Whether it’s an oceanside retreat or the sandy shores of a lake, nothing says summer like a day at the beach. But even the most water-loving family could use a little variety in their beach excursion routine. Here are over 33 beach activities and beach games that take next-to-no supplies and a lot of creativity.

If you’ve got a baby in tow, check out our favorite baby beach hacks to make the best of your day!

1. Host a beach scavenger hunt.

The beach is full of hidden treasures. If your pint-sized pirate isn't quite ready for ocean exploration then a land-based scavenger hunt is a great way to spend the afternoon. Start the day with easy-to-locate items and slowly work toward more obscure finds, just like Katie of Views from a Step Stool did with her son.

2. Play nature tic-tac-toe.

Whether you use sticks or simply sketch a playing board in the sand, tic-tac-toe is an easy and fun beach activity for any age. Get creative with your Xs and Os markers by using shells, sticks, and other nautical treasures.

3. Create beautiful beach art.

This two-in-one beach activity is perfect for your little explorer to showcase his artistic side. Get an early start, collect as many colorful items as possible, and give him a wide-open canvas.

4. Make sand animals.

Forgo the typical sand castle and challenge your budding builders to sculpt their favorite sea creatures out of the sand instead. Bonus points for the most imaginative monster!

5. Look for animal habitats.

Turn the beach into your outdoor classroom and talk about the different habitats you can find there. Point out the grasslands, the water, and the dunes, and then follow up with a chat about the animals in each habitat. After the lesson, send your students off to explore.

6. Build a sand (snow) man.

Olaf may have wished for summer, but most snowmen prefer frigid temps. Their sandy counterparts, however, love all things beachy! You can use sand toys for arms and buckets for hats or look around for supplies right on the beach. 

7. Host an Olympic competition.

Turn a day at the beach into an Olympic-inspired competition. Head over to A Small Snippet to see how to set up games like hurdles, a 40-yard dash, discus throw, and more.

8. Practice your putting.

Play a sandy round of mini-golf right on the beach. For this fun beach game, you can pick up a set of pint-sized clubs and balls from Amazon or the dollar store and make your own course.

9. Make a rock tower.

For this beach activity, collect rocks of various sizes, and have the kids stack them up until the tower topples. The kid with the tallest tower wins! Take pictures and spread them back out in the sand before you leave.

dad and daughter reading on the beach, a fun beach activity

10. Enjoy a good beach read.

It might not be the juicy novel you've had your eye on, but there's something special about hosting story time in the sand. You can choose a family favorite or pick something beach-themed!

11. Play musical towels.

A circle of towels easily doubles as the setup for musical chairs. Don't forget to bring the radio or a smartphone with speakers to crank up your favorite tunes.

12. Organize a beach ball relay.

For this beach game, the rules are simple. Players use any part of the body except the hands and race to carry a beach ball across the finish line before their opponents.

13. Throw sand darts.

Sand darts is one game that's always a bullseye at the beach. It's easy to set up—sketch a dart board in the sand and then collect shells or pebbles to use as darts.

14. Paint rocks (and shells).

Bring a few markers (Sharpies work best, so this one is ideal for the older kids) to the beach and have your kids add flair to gathered shells or rocks. You can hide them for other families or take them home as souvenirs. We love the adorable designs spotted over at Green Owl Art.

15. Fly a kite.

It’s often windy by the beach, so take advantage of the prime conditions to fly a kite. You can grab one for less than $10 at Target (or, if you’re feeling crafty, make your own!).

16. Organize a beach ball relay.

Using any part of the body except the hands, two people race to carry a beach ball across the finish line before their opponents.

17. Take a walk.

Sometimes the simplest things can be the most special. Reapply that sunscreen and head out on a stroll down the beach with your littles. Along the way, you can hunt for shells, spot animals, and dip your toes in the ocean.

18. Make a river and float a boat.

Once you've made a sand castle, expand the pretend play by carving a river from the castle to the sea. Add rocks for boulders, dig waterfalls, and build tiny boats the kids can sail to open waters.

mom and daughter digging a hole, a fun beach activity

19. Dig a hole.

Whether the kids are competing to see who can hit wet sand first, or if they're making a swimming pool for the royal residents of the adjacent sand castle, digging a hole is one of the most classic beach activities of all time.

20. Become a beach steward by cleaning up the beach.

Take a few minutes to stash the trash while taking a break from all the sand castles and treasure hunting,! Using supervision, it's a great way to start or end your day at the beach. Make it a game to see who can pick up the most trash—you'll be helping the beach habitat you love and showing kids responsibility. Win, win! 

21. Organize a few rounds of hopscotch.

You don't need much to set up this classic game. Find a stick and make the game squares. Then, gather a few rocks and a few willing kids, and then let them hop away.

22. Set up beach skeeball.

Skeeball + sand = fun. Recreate everyone’s favorite arcade game at the beach. Just dig the holes and get rolling. Thanks to Life with Leo for the idea!

23. Become a mermaid.

She's always wanted to be a mermaid. So dig a hole, bury her, and craft a mermaid tail out of the surrounding sand. You can even let the kids make you a tail!

24. Melt a sand castle.

After your kids have had their fill of towers and turrets, offer up a bucket of water and a funnel (a plastic water bottle works great, too). Show your little builders how to dribble the water over the towers slowly. The castle will change and dissolve before their eyes.

25. Create a construction site.

The beach is the biggest sandbox your kid will ever see. Add a little water, gravel, or rocks, and bam! You’ve got an instant dig site. Tote mini construction vehicles, put the kids under a shade structure, and then bust out that novel you brought—you now have time to read it.

26. Do the Limbo

A classic game that anyone can play, all you need for the Limbo is a stick and music. Take turns going under the stick (chin up, hands and feet can't touch the ground), until one player remains.

mom and daughter doing beach yoga, a fun beach activity

27. Do a little beach yoga.

Take a meditative moment and do yoga to the sound of the waves. To avoid getting super sandy, stick with standing poses like Triangle Pose, Half Moon, or Warrior Pose but consider aquatic names for them: Castle Pose, Mermaid, etc.

28. Try to balance on a boogie board.

Get everyone lined up on their boogie boards near the water. Then, have your kids stand on the board with their backs facing the water (so they won't see the waves coming). The winner is the last one standing on a board when the water retreats.

29. Play I Spy.

From friendly pups to sailboats and kayaks, there’s so much to take in at the beach. Grab your sunnies and challenge your kids to a game of I Spy. Just pick an object and dole out clues about it (I spy something fuzzy, something red, etc.) until they can name it.

30. Try your hand at "Sand Pictionary."

A sandy beach is a perfect canvas for Pictionary when the tide is out. Give this classic game a summery twist with words like firework, crab, and watermelon. Once the correct guess has been made, wait for the waves to clear the "board" and start the next round.

31. Toss a beach ball around.

Sometimes the simplest games can be the most fun. All you need is an oversized beach towel and a beach ball! See how long you can keep the ball in the air and off the sand.

32.  Pitch a beach tent.

Channel their inner castaway and create a beach tent using found branches and a towel. Then relax and enjoy sandy fun in the shade.

33. Craft shell necklaces.

Look for seashells with holes in them as you enjoy the beach. Once you’ve got a few on hand, let the kiddos string them onto twine to make a simple and sweet necklace.




Take the lingering light of the day by storm with these easy and incredibly fun night games to play

There’s something undeniably magical about that time just after the sun sets but before dark settles in—and it’s not just because the mosquitos aren’t out in full force yet. Take advantage of the lingering light of day (hint: you’ll tire the kids out before bedtime!) with these games to play in the dark. From spooky games like Ghost in the Graveyard to tamer night games like Limbo and Charades, there’s something for everyone.

1. Sardines

Like hide-and-seek, but in the opposite direction, if you’re playing with little kids, consider sending them out in pairs of two to hide. Then, have the rest of the players count to 50, then let them loose. As kids find the hiding players, they squeeze into the same hiding spot, until all the players are squished together like a can of sardines! The kids who discovered the pair first get to hide during the next round, and so on.

2. Spotlight Charades

Your favorite party game is fun at dusk, too. Grab a flashlight, and a group of kids, and have them act out their favorite movies, characters, TV shows, or book.

3. Flashlight Limbo

Don’t put that flashlight away! Use it for another fun game to play in the dark. Simply grab a speaker, and stream your family’s favorite tunes as the “limbo stick” holder lowers the beam of light lower, lower, low!

4. Ghost In the Graveyard

This classic summertime game adds a little extra thrill to the average round of hide-and-seek. Here’s how to play this fun night game:

Choose your players and your boundaries: This one is best for a group of at least 3 neighborhood kids or friends. More is better. Pick front or backyards, a park field, etc. Just be sure everyone knows and agrees on the borders. Be sure and designate a spot as a home base, where you need to get when the ghost is discovered. It should be large enough that the whole group can touch it, stand on it, etc.

Get It: Choose an “it” to be the first ghost. (The next round’s “it” is designated as the last person to reach the safe zone of the home base.) While everyone but the ghost stays at home base and counts without looking, the ghost hides. The rest of the group counts—One o’clock, two o’clock, three o’clock, etc. up to 11 o’clock. When you reach midnight, chant: “Midnight!/The time is right/All ghosts come out tonight!”

Hunt your ghost: Now all the players except the hiding ghost venture away from “home” while looking for the ghost. Split up, and scan as much space as you can. As soon as someone spots the ghost, they shout as loud as they can, “Ghost in the graveyard!” Now everyone must get back to the safe zone before the ghost tags them.

5. Statue & Tourist

Perfect for a forested glen or even indoors as the light is fading (or in a dark room). One player is the “tourist” who is viewing the amazing statue garden. They get a flashlight.  All the other players must stay as still as a statue: they are allowed to move when the light is off, but as soon as the tourist turns the flashlight on they must stay still. When the flashlight is on the statue, the tourist tries to make the statue giggle or wiggle. If they do, they join the tourist’s team and go tour the next statue.

6. Flashlight Tag

This is your basic game of tag, but instead of having to touch the person to make them “it,” you use your flashlight to try and “catch” them.

7. Twilight Treasure Hunt

In the fading light, an ordinary scavenger hunt takes on an exciting new dimension. Create clues and riddles for the players to solve together along the way, leaving each one at the sight of the last riddle’s solution. Give the group a flashlight to help spot tricky hidden clues. This one is great because you can set it up during daylight hours while the kids are splashing around and won’t notice your stealthy moves.

8. Glow Big

Use glowsticks to illuminate plastic water bottles for this game to play in the dark. Now line ’em up and try to strike them down with a small kickball, rubber ball, or tennis ball. Use bottles with water (or add after you’ve rinsed and placed glow sticks in). You can adjust how much water you put in to make it easier (or harder) to knock them over. You can also try glow ring toss. Just set up a stick on the ground and toss glow bracelets or necklaces around it. Like horseshoes, but with glowsticks!

9. Glow-in-the-dark ring toss

All you need for this simple, all-ages game is a glow stick and necklaces. Separate into teams and the first to 10 points wins! For an added level of difficulty, try it with glow bracelets. Here are a few other glow-in-the-dark games.

10. Nighttime “Marco Polo”

Just like the popular pool game, except this version keeps kids dry. Determine the space they’ll play in, and make sure there’s nothing they can trip over since they’ll be blindfolded, then you’re good to go!


Ah, the ever-elusive concept of time. It’s like a ninja—stealthily slipping away when you’re not looking but stubbornly dragging on when you’re trying to entertain a restless toddler or engage an uninterested tween. Luckily, we’ve compiled a list of fun play ideas for kids of all ages that won’t take longer than a snack break. From magic tricks to a game of animal charades, these activities are guaranteed to make 20 minutes feel like a flash.  And who knows, the memories made during these mini-adventures might just become cherished family stories down the road.

Play Ideas for Kids Age 2-4

little toddler playing peek-a-boo

Notoriously known for having zero attention span, toddlers can lose interest quickly, so filling 20 minutes with engaging activities isn’t always easy. These quick-fix ideas help turn any idle time into a burst of fun.

1. Play I-Spy. This classic game stands the test of time and helps toddlers better understand their surroundings. It’s also easily adaptable, requires no materials, and takes almost no time to complete. Put a twist on the same old game and set up your “I Spy” with a theme. Pick a letter (all things that begin with “B”), a color (only purple objects), or any other focus that your kiddo can dream up.

2. Stack Stuff. Watch your little one learn hand-eye coordination, spatial awareness, and problem-solving skills by just stacking stuff. Whether it’s cups or blocks, they’ll have a blast figuring out balance and stability.
3. Have a Dance Party. Throw on some music and dance it out. Choose from our roundup of the best Spotify playlists, and spike your heart rate to a family-friendly tune. It’s also a great way to shake things up when your little one is feeling grumpy.

4. Play Follow the Leader. Get creative with this old-school favorite. Choose a theme (such as acting like animals or moving like snowflakes), create super-silly walks, or explore outside with a follow-the-leader nature walk.

Ideas for Ages 4-6

play ideas for kids

Preschoolers are curious, and their imagination is always running at warp speed. It’s a great time to introduce play ideas that activate their love of make-believe. Unchanged: Preschoolers are curious, and their imagination is always running at warp speed. It’s a great time to introduce play ideas that activate their love of make-believe.

4. Act out a book. While reading a book together is always a good idea, acting one out could be even more fun. If your toddler has a favorite book they’re obsessed with, dig into the dress-up box and have them try to act out a live-action version.

5. Have your little one stay in character when you play a quick game of animal charades. No prep is necessary for this easy guessing game. Just pick your favorite animal and go for it. With each successful guess, trade places and start again. Ee-i-ee-i-o!

6. Create a card for a loved one. Surprise a friend or relative with a homemade card from you and your toddler. They’ll have fun stamping, coloring, and creating a fun design, and the recipient will be thrilled with the surprise mail.

Play Ideas for Kids Ages 6-8

minute to win it games are good play ideas for kids

It’s no surprise that recess is this group’s favorite time of day. Grade school kids need to run and unleash energy, so killing 20 minutes is easy when you have open space to move. Here are some fun activities to keep moving and even a few for when they need to sit still.

7. Play freeze tag. The person who is “it” tries to tag the others. Once you’ve been tagged, you have to stand (frozen in the position you were in when you were tagged) until another “untagged” person can tag you to free you.

8. Create a Scavenger Hunt. Whether you pull a pre-organized list off the internet or create your own, enjoy watching your grade-schooler expend some serious energy while hunting for one item after another.

9. Play a minute to win it game. This age set loves a timer and since every phone has one you can break out a minute to win it game just about anywhere. From ball drop to sponge run, we’ve got a full list of games that take 60 seconds or less and are sure to make time fly.

10. Have fun with jokes. Laughter really is the best medicine. Telling jokes is an instant mood booster, so whether you’re stuck in traffic or waiting in the orthodontist’s office, tap into some of our favorite belly-laughing jokes. We even have a best-of-summer roundup!

Play Ideas for Kids Ages 10-12

little girl practicing an easy magic trick

Avoid the dreaded “I’m bored” phrase by suggesting one of these activities to your soon-to-be middle schoolers.

12. Conversation starters. Jumping into a good discussion with tweens isn’t always seamless, but these conversation starters can help. Try using this one right before dinnerIf you could make any vegetable against the law, which would it be? Just be ready for their answer!

13. Play “Exquisite Corpse,” where you create a story together. Decide on a theme and have the first person write a phrase or sentence. The next person continues the story by writing the next sentence or phrase, using the last word or phrase from the previous person’s contribution. Continue taking turns until you have a complete story.

14. Learn a magic trick. Start with the simple paper-clip trick and keep moving through this entire list of tricks. 

15. Play Name that Tune—and let them pick the music! It’s a great way to get your kiddo to talk more about what they’re into and for you to add some variety to your playlist.

