Parenting tweens and teens comes with its own unique set of challenges—from when to let your kiddo get their ears pierced to ongoing debates about access to smartphones and supporting them as they deal with the highs and lows of adolescent social lives. Because they’re deep in the trenches of figuring out who they are, it can be tough to keep tabs on their ever-evolving interests, friend groups, and behaviors. That’s where natal astrology can come in handy. While their sun sign—aka the zodiac sign that the sun was moving through when they came into the world—is just one piece of the multilayered puzzle that is your child’s birth chart, it can offer you valuable intel into what makes them tick because it speaks to their core identity, self-image, and confidence. 

As an astrologer and the author of Raising Baby by the Stars: A New Parent’s Guide to Astrology, I’m passionate about teaching parents how to use astrology to gain more insight into their child’s distinct perspective. This helps you hold space for your adolescent to evolve into their most centered, self-assured selves. So let’s dive in and look at each sun sign to explain how it colors your big kid’s personality and how you can best support them.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

A symbol for Aries, one of the 12 sun signs

The sign of the Ram is ruled by Mars, the planet of action and energy, which means your Aries kid has a surplus of beans to burn through. They tend to be drawn to all kinds of physical activity, so they might be super involved in school or community athletics or eager to do their own thing, whether it’s going for runs or riding bikes with friends. Their competitive nature means they love any pursuit where someone is declared #1. As the cardinal fire sign, they’re innate go-getters who have a big-picture vision of what they want to achieve, from straight As to being voted class president. As driven as they may be, Aries is the first sign or “baby” of the zodiac. In other words, they’ll exhibit a wide-eyed, innocent sense of wonder that lasts well beyond their younger years, so expect to enjoy being playful and laughing a lot with your dynamic Ram. You’ll just need to watch out for the fact that their tendency to move at a face pace can mean they’re apt to be impulsive. Encouraging them to slow down and get grounded before making, well, just about any move will benefit them tremendously now and down the road.

Taurus (April 21-May 20) 

A symbol for Taurus, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the sign of the Bull and ruled by Venus, the planet of luxury, art, and beauty, you’ve probably noticed that your Taurus kid is an unhurried, grounded creature of habit. Sure, that might be another way of saying stubborn, but take heart from the fact that they’re far from the only fixed sign. (The others are Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.) Their fixed nature does make them obstinate at times; they’ll dig their heels in when it comes to taking the same lunch to school every day or wearing that one pair of jeans over and over again. But try to bear in mind that they do this because they’re extremely protective of anything that brings them a sense of comfort and security. And there is a silver lining to being the fixed earth sign: Your kiddo is truly pragmatic and resolute. Once they’ve made up their mind to try out for the soccer team or learn how to play the clarinet, they’ll stick to it. Taureans are also known for moving at their own often-snail-like pace and nudging them to hurry up may backfire. One of the best ways to bond with your Bull is enjoying a leisurely activity out in nature, like a curated picnic with lots of yummy, gourmet bites or a walk through the botanical garden.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

A symbol for Gemini, one of the 12 sun signs

We’re sure you’ve already noticed just how much your tween or teen adores lively conversation and witty banter, given that this mutable air sign is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, transportation, and technology. They’re naturally buzzy, curious, and supersocial. They’re also apt to explore their writing talents and collect and devour a treasure trove of books. Even if they don’t grow up to be a journalist or publicist one day (though they very well may!), your big kid born under the sign of the Twins thrives on taking in and disseminating information. Heads-up: This could mean they are prone to gossiping or getting in trouble for talking too much in class. But their super-communicator skills can also be channeled toward academic and extracurricular success, whether they’re on the yearbook staff or leading the debate team to a state win. When it comes to bonding, you might find that they prefer to connect in a cerebral way, perhaps by talking about the news, watching Jeopardy, or doing a crossword puzzle together. And don’t be surprised if they’re warm and fuzzy one minute, then standoffish the next. Sure, hormones are partly the culprit, but Gemini is also known for its dualistic nature and ability to vacillate between two distinct personality traits.

Related: Your Parenting Style, Based on Your Astrological Sign

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

A symbol for Cancer, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the cardinal water sign ruled by the moon, which influences emotions and intuition, your Crab tween or teen is deeply sentimental, nurturing, and loving—but also perhaps a bit reclusive when they’re in their feelings. Whereas other kids might be eager to fly the coop ASAP and spend lots of time at their friends’ houses or involved in extracurriculars for hours after school, your Cancer kid is likely happiest and most at peace when they’re at home, surrounded by family. This isn’t to say that they won’t get involved at school or hang with close friends—they are the cardinal water sign, after all, which means they’re also initiators and ambitious go-getters at heart. But getting enough quality time with you and other loved ones is integral to their overall well-being, and holding that in mind could make a world of difference for their confidence and sense of self and purpose. It’s also wise to remember that they’re quite sensitive and can be moody (yep, even more so than your average adolescent) because they’re ruled by the changeable moon, which switches signs and sets a different emotional tone every two-ish days. Connecting with them through homey, cozy experiences like baking, caring for a pet, or planning a family reunion together will make their hearts sing. 

Leo (July 23-August 22)

A symbol for Leo, one of the 12 sun signs

As the fixed fire sign ruled by the vitality-giving sun, your Lion is vivacious, charismatic, optimistic, self-assured, creative, and lots of fun to be around—but also super ambitious, running the risk of being a bit bossy. A born leader and lover of the spotlight, one of your Leo kid’s greatest lessons in life will be to own their confidence without treading into narcissistic, vain, or domineering territory. You can support this by celebrating their ability to love themselves and empower others while teaching them about humility and empathy. Because they adore a round of applause and are so innately self-expressive, they’ll be quick to sign up for drama club, film or dance classes, or any extracurricular where they can woo an audience or run the show. Like all of the fixed signs, they tend to get super, well, fixated on particular game plans and outcomes, so you might need to talk to them about the benefits of being adaptable and capable of pivoting when a situation simply isn’t working out. You’ll find you can best connect with your Leo through playful, upbeat, fun-loving activities, like impromptu dance parties in the kitchen, trips to the beach (they love to soak up the rays of their ruler, the sun), or writing and performing a funny play together.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

A symbol for Virgo, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the mutable earth sign ruled by Mercury, the messenger planet that oversees information-gathering and communication, your tween or teen is thoughtful, detail-oriented, helpful, analytical, sensitive, and an adept storyteller. As a result of their mutability, your Maiden kid is adaptable and eager to try their hand at different activities, whether that’s softball one year or piano lessons the next, but you’ll also find that they struggle with indecisiveness. Empowering them to trust their intuition and inner knowing and lean on practices like mindfulness can be incredibly helpful, especially because—as such a cerebral, Mercury-ruled person—they’re often in their heads, prone to overthinking and second-guessing. They might be quite shy or very outgoing (depending on other placements in their birth chart), but either way, they’ll want to connect with peers who share common interests. These kids are also so intellectually curious that they tend to enjoy school work more than the average adolescent, so you’ll do well to support their academic pursuits—while encouraging them to steer away from perfectionism. You’ll connect with your Virgo by learning something new together, trading factoids about their favorite subjects (be that STEM, history, or sports), and tackling everyday to-dos together (something organization-loving Virgo finds grounding).

Related: The Best Activities for Toddlers, Based on Their Astrological Sign

Libra (September 23-October 22)

A symbol for Libra, one of the 12 sun signs

Thanks to their planetary ruler, Venus, which oversees relationships, beauty, and art, your Libra kid is a total social butterfly with a keen eye for beauty. They could be drawn to a wide variety of artistic outlets, from dancing to painting, but they’re also bound to be particularly eager to express themselves through their wardrobe and, as they get older, their beauty or grooming routine. Symbolized by the Scales, Libras prize balance and justice above just about anything else, so you’ve probably noticed that your tween or teen is quick to diffuse or steer clear of any arguments that may pop up in the house. They attempt to avoid conflict at all costs. But as lovely as their peacemaking nature can be, they do run the risk of expressing their challenging feelings in a passive-aggressive way, so you’ll do well to teach them that difficult emotions, like anger or aggravation, are healthy to acknowledge and work through. This can be a particularly valuable lesson as they navigate social situations, especially one-on-one relationships, which they put even more value in than your average adolescent (because of their association with the Seventh House of Partnership). For this reason, you could find that some of your sweetest bonding moments come when you’re hanging out just you two, enjoying an aesthetically pleasing experience like checking out an art exhibit or visiting a pretty vacation spot

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) 

