When it comes to household chores, you’ve got plenty of tasks to go around. More importantly, when kids are required to pitch in and help with age-appropriate chores, they’ll learn how to cooperate, gain a sense of independence and feel a sense of accomplishment. If you’re wondering what exactly to put on your chore chart for kids, we’ve broken it down by age, from toddlers up to tweens. From picking up toys to helping with dinner, here is our ultimate chore list for kids.

Age-Appropriate Chores for Ages 2-3

toddler doing age-appropriate chores

Pick up the toys. Ask your toddler to help clean up when playtime is over, instead of doing it at the end of the day when you’d rather be watching Netflix instead of cleaning up DUPLO blocks.

Wipe up small spills. This is an easy one and is especially important if they are the ones that made the mess. Don't make a big deal, just let them know they need to clean up after themselves.

Put shoes away. A toddler can easily put his shoes away, especially if there's a special bin or shelf for footwear.

Put dirty clothes in the hamper. Show your little one where clothes go before he chooses his own drop spot.

Match socks. An easy way to let someone else worry about why there's always one sock missing.

Throw away trash. Kids can start putting trash in its proper place at an early age. 

Pick up sticks in the yard. What's more fun than collecting sticks?

Sort the groceries. Preschool-aged kids can help you put away things like cereal, snacks, canned goods, and other things that aren't too heavy or breakable. 

Chore List for Kids Ages 4-5

putting away silverwear should be on a chore list for kids ages 4 to 5

All of the chores listed above. 

Put away clean utensils. It’s the little things!

Brush their own teeth. This is an easy self-care chore that any preschooler can tackle.

Fold washcloths or napkins. Something small and square is the perfect first item to have your pre-k kid learn how to fold.

Make their own bed. This is a tough one because busy school mornings can get in the way. Weekends are wide open, however, and there’s nothing like a made bed to give your home a clean, fresh feeling.

Collect the mail. This one doesn't even feel like a chore.

Bring their belongings in from the car. Whether it's their toys or backpack, four-and five-year-olds are old enough to make sure everything gets inside at the end of the day. 


Related: 11 Reasons Why Chores Make Kids More Successful (According to Studies)

Age-Appropriate Chores for Kids Ages 6-7

little boy doing age-appropriate chores

All of the chores listed above.

Help prep a basic meal. If kids with knives don't sound like a good idea, there are plenty of other things they can do. Think: gather ingredients, measure spices, crack and whisk eggs, grate some cheese, flip pancakes, and more.

Wipe down surfaces. Kids this age are perfectly capable of spraying, wiping, and cleaning down a surface. Especially if they are the ones that made the mess in the first place.

Take control of their school gear. Stop gathering your kids’ stuff every night or morning. These early years are the right time to set up good work habits.

Water the plants. This is a great chore to help develop organizational skills. Have your kid schedule a once-a-week date with a watering can on the calendar.

Help carry in groceries. Unless you're using the multiple trips to and from the car as your cardio for the day.

Set and clear the table. You prepared the meal, so your kids should help to set and clear the plates. Simple as that. 

Put away laundry. Imagine a place where the laundry gets put away instead of collecting dust in a basket somewhere. It can be a reality, we promise!

Feed pets. Your grade-school-aged kid loves the dog, the chickens, and the family turtle. Well, no time like the present to teach him how to take care of something smaller than he is. 

Chore List for Kids Ages 8-10

little boy doing laundry, a good thing to put on a chore list for kids ages 8-10

All of the chores listed above. 

Basic home maintenance. At around 10, kids can begin to do small tasks around the house that helps with upkeep like putting in new lightbulbs, changing batteries, and hanging small pictures. 

Load and unload the dishwasher. Most days, after unloading, the thing fills right back up and needs to be unloaded again. Your early tween is an ideal candidate for helping out with this daily task.

Help with recycling and garbage. Older kids can sort recyclables, empty wastebaskets, and help pull trash cans in from the road. It’s also a good way for them to learn about consumption and to see where waste goes.  

Vacuum the rugs. The best part about handing off this task is that your kids will have to keep their rooms picked up in order to fulfill their duty.

Dust shelves, blinds, and furniture. A Swiffer duster makes this chore a breeze. 

Clean the mirrors in the bathrooms. Older kids are strong enough, and usually tall enough to reach the top of the mirror by now. Pass the Windex.

Move clothes from the washer to the dryer. Most kids ages eight and up are tall enough (and old enough) to start helping with the laundry. If there are items you don't want in the dryer or if you like to use a certain heat setting, be sure to show the kids the ropes in advance.

Related: Parents Hatch Genius Plot to Catch Their Kids Skipping Chores

Age-Appropriate Chores for Kids Ages 10-12


All of the chores listed above. 

Walk the dog. Take pet care to the next level by asking your tween to take on giving Fido his daily workout. 

Help with grocery shopping. Give your big kid his own list at the store, and arrange to meet up at the checkout. You'll cut your shopping time in half!

Vacuum out the car. She's already tackled vacuuming the living room and her bedroom. Add on the family car once a month or every other week. 

Babysit for siblings or relatives in small increments. Whether it's to take charge at a social or family gathering or leave your tween in charge for 30 minutes while you run a quick errand, this is a good age to test the waters for child care. 

Rake leaves. Before you can mow the grass, the leaves need to be raked. Tweens can handle this, plus it's a great way to keep them outside and off tablets. 

Change their own bedsheets (and keep the bed made). This is a chore that only takes a few minutes, but it's a game changer when it comes to feeling like you're on top of the mess. 


Becoming a new mom is tough, but these postpartum self-care tips can help give you the nurturing you need.

Welcome to the rollercoaster ride of motherhood, where each day is a whirlwind of sleepless nights, a flood of emotions you never knew existed, and baby coos you wish you could play on repeat.

If you’re a new mom, congratulations on this incredible adventure you’re embarking on. Whether you’re just days, weeks, or months in, we can only imagine how the arrival of your tiny bean has left you feeling—unparalleled joy with a side of “oh gosh, I’m lost in a tornado of diapers and baby bottles”?

Though, it’s within this bittersweet chaos that you can easily forget the most crucial passenger on this wild ride…you. Yes, you, the superhero who brought a small human into the world.

As your friend, your confidant, and your friendly voice of reason, we’re here to help you navigate the postpartum journey (because you don’t need to do it alone!). From taking care of your mental health to recognizing when you need professional assistance and everything in between, let’s dive into our top postpartum self-care tips.

1. Take Care of You!

There’s no denying that parents put themselves on the back burner when it comes to their children. While you can’t help but make your little ones your number one priority, refusing to dedicate time for self-care can affect your overall parenting.

With your body requiring extra care and nourishment upon giving birth, it’s important to stay hydrated (is that water bottle on your nightstand empty?), eat a well-balanced diet rich in nutrients, and get some hard-earned rest—we know, it’s easier said than done! Incorporating gentle exercises into your routine can also expedite your recovery. It could be as simple as light walks or pelvic floor exercises, but the key is to move at your pace.

2. Keep an Eye Out for Signs of Postpartum Depression

Motherhood brings forth a lot of change, including a spectrum of ever-changing emotions. While some shades are less joyous than others, it’s crucial to recognize if you’re feeling trapped in a prolonged shadow of sadness, hopelessness, or worthlessness.

