Art parties are joyously messy fun for kids and parents, and the summer months are a fab chance to do a little plein-air painting. Take your baby-safe paint, paintbrushes, sponges, and mini-monets outside and watch the creativity craze begin. When your “starving artists” need snacks and treats—we’ve got those covered, too. From where to find inspiration to what to send home with your creative guest, these paint party ideas will make your outdoor painting party the absolute best.

1. Use a huge DIY canvas.

For super-size artistic expression (and mess), throw a paint party like Katie’s Pencil Box threw for her son. She arranged a huge canvas outside, set out metal paint cans and spray bottles filled with washable paint; water balloons, and a slip ‘n’ slide added to the fun!

2. Find natural painting supplies.

Use things in your yard like stones, leaves, flowers, and other natural painting “tools.” With a large piece of cardboard for a canvas, guests will have a blast painting stones, making prints, and creating swirly patterns with sticks. Get inspired over at No Time for Flashcards.

4. Have a theme for your painting party.

Pick a theme for your paint party to give guests some inspiration. It could be superheroes, Disney characters, an outdoor view, flowers, anything! You can take it one step further and trace an image in pencil on each canvas, so everyone has somewhere to start.

4. Give each artist their own canvas.

a picture of kids painting their own canvases, one of the best paint party ideas
Gabby Cullen

Allowing each guest to create a masterpiece of their own not only gives them plenty to work on during the party but it’s also a party favor that they won’t want to toss in the trash. You can get a set of your preferred size canvas here.

5. Make it a Jackson Pollock party.

This is one of the paint party ideas that’s a lot of fun—but messy. Lay the canvases on concrete (a driveway or patio), and use washable paint to fill tiny paper cups or even water balloons. Then have your guests throw the the cups or balloons at the canvases one at a time. They’ll end up with a unique Pollock-style painting worth putting on display.

6. Paint Rocks for Kindness.

Provide a bowlful of large, smooth stones and plenty of paint. Let your guests paint whatever they want on each stone, and once they’ve moved on to other games, cover them in a layer of Modge Podge for gloss and protection. Then, they can either keep their rocks as a keepsake or hide them somewhere in a public space for others to find. Find out more about Kindness Rocks here. 

7. Provide colorful snacks.

Fresh fruit (think strawberries, blackberries, green grapes, and pineapple), kid-friendly veggies like baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, and celery sticks, and other finger foods like cheddar cheese are perfect for creating a splash of color on a painting party snack table.

8. Offer up inspiring desserts.

Whether you make or order cupcakes that look like an artist’s palette or make paintbrush-style Rice Krispie treats, ending the party with a birthday dessert that isn’t cake will make your painting party stand out from the crowd.

9. Send them home with extra supplies.

A party favor that includes supplies they’ll need to be creative on their own time is a gift that keeps giving. Get inspired by Event Designer Taleen Shirikian of Simple Little Details, who put together aprons with a palette, paintbrush, and sponge.

10. Have them help clean up.

Initially, this might not sound fun, but imagine ending the party with a sprinkler session, water balloons, or water guns! You’ll be able to hose down your party space, and they’ll go home clean (ish).


One of them even involves a salad spinner!

When you want to get creative with your kids but don’t want the mess to take over, outside art is key. The messy stuff can stay outside (like all that baby-safe paint), and your kids (probably) won’t mind when you use the hose to spray them down when they’re done. From painting with water to using salad spinners to contain the mess, check out these outdoor art ideas that are big on creativity, but easy on cleanup.  

Paint with Water

adorable kids doing outdoor art
Jackie Currie via Happy Hooligans

Quite possibly the cleanest, easiest idea of the bunch, we love the simple brilliance of water painting. This is an especially great outdoor art project for toddlers because there’s no paint to be found! Happy Hooligans has more tips and tricks.

Use a Salad Spinner

use a salad spinner for outdoor art
Meri Cherry via Meri Cherry

The best way to prevent art from getting messy is to keep it contained. That's why we think this spin-art idea from Meri Cherry is pure genius. Your kids will get swirly designs, and all you’ll have to do is drop the spinner in the sink when everyone is done. See what you’ll need over at Meri Cherry.

Pull out the Squirt Guns

use a squirt gun for outdoor art
Melissa Lenning via Fireflies and Mud Pies

If you don’t want the family art easel to be covered in paint, you can easily recreate this outdoor art idea by attaching a few sheets of paper to a tree! We love the idea of containing the colors in a squirt gun, too. Get more details about this brilliant idea over at Fireflies and Mudpies.

Related: 27 Adorable Toddler Crafts You Can Pull Out Anytime

Make Foam Paint for the Sidewalk

use foam paint for outdoor art
Stephanie Pass via the Tip Toe Fairy

You’ll be able to ditch the dusty residue of sidewalk chalk with this easy foam paint recipe. Plus, keeping the paint contained in the condiment bottles helps to keep little hands free of stains. 


Related: Need 20+ Minutes of Quiet Time? Study Says These Crafts Are Your Best Bet

Skip the Paint Brushes

Aleacia Hitchcock

These incredible rainbow pour pots are pretty easy when it comes to cleanup, especially since there aren’t any brushes involved. Just be sure to totally cover the space before handing over the squeeze bottles. Make your way to Messy Little Monster for the tutorial.