A symbol for Scorpio, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the sign of the Scorpion—the fixed water sign—your tween or teen is dynamic, magnetic, a bit mysterious, emotionally intelligent, intense, ambitious, sometimes aloof, and brimming with a formidable inner power that can make them utterly fearless and unstoppable. These traits are owed to Scorp’s co-rulers: their traditional ruler is Mars, the planet of action and energy, while their modern ruler is Pluto, the planet of transformation and power. In turn, Scorpio kids may be eager to check out student government, play a high-intensity sport (they could be into competitive swimming, as a water sign, or hockey), or try their hand at writing poetry. As one of the fixed signs, they also tend to be set in their ways, whether that’s hanging out with the same friends they’ve had since toddlerhood (hey, they’re very loyal) or continuing to put their nose to the grindstone to pursue a goal they set when they were in kindergarten. Basically, once they’ve made up their minds, it can be extremely challenging to get them to consider—let alone accept—change, which could be fuel for head-butting. And when they’re working through challenging emotions, you can expect radio silence. In these cases, your best bet is to give them plenty of space to work it out, reminding them that you’re there for them whenever they’re ready to talk. Regularly visiting your nearest body of water to walk, take artistic photos, and chow down on a yummy meal together can be therapeutic for your adolescent Scorp—and set the stage for meaningful bonding.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

A symbol for Sagittarius, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the mutable fire sign Sagittarius, your tween or teen is free-spirited, unfiltered, philosophical, fun-loving, funny, and full of wanderlust. Ever since they were tiny tots, we’d bet they’ve entertained you with their big, buoyant personality. Now, as an adolescent, your Archer is bound to be even louder and more gregarious, eager to make the most of life and believing that bigger is usually better (thanks to their ruling planet, Jupiter, which is not only the largest planet in the solar system but one that oversees fortune and abundance). This “more, more, more” perspective could translate to your Sag having a lot of fun wearing over-the-top outfits or enjoying pastimes like comedy that involve entertaining others, signing up for a bevy of diverse extracurriculars (at the risk of probably spreading themselves too thin), or opting to get out in the world and see and do as much as possible. This is one kid who needs to explore and break free from their mundane, everyday routine in order to grow and thrive. While this can’t always involve the globe-trotting they likely daydream about, you can nurture their adventurousness by encouraging them to learn another language or try different types of global cuisine. You’ll find you can easily bond by getting out of your comfort zones as a family.

Related: The Parent/Child Astrology Compatibility Chart

Capricorn (December 22-January 21)

A symbol for Capricorn, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the cardinal earth sign and ruled by taskmaster Saturn, which oversees commitment and boundaries, your Capricorn tween or teen is serious, goal-oriented, pragmatic, industrious, and jaw-droppingly mature beyond their years. In fact, they might have been talking about college applications and their ideal career trajectory well before their peers. Even if they’re not that laser-focused on their future, it does bear noting that their cardinal quality makes them quite driven and eager to take the initiative to make ambitious aspirations their reality. This trait also sets your Sea Goat kiddo up nicely for being a leader among their friends and peers. They’ll often be the one who proposes starting a new club or entering an academic competition. Unlike fellow cardinal sign Aries, for instance, you’ll notice that your Cap is perfectly fine working toward their goals at a steady, unhurried pace. In fact, they prefer to always have a clear objective and step-by-step game plan or they feel a bit lost. They might also struggle to let loose, move through big emotions, and accept their own mistakes, particularly because they dread the possibility that they may look “foolish.” In turn, you’ll do well to work with them on self-acceptance and embracing “oops” or emotionally intense moments as opportunities to grow and learn. And when it comes to bonding with your Capricorn, you’ll do well to suggest activities that involve working a little bit at a time toward a larger goal, like gardening, tackling an elaborate LEGO project, or learning about investing and saving together. 

Aquarius (January 22-February 18)

A symbol for Aquarius, one of the 12 sun signs

Traditionally ruled by taskmaster Saturn, the sign of the Water Bearer is also influenced by game-changing Uranus, its modern ruler, producing a tween or teen that can be both resolute and rebellious. They’re also science-minded, super-social, independent, free-spirited, humanitarian, and fired up to strike out against convention. A born people person, you’ve probably noticed that they’re able to make friends with anyone and everyone, yet, as a fixed sign, they do have certain VIPs who they’re closest to. Their fixed quality can also contribute to a particularly stubborn mindset that they’ll “do what they want.” In other words, if you have a weekend plan for family togetherness and they’d rather play video games or see a movie with their besties, you might have to deal with some fireworks. (Uranus’s influence can cause Aquarians to lose their cool out of the blue, so you’ll need to steel yourself for some of that.) But their fierce devotion to marching to the beat of their own drum can also impress you, as they’ll be the first in their class to sign up for a volunteer opportunity to support a local charity or the kid who’s always educating their peers about climate change. You’ll do well to support their desire to be uniquely themselves by complimenting their power-clashing outfits or interest in an up-and-coming indie band. Bond with your Water Bearer by checking out a science museum or getting involved in a philanthropic community effort. 

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

A symbol for Pisces, one of the 12 sun signs

Your tween or teen born under the mutable water sign Pisces is deeply empathic, artistic, emotional, eager to help, and in touch with the mystical, spiritual side of life. You could find that your big kid Fish is incredibly intuitive, even a bit psychic, picking up on the emotional subtext of any situation—and then, often, taking on other people’s feelings as their own. This is a case for working with them on recognizing their own feelings and separating them from those of others—and explaining the difference between (and pros and cons of) sympathy versus empathy. As a mutable sign, your Pisces is super adaptable and capable of trying a variety of hobbies and activities, but being ruled by the planet of spirituality and dreams, Neptune, means they’ll be especially eager to dive into fantastical pursuits like theater, filmmaking, or creative writing. They may also love fantasy novels and watching movies that take place in different, ethereal worlds because they have such vivid imaginations and enjoy any chance to step out of their everyday reality. Because they feel so deeply and are so sensitive, they could be easily heartbroken when friendships, or later, romantic relationships don’t work out, so you’ll do well to remind them that you’re there for them and to encourage them to foster self-love, which will serve as a strong foundation for all of their bonds. You can connect with your adolescent Pisces by exploring a wide variety of creative, spiritually fulfilling ways to work through emotions, whether that’s journaling about daydreams, doing yoga, or putting on a whimsical performance. 

From handheld pinball games to tiny tattoos to crayons you can wear on your fingers, these stocking stuffer ideas for kids may be the biggest hit on Christmas morning.

This year, fight the urge to wait until the last minute to shop for the smaller gifts on your list. To help, we’ve carefully curated a list of the best stocking stuffer ideas for kids. This treasure trove of doodads, trinkets, and mini-gifts is so good that this year’s stocking stuffers for kids may just upstage the fancy-wrapped presents under the tree. From brain busters to keep your crew engaged through the holiday break to sweet treats, this list proves what everybody already knows—tiny stuff is cool! Also, don’t miss our gift guides for kids of all ages, like the hard-to-buy-for-tweens, energetic preschoolers, and grade school kids. Ho, ho, ho!

Handheld Wooden Pinball Machine

Little ones who need to keep their hands busy will love this too-cute pocket-sized pinball machine. 

Handheld Wooden Pinball Machine ($13)—Buy Here!

Games on the Go!

Games on the Go stocking stuffer

This fun set includes a ton of games like Mini-Snap, Rhyme Time, and Name That Tune that are perfect for your next road trip or flight to visit the grandparents. 

Games on the Go! ($7)—Buy Here!

Get Lost Camping Survival Kit

camping survival kit stocking stuffer for kids

Got a little adventurer on your list? This kit comes with a baseplate field compass, a collapsible flatware set, a flint striker, and a compact travel memo book. 

Get Lost Camping Survival Kit ($35)—Buy Here!

Kraft Macaroni and Cheese Gummies

macaroni and cheese gummies stocking stuffer for kids

This stocking stuffer for kids is certain to get some laughs on Christmas morning. Don't worry, they are fruit flavored!

Kraft Macaroni and Cheese Gummies ($21)—Buy Here!

OOLY Art Stocking Stuffer Kit

Your little crafter will go bonkers for this kit that's full of scented gel pens, temporary tattoos, adorable erasers, and so much more. 

OOLY Art Stocking Stuffer Kit ($48)—Buy Here!

Trolls Band Together Mineez 2-Pack

trolls band together mineez stocking stuffer for kids

These blind bags are super fun to open and you have over 100 trolls to collect. 

Trolls Band Together Mineez 2-Pack ($5)—Buy Here!

BonBon's Swedish Fish

swedish fish stocking stuffer

Your favorite candy just got an upgrade! These little swimmers have natural colors and come in sweet and sour flavors or a variety pack if you can't decide. 

BonBon's Swedish Fish ($8)—Buy Here!

Fizz & Sparkle Sensory Play Potions

Uncommon Goods has the best stuff and this sensory play kit is top of our list. Glitter, bubbles, and positive affirmations make it a winner. 

Fizz & Sparkle Sensory Play Potions ($15)—Buy Here!

YuMe Toys Jujutsu Kaizen Blind Bags

YuMe Toys Jujutsu Kaizen Blind Bags stocking suffer

Got an anime or manga fan on your list? These fun blind bags come with an origami tutorial along with one of 8 figures to collect—a perfect stocking stuffer idea for kids.

