Whether they insist on sleeping with one arm flung out of their swaddle or giggle uncontrollably every time they hear the song “Shake It Off,” it’s probably become clear that your baby has a mind of their own—and they don’t need any words to tell you what they like (and strongly dislike!). Beyond their day-to-day preferences, to get a sense of what your infant’s interests, strengths, and challenges might be as toddlers and beyond, look no further than their unique natal astrology. Although it’s just one piece of the complex puzzle that is your baby’s birth chart, their sun sign—the zodiac sign that the sun was moving through when they came into the world—can give you a sense of what their personality will be like. That’s because your baby’s astrology can influence their self-identity, self-image, and confidence.

As an astrologer and the author of Raising Baby by the Stars: A New Parent’s Guide to Astrology, I’m passionate about teaching parents how to use astrology to gain more insight into their little’s distinct perspective—and to hold space for that tiny human to grow into their authentic selves. So let’s dive in and look at each sun sign to explain how it colors your baby’s budding personality.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

Aries illustration of a ram for a story on baby astrology

With Mars, the planet of action and energy, as their ruling force, your little Aries will need to engage in a lot of physical activity to burn off all that steam. In other words, the minute they’re on the move, you’re going to be getting some boot camp-level cardio just trying to keep up. As the cardinal fire sign, your Aries baby will be a restless go-getter who initiates games and has just about zero tolerance for losing at anything. And because they’re the first of all 12 signs, Aries is considered the baby of the zodiac, so even as they get older your babe will remain super playful and a bit wide-eyed.
Key personality traits: Active, competitive, direct, fiery
Favorite things: Fast-paced physical activity (jumping, running, or even chilling in the jogging stroller while you zip the two of you through the park); winning and being declared #1 (so make sure you have a space in their room for the trophies they’re going to start racking up); being silly and laughing at slapstick humor.
Tantrum fuel: If anything takes too long, moves too slow, or just feels straight-up boring for eager, fast-paced Aries, they’ll quickly lose their cool. The good news is that they do everything at lightning speed, including tantrums, so just as quickly as they explode they’ll be back to their bouncy, happy selves and on to the next thing. To help them move through a bad mood quickly, lean on physical activity or a competitive game.

Taurus (April 21-May 20)

Taurus illustration of a bull for a story on baby astrology

Born under the fixed earth sign ruled by Venus, the planet of luxury, art, and beauty, your Taurus baby adores being comfy and sticking to what they know to be tried and true. This is a kid who is more attached to their lovey than any other and who will really dig their heels in when it comes to trying new foods or routines. The positive flipside of this obstinacy is that they’ll be incredibly dedicated to the activities—and people!—they love and are especially engaged with following through on tasks or goals. As an earth sign, they’re also in touch with nature and love hanging out outside.
Key personality traits: Down-to-earth, stubborn, slow-paced, practical
Favorite things: Snuggling and getting cozy; enjoying activities that engage as many senses as possible (like smelling flowers in the park while listening to birds and eating a yummy ice cream cone); expressing themselves artistically, perhaps by painting or singing.
Tantrum fuel: The good news: Taureans are known for their long fuse. The bad news: They absolutely hate to be rushed or pushed to change anything faster than the pace that comes naturally to them. And as the sign associated with the Second House of Material Possessions, losing a favorite toy or any tactile object they’re attached to will likely result in a major meltdown, so buy backups of that lovey ASAP. When they’re raging, speak to them in a calm, soothing voice and point to the practicalities of any given situation (e.g. “You need to wear this jacket because it is very cold outside”).

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Gemini illustration of a sun for a story on baby astrology

It’s no wonder Gemini toddlers are super social and raring to go; the mutable air sign is ruled by Mercury, the messenger planet that oversees communication, transportation, and technology. They want to take in as much information as possible and then share it, so don’t be surprised if your tot’s a total chatterbox. Mercury also makes them really active listeners, and they’ll be the first kids to mimic or do impressions (so you’ll want to watch your language around this one!). There’s a good reason the sign is symbolized by twins, as you may notice that your Gemini baby vacillates between two distinct personality traits—they could be incredibly shy one moment and extroverted the next.
Key personality traits: Curious, communicative, dualistic, social
Favorite things: Lively “chats,” whether that’s simply listening to you talk or fully engaged in a tête-à-tête; being read to and, later, reading on their own (they’re lovers of language from a young age); going on road trips or long-distance journeys where there are lots of opportunities to soak up new information.
Tantrum fuel: Having to engage in quiet time or missing out on social time (maybe it’s their bedtime, but Grandma’s visiting) will send your Twins kid into a tailspin. They also loathe any circumstance that limits their mental stimulation and ability to express themselves and connect with others. That said, you can tackle a tantrum by holding space for them to talk through their feelings or work through them by scribbling with crayons on a piece of paper.

Cancer (June 22-July 21)

Cancer illustration of a crab for a story on baby astrology

Born under the cardinal water sign ruled by the moon, which oversees emotions and intuition in astrology, your Crab baby is a total softie. Family-oriented and heartfelt, it might sometimes feel like they’re literally glued to your side. They’re also big on being near the water, whether that’s your go-to beach for annual vacays or just a tub full of their fave bath toys. Since the moon moves through the zodiac quickly, changing signs and setting a different emotional tone every two-ish days, you’ll notice your Cancer’s disposition tends to ebb and flow, too. That’s why they have a reputation for being a bit moody, but even when they’re retreating into their shell, they’re total lovebugs.
Key personality traits: Sentimental, goofy, sensitive, nurturing
Favorite things: Time spent with you and other family members, ideally feeling closely bonded by saying “I love you” (and showing it); creative outlets that allow them to lean into their innate caring side, like playing doctor with you as the patient; helping you make—and noshing on—yummy comfort foods in the kitchen.
Tantrum fuel: Crabs need to feel emotionally secure and connected to their parent or caregiver even more than the average kiddo, so sensing that you’re not in sync and attuned to them could set them off. Reassuring them that you’re always there for them and love them can go a long way.

Related: The Parent-Child Astrology Compatibility Chart

Leo (July 22-August 22)

Leo illustration of a lion for a story on baby astrology

Your little Lion will be a bit of an attention fiend from the start, but they come by it naturally—it’s the fixed fire sign ruled by the gleaming, brilliant sun. They adore being the star of the show and earning all of the applause, and they just can’t help it since they’re usually pretty magnetic, upbeat, and charming. Plus, their sign’s association with the Fifth House of Self-Expression makes them naturally creative performers. They’re also direct, confident go-getters who believe being sunny and self-assured will get them across any finish line. Like all the fixed signs, they’re apt to become kind of infatuated with their favorite pastimes—whether that’s watching Ms. Rachel or staging their own plays.
Key personality traits: Charismatic, optimistic, fun-loving, confident
Favorite things: Soaking up the sunshine (they’re happiest during their warm, playful, summery season) and the spotlight; expressing themselves through an art form, like dancing or theater—ideally one with an adoring audience; setting the stage for friends to emulate them and leading the charge on play dates.
Tantrum fuel: Leos are innate leaders and have a bossy streak, so learning that they’re actually not the one calling the shots can drive them up a wall. Feeling like you’re not seeing and/or hearing them will also likely fuel a lot of roaring. Offer them a sense of control and to feel heard by giving them a choice between limited options (like two different rainy day activities to do).

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgo illustration of the Maiden for a story on baby astrology

Born under the mutable earth sign ruled by Mercury, the information-gathering planet, your little one is eager to be helpful, a bookworm in the making, and a super communicator with an aptitude for critical thinking. They love hearing and telling stories as well as learning and sharing what they’ve learned. And, lucky you, because they might actually be eager to help out with detail-oriented chores as a result of Virgo being associated with the Sixth House of Daily Routine. As a true mutable sign, they might just be a bit more adaptable than other kids, but on the flip side, they also struggle to make up their minds as a result of overthinking.
Key personality traits: Cerebral, diligent, kind, pragmatic
Favorite things: School supplies—even before they’re in school, they’ll gravitate to pencils, journals, or just blank pages of construction paper perfect for working on their communication skills; reading books, perhaps especially on Mercury-ruled topics like technology or transportation; a tidy, organized space that contributes to them feeling calm.
Tantrum fuel: As a result of their ruler, Mercury, Virgos need to feel like they’ve had a chance to gather information before they make a decision, so feeling pressured into a conclusion before they’ve had a chance to do that can cause your Maiden kiddo to get frighteningly cranky. They also tend to overthink and worry quite a bit, which can contribute to moodiness—and is also a case for fostering grounding mindfulness skills, which can also be the perfect antidote to a grouchy mood.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libra illustration of scales for a story on baby astrology

With Venus, the planet of relationships and art, as your Libra kid’s ruler, they can’t help but be partnership-oriented and beauty-loving. The benefits of having an aesthetically appealing space are probably lost on a lot of littles, but not a Libra who will be more inclined toward peacefulness if the color of their nursery walls and the amount of sunlight in their room is just so. The sign is also associated with the Seventh House of Partnership, so your wee Libra prefers one-on-one bonding with you, other loved ones, and friends—and may be quick to declare a playmate their BFF. They’re also people-people and complete social butterflies.
Key personality traits: Social, peace-seeking, artistic, free-spirited
Favorite things: Art supplies that will allow them to create something beautiful of their very own; soothing surroundings (music, colors, lighting) that set a harmonious tone in their living space; parties and other opportunities to hang out with a bunch of fun, friendly faces.
Tantrum fuel: As a result of their ruler, Venus, which is the planet of harmony and peace, little (and, tbh, big) Libras will go out of their way to avoid conflict or any kind of bumps in the road. As they grow up, in an effort not to lose their cool, they sometimes steer toward passive-aggressiveness. It’s a case for showing them that all feelings are equally important and worthy of acknowledging and working through.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio illustration of a scorpion for a story on baby astrology

If your kid was born under the sign of the Scorpion—the fixed water sign—they’re magnetic, dynamic, powerful go-getters. That’s in part because their modern ruler is Pluto, the planet of transformation, and their traditional ruler is Mars, the planet of action and energy. Though they experience emotions in a super-intense way, they’re prone to keeping them to themselves and sharing only once they are absolutely ready (and generally only with VIPs).
Key personality traits: Family-oriented, fearless, intuitive, self-possessed
Favorite things: A security item like a blanket or lovey that has been and will be theirs forever; games, activities, puzzles, or stories that involve a mystery they can solve; time spent at the beach or swimming, because, just like other water signs, they find being near or in the water centering.
Tantrum fuel: Driven and resolute, little Scorps absolutely hate being told “no”—yes, even more than the average toddler. It’s enough to make them dig their heels in even further. Making sure they feel heard can make a difference. And remind them that they can let you know how they feel whenever, given that your Scorpion prefers to open up about big feelings on their own time.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius illustration of an archer for a story on baby astrology

A little one born under the mutable fire sign Sagittarius is gregarious, free-spirited, independent-minded, and probably fairly outspoken—even if only in the form of top-volume shrieks or giggles. Thanks to Sag’s ruler, Jupiter, the planet of abundance and fortune, they’re glass-half-full kids and also believe bigger and more is always better. In other words, skip the mini cupcakes and opt for a totally over-the-top cake with a giant Bluey figurine. Being associated with the Ninth House of Adventure, they’re full of wanderlust right off the bat. You can typically guarantee a Sag kid is one you can plunk in a carrier and take with you wherever—on a hike, a train ride, or overseas—without all that much fuss.
Key personality traits: Adventurous, unfiltered, buoyant, independent
Favorite things: Any opportunity to learn about different languages or cultures given their innate penchant for soaking up knowledge and globetrotting; lots of silly jokes because they’re natural comedians; lots of wide, open spaces to play, run, and feel free.
Tantrum fuel: As free-spirited as they are, Sagittarians absolutely hate boundaries, restrictions, and limits more than most kids, so talking to them from a young age about how following rules can actually create space for more freedom would be wise.