These feelings are correlated to postpartum depression, a type of mood disorder that affects up to 15% of women after childbirth. The medical condition, which is often mislabeled as “baby blues,” can develop within the first few weeks to months after giving birth. It’s also marked by other serious symptoms, like a lack of interest in once enjoyable activities, the inability to connect with your infant, and thoughts of self-harm. Acknowledge your feelings during this transitional period, and if you find yourself experiencing any of these symptoms, seek immediate help.

3. Seek Professional Help When Needed

Your mental health as a new parent is vital. Not only does it play a direct role in how you navigate the unpredictability of parenthood, but it also impacts the quality of your relationship with your baby. If you’re feeling like you need an outlet to work through what you’re experiencing, that’s okay. Know that seeking professional assistance is a courageous step—and one that should be met with praise and support.

With BetterHelp, an online therapy service, you can take appointments right from the comforts of your home, and on your schedule. That means you have a licensed therapist at your fingertips, available through text, phone, or video, all wrapped up in an affordable monthly subscription.

As the world’s largest therapy service, BetterHelp also gives you access to one of over 30,000 licensed therapists in their massive network based on your needs, preferences, and location, so you can match with a therapist in as little as just 48 hours. If you’re looking for a little extra support from other moms facing similar challenges, you can opt for group sessions. It’s like a virtual village just for you.

Try BetterHelp today and receive our exclusive Tinybeans offer. You’ll earn 25% off your first month!

4. Find Your Village

Moms, we know you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, but navigating this new era shouldn’t be an act you bear alone. Finding a support system can be paramount for both your mental and emotional well-being, whether it’s your significant other, family, friends, or a mommy support group. Surrounding yourself with comfort, laughter, and shared experiences can be the safety net that’ll uplift you when you need it most.

5. Carve Out “Me Time”

Oftentimes, it’s easy for moms to fully embrace their role as caretakers, devoting all of their time and energy to their new bundle of joy. But it’s important to not lose sight of who you were before children, and to not forget about what brings you happiness and relaxation in the process.

Devote time throughout each week that puts your first, so you can maintain your identity outside of motherhood. Reconnect with hobbies you love, or indulge in a guilty pleasure—maybe a TV series that’s just for you. This time is crucial for recharging and preserving your mental and emotional health.

6. Recognize (& Celebrate!) How Far You’ve Come

With so much always happening at once, it’s easy to overlook the small victories of parenting. Take a step back and celebrate all that you’ve achieved and how much your baby has developed—because of you! Whether it’s your baby sleeping through the night or you mastered the art of one-handed diaper changes, these small wins contribute to your growth as a mother. Acknowledging them can give you the feel-good emotions you need to keep going.

7. Set Realistic Expectations

Hooray, you’ve been promoted to the new role of mom, but like any new job, this period comes with some adjustments and level setting. Set realistic expectations of what you can and cannot accomplish in one day to gift yourself some much-needed compassion and grace.

Consider simplifying your daily routines to manage the demands of caring for a newborn. Rather than going to the grocery store, try ordering your meals weekly from a meal delivery service. If you’re overwhelmed by neglected household chores, tackle one area of the house every few days or divide and conquer with your partner. Every day may not be picture-perfect, and that’s more than okay.

8. Nurture Your Relationship with Your Significant Other

Amidst the sleepless nights and never-ending sea of bottles, don’t forget to nurture the bond with your partner. Communication is key and understanding each other’s needs in this new chapter of life is a must. Even simple gestures can go a long way in maintaining a strong and supportive relationship.


This article is sponsored by BetterHelp. Interested in giving therapy a try? Get started with BetterHelp today and save 25% off your first month. Your exclusive discount will be automatically applied at checkout with this special link. After signing up, simply fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with a licensed therapist in as little as 48 hours. You can then book your first live session via chat, phone, or video!

Do you, like me, seem to run on anxiety, caffeine, and your children’s leftovers? Are you perpetually in a rush and pretty sure you’ve forgotten… something? (What was it?!) What if, and stay with me here, you were able to set aside that feeling of chaos and actually find joy?

Yes, it sounds cheesy. But don’t roll your eyes just yet. It’ll only take a few minutes a day. OK, so that sounds like a late-night infomercial (remember those?), but it’s true. While you can’t move to a commune and cultivate free-range sunflowers, you can take a few minutes to hit the pause button. Here are some easy ways to switch things up and make the whole family happier.

1. Have a whatever-makes-you-happy hour or a “yes day.”

One mom changed her life (yes, really) with what she calls a “whatever-makes-you-happy hour.” You know that ferocious hour sometime around dinner when kids turn feral? Rather than fighting it, this mom runs with it. For those 60 minutes, her kids do whatever they’d like, barring cruelty or serious danger, while she and her husband kid back with the adult beverages of their choice. This sounds daringly 1970s-ish, but it works. Her kids experience the joy of running wild. She has time to kick back. When it’s over, they come together and eat dinner as a calm, reconnected family (and clean up before bed).

Alternatively, try a “yes day.” We spend our lives telling our kids no. Why not spend a day, an afternoon, an hour, saying yes? Yes to board games or jump-rope competitions or ice cream for dinner or fairy wings in public. Check all the ground rules in this post (note: No danger allowed and set a budget!), then go forth and make some incredible memories together.

2. Make time to play.

You can waste your whole life on your phone, so set it down. Actually, stuff it in a drawer because it’ll inevitably go off. Everyone, including kids, now gets to spend an electronic-free hour doing . . . well, whatever they love other than electronics (remember books? They’re made of paper). Before dinner is a great time for this, so is the hour before bed. Hang from the ceiling if you want, but do what you love.

3. Remember that absence makes the heart grow fonder.

You’ll love your children even more if they aren’t around all the time. I promise. Prioritize alone time—for them and you. You could go the cheesy self-care route and take a bubble bath. You could craft. You could watch a TV show that isn’t geared toward five-year-olds. You could also go on a date, which I hear is something adults do from time to time. Reconnecting with your partner will help you find some sanity. Leave your phone in your bag while you’re at it!

4. Show some love.

Snuggle with your kids—science says it’s good for you. Hugging makes us happier, healthier, and less anxious, which is something your whole family deserves. After cuddling with the younger set (so long as they’re game), set your sights on your significant other. Sex therapist Vanessa Marin shares that a nightly makeout session that doesn’t lead to anything more is a pretty solid idea and may even prevent those in long-term relationships from becoming “touch-avoidant.” Sounds like a fun thing to try. I mean, a therapist recommended it.

5. Surprise and delight.

Life can be a real grind. While we can’t permanently decamp to a tropical paradise, we can break up the mind-numbing routine with moments of unexpected fun. No, you don’t have to go all manic pixie to do it: Give your kids dessert for dinner. Surprise them with a night of mini golf. Announce an impromptu movie night or declare a pajama day.

6. Un-schedule from time to time.

No, you can’t drop everything, but you can pick and choose. You don’t have to do every single activity presented to you. Take a weekend off from planned fun. Part ways with that sport your kid doesn’t love. Skip the birthday party. There are so many demands on your time; prioritize a few and let the others go. After all, kids spend their lives hurrying up. Give them—and yourself—a chance to chill.

