Yes, these jokes are a little silly, but also a lot of fun

When does a joke become a dad joke? When the punch line becomes apparent. (Har har!). You’ve cringed, laughed, and even been known to repeat them on occasion. The good news is that kids get a real kick out of them. Once you’re done with these cheesy dad jokes, try out the best jokes for kids, jokes that are good for school kids, and riddles that’ll keep the kids puzzled.

Typical Dad Jokes for Kids

-I used to hate the hokey pokey, but I really turned myself around. 

Is the refrigerator running? Better go catch it! 

(yeah, that one hurt us, too…)

-Why did the bicycle keep falling over?

It was two tired.

-What do you call a man who tells dad jokes but isn’t a dad?

A faux pa. 

-Dad: I told my kids to embrace their mistakes, then they hugged me. 

-I entered a pun contest. I submitted 10 of my best puns to see if any would be a win.

-Hey kids, I got you Fortnite. But it will only last two weeks. 

-What’s the secret to a good elevator pitch?

It has to work on many levels.

-Want to hear a long joke?


-What does a house always wear to a party?


-Charlie Chaplin and Marcel Marceau just threw microphones into the sea. Guess it’s true that great mimes sink a mic.

-Have you heard how popular the local cemetery is?

People are just dying to get in. 

-Kid: I’ll call you later! 

Dad: Just call me Dad! 

-When does a joke become a Dad joke?

When the punch line becomes apparent. 

-This pencil has two erasers. It’s totally pointless. 

“Kara, on average, how far can a dog run into the woods?”

“Gee, Granddad, I don’t know.”

“Halfway. After that, the dog is running out of the woods.”

How does a musician win a fight?

They call for Bach up.

-I can’t find the U-Cut tree farm. I’m completely stumped. 

-Doctor, doctor, I’m terrified of squirrels! 

[Doctor] You must be nuts.

Food-Related Dad Jokes for Kids

two dads laughing at dad jokes for kids

-What kind of drink is bittersweet?


-What do the royals put on their pancakes?

Sir Up. 

-My kid just asked me "Can I have this, apple?" 

Guess he doesn’t know my name is Dad. 

-Dad: Did you hear the butter rumor? Well, I'm not going to spread it.

-Why Did the vegetable call the plumber?

It had a leek.

-What do you get when you coddle a cow? 

Spoiled milk. 

-Dad: Another word of caution. Never tell secrets near a cornfield. They’re all ears.

-How many apples are growing on that tree?

All of them. 

-Why did the man buy so much yogurt? 

To get cultured.

-Time to take this cookie to the hospital! It’s feeling crummy.

-Evaporated milk is confusing. There's so much liquid in it. 

-Dad to kid: Where are French fries from? 

Kid: France?

Dad to kid: Greece! 

-Dad to kids at dinner: I would tell you my pizza joke but it’s just too cheesy. 

-What do you call a band of berries playing music?

A jam session.

-How do you fix a broken tomato?

With tomato paste.

-Why aren't lobsters generous?

Because they're shellfish

-There's a type of bagel that can travel. What is it?

A plain bagel

Science Dad Jokes for Kids

silly dad and son making faces

What kind of music do planets love?


-Did you ever notice ants don't get sick?

They're full of anti-bodies. 

-Dad: This book about how Newton discovered gravity is so good! I just can’t put it down. 

-What do you call a fish with four eyes?


-Why doesn’t a photon need a suitcase?

Because it’s traveling light. 

-Dad to kid (in a serious voice): A word of advice, kid. Never trust atoms. They make up everything. 

-Kid: Why are you talking to yourself, Dad?? 

Dad: I needed an expert's advice. 

-Dad: I am giving away all my of charge! 

-How do you know carrots are good for your eyesight?

Have you ever seen a bunny wearing glasses? 

Did you hear the one about the claustrophobic astronaut?

He just needed a little space. 

-What did Benjamin Franklin say after he discovered electricity? 

Nothing—he was too shocked.

Body-Related Jokes

silly dad and daughter

-“You have a hole in your sock, Jack.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Sure you do.  That’s how you got your foot in it.”

-"Wow! Chase, you sure got tall. I hope you don’t grow another foot.” 

“Why not Granddad?” 

“Because if you do, Mommy will need to buy you a third sneaker.”

-"Grandad, you look pretty sharp.  Where did you get your haircut?”

“On my head, Shane.”

-How do you make a Kleenex dance? 

Put a little boogie in it! 

-Dad tells kids: Here’s a cautionary tale. Don’t sing in the shower! 

-Kid: Dad, did you get a haircut?

Dad: No, I got them all cut. 

-Dad: I never thought I’d be the type to have a beard. But then it just grew on me. 

Kids: What?? Why not?

Dad: If you get soap in your mouth, it will turn into a soap opera. 

Kids: GROAN!!!!! 

-Kid: Dad, it hurts when I move my arm like this.

Dad: Then don’t move your arm like that. 

-Why do skeletons stay so calm?

Because nothing gets under their skin. 

-What do you call someone with no nose and no body?

Nobody knows. 

-Did you hear about the dad who chugged 8 sodas?