Capricorn (December 22-January 21)

Capricorn illustration of a goat for a story on baby astrology

Born under the cardinal earth sign ruled by taskmaster Saturn, the planet of commitment and boundaries, Cap kiddos are serious, driven, and wise beyond their years. They’re also eager to put in the work to achieve their goals, and they’ll set ambitious ones. Your Sea Goat is a natural-born leader who enjoys taking the initiative, likely catching you off guard when they actually want to help you file away bills or put away dishes. As a toddler or older, they’ll be the kid who kicks off a round of a new game with friends and then makes sure everyone understands the rules.
Key personality traits: Precocious, grounded, traditional, industrious
Favorite things: Spending time working toward a goal, especially in nature, like helping you garden; big-picture goals they’re able to hit via a step-by-step plan and possibly a sticker chart; learning about history as they’re old souls with a reverence for the past.
Tantrum fuel: Being thought of as foolish is your Cap’s worst nightmare, so if they make a mistake or have an accident, they’ll be deeply upset. Don’t expect a fire sign-style freakout; their tantrum style is a bit more restrained as they may struggle to let their guard down. So relay that it’s OK to mess up, because we’re all human, and it’s also OK to have big feelings.

Aquarius (January 22-February 18)

Aquarius illustration of a water-bearer for a story on baby astrology

Your science-minded, super-social kiddo was born under the fixed air sign, symbolized by the Water Bearer. Quick to make friends with just about anyone, your little one will also want to be fiercely themselves and strike out against convention, thanks to Aquarius’ modern ruler, Uranus, the game-changer planet. So if you want to encourage them to do something, telling them that all the other kids are doing it will get you, well, just about nowhere. Celebrating what makes them unique and different and allowing for a lot of experimentation is the fast track to a happy Aquarius.
Key personality traits: Future-minded, inventive, friendly, rebellious
Favorite things: Working as part of a team or group, maybe even joining you when you volunteer, because Aquarians take a lot of pride in connecting with and contributing to their community; technology of all kinds, given that Uranus is the planet of electricity and innovation; lots of opportunities to go against the grain, whether that’s by listening to quirky music or wearing wildly clashing colors completely on purpose.
Tantrum fuel: Because they’re so defensive of their independent spirit, your little Water Bearer could very well go berserk as a result of being told they have to do, well, just about anything, especially if it’s because everyone else is doing it. And while all toddlers love to ask “why” repeatedly, Aquarius is especially prone to this, and if you don’t play ball, they’re sure to get wildly aggravated. Nurture their curiosity and lean on creative learning when they’re feeling down (think: STEM activities or putting together funky outfits).

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces illustration of two fish for a story on baby astrology

If your baby was born under the mutable water sign Pisces, they’re empathic, sensitive, and intriguingly in tune with the mystical, spiritual aspects of life. Heck, they may even be psychic They can’t help but pick up on the energy around them, which means from a very young age, it’s smart to work with them on identifying and owning their own emotions. Incredibly imaginative, as a result of their modern ruling planet, Neptune, the planet of spirituality, your Pisces might have vivid dreams and would do well to have lots of artistic outlets for expressing themselves and their deep feelings.
Key personality traits: Emotional, imaginative, tenderhearted, perceptive
Favorite things: Whimsical, fantastical stories and entertainment that allow them to escape the humdrum of everyday life; an artistic way to share their emotions, whether that’s a beginner’s musical instrument or canvas and paint set; time spent with you learning about everyday magic (like how flowers bloom or the tides are linked to the moon).
Tantrum fuel: Sensitive Piscean kids are easily overwhelmed by not only their own feelings but other people’s emotions they often pick up on, and feeling totally exhausted by being the littlest empath can really set the stage for a tearful tirade. In turn, you’ll do well to work with your Fish on self-soothing techniques like meditation or toddler yoga.

Ride the rails, set sail for adventure, take in the big city, and so much more

We know that families are eager to get out there and see the world—and 2024 is going to be the year that they do it in a major way. We expect to see lots of families taking those big trips with both domestic and international destinations on the agenda for 2024. Airfare prices continue to remain high but there are more and more ways to find cheaper flights including a bunch of lower-cost airlines that have added US routes this past year. Road trips aren’t going away either as families pretty much have these down by now. Where will 2024 take you?

Low-Cost Airlines Can Get You Where You Need to Go for Less


Chances are you are familiar with low-cost domestic airlines like Southwest, Frontier, and Spirit but did you know that there are low-cost airlines that will take you to Europe, Tahiti, Japan, and loads of other spots beyond the U.S.? Airlines like French bee, PLAY, Norse, and ZIPAIR have been adding routes from the U.S. in recent years and they are a great option for families looking to spend less on airfare.

We've flown French bee to Paris and Tahiti with kids and found it to be very comparable to other carriers like American Airlines and United. Just make sure you know what is included in your fare and what will incur an additional cost (like checked baggage, seat selection, and meals) before you book with these airlines so there are no surprises. 

Credit Card Points Offer a Way to Hack the System

Not everyone is interested in playing the credit card points game but those who know how to work the system often share that they can get some pretty great deals using signup bonuses. Websites like The Points Guy and NerdWallet are great places to start learning about what credit cards work best for travel and what deals are on the horizon. If you time your credit card sign-up right, many programs will gift you enough miles for free tickets. Plus, these travel cards often offer perks like free Global Entry or TSA PreCheck which are key in making your travel experience the best it can be. 

Families Want to Ride the Rails

Wendy Altschuler

According to Pinterest, 2024 brings slow travel to the forefront. After the busyness of 2023 with everyone getting back into travel in a big way, 2024 will have families slowing it down and looking for more mellow ways to travel. We predict that this will lead to more families will riding the rails for their next vacation. Nobody has to drive, your sleeping quarters are included, and you get to see some of the most gorgeous areas of the country. Bonus: it's super eco-friendly. From trains that take you to five national parks, to those that take you from New England to Florida, there's so much exploring to do. 

All-Inclusives Are Worth the Money

Club Med

Once thought of as a honeymoon-only extravagance, families are turning toward all-inclusive properties for vacations, especially when traveling with grandparents. Nobody has to cook, you know what you're going to spend in advance and kids will love getting to order mocktails from the swim-up bar. Some of our favorite spots: Club Med Miches Playa Esmeralda in the Dominican Republic, Villa la Valencia Beach Resort & Spa in Los Cabos, and Margarita Beach Resort Ambergris Cay in Belize. 

Cruising Is Back in a Major Way

Cruising has seen a major uptick in the past year and we are looking forward to checking out new ships like Royal Caribbean's new Icon of the Seas in 2024. Set sail for Alaska to catch the salmon run or book your vacation on the Disney Wish for a trip that's full of character breakfasts and kid activities. 

Those looking to cruise on a smaller scale should look to adventure cruise companies like UnCruise and Adventure Canada where you can expect small ships, small crews, and only a few hundred passengers. Bonus: Families will find that expedition cruising offers a level of personalization that you can't get on other cruises. 

Back to the Big City

Kate Loweth

The last few years have seen road trips and national parks vacations getting their time in the spotlight. According to Expedia, cultural capitals like Edinburgh, Lisbon, Tokyo, Dublin, and Sydney are going to see a lot more travel focus for 2023. We can get on board for that! 

Spend Some Time in a National Park

family hiking in a national park

With over 400 national parks in the United States, chances are there are quite a few nearby that you have yet to explore. According to Airbnb, national parks travel will be a huge focus for 2024 and we can understand why. National park trips are particularly fun for families as they give kids (and parents!) a little history lesson and a big dose of fresh air at the same time. Check out these national parks that are particularly kid-friendly from California all the way to Maine. While you are at it, check this list to see what days are free at the national parks for 2024

Road Trips (Still) Reign Supreme

The past few years really brought back our love of the road trip. If you are itching to find a new destination for 2024, check out this list of our favorite road trips in the U.S. and find unique Airbnb rentals you can reserve along the way. Before you head out, peruse this list of road trip hacks to get your crew prepared for the long journey, and download some of our favorite podcasts for kids so you don't have to fight over the radio station. 

Head to the Trees


Whether it's the need to get as far away from civilization as possible or a Swiss Family Robinson obsession, families are taking to the trees and booking a night or two in a treehouse. There are loads of treehouses you can rent across the country with a ton of options, especially in California. There's even a brand-new treehouse resort near the Smoky Mountains that just opened in 2023. 

More Travel with the Grandparents

We expect to see a continuation of the multi-generational travel trend in 2024 with families looking to get out and travel with grandparents. Whether you send the kids off on their "gramping" adventure without you or are looking for somewhere that three generations can enjoy, there are plenty of options out there. 

Guided, Small-Group Trips

Exodus Travels

We want to go big with our travel plans but the actual planning of the trip is most definitely not part of the fun. Leave the planning and execution of your trip up to experts like Exodus Travels. You can book a private trip for your family, or join in a small group with other families that have similarly-aged kids to make it even more fun. Whether you go self-guided or have an expert there to show you the way, this type of travel is definitely the way to go for families. 

Another great option for a customized travel experience is Costa Rica Escapes, a company that specializes in creating family adventures based on the needs of your family. Definitely something you'll want to explore in 2024. 

Off-the-Grid Adventures

Many of us have developed our love of the great outdoors these past few years and we'll be looking for off-the-grid adventures for our 2024 trips. Think about a kayak trip in Yellowstone or a ranch vacation complete with a hot spring pool in Idaho. There are tons of awesome options out there with no WiFi in range. 