Colored Salt

Chelsey Marashian via Buggy and Buddy

Colored salt projects are gorgeous, and they help to hone fine motor skills, too! After you've taken plenty of pictures, all you’ll need is a broom and dustpan to sweep it away. Find out how to color the salt—and how to get it to pour just right—over at Buggy and Buddy.


Paint Rocks


Kids only need a little bit of paint for this outdoor art project, so you don't have to worry (as much) about spills. We love the story behind the idea of painting rocks, too!

From money envelopes to dragons, here are the best Chinese New Year crafts for preschoolers and beyond

We’re squealing with excitement over the upcoming Lunar New Year. This family-centric celebration starts on the first day of the new moon on the Lunar Calendar, and we’ve searched high and low for ways to involve the whole crew. From paper lanterns and red envelopes to lunar calendars and more, find your favorite Chinese New Year crafts to celebrate the Year of the Dragon. We’ve also got fun dragon crafts for kids!

Toilet Paper Roll Dragon

Make this amazing dragon craft with the simplest materials. Tissue paper, pom poms, a toilet paper tube, glue, and googly eyes are all you need for this craft, but let your kiddo be creative and use whatever they’d like.

Origami Rabbit

Chinese new year crafts
Easy Peasy and Fun

It's the Year of the Rabbit! Celebrate the lunar new year with this adorable origami rabbit craft from Easy Peasy and Fun.

Chinese Lanterns

Happiness is Homemade

Light up your new year with these simple sparkle Chinese lanterns made from colored paper, jewel stickers, tape, and glue. Put them up in pairs, but remember—four is an unlucky number! If your little crafter is on a roll, eight lanterns strung together are lucky and bring wealth. Heidi over at Happiness is Homemade gives us the how-to-do.


Chinese New Year Craft Firecrackers

This Lunar New Year craft sparkles and shines! You can find most of what you need at home, but be sure to click the picture to see the details.

Related: 14 Asian Food Recipes You’ll Think Are Takeout

Paper Dragon

Allison McDonald via No Time for Flashcards

Your little reveler can bring good luck and have fun creating this paper dragon craft. It's easy to make with things from around the house: paper, paint, a rolling pin, bubble wrap, and googly eyes. Psst ... this can be an afternoon activity if you make a really big dragon! Get the step-by-step at No Time for Flashcards.


Lunar Calendar

Nikki Walsh

Since the Chinese Calendar is based on the lunar calendar with each month beginning on the first day of the new moon, have your little ones fill out the different phases to see where the New Year's month begins. You’ll need a calendar, circle stickers, and scissors. Find a quick tutorial, here.


Accordion Tangerine

Buggy and Buddy

Tangerines and oranges symbolize good luck and wealth for the new year. Your little moon can bring this bright and vibrant happy color into the house with this cute Chinese New Year craft by Chelsey at Buggy and Buddy. It’s easy to make with colored paper, brown yarn, scissors, and glue. 


Money Envelopes

First Palette

What tot can resist those red envelopes? Usually filled with money (of even denominations) and given out at the celebratory dinners, if you have time, you and your crew can make these little envelopes and decorate them too. We love the version from Sue over at First Palette because it comes with a printable template!  


Cherry Blossom Fans

In the Playroom

Lunar New Year is also known as the Spring Festival, so what better way to celebrate than by letting your little artist finger-paint cherry blossoms on Chinese fans? Just grab some colored paper, a black pen, paint, and tape. The instructions can be found over at In the Playroom.


Chinese new year crafts

Your little scribes may not be ready to master Chinese characters, but you can still introduce them to the art of calligraphy. Once you've gathered the basic supplies of a pen, ink, and paper, you can follow Rachelle Doorley's guide over at Tinkerlab.


Chinese Gong

Chinese new year crafts
Kid World Citizen

Get musical by making a Chinese-inspired gong, like this one from Kid World Citizen. You can even experiment with different pan sizes for different types of sounds. 

Chinese New Year Sensory Bin

Let littles get hands-on Chinese New Year-style exploring in this sensory bin. First, color the rice red to bring good luck (A quick how-to at Little Bins for Little Hands). Then add chopsticks, old Chinese coins, teacups, spoons, Lunar New Year sayings, red envelopes, and our favorite, a Buddha. Be sure to supervise toddlers while they enjoy this fun experience.

It’s no secret that a mobile baby is a busy baby, and a busy baby is a happy baby. But if the crawling, creeping and scooting hasn’t yet begun, there are still plenty of ways to engage with your little one—and have a little fun yourself. Here are our favorite ideas for infant games you can play with your stationary sweetie.

1. Bubble Blowout

Something about the rainbow swirls and fanciful movements are endlessly alluring for babies and grown-ups alike. An inexpensive bottle of bubbles—or the homemade variety, if you prefer—will keep your mini-me fixated and, depending on age, may allow your child to exercise hand-eye coordination, too, as he tries to grasp at the floating orbs.

2. Song Sesh

There are plenty of studies showing that babies recognize and respond to human voices—especially their mama—but did you know that researchers have found that babies can hear and remember music even while in the womb? And that they enjoy concerts as much as their parents? It’s no surprise, then, that songs (especially when sung by mom!) are a sure thing when it comes to entertaining your wee one.

While lullabies are great for setting the mood for bedtime, more upbeat tempos are better at keeping baby amused during wakeful hours. To really capture your little one’s attention, choose interactive songs that include motions or silly sounds. (Think: sneezing, animal sounds, or surprise responses, like “peek-a-boo!”) Make up the lyrics as you go, or stick with tried-and-true classics like “Wheels on the Bus” or “Itsy Bitsy Spider.”