YuMe Toys Jujutsu Kaizen Blind Bags ($27)—Buy Here!

Overrated vs Underrated Social Game

Overrated vs Underrated game stocking stuffer

It’s time to judge your friends’ taste on 300 different things, from classic rock bands to avocado toast.

Overrated vs Underrated Social Game ($15)—Buy Here!

Emergency Confetti Celebration Kit

There's always a need to have some confetti on hand. You'll get two confetti poppers with biodegradable confetti perfect for any celebration. 

Emergency Confetti Celebration Kit ($20)—Buy Here!

LEGO Marvel Minifigures

lego marvel minifigures stocking stuffer for kids

With 12 characters to collect, you might just want to pick up a few of these blind bag toys.

LEGO Marvel Minifigures ($5)—Buy Here!

Lucky Tickets for Kids

Lucky Tickets for Kids stocking stuffer

The twelve shining tickets inside this booklet are redeemable for fun surprises like dessert for breakfast or an escape from chores for a day. A perfect stocking stuffer for kids. 

Lucky Tickets for Kids ($10)—Buy Here!

Ghostbusters: Mini Ghost Trap

Kids can search for things that go bump in the night with this replica ghost trap with lights and sounds. 

Ghostbusters: Mini Ghost Trap ($12)—Buy Here!

Heroes of Goo Jit Zu

Heroes of Goo Jit Zu stocking stuffer

Choose your favorite character from the Deep Goo Sea and see how they can stretch up to three times their size!

Heroes of Goo Jit Zu ($12)—Buy Here!

Hot Wheels Barbie Corvette

Hot Wheels Barbie Corvette stocking stuffer

Set off on your own Barbie adventure with this replica car just like the one from the movie. 

Hot Wheels Barbie Corvette ($8)—Buy Here!

Tattly Tiny Funner Tattoo Tin

Tattly Tiny Funner Tattoo Tin stocking stuffer

Your little one will be too cool for school with these cute mini tattoos. 

Tattly Tiny Funner Tattoo Tin ($15)—Buy Here!

Crayola Spa-Ghetti Soap

This tea tree-scented soap that looks like pasta makes bathtime fun. 

Crayola Spa-Ghetti Soap ($6)—Buy Here!

Plus-Plus Axolotl

Plus-Plus Axolotl stocking stuffer

Assemble this adorable amphibian and you'll see that he glows in the dark! 

Plus-Plus Axolotl ($8)—Buy Here!

Baby BLU 360° Blue & Red Light Toothbrush

Go Smile

We don't know about you, but we grew up with toothbrushes in our stockings. For kiddos 3-8, this is a total upgrade. Available in several characters, it's fun to use and utilizes red light for circulation and blue light to kill germs and lets them brush all their teeth at once.

Baby BLU 360° Blue & Red Light Toothbrush ($48.30)—Buy Here!

Hey Champ Candy Bars

Hey Champ Candy Bars stocking stuffer

This six-pack gets you two of each of the three flavors: pretzel, miso, and coconut. 

Hey Champ Candy Bars ($24)—Buy Here! 

UNO Minecraft

UNO Minecraft stocking stuffer for kids

You'll love this fun take on the classic UNO game with a Minecraft theme. 

UNO Minecraft ($11)—Buy Here!

Lip Smacker Lippy Pal Unicorn

Lip Smacker Lippy Pal Unicorn stocking stuffer

This lippy pal packs away your lip gloss in a cute carrier. 

Lip Smacker Lippy Pal Unicorn($4)—Buy Here!

Heart Ring Crayons

As functional as they are cute, these heart ring crayons will top the list of stocking stuffers they love. 

Heart Ring Crayons ($5)—Buy Here!

Tops Malibu Deluxe Surprise Ball Orange

Unwind colorful crepe paper ribbons and discover vintage-inspired toys, gifts, and keepsakes in this fun orange shape. 

Tops Malibu Deluxe Surprise Ball Orange ($24.50)—Buy Here!

Rotten Gummy Worms

Rotten Gummy Worms stocking stuffer

With 60% less sugar and a 100% compostable bag, these gummy worms are a choice you can feel good about (plus, they're pretty tasty!). 

Rotten Gummy Worms ($29 for 8 bags)—Buy Here!

Cocofloss Happiness Set

Cocofloss Happiness Set stocking stuffer

Kids will get excited to floss when they are given this colorful set with a fruity fragrance. 

Cocofloss Happiness Set ($36)—Buy Here!

Olio e Osso Bright & Light Balms

Olio e Osso Bright & Light Balms stocking stuffers

Kids into beauty will love these balms that do double duty on lips and cheeks with just the right amount of color. 

Olio e Osso Bright & Light Balms ($28)—Buy Here!

Welly Bravery Bandages

Pop this tin in their stocking and they'll love carrying it around to school and after school sports. 

Welly Bravery Bandages ($7)—Buy Here!

Kwik Stix Holiday Edition Paint Pens

Kwik Stix Holiday Edition Paint Pens stocking stuffer

These washable paints dry quickly and don't require a paint brush. 

Kwik Stix Holiday Edition Paint Pens ($16)—Buy Here!

Bizyboo Busy Bags

Bizzyboo Busy Bags stocking stuffer

Can you find all the hidden characters? These busy bags are perfect to bring along when you need a non-messy toy. 

Bizyboo Busy Bags ($13)—Buy Here!

GooToobz Gamers

GooToobz Gamers stocking stuffers

This fun sensory toy looks like a video game but it's full of squishy goo. A stocking stuffer idea they'll love!

GooToobz Gamers ($8)—Buy Here!

Mini Crystal Ball

Mini Crystal Ball stocking stuffers

Wave your hand over this teeny, tiny crystal ball and reveal one of 15 responses to help guide your future. 

Mini Crystal Ball ($11)—Buy Here!

Noshinku Pocket Natural Hand Sanitizer

These refillable sanitizers come with four different scents to choose from. 

Noshinku Pocket Natural Hand Sanitizer ($34 for 4-pack)—Buy Here!

All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.


Every parent of a toddler knows just how wiggly they can be. This curious and constantly moving bunch certainly has a limited attention span, so when it comes to entertainment toddlers need to be engaged. To make your life easier, we’ve created a list of toddler TV shows that will keep your wiggle worm on the edge of their seat. Whether it’s a show about talking animals on a rescue mission or a cool character learning similar life lessons, your little adventurer will love these shows. And, if you’re looking for something longer, check out our list of movies for toddlers that aren’t too scary

Sesame Street

Sesame Street is one of the best TV shows for toddlers

This classic children’s television show began in 1969 with puppets created by visionary Jim Henson. The show originally premiered on public broadcast television, but in 2015, it also moved to HBO with first-run episodes. It continues to focus on the relationships between the humans and puppets who live on the famous street. 

Where it’s streaming: Max

Why it’s great for toddlers: Sesame Street educates using songs and skits that hold the attention of the wiggliest of toddlers, even five decades after its initial air date. Not only will toddlers learn the basics of numbers and letters, but Sesame Street teaches social and emotional skills like acceptance, kindness, and inclusion. Parents will love the human celebrity guest stars, like Samuel L. Jackson and Tina Fey, who appear alongside kids’ favorite puppets.


This children’s television series focuses on different ocean species while promoting conservation. The underwater adventurers, a cat, a penguin, and a bear, take toddlers with them as they explore and hone in on one species per episode. The series got a spinoff in 2021 that focuses on land-based creatures. Octonauts: Above and Beyond is an excellent supplement to the original and is available on Netflix. 

Where it’s streaming: Netflix 

Why it’s great for toddlers: The show comes from the book series created by Meomi. With its friendly and engaging underwater crew led by Captain Barnacles, toddlers won’t realize how much they are learning because they’re having too much fun. Focusing on one species per episode will not overwhelm toddlers, making it easily digestible for a group with a limited attention span. 


Bluey is a kids show you can find on YouTube

As far as toddler TV shows go, this one has serious cult classic status because Bluey appeals to parents and their littles, which is no easy feat. Featuring a family of dogs, Australian Heelers to be exact, the series focuses on the games made up by Bluey and her kid sister, Bingo. 

Where it’s streaming: Disney+ 

Why it’s great for toddlers: Bluey focuses on imaginative play, which will hold the attention of play-driven toddlers everywhere. Toddlers will also identify with Bluey’s insatiable curiosity and boundless energy because it may mirror their own. Parents will appreciate the endless Easter Eggs dropped throughout the series. 

Mickey Mouse Funhouse

Mickey Mouse Funhouse is one of the best TV shows for toddlers
Disney Channel

Mickey and friends have been entertaining children for decades. In this newest iteration, which first aired in 2021, a pleasant talking house named Funny sends Mickey and crew on some incredible and exciting adventures. Funny can also shape-shift based on the surrounding location. 