He burped 7-Up. 

-Kid to Dad: Why are there balloons in the bathroom?

Dad: I wanted to throw you a birthday potty. 

-What do you call a 12-inch nose?

A foot. 

-Dad, can you put my shoes on?

"Nope. They are too small for my feet."


Say it with us, “I’m going easy on myself today”

Parenting is no walk in the park, and sometimes it feels like the cards are stacked against us: work, dealing with tantrums (be it your toddler or tween), laundry, inflation on just about everything. That’s why it is more important than ever to offer some positive reinforcement… to yourself! We talked to the experts and came up with 15 positive affirmations to write down, display, or pull out on the days or in the moments when you need a lift.

Why positive affirmations can make you a better parent

We asked renowned parenting expert Reena B. Patel why positive affirmations matter. Patel, who is also a licensed educational psychologist, board-certified behavior analyst, and the author of Winnie & Her Worries, reminds us that positive affirmations are rooted in positive psychology. “Positive, simple statements help shift your focus away from perceived failures and direct your focus toward your strengths,” says Patel. “We believe and act upon what we think, thus leading to self-fulfilling prophecies if we focus only on what we are not good at. There is power in positive thinking. Positive emotions are linked with better health, longer life, and greater well-being.”

Patel also suggests that, whenever possible, parents try to state their affirmation while looking at themselves in the mirror, and by saying the statement multiple times a day (at least three is ideal). Use positive “I’ statements and place a visual of the words in an area that you can see daily as a reminder, she adds.

1. I am a good parent. It’s easy to criticize ourselves and focus on how we think we’re failing as a mom or dad. But parenting is tough, and we’re all doing the best we can. Acknowledge that fact, and tell yourself out loud, every day, that you’re a good parent.

2. Loving myself is the greatest gift I can give to my child. Kids are sponges and they learn from us. So if your kiddos know you appreciate yourself, they will learn to love themselves. That’s one of the greatest gifts we can give our kids.

3. I’m not perfect. We all know that nobody is perfect. But we place a big expectation on ourselves as parents to be pretty close to it. Repeating that mantra is a great reminder that it’s okay to be human, not to be perfect.

4. I can only control myself. It’s so hard, but one of the best ways to help kids grow emotionally is to exhibit mature behavior. Debbie Pincus, MS LMHC, says, “When we react emotionally to our kids and lose control, we’re allowing our kids to determine how we behave rather than the other way around.” Next time your kid throws a massive fit, try to stay calm and see what happens.

5. I am willing to learn and grow. Patel reminds us that it is critical to embrace change and growth, even when things seem tough. After all, it’s what we’d tell our kids, right?
6. Today is a new day. It’s easy to focus on how yesterday was a bad day. Sanah Rizvi, the founder of The Psych Way, suggests shifting the self-talk to focus on how every day is a chance to make progress toward what you want and the person you want to be.

7. I’m doing the best I can do. At the end of the day, that’s all we can do. Repeating that mantra every day will help you accept it as truth.

8. I make good decisions for my kids. This positive affirmation is a tough one to remember, especially when little ones are very vocal about making their displeasure with our decisions known. Parent Trust points out that moms and dads know they’re making the right choices for their kids. Embrace it and repeat the statement to yourself as a reminder.

9. I’m going easy on myself today. Permit yourself to take it easy. Say it out loud and grow comfortable with the idea.

10. It’s okay to ask for help, and what’s more, I deserve it. It’s time to take control of your needs and be OKAY with asking for help. You’ll be surprised to find out how many people are willing to step up if you just ask them.

11. Parenting is exhausting. Every parent knows this statement to be true. Writer Lauren Tamm suggests repeating this mantra as a reminder that taking care of kids is hard work. No wonder we’re so tired at the end of the day!

12. I am loved. Motherhood can be a thankless job, and little ones aren’t known for their compliments. Parent coach and family therapist Nicole Schwarz reminds moms that even though their kids may not say it, they really do feel that way. You just may need to put words to it.

13. I am what my kiddo needs. At the end of the day, there’s nothing else that’s as true as that statement.

14. It won’t always be like this. The one thing we know for sure is that hardships always pass. From colicky babies to navigating social media with tweens, one day, you’ll find yourself on the other side.

15. I do not need to compare. ” I know my kids the best, and comparisons do not serve me. If I notice myself comparing, I will quickly let it go,” Patel says. And that’s a lead worth following.

—with additional reporting by Leah Singer

This classic Matt Damon SNL skit is so real, we feel attacked

Christmas is a magical time, but making all that magic happen isn’t exactly a walk in the park for parents. At some point after you’ve dressed your (unwilling) kids in holiday outfits for photos but before you fake-smile about the one and only gift you received (surprise! It’s a robe), parents have a jam-packed day of fun… starting at around 5:41 a.m.

In this classic “Best Christmas Ever” SNL skit, guest host Matt Damon and Cecily Strong play parents reminiscing about how truly awesome their day was—and giving some behind-the-scenes peeks into what spreading yuletide cheer really looks like for moms and dads.

