Whether it’s an oceanside retreat or the sandy shores of a lake, nothing says summer like a day at the beach. But even the most water-loving family could use a little variety in their beach excursion routine. Here are over 33 beach activities and beach games that take next-to-no supplies and a lot of creativity.

If you’ve got a baby in tow, check out our favorite baby beach hacks to make the best of your day!

1. Host a beach scavenger hunt.

The beach is full of hidden treasures. If your pint-sized pirate isn't quite ready for ocean exploration then a land-based scavenger hunt is a great way to spend the afternoon. Start the day with easy-to-locate items and slowly work toward more obscure finds, just like Katie of Views from a Step Stool did with her son.

2. Play nature tic-tac-toe.

Whether you use sticks or simply sketch a playing board in the sand, tic-tac-toe is an easy and fun beach activity for any age. Get creative with your Xs and Os markers by using shells, sticks, and other nautical treasures.

3. Create beautiful beach art.

This two-in-one beach activity is perfect for your little explorer to showcase his artistic side. Get an early start, collect as many colorful items as possible, and give him a wide-open canvas.

4. Make sand animals.

Forgo the typical sand castle and challenge your budding builders to sculpt their favorite sea creatures out of the sand instead. Bonus points for the most imaginative monster!

5. Look for animal habitats.

Turn the beach into your outdoor classroom and talk about the different habitats you can find there. Point out the grasslands, the water, and the dunes, and then follow up with a chat about the animals in each habitat. After the lesson, send your students off to explore.

6. Build a sand (snow) man.

Olaf may have wished for summer, but most snowmen prefer frigid temps. Their sandy counterparts, however, love all things beachy! You can use sand toys for arms and buckets for hats or look around for supplies right on the beach. 

7. Host an Olympic competition.

Turn a day at the beach into an Olympic-inspired competition. Head over to A Small Snippet to see how to set up games like hurdles, a 40-yard dash, discus throw, and more.

8. Practice your putting.

Play a sandy round of mini-golf right on the beach. For this fun beach game, you can pick up a set of pint-sized clubs and balls from Amazon or the dollar store and make your own course.

9. Make a rock tower.

For this beach activity, collect rocks of various sizes, and have the kids stack them up until the tower topples. The kid with the tallest tower wins! Take pictures and spread them back out in the sand before you leave.

dad and daughter reading on the beach, a fun beach activity

10. Enjoy a good beach read.

It might not be the juicy novel you've had your eye on, but there's something special about hosting story time in the sand. You can choose a family favorite or pick something beach-themed!

11. Play musical towels.

A circle of towels easily doubles as the setup for musical chairs. Don't forget to bring the radio or a smartphone with speakers to crank up your favorite tunes.

12. Organize a beach ball relay.

For this beach game, the rules are simple. Players use any part of the body except the hands and race to carry a beach ball across the finish line before their opponents.

13. Throw sand darts.

Sand darts is one game that's always a bullseye at the beach. It's easy to set up—sketch a dart board in the sand and then collect shells or pebbles to use as darts.

14. Paint rocks (and shells).

Bring a few markers (Sharpies work best, so this one is ideal for the older kids) to the beach and have your kids add flair to gathered shells or rocks. You can hide them for other families or take them home as souvenirs. We love the adorable designs spotted over at Green Owl Art.

15. Fly a kite.

It’s often windy by the beach, so take advantage of the prime conditions to fly a kite. You can grab one for less than $10 at Target (or, if you’re feeling crafty, make your own!).

16. Organize a beach ball relay.

Using any part of the body except the hands, two people race to carry a beach ball across the finish line before their opponents.

17. Take a walk.

Sometimes the simplest things can be the most special. Reapply that sunscreen and head out on a stroll down the beach with your littles. Along the way, you can hunt for shells, spot animals, and dip your toes in the ocean.

18. Make a river and float a boat.

Once you've made a sand castle, expand the pretend play by carving a river from the castle to the sea. Add rocks for boulders, dig waterfalls, and build tiny boats the kids can sail to open waters.

mom and daughter digging a hole, a fun beach activity

19. Dig a hole.

Whether the kids are competing to see who can hit wet sand first, or if they're making a swimming pool for the royal residents of the adjacent sand castle, digging a hole is one of the most classic beach activities of all time.

20. Become a beach steward by cleaning up the beach.

Take a few minutes to stash the trash while taking a break from all the sand castles and treasure hunting,! Using supervision, it's a great way to start or end your day at the beach. Make it a game to see who can pick up the most trash—you'll be helping the beach habitat you love and showing kids responsibility. Win, win! 

21. Organize a few rounds of hopscotch.

You don't need much to set up this classic game. Find a stick and make the game squares. Then, gather a few rocks and a few willing kids, and then let them hop away.

