When you’re stuck waiting somewhere—for the doctor, in line at the DMV, on the subway, or just for brunch—keeping an energetic little one occupied can be a major challenge. Have no fear. We’ve got a list of awesome, do-almost-anywhere activities that will keep you and your baby busy and keep waiting room crankiness at bay. Try a couple, and watch the minutes fly by.

Copy Cat

Mimic the sounds your baby makes—coos and ba-ba-bas—mixing it up by stretching them out a little. Try making a few funny faces, and watch as your baby pushes her lips to copy your fishy face. With older babies, you can add in gestures and body movements like lifting your arms, clapping, nodding your head from side to side, or stomping your feet.


This classic gets extra special from a kiddo’s perspective if you just toss a blanket over your head and wait for your baby to pull it off. Or, when traditional peek-a-boo gets old, try hiding a toy instead. Grab a stuffed animal, hide it behind your back or under a blanket, and see if your little one can find it.

Crinkle Crinkle Paper Ball

Paper’s available pretty much anywhere, from the placemat at a restaurant to the paper cover on the exam bed at the doctor’s office. Hand that good stuff over to your little one to crunch, crinkle, and rip to shreds. You can even scrunch it up to make a ball that you two can toss back and forth.

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s a Flying Baby

Bounce that baby up into the air and swoop her around. Add in a few spins and you’ve got your own mama-powered thrill ride. Flying babies are happy babies.

What’s in the Bag?

Textures are fascinating for little ones, especially when they’re unseen. Find a small bag or an empty tissue box, slip different objects inside (soft fabric, a sippy cup, a spoon, smooth rocks, a teething ring), and let your baby reach in to explore the invisible wonder.

Ice cubes

Photo Credit: Oz Spies

Ice Ice Baby

The next time you’re waiting in a restaurant, try this: dip a spoon into your water, and scoop out an ice cube. Put it on the table in front of your kiddo. Watch her fascination as she touches and tries to catch the slippery wonder.

Build and Crash

Stack up a few things and encourage your baby to stomp (or crawl) over, Godzilla-style, and tip them to the ground. A tissue box plus cotton balls at the doctor’s office, a stack of board books, plastic spoons—anything that can balance precariously for a few moments and then tumble to the ground is great fun for little ones.

Nursery Rhymes

Great for literacy development, there’s a reason they’ve never gone out of style. Sing a little Itsy Bitsy Spider with your best preschool teacher-style enthusiasm. If you don’t know the hand motions that go along with the nursery rhymes or want to learn a few new ones, check out this resource created by librarians.

Dip into Your Bag of Tricks

A small container of bubbles can take you far if you’re outside and waiting around – keeping one in your diaper bag means you’ll always be prepared for fun. Cheerios, when handed out one at a time, give your kiddo a chance to work on fine motor skills and extend interest longer than handing over a full snack container. You can even create a new challenge by slipping a single Cheerio inside of or underneath a clear baby bottle cap and asking your baby to retrieve it. And now’s the time to pull out anything that makes noise—if you have a small music-making toy that drives you nuts at home, keep it in your diaper bag to pull out when you’re on the go.

Watching the World Go By

Furry creatures are endlessly fascinating. If you’re stuck somewhere with a window, peek out the window and hunt for dogs or cats. Or try counting trucks as they drive past. Your enthusiasm is what will make this one: if you exclaim with fascination about the animals or vehicles you see out there, there’s a good chance your baby will get on board.

Funny Stuff

If all else fails, put a shoe on your head. Find something random, pretend it’s a hat, and do your best Three Stooges-style pratfalls. Toddlers are sure to dissolve into giggles.

Make sure to capture all the silly moments—and share them with your family and friends near and far—with the Tinybeans app. The secure platform puts parents in total control of who sees and interacts with photos and videos of their kids.

Yes, these jokes are a little silly, but also a lot of fun

When does a joke become a dad joke? When the punch line becomes apparent. (Har har!). You’ve cringed, laughed, and even been known to repeat them on occasion. The good news is that kids get a real kick out of them. Once you’re done with these cheesy dad jokes, try out the best jokes for kids, jokes that are good for school kids, and riddles that’ll keep the kids puzzled.

Typical Dad Jokes for Kids

-I used to hate the hokey pokey, but I really turned myself around. 

Is the refrigerator running? Better go catch it! 

(yeah, that one hurt us, too…)

-Why did the bicycle keep falling over?

It was two tired.

-What do you call a man who tells dad jokes but isn’t a dad?

A faux pa. 

-Dad: I told my kids to embrace their mistakes, then they hugged me. 

-I entered a pun contest. I submitted 10 of my best puns to see if any would be a win.

-Hey kids, I got you Fortnite. But it will only last two weeks. 

-What’s the secret to a good elevator pitch?

It has to work on many levels.

-Want to hear a long joke?


-What does a house always wear to a party?


-Charlie Chaplin and Marcel Marceau just threw microphones into the sea. Guess it’s true that great mimes sink a mic.