The Best Ideas for Teens

Trying to get your teen to put down their phone and engage in conversation is like trying to teach a cat to swim – it’s not impossible, but it sure feels like it sometimes! The good news is, once you do, they’re happy you did it and more likely to form healthy habits around screen usage.

15. Play a game of “20 Questions”. Get more insight into your teen’s mind and thought process with this classic game you can play anywhere, anytime. It also fosters strategic thinking and is a game of deduction and logic that will be very satisfying for your ever-growing tween.

16. Play Wordle or do a mini crossword. Want to engage and still use the phone? We suggest pairing up to solve everyone’s favorite word puzzles.

17. Boost their confidence. Sometimes just letting them know you’re proud of them can lead to the best discussions. Here are 30 positive things to say to your favorite almost-teen when they don’t feel like talking.

18. Trivia for Tweens and Teens. From who is the half-blooded prince to who is the oldest gamer on YouTube, we’ve rounded up some of the most intriguing trivia questions for teens (and tweens) that are guaranteed to keep them entertained.

You know you’re an adult when you proudly have a favorite grocery store, and for many of us, it’s Trader Joe’s. While older folks get a kick out of the vast wine selection and the plethora of freezer meals, there are plenty of other reasons to love the neighborhood grocer. We’ve rounded up a handful of Trader Joe’s secrets and tips (including some from a store manager!) that will take your next trip to TJ’s to the next level.

1. You can return anything.



Do you have a picky eater who no longer scarfs down bags of peanut butter Bamba? Or maybe that soup wasn’t what you thought it was? Never fear, you can take it back to Trader Joe’s for a refund with no questions asked. Just take your item up to the customer service desk and let them know you’d like to return a product.

2. Trader Joe’s accepts manufacturer coupons.

It is most definitely true that TJ’s does not mark down products for sale, but here’s a big Trader Joe’s secret: they take manufacturer coupons. The next time you head to the store, grab those coupons for Annie’s or your Fage yogurt and hand them over at the checkout counter.

3. All Trader Joe’s labeled products are non-GMO.



Yes, it’s true. A manager confirmed that private-label Trader Joe’s products are all free from genetically modified organisms (GMOs). So why doesn’t the label say so?

According to the company, US government agencies do not currently have clear guidelines addressing food and beverage labeling. Rather than waiting, Trader Joe’s has gone ahead and made the position of non-GMO ingredients a part of what the overall label encompasses.

P.S.: All private-label products also have no artificial flavors or preservatives, MSG, or partially hydrogenated oils!

4. Not sure if you’ll like something? Ask for a sample.

Trader Joe’s takes the guesswork out of spending your hard-earned grocery money on something the kids might hate. Just ask an employee if you can sample a product and 99% of the time, they’ll indulge you! (The jury is still out on whether this includes wine sampling.)

Related: 16 Easy Trader Joe’s Recipes That Take 15 Minutes or Less

5. When is the best time to shop at Trader Joe’s?

spring trader joe's products, women walking out of trader joe's store


Early in the day or later evening is the name of the Trader Joe’s shopping game. While every store differs slightly depending on its location (suburbs, city, etc.), most employees agree that 8-10 a.m. and the post-dinner hour on weekdays are ideal for no crowds. Weekends are a whole other ballgame, especially the Sunday post-church hour which tends to be uber busy. So drop off the big kids at school, then head over to TJ’s to shop in peace and quiet.

6. The scavenger hunt for kids is real.

You’ve probably heard about the hidden stuffie in your local Trader Joe’s, and it’s the real deal. Employees hide one in every store, changing it weekly, to keep your kids on their toes while you focus on stocking up your cart. When your kiddo finds the hidden animal, they can point it out to an employee for a special prize. It’s one of the best Trader Joe’s secrets of all!

7. Trader Joe’s is serious about seasonal items.



It only takes one, tasteless January to realize how much you loved those candy cane Joe-Joe’s that you’ll have to wait another year to stock up on. The grocer seriously enjoys spoiling its customers with seasonal and limited edition food, body, decor, and garden products—and it works because we look forward to them every year. That being said, there is no shame in the stock-up game (so long as you leave some for the rest of us!). Grab a few extra boxes of pumpkin pancake mix and minty star cookies the next time they’re in season to hold you over. Afraid you’ll miss the last shipment of your fave item? Don’t be afraid to ask a crew member on if the item is sticking around.

8. Trader Joe’s is staffed by a nautical crew.

When you work for Trader Joe’s, you aren’t just an employee. In fact, the grocer assigns nautical titles! Entry-level employees are called Crew Members, with Merchants being the next level up. Merchants perform the same duties as the Crew but have received special recognition from their community for excellent customer service. Assistant store leaders are called Mates, while store leaders are Captains. Captains are always promoted from within, just another reason to love the company. Ahoy!

Related: Trader Joe’s Has Revealed Its Most Popular Products (According to Customers)

9. Employees are the experts.

employees share Trader Joe's secrets


Did you know Trader Joe’s employees try ALL new products that hit the shelves? The company firmly believes in empowering all crew members to be able to answer customer questions honestly. So the next time you’re on the fence about the Unexpected Cheddar or a wedge of Italian Truffle Cheese, just ask an employee!

10. The Trader Joe’s bells are important.

No doubt you’ve been shopping and heard a few bell rings near the cash registers. Employees ring them once, twice, or three times to communicate with each other because the stores do not utilize a traditional PA system. A manager says that one ring means to open another register, two rings mean there is a checkout line question and three rings mean a manager is needed at the front of the store.

11. Trader Joe’s loves contests.

The folks at Trader’s love amping up guests, and that’s why you can always count on some sort of wacky contest happening throughout the year. From the most recent “Scent-sational Candle Contest,” and past events like the Milkshake Contest and the Corn Contest (we are serious), customers are often asked to weigh in with their opinions and ideas, for a chance to win a TJ’s gift card.  Even tiny Trader shoppers can get in on the mix, with many stores offering monthly coloring contests. Just stop by the manager’s desk when you arrive to grab a page!


The Easter Bunny is getting ready to hop up to your house—and we have just the thing to add a little magical fun to your Easter celebration. Check out these creative Easter ideas for Easter Bunny fun, like making a bunny trail and the Easter Bunny tracker. Once you know how he’s going to make his arrival, be prepared with Easter games for kids and hilarious Easter jokes.

Easter Bunny Tracker

little girl with a bunny

Track the Easter bunny on your smartphone! Compatible with both Apple and Android phones, download the app and then, on Easter Eve 2024, March 30 at 5 a.m. you'll be able to follow the Easter Bunny as he delivers treats to kids around the world. 

Set Up an Easter Bunny Tree (and Leave Carrots)

We know there will be some eye-rolls over this idea for Easter Bunny fun, but how cute would a pastel-themed Easter tree be? It’s also a fun place to have the furry guy drop Easter baskets filled with goodies. Go for an all-white tree like this one, and go wild with Easter decorations. This is also a perfect place to leave a plate of carrots the night before!

Bunnies for Breakfast

bunny fairy bread is a fun Easter bunny idea
Hello Wonderful

The Easter Bunny can drop a winding trail of jelly beans to the kitchen—with this delicious bunny fairy bread serving as the treat at the end of the trail. Skip over to Hello Wonderful to find out how to set up this easy idea for Easter Bunny fun. Pair it with pastel-colored milk made with a few drops of food coloring in your little one's morning glass of milk for a festive breakfast. Note: if you have animal friends who'd gobble up a jelly bean trail, the Easter Bunny can leave a trail of inedible white cotton balls through your house instead.

Treasure Hunt

scavenger hunt for the easter bunny
Happiness is Homemade

The clever Easter Bunny doesn't leave baskets out in the open: he hides them at the end of a tricky scavenger hunt. Happiness is Homemade put together a free printable packed full of treasure hunt clues, with each one leading to the next. You'll be able to drink your morning coffee while your kids decipher the clues.

Related: 14 Creative Easter Egg Hunts You Can Do at Home

Magical Jelly Beans

lollipops that grow from jelly beans is one of the cutest Easter bunny ideas.
Amy Shamblen via Unsplash

We love this extra-sweet tradition for Easter bunny fun! Simply gather a handful of jelly beans and, with your little one, plant them outside. While your bunnies sleep, you can swap out the beans for lollipops. Voila! Your kids will wake up to a magical lollipop garden on Easter morning. If you're worried about your dog gobbling up the jelly beans outside, or if it's too chilly for an outdoor planting session, you can bring the magic jelly bean fun inside with this easy lollipop garden craft.

Paw Prints

setting up paw prints is a cute Easter bunny idea

What will the Easter Bunny be sure to leave as he hops through your house? Paw prints! You can create a bunny trail that leads through your house with a template and white flour. It's an affordable way to sprinkle a little egg-stra magic on Easter morning. Find all the DIY tips here. If your bunny's in a hurry, simply pick up a pack of oversized pink-and-white paw print decals and spread them out on the floor. Get them here. 

Bunny Funfetti

The Itsy Bitsy Kitchen

The Easter Bunny's surprises don't have to end with candy-packed baskets. Bake a hidden bunny chocolate and vanilla funfetti cake for a sweet Easter brunch finale. It's easier to make than it looks! The Itsy-Bitsy Kitchen has step-by-step instructions to guide you through the process for this fun Easter idea for kids.

DIY Bunny Hideaway

Allison Murray

Make your own Easter Bunny fun hideaway with these super fun steps from Allison Murray from Dream a Little Bigger. You can simplify with some paint and stencils for a quick DIY project. 

Related: 13 Easter Games That Go Way Beyond an Egg Hunt

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You’ve made it through the dizzying first month (or so) with your baby. Congratulations are in order! Now you’re itching to get out and explore the city again. Only this time, you’ll be packing a stroller, a well-stocked diaper bag, and your proud new-parent badge. If you’re wondering what are the best things to do in Seattle with a baby, you’ve come to the right place.

From classes to experiences to all the great outdoor adventures you can find in the PNW, you’ll have plenty of activities to choose from in between nap times. Before your baby turns one (trust us, that happens much faster than you think) check these 25 things to do with a baby in Seattle off your baby bucket list.

get outdoors things to do in Seattle with a baby

1. Go Out to Dinner

Remember when the hardest part of going out to dinner was choosing the restaurant? Sure, it’s harder to eat out with your parenting partner now that baby has arrived, but we’re firm believers in going when baby is young (and can still sleep through at least one course of the meal). When baby’s older, try one of these family restaurants that cater to kids.

2. Find Stroller-Friendly Walking Trails & Hikes

There’s just something about taking a stroll around Green Lake or along Alki Beach on a sunny day that makes it nearly irresistible. Now that baby’s here, be sure to introduce them to your favorite walking trails for wheels and easy hikes while they’re still content to sit and take it all in. Just remember, even if you don’t have a special frame pack for baby, you can still find a trail and get outdoors.

Insider Tip: Groups like Hike it Baby have invaluable suggestions and parent meet-ups that make getting outside with baby easy.

Related: Seattle’s Best Stroller-Friendly Trails & Walks

3. Say “Yes” to Woodland Park Zoo

Even if baby isn’t “oohing” and “ahhing” at all the animals you’ll see at Woodland Park Zoo, spend a day there anyway. Sunshine, wide walking paths, and plenty of grassy areas where your cutie can crawl around make this a baby must-do. Don’t forget to head to Zoomazium for some indoor exploration, if it’s a rainy day or you need a change of scenery.

Related: Go Wild! Your Insider’s Guide to Woodland Park Zoo

4. Get to Know the City’s Kid-Friendliest Museums

While your little bundle may not be ready to take in local museum exhibits (no matter how fascinating they are), they are plenty of Seattle-area museums that are baby-friendly. Seattle Children’s Museum tops our list, and not just because it’s got a baby-friendly play area and the best bathrooms this side of the Cascades. Nearby PacSci, with its soft toddler playspace, is another option, as is Chihuly Garden & Glass. While you might not think a museum full of breakables screams baby-friendly, we beg to differ. Take them while they’re still stroller-bound and you’ll see why.

Related: What’s New, Hot & Cool at Seattle’s Best Family Museums

5. Watch the Mariners Win

Sure they can’t run the bases after the game yet, and as far as your baby is concerned, the 7th inning stretch should always be accompanied by a big yawn and a long nap. But bringing your little one to see the Mariners play is a guaranteed win during the first year. Snap pics, enjoy ballpark food, and definitely bring your sunscreen to make the trip successful.

Related: 10 Reasons T-Mobile Park Hits a Home Run for Families

6. Attend Baby Story Time

Drop in to hear stories for babies at your local King County Library branch, pretty much any day of the week. Not only is it a great way to spend time with your little one, it’s also a change to meet other parents who are in the same stage as you are. While you’re at it, sign baby up for a library card—after all, it’s never too early.

7. Ride the Ferry

Sometimes just getting to where you’re going with baby in the car can be tough. Bypass the drive-time headache by riding the ferry. Park the car and hit the deck where baby can explore, with or without a stroller. You’ll get where you need to be and baby will be happy. That’s what we call a win-win for you both.

8. Try a Swim Class

Spend time in the water with baby at a local parent/baby swim class. Not sure where to start? Get our suggestions on the best baby swim classes in Seattle before you dive in.

9. Attend a Nearby Play & Learn Program

Your baby totally digs toys but isn’t quite ready for the rough and tumble business of Seattle’s indoor play gyms. Sometimes something new is what it takes to keep baby entertained. Take your newest addition to a Kaleidoscope Play & Learn session to socialize and play with toys that aren’t already found in baby’s room. We love this free community program that’s taught in many languages.

10. Sit for a Tiny Tots Concert

Sure your kiddo wouldn’t make it through a Seattle Symphony concert, no matter how soothing those violins can be. That’s why there’s Tiny Tots, specific concerts geared toward families with kids under five. Stories, songs, and games that only take 30 minutes? That’s the sound of a great day with baby to us.

11. Make New Parent Friends

You’re all in this together, right? So why not connect with other parents in Seattle. Whether you’re giving them a like on Facebook or following them for inspiration and ideas on Instagram, these parents are totally your people.

Things to do with babies Seattle

12. Stretch Yourself at a Baby Yoga Class

When you have a baby, it’s easy to get focused on the little things. Little toes. Little fingers. Little smiles. That’s one of the things parents love about Limber Yoga’s baby and parent yoga class. It’s all about finding peace in the little things and taking a breather when you need one. Currently the class meets once a week on Tuesdays, and registration is required.

13. Grab a Drink with Friends

Ditch the sippy cup for a glass of wine or a nice lager at one of these spots where you can belly up with baby in tow. Watch your favorite teams play to win, or try a flight of reds you’ll remember at these wineries that welcome kids.

14. Join a Music Class

Meet other parents and introduce your little bundle to musical instruments at any number of local Seattle music classes for babies. Start with Sunshine Music Together classes, for kids ages 0-5, that offered all over the city, from Queen Anne to West Seattle to Redmond. WeBop Music classes at Seattle JazzED is another program that caters to kids (starting at 8 months). But if free and loose is more your speed, try  dropping in at Baby Jam, a long-running Seattle class that meets for two different sessions on Monday mornings.

15. Bike the Burke-Gilman Trail

The fact that you can bike for miles without having to cross the street is one of the Burke’s biggest perks. Put baby in the bike seat or trailer and get pedaling. If you need to feed or change baby during your ride, plan to make a pit stop at these fantastic spots along the trail.

Related: 15 Wheely Fun Bike Trails for Seattle Families

16. Have Coffee with a Friend

Get your adulting fix at one of the city’s many cafes and coffee shops. Bonus points if it has a place where parents can sit while baby plays, like Ballard Firehouse Coffee, C & P Coffee in West Seattle, or Serendipity or Psst! When baby is older, these spots offer a place for mom and dad to work while baby plays.

