper Cars, Mini-Golf & Quest II Adventure Playland. You will also play unlimited select video games and get a $15 game card. It wouldn't be New Years without a countdown & balloon drop, plus a buffet, New Year's Eve toast, and party favors.

Date: Dec 31, 6-10 p.m.

1103 S. Main St.

Kid's New Year's Eve at Moretti's

Celebrate with a family dinner that includes pizza, pasta, salad & ice cream and ring in 2023 early with an explosive Kid's Video Countdown, Balloon Drop, Confetti, Party Favors, Party DJ & Dancing.

Date: Dec 31, times vary by location

Various locations around Chicagoland

Scott's Magic Show-in-a-Box

Book a one-of-a-kind virtual family experience with Scott Green's Magic Show-in-a-Box. After you purchase your ticket, a mysterious box arrives at your door. Don't open it until showtime (no peeking!) when the surprises in the box and the live, interactive 90-minute Zoom performances combine to make the magic happen in your family's hands.


From Christmas ornaments to pillowcases, here are some homemade holiday gifts that are easy to create with kids

Get ready to get gifting! And no, you don’t need to brave the crowd-packed mall just to buy the perfect presents for your extended fam. Instead, your creative kiddos can cook, craft, and more. These homemade holiday gifts include cute keepsakes, holiday-themed treats, and imaginative art perfect for surprising your nearest and dearest. 

Christmas Truck Ornaments

Mama Papa Bubba

Upcycle your child's old toy trucks and turn them into these awesome auto-inspired ornaments from Mama Papa Bubba. This eco-friendly craft is a gift your friends and family will cherish for years to come. 

Chocolate Face Scrub

Mini Monets and Mommies

Hot chocolate goes glam with this at-home spa-like skincare gift. Sweeten almost anyone's beauty routine with this make-your-own chocolate sugar face scrub. Learn how to whip up a batch from Mini Monets & Mommies.

Ginger Cookies

homemade holiday gifts
The View From Great Island

Yum! Ginger cookies are a family fave. Give the gift of a super-tasty treat and bake a batch of this chewy goodness from The View From Great Island


Sugar Cookie Cake Bars

Bitz & Giggles

What's a better gift than Christmas cookies? A Christmas cookie cake bar! This holiday treat is sweetness at its sugary best. Get the step-by-step how-to from Bitz & Giggles.

Paper Poinsettias

Mini Monets and Mommies

Give family and friends a sweet paper craft to adorn their holiday tree! These paper poinsettias are fun to create and even better to give as a heartfelt gift. Learn how to make these ornaments from Mini Monets and Mommies


Christmas Teacup Garden

Fireflies Mud Pies

A teacup garden is an awesome DIY Christmas gift because it a) brings a bit of greenery to any space, b) is easy to make, and c) is oh-so-cute! You and the kiddos may even be able to craft your own with things you have on hand. For full instructions, visit Fireflies + Mud Pies.

Gingerbread Ornament

Mini Monets and Mommies

Your littles can get crafty and create this photo gingerbread ornament. Sculpt, paint, and add a cute portrait to this holiday-themed gift. Get the how-to from Mini Monets and Mommies.

Jewel Box Truffles

The View from Great Island

We love how these truffles (courtesy of The View from Great Island) look like pretty little ornaments ready to go on a tree. These sweet treats are surprisingly easy to make—if you have kitchen-savvy kiddos, they can help roll and decorate!

DIY Star Wars Garden Pots

Lemon Lime Adventures

We have just the thing for the Star Wars fan in your life! These sweet little planters are a fun way to add the Force to any garden, desk, or windowsill. Get the full instructions at Lemon Lime Adventures.

Reindeer Peppermint Bark

It's Always Autumn

It's hard to resist peppermint bark around the holidays, and this reindeer version is sure to go down in history as a truly tasty gift. It's Always Autumn even has "quick and dirty" tips for melting chocolate the easy way. Box up your bark, and you'll be all set for any gift exchange!

Book-Inspired Playdough Kit

homemade holiday gifts
Mama Papa Bubba

A literary playdough kit? Um, genius! This idea from Mama Papa Bubba is perfect for inventive bookworms, curious kiddos, and anyone who likes to tinker! It's inspired by the classic Little Blue Truck, though we bet any book could serve as inspiration.

Candy Cane Bath Salts

Boulder Locavore

When the weather outside is frightful, give the gift of an at-home spa day! These pepperminty bath salts are simple to make and a perfect present for loved ones who could use some R&R. Get the instructions over at Boulder Locavore.