-Have you heard how popular the local cemetery is?

People are just dying to get in. 

-Kid: I’ll call you later! 

Dad: Just call me Dad! 

-When does a joke become a Dad joke?

When the punch line becomes apparent. 

-This pencil has two erasers. It’s totally pointless. 

“Kara, on average, how far can a dog run into the woods?”

“Gee, Granddad, I don’t know.”

“Halfway. After that, the dog is running out of the woods.”

How does a musician win a fight?

They call for Bach up.

-I can’t find the U-Cut tree farm. I’m completely stumped. 

-Doctor, doctor, I’m terrified of squirrels! 

[Doctor] You must be nuts.

Food-Related Dad Jokes for Kids

two dads laughing at dad jokes for kids

-What kind of drink is bittersweet?


-What do the royals put on their pancakes?

Sir Up. 

-My kid just asked me "Can I have this, apple?" 

Guess he doesn’t know my name is Dad. 

-Dad: Did you hear the butter rumor? Well, I'm not going to spread it.

-Why Did the vegetable call the plumber?

It had a leek.

-What do you get when you coddle a cow? 

Spoiled milk. 

-Dad: Another word of caution. Never tell secrets near a cornfield. They’re all ears.

-How many apples are growing on that tree?

All of them. 

-Why did the man buy so much yogurt? 

To get cultured.

-Time to take this cookie to the hospital! It’s feeling crummy.

-Evaporated milk is confusing. There's so much liquid in it. 

-Dad to kid: Where are French fries from? 

Kid: France?

Dad to kid: Greece! 

-Dad to kids at dinner: I would tell you my pizza joke but it’s just too cheesy. 

-What do you call a band of berries playing music?

A jam session.

-How do you fix a broken tomato?

With tomato paste.

-Why aren't lobsters generous?

Because they're shellfish

-There's a type of bagel that can travel. What is it?

A plain bagel

Science Dad Jokes for Kids

silly dad and son making faces

What kind of music do planets love?


-Did you ever notice ants don't get sick?

They're full of anti-bodies. 

-Dad: This book about how Newton discovered gravity is so good! I just can’t put it down. 

-What do you call a fish with four eyes?


-Why doesn’t a photon need a suitcase?

Because it’s traveling light. 

-Dad to kid (in a serious voice): A word of advice, kid. Never trust atoms. They make up everything. 

-Kid: Why are you talking to yourself, Dad?? 

Dad: I needed an expert's advice. 

-Dad: I am giving away all my batteries...free of charge! 

-How do you know carrots are good for your eyesight?

Have you ever seen a bunny wearing glasses? 

Did you hear the one about the claustrophobic astronaut?

He just needed a little space. 

-What did Benjamin Franklin say after he discovered electricity? 

Nothing—he was too shocked.

Body-Related Jokes

silly dad and daughter

-“You have a hole in your sock, Jack.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Sure you do.  That’s how you got your foot in it.”

-"Wow! Chase, you sure got tall. I hope you don’t grow another foot.” 

“Why not Granddad?” 

“Because if you do, Mommy will need to buy you a third sneaker.”

-"Grandad, you look pretty sharp.  Where did you get your haircut?”

“On my head, Shane.”

-How do you make a Kleenex dance? 

Put a little boogie in it! 

-Dad tells kids: Here’s a cautionary tale. Don’t sing in the shower! 

-Kid: Dad, did you get a haircut?

Dad: No, I got them all cut. 

-Dad: I never thought I’d be the type to have a beard. But then it just grew on me. 

Kids: What?? Why not?

Dad: If you get soap in your mouth, it will turn into a soap opera. 

Kids: GROAN!!!!! 

-Kid: Dad, it hurts when I move my arm like this.

Dad: Then don’t move your arm like that. 

-Why do skeletons stay so calm?

Because nothing gets under their skin. 

-What do you call someone with no nose and no body?

Nobody knows. 

-Did you hear about the dad who chugged 8 sodas?

He burped 7-Up. 

-Kid to Dad: Why are there balloons in the bathroom?

Dad: I wanted to throw you a birthday potty. 

-What do you call a 12-inch nose?

A foot. 

-Dad, can you put my shoes on?

"Nope. They are too small for my feet."


What’s the cleanest type of birthday party joke? One that’s a soap-prise

It’s your kiddo’s special day so once you’ve figured out the birthday party theme and the birthday gift, you’re ready for a cuddle and a laugh. Our kid-friendly and kid-approved birthday jokes are perfect for their special day. Get ready for sweet laughs, and be sure to drop one in their lunchbox for some LOL fun!

If you need more birthday party fun, check out our favorite birthday desserts that aren’t cake, party favors kids will actually use, outdoor birthday party ideas, and the best indoor birthday party ideas around!

birthday jokes are fun at a party

1. What do you say to a rabbit on its birthday? 

Hoppy Birthday! 

2. Why do candles always go on the top of cakes?

Because it's hard to light them from the bottom. 

3. What do cakes and baseball teams have in common?

They both need a good batter. 