17. Explore Volunteer Park

Lots of stroller-friendly paths and a conservatory, too. These are just a few of the things that make Volunteer Park a great place to take baby. Plus, visiting the on-site Asian Art Museum is another easy activity to enjoy when you’ve got baby with you. Plenty to see, not touch, and spaces where you can sit quietly together to take it all in.

18. Go Wild at ZooTunes

It doesn’t get more family-friendly than BECU’s ZooTunes during the summer months. Grab a seat near the back, spread out a picnic blanket, bring headphones to cover baby’s ears, and enjoy the show. The best part? Concerts are over by 8:30 p.m., so everyone can get home to get plenty of rest.

19. Watch the Ships at Ballard Locks

The Ballard Locks is more than just fish ladders and boats. In fact, it’s a wonderful place to explore with little ones, whether you’re baby-wearing or pushing a stroller. Watch spawning fish, or boats making their way from freshwater lakes to the saltwater Sound and back again. Or check out the Carl S. Jr. Botanical Garden, one of the Locks’ hidden gems.

20. See Art at Olympic Sculpture Park

The Olympic Sculpture Park is another fantastic place to stroll with your cutie. Nine acres of green space and larger-than-life art along the waterfront make this a great day destination. Still feeling adventurous? Stroller down the street and take baby to the Seattle Aquarium to gawk at all the fish and adorable sea otters.

21. Wander Through a Garden

If a little peace and quiet is what you’re after (show us a new parent that isn’t), there’s no better place to find it than at one of Seattle’s beautiful gardens. If you ask us, the best part of each of these is that they’re pretty amazing to visit year-round. Spring brings out the bulbs and cherry blossoms, along with summer comes dazzling colors, and even fall has us hooked with rhoddies and the changing leaves.

Related: 13 Gorgeous Gardens to Explore Now

22. Attend Baby’s First Concert

Take your wee one to hear their first concert. From library concerts to outdoor summer fests headlined by some of Seattle’s best kindie rockers, there are plenty of baby-friendly concerts in the city. But may we suggest the Mount Baker Kindiependent Rock series to start.

23. Visit a Petting Farm

Start ’em young is our philosophy. Especially when it comes to kids and super cute farm animals. Spending a morning at Kelsey Creek Farm in Bellevue or at Farrell-McWhirter over in Redmond is always worth the bridge crossing. But if you want to stay close to home, visit the animals at the Woodland Park Zoo petting area starting in early May.

Related: 14 Wild & Fun Animal Farms & Petting Zoos to Visit Now

24. Explore the Seattle Waterfront

Fantastic views and lots to do and see is what makes this downtown trek worth it. Even babies will enjoy a ride on the Great Wheel or a chance to take a boat tour around Elliott Bay. The Pike Place Market isn’t too far uphill from the waterfront, and although it’s a bit crowded for strollers on a weekend, if you go on a weekday you can pick up fresh fish and produce to make a healthy meal when you get home.

Related: Explore Seattle’s Waterfront: 14 Things to Do Now

25. Find a Babysitter

If you haven’t already, get on the sitter search ASAP. Date night awaits!

Related: 16 Seattle Date Night Spots That Are Anything but Ordinary

Make sure to capture all your moments exploring the city—and share them with your family and friends near and far—with the Tinybeans app. The secure platform puts parents in total control of who sees and interacts with photos and videos of their kids.

As your kid’s budding personality begins to reveal itself, you’re sure to get a kick out of all their quirks and preferences—and you can’t help but notice just how much of their own little person they really are. You might have loved a good impromptu dance party as a child, but your kid may be more content to revel in quiet time, read a picture book, or express themselves with watercolors. Or they’re super active and eager to sprint all over the park—or just about anywhere else you take them (sorry, fellow grocery store shoppers). To get an even better sense of your toddler’s favorite activities, you can look to their unique natal astrology, which offers valuable intel on their personality, perspective, and preferences.

As an astrologer and the author of Raising Baby by the Stars: A New Parent’s Guide to Astrology, I’m passionate about sharing the wisdom of astrology with parents to hopefully make life a little easier (and fun!). So let’s dive in and look at children’s astrology signs to better understand what your kid most likes to do.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

an aries symbol for a story on what activities your toddler likes based on your children's astrology signs

Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of action and energy, so your little ram is one of the most on-the-go, physically active kids of the zodiac. Sitting still is not their forte, but bounding around and moving at lightning speed absolutely is, so this is a toddler who will not only love but need time outside at a playground or, on a rainy day, an indoor jungle gym. Even if they’re run-down, they may still want to do something fast and exciting, so zip them around your favorite park in a jogging stroller. Since they’re innately competitive and positively gleeful whenever they’re declared #1, competitive games are a must. Do a timed scavenger hunt or see who in the family can do the most jumping jacks in a minute. And because—as much as they may wish you were—you’re not an Energizer Bunny, when you do flip on a show or read them a book, your silly little Aries will love slapstick humor. 

Taurus (April 21-May 20)

a taurus symbol for a story on what activities your toddler likes based on your children's astrology signs

Born under Taurus, the fixed earth sign, your wee bull is perfectly happy moving through life at a slow and steady pace. For that reason, when in doubt, err on the side of activities that don’t need to be rushed to complete—like slowly chipping away at a longer book or a LEGO building project. Because Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of art and beauty, your toddler has a soft spot for creative endeavors of all kinds—whether that’s making music with kid-size instruments or crafting their favorite animal out of Play-Doh. The bull is also known for being uniquely in touch with all five senses, so sensory activities that allow your tot to engage through sight, smell, touch, taste, and sound are sure to be a winner. Think: heading to the nearest playground for a picnic and discussing all the elements of nature around you, from birds singing to flowers sprouting. 

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

a gemini symbol for a story on what activities your toddler likes based on your children's astrology signs

Gemini toddlers are among the most social and chatty kids of the zodiac thanks to their ruling planet Mercury, the information-gathering planet that oversees communication, transportation, and technology. The sign of the twins also happens to be associated with the Third House of Communication, so activities that involve other kids are sure to be a hit, whether that’s a group playdate or mommy and me class. Your twins child is also bound to be a bookworm who adores trips to the library or bookstore, especially if they involve storytime. Known to be as adept at listening as they are at sharing their many thoughts, you’ll do well to prioritize opportunities for them to flex their conversation skills, whether that’s by FaceTiming loved ones or just chatting through their routine. Games that incorporate wordplay (like “I Spy”) are also winners for Gemini toddlers. And given that Mercury rules transportation, they’ll love learning about trains, planes, or automobiles.

Related: 23 Ways to Exhaust Your Toddler Before Sundown

Cancer (June 22-July 21)

a cancer symbol for a story on what activities your toddler likes based on your children's astrology signs

Your little crab is a heartfelt, intuitive, sentimental sweetheart who, even more than other toddlers, can let loose and have the most fun when they feel securely attached to you and other family members. These traits are owed, in great part, to the fact that Cancer is ruled by the moon, which oversees emotions, intuition, and maternal energy in astrology. So, put on a playlist of your favorite heart-soaring songs (“Let It Go,” anyone?) and encourage your crab cutie to sing along with you. Your little Cancer will also love a leisurely stroll by the nearest body of water (something that’s infinitely therapeutic for a water sign) while strapped to you or holding your hand. Speaking of water, they love playing with bath or pool toys, and as an innately nurturing sign you can tap into their desire to take care of others by playing veterinarian or preparing yummy snacks for their siblings.

Leo (July 22-August 22)

a leo symbol for a story on what activities your toddler likes based on your children's astrology signs

Outgoing, buoyant, confident, and eager to be the center of attention, your little lion owes their exuberance to their ruler, the vitality-bringing sun. They’re also natural-born leaders, so any activity that allows them to run the show (like Follow the Leader) will fire them up. Associated with the Fifth House of Fun and Self-Expression, Leo toddlers love to share what’s in their hearts and on their minds through big, showy creative outlets, like playing dress-up with brightly colored (ideally sparkly!) or otherwise vibrant costumes, putting on a play, or having an impromptu dance party—which you’ll be instructed by your budding star to capture on your phone. While Leo toddlers tend to be fairly extroverted and active, they’re more apt to sit still for books and movies that revolve around being a star or a leader, like Disney’s The Lion Guard. But no matter what they adore the most, as a result of being the fixed fire sign, don’t be surprised if once they’ve pinpointed an activity they love, they’ll want to do it again and again.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

a virgo symbol for a story on what activities your toddler likes based on your children's astrology signs

Born under the mutable earth sign, your maiden is thoughtful, helpful, and super-communicative, and you’ll want to look to their ruling planet Mercury, the messenger planet, for valuable clues on their favorite activities. Associated with the Sixth House of Daily Routine, they’ll love pitching in on any to-do you need to check off your list, whether that’s putting away laundry or feeding the family kitty. They’ll likely also be fans of games that involve organization or sorting. And from the time they’re tiny they’re bound to be intrigued by language, so you can’t miss with some dedicated storytime, ideally reading books that cover Virgoan themes like everyday routines, healthy habits, and nurturing your well-being and the world around you (think: The Curious Garden by Peter Brown). Also be sure to give your Virgo the opportunity to “write” their own books or share their own stories out loud, as their Mercurial influence means they’re natural storytellers.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

a libra symbol for a story on what activities your toddler likes based on your children's astrology signs

Your Libra kid is partnership-oriented, beauty-loving, and peace-seeking as a result of the scales’ ruler, Venus, the planet of relationships, art, and harmony. Associated with the Seventh House of Partnership, they’re most likely to enjoy one-on-one bonding activities with you, another caregiver, or your bestie’s kid (who is bound to be their BFF, too). Scales kids will love trips to an art museum, making up their very own song, or experimenting with new hairstyles or colorful outfits. They’re especially driven to hone their personal style, so they’ll have fun playing with their very own grooming kit or even keeping you company while you do your skincare or hair-styling routine. And although they shine best when they’re part of a pair, they’re also social butterflies at heart, meaning they’ll dive right into a dance or music class and instantly make friends.

Related: 15 Ways to Play with Toddlers That Take 10 Minutes (or Less)

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

a scorpio symbol for a story on what activities your toddler likes based on your children's astrology signs

Intense, emotionally intelligent, and dynamic, your Scorpio kid owes their innate magnetism and powerful vibe to their modern ruler Pluto, the planet of transformation, and their traditional ruler Mars, the planet of action and energy. And you’ll do well to look to the themes of both of these planets when brainstorming activities for your scorpion tot. For example, Pluto’s all about uncovering the shadow side of life, so your kiddo will be drawn to puzzles or games that involve a mystery they can solve. And given their Mars influence, they’ll enjoy pastimes that allow them to take charge—like picking out a Sunday night dinner or taking on the role of Simon in a game of Simon Says. As a water sign, Scorps also adore time spent at the beach or swimming, which they’re sure to find calming. It also bears noting that Scorpio is associated with the Eighth House of Emotional Bonds, so entertainment that sets the stage for conversations about deep-rooted emotions (like Inside Out) will resonate with your toddler.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

a sagittarius symbol for a story on what activities your toddler likes based on your children's astrology signs

Upbeat, independent, and outspoken, your toddler was born under the mutable fire sign ruled by fortunate Jupiter, the planet of abundance and expansion. To that end, wanderlust-filled Sag’s mantra is “bigger is better,” so you’ll always do well to prioritize activities that broaden your child’s horizon, whether that’s taking them on a walk through a thrilling nature trail, heading to the zoo to learn about animals from all over the globe, catching a train ride to the nearest city to go sightseeing, or actually doing some long-distance traveling with your future aspiring globe-trotter. But on homebody days, you can lean on books, games, and puzzles that allow your Sag’s mind to wander all over the planet (like Busy, Busy World by Richard Scarry). They’ll also be one of the first of the zodiac to enjoy learning a new language. And even in your own neighborhood, take them to the widest play area you can find, as your free-spirited tot will always love running and playing in big open spaces.

Capricorn (December 22-January 21)

a capricorn symbol for a story on what activities your toddler likes based on your children's astrology signs

Your Capricorn toddler is a driven smarty-pants with a penchant for rules and tradition, thanks to their ruling planet, taskmaster Saturn, which oversees commitment and boundaries. Kids born under the cardinal earth sign like to take the initiative and work step-by-step toward a goal, so you might find they really enjoy using a piggy bank to save up allowance or helping you tend to the family garden or household plants (an activity that also speaks to your little green thumb’s earthiness). Associated with the Tenth House of Career and Public Image, you could be surprised by just how much your toddler acts like a little CEO in training, which is also a sign that they’ll enjoy playing a game of make-believe revolving around being the boss. As an old soul at heart, your Cap toddler will enjoy listening to old-school tunes (you could be surprised just how much they love artists like Stevie Wonder or Ella Fitzgerald) and learning about history—specifically, game-changing leaders from the past.

Aquarius (January 22-February 18)

an aquarius symbol for a story on what activities your toddler likes based on your children's astrology signs

Your social, humanitarian, highly original toddler, born under the fixed air sign, owes their electrifyingly innovative MO to their modern ruling planet, Uranus, which oversees change, rebellion, and the desire to strike out against convention. In turn, know that your water-bearer kid will always want to march to the beat of their own drum. If all the other kids in the neighborhood are into an activity they saw on Ms. Rachel this week, your Aquarius might want to do anything but that. Instead, they may prefer to make up their own game—or better yet, science experiment or invention project. At the same time, because Aquarius is associated with the Eleventh House of Networking, they’re community-oriented, so they’ll like hanging out at the local pool or playground with a group of playmates or making new friends when you visit friends or family on a road trip. They also adore technology and science due to Uranus being the planet of electricity and innovation, so prioritize activities that make it possible for them to learn about these subjects—and maybe even make a cutting-edge discovery.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

a pisces symbol for a story on what activities your toddler likes based on your children's astrology signs

Your fish toddler, born under the mutable water sign, is deeply emotional, tenderhearted, sensitive, perceptive, empathic, and innately in tune with the mystical aspects of life. This is owed to their modern ruler, Neptune, the planet of spirituality, and the fact that Pisces is associated with the Twelfth House of Spirituality. That said, you’ll want to embrace Neptunian themes when planning activities for your Pisces, like keeping a dream journal, expressing emotions through art (whether that’s coloring or working with you to write a poem), learning about crystals, reading or making up whimsical, fantastical stories, or engaging in mind-body practices like meditation, deep breathing, or kid yoga. Because they’re so compassionate and apt to pick up on all the energy and emotions around them, you may find they enjoy and benefit from activities that teach self-soothing, like spending time in a calming corner or listening to their favorite mellow, soft music. 

If you don’t give a toddler something to do they’ll find their own source of entertainment—and that can be a terrifying prospect (you know the feeling if you’ve suddenly noticed the house is too quiet only to find that they’ve somehow given themselves bangs). To keep them out of trouble and thoroughly entertained, we’ve rounded up some awesome games for toddlers that are sure to be a hit at any time, whether you’re indoors or outdoors. The best part? Your kiddo won’t know it, but they offer ample opportunities for hands-on learning. Ready for endless fun? On your mark. Get set. Go find your tot’s new fave!

Alphabet Jump

Anna/The Imagination Tree

Give your jumping bean something to jump about—letters! We love that this outdoor game from The Imagination Tree combines alphabet awareness with the chance to get those wiggles out. Simply write letters in sidewalk chalk and have your little one hop from one to another as you call them out. And all you need to get started is a set of sidewalk chalk. Read all about it and check out the phonics and math variations over at The Imagination Tree.  

Simon Says

a little girl touching her shoulders while playing one of the best games for toddlers, simon says

Let your toddler be your boss with a few rounds of Simon Says. Toddlers love the chance to be in charge! Then, you can give the commands for a bit. It's silly, active, and engaging—that's why it's an early childhood classic. Plus, it gives little ones a chance to practice following instructions, taking turns, and building listening skills. Simon Says go play!

