We all know those summer days that are too hot and all you want is to jump through a sprinkler. With these water games, your family will have the chance to cool down while having a blast! Below, you’ll find our favorite water balloon games and water games for kids that will keep your family in cool-down mode all season.

A note about water balloons: as fun as they are, please clean up your little pieces: they can be choking hazards for little birds. Have a few prizes as an incentive to get kids in on a quick clean-up.

If you’re looking for more outdoor summer fun, check out these backyard games, swimming pool games, and games you can play in the dark.

1. Water Balloon Basketball

This easy water game is a slam dunk for any age because all kiddos need to do is point and shoot a squishy water balloon into a larger-than-regulation-sized hoop. To get the game started, have them hold a hula-hoop tummy level, the way you carry a laundry basket. Then line up kids for a turn to score two points. After each tiny baller sinks a splat-worthy shot, trade out the positions so everyone gets a turn. They shoot, and they score on this one!

2. Water Balloon Towel Toss

Bust out beach towels for this easy-to-run toss water balloon game that’s a little like tennis, but without the net or the racquets. Kiddos play in teams of four, where each pair holds a beach towel gently between them, with a little slack. The goal? To toss the balloon back and forth between two blankets without letting it drop… as many times as you can. The team with the most consecutive bounces (we’re betting they’ll be the driest of the bunch too!) wins!

3. Sponge Ball Relay

Get the energy out of your kiddos with a simple sponge ball relay race. Divide your group into two teams, then set up two empty buckets on one end of the yard, one for each team. Place another two buckets, full of water and sopping wet sponge balls, on the opposite end. When the whistle blows, one player from each team grabs a soaked sponge, runs it lickety-split to the empty bucket, and wrings out as much water as he or she can before running back to tag the next player. It’s easy to play this one with a time limit—the team with the fullest bucket wins! Or, until one team’s bucket spills over in victory.

4. Water Balloon Piñata

String up an array of colorful water balloons in the yard (over a tree, from the swing set) to serve as the piñata. Line up the Littles, and let each one take a swing in turn, with a plastic bat, or even a wrapping paper tube, to hit the delicate target and let loose the wild waterfall. Blindfolded or not, this is one guaranteed way to get wet! 

5. Water Balloon Pop!

water balloons for water games for kids
Gabriel Alenius via Unsplash

The kids will clock plenty of giggle mileage when they play this fast-paced water balloon game. Break your group into two teams; each with a heaping bucket of fully loaded water balloons. When you say go—one member from each team grabs a balloon, races down the yard, and tries to pop it with his or her body (think stomping, sitting, or even laying on it!). Guarantee a dousing by having the kids break balloons on a chair, or, let the ground take the brunt of the splash. Once the balloon is popped, it’s back to the start to tag the next kiddo. On your mark, get set, and go

6. Keep Your Eye on the Balloon

For this game, think carnival shooting range—floating balloons being used as target practice. For the set up you’ll need lots of helium balloons and weights that are strong enough to hold the balloons in place when they take direct hits. Spread the targets out on the playing field. Three rows—each a different height and distance from the shooting line—work well. Then, have kidlets step up and take their best shot; each time they get a hit, they get a prize. Bullseye!

7. Squirt Gun Soccer

You should probably start stockpiling super soakers for this one. Little athletes will have a blast with this no-kick version of soccer that trades feet for squirt guns, and traditional soccer balls for a lighter-than-air beach ball. To start this wannabe match, break the group into two teams, and arm each player with a fully loaded squirt gun. They’ll use the stream to move the ball around the field as they try to score (or block) a goal. Set up sports cones at either end of the field so they know where to aim, and then it’s time to play. Go, team! 

8. DIY Soakers

Just say no to broken water balloon bits littering the yard; use sponge balls instead! Just as throwable, just as drench-able, this soft alternative won’t leave behind a colorful mess for you to pick up. It’s Overflowing has the information you need to make your colorful soakers.

9. Cup Races

Think NCAA tourney when you whip out cup races at the party. All the tiny kiddos will get a chance to work their way through the Sweet Sixteen and Elite Eight for a shot at the big time—the Final Four—as they compete head-to-head, racing plastic cups down a string, using squirt guns. Check out the setup and racing details at All for the Boys.