4. What goes up but never comes down?

Your age. 

5. What does every birthday end with?

The letter Y.

6. What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday?

Aye matey. 

7. What did the tiger say to her cub on his birthday?

It's roar birthday! 

8. Why did the girl put her cake in the freezer?

She wanted to ice it. 

9. Why did the cupcake go to the doctor's office?

It was feeling crumby. 

10. What one thing will you get every year on your birthday, guaranteed?

A year older. 

kids holding balloons and telling birthday jokes

11. What do you give a 3100 lb. rhino for his birthday?

I don't know, but you better hope he likes it. 

12. Why did the baker laugh in the bakery?

Because the eggs kept cracking jokes. 

13. Why did the little girl hit her birthday cake with a hammer?

It was a pound cake.

14. Did the teddy bear want cake on his birthday?

No, he was stuffed. 

15. Why did we have to send the cake to the doctor?

It was feeling crumby.

16. Why did the student eat their homework?

Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake!

17. Why did the robber break into the bakery?

She heard the cakes were rich.

18. What kind of music is bad for balloons?


19. What do clams like to do on their birthdays?


20. What song do you sing a Snowman on his birthday?

"Freeze a jolly good fellow..."

birthday jokes are fun for toddlers

21. Did you hear about the tree's birthday celebration?

It was really sappy. 

22. What did the cake say to the ice cream?

You're cool. 

23. What kind of cake do ghosts like?

I Scream Cake.

24. How do pickles celebrate their birthday?

They relish it. 

25. What kind of candle burns longer than the others? 

None, silly—they all burn shorter. 

26. What's the cleanest type of birthday party joke?

One that's a soap-prise. 

27. What happens when you invite a thief to your birthday party?

They take the cake! 

28. What kind of cake do you eat if you are sick on your birthday?

Coffee cake. 

29. Why can't kids remember past birthdays?

Because they are too focused on the present. 

30. What did one candle say to the other?

Don't birthdays just burn you out?

31. Why was the birthday cake so hard?

It was a marble cake! 

32. Knock knock! 

Who's there?


Wanda who?

Wanda wish you a happy birthday! 

33. What do you say to a kangaroo on their birthday?

Hoppy Birthday! 

34. What's hairy and covered in fondant? 

A coconut cake. 

35. What did the cake say to the donut?

You're looking glazed over. 

little boy smiling at a birthday joke

36. What happens when your dad chugs 8 sodas at your birthday party?

He burps 7-Up. 

37. What do you call a bunch of balloons in the bathroom?

A birthday potty. 

38. What do frogs drink at their birthday parties?

Diet croak. 

39. If you have a dozen eggs in one hand and 10 cupcakes in the other, what do you have?

Crazy-big hands. 

40. How do cats bake cake?

From scratch! 

—young reader Jacey

41. What did the cake say to the fork?

You wanna' piece of me?? 

42. How did Darth Vader know what Luke Skywalker was getting for his birthday?

He felt his presents. 

43. What happens if no one comes to your birthday party?

You can have your cake and eat it, too. 

44. What kind of music do balloons hate?

Pop music. 

45. What do you call a spaghetti noodle pretending it's his birthday?

An impasta

46. What did the birthday card say to the stamp?

Stick with me, we're going places! 

47. What is a tornado's favorite party game?


48. Why did the cupcake cross the road?

It had muffin else to do! 

49. Why don't owls give each other presents on their birthdays?

Because they don't give a hoot! 

50. What did the King of the Underworld say when Zeus gave him boring socks for his birthday?

I Hades! 

51. What did the mama say to her baby on his birthday?

Nappy Birthday! 

52. What did the ocean say on its birthday? 

Nothing, it just waved. 

53. Why isn't Elsa allowed to have a birthday balloon? 

Because she'll just "let it go." 

54. How do you make sure a birthday party in outer space is super fun?

You planet. 

55. Knock Knock

Who's there?


Bacon who?

Bacon a cake for your birthday! 



A pea in the pod, a bun in the oven, preggo… no matter what you call it, everyone who experiences pregnancy knows you spend half of the nine-month stretch feeling joyful and excited and the other half feeling anxious and wondering if the things happening with your body are normal. You’re probably spending hours rabbit-holing into Google’s depths to read other mothers’ experiences and analyzing your own, wondering, “Is this normal?” Let’s break down a few common pregnancy “normals” and set your mind at ease.

You Are Not Your Belly
Few instances in your life could ever change your appearance so drastically and so quickly, and no two women are going to feel the same. While one may feel more beautiful than ever before, with shiny hair, glowing skin, and a cute, round belly, another woman may be counting down (by the minute) until her due date so she can hit the gym and feel like her old self again. The normal response? Whatever is normal for you.

Know that it’s okay to feel whatever it is you feel about your body; just remember that you are not your belly or your thighs or your boobs. Many women feel negative about weight gain and don’t love that random strangers will comment on their stomachs and bodies without prompt or permission. Be gentle with yourself; you’re creating a life, and your body has to change for that to happen. You will feel like yourself again one day, sooner than you think. In the meantime, pay attention to the happy changes going on with your body, especially when you’re able to feel those fluttery kicks from within.