Float That Boat

Kristina/Toddler Approved

We love the Easy Boat Activity from Toddler Approved because it's budget-friendly, and it uses supplies you've already got in the house, like plastic containers, tape, and straws. Kids love it because it offers indoor water fun and the chance to capsize a fleet of tiny ships. Sail down to Toddler Approved to find out how you can set up your own version. Don't miss Kristina's ideas about what to talk about with your little one as you play to turn this game into a toddler-friendly science experiment.

Sing a Song

mom and baby daughter singing together, one of the best games for toddlers

Whether it's Five Little Monkeys or Ram Sam Sam, toddlers dig a good tune. Plus, rhymes and songs like these are more than just fun. They build toddlers' vocabulary and pre-literacy skills. Find new ones to add to your repertoire at Storyblocks, a site created by Colorado librarians to share rhymes and songs for toddlers and preschoolers.

Super Duper Straw Game

Kathy/Merriment Designs

Toddlers go gaga over games that give them a chance to put stuff in a container and then dump it out, so this Oatmeal Container Straw Game from Merriment Designs is bound to be a hit. We love that this game made out of recycled materials packs a big dose of fun on a budget. Round up straws and an empty oats container, then head over to Merriment Designs to find out how to make your own.

We All Scream for Ice Cream

Jen/Mama Papa Bubba

If your toddler is anything like ours, Mama Papa Bubba's DIY Felt Board is bound to be a big hit because it's all about ice cream. Felt ice cream, that is. Little ones can practice fine motor skills and learn about colors as they match each colorful scoop and dot. Plus, when you've had your fill of ice cream, the board makes a perfect background for felt animals or people that can be used for storytelling fun. The possibilities are endless!  Find the step-by-step instructions to create your own felt board at Mama Puppa Bubba.

Yoga Time

a toddler girl and her mom doing yoga, one of the great games for toddlers with lots of energy

Stretch it out and play a game of animal yoga with your little one. You can pick up a set of soft yoga blocks that toddlers can toss up in the air before diving into a downward-facing dog. Or try out these five animal yoga poses and pretend to be stretching tigers and rolling bears.

Make a Match


eeBoo's Life on Earth has everything we look for in a memory game: sturdy pieces, beautiful eye-catching images, and the chance for game-playing fun. If your kiddo isn't quite ready to play a full game, pull out a smaller set of matching cards for mini-memory fun. Plus, talking about the pictures on the cards is a guaranteed vocabulary builder.

Available at amazon.com, $17.99.

Dress Up Time

a little girl and her dad playing superhero in a fun dress-up game for toddlers

Try the dress-up challenge: give your toddler a scenario or career, like summertime, rainy day, forest animal friends, sports star, or construction worker, and send them off to create an outfit that meets that challenge. They can use their own clothes or dig things out of the dress-up bin. Then, put on a tune that goes along with the scenario you've picked and put on a fashion show. We guarantee that you'll get lots of fantastic photos out of this game! It's also great to play after dinner to encourage little ones to put on their PJs. Last challenge: bedtime! 

There's Bear!


Most board games are still a little tricky for young toddlers—but Where's Bear from Peaceable Kingdom is just right. Little ones get to play hide-and-seek with little bear, stack the sturdy cardboard blocks, and learn new words as they play.

Available at amazon.com, $22.95.

Obstacle Courses

Allison Sutcliffe

Toddlers love climbing under, over, and on top of all sorts of things. Obstacle courses let you take that natural climbing instinct and make it a game. Build an indoor obstacle course with painters' tape, making lines for your little one to walk on top of and jump over. Or take the fun outside and challenge them to stay off of the grass in the yard or the wood chips at the playground. Ready for a bonus round? Turn the obstacle course game into follow-the-leader and take turns being the leader. Check out this post for even more obstacle course fun.



Even if it's raining cats and dogs, your toddler can play Melissa and Doug's bowling game for hours. The weighted bottoms on the six soft animal pins make them easy to stand up, and the set comes with a carrying case for on-the-go fun and storage. Kiddos will build their gross motor skills and can also practice counting the pins one by one. Strike!

Available at amazon.com, $20.99.

On the Hunt

a little girl on a scavenger hunt, on of the best games for toddlers

Kids of all ages love a good scavenger hunt. Send your toddler on a hunt through the house for four red things or two things with wheels. If you have a little more time or an older toddler ready for a challenge, print out a scavenger hunt like these. Good news: they're all free!

Guess Who?

a mom and daughter walking and playing Guess Who, one of the best games for toddlers

Caught waiting in line or at a restaurant without a stocked bag of goodies? Then pull out the animal guessing game, a game we love because it requires no gear. Think of an animal and ask questions until your game playing buddy guesses it. Does it have legs? Does it live in a tree? Older twos and three-year-olds love this game. When you're playing with younger toddlers, change it to the animal sounds game: make a sound (MOOO!) and have the toddler guess what kind of animal makes that noise. Then switch it up and have them make the sound.

Magnetic Rainbow Busy Box


Your toddler will spend lots of time spelling their name and piecing together words with this Magnetic Rainbow Busy Box from Mama.Papa.Bubba. It can be an art project just to create the box and they'll have endless fun learning and spelling once it's finished.


Yes, it’s hard to believe but spring break 2024 is right around the corner. Loads of properties are offering spring break deals with free nights, room upgrades, free breakfasts, and low rates. Whether your travel plans take you to Florida, Hawaii, Mexico, or somewhere nearby, these properties have everything you need to really enjoy your family’s spring break.

Paséa Hotel & Spa spring break
The Meritage Collection

Arizona Spring Break Deals

Tanque Verde Ranch | Tucson, AZ
Situated on 60,000 acres of breathtaking desert landscapes, Tanque Verde Ranch is one of America’s original old-time cattle and guest ranches, recognized as the last luxurious outpost of the old west. As the ultimate dude ranch experience, family-friendly activities including horseback riding, mountain biking, fishing, hiking, tennis, swimming, Jeep adventures, and much more await spring break travelers.

  • The Spring Break package includes the following with a stay between March 8 and April 20, 2024:
    • Lodging with three hearty meals daily
    • Horseback walking and loping trail rides and lessons
    • Scheduled breakfast rides and cowboy cookouts
    • Supervised children’s program (ages 4-11)
    • Fishing, archery, horseshoes, kids arts and crafts, basketball, pickleball, tennis, yoga, fitness center and indoor and outoor pools
    • Mountain biking, guided hikes, nature programming and more


JW Marriott Tucson Starr Pass Resort & Spa Spring Getaway in Downtown Tucson
Book your escape 14 days in advance and enjoy 20% off retail rates. Discount Code: ADP. Getaway Downtown - Plan now, save more. Live it up in Tucson, Arizona | JW Marriott

California Spring Break Deals

LEGOLAND® California Resort – Carlsbad, CA 
For the ultimate spring break escape, LEGOLAND California Resort’s Vacation Packages are the perfect option for families. Through the “Hotel + Ticket” package, families can spend the night at the LEGOLAND Resort Hotel, which features 500 themed guest rooms and a separate sleeping area just for kids, along with an in-room treasure hunt with prizes, a heated, resort-style pool and complimentary breakfast daily. The package also includes a 2-Day Park Hopper Ticket, providing entry to the LEGOLAND theme park, SEA LIFE® aquarium, and LEGOLAND Water Park. This spring, families can experience the opening of a new land, Dino Valley. The new land near the entrance of the Park will feature three roar-some rides, a reimagined Dino Dig area and tons of prehistoric fun. Launching this summer, visitors can experience North America’s first-ever LEGO® World Parade. 


Z Hotels SF includes Hotel Zetta, Hotel Zelos, and Hotel Zeppelin, three boutique properties with bold personalities located in downtown San Francisco. Guest who book their Leap Year offer will save 29% off best available rate and receive a complimentary 2:29 pm check out for travel any time before 12/31/24.  The offer will be live here starting Monday:  San Francisco Hotel Offers | Z Hotels SF

  1. Promo Code:  LEAPYEAR
  2. Save 29% off Best Available Rate
  3. Complimentary 2:29pm checkout
  4. Book by:  2/29/24
  5. Travel By:  12/31/24


Paséa Hotel & Spa | Huntington Beach, CA
Save 24% off Paséa’s best available rates plus a free $100 resort credit when guests plan their visit by January 31 for dates of stay through December 31, 2024. Visitors can use their resort credit on whatever their resolutions are for more “me” time at the spa or comfy cozy moments in their guest room. Book online HERE using promo code ‘pron24.’


Palisades Tahoe 
On Apr. 6 and 7, take advantage of the learn to ski and ride special, which is $109 for adults and children ages 3 and up. The program is designed for first-time skiers or snowboarders and includes a two-and-a-half-hour half-day beginner lesson, rental equipment, and a limited beginner lift ticket.


Franciscan Lakeside Lodge
For those who book now through Feb. 28 for stays through June 15, you can use the promo code WINTER at checkout to unlock a $134/night room rate.


Granlibakken Tahoe
When you stay at Granlibakken Tahoe, you can redeem discounted Palisades Tahoe lift tickets. Book here and use promo code STYSKI to redeem.


Quail Lodge & Golf Club | Carmel Valley, CA
Located on the sunny side of the Monterey Bay Peninsula, Quail Lodge & Golf Club is the ideal place for families to visit for spring break. Located on 850 acres, the resort not only has enormous, outside-facing guest rooms with terraces or balconies open up to panoramic views of gardens, but also offers a number of outdoor activities suited for the whole family including a heated outdoor pool, nature trails, tennis courts, a VIP shuttle to Point Lobos Nature Reserve for incredible hiking, and more

  • With the “Stay Longer, Save More” package, guests who book three or more nights midweek will receive the third night complimentary when using promo code: 3FOR2.


Zachari Dunes on Mandalay Beach | Oxnard, CA 

This spring, Zachari Dunes is celebrating being voted as the #1 Best New hotel by USA Today’s 2024 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards with the “Best New Hotel” package. From now through May 31, guests can utilize this offer for a complimentary upgrade to a partial ocean view suite with a bottle of sparkling wine included for a vacation toast. Link to book: here.


Kimpton Hotel Enso | San Francisco, CA 

A special cultural vacation for the whole family awaits at Hotel Enso. Immerse yourself in the rich culture of San Francisco’s Japantown—one of just three Japantowns remaining in the US—with the Zeitaku Package, an extravagant 3-night stay at Kimpton Hotel Enso starting at $5,000. Revel in the opulence of the King Corner Spa suite, featuring breathtaking views and high-end amenities. The curated 3-day itinerary includes a bay cruise, omakase dining, relaxation at Kabuki Spring & Spa, and a private helicopter tour with stunning aerial views of the Bay Area’s famous landmarks including the Golden Gate Bridge, Golden Gate National Reserve, Golden Gate Park, Oracle Park, Point Bonita Lighthouse, and Alcatraz Island. All transportation to and from San Francisco International Airport is provided by luxury ride service partner Ride Alto. Link to book: here.

Colorado Spring Break Deals

 YMCA of the Rockies | Estes Park, CO & Granby, CO

Snow Mountain Ranch
Located in Granby, CO, between Winter Park Ski Resort and Rocky Mountain National Park, true to its name, Snow Mountain Ranch is the ultimate winter wonderland. The 5,100-acre property offers Nordic skiing and snowshoeing on 85K of groomed, world-class terrain, private and group cross-country ski lessons and rentals, dog sled experiences, winter horse-drawn sleigh rides, ice skating, indoor archery and rock climbing, indoor swimming, nostalgic roller skating, and much more

  • Package: Stay for 3, Ski for Free: Book a midweek vacation at Snow Mountain Ranch, and the resort will provide free Nordic ski rentals. Use code SK03. Valid for cabin or lodge room weekday stays for 3 or 4 nights, through February 29, 2024. Weekdays include Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Book at www.ymcarockies.org

YMCA of the Rockies Estes Park Center
Nestled on more than 850 acres bordered on three sides Rocky Mountain National Park, YMCA of the Rockies Estes Park Center is an ideal destination for magical, affordable winter fun. Guests can enjoy a number of on-site, seasonal activities during the day – including sledding, snowshoeing, ice skating, roller skating, indoor swimming or rock climbing and more – and return to their cozy lodge room or private cabins at night. And the town of Estes Park itself is a must-visit winter destination – with numerous festivals, stunning winter vistas, local boutique shops, and charming restaurants.

  • Deal: Half off select activities at Estes Park Center during February: Guests will receive 50% off archery and the indoor rock climbing sessions during the month of February at the Estes Park Center. Weekdays only, Monday-Thursday. No code or coupon necessary


Hyatt Centric Downtown Denver
Centrally located in the heart of Denver, baseball fans are positioned within just steps of Coors Field for the ultimate Colorado Rockies experience. This year, opening day is scheduled for April 5th (spring break week!). Designed for any baseball-loving family, this package will have the family singing take me out to the ball game with amenities including Jack-and-Jill style suite with adjoining rooms so everyone has their own bed and bathroom; Tickets to a Colorado Rockies game at Coors Field; Custom jerseys for the whole family from a local embroiderer; A game day brunch at Apple Blossom, the hotel's in-house restaurant; and a popcorn maker and cracker jacks placed in-room for game day snacking. Available from February 23 - September 29 (Spring Training through the end of the baseball season). Call to book (303) 529-2340.


Hotel Maverick | Grand Junction, CO
Families love adventure, and Hotel Maverick is Grand Junction’s home base for exploration. Home to outdoor destinations like the Colorado National Monument and James M. Robb Colorado River State Park, spring break is arguably the best time of year to experience Grand Junction’s robust family-friendly adventure offerings from hiking and mountain biking to bird watching and rock climbing. The city’s first independent boutique hotel, Hotel Maverick is a scenic destination that fosters the spirit of curiosity, equipping families (and their pets) to immerse in nearby experiences built against Grand Junction’s sprawling red rock canyons

This spring break, families combining adventure with college visits can take advantage of Hotel Maverick’s “Rowdy Rate,” which offers a 15% discounted rate for Colorado Mesa University students and alumni. Not affiliated with CMU? Hotel Maverick’s Bed & Breakfast offer includes $20 daily credit towards breakfast at onsite Betty’s Coffee. Find more information at thehotelmaverick.com/offers


Stay Two Nights, Get Third Night Free This Spring in Ouray, Colorado:
Escape to the winter wonderland of Ouray and indulge in a frosty spring retreat like no other! As the snow blankets the San Juan Mountains, we invite you to embrace the season's magic with our enticing "Stay Two Nights, Get the Third Night Free" campaign. Nestled amidst stunning natural beauty, Ouray offers a serene escape where snow-capped peaks, hot springs and charming alpine ambiance blend to create the perfect snowy spring escape. Promotion includes lodging with five different area properties. You must call the property and mention the “Stay Two Night, Get Third Night” promotion. Promotion is valid through March 2024 *unless stated otherwise


Mesa Verde Motel 
Visit Mesa Verde National Park and the canyons and cliff dwellings of southwest Colorado this Spring Break! Package is $600 and for a family of up to 5 people and includes:2 Night Stay at Mesa Verde Motel in Mancos, Colorado

Upgrade options include:

  • + $200 for a full day tour with SWCCA (or 2 half-day tours)

  • + $150 for an extra room per night

  • + $30 per person over 5 (no more than 5 per motel room)


Breckenridge Grand Vacations | Breckenridge, CO

SPRING INTO SAVINGS: 35% OFF + THIRD NIGHT FREE: Treat your family to a snow-filled Spring Break in Breckenridge, Colorado. You can enjoy the warmth of sunny ski days and après-ski events for the whole family. Grand Timber Lodge not only offers easy access to the slopes, it also houses a full-service spa, Family Fun Center, and even a private movie theater!  Book now and save 35% on your next family vacation, plus receive a third night completely FREE!* Pack your bags for ski-in, ski-out memories that will endure for a lifetime. Book: grandtimber.com/spring-break-2024/

*Based on availability. Package includes a 90-minute tour of the Grand Colorado on Peak 8. Restrictions and qualifications apply. Book by 04/01/24. Stay by 05/31/24


C Lazy U Ranch Family Spring Break Vacation Special
Northwest of Denver is Colorado’s award-winning premier luxury guest ranch—C Lazy U Ranch—an all-inclusive experience with 8,500 acres of land to explore and more than 200 horses to meet. The ultimate Spring Break retreat, C Lazy U invites guests with a Family Spring Break Vacation special (on select dates between March 6 and April 7) to settle into upscale cabins with cozy wood-burning fireplaces (and without televisions for a true digital detox); and enjoy gourmet meals, with wine selections chosen by the property’s onsite sommelier; followed by evening entertainment and s’mores by the campfire. Committed to family-focused programming that allows for a healthy mix of time together and time apart, C Lazy U provides robust kids and teens programming (ages three to 17) with designated experienced counselors. There are a variety of fun activities to enjoy, such as horseback riding, cross country skiing and snowshoeing, ice skating and hockey on a Zamboni-groomed pond, snowtubing and feed wagon sleigh rides, a spectacular sightseeing excursion for families of up to 12 people to experience together. 