Related: Your Month-By-Month Guide to Activities During Baby’s First Year

3. Fancy Footwork

Babies who haven’t mastered the art of being on the move just yet still do plenty of kicking and squirming. Keep your squirmy worm endlessly entertained by tying a helium balloon to their foot. Your baby will love watching the colorful balloon bounce above them in response to their movements, and you’ll love watching this newfound excitement.

photo: regina_zulauf via Pixabay 

4. Head Outdoors

Let’s be real. There’s only so much excitement that can happen indoors. A simple change of scenery can do wonders in keeping a non-mobile baby entertained, and getting outside your usual four walls into the fresh air and sunshine can soothe even the crankiest infant. Get in a few minutes of tummy time by positioning baby on the edge of a blanket to explore the grass. Or simply lay back together and watch the leaves swaying peacefully in the wind or the clouds floating by.

5. Master Mimicry

While the jury is still out on how early babies can mimic adult gestures, expressions, and sounds, what we do know is that infants benefit from intentional face-to-face interaction at every age. Bond with your baby by focusing on maintaining eye-to-eye contact (that means putting that distracting smartphone aside!) and exchanging facial expressions, such as sticking out your tongue, wrinkling your nose, or showing various emotions, from surprise to sadness. These interactions will not only result in cognitive benefits for baby, but you’ll both enjoy the intentional one-on-one time.

Related: 10 Games to Encourage Baby’s First Words

6. Picture Perfect

If you’ve had your fill of reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear for the day, give baby a mini art tour through your own home. Carry baby around and show them the photographs or paintings that grace your walls. If you have family pictures or portraits, tell baby about the people in the photo. If abstract art is more your thing, point out the colors and shapes.

7. Hands On

There’s a reason why simple games like “This Little Piggie” elicit baby smiles and giggles over and over again. Combining the cadence of rhymes with physical interaction is a guaranteed win when it comes to keeping little ones amused. Our favorites include actions that point to baby’s body parts (eyes, nose, fingers, feet, tummy), and offer a gentle tickle where appropriate. If you need a refresher course on rhymes, a simple Google search for “action rhymes for babies” will offer lots of inspiration.

Some of these forts for kids can be built with things you already own

When your craft kit supplies are running low and your kids are looking at their devices with longing, there’s nothing quite like building an indoor fort with your kids. We’ve gathered up some seriously wow-worthy forts to inspire your next creation. Grab your pajamas and your pillows and get building

Check out this indoor fort from Air Fort. Your kids will love how fast it can be built and and how quickly they'll be having a blast!

Climbing Frame Tent

Do you have an indoor climbing gym? Give it a whole new look with just a sheet! 

Make-A-Fort Kit

indoor forts
Make-A-Fort Kit

Construct and play inside incredible indoor forts, castles, mazes, and tunnels; there are endless possibilities of what you can build with this engaging kit! 

Get yours here, $77 & up. 

Dining Room Chair Fort

Another easy way to make a hideaway for kids is to grab some high dining chairs, a blanket or sheet and some clips. 

Firetruck Fort

indoor forts
Utah Country Mom

Jessica, the mom behind Utah Country Mom, built this impressive indoor fort for her firefighting-loving toddler using a card table as the base. 

Cardboard Castle Fort

indoor forts
Brandon Tran

We’re totally wowed by Brandon Tran’s cardboard castle. If you’ve got extra cardboard boxes (and a fair amount of patience), you can make one for your house too. 

Fort Boards

indoor forts

Indoor afternoons just got a whole lot more fun! Fort Boards are the perfect open-ended building toys that combine imagination and STEM skills and will keep littles busy for hours. Construct domes, vehicles and various-shaped forts with these colorful and BPA-free pieces that can build up to 20 square feet of construction but fold down for easy storage. Snag a set here

Upcycled Newspaper Fort

indoor forts
Modern Parents Messy Kids

Gather up your old newspapers to make this genius fort from Modern Parents Messy Kids. You can leave the structure as is, or throw a blanket on top to make it extra cozy. 

Build-Your-Own Fort Kit

indoor forts

If fort-building isn’t your forte, you can snag a kit like this one from aidenandtuck on Etsy. It’s got everything kids will need to make an awesome indoor fort (minus the sheets or blankets). You just might be surprised by the creations they come up with. 

House in the Hallway Fort


This hallway house is a truly portable wonder. It's a shapeshifter that can be set up in the hallway, or even over a staircase for older kids who want a two-story play space. Our favorite bit from mom blog ikatbag is how interactive the creation is! 

Cozy Reading Nook

Small Friendly

Here’s another take on the reading nook from Small + Friendly, a modern homemaking blog. With a mini futon and a pretty canopy, littles will love relaxing in this cozy corner. 

Impressive Dome Fort


Budding architects are sure to appreciate this geodesic dome indoor fort built by one talented parent. All the details can be found on Instructables. With cardboard, box cutters and some paint in hand, this could be the perfect way to spend a too-hot day—your kids will definitely thank you! 

Under-the-Table Fort

Mama Papa Bubba

There's no structure more stable than your table! Take a cue from Mama Papa Bubba and put together a quick hideaway using a bedsheet and a table.

— with additional reporting by Taylor Clifton


The tunnel is our Rube Goldberg favorite

Need some craft ideas that aren’t your usual? Raid the recycle bin, bust out any toilet paper rolls lying around, and get crafting! From Star Wars characters to bird feeders and even flying fish, the possibilities are endless when you’ve got a stash of toilet paper rolls on hand!