Sex Drive (Or Park)
Some research points to an increased libido during your second trimester, and supposedly during this time, you’re feeling hot and ready for lovemaking at any time of day or night. This may be normal for some, and for others, it may be the exact opposite, where you sleep with a fly swatter next to your bed to fend off any unwanted advances (unless, of course, it actually is just the much-needed neck massage and nothing more. Yeah, right. We know your tricks.).

The point is, a lot is happening with your body and mind during this time (you’re growing a little human, for goodness sake), with hormones raging like they might during a slow jam during an eighth-grade dance. You’re feeling it? You’re not feeling it? Don’t worry. Whatever you’re feeling is normal. But if you’re concerned about the increase or decrease in your sex drive, talk with your doctor, and have an honest discussion with your partner about your needs.

The Prolapse and the Pee
Something else totally normal that happens to women during pregnancy? Pelvic floor conditions, including urinary and fecal incontinence, and a little condition called prolapse, which happens when the ligaments holding up the pelvic floor stretch, causing the uterus to descend. When this happens, the bowels and/or bladder can be pushed up against the vaginal walls and can cause a bulge, or prolapse, to push out of your vagina.

While this entire description should be a headline on the pamphlets aiming to prevent unplanned teen pregnancies, it is a completely normal side effect of pregnancy and childbirth. Many women say it feels like something coming down into their vagina or that it feels like sitting on a small ball.

Pelvic floor conditions affect one in five women, so to say it’s normal is an understatement. Every pregnant woman has peed a little without making it to the bathroom, but some pelvic floor conditions can be serious, so alert your doctor if you show symptoms, both during pregnancy and afterward. Together you can develop a plan for treatment and healing. There are also pelvic floor specialists who can develop a treatment plan for you.

And in the meantime, there’s leakproof underwear from brands like Proof. Choose the level of absorbency you need and the style you prefer (thong, brief, cheeky, hipster, and more), and you’ll get some piece of mind back.

Anxiety and Terror and Nightmares
When you’re pregnant, the last thing you want to hear is, “Oh, don’t mind her. She’s just emotional because she’s pregnant.” Don’t you just want to kick that person as hard as you can? Or maybe that’s just the emotions talking…? No, it’s a justified desire to kick that person as hard as you can. Of course, you’re emotional; you’re angry and weepy and nostalgic and sentimental and anxious and fearful and excited and happy and… it’s a smorgasbord of emotions, really. But every single one of them is normal, according to  medical experts.

Yes, you will cry over sweet commercials, and yes, you will get irate that the bag in the box of cereal wasn’t closed the right way and now your Captain Crunch is stale. And yes, you will lie awake at night, mapping and remapping the best route to the hospital where you’ll be giving birth. And yes, it’s completely normal to start crying in your kitchen while looking at your dog, wondering how in the world you’re ever going to still love your dog, or if you’re going to love your new baby as much as your dog.

Having a baby is a big change, and every emotion you are feeling is normal. Talk to friends about their “crazy” pregnancy emotions, journal about what you’re feeling, or ask your partner to give you a secret signal if you’re spinning out. Sometimes it can be as easy as telling yourself, “This anxiety/fear/anger I’m feeling only feels like more than I can handle because I’m pregnant.” Or just take comfort in knowing that the worry and anxiety you feel now is a good indicator that you are going to be a caring, concerned, and wonderful mom.

Finding Your New Normal
Try to stay off WebMD about your bump in the night, and instead talk with friends and family who have been pregnant and may have had similar experiences. And always mention anything you find concerning to your doctor. It doesn’t always seem like it, but the nine months are going to be behind you, and before you know it, you’ll be Googling “Is This Normal?” questions about your new little one. For now, try to relax and know that the most normal thing about the questions you’re asking is that every other pregnant woman is asking them as well.

No parent imagines themselves navigating the NICU until it actually happens, and the dreams of taking home your new baby, or in my case, babies, are put on hold. The NICU, as a serious reality, met me at 29 weeks. I can still recall my first visit from the neonatologist so clearly even though it was nearly four years ago. While on bed rest in the hospital for constant monitoring, he came in to discuss the “odds.” It was awful. The almost robotic, stripped-of-emotion forecast of what to expect was all medical and all about the babies. Rightfully so, they were the ones in jeopardy, but here I was a first-time mom, trying to understand what could medically happen to my babies, but there was no discussion of emotional care or support. Not for me, not for my husband.

I don’t envy medical practitioners: their words hold so much gravity for families. They communicate the odds of mortality, complications, and if/then scenarios in such a matter-of-fact way that they must have to turn themselves off to interact with families. And in my experience, medical jargon leaves no room for your emotions.