McGregor Mountain Lodge Spring Weekday Special, Estes Park
All spring long, all of our one-bedroom cottages and suites (does not include The Old Caretakers Cottage or Cedar Lodge Suites) are only $169/night! This special is active on Sunday through Thursday nights. This excludes holidays. Come up and enjoy the peace and quiet of Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park in the winter months, where wildlife abounds and the snowshoeing is world-class.  Get a fire crackling on your hearth, and soak in the best views in the Estes Valley.

  • Also includes: Free Snowshoes for the duration of your stay, Free Movie Rentals from our video library, Free Popcorn, Extra Firewood to keep that cozy winter feel going. To qualify for this special, please either call and mention the “Winter Weekday Special” or write “Winter Weekday Special” in the comments field when booking online.


Wildwood Inn Buy One Weeknight, Get One Free, Estes Park
At the Wildwood Inn, you will find inviting accommodations tailored to your unique needs. Looking for something simple? We have a wide array of spacious studios and rooms. Perhaps you are looking for something a bit more extravagant—choose from a variety of suites and even vacation homes. From things like kitchens, fireplaces, in-room spas, private hot tubs and decks, even steam showers and Tempur-Pedic ™ mattresses, you can pick a space with exactly what you need. Stay nestled in the mountainside or cozied up by the river. Located next door to Rocky Mountain National Park, and just three miles from downtown Estes Park, our property features breathtaking views, a barbecue and picnic area, a playground, and a full-service day spa all on seven gorgeous acres.

  • Bring the family to the mountains for a Winter Getaway. Book 1 night Sunday-Thursday night in any unit type and get the 2nd night FREE. This offer must be booked and stayed by April 30, 204. This offer is not available for 3rd party bookings, so book direct and save! This offer requires full payment and is non-refundable and not movable. We reserve the right to discontinue this offer at any time and is based on availability.

Aqua-Aston Hospitality
Aqua-Aston Hospitality

Florida Spring Break Deals

The Boca Raton 
The Boca Raton is the ultimate destination with shopping, great dining, incredible spa treatments, and more all in one convenient place. The property provides year-round escape, exclusively for members of The Boca Raton Club and resort guests.


Islamorada Resort Collection 
Immerse your family in the beauty of the tropical Florida Keys this spring break. With this package, your family's bond will be captured with a 30-minute photography session led by a talented local photographer, Javier Exposito. Guests will also receive a $200 resort credit per stay, valid at the Collection's bars and restaurants. From lounging by the pool to engaging in exciting recreational activities, the Islamorada Resort Collection offers something for everyone in your family to enjoy. Valid for stays 03/01/2024 - 04/07/2024. A minimum stay of three nights is required. See full details here.


Southernmost Beach Resort | Key West, FL
Located along the quieter southernmost limit of the famous Duval Street, the recently renovated Southernmost Beach Resort features tons of family fun for a memorable stay in Key West’s Historic District. Just by booking at least 14 days in advance, families can save up to 25% on their nightly room rate. Enjoy water activities like snorkeling, eco-tours, kayaking and paddle boarding just steps from the resort, or grab an onsite bicycle and explore the island’s nearby boutiques, museums, and art galleries.


Playa Largo Resort & Spa | Key Largo, FL
Connect with nature and soak up the views of the sparkling Florida Bay with your family in a private cabana by the pool at Playa Largo Resort & Spa. Families can spend some quality time in the Florida Keys sunshine, and save when they add a private cabana to relax in the shade for the ultimate island vacation. All cabanas come with a dedicated server to bring you all the island delights you crave. Receive a special rate for your stay when you upgrade with promotional code 11P.


Eau Palm Beach Resort & Spa | Palm Beach, FL
Situated directly on the beach, the Forbes Five Star Eau Palm Beach Resort & Spa offers a luxurious family spring break getaway where parents and kids alike can “play” and unwind. In addition to beautiful oceanfront accommodations designed by Jonathan Adler and private outdoor balconies, Eau Palm Beach offers a newly renovated Kids & Teens Club with the latest educational games and tech, an adults-only poolside bar, and multiple restaurants.

  • This spring break, families can book the Fourth Night Free package on all room categories when staying select nights through April 30, 2024.


Caribe Royale Orlando Resort  | Orlando, FL
With its all-new one-bedroom suites and two-bedroom villas comfortably sleeping up to five people, and rates as low as $175/night, Caribe Royale Orlando is extremely spacious for its price point, giving families a high-end option only 1.5 miles from Disney’s doorstep. On-site amenities provide endless entertainment, even when retreating from the parks—kids can careen down the 75-foot waterslide, and parents can indulge in an Island Spa treatment or relax in two hot tubs. 

  • Wondrous Winter Escape: When booking direct on the Caribe Royale website, app, or through the call center, guests save 15% off for 2+ nights, and a $25 daily dining credit when booking direct. Valid for stays February 29-April 1, 2024. Blackout dates apply. 


Hawks Cay Resort | Duck Cay, FL
Alongside the aquamarine water of the Atlantic Ocean, guests enjoy offshore, flats and backcountry fishing; diving; kayaking and standup paddle boarding programs; Cliff Drysdale tennis program, and the only resort-based Dolphin Connection program with complimentary daily viewings in the continental U.S.The resort boasts 177 guestrooms and 210 two- and three-bedroom villas, a full-service marina, six restaurants, saltwater lagoon, five swimming pools, kids club and Calm Waters Spa.

  • NOW AND THEN ANNIVERSARY OFFER: Receive a 4th night FREE, plus a $40 resort credit when you book a stay for three nights between January 12 and March 31, 2024.  *Must book by March 31, 2024. Offer valid for stays between January 12 - March 31, 2024. Subject to availability and blackout dates apply. Cannot be combined with other discounts. All nights subject to daily resort fee. 7-day cancellation policy


JW Marriott Clearwater Beach Resort & Spa | Clearwater Beach, FL
Home to crystal clear waters and a breathtaking, picturesque backdrop, the new JW Marriott Clearwater Beach Resort & Spa is the perfect destination to relax and unwind this spring break. Parents can unwind at JW Spa and kids can hang at the onsite kids club, The Hideaway Hangout, for a day full of entertainment and activities. 

  • Spring Break Escape Package: Book the ultimate spring break retreat for your family to enjoy: Pre-Arrival Snack Stock ($100 value); Hideaway Hangout Day Pass for up to two (2) children for up to two (2) days ($200 value); One (1) Children's Beachfront “Buckets of Fun” Amenity; and breakfast for a family of up to four (4 people - 2 adults & 2 children) for one (1) day ($155 value)

  • Residential Respite Package: For larger families, book the Residential Respite package and experience the residential-style suite options available for guests and receive: Breakfast for a family of up to four (4 people - 2 adults & 2 children) for one (1) day; Pre-Arrival Snack Stock ($100 value) of select in-house items for up to four (4) people, and one (1) bottle of wine, upon arrival


B Ocean Resort, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Located on the pristine sands of Fort Lauderdale Beach, FL, B Ocean Resort offers a unique combination of beachfront relaxation and premier city life adventures. In the day, relax on the resort’s private beach or explore the shopping and entertainment of downtown Fort Lauderdale. In the evening, enjoy a delicious dinner at the resort’s signature restaurant, the Naked Crab, or cheers with friends at a one-of-a-kind, adults-only live underwater mermaid burlesque show found only at the Wreck Bar. 

Travelers can save up to 25% off stays of two nights or more with the Winter Escape promotion at B Ocean Resort. Getaways must be booked by March 19, 2024, for travel prior to April 6, 2024, using promo code BWINTER.


Hilton Cabana Miami Beach Resort, Miami Beach, Florida

Located in the heart of Miami’s famous Millionaire's Row, Hilton Cabana Miami Beach Resort is a boutique-style resort in Mid-Beach Miami. Artfully designed with warm tones and bold touches, the resort’s newly renovated 231 Boho-Deco inspired accommodations represent a fusion of modern comfort and timeless Miami style. The resort features two ocean-facing outdoor pools with poolside cabanas, a private beach with shaded daybeds and complimentary paddleboard rentals, a Green Lawn with a variety of family-friendly games, a fitness center and the on-site Allison Restaurant & Bar. In addition to being steps from the Atlantic Ocean, guests can enjoy having direct access to the 9-mile Miami Beachwalk with complimentary bike rentals. 

As families and friends search for warm Spring Break getaways, this historic and stylish resort invites guests to savor refreshing drink on the sands of the world-renowned Miami Beach. Book a stay with the Miami Beach Getaway promotion to enjoy a 20% discount on all food and beverages during stays and can take advantage of discounted valet parking at only $30 per night. The promotion is valid for travel planned through October 2024. Vouchers are a valid for one complimentary cocktail made with the resort’s house spirit, bubbles or wine. Adults aged 21 and older can redeem their welcome beverage at the resort’s signature restaurant, Allison Restaurant & Bar.


Embassy Suites by Hilton Deerfield Beach Resort & Spa, Deerfield Beach, Florida
Thoughtfully decorated with wood furnishing, light tones and pops of colorful island-inspired patterns, the newly renovated 244-room resort surrounds its guests with a serene environment that embraces the beauty of the pristine beaches and endless views of the water. The boutique resort invites guests to schedule a visit to Spa950, an on-site full-service spa with a wide menu of treatments and five treatment rooms where guests can savor blissful revitalizing treatments. A worry-free vacation would not be complete without complimentary made-to-order breakfast and evening reception at the on-site Beach Terrace Restaurant, access to the resort’s fitness center and heated outdoor pool, free beach chairs and bicycle rentals for guests, and more. 

Guests can enjoy the full week of Spring Break with an affordable extended stay using the Stay Longer & Save promotion. Guests save 10% off one night20% off two nights or 30% off three nights on travel booked through April 2024, with rates starting at $200 per night. Perfect for groups, families and friends looking to enjoy a week away from home in the sunny Florida weather, enjoy all that the resort has to offer – from the beautiful beaches to the relaxing spa.


Embassy Suites by Hilton Fort Lauderdale 17th Street, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

As a city-centric escape in the heart of Fort Lauderdale’s downtown district, the hotel offers newly renovated, spacious accommodations among the crowded city streets. Conveniently located near the Broward County Convention Center and Port Everglades cruise terminal, traveling professionals and seafaring families can settle into their suites after a long travel day with convenient amenities such as complimentary made-to-order breakfast and evening reception at the on-site E Spot Restaurant & Bar, access to the resort’s fitness center and heated outdoor pool, a private gardens and koi pond, and more. 

Guests can ensure safe and reliable transportation to Port Everglades from the hotel with the Pre-Cruise Package. A complimentary shuttle service will take travelers to Port Everglades from the hotel, ensuring a timely and convenient arrival.


Embassy Suites by Hilton Miami International Airport, Miami, Florida
Conveniently located within half a mile of Miami International Airport, the 318-room all-suite hotel satisfies their guests’ cravings at Grill305, the on-site restaurant with vibrant coastal cuisine and fine steak menus alongside an extensive beverage selection. After a long day of travel, guests can rest in the hotel’s outdoor Olympic-size pool, work off stress in the fitness center, or explore everything Miami has to offer with Little Havanna, the Dolphin Mall and South Beach just a short trip away. Find images of the hotel here.

With the Cruise Package, guests can enjoy convenient transportation between Miami International Airport and PortMiami using the hotel’s complimentary shuttle service. Leaving the hotel is no hassle, complimentary breakfast and evening reception at Grill 305, the hotel’s on-site restaurant serving locally inspired cuisine and fine steaks, will check one thing of the to-do list for an easy and convenient exit.


Kimpton Angler’s South Beach
With a rich past stemming from its heyday as a haven for true anglers including Ernest Hemmingway, Kimpton Angler’s Hotel South Beach is located within steps of the Art Deco District and just two blocks from the beach. The hotel features a total of 132 one-, two- and three-story guest rooms and suites with spacious floor plans ranging in size from 400 to 1,000 square feet and includes studios, lofts, villas, spa villas, and poolside bungalows.

  • Suite Deal: Stay 4 Pay 3 - enjoy a four-night stay in one of our luxe suites for the price of three. Available for stays now through September 30, 2024. Minimum 4-night stay required.

Georgia Spring Break Deals

Stay at one of the properties within Serenbe Community and immerse your family in a week of nature, the arts, and more. Get a tour of Serenbe Farms (one of the first Certified Organic Farms in GA), take family walks along the various nature trails (and greet the Serenbe animals), enjoy live music on the Porch of the Farmhouse, or explore all the local shops/businesses within the community. 

  • While the Inn at Serenbe offers various unique packages and promotions, if you book a five-night stay at the Inn (or within the Community) in March or April, you’ll receive 20% off the best available rate, perfect for those looking for a budget-friendly destination. 

Hawaii Spring Break Deals

Aqua-Aston Hospitality's Winter Promotion | Hawaii
Travelers can take up to 20% off at one of Aqua-Aston Hospitality’s participating Hawaii properties including luxury condominium style Aston Waikiki Beach Tower and oceanfront Aston Islander on the Beach in Kauai. The booking window is open to the public from January 8, 2024 through February 2, 2024 for travel by June 30, 2024. Use promo code ‘Escape’ when booking your reservation.


Mauna Kea Residences | Kohala Coast, HI
For families seeking a harmonious blend of relaxation, adventure, and spacious accommodations, Mauna Kea Residences, situated within the Mauna Kea Resort on the Island of Hawaii, offers the quintessential tropical getaway. These private residences boast panoramic ocean views and grant access to world-class amenities. Enhancing the getaway is the ‘Experience Aloha’ package, designed to elevate guests’ itinerary during their stay. Those who book a minimum 5-night stay will receive a resort credit of up to $300 per night to apply towards endless activities at Mauna Kea Resort, including dining & luau, spa, golf, tennis, and beach activities. *Valid on stays through May 31, 2024.


Villatel Orlando Resort 
Set upon 77 acres in Orlando’s premier tourism district, the brand-new Villatel Orlando Resort offers luxe 4-9 bedroom villas, suited for groups of 8 to 24, with amenities that’ll deliver the ultimate Spring Break fest—from epic themed rooms to movie theaters, arcades, private pools, game lofts, and more. Travelers can keep the fun going with the resort’s exclusive spring break packages, including a poolside package with games and floats, a movie night package to enjoy in your home theater, or a BBQ basket to grill up a feast on the patio. To make this stay even sweeter, guests earn a free night when they book a stay of 7+ nights using code “1FREENIGHT” at checkout (blackout dates apply). Rates start at $232/night. Off-property, families can enjoy easy access to theme parks Universal Orlando and Walt Disney World, just mere minutes from the resort.