Animal Puzzles

If you had one of those flip puzzle books that allowed you to create animals with different tops, middles, and bottoms, then you’ll appreciate this adorable idea.

Cactus Toilet Paper Roll Craft

How adorable are these cacti?! These would be fun decorations for a kiddo’s room or party!

Sliced Toilet Paper Roll Design

Swipe through the images in this post to see the spray-painted final products of this toilet paper roll craft! This is one you could make as detailed or as simple as you’d like. You could also hand-paint it for some extra fun.

Toilet Paper Roll Snake

toilet paper roll crafts
The Clumsy Crafter

This adorable toilet paper roll craft will have kids creating their own snake out of multiple toilet paper rolls. After your kiddo is done and the paint is dry, it's playtime! Get the tutorial from The Clumsy Crafter

Birthday Crowns

toilet paper roll crafts
Creative Jewish Mom

What a cute idea for a birthday party favor! Kids can make their own crowns and wear them throughout the whole event. Get the tutorial over at Creative Jewish Mom

Bird Finder Binoculars

toilet paper roll crafts
Art Bar

Whether you're on an outdoor adventure or peeking at birdies from your window, these adorable Bird Finder Binoculars from Art Bar are perfect for exploring. All you need are some empty toilet paper rolls, string, and colorful masking tape to make your own.


Related: 33 Easy & Fun Paper Crafts for Kids

Star Wars Characters

toilet paper roll crafts
Hello, Wonderful

The gang's all here! This cast of Star Wars characters from Hello, Wonderful is perfect for your young Jedis. Great for an entire afternoon, these mini crafts use up that collection of TP rolls you've been collecting.

Flying Carp

toilet paper roll crafts
Squirrelly Minds

Everyone's day can use a little more color, especially in the form of whimsical and cheery flying carp from Squirrelly Minds! With basic supplies like tissue paper and double-sided tape, your littles will be running around with a few flying fish in no time.

Collage Animal Marionettes

toilet paper roll crafts
Art Bar

How adorable are these Collage Animal Marionettes from Art Bar?! Make your own with simple supplies, including bright beads and tissue paper.

Happy Birthday Sign

toilet paper roll crafts
Super Make It

If you have a stack of old TP rolls lying around, why not turn them into a useful sign like this one? Color the tubes, do some specific cutting and you have a truly unique way to say "Happy birthday!" Get all the details over Super Make It.

Super Hero Cuffs

toilet paper roll crafts
Reading Confetti

You don't need special powers to make these awesome wristlets with your little hero. After painting the tubes, let your kids decorate them with stars, flowers, lightning bolts, or anything that they think gives them special powers. Find out how to make the slits for little arms just right over at Reading Confetti.

Slinky Snake

toilet paper roll crafts
Eighteen 25

Practice dexterity and scissor cutting by whipping up one of these googly-eyed reptiles. Start by painting a toilet paper roll and letting it dry. Next, have your little one use safety scissors to snip a spiral shape into the roll. Decorate the bouncy creature with stripes or dots and a pair of inquisitive eyes. The gals over at Eighteen 25 have the low-down on how to get this toilet paper roll craft just right.


Related: 27 Adorable Toddler Crafts You Can Pull Out Anytime

Shape Stamps

toilet paper roll crafts
Mama Papa Bubba

Mama Jen of Mama Papa Bubba wows again! This toilet paper roll craft is the ultimate win-win. While the bambino brushes up on shapes and colors, you get to upcycle all of those saved rolls. On a rainy day, use the shapes to make cards or just let your kiddo go stamp crazy on the poster board.

Confetti Poppers

party poppers are one of the best New Year's Eve party ideas
Gabby Cullen

Speaking of parties... turn your kid's next one into the shindig of the year with these confetti poppers crafted out of a tied balloon wrapped and taped over a toilet tissue roll. Pour confetti into the open end, gently pull the end of the balloon... and POP! Check out our tutorial here. 

Bird Feeder

toilet paper roll crafts
Fireflies and Mud Pies

Keep an eye on your feathered friends by whipping up this easy feeder. All you have to do is spread the shortening onto a toilet paper roll and then roll the tube into bird seeds. The seeds will stick to the roll, and you can hang it up porch-side or stick it on a branch. Fireflies and Mud Pies has the details for this awesome toilet paper roll craft.

Cardboard Village

When you need to keep it simple, a mini village made from toilet paper rolls will do the trick. Pull out the markers, ribbon, paper, and whatever else the kids want to use, and get crafting!

Plan your LEGOLAND vacation or catch one of the LEGO exhibits coming to a city near you

Your LEGO-obsessed kids break new ground with their creative builds every day. Now it’s your turn! Push the LEGO boundaries with innovative travel ideas your kids are gonna love. From LEGOLAND’s newest location and a tricked-out LEGO house to traveling exhibits that inspire and awe, we’ve got 13 places LEGO fans of all ages need to experience during their lifetime.



The first stop on any Brick Head’s bucket list is the most LEGO-ist place of all. Full immersion is how it’s done at LEGOLAND Florida, LEGOLAND California, and the newest addition LEGOLAND New York. Rides, water parks, and plenty of brick-tastic builds to explore and participate in are what these theme parks are all about. Add in LEGO-themed hotels and you’ve got a not-to-miss 24/7 experience. 