Ride Off into the Sunset in an RV

Kate Loweth

While most of us never considered RV travel as a fun option for a family, it has exponentially increased in popularity in recent years and we expect this trend to continue into 2024. If you are a total RV newbie, we suggest leaving the planning to the experts when you book your first RV trip. Think you can handle it on your own? Rent an RV, grab yourself a WiFi hotspot, and head out on the road to give road schooling a try. You can even try out the rad stylings of a camper van

Cozy Cabins to Get Away from It All

There's something so restorative about a weekend in the woods. Cabin rentals have become super popular and we don't expect that to change in 2024. They offer families time together, many times without WiFi, and you can even bring your dog. 

Make It a Micro-cation

If time and money are tight (hello, inflation), consider a micro-cation for your next family trip. These four-day-or-less trips allow you to see someplace new and get a break from everyday life. It's a good way to get the kids used to traveling without having to pack a ton of gear for everyone. Surprise the kids with a last-minute trip and see a new part of the country.

Take the Family Glamping

Mendocino Grove

Glamping gives you the best of both worlds—the smell of a campfire in your hair and an actual bed to sleep on. You won't have to schlep all of your camping gear with you, everyone gets a better night's sleep, and you still get time out in the woods away from WiFi and civilization. Check out some of our favorite spots for glamping including loads of options in California.

The list of the best family cars for 2024 has arrived and a few new models made the list

Let’s face it: Your family car isn’t just a car; it’s a family game room, on-the-go diaper changing station, nap time hack, rolling movie theater, nursing room, singalong spot, solo Mom sanctuary, and,  obviously, a safe mode of transport for you and your brood. So when you’re in the market for a new set of wheels, you’re probably wondering: What sort of do-it-all vehicle do you need—and how do you sift through the traffic jam of choices?
You’re in the right place! We combed through expert reviews and rankings to help make your family car-shopping decisions easier. So whether you’re looking for a roomie sedan, an eight-person people mover. or a stylish SUV, here are the best family cars for 2024.

Best SUVs for Families in 2024

Kia Telluride 

a picture of one of the best family cars 2024, a kia telluride

Capacity:  Seats 7 across three rows

What the Experts Say: Stylish, roomy, and rugged, Car and Driver magazine ranked it #1 in its list of Best Cars for Families, calling even the base model Telluride “nicely equipped,” with top trims offering “near-luxury environs.”  Considered a mid-sized SUV, the interior is spacious, with comfortable seating even in the third row. Edmunds also named the Telluride winner in the Midsize 3-row SUV category, praising its “quiet and upscale cabin, impressive tech, extensive standard features, adult-friendly third-row seating, and a satisfying driving experience.”

Notable Features: A top-tier winner for safety, the Telluride was named an IIHS Top Safety Pick in 2023, with nifty safety features including an aerial view blind spot monitor that gives you a birds-eye perspective on your surroundings: collision avoidance systems that can mitigate crashes before they happen, as well as a 10-inch Heads-Up Display that puts all the information you need for your trip (such as speed and turn-by-turn directions) on the driver’s side dashboard so you can more easily focus on the road.

To keep you cruising in comfort, there are plenty of outlets for every kid to have a fully-charged device. There’s also a “Find My Car” app you use when you’ve, say, lost your car in the sprawling Target parking lot (just saying)—as well as remote start with climate control that lets you get your car nice and toasty (or cooled off) before you even climb inside.

Starting MSRP: $35,990


Honda CR-V/ CR-V Hybrid

a picture of one of the best family cars 2024, the Honda CRV

Capacity: Seats 5 across two rows

What the Experts Say: Consistently finishing as the best-selling Honda every year since 2017, reviewers call the reasonably priced CR-V “the benchmark small SUV for families,” with Edmunds saying that the 2024 model “pulls off this feat yet again with a smooth ride, helpful tech features and excellent storage space.” The CR-V offers “reliably good performance,” says Car and Driver, which ranked it #1 in its list of Best Compact SUVs, praising its “plenty of usable space” and “friendly driving dynamics.”

Notable Features: Safety features include standard blind spot monitoring, forward collision warning, automatic emergency braking, driver-attention monitoring (to keep you from nodding off in traffic), traffic sign recognition, and a back-seat reminder to help you remember your most precious passengers. If you’re looking to save on gas money, the hybrid model delivers an impressive 40 mpg, which will make up for the slightly higher sticker price. Do you have a lot of baby gear to haul? Edmunds calls the CR-V’s more than 39 cubic feet of cargo space “cavernous” (it’s one of the largest in its class)—meaning you’ll get your groceries and your stroller inside, no problem.

Starting MSRP: $29,500/$33,350 for the hybrid model

Online: Honda.com/cr-v

Subaru Crosstrek

a picture of one of the best family cars 2024, the Subaru Crosstrek

Capacity: Seats 5 across two rows

What the Experts Say: Named the overall Best SUV by Consumer Reports, reviewers praised the rugged and affordable Crosstrek, saying it “delivers an excellent ride, good fuel economy, standard all-wheel drive, and enough ground clearance for mild off-roading all in a reasonably sized and priced package.” It also comes standard with a slew of safety features that’ll make you feel good putting your tribe inside, whether you’re headed to the mountains or the mall.

Notable Features: Besides being a reliable off-roader, Subaru is known for putting safety first, so it’s no surprise that the compact Crsostrek comes with standard safety features like automatic emergency braking with pedestrian/cyclist/motorcycle detection as well as forward collision and lane departure warning, making it a Top Safety Pick from the IIHS for more than a decade. In addition, standard all-wheel drive will keep the car steady in all types of weather and terrain. Got wigglers? The seat belt warning system will audibly alert you (with a progressively louder alarm) if any of your passengers are unbuckled.

Starting MSRP: $25,195

Online: Subaru.com

Toyota Highlander Hybrid

a picture of a boy in a Toyota highlander, one of the best family cars 2024

Capacity: Seats 8 across three rows (7 if you opt for captain’s chairs in the second row)

What the Experts Say: Ranking #1 in Consumer Reports’ list of Midsize 3-row SUVs, the Toyota Highlander Hybrid has plenty to offer families who want to hit the road in comfort, with the magazine calling it a “smart choice for families looking for a do-it-all vehicle.” Families will appreciate the “abundant standard safety tech,” according to Car & Driver, though larger families might not like the tight third row, which makes for more limited cargo space in the back.

Notable Features: Save money at the gas station! This roomy 6-cylinder hybrid can carry eight people with a turbocharged engine and still get 35 mpg overall. Safety features are what you’d expect of a mainstream family hauler, with forward collision warning, automatic emergency braking with pedestrian detection, lane departure warning, lane keeping assistance, and blind spot monitoring all coming standard. Kids will be all eyes up with the optional panoramic moonroof, which gives a sleek window to the sky. You’ll also stave off the “Are we there yets?” with in-car wifi and five charging ports spread throughout the cabin.

Starting MSRP: $40,720

Online: Toyota.com


a picture of one of the best family cars 2024, the BMW X5

Capacity:  Seats 5/7 with optional third row

What the Experts Say: In for a splurge when looking for a new family car in 2024? Ranking #1 in Consumer Reports’ list of Luxury Midsized SUVs, reviewers called this sleek family ride a “luxurious, slick, and well-rounded vehicle” that “balances comfort, agility, power delivery, and interior quality.” Car and Driver also raved about the X5, praising it as “swift and swanky, with enough driving enjoyment to entertain on an occasional mountain pass.” That being said, while the car is roomy enough, reviewers say the optional third row is tight, making it a small-kids-only space (and not big enough for a bulky car seat).

Notable Features: Safety features include BMW’s Active Protection System, which detects imminent accidents and prepares by automatically pretensioning safety belts, closing windows and moonroof, and activating post-crash braking. There’s also a heads-up display on the front windshield to keep your eyes facing forward. Those who think of their cars as their sanctuaries will appreciate the X5’s gorgeous interior, which will make you think twice about allowing your little crumb-droppers to bring snacks of any kind inside (Good luck with that, by the way.). Elegant touches include a panoramic LED moon roof with embedded lights that create beautiful patterns in the dark, as well as a sleek (and huge!) curved digital display to show you the car’s stats in style.

Starting MSRP  $65,200 (for the base trim sDrive40i model)

Online Bmwusa.com

Chevrolet Tahoe

Capacity: Seats 8 across three rows

What the Experts Say: If you’ve got a big family—and maybe a dog or three—this impressive SUV should be at the top of your list. With roomy seating across three rows, Car and Driver said the interior “feels like acres of space compared with smaller, mid-size SUVs.” That, and its “quiet interior”  and “meaningful options” earned the cavernous SUV a number one spot in C&D’s list of Best Large SUVs, with reviewers calling it “as faithful a companion as a golden retriever.”

Notable Features: Top safety features include standard forward collision alerts and front pedestrian braking; lane departure warning and lane-keeping assist, rear cross-traffic alert, and HD surround vision. Heading to the mountains? The Tahoe’s rugged V-8 engine can handle the drive: It’s got standard all-wheel drive and  20-inch wheels wrapped with all-terrain tires (and has a towing capacity of 8400 pounds, nearly as much as some full-size pickup trucks). Kids will love the available rear-seat entertainment system, which includes two 12.6-inch displays mounted behind the front seats. There are also power steps to help get people in and out of the vehicle—a helpful hack for, say, the in-laws or newly-toddling toddlers.

Starting MSRP: $56,200

Online: Chevrolet.com

Related: 24 Games You Can Play in the Car on Your Next Road Trip

Best Minivans for Families

Toyota Sienna

Capacity: 7 or 8, depending on the configuration, across three rows

What the Experts Say: Like it or not, the minivan is the most practical family-mover around (once you get one, you’ll get it), with the Toyota Sienna ranking number one in both Car and Driver and Kelly Blue Book’s lists of Best Minivans for 2024. KBB reviewers called the Sienna “quiet, and easy to drive” while praising its “outstanding fuel economy,” “robust suite of active safety features,” and “swoopy, sweptback look with supple body creases and modern lighting elements.”  

Notable Features: While the Sienna is slightly more expensive than some of its rivals, you’ll save in the long run when it comes to gas since all models come standard with a hybrid engine that delivers up to 36 mpg, Made with families in mind, all trims come with power-sliding side doors, easy-stowing third-row seats, built-in side-window sunshades, and tri-zone climate control. A rear-seat entertainment system is optional—though plenty of outlets and USB ports are spread throughout the cabin to satisfy most tiny techies. Need to talk to your passengers in the third row? The car has its own intercom system to make en-route lectures with your littles a bit easier. And, of course, safety features abound, including available all-wheel drive, radar cruise control, automatic emergency braking with pedestrian detecting, and lane-keeping assist.

Starting MSRP: $37,185

Online: Toyota.com

Kia Carnival

A picture of the Kia Carnival, one of the best family cars 2024

Capacity: 7 or 8, depending on the trim, across three rows

What the Experts Say: Nervous about joining Team Minivan? The Carnival may make it a little easier with its luxurious interior and boxy aesthetic that does its best to make it appear less minivan-ish (though maybe not as much as the yet-to-be-released 2025 Carnival). Car and Driver praised its “handsome, SUV-inspired look that helps van-averse drivers avoid the cringe,” while US News and World Report called it a “well-rounded, upscale and value-packed minivan with lots to offer,” adding that “while it isn’t flawless, the Carnival lives up to its name as a fun and flashy people hauler that stands out from the pack.” It also scored the Number 1 spot in Consumer Reports Best Minivans category, with reviewers calling it “roomy, comfortable, and refined.”

Notable Features: Climb inside this roomy set of wheels and you may forget all about that SUV you once wanted.  The Carnival’s interior feels like a higher-end luxury car, with an optional leather trim and a sprawling infotainment system that stretches across the dashboard (the 8-inch screen comes standard; the 12.3-inch dual screen is optional). A huge middle console lets you stash all your road trip goodies where the kids can’t see them, and 9 USB ports spread across the vehicle will keep everyone plugged in for the ride.

For kids who want to ride like the VIPs they are, the second-row captain’s seats have an optional one-touch relaxation mode that offers a full recline, raised power footrests, heating, and ventilation—with available rear screen displays so second-row passengers can stream their favorite media while cruising. There’s also a ton of space, with Car and Driver reviewers reporting they fit 14 carry-on suitcases behind the third row of seats and a whopping 48 in total with the seats folded down.

As for safety, the Kia has a slew of standard features, including lane-keeping assist, automated emergency braking with pedestrian detection, automatic high-beam headlamps, and blind-spot monitoring. The available Passenger View with Night Vision display on the touch screen lets you peek in on passengers in the 2nd- and 3rd-rows, even at night. There’s also a two-way intercom system from the front seats to the back, so your kids can’t act like they can’t hear you—even in the third row.

Starting MSRP: $33,200

Online: Kia.com

Honda Odyssey

Capacity: 8 across three rows

What the Experts Say: You can’t talk about minivans without mentioning the Honda Odyssey, which has been the best-selling minivan in the US for more than a decade. The quintessential Mom Car snagged the #1 spot in both Motor Trend and US News and World Reports’ list of Best Minivans (though it ranked third for Motor Trend and Consumer Reports), with the former saying the car’s “surprisingly stable, nimble, amply powerful driving experience will reassure buyers who were dreading minivan ownership.” Motor Trend also lauded its “clever family features” and “surprisingly pleasant driving experience,” while US News praised its “spacious and comfortable cabin,” “long list of standard features,” and  “peppy engine.”

Notable Features: Who says a minivan can’t have some pep in its step? With one of the most powerful engines in the class (according to this review, anyway), the Odyssey pushes 280 horsepower to its front wheels through its “refined “10-speed automatic transmission, making for a smooth ride in both school zones and mountain passes (even without four-wheel drive). Safety features include all of Honda’s standard Sensing safety features, adaptive cruise control, emergency braking, lane keep assist, blind-spot monitoring, and rear cross-traffic alert. Like the Carnival, the Odyssey has a Cabin Watch and Cabin Talk system that lets you see your second and third-row passengers and talk through an intercom to get their attention.

Got squabbling siblings? The Magic Slide second-row seats allow you to separate (at least two of) your kids by sliding the seats apart in the second row. Or, to keep kids distracted, the available 10.2-inch video screen can play DVDs or streaming media—or play the “How Much Farther” app, which lets kids track their trip by watching an animated screen. If all that didn’t have you dreaming in minivan, Honda’s in-car vacuum might put you over the edge. Car crumbs be gone!

Starting MSRP: $37,840

Online: Honda.com

Related: Mystery Road Trips Are Perfect for All Kinds of Families—Even Yours

Best Family Sedans in 2024

Honda Accord

a picture of a Honda Accord, one of the best family cars 2024

Capacity: 5 across two rows

What the Experts Say: If you’ve got a small family and don’t plan on taking the kids, the dog, and the gear anywhere anytime soon, the Accord offers an affordable, reliable ride with more space than you’d expect. Autoweek called it “exceptionally spacious inside,” with ” more trunk space than most people will ever need.” The Accord ranked #1 in Car and Driver’s list of Best Midsize Family Sedans, offering “two roomy rows of seats, a generously sized trunk, and all the infotainment tech expected from a modern car,” plus “refined road manners” that make it fun and easy to drive.

Notable Features: If you’re looking to save money on gas, opt for the hybrid model, which gets  51 mpg city and 44 mpg highway (even the non-hybrid is impressive, at 29 mpg city and 37 mpg highway). The available 12.3-inch touchscreen with wireless connectivity is a nice addition, and safety features include standard automated emergency braking, lane-departure warning, road departure mitigation (which adjusts the steering wheel if you cross lanes without signaling), blind spot indicators, adaptive cruise control, and traffic sign recognition. As for space, you can get three car seats in the second row, according to Kelly Bluebook, and the trunk space is spacious enough for your stroller and a load of groceries.

Starting MSRP: $27,895

Online: Automobiles.honda.com

Toyota Camry Hybrid

What the Experts Say:  There’s a reason the Camry has been the bestselling sedan in the US for more than 20 years, even now: “In a world awash in SUVs,” said Car and Driver, “the Camry continues to offer the old-school alternative of a competent, comfortable, dependable, economical, low-key midsize family sedan.” Ranked #1 on Consumer Reports’ list of Best Midsize Sedans, reviewers praised the car’s stellar fuel economy, intuitive controls, and standard advanced safety systems, making it a “competent, well-rounded and pleasant family sedan. While the price point for the hybrid model is a bit higher, we think it’s worth the extra expense for the Earth-impressing 47 mpg you’ll get on your drive.

Notable Features: The peppy sedan is touted for its smooth and quiet ride, in addition to its standard Safety Sense-2.5+, which includes forward collision warning and automatic emergency braking with pedestrian detection, plus lane departure warning with steering assist. Blind spot warning and rear cross-traffic warning are available as options.  While it’s no SUV, the Camry has a good amount of space—it will fit two car seats (forward-facing and/or rear-facing) comfortably in the back row but don’t expect to squeeze a third one in, according to this review. In addition, its 15.1 cubic feet of cargo space can fit a standard stroller with room to spare (See this reviewer’s “Luggage Test” to see how big it is.)

Starting MSRP: $26,420

Online: Toyota.com/camry

All images courtesy of retailers

Gabby’s Cat Friend Ship is a hot gift for three-year-olds this holiday season

The holidays for three-year-olds are pure magic. For parents, the festive season can also be a whirlwind of commitments and to-dos. So, if you’re looking for help to narrow down your gift list or need some inspiration for presents that encourage the little ones in your life to explore, stretch their imagination, and discover their own way to have fun, keep reading. From indoor forts to Paw Patrol playsets, these gifts for three-year-olds will keep things merry and bright. Wondering what to get the other kiddos in your life? Check out our guides for two-year-olds, preschoolers, and grade school kids!

Barbie Dreamhouse Playset

Barbie 2023 Dreamhouse is a good gift for a three year old

There's no Mojo Dojo Casa here! The 2023 version of the iconic dollhouse is the perfect mix of iconic and modern.

Barbie Dreamhouse Playset ($179)—Buy it here.

Matchbox Recycling Truck

Here’s to the hardworking everyday heroes! Kids will love pulling the lever to empty the bin, and the sounds make this fun toy more realistic.

Matchbox Recycling Truck ($32)—Buy it here.

Little Tikes Story Dream Machine Starter Set

Little Tikes Story Dream Machine

Kids can watch classic Little Golden Books like The Pokey Little Puppy on this nostalgic projector that’s easy to use, plays music, and can also be used as a night light and white noise machine. 

Little Tikes Story Dream Machine Starter Set ($90)—Buy it here.

Large Barn with Animals and Accessories

Future veterinarians can put their animal care-taking skills to the test with this barnyard play set from schleich®. Loaded with realistic farm accessories and animal figurines (like a cow, calf, piglet, cat, and dove), toddlers will love feeding the flock and fetching hay with a working winch.

Large Barn with Animals and Accessories ($99)—Buy it here.

Hape Little Chef Cooking & Steam Playset

Little ones can chop, dice, and saute with this pretend Dutch oven that makes real cooking noises, and with the help of a little water, steams up their “dinner.” 

Hape Little Chef Cooking & Steam Playset ($30)—Buy it here.

VTech Race and Discover Driver

VTech Racer

Speed-loving tots will get thrills behind the wheel of this interactive dashboard that lets them make phone calls, drive around different tracks, listen to traffic reports, and even head to the gas station to count how many gallons are needed to fill up.

VTech Race and Discover Driver ($38)—Buy it here. 

Melissa & Doug Barber Shop Playset

Fancy a shave and a haircut? Kids can get and give styling services, and there’s even an adjustable beard! 

Melissa & Doug Barber Shop Playset ($27)—Buy it here. 

LEGO Duplo 3-in-1 Treehouse

DUPLO Treehouse is a good gift for three year olds

Introducing young kids to the world of LEGO is always a good idea, and this new set is filled with pets, kids, grandparents, and lots of accessories for pretend play. 

LEGO Duplo 3-in-1 Treehouse ($90)—Buy it here. 

The Noggin Learning App


Make screen time smarter with a kid-safe, ad-free app for ages 2-7. The Noggin Learning app is so easy, and it's the gift that keeps on giving. Build math, reading, wellness, social & emotional skills with 1000+ educational games, videos, and books starring your little one's favorite characters.

Get 50% Off an Annual Noggin Subscription or 60 Day FREE Trial—Get it Here.

Reel Big Catch Game

Reel Big Catch game

This simple but engaging beginner game helps toddlers learn about size measurement and turn-taking. 

Reel Big Catch Game ($25)—Buy it here.

Gabby's Dollhouse: Gabby Cat Friend Ship

The newest addition to the Gabby's Dollhouse world is this cute cruise ship that will attach to the original dollhouse. It comes with furniture and two friends! 

Gabby's Dollhouse: Gabby Cat Friend Ship ($41)—Buy it here.

Learning Resources Sorting Snacks Mini Fridge

Learning Resources Mini Fridge is a good gift for a three year old

With 30 mini snacks and activity cards, kids can learn about counting, matching, and other skills with this adorable set that also encourages creative play. 

Learning Resources Sorting Snacks Mini Fridge ($19)—Buy it here.


The PlasmaCar is a good gift for a three year old

Start them out young with this classic active toy that can be used inside or out.

PlasmaCar ($89)—Buy it here

Land of Dough Creativity Workshop

The glittery dough in this set is soft and smells sweet, and the birchwood tools included are designed with tiny hands in mind. 

Land of Dough Creativity Workshop ($25)—Buy it here.

Gonge River Stones

River stones are a good gift for a three year old

These can be anything from pretend river stones to an obstacle course, and the non-slip grip will leave parents at ease. 

Gonge River Stones ($68)—Buy them here. 

Lakeshore Learning Number Bots

Numberbots are a good gift for three year olds

With the turn of a wrist, these numbers turn into robots, adding an aspect of play to learning time. 

Lakeshore Learning Number Bots ($17)—Buy them here

DJECO Fox's Party Tea Set

They’re at the age where setting up high tea for their beloved stuffies is always fun. This adorable set has a cake too, and comes daintly arranged on a cheerful tray. 

DJECO Fox's Party Tea Set ($50)—Buy it here

Nailmatic Hollywood Polishes

Your glamour tot can have manicures galore with this kid-safe set of nail polish in sparkly colors. 

Nailmatic Hollywood Polishes ($34)—Buy it here

Rubble & Crew Backyard Construction Bark Yard Play Set

Kids will build to their heart’s content with their own version of Rubble’s construction crane tower. It also includes a bulldozer and molding sand to make bricks. 

Rubble & Crew Backyard Construction Bark Yard Play Set ($80)—Buy it here. 

VTech Storytime with Sunny

Sunny the talking lamp

This cheerful storyteller has over 300 activities and four different story cards that promise hours of interactive fun for little ones. 

VTech Storytime with Sunny ($45)—Buy it here

B.Toys Kitchen Sink Play Set

This real working sink includes dishes that turn color in warm water and other fun accessories.  

B.Toys Kitchen Sink Play Set ($20)—Buy it here.

Fisher-Price Blaze and the Monster Machines 4-Pack

Blaze and the Monster Machines toys are a good gift for a three year old

Get Blaze, Zeg, Crusher, and Stripes in this entire set of big trucks from the popular series on Nick. Jr. 

(Fisher-Price Blaze and the Monster Machines 4 Pack ($18) —Buy it here!

Meri Meri Heart Hair Slides

These shiny hair baubles are perfect for your diva kiddo. 

Meri Meri Heart Hair Slides ($15)—Buy them here

Crate & Kids Rocket Ship Playhouse

Send your kid on a mission for fun with this chic rocket ship playhouse. 

Crate & Kids Rocket Ship Playhouse ($200)—Buy it here

Play-Doh Kitchen Creations

Kids get five different Play-Doh colors and the "cake" actually rises in the oven. Kids will know when it's done when the timer rings. 

Play-Doh Kitchen Creations ($13)—Buy it here.

Tender Leaf Toys Wild Pine Train Set

Kids can send mini engines down the track past a fishing grizzly bear, a cozy cabin, and of course, a forest. 


Tender Leaf Toys Wild Pine Train Set ($120)—Buy it here. 

Ooly Happy Triangle Jumbo Crayons

The shape makes it easy for little hands to hold and the vibrant colors are enough to make anyone smile.

Ooly Happy Triangle Jumbo Crayons ($12)—Buy them here.

Little Adventures Alpine Coronation Costume

If your budding thespian doesn’t want to hang with Sven, Elsa, and Olaf, there are plenty of other characters to choose from. 

Little Adventures Alpine Coronation Costume ($40)—Buy it here. 

eeBoo Trucks and a Bus Memory Matching Game

Not only is this game a work of art, but it’s a fun game for young kids. Match up the different trucks including an ice cream truck, a robot supplies truck, and even a school bus. 

eeBoo Trucks and a Bus Memory Matching Game ($9)—Buy it here. 

3-in-1 Outdoor Convertible Wood Table 

This combo sand/water activity table has sunny-day vibes, and the chic striped umbrella offers extra protection for sensitive skin. 

3-in-1 Outdoor Convertible Wood Table ($124)—Buy it here. 

Pete the Cat: 5-Minute Bedtime Stories

Pet the Cat 5 minute stories is a good gift for three year olds

These 12 stories about the ever-popular feline protagonist are just long enough to capture the attention of busy toddlers.

Pete the Cat: 5-Minute Bedtime Stories ($3)—Buy it here.

Race Around the World Tracks Floor Puzzle

This 48-piece puzzle creates a race track around some of the world’s most iconic landmarks. 

Race Around the World Tracks Floor Puzzle ($23)—Buy it here.

LCD Writing Board

Portable and lightweight, this doodling board comes with its own stylus, kids can create and erase with the push of a button, and it comes in a wide variety of colors. 

LCD Writing Board ($19)—Buy it here.

Wild Ones Bean Bag Toss

A mini version of everyone’s favorite lawn game, kids get six bags to toss through a lion's and bear’s mouth. 

Wild Ones Bean Bag Toss ($55)—Buy it here.

Franklin Sports Foam Football

The soft material and the spiral grip make this a perfect beginner ball for little ones. 

Franklin Sports Foam Football ($10) —Buy it here.

Our Generation Lisa Doll

A perfect introduction to the world of 18-inch dolls, this one comes with cute sunglasses and removable slippers. 

Our Generation Lisa Doll ($26)—Buy it here.

VERBO Motorized Fire Truck

With siren sounds, a working water pump, lights, and a ladder, kids can save the day just like their local heroes. 

VERBO Motorized Fire Truck ($40)—Buy it here.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation.


Don’t let the cold weather keep you from making memories

Winter on the horizon doesn’t mean family fun needs to stop. In fact, the cold weather can be ideal for certain activities (don’t forget our list of 100 indoor activities for kids!) that’ll keep everyone from suffering any seasonal boredom. From going on a winter scavenger hunt to hosting an awesome hot cocoa bar, here are 32 winter activities for kids and families that’ll help you bond with your crew.

one of the most fun winter activities for kids is to bake with mom or dad

1. Bake together. Whip up a batch of cookies, brownies, or cupcakes. Make a few extra batches, and bring them to your neighbors.

2. Take a hike. Whether you live in a cold or warm winter climate, get the family outside to explore the outdoors.

3. Go to the library and find a good book to read. Need some reading inspiration? Here are 22 classic children's books that belong on every bookshelf, and the best new books of 2023.

4. Volunteer as a family. Teach your kiddos some compassion by volunteering as a family. There are lots of community activities that welcome help, and not just around the holiday season.

5. Make paper snowflakes and decorate your house. Give your house some winter cheer with homemade decorations. Paper snowflakes are easy and unique, and make the house look like a winter wonderland.

family game night is a fun winter activity for kids

6. Game on! Break out the board games and cards and have a fun family night of board games.

7. Have a movie night. Light a fire, grab blankets, pop the popcorn, and find a few movies the entire family will love. Go with a classic must-see movie.

8. Make New Year's resolutions. Gather everyone together and talk about goals for 2023. Here are a few ideas if your family needs help with writing its resolutions.

9. Go to a play or concert. Try experiencing a musical, play, or local concert that you haven't seen before. 

10. Make paper airplanes. Give the kids white paper and show them this guide on how to make the perfect airplane


11. Break out the printables. Print out a few printable activities on a cold afternoon.

12. Write a holiday/year-end card or letter. Why should holiday cards be something only the parents do? Have the kiddos write their own year-end cards and mail them to friends and family.

13. Give them interesting trivia to learn. Whether they love animals, space, Harry Potter, Disney, or even general trivia, we've got all the answers

14. Play in the snow. There's nothing that says winter more than making snow angels and having snowball fights together. If snow doesn't fall in your city, check out these snowflake science experiments.

15. Have the kids take one photo a day during the months of January and February. Then use your phone’s movie feature to create a film with music, and don't forget to upload your memories into the Tinybeans app

a nature walk is a good winter activity for kids

16. Go on a nature scavenger hunt. Have the kids pick up pinecones, and sticks and take photos of what you find on the trails.

17. Go to a museum. From children's museums to museums of natural history, there's bound to be something your family will love to visit. Be sure to check your local museum's hours and if there are specific restrictions in place (for example, many museums are open again but require timed reservations to keep crowds down). 

18. Set up a dance party. Find a playlist, crank up the music, and let them wiggle, shake, and move to their heart's content. 

19. Make a vision board. It's fun to visualize what the new year might bring! 

making slime is one of the most fun winter activities for kids
Melissa Heckscher

20. Make slime. We know, it's a parent's worst nightmare. But kids love it, and we have a great recipe. We also have all the ways to get slime out of hair, clothes, and the couch

21. Pick an indoor game to play. If you've got multiple kids at home, pick an indoor game for them to set up and play.

22. Have a video game night. If an arcade isn't in your near future, surprise your kids by telling them you're going to play video games with them! Get a brand new game or better yet, check your local library. Most public libraries have a variety of games available for systems including the Xbox and the Nintendo Switch, a great way to try a game without having to buy it. 

23. Try a new restaurant. Splurge on dinner out as a family or if you prefer, to-go, from a restaurant no one has tried before. 

24. Make friendship bracelets. Older kids can make fun accessories to give to their friends. 

25. Treat the family to a hot cocoa bar. Make fancy hot chocolate (like with milk on the stove) and set up whipped cream, marshmallows, sprinkles, cherries, and everything else to make for a fun night of indoor sipping.

26. Embrace the world of pretend play. If you set up one of these ideas, it'll keep younger kids will be busy for an afternoon.  

27. Brighten up a cold winter’s night by playing a glow-in-the-dark game. How about flashlight charades or sardines? 

28. Host a fancy appetizer party. You don’t need the holidays as an excuse to have a party with these awesome recipes. Another idea is to surprise the kids and serve a variety of appetizers for dinner. You can even dress up and have a polite conversation. 

29. Practice yoga together. Get your family's zen on with a kid-friendly yoga video and practice as a family.

indoor forts are a classic winter activity for kids

30. Build an indoor fort. Need ideas? We’ve got 13 awesome fort ideas your kids will want to make their permanent home.

31. Gather pinecones and make a craft. Try hanging them from your door or make a bird feeder.

32. Make breakfast for dinner. Shake things up and turn the most important meal into nighttime fun. Here are 30 super easy and tasty recipes your family will love.