22. Set up beach skeeball.

Skeeball + sand = fun. Recreate everyone’s favorite arcade game at the beach. Just dig the holes and get rolling. Thanks to Life with Leo for the idea!

23. Become a mermaid.

She's always wanted to be a mermaid. So dig a hole, bury her, and craft a mermaid tail out of the surrounding sand. You can even let the kids make you a tail!

24. Melt a sand castle.

After your kids have had their fill of towers and turrets, offer up a bucket of water and a funnel (a plastic water bottle works great, too). Show your little builders how to dribble the water over the towers slowly. The castle will change and dissolve before their eyes.

25. Create a construction site.

The beach is the biggest sandbox your kid will ever see. Add a little water, gravel, or rocks, and bam! You’ve got an instant dig site. Tote mini construction vehicles, put the kids under a shade structure, and then bust out that novel you brought—you now have time to read it.

26. Do the Limbo

A classic game that anyone can play, all you need for the Limbo is a stick and music. Take turns going under the stick (chin up, hands and feet can't touch the ground), until one player remains.

mom and daughter doing beach yoga, a fun beach activity

27. Do a little beach yoga.

Take a meditative moment and do yoga to the sound of the waves. To avoid getting super sandy, stick with standing poses like Triangle Pose, Half Moon, or Warrior Pose but consider aquatic names for them: Castle Pose, Mermaid, etc.

28. Try to balance on a boogie board.

Get everyone lined up on their boogie boards near the water. Then, have your kids stand on the board with their backs facing the water (so they won't see the waves coming). The winner is the last one standing on a board when the water retreats.

29. Play I Spy.

From friendly pups to sailboats and kayaks, there’s so much to take in at the beach. Grab your sunnies and challenge your kids to a game of I Spy. Just pick an object and dole out clues about it (I spy something fuzzy, something red, etc.) until they can name it.

30. Try your hand at "Sand Pictionary."

A sandy beach is a perfect canvas for Pictionary when the tide is out. Give this classic game a summery twist with words like firework, crab, and watermelon. Once the correct guess has been made, wait for the waves to clear the "board" and start the next round.

31. Toss a beach ball around.

Sometimes the simplest games can be the most fun. All you need is an oversized beach towel and a beach ball! See how long you can keep the ball in the air and off the sand.

32.  Pitch a beach tent.

Channel their inner castaway and create a beach tent using found branches and a towel. Then relax and enjoy sandy fun in the shade.

33. Craft shell necklaces.

Look for seashells with holes in them as you enjoy the beach. Once you’ve got a few on hand, let the kiddos string them onto twine to make a simple and sweet necklace.




Is it time for a mother-son date?

If you’re overdue to spend some real QT time with your son (when aren’t we?), one of the easiest ways to make it happen is to set aside a few hours at a time for just the two of you. We asked moms of boys everywhere to share their favorite mother-son activities, and from a Sugar Rush-inspired baking session to planting a garden and playing LEGO, there’s tons of ground to cover! 

1. Go fishing. Grab a pole, and hit the local pond. It’s a quiet sport that’ll keep you present and in the moment.

2. Pack a picnic and find open green space. 

3. Play a board game or a card game

4. Start a journal. There are plenty of diaries and journals for girls, but boys need a place to write down their thoughts too. Encourage him by writing in it with him. We especially love this one from Wee Society.

5. Schedule tech-free playtime. Being present with your kid, even for 20 minutes, is one of the most valuable ways to bond.

6. Run a race. Whether it’s a 5k or a 1-mile fun run, train with your son and show him what moms (and women) can do!

7. Attend a rally for a cause you care about. It’s important to teach your son how to be a good citizen.

8. Bake something. Not a seasoned baker yourself? Try one of these easy kits that make you look like a cake boss, even when you’re not.

9. Read with him. Especially books that show strong female role models, like Astronaut Annie, Girl Running, and Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls.

10. Have a good cry. Boys are often encouraged to hide their feelings and “man up.” Letting your son know it’s okay to have emotions will set him up to be a more empathetic adult.

11. Go surfing. Spend an afternoon catching waves with your kid. Don’t live near the beach? Make it a vacation, and book one of these Airbnbs that are perfect for families!

12. Plan a future vacay for just the two of you. Wondering where to go? We scouted 48 epic spots to see before the kids get too old

13. Go geocaching together. You know your inner pirate will be stoked to follow a map and find treasure.

14. Put on a puppet show together. It’s fun to be someone else for a while.

15. Do a science experiment. Because no one knows how to invent something out of nothing like a mom and her kid!!

16. Get takeout from somewhere fancy and eat al fresco. Support a local restaurant by grabbing takeout and hitting the open green field for an outdoor dinner. 

17. Go see a symphony or stage performance. Sharing this experience with your son will help him appreciate the theatrical arts later in life.

18. Have an up-close encounter with animals (reptiles, giraffes, starfish, etc.) at your local zoo. We can’t deny that a visit to the zoo is a favorite for everyone involved.

19. Plant something. There’s nothing like digging in the dirt and watching the fruits of your labor grow in the sunshine.

Related: 15 Things You Know as a Mom of Little Boys


20. Make art/take a clay class. Art isn’t just for girls, it’s for everyone! Schedule a class and get ready to get messy

21. Volunteer. Compassion is a key skill in raising a strong man.

22. Pretend to be spies and create decoder messages for each other. 

23. Practice random acts of kindness. Because it's awesome.

24. Play ninjas/dinosaurs/Star Wars/house. Whatever he’s into, he’ll love that you’re into it too.

25. Make a “lunch” out of free samples of a shopping trip to Whole Foods or Costco. Hey, those samples are worth their weight in gold!

26. Do a big puzzle together that can be framed in his room when it’s done. It'll keep everyone busy for hours! Which will be some kind of record.  

27. Make a surprise craft together for your partner. Do something sweet for the other person who loves him as much as you do. 

28. Ask him a question. These simple prompts will help your son feel comfortable opening up and sharing his thoughts.

29. Plan a walking (and sampling) food tour of your favorite local foodie district. Every kid should know exactly how the neighborhood delicacies taste. 

31. Go through old family photos and talk about your family history. To go forward it’s important to know where you’ve come from. 

32. Have a knock-knock joke battle. You’re in luck because we’ve got the best ones right here.

33. Have a water balloon fight in the warmer months. Don’t want to deal with the broken bits of balloons after it’s all over? Try our favorite water games, instead

34. Go to a museum together. Pick a museum, any museum! From dinosaurs to cars to local history, there’s something for everyone.

35. Go beachcombing for crabs and other beach critters together. Whether you live nearby, or if it’s an annual trek, collecting stuff on the beach is a must.

36. Get Chinese dim sum or Spanish tapas together. You can both try new foods together in perfectly-sized portions.

37. Organize an afternoon of playing jumbo lawn games. Here are our favorites! 

38. Chaperone a Boy Scout trip. Dad doesn’t always have to be the one on the campout. 

39. Go to a sporting event. Whether it’s baseball, tennis, football, golf, basketball, or hockey (or anything else!), if he’s into it, he’ll love being able to watch it in person.

Related: 13 Compliments You Need to Give Your Son

The Easter Bunny is getting ready to hop up to your house—and we have just the thing to add a little magical fun to your Easter celebration. Check out these creative Easter ideas for Easter Bunny fun, like making a bunny trail and the Easter Bunny tracker. Once you know how he’s going to make his arrival, be prepared with Easter games for kids and hilarious Easter jokes.

Easter Bunny Tracker

little girl with a bunny

Track the Easter bunny on your smartphone! Compatible with both Apple and Android phones, download the app and then, on Easter Eve 2024, March 30 at 5 a.m. you'll be able to follow the Easter Bunny as he delivers treats to kids around the world. 

Set Up an Easter Bunny Tree (and Leave Carrots)

We know there will be some eye-rolls over this idea for Easter Bunny fun, but how cute would a pastel-themed Easter tree be? It’s also a fun place to have the furry guy drop Easter baskets filled with goodies. Go for an all-white tree like this one, and go wild with Easter decorations. This is also a perfect place to leave a plate of carrots the night before!

Bunnies for Breakfast

bunny fairy bread is a fun Easter bunny idea
Hello Wonderful

The Easter Bunny can drop a winding trail of jelly beans to the kitchen—with this delicious bunny fairy bread serving as the treat at the end of the trail. Skip over to Hello Wonderful to find out how to set up this easy idea for Easter Bunny fun. Pair it with pastel-colored milk made with a few drops of food coloring in your little one's morning glass of milk for a festive breakfast. Note: if you have animal friends who'd gobble up a jelly bean trail, the Easter Bunny can leave a trail of inedible white cotton balls through your house instead.

Treasure Hunt

scavenger hunt for the easter bunny
Happiness is Homemade

The clever Easter Bunny doesn't leave baskets out in the open: he hides them at the end of a tricky scavenger hunt. Happiness is Homemade put together a free printable packed full of treasure hunt clues, with each one leading to the next. You'll be able to drink your morning coffee while your kids decipher the clues.

Related: 14 Creative Easter Egg Hunts You Can Do at Home

Magical Jelly Beans

lollipops that grow from jelly beans is one of the cutest Easter bunny ideas.
Amy Shamblen via Unsplash

We love this extra-sweet tradition for Easter bunny fun! Simply gather a handful of jelly beans and, with your little one, plant them outside. While your bunnies sleep, you can swap out the beans for lollipops. Voila! Your kids will wake up to a magical lollipop garden on Easter morning. If you're worried about your dog gobbling up the jelly beans outside, or if it's too chilly for an outdoor planting session, you can bring the magic jelly bean fun inside with this easy lollipop garden craft.