7. Dedicate 10 minutes a day to each kid.

The experts behind Big Little Feelings call it the “10-minute miracle.” No phones, no siblings, just dedicated parent-and-kid time with no correcting or criticizing. For those 10 minutes, go all in on whatever game/bonkers make-believe scenario/craft activity your kid wants. Doing so should help curtail acting out—after all, many kids get extra unruly when they’re in need of connection and attention. Spend a bit of time every day giving it to them.

8. Practice gratitude.

There are lots of ways to do this. You can sign up for volunteer opportunities, talk about the things you’re thankful for (on more than just Thanksgiving), make a good deed calendar—whatever works for your family. But make sure you insist on the importance of giving back to others and being grateful for what you’ve been given. Life can seem too big and too busy, so stop and count your blessings, then pass them on to someone else. It’s one of the most important things you can do for your kids.

9. Share the smallest moments for the biggest smiles.

Remember those family photo albums with the plastic sheets you’d peel apart to lay down your favorite printed pics? That ship has sailed. Now you can create the most amazing time capsule for your family on the Tinybeans App (your kids will thank you one day when they’ve stopped rolling their eyes) and share all of your sweetest and silliest moments with family and friends. They’ll delight in seeing that first waddle or goofy smile each time they get an alert, and you’ll get a solid dose of joy every time they comment or react.

10. Host an impromptu dance party.

Turn up that music and dance! Oh, and sing along. Toddlers will love it. Older kids might try to hide. Don’t let them. Instead, crank the volume louder. Dancing is good for you. So is joy. Give yourself room to feel it.

11. Always have something to look forward to.

Make sure there’s always something good on the way—a trip to the ice cream shop, a birthday party, a night with friends. This goes for your kid and you. Then when times get tough, there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel. We need this more than you’d think: If the slog seems endless, we’ll quit. But with our eyes on the prize, we’re all. gonna. make. it.

Ride the rails, set sail for adventure, take in the big city, and so much more

We know that families are eager to get out there and see the world—and 2024 is going to be the year that they do it in a major way. We expect to see lots of families taking those big trips with both domestic and international destinations on the agenda for 2024. Airfare prices continue to remain high but there are more and more ways to find cheaper flights including a bunch of lower-cost airlines that have added US routes this past year. Road trips aren’t going away either as families pretty much have these down by now. Where will 2024 take you?

Low-Cost Airlines Can Get You Where You Need to Go for Less


Chances are you are familiar with low-cost domestic airlines like Southwest, Frontier, and Spirit but did you know that there are low-cost airlines that will take you to Europe, Tahiti, Japan, and loads of other spots beyond the U.S.? Airlines like French bee, PLAY, Norse, and ZIPAIR have been adding routes from the U.S. in recent years and they are a great option for families looking to spend less on airfare.

We've flown French bee to Paris and Tahiti with kids and found it to be very comparable to other carriers like American Airlines and United. Just make sure you know what is included in your fare and what will incur an additional cost (like checked baggage, seat selection, and meals) before you book with these airlines so there are no surprises. 

Credit Card Points Offer a Way to Hack the System

Not everyone is interested in playing the credit card points game but those who know how to work the system often share that they can get some pretty great deals using signup bonuses. Websites like The Points Guy and NerdWallet are great places to start learning about what credit cards work best for travel and what deals are on the horizon. If you time your credit card sign-up right, many programs will gift you enough miles for free tickets. Plus, these travel cards often offer perks like free Global Entry or TSA PreCheck which are key in making your travel experience the best it can be. 

Families Want to Ride the Rails

Wendy Altschuler

According to Pinterest, 2024 brings slow travel to the forefront. After the busyness of 2023 with everyone getting back into travel in a big way, 2024 will have families slowing it down and looking for more mellow ways to travel. We predict that this will lead to more families will riding the rails for their next vacation. Nobody has to drive, your sleeping quarters are included, and you get to see some of the most gorgeous areas of the country. Bonus: it's super eco-friendly. From trains that take you to five national parks, to those that take you from New England to Florida, there's so much exploring to do. 

All-Inclusives Are Worth the Money

Club Med

Once thought of as a honeymoon-only extravagance, families are turning toward all-inclusive properties for vacations, especially when traveling with grandparents. Nobody has to cook, you know what you're going to spend in advance and kids will love getting to order mocktails from the swim-up bar. Some of our favorite spots: Club Med Miches Playa Esmeralda in the Dominican Republic, Villa la Valencia Beach Resort & Spa in Los Cabos, and Margarita Beach Resort Ambergris Cay in Belize. 

Cruising Is Back in a Major Way

Cruising has seen a major uptick in the past year and we are looking forward to checking out new ships like Royal Caribbean's new Icon of the Seas in 2024. Set sail for Alaska to catch the salmon run or book your vacation on the Disney Wish for a trip that's full of character breakfasts and kid activities. 

Those looking to cruise on a smaller scale should look to adventure cruise companies like UnCruise and Adventure Canada where you can expect small ships, small crews, and only a few hundred passengers. Bonus: Families will find that expedition cruising offers a level of personalization that you can't get on other cruises. 

Back to the Big City

Kate Loweth

The last few years have seen road trips and national parks vacations getting their time in the spotlight. According to Expedia, cultural capitals like Edinburgh, Lisbon, Tokyo, Dublin, and Sydney are going to see a lot more travel focus for 2023. We can get on board for that! 

Spend Some Time in a National Park

family hiking in a national park

With over 400 national parks in the United States, chances are there are quite a few nearby that you have yet to explore. According to Airbnb, national parks travel will be a huge focus for 2024 and we can understand why. National park trips are particularly fun for families as they give kids (and parents!) a little history lesson and a big dose of fresh air at the same time. Check out these national parks that are particularly kid-friendly from California all the way to Maine. While you are at it, check this list to see what days are free at the national parks for 2024

Road Trips (Still) Reign Supreme

The past few years really brought back our love of the road trip. If you are itching to find a new destination for 2024, check out this list of our favorite road trips in the U.S. and find unique Airbnb rentals you can reserve along the way. Before you head out, peruse this list of road trip hacks to get your crew prepared for the long journey, and download some of our favorite podcasts for kids so you don't have to fight over the radio station. 

Head to the Trees


Whether it's the need to get as far away from civilization as possible or a Swiss Family Robinson obsession, families are taking to the trees and booking a night or two in a treehouse. There are loads of treehouses you can rent across the country with a ton of options, especially in California. There's even a brand-new treehouse resort near the Smoky Mountains that just opened in 2023. 

More Travel with the Grandparents

We expect to see a continuation of the multi-generational travel trend in 2024 with families looking to get out and travel with grandparents. Whether you send the kids off on their "gramping" adventure without you or are looking for somewhere that three generations can enjoy, there are plenty of options out there. 

Guided, Small-Group Trips

Exodus Travels

We want to go big with our travel plans but the actual planning of the trip is most definitely not part of the fun. Leave the planning and execution of your trip up to experts like Exodus Travels. You can book a private trip for your family, or join in a small group with other families that have similarly-aged kids to make it even more fun. Whether you go self-guided or have an expert there to show you the way, this type of travel is definitely the way to go for families. 

Another great option for a customized travel experience is Costa Rica Escapes, a company that specializes in creating family adventures based on the needs of your family. Definitely something you'll want to explore in 2024. 