The twins were taken out at 32+0. My son had stopped growing. Their environment was dubbed “toxic” by my perinatologist. My daughter was 3 lbs 15 oz, but my son was just 1 lb 15 oz. No one could have prepared me for the journey we were about to take, but my hope is that from the journey we walked, I can help another mom or dad prepare for what navigating the NICU might look like; your emotions, and that there are some things that sound scary, but aren’t.

First Things First: Don’t Feel Pressured to Feel a Certain Way
The feelings I had after giving birth scared me. They scared me because I didn’t have many feelings at all. It felt like an alternate reality. I was no longer pregnant, but I never went into labor, and I didn’t get to hold my babies. They were immediately taken away. I had a rough recovery and didn’t see them for more than 24 hours. Not because I couldn’t, but because I was afraid to. I went home five days later, never having held them (I wasn’t allowed to), and returned every day but one for 56 days. I finally got to hold my son and daughter after two weeks.

Until then, all I could do was sit by their isolettes, pump, lay pressure on their tiny bodies, and just be. It took weeks to feel like a mom, to connect to them, and start to feel that love grow. NICU or not, not everyone feels that instantaneous love that movies and social media often portray. Love, at first sight, is not what everyone feels, and that is ok. We need to talk openly about that so it’s normalized and women don’t think something is wrong with them if the love takes time to grow.

Second: Find Your Voice
Your friends and family won’t really know what to do. Sometimes people respond by giving you more space than you want or need (which can feel like they don’t care) or laying it on too thick with constant checking in. Be vocal about what you do and don’t want or need from them. Finding your voice in the midst of the journey is key for processing and navigating. The sooner it’s found the better.

And on That Note…
If you need more time with a doctor during rounds, don’t let them rush you. It’s always helpful to let one of your nurses know you have questions and need more time so they can prep the doctor beforehand. Ask questions until you understand what you’re told. Doctors often forget not to talk to us like we’re another doctor. If you don’t like how a nurse interacts with you, or how they are with your child, ask for another one. You are the only one who will advocate for yourself and your baby—you have to find your voice even when it’s uncomfortable.

The Role of the Social Worker
In the NICU, social workers are your friend. “Social worker” always had a negative connotation to me, so when I was told one was going to meet with me, my first thought was they must think I did something wrong in my pregnancy that caused this “situation.” Not the case. Social workers are there to help you get services for your child when you leave the hospital. That can be in the form of financial aid and therapy assistance that is often required to get NICU babies “caught up.”

Easier Said Than Done but… Don’t Panic
There are machines and cords everywhere. If I got a crash course on the machines, it’s a blur. One day an alarm sounded for my son that sent me into a panic; it was longer, louder, and harsher sounding than any I had heard before. It was only alerting that his feeding tube “feed” had completed. Don’t try to interpret the numbers or the beeps on anything. Trust that if there is something that needs attention, a nurse, or five, will be there in an instant.

There Is an Upside
While the NICU is an uncertain place to be, you will bond with nurses and have an instant connection with other NICU parents. You’ll see new babies come and others leave while you wait. A friendly smile or knowing when to avoid eye contact can go a long way. And while there is so much uncertainty, one thing that is certain about having a NICU baby, if you are blessed to take them home, you will look at them differently and savor every single milestone.

Lauren moved to California in her mid-twenties where she met Brandon; they’ve been married for almost 7 years and have 4-year-old twins. Lauren had the twins prematurely and left her job at Google to care for them. Though grueling, Lauren considers it a blessing and the most rewarding job (in addition to running bökee)!

Need an easy costume? Try an ugly Halloween sweater

Christmas doesn’t have the market cornered when it comes to ugly sweaters. With Halloween right around the corner, the spook-tacular holiday is giving your Santa gear a run for its money! That’s right, ugly halloween sweaters are a thing. Who knew?

HalloweenCostumes.com is gearing up with tons of ugly Halloween sweaters that are pure autumn awesomeness. And bonus, now you can dress up without a full-on costume. Here are some of our faves so you can embarrass your kids while celebrating the holiday—and that is a win, win.

The Nun, $40

Pennywise, $40

Annabelle, $40

Along with ugly sweaters for adults, you can also score a skeleton or pumpkin-themed pick for your child, too! While it’s not likely the littles will go for a sweater over a costume, they can show their holiday spirit and wear the “ugly” attire to school this fall!

—Karly Wood

All photos: HalloweenCostumes.com



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There are so many ways to take advantage of Atlanta’s long summer days. Hitting the local splash pad with the kids, heading out on a bike odyssey around the city, lounging in one of the many nearby lakes. That’s pretty much what summer in the city is all about. But nothing is more quintessentially summer than packing up a picnic and heading to a park. That’s why we’ve found six scenic spots where you and the kids can picnic and play into the evening. All that’s missing is great friends to join you. Here’s where to plan a perfect picnic and park playdate before summer ends.

via Instagram

Piedmont Park

Just because it's well known doesn't mean there aren't perfect picnic spots just begging for your blanket and basket to pay them a visit at Piedmont Park. We like the Promenade for its easy proximity to the parking deck and Gardens, but if you want to wander, head towards 10th Street and the Eastern-most side of the lake.