Where it’s streaming: Disney+ 

Why it’s great for toddlers: Mickey has long-held appeal for young children. Toddlers will be enthralled by colorful animation and the different worlds Mickey and his friends travel to with the help of Funny. At the end of each episode, toddlers are encouraged to move their bodies during a “wiggle giggle” song. Parents may even spot the celebrity voice of John Stamos as Captain Salty Bones in a special guest star role. 

Peppa Pig

A charming show with simple animation and characters will be easy for toddlers to understand. It also may result in them speaking in a delightful British accent or using undeniably adorable British terms like ‘telly’ and ‘queue.’ The series follows the adventures of a pig family consisting of four-year-old Peppa, Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig, and Peppa’s brother, George. 

Where it’s streaming: Paramount+

Why it’s great for toddlers: This TV show for toddlers will hold their attention with its charming Britishisms and the exciting and easy-to-follow adventures and friendships of Peppa and her family. Peppa Pig also features multiple animal species living harmoniously in Peppatown. 


Super Kitties is one of the best TV shows for toddlers


This Disney Junior show premiered in 2023 and features four superhero cats facing a variety of villains. From the SuperKitty Cavern, their underground headquarters, cats Bitsy, Buddy, Sparks, and Ginny use their superpowers to work together to keep the city of Kittydale safe. 

Where it’s streaming: Disney +

Why it’s great for toddlers: Not only will the fantastic cats and their sensational superpowers keep toddlers on the edge of their seats, but the show also features a treasure trove of social and emotional lessons. The cats are kind and use logic and empathy when dealing with the villains instead of fighting.

Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood

Daniel Tiger is one of the best TV shows for toddlers
PBS Kids


This TV show for toddlers is a spinoff from the legendary childhood series Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. With his caring crew from the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Daniel explores the typical world of a young child by learning the same lessons they do. 

Where it’s streaming: PBS Kids 

Why it’s great for toddlers: Toddlers will see their lives reflected in Daniel’s as the young tiger does his best to navigate social and emotional lessons such as sharing, waiting, and regulating difficult emotions. Simple songs will keep toddlers engaged while solidifying these skills and identifying strategies to help them along the way. Parents will appreciate the nod to Fred Rogers with each show, beginning with Daniel tying his shoes and putting on his red sweater as the children’s television pioneer did over his many decades teaching them. 

Tumble Leaf

Tumble Leaf is one of the best TV shows for toddlers
Amazon Prime Studios


Talking blue fox, Fig and his friend Stick, a caterpillar, join the other residents of Tumble Leaf Island in science-based adventures. From his shipwreck home, Fig discovers how things work. 

Where it’s streaming: Amazon Prime 

Why it’s great for toddlers: Each episode of Tumble Leaf is broken down into two shorter stories, making it easier for attention-span-challenged toddlers to remain engaged. The colorful and exciting animation will also appeal to toddlers. Peppered in with the science lessons are positive social and emotional lessons that parents will love. 

Elinor Wonders Why

Elinor Wonders Why is one of the best TV shows for toddlers
PBS Kids


Elinor, an adventurous bunny filled with wonder, and her friends, Olive, an elephant, and Ari, a bat, figure out answers to some intriguing science-based questions. Topics explore everything from whether animals get hiccups to the reason behind the changing color of leaves. Elinor and her Animal Town pals take young viewers along on their journey. 

Where it’s streaming: PBS Kids 

Why it’s great for toddlers: The series fosters curiosity and keeps toddlers engaged by presenting exciting content in a fun and easy-to-understand way. Parents will also enjoy learning about science and nature alongside their kids, making this one of the rare toddler TV shows that is fun for the whole family. 

Llama Llama

Llama Llama is one of the best TV shows for toddlers


Based on the popular children’s book series by Anna Dewdney, this Netflix TV show for toddlers features Llama and his mama. With the littlest llama learning lessons and meeting friends, the adventures include a talent show, a new neighbor, and a family vacation. 

Where it’s streaming: Netflix 

Why it’s great for toddlers: Llama will hold the attention of the littlest littles with his relatable stories from episode to episode, like losing a tooth and the fear surrounding a visit to the doctor. Parents will enjoy the social and emotional lessons and exposure to early literacy, such as rhyming. They may also enjoy catching Jennifer Garner’s voice as Mama Llama.

Kiya and the Kimoja Heroes

Kiya and the Kimoja Heroes is one of the best tv shows for toddlers


This new show, which premiered in 2023, features Kiya, a young girl from Africa, and her friends. Kiya loves martial arts and dance and uses a crystal headband to access superpowers and keep her community safe. 

Where it’s streaming: Disney+

Why it’s great for toddlers: Movement is essential for the tot lot, and Kiya and her friends know how to move. She becomes a dance ninja with the help of her magic headband. Toddlers will love to dance alongside Kiya and her crew. Parents will love the themes of teamwork and persistence and the show’s emphasis on diversity. 

Dora the Explorer

Dora the Explorer
Nick Jr.

Young Dora breaks the fourth wall by engaging with viewers as she goes on adventures with her bestie, Boots the Monkey, and with the help of several tools, including a talking backpack and map. She meets many friends along the way, including Tico, Grumpy Old Troll, and Swiper the Fox. 

Where it’s streaming: Paramount+ 

Why it’s great for toddlers: Toddlers will respond to the interactive way Dora includes them in her adventures with questions and facts. They will also learn the recurring cast of characters Dora interacts with on her journeys. Parents will love the positive and diverse role model Dora provides and the multilingual aspect of the series. 

Super Why

Super Why is one of the best tv shows for toddlers
PBS Kids


Four fairytale superheroes help young kids learn the skills they need to begin their adventures as readers. In Storybook Village, the series allows viewers to enjoy classic stories like The Three Little Pigs, The Ugly Duckling, and Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Where it’s streaming: PBS Kids 

Why it’s great for toddlers: Toddlers will love (and remain engaged) when they are literally pulled into an interactive storybook experience with Whyatt and the Super Readers. They will also love dancing to the catchy theme song, helping them get the wiggles out before settling in to watch the show. 

Blue’s Clues

Blues Clues is one of the best TV shows for toddlers
Nick Jr.


This legendary Nickelodeon show premiered in 1996. It followed human host Steve Burns as he and his loveable cartoon dog, Blue, use clues to help figure something out. The toddler TV show has blossomed into a feature film and another modern iteration called Blue’s Clues & You, with human host Josh and Blue, which first aired in 2019. 

Where it’s streaming: Paramount+ 

Why it’s great for toddlers: The show allows toddlers to interact as they help find clues, which keeps the youngest viewers engaged and entertained. While Blue’s Clues will hold toddlers’ attention, it will also educate them with color and shape recognition and number identification. Parents who grew up watching Blue may find a nostalgic return to their childhood days. 

Gabby’s Dollhouse


Gabby and her feline friend, Pandy Paws, take young viewers on amazing adventures through her dollhouse, which has magical worlds and fun-filled surprises. Every episode opens with a Dollhouse Delivery where real-live 12-year-old Gabby unboxes something from the MeowMeow Mailbox before becoming an animated version of herself and going on a dollhouse adventure. 

Where it’s streaming: Netflix

Why it’s great for toddlers: The interactive storytelling in the series will hold your toddler’s attention and allow them to participate in each episode. Gabby also features themes of teamwork and friendship, which will appeal to parents. 

Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go!



This animated TV show for toddlers introduces young viewers to Thomas the Tank Engine and his many friends. Parents may have watched the original show featuring an older version of Thomas, called Thomas & Friends, based on the book series of the same name. Once again, audiences follow the many adventures of Thomas and his crew as they navigate the fictional island of Sodor. 

Where it’s streaming: Netflix

Why it’s great for toddlers: Both fun and charming, this series, like the original, is sure to entertain toddlers and hold their attention. The show also teaches teamwork, problem-solving, and other essential life lessons in such an incredible way that toddlers won’t even realize they are learning. 

Paw Patrol 

kids shows on youtube
Nick Jr.

One of the longer-running toddler TV shows, Paw Patrol features a half dozen dogs as they protect their city with the help of Ryder, a young boy. These rescue pups each take on the role of a helpful resource, like firefighters, police officers, excavators, and ocean rescue teams. 

Where it’s streaming: Noggin and Paramount+

Why it’s great for toddlers: Each episode follows a consistent pattern, making it easy for even the youngest viewers to follow. What will keep toddlers watching, though, is the excellent skills, tools, and vehicles the individual rescue pups have.

Free kids’ movies like March of the Dinosaurs and Quest for Camelot will be instant pleasers

If your Netflix queue is looking a little stale, you might want to think about the treasure trove of free kids’ movies on YouTube. (we also happen to love these YouTube channels just for kids). You don’t need a subscription to watch, and even though you’ll have to sit through a few commercials before your movie, don’t let the ads turn you off. These free movies on YouTube are well worth your time. If you’re on the hunt for even more classics, scan through the best movies every kid should see before they grow up—and don’t forget some creative movie night snacks!