Off-the-Grid Adventures

Many of us have developed our love of the great outdoors these past few years and we'll be looking for off-the-grid adventures for our 2024 trips. Think about a kayak trip in Yellowstone or a ranch vacation complete with a hot spring pool in Idaho. There are tons of awesome options out there with no WiFi in range. 

Ride Off into the Sunset in an RV

Kate Loweth

While most of us never considered RV travel as a fun option for a family, it has exponentially increased in popularity in recent years and we expect this trend to continue into 2024. If you are a total RV newbie, we suggest leaving the planning to the experts when you book your first RV trip. Think you can handle it on your own? Rent an RV, grab yourself a WiFi hotspot, and head out on the road to give road schooling a try. You can even try out the rad stylings of a camper van

Cozy Cabins to Get Away from It All

There's something so restorative about a weekend in the woods. Cabin rentals have become super popular and we don't expect that to change in 2024. They offer families time together, many times without WiFi, and you can even bring your dog. 

Make It a Micro-cation

If time and money are tight (hello, inflation), consider a micro-cation for your next family trip. These four-day-or-less trips allow you to see someplace new and get a break from everyday life. It's a good way to get the kids used to traveling without having to pack a ton of gear for everyone. Surprise the kids with a last-minute trip and see a new part of the country.

Take the Family Glamping

Mendocino Grove

Glamping gives you the best of both worlds—the smell of a campfire in your hair and an actual bed to sleep on. You won't have to schlep all of your camping gear with you, everyone gets a better night's sleep, and you still get time out in the woods away from WiFi and civilization. Check out some of our favorite spots for glamping including loads of options in California.

Yes, it’s okay to have a life that doesn’t always revolve around your kids

There are lots of things that are challenging about being an adult—bills, jobs, and having to decide what to make for dinner every night are just a few of them. Studies have shown that parents in the U.S. feel some of the highest levels of burnout in the world, and oftentimes these less glamorous tasks can take over and lead us to lament the drudgery that is adulthood.

One way to combat those feelings of parental burnout is by having activities, interests, and friendships outside of your parental responsibilities. Parenting expert and psychologist Dr. Lucie Hemmen recently took to TikTok to explain what a gift it is for older kids to see at least one parent showing them what’s great about being an adult. Although she directly addresses teens, we think the message applies to those elementary-aged kids as well.


Videos for educational use only. #parents #parenting #parentin

♬ original sound – Dr.LucieHemmen

“Teenagers, simply put, get so much out of having at least one parent making adulthood look good to them,” explains Dr. Hemmen. “When you express joy or interest or curiosity about anything in your life, you are showing your teenager that growing up is a cool thing. That being an adult is a cool thing. That living life can be really fun. And that is just so important for teenagers.”

Dr. Hemmen gave this list of things you should be sharing with your big kids:

  • pursuing your own interests
  • having adventures
  • continuing to model growth and a zest for life
  • starting new projects

Kids need to see that we continue to learn and grow, even as adults. Plus, taking time for yourself leaves you refreshed and ready to tackle the relentless of parenthood when you return. In addition, modeling healthy relationships outside of your family unit shows your kids what it is like to be a good friend so that they can do the same themselves.

Having independent interests has a second benefit that shows up when your kids become teens and naturally start pulling away from you. As the experts at Grown and Flown have explained, parents who have friends and activities they enjoy without their kids often feel less abandonment when their kids head off to college or onto the next part of their adult life.

Consider this a sign to finally pick up crocheting or go on that solo trip you’ve always wanted to!

A seasoned mom shares all the best ways to navigate the festive season with a wee one

They say it’s the most wonderful time of the year—and it is!—but even at the best of times the holidays can be a tad stressful, from travel logistics and finding the right gifts for everyone on your list to those less-than-subtle comments from relatives. Now throw a newborn into the mix and suddenly the season has an entirely new sense of magic, plus a fresh set of challenges as you navigate ever-changing sleep schedules, seasonal viruses, and an overwhelming number of commitments. As a mom of six, I’ve journeyed through my share of holidays with a new baby in tow (my third was born one week to the day before Christmas, and I really wish I’d had this list back then). Drawing from personal experience and expert advice, here are some tried-and-true tips for helping a new mom survive (or even thrive!) this holiday season.

1. In Good Health

No matter the season, keeping your babe healthy is always priority number one, but it’s especially important to be on guard with a newborn during the holidays. Baby’s immature immune system, large crowds gathering indoors, and the circulation of respiratory viruses make for the perfect storm. Dr. Priya Thomas, founder of Mindful Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine and mom of three, explains the risk. “An adult who just has a cold can pass along RSV, which can become severe in young babies.” Her advice is to steer clear of the crowds, practice proper hand-washing, and ask others to do the same before holding your infant. “Parents should feel empowered in this area, as it’s a matter of the health of the newborn,” says Thomas. But she is quick to remind us that that doesn’t mean new parents need to skip all the fun with friends and family. “This is the time to be creative. You don’t have to miss out on the holiday cheer, just avoid the large holiday parties and opt for a more intimate gathering in your home,” she suggests.

Related: 3 Ways to Protect Your Baby From Respiratory Viruses, According to a Nurse

2. Respond Right

As you spend more time with family and friends in the coming weeks, expect a flurry of questions and offers of unsolicited advice. (Take it from me, this time of year they’re as reliable as busy stores and even busier parking lots.) For example, if your little one’s sleep schedule coincides with a family event, you might hear remarks like, “We never cared about schedules in my day.” While these comments are often well-intended, they may not be helpful, especially when tender, postpartum emotions are swirling. To ease the pressure of responding in the moment, prepare a general response ahead of time, such as “We’re doing what we think is best for our baby.” Give your response with confidence and a smile, then gracefully transition the conversation to a more enjoyable topic. And, if tensions escalate still, take some advice from Theresa Gray, founder of Blooms of Grace Counseling. “If you’re noticing that you’re starting to feel anxious, angry or stressed, it’s okay to step away for a moment,” she shares. “Take deep breaths that fill your belly and relax your jaw and visualize a peaceful scene or memory.”

3. Baby Yourself

This time of year is all about giving, so go ahead and give yourself the gift of a break. “Self-care is often thought of as things like hot baths, mani-pedis, and shopping trips with friends, but those aren’t really the things that recharge us,” explains Gray. “Instead, self-care during this busy and highly sociable season might be to get up before the baby to prepare yourself and your heart for the day.” She continues: “It should include spending intentional time with your spouse or close friends and asking for help and communicating the needs and desires you have.”

a toddler sleeping on their tummy for a story about when babies can sleep on their stomach

4. Respect the Nap… Or Don’t

With all of the added festivities, the holidays are notorious for throwing off routines. As the parent, you get to decide whether to toss your schedule to the wind or politely decline any events that may mess it up. In my early years of motherhood, I took the respect-the-nap-at-all-costs approach. Although I missed out on certain events, I enjoyed the outings I did take because I had a happy, rested sidekick. Now, six kiddos in, we tend to let baby nap on the go, and she generally thrives in the spontaneity. In the end, how much to alter your baby’s schedule over the holidays is up to you and the kind of kid you have. “There is wisdom in keeping to a schedule, as there is a physiological need for that, but some flexibility is good, too,” says Thomas. “I am all about being mindful of what works for your family.”

