Ahhh. The sweet sound of satisfying silence when the pacifier does its job soothing a fussy baby. But there’s a moment in many parents’ lives when they go from praising the pacifier for the peace and comfort it brings their child (and everyone else in the house) to nonstop worrying over their aging toddler’s attachment to the nuk. So we chatted with a pediatrician, a psychologist, and a child behavior specialist for their insights and tips on the right time and age to call it quits with the paci, and exactly how to do it. For all the parents out there who have ever wondered when to take the pacifier away, these pacifier-weaning tricks are for you.

But First: Why We Love Pacifiers

“Babies are born with an inherent need to suck—the sucking reflex,” says Lauren Crosby, MD, FAAP, of La Peer Pediatrics. Pacifiers do a great job of satisfying that need (and can even give a breastfeeding mom’s nipples a break) while also soothing a baby, especially during times when they’re upset or falling asleep. It has also been shown that using a pacifier can reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), Crosby adds. Not all babies take to pacis, but those who do can really benefit from their simple magic.

Pacifier Weaning Tips

1. Time It Well

Saying goodbye to the binky can be done at almost any time, depending on what works for the baby and the parents or caregivers. But there are some key guidelines that experts recommend. According to Sari Broda, a certified child sleep consultant and certified lactation counselor, a baby’s strong desire to suck drops between 4 and 6 months. At that point, the pacifier becomes more of a soothing object and sleep cue than an actual need, so this is one window of opportunity where you may want to stop offering it. If you don’t ditch the paci in the first year though, Broda recommends waiting until the child is 3 years old; otherwise, taking it away can really disrupt your tot’s sleep. That being said, she has seen some families successfully drop the paci between 1 and 3 years without any major issues.

Crosby notes that using the paci past age 1 can delay speech and inhibit proper word articulation, and past age 3 may result in tooth alignment issues. If your child is getting frequent ear infections (studies have shown a correlation between the two), then you may want to get rid of it sooner. What’s more, some little ones wake throughout the night crying for the paci to be put back in. If that’s not working for your family, then you should feel empowered to stop using the pacifier. Just be sure to avoid the transition right before a major life event, like moving homes.

Licensed clinical psychologist Sarah Bren, Ph.D., urges parents to help their children prepare in advance for any kind of transition, whether it’s saying goodbye to a pacifier, starting a new daycare program, welcoming a new sibling into the family, or moving into a big kid bed. Talk about the feelings they might have and what they can do. “You might feel frustrated if you’re upset and want your pacifier. What can you do instead?” Involving children in the process helps them feel more in control and will tap into their early problem-solving skills.

This advice not only applies to older toddlers but to babies as well. “We need to talk to our kids about everything,” Broda says. “Even if it’s a 6-month-old… explain it to them.” Tell your baby that they’ll no longer be using the pacifier and that you know they’ll still be okay. Your baby may cry for a few nights or struggle to sleep, in which case you might want to do some sleep training, Broda says. But it shouldn’t drag on for weeks because it’s typically an easier transition to drop the paci before 12 months.

With older toddlers, you can have more of a dialogue, of course. Maybe tell a silly story about the pacifier and why it’s leaving your home, or give your kiddo a lovey blanket or stuffed animal for comfort, Broda suggests. Keep the conversation positive and upbeat.

2. Limit Use

If your child is using the pacifier all the time, you can start to limit it to sleep or stressful situations like doctor’s visits, Crosby says. Then you can either go cold turkey by cutting off the tip or acting as the binky fairy and taking the pacifier at night while leaving a gift for your child. If you prefer a more gradual approach, you can help your kid hold a favorite lovey and take deep “magic breaths” together, Crosby says. Or praise your child for their patience as you stretch out the time (first just seconds, then work up to minutes) before you hand over the pacifier. And be sure to do something supportive to help your child manage the waiting, like read together or play hand games.

3. Don’t Link the Pacifier to Being a Baby

As tempting as it may be to tell your child that pacifiers are for babies, don’t do it. They are going to want it sometimes, says Bren, and saying “You’re a big girl/boy now,” will just confuse them or make them feel ambivalent about it all. Normalize the fact that it’s a tricky process and you’ll remove the shame from the experience. And rest assured that this type of development can fluctuate. Your child will feel like a big kid one day and more like a baby the next. And that’s okay!

4. Allow Kids to Be Upset

As with any big change, you can expect your child to feel sad or mad about their pacifier not being readily available. Allow them to be upset, validate their feelings, and reflect it back to them before you plug them with a pacifier, Bren says. Try saying: “You’re feeling frustrated. I understand. We’re not going to have pacis right now. But we can [do another activity, like read a book, cuddle on the couch, hug your Teddy bear].” The idea is to move more slowly and mindfully and to give your child the time and space to feel a range of emotions rather than turn off their distress like a light switch.

And if your child is having a hard time, try to muster as much patience and empathy as you can, Crosby adds. Try to be consistent and calm, even as they’re upset. Then just keep yourselves busy with plenty of distracting activities.

5. Gather Your Support System

This is one of those times when it’s important to reach out to friends and family for support. You could let them know the transition you’re about to make and ask for advice or their help, whether that’s dropping off dinners for the week you’re pulling the paci or babysitting for a few hours while you catch a break.

6. Stick with the Plan

Consistency is very important, especially for older kids, so once you come up with a plan that works for your family, you should stick to it, Broda says. Provide your little one with a routine and predictable expectations to help ensure that saying goodbye to the paci is as quick of a process as possible.

We all have an idea of what we’ll be like as parents, whether it’s influenced by a favorite social media expert or that trendy book on Scandinavian parenting. But you never really know what your parenting style will be until you welcome your first child—and so many factors can influence whether you stick to your plan or it all flies out the window. Seeing the world through your little’s point of view can inspire you to explore your own, and one fun way to do that is by diving into your unique natal astrology. While it’s just one piece of the complex puzzle that is your birth chart, your sun sign—the zodiac sign that the sun was moving through when you were born—can tell you a lot about your priorities, values, self-image, and confidence.  

As an astrologer and the author of Raising Baby by the Stars: A New Parent’s Guide to Astrology, I’m passionate about teaching parents how to use astrology to learn even more about themselves. After all, getting to know yourself better can help boost your confidence as a mom or dad, and who doesn’t want a little more of that? So let’s dive in and look at each sun sign to explain how it colors your parenting style. 

Related: The Best Activities for Toddlers, Based on Their Astrological Sign

Aries (March 21-April 20)

An illustration for Aries for an explanation of your zodiac signs personality and how it affects your parenting style

This fire sign is ruled by Mars, the planet of action and energy, so Aries are passionate, competitive, athletic parents who would ideally prefer to move through life at lightning speed. Keen to be seen as a trendsetter, you’re usually one of the first in your friend group to try the latest baby gear. And as the first sign of the zodiac, your youthful spirit also makes you a kid at heart. You find it easy to strike a playful note with your little one, diving headfirst into all kinds of games—ideally, ones where you can get moving, like relay races or Simon Says—or sending them into a fit of laughter with slapstick comedy. And should your child scribble on the wall with a marker or throw a toy at their sibling, you’ll swiftly let them know that you’re majorly aggravated. But you have zero interest in dwelling on problems that arise, so you’ll work with your kiddo on a solution and move on to the next thing ASAP. 

Parents you’ll click with: Fellow fire signs Leo and Sagittarius share your adventurous, go-getter vibe, while air signs like Gemini and Aquarius can keep up with your zippy pace.  

Parents you may butt heads with: Your direct, no-nonsense, speedy nature could clash with more emotionally sensitive Cancers, balance-seeking Libras, and slow, steady Capricorns. Whether you’re planning play dates with these parents or figuring out a carpooling schedule, you’ll do well to slow down a bit and remember that you’re more effective when you work as a team. 

Taurus (April 21-May 20)

An illustration for Taurus for an explanation of your zodiac signs personality and how it affects your parenting style

Born under Taurus, the fixed earth sign, you’re known for being loyal, dependable, and grounded. You move through life at an unhurried but steady pace and excel at working towards goals one pragmatic step at a time—whether you’re planning a family vacation or potty training. You enjoy being in nature and soaking up the world around you and your kiddo in a mindful way, using sight, smell, touch, taste, and sound to hear the birds and feel the breeze at your family’s favorite picnic spot or playground. And because Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of art, beauty, and relationships, you’re a people person who can easily befriend other parents in your child’s class and a dedicated friend who makes it a priority to keep in touch with your nearest and dearest for decades. As one of the fixed signs, you’re resolute and will see any parenting challenge through. But you can also be stubborn. Once you’ve honed in on a game plan for working with your kid on a milestone, it might be challenging for you to switch things up. That said, at times, making an effort to nurture your adaptability can make for smoother sailing, especially with your partner. 

Parents you’ll click with: Fellow earth signs Virgo and Capricorn are pragmatic and enjoy making actionable, rational plans just like you, so together you’ll feel seen and productive. Meanwhile, water signs Cancer and Pisces share your appreciation for fostering heartfelt or creative moments with your kids.

Parents you may butt heads with: Anyone with their sun in the other fixed signs—spotlight-loving Leo, emotionally intense Scorpio, and group-oriented Aquarius—might be as hardheaded as you, which can set the stage for friction. But when you connect and collaborate with these parents, everyone can learn to be a bit more flexible and open-minded.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

An illustration for Gemini for an explanation of your zodiac signs personality and how it affects your parenting style

Since this air sign is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, Geminis are curious information gatherers. You revel in learning and sharing what you’ve learned with others, including your kiddo, with whom you’re bound to have super-animated conversations from the time they’re tiny. You’re also an adept listener, so as they grow up, you’re eager for them to fill you in on everything going on in their world. Storytelling and reading books with your child—perhaps about travel, given that Mercury rules transportation as well—has likely always been a beloved pastime. And because you thrive on lively interaction, you love making parenting a social experience, whether it’s signing up for group baby classes, FaceTiming with grandparents, hosting regular backyard BBQs, or taking a leadership role for your tween’s soccer team. As one of the mutable signs, you find it easy to switch gears, ditching an activity that just isn’t going anywhere for one that gets your kid all fired up. At the same time, you can struggle with indecisiveness and may be better off focusing your excitable energy on one task at a time. 

Parents you’ll click with: You’ll find fast friends in fellow air signs Libra and Aquarius, who are equally sociable and cerebral, while fire signs Leo and Aries share your joie de vivre and action-oriented style.  

Parents you may butt heads with: Fellow mutable signs Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are just as adaptable as you but tend to have priorities that feel quite different from your own—Virgo is very invested in details, Sag cares about the big picture, and Pisces is deeply emotional. For that reason, you could struggle to connect, but tap into your endless curiosity, and you may find that seeing the world through their eyes proves enlightening. 

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

An illustration for Cancer for an explanation of your zodiac signs personality and how it affects your parenting style

If you were born under the water sign Cancer—ruled by the moon, which oversees emotions, intuition, and how a person nurtures and wants to be nurtured—you’re a natural-born caregiver. A sentimental and loving homebody, you crave a solid sense of security with your child and other family members. Cozy activities like baking, tending to pets, reveling in family traditions, or just plain snuggling up together tend to boost your well-being. Your friends can rely on you to be a compassionate listener with stellar advice on navigating parenthood, especially the emotional side of it. And working through tough issues with your child is definitely your forte. In fact, given your intuitiveness, you’re often capable of getting an accurate read on their experience and holding space for them to move through big feelings. That said, when you have sensitive moments, you might want to withdraw into your shell, pulling back from caring for others to look after your own emotional well-being. Being by or in the water can be especially therapeutic for you, given your element. As one of the cardinal signs, you’re a go-getter who naturally takes the initiative when something needs to get done, whether that’s working on the family budget or refreshing your kiddo’s wardrobe for a new season. 

Parents you’ll click with: You’ll find you have lots in common with fellow family-oriented, empathic, emotionally intelligent water signs Scorpio and Pisces. And earth signs Taurus and Virgo share your passion for mindfulness and nurturing others. 

Parents you may butt heads with: Fellow cardinal signs like airy Libra, lightning-paced Aries, and ambitious Capricorn are go-getters like you but tend to go about their initiative-taking in ways that aren’t nearly as emotionally charged as yours. However, by being open to a different approach and joining forces, you can accomplish a lot. 

Leo (July 22-August 22)

An illustration for Leo for an explanation of your zodiac signs personality and how it affects your parenting style

Born under the fire sign Leo and ruled by the sun, which orients your self-image, you’re a parent who’s charismatic, confident, fun-loving, and driven. Whenever you’re faced with any challenge, whether it’s helping your kiddo process big emotions or setting important boundaries, you generally tap into your seemingly endless reserve of optimism and fierce motivation. At the same time, since Leo is associated with the Fifth House of Romance and Self-Expression, you find it easy to be playful, creative, spontaneous, and even theatrical at times. Because you revel in the spotlight and leadership positions, you’re often the entertainer of your parent-friend group and the one taking the reins on major PTA projects. With the sun’s influence, you’re passionate about encouraging your little one to proudly embrace who they are and feel empowered to share their opinions and feelings. You take great pride in holding space for your child to explore their identity and grow into the unique person they’re meant to be. As one of the fixed signs, you can get attached to certain ideas and routines, whether it’s your child signing up for certain extracurriculars or the family hitting a go-to summer vacation destination each year. 

Parents you’ll click with: Fellow fire signs, Aries and Sagittarius, excite you with a take-charge, zippy, passionate approach that is much like your own. And air signs Gemini and Libra are as interested in being on the go and connecting with others as you are.   

Parents you may butt heads with: Parents with their sun or other placements in the other fixed signs—slow-and-steady Taurus, intense Scorpio, and community-minded Aquarius—are all apt to dig their heels in like you, which means you could find yourselves at an impasse due to a lack of flexibility. Doing your best to be open to compromise is key.

Related: The Parent/Child Astrology Compatibility Chart

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

An illustration for Virgo for an explanation of your zodiac signs personality and how it affects your parenting style

Earth sign Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and information gathering, so you’re a research-savvy, thoughtful, detail-oriented parent with a penchant for planning (you’ve got the lists to prove it!) and taking pragmatic steps to hit your goals. You’re excited by diving into all the studies and articles you can find on a given parenting subject, from the best double stroller to ways to prevent summer slide. And for that reason, your friends and loved ones often lean on you for your advice. Associated with the Sixth House of Wellness and Daily Routine, you’re analytical and health conscious, confidently prioritizing everyday details—like making colorful, healthy meals for your kiddo and working with them to keep their space tidy—to help improve your family’s overall well-being. You also show you care through simple, thoughtful actions, like putting a sweet note in your child’s lunch. And given your Mercurial influence, you’re a bookworm at heart and likely have been since you were little, so you aim to share your love of language with your child through bedtime reading sessions or even making up your own stories together. As one of the mutable signs, you can be indecisive and worrisome but often navigate challenges by tapping into your innate adaptability. 

Parents you’ll click with: Fellow earth signs Taurus and Capricorn are on the same page when it comes to being practical, goal-oriented, and, well, down to earth. You’ll also see eye-to-eye with thoughtful, nurturing Cancers, and analytical Scorpios.    

Parents you may butt heads with: Parents with their sun or other placements in the other mutable signs—buzzy Gemini, philosophical Sagittarius, and spiritual Pisces—are as flexible as you but might also have priorities that are counter to your own. Giving yourself permission to focus on the forest instead of the trees could boost mutual understanding. 

Libra (September 23-October 22)

An illustration for Libra for an explanation of your zodiac signs personality and how it affects your parenting style

Libra is an air sign ruled by Venus, the planet of art and relationships, which makes you an incredibly social parent who deeply values balance and beauty. You will go to great lengths to keep the peace and avoid conflict with your child and other loved ones. So, if your kid is having a complete meltdown, you’re generally a pro at keeping your cool and speaking in a calming, hushed tone (to a point, of course). You’re also quite conscious of how your child’s space contributes to their emotional well-being, so you put a lot of thought into the color of their nursery or the art hanging in your tween’s room. And because Libra is associated with the Seventh House of Partnership, you’re naturally inclined to connect with your kiddo, your partner, or your bestie one-on-one. You love any opportunity to join forces with another person and work towards hitting a goal together. In fact, as one of the cardinal signs, you’re more of a go-getter than you might initially let on. You’re particularly driven to bring people together, hosting super-memorable birthday parties or neighborhood gatherings. And your parent friends can count on you to plan a playdate for the kids that’s enriching and fun, whether it’s a fun painting project or a trip to that pretty new cafe in town. 

Parents you’ll click with: Other air signs, Gemini and Aquarius, are equally social and cerebral, so you’re practically guaranteed some lively conversation. And with their eagerness to connect with other parents and engage with the world around them, you’ll also find fire signs Leo and Sagittarius enlivening. 

Parents you may butt heads with: You can appreciate the initiative taken by other cardinal signs—direct and sometimes brash Aries, sensitive Cancer, and industrious Capricorn—but you’re not quite sure you’re on the same wavelength. That said, you could also be impressed by their unique motivations.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

An illustration for Scorpio for an explanation of your zodiac signs personality and how it affects your parenting style

You’re driven, private, shrewd, family-oriented, and capable of swimming in the deep end of your emotions as a parent, having been born under the fixed water sign Scorpio, which is co-ruled by action-oriented Mars and transformative Pluto. Given that Scorpio is associated with the Eighth House of Emotional Bonds, you’re capable of setting the stage for meaningful bonding time with your little one as a result of your emotional intelligence, ability to feel viscerally and deeply, and desire to connect with those you cherish on a heartfelt level. As one of the fixed signs, you’re dedicated to loved ones, which means you always have a group of parent friends who you’ll lean on for advice and who lean right back on you. You’re also steadfast and resolute, the flip side of this quality being that you might find it tough to divert from a set game plan or tradition. If you had your mind set on your child playing a certain instrument or the whole family celebrating the winter holidays in a particular way and shake-ups occur, you could end up really frustrated. Finding ways to go with the flow can boost your inner peace. 

Parents you’ll click with: Cancer and Pisces, the other two water signs, are equally intuitive and in tune with their emotions, so you’ll easily hit it off with them. Earth signs Virgo and Capricorn are similarly astute and motivated to move toward a successful endgame. 

Parents you may butt heads with: While you respect how other fixed signs—slow-and-steady Taurus, fiery Leo, quirky Aquarius—are as apt as you to dig their heels in, being equally obstinate can make for gridlock. If you can make room for each of your unique styles, you’ll be quite a productive pair.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

An illustration for Sagittarius for an explanation of your zodiac signs personality and how it affects your parenting style

Born under the mutable fire sign Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, the planet of abundance and fortune, you’re a gregarious, free-spirited, glass-half-full, adventurous, and fun-loving parent. You deeply value soaking up knowledge as well as broadening your horizons by moving beyond the mundane and comfortable. This means you’ll often be the first parent to bring your little one along with you on vacation—even long-distance trips—or to sign your child up to learn a different language. Globe-trotting is something you absolutely daydream about and prioritize, so you enjoy trying a wide variety of world cuisines with your kiddo and taking advantage of any opportunity to learn about other cultures. You’re a straight shooter who tells it like it is, which can be helpful in setting expectations for your kid. The only thing is, if you have a sensitive child, you may do well to opt for a softer tone. As a mutable sign, you’re endlessly adaptable and up for going with the flow, but might also benefit from experimenting with sticking to a set game plan and holding definitive boundaries.   

Parents you’ll click with: Fellow fire signs Aries and Leo share your excitability and passion for life, so you’re sure to have a blast together. You’ll also connect with Libra and Aquarius parents who are always down for some lively socializing. 

Parents you may butt heads with: The other mutable signs—lighthearted Gemini, service-oriented Virgo, and deeply empathic Pisces—are flexible like you but might confuse you with their different focuses. If you trade notes, though, you could find you have more in common than you realized.

Capricorn (December 22-January 21)

An illustration for Capricorn for an explanation of your zodiac signs personality and how it affects your parenting style

Traditional, pragmatic, driven to succeed, and eager to put your nose to the grindstone to achieve whatever you set your mind to, you were born under the earth sign Capricorn. Accordingly, it’ll come as no surprise that Caps are ruled by Saturn, the planet of hard work, commitment, and boundaries. As a cardinal sign, you excel at taking the initiative, whether that’s signing up to coach your kid’s softball team or managing ticket sales for the school play. And since you’re associated with the Tenth House of Career and Public Image, you appreciate being recognized by your peers for your persistent efforts. This trait also means you’re especially capable of modeling diligence and work ethic for your littles. And given your Saturnian influence, setting and holding boundaries is also a strength. Your child will feel particularly secure and safe because of the rules you set and stick to. Since you respect and admire your elders, teaching your little ones about their roots and family history is important to you—and can greatly benefit their eventual self-exploration.

Parents you’ll click with: Fellow earth signs Virgo and Taurus are similarly dedicated to rational thought and tackling any parenting issue with a practical, step-by-step plan. And you’ll find that water-sign Scorpios and Pisces inspire you to get in touch with and tap your emotional and spiritual side to turn your aspirations into reality. 

Parents you may butt heads with: Fellow cardinal signs—fast-paced Aries, sentimental Cancer, and social Libra—might also love to hit the gas on new undertakings, but their strategies differ a great deal from yours. That said, by working together and leaning on one another’s strengths, you’ll go far.

Aquarius (January 22-February 18)

An illustration for Aquarius for an explanation of your zodiac signs personality and how it affects your parenting style

Quirky, humanitarian, forward-thinking, and science-minded, you were born under the fixed air sign Aquarius, co-ruled by Uranus, the planet of rebellion, revolution, and sudden change, and Saturn, the taskmaster planet. You’re incredibly proud to be individualistic. But as airy and progressive as you may be, your fixed quality can pop up in the form of black-and-white thinking that can leave you feeling a bit stuck. Leaning on others could be the solution to moving through that feeling, given that Aquarius is the sign associated with the Eleventh House of Groups. You value team efforts, community, and connecting with a diverse group of parent friends, so it’s very important to you that you find your village. And when you’re not leaning on others and working as part of a group (think: organizing a nanny share for you and your neighbors), you’re leaning into your tech savvy to solve problems using the latest apps. This may also mean that you prioritize trips to science museums, STEM activities, and reading with your kiddo about famous scientists like Katherine Johnson and Albert Einstein. And because community is so important to you, you’ll also want to empower your child to use their unique voice to make a difference, bringing them along with you when you dive into volunteer and charity work. 

Parents you’ll click with: Fellow air signs Gemini and Libra get your intellectual, people-oriented style, so you’re at least apt to strike up some stimulating conversation. And you’ll also find harmony with on-the-go Aries and jubilant, free-spirited Sagittarius. 

Parents you may butt heads with: While you appreciate that other parents with fixed signs—comfort-craving Taurus, self-focused Leo, and intimacy-seeking Scorpio—are as resolute as you are, you might feel like they’re just not on your wavelength. Still, working to be more flexible can set everyone up for a win. 

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

An illustration for Pisces for an explanation of your zodiac signs personality and how it affects your parenting style

Intuitive, sensitive, perceptive, and a bit psychic, you were born under the mutable water sign Pisces, which is ruled by Neptune, the planet of spirituality, and Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance. You’re innately artistic and can easily channel your deeply felt emotions into a creative project, whether that’s painting, dancing, singing, or playing an instrument, and this is a skill you’ll be excited to model for your child. One of the mutable signs, you’re able to float from one activity to the next with your little one, but you might struggle to pin down a set routine or schedule that could benefit you all. Your Neptunian influence and Pisces’ association with the Twelfth House of Spirituality also makes you something of a dreamer at heart, so any opportunity for escapism with your little one—like watching a fantasy movie or reading a book bursting with whimsical, magical themes—brings you a great deal of joy. You’re also highly adept at picking up on your child’s emotions, doing your best to offer a helpful solution when they’re struggling. You’ll do well not to overidentify with stress that isn’t your own, as you could easily lose yourself in that experience. Offering yourself the same kind of tender loving care you unconditionally give others is a must. 

Parents you’ll click with: Fellow water signs Cancer and Scorpio are in tune with their deepest-rooted emotions, which makes you feel truly understood when you’re spending time together. Earth signs Taurus and Capricorn might be more pragmatic than you but inspire you to make your dreams a reality.  

Parents you may butt heads with: You and other mutable signs—social Gemini, analytical Virgo, and philosophical Sagittarius—might share the ability to change course at a moment’s notice, but you feel like you have different priorities. Still, you’re all very open-minded, which means that as long as you’re willing to listen, you can learn a lot from one another. 

It’s no surprise that the grocery store is a minefield of toddler meltdown triggers, from the donuts in the bakery department to the chocolate bars somehow placed perfectly at kids’ eye level in the checkout lane. But other than resorting to Instacart for the entirety of their childhood, there’s not much we can do to avoid trips to the supermarket with the kids in tow.

Most parents lay down a few “no” statements or threats before heading in: Don’t touch anything and don’t ask me to buy anything. But parenting coach Destini Anne Davis suggests a way to reframe the experience to give your kids a purpose: “Let’s focus on what they can do rather than what they can’t do. Give them a task.”


Class this sunday!

♬ original sound – Destini Ann

“When we go in this store, you’re going to be the number navigator,” Davis offers as an example of a task she’d assign her child. “I need you to put your binoculars on. And when I say bread is on aisle three, you’re in charge of finding it. That is your job.” Or another option: “You’re the purple person. Every aisle we go [down], it is your job to point out two purple things.”

Related: 8 Phrases to Bring a Toddler Back from the Brink

The sheer boredom of grocery shopping has kids looking for something to do (honestly, we don’t blame them), and by assigning them a role, you’re helping them to stay focused on a positive behavior instead of always asking for a treat. “If you have a child that experiences big feelings, rather than always waiting on the back end and trying to help them process those feelings, it is important for us to curate positive experiences as well. And the grocery store typically isn’t a positive experience,” Davis says. “So it’s okay to trick their brains into focusing on something enjoyable, on something that makes them feel empowered, autonomous.”

If you’re looking for another way to mix things up at the grocery store, let your toddler “drive” the cart by turning it around so they are facing forward instead of backward. This simple trick makes them more engaged in the task at hand and (hopefully) less likely to have an epic meltdown.

Before becoming a mom, I had visions of serving beautiful, family-style meals with grand roasts and colorful salads at the center of the table. In my daydreams, my well-mannered kids gathered around, politely passing dishes and sharing stories about their day. When I actually became a parent, I realized that reality didn’t quite mirror my fantasy. Not even close. Instead, family meals involve tantrums over not liking my offerings, food being flung onto the floor, frequent trips to refill water cups (is any meal complete without at least one full cup spilling?), and a table decorated with scattered crumbs and wet napkins. Meaningful conversations? Yeah right. I know you’re probably tensing up just thinking about this and yes, managing meals with three small children is hectic and challenging. And yet, despite the chaos, I still prioritize family-style meals because I believe they help kids build a better relationship with food and feelings of connectedness at mealtime.

So, what exactly are family-style meals? Simply put, it means placing food in the middle of the table for self-serving rather than individually plating it. The concept behind family-style eating is to grant kids more autonomy at the table and expose them to a variety of foods in a pressure-free environment. While this idea sounds wonderful in theory (as I once believed), implementing it as a consistent routine can prove challenging, often leading to chaos, rejection, and more time cleaning in the kitchen. But if you simplify the process and keep at it, your entire family will come to enjoy mealtime a whole lot more. Here are some tips and tricks to make family-style serving work.

1. Include accepted foods

More than anything, we want our kids to actually eat the food we serve—and they won’t always jump on an adult-friendly dish. When preparing for family-style meals, be sure to include some foods that you know your kids enjoy, especially when you’re first introducing the routine. Serving these ‘accepted foods’ can work wonders in creating a comfortable atmosphere at the table. Try to incorporate options that aren’t too different from the main meal, like plain pasta if you’re serving lasagna. As a bonus, they’re more likely to be open to trying unfamiliar foods when they feel at ease. 

2. Serve smaller portions

Let’s address the elephant in the room: the mess. Though spills are inevitable, there are ways to minimize them. Don’t fill cups to the brim (toddler parents learn this fast) and don’t pile serving trays with too much food. This way, there’s less volume to spill onto the floor. You can always refill a platter if your kiddos gobble it all up (dreams), but at least you know if that serving bowl of rice topples to the ground you won’t be picking up the pieces for weeks to come.

3. Opt for effortless dishes

What’s more frustrating than seeing the food you spent hours preparing rejected by all three of your kids or splashed onto the floor? Successfully implementing family-style breakfasts, lunches, or dinners requires ensuring that it’s mentally and physically manageable for you. Opting for no-fuss dishes means you won’t be toiling in the kitchen for hours, so you’ll likely care less if your kid start a revolt against corn niblets from a can versus your homemade corn casserole. Other ideas include frozen veggies, canned beans, or easy-to-prepare dishes like microwave cheese quesadillas or breakfast for dinner.

4. Invest in splat mats

Another strategy for managing the mess is to streamline the cleanup process. Lay down splat mats or disposable tablecloths under tables, chairs, and highchairs to catch any spills. This not only reduces cleanup time but also allows you to enjoy your meal with the kids without stressing about the aftermath.

5. Select finger-friendly foods

As your kids navigate the learning curve of family-style meals, offer them straightforward options that they can serve themselves with minimal need for utensils. Think choices like chicken nuggets, fish sticks, mini pizzas, and sandwiches. They’ll feel empowered and you’ll have even fewer drips and drops on the table and floor.

6. Try a hybrid

Depending on what you’re serving, sometimes it makes more sense to only offer certain dishes on serving platters. For example, if you’ve made saucy meatballs with roasted broccoli and couscous, plate the meatballs and let the rest be served family style. You can choose your own adventure based on what works for your meal and your family.

7. Ease into it

Not every meal needs to be served family style. Begin with one per day, or even just one meal each week if that’s more manageable. And don’t beat yourself up when it just doesn’t work. Because sometimes it won’t, or you’ll have had a particularly gruelling day and won’t have it in you, and that’s just fine.

A seasoned mom shares all the best ways to navigate the festive season with a wee one

They say it’s the most wonderful time of the year—and it is!—but even at the best of times the holidays can be a tad stressful, from travel logistics and finding the right gifts for everyone on your list to those less-than-subtle comments from relatives. Now throw a newborn into the mix and suddenly the season has an entirely new sense of magic, plus a fresh set of challenges as you navigate ever-changing sleep schedules, seasonal viruses, and an overwhelming number of commitments. As a mom of six, I’ve journeyed through my share of holidays with a new baby in tow (my third was born one week to the day before Christmas, and I really wish I’d had this list back then). Drawing from personal experience and expert advice, here are some tried-and-true tips for helping a new mom survive (or even thrive!) this holiday season.

1. In Good Health

No matter the season, keeping your babe healthy is always priority number one, but it’s especially important to be on guard with a newborn during the holidays. Baby’s immature immune system, large crowds gathering indoors, and the circulation of respiratory viruses make for the perfect storm. Dr. Priya Thomas, founder of Mindful Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine and mom of three, explains the risk. “An adult who just has a cold can pass along RSV, which can become severe in young babies.” Her advice is to steer clear of the crowds, practice proper hand-washing, and ask others to do the same before holding your infant. “Parents should feel empowered in this area, as it’s a matter of the health of the newborn,” says Thomas. But she is quick to remind us that that doesn’t mean new parents need to skip all the fun with friends and family. “This is the time to be creative. You don’t have to miss out on the holiday cheer, just avoid the large holiday parties and opt for a more intimate gathering in your home,” she suggests.

Related: 3 Ways to Protect Your Baby From Respiratory Viruses, According to a Nurse

2. Respond Right

As you spend more time with family and friends in the coming weeks, expect a flurry of questions and offers of unsolicited advice. (Take it from me, this time of year they’re as reliable as busy stores and even busier parking lots.) For example, if your little one’s sleep schedule coincides with a family event, you might hear remarks like, “We never cared about schedules in my day.” While these comments are often well-intended, they may not be helpful, especially when tender, postpartum emotions are swirling. To ease the pressure of responding in the moment, prepare a general response ahead of time, such as “We’re doing what we think is best for our baby.” Give your response with confidence and a smile, then gracefully transition the conversation to a more enjoyable topic. And, if tensions escalate still, take some advice from Theresa Gray, founder of Blooms of Grace Counseling. “If you’re noticing that you’re starting to feel anxious, angry or stressed, it’s okay to step away for a moment,” she shares. “Take deep breaths that fill your belly and relax your jaw and visualize a peaceful scene or memory.”

3. Baby Yourself

This time of year is all about giving, so go ahead and give yourself the gift of a break. “Self-care is often thought of as things like hot baths, mani-pedis, and shopping trips with friends, but those aren’t really the things that recharge us,” explains Gray. “Instead, self-care during this busy and highly sociable season might be to get up before the baby to prepare yourself and your heart for the day.” She continues: “It should include spending intentional time with your spouse or close friends and asking for help and communicating the needs and desires you have.”

a toddler sleeping on their tummy for a story about when babies can sleep on their stomach

4. Respect the Nap… Or Don’t

With all of the added festivities, the holidays are notorious for throwing off routines. As the parent, you get to decide whether to toss your schedule to the wind or politely decline any events that may mess it up. In my early years of motherhood, I took the respect-the-nap-at-all-costs approach. Although I missed out on certain events, I enjoyed the outings I did take because I had a happy, rested sidekick. Now, six kiddos in, we tend to let baby nap on the go, and she generally thrives in the spontaneity. In the end, how much to alter your baby’s schedule over the holidays is up to you and the kind of kid you have. “There is wisdom in keeping to a schedule, as there is a physiological need for that, but some flexibility is good, too,” says Thomas. “I am all about being mindful of what works for your family.”

5. Layer Up

The weather outside can be frightful this time of year, so it’s especially important to dress your little one so that they’re warm and comfortable. Because infants aren’t able to regulate their body temperature yet, they can lose heat four times faster than adults—though that’s not a reason to keep them indoors, no matter how many times your grandma warns about catching your death of cold. “Your baby is not going to get sick from exposure to the cold, but do be mindful of low temperatures and proper clothing,” advises Dr. Thomas. Layering is the key to ensuring your tot doesn’t get too cold or too hot. The rule of thumb: Dress them in the same amount of clothing you’d wear yourself, then add a layer. Also, be sure little’s outfit includes a hat, as the head and face are where babies lose heat the quickest.

6. Travel Smart

If you’re hitting the road this year, it can be helpful to plan your drive around baby’s nap time or bedtime to help you travel in peace. If they’ll be awake for the drive, schedule in lots of stops for feeding and cuddling. If your babe is prone to fussiness in the car, consider a genius travel companion like this: the Baby Shusher. It has consistently calmed our crankiest car-bound babies (and also soothed their hyperventilating parents) for years. Another option is the Hatch portable sound machine, or just turn up the tunes. “Santa Baby,” anyone?

Related: 11 Do’s and Don’ts of Your Baby’s First Holiday Season

7. Toy Time

Now that you’re a parent, it’s time we break it to you: for the next decade, the holidays will be virtually synonymous with toys. So many toys. If you have family eager to load baby up with gifts, my seasoned-mom advice is to skip anything with batteries (a.k.a. noisemakers) and keep it simple. For young babies, an activity mat is a great choice, suggests Thomas. “You can do tummy time on the mat with a newborn even just for a few minutes,” she says. “Look for one with a mirror and different contrasting colorings and textures, things they can touch and feel or make sound.” For older babies, my go-to’s are wooden blocks, hand puppets, and board books, each of which develops their motor skills or fosters imagination and emotional connection.

a mom cuddling a bundled up baby during baby's first Christmas

8. Slow Down

During the holidays, we often feel the pressure of doing more, but this is your permission to slow down. Replace the holiday “ho-ho-ho” with “no-no-no.” “Self-care sometimes means saying ‘no,’” Theresa explains. “You don’t have to do everything and be everywhere. Choose the things that prioritize the health of your family and the reason for the season.” (Read that again if people-pleasing is your kryptonite.) Letting the hustle and bustle of the holidays pass while you soak up the simple pleasures—quietly snuggling up on the couch with your favorite festive bevy and your tiny little elf—may be the best thing you add to your schedule this season.

9. Nobody’s Perfect

Sometimes, the most precious moments are the least perfect. It took me a long time to learn this. For years, I aspired to have the perfect Christmas tree (you know the one, straight from a Pottery Barn catalog), but with so many curious little hands moving things around, I’d have to rush to secretly redo the ornaments each night after bedtime. Now, looking back, I realize that I missed the magic in pursuit of perfection. Learn from my loss and let go of the idea that there is an “ideal” Christmas or Hannukah card, photo, or party. Instead, be present with your baby and enjoy the moment, no matter how imperfectly (or downright messily!) it unfolds.

Sometimes, saying “I’m proud of you” can make all the difference

When you become a parent, you pick up the basics pretty quickly. It’s figuring out how to raise happy and confident kids that can be a challenge as the years go on. What we do know is that positive words for kids will go a long way to help boost their confidence and change their day for the better—sometimes it’s words of encouragement, and sometimes it’s just a simple “I love you.” In that spirit, here are 30 positive things to say to kids.

mom smiling at daughter

1. You make me smile. Telling your kiddo they make you happy is one thing. But telling them they're the reason for your smile will give them happiness and a sense of pride that'll stick around all day.

2. Your words matter. The old saying "sticks and stones" isn't entirely accurate. Let your kids know that words have power.

3. Tell me one good thing that happened today. Focusing on the positive helps keep the bad stuff at bay.

4. Tell me one bad thing that happened today. It’s important to talk about the bad stuff too.

5. I'm proud of you for doing XYZ. When kids hear that someone is proud of them, it has a big impact on them. Think of one positive thing, and tell your little one about it.

Related: The Only 2 Things to Say to Your Kid after a Game

mom hugging her daughter

6. Mistakes happen. Kids are a messy business, and they may ruin the nice stuff you own. But what's more important—material things (just keep the priceless china stashed away) or your kids knowing they can come to you when they make a mistake? That knowledge that you love them unconditionally goes a long way in life.

7. How are you? Asking your kiddo how she feels shows that you are interested in them. Brandi Russell, a pediatric occupational therapist, and parenting coach recommends checking in with your little ones just as you would a spouse or friend.

8. What would you do? This is a great response to kids always asking for help with things. Empower them while giving yourself a break. You may not think much of it now, but that empowerment goes a long way as they grow older.

9. What nice thing did you do or say today? Encourage kindness by reinforcing it daily.

10. Nothing will change my love for you. This phrase may seem self-evident, but sometimes kids need you to state the obvious. Rebecca Eans, the bestselling author of Positive Parenting, believes you can't go wrong with this loving reminder.

Related: 20 Empowering Things to Say to Your Daughter Every Day


11. Don’t let mean people define who you are. There will always be bullies in life. This simple phrase helps kids know that negative voices are not the most important, and it's a lesson they can remember as they encounter difficult people as teens and adults.

12. I like it when you … Even when the kids are driving you crazy, there’s always at least one thing they did that made you smile.

13. Please. If we want respect as parents, then we need to show that same behavior to our kids. Dr. John DeGarmo, a national foster parent coach, advocates parents should always say "please" and "thank you" to model respectful behavior.

14. Clean up your toys, dishes, or whatever is left out. Encourage kids to take ownership of cleaning up their belongings, says Maureen Healy, author of Growing Happy Kids. Even if it’s just one or two items a day, it will help you in the long run.

15. That’s smart thinking. Sometimes hearing you’re smart is even more powerful than telling a kid she looks cute. That early feeling of being called intelligent is sometimes one of the memories kids remember most as they grow.

Related: 11 Important Things Dads Should Say to Their Sons

dad spending time with daughter

16. I like you. Kids may hear the words “I love you” regularly, but do they know you like them too?

17. I’m proud of you. They know you love them. But do they know you’re proud of them too? Author, and clinical psychologist, Dr. Sherrie Campbell believes those words are just as important as affirmations of love to kids.

18. Thank you. Social skills and courtesy are important in the home and outside of it, and they are skills that go through adulthood.

19. I’m sorry. We all lose our temper or make mistakes. Dr. Alison Mitzner, a pediatric specialist, believes what’s important is how we react.

20. Just be yourself. Teach your kids they’re enough, and they never have to be anyone else.

Related: 10 Things to Say About Yourself in Front of Your Kid

mom and son starting the day with postivity

21. I love being with you. Amy McCready is a parenting educator who believes encouraging words and phrases go a long way to help your kids feel safe and secure. Telling your little one how you love being with them is a great positive affirmation they'll never tire of hearing.

22. Do your best. It’s not about the result. It’s about how you get there.

23. Always tell the truth, even if it’s not great. The sooner kids know you’ll still love them after hearing the truth—even if it’s not great—the more truthful they’ll be as they grow.

24. I'm listening. What do you want to say? According to Katie Hurley, LCSW, 57% of girls say they don’t always tell their parents certain things because they don’t want their parents to think badly of them. Show your kids you do care what they have to say by demonstrating you want to listen to them share information with you.

25. You don’t have to eat it. It’s tough to deal with picky eaters. Instead of fighting with your kids to eat their veggies, give them the power to say no and be in control. But don’t provide an alternative meal choice or dessert either.

Related: 7 Things NOT to Say to Your Daughter

a happy inclusive family

26. You make me happy. Because everyone wants to feel like they matter to someone else.

27. I love you. They may be simple, but Jennifer Wolf, a PCI-certified parent coach, believes there's no substitute for these powerful words.

28. What do you think we should do today? Letting your kids have a say in the day's activities will do a lot to keep them feeling satisfied and valued for more than just a few hours.

29. You make a difference... in life, in the family, and at school. When kids hear they're important, they feel empowered and happier.

30. You were right. To let a child know when they were right (and maybe you were wrong) is empowering. 



Keep the shopping small and local and support the women in our city

March is all about girl power. Not only is it Women’s History Month, but International Women’s Day falls on March 8. This makes it the perfect time to support hardworking women, some of them moms, in our community. From circuses in the parks to delightful sugar-filled bakeries, dive into our list of women-owned businesses in Chicago.

Just Some of Our Favorite Women-Owned Businesses in Chicago We Love to Support

Metta Baby
Rachel Harangody's Metta Baby is Chicago's premier infant wellness studio with offerings including water stimulation, infant massage, baby yoga, parent/baby classes, music classes and more. The team is dedicated to promoting early developmental activities starting at two weeks that support motor, sensory, and cognitive skills while nurturing secure attachment between infants and their parents.

1921 N. Damen St.

Kido is a south loop kid's shop with a focus on positivity that sells books, clothes, puzzles and toys owned by husband and wife duo, Doug and Keewa. Along with the responsibilities of the store, Doug is a visual artist specializing in graffiti and murals and Keewa is a performing artist who sings jazz and plays characters. And, their kids are ridiculously adorable.

1137 S. Delano Ct.
South Loop

Oasis Face Bar

Oasis Face Bar
Leila Golding's newly opened Lincoln Park Oasis Face Bar takes the facial out of the spa, making it more budget-friendly and less time-consuming than a traditional spa experience. Her space is bright and beautiful and the estheticians are knowledgeable and friendly, so you still feel pampered. Book you or your partner a facial or schedule a family spa date. It's never too early to teach kids, boys or girls, the importance of a good skincare routine.

2136 N. Halsted
Lincoln Park

Katherine Anne Confections
When this local confectioner isn’t busy making mouthwatering truffles and caramels, it's drawing people with delicious hot chocolate in flavors like bittersweet, semisweet or salted caramel topped with homemade ‘mallows. The secret? Steamed whole milk and a creamy top that has 45% butterfat.

2475 W. Armitage Ave.

Nadia Girl
Owned by local mom, Briana Beazley, Nadia Girl makes tween clothing that not only feels and fits great but also helps girls feel more confident. All of the line’s designer duds are made of sustainable materials, with a portion of sales dedicated to organizations that empower girls through education.

Give Me Some Sugah
A potato chip cookie? Uh, yes, please. Lenore Lindsey is a South Side native who believes the secret to success is to do what you love, which led her to open Give Me Some Sugah in 2008. She's famous for her potato chip cookie, but also loves anything lime and keeps things interesting (and savory) with an ever-changing line-up of homemade soups. Due to health issues, Give Me Some Sugah will be closed Feb. 2-Mar. 31. But, let's show her some love and support when she returns to her beloved kitchen.

2234 E. 71st St.
South Shore

Purple Monkey Playroom
Jessica Roubitchek opened Purple Monkey Playroom when her daughter was just shy of turning 2. She wanted to give families a bright, nurturing destination for young children, parents and caregivers to have drop-in playdates, parties and more. They managed to sneak in a small design-on-a-dime renovation during COVID shutdowns, so they're excited to showcase their upgrades.

2040 N. Western Ave.

The Stork Bag
Chicago mom, Ericka Perry, created the Stork Bag after searching online for a care package to send her pregnant best friend who lived in Florida. When she didn't find anything that fit the bill, she created her own and a business was born. The Stork Bag care packages target specific needs based on where a mom is in her pregnancy or post-pregnancy, and they even offer rainbow care packages for moms who have lost a baby.

Goldfish Swim School
Kathy Ryan and her husband Bob co-own Goldfish Swim Schools in Roscoe Village and Wicker Park. They offer year-round swim instruction to ages 4 months to 12 years in a unique setting with highly trained instructors, small class sizes, shiver-free 90-degree pools and a state-of-the-art water purification system. Families with children of different ages and skill levels can conveniently have all of their swimmers in the pool during the same half-hour time slot.

2630 W. Bradley Rd.
Rosco Village

1930 W. Hubbard St.
Wicker Park

Mimi's Tot's Closet
Mimi's Tot's Closet sells seriously cool threads and some of the sweetest outfits for infants and toddlers you'll ever see. They are located inside Mimi's Vanity Room, which hosts sassy spa, paint and slime birthday parties—they also have a mobile spa service for at-home parties!

8442 S. Ashland Ave.
Washington Heights


Tired of the same old tight, short, and sparkly clothing options for their three girls, Kristen Flather and her husband Fred started Makoshey, a clothing company that focuses on comfy, stylish and durable duds made to keep up with girls who want to climb, explore, invent, dream, run, play and create. Makoshey’s t-shirts are proudly printed in Chicago and feature an ideal blended fabric pairing a super soft feel with reliable durability.

Lolita's Productions
Marisa Díaz-Arc is CEO of Lolita Productions LLC, which curates events that highlight Chicago Latinx entrepreneurs such as Lolita's Bodega's monthly pop-ups at Humboldt Park. They also produce the annual Puerto Rican Festival that celebrates the beauty of Puerto Rican culture. She is also the founder of Dándole Tech, a non-profit organization that provides education and repurposed technology for future leaders in need.

1440 N. Humboldt Park Blvd.
Humboldt Park

Art Makers Outpost
In 2019, Valerie Kahan decided she was done being torn between work and spending time with her kids. She set out to build a business of her own, Art Makers Outpost, an environmentally conscious art makers-space for young artists and adults. They work with local businesses to identify excess materials, recyclables and scraps that can be repurposed into art supplies for the studio.

609 South Blvd.

Essie Marie's Dressings & Marinades
Itiona Scott grew up on the South Side of Chicago, the second youngest of 14 children. Her happiest memories were made in the kitchen watching her mom cook from scratch with zero need to measure. Losing her mom unexpectedly from heart disease at the age of 15 inspired a life-long devotion to healthy eating. Leapfrogging on the unwavering support she received from her mom as a child, Itiona started Essie Marie's Dressings & Marinades, which put a heart-healthy spin on her mom's best recipes.

Anupy Singla

Indian As Apple Pie
Cookbook author and journalist Anupy Singla wears many hats. She’s the author of three books, including Indian For Everyone a regular commentator on NPR, a culinary instructor and the founder of a fast-growing food and housewares company, Indian As Apple Pie. She’s also the mom of two girls. Pay a visit to her website where you can purchase her cookbooks, spices and other products, as well as find approachable recipes. 

Mindy's Bakery
Previously named Mindy's HotChocolate, Chef Mindy Segal of Mindy's Bakery switched things up and is now specializing in handcrafted sourdough bagels and bialys, babka, za'atar challah and seasonal pastries. Lucky for us, Mindy still has a sweet spot for the roasty-toasty drink she serves with a house-made marshmallow on top.

1747 N. Damen Ave.

Brown Sugar Bakery
Stephanie Hart notes that opening her own business, Brown Sugar Bakery, in 2004, gave her more time to focus on being a mom. As she transformed from tech consultant to mompreneur, baking up her "dangerously delicious" cheesecakes, cupcakes, cobblers, cookies and pies, she relished the extra time spent with her daughter. The bakery is best known for its specialty sweets, including sweet potato pie, peach cobbler and bread pudding as well as nearly 20 cake flavors, including German chocolate, red velvet, carrot and turtle.

328 E. 75th St.
Greater Grand Crossing

Le Chocolat du Bouchard
Get ready for sugar bliss. This french bistro owned by Cathy Bouchard serves a wide variety of decadent hot chocolates, along with cases of baked and chocolate goodies. We highly recommend their carrot cake, it's one of the best around.

127-129 S. Washington St.

Monica + Andy
Monica Royer started her oh-so-adorable kids’ and baby shop for the sole purpose of making things better for moms and their babies, focusing on everything from better fabrics to better ways to shop. From this simple concept grew a space where moms come together to not only shop, but bond at one of the many events that encompass singing, dancing, bubbles, music, yoga, laughter and learning.

Various Locations

Toys et Cetera
Learning and play intertwine at Nancy's toy shop, which is located in the historic neighborhood of Hyde Park. It's big on safe, eco-friendly fun that's also educational, developmentally and culturally sensitive. They've been going strong since 1976, so they have their finger on the pulse of what kids like. They seek out good craftsmanship and clever toy inventors.

1502 E. 55th St.
Hyde Park

The Dearborn
Sisters Amy and Clodagh Lawless opened The Dearborn in 2016 after 40-plus years of hospitality experience to provide guests a way to enjoy a working lunch, pre-theater drinks or family dinners any night of the week.

145 N. Dearborn St.

Chicago Boudoir Photography
When Liz Hansen founded her studio, she aimed to offer a Victoria's-Secret-style photoshoot experience for the everyday woman. She believes every woman, in every stage of life and in every size and shape, should feel empowered and celebrated. Her business focuses on a personalized experience for each client, so she limits the number of photoshoots each month to allow time for pampering.

896 Green Bay Rd. Ste. 12

2 Moms Media LLC
Sara Fisher and Caitlin Giles founded 2 Moms Media LLC in 2011 after the dynamic mom duo realized a need to improve how brands reach moms. They work with clients to create and execute integrated marketing campaigns that deliver real results in line with strategy and budget. Their services include media outreach, influencer management, grassroots marketing tactics, events, social media management, marketing analysis, brand positioning and more.

Cat & Mouse Game Store
Owned by LInda Schmidt and Adre LeMoine, this West Loop shop has grown-ups hooked with its focus on games, puzzles and brainteasers. Everyone that works at Cat & Mouse is seriously addicted to games and puzzles and the huge selection in the store reflects that. Staff members are always willing to demo a game and introduce your family to something new.

1112 W. Madison
West Loop

Vicinity Candles Etsy Shop

Vicinity Candles
Annie from Vicinity Candles Etsy shop sells candles inspired by local Chicago neighborhoods, with scents like Lakeview, West Loop, Old Town, Lincoln Park, Andersonville, Gold Coast, Pilsen, Wicker Park and Hyde Park. Each includes an insert that provides a glimpse into the neighborhood history which led to the inspiration for the scent.

Geppetto’s Toy Box
Like Pinocchio, your kiddo will want no strings to hold him down at this Oak Park treasure. Cut them loose to explore art kits, building blocks, puzzles, developmental diversions and lots more. The owners, Brandy and Eric Masoncup, stand behind "slow toys" — back-to-basics playthings that children need time to explore and grow from. To that end, you won't see a lot of beeps, flashes and electronic brouhaha on the shelves.

730 Lake St.
Oak Park


Ashlee creates art prints that empower, educate and celebrate tiny humans.


This hotspot is full of fun and educational finds, and it has a sweet nostalgic twist. Owner Ann Kienzle has worked in the toy biz for eons and stays on top of the latest innovations. She has a passion for the importance of play in a child's life and has created a well-designed space that inspires awe in all who step into one of Play's three shops.

3109 W. Logan
Logan Square

2462 N. Lincoln
Lincoln Park

5311 N. Clark

zpd a

Tai Kojro-Badziak is a partner with zpd+a, a Chicago-based architecture firm with projects nationwide. They focus on adaptive reuse, mixed-use/multi-family new construction, hospitality, senior housing and some residential. During Covid, she created a home studio that doubled as a kindergarten classroom. Running an architecture firm from home while simultaneously homeschooling isn’t for the faint of heart. She and her husband got through with deep breaths, giving each other and their daughter space to feel all the feels, hot baths and a decent amount of wine.

67 E. Madison

Dance Academy of Libertyville
Growing up in Chicago’s northern suburbs, Emily Winkler was pretty sure she’d be a teacher or dancer. Turns out, she was right on both accounts. Besides her day job as Director of Dance Academy of Libertyville, she's mom to yin and yang super duo Chloe and Phoebe, quick-witted, wickedly smart and has an unsinkable passion for encouraging and inspiring young people to reach their full potential.

746 E. Park Ave.

Melissa Salvatore

A Little Photo Studio
Growing up, Melissa Salvatore thought she’d be one of two things: A photographer or she’d live on a farm, wear overalls every day and marry a guy named Bob. Well, some poor schmuck named Bob missed out, because, lucky us, she chose photography. She provides a full-service experience, from photo session to design and print. Her team is made up of professional kid wranglers, designers and masters of printing and editing.

2868 N. Lincoln Ave.


Co-founder Katy Lynch created Coveverse to give kids an impactful first introduction to real programming. Their interactive coding platform, Codeverse Studio, gives kids all the developer tools they need to build real apps and games, giving life to their creative ideas.

Timeless Toys
This Lincoln Square mainstay owned by Martha and Harry Burrows is what we think Santa's workshop looks like—toys, toys, everywhere. Also, a big air of whimsy. Timeless Toys has been around since 1993 and is known for championing educational play. Go for games, puzzles, puppets, trikes, dolls, outdoor games, books and just about anything else your little tinkerer's heart desires.

4749 N. Lincoln Ave.
Lincoln Square

Tia, Hilary and Ana are childhood friends who are focused on maintaining the magic of childhood. Pockimals makes getting dressed ridiculously adorable with tiny stuffed animals equipped with buttons that secure them directly to custom-designed pockets. All items are produced with soft cotton to ensure comfort and no-scratchiness happiness.

Building Blocks Toy Store
Owner Katherine Nguyen fills every nook of her 3 toy stores with play-rich, high-quality toys and books. Building Blocks is known for its deep selection of Thomas, Brio and Chuggington trains, but you'll also discover lesser-known items. You'll find everything from developmental playthings for babies to science kits that grandparents can't keep their hands off of.

2071 N. Clybourn
Lincoln Park

3306 N. Lincoln

2130 W. Division
Wicker Park

Midnight Circus in the Parks

Midnight Circus in the Parks
Julie (Greenberg) Jenkins is one-half of the husband and wife team that created Midnight Circus in the Parks, a traveling circus show that performs under a big top in Chicago Parks every fall. They've raised over $900,000 for Chicago Public Parks to build play lots, provide new equipment and subsidize special programs for neighborhood parks.

Frog Temple Pilates
Randi Whitman was a professional dancer in her 20’s when she ruptured a disc in her spine. While trying to mend herself without surgery, she discovered pilates. Today Whitman teaches her clients how to strengthen their bodies as “a whole picture, vs. pieces and parts”, via Pilates, a form of low-impact exercise that aims to strengthen muscles while improving postural alignment and flexibility. Her bright, airy Bucktown studio offers group classes, private and semi-private lessons, as well as massage therapy.

1635 W. Cortland

AHF Body Chemistry
Born and raised in Chicago, Arnett Faulkner began paying close attention to ingredients in skin-care products when her son was born with severe eczema and she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her research led her to conclude that pure essential and plant-based oils and natural ingredients are best for nurturing the skin. After sharing homemade products with friends, she yielded to the calling and created AHF Body Chemistry, a line of natural and organic whole body products.

Redline Athletics

Redline Athletics Old Irving
Ed and Laura Hosty are fellow parents and lifelong athletes who saw a need for a youth training program in Chicago that focused on speed, agility and strength training with an emphasis on injury prevention. Their new 12,000-square-foot facility trains kids ages 8-18 to become more athletic, more comfortable moving their bodies and more resilient so they can achieve success on every field of play. Redline Athletics welcomes kids across the spectrum of athleticism — all are welcome.

3800 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Old Irving

B Nude Candle Co
Natasha Ellis started making candles as a fun at-home activity with her kids. She enjoyed the collaborative, customized process of candle creation so much, she launched Be Nude Candle Co. Her playful spirit comes out with candle names like Grey Sweatpants, Namaste Away From Me and Tall, Dark & Handsome. For a fun date night or friend night out, consider booking one of her candle-making workshops.

190 N. Swift Rd., Ste. J

On Your Mark

On Your Mark Coaching & Training
Owner and Nike Master Trainer Emily Hutchins started the Youth Development Program at On Your Mark based on the principles of making young athletes better—not only their athletic performance but by teaching them to be well-rounded humans. In order to support sustainable long-term development, kids work on physical and mental strength, mobility, stability, agility and speed. 

1011 W. Monroe
West Loop

Brush Park Gymnasium
Feeling there was a lack of workout facilities that effectively catered to families wanting to maintain a regular fitness routine, mom of two Adrienne Farrel created a space where every family member can have access to high-quality health and wellness. And, she did it beautifully. The stunning facility has all the equipment needed for an effective adult workout, a kid's playspace with a climbing wall, hanging pod chairs, and a magnetic wall and outdoor space for parents to sit, chat and enjoy coffee while the kids play.

4646 N. Rockwell St.

— Maria Chambers

Mug Shots: The Best Places to Sip Hot Chocolate in Chicago

Chicago-Inspired Baby Names That Put the Wind in Our Sails

If there’s one thing the pandemic taught us, it’s that you can never been too careful. It also taught us to safeguard our homes and feel empowered to speak up about what makes us uncomfortable, which is what Maisie Crompton did recently in a now-viral TikTok video.

Following the “rules for when our baby arrives” trend that’s been popular for some time, the expecting mom shared her eight-part list of boundaries that she is instituting when her bundle of joy comes. The list wasn’t outlandish or discriminatory––in fact, it was pretty much common sense and courtesy.

But that didn’t stop people from criticizing the 20-year-old mom-to-be, warning her that she was being too strict or that she’ll be too tired to enforce them when rude visitors show up at her door unannounced. But Crompton isn’t worried, and despite some of the negative Nancys, she’s had plenty of support, too.


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“Honestly as a visiting guest I would feel so much more comfortable being handed this list so I can make sure I’m making the mum most comfortable,” said one comment. Another agreed with Crompton, saying “Love it, 👏🏽 I am the same way and DO NOT CARE who gets offended. Don’t like it?? Don’t visit us.”

Despite her boundaries being just the baseline for being a respectful human being, that didn’t stop tabloids like The Sun and the Mirror from picking up the story. The TikToker has done several follow-up videos on how she plans to enforce the rules, which doesn’t really involve handing over the list to family and friends. She’s actually crafted a thoughtful message that outlines her main priority, which is keeping her baby safe.

It looks like Crompton is already learning a valuable lesson: It’s never too early to protect your children.


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Pride month is just around the corner, but Target has already got a jump on celebrating by joining forces with TomboyX and Humankind to offer gender-affirming (and affordable) undergarments and swimwear in stores. Target is well-known for its brilliant pride display every year, offering gender-neutral clothing, LGBTQIA+ statement and pride wear and rainbows galore. With signature pieces from the TomboyX and Humankind collections being added to the mix, Target is genuinely reaching new heights in the inclusivity and affirmation scenes.

woman wearing Target TomboyX and Humankind clothing line

Haily Marzullo founded Humankind on a mission to create inclusive swimwear. Their website clarifies that products are “designed for every body,” with a “promise to make you feel comfortable and confident so that you can wear what suits you.”

model wearing Target Tomboyx and Humankind collaboration

TomboyX founders Fran and Naomi, two self-proclaimed “tomboys,” wanted to create underwear for people like them. With values that include “advocating for equal representation and celebration of all people” and pride in creating “products for all bodies and needs, of all sizes and across the gender spectrum,” it’s no surprise that TomboyX has become huge within the trans and non-binary communities.


Target’s collaboration with the brands will include swimwear, briefs, bras, boxers, and binders in various styles and colors. And most importantly, it will be a more cost-effective option than many of those currently on the market. Studies have shown that the trans community is among the lowest-paid employees, so having access to these essential garments at affordable cost is critical. The partnership makes it far more convenient by giving people the ability to shop for all of their clothing needs in one place, but these gender-affirming items can be a critical element in promoting body positivity for many LGBTQIA+ individuals.

Studies have shown that feeling affirmed is crucial to the mental and emotional well-being of trans and non-binary folx. According to a research study conducted by the Williams Institute, trans people are at a far higher risk of suicide compared to their cis-gender counterparts. A follow-up on the study done by the American Academy of Pediatrics found that affirmation and support are the leading factors contributing to reducing the high suicide risk that trans and non-binary people face.

The groundbreaking announcement is exciting, but the accompanying marketing campaign further proves that representation matters. Mila Myles, a stand-up comedian who modeled for the collection, spoke about their experience in an interview with Bustle: “It was the first time that I was welcomed and empowered to make other people feel empowered.” They’re hopeful that this collaboration between Target and TomboyX will “redefine ‘commercial beauty’ by hiring different-looking ‘commercial models.’”

The products can all be found online, with some options already making their way into stores. This is a monumental drop as Bustle reported: “Target reps have confirmed that this collection marks the first time the retailer has stocked compression tops in stores—a huge move for queer youth who wouldn’t regularly have access to gender-affirming products.”

Cheers to Target for kicking off pride in an inclusive, affirming way.