1. Thunder and the House of Magic

When Thunder, an adorable orange cat, is abandoned, he wanders the unfamiliar neighborhood looking for shelter. When chased by a big Dobermann, he finds himself in the local "haunted house," the home of an old magician named Mr. Lawrence. Thunder meets a terrified mouse named Maggie and her friend, Jack the Rabbit. When Mr. Lawrence is injured and his sly nephew tries to sell the home from under him, Thunder must join forces with Maggie and Jack to save the day. 

Best for ages: 5 and up.

Watch it here. 

2. Snow Queen

Before there was Frozen, there was Snow Queen. A more direct take on Hans Cristian Andersen's iconic tale, a young girl named Greta must battle the evil queen and rescue her friend in this free movie for kids on YouTube.

Best for ages: 6 and up.

Watch it here

3. Arthur and the Minimoys

Follow 10-year-old Arthur as he tries to find a way to save his grandmother's house from being destroyed. He enters into a world of tiny creatures, who live in harmony with nature in search of treasure and, along the way, makes many discoveries.

Best for ages: 7 and up. 

Watch it here

4. Pixies

Thanks to a Pixie's curse, Joe Beck has lost the love of his life, and now he needs to right a wrong from many years ago to end the curse.

Best for ages: 8 and up.

Watch it here. 

5. Thomas & the Magic Railroad

Train lovers will love this live-action version of the iconic engine and friends. Mr. Conductor's (Alec Baldwin) supply of gold dust is critically low, and he needs the help of Lily, the granddaughter of a caretaker in charge of a magical steam engine, and Thomas the Train. They leave the imaginary island of Sodor and head to the real world to find more and meet the trouble-making Deisel Engine 10 along the way.  

Best for ages: 4 and up. 

Watch it here

Related: 15 Free Full-Length Kids’ TV Shows on YouTube

free movies on Youtube for kids
You Tube

6. The Reef 

In this sweet free kids' movie on YouTube, a young fish named Pi loses everything and heads to the Reef and his family. There he meets a beautiful fish trying to ward off the affections of a bully shark. Will Pi save the day? 

Best for ages: 4 and up. 

Watch it here

7. White Lion

Older kids will appreciate this gorgeous film about a young African boy who befriends a white lion cub before embarking on an epic adventure. The film uses beautiful real-life nature footage to tell its story. Consequently, expect sad scenes depicting the cruelty that the infamous "circle of life" imparts. 

Best for ages: 10 and up. 

Watch it here

8. Ribbit

This free movie for kids on YouTube is about a frog who doesn't enjoy water or jumping and wishes he could be like other animals in the rainforest. So, he sets off with his best friend, a flying squirrel, to discover his true self. 

Best for ages: 6 and up. 

Watch it here

9. March of the Dinosaurs

Calling all budding paleontologists! This animated docu/drama is set in North America during the Cretaceous Period and follows a young Edmontosaurus named Scar as he and his herd migrate south for the winter, as well as a Trodon, who stays put in the frigid North. Dinosaur enthusiasts will love the action, although young kids might be scared when mega meat eaters Gorgosaurus and Albertosaurus make their entrance. 

Best for ages: 7 and up. 

Watch it here.

10. Quest for Camelot

What do you get when an adventurous girl, a blind hermit, and a silly two-headed dragon team up to find the sword Excalibur in hopes of saving King Arthur and Camelot? A journey through the Enchanted Forest filled with danger, bravery, and laughs. Will they get the sword to King Arthur in time to foil evil Sir Ruber's plan? 

Best for ages: 6 and up. 

Watch it here

free movies on Youtube for kids

11. Khumba

This South African-made film is about a zebra prince born without all of his stripes who is cast out from the herd. Khumba isn't quite The Lion King, but there are a few similarities, namely the trio of goofy animal outcasts (here it's a wildebeest and an ostrich) that team up with the misfit zebra and help him learn to love himself—half-stripes and all—before returning to the herd.

Best for ages: 6 and up.

Watch it here

12. A Monster in Paris

Raoul and Emile release a monster from a scientist's greenhouse by accident and begin to track it down. As they do so, they realize it may not be as scary as they once thought. 

Best for ages: 8 and up.

Watch it here

13. Halo Legends

Based on the popular video game, this free movie on YouTube for teens expands into the Halo universe with seven origin stories.

Best for ages: 13 and up. 

Watch it here. 

14. Bunyan and Babe

While on a visit to their grandparents, two young kids, Travis and Whitney, discover a greedy land developer's sinister plot for a Minnesota town. When Travis falls through a magic portal, he meets the mythical Paul Bunyan and his blue ox, Babe. The unlikely team faces minor peril, and has plenty of unforgettable adventures, but will they be able to save the town in time? 

Best for ages: 7 and up. 

Watch it here. 

15. Sailor Moon Super S: The Movie

Anime fans will love watching this feature-length free kids' movie on YouTube! Based on the Sailor Moon manga series by Naoko Takeuchi, kids all over the world are being hypnotized by fairies and taken to a dark energy field called the Black Dream Hole. Why is this happening? Queen Badiane wants them to stay asleep permanently in Dream Coffins, where she'll be able to harness the energy from their dreams and eventually absorb Earth. Sailor Moon, Perle, and the Sailor Guardians must hurry to save the children before they go to sleep forever. 

Best for ages: ages 13 and up.

Watch it here

16. Another Cinderella Story

Starring Selena Gomez, this is a sequel to A Cinderella Story. Mary lives with her adopted mom and sisters, and she's the one stuck doing all the chores. When pop star Joey Parker returns to school for his senior year and hopes to reconnect with his love of dance. During the school's masquerade ball, Mary and Joey wow the crowd with their moves, but when Mary notices the time, she leaves quickly, leaving behind her iPod-like device. With catchy tunes and a heartwarming modern plot, this is a fun free kids' movie on YouTube for tweens. 

Best for ages: 8 and up. 

Watch it here

Related: 40 YouTube Channels Just for Kids

free movies on Youtube for kids

17. Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella

Fairy tale-loving tots will want to sing along with this 1965 version of the classic story. With minimalist sets and tons of musical numbers, this Cinderella feels more like watching a stage show than a movie—so don't go in expecting special effects. But anyone who loves the story of the cinder girl who finds her prince will be all in.

Best for ages: 5 and up.

Watch it here.

18. Mee-Shee the Water Giant

When some important machinery belonging to an oil company is lost in Canada, a man and his son have to cancel their trip to Disney to find the missing machinery. But they find an adventure they couldn't have expected when they discover a legendary sea creature.

Best for ages: 7 and up.

Watch it here.

19. The Secret of NIMH 2: Timmy to the Rescue

In the sequel to the classic '80s film about intelligent rats living on a farm, this is the story of Timmy, the young son of Mrs. Frisbee. After growing into a strong rodent, Timmy sets out on a journey that will challenge him.

Best for ages: 8 and up.

Watch it here.

20. Akeelah and the Bee

A little girl from a tough neighborhood in LA learns she's got a knack for spelling—and that she doesn't need to change herself to fit in. Lawrence Fishburn stars as the spelling tutor who coaches her to the Scripps National Spelling Bee while teaching her to believe in herself. Note: There is some mild profanity in the film, so parents who have a no-tolerance policy toward this may want to wait a few more years.

Best for ages: 8 and up.

Watch it here.


A suitcase that doubles as a stroller, clever snack organization, and how to avoid a hotel cancelation fee

If there’s one thing TikTok is good at, it’s enlightening us on all the random tricks we should be using to cook, clean, pack, parent, and basically live an easier life.  So if you’re planning a family trip, why not try some of those amazing hacks? From using a baby bouncer in the aisle of an airplane (it’s adorable!) to using a Ziploc bag to make a seatback movie screen, here are some of our favorite TikTok hacks to simplify your next trip.

Keep Snacks Uber-Organized

Want to keep your little traveler happy? It’s all about the snacks! And, as this TikTok mom explains, keeping your snacks organized in clear plastic bags (with one “meltdown bag” ready for the right time) helps you zip through security and get to your destination with munchies ready to dispense when needed.


#familytraveltiktoker #toddlertravel #travelhacksforkids #flyinghacks #familytraveltiktoker

♬ Smoothie – Sevvans

Keep Dirty Clothes Separated

Tired of your kids’ grimy clothes sprawled all over your hotel room? Next time you travel with your little ruffians, slip a pop-up laundry basket into your suitcase and pop it open at your destination so your kids have an easy place to put their dirty duds. You can get them at Dollar Tree or on Amazon for just a few bucks.