5. Layer Up

The weather outside can be frightful this time of year, so it’s especially important to dress your little one so that they’re warm and comfortable. Because infants aren’t able to regulate their body temperature yet, they can lose heat four times faster than adults—though that’s not a reason to keep them indoors, no matter how many times your grandma warns about catching your death of cold. “Your baby is not going to get sick from exposure to the cold, but do be mindful of low temperatures and proper clothing,” advises Dr. Thomas. Layering is the key to ensuring your tot doesn’t get too cold or too hot. The rule of thumb: Dress them in the same amount of clothing you’d wear yourself, then add a layer. Also, be sure little’s outfit includes a hat, as the head and face are where babies lose heat the quickest.

6. Travel Smart

If you’re hitting the road this year, it can be helpful to plan your drive around baby’s nap time or bedtime to help you travel in peace. If they’ll be awake for the drive, schedule in lots of stops for feeding and cuddling. If your babe is prone to fussiness in the car, consider a genius travel companion like this: the Baby Shusher. It has consistently calmed our crankiest car-bound babies (and also soothed their hyperventilating parents) for years. Another option is the Hatch portable sound machine, or just turn up the tunes. “Santa Baby,” anyone?

Related: 11 Do’s and Don’ts of Your Baby’s First Holiday Season

7. Toy Time

Now that you’re a parent, it’s time we break it to you: for the next decade, the holidays will be virtually synonymous with toys. So many toys. If you have family eager to load baby up with gifts, my seasoned-mom advice is to skip anything with batteries (a.k.a. noisemakers) and keep it simple. For young babies, an activity mat is a great choice, suggests Thomas. “You can do tummy time on the mat with a newborn even just for a few minutes,” she says. “Look for one with a mirror and different contrasting colorings and textures, things they can touch and feel or make sound.” For older babies, my go-to’s are wooden blocks, hand puppets, and board books, each of which develops their motor skills or fosters imagination and emotional connection.

a mom cuddling a bundled up baby during baby's first Christmas

8. Slow Down

During the holidays, we often feel the pressure of doing more, but this is your permission to slow down. Replace the holiday “ho-ho-ho” with “no-no-no.” “Self-care sometimes means saying ‘no,’” Theresa explains. “You don’t have to do everything and be everywhere. Choose the things that prioritize the health of your family and the reason for the season.” (Read that again if people-pleasing is your kryptonite.) Letting the hustle and bustle of the holidays pass while you soak up the simple pleasures—quietly snuggling up on the couch with your favorite festive bevy and your tiny little elf—may be the best thing you add to your schedule this season.

9. Nobody’s Perfect

Sometimes, the most precious moments are the least perfect. It took me a long time to learn this. For years, I aspired to have the perfect Christmas tree (you know the one, straight from a Pottery Barn catalog), but with so many curious little hands moving things around, I’d have to rush to secretly redo the ornaments each night after bedtime. Now, looking back, I realize that I missed the magic in pursuit of perfection. Learn from my loss and let go of the idea that there is an “ideal” Christmas or Hannukah card, photo, or party. Instead, be present with your baby and enjoy the moment, no matter how imperfectly (or downright messily!) it unfolds.

With a little planning—and forgiveness—surviving the holidays without losing your temper is possible

It’s the holiday season—you’re supposed to be happy, jolly, merry… right? RIGHT? Maybe not entirely. If you’re like most parents, the holidays come with equal parts Christmas cheer and seasonal stress. On one hand, we want to spoil our kids and feel their joy as they tear off the wrappings of their brand-new bikes or coveted toys—on the other, on the other, we can’t help but see red (the bad kind) as a result of all the ways they act out leading up to the big day.

And it’s no wonder: Between the added expenses, event overload, family drama, and travel plans, there can be more than merriment lurking behind those “perfect” holiday moments. In fact, according to a C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital report, one in six parents reports being more stressed during the holidays (with moms reporting twice as much stress as dads). As for what causes most yuletide woes, parents ranked holiday shopping, keeping kids healthy, household finances, party planning, meal-making, and criticism from family members as the biggest offenders

The holidays usually mean increased spending, a change of schedule, interaction with extended family, and of course, less sunlight, says Los Angeles-based psychologist Tara Klein. “We need to be extra careful about self-care during this time to have the emotional resilience for all the ups and downs that go along with the holidays.”

What that means is with planning—and forgiveness (of you and your kids!)—surviving the holidays without completely losing it on your little sugarplums is possible. Here’s how to make it happen:

Find Ways to Alleviate Financial Stress

If you’re worried about how to afford all those gifts—you’re not alone. A poll conducted by debt resolution company Beyond Finance found that more than two-thirds of people said holiday spending ups their stress levels—82 percent worried they won’t be able to pay for all the gifts they want to buy. Here are some tips for surviving the holidays when it comes to finances:

Make a budget—and stick to it. Be realistic about what you can spend and map out your gift-giving list on paper. Then, be sure to stick to your plans! Need some help? Microsoft offers this free budget-making template

Get creative with gifts. You don’t have to buy all your gifts; there are plenty of crafts and “I Owe You” items that your family and friends would be just as happy to receive. Offer your scrubbing skills to a relative in need of a car wash. Spend the evening babysitting for a friend overwhelmed with her littles (Best. Gift. Ever.). And, DIYers: From fresh-baked cookies to homemade photo gifts, this is your chance to shine!

Opt for whole-family gifts. If you have several siblings and an army of nieces and nephews, opt for whole-family gifts that can simplify your giving load. Family board games, outdoor lawn games, and food deliveries (like this candy care package or this gorgeous cupcake platter) can be easy cross-generational gifts.

Take advantage of free shipping. While there is an anxiety-ridden rite of passage to braving the mobbed post office during the days before Christmas—it’s unnecessary. Save money on shipping by taking advantage of stores that offer free shipping for purchases.

Be honest with family members. It’s OK to simmer down the expectations. Tell your extended family members that your budget is tight this year and that they’ll receive “creative” gifts (or just cards) instead of pricey gifts. Most people will welcome your honesty—it may even take the load off them, too—and you’ll feel better knowing everyone knows what to expect.

Related: 29 Holiday Gifts That You Can Make at Home

Learn How to Handle the Constant “I WANTs” from Your Kids

surviving the holidays with kids means managing their expectations

Is your child summoning her inner Veruca Salt whenever you take her to Target? Deep breaths! It’s hard to handle the barrage of “I wants” that can possess our kids during the holidays, but it’s not entirely their fault. After all, every ad and conversation they have about Christmas likely has to do with gift-giving. So the wanting is normal, but it’s the demands you need to curb. Here’s how to manage:

Make a Wish Board to help kids feel heard. Parent coach Abigail Wald—author of a Parenting Survival Deck that includes tips for handling tricky kid behaviors (click here to get the “Want Wanter” card for free!)—recommends that families make a Wish Board to help kids organize their holiday wants.

Let them put every single thing that they want on there. Then, throughout the next month or two, you can help them physicalize it by cutting out little pictures and moving things up and down the list of where they want them. It can become a fun little connective art project that the two of you have together, which takes down some of the wanting,” says Wald.