10th & Monroe Ave.
Online: piedmontpark.org

Sope Creek Park

This peaceful picnic spot is located part of the scenic Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area. Its three miles of trails lead to the ruin of a Civil War-era paper mill, surrounded by a forest. The many streams and ponds you'll find along the way provide stopping points for kids to play. After your picnic, set your kiddos loose on the boulders and waterfalls that you can find along the trails.

Insider tip: Plan your picnic to coincide with the weekly ranger walks on Wednesdays and you've got a picture-perfect lunch plan.

3760 Paper Mill Rd.
Marietta, GA
Online: nps.gov

Related stories: Play All Day: Discover Atlanta's Top Playgrounds

a family enjoys a picnic on a sunny day

Sweetwater Creek State Park

You won't believe the beautiful rapids and duck ponds at Sweetwater Creek State Park. Located just west of Atlanta this picnic spot steeped in history is just a short drive away. Take a hike to Civil War-era ruins, and during spring and summer, rent canoes, stand-up paddleboards and boats—after you pack up your picnic, of course.

1750 Mt. Vernon Rd.
Lithia Springs, GA
Online: gastateparks.com

Rogers Bridge Park

Adjacent to the Chattahoochee, Gwinnett County’s Rogers Bridge Park in Duluth has running trails, an historic steel bridge and ample greenspace where you can enjoy your picnic spread. A small playground nearby and a dog park make this a place where you can eat and play with your whole family (fur babies welcome). And although the nearby tubing launch point is currently closed, you should still bring your water shoes along so everyone can wade in (not too far) and cool off before heading home.

4291 Rogers Bridge Rd.
Duluth, GA
Online: duluthga.net

Related stories: National Parks That Atlanta Families Love (& Awesome Cabins Nearby)

via Instagram

Centennial Olympic Park

While the entertainment district may not fall into the secluded picnic spot category, families will find both plenty of green space and things to do at this popular gathering spot. During the early evening hours, it's easier to find a spot on the sprawling, grassy lawns. Plus the play factors are pretty much unlimited here. Head to the children's playground, splash in the Rings Fountain or take a quick stroll to a nearby kid favorite, like the Georgia Aquarium, Children's Museum of Atlanta or World of Coca-Cola

265 Park Ave. W N.W.
Atlanta, GA
Online: gwcca.org/centennial-olympic-park

Vickery Creek

Another one in nearby Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, you'll find lots of charming elements that'll entertain the kids on this picnic outing. With a wooden covered bridge, historic remnants of the Roswell Mill and over five miles of trails through a forest and past waterfalls, Vickery Creek promises plenty to do beyond the basket. 

85 Mill St.
Roswell, GA
Online: atlantatrails.com

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—Allison Sutcliffe & Shelley Massey

It’s 7 a.m. on a school day, and I am dreading waking up my child. But of course, it must be done—so I tiptoe into his room and sit down on the side of his bed, allowing myself a moment before the day begins. He still looks like a little boy in these quiet moments—all rosy cheeks and tousled hair, his small body curled beneath a Lightning McQueen blanket, a raggedy stuffed dog flopped by his pillow.

I run my fingers softly through his hair and say, in my most gentle voice, “Good moooooorning, Alex*. Time to wake up.” And then, like always, my beloved nine-year-old son rolls his body away from me, his blue eyes shut tightly, and says, “SHUT UP.”

This is how our day begins.

This is me parenting my child with Oppositional Defiant Disorder, also known as ODD.

For those of you who don’t know, ODD is a diagnosis given to kids who exhibit “chronic aggression.” To outsiders, they’re the “mean kids.” The “tough kids.” The “spirited” kids. Clinically speaking, they’re the kids who often defy requests or rules, who deliberately annoy people, who blame others for their own bad behavior and who “may seem to feel most comfortable in the midst of a conflict,” according to this article.

For me, having a kid with ODD means that every walk to school is fraught with insults (toward me or his two younger siblings). It means every car ride ends with at least one child crying. It means every day I try my hardest to have patience but, inevitably, don’t. Because how can you not lose your cool when your nine-year-old just told his little brother that he “wished he wasn’t born”—all because he wouldn’t let him play with his yo-yo.

It means all the parenting techniques my well-wishing friends give me won’t help a child who doesn’t think like other children. It means I fail on a daily basis to make my child happy. It means (and this is the part that is the hardest to say out loud) that while I love my child with everything I’ve got—there are times when he’s hard to like.

“Living with a child who has these emotional issues can make life at home astonishingly challenging,” writes psychologist Seth Meyers in Psychology Today. “Daily life can feel relentlessly frustrating, chaotic and draining. At home, this child at, say, age 6, 10, 12, refuses almost all parental demands. They refuse to take a bath; they refuse to do homework; and they refuse to do chores.”

“Witnesses might understandably wonder, ‘How could you let your child talk like that?'” Meyers adds.The reality, however, for parents with this type of child is that they are trying to manage something that feels impossible.”