☀️Tips for Traveling with Kids! ☀️ #travel #travelfamily #travelingwithkids #travelhack #momhack #roadtriphacks #momsoftiktok #fyp #fypシ #amazon

♬ original sound – GatorMOM

Know which Passport Belongs to Each Person at a Glance

If you are the parent in charge of all the passports, try this hack where a colored rubber band is wrapped around each passport. Each person knows their color and the passport opens to the photo page with ease.


#traveltiktok #travel #travelhacks #travelwithkids #travelwithkidshacks

♬ Just Can’t Get Enough – The Black Eyed Peas

Don’t Pay a Hotel Cancellation Fee

Have to cancel your hotel reservation but it’s less than 24 hours before your reservation? Try this easy hack to nix your room without paying the fees!


Save #money with this #hotel hack🏨🧠💰 #learnontiktok #lifehack

♬ Sunny Day – Ted Fresco

Don’t Lug Your Big Booster! Use This Instead

Don’t want to haul a booster seat on the plane or worry about it getting lost or damaged with your checked luggage? As this TikTok mom explains, this blow-up booster is perfect for traveling. It fits easily into your carry-on and is way more portable than a clunky plastic seat!  Get it on Amazon for $37.


We’ve used these so many times so we don’t have to deal with checking or renting when traveling! #traveltips #familytravel #travelhacks

♬ Moonlight – Grace VanderWaal

On-The-Go Games Travel Hack

OK, so this one requires some major prep for parents, but all you need are magnets, LEGO bricks or puzzle pieces, and a metal tray (all from the Dollar Tree store) to make a genius on-the-go game board for your tiny road trippers. Check out this video to see how it’s done.

Note: This hack is best for kids who are past the swallowing-small-things stage. 

Related: Unplugged Road Trips with Toddlers: Your How-To Guide


Road trip hacks for traveling with kids in the car. #roadtrip #family #lifehack #hack #momhack #momoftwins #twins #fyp #foryoupage

♬ original sound – Antoinette Spradlin

It’s True: A Hanging Bag is the Holy Grail of Travel Hacks

Here’s why you need to buy a simple hanging toiletry bag (this one on Amazon is just $23) for all of your kids: Older kids can stuff it with headphones, handheld devices, and books, while younger ones can use it to hold crayons, LOL dolls and small toys. The best part? The whole thing can hang on an airplane seatback or car headrest, so your kids will have a treasure trove of stuff to keep them busy without everything sprawled all over the floor (though, sadly, it may still end up there. Sorry). Check out HomeSchoolMafia’s video to see it in action.


Travel hack must do! This has been a game changer for us! #travel #travelingwithkids #familytravel #travelhack #disneyvacation #disneybound #roadtrip

♬ Love You So – The King Khan & BBQ Show

Get TSA PreCheck The Easy Way

Did you know you can get approved for TSA PreCheck at Staples?  It’s true! This hack will save you so much time, and is way more convenient than going to the TSA office at the airport—and TSA PreCheck is a must for getting through airport lines lickety-split. Let this TikTok user show you how it’s done!


Travel Hack: Skip the TSA line at the airport! #travel #travelhacks #TSA #airport #Staples #precheck

♬ Chill Vibes – Tollan Kim

Get Through Customs in a Flash without Global Entry

International travelers know that Global Entry is the way to get through passport control with ease. But recently the time to get an appointment for Global Entry approval has been months long. Enter Mobile Passport Control. If your entry airport offers this service, you can submit your whole family’s passports and customs info via a handy free app and it will allow you entry into a special line. It’s all explained in this video.

Related: This Free App Will Get Your Family Through Customs in a Flash without Global Entry


#travelhacks #mobilepassportcontrol #globalentry #traveleditor #editor


Make An Instant Seat Back Movie Screen

This on-the-go entertainment hack is perfect for entertaining kids on a road or plane trip. All you need is a seatback with a headrest and a Ziploc bag to create an easy place to put your phone or iPad so your kid can zone out en route.


We’re headed to Bryce National Park 😍 #brycecanyonnationalpark #roadtriphacks #hacks #diy #familyroadtrip #lifehacks

♬ Shake The Room – Pop Smoke

In-Room Dining Table Hack

Is your hotel room lacking a dining table? Don’t want your kids to picnic on the bedspread? Turns out, most hotel rooms have a “hidden” dining table right in the closet! This TikTokker explains how you can use the in-room ironing board (!!) as a perfect bedside table. Why have we never thought of this?!


Best mom and dad hack! How to make an easy table for your family in any hotel! #momsoftiktok #lifehack #fyp #viral

♬ Tom’s Diner – AnnenMayKantereit & Giant Rooks

Hoping for Empty Seat Next to You on an  Airplane? Try This Hack

Want to up your chances that you’ll have an empty seat next to you on an airplane? If you’re traveling with an even number of family members, book the aisle and window seats only (leaving the middle seat empty). The middle seats are always the last to be chosen, so unless you have a jam-packed flight, there’s a good chance that middle spot will be open when you take off (especially if you choose a seat in the back of the plane, which is also always the last to fill up). Let the family-blogging Adventure Buddies give you the lowdown on this easy hack.


How to book a flight and not sit next to anyone! Having someone sit in the middle seat next to you on an airplane can sometimes be the worst! But with this travel tip, we should you our full proof method on how to book a flight and get no one to sit in between you! Save this for later! #middleseatistheworst #flighthacks #flightticketing #traveltips #frequentflyer #flightadvice #bookingaflight #newtraveler

♬ original sound – Family Travel Tips & Tricks

Get this suitcase that doubles as a portable seat and airport stroller

Navigating the airport with toddlers can be a challenge. One minute they’re right there; the next they’re darting toward the security doors. Keep your runaway tot happy and contained with this suitcase that doubles as a stroller seat (tired parents can use it as a portable seat, too—it’s sturdy enough!). See it in action here:


Anything that makes getting through the airport easier is 🙌🏼🙏🏼 @MiaMily Hip Seat Baby Carriers #samandryan #travelfamily #familytravel #travel #travelhack #travelingwithkids #travelingwithtoddlers #toddlermom #travelmom #suitcase #travelmusthaves

♬ original sound – Vinny and Moe

The One Travel Item You Didn’t Know You Needed

As this TikTok video shows, this adorable snack box also doubles as a matching game—a genius hack that keeps kids’ tummies full while also keeping them entertained. Get it on Amazon for $18.

Related: 16 Genius Gadgets That’ll Make Travel with Kids a Breeze (Promise!) 


Products you didn’t know you needed: Travel Edition! ✈️ Part 22 #familytravel #coolproducts #travelwithkids #travelhack #parentsoftiktok

♬ Cheers – New Rules

Hacks to Keep Your Jetsetting Baby Happy

Whether it’s a stroller that folds into a purse (really!) or a game that requires only painter’s tape stuck to a seat back, traveling with a baby has never been easier with these amazing hacks from CraftyMoms.

Related: 14 Must-Try Travel Hacks for Trips with Babies


Best airplane hacks when traveling with a baby! #momhack #momtips #travelhacks #traveltips #toddlermom #travelingwithbabies


Travel Hack For Packing More Stuff

Got too much stuff to fit in your checked luggage? Use a pillowcase to pack extra clothes and you’ve got a soft place to snooze as well as a free carry-on. (Note: This works best for large clothing items like jackets and sweaters, since small clothing pieces may slip out.) See Craftymoms for the how-to.

Related: Packing and Travel Hacks to Try On Your Next Trip


Best travel hack ever! Perfect for this holidays too! Thanks to @Columbia Sportswear for our ski clothes! #travelhack #besthacks #familyhacks #momhacks #momhack #parenthack #travelwithkids


Find a Clean Restroom On Your Next Road Trip!

Tired of playing restroom roulette with the gas station toilets? This TikTok user has a great tip for how to find a clean, safe bathroom during your next road trip.

The Genius Airplane Workout/ Baby Hack You’ll Want to Try ASAP

This hack will certainly earn you a fair share of (happy) stares on your next flight, but if you’ve got a baby who just can’t sit still, bringing a baby doorway bouncer on board is a great way to let your baby move while giving you a great workout. Check out the adorable video here:


#stitch with @laurenhrehovcik okay now this is genius 👏🏼😂 #travelhacks #babytravel #familytravel #fyp #trending

♬ Love You So – The King Khan & BBQ Show

Get Rid of “Are We There Yet?” with This Cute Game

A long piece of masking tape and a homemade stick-able picture of your family in a car is all you need to make this visual reference for how close to “there yet” you are. Check out the cute video here:


BEST FAMILY ROAD TRIP HACK!! 🚗 SAVE THIS for your next family trip! I love sharing tips and tricks that make our life easier with you!! XO #travelhacks #roadtrip #momhacks #momhack #momsoftiktok #roadtriphacks #momof4

♬ Love You So – The King Khan & BBQ Show

Use the Vent for an Instant Road Trip Bubble Party!