Hotel Commonwealth
Hotel Commonwealth

Illinois Spring Break Deals

21c Museum Hotel Chicago
Enjoy spring break in the big city with 21c Museum Hotel Chicago’s Snuggle Up Package, which offers families the comforts of home, complete with oversized plush blankets, streaming TVs for holiday movies, plush snowballs, an in-room fort, and lots of hot chocolate to cozy up to after a long day exploring the city. The package will run through end of March and 21c also has a new partnership with the Museum of Ice Cream, offering a 10% discount to hotel guests.

Massachusetts Spring Break Deals

Hotel Commonwealth | Boston, MA
Steps from America’s beloved Fenway Park sits a premier luxury hotel and the Official Hotel of the Boston Red Sox, Hotel Commonwealth. Hotel guests can enjoy an overnight stay and unforgettable game-day experiences this spring— the “Family of Fans” package includes an overnight stay, an ultimate photo opp at Fenway Park, Pavilion section seating, a family welcome message on the Fenway Park scoreboard, personalized matching Red Sox jerseys and more. The cherry on the sundae for any baseball fan is a stay in one of Hotel Commonwealth’s renowned baseball-themed guest rooms, from the park-facing Fenway guest rooms to the Fenway Park Suite or Baseball Suite surrounded by Red Sox memorabilia. Families can also take advantage of Hotel Commonwealth’s “Stay Longer, Save More!” package to save up to 20% when staying four nights or more.

Minnesota Spring Break Deals

Grand View Lodge | Nisswa, MN
Those looking to step away from the traditional warm-weather spring break destinations need to look no further than Grand View Lodge. Spread over 750 acres, the iconic lakeside retreat offers a variety of private, luxury accommodations – from boutique hotel suites to traditional cabins and spacious villas perfect for spring break travel for families of all types – 45 holes of championship golf, 2,500 feet of sandy beach on Gull Lake, indoor pools, indoor waterslide, and the recently renovated Glacial Waters Spa.

  • The “Spring Break at the Lake” package: With a stay of three nights or more between March 15 and April 7, 2024, you'll get 15% off of ski, snowboard, or tubing pass at Mount Ski Gull

Missouri Spring Break Deals

The Elms Hotel & Spa | Excelsior Springs, MO
The hotel is settled among vineyards, golf courses, historic sites, parks, and trails and is currently offering travelers 20% off when booking at least three nights when booked by February 29th, 2024, for stay dates through May 2nd, 2024 (perfect for spring break!). 

Montana Spring Break Deals

The Resort at Paws Up | Greenough, MT
The Resort at Paws Up combines luxury with unforgettable adventure on a 37,000-acre ranch—featuring untamed Montana wilderness steeped in Lewis & Clark history. Visiting families can stay in a luxury three-bedroom Wilderness Estate, or the one- to three-bedroom Big Timber Homes, to enjoy all the comforts and privacy of home with elevated Western furnishings.

  • Spring Break Time, Montana-Style (March 25–April 17, 2024) Includes: Book 4+ nights and receive a 20% discount off lodging rates. A $500 prepaid Resort credit per person per stay (included in package pricing) to use as you wish on activities and excursions or spa treatments. All daily meals, nonalcoholic beverages and a selection of beer, red and white wine and well liquors.

New Mexico Spring Break Deals

Taos Ski Valley | New Mexico
Nestled among the highest peaks of New Mexico’s Sangre de Cristo mountains, Taos Ski Valley is a year-round destination that delivers a pure mountain experience. Independently owned and operated, Taos Ski Valley strives to be better, not bigger. Whether skiing, riding, hiking, biking, or more, visitors of Taos Ski Valley are invigorated by the essence of the outdoors and inspired to make memories that last a lifetime. Taos is known for its wide variety of lessons and ski improvement programs. This season Taos Ski Valley has two new packages to appeal to every level:

  • First Timers Package: Taos Ski Valley will offer new skiers and riders a deeply discounted rate to try out the sports for the first time. The package includes instruction, a novice lift ticket, and equipment rental from Taos Sports. The package starts at $205 for a one-day first time lesson, $330 for a two-day first time lesson, or $395 for three days. (A savings of $179 or more than 50% for the one-day option, up to $757 savings for the three-day).
  • Ski Week Packages: Since the 1960s, guests have enjoyed the beloved Ski Week which provides a full week of instruction to inspire and improve visitors’ skiing, renew their spirits, and create long-time friendships. New this winter, guests can book a Ski Week package, which includes five days of immersive lessons, two five-day lift tickets, five nights of accommodations at the slopeside Blake Hotel, five-day demo ski rentals and daily breakfast at 192 at The Blake. 

New York Spring Break Deals

Trump International Hotel & Tower New York | New York, NY
This spring break, Trump International Hotel & Tower New York touts their year-round family-friendly Glamping By The Park package. After a day of exploring Manhattan, guests can keep their little ones entertained by camping indoors with a tent, sleeping bags and a make-your-own s'mores kit complete with "campfire" all without leaving the comforts of a luxurious hotel suite overlooking Central Park. Terms & Conditions apply.

The Hermitage Hotel
The Hermitage Hotel

Tennessee Spring Break Deals

Club Wyndham Smoky Mountains | Sevierville, Tennessee
Club Wyndham Smoky Mountains in Sevierville, TN is right at the heart of America's number one national park destination. The panoramic views of the Smoky Mountains and surrounding countryside will astound and delight. Located on gentle green slopes, families can enjoy outdoor fun and top draws like Dollywood, Splash Country, Rainforest Adventures and Great Smoky Mountain National Park are just a short drive away. At Club Wyndham Smoky Mountains, spacious one-, two- and three-bedroom apartment-style suites comfortably sleep four to eight guests, with plenty of room to rest and relax in separate living and sleeping areas, full kitchens, and dining spaces. Interested in having someone else handle the cooking? Utilize Club Wyndham’s partnership with Take a Chef for a discounted experience, and have a private chef prepare a customized meal for your group from start to finish.

  • For spring break travel, families can save up to $250 when staying three nights or more, when booked by February 29, 2024, by using promo code STAY24 at checkout.


Big Cypress Lodge | Memphis, TN
Camp out inside the iconic Memphis Pyramid this Spring Break and experience nature like never before when you stay at the world-class Big Cypress Lodge, located in the heart of downtown Memphis along the Mississippi River. Suspended among Cypress trees, the 103-room wilderness hotel overlooks Bass Pro Shops at the Pyramid. Your stay includes these complimentary perks: Tickets for the Sky High Ride, Shuttle service to and from Downtown Memphis, and a Delicious In-Room Snack Basket. Book here with offer code: BAR to pay only $199 a night from Sunday to Thursday; subject to availability.


The Hermitage Hotel | Nashville, TN
Nashville’s iconic Hermitage Hotel has partnered with Draper James, the spirited lifestyle brand from Nashvillian Reese Witherspoon, to offer the ultimate Girls Getaway. Ideal for mothers and daughters this spring break, shopping, dining, and sightseeing are all on the menu, along with the ultimate photo-friendly memento: matching Draper James pajama sets for everyone in the group. Guests will be pampered with a private shopping experience at Draper James’ flagship store in Nashville’s stylish 12 South neighborhood. What’s more, with the hotel’s Third Night Complimentary deal, guests who book 2 or more consecutive nights, will receive the third night complimentary.

Texas Spring Break Deals

Cinnamon Shore South | Port Aransas, TX
Instead of the minimum five-night booking requirement, guests can opt to book just four nights at this charming, family-friendly coastal village on the Texas Gulf Coast. Running from March 8-17, guests get all the perks for a great deal, including luxe pools, lakefront fishing, private dune crossovers to the beach, and tons of Spring Break activities! Guests can rent golf carts for beach driving, and the community is just a short jaunt away from the charming beach town filled with great food, classic beach tourist shops, and more. Spring Break marks the grand opening of the new Splish Splash Family Pool, and there are even dog parks for your fur baby.


Lost Pines Resort and Spa | Cedar Creek, TX

This spring break, enjoy the Family Fun package at this sprawling Hill Country resort. Using the code FAMILY, you'll get a three-night minimum that includes a $500 resort credit. Activities include a Bounce House, a Junior Golf Clinic, a unique Glow Foam Party by Austin Foam Monsters, featuring a dazzling display of glowing foam, and more. Teens are offered a Neon Nights Teen Swim Party and a dedicated hangout spot with hammocks for relaxation. Plus, families can enjoy Glow Golf and Dive-In Movies, to create unforgettable memories under the Texas stars.

Vermont Spring Break Deals

Topnotch Resort | Stowe, VT
The AAA Four-Diamond Topnotch Resort blends the gracious charm of a ski lodge with the luxurious amenities of a world-class resort. Located on 120 acres of woodland at the foot of Mount Mansfield between Stowe Village and Stowe Mountain Resort, the property includes 68 guestrooms and suites and 16 two- and three-bedroom resort homes (dogs are welcome in select rooms and suites).

  • The Linger Longer package is for Topnotch’s three resort home types – 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms, 16 resort homes total. With space for friends and family, there’s plenty of room to spread out and relax (or work) in a mountain home away from home. Guests have access to all Topnotch amenities. Book a 4-night stay or longer and the last night is free.
  • Another great spring break package is our Advanced Purchase for the Advanced Traveler package.  Book 30 or more days in advance and get 15% off the nightly rate.

Washington Spring Break Deals

Lotte Hotel Seattle | Seattle, WA
Families visiting Seattle this Spring Break can experience the magic of the Teatro ZinZanni Residency at the luxurious Lotte Hotel Seattle. This one-of-a-kind entertainment experience brings together two iconic Seattle brands during Teatro ZinZanni’s 25th anniversary year, promising an opulent, world-class extravaganza in the breathtaking setting of the hotel’s historic venue, the Grand Ballroom in The Sanctuary. Families can join the party and enjoy premium cuisine and world-class cirque, comedy, and music for a special evening the whole family can enjoy. When travelers book online on Lotte Hotel Seattle’s website with the code ZINZANNI, they’ll save up to 25% off their room rate. *Through March 31, 2023.


Suncadia | Cle Elum, WA
Bed & Breakfast Package (ongoing): Wake up in the mountains! The Suncadia Bed & Breakfast package allows guests and families to start their day energized and ready to explore Suncadia’s 6,400-acre mountain playground – perfect for families with numerous outdoor adventure activities and programming for all ages. Package Includes: Overnight accommodations in The Lodge or The Inn and a $40 Daily Dining Credit

Washington DC Spring Break Deals

Viceroy Washington DC
Situated alongside the District’s vibrant 14th Street corridor, Viceroy Washington DC is a modern luxury lifestyle hotel with a rich history and whimsical art. A gallery featuring local artists’ works, dining concepts that pay homage to the neighborhood’s jazz heritage and design elements meant to embody the neighborhood of Logan Circle’s most distinctive qualities. The 178-room hotel features Dovetail, an all-season outdoor patio restaurant and bar that’s opening on May 18th; Hush, a seasonal rooftop bar and pool; BPM, a grab-and-go indoor-outdoor coffee bar; and more than 5,000 square feet of meeting and event space. Travelers can now save up to 15 percent off when they prepay their stay. Details can be found here.


Hotel Zena
Changing the conversation in Washington, D.C., Hotel Zena is a bold cultural and lifestyle-driven hotel that celebrates women while recognizing the enduring struggle for gender equality. Every architectural line, material, and art installation was designed and curated to send a message of female empowerment – including a portrait of the late, honorable Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in the lobby using 20,000 hand-painted and repurposed tampons. The 191-room hotel features an impressive art collection; Figleaf, its signature bar and restaurant; and Hedy’s Rooftop, an upscale lounge for cocktails and lite bites. Travelers can take advantage of their Stay & Dine deal which offers a $50 daily food and beverage credit. The package can be booked here.


Washington Hilton | Washington DC
Helping guests celebrate the spring magic of DC’s Cherry Blossom season, the hotel has rolled out fresh Cherry Blossom packages and offerings below. Two miles away from the White House and National Mall, guests can also enjoy a seasonal outdoor pool deck, LivingWell Health Club, sleek lobby bar, sports bar, and regionally-inspired Four Oaks restaurant.

  • Cherry Blossom Package Details: Enjoy DC's Cherry Blossom season with a spring getaway package to Washington Hilton! Book our Cherry Blossom Package to receive two cherry blossom-themed cocktails, themed cupcakes, 50% off an appetizer at one of our delicious on-site restaurants, and a commemorative festival kite
  • Cherry Blossom Breakfast and Parking Package Details: Enjoy DC's Cherry Blossom season with a spring getaway package to Washington Hilton! Reserve our Cherry Blossom Breakfast and Parking Package to receive two cherry blossom-themed cocktails, themed cupcakes, breakfast, self-parking, and a commemorative festival kite.

Multiple US Locations

Campspot, a leading camping booking site, will be kicking off spring camping with their biggest sale of the season! Campspot’s Biggest Booking Week will run from in early spring and offer incredible discounts at top private campgrounds across the country. Whether you’re searching for an adventurous spring break getaway, or planning ahead for summer vacation, browse and book the perfect campsite complete with waterpark, mini golf, bike rentals, or whatever tickles your family’s fancy. Visit campspot.com to get a head start on browsing, and follow along with @Campspot on Instagram to receive sale updates!

Jellystone Park 
  • Book 4 nights - receive 25% off
  • Book 5 nights - receive 30% off
  • Book 7 nights - receive 30% off
  • TX & CA locations only - Everything is open including all pools, food and beverage options, all activities, etc.
  • TX Locations only - Fun Passes available at a discounted rate. See more online
Camp Fimfo 
  • Book 4 nights - receive 25% off (Code: 4Night)
  • Book 5 nights - receive 30% off (Code: 5Night)
  • Book 7 nights - receive 30% off (Code: 7Night)
  • All activities and amenities will be open including all water features and coasters!
  • TX Locations only - Fun Passes available at a discounted rate. See more online

Wyndham Grand Rio Mar
Wyndham Grand Rio Mar

Caribbean & South America Spring Break Deals

Atlantis Paradise Island | The Bahamas
Take advantage of the January sale by booking through January 24 for travel through June 17, 2024. The Public Sale is available from January 1st through 24th, 2024 to all visitors. Kick the year off right with ensured fun under the sun and the gift of travel! *Each offer is for a minimum two (2) night stay 

The January Sale includes:

  • $125 resort credit, along with 25% savings at The Coral, 20% savings at The Royal, and 15% savings at The Reef
  • $250 resort credit, along with 15% savings at The Cove 


Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Puerto Rico Rainforest, Beach and Golf Resort | Puerto Rico
Make the most of this holiday season and take advantage of our Best Available Rates by booking 5 Nights and get the 5th Night free plus $100 Food and Beverage Credit for your stay. These apply to travel dates between November 1, 2023 through April 30, 2024.


Seven Stars Resort & Spa, Grace Bay Beach – Providenciales, Turks & Caicos
Seven Stars Resort is an acclaimed independent luxury resort that welcomes families. With the largest, most expansive suites overlooking Grace Bay, and accommodations that include two- and three-bedroom ocean fronts – ideal for families and extended families. 

  • Spring Break deal: Two offers currently available: Winter Offer: 10% off for travel from Feb 1 – April 14th , 2024. Booking window February 1-29, 2024. Spring Offer: 25% off all room types. Book by Feb. 29th 


Wyndham Palmas Beach and Golf Resort
Get ready to beat the cold with our Winter Package: Book a 5-night escape and enjoy the 5th night on us, plus indulge with a $100 Food & Beverage Credit so you can enjoy the cuisine created by James Beard Finalists Chefs Jeff McInnis and Janine Booth.