She also suggests checking back in with the list: Every time your child thinks they would have played with that one thing, put a checkmark by it; whichever has the most checkmarks by the end might be what they want the most.

Talk about giving. We all know what the holidays are supposed to be about, but to the typical kid, it’s all about getting presents. Help your kids see it in a different light by talking about what your family will give the grandparents or other extended family members; have them make small gifts to pass out to friends, neighbors, and teachers; take part in a neighborhood toy drive or an “Adopt a Family” campaign. The more they experience the joy of giving, the less they may want.

Take pictures. When your child begs for a particular toy at a store, pull out your phone and take a picture of the item to add to their special Wish List. Often, acknowledging what the child wants by photographing it is enough to quiet the wanting.

Teach them how to properly accept gifts (even the ones they don’t like). It might not be easy to watch, but it’s normal for kids to complain when they open a sweater instead of a Switch. Your kid is not “spoiled “or “ungrateful;” they’re just a developing human that hasn’t refined their filter. Yet. 

To help, try this: Wrap an assortment of random items—a rock from the driveway, a  toddler fork, a stick—and put them wherever you open holiday gifts. Then, take turns opening gifts and showing an exaggerated level of gratitude over each thing (OMG, “I’ve always wanted a fork like this!” “Thank you so much! This rock will look perfect on my dresser!” or “Wow, this stick is PERFECT!”). You’ll get enough giggles to get the point across, and hopefully, your kids will transfer the game to real life when they receive their next sweater.

Try to Keep (at least some of) Your Kids’ Routines

a mom trying to survive the holidays by keeping a routine with her kids

For kids, veering from the everyday routine can be a recipe for disaster. And even though the holidays can mean no school, travel, and a candy-lined upheaval of the norm, you can still keep at least some of your regular rituals, including finding time for naptime and following traditional bedtime routines.

As Harvard Health Publishing Senior Faculty Editor Claire McCarthy, MD, states, “As tempting as it may be to let kids stay up late and sleep late throughout the holidays, try to stay within an hour of usual times, except for special occasions (like New Year’s Eve). Same goes for mealtimes (be sure your kids get three healthy meals a day, preferably with you and not in front of the television).”

Keep Kids Busy—Especially During Family Gatherings.

If your kid has something to do, they are less likely to be tugging on your arm demanding attention or melting down on the living room floor over a broken candy cane. Bring toys or games to keep your toddlers busy during family gatherings, and let older children help by passing out hors d’oeuvres or taking guests’ coats.

Related: 11 Christmas Minute to Win It Games the Kids Will Love

Make a List of All the Events—and Decide Which Ones to Skip

School concerts! Holiday office parties! Family gatherings! Santa! There is so much going on over the holidays that it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO IT ALL. Write a list of all the events happening over the month and decide which ones you can do and which ones you can cut. Then, put all those things on a family calendar that everyone can see. This way, you don’t overextend yourself (and your kids know what to expect). The more relaxed you feel, surviving the holidays without losing it on your kids won’t feel so unattainable.

Keep a Designated Friend on Speed Dial

If you’re worried about surviving the holidays without losing it, Wald advises finding a “listening partner” for when times get tough. “I love to have a speed dial buddy—a friend I can text or call when I need to check in. You can feel alone even amid a lot of people, so it’s nice to have someone who knows your life, who knows your kids, who’s got your back, who you can text or call from the bathroom, from the car, or while you’re going for a walk. Just someone who can help you regroup and get grounded again,” she says. 

Surviving the Holidays Means Remembering It Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect

Melissa Heckscher

The entire holiday season is a little like my 2019 holiday card. It took so long to get my three kids to sit still with corresponding “Happy. New. Year” signs that we attracted a small crowd of onlookers who chuckled at my Sisyphean efforts to corral the trio into a picture with at least three open pairs of eyelids (because after a while, that was my bare minimum). The moments leading up to the photo were filled with arguing, frustration, and the promise of candy, but all I see now is that perfect picture and those sweet smiles.  

Wald offers sage advice about surviving the holidays, “It’s the things that happen year after year that they will remember most, so if a particular holiday time winds up pear-shaped, don’t worry. It doesn’t need to be perfect; it’s the fact that it’s happening at all that matters.” So be gentle with yourself and allow yourself—and your kids—some grace.


All images via iStock unless otherwise noted 



The 2023 guide to buying a Christmas tree in Los Angeles whether it’s a pre-cut tree, one that you cut down yourself, potted, flocked, or fake—it’s all inside

The first step in jumpstarting the Christmas spirit? Getting your tree of course! Most Christmas tree lots and farms open the day after Thanksgiving although there are a few that open a little earlier if you can’t wait to inhale that fresh-fir scent. Whether you’re looking to cut a Christmas tree yourself, wondering where to buy a Christmas tree nearby, or want to experience a whole holiday Christmas tree-buying adventure, there are plenty of options when it comes to finding the perfect Christmas tree in and around Los Angeles. From genuine tree farms to pop-up tree lots filled with live Christmas trees, these are the best spots to buy Christmas trees in LA, including some Christmas tree lots with a little extra Christmas spirit on the side.

Where to Buy Your Christmas Tree in Los Angeles & the Westside

Mr. Jingles Christmas Trees

All of the Mr. Jingles lots are staffed with friendly tree-huggers and have plenty of fresh-cut, sustainable trees at these Christmas tree lots. Trees are sourced from both Oregon’s Cascade Mountains and North Carolina. And if you want a 2' or a 17' Christmas tree, it's all here.

Holiday Trimmings: Online orders and delivery are available now. They also offer installation as well as tree removal services. Don't forget to shop their garlands, wreaths, ornaments, lights, and decor available at this spot. PS: Every tree comes with a stand but if you have your own Christmas tree stand, bring it so they can attach your tree to it (and will make sure it's straight before sending you on your way).

Various Locations: Hollywood, West LA, Original Farmers Market, Woodland Hills and Torrance
Online: mrjingleschristmastrees.com

Shawn's Christmas Trees

With over 40 years of selling trees on LA’s Westside, these guys know their stuff and you’re all but guaranteed to come home with the tree of your dreams. And with a bigger and better tree lot than years past, you'll find fan-favorites like Silvertip Christmas trees, Nordmann, Grand, Noble and Douglas (these originate from Oregon) as well as crowd-pleasing Frasers (brought in from North Carolina because of their quality to stay fresh and last longer). 

Holidays Trimmings: They also offer fire retardant and tree flocking treatments. If your door needs some love, Shawn’s also features 6 different size wreaths for more Christmas decor. They also offer delivery on the westside and Christmas tree removal service.

Christmas Tree Lot Opens: Nov. 24

11650 Santa Monica Blvd.
Los Angeles
Online: shawnschristmastrees.com

Mr. Greentrees

Choose from their sustainable selections of Nobles, Silvertip trees, Douglas Fir, and Nordmann trees (handpicked from family farms in Washington and Oregon), and add merry home accents like mistletoe, boughs, fresh greenery, plus wreaths and ornaments galore.

Holiday Trimmings: Mr. Greentrees also provides online and phone purchases, delivery and installation services, as well as custom orders. Rumor has it that celebs like to frequent this spot, so keep your peepers peeled if star sightings float your boat. 