Paw Prints

setting up paw prints is a cute Easter bunny idea

What will the Easter Bunny be sure to leave as he hops through your house? Paw prints! You can create a bunny trail that leads through your house with a template and white flour. It's an affordable way to sprinkle a little egg-stra magic on Easter morning. Find all the DIY tips here. If your bunny's in a hurry, simply pick up a pack of oversized pink-and-white paw print decals and spread them out on the floor. Get them here. 

Bunny Funfetti

The Itsy Bitsy Kitchen

The Easter Bunny's surprises don't have to end with candy-packed baskets. Bake a hidden bunny chocolate and vanilla funfetti cake for a sweet Easter brunch finale. It's easier to make than it looks! The Itsy-Bitsy Kitchen has step-by-step instructions to guide you through the process for this fun Easter idea for kids.

DIY Bunny Hideaway

Allison Murray

Make your own Easter Bunny fun hideaway with these super fun steps from Allison Murray from Dream a Little Bigger. You can simplify with some paint and stencils for a quick DIY project. 

Related: 13 Easter Games That Go Way Beyond an Egg Hunt

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#8 is way too cute

Set aside the conversation hearts (except when doing science experiments) and show your kiddos how much they mean by filling the day with oh-so-sweet Valentine’s Day games and activities. From playing musical hearts to making suncatchers to concocting potions, the following ideas are fun ways to share the L-O-V-E. Be sure to check out our favorite DIY Valentine’s Day cards, jokes, and Valentine’s Day gifts kids can make.

1. Four Different Valentine’s Day Games

Not only are these Valentine’s Day games adorable, but they’re easy to pull together, especially with the printables from Happy Days in First Grade.

2. Pink Bottle Ring Toss

There’s nothing quite like a classic game of ring toss, and this pink version is perfect for Valentine’s Day festivities. Start collecting your bottles now, and order some heart-shaped bracelets to use as rings.

3. Heart Counting Game

a picture of a Valentine's day game
Deirdre Smith

It’s craps meets math with a clever counting game from the Kids Activities Blog. Roll the dice then add the same number of beans to the heart. The first overflowing heart is the winner! Play again and again—it’s a lovely (and educational) way to celebrate the holiday. 

4. Musical Hearts

a picture of musical hearts, a Valentines day game
Amy Mascott via Teach Mama

Want to walk all over hearts? It’s acceptable—and encouraged—during a session of musical hearts. Each heart has an entertaining activity written on the bottom. When the music stops, the kids start! Creative mom Amy incorporates reading and acting into each prompt and shares her awesome list of activities on her site, Teach Mama.


Related: Valentine’s Day Food and Treats Everyone Will Love

5. Conversation Heart Science Experiment

Mary Catherine via Fun-A-Day

Tiny conversation hearts are big on charm but short on taste. Kids can use these little love messages to start a different type of conversation. First, fill recycled plastic bottles with various forms of liquid. Drop in candy hearts and observe what happens next! Check out Fun-A-Day for the lowdown.

6. Valentine's Day Memory Game

a picture of a boy playing a Valentine's Day game
Hands On As We Grow

Want to put the kiddo’s knowledge to the test? See if they know their ABCs by heart with a colorful set of letters. Find out where Jamie of Hands On As We Grow grabbed her game set, or try your hand at making your very own.

7. Heart Hopscotch

a picture of a girl playing heart hopscotch, a fun Valentine's Day game
Toddler Approved

It’s hopscotch, Valentine’s style. Use cardstock (what else?) in red, pink, and white, add numbers or letters, grab something heavy(ish) to throw, and start hopping! You’ll be crushing on how much your kids are learning, from letter or number skills to physical coordination. Get more details on this simple Valentine's Day game by visiting Toddler Approved.

8. Valentine's Day Treasure Hunt

Thriving Home Blog

The clever clues and hand-written love notes in this simple but brilliant treasure hunt we found too sweet not to share. Cut out large hearts for hints and attach treats to each for added sweetness! The treasures at the end can be anything from simple toys to gift cards. Get great tips for making clues by visiting Thriving Home.

9. Valentine’s Day Bingo

Use candy hearts as place markers in this Valentine’s Day game that every kid loves to play. Get the printable from XOmisso.

with additional reporting by Taylor Clifton


As parents, there’s nothing quite like a homemade Valentine’s card for mom. We’ve searched the web and carefully curated everything from Valentine’s Day crafts for toddlers to easy Valentine’s Day cards for school, and all of them are sweet as can be. These Valentine’s Day recipes will sweeten any Valentine’s Day plans and these Valentine’s Day games will tucker them out. Choose your favorite ideas for making homemade cards for Valentine’s Day 2024.

1. Seed Paper Hearts

Who doesn’t love plants? This homemade Valentine’s card can grow! Follow the instructions to make a seed heart that can be planted. Grow plants like wildflowers, herbs, and small vegetables.

2. Hot Air Balloon Heart

Try out this adorable hot air balloon card that can easily serve as a decoration for February.

3. Embroidered Hearts

a picture of a homemade valentine's card
Hello, Wonderful

Kids can hone their skills with a needle and thread to make these cute homemade Valentine's Day cards from Hello, Wonderful

4. Goldfish Snacks in a "Bowl"

Backless Shirt

How cute are these Goldfish-filled valentines from Backless Shirt? This candy-free idea doubles as a little afternoon snack, too.

5. Cutie Valentines

It’s Always Autumn

Our kids love mandarin oranges (aka cuties), and this easy homemade Valentine's card from It’s Always Autumn is the perfect way to use them. Buy a big bag at the grocery store and you’re halfway there. 

6. LEGO My Valentine

a picture of a cute homemade valentine card
The Resourceful Mama

Build super cute homemade Valentine's Day cards this year with this printable from The Resourceful Mama. The only other things you'll need are LEGO bricks and plastic bags. 


Related: 12 Creative (& Easy) Valentine’s Day Card Box Ideas

7. Toy Plane Valentines

Crap I've Made

Your littles will soar to the top of the class with these awesome plane valentines from Crap I’ve Made. Snag toy planes on the cheap on Amazon or at a party store. 

8. Rubber Duckie Valentines

a picture of homemade valentine cards
Simple Enchantments

We love a good pun, and this card from Simple Enchantments is definitely a winner.

9. Candy-Free Valentines

homemade valentine's cards
Pretty Prudent

Since kids will be loading up on candy all day, we love this change of pace from Pretty Prudent. Pick from crayons, bubbles, glitter, or bandaids—all of which have their own clever puns. 

10. Pirate Puns


Pirate-obsessed kids will love this clever valentine from MerMag. A pirate pun, a heart eye patch—it just doesn’t get much cuter than this. 

11. Glow Stick Valentines

homemade valentines cards
Eighteen 25

Check out this cute idea from Eighteen 25—with a few packs of glow sticks, it’s pretty easy to put together. 

12. Kool-Aid Fun

My Name Is Snickerdoodle

If your little one is a Kool-Aid lover, they’ll get a kick out of these cute Valentine's Day card idea from My Name Is Snickerdoodle

13. Star(burst) Cards

It’s Always Autumn

Fancy up your valentines this year with this idea from It’s Always Autumn. Crafty kids will enjoy decorating each card with a potato stamp. 

14. Origami Cards

homemade valentines cards
Omiyage Blogs

Whether you’re an origami expert or just a beginner, these easy DIY valentines from Omiyage Blogs will be a winner. 

Related: 19 Sweet Valentine’s Day Recipes for Kids

15. Crayon Cards

The Nerd's Wife

If you want to get crafty for your Valentine this year, this idea from The Nerd’s Wife is an awesome option. Plus, you’ll get to put all your broken crayon stubs to good use. 

16. Blow Pop Butterflies

Skip to My Lou

We love this fun (but super easy) take on valentines from Skip to My Lou. The kids will love the sweetness and creativity of this one.

17. Cute Sheep Valentines

Hello, Wonderful

Crafty kids will love making this valentine—just print out the cards from Hello, Wonderful, and then let them glue on pom poms for the sheep’s “wool.” 

18. Play-Doh Packages

Random Thoughts from a Supermom

Here’s another gift that keeps on giving: Play-Doh. Just add a fun label to the carton (Random Thoughts from a Supermom has a convenient printable), and the whole class will be sculpting hearts and flowers for their special someone.

19. Valentine "Cards"

My Paper Crane

We love the quirky character of these homemade Valentine's Day “cards” from My Paper Crane. The supplies are easy to round up, there's lots of room for kid participation, and the results are oh-so-cute.

20. Toy Snake Valentines

A Subtle Revelry

Good news for little snake charmers! A Subtle Revelry has ultra-cute easy Valentine's Day cards that only require a teensy amount of effort and a handful of Dollar Store snakes.

Related: 41 Hilariously Sweet Valentine’s Day Jokes for Kids

21. Cupcake Liner Creativity

Urban Comfort

What, you didn’t think those festive Valentine’s Day cupcake liners were only good for cupcakes, did you? Urban Comfort has a crafty idea that’s easy to make but oh-so-impressive.

22. I Spy Surprise

A Mom With a Lesson Plan

A loving message and a treasure hunt all in one? Yes, please! A Mom with a Lesson Plan has a great idea for adding a little “I Spy” to your V-Day. It’s a great excuse to roam the neighborhood (or a good way to entertain house-bound little cupids).

23. Upcycled Valentines

Art Bar Blog

You can’t help but love this idea from Art Bar Blog. With washi tape, alphabet stamps, and lots and lots of upcycled hearts, you can make gift bags for storing cards or holding other V-Day treats.

24. Joke Boxes

The Artful Parent

Brace yourselves, this idea from Delia Creates combines puns, Laffy Taffy, silly bands, and LEGO-inspired boxes. It sounds like a win-win to us. 

25. Bear-y Cute Valentine

homemade valentines cards
Domestic Mommyhood

We can’t get over the cute factor of these Valentine's Day cards for school from Domestic Mommyhood. They’re easy as pie to print, cut, and distribute—and they also make excellent lunchbox love notes. 

26. High Fives

A Subtle Revelry

What’s the ultimate show of support for your special valentine? A Subtle Revelry has the answer in the form of a printable high five. This nifty idea is easy and sure to be a classroom fave. 

27. A Homemade Valentine’s Card for Tweens

Even big kids like getting Valentine’s Day cards, and this one is cute, to the point, and includes a fun beauty gift. Get the printable from All Things Thrifty.

These fun Halloween party games will have guests howling with laughter

When it comes to entertaining little ghosts, goblins, and ghouls, there’s nothing like a few classic fun Halloween games for kids. (Halloween jokes, magic potions you can DIY, and easy Halloween treats don’t hurt, either!)  From pumpkin games to free Halloween printable bingo, we’ve rounded up 20 spooktacular Halloween party games to play at your bash that will keep everyone busy and happy, even after the candy runs out. And don’t forget the fan-favorite Halloween minute-to-win-it games! If you’re looking for more general gaming fun, check out these backyard games.

Roll a Frankenstein

This adorable Halloween party game from Housing a Forest includes rolling the dice to build your very own creation. We especially love that even the tiniest kiddo can play this game with ease.

Halloween Bingo

Bingo is such a fun and easy Halloween game! Print out this pre-made template from Pretty Providence and get started.

Halloween Mystery Boxes

A classic Halloween party game, fill your boxes with everything from grapes to candy to spaghetti, and let the sensory fun begin! Kids take turns sticking their hands into each box and trying to guess what those eyeballs really are.

Related: 12 Halloween Minute-to-Win-It Games for Kids

Stack the Spider

We love this Stack the Spider game because you can play with just one kid, and you can get all the items from the dollar store. Have them stack a certain number of spiders to work on math and fine motor skills. Or grab a die and play with two players to see who can get their spiders to the top first.

Witch’s Hat Ring Toss

How cute (and easy) is this idea from craftyfun.com? Spray paint some mini cones and turn them into witch hats for a fun toss game.

Ghost Face

We love this fun idea from Kid Friendly Things to Do that will have your Halloween kids digging for candy corn in a plate of whipped cream. Get the adults involved in this one for even more hilarity!

Eyeball Pong

Snag yourself some eyeball ping pong balls from the Dollar Tree and set up your eyeball pong table. This game teaches hand-eye coordination and is fun for all ages. Get the full scoop from Productive Pete.

Related: 33 Pumpkin Carving Designs That’ll Wow the Neighborhood

Pin the Eyes on the Spider

halloween party games
Wee Society

Wee Society puts a spin on the traditional Pin the Tail on the Donkey with this web-tastic DIY game. Click here to download and get started

Witch Pitch

mini plastic cauldrons sit on top of a paper witch's hat as part of a fun Halloween party game
Chica and Joe

Witches, warlocks, and everyone in between will love this easy-to-play game. The trickiest part is not eating ALL of the candy corn while waiting for your turn. Fly your broomstick over to Chica and Joe and follow their tutorial on how to make your own witch pitch.

Pumpkin Bowling

halloween party games
A Girl and A Glue Gun

Strike! This fun pumpkin bowling game is a cinch to put together and will have the kiddos rolling with laughter. For all the details on this boo-tastic game visit A Girl and A Glue Gun.

Skeleton Scavenger Hunt

a boy in an orange shirt reassembles pieces of a plastic skeleton during a Halloween party game
Happy Go Lucky

Everyone, young and old, enjoys a good scavenger hunt; this game is perfect for a mixed-age Halloween party. One of the best parts is that you can find plastic skeletons at The Dollar Tree. Spreading the bones all over the house and yard is the easy part. Finding them and putting them back together is up to the kiddos. Happy Go Lucky has the details.

Spider Web

A boy picks up spiders from a web made of tape during this Halloween party game
No Time for Flash Cards

Want epic chuckles rather than startled screams? Try this spider web walking game that helps little bodies sharpen their motor skills in between fits of giggles. All you'll need to get started is painter's tape, plastic spiders, and a prize for the lucky winner. Get the tutorial at No Time For Flash Cards.

Pin the Bow on the Skeleton

A print of a skeleton wearing a bow tie invites you to play a Halloween party game
Crafting Chicks

Even skeletons need to get dressed up sometimes. This "spine-chilling" game is perfect for a classroom or a house party. The Crafting Chicks have a template ready for you, all you need to do is get it printed (tip: upload it to Staples and order their engineering print for a life-size skeleton!). Voila—now you can work on tying that bow tie.

Halloween Concentration

A great game to play at the Halloween party or give as a parting gift (packaged perfectly with a bat-like bow!). Check out all the details and download your own version at Childhood 101.

Pin the Eyes on the Monster

Say goodbye to the donkey. Thanks to the creativity of Lil’ Luna, you can wow party-goers with a Pin the Eyes on the Monster Halloween party game. The same rules apply, and we think your little monsters will get a kick out of this friendly giant.

Melt the Witch

halloween party games
Following in My Shoes

She's melting! Take a cue from Following In My Shoes and set up your own Melt the Witch activity. Paint a picture of a witch using washable paints and then let the kids melt her using water balloons or water guns.

Pumpkin Treasure Hunt

halloween party games
Little Family Fun

Think of this cute party game as the Halloween version of an Easter egg hunt. Just hide pumpkin cutouts around the house or yard and let the kids loose (For an extra-organized hunt, you can even number your pumpkins and look for them in order!). Don't forget to include a prize at the end! Get the tutorial at Little Family Fun.

Related: Disney Just Released Their 2022 Halloween Costume Lineup

Halloween Charades

We love this Halloween version of charades—especially that you can get the free printable from the always-amazing Buggy and Buddy. It’s a great interactive activity for a party, and you can even customize your game sheet.

Spooky Scavenger Hunt

With a few free printables, it’s easy to hunt up a little fun at your Halloween party. The kids will love figuring out the clues, and you can even include an awesome treat at the finish line (Caramel apples, anyone?). Find out more at Play. Party. Plan.

Mummy Wrap Race

halloween party games
Delia Creates

Grab toilet paper or white crepe streamers and take a cue from mummy dearest. Get the kids to wrap each other's legs mummy-style, then hold a hopping race and see who can keep their wrappings intact. Oh, and get ready for lots of laughter! Learn more at Delia Creates.

Forget Frozen. Try something from our list instead

When it comes to picking an all-around crowd-pleaser for family movie night, the struggle is real. After all, finding a foolproof family friendly flick that’ll entertain kids and parents alike is often like a Goldilocks dilemma: Choosing the perfect film that’s not too infantile, not too mature, but just right for all audiences. From animated gems to reimagined classics, check out our picks of 16 movies for kids and parents. 

Cruella (2021)

For a younger generation that has grown up watching Descendants, it’s not difficult for them to reimagine classic Disney villains with streaks of humanity that are deeper and more colorful than their backstories. For grownups accustomed to seeing the world in black and white, it can be harder for us to root for the bad guys. That said, as villain origin stories go, Emma Stone’s portrayal of Cruella de Vil is a masterclass in flamboyance, pathos, and originality, and this daring and complex live-action retelling of the Disney animated classic will leave the entire family wanting more Cruella.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)

For many parents and grandparents, watching the 1971 movie adaptation of Roald Dahl’s children’s novel, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, starring Gene Wilder and retitled Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, will elicit pangs of nostalgia. However, movie auteur Tim Burton’s polarizing 2005 remake is less sentimental, truer to the source material’s surrealistic conceit, and arguably better than its predecessor. Johnny Depp’s loopy performance as Willy Wonka is, in equal measures, sinister and sincere, and the candy-coated set and yummy costume designs are a visual feast to behold.

Enchanted (2007)

When it comes to various tropes about princesses and damsels in distress, the original Walt Disney Studios undoubtedly can be credited with (or blamed for) creating virtually all of them. But that doesn’t mean modern-day Disney also can’t subvert the unrealistic, happily-ever-after vibes that they established back in the day, either. Enchanted’s smart and self-referential take on fairy tales will delight wide-eyed kids as well as the most-jaded parent who might doubt that true happy endings are still possible.

Related: 100 Movies Your Kids MUST See Before They Grow Up

Annie (2014)

© Sony Pictures Entertainment


While there have been plenty of cinematic and television retellings of the “Little Orphan Annie” story, the 2014 remake starring Quvenzhané Wallis in the title role breathes new life into this oldie but goodie by bringing the American musical classic into the social media age. The star-studded cast features Jamie Foxx as tech entrepreneur Will Stacks (a modern-day interpretation of Daddy Warbucks), Cameron Diaz as a cranky-but-lovable Miss Hannigan, and celebrity cameos from Sia, Rihanna, and Ashton Kutcher, among many others. Mixing songs from the original Annie songbook with contemporary tunes will have kids and parents singing and bopping along.

Harry Potter Movie Series (2001–2011)

Few movie franchises have created a world of such adventure, depth, and complexity as the Harry Potter movie series. JK Rowling’s fantastical literary vision of a wizarding world has captured the attention and hearts of millions of children and adults worldwide, and every one of the movie adaptations of the beloved books is as engaging and intriguing as the next. 

Freaky Friday (2003)

There’s nothing freaky about this most recent remake of the 1976 Disney classic movie. Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis rock as daughter and mother who switch bodies and come to realize that their respective lives aren’t always as easy as they might seem to the other. Kids will sympathize with Curtis as Lohan’s knock-out performance as a petulant-yet-precocious child trapped in an adult body, while adults will resent (but understand) having our aged looks compared to the crypt keeper.

Elf (2003)

SNL-alum Will Ferrell has seemingly cornered the market on joyously hilarious giant man-child roles, and his turn as Buddy the Elf is no exception. At turns charming and ridiculous, Elf is a new holiday classic that’s fun to watch year-round for anyone who still believes in the magic of Christmas—no matter how old (or tall) they are.

The Princess Bride (1987)

"The Princess Bride" is a classic movie for kids and parents.
© Disney Plus


Years before Shrek came along, The Princess Bride was the original family friendly movie about a beautiful maiden kidnapped by an evil king who desires to marry her. Set as a story within a story, Gen X and elder Millennial parents have long swooned over this enduring fairy tale classic, which hits all of the right notes of comedy, romance, adventure, and satire. Featuring a pitch-perfect cast of good guys and bad guys as well as a luminous Robin Wright as the titular princess, The Princess Bride offers fun entertainment for little ones and plenty of quotable lines for adults. Inconceivable!

School of Rock (2003)

Actor-musician Jack Black was no slacker when it came to nailing his tailor-made performance as a down-on-his-luck musician who picks up a side gig as a substitute teacher at an uptight elementary school to help pay off personal debt. School of Rock’s mix of precocious kids and social satire makes this a fun movie for kids and parents. 

Animated Movies for Kids and Parents

Moana (2016)

"Moana" is a great movie for kids and parents
© Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures


Aside from Frozen, which every parent has probably watched at least a bajillion times with their little ones, Moana is quite possibly the most sing-along-able Disney movie of all time. Thanks in large part to music and lyrics by Lin-Manuel Miranda, and transcendent performances by Auli’i Cravalho as Moana and Dwayne Johnson as Maui, Moana pulls at heartstrings while also tickling funny bones.

My Neighbor Totoro (1988)

Director Hayao Miyazaki’s anime masterpiece is both magical and melancholy, and for many viewers, serves as the gateway to other terrific Studio Ghibli animated films like Spirited Away and Kiki’s Delivery Service. The subtleties and details of My Neighbor Totoro are acquired only through multiple viewings, preferably without the kids.

Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)

Best-known for helming quirky and beautifully composed cult films like The Royal Tenenbaums and The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou, writer-director Wes Anderson’s first foray into animation resulted in the quirky and beautifully composed stop-motion animated movie Fantastic Mr. Fox. Based on the beloved and similarly titled Roald Dahl book, and featuring an all-star cast led by George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Bill Murray, and Owen Wilson, this visually stunning, whimsical, and heartfelt film will elicit smiles from viewers of all ages.

© Pixar x Walt Disney Pictures

Inside Out (2015)

With so many modern classics in its stellar film catalog, it’s nearly impossible to pick just one Pixar movie for kids and parents to include on this list. Inside Out makes the cut because while it’s ostensibly a kids’ movie about a young girl’s journey to getting in touch with her feelings, the sincerity and emotional depth of the movie will resonate with adults even more.

Sing (2016)

Set in a world of singing anthropomorphic animals, one of the great joys of watching Sing is hearing your favorite pop songs as performed by some of your favorite movie stars, including Reese Witherspoon, Scarlett Johansson, Taren Egerton, and Jennifer Hudson. And, if you haven’t seen Sing 2 yet, it’s a must-watch movie for kids and parents too! 

Paddington (2014) and Paddington 2 (2017)

Everyone loves bears, and Paddington is arguably the most beloved of them all. The two contemporary film adaptations of the 1958 children’s book, A Bear Called Paddington, combine computer-generated graphics and live action to great effect. Charming and entertaining, children will marvel at all of the adventures that a little bear can get himself into, while parents will want to take care of the little bear themselves.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)

The Spider-Man character is a lot like the Energizer Bunny: Sequels, prequels, and reboots just keep going and going and going. While Spider-Man fatigue could have easily set in with so many Spidey options, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse surprised audiences by being an animated movie that kids and adults thoroughly enjoyed. With its clever storyline, plenty of inside jokes and references, and eye-popping comic-book animation design, this Spider-Man lived up to its well-deserved hype.

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