Aruba Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino
Located on Palm Beach, Aruba Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino invites families to put a retro twist on spring break with its Retro-Fun experience. This add-on experience includes a wicker basket full of finger food, 1950's candies, vintage games (think: Gumby and a Magic 8 ball), old-school Coca-Cola bottles and TIME magazines from the 1950s and 1960s for some light reading. Families can also take advantage of the resort's water sport activities, a family-friendly pool with lively music and dining at more than 10 on-site options. Call the resort at 800-228-9290 to add to a reservation. The experience is available throughout 2024.


The Somerset on Grace Bay | Turks and Caicos
Winter Warm Up - Enjoy 15% off when you stay 3 nights or more, including daily complimentary breakfast. The offer is valid for bookings until April 1st, 2024, for travels between January 4th and April 6th, 2024. Three three-night minimum stay is required. Valid on all room categories. Blackout dates and certain restrictions may apply.


Park Hyatt St. Kitts
Every 5th night free + $100 Resort Credit once per stay. Valid on all room categories. Blackout dates and certain restrictions may apply.


Beaches Resorts | Jamaica and Turks & Caicos, Caribbean 
Beaches Resorts, the leading all-inclusive family-friendly resort company in the Caribbean, is offering families major savings on 2024 vacations. The Winter Blue sale offers up to $1500 in air credit for bookings at select resorts and a $150 Resort Credit on stays of seven nights or more, including all three Beaches Resorts throughout Jamaica and Turks & Caicos. Families can book the ultimate all-inclusive vacation at properties like Beaches Negril, which just debuted new three- and four-bedroom Firesky Reserve Villas and Eventide Penthouse Suites, or enjoy Beaches Turks & Caicos’ 45,000 square-foot waterpark. Simply book any qualifying Beaches Resort vacation through March 3, 2024, using the promo code: WBRC2024.


La Coralina Island House | Bocas del Toro, Panama

Book the Spring Break Getaway for bookings Feb. 1-Apr. 30, 2024, and receive 5 nights in a superior room with last night free, transport to/from the airport, a welcome cocktail, beach club access, and more. 


Embassy Suites by Hilton Aruba Resort
Perfect for all travelers, the 330 all-suite property is nestled along the Aruba coast and within walking distance of the dazzling waters of the top-rated Eagle Beach, and conveniently located only 5 minutes away from Palm Beach where guests can experience Aruba’s flavors and lifestyle. Guests of Embassy Suites by Hilton Aruba Resort will also enjoy an array of dining options on property and exciting amenities, including complimentary breakfast daily, complimentary nightly cocktail reception, as well as a private underground walkway that safely transports you to the beach. Families will also love the five food and beverage outlets on property, bike rental availability to explore the island, access to a concierge desk to book any island excursion of their choice, and much more.

In timing with Spring Break, Embassy Suites by Hilton Aruba Resort is also offering a one-of-a-kind Fun in the Sun Family Package, which offers guests

  • guaranteed spacious suite accommodations
  • a welcome amenity for the entire family
  • family sailing excursion including lunch
  • made to order breakfast included
  • afternoon drinks and snacks

 For booking and pricing, please contact AUAJM-Reservation@hilton.com


Sonesta Resorts St. Maarten | St. Maarten 
Sonesta Resorts St. Maarten is a duo of stunning oceanfront, all-inclusive resorts in the Dutch Caribbean, comprised of the family-friendly Sonesta Maho Beach Resort, Casino & Spa and five-star, adults-only Sonesta Ocean Point Resort. Sonesta Maho Beach Resort, Casino and Spa is a 420-room fun-for-all ages resort, while Sonesta Ocean Point Resort is a spectacular adults-only 130 suite “resort within a resort” featuring all-access to the adjacent all-ages Maho Beach Resort. While Maho Beach Resort will be best for guests of all ages, groups traveling with adult children will enjoy the next-door Ocean Point Resort. Families who book their stay now through December 19, 2024, can enjoy up to 35% off standard rates by selecting the ‘Barefoot Paradise’ package. Offer valid on new bookings only and cannot be combined with other deals. Blackout dates apply and based on availability. Travelers are to use promo code: PARADISE at checkout for stays through December 19, 2024.


The Landings Resort and Spa (St. Lucia): On the shores of the treasured Gros Islet offering all-inclusive packages for its one, two and three-bedroom villas with butler service, washer/dryers and plunge pools. Plus, unlimited use of watersports, 7,000 sq ft spa, four pools and more.

Spring Break offer:

  • Deal: Stay 5 nights or more and enjoy $100 Spa credit, daily butler service and resort activities including Caribbean cooking classes
  • Booking window: Now through February 29, 2024 Travel window: Now through June 30, 2024! Promo Code WINTER2024


Embassy Suites by Hilton Aruba Resort (Aruba)Opened in February 2023 steps from Aruba’s renowned Eagle Beach, annually voted one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, and features 330 suites with stunning views of the Caribbean and five food and beverage concepts.
Spring Break offer:

  • Fun in the Sun Family Package: Family sailing excursion including lunch; made to order breakfast; afternoon drinks; snacks; spacious suite accommodations and a welcome amenity for the entire family upon arrival
  • How to book: For booking and pricing, please contact AUAJM-Reservation@hilton.com 


Hampton Inn & Suites San Juan (San Juan, Puerto Rico): A breezy walk from Isla Verde Beach and nearby dining, bars, and nightspots with onsite outdoor pool and swim-up bar and poolside restaurant.
Spring Break offer:

  • Deal: 25% OFF – Book 3 nights and get the 4th night free. Booking window: February 1 – May 31, 2024 How to book: SRP: PVK

Canada Spring Break Deals

Chelsea Hotel | Toronto
As Canada's largest hotel with 1,590 guest rooms, the Chelsea Hotel, Toronto, is centrally located and just steps from the city's best shopping districts, world-class theatres, vibrant nightlife and exciting attractions. A full-service urban resort, the Chelsea Hotel has room types to suit everyone and the hotel offers three restaurants, separate adult and family recreation areas and pools – including the "Corkscrew" - downtown Toronto's only indoor waterslide. As a premier family destination, the hotel offers a full range of services including the Family Fun Zone, Kid Centre and Club 33 Teen Lounge. The Chelsea Hotel, Toronto is an independent property as part of the Langham Hospitality Group’s international portfolio of hotels and resorts. 

  • Stay and Save! Including Family Day Weekend/President’s Day Weekend
    • Family Day (Canada) and President’s Day (US) (February 17-19)Join us over Family Day long weekend. Book stay dates between February 15th to 19th for a flat rate from CDN $169. Enjoy the hotel’s dedicated Family Fun Zone, and guests can expect a line-up of free family-friendly activities all weekend long. Terms and conditions apply.
    • March Break (March 8-17)During March Break, the Chelsea is your family’s playground. For stay dates between March 7th to 17th, at the low rate from CDN $169 on weekdays and from  CDN$189 on weekends. Enjoy complimentary events and activities all week long, from movies to magic shows and everything in between. Terms and conditions apply.

Mexico Spring Break Deals

El Cielo Resort & Winery is a haven of luxury and tranquility nestled in the heart of the picturesque region. This resort is a wine tourism endeavor featuring a winery, as well as a boutique hotel boasting 95 lavishly appointed suites and villas. From the moment guests step into their rooms, they are enveloped in an atmosphere of comfort and sophistication, ensuring a truly elevated and unforgettable stay.

  • This spring break package includes lodging in a junior suite, American breakfast, a chocolate-tasting adventure, a barrel tour, and accommodations at one of the firepits with s’mores. Want to be on cloud nine? Guests are welcome to check out additional amenities, such as a welcome glass of wine, bicycle rentals, parking and free Wi-Fi. Valid from March 22 to April 7, 2024. Those interested in booking can do so here.


Sandos Caracol Eco Resort is the ideal getaway for families looking to explore, reconnect with nature, and have an unforgettable vacation this spring break! A kid's dream come true, this all-inclusive, family-friendly eco-resort in the Riviera Maya is home to onsite crystal-clear cenotes; a river lined with mangroves that travelers can swim or kayak on as monkeys swing above; a grand 29-slide waterpark; a kids and teens club fully equipped with a jungle gym, trampoline, mini movie theater, crafts, sports and board games; an incredible onsite mini farm with local rescued animals where kids can become wildlife caretakers for the day; bike tours; snorkeling; 8+ restaurants; and much, much more! Additionally, the resort just launched their brand new Signature Eco Suites which are outfitted with plunge pools on private balconies and bunk beds that are perfect for kids!

  • For a limited time, the resort is offering a “Chase the Sun” package, making this resort a no-brainer for spring break! By booking before February 15th, 2024, guests can save up to 52% when traveling between January 1st and December 19th, 2024. Plus for extra savings, you can receive 125 USD in resort credit by using the promo code RESORT24 when booking!


Andaz Mexico City Condesa, is a contemporary art haven fittingly nestled in the culturally vibrant and ultra-trendy Condesa neighborhood, and from now through August 2024, travelers can enjoy an exclusive Evergreen Deal of 20% off stays that are perfect to build a Spring Break trip or long weekend getaway around. Situated in one of the most walkable neighborhoods, the property is directly adjacent to the historic Parque Mexico and just a leisurely stroll away from museums like Museo Nacional de Antropología and Museo Nacional de Historia Castillo de Chapultepec, art galleries such as Galería OMR, Maia Contemporary and kurimanzutto, as well as some of the trendiest local boutiques like Goodbye Folk180° Shop and Chic by Accident. The hotel is also less than six miles from the world-famous Frida Kahlo Museum.


JW Marriott Cancun | Cancun, Mexico
Keep the whole family engaged and busy in Cancun during your spring escape! The JW Marriott Cancun Family Fun package includes guaranteed connecting rooms, a daily $100 resort credit, free breakfast for two children under 12 years old, and daily internet access. Book your stay valid through April 4, 2024 using promotional code MAJ.


Conrad Punta de Mita (Punta Mita, MX): Inside Punta de Mita's exclusive gated community, guests can enjoy personal concierge services in their suites with outdoor showers and plunge pools overlooking the Pacific Ocean, three outdoor pools and six oceanfront dining concepts including an onsite Agave Studio featuring over 100 different tequilas and mezcals. The hotel also offers pickleball courts amid lush tropical landscaping, historic wellness therapies and direct access to land and water activities on the beaches of Riviera Nayarit.
Spring Break offer:

  • Deal: Book three nights, get the fourth night free
  • Booking window: Now through March 31, 2024
  • Travel window: Now through September 2024
  • How to book: Here; SRP: PBBOG1


Waldorf Astoria Cancun (Cancun, MX): Opened November 2022 with 173 luxurious guest rooms and suites (each featuring breathtaking ocean views and a private balcony with a plunge pool), signature Waldorf Astoria Spa with 21 indoor and outdoor treatment rooms, sauna and salon, a private sandy beach, pools and seaside fine dining concepts.
Spring Break offer:

  • Friends’ Getaway Offer: Includes roundtrip transfer to Cancun International Airport – Waldorf Astoria Cancun, a Chef’s 4-course dining experience at Malpeque for two people per stay, daily reservation for a Pool Cabana. This offer is not applicable to existing reservations or group bookings, and may not be combined with other select promotions, discounts or offers. All offer components are non-transferrable or redeemable for cash, expire at check-out and may not be used or applied on future stays. Offer is subject to change without notice. Offer is subject to availability. Minimum two (2) night consecutive stay required.
  • Booking window: Now through December 15, 2024 How to book: Here


Hilton Los Cabos (Los Cabos, MX): With views of the Sea of Cortez and direct access to a cove-protected beach in Los Cabos, Hilton Los Cabos features access to four world-renowned golf courses including Cabo del Sol designed by Jack Nicklaus, Enclave Beach Club, seven dining outlets, four oceanfront pools, beachside spa and excursions from camel rides to sailing.

  • Deal #1“Make My Stay” for $350 Resort Credit on 3+ Night Stays
  • Booking window: Now through March 31, 2024
  • Travel window: Now through September 2024 Here; SRP: PGAIRO
  • Deal #2: “Stay Longer in Paradise” for 20% off 4+ night stays 
  • Booking window: Now through March 31, 2024
  • Travel window: Now through September 2024 Here; SRP: PGAIRO


Europe & Asia Spring Break Deals

Cameron House | Loch Lomond, Scotland
There's so much to discover at Cameron House this winter. Arrive to a chilled Cameron House Signature Cocktail in your room and enjoy the most indulgent stay at Cameron House with our two-night winter experience package. Guests can make the most of unlimited access to the Cameron Leisure Club, leaving you feeling completely relaxed.

  • Deal: Two-night stay in a Classic bedroom with complimentary upgrade to Loch View Bedroom. Cameron House Signature Cocktail in your room on arrival. Full access to the Cameron Leisure Club which includes a swimming pool, family pool, gym, sauna, steam room and bubble pool. Enjoy a hearty Scottish breakfast in the Cameron Grill restaurant on both mornings. Code: WINTERBB


The Vintage House Hotel
The Vintage House Hotel is a 5-star hotel located in the heart of the Douro Valley winemaking region, classified by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site and in the oldest demarcated wine region in the world. The Vintage House Hotel used to house a former 19th Century winery and is characterized by an idyllic setting, surrounded by hills and mountains covered by vineyards that stretch to the river. Its old-world elegance exudes European Charm and offers a warm welcome to guests, capturing hearts with its position and elegant, comfortable interiors.

  • Between now and April, we suggest you see the seasonal Winter Experience programme available until 31st March 2024, and then again from 1st November 2024.
  • The Gastronomic Experience programme includes a dinner in the restaurant as well as other benefits, running throughout this year.

The Yeatman Hotel - Porto
Occupying a breathtaking position overlooking the Douro River and the city of Porto, The Yeatman is located in the heart of one of Europe’s great wine capitals. Home to British Port shippers for over three centuries, The Yeatman blends the finest Portuguese traditions of hospitality with a uniquely British flair for understated, stylish comfort. Set in landscaped gardens, The Yeatman is a tranquil haven where guests can unwind enjoying panoramic views, extensive terraces and two infinity pools (indoor and out). Apart from enjoying the swimming pools, children can play in the Kids Club and it is possible to book a babysitter in advance. There are plenty of books available in the bedrooms and Hotel Library and younger children are catered to with a fun surprise on arrival among other in-room amenities.