Much of the time, Alex operates like he’s a spring-loaded trap ready to snap. One tiny mishap may ignite a fire of emotions. One thing that doesn’t go his way can set off a spiral of bad behavior that is only undone by turning on the TV and letting him get lost in it. Yesterday, for instance, he slipped into a puddle after school and then spent the next 20 minutes calling us “idiots” and noncommittally bopping his brother and sister on the head like one those mean cats who swats at you every time you walk by and accidentally ruffle its fur.

The good news? It’s not all his fault. Brain scans of kids diagnosed with ODD suggest that they have subtle differences in the part of the brain responsible for reasoning, judgment and impulse control. And, according to the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, these kids may have trouble identifying and interpreting social cues and, consequently, “tend to see hostile intent in neutral situations.”

“These kids aren’t trying to be ‘brats’ or kids who ‘rule their parents’ lives,'” said author Whitney Cummings in this Psych Central article. “They’re just trying to cope with what their brain has given them as a priority. They feel the need to control their environments in order to feel safe.”

For Alex, it started early. Reeeeeallly early.

I remember going in for a 3D ultrasound when I was just 12 weeks pregnant. The kid hadn’t even been born yet and—I kid you not—he spent the whole ultrasound session tirelessly hitting his tiny hands against my uterine wall as if he were trying to punch his way out. At the time, I found this strangely adorable: Awww, look! How cute! He’s a fighter! But now I think that maybe he was restless from the beginning.

When he was born, he was colicky. He fought sleep and baths. He screamed during car and stroller rides. He didn’t like being held. He nursed fitfully. Around five months old, the colic went away, and we had year or so of relative normalcy: He smiled. He stood. He said “Mama” and “Dada.”

We cheered on his firsts. We delighted in his giggles. We loved his spirit. And then, just before he started walking, he started having these weird spasms where his whole body would shake in bursts. I rushed him to a neurologist, fearing the worst. After a thorough exam, the very kind doctor told me that it was just Alex’s temper. He “just doesn’t like being a baby.” The doctor wished me luck. Because, of course, the spasms went away, but the temper didn’t.

We took him to multiple therapists. We had weekly sessions where he drew pictures of his feelings and we talked about what was happening at home. And while he clearly loved being with us for that one-on-one time, it didn’t change the fact that he argued through every moment of every day. Conflict was simply his resting state.

We considered that he might be on the spectrum. We wondered if he was anxious or depressed. I even Googled “sociopathic symptoms in children,” because, I insisted, surely there was something wrong. Kids aren’t supposed to be this hard. Eight-year-olds aren’t supposed to wish their mommies were dead—their hands pulling pretend triggers in the air—all because they aren’t allowed a Laffy Taffy before dinner.

When finally a diagnosis came, I wasn’t sure what to feel. I had wanted an easy answer, a quick fix. Instead, I got a label that doesn’t really do much except say, “Yep, your kid is mean… and I know you’re exhausted… but now you’re going to have to work really hard to make this better.”

Because if ODD isn’t addressed when kids are young, it can evolve into “conduct disorder,” which is where the big troubles really start (these kids do things like set fires and commit crimes). Thankfully, intensive therapy and parent coaching can help turn kids around before they get there.

It’s going to be a long road. But we’ll be there for him every step of the way because we love him. And when it comes down to it, all we want is for him to be happy.

One of our therapists told us once that our children choose us for a reason. I think about that a lot. I think maybe Alex chose us so he could teach us patience. Understanding. Unconditional love. I know that somewhere inside all that defiance is a little boy who needs us. Who loves us. Who wants to be good. We just have to help him get out.

*Not his real name

Originally published Dec 2021.

To the Mom Parenting a Child with Aggression Issues
The Truth About Parenting a Child with Severe Anxiety
My Child with ADHD Needs Kinder—Not Tougher—Parenting

Mia is a freelance writer and mother of three. She writes about her journey parenting children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder and other related conditions because she wants other parents to know they are NOT ALONE.

Autism Spectrum Disorder became a constant companion in our life one April day a few years back. I think back to that day and realize how naive I was and how unprepared for the journey I was. I wish I could go back to myself on that day with my tear-filled eyes and fill myself in on a little of what I’ve learned so far.

1. It is going to be OKAY.
It will be okay…whatever your version of okay looks like. It may be filled with therapies and mountains to climb and hard at times or it may be smoother with fewer interventions needed. However it looks, you will adapt and you will learn and you will grow. And you will be okay.

We’ve managed to find our stride and what works for us. And is it how I originally pictured life? No. But it is okay and we’re doing alright.

2. Self, please know that your child has not changed.
The world might look and feel a little different right now and that is okay, but your baby is still your baby. Both of my boys are on the spectrum and both of my boys are still the same happy, loving, and adventurous boys they were before a doctor ever uttered the diagnosis that felt like it changed everything. It really took me a minute or two to get that through my head, but it was a valuable lesson to grasp.

3. My child has autism, but it does not define him.
Autism is a part of my boys. It is simply one facet that makes up their whole. It doesn’t define them. They have autism. Autism does not have them. They are smart because they are smart. They are funny because they are funny. They are kind, loving, and stars in my universe because they are them and not because of or in spite of any diagnosis.

4. If you have met one person on the spectrum, you have truly only met one person on the spectrum.
Yes, there are some shared characteristics. Yes, there are common ways in which autism manifests itself in people. But, just like you or me or the person next door, all people on the spectrum are unique too. My two boys are very different and their autism looks very different as well. They are unique. Just because your cousin’s neighbor’s sister’s friend has a child with autism doesn’t mean you know my child or what they need.

5. Subject Matter Expert: My Kids
Just because I am a mother with two boys on the spectrum doesn’t mean I am a subject matter expert on autism. Shoot, I am far from it. What I am an expert on is my boys. I know what works for them. We’ve worked hard to make progress and to find the right diet of therapies. I know what makes my boys laugh or cry and I know when a situation is too much for them. Generally, I can see a meltdown coming from a mile away.

Autism looks different in both of my boys. What works for one doesn’t necessarily work for the other. We’re figuring it all out as we go. But you know what, we’re all going to be okay.

“Don’t give up! I believe in you all. A person’s a person, no matter how small!” — Dr. Seuss

This post originally appeared on How Many Monkeys Are Jumping On the Bed?.

Marisa McLeod lives in Waterville, Ohio, with her husband and four kids. She's a Golden Girls, Disney, and organizational junkie. She can usually be found sipping coffee (or wine), watching reality television, or Pinterest-dreaming her next adventure. You can follow along with her on her blog How Many Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, Facebook, or on Instagram.


Please stop judging me for leaving the office at exactly 5 p.m.; my kids are waiting to be picked up from the sitter.

I know I’m missing this meeting, but my kid’s preschool graduation is more important.

I know I was late today, but I can’t drop the baby off at daycare until 7:45 a.m.

I know that I seem distracted because I am distracted. I have a sick toddler and I am waiting to find out when I can get him into the pediatrician.

I don’t want to look exhausted when I show up at the office, but I have been awake since 4:30 a.m. with an inconsolable kid.

I know that my eyes look glazed over, but I spent the last twelve hours trying to soothe a baby to sleep.

I didn’t mean for my email to seem snippy, but I have a five-year-old that cried this morning because he didn’t want to go to school, and I am worried about him.

Yes, I just banged my head against my desk. I received a text message that my kid has pink eye and I have to leave to get him even though this report is almost due.

I know my eyes are very swollen right now. I spent last night crying because I am exhausted, never get to be alone and haven’t taken a hot shower in five years.

Sorry that I was short with you, but I spent the last hour arguing with a toddler over the necessity of wearing pants to the babysitter.

I know I am supposed to leave my personal life at the door when I come to the office, but when you are a mom to two small kids, that is hard to do.

So thank you to everyone that has given me grace over the last five years.

I could probably stand to give myself a little.

Being a full-time working mom with young kids is not easy.

Thank you to every boss that has let me leave for doctor’s appointments, unexpected sicknesses, preschool graduations, and school lunches.

Thank you to all the people that turned their heads when I was pregnant and had to run out of a meeting to go puke.

Thank you to everyone that has let me know they also had a hard time juggling their work/life/kid balance.

Thank you to the people that ignored my swollen eyes, exhausted face and the spit-up on my blouse.

Thank you to all the other moms that slay it each and every day and motivate me to keep going.

Thank you to the people that encourage me to keep going even though I can feel defeated at times.

Thank you to all the co-workers that have picked up slack for me because I had to make a quick exit to solve a kid emergency.

I know that I am not the only working mom in the world, but I am a working mom and I totally understand what you are going through.

I understand that you feel like you need to overcompensate because you get to work just on time and leave the minute the clock strikes five.

I understand when you eat your lunch at your desk because you have to leave early to get a kid from the sitter to the doctor then back to the sitter and then get yourself back to the office in time for your 2 p.m. meeting.

I understand that sometimes you show up to work looking like you were attacked by a flock of geese because the kids couldn’t find their shoes, you gave someone the wrong color bowl and then forgot to take Sleepy Bear to the babysitter.

I understand that you are tired. Exhausted probably.

But I also understand that you are capable and worthy of so much more than you realize sometimes.

You don’t have to choose between two worlds that you love. You can have them both. You can have a family and a career. It’s not easy, but it is possible.

Yes, the worlds might collide sometimes and make life much more complicated, but it’s worth it.

So don’t stop. Don’t give up. You’ve got this.

And P.S. Not everyone is going to understand. And that’s okay.

Until next time,


This post originally appeared on Hashtag MomFail.
Featured image: iStock 

I am a full time working mom with two little boys, Henry and Simon. I write about real life and real life gets messy. Contributor for Motherly, HuffPost Parents, Scary Mommy, Today Parents, Love What Matters and Her View From Home.