DIY Photo Gifts

A Subtle Revelry

This gift idea from A Subtle Revelry is perfect for your little Picasso. It involves printing off cherished family photos (you've been meaning to do that anyway, right?) and letting your littles get their coloring on. We guarantee friends and family alike will love the personalized result.

Personalized Candle

homemade holiday gifts
It's Always Autumn

Psst! Did you know that you can make personalized candles for cheap—and it's easy enough that kids can do it on their own? It's Always Autumn has everything you need to know to make these great gifts, so start gathering your fave photos now.

DIY "I Love You" Pillowcase

Mama. Papa. Bubba.

The best way to guarantee sweet dreams this holiday season is with this sweet homemade pillowcase. All you need to make this keepsake is fabric markers, a pillowcase, and a creative kid. Get the full (easy) instructions over at Mama.Papa.Bubba.

Reindeer Rootbeer

Life of a Modern Mom

Not only is this the cutest herd of reindeer we've ever seen, but it's also an absolutely brilliant last-minute gift! If you have pipe cleaners, you're halfway there. Low on googly eyes? Use paint or stickers instead! Learn more at Life of a Modern Mom.

Duct Tape Beads

homemade holiday gifts
Clumsy Crafter

Who knew that duct tape makes a great fashion accessory? This craft from Clumsy Crafter is so simple, even a preschooler can help—but it's fun enough for big kids, too. Perfect for all the fashionistas in your life!

Toddler Art T-Shirt

Small Friendly

Now this is what we call a graphic tee. It's a simple toddler art project (courtesy of Small + Friendly) that yields a totally cool gift that any loved one would be stoked to wear. You only need three materials (nothing fancy) and artistic kiddos.

Painted Rock Craft

Mer Mag

This Christmas present really rocks. Have your kiddos paint rock portraits for each member of the family and gift them as worry stones, paperweights, good luck charms, or simply works of art. Get the how-to (and a free printable!) over at Mer Mag.

Egg Carton Succulents

Bit Square

Give your loved ones some greenery to tide them over until spring! It's easy with this idea from Bit Square. And we love how this eco-friendly craft involves repurposing an egg carton!

Superhero Build-A-Fort Kit


Bam! Pow! Your little caped crusader will go bananas for this superhero build-a-fort kit from Megan + Andy. It's incredibly creative and uses simple materials like a sheet, glow sticks, and a flashlight.

Cookies in a Jar

Post Punk Kitchen

Making this delicious and delightful gift from Post Punk Kitchen is as easy as funneling the ingredients for a batch of homemade cookies into a glass jar. For an extra personal touch, send a faraway friend or family member their favorite deconstructed cookie recipe!

Thumbprint Christmas Ornament

Little Bit Funky

These adorable thumbprint ornaments from Little Bit Funky can get even the tiniest hands (or thumbs!) involved in the DIY gift-making process. They're super easy to make, and you can even make them in bulk for everyone on your list! Bonus: it's a great keepsake for years to come.


DY Monogram Mug

homemade holiday gifts
Design Mom

Mugs really are everyone’s cup of tea, especially design-savvy monogram mugs. These classic cups are easy to pull off if you follow the DIY tutorial from Design Mom. (She scored her inexpensive white mugs at a Goodwill shop, making these gifts thrifty and eco-friendly too.) Recipients will think of you with every sip!


Tea Wreath

Dollar Store Crafts

Earl Grey or green all the way? Tea connoisseurs will love this clever idea from Dollar Store Crafts and you can easily personalize it with their favorite flavors and alternate the teabags with notes and kid-made art. You can even have your youngster color the clothespins.

Homemade Sugar Scrub

homemade holiday gifts
Food Renegade

This cinnamon vanilla body scrub is easy to whip up and is even edible. It also smells like the holidays, so it's an extra festive treat for loved ones. Try making a large batch and giving this out to anyone you know who could use a little pampering. Get the how-to at Food Renegade.

Painted Wooden Spoons

Infarrantly Creative

We love the idea of giving personalized gifts that are useful, like this painted serving ware. These spoons could be a great host gift if your family is booked up with holiday parties. Get your kiddos involved and make the stems of these utensils as colorful as they want! Learn more at Infarrantly Creative.

Ice Cream Sundae Kit

Savvy Mom

This gift looks as good as it tastes! Include all the trimmings for making a killer ice cream sundae, including the waffle cone, chocolate sauce, and of course, sprinkles. Find out how to make your own incredible, edible kit from Jan Scott over at Savvy Mom.


Easy Reindeer Hot Cocoa Gift

Forever Freckled

This adorable gift idea is easy to make and who doesn't love hot chocolate? Courtesy of Forever Freckled, you can see what you need to get started by clicking here