Grand Universe Lucca | Italy
Wheel into spring break with an unforgettable trip to the historic city center of Lucca, Italy. The palatial Grand Universe Lucca offers the unique Bikes & Bites package where guests of the hotel are given bikes and a basket with “Schiacciata”, Tuscan flatbread stuffed sandwiches; “Buccellato” old sweet bread; Tuscan wine (for mom and dad), and water to bring along for a picnic. The whole family will love riding along the city walls that encircle Lucca and offer an incredible birds-eye-view of the entire city. The experience costs 25 Euro per person. Book here


The Shelbourne | Dublin, Ireland
Celebrating its 200th anniversary in 2024, Dublin’s grand dame has always embodied the zeitgeist of the city--from being the premier venue for Dublin’s society events in the 1950s and 60s to playing host to the forming of The Chieftains, and today continuing to be Dubliners’ preferred social hotspot for fine food, cocktails, and pints. Known as “Ireland’s living room,” The Shelbourne is kicking off its milestone celebrations with the following packages for winter and spring of this year:

  • The Journey Through Time Since 1824 package includes deluxe room accommodation, gourmet breakfast, and complimentary parking for just €200 ($215) per person with the option to upgrade to one of the hotel’s luxurious Heritage Park View Rooms for an added €80 ($86). This package is available Sundays through Thursdays from January 7th to February 28th and is subject to availability. Promotional Code: THM
  • The Shelbourne will also be introducing the Toast To 200 Years Of History package for stays between March 1st and November 30th, which includes a deluxe room accommodation and gourmet breakfast, complete with a voucher that guests receive at check-in for two special cocktails to celebrate the momentous anniversary. Promotional Code: QZR
  • Perfect for winter break, the Luxurious Family Escape at The Shelbourne package allows children to indulge in turndown service. Available from February 11-24th, the package includes bed & breakfast in a deluxe double room (for 2 adults and 2 kids under 12), parking, and a turndown service featuring kids’ bathrobes and slippers, freshly baked cookies and milk, and in-room movie setup with popcorn. Promotional Code: ZE2
  • Looking ahead to spring, the Celebrate Easter at The Shelbourne offering includes deluxe accommodation, breakfast, parking, two celebratory 1916 cocktails at No.27 Bar, and an in-room Easter egg with chocolate treats. It is available for stays between March 14th and April 7th. Promotional Code: EB5
  • Lastly, for any visitors looking to pamper themselves during their trip to Dublin, The Shelbourne Spa is offering a Winter Skin Savior facial package, including an Elemis’ signature deep cleaning skin wellness facial that leaves skin looking healthy, refreshed, and rebalanced. Following the treatment, guests are invited to enjoy the relaxing room overlooking St. Stephen’s Green before heading to The Salon for a blow out and superfood hydrating smoothie. The package is €149 ($164) per person, and available Monday through Thursday from January 1st through February 28th with booking subject to availability.


A Cultural District with a WOW factor | Porto, Portugal

WOW is a huge new cultural district where everyone is welcome. In the historic heart of Vila Nova de Gaia, just a short distance from the centre of Porto, WOW pays homage to culture, history, and Portugal's main industries.  Explore six different museumsrestaurants, and workshops for all the family

Special offer: Family ticket (2 adults+2 kids) for 2 museums – 72€. Valid for 1 month.


Vakkaru | Maldives
Vakkaru sits on a secluded reef island with ocean views, white sand, and unique marine biodiversity. The Vakkaru Dream Getaway is available for stays of fice days or more between now and December 22, 2024, and includes:

  • Up to 30% off on accommodations; daily breakfast at Amaany ; complimentary daily dinner at designated restaurants; complimentary stay and meals for two children below 12 years of age; complimentary access to Parrotfish Club for children 3 to 12 years of age, Coconut Club, Sports Fields and Merana Spa’s Wellness Area, and more. 

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

Hotels schmotels. If you want to make your vacay extra-extraordinary—you’ve got to make your overnight accommodations as much a destination as any place else. So whether you want to spend the night on a battleship, sleep on a big cat refuge, or hunker down on your own private island, there are oddities galore when it comes to Airbnb vacation rentals. You’re going to have a hard time deciding which one to book next, trust us! 

Star Wars House - Orlando, FL


If you're planning a trip to a galaxy far, far away, Airbnb has the perfect place for you to stay in Orlando, Florida. Twelve Parsecs is a 9-bedroom house located just 15 minutes away from Disney World, making it the perfect place for a family of Jedi warriors to rest their heads while visiting Galaxy's Edge. The home includes a heated pool and resort amenities at the Champions Gate Oasis resort that include a water park, two golf courses, a splash pad, a game room, a theater, and more. The hosts have also left behind 16 Star Wars Easter eggs for guests to find. Read more here

Sleeps: 16
Cost: $477/night
Online: airbnb.com

The Bruno Steel House | Ransom Canyon, TX

Bruno Steel art unique vacation rental

This house is gorgeous, more of an art sculpture than your normal box-shaped residence. You'll get plenty of room for your whole family and views of the gorgeous canyon. 

Sleeps: 8
Cost: $400/night
Online: airbnb.com

boat unique vacation rental

This ark is such a welcoming space and we know you're going to enjoy visiting. It sits on over 50 acres of land that includes a pond for fishing and a year-round creek. 

Sleeps: 4
Cost: $225/night
Online: airbnb.com

Bedrock Homestead | Boulder, UT

bedrock flintstones house unique vacation rentals

Live out your Flintstones dreams at this hydroelectric homestead and working farm. You'll have an entire west wing to yourself and a shared kitchen and common rooms. Climb to the top of the cave to see the expansive stars and enjoy your morning coffee up there. The area has numerous options for hiking, mountain biking and exploring. 

Sleeps: 5
Cost: $275/night
Online: airbnb.com

The Nut House Treehouse | Aubrey, TX

nut house treehouse unique vacation rentals

Your little ones will go nuts for this too-cute vacation rental in Texas that looks like an acorn! Sit on the porch and listen to the creek flowing nearby before you head inside to the circular sitting area and lofted bedroom. 

Sleeps: 2
Cost: $266/night
Online: airbnb.com 

Fillmore Treehouse with Farm Stay—Fillmore, CA

treehouse with farm stay unique vacation rental

Drive about an hour north of LA and you'll discover this secluded treehouse in an orchard of orange and avocado trees. It's located on a working farm with chickens, goats, ducks, and more—which makes it an ideal spot for a parent-kid getaway (only two guests are allowed). The recently built treehouse boasts a comfy queen bed, a cute kitchenette, and a full-size shower. Watch the sunset from the large deck, complete with a fire pit to satisfy your s'mores fix. After dark, you and your little one can enjoy some stargazing far from the city lights. 

Sleeps: 2

Sleep in a Train Caboose - Joseph, OR

green caboose unique vacation rental

Wake up to this gorgeous view in your green caboose. The caboose is located behind an original Train Depot built in 1906 which used to be located in Enterprise, Oregon. It was moved in 1980 to its present location, one mile north of the town of Joseph, to serve as a residence. The caboose is completely self-contained with a small fridge, electric stove top burners, table and stools, a shower with rainfall shower head, linens and towels, cooking utensils, and an RV-style toilet room. There is one main bedroom with a full-size bed with a memory foam mattress. Two twin bunk beds are separated from the main bedroom with drapery. 

Sleeps: 4
Cost: $145/night
Online: airbnb.com

Related: All Aboard These Incredible Train Car Vacation Rentals

Off-Grid UNIMOG Zombie-Proof Adventure - Kimberly, AL

this zombie-proof rental is one of the best Airbnbs for kids

How cool is this Airbnb? This 1966 UNIMOG was used as a movie prop in the Hunger Games and the Walking Dead. Two people can sleep in the UNIMOG and there are spots for additional people to sleep on the open-air sleeping loft. You are totally off the grid at this spot as you'll drop your car at the farm's goat pen and throw your belongings in the back of the UTV. Staff will drive you what will seem like a hundred miles away from society onto the 105-acre sanctuary. You will hike beautiful scenery, play in the river and chill in your lounge chair on an observation deck that lets you truly escape the world below. 

Sleeps: 4 but more can be accommodated. Dogs allowed.
Cost: $102/night
Online: airbnb.com

Private Island Log Cabin - Monmouth, ME

unique vacation rental private island in Maine

If you REALLY want to get away from society, this is the Airbnb for you. Your cabin is on its own private island which you access by private pontoon ride from the mainland. Spend your days fishing, boating, and swimming while you enjoy this fully off-grid adventure. Island concierge service is available if you need to have any supplies restocked during your stay. Unwind by the campfire, watch the sunset, and listen to the loons as they settle in for the night.

Sleeps: 4
Cost: $196/night
Online: airbnb.com

Stay In an Historic Lighthouse - Cape Cod, MA

This lighthouse in Cape Cod, MA is one of the best Airbnbs for kids
Wing's Neck Lighthhouse

For a true New England vacation with a killer view, you can have this entire historic lighthouse and its adjacent home all to yourself. Located at the tip of Wings Neck Point along the western coast of Cape Cod, the lighthouse was built in 1849 and completely renovated in 2003. Formerly a U.S. Coast Guard lighthouse, the light tower still stands next to the original three-bedroom keeper's home. Kids will love climbing the whirling stairs and subsequent ladder to reach the glass top of the lighthouse, where they'll get a 360-degree view of the Atlantic Ocean and the adjacent rocky shores. And, when just looking at the water isn't enough, there is a private sandy beach nearby where kids can swim in the gentle waves of the bay. 

Sleeps: 8
Cost: $430/night
Online: airbnb.com

Underground in a Hobbit House - Santa Fe, TN


Lord of the Rings fans will geek out at the opportunity to stay a night in a hobbit house. These underground pods—located on a crop farm near Nashville, Tennessee—look like little hills from afar; but get closer and see the wooden walls and the giant round doorways. There are two pods for sleeping (for up to four guests each), with separate pods for the kitchen and dining rooms. Communal barbecue and sitting areas are located around the eco-farm to bring people together. Kids will love exploring the trails and looking for waterfalls (there are two of them) across the farm's 15 acres. There's also a chicken coop where you are free to collect fresh eggs for breakfast. A unique vacation rental you won't soon forget!

Sleeps: 8
Cost: $375/night
Online: airbnb.com


The Earthship—El Prado, NM


The Phoenix Earthship (which is located near Taos, NM, not Phoenix, AZ) is a work of art and guaranteed to make a unique family vacation the kids will never forget. The greenhouse makes a lush environment in the high mountain desert, with banana trees, grapevines, birds, turtles, and a fish pond. The entire property is off-grid, sustainable and unique. There is also a food garden, chickens, and views of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Part of a massive 630-acre Earthship subdivision, the only official off-grid subdivision in the world, you'll find stars for days. It's also within driving distance of artsy Taos.

Sleeps: 4
Cost: $270/night
Online: airbnb.com

Dome Dwelling - Woodridge, NY


Got a whole crew in tow? Check out this amazing dome for a group vacation in the Catskill Mountains, located in New York. There’s a communal outdoor kitchen, an outdoor shower and bath, a fire pit, a pizza oven, and a bathroom available. Kids will love swimming in the pond and adults will enjoy watching from the wood-fired cedar hot tub. The property, perfect for multi-generational families, also has bunnies, sheep and goats.

Sleeps: 16
Cost: $379/night
Online: airbnb.com

Castle with a Pool—Los Angeles, CA


For your little knights and princesses, this newly restored 1920s castle is straight out of a storybook. Original details like stone turrets, gothic arches, and exposed beams abound. It's a splurge, but so worth it. The grounds are completely enclosed by stone walls and offer a private courtyard off the master, a built-in fire pit, and a spacious pool to play in.

Cost: $1,004/night
Online: airbnb.com

Related: Live Out Your Fairytale Dreams in These 12 Castles You Can Rent

Sleep in a Silo at Laughing Llama Farm—Troy, TX

unique vacation rental silo house

Located near Waco, Texas, and about 20 miles from the downtown area, this expansive farm stay includes an incredibly unique converted grain silo with all the amenities, including a sleeping loft, full bathroom, kitchen, and a fishing pond on site. Visit with the sheep and llamas and relax in the peace and quiet. 

Sleeps: 4
Cost: $118/night
Online: airbnb.com

Go Rustic in a Navajo Earth Hut - Page, AZ


Have you ever thought about how cool it would be to stay in a Navajo hut, with an earthen floor and a wood-burning stove? This rustic Native American-owned traditional Navajo hut near Page, Arizona accommodates four family members and has a fully-stocked bathroom nearby and an outside fire pit where you’ll cook your dinner under the moonlight. The best part: you’ll wake up to a traditional Navajo breakfast complete with blue corn porridge, fresh fruit, and ranch coffee or tea sourced from the land. Keep a look out for roaming sheep, sheepdogs, and horses before you set off for a visit to the nearby Grand Canyon. This unique vacation rental is a kid favorite!

Sleeps: 4
Cost: $210/night
Online: airbnb.com


Float House at Jack Creek | Astoria, OR


You'll love this delightful float house on the John Day River, minutes from charming Astoria. This home offers a perfect place to enjoy river recreation and relaxation. Originally a floating store, guests now enjoy all the modern conveniences mixed with old-world charm. Sitting adjacent to 16 acres of farmland, enjoy the peace and serenity of country life or use it as a jumping-off point for your adventure on the coast.

Sleeps: 8
Cost: $200/night
Online: airbnb.com

Related: All Hands on Deck: 13 Houseboats to Rent with Your Crew

Safari West—Santa Rosa, CA

Safari West

Come to Santa Rosa for the exotic animals and stay for the one-of-a-kind overnight glamping experience at the Safari West wildlife preserve. The heavy canvas tents—imported from Africa—have hardwood floors (albeit polished), and the sounds of wildlife give the feel of camping, while heaters and ceiling fans provide home comforts. While the luxurious bedding is nice, the highlight of the experience for all ages is the more than 800 animals that roam these acres. (Note that the tents are separated from the wildlife for safety reasons.) Take a 3-hour tour of the property on an open-air safari Jeep (must be age 4 or older for this). The on-site Savanna Grill offers indoor and outdoor dining and wines from area vines, as well as Africa.

Online: safariwest.com

Play All Day at a Gaming House - Orlando, FL

The Great Escape Parkside

This 15-bedroom mansion devoted to games will wow grown-ups as much as it does their little gamers. Built by the same couple who made The Sweet Escape, this bastion to all things playable lets guests walk inside their favorite board and video games. It's a gamer's paradise: There's a LEGO room covered in foam blocks; a Ms. Pac-Man room that'll make you feel like it's 1985 (it comes with a multi-cade arcade machine and an Atari 2600); and a CLUE room that also works as an escape room. There's also a huge pool with a lazy river and waterslide; a human whack-a-mole game that's just begging for social media likes; a human bowling game that puts people inside Zorb balls to knock down giant bowling pins; and a giant dartboard that uses Velcro soccer balls instead of darts. 

Rates start at $1,595 a night (sleeps up to 54 people). 

Online: greatescapeparkside.com

Overnight on a Battleship - Corpus Christi, TX

texasfeel via Flickr

Ahoy, sailors! Grab your sleeping bag and pillow and spend the night aboard the U.S.S. Lexington, a retired aircraft carrier that has been docked in the Corpus Christi harbor since 1991 as a living history museum. Overnights on the battleship mean a unique first-person lesson in history: Not only will you get to bunk in the crew's original quarters; you'll also get a behind-the-scenes tour of the ship and hear stories from its past (the ship was heavily used during World War 2). Overnighters are also treated to a nighttime scavenger hunt, a movie in the 3D MEGA Theater, a few good old-fashioned ghost stories, a flag ceremony and two trips through the chow line.  

Hint: The ship is large and there are stairs, so wear comfortable shoes. 

Rate: $75 per person (for one night). Kids must be five and up to attend the sleepover. 

Online: usslexington.com

Stay in a Haunted Hotel - Cheyenne, WY

The Plains Hotel

If you're going to stay in a hotel, you may as well make it a haunted one! In downtown Cheyenne, Wyoming, you’ll find the beautiful Historic Plains Hotel, a National Historic Landmark, built in 1911. This hotel is full of local Wyoming art, and stained glass, and several websites claim paranormal activity at the hotel—including Trip Advisor reviews. Visitors to Cheyenne can embark on a Cheyenne Trolley Ghost Tour to learn more about the Historic Plains Hotel ghost activity and the cowboys and Indians of the wild west. Jill Pope, who has worked for Visit Cheyenne and the Convention & Visitor’s Bureau, has written two books on haunted Cheyenne and she leads tours and lectures that include the Historic Plains Hotel. Whether you believe in ghosts or just love hearing folklore, a night at the Historic Plains Hotel will be a night to remember.

Online: theplainshotel.com

Additional reporting by Melissa Heckscher & Wendy Altschuler

Please note, prices listed were valid at the time of publication but rates can fluctuate at different times of the year. If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation.