With St. Patrick’s Day comes plenty of green, but what if you’d rather have gold? You’ll need to set a few leprechaun traps to find out where the elusive pot o’ gold is hiding (hint: it’s not at the end of the rainbow). We’ve got the best tutorial on how to make a leprechaun trap, so give it your luckiest shot!

Looking for other fun St. Patrick’s Day activities for kids? Check out our favorite St. Patrick’s Day crafts, St. Patrick’s Day science experiments, and the best St. Patrick’s Day jokes for kids.

What You Need to Make a Leprechaun Trap

A cardboard box or shoebox
A stick (or pencil in a pinch)
A pillowcase
Food (see below)
Optional: some sparkle

Leprechaun Trap Step One: Make the Bait

Rainbow rice krispies are fun for a leprechaun trap
The Gracious Wife

Leprechauns, despite the rumors, do not subsist on pints of Guinness and shamrock-shaped cookies alone. They like a variety of foods, but most of all they appreciate a rainbow of flavors like the ones found in these rainbow recipes. Bonus: you get to keep the leftovers. This can be the most time-consuming step. If you are in a hurry, just grab a pack of Skittles and move on to step two. 

Step Two: Make the Leprechaun Trap

little boy who made a leprechaun trap
Amber Guetebier

The leprechaun is usually just under a foot high, although the size varies depending on age (they shrink as they get older) and origin.* So the best method here is a simple box trap. 

Get a smallish box, like a shoebox. A plain box works fine but if you want to increase your odds of getting a leprechaun,  paint the box green, a color most pleasing to them. Decorate it with anything that gives it that special glitz: glitter, coins, gemstones, or just an artistic use of the brush. 

Find a stick or pencil to prop the box up. You can even use a piece of cardboard, cleverly disguised as a friendly sign.


Step Three: Add Bait to Your Leprechaun Trap

Place the “bait” on a plate underneath the lid. No string is needed. Once the leprechaun takes his first bite of your delicious food, he’ll dance with joy. This dance almost always leads to kicking the stick over. Voila. He is trapped. If you’ve got preschoolers, how cute is this printable bait template from Mama Cheaps for leprechaun traps?

Hint: Don’t bother waiting up for the leprechaun. They never show under a watchful eye.

Related: 17 Easy St. Patrick’s Day Crafts That’ll Bring You Luck

Step Four: Get the Gold

Wait at least three hours before checking your leprechaun trap, but if you can, wait a full night. (Parents, you can leave a small note or coin in place of the treat from the escaped wee man). If your trap is empty, better luck next year. If, however, you caught your leprechaun, you’ll need to transfer it from the trap into your home. Use a soft pillowcase, and scoop up the entire box including (hopefully) the leprechaun. Remember, your goal here is to get him to reveal the location of his gold, not bring harm to him. Be firm but kind, and be persistent.

More Tips for Your Leprechaun Traps

Once you have him inside, lock your doors and close your windows. Leprechauns are master escape artists.

Be ready to barter. They are very clever and can trick you out of just about anything, but you will need to offer something in exchange for the gold (i.e., his freedom). Do not believe him when he tells you it’s “at the end of the rainbow.” They like silky fabrics, velvet, and shiny things.

Be sure you have enough food: they can eat an incredible amount of food, so be ready to lay out a feast or at the very least, a decent tea party.

If you can get them to tell you where the gold is, you truly have the luck of the Irish!

*While it was once true that a leprechaun could only be found in Ireland, there are generations of leprechauns that have naturalized in the woods, parks, and gardens across America. Rumors of how leprechauns came to the U.S. include stowing away in luggage, sliding across rainbows (totally unfounded), and the most plausible: paid passage. They are, after all, in possession of copious amounts of gold.

Editor’s note: No leprechauns were harmed in the making of this article. 

As parents, there’s nothing quite like a homemade Valentine’s card for mom. We’ve searched the web and carefully curated everything from Valentine’s Day crafts for toddlers to easy Valentine’s Day cards for school, and all of them are sweet as can be. These Valentine’s Day recipes will sweeten any Valentine’s Day plans and these Valentine’s Day games will tucker them out. Choose your favorite ideas for making homemade cards for Valentine’s Day 2024.

1. Seed Paper Hearts

Who doesn’t love plants? This homemade Valentine’s card can grow! Follow the instructions to make a seed heart that can be planted. Grow plants like wildflowers, herbs, and small vegetables.

2. Hot Air Balloon Heart

Try out this adorable hot air balloon card that can easily serve as a decoration for February.

3. Embroidered Hearts

a picture of a homemade valentine's card
Hello, Wonderful

Kids can hone their skills with a needle and thread to make these cute homemade Valentine's Day cards from Hello, Wonderful

4. Goldfish Snacks in a "Bowl"

Backless Shirt

How cute are these Goldfish-filled valentines from Backless Shirt? This candy-free idea doubles as a little afternoon snack, too.

5. Cutie Valentines

It’s Always Autumn

Our kids love mandarin oranges (aka cuties), and this easy homemade Valentine's card from It’s Always Autumn is the perfect way to use them. Buy a big bag at the grocery store and you’re halfway there. 

6. LEGO My Valentine

a picture of a cute homemade valentine card
The Resourceful Mama

Build super cute homemade Valentine's Day cards this year with this printable from The Resourceful Mama. The only other things you'll need are LEGO bricks and plastic bags. 