There’s the child-present-attacking ritual long before the coffee hits, a flashback to Dad struggling to assemble a giant playhouse in the wee hours of the night, and kids fighting and shouting over their newfound spoils.

But that doesn’t even come close to the madness of hosting the family. Relatives who complain upon arrival? Check! Those who can’t stop spouting off about their political views? Check! So just how does one cope with so much delight? Mom claims, “I guess I was just full of Christmas cheer!” when shots clearly show she was fueling up with something else: wine and the occasional hidden cigarette.

Hands up if you can relate! A dad of four himself, Damon is probably no stranger to the joys of putting together impossible-to-assemble toys on Christmas Eve and being awakened before the sun rises to the screams of over-excited kids on Christmas morning.

Here’s to all the exhausted moms and dads making this Christmas the best Christmas ever, too.

The next 10 episodes of Bluey season three are landing on Disney+ on January 12, 2024

Crikey! The long-awaited next batch of Bluey season three episodes are making their way to Disney+! What feels like forever ago, BBC Studios and Disney first announced that the show would be returning for a third season set to premiere on Disney Channel, Disney Junior, and Disney+ in all territories outside of Australia, New Zealand, and China. But parents and kids immediately noticed that there were fewer episodes compared to seasons past.

According to The Independent, it was always the plan to release season three in two batches. The first half was dropped in the form of 25 episodes on August 10th, 2022, followed by a surprise drop in July 2023. But now… there’s more! The newest set of episodes is set to debut on Disney+ on January 12, 2024, and will continue to feature beloved pint-sized heroine Bluey, an energetic six-year-old Heeler who lives with her dad, mum, and four-year-old little sister, Bingo.

Per, viewers will tag along on a relaxing family trip to the beach, a quest to find a dragon, and a friendly neighborhood game of cricket. There are also hints about a backyard workout session and a new waterslide (what could go wrong?!) One thing’s for sure: There will be plenty of meaningful messages woven throughout all the silly hijinks. Take a look at the newest season three episodes in the following trailer:


“The relatable, heartfelt, and humorous storytelling in Bluey continues to captivate our young audiences and their families. We can’t wait to bring a third season of the show to our viewers across the globe,” says Jane Gould, Executive Vice President, Content Research, Insights & Scheduling, Disney General Entertainment.

As if the new batch wasn’t exciting enough, there’s also a special 28-minute episode, entitled ‘The Sign’, dropping sometime in 2024. It will air globally on the ABC in Australia and Disney+ around the world, but we’ll have to keep a watchful eye for an exact arrival date.


Related: 15 ‘Bluey’ Episodes That Absolutely Nail What Parenthood Is Like

In the meantime, you have several weeks ahead to catch up on seasons one, two, and three of Bluey’s shenanigans.

We’re here to celebrate the Big Guy himself (no, not Santa). Make his holiday merry with these gifts for dad

Whether they’re helping to put together new toys, busy in the kitchen playing host to the whole family, or making sure all the wrapping paper gets picked up, dads are just the greatest. Biological or not, these father figures keep our worlds spinning—but they’re also notoriously difficult to buy for. (Finding gifts for dad is no small feat!)

We made sure to put together a cool collection of worthy-for-our-hero gifts that go beyond the usual necktie or socks (not that there’s anything wrong with those!). From the grillmaster to the nostalgic, we’ve got every type of dad covered. He really is the best, so make sure he knows it with these gifts for dad below.

Knockaround Pacific Palisades Polarized Sunglasses


With a cool retro look and FDA-approved impact-resistant lenses, there's no dad out there who wouldn't love protecting his eyes in style with these.

Knockaround Pacific Palisades Polarized Sunglasses ($32.00)—Buy Here!

Misunderstood Songs Game

Brass Monkey

A party game all about identifying songs–from the worst descriptions humanly possible? Sounds like it's right up dad's alley. 

Misunderstood Songs Game ($18.00)—Buy Here!

PARKIT Voyager Chair


This cooler-chair combo is brilliant. An insulated under-chair compartment, interchangeable cup holder, hands-free carrying, and 5 cool designs make this a gift he'll use all the time.

PARKIT Voyager Chair ($203.00)—But Here!

Tumbler Knife Sharpener


This viral (yes, viral! Just ask TikTok.) knife sharpener is like nothing we've ever seen before. Use the roller to slide the knife blade at two different labeled angles for the sharpest knives ever.

Tumbler Knife Sharpener ($129.00)—Buy Here!

Duke Cannon Handsome Man Travel Set

Bird in Hand

This kit has everything he needs for his next travel adventure. TSA-versions of the best Duke Cannon products, all tucked neatly in a clear travel bag.

Duke Cannon Handsome Man Travel Set ($36.99)—Buy Here!

Tetris Arcade in a Tin: Retro Handheld Tetris Game


The Tetris Arcade in a Tin features an LCD screen and authentic arcade-style buttons, it's a retro game in the palm of his hand.

Tetris Arcade in a Tin: Retro Handheld Tetris Game ($29.99)—Buy Here!



Share joy. Connect generations. Do it all privately. Tinybeans is the photo sharing app that makes sharing your pictures with only the people you want to see them easy. You can easily and privately capture and organize your kiddo’s best moments and milestones in a single platform. Its intuitive interface, along with features like photobook creation and easy customization, make organizing and searching for memories a breeze. There's no better time of year to capture memories.

Tinybeans (Free!)—Get it Here!

The Leo Fender Guitar String Ring

The Leo Fender ring is a good gift for dads
Manly Bands

Black zirconium and silver Fender guitar string inlay make this ring the ultimate in style. Dad not really a music guy? No problem. Manly Bands also has a DC Collection, a Lord of the Rings Collection, and more, so you'll find the perfect match.

The Leo Fender Guitar String Ring ($595.00)—Buy Here!

SipScout Craft Whiskey Exploration Kit

The Crafty Cask

This set comes complete with 6 craft whiskey samples (enough for 2 people to share!), a printed guide, a video review of whiskey-tasting techniques, and more to create a whole experience at home.

SipScout Craft Whiskey Exploration Kit ($99.00)—Buy Here!

Dad's Customized Family Photo Book


Mixbook gives you a ton of templates to choose from and guides you through creating a customized book dad will love forever.

Dad's Customized Family Photo Book ($9.99+)—Buy Here!

HOKA Clifton 9


HOKA's 9th edition of the Clifton sneaker is their lightest and most comfortable yet. It's perfect for everyday walking and running, and there's a reason HOKA is so popular; they've received the American Podiatric Medical Association Seal of Acceptance. They also last such a long time.

HOKA Clifton 9 ($144.95)—Buy Here!

hedley&bennett Essential Apron


The world-famous chef-approved hedley&bennett creates professional aprons for home chefs, too. This Bravo's Top Chef collab design is one of our faves, but there are so many to choose from.

hedley&bennett Essential Apron ($125.00)—Buy Here!

Phoenicia Diner Pancake Mix

Phoenicia Diner

Built in 1962 and moved to the Catskills in the early '80s, Phoenicia Diner is an icon. So it stands to reason that their famous pancake mix is going to be a welcome breakfast addition.

Phoenicia Diner Pancake Mix ($12.00)—Buy Here!

NFL 100 Greatest Moments

NFL 100 Greatest moments is a good gift for dads
Gild and Ash

For the football fanatic in your life, this collector's book will quickly become a prized possession, thanks to the storytelling and incredible photographs included.

NFL 100 Greatest Moments ($94.00)—Buy Here!

Stereoscope Coffee Subscription

Stereoscope Coffee

California-based Stereoscope Coffee creates a coffee subscription service with blends hand-picked by a Q-grader (consider them certified coffee experts) for a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly delivery of coffee that best represents Stereoscope. Roasted in L.A.

Stereoscope Coffee Subscription ($71.25+)—Buy Here!

Apple Watch Series 6

an apple watch is a good gift for dads

Give the gift of having everything he could possibly need in the palm of his hands—er, on his wrist. From keeping up with texts and calls to heart rate monitoring and reminders, Apple Watch does it all.

Apple Watch Series 6 ($241.28)—Buy Here!

Tom Bumble Candy Bar

Seven Sisters

Tom Bumble Candy Bars are a swirl of organic crunchy peanut butter, pure Madagascar vanilla, and organic sugar, wrapped up in fair-trade dark chocolate. This isn't your average candy bar.

Tom Bumble Candy Bar ($5.00)—Buy Here!

LEGO Natural History Museum Set

LEGO is a good gift for dads

With over 4,000 pieces, this LEGO set is perfect for any President/Lord Business-types out there (minus the Kraggle, of course). The roof comes off to reveal several exhibit rooms, there's an Apotsaurus fossil to put together, and several minifigures come with the set, too. 

LEGO Natural History Museum Set ($299.99)—Buy Here! 


Toadfish Non-Tipping Can Cooler


Unspillable? This can cooler from Toadfish is. It'll stick to any smooth surface and stay upright, on top of keeping beverages cold. Comes in 4 colors.

Toadfish Non-Tipping Can Cooler ($24.00)—Buy Here!

Fuego Box Hot Sauce Premium Collection


The folks over at Fuego Box have pledged to plant 5 trees for every crate sold, so you can feel extra good about gifting this selection of spicy blossom honey, Ghost Pepper–infused Himalayan pink salt, and three hot sauces: an everyday red, a punchy verde, and a very vinegary Carolina Reaper. 

Fuego Box Hot Sauce Premium Collection ($59.95)—Buy Here!

Apollo Thermal Capsule Phone Sleeve

Bespoke Post

Don't let him worry about an overheating phone ever again. NASA-derived tech that keeps your phone from overheating and keeps its battery from draining too quickly in the cold. It also case floats in water so it can be grabbed out of the pool fast, and it exceeds military-grade shock and impact protection when dropped.

Apollo Thermal Capsule Phone Sleeve ($30.00)—Buy Here!

Unbox Boardom Board Game Subscription

Unbox Boardom

Family Game Night won't ever be the same, thanks to this board game subscription box. Just choose the subscription plan you'd like to gift and give them something to look forward to with every delivery.