10. Sponge Ball Toss

Got buckets? Then you’ve got all you need for some sponge ball toss. Line the kidlets up facing each other a couple of feet apart, in two straight lines, Madeline style. One holds a bucket, the other a sopping wet sponge ball. The object? Toss the sponge ball into the bucket. The catch? With each successful toss, the bucket holder takes a step back. Once the player misses the bucket, it’s time to switch places. The prize? Soaking in the fun of it all.

11. Kiddie Pool Toe Diving

Put that tiny pool to good use with this water game. Fill it with trinkets, small toys, and pool toys. Then, set a time limit for each player. They have that amount of time to get as many items out of the pool with their toes as possible. The player with the most items at the end of the round wins. Want an adult version of this water game? Use a blindfold.

12. Jump Rope Water Challenge

This three-player water game is easy to play. Give the “jumper” a large plastic cup of water and have each contestant jump rope 10 times. The player with the most water left in their cup at the end of the round is the winner.

13. Under the Sprinkler

You can play classic yard games under a sprinkler for cool fun. Try Simon Says, Freeze Dance, or have kids pretend to walk and talk like different animals!

—with additional reporting by Taylor Clifton


If you’ve been putting off the day when you clear the clutter from your kids’ room, it’s time to take action. Tackle your kids’ bedroom or playroom—the spaces that require daily work to keep clean—with a real plan of attack. We asked the experts to weigh in and offer tips on how to clear the clutter and keep things organized (for real). From prepping for the big day to what you need to toss out, here’s our guide on how to clean out your kids’ room.

How to Prep for the Day You Clear the Clutter

1. Make a plan.

you need a plan to clear the clutter

A good way to start is to identify what you want to accomplish while cleaning. Are there a lot of old toys that can be given away to a friend or sold at a garage sale? Does your kid need more space for books? Write down the tasks you want to tackle, and you’ll feel better about the job.

2. Start where you are.
It’s the secret motivational boost for what can feel like a daunting task. As contributor Jennifer Landis recommends, any spring-cleaning project should start with one room, and look—you’ve got your kid’s room already picked out. Whether you tackle an all-purpose bedroom or have a designated playroom, grab your “to keep,” “to donate,” and “to toss” bags, and get going!

3. Move out.
If it’s been a while since you’ve vacuumed under that epic fort in the corner, it’s time to move things around—or at least to the middle of the room. It’s not only the best way to clean out nooks and crannies, but you’ll be more mindful of what you bring back in.

Related: The Secrets Professional Organizers Use to Stay Sane & Clutter-Free

What to Toss While You’re Cleaning

1. Random tiny toys.

Nik via Unsplash


All those little plastic toys your kids get while cruising the petite party circuit? If it hasn’t found a place of honor in your kid’s play rotation yet, toss it.

2. The last of the baby gear.
Do you still have a nursing pillow in the closet? How about an activity gym or a Bumbo seat? If you’re done adding to your family, it may finally be time to pass these on to newer mamas or donate to those in need. And upcycle! Add flair to formula or diaper wipe containers for extra storage or paint those baby food containers for a color wheel crayon organizing system. Check out more clever ways to upcycle old baby gear.

3. Anything broken.
No matter what project you’ve undertaken, little feels better than being on a roll, so start with easy toss-ables, such as anything broken. That play purse that lost its handle. Those three missing parts that don’t add up to anything. Crayon stubs you know you’ll never melt into little DIY gifts. Clear all that clutter and enjoy the immediate breathing room.

4. Stuffies that aren’t lovies.
We’ll admit it, this one is going to be a battle, but if your little hoarder is old enough to rise to the task without suddenly growing inseparable from each stuffie you attempt to discard, then this presents a wonderful opportunity to donate those in good condition.

5. Too-tiny clothes and shoes.
Kids grow fast in the early years. Before we know it, the pants are too short and the shoes are tight. Take honest stock of what your kid wears (oftentimes it’s a few favorite outfits), and purge what’s outgrown, stained, or simply not your kid’s style. You can even go the capsule wardrobe route, check out our tips on how to make it happen here.

6. Odd socks. 
It’s a mystery as to where they all go, but we do know that socks love to disappear. Accept the fact that, for some reason, they’re gone, and toss the solo sock. You’ll have more space in your drawers and it’ll make laundry day much more pleasant.