Related: 12 Creative (& Easy) Valentine’s Day Card Box Ideas

7. Toy Plane Valentines

Crap I've Made

Your littles will soar to the top of the class with these awesome plane valentines from Crap I’ve Made. Snag toy planes on the cheap on Amazon or at a party store. 

8. Rubber Duckie Valentines

a picture of homemade valentine cards
Simple Enchantments

We love a good pun, and this card from Simple Enchantments is definitely a winner.

9. Candy-Free Valentines

homemade valentine's cards
Pretty Prudent

Since kids will be loading up on candy all day, we love this change of pace from Pretty Prudent. Pick from crayons, bubbles, glitter, or bandaids—all of which have their own clever puns. 

10. Pirate Puns


Pirate-obsessed kids will love this clever valentine from MerMag. A pirate pun, a heart eye patch—it just doesn’t get much cuter than this. 

11. Glow Stick Valentines

homemade valentines cards
Eighteen 25

Check out this cute idea from Eighteen 25—with a few packs of glow sticks, it’s pretty easy to put together. 

12. Kool-Aid Fun

My Name Is Snickerdoodle

If your little one is a Kool-Aid lover, they’ll get a kick out of these cute Valentine's Day card idea from My Name Is Snickerdoodle

13. Star(burst) Cards

It’s Always Autumn

Fancy up your valentines this year with this idea from It’s Always Autumn. Crafty kids will enjoy decorating each card with a potato stamp. 

14. Origami Cards

homemade valentines cards
Omiyage Blogs

Whether you’re an origami expert or just a beginner, these easy DIY valentines from Omiyage Blogs will be a winner. 

Related: 19 Sweet Valentine’s Day Recipes for Kids

15. Crayon Cards

The Nerd's Wife

If you want to get crafty for your Valentine this year, this idea from The Nerd’s Wife is an awesome option. Plus, you’ll get to put all your broken crayon stubs to good use. 

16. Blow Pop Butterflies

Skip to My Lou

We love this fun (but super easy) take on valentines from Skip to My Lou. The kids will love the sweetness and creativity of this one.

17. Cute Sheep Valentines

Hello, Wonderful

Crafty kids will love making this valentine—just print out the cards from Hello, Wonderful, and then let them glue on pom poms for the sheep’s “wool.” 

18. Play-Doh Packages

Random Thoughts from a Supermom

Here’s another gift that keeps on giving: Play-Doh. Just add a fun label to the carton (Random Thoughts from a Supermom has a convenient printable), and the whole class will be sculpting hearts and flowers for their special someone.

19. Valentine "Cards"

My Paper Crane

We love the quirky character of these homemade Valentine's Day “cards” from My Paper Crane. The supplies are easy to round up, there's lots of room for kid participation, and the results are oh-so-cute.

20. Toy Snake Valentines

A Subtle Revelry

Good news for little snake charmers! A Subtle Revelry has ultra-cute easy Valentine's Day cards that only require a teensy amount of effort and a handful of Dollar Store snakes.

Related: 41 Hilariously Sweet Valentine’s Day Jokes for Kids

21. Cupcake Liner Creativity

Urban Comfort

What, you didn’t think those festive Valentine’s Day cupcake liners were only good for cupcakes, did you? Urban Comfort has a crafty idea that’s easy to make but oh-so-impressive.

22. I Spy Surprise

A Mom With a Lesson Plan

A loving message and a treasure hunt all in one? Yes, please! A Mom with a Lesson Plan has a great idea for adding a little “I Spy” to your V-Day. It’s a great excuse to roam the neighborhood (or a good way to entertain house-bound little cupids).

23. Upcycled Valentines

Art Bar Blog

You can’t help but love this idea from Art Bar Blog. With washi tape, alphabet stamps, and lots and lots of upcycled hearts, you can make gift bags for storing cards or holding other V-Day treats.

24. Joke Boxes

The Artful Parent

Brace yourselves, this idea from Delia Creates combines puns, Laffy Taffy, silly bands, and LEGO-inspired boxes. It sounds like a win-win to us. 

25. Bear-y Cute Valentine

homemade valentines cards
Domestic Mommyhood

We can’t get over the cute factor of these Valentine's Day cards for school from Domestic Mommyhood. They’re easy as pie to print, cut, and distribute—and they also make excellent lunchbox love notes. 

26. High Fives

A Subtle Revelry

What’s the ultimate show of support for your special valentine? A Subtle Revelry has the answer in the form of a printable high five. This nifty idea is easy and sure to be a classroom fave. 

27. A Homemade Valentine’s Card for Tweens

Even big kids like getting Valentine’s Day cards, and this one is cute, to the point, and includes a fun beauty gift. Get the printable from All Things Thrifty.

When it comes to the season of the rabbit, we’ve always got a few good puns up our sleeves. These Easter jokes are ready to make your little bunnies laugh, whether you want a joke-a-day or just a day of jokes, these jokes for kids are the perfect way to celebrate the season. Don’t forget to check out our favorite spring jokes for kids, and riddles for kids!

Easter Bunny Jokes

What kind of bunny can't hop?

A chocolate bunny. 

What do you call a bunny with lice?

Bugs Bunny!

Where does the Easter Bunny like to eat out?


How does the Easter Bunny travel all over the world?

Via hareplane. 

How do you send a letter to the Easter Bunny?

Via hare mail. 

What do you call a Transformer Bunny?

Hop-timus Prime. 

How does the Easter Bunny stay in shape?


What does a bunny like to dance to?


What do you call a bunny with money?

A millionhare. 

What is a rabbit's favorite jewelry?

A 24-carrot gold ring. 

What do you call a rabbit with a cold?

A runny bunny. 

What did the rabbit say to the carrot?

I'd like to get to gnaw you. 

What do you call a bunny who tells jokes?

A funny bunny! 

Why did the Easter Bunny go on strike?

He wanted a better celery. 

Easter Egg Jokes

Happy Easter sign
Priscilla du Preez via Unsplash

What did one egg say to the other egg?

Heard any good yolks lately?

What do you call a zen Easter egg?

An ommmmmmlet. 

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Wendy who?

Wendy Easter Egg Hunt gonna' start?

What did the egg say when the Easter Bunny told a joke?

You crack me up. 

How many Easter eggs can you put in an empty basket?

Only one. After that, it's not empty anymore. 

What stories do Easter eggs tell their children?

Yolk tales. 

What did the Easter Egg ask for when he went to the hair salon? 

A new dye job. 

Why did Humpty Dumpty have a great fall?

To make up for his miserable summer.

—reader submitted by Kaci Y.  

Funny Easter Jokes

happy kids love Easter jokes

Why are you so tired in April?

Because you just finished a March. 

How does Easter always end?

With an "r."

Why did the jelly bean go to school?

Because he really wanted to be a Smartie. 

What kind of vegetable is angry?

A steamed carrot! 

Would February March?

No, but April May. 

Where does Easter take place every year?

Where eggs marks the spot!

How do you know carrots are good for your eyesight?

Have you ever seen a rabbit wearing glasses?

Knock, knock!

Who's there?


Sherwood who?

Sherwood like to have as much Easter candy as you!

Where did the vampire keep his Easter candy?

In his Easter casket.


Love is in the air, and it doesn’t always have to be about fancy flowers and tasty treats. We’ve found 18 unique DIY Valentine’s Day gifts that kids can make (they’re no joke!) and that you (or whoever the lucky person is) will actually want to keep. Get ready to create something unique that comes straight from the heart. Don’t forget to check out our favorite homemade Valentine’s Day cards too!

Illustrated Magnets

We love this sweet DIY Valentine’s gift idea! All you need is glass marbles, white cardstock, pens, Modge Podge, and hot glue.

Black Glue Heart Art

Black glue might not be top of mind when you think about homemade Valentine’s gifts, but this project is stunning and good for all crafting levels. Get the details and the printable template from Red Ted Art. 

Heart-Shaped Tea Bags

These adorable heart-shaped tea bags will make tea lovers smile as they steep their morning cup.

Heart Decorated Jars

Decorate these jars with hearts and Valentine’s Day designs, then fill them with whatever treat you’d like.

Heart-Shaped Pencil Toppers

heart-shaped pencil toppers are an easy DIY Valentine's Gift
The Best Ideas for Kids

Pencil this idea in, and you have a pretty gift for your Valentine. We love The Best Idea for Kids use of pipe cleaners and Valentine pencils to put together this clever craft that becomes a heartfelt gift.

Coffee Filter Hearts

Simple Fun for Kids

What better way to say "I love you" than with a pretty coffee filter heart? Simple Fun for Kids shows the how-to for this craft that makes a perfect gift. You’ll need coffee filters, markers, and an eyedropper (or something similar) then let your little artist go to it.

Paper Airplane Valentines

Pink Stripey Socks

This DIY Valentine’s gift soars above the rest. Mom Leslie over at Pink Stripey Socks gives the step-by-step on how to make these adorable paper airplane Valentines. Not only are they fun to make, but also they make a cool gift.

Related: 28 Easy Valentine’s Day Cards You Can Make at Home

Heart-Shaped Paper Clips

heart-shaped paper clips are an easy DIY valentine's day gift
How About Orange

If you’re down to the last minute and need a quick (and cute!) gift, then these heart-shaped paper clips do the trick. Click through to How About Orange for the how-to. Even more, add a sweet note or a new book, and you're done.

Heart Tea Towels

Clumsy Crafter

What’s more fun than stamping your heart out? We love Clumsy Crafter’s cute and elegant DIY heart tea towels. Grab those potatoes, carve, stamp, and follow the directions. You’ll have tons of fun!

Shake Painting Heart Gift

No Time for Flash Cards

Your budding Picasso can make a Valentine’s Day gift with this easy-to-do shake painting. Head over to No Time for Flashcards to find out how to do this fun craft. Pick your colors, throw in hearts, and shake. It's the perfect present.

Heart Magnets

heart magnets are an easy DIY Valentine's Gift

For a gift that will stick around past February, these heart magnets from Idlewife are awesome. They’re pretty easy to make, but leave yourself enough time to let them harden after you’ve sculpted them.

Love Monsters

love monsters are a creative diy valentine's gift
Eighteen 25

How cute are these little love monsters from Eighteen 25? Using yarn, pipe cleaners, and googly eyes, they’re super fun to make, and we love that each one is unique.

Related: 12 Creative (& Easy) Valentine’s Day Card Box Ideas

Candy-Filled Tackle Box

candy tackle boxes are a cute diy valentine's gift
Close to Home

If you’ve got a fisherman in your life (or a candy lover), she or he will get a kick out of this clever gift from Close to Home. Fill up the tackle box with Swedish fish and gummy worms, then attach a little tag.

Decorated Coffee Mugs

Inside My Hideaway

Here’s a heartfelt gift that budding artists can make with a cup, glossy paint, and a small paintbrush. Get the instructions from Inside My Hideaway.

Paper Bookmark

a heart-shaped paper heart is a fun DIY Valentine's gift
How About Orange

Who’s number one in your book? With just a few creases and folds you can make this origami bookmark heart. Make a few and give them to friends who love to read. Go to How About Orange for the simple tutorial.

Antique Wood Hearts

a heart-shaped wood ornament is a cool DIY Valentine's Gift
Melissa via Fireflies and Mud Pies

While not for the faint of heart (see what we did there?), we adore this DIY Valentine's Day gift from Fireflies and Mud Pies. Your kids can make one using paint, an antiquing medium, a wood heart, and twine.

Related: 19 Sweet Valentine’s Day Recipes for Kids

Colorful Sun Catchers

Kristina via Toddler Approved

Hearts will be full when the kids hand off a brightly colored heart sun catcher this Valentine's Day. Give your kids a salad spinner, coffee filter, paint, and paper, then watch them create from the heart. Mom Kristina gives us the know-how over at Toddler Approved.

Simple Knot Bracelets

The Nerd's Wife

These heart-shaped bracelets will help your kid let her BFFs know that life would knot be the same without them. Head over to The Nerd’s Wife for an easy tutorial that requires a paracord and scissors.

Love Bugs

DIY Valentine's Gifts
Katie via A Little Pinch of Perfect

Go buggy with this cute craft from A Little Pinch of Perfect. You can help your kids make one with a tin can, craft paper, googly eyes, and a pipe cleaner.

There’s no doubt about it: kids are sponges when it comes to learning (and picking up on swear words, turns out). We’ve rounded up some fun facts for kids that will entertain and wow them (and you!). For those in search of trivia for teens, we’ve got you covered as well! Try to stump your kids at the dinner table or go all in for a family trivia night. In the mood for even more fun? Try out these hilarious jokes for kids, the best minute to win it games, and some selections from the 100+ movies every kid needs to see before they grow up.

Fun Facts for Kids About Space

fun facts for kids about space
NASA via Unsplash

1. The moon is very hot (224 degrees Fahrenheit, average) during the day but very cold (-243 degrees average) at night.

2. Venus spins clockwise. It’s the only planet that does!

3. One teaspoon of a neutron star would weigh six billion tons.

4. Sally Ride was the first American woman to fly in space, on June 18, 1983.

5. One million Earths could fit inside the sun!

6. Even in an airplane, a trip to Pluto would take about 800 years. 

7. Ham the Astrochimp was the first hominid in space, launched on Jan. 31, 1961. 

8. Neptune’s days are 16 hours long.

9. It takes eight minutes and 19 seconds for light to travel from the sun to Earth.

10. The footprints on the moon will be there for 100 million years. 

11. A neutron star can spin 600 times in one second. 

12. Jupiter is the fastest-spinning planet in the solar system (it only takes about 10 hours to complete a full rotation on its axis). 

13. Sound does not carry in space. 

14. The Earth's core is as hot as the surface of the sun. 

15. The very first animals in space were fruit flies...they were sent up in 1947 and recovered alive. 

16. In 2011, ten-year-old Kathryn Aurora Gray discovered a supernova (a star that has run out of energy, explodes and then collapses before it dies) that no one else had seen before. 

17. Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, has saltwater geysers that are 20x taller than Mt. Everest. 

18. Saturn's rings are made from trillions of chunks of orbiting ice. 

19. Alpha Centauri isn't a star, but a star system. It is 4.22 light years away. 

20. One day on Venus is almost 8 months on Earth. 

21. Jupiter's Great Red Spot is a storm that has been raging for over 200 years. 

22. There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on Earth.  

Looking for more space facts? Check them out here

Facts for Kids About Food

find out about hot dogs with food trivia for kids

1. The world’s longest French fry is 34 inches long.  

2. Garlic bulbs are full of Vitamin C, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and more. It also has 17 amino acids.

3. On the South Atlantic island of Tristan da Cunha, potatoes were once used as currency.

4. The strawberry is the only fruit that bears seeds on the outside.

5. According to Tori Avey, coffee became a popular drink in America after the Boston Tea Party of 1773: Making the switch from tea to coffee was considered a patriotic duty.

6. The double coconut palm produced the biggest seed in the world: 45 pounds.

7. Ice cream was once called “cream ice.”

8. Pound cake is so-called because the recipes once called for a pound of butter, a pound of sugar, a pound of eggs, and a pound of flour. 

9. Peanuts aren't nuts! (They're legumes.)

10. Carrots weren't always orange: they were once exclusively purple. 

11. Cherries are a member of the rose family (Rosaceae) as are quince, pears, plums, apples, peaches, and raspberries! 

12. Lima beans have an amazing ability to command wasps as a defense. If insects are eating the lima bean's leaves, the plant gives off a substance that acts as a signal to parasitic wasps to swoop in and destroy their enemy (i.e. the leaf-eating insects).

13. Apples float because they are one-quarter air! 

14. Ripe cranberries will bounce like a ball. (Go on, try it!). They also float. 

15. German chocolate cake is not from Germany. German is the last name of the man who invented a kind of baking chocolate (Sam German). 

16. Cilantro and coriander are considered to be the same. 

17. SPAM is a mash-up of the words "spice" and "ham."

Amazing Facts for Students About History

library where you can find fun facts for kids and trivia questions for kids

1. The Wright Brothers only flew together once (though both piloted the planes individually): on May 25, 1910, they took a six-minute flight piloted by Orville with Wilbur as his passenger.

2. Regardless of their size, naval tradition declares submarines to be called “boats” rather than “ships.”

3. Hedy Lamar was a famous Hollywood film actress who also invented what became modern-day Wi-Fi. 

4. Walt Disney started sketching regularly when he was just four years old.

5. Abraham Lincoln lost five separate elections before he became president of the U.S. (Never, ever, ever give up!)

6. Pablo Picasso entered art school around the age of 10. The Picasso Museum in Barcelona, Spain includes many “early works” from his childhood.

7. Frederick Douglass taught himself to read and write.

8. Before European contact (which caused populations to diminish rapidly ) California indigenous tribal groups spoke more than 200 unique dialects. 

9. Amelia Earhart first saw a plane at the age of 10 but didn't take an airplane ride until 1920 when she was 23 years old. 

10. Abe Lincoln was a professional wrestler long before he became the 16th President of the United States. 

11. After landing in Ireland after her first solo Atlantic flight, a farmer asked Amelia Earhart where she was from. When she said America, he almost didn't believe her! 

12. Frederick Douglass's birth name was Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey. When he married he chose the last name Douglass after the hero clan in Sir Walter Scott's famous poem, Lady of the Lake

13. Frida Kahlo created 143 paintings. Of these, 55 were self-portraits. 

14. Babe Ruth was the first baseball player to hit a home run in the All-Star game, at Chicago’s Comiskey Park in 1933.

15. The Olympics used to award gold medals for art

16. George Washington didn't chop down a cherry tree. 

Fun Facts for Kids About the Weather

fun facts for kids about lightening
Sean McAuliffe via Unsplash

1. Some tornadoes can be faster than Formula One race cars!

2. There are 2,000 thunderstorms on Earth every minute.

3. The wind is silent until it blows against something. 

4. There are ice caves in Iceland that have hot springs.

5. The fastest recorded raindrop was 18 mph! 

6. The US gets over 1200 tornadoes a year.

7. Lightning can strike twice.

8.  Clouds look white because they are reflecting sunlight from above them.

9. Yuma, Arizona gets over 4000 hours of sunshine a year, making it the sunniest place on Earth. The least sunny place is the South Pole, where the sun only shines on 182 days a year. (Which would you rather live in?) 

10. Rain contains vitamin B12. 

11. A bolt of lightning is five times hotter than the sun. 

12. A hurricane releases enough energy in one second to equal that of 10 atomic bombs. 

13. It can be too warm to snow, but never too cold. 

14. Tropical storms and hurricanes started getting "named" in 1953. 

15. You can tell the weather by counting a cricket's chirps! 

16. Worms wiggle up from the ground when a flood is coming. 

Animal Trivia for Kids

kids can learn about manatees with animal triva for kids.
NOAA via Unsplash

1. Many people believe that early mermaid sightings can be attributed to dehydration + manatees.

2. Sloths cannot shiver to stay warm, and so have difficulty maintaining their body temperature on rainy days.

3. In the wild, some reindeer travel more than 3000 miles in a single year.

4. Only half of the dolphin’s brain goes to sleep when asleep and the other half stays awake.

5. Other than humans, emperor penguins are the only warm-blooded animals to stay in Antarctica for the winter.

6. The biggest fossil of a spider was found in China. It is one inch long and 165 million years old.

7. The largest living animal is the blue whale, which can measure as much as 100 feet. 

8. Nearly 10% of all of a cat's bones are in its tail.

9. In the wintertime reindeer grow their facial hair long enough to cover their mouths, which protects their muzzles when grazing in the snow. Beard-os! 

10. Dolphins have been seen wrapping sea sponges around their long snouts to protect them from cuts while foraging for food.

11. Shrimp's hearts are in their heads. 

12. While pandas sometimes eat fish or small animals, 99% of their diet is bamboo. 

13. An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. 

14. A fox uses its tail to communicate with other foxes. 

15. Dogs have wet noses because they secrete a thin layer of mucus, which helps dogs smell! 

16. The female hummingbird builds the world's smallest bird's nest (approximately 1.5 inches in diameter, around the size of a walnut!). She weaves it from spiderwebs which allows it to expand as the chicks grow. 

17. The largest land animal in Antarctica is an insect: the columbola (which looks like an earwig). Penguins are considered marine animals. 

18. There are 222 owl species in the world. Most are nocturnal, but a few are active during the daytime, such as the Barred Owl.

19. Sloths are strong swimmers, especially good at the backstroke. 

20. Sharks do not hunt humans or consider humans food. Shark incidents occur when sharks are hunting for seals, dolphins, or other "human-sized" prey. It's a case of mistaken identity!  

21. A koala's fingerprints are so similar to human fingerprints that they could taint a crime scene. 

22. The loudest animal in the world is the Pistol Shrimp. It can collapse its jaws so fast that creates a bubble that collapses and creates a sonic blast.

Get more fun facts about animals here.

Sports Trivia for Kids

Sports trivia for kids includes fun facts for kids about Babe Ruth
Wikimedia Commons

1. In 1962, Wilt Chamberlain scored 100 points in a single NBA basketball game. No one has broken this record (not even Steph Curry!).

2. Babe Ruth began his career as a pitcher: Ruth was both a left-handed pitcher and a left-handed batter.

3. The record for the long jump is held by Mike Powell: 29 ft. + 4 inches. That’s like jumping the length of two minivans!

4. The most medals won for Olympic basketball (male or female) are both held by women: Teresa Edwards and Lisa Leslie with four gold medals each.

5. Wilma Rudolph (who set the world record in 1960 for 100, 200, and 4x100-meter relay) had polio, scarlet fever, and pneumonia as a child, leading doctors to believe she’d never walk again.

6. NFL Super Bowl referees also get Super Bowl rings. 

7. In 1919, Cleveland Indians pitcher Ray Caldwell was struck by lightning in the middle of the 9th inning. He kept playing! 

8. The 'G' on the Green Bay Packers helmet stands for "greatness" not Green Bay! 

9. Baseballs last an average of seven pitches. 

10. Manon Rheaume is the only woman to have played in an NHL game.

11. Golf is one of only two sports ever played on the moon. In 1971, Alan Shepard hit a ball with a six-iron while on the moon as part of the Apollo 14 mission. The other sport was a javelin toss, during the same visit. 

12. The shortest player in the National Hockey League (NHL) was goaltender Roy Waters who measured 5 ft. 3 in. tall.

13. The tallest player in the NHL is Zdeno Chara, who is 6 ft. 9 in. tall. 

Get more fun facts for kids about sports here.

Fun Facts for Kids About the Human Body

little girl in bookstore learning fun facts for kids and trivia for kids.

1. The nose can detect a trillion smells! 

2. One-quarter of your bones are in your feet. 

3. Human teeth are as strong as shark teeth! 

4. Your blood is as salty as the ocean. 

5. Not only does everyone have unique fingerprints, but humans also have unique tongue prints!

6. The average brain weighs about three pounds. A newborn brain weighs about 3/4 of a pound. 

7. Your nose and ears never stop growing. 

8. A human body contains almost 100 trillion cells. 

9. Fingernails can grow 4x faster than toenails. 

10. Eyelashes live for about 150 days before falling out. 

11. Humans are the only animals with chins. 

12. You can't breathe and swallow at the same time.  




Got a little comedian in your household? These Valentine’s Day jokes for kids are sure to crack a smile sweeter than any chocolate. Let the kids memorize a few to share with friends, or write them on a note for V-Day lunches. Either way, you’re sure to get a laugh, a hug, and probably at least one eye roll. If your kiddo needs more joke material to work with, try out our other jokes for kids. If you’re looking for other Valentine’s Day fun for kids, check out these DIY gifts they can make for friends or loved ones, and Valentine’s Day-themed food and treats they’ll love.

Valentine's Day Jokes for Kids

1. What do you call the world's smallest Valentine’s Day card?
A valen-teeny.

2. What did the stamp say to the envelope on Valentine’s Day?
I’m stuck on you!

3. What did one volcano say to the other?
I lava you!

4. What did the cucumber say to the pickle?
You mean a great dill to me.

5. How did the phone propose to his GF?
He gave her a ring.

6. What did the one sheep say to the other?
I love ewe!

7. And how did the other sheep respond?
You’re not so baaaaaa-d yourself.

8. What did the farmer give his wife for Valentine’s Day?
Hogs and kisses.

cute kids with paper hearts smiling at Valentine's Day jokes for kids

9. And what did the tweenager give his mom? 
Ughs and kisses!

10. What did one light bulb say to the other light bulb on Valentine’s Day?
I wuv you watts and watts!

11. What do you say to an octopus on Valentine’s Day?
I want to hold your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand!

12. What do you call a ghost’s true love?
Their ghoul-friend.

13. What do you write in a slug’s Valentine’s Day card?
Be my Valen-slime!

14. Knock Knock
Who's there?
Luke who?
Luke who got a Valentine!

15. Why is Valentine’s Day a good day for a party?
Because you can really party hearty!

16. What kind of flowers should you NOT give on Valentine’s Day?

17. What do owls say to declare their love?
Owl be yours!

18. What did one bee say to the other? 
I love bee-ing with you, honey!

Valentine's Day Jokes for Kids
Obi Onyeador via Unsplash

19. Knock Knock
Who's there?
Olive who?
Olive you!

20. Why do skunks love Valentine’s Day?
They are very scent-imental creatures.

21. What’s the best part about Valentine’s Day?
The day after when all the candy is on sale.

22. What did the painter say to her sweetheart?
I love you with all my art.

23. What did Robin Hood say to his girlfriend?
Sherwood like to be your valentine.

24. Why did the sheriff lock up her boyfriend?
He stole her heart.

25. What do you call two birds in love?

26. What shade of red is your heart?
Beat red! 

27. What did one cat say to the other cat on Valentine's Day?
Don't ever change, you're purrrfect.

28. Why would you want to marry a goalie?
Because he (or she) is a real keeper!

Valentine's Day Jokes for Kids

29. What type of shape is most popular on Valentine's Day?
Acute triangle. 

30. Have you got a date for Valentine's Day?
Yeah, it's February 14th. 

31. What did Frankenstein's monster say to his bride on Valentine's Day?
Be my Valenstein! 

32. What flowers get the most kisses on Valentine's Day?
Tulips (two-lips). 

33. Who always has a date on Valentine's Day?
A calendar. 

34. Knock knock! 
Who's there?
Atlas who?
Atlas, it's Valentine's Day! 

35. What kind of candy is never on time?

36. Why was the rabbit happy?
Because somebunny loved him!

—Joshua Y., age 9

37. Why don't you ever date a tennis player?
Because love means nothing to them.

—Joshua N. 