Unbox Boardom Board Game Subscription ($29.99+)—Buy Here!

Pelican Cooler Sling

The Pelican cooler sling is a good gift for dads

The lightweight design with padded shoulder straps allows for ultimate portability and versatility with this cooler swing. It's also rugged enough to withstand whatever nature-lovers throw at it.

Pelican Cooler Sling ($173.47)—Buy Here!

Trilogy 3-Pack Socks by Stance

Bespoke Post

Using Stance's proprietary cotton blend, these iconic socks have a longer lifespan than your run-of-the-mill socks and offer light cushioning for a secure fit and oh-so-comfortable feel.

Trilogy 3-Pack Socks by Stance ($60.00)—Buy Here!

'Comedy Comedy Comedy Drama: A Memoir' by Bob Odenkirk


It's possible you've only really fallen in love with Bob Odenkirk from his Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul days, but he's done so much over the years. Read all about it in this memoir. 

Comedy Comedy Comedy Drama: A Memoir by Bob Odenkirk ($21.15)—Buy Here!

Heim BBQ Signature Bacon Burnt Ends 2lbs

Gold Belly

Nothing can go wrong when you combine BBQ and bacon, and these melt-in-your-mouth Bacon Burnt Ends from Heim BBQ in Ft. Worth, TX are 2lbs (!!) of indulgent.

Heim BBQ Signature Bacon Burnt Ends 2lbs ($109.95)—Buy Here!

The Wes Anderson Collection: Bad Dads


Curated by Spoke Art Gallery in San Francisco, this artwork inspired by the films of Wes Anderson ranges from paintings to sculptures to limited-edition screen prints from some of the director's most beloved films.

The Wes Anderson Collection: Bad Dads ($18.19)—Buy Here!

Vuori Steadfast Full Zip Hooded Jacket

a Vuori puffer jacket is a good gift for dads

So versatile and filled with responsibly sourced down, this medium-weight jacket is flexible, weather-resistant, and comes in two sharp colors.

Vuori Steadfast Full Zip Hooded Jacket ($298.00)—Buy Here!

Cold Massage Roller Ball

this cold massage roller ball is a good gift for dads

This roller ball rapidly reduces muscle fatigue and soreness, plus it stays cold for up to 6 hours after freezing.

Cold Massage Roller Ball ($19.99)—Buy Here!

ooni Koda 16 Gas Pizza Oven


Elevate outdoor cooking with this pizza oven from ooni. Perfect for any outdoor kitchen, it's hot in 15 minutes and your pizza is ready in 60 seconds.

ooni Koda 16 Gas Pizza Oven ($599.00)—Buy Here!



All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.

Night lights are the secret superheroes of kids’ bedrooms. They have the ability to calm, chase away monsters, and allow parents to sneak into the room without bashing a knee, and inadvertently wake a sleeping babe. And, really, the whole house can benefit from some nighttime glow. Of course, each room and each family member is going to need a different version of the best night light. From bathrooms to the kitchen to the nursery and tween bedrooms, one size definitely doesn’t fit all here.

Between bathroom trips, kitchen runs (that cold pizza isn’t going to just eat itself, right?), and checking on kids of all ages before you turn in for the night, night lights are a must. So whether you are in the market for nursery lamps, nursery lights, or even a projector, here are some of the greatest options for everyone in the whole house—and where to find them.


Best Night Light for Babies


This night light by parent-trusted brand Hatch has a trifecta of features. In addition to the soothing night light, the Hatch Rest 2nd Gen also has a sound machine and a time-to-rise setting (clutch when your baby turns into an early-rising toddler). The best part? It can be controlled from your phone so if you need to turn the brightness or music up or down, you don't have to sneak into the room and interrupt that precious sleep schedule.



Best Night Light for Middle-of-the-Night Wake-Ups


If your little one likes to get out of bed and you know, hover over your face until you wake up, this night light will help lead the way...safely. Lightweight and handy, this on-the-go night light comes with three different light settings—your kid can pick the brightness to keep them company while they make their way to you in the night. 



Best Night Light for Kids Who Need a Lightshow


This projector night light is like having your very own nightly light show, all in the comfort of your bedroom. Features include 360-degree rotation, both remote and touch control, timer setting and 12 lullaby songs. 


night lights for kids

Best Night Light for Kids Who Love Animals


For kids who love cuddling with a menagerie of animals, this sweet bunny-shaped night light will send your tot's room into cuteness overload. Features include 8 different light options, a sleep timer (but can also last 12-20 hours if needed) and is chew safe (for all those mouth-curious kids out there).


nightlights for kids
Pottery Barn Kids

Best Night Light for Big Kids


Made of ceramic, this sweet rainbow night light plugs into the outlet (so old school!) and emits just the right amount of light for those kids who need a little something something in their room.  



Best Night Light that Doubles as Wall Art

$32+ BUY NOW

Add a lot of personality and funk to your kid's room with a neon sign that not only can be used as a night light when the sun sets but also doubles as wall art. Not into dinosaurs? They have loads of pre-made signs to choose from, or, if you'd like, order a custom sign for your kid—perhaps their name in lights? 


decorative night lights for kids

Best Night Light for Tweens & Teens


Every tween and teen loves a string of fairy lights (we know, they're "too old" for night lights) but this set lights up the night with an added bonus—clear photo clips that can hold up to 50 of their favorite polaroids, postcards, notes and more.