7. The endless piles of paper.
Royal crowns from birthdays gone by? Notebooks long ago scribbled in? Coloring books of yesteryear? How about all those school Valentines or party favors? Take a quick flip through for anything indicative of early artistic genius, then recycle, recycle, recycle.

8. Outdated wall decor
Have you changed your preschooler’s wall art since you set up the nursery? Every few years, it’s nice to switch things up. If you’re still planning to add to your family, put the sweet baby giraffe print in storage with the Rock ‘n’ Play, and update the walls. Etsy has thousands of affordable printables, or you can clear wall space for an educational mural from Wallsauce. Here are other great ways to design a kids’ room that grows with them.

9. Ripped, broken books and board books (if your kids are beyond the baby stage).
Like little bodies outgrow clothes, big minds and imaginations outgrow books. If your bookworm’s shelves are bursting, it’s time to save a few sentimental titles and donate the rest.

How to Keep It Clean After You Clear the Clutter

1. Pick up regularly.

Now that most of the hard work is over, save time in the future by going through this clean-up process regularly, especially after birthdays and holidays, as NEAT Method recommends. Read on for other great pro tips and secrets to organizing success from moms.

2. Don’t micromanage the small stuff.
Toys and parts often migrate under the couch, appear underfoot, and end up right on your last nerve. While these Shopkins and snap-ins may be tiny, they need a big home. Rather than spend time every day re-assigning them to individual containers, consider one big bin or this fun Swoop Bag, which also works wonders for LEGO, train sets, and play food. The best part? Clean-up is a cinch, even for mini-mess makers.

3. Don’t go overboard on storage.
It’s a little counterintuitive, but hear us out. We are all for stylish, sensible ways to organize—and storage solutions are certainly keys to a clean room—but any additional containers are bound to fill up. Work with what you have to minimize excess—the answer isn’t always to store it.

4. Save the sentimental stuff.
Parents, we are one of the biggest reasons it’s so hard to clear out what our kids have outgrown—physically and developmentally. It’s emotional! We remember when he walked off to his first day of kindergarten in that sweatshirt or that toy dinosaur she carried everywhere for a year. Select choice pieces for cool and surprising ways to repurpose the sentimental stuff.

5. Upcycle “new” toys.
With everything streamlined, the last thing you or your budget want to do is rush to fill it up with new stuff. The next time the kids beg for the latest, get creative! Sand-filled juice boxes make for awesome stacking blocks and corks morph into stamps. There are loads of great reasons why you should be upcycling anyway.

6. Use the “out of sight, out of mind” method. Have a place to stash the toys they haven’t played with in a while and give yourself a time limit. If the time has passed and no one has asked for it, you can donate or toss it. Get more on how to make this work here.

7. Let (some) clutter go.
At the end of the day, it’s a kid’s room. It should look like a kid lives, plays, and imagines there, which means extra stuff is sometimes just part of the fun, messy wonder of it all. So relax, and remember that the next time clutter accumulates.

If you’re considering ditching the over-the-top birthday parties and taking it back to when all you needed was a blindfold and some balloons, we dug up nine birthday party games to help bring back the simple days when you partied with your pals. Easy for everyone to play and always a blast, these games are classic for a reason. All that’s left is to supply the birthday snacks!

If you’re looking for more games to play, check out our favorite backyard games old-school yard games, and water games for kids.

The Best Birthday Party Games for Kids

1. Pass the Parcel

A dressed-up version of Hot Potato, kids toss the mega-wrapped “gift” from hand to hand—when the music stops, a layer gets unwrapped. Choose to put a surprise in every layer or wait until the end!

2. Clothespin Drop

Remember when people actually used clothespins to hang up clothes? We do too. These days, all that hand-eye coordination you’ve been working on will come in handy during a round or two of Clothespin Drop. Kiddos stand above the jar, touch the clothespin to their nose and drop away. It’s up to you how many chances each player will get!

3. Balloon Bust

Doesn’t take much to get the ball rolling on this classic birthday party game. Add a little surprise to each balloon for a bonus, then pass them out. Kids can use any means necessary except their hands.

4. Bucket Toss

You can’t go wrong with carnival games and the bucket toss is an all-time favorite. Line up the prize-filled buckets in a row. Each kid who power-slings a ball into a bucket is the proud owner of the goodie waiting to be plucked up. Opt for three turns each, otherwise, there could be a lot of standing (or wiggling) happening!

5. What’s the Time, Mr. Wolf

If this classic birthday party game doesn’t ring any bells for you, parents, think Red Light, Green Light with a lot more shrieking and mad dashing. A total blast, even for young kids, this is a must-try at your next kiddie bash. Want to know how to play? We love the simple instructions offered up by Childhood 101.

6. Bobbing for Apples

It’s an original—and still hilarious. Cold water, slippery fruit, and no hands allowed. Bring on the giggle-fest!

7. Blind Man’s Bluff

Before they start in on the piñata swinging in the trees, use that blindfold for more fun. Playing this version of tag is easy but rules vary, so opt to either have everyone play each round and keep going or have the “tagged” person sit out until everyone is out. It’s up to you!

8. Peanut Hunt

It’s like an egg hunt without the mass amounts of sugar. Spread out enough peanuts so each kid will be able to fill a cup. Got kiddos dealing with allergies? Swap out the nuts for tootsie rolls, instead.

9. Button, Button: Who’s Got the Button?

Getting hotter, hotter, boiling, hot! It’s an old-fashioned guessing game of the simplest design, which makes it perfect for parties. The seeker gets hints from those sitting around as to the top-secret location of the button.

Related: 52 Totally Funny Birthday Jokes for Kids & Adults

Did you know the Wright Brothers’ path to flight started with a toy?

Do you know when the first airplane was flown, and where? Known as the pioneers of modern flight, the Wright Brothers were inventors from a young age. In fact, their road to being the first to launch a controlled, engine-powered airplane began with a toy from their dad. Read on for 18 cool facts about the Wright Brothers you might not already know. 

learning interesting facts about the Wright Brothers
Library of Congress/Wikimedia Commons

1. Yes, they were actually brothers. Wilbur Wright was born on April 16, 1867, and Orville Wright was born on August 19, 1871.

2. They decided who would fly first with a coin toss. Wilbur won the toss, but his first attempt failed. Orville went second and managed to fly for 12 seconds. 

3. Their mother, Sarah, was very mechanically inclined. Her own father was a carriage maker, and she spent a lot of time in his shop. She made her own appliances as well as toys for her children. The Wright brothers consulted their mother’s advice regularly as they designed their own machines.

4. In 1878, when Wilbur was 11 and Orville was 7, their father gave them a helicopter-like toy to share. It was based on an invention by Alphonse Pénaud and was made of paper, bamboo, and cork with a rubber band to twirl the motor. The brothers later said this toy was the beginning of an obsession with flying machines.

5. A little-known fact about the Wright Brothers was that neither brother ever married.

Wikimedia Commons

6. In 1889, Orville and Wilbur started a newspaper printing business. In 1892 they opened up a bicycle repair shop. They designed their own bicycle with custom features like an oil-retaining wheel hub and coaster brakes, things still used today in modern bikes. 

7. One of the newspapers they printed, The Tattler, was for the African-American community in Dayton, Ohio.

8. The Wright Brothers made life-sized copies of their beloved helicopter toy with the intention of making an aircraft that would hold them both.

9. They also made gliders of increasing size, which they tested over several years and flights. These glider planes put to test theories about wing-warping. By twisting the wings in different directions, they began to see how an airplane could be controlled.

10. On Dec. 17, 1903, the brothers successfully launched the world’s first airplane. The Wright Flyer I. It was made of spruce and had propellers and a specially designed engine cast mainly from lightweight aluminum. It was the first controlled and powered flying machine that could fly with the weight of humans. From this design, the modern airplane was born.

ohn T. Daniels [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

11. The Wright Flyer I cost about $1000 to make.

12. They tossed a coin to see who would fly first, and Orville won. 

13. The Wright Brothers only flew together once (though both piloted the planes individually): on May 25, 1910, they took a six-minute flight piloted by Orville with Wilbur as his passenger.

14. On that same day in May, Orville took his 82-year-old father, Milton, on a seven-minute flight. They flew at a height of about 350 feet.

15. The Wright Brothers established the world's first test flight facilities (which is now known as Wright Patterson Air Force Base) near Dayton, Ohio. 

16. One fact about the Wright brothers is that neither brother attended college or even obtained a high school diploma.

17. When Neil Armstrong took his world-famous trip to the moon, he had pieces of fabric from the 1903 flyer in his spacesuit

18. Ohio and North Carolina often battle over which state is truly the "birthplace of aviation."

Related: 47 Quirky & Fun Science Facts for Kids


Take advantage of the seasonal fresh tomatoes and basil with this easy recipe from Leah’s Thoughts that encourages you to toss any ingredients you have in the fridge. We suggest adding veggies or chicken to this tomato basil pasta recipe to make it a little heartier.


Ingredients for Tomato Basil Pasta Recipe:

Olive oil, roughly 1/4 cup
Fresh tomatoes, roughly 2 cups, chopped
Fresh basil, roughly 1/2 cup, chopped
Fresh garlic, roughly 2 tablespoons, chopped
Salt and pepper
Cheese (Parmesan or fresh mozzarella if you’ve got it)
Pasta (whatever you want, though Penne works well)


1. Cook your choice of pasta according to the directions on the package and set aside.

2. Heat olive oil (roughly 1/4 a cup) in a large pan over medium heat.

3. Add the chopped tomatoes, simmer for a few minutes, then add the garlic, salt and pepper.

4. Let the sauce simmer until tasty (try it). Then add the fresh basil, and pasta and top with your choice of cheese.

Leah Singer is a freelance writer and a practicing speechwriter. She shares many family-friendly recipes, as well as stories of motherhood, craft ideas, writing, and other such topics at Leah’s Thoughts. Read more about Leah at: leahsthoughts.com.



If you think that Pasta Carbonara is a dish you can only have in restaurants, you’ll be shocked to see how simple making it really is. Here to break down the steps for any home cook are Gayle Pirie and John Clark, Chefs and Co-owners of Foreign Cinema in San Francisco. Read on for the full recipe.

Ingredients for Pasta Carbonara:

1 pound (or just under) long noodles (spaghettini, fettucini, or linguine)
6 thick slices of smoky bacon
2 Tablespoons pure olive oil
4 eggs
Salt to taste
A chunk of Parmesan cheese, freshly grated
Freshly ground black pepper to taste


1. Bring lightly salted water to a boil in a large pot. Cook the noodles until tender but firm.

2. While the noodles cook, dice the bacon and cook it in the olive oil until just lightly crisped in a medium sauté pan. Pour off the excess fat, reserving 4 tablespoons in the pan.

3. In a bowl, beat the eggs and season with a little salt.

4. Drain the noodles, saving about 2 tablespoons of water for later. If the pan has cooled down, warm it up again right before adding the noodles.

5. Add the noodles to the warm bacon in the pan; thoroughly toss with the oil and bacon, and season with salt. Work fast and pour the beaten eggs onto the warm noodles and mix well to coat the noodles.

6. Add the reserved pasta water if the noodles look dry. The heat of the noodles and the pan will thicken and set the eggs. If there is not enough heat, turn the burner on very low, just to warm the noodles, then turn it off. Too much heat can scramble the eggs.

7. Once the noodles, egg, and bacon are well mixed, add freshly grated Parmesan cheese, and stir. Freshly ground black pepper is an essential addition. Serve in warm pasta bowls.


Partners Gayle Pirie and John Clark are two highly original talents who have been deeply involved in the competitive and innovative ferment of the San Francisco restaurant scene for over two decades. Today, Pirie and Clark are the chef talent, and owners behind the very popular and exciting dining destination- Foreign Cinema. In addition to Foreign Cinema they have published two cookbooks, Country Egg, City Egg in 2000 and Bride and Groom in 2006.



Trader Joe’s is to you what the LEGO store is to your kids. A land of possibility that both delights and overwhelms. That’s why we’ve found eight simple dinner recipes to help you navigate Trader Joe’s landscape. From a five-minute meal even your Insta-pot can’t recreate to a fortified version of everyone’s favorite Mandarin Orange Chicken, these dishes will keep you warm and sane when the snow flies.

Tortellini Soup with Kale & Sausage

Gabby Cullen

Wondering how to use up all that kale sitting in your bin? This simple stew-like recipe is perfect for cold winter nights, and the kids love it! Simply saute white onion and the sliced up sausage in a bit of olive oil until the onion is soft and the sausage has browned. Add the chicken stock or broth and bring to a boil. Then, add the tortellini and reduce heat to a simmer for about four minutes. Finally, toss in the chopped kale, let it wilt and then top with parmesan cheese. 