Make sure to capture all the chilly fun—and share them with your family and friends near and far—with the Tinybeans app. The secure platform puts parents in total control of who sees and interacts with photos and videos of their kids.

Los Angeles has always been a town of lights, but during the holiday season, the displays get even brighter. From Marina del Rey to the OC and as far east as Indio, here are the most dazzling holiday light displays around LA that are worth your time and money

There’s something about twinkling lights that gets us in the holiday spirit—that is, after we’ve picked up the best Christmas tree and made an initial pass through LA’s best toy stores for gifts. And while Los Angeles may not have the winter weather charm of those cities that actually see a white Christmas, our palm trees sure can prop up Christmas lights just as magically as their evergreen cousins can. From the sprawling sea of bulbs at Descanso Gardens to festive local neighborhoods layered in all things merry and bright, LA’s got its share of impressive holiday light displays.

This article is sponsored by Kidspace Children’s Museum, a children’s museum located in Pasadena, CA with over 40 unique hands-on exhibits that engage for kids 10 and under emotionally, intellectually, and physically. Now through January 7, Kidspace is transforming into a winter wonderland with the return of “Kidspace Winter Frolic,” where little ones can enjoy imaginative, cold-weather activities—without the snow!


Where to See the Best Holiday Lights in Los Angeles

Marina del Rey Boat Parade

best holiday light displays in los angeles
Marina del Rey Tourism Board

For a different take on the traditional light display, check out the shimmering boats of the Marina del Rey boat parade—a moving spectacle that kicks off with a spectacular fireworks show!  Be sure to bring a blanket and some hot chocolate so you can get nice and cozy while you take it all in. The boat parade features 70 boats adorned with holiday light, all vying for top categories, which include Best Power, Best Lights, Best Spirit, and Best Yacht Club. Recommended viewing areas are Burton Chace Park (3650 Mindanao Way) and Fisherman’s Village (3755 Fiji Way).

Good to Know: Marina Lights will cast a festive glow on Burton Chace Park throughout Dec., nightly 4–10 p.m., and the family-friendly GLOW party returns to Burton Chace Park on Dec. 31, from 7 p.m.-midnight along with fireworks over the water at 8:59 p.m.and 11:59 p.m.

Dates: Dec. 9 from 5:55-8 p.m. Fireworks kickoff at 5:55 p.m.; the boat parade is from 6-8 p.m.
Cost: Free

13737 Fiji Way
Marina Del Rey.
Online: mdrboatparade.org


Winterlit Santa Monica

Walk beneath a canopy of lights as you make your way through an illuminated Third Street Promenade to admire the 24-foot Christmas tree. Santa Monica's annual "Winterlit" celebration lights up the street of downtown Santa Monica with tens of thousands of colorful lights and holiday decor. The celebration also includes a special tree-lighting ceremony on Dec. 1 with Santa...and snow! Add to that a pop-up ice rink (located at Fifth & Arizona Ave.) that's open through Jan. 15.

Dates: Nov. 10- Jan. 15
Cost: Free to walk through the display; ice rink is $20 for skate rental and all-day admission

Third Street Promenade (between Broadway & Wilshire)
Santa Monica
Online: downtownsm.com

L.A. Zoo Lights

Your munchkins will be dazzled by the glow around every part of the L.A. Zoo. The annual light show transforms the daytime zoo into a parade of colorful light displays, which will enchant your littles all night long. Guests will experience spectacular lantern sculptures of animals as well as flowers and trees adorned with lights. Go on a weekend for additional entertainment and activities for the whole family.

Good to Know: For sensory-sensitive guests, the zoo offers a "Sensory-Inclusive Night" on Dec. 5 that will feature smaller crowds, quieter music, available sensory bags with noise-canceling headphones, fidget tools, verbal cue cards, and weighted lap pads (supplies limited, first, come, first served), and an online Social Story (coming soon) that provides a preview of what to expect while enjoying the event.

Dates: Nov. 17-Jan. 7; 6-10:00 p.m.
Cost: Tickets start at $29 for adults (13+); $18 for children 

5333 Zoo Dr.
Los Angeles
Online: lazoo.org

Related: Our Updated Insider's Guide to the LA Zoo

Upper Hastings Ranch in Pasadena

This expansive Pasadena neighborhood gets transformed into a Winter Wonderland every year, with block after block having its own holiday theme. Established in 1951, this neighborhood's annual extravaganza dazzles with its extensive light displays. We’d recommend driving through as there is a lot to see.

No trip to Hastings Ranch would be complete without visiting the Harbeck Christmas Light Show (1215 Tropical Ave.), featuring an animated Christmas light show synced to fun tunes on 99.1 FM. Check the website for the most up-to-date information. And keep an eye on your TVs! The Harbeck light show will be featured on ABC's Great Christmas Light Fight—a decoration competition that's bound to be enlightening, airing on Mon., Dec. 5 at 8 p.m. either on ABC7 or Hulu.

Dates: Nightly from Dec. 9-31 (lights go on at 6 p.m. and turn off at 10 p.m.)
Cost: Free

Sierra Madre Blvd. & Michillinda Ave., Hastings Ranch Blvd. & Riviera
Online: upperhastingsranch.org

Holiday Light Festival Ride at Griffith Park & Southern Railroad

What’s even more fun than a train ride? How about a train ride dressed up with thousands of lights and festive details? The Holiday Light Festival Ride takes passengers on a one-mile loop for approximately ten minutes at Griffith Park and Southern Railroad. Your kids will enjoy making choo-choo and ho-ho-ho noises as they embark on this night train ride.

Related Story: Holiday Train Rides to Book Before They Sell Out

Dates: Nov. 24-Jan. 7, Mon.-Thurs. 5-8 p.m.; Fri.- Sun. 5-9:00 p.m.
Cost: $7/person, (18 months and under are free). In-person tickets can be purchased from the ticket booth at Griffith Park & Southern Railroad; online tickets (plus a convenience fee ) is available via the website

 4400 Crystal Springs Dr.
Los Angeles
Online: griffithparktrainrides.com

Christmas Tree Lane in Altadena

The people of Altadena come together to light up their neighborhood for all to rejoice in the holiday season. Set among the 135-year-old Deodar trees that line Santa Rosa Avenue (Christmas Tree Lane) in Altadena, this tight-knit community celebrated the Centennial lighting of Christmas Tree Lane in 2020. In fact, in 1990, Christmas Tree Lane was included in the National Register of Historic Places and became a California State Landmark.

Dates: Lighting ceremony is Dec. 9, then the street lights up nightly from 6 p.m.-midnight through Christmas
Cost: Free

Santa Rosa between Mariposa & Mendocino
Online: christmastreelane.net

Saint Albans Rd. in San Marino

Stroll by glorious pine trees adorned with bright lights along one block of San Marino St. Albans’ Ave. The neighborhood has gorgeous stately homes with plenty of room to walk on the sidewalk with your little elves holding your hand. If you fancy staying in your car, the traffic flows nicely so you can get a nice view while you cruise by.

Dates: Nightly the entire month of Dec.
Cost: Free

Saint Albans Rd. & Huntington Ave.
San Marino

8. Lightscape at the Arboretum

best holiday light shows in Los Angeles
Sony Music

A light extravaganza like no other, Lightscape brings sound, color, and art to the lush 127-acre Arboretum—and this year it's promising a show that's "bigger, bolder, brighter." Look for the U.S. premiere of three installations: Will-o’-the-wisp, Whole Hole, and the biggest and best Laser Garden. The Lightscape experience includes 15 other new displays as well as the fan-favorite Winter Cathedral. This is a fully-walkable event that gets you and your little elves close to the lights, with a newly expanded trail lighting up even more of the San Gabriel Valley destination. Originally from London, this fully-immersive glow experience will bring smiles and lots of oohs and ahhs throughout the night.

Dates: Nov. 17-Jan. 2; 5:30-8:45 p.m. in 15-minute intervals (closes at 10 p.m.)

301 N Baldwin Ave.
Online: arboretum.org/lightscape

Holiday in the Park at Six Flags Magic Mountain

The best part about the light show at Six Flags Holiday in the Park is that it's not the only thing there to dazzle you—all the rides are open during the event, too! Meander through tunnels of light and festive forests as you make your way across the park among millions of twinkling lights. The event also features a slew of tasty holiday sweets and treats (Peppermint bark! White chocolate candy apples! Holiday turkey poutine!), a Santa's cottage where good little boys and girls can rattle off their Christmas wishes to the Big Guy, and a holiday market filled with handcrafted trinkets made by local artists.

Dates: Nightly Nov. 23-Dec. 31; Times vary
Cost: Included with park admission

26101 Magic Mountain Pkwy.
Online: sixflags.com/magicmountain

Holiday Road in Calabasas

This immersive walking trail takes you through a dazzling winter wonderland featuring larger-than-life holiday-themed installations. Kids will get to meet Santa, Mrs. Claus, and the elves. A pre and post-show area let you grab yummy bites from various food trucks, sip a seasonal cocktail (or nonalcoholic drink) at the full bar, buy some holiday gear, and take photos against an array of photo backdrops.

Good to Know: The walking trail is two-thirds of a mile long and strollers are welcome. 

Dates: Nov. 24-Dec. 27, 5-10 p.m. (last entry at 8:00 pm)
Cost: $25 & Up

King Gillette Ranch
26800 Mulholland Hwy.
Online: holidayroadusa.com

Lilley Hall in Toluca Lake

On a quiet street in the heart of Toluca Lake, you'll find the most enchanting 1927 Tudor revival home named for musical composer/arranger/director Joseph J. Lilley. This festive home pulls out all the stops with holiday decorations galore, including the most magnificent toy soldier tree lighting ceremony on Thanksgiving! Once in the neighborhood, venture around with your family to explore the surrounding streets as they all get into the holiday spirit with an extra dose of merry.

Dates: Nightly, Thanksgiving night to Christmas Day
Cost: Free

10104 Moorpark St.
Toluca Lake
Online: instagram.com/lilley_hall_toluca_lake/

Yolanda Lights in Reseda

Located on the 7300 block of Yolanda Ave south of Valerio, this unique celebration of lights features an expansively lit tunnel shining on almost the entire block on both sides of the street. The kids will love to walk (and run too!) through the tunnel again and again to soak in all the beauty of the holiday-decorated neighborhood.

Dates: Nightly from Thanksgiving night through New Year's Eve
Cost: Free

7300 block of Yolanda Ave.
Online: yolandaLights.com


Enchanted Forest of Light at Descanso Garden

The whole family will love this interactive one-mile walk through Descanso's sprawling annual glowing garden. Popular returning favorites include an entire town of magical “stained glass” built in the Rose Garden by contemporary sculptor Tom Fruin, sparkling geometric installations from HYBYCOZO on the Main Lawn, Flower Power on the Promenade, and exquisite lighting effects in the "Ancient Forest."