Need to liven things up on the road? Lighten up the mood by using the AC vents to blow a carful of bubbles into the air. It’s a hack that’ll turn any previously grumpy smiles upside-down! Check out the video here:


Such a fun travel hack! Travel in the car can be rough with little ones. We try to bring lots of activities and snacks to keep everyone happy 😜 What are your road trip must haves for kids? #roadtrip #travelhack #travelwithkids #motherhood #kidsactivities #funideasforkids #toddlerfunactivities #fyp

♬ Make You Say – Zedd & Maren Morris & Beauz

Tag Your Kids So You Don’t Lose Them!

This TikTok mom explains how AirTags are great for keeping track of kids while you’re traveling (or when you’re at theme parks, or playgrounds, or any other public place where your little Houdinis may wander off). Put them in a special watch or slip them into a child’s backpack—then use the Apple FindMy app to see where everybody is.


Call me FBI mom #travelhacks #momhack #airtag #trackingkids

♬ original sound – Ingle Family

Make a Fall-Proof Toddler Bed

Does your toddler usually sleep with a bed rail to keep her from rolling off, mid-snooze? To keep her slumbers safe the next time you stay at a hotel,  push the sofa up to the bed to make a bed your kid can’t slip off of.  See how this TikTok mom does it here:


Traveling got so much easier once we started pushing the sofa up against the bed. Sharing a bed w my very active toddler results in absolutely zero sleep for me. These are my two favorite hotel hacks and I hope they can help you too! #hotelhack101 #hotelhack #kidhacks #toddlermom #toddlerhack #travelingwithkids #traveltiktok

♬ original sound – MEL


Everything you need to know to start your eco-friendly lifestyle in New York City

Small changes make a significant impact when it comes to living green as a family. Thankfully, small eco-friendly lifestyle changes are more accessible than ever. With everything from zero-waste refill stores to bulk groceries, New York City offers something for every family. Here are our top picks for the spots to shop and live a sustainable and eco-conscious lifestyle in New York City. 

An Introduction to Zero-Waste Stores in New York City

We all want to do our part to reduce single-use plastic and waste in our homes. Waste-free shops are the perfect way to start. Whether you need coffee beans, shampoo or an eco-friendly toothbrush, these shops offer thousands of zero-waste products, often locally and ethically sourced. You can refill containers provided by the store, or often, you can bring jars and bottles from home. Then, refill the products you need and support local shop owners.  

Zero-Waste Refill Stores around New York City

Park Slope
La Nature: This refillery and low-waste living store offers refillable, reusable household solutions. The owners strive to make eco-friendly everyday products more accessible and encourage more people worldwide to decrease their ecological footprint by switching to sustainable, zero-waste alternatives. With everything from laundry and dishwasher detergents to dish soap, this shop has something for every room in your home.

233 5th Ave

Maison Jar: Stop by this one-stop shop for food, personal care, and home essentials without unnecessary packaging. Bring in your containers or purchase reusable ones in-store. The owners stock a wide range of household staples and spend a lot of time worrying about the right products, so you don’t have to. They work closely with suppliers to provide carefully selected and responsibly sourced products, emphasizing local and organic options.

566 Leonard St.

Earth & Me: Shop the first Queens zero-waste store with eco-friendly delivery of all their refillable items to Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens. The owner opened the shop because she believes sustainability, quality, and affordability shouldn’t be mutually exclusive. With everything from sustainable bath bombs to wooden potato peelers, this shop delivers on the eco-friendly promise. 

30-38 Steinway Street

Zero-Waste Groceries near New York City

Precycle: Start your sustainable living journey in this grocery store where 100% of the products sold are plastic-free. You know what you’re getting with their just food, no packaging moto. The products are thoughtfully and sustainably sourced from local farms. Bring your clean container or purchase a reusable option in the store for bulk food. Beyond bulk food, this stop also sells fresh local produce without packaging.

50 Cypress Ave

4th Street Food Co-op: This member-run co-op grocer provides the local community with organic foods and household products. The 100% wind-powered business focuses on the community and its environmental impact. Bring your containers and fill up on bulk food such as beans and lentils or treat yourself to organic fruit pies and vegan coconut oil popcorn. 

58 East 4th Street
New York

Cobble Hill
Oriental Pastry and Grocery: While not openly an ambassador for the zero-waste effort, this Middle Eastern shop has served the NYC community for 50 years. The bulk bins are full of aromatic spices and delicious snacks. You’ll find bulk teas, herbs, and dates, too. Bring a plastic-free container to fill with selections from the impressive pickled food bar. Remember to add one of the homemade pastries to your reusable bag.

170 Atlanta Ave

Zero-Waste Home Goods & Secondhand Clothes Stores near New York City

East Village, Manhattan
Cure Thrift Shop: After the shop owner was diagnosed with juvenile Type 1 diabetes, it led her to the mission of this NYC thrift shop. The proceeds support research and advocacy, while each secondhand purchase reduces waste. In addition, the shop’s staff of artists and designers curate an impressive collection of vintage and obscure fashion and home goods. 

91 Third Ave
New York

Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn
Underground Thrift Store: Help fight human trafficking by supporting this NYC secondhand shop. Browse designer clothing, quality children’s wear, fabulous shoes and accessories, plus high-end housewares. This Brooklyn store is only open on Sundays, and the high-end selection is impressive. With their commitment to operating solely on volunteer help and donated goods, this shop gives back to more than just the environment. 

75 Hicks St

Brighton Heights, Staten Island
Everything Goes Furniture and Clothing: This Green America Certified Business is committed to carefully restoring secondhand items. This massive showroom is a well‑organized treasure trove of unique, affordable, barely used merchandise. The furniture selection ranges from antique to modern, with single pieces and sets available. After you’ve picked out your home goods, remember to stop by the used bookshop just up the street. 

208 Bay St
Staten Island

From colorful murals to lavishly painted historic homes, Key West will surprise your family with a new adventure around every corner. A buzzing seaport rich with arts and culture, Key West isn’t just a warm place to chill in the sand (though there’s plenty of that, too).

Combining a laid-back beachy vibe with a wild, vibrant history, it’s one of the most exciting historic cities in the U.S. Think your kids don’t love history? Shipwrecks and snorkeling will soon have them thinking otherwise.

Read on for six of our favorite historical attractions in Key West, sure to create memories that will stand the test of time.

1. Hemingway Home & Museum

Although passages from A Farewell to Arms might not be on the bedtime story list, there’s still lots to love about visiting the Key West home of author Ernest Hemingway. Not only do you get eyeballs on the home, gardens, and writing studio where one of America’s greatest writers lived, kids will love a visit here for one other very cool reason: the Hemingway cats.

Home to around 60 six-toed (polydactyl) cats, the descendants of Hemingway’s own six-toed cat named Snow White, you’ll spot these cats everywhere. Although friendly, visitors are asked not to approach the cats. Should they approach you, however, you are welcome to pet them. Sit in the beautiful gardens for a few minutes, and don’t be surprised if more than one friendly feline comes swishing against your legs.

Tip: Don’t skip the gift shop, where book lovers and cat aficionados will find plenty of unusual souvenirs.

  • Open every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • No reservations, cash only.
  • Visit:

2. Key West Shipwreck Treasure Museum

A literal treasure trove of items salvaged from shipwrecks, the Key West Shipwreck Treasure Museum is an interactive museum that takes visitors back in time to the 1850s when being a “wrecker” was a thriving industry: collecting items left behind on the shore after shipwrecks. After you’ve explored the lively and sometimes dark history of Key West’s early pioneers, climb to the 65-foot lookout tower for one of the best views in town.

Tip: You can bundle tickets to the Shipwreck Museum and the Key West Aquarium for reduced admission.

  • Open every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • No reservations; buy tickets online or at the kiosk at Mallory Square.
  • Visit:

3. Key West Lighthouse & Keepers Quarters

Almost directly across the street from the Hemingway Home, you’ll find the Key West Lighthouse & Keeper’s Quarters. Not only is the lighthouse from 1848, it holds a cool piece of Key West history: the first Keeper was a woman, a rare occurrence at the time. Climb the 88 steps to the top for excellent views and roam the grounds and quarters to explore what life was once like as a lighthouse keeper.

Tip: Groups of 2-8 can book the lighthouse for a special Lighthouse Sunset Experience, which includes snacks, treats and wine.

4. Historic Ships

Let your inner pirate board a historic ship for a sailing adventure you’ll never forget. Keep in mind Key West offers dozens of sailing and boat excursions, many of which leave from the same harbor in the historic district, so when booking, be sure you’re getting the one right for your family. For swashbuckling types, we recommend taking one of the historic ships like the Schooner Jolly Rover, a red-sailed tall ship, complete with cannons, or the smaller-but-just-as-mighty Schooner Appledore, which makes its way from Camden, Maine, to spend the cooler months in Key West. It’s a pirate’s life!