38. What do girl snakes write at the bottom of their letters?
With love and hisses.


Valentine's Day Jokes for Kids

39. What did one squirrel say to the other squirrel on Valentine's Day? 
I'm nuts about you!

40. What did the raspberry say to his valentine? 
I love you berry much. 

41. What's the most romantic utensil? 
A fork because it has Valen-tines. 

42. What Valentine's message was on the honeycomb?
Bee mine.

43. What did one oar say to another? 
"Can I interest you in a little row-mance?" 

44. What are artichokes known for? 
Their hearts. 

45. On Valentine's Day, what did the calculator say to the pencil? 
"You can count on me."

46. What kind of candy is always late on Valentine's Day? 


47. What does a Jedi Master say on Valentine's Day?

Yoda one for me.

48. What did the magnet say to the paperclip?

I find you very attractive. 

49. What did the scientist say to their sweetheart?

"You must be made out of oxygen and neon because you are the ONe"

If you’re considering ditching the over-the-top birthday parties and taking it back to when all you needed was a blindfold and some balloons, we dug up nine birthday party games to help bring back the simple days when you partied with your pals. Easy for everyone to play and always a blast, these games are classic for a reason. All that’s left is to supply the birthday snacks!

If you’re looking for more games to play, check out our favorite backyard games old-school yard games, and water games for kids.

The Best Birthday Party Games for Kids

1. Pass the Parcel

A dressed-up version of Hot Potato, kids toss the mega-wrapped “gift” from hand to hand—when the music stops, a layer gets unwrapped. Choose to put a surprise in every layer or wait until the end!

2. Clothespin Drop

Remember when people actually used clothespins to hang up clothes? We do too. These days, all that hand-eye coordination you’ve been working on will come in handy during a round or two of Clothespin Drop. Kiddos stand above the jar, touch the clothespin to their nose and drop away. It’s up to you how many chances each player will get!

3. Balloon Bust

Doesn’t take much to get the ball rolling on this classic birthday party game. Add a little surprise to each balloon for a bonus, then pass them out. Kids can use any means necessary except their hands.

4. Bucket Toss

You can’t go wrong with carnival games and the bucket toss is an all-time favorite. Line up the prize-filled buckets in a row. Each kid who power-slings a ball into a bucket is the proud owner of the goodie waiting to be plucked up. Opt for three turns each, otherwise, there could be a lot of standing (or wiggling) happening!

5. What’s the Time, Mr. Wolf

If this classic birthday party game doesn’t ring any bells for you, parents, think Red Light, Green Light with a lot more shrieking and mad dashing. A total blast, even for young kids, this is a must-try at your next kiddie bash. Want to know how to play? We love the simple instructions offered up by Childhood 101.

6. Bobbing for Apples

It’s an original—and still hilarious. Cold water, slippery fruit, and no hands allowed. Bring on the giggle-fest!

7. Blind Man’s Bluff

Before they start in on the piñata swinging in the trees, use that blindfold for more fun. Playing this version of tag is easy but rules vary, so opt to either have everyone play each round and keep going or have the “tagged” person sit out until everyone is out. It’s up to you!

8. Peanut Hunt

It’s like an egg hunt without the mass amounts of sugar. Spread out enough peanuts so each kid will be able to fill a cup. Got kiddos dealing with allergies? Swap out the nuts for tootsie rolls, instead.

9. Button, Button: Who’s Got the Button?

Getting hotter, hotter, boiling, hot! It’s an old-fashioned guessing game of the simplest design, which makes it perfect for parties. The seeker gets hints from those sitting around as to the top-secret location of the button.

Related: 52 Totally Funny Birthday Jokes for Kids & Adults

These hilarious Christmas jokes will keep the whole family laughing for hours

The weather outside may be frightful but there’s nothing like some rolling laughter and hilarious Christmas jokes to warm you right up (except, maybe cocoa). If you’re looking for the funniest Christmas jokes for kids, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve got Santa jokes, elf jokes, snowman jokes, and when you’re done, be sure to get them giggling with our ultimate list of jokes for kids, funny dad jokes, and birthday jokes.

Holiday and Christmas Jokes

1. What should you give your parents at Christmas?

A list of what you want.

2. What did the gingerbread man put under his blankets?

A cookie sheet.

3. Who delivers Christmas presents to elephants?

Elephanta Claus.

4. How does Rudolph know when Christmas is coming?

He refers to his calen-deer.

5. What happens if you eat Christmas decorations?

You get tinselitus

6. Why was the little boy so cold on Christmas morning?

Because it was Decembrrrrr!

7. What do you get when you cross an iPhone with a Christmas tree?

A pine-apple!

8. What comes at the end of Christmas Day?

The letter “Y!”

9. Why do mummies like Christmas so much?

Because of all the wrapping!