Best Night Light for Bathroom Scaries


If they're going through a phase of bathroom scaries, or even if your older kids just hate turning on the overhead light in the middle of the night to use the restroom, this soft light plug-in LED night light is a win. Pick from 8 different colors with dawn-to-dusk sensors, so they'll never be on when they're not needed, either. This is a 2 pack, too, so you'll be able to cover more than one bathroom.



Best Night Light for Midnight Snack Runs


Whether it's a drink of water or that last slice of cake, middle-of-the-night kitchen runs are totally common. To avoid altering the neighborhood by turning on ultra-bright kitchen lights, try these strip lights under cabinets or counters. They're rechargeable and come with magnetic strips for easy install and all you have to do is pop the light off the strip when it's time to recharge. You can set them to constantly on or motion-activated.



Best Night Light to Promote Sleep for the Whole Family


From kids to their parents, these sleep-promoting night lights emit a diffused long-wavelength LED red light that promotes restful sleep and may help melatonin production. Available in a 2 pack.


—Gabby Cullen, Andie Huber, & Kate Cartia

All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.

Contact your state elections office or just ask a friendly poll worker about rules and limitations on bringing your children along with you to the voting booth

Election Day is almost here and…well, maybe you have a preschooler, toddler, or newborn in tow. Now what? Um, go ahead and bring your kid with you to vote! Yep, that’s right. Take your pint-sized politician (in the future sense, of course) into the booth.

Many parents wonder if they’re legally allowed to bring their children with them into the voting booth. Even though this civic duty is a highly private one, the government allows minor children to accompany their voting parents in every state. That said, some states have their own laws setting maximum ages for kids who can come into the voting booth.

can you take your kids into the voting booth

Related: How to Steer Kids Through a Divisive Political Season

Don’t worry, your kindergarten kiddo can still go with you. States that do have age restrictions have set limits that are well into the teenage years. But keep in mind that each state has different rules, so ask questions and be prepared. In Virginia, for example, only children 15 years old and younger are allowed in the booths, according to NBC News. The same goes for Connecticut. But in California and other states, parents can bring along any minor under the age of 18.

If you’re not sure what the legal maximum age for a child accompanying a parent into a voting booth is, just ask. Call your state’s elections office before you go, or just ask the helpful friendly faces at your local polling place when you arrive. Go in knowing that every. single. state. in the country allows parents to bring their minor children into the voting booth with them, so if a poll worker turns you and your child away, remind them of their state’s laws not only dictating voting booth rules, but also voter suppression.

Along with age restrictions, some states also have total child maximums. Depending on your state, the law may limit the number of kids you bring into the booth to one or two. Again, always ask ahead of time. If you have three kids and your state only allows two, consider setting up an Election Day babysitting collective in your community or bring a friend with you to vote.

Related: Rock the Vote! Election Day Games for the Kids

Related: Things to Do with Your Family Instead of Talking Politics

Okay, so what happens if your toddler throws a tantrum while you’re waiting in line to vote? Disrupting the voting process is a no-no. If your child’s not-so-pleasant behavior is impeding others from voting, distracting them, or causing problems for the other voters, polling place helpers could ask you to leave. Hey, you can go back to vote later on—after the babysitter comes.

So here’s the big question, “Why should you bring your kids with you to vote?” Taking your kids into the voting booth gives them a chance to see democracy in action and encourages them to think critically about what’s in the news. According to a study by the University of Chicago, nearly half of young people aged 15 to 25 get news at least once a week from family and friends via Twitter or Facebook. And it can be difficult to tell fact from fiction. One of the study’s conclusions is: “Youth must learn how to judge the credibility of online information and how to find divergent views on varied issues.”

There’s no reason to wait until they’re 18 (and of legal voting age) to start talking about their civic rights and responsibilities. Going into the voting booth with mom or dad makes our country’s political process concrete and tangible for them, helping your young child to better understand it.

There you go—kids plus voting is a win-win situation. Happy voting!

with additional reporting from Erica Loop

These should all make an appearance in future father-son talks

From simple, everyday interactions to more serious, big-picture issues, there are important life lessons we dads can—and should—share to help a young boy grow into a courageous, honorable, and kind adult. That said, we realize that not all families include fathers, so these words of wisdom for a father-son talk apply to any parent figure who wants to help their child stand a little taller and do good in the world.

I’ll always be here for you.
Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad. Reminding your son that you always are available to him and mindful of his needs will go a long way in establishing and building trust over time. Mindful parenting means being present in the moment and aware of what’s happening. Modeling positive, supportive behavior while your son is young will show him that good men are reliable and responsible.

Treat others with compassion and empathy.
The Golden Rule may be a simple principle to follow, but teaching empathy can provide a deeper framework for how people should behave regardless of circumstance. Fostering empathy can help young boys to find commonalities between themselves and others who are seemingly different—and encourages them to positively and proactively think about and care for others.

Related: Daughters (Who’ll Conquer the World) Need to Hear These 8 Things


Winning is great, but losing with grace and humility is just as important.
Good sportsmanship is a beneficial trait that goes well beyond what happens on the playing field. By teaching our sons how to win and lose with dignity, we’re giving them strong interpersonal relationship skills that will serve them well in many other aspects of their lives besides sports. Telling them that the main point of competition is to have fun will alleviate the feeling of needing to win at any cost, and allows them to enjoy themselves.

Surround yourself with people you admire.
Dads can’t always pick our son’s friends, but we can encourage them to choose their friendships wisely. Find out who your son admires and who his heroes are, and you’ll quickly discover the kinds of people he wants to emulate. Real friendships are fundamental in early childhood development, so teaching our sons how to find good friends and be good friends will help guide them in the right direction.

I can teach you how to throw a punch, but never start a fight… and always know when to walk away.
A parent should teach their son when to stand their ground and when to walk away. Establishing a baseline that it’s never appropriate to hurt others for no reason is a critical, essential first step.

Never make an important decision on an empty stomach.
Over the course of a young boy’s life, he’ll have to make many important decisions. These are just warm-ups to the big ones that he’ll have to make as an adult, and every dad knows that important decisions should never be made on an empty stomach. There’s a science to explain why people become grumpy or have poorer judgment when they are hungry. Remind your kid to have a full belly before making any major decisions.

It’s OK to play with dolls.
Or dress up as Beyoncé. Or sing like Beyoncé. Or dance like Beyoncé. By the time most boys are five years old, they’ve already learned lots of things that perpetuate toxic masculinity. Break the cycle by letting your son know that there are no such things as “girls-only toys” or “girls-only behaviors.” Instead, teach your son that there’s more than one way to be a man.

Honesty matters.
Whether it’s telling the truth about a broken window/bike/toy or speaking up against bullies, honestly is always the best policy.

What was the best part of your day?
At the end of a long day of work and school, many dads will simply ask their sons, “How was your day?” And the typical response is a bluntly delivered, “Fine.” Rather than try to start a conversation with a generic question, be specific. Avoid questions that can be answered with a single word. As our kids get older—particularly as they enter their tween and teen years—they may be less inclined to volunteer information about what’s happening in their lives. Asking pointed questions will help tease out what’s really going on and what’s really on their minds.

Let’s talk about sex, drugs, and rock and roll.
Because if you’re not the person who’s initiating conversations with your son about topics as important as these, then someone else inevitably will, and that someone else may not always have your kid’s best interests in mind. There are plenty of resources to help parents talk to their kids about sensitive and sometimes awkward topics. At the very least, make sure your son has a handle on the basics from the school of rock.

I’m so lucky that I get to be your dad.
And while you’re at it, tell your son that you love him every day, and give him lots of hugs and kisses, especially while he’s still young so that he gets used to receiving affection from (and giving it to) his old man.

There can never be too many corny jokes on hand

While we don’t recommend quitting your day job and taking these corny jokes on the road (do people still throw rotten tomatoes?), we do promise that if delivered with enough enthusiasm—or by an undeniably cute kid—these cheesy jokes will get some chuckles. And, when you’re done with these, be sure to share our favorite knock-knock jokes, summer jokes, funny dad jokes, and our ultimate list of jokes for kids that are always good for a laugh.

Q: Why did the cookie go to the hospital?
A: Because he felt crummy.

Q: Why did Johnny throw the clock out of the window?
A: Because he wanted to see time fly!

Q: Why was the baby strawberry crying?
A: Because his mom and dad were in a jam.

Knock, knock
Who’s there?
Theodore who?
Theodore wasn’t open so I knocked.

Q: What do lawyers wear to court?
A: Lawsuits

Q: What did one toilet say to the other toilet?
A: You look flushed.

Q: Why is there a gate around cemeteries?
A: Because people are dying to get in!

Knock, knock
Who’s there?
Cows go
Cows go who?
No silly, cows go MOO.

Q: Why wouldn’t the shrimp share his treasure?
A: Because he was a little shellfish.

Q: What has one head, one foot, and four legs?
A: A Bed

Q: What do you call an angry carrot? 
A: A steamed veggie.

Q: What do you call a fake noodle?
A: An impasta.

Knock, knock
Who’s there?
Little old lady
Little old lady who?
I didn’t know you could yodel.

Q: Why shouldn’t you write with a broken pencil?
A: Because it’s pointless.

Q: Why did the man put his money in the freezer?
A: He wanted cold hard cash!

Q: What do call cheese that isn’t yours?
A: Nacho Cheese

Knock, knock
Who’s there?
Etch who?
Bless you!

Q: How do you make an egg roll?
A: You push it!

Q: What word is always spelled wrong in the dictionary?
A: Wrong.

Q: How do you make a tissue dance?
A: Put a little boogey in it!

Q: What do you call a sleeping bull?
A: A bulldozer!

Knock, knock
Who’s there?
Mikey who?
Mikey doesn’t fit in the keyhole!

Q: Why were the fish’s grades bad?
A: They were below sea level.

Q: What do you call a sad berry?
A: A blueberry

Q: Why are cornfields bad places to tell secrets? 
A: They’re full of ears.

Q: Why did the golfer bring two pairs of pants? 
A: In case he got a hole in one.

Q: Why shouldn’t you write with a broken pencil?
A: Because it’s pointless.

Show Dad the L-O-V-E this year with a crafty card made at home

Father’s Day is nearly here! To celebrate the amazing job your special dad does every day, why not celebrate with one of these homemade Father’s Day card ideas? You don’t have to be a master crafter or daring DIYer to make one, so dust off your crafting stash and check out some genius Father’s Day cards!

That’s Not My Daddy Card

This adorable handmade Father’s Day card idea is pretty easy, and it’s definitely one he’ll want to keep. Have your kids pick out the character they want to use, and have fun with it.

Handmade Father’s Day Card

This one takes the concept of a handmade Father’s Day card literally. It’s easy to recreate and lots of fun for the kids.

Coolest Popsicle Card


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The kids will have fun with this one! Not only is it a creative Father’s Day card, but it’s also a fun project to make.

Bomb Pop Father’s Day Card Idea

This Bomb Pop card is a super cute and easy way to make a card your kid’s “pop” will love! Also, take the perfect opportunity to follow it up with actual yummy Bomb Pops afterward.

Handyman Heart Card


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This homemade Father’s Day card idea perfectly fits the bill for the handyman in your life.

Cricut-Made Father's Day Card Idea

A Cricut homemade father's day card idea
Karly Wood

Is the dad in your life into everything? This DIY card is the perfect fit! Made with a Cricut Joy, we snagged this completely free design and let this mini machine do all the work. Peppered with images of outdoor activities, and typical dad icons, this card will perfectly communicate about your fave father.

The Greatest Gift (Card)

A Lowe's father's day card
Lil’ Luna

For DIY-obsessed dads, we love this easy idea from Lil’ Luna. It’s a free printable, so all you have to do is print it out, cut it out and stick it on the gift card of your choice.

Crayon Father's Day Card Idea

A hand-colored "I love you," a homemade father's day card idea
Solis Plus One

Get your little one involved in making this simple homemade Father's Day card idea from Solis Plus One. Tots can go to town filling the page with color. 

ASL Homemade Father's Day Card

A sign language father's day card
Delia Creates

Emojis are so yesterday. Use sign language to tell Dad how you really feel about him. Delia Creates has designed stylish (and free) downloadable templates that your sidekick can use to choose just the right message to tell Dad how much he means to everyone. It’s almost too easy! 

The Story of His Life

A father's day card that says "my dad is rad" is a good homemade father's day card idea
Hello, Wonderful

Timepieces like this creative fill-it-out-yourself booklet designed by Hello, Wonderful are what memories are made of. Your guy will forever cherish the innocently hilarious answers his kiddos give to creative questions like, “the most fun thing I’ve done with my dad is…” and “my dad smells like…”.

Happy Father's Day Paper Banner

Strung letters that are a homemade father's day card idea
Modern Parents Messy Kids

Surprise Dad when he walks through the door on his special day with this colorful card that doubles as a banner. Let him slowly pull out the greeting, like a magician pulling an endless string of hankies from his sleeve. Then hang it across the mantle, so Dad really gets the message. Skip over to Modern Parents Messy Kids for the tutorial.

Fill-in-the-Blank Father's Day Card Idea

homemade father's day card idea
Alpha Mom

This coloring superhero card by Alpha Mom is an easy-breezy option that ranks high on the cuteness factor—the best combo if we say so ourselves. The kids can customize the fill-in-the-blank section to make it their very own. 

Sidewalk Chalk Picture Card

two girls surrounded by a happy father's day chalk drawing card
Crafty Texas Girls

Chalk, check. Driveway, check. Adorable kids that make your photo come to life, double check. That’s everything you need to make this sweet Father’s Day card we spotted over at Crafty Texas Girls. Looking for a gift too? Have the photo turned into a mug, mousepad, or keychain!

Father's Day Spin-the-Wheel Card

a father's day card with a wheel to spin on front

Between a great meal, a nap, a chance to cheer for his favorite team or dad-on-kid quality time, you can keep it simple when deciding on Dad's gift this year. This printable card from Julep is ready for him to spin the wheel of wish lists and decide just what he wants most for Father’s Day. Card AND gift completed.

Happy Hero Father's Day Card

A jar of candy as a father's day card
Tatertots and Jello

Celebrate the spider-killing, boo-boo-kissing guy who waits patiently at the bottom of the slide so his cutie pie can slide confidently down, knowing he’ll be there, with this well-earned jar of goodies. Let your little one decide what to fill it with. And find the free printable at Tatertots and Jello.

Bow-Tie Father's Day Card Idea

A father's day card with a blue bowtie

This bow-tie card is a keeper, especially when you take a photo of your little one holding it and turn it into a gift or (even better!) dad’s new screen saver. The template and tutorial are available at Julep. This a perfect DIY card for the three and under set—easy-peasy—just the way we like it!