Warm Winter Salad

dinner hacks, trader joe's, healthy family recipes

This easily assembled winter salad takes advantage of the fruits (and veggies!) of the season. It’s hearty enough to serve as a main dish but can double as a side just as easily. The trick? The warm vinaigrette dressing you whip up ahead of time and pour over a package of Trader Joe’s Cruciferous Crunch bagged salad mix to soften it up. Top the now slightly wilted salad with sliced yellow beets, edamame and pomegranate seeds that all come prepped and ready to go. Then throw on your favorite winter citrus (we’re partial to grapefruit) before serving. This dish hits all the healthy notes!

Chicken Alfredo with Linguine and Broccoli

Gabby Cullen

Give your go-to alfredo sauce a seasonal boost with this new harvest version that's made with lots of cheese, cream and plenty of fall flavors. Simply warm up the sauce on low with ready-made chicken strips, toss it with a bag of linguine and add some steamed broccoli on the side. Dinner is done! 

Classic Fondue

dinner hacks, trader joe's, healthy family recipes

Trader Joe’s is on a mission to bring fondue back. We’re loving it because busy parents can throw this cheesy meal together faster than your Insta-pot can say “ready, set, go!” Simply heat a container of Trader Jacques’ La Fondue (made with three savory kinds of cheese) in the microwave for about five minutes. Let it sit for one or two more, and then bring it straight to the table (psst … no dishes or special cookware are part of this easy-peasy meal’s appeal), where you can have fresh fruit, veggie, and French bread pieces waiting. The only thing that would make this meal better is a matching container of chocolate fondue for dessert!

Butternut Squash Soup

Bring your best winter soup game with this lighting-quick meal that’ll warm your mini crew up from the inside. It starts with a box of Trader Joe’s butternut squash soup heated through on the stove. It finishes with all kinds of scrumptious, seasonal toppings your little chefs will love to toss into this healthy soup base (We’re digging dried cranberries, sour cream, and pumpkin seeds, but green onions, almonds, and goat cheese might be just as good!). Cater your topping choices so everyone in the fam gets to ladle up a bowl of their favorite flavors. Pair it with a box of Raisin Rosemary Crisps, and you’ve got the easiest, tastiest soup you’ve ever made.

Fortified Mandarin Orange Chicken

You know your little foodie will gobble this one up no matter what the season. So why not turn it into a filling dish that meets your kiddo’s daily veggie requirement too? It’s easy to beef it up with winter greens like broccoli, peas and green peppers. Follow SOP for stovetop prep when you’re cooking the chicken and sauce. Throw in chunky green peppers and broccoli florets for the last few minutes, and cover your saucepan so they steam a bit, and then swirl in a handful frozen green peas just before you serve. Your little chef won’t know what hit her!

Individual Pizza Pies

dinner hacks, trader joe's, healthy family recipes

Pizza is always a hit in your house, but deciding on toppings is where you hit a snag. Overcome the great pizza debate by making simple individual pies for your half-pint and better half this winter. Use Trader Joe’s frozen naan bread, covered with your favorite pizza sauce to start. Then let everyone pile their must-have toppings onto pre-shredded mozzarella. Mushrooms, olives, pineapple, pepperoni. It’s all fair game here. It takes about 5-7 minutes in a preheated 400-degree oven to turn the cheese nice and bubbly. That’s when you know they’re ready to bring to the table!

Winter Rice Bowl

dinner hacks, trader joe's, healthy family recipes

You’ve been looking for an excuse to try Trader Joe’s new Everything But the Bagel seasoning, so we came up with one for you. Make it the primary flavor of this simple winter rice bowl that combines seasonal squash and broccoli with Trader Joe’s precooked, frozen chicken. Cook the chicken, squash zig zags and broccoli on their own (psst ... it’s easy to throw a personal spin on this bowl by subbing your seasonal faves in lieu of ours). Then zap the three-minute miracle bag of TJ's Organic Brown Rice in the microwave before tossing it into a bowl. Top the rice with fixings and then get down to seasoning it to your liking. Serve it mixed together or leave the separate parts atop the rice.