10. Why wouldn’t the Christmas tree stand up?

It had no legs.

11. Why didn’t Rudolph get a good report card?

Because he went down in history.

12. Knock knock
Who's there?
Donut, who?
Donut open the presents until Christmas! 

13. What is every parent’s favorite Christmas carol?

Silent Night.

14. What's the difference between the Christmas alphabet and the regular alphabet?

The Christmas alphabet has Noel.

15. How do chickens dance at a holiday party?

Chick to chick.

16. What's a Christmas tree's favorite candy?


17. Which reindeer always gets sent to the principal's office? 


18. Where do reindeer go for coffee? 


19. Why did the little boy bring his Christmas tree to the hair salon?

It needs a little trim.

20. Why didn't the tree get a present?

He was knotty.

21. What do grouchy sheep say during the holidays?

Baaaaaa humbug!

22. What is a cow’s favorite holiday?

Moo-years Day.

23. How do sheep wish each other happy holidays?

Merry Christmas to ewe.

Related: 23 Festive Holiday Games You Need to Play with the Kids

Elf Jokes

little boy laughing at Christmas jokes, elf jokes, and santa jokes

24. What happened to the thief who stole a Christmas calendar?

He got 12 months.

25. What does an elf study in school?

The elfabet.

26. What do you call a greedy elf?


27. What is an elf’s favorite sport?

North-pole vaulting.

28. What kind of music do elves like?

"Wrap" music.

29. What does an elf work on after school?

His gnomework.

30. What kind of car do elves drive in the off-season?

A minivan.


Related: 12 Cool Amazon Alexa Christmas Games & Skills for Kids

Santa Jokes


31. What do you call Santa when he stops moving?

Santa Pause

32. What does Mrs. Claus say to Santa when there are clouds in the sky?

It looks like rain, deer.

33. What does Santa suffer from whenever he gets stuck in a chimney?

Santa Claustrophobia

34. What's another name for Santa's Little Helpers?

Subordinate clauses.

35. What do you get when Santa plays detective?

Santa clues!

36. How much did Santa's sleigh cost?

Nothing! It was on the house.

37. What does Santa use to keep his house sparkling clean?


38. What's Santa's favorite candy? 

Jolly Ranchers


Related: 11 Christmas Minute to Win It Games the Kids Will Love

Snow and Snowman Jokes

family making a snowman and laughing at Christmas jokes and snowman jokes

39. Where does a snowperson keep their money?

In a snow bank.

40. What do snowmen eat for breakfast?

Snowflakes. (or Frosted Flakes!)

41. What do snowmen take when the sun gets too hot?

A chill pill.

42. What did one snowman say to another snowman?

You’re cool.

43. What kind of ball doesn’t bounce?

A snowball.

44. What do you get if you mix a vampire with a snowperson?


45. What do you call a snowman with a six-pack?

The abdominal snowman.

46. What falls but never gets hurt?


47. What snack should you make for the Snowperson Holiday Party?

Ice Krispy Treats

—Emmerson H., 13

48. What do you call a snowperson in July?

A puddle.

49. What did one snowman say to the other?

Do you smell carrots?













Need a good laugh? These Thanksgiving jokes will keep the whole family entertained for hours on turkey day

Add a little levity to the Thanksgiving table this year with some kid-approved Thanksgiving jokes. We gathered our favorite jokes about pie and funny jokes about turkeys for this list that will have your whole family laughing before dessert is even served! If you’re looking for more ways to keep the kids entertained during the holiday, check out our fun free Thanksgiving printables and Thanksgiving games for kids.

Turkey Thanksgiving Jokes

1. Why was the turkey late for Thanksgiving? 
He ran out of thyme.

2. What are turkeys most thankful for on Thanksgiving?

3. What instrument does the turkey play in the band? 
The drums because he already has the drumsticks.

4. Who comes to Thanksgiving dinner but is not hungry?
The turkey because he’s already stuffed!

5. What side of the turkey has the most feathers? 
The outside.

6. Why did the turkey cross the road? 
The chicken was on vacation.

7. What kind of weather does a turkey like? 
Fowl weather!

8. What kind of key can’t open doors?
A tur-key!

9. Why did the turkey get arrested?
He was suspected of fowl play.

10. What do you call a turkey running in a sprint?
Fast food.

Jokes about Dessert

11. How do you fix a cracked pumpkin pie?
With a pumpkin patch.

12. What do you get if you cross a pie and a snake?
A pie-thon.

13. What’s the best thing to put in pumpkin pie? 
Your teeth.

14. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite game?

15. Why did the pumpkin pie cross the road? 
It saw a fork up ahead.

16. Why did the pie go to the dentist? 
It needed a filling.

17. Why did the apple pie cry?
Its peelings were hurt.

18. What did the pie say to the fork? 
You want a piece of me?

Thanksgiving Dinner Jokes

little girl smiling at Thanksgiving jokes

19. What did one plate say to the other plate?
Dinner is on me!

20. How many cranberries grow on a bush?
All of them.

21. What smells the best at Thanksgiving dinner?
Your nose.

22. Knock, Knock
Who’s there?
Harry who?
Harry up, I’m hungry! 

23. What is the role of green beans at Thanksgiving dinner?
The casserole

24. What’s a potato’s favorite game to play during Thanksgiving dinner?

25. What kind of music do pilgrims listen to?
Plymouth Rock