Christmas Tree Lot Opens: Nov. 22

8950 Sunset Blvd.
West Hollywood
Online: mrgreentrees.com

Delancey Street Trees

Delancey Street is one of the country's leading residential self-help organizations. Every year, Delancey Street runs Christmas tree lots in various locations across the county (LA location is in Manhattan Beach) between Thanksgiving and Christmas and is used as an important training school in the basics of sales, particularly for new residents.

Holiday Trimmings: Delancey Street Trees also carry mistletoe, indoor tree lights, decorated wreaths, living potted pines, tree removal bags, and water bowls for trees. Flame retardant is also available. Additionally, they offer commercial decorating services in LA.

813 N Sepulveda
Manhattan Beach
Online: delanceytrees.org


Where to Buy Your Christmas Tree on the Eastside

Santa and Mikey's

Christmas trees at this local lot are hand-picked from Washington state—arriving weekly in batches to ensure the freshest of the fresh. Bonus points? Some of the nicest, friendliest staff in the city who are eager to help you pick out your perfect evergreen.

Holiday Trimmings: You can have your tree trimmed on-site for free and you can purchase lush boughs and wreaths here too. 

Christmas Tree Lot Opens: Nov. 22

259 Sierra Madre Villa Ave.
Online: santaandmikey.com

Where to Buy Your Christmas Tree in the Valley

Tina's Trees

Tina’s welcomes families with a warm, friendly atmosphere, and you can choose your perfect fresh-cut tree from their assortment of Noble, Douglas, Grand Firs, Frasiers and Silvertips. Wondering which tree is best for you and your family? Don’t hesitate to ask for Tina’s help in finding the perfect tree–she's been running a successful Christmas tree business since 1977 and is truly the matchmaker of trees. Describe what you need (size, smell, how long you want it to last, etc.) and she’ll match you with the perfect variety for you. 

Holiday Trimmings: If you’ve got tall ceilings or big rooms to fill, this is the place for you. Tina's stocks an impressive selection of massive 14’ to 15’ trees, and offers custom flocking and fire retardant. They also have an assortment of wreaths and garlands.

Christmas Tree Lot Opens: Nov. 24

Westfield Fashion Square
4725 Woodman Ave.
Sherman Oaks

23611 Calabasas Rd.
Online: tinastrees.com

Santa & Sons Christmas Trees

How lovely are their branches? Very. All of the trees at Santa and Sons come from a family-run Oregon farm, using sustainable farming methods that have been certified by the Coalition of Environmentally Conscious Growers. Their trees come with a big price tag, but you’re getting a super fresh fire that’s environmentally conscious and stunning to boot. You and your tiny tree people can choose from an array of Douglas Fir, Nordmann Fir, and Noble Fir Christmas trees, ranging anywhere from 3’ to 11’ tall. 

Holiday Trimmings: Not only do they offer home delivery but they also offer online ordering and their signature "U-Pick Webcam" Service. Simply call the lot, tell them what kind of tree you're looking for, and they'll livestream your options!

Christmas Tree Lot Opens: Nov. 24

12901 Burbank Blvd.
Van Nuys
Online: santasons.com

Underwood Family Farms

For something in between the neighborhood tree lot and a cut-your-own farm, consider a trip to Underwood Family Farms—a favorite spot for kids' birthday parties in LA and for kids born in Dec. this place is a no-brainer). While the farm doesn't grow its own trees, this one-stop shop stocks plenty of fresh-cut options (Noble, Grand, Fraser, Nordmann, Douglas Fir, and Silvertip trees are from Big Wave Dave’s Christmas Trees from Ventura), as well as mistletoe, wreaths, garlands and stands.

Christmas Tree Lot Opens: Nov. 24

3370 Sunset Valley Rd.
Online: underwoodfamilyfarms.com

U-Cut Your Own Christmas Tree near Los Angeles

Hagle Tree Farm

Wondering where you can cut your own Christmas tree in Los Angeles? Make the trip to this festive Somis farm early in the season for the best selection of choose-and-cut Monterey Pines. They've also got a large supply of pre-cut Noble and Nordmann Firs if you don't want to get your hands dirty. For even more holiday fun, visit during special weekends when there'll be pony rides, a petting zoo, and pics with Santa! 

Christmas Tree Farm Opens: Nov. 24

3442 Somis Rd.
Online: hagletreefarm.com

Frosty’s Forest Christmas Tree Farm

Pining to recreate childhood memories of tromping through the forest to cut your own tree? Frosty's Forest is the place for you. Additionally, they offer candy canes and festive Christmas music. If you don’t feel like chopping, they’ve also got living trees in containers. 

25235 Orchard Village Rd.
Online: greennurseryscv.com

Sand Haven Pines

Located just over 60 miles from DTLA, this Riverside farm offers an authentic tree-picking experience with a huge selection of cut-your-own pines (plus potted options, just in case). 

Holiday Trimmings: Tree flocking is available and the staff on the farm will help you shake your tree (to shed any loose needles), wrap it, and add a stand. While there, kids can sneak in a visit with Santa (bring your camera!) and take advantage of the free bounce house, candy canes, and popcorn while parents can enjoy the free coffee.

Christmas Tree Lot Opens: Nov. 18

19255 Wood Rd.
Online: sandhavenpines.com

Christmas Ranch Tree Farm

This family-owned operation now runs two farms, one in Simi Valley (since 1971) and the other in Thousand Oaks (since 1972). Both destinations offer a variety of cut-your-own options, including Noble, Pine, Grand, Fraser, and Nordmann plus fragrant Monterey Pines, hardy Aleppo Pines and Leyland Cypress. As with other u-chop spots, there are also pre-cut trees, along with wreaths and more festive evergreen decor. 

Holiday Trimmings: Flocking, garland and wreaths are available for purchase and for those that can't make it here in-person, online ordering and delivery is available as well.

Christmas Tree Farm Opens: Nov. 24

1586 Pederson Rd.
Thousand Oaks

3800 Cochran St.
Simi Valley
Online: christmasranchtreefarms.com

Where to Buy a Fake Christmas Tree in Los Angeles (Plus Ornaments & Decor)

Aldik Home: For more than 60 years, Aldik Home has provided home decor enthusiasts with high-quality silk flowers, silk foliage, floral arrangements, custom artificial trees, home decor, artificial Christmas trees and Holiday decor. Get inspired by their amazing Christmas displays in their Van Nuys showroom where you'll encounter thousands of ornaments, luxurious ribbon, LED lights and, quite possibly, some of best artificial Christmas trees in the country.

7651 Sepulveda Blvd.
Van Nuys
Online: aldikhome.com

How to Recycle Your Christmas Tree in Los Angeles

Thankfully, recycling your Christmas tree is relatively simple although there are a few steps to take before you hand it over to the sanitation department. Bookmark and save our guide on how to dispose of your Christmas tree and recycle it the right way. 



Let’s be honest, almost everyone yells at their kids sometimes. Just picture your average busy morning trying to get everyone out the door: One of them starts whining or picks a fight with their sibling and you’re about to be late, again. You feel your frustration beginning to bubble up and before you know it, you’re shouting at everyone because you just need to GET OUT THE DAMN DOOR! Someone (maybe you) starts to cry and then everyone starts their day feeling terrible.