Dates: Nov. 19-Jan. 7, 5:30-10 p.m.
Cost: $34–$40 for non-members

1418 Descanso Dr.
La Cañada Flintridge
Online: descansogardens.org

Christmas Lights at Universal Studios

Join the Grinch and the people of Who-Ville as they turn on the lights of Universal’s topsy-turvy Christmas tree as a part of the park’s annual “Grinchmas” celebration. Watch as the Grinch’s heart grows a few sizes bigger and he gives in to the spirit of the holidays to light the 65-foot-tall tree. Expect more than just a lighting ceremony: There's a whole story here, with the Grinch himself telling his tale along with snowfall, songs, and plenty of seasonal Grinch-themed snacks, and merchandise (unlike The Grinch's heart, your wallet may grow a few sizes smaller by night’s end).

The Grinch and his faithful dog Max (a real dog actor!) will be available for photo opportunities throughout the day. In addition, littles can gather round as Cindy-Lou Who leads daily story time for young visitors looking to learn “How the Grinch Stole Christmas." And, the Who-ville post office will be accepting postcards with holiday messages

When you're all Seussed out, head over to the Wizarding World, where the holidays are in full effect with special seasonal performances and treats. Plus, enjoy a spectacular nightly spectacle in which the massive Hogwarts Castle comes to life in a dazzling light projection show featuring stunning imagery, music, and sounds from the Harry Potter film series.

Dates: Holidays Shows & Activities start Nov. 24 and run through Jan. 1

100 Universal City Plaza
Universal City
Online: universalstudioshollywood.com

Newburgh Lights Show in Glendora

There are some houses that are just worth the drive to visit because they’re that fantastical. This Newburgh Lights Show House in Glendora is a single home that puts on a majestic display of lights and sound. With over 20,000 lights meticulously choreographed to traditional holiday music, you and your little ones will be enthralled by the light show while you enjoy the 14-song concert. The website lists the complete playlist so you can listen on your drive to Glendora and jam out holiday-style!

Dates: Nov. 26 through Christmas; Opening night, the show lights up at 7 p.m. after that, the show starts at 5 p.m.
Cost: Free

609 E. Newburgh St.
Online: newburghlights.org

Related Story: The Most Dazzling Light Displays in America

Festival of Lights at the Mission Inn 

This celebrated winter wonderland display has been lighting up this historic hotel landmark for 30 years. Voted "Best Public Lights Display" by USA Today, the holiday celebration will be even bigger this year with 400 animated figures, including angels and carolers; the world’s largest man-made mistletoe, and an animated Christmas tree light show programmed for a four-minute magical animated display. New additions include a nativity scene; the Anton Clock in the Spanish Patio featuring a new show that rotates every 15 minutes; as well as a new North Pole Walkway dotted with Santa’s Elves playing in the snow and leading to Santa’s Workshop, elves filling Santa’s sled with toys, and a life-size gingerbread house. All of the decorations can be enjoyed even without being a hotel guest (though it's a great spot for a staycation!). 

Dates:  Nov. 18-Jan. 7

3649 Mission Inn Ave.
Online: missioninn.com

Santa’s Speedway Christmas Lights Walk-Thru

This epic walk-through begins with Speedway’s Christmas Village and continues in a series of jaw-dropping, Instagrammable sites. Here, you'll encounter displays with 30-foot tall ornaments, a lighted statue of Santa on a rocking horse, and a tunnel of lights that delivers you into a land, filled with Christmas sweets and illuminated lollipops. Of course, the best part (besides the record-setting free-standing light tree, measuring 110 feet and constructed out of twelve miles of 100,000 programmable LED lights) is at the end—when you get to pose with Santa himself.

Dates: Dec. 1-Jan. 1; 5-10 p.m.
Cost: $29 & Up

500 Speedway Dr.
Online: santasspeedway.com


18. Candy Cane Lane

best holiday lights in Los Angeles
Melissa Heckscher

Nestled near the airport in the quaint town of El Segundo, this quiet stretch of Acadia Avenue has been lighting up for the holidays since 1949—and we mean, really lighting up! The neighborhood is so full of Christmas spirit that people come from all over the area to admire the views, and you'll almost always find a crowd mulling. Park your car and walk the streets (you can't drive up and down the streets during the event), stopping to admire each home's unique display, which includes moving reindeer, Peanuts characters, motorized trains, and hundreds of twinkling bulbs blanketing every surface, bush, and tree. You'll also usually find local carolers mingling among the crowd, belting out holiday songs to make things even merrier. Don't be surprised if you see Santa's sleigh parked at the end of the street; he loves this little piece of Winter Wonderland, too.

When: Dec. 9-Dec. 24
Cost: Free

The 1200 block of Acacia Ave.
El Segundo

The Best Holiday Lights near LA That are Totally Worth the Drive

Astra Lumina  at the South Bay Botanic Garden

What if you could walk amongst the stars? That's the question asked by Moment Factory, the visionary multimedia company (they do visuals for Billie Eilish!) behind Astra Lumina, a luminous night walk that uses projections, lasers, and sounds to immerse visitors in a celestial world where the stars "descend to Earth." You'll walk through dark forests bathed in twinkling lights, see stars seemingly rise and fall from the sky, and set out on a trail that features 10 distinct areas to explore, with names like "Starlit Lanterns," "Falling Stars," and "Starburst Rays." At each stop, guests are invited to mingle with the lights as they are blanketed in the projected stars. 

This is the 17th of Moment Factory's Night Walk series—and the fourth American incarnation. If this walk is anything like the ones before it (Travel and Leisure called Night Walk "unlike any hike you’ve ever been on"), it's sure to wow you and all your little stargazers.

Dates: Dec. 8-Jan. 15, 6-10 p.m.
Cost: Tickets start at $29 adults; $20 for kids age 4-12. Parking on-site is $20; parking off-site with short shuttle to event is $8

26300 Crenshaw Blvd.
Palos Verdes Estates
Online: astraluminalosangeles.com

Sleepy Hollow Christmas Lights Extravaganza

Homeowners pull out all the stops for this annual neighborhood Lights Extravaganza (which also calls itself Candy Cane Lane), where you'll see everything from soaring lights across rooftops to simple nativity scenes set on yards. Every house has its own unique theme, and you'll want to see them all. Consequently, it will take at least an hour to walk the network of neighborhoods that encompasses the event (the sidewalks are safe, and strollers are welcome). You can drive through the area, but make sure your kids use the restrooms before you get there, because traffic is usually at a slow crawl throughout (you'll appreciate this when you want to take in the view—not so much when you have a toddler who has to go potty).

Hungry? Stop at one of the many front yard bake sales, where you and your kids can nosh on cookies and cocoa (bring at least 10 bucks for a family of four, as most items are $1-2 each).

Insider Tip: Start at Roberts Rd. in Torrance (entrance at Pacific Coast Hwy.) and walk or drive around adjacent streets (including Doris Way, Carol Dr., Linda Dr., Reeese Rd. and Sharynne Ln.). If you plan on walking, park on Pacific Coast Hwy., Calle Mayor or Prospect, and walk toward Roberts Rd.

Dates: Nov. 16-Dec. 31, 6-10 p.m.
Cost: Free

Hikari Festival at Tanaka Farms

Tanaka Farms has become the holiday family destination in Southern California, and with more than a million twinkling lights on display during the months of November and December, it does not disappoint! Take a wagon ride through the sea of lights to the "Land of a Thousand Lanterns," then get off to wander through the glittering displays. After the ride, make your way down to the festival grounds, where you can visit with the barnyard animals, grab some food from the Tanaka Grill, take advantage of photo opps, and meet Santa (all activities are priced individually). There is live music on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. 

Dates: Nov. 24 through Dec. 30, 4:30 p.m.-10 p.m. Entry gates close at 8:30 p.m.

5380 ¾ University Dr.
Online: tanakafarms.com

Holidays at Disneyland

It's hard to talk about holiday lights in Los Angeles without mentioning Disneyland. Sure, the Happiest Place on Earth is already sky-high in "wow factor," but the resort ups its merriment ante big-time over the holidays. From a wintery light projection that makes Sleeping Beauty's castle look like it's dripping in high-def icicles to the "It's a Small World" facade transformed into a wall of colorful twinkling lights (and its insides adorned to reflect the season), Disneyland shines in a whole new way this time of year! Everywhere you turn, you'll experience holiday joy, with decor and lights strewn all over the park and the"Believe in Holiday Magic" fireworks display ending the night with stirring music, snow showers, and a spectacular light show.

The lights also dazzle at California Adventure, where the streets are similarly adorned. And it's not just for Christmas: Across the park, you'll find tributes, cuisine, and activities related to the season's other holidays, including Navidad, Hanukkah, Diwali, Kwanzaa, and Three Kings' Day. Several rides are totally done up for the season (including a transformed Cars Land featuring Luigi's "Joy to the Whirl" and a decked-out Mater's Jingle Jamboree. And the nightly World of Color light show also changes for the holidays with the "Season of Light" show using music to captivate park-goers.

Dates: Nov. 10-Jan. 7

1313 Disneyland Dr.

Brea Eagle Hills in Orange County

If you’re searching for a neighborhood as excited as you are that Santa Claus is coming to town, visit the Brea Eagle Hills neighborhood in Orange County to get all the holiday feels. Drive or leisurely stroll through the hood, which is packed with glistening homes and plenty of Christmas cheer. It is a popular destination so plan for larger crowds and some traffic as you make your way through. Parking is available at the Brea Sports Park just east of the lights on Birch St.

Dates: Dec. 1-Dec. 30; Sundown to 10 p.m.
Cost: Free

2960-2970 Primrose Ave.
Online: brealights.com

Magic of Lights

If you're headed to Palm Springs with kids and seeking some holiday spirit, take a drive to the Empire Polo Club, where the Magic of Lights celebration is transforming the 1,000-acre site into a vibrant drive-through holiday-themed light display. From the comfort of their cars, guests can tune in to the Magic of Lights’ classic holiday playlist while they drive through various light structures, including a 200-foot-long tunnel of lights, a Blizzard Light Tunnel, the Snowflake Tunnel, and a Candy Cane Light Tunnel. Other displays include a 32-foot-tall animated waving Christmas Barbie, "Prehistoric Christmas," featuring life-sized dinosaurs celebrating the season, and BIGFOOT® Monster Trucks.