LEGOLAND - Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Kristina Moy

If you really want to blow your little LEGO lover’s mind, head to LEGOLAND Dubai where you will find the biggest and best attractions from all other LEGOLAND theme parks from around the world. Let your kid's imagination soar in the six themed areas that cover everything from medieval dragons to underwater adventures. Experience over 40 interactive rides, shows and attractions, including LEGO models of the world's most iconic buildings inside the theme park’s first, fully covered MINILAND. Finish your visit off with a trip to the LEGOLAND Water Park where you can take on the Joker Soaker, build your very own LEGO raft, go on a splash safari or slip and slide your way down 20 different water slides and attractions. To learn more, check out our Insider's Guide to Dubai and Emirates’ abundance of family offerings.


The LEGO House - Billund, Denmark

This totally original Denmark build brings new meaning to the phrase “brick house.” Constructed from over 25 million LEGO bricks, it commemorates the birth of a legend—LEGO (psst...Billund is LEGO's hometown!). Visitors can explore six Experience Zones when they make the pilgrimage, shop the LEGO store, bounce around the playgrounds, and explore the colorful rooftop spaces. Talk about house envy!


LEGOLAND Holiday Village - Billund, Denmark

LEGOLAND Billund Resort

Book a sweet spot in Billund at the LEGOLAND Holiday Village to really blow your bitty brick lover's mind. Overnight in one of their Wilderness Barrels (think: Frodo's Hobbit House) surrounded by LEGO-built wild animals and decor. Or maybe you'd prefer a LEGO NINJAGO or Wild West-themed cabin for your night's stay? But if creature comforts are more your style, the Pirates' Inn Motel can't be beat. No matter which totally tricked out LEGO experience you choose, expect plenty of outdoor play space and family-friendly activities too!

BrickCon | Seattle, WA

Homan L. via Yelp

This is a LEGO celebration West Coasters won’t want to miss! It spans over two days in October and features thousands of models built by adult LEGO hobbyists. Each year offers a different theme that will surely leave lots of room for builders of all sizes to be inspired and create their own masterpieces in the expansive Building Zone. Brick Heads unite!


The Art of the Brick

Art of the Brick

Attorney-turned-LEGO artist, Nathan Sawaya, is taking his exquisite brick creations on the road, and families across the globe are invited to check it out. This unusual LEGO experience mixes fine art with bricks to create a playful, innovative experience that appeals to LEGO lovers of all ages. Just think of the inspiration you and your kids will find here! Check out the upcoming tour schedule to find out if the exhibition’s coming to your city.



nash1101 via flickr

If LEGO MINDSTORMS is your kid’s jam, being a participant or spectator at a FIRST LEGO League tourney is where you want to be. The name of the game here is STEM, challenging kids ages 4-16 to solve real-world problems and super cool missions. Three divisions help little learners develop their LEGO skills and build teamwork. 


Brickfest Live!

And you thought your kid had a ton of LEGO. You don’t know the half of it until you’ve hit a Brickfest Live! event. Imagine a warehouse full of your favorite LEGO including new, rare and vintage sets. Plus photo ops, mosaic walls, a racing arena, mini golf (LEGO style), robotics and much more. A serious playground for LEGO fiends of any ages, find out if it’s headed your way this year.


LEGOLAND Discovery Center

Jim Sulley/newscast

They’re touted as the “ultimate indoor LEGO playground” but your kids know them as that “place with all the LEGO bricks.” And they want to go yesterday. Each location has its own twist, but families can always count on being able to build and test LEGO race cars, explore architectural wonders in Miniland and meet and greets with your favorite LEGO characters. To see what the buzz is about, check out one of the US locations.



Kate Loweth

If you want to see LEGO build of your favorite local landmarks, watch for the AWESOME EXHIBITION to come to a city near you. Recently it had residence in Seattle where you could see everything from the Space Needle to a massive orca to the Back to the Future Delorean. The massive creations in this exhibition are going to awe LEGO fans of all ages and there are even interactive LEGO building stations where you can make your own LEGO creation. 


Additional reporting by Allison Sutcliffe & Kristina Moy

Yes, we have the Imperial March stuck in our heads, too

It’s that time of the year where Star Wars fans celebrate their love for all things galactic. From lightsabers to Legos, and even waffle makers, there’s no shortage of spacey merchandise to choose from. Whether you’re a hardcore fan or a casual observer, there’s something for everyone in the galaxy. And in fact, even if you aren’t a big Luke and Hans fan yourself, these goodies are seriously out-of-this-world cool. In honor of this trending “holiday” (May the 4th be with you!) we’re taking a look at some of the best Star Wars merchandise to celebrate.

And don’t forget, with Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and graduation season coming up, there are more than a few great gift ideas here! Oh, and be sure to include end of the year gifts for your R2-D2-loving teachers. So grab your blue milk, set your droids to “Do Not Disturb”, and get ready to explore the world of fan merch in a galaxy not so far away. After all, May the 4th only happens once a year!

Star Wars Catch Phrase


Perfect your galactic knowledge when you choose between apprentice and Jedi master on the Star Wars Catch Phrase game. Enjoy tons of fun sounds, including Chewbacca signaling when your turn is over! Star Wars Catch Phrase ($33.95)—Buy Here!

Corkcicle Grogu 16oz Triple Insulated Steel Coffee Mug


Jedis need serious fuel, so power up with this adorable Grogu steel coffee mug in the AM! Corkcicle Grogu 16oz Triple Insulated Steel Coffee Mug ($40.00)—Buy Here!