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When it comes to giving gifts for the holidays in 2021, you want to give Dad something he’ll treasure . . . and use. We asked our editors what they’re giving the papas in their life, from the practical to the personal. Read on to see the unique gifts for dads they’re gifting this year.

GrowlerWerks uKeg Carbonated Growler

$179 as shown BUY NOW

Keep your favorite beer cold, fresh and carbonated for up to two weeks with this pressurized growler. Not only does it look good on your counter, but you can choose your desired carbonation level for optimal refreshment.

Dr. Squatch Star Wars Limited Edition Soap


This sustainably sourced soap has no harsh chemicals and is inspired by your favorite Star Wars characters.

Hydro Flask Soft-Sided Cooler

$89.95 BUY NOW

The days of lugging a heavy plastic cooler are over, thanks to this stylish backpack that's deep enough for plenty of juice boxes (or wine bottles).

Oculus Quest 2 VR Headset

$399 BUY NOW

Dad can take his gaming to another level when he jumps into VR with this set. He can also immerse himself in a concert or sporting event, get moving with a fitness program and travel all over the world. Be warned: the teens are going to want to borrow it, for sure.

California Cowboy PCH Full-Zip Hoodie

$148 BUY NOW

Dad will love all the bells and whistles that come along with this ultra-durable hoodie like the sunglasses loop, bottle opener pocket and dry pocket. Plus, the style can't be beat.

1000-Piece Van Life Puzzle


This will be a fun puzzle for the family to put together over winter break. You can feel good about giving a gift from this women-owned family business that donates a portion of proceeds to marine conservation initiatives.

Solo Stove Bonfire

$250 BUY NOW

It's always a good night for s'mores when you have this smokeless, portable fire pit.

Ted Lasso Mug


On those days when he's just not feeling it, Coach Lasso will cheer him right up.

Ghostbusters Plasma Series Ecto-1

$100 BUY NOW

Dad will love this blast from the past Ghostbusters collectible vehicle that will look awesome displayed on his office bookcase.

The Periodic Table of Hip-Hop


A whopping 223 artists appear on this poster that's sure to garner compliments from unsuspecting house guests.

Bellroy Tech Kit


Keep all those cords organized in style with this zip-around pouch.

MEATER Plus Wireless Meat Thermometer & Apron

$100 BUY NOW

Get Dad geared up for grilling with this thermometer that he can monitor via an app. It comes with an apron that any dad would be proud to wear at the grill.

Peace Pies 12-Pack

$100 BUY NOW

Yes, there's a smaller (less-expensive) option to get these treats shipped to your home, but take our advice and go big. With flavors like Pecan Pie and The Elvis, you're going to wish you gifted this to yourself.

Vuori Sunday Performance Jogger Sweatpants


Yes, these joggers have a cult following. And yes, they are as good as you thought they'd be. Immerse dad in jogger culture this holiday season.

Winston Set from Harry's


Upgrade his shaving routine with German craftsmanship. This classic set will become a favorite in no time.

Nintendo Switch OLED Model

$350 BUY NOW

For the dad who has to have the newest everything, meet the OLED model. The 7-inch screen is nothing he's seen before.

—Kate Loweth & Editorial Team

Editor’s Note: Prices and availability reflect the time of publication. Images courtesy of retailers.

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If you love everything about IKEA, including how it smells of meatballs and deals, you’re in for a treat! To celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the IKEA U.S. Family Program, the beloved Swedish retailer is releasing a limited edition HUVUDROLL Meatball scented candle! And if you’re an IKEA Family member, you can enter to win one as part of a “Store in a Box” package starting August 6.

The Store in a Box promises “the best, most recognizable pieces of an IKEA store to bring home,” including the meatball candle. If the cute blue packaging is any indicator, you’ll definitely want to toss your name into contest consideration. Plus that candle is a must-have!

IKEA is also running a number of deals to commemorate the anniversary. You’ll score $50-$100 off BRATHULT sofas, 40% off SISSIL cushion covers, 25% off SILKEBORG, MEJRUP and VEDTOFTE rugs and 20% off select FNITTRIG plant pots, among other discounts. Visit the website for the full list of deals, including in-store only offerings.

Finally, if you shop August 14-15 and spend $100 or more, you’ll receive one of the signature big blue bags to take home! Move on over, back-to-school shopping, because IKEA is making a real power move!
—Sarah Shebek

Featured image courtesy of IKEA



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