Tip: Pack medicine for motion sickness for any would-be sailors who haven’t gotten their sea legs yet.

5. Fort Zachary Taylor State Historic Park

If you love the idea of spending a day swimming and building sandcastles, head over to Fort Zachary Taylor State Historic Park. From rambling nature trails to white sand beaches to shallow waters teeming with fish, this is the local’s secret for a perfect tropical playground. And while there are plenty of shady palms, when you want to get out of the sun, take a narrated tour of Fort Zachary Taylor, a pre-Civil War era red-brick fort that also houses the world’s largest arms cache of the Civil War (more cannons!).

Tip: You can rent snorkel gear right at the beach!

  • Open 8 a.m. to sunset every day. Fort Taylor closes at 5 p.m.
    Park fees are by vehicle ($6.50) or by pedestrian ($2.50) if you arrive on foot
  • Visit:

6. Dry Tortugas National Park

For an epic day of history and outdoor adventure, visit Dry Tortugas National Park. Made up of seven keys—Bush, Garden, Hospital, Loggerhead, Long, and Middle—it’s on Garden Key you’ll find the historic 19th-century Fort Jefferson National Monument. In addition to the beautiful historic fort, hit the waters for gorgeous swimming and snorkeling abound.

Ponce de León named these islands Las Tortugas for the many sea turtles present, but it was not long before explorers discovered there was no viable drinking water on the islands, hence the name Dry Tortugas. As such, parents should know there is still no drinking water and very limited amenities. Board the high-speed Yankee Clipper catamaran in Key West’s historic seaport, and then prepare for a 2-hour one-way journey to arrive at Fort Jefferson. Fort Jefferson does have a visitor’s center and bookstore, but no drinking fountains or restrooms.

Tip: You can use the facilities onboard the ship and the Yankee Freedom provides a breakfast snack and box lunch on day trips, as well as water. 

  • The Dry Tortugas is open 24 hours, 7 days a week.
  • Garden Key Visitor Center inside Fort Jefferson is open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. every day.
  • Visit:


Key West is home to dozens of other amazing attractions families will love, nearly all of which are within walking distance of one another. Visit to plan your next family getaway.


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More than one of these ladies kicked a career to the curb to set up shop. Inspiration right this way…

It’s International Women’s Day on March 8, but shouldn’t every day be an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments and work of our female friends? In honor of the many enterprising ladies in town, we’re spotlighting some of our favorite women entrepreneurs running businesses in NYC. Take a look, then go spend in solidarity!


Da Spot

DA SPOT NYC, a unique fashion boutique in City Point, Brooklyn, not only features 25-plus independent creative brands by people of color but it also houses C.A.N.V.A.S. Art Gallery, featuring the work of local artists. Co-owner Michelle Cadore's goal is to create a unique space to amplify the voices of Black and POC creatives. “As native New Yorkers and Brooklynites like me and my partners liken running a business here to living our wildest dreams out loud. The other thing that drives me forward: Being able to support the local community," she says. 

445 Albee Square West
City Point

Yu & Me Books

Lucy Yu is not even 30 yet, but she's opened NYC's first female-owned Asian American bookstore in Chinatown. The shop, which is also a cafe and bar debuted in late 2021. It highlights works by Asian authors and books that feature the stories of immigrants. Closed Mondays. 

44 Mulberry St. 

Cricket’s Candy Creations

Cricket’s Candy Creations

Cricket Azima is clearly always cooking up something (she's founder of Kids Food Festival, The Creative Kitchen and author of Everybody Eats Lunch & Everybody Can Cook) but her latest project is Cricket’s Candy Creations in Tribeca. Kids (and parents) can create and play with candy of all kinds (edible slime, candy jewelry, delicious fingerpaint, etc.), enjoy candy-themed films in the screening room, marvel at Wonka-esque installations and more. And of course, you can host a birthday party here or even go to camp. 

200 Hudson St. 

Gooey On the Inside

We know it may be hard to believe, but some people say Kafi Dublin's Gooey On the Inside cookies rival a certain other cookie with a cult following in NYC. (Starts with an "L"...) Named for their distinct, some would argue ideal, texture, these cookies come in classic and creative flavors that include chocolate chip, s'mores and Cap'n Crunch peanut butter. (Or get a molten cookie in a jar. Yum.) Good to know: cookie Happy Hour runs from 4-6 p.m., when $5 cookies are $3. 

163 Chrystie St. 
Lower East Side


Love cute, fashionable and distinct kids' clothes but not so into the cost (or trying to find them in the right size?) Check out Dopple, the creation of co-founder and CEO  Chao Wang. This subscription service for stylish and affordable clothing for children, which offers pieces from brands such as Stella McCartney, Chloé, Bonpoint and Dôen, makes it easy to up your kid's look without going broke. You can also order a single "Dopple Drop", a cute starter outfit set for newborns (in various styles) as a gift for new parents. 


Love Adorned

Love Adorned is fine jewelry and lifestyle store (and experience) founded by Lori Leven. Head here for unique and vintage jewelry pieces, curated housewares, dried flowers, good-smelling stuff (soap, incense, candles), fun things for kids and more. Visit them in the Village or in Amagansett. 

269 Elizabeth St. 
West Village 

156 Main St. 

Union Square Play

Union Square Play

Run by local moms, Union Square Play offers classes, workshops and open play for members, while also serving as a place and forum for parents to connect. In addition to in-person events, they host many virtual meetups and new mom groups. The pandemic meant closing the original space; now you'll find them on 11th and a Lalo on Bond Street, where select classes are held. 

67 E. 11th St. 
Greenwich Village


Babe of Brooklyn

At Babe of Brooklyn, the goal has always been to develop old-school all-natural grooming/beard-care products. “One of the greatest things for us are the people we have encountered along our journey. Being in NYC has fueled our outlook on how we approach the business and life by making sure we gain access to and provide quality products and making sure all things Babe of Brooklyn are genuine," says owner Tameka Allen



At Saskia, a jewelry studio in Industry City, every bead tells a story and every beaded necklace or bracelet (whether you make it using a DIY kit or purchase one that owner Saskia de Vries has created) is as unique as you are. “I love doing business in NYC for the same reason I always wanted to live here—the mix of cultures, the human interest, the appreciation for flair and color and the adoration of art in all forms," she says. 

67 35th St. 
Industry City 

Awesome Brooklyn

At Awesome Brooklyn, a gift shop in Prospect Lefferts Gardens that opened in 2017, the specialty is gifts that are so awesome you’ll want them for yourself. Last year brought the introduction of Awesome Home store, located next door. Keep an eye on the Awesome Brooklyn Instagram for the latest products coming into the shop, and the creative window displays owner Vanessa Raptopoulos designs. 

617 Flatbush Ave. 
Prospect Lefferts Gardens 

Clever Alice

At Clever Alice, a Nolita shop that hosts multi-brand women’s designer sample sales, it’s always an adventure to browse the racks for dresses, jumpsuits and handbags. Owner Tamara Chaponot is curator in chief, sharing both bargains, fashion forecasts, and thoughts on sustainability. 

4 Prince St. 

Bean & Bean Coffee Roasters

Bean & Bean Coffee Roasters

When you stop in for coffee at one of the three Bean & Bean Coffee Roasters in NYC, you’re supporting a mother-daughter business that’s all about giving back. The goal of these two coffee sommeliers: To bridge the gender gap in the coffee world by supporting women farmers and helping out the environment by donating part of their profits towards helping injured sloths in coffee-producing countries. 

71 Broadway
Financial District

318 8th Ave. 

The Doughnut Project

Tucked in the West Village since 2015: A doughnut shop with a cult following that might stem from the fact that each hand-crafted pastry draws inspiration from food and cocktails. Best of all, it’s a team of three female employees who are creating these unique gourmet doughnuts, like The Everything and Lemon Love Letter. Co-founder and owner Leslie Polizzotto says that some people even drive into the city on weekends from Connecticut, New Jersey and Long Island to get a doughnut fix. 

10 Morton St.
West Village

Let's Dress Up

Since 2005, Let’s Dress Up has been the Upper East Side spot for fairytale-themed tea and birthday parties. Since COVID-19, this beloved space has kept is super safe, reopening with small format and private events as well as some virtual offerings. “The greatest thing for us is interacting with the kids, in person or on a screen, and hearing their excitement and laughter as they participate in one of our events," says co-owner Samantha Myers. "Even if it inevitably ends up with them waving a magic wand and pretending to turn me into a frog!” 

345 E. 85th St. 
Upper East Side



Home chefs can now provide a ‘taste of home’ via WoodSpoon, a community-based marketplace that has been delivering home-cooked dishes to New Yorkers since its inception in January 2019.  Co-founder and CMO Merav Kalish Rozengarten says some of the most popular items are comfort foods like delicious breads, pastas and soups "Like your grandma used to make. You can’t get that at a restaurant.”


with additional reporting by Mimi O’Connor