Dates: Nov. 17-Dec. 31, 6-10 p.m.
Cost:  $15 per vehicle on weekdays; $20 per vehicle on weekends

Empire Polo Club
81-800 Ave. 51
Online: magicoflights.com/coachellavalley

Lights at Sensorio

The New York Times featured Lights at Sensorio as one of the top 50 places to visit and there is a glowing reason why. This garden made of bright bulbs is home to two installations by internationally acclaimed artist Bruce Munro. With a 15-acre immersive walk-through experience, this Field of Light contains more than 58,000 stemmed spheres (lit by fiber optics) shining colorful lights on the expansive landscape that one has to see in person to believe. Additionally, there are 69 illuminated Light Towers composed of more than 17,000 wine bottles all nestled in the vibrant vineyards combined with a musical score.

Dates: Nov. 5-Dec. 31; Times var

4380 Highway 46 East
Paso Robles
Online: sensoriopaso.com

Christmas Lights at Knott's Berry Farm

Rollercoasters, rides and... snow! Knott's Berry Farm becomes "Knott's Merry Farm" during the holidays, with thousands of twinkling lights, miles of themed garland, and the songs of the holidays ringing out through the park. To get your dose of holiday spirit, pronto, head to Ghost Town, where a magical "Snow and Glow" experience features thousands of lights dancing to the beat of Christmas music while snow gently falls down. Guests can also watch as old-time carolers gather round the giant bedazzled Christmas tree and sing holiday favorites before (and after) the lights flick on to welcome the season.

Other holiday happenings include a Snoopy On Ice Christmas show, a Christmas Crafts Village, and Santa's Christmas Cabin where kids can meet the Claus couple themselves.

Dates: Knott's Merry Farm runs Nov. 17 through Jan. 7

8039 Beach Blvd.
Buena Park
Online: knotts.com


These goodies are sure to become instant favorites they’ll use well beyond their first birthday

A pull-along snail, their very own turntable, an activity table with hidden storage, the bounciest unicorn, a beautiful balance bike, and bath toys that keep the water in the bath? These are the holiday gifts for one-year-olds that are sure to delight. And if you’ve got other littles on your list, check out our gifts for 18 to 24 months and 6 to 12 months.

Fisher-Price Mix & Learn DJ Table

The Fisher Price Mix and Learn DJ Table is one of the best holiday gifts for one-year-olds in 2023

If your babe’s been bopping their head to the beat since they first gained neck control, they’re going to love this music-themed, light-up activity table. As sitters, they can explore the piano, buttons, and toys, and brush up on their shapes and colors; once they can stand at the decks they’ll be dropping a beat while learning Spanish phrases and opposites.

Fisher-Price Mix & Learn DJ Table ($31)—Buy Here!

Plan Toys Pull-Along Snail

Proud new walkers love having a little buddy to follow them around, and this snail is just too cute as it inches along. Kiddos learn about cause and effect while working on their balance and fine motor skills.

Plan Toys Pull-Along Snail ($30)—Buy Here!

Joovy Tricycoo 4.1

Joovy Tricycoo 4.1 is one of the best holiday gifts for one-year-olds in 2023

Tikes can cruise in style for a long time with this solid 4-in-1 tricycle. It starts as a fully harnessed push trike with a parent handle and canopy and eventually evolves into a tricycle that three-year-olds can ride independently.

Joovy Tricycoo 4.1 ($130)—Buy Here!

Manhattan Toy Musical Lili Llama

Manhattan Toy Lili Llama is one of the best holiday gifts for one-year-olds in 2023

You’ll be amazed by how long toddlers entertain themselves with this musical llama friend. Lili’s got a xylophone, four spinners, a maraca, two gears, a washboard, 2 clacking saddles, and two mallets (conveniently stored in her head), so there’s never a dull moment.

Manhattan Toy Musical Lili Llama ($61)—Buy Here!

Joymor Foam Climbing Blocks

Joymor Foam Climbing Blocks is one of the best holiday gifts for one-year-olds in 2023

Toddlers can get their beans out on these fun foam climbing blocks, exploring tunnels, ramps, and stairs, and parents can rest assured that any spills or messes are easily wiped clean with mild soap and water.

Joymor Foam Climbing Blocks ($236)—Buy Here!

Bouncy Inflatable Animal Jump-Along

Bouncy Inflatable Animal Jump-Along is one of the best holiday gifts for one-year-olds in 2023

Giddy up! Let your little loose on one of these fun and bouncy inflatable animals, available in unicorn, grey bunny, fox, and green triceritops. Each animal comes with a hand pump and a unique birth certificate.

Bouncy Inflatable Animal Jump-Along ($57)—Buy Here!

Haba Fun with Sounds Wooden Discovery Blocks

Haba musical fun with sounds wooden discovery blocks is one of the best holiday gifts for one-year-olds in 2023

Not only can little hands stack these colorful beech wood blocks, but each one is also ripe for acoustic exploration—from rattling and clacking to squeaking and tinkering. Plus, you can toss a few in your bag for on-the-go entertainment.

Haba Fun with Sounds Wooden Discovery Blocks ($49)—Buy Here!

Gund Muttsy Dog Plush

Gund Muttsy Dog Plush is one of the best holiday gifts for one-year-olds in 2023

For parents of dog-obsessed toddlers, a puppy stuffie is a no-brainer. They’ll instantly fall in love with this super-soft and extremely huggable Gund version.

Gund Muttsy Dog Plush ($27)—Buy Here!

Learning Resources Learn-A-Lot Avocados

Learning Resources Learn-A-Lot Avocados is one of the best holiday gifts for one-year-olds in 2023

There’s so much to learn from these adorable little avocados. Kids can color match the tops and bottoms, building fine motor skills while they do it, and get to know the different emotions on each fruit’s face.

Learning Resources Learn-A-Lot Avocados ($12.50)—Buy Here!

Anthropologie Frenchie Push Cart Toy

The anthropologie frenchie push cart is one of the best holiday gifts for one-year-olds in 2023

Leave it to Anthro to design the most beautiful push cart of our dreams. As baby toddles, three Frenchie dogs bob up and down and their tails wag around on springs.

Anthropologie Frenchie Push Cart Toy ($70)—Buy Here!

Dragon's First Taco Board Book

Dragon's First Taco board book is one of the best holiday gifts for one-year-olds in 2023

Not only does this bring the hilarious Dragons Love Tacos series to the littlest of readers, but the book itself is also shaped like a taco, which makes it extra fun for little hands to explore. Inside, baby dragons learn how to make a taco. Yum!

Dragon's First Taco Board Book ($7)—Buy Here!

Wonder & Wise Baby Busy Box

Wonder and Wise by Asweets Baby Busy Box is one of the best holiday gifts for one-year-olds in 2023

Aesthetically minded parents will appreciate how this neutral play box fits in with their modern decor; kids will love the gears, puzzle, shape sorter, abacus, and more. From seated tots to two-legged toddlers, there's plenty of room to grow with this one.

Wonder & Wise Baby Busy Box ($149)—Buy Here!

Boon Pipes Building Bath Toy Set

This fun and stylish bathtime set includes five tubes that are shaped differently to be used separately or combined to make a big chain. The best part? The water finally stays inside the tub.

Boon Pipes Building Bath Toy Set ($18)—Buy Here!

SEREED Baby Balance Bike

Sereed Baby Balance Bike is one of the best holiday gifts for one-year-olds in 2023

Perfect for indoor or outdoor play, babies can begin learning how to balance and get the feeling of riding a bike before graduating to a two-wheeled balance bike or training wheels. And since it’s under 4 lbs, mom or dad won’t have to break their backs carrying it home when a ride takes a turn for the worse.

SEREED Baby Balance Bike ($50)—Buy Here!

ALASOU Suction Cup Spinner Toys

ALASOU Suction Cup Spinner Toys is one of the best holiday gifts for one-year-olds in 2023

These genius suction spinners are the gift that keeps on giving, from the car to the bath to the high chair. They’re also live-savers on airplane rides—just stick them to the windows and let baby have at them! One Amazon reviewer said she puts them on the fridge, oven door, and dishwasher when she’s working in the kitchen and needs to keep her tot occupied.

ALASOU Suction Cup Spinner Toys ($10)—Buy Here!

Coco Village Wooden Activity Table

Coco Village Wooden Activity Table is one of the best holiday gifts for one-year-olds in 2023

There’s so much to love about this chic activity table, from its beautiful birch frame and soft muted hues to the two worlds for baby to explore: land and sea. The storage bag that’s hidden under the winding abacus is particularly brilliant.

Coco Village Wooden Activity Table ($150)—Buy Here!

Tender Leaf Peacock Colors

This take-along wooden toy introduces tikes to the art of color mixing and gives them a chance to look through each brightly hued acrylic screen to see the world in different shades.

Tender Leaf Peacock Colors ($28)—Buy Here!

Pottery Barn Kids My First Anywhere Chair

This is a timeless staple as far as first-year gifts go—with good reason! The tot-sized chair is a cozy place to read a book or explore a new toy. Pro tip: if you have the space you can size up to the kid version—my six-year-old still sits in his to watch TV.

Pottery Barn Kids My First Anywhere Chair ($129-$169)—Buy Here!

Farm Animals Toy Set

Farm Animals Toy Set is one of the best holiday gifts for one-year-olds in 2023

Toddlers love taking things out and putting them back in and they’re sure to get their fill with this toy, a set of ten brightly colored barns with farm animals inside. Kids learn to color-match the barns and rooves, identify the numbers on each barn, and practice vocabulary like “put in” and “take out.”

Farm Animals Toy Set ($30)—Buy Here!

Fisher-Price Mega Bloks

With 80 blocks that transform into endless creations, this toddler staple lets their imaginations run wild. The chunky blocks are easy for wee hands to put together and pull apart, so maybe they’ll even play on their own for a few minutes.

Fisher-Price Mega Bloks ($16)—Buy Here!

Vilac Iceland Waterfall Ball Toy

Vilac Iceland Waterfall Ball Toy is one of the best holiday gifts for one-year-olds in 2023

Oh la la! This French toy is gorgeous to look at but, most importantly, kids will love watching the adorable little animal balls slide down the snow-capped mountain to ring a dangling bell at the end.

Vilac Iceland Waterfall Ball Toy ($65)—Buy Here!

Djeco Finger Paint Tubes

Djeco finger paint tubes is one of the best holiday gifts for one-year-olds in 2023

Yes, finger painting can get messy, but these brightly colored paints are totally washable and free from harmful chemicals. So throw down some newspaper, drop some colors on the plastic palette, and unleash your little artiste.

Djeco Finger Paint Tubes ($22)—Buy Here!

All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.
If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.
All images courtesy of retailers.