Darth Vader Apron


Grilling season is upon us and it's time to show it who's boss. This adult Darth Vader apron is adjustable, machine washable, and licensed. The Dark Side not your thing? You can also choose from Luke Sykwalker, Boba Fett, Han Solo, and all you other favorite galactic heroes! Darth Vader Apron ($12.95)—Buy Here!

Star Wars Retro Tote Bag

Amazon Star Wars Store

Whether you're using as a trendy diaper bag or a suave shopper, this Star Wars Retro Tote Bag is out of this world! Load up with your essentials to keep everything safe from Imperial hands. Star Wars Retro Tote Bag ($24.99)—Buy Here!

2-Qt. Star Wars Crock Pot

Amazon Star Wars Store

Dips, queso, and appetizers never looked so good. The 2-qt. Star Wars Crock Pot comes with low, high and warming settings and is perfect for adding some galactic action to your own mess hall! 2-Qt. Star Wars Crock Pot ($29.99)—Buy Here!

'The Princess Diarist' by Carrie Fisher


Carrie Fisher's The Princess Diarist is a combination of her teenage journals found while filming Star Wars and her adult perspective since finding the long-forgotten diaries. The book shares the intimate moments of a young teenager filming a movie that would change her career, and we're just along for the ride! The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher ($14.17)—Buy Here!

Lightsaber Chopsticks


The force will definitely be with you when you enjoy food eater with light up lightsaber chopsticks! The pair of two come with different sets of red, blue, clear, green and purple and make eating way more fun. Lightsaber Chopsticks ($12.97)—Buy Here!

'Vader's Little Princess' Deluxe Box Set


Jeffrey Brown's depiction of Darth Vader as doting dad to kids Luke and Leia in his books is now available in this Vader's Little Princess Deluxe Box Set. Not only do the classic books come in larger sizes, you'll also get two flammable art prints that bring the stories even more to life. Vader's Little Princess Deluxe Box Set ($20.09)—Buy Here!

Death Star Waffle Maker

Destroy the Death Star over and over again when you make your morning waffles in a Death Star waffle maker! This nostalgic kitchen appliance will start your day off right, and give you Star Wars-themed breakfast every chance you can get. Death Star Waffle Maker ($19.99)—Buy Here!

Millennium Falcon Wireless Charge Pad


Look, if the Millennium Falcon can make it to the ends of the galaxy, it can definitely charge your phone in Star Wars style. Millennium Falcon Wireless Charge Pad ($39.99)—Buy Here!

'Wookiee Cookies: A Star Wars Cookbook'


If you have a little baker in the house who also happens to love Star Wars, you're in luck! Wookiee Cookies: A Star Wars Cookbook is packed with hilarious photos, handy safety tips and basic recipes for your introductory baker. Wookiee Cookies: A Star Wars Cookbook ($9.99)—Buy Here!

'William Shakespeare's Star Wars Trilogy'


Me thinks this is the perfect gift for your literary pals (or mom, dad, or grad!)! William Shakespeare's Star Wars Trilogy by Ian Doescher comes with Verily, A New Hope; The Empire Striketh Back; The Jedi Doth Return; and an 8-by-34-inch full-color poster you won't be able to wait to hang. William Shakespeare's Star Wars Trilogy by Ian Doescher ($33.07)—Buy Here!

Set of 8 Star Wars Silicone Ice Molds


Who wants boring ice cubes when you can have Star Wars ice cubes instead? This 8 pack of Star Wars silicone molds is made from 100 percent pure food grade silicone and works perfectly in the freezer, fridge, dishwasher and oven! Whip up ice or food in shapes including a Stormtrooper, Darth Vader, an X-Wing Fighter, the Millennium Falcon, R2-D2, Han Solo, Boba Fett, and the Death Star. Set of 8 Star Wars Silicone Ice Molds ($16.60)—Buy Here!

Lego Star Wars X-Wing Starfighter


When it comes to Star Wars and Lego, there are probably a hundred options. We like this X-Wing Starfighter because it's a mid-range priced kit that pairs with the entire Star Wars galaxy. LEGO Star Wars X-Wing Starfighter ($40.00)—Buy Here!

Mandalorian Poster Set


A bonus to every episode of The Mandalorian is the stunning artwork during the end credits, and this poster set is giving the same vibes. Mandalorian Poster Set ($16.95)—Buy Here!

Chewie Funko Pop


Okay, well, this Chewie Funko Pop is beyond adorable. It's available for pre-order as a Target Exclusive! Chewie Funko Pop ($34.99)—Pre-Order Here!

Luke Skywalker Funko Pop


Part of the Jabba's Skiff collection, this Luke Skywalker Funko Pop is a Target exclusive! Luke Skywalker Funko Pop ($34.99)—Buy Here!

Star Wars Micro Galaxy Squadron Jango Fett's Starship


Featuring incredible details and authentic scaling, this 7-inch vehicle is based on the Firespray-class gunship flown by the notorious Jango Fett. Star Wars Micro Galaxy Squadron Jango Fett's Starship ($20.99)—Buy Here!

Darth Maul & Gar Saxon Funko Pops


Die-hard Star Wars fans won't be able to resist this duo of villain faves! Darth Maul & Gar Saxon Funko Pops ($23.99)—Buy Here!

Star Wars The Black Series Antoc Merrick


Fans and collectors can imagine scenes from the Star Wars Galaxy with this premium Antoc Merrick toy, inspired by the Rogue One: A Star Wars Story movie! Star Wars The Black Series Antoc Merrick ($24.99)—Buy Here!

Star Wars The Black Series Magistrate Greef Karga


Once an expeditor for the Bounty Hunters Guild, Greef Karga ran the trade on Nevarro. Now Magistrate of Nevarro, Greef is cleaning up! Star Wars The Black Series Magistrate Greef Karga ($17.79)—Buy Here!

Luke Skywalker & R2D2 Funko Pop Movie Poster


Collect one of the most recognizable movie posters with the Funko Pop Movie Poster Luke Skywalker with R2-D2! Luke Skywalker & R2D2 Funko Pop Movie Poster ($59.99)—Buy Here!

Return of the Jedi Backpack


This stellar (get it?) vegan leather backpack has plenty of room for holding all of your Rebel gear as you explore the forest moon of Endor! Return of the Jedi Backpack ($34.99)—Buy Here!

Grogu Plush


We all want to cuddle Grogu, and this plush is almost exactly like the "real" thing! Grogu Plush ($16.59)—Buy Here!

Star Wars Micro Galaxy Squadron Millennium Falcon


This iconic Star Wars ship is loaded with features including opening cockpit, rotating cannons, retractable landing gear, light up thrusters, motion activated sounds (batteries not included), and much more! A must for any fan. Star Wars Micro Galaxy Squadron Millennium Falcon ($24.99)—Buy Here!

Star Wars Echo Dot Bundle


Just in time for May the 4th, Amazon has some great ways for Star Wars fans to celebrate, including three all-new, limited edition Star Wars-inspired stands for Echo Dot. All three designs, Darth Vader, the Mandalorian, and Stormtrooper, are available now for pre-order (US only) and will ship on May 4th, 2023. The stands are available with or without the Echo Dot, in case you already have one! Star Wars Echo Dot (Starting at $39.99)—Buy Here!

Outschool Interactive Online Star Wars Classes


From lightsaber making to learning to draw Baby Yoda, and even social groups, Outschool has interactive online Star Wars themed classes for kids of all ages! Outschool Interactive Online Star Wars Classes—Sign Up Here!

PopSockets Dimensionals Millennium Falcon


Why should your phone not get dressed up for the occasion? Pick a PopSocket designed as the Millennium Falcon or Storm Trooper! PopSockets Dimensionals Millennium Falcon ($55.00)—Buy Here!

All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.

Turn open after-school time into a creative adventure in a flash

It’s a weekday afternoon between school and whatever practice is on the family calendar. Kill a few minutes with a quick and easy art activity for kids. With minimal supplies and almost zero set-up effort, we promise you won’t be holding back the urge to scream over complicated steps or time commitments. After all, when it comes to crafts, we’re all about less is more (most of the time). 

Pointillism Art with Q-Tips

We love this one because there’s no need to wash brushes when the kids are done. You can also use a pencil eraser and stamp pads for even less mess and easier cleanup!

Printable Art Activities

little girl enjoying art activities for kids

Let's face it, when it comes to quick and easy art activities for kids, sometimes it's best to print out some coloring pages and toss crayons and markers on the table. That's why we've got tons of free printables for kids like mermaid coloring pages, T-Rex coloring pages, Stegosaurus coloring pages, and one collection that has a little bit of everything.

Tie Dye Coffee Filter Art

Little Bins for Little Hands

Making tie-dye shirts is a multi-day process, so this activity from Little Bins for Little Hands incorporates all the fun of tie-dying without the hassle. Coffee filters are the perfect canvas to watch colors spread and combine, and they dry out pretty quickly too.

Frozen Chalk Paint

frozen chalk paint can be used in art activities for kids
Mini Monets and Mommies

You can make these ice cubes ahead of time and have them ready to go. This art activity for kids is ideal if you have loads of those teeny tiny chalk nubs hanging around the bottom of your art bin. Grind them up, add some water, freeze, and let your child draw her afternoon away.

Ziploc Finger Painting

plastic bag painting is a fun art activity for kids
Shelley Massey

It doesn't get any easier than this, friends. With nothing but a ziplock baggie and paint, you've set your pint-sized Picasso (and yourself) up for endless fun. Another option is to tape the bag to a window or a door so you can see light filter through the designs, or add glitter to bags for extra sparkle.

Clay Finger Paint

Mini Monets and Mommies

You want your creative kid to go wild with rainbow finger paints. Um, but you’re not into the idea of spending your Monday night cleaning Jackson Pollock-esque splatters from the walls. Swap in soft modeling clay for the actual paints. Pull it into pieces and “paint” it onto cardboard. It’s a totally low-mess art activity that lets your little one create a textured "painting."

Related: 15 Ways to Play with the Kids That Take 10 Minutes (or Less)

Recycled Texture Collage

Mini Monets and Mommies

Reuse those old worksheets, tissue paper, and anything else in a collage. Glue these onto a cardboard base, creating textures and patterns. Kids can practice scissor skills, explore through their senses and create collages that are either abstract or look like “something” real.

Plastic Wrap Process Art

process art activities for kids
Buggy and Buddy

If you've got Saran Wrap at home, you're halfway there with this art activity for kids from Buggy and Buddy. Even better, you'll need to leave the paper alone overnight to dry, so there's less chance of a wet mess. 

Paint with Nature

Hands On As We Grow

Paintbrushes, who needs them? Not your child. Get some fresh air after school and gather a few natural items. When your child has plenty of pinecones, stems, sticks and other nature-y items ready, paint like Hands On As We Grow did!

Felt Patterns

Cut shapes out of craft felt in different colors. Your child can press the shapes against a full felt sheet to create patterns. Oh, and this one is reusable too.

Foam Prints

Reuse Styrofoam plates or trays. Use a craft stick to ‘draw’ a design, add tempera and press onto a piece of construction paper. Wash the plates and reuse them, making as many prints as your child wants—in different colors. When the prints are dry, add onto them with paint, chalk or markers.

Related: 6 Fantastic Benefits of Arts & Crafts for Kids

They deal with fourth-grade math so you don’t have to

They keep our kids all day and teach them all the things we might not remember (and probably lack the patience to explain). Yes, we’re talking about educators, and it’s time to say “Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!”  If you’re looking for creative ways to spoil your kids’ teachers, we’ve got great ideas that range from gifts you can get at the grocery store to e-gifts delivered right to their inboxes, so get ready to thank your favorite teacher today.

Grab a Last-Minute Gift from the Grocery Store

woman shopping for a happy teacher appreciation week gift at the grocery story

We get it, we can't all give our favorite teachers a Pinterest-worthy gift basket. Lucky for us, there are plenty of great gift ideas waiting for you at the grocery store. From gift cards to candles and even a good beach read, say happy Teacher Appreciation Week with one of our favorite items here

Organize a Photo Shoot

Hello Wonderful

A picture is worth a thousand words of thanks—especially when your kids hold photo props featuring customized messages of appreciation. Head over to Hello Wonderful for the free word bubble printables, made even more adorable with the Elephant and Piggie props, and then customize them for your favorite teachers. Set up a photo shoot inside, and send those pics to your kids' teachers. Bonus: you can erase the boards and have your kids write messages for their core teacher, art teacher, and PE teachers, too!

Give Them a Gift from the Group

say happy teacher appreciation week with a group gift from group together
Group Together

Sometimes it's fun to get the whole class or a group of kids involved with a big teacher appreciation gift. But, the hassle of collecting money, making sure everyone is included on the gift tag, and getting the gift to the classroom can be overwhelming. Group Together allows you to collect money from others, have them sign a digital card, and then you choose from dozens of gift card options like Amazon, Target, The Container Store, Wayfair, and more. Your teacher will receive the card and gift all in one. Talk about efficiency! 

Buy Them Dinner at a Local Restaurant

a woman eating Indian food
Outcast India via Unsplash

A gift card to a local restaurant shows your teacher you care and supports small businesses, too. Ask your teacher what their craving these days, and email a gift card for sushi, burgers, or samosas their way. It'll give your child's teacher a night off from cooking and show your appreciation.

Have Your Child Say Why They Love Their Teacher

cute printable to tell someone happy teacher appreciation week
Paper Heart Family

Send your teacher a little love by filling out this free teacher thank-you printable. Simply print it out, and help your child answer each prompt, then scan and email it directly to your kiddo's favorite educator. If you're up for it, you can also share this template with the other parents in the class, so that your child's teacher receives a book full of love. Visit Paper Heart Family to get your free printable.

Related: 15 Compliments Every Teacher Needs (& Wants!) to Hear

Send Them the Fixings for Movie Night

movie night supplies are a fun way to say happy teacher appreciation week

Let your favorite teacher enjoy a relaxing night off and catch a movie at home. Send them a Netflix gift card, which they can use to add more months to an existing account or to subscribe. If you'd like to add a few snacks to go along with their favorite movie, send popcorn to her doorstep.

Have Groceries Delivered

Whole Foods Market

Keep your teacher's pantry full with an electronic gift card for groceries. Whole Foods will email or text a gift card to your favorite teacher as soon as you order it. Groceries are a tangible gift they'll appreciate, and your show of gratitude will keep your teacher fed, and ready to tackle whatever challenges teaching throws at them.

Send a Plant

sending a plant is a nice way to say happy teacher appreciation week

Instead of flowers, use a company like Bloomscape to pick and have a new green plant sent to your kids' teachers. Whether they leave it at home or bring it to class, it's a lasting way to say thank you. 

Related: 50+ Awesome Discounts & Deals Just for Teachers & Educators
Make a Goodie Basket

Most teachers have all the cute mugs that they need—but they can always use more snacks, coffee, or wine. You can put together your own teacher appreciation basket customized to your teacher’s favorites like the ones seen above from @angelarichhome.

Write a Letter

Sunny Ink Paper Co

Old-fashioned letters are a great way for kids and teachers to stay connected. Have your kiddo write something and send it with a gift card and a supply of stationary like this adorable set.

Add to Their Library

teacher reading to students

Teachers always need more books for their classrooms—and their bedside tables. As a show of appreciation for your favorite teacher's hard work, send them a gift card to your local bookstore or Barnes and Noble. Or, ask your teacher for a list of books they need and order a copy from Bookshop, which lets you shop online and supports indie bookstores, too! 

Send a Thoughtful Thank-You Note

a thank you note is a simple way to celebrate teacher appreciation week
Oz Spies

Your child can write a thank-you card themselves, or you can put your thoughts down on the page and let your child's amazing teacher know what a difference they've made. You can even share a copy of this note with your teacher's principal, who might not know about all of the great things you see. Don't forget to write "Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!"