While it’s totally normal to blow your top occasionally, studies show that it’s not a very effective parenting strategy, it doesn’t help your kids behave any better, and it can lead to loads of negative outcomes in the future (behavioral and emotional, among others). But even if you know that yelling is bad, how do you break the habit?

“There are very few people who do not yell,” says Dr. Michele Locke, a registered clinical psychologist specializing in child, adolescent, and parenting psychology in Toronto. “Most people do.” But that doesn’t mean you can’t improve your relationship with your littles. Here are some simple steps to help you stop yelling at your kids and get a handle on your behavior.

1. Consider How You Were Raised

How you behave has a lot to do with how you were treated as a kid yourself. “One of the main reasons that we yell is that we were raised in that kind of environment,” says Dajana Yoakley, a peaceful parenting coach in Little Rock, Arkansas.

If you come from a family of yellers, it can feel ingrained in you to react that same way, explains Locke. For example, when you were a child and had a big emotion, like anger, if the adults responsible for you yelled at you during your outburst, you learned that your big emotions led to a negative outcome in someone that you loved.

“When you become a parent and your kids have those same emotions that you had as a kid, your reaction is habitual, because you’re actually trying to shut down the emotion almost like you’re reacting to your own little self,” says Locke. Hence the yelling.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t change. Understanding why you react that way is half the battle, and the other half is practice. If you can’t get there through parenting books, podcasts, or practice, which can be a tall order for a busy parent, therapy is another great option.

2. Know Your Triggers

“Parents yell because they are burnt out, exhausted, or triggered,” says Locke. Parents are most likely to yell before bedtime, when they’re rushed or overstimulated, or when their child activates a feeling in them that they can’t regulate, she explains.

Notice how your body feels in the moment right before you yell, during the yell, or right after, recommends Yoakley. Maybe your heart is racing, or you start to sweat. “You have to really tune into your body as an instrument to tell you the clues of what you’re feeling. If you don’t know what you’re feeling, then you can’t change what you’re feeling,” says Yoakley.

Once you start to recognize the feeling that you’re about to blow up, you can start to get a handle on it. There are also a few other things you can do to dial down your rage in the moment. If possible, remove the immediate stressor. Late for dinner? Takeout (or cereal) it is. Your kid doesn’t want to wear rain boots? Throw them in their backpack instead. If everyone’s hungry and tired, throw some snacks at the situation, which can regulate everyone’s blood sugar and take things down a notch.

3. Anchor Yourself

If you’re getting overwhelmed, and feel a yell building, try and remove yourself from the situation, or take a pause before you react. If you can safely leave your children for a moment, Locke recommends heading to the bathroom and putting an ice pack on your skin, or taking a few deep breaths to remind your body that it’s not an emergency. Breathing techniques, like the five-finger breathing technique, can help bring some calm, plus you can teach it to and model it for your kids. This mindfulness technique can help you find that mind-body connection, with no props required.

The key is really to stop yourself before you fall into the same pattern of overreaction. Let your kids misbehave for a few minutes longer so you can be ready to approach them calmly and lead by example. “Do whatever you have to do to anchor yourself in the moment and ask yourself, how do I move into this situation and be a sturdy leader?” says Locke.

4. Recognize the Vicious Cycle

“Shouting can work in the moment, but what happens long term is your child begins to shout too, and the relationship becomes more disconnected and ruptured,” says Yoakley.

The reason it might feel like yelling works to stop the bad behavior is because it’s scary and activates your kids’ fear response, says Locke. “It doesn’t teach them anything about what to do next time,” she says. “You just have to increase the intensity and frequency of your yelling.”

Related: 8 Phrases to Bring a Toddler Back From the Brink

Plus, your child learns that shouting is the only way that someone will listen to them. “You’re trying to get them to stop yelling by doing the same thing,” says Locke. Yelling is bad for kids for a variety of reasons. It’s associated with depressive symptoms and can put them at risk of developing lasting mental health problems. Harsh parenting practices can even change your child’s brain structure. Yikes!

But not yelling doesn’t mean you can’t help your children manage their behavior. “A sturdy tone is different than a yell,” says Locke.

5. Practice Self-Compassion

After you yell, notice how you talk to yourself. Instead of saying “I’m such a horrible parent and my kids are the worst,” or “I’m sure other people never have this problem,” try and offer the same kindness you would to a friend, says Yoakley. Tell yourself, “This is so hard right now,” and validate how you feel. When you validate your own anger or shame, it takes away some of its intensity, says Yoakley.

6. Repair, Repair, Repair

“Everyone’s going to yell at their kids sometimes,” says Locke. “The most important thing is what you do after the fact.” Repair is critical after a yelling match. What does repair mean? It’s more than just an apology, says Yoakley. Once everyone is feeling calm, have a conversation with your kids and take responsibility for how you behaved.

Locke provides a sample script of how to talk to your kids after a big shoutfest. “I got overwhelmed. My frustration came out as yelling and here I am, trying to have kids who don’t yell so I’m really working on that. And I’m sorry that it came out that way.”

Explain to your kids, even if they’re really small, that it’s something you’re working on and that it’s a “you” problem, not a “them” problem, says Locke.

“It’s important to tell your kids that it’s never okay for you to yell at them. Even if you were angry,” says Yoakley. Ask them how the fight made them feel. Did it make them feel sad, or scared? Let them express their feelings and wrap up the repair with a hug.

This viral Ted Talk by Dr. Becky Kennedy has more details on how to repair with your kids.

7. Quit Yelling About The Small Stuff

It’s pretty easy to get into a shouting routine and use it to get your kids to listen. Many parents yell at their kids when they’re not paying attention, when they spill their water (again!), or when they just won’t do the thing you’ve asked. While it’s one thing to occasionally yell when your kids misbehave, it’s another behavior altogether when you use it consistently. Your kids are more likely to tune you out, and you’re more likely to feel even worse about yourself.

Related: 9 ‘Harmless’ Phrases That Hurt Kids More Than You Think

If you know you’re going to blow on occasion, like when your kids decide it’s WrestleMania time, try and dial back your regular, everyday shouting. Instead of yelling up the stairs that “Dinner is on the table NOW,” calmly walk closer to them and announce that it’s time to eat. Or if you sense a shouting match coming with a kid who doesn’t want to clean up their toys, try completely flipping the script and using the “whisper technique.”

8. Set Yourself Up for Success

If you find you just can’t get on top of things, it’s time to get proactive. Is the morning rush always a huge trigger? What can you do the night before to make it easier and prevent a situation where you end up yelling? Set expectations for your kids and yourself. Ask them to pick out their clothes the night before. If breakfast is always a disaster, simplify what you offer. If you can, Locke recommends getting up earlier than your kids so that you have a few moments to yourself before the chaos begins. You can use a reward chart with before-school tasks if the morning is really dragging, but kids should get the hang of things if you have clear and consistent expectations and you don’t ask them to do too many things at once. Whatever event usually causes the most issues, ask yourself what you can do to get through those stressful moments more smoothly.

9. Keep Working On It

Two things can be true, says Yoakley. You can yell and be a good parent. The more you practice remaining calm and controlling the shouting, over time you’ll likely yell less, and your kids will cooperate more.

“As long as you keep trying, that’s more important than never yelling,” says Locke. “I think when we shame parents, it actually